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National Pension Scheme [No.

40 of 1996 875




1. Short title and commencement
2. Interpretation


3. Establishment of National Pension Scheme Authority

4. Functions of Authority
5. Powers of Authority
6. Director-General
7. Secretary and other staff


8. Constitution of the National Pension Scheme

9. Benefits under Scheme
10. Vesting of existing fund and funds of the Scheme
11. Membership of Scheme
12. Contributing employer
13. Registration of contributing employer


14. Responsibility for payment of contribution

15. Payment of contributions
16. Treating unpaid contributions as paid
17. Refund of contributions paid in error


18. Retirement pension

19. Amount of retirement pension
20. Duration of retirement pension
Single copies of this Act may be obtained from the Government Printer,
P.O Box 30136, 10100 Lusaka. Price K6,500 each.

876 No. 40 of 1996] National Pension Scheme Authority


21. Lump-sum payment

22. Early retirement
23. Invalidity pension
24. Amount of invalidity pension
25. Duration of invalidity pension
26. Invalidity lump-sum payment
27. Establishment of medical boards and appointment of
medical officers
28. Medical examinations
29. Survivors benefits
30. Family dependant
31. Survivors pension
32. Duration of survivors pension
33. Survivors lump-sum payment
34. Funeral grant
35. Adjustment of benefits
36. Time and manner of making claims
37. Repayment of benefits improperly received
38. Benefits to be inalienable
39. Transactional provisions for benefits


40. Management objectives of scheme

41. Investment of funds
42. Application of funds of scheme
43. Appointment of actuary
44. Actuarial valuation of scheme
45. Action of actuarial scheme


46. vesting of assets and transfer of liabilities

47. Registration of property to be transferred
48. Legal proceedings
49. Protection against attachment



50. Transfer of staff

51. Offences and penalties

52. General penalty

53. Regulations

54. Repeal of Cap.513




1. Composition of Authority
2. Seal of Authority
3. Tenure of office of member
4. Removal of member
5. Filling of casual vacancies
6. Proceedings of Authority
7. Committees of Authority
8. Remunerations and allowances
9. Disclosure of interest
10. Prohibition of publication of, or disclosure of information of
unauthorised persons



11. Funds of Authority

12. Financial year
13. Accounts
14. Annual Report


Persons exempted from the provision of the Act.


National Pension Scheme [No. 40 of 1996 879

No. 40 of 1996

Date of Assent: 20th November, 1996

An Act to establish the National Pension Scheme Authority; to

Constitute the National Pension Scheme and to provide for
Matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing.

[12th December , 1996

ENACTED by the Parliament of Zambia. Enactment


1. (1) This Act may be cited as the National Pension Scheme Short title
Act, 1996. And
(2) This Act shall come into force on such date as the Minister
may, by statutory instrument, appoint.
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires- Interpretation
“appointed date” means the date appointed by the Minister
under section one;
“Authority” means the National Pension Scheme Authority
established under section three;
“average monthly earnings” means the amount determined under
section nineteen;
“Chairperson” means the Chairperson under paragraph 1 of the
First Schedule;
“contributing employer” means an employer designated by section
twelve as a contributing employer;
“Director General” means the Director General appointed under
section six;
“existing fund” means the Zambia National Provident Fund;
“medical board” means a medical board established under
section thirty seven;
“member” means an employee who is required to contribute
to the Scheme under section eight;
“national average earning” means the amount determined under
section nineteen;

880 N0. 40 of 1996] National Pension Scheme

“pensionable age” means the age of fifty-five years;

“pensionable employment” means employment in respect of
which contributions are payable under this Act;
“ Secretary” means the person appointed under section seven;
“Scheme” means the National Pension Scheme constituted under
section eight;
“Vice-Chairperson” means the Vice-Chairperson elected under
paragraph 1 of the First Schedule; and

Cap.513 “repealed Act” means the Zambia National Provident Funds



Establish- 3. (1) There is hereby established the National Pension Scheme

ment of Authority, which shall be a body corporate with perpetual succes-
National sion and a common seal, capable of suing and being sued in its
Pension corporate name, and with power subject to the provisions of this
Scheme Act, to do all such acts and things as a body corporate may by law
Authority do or perform.
(2) The provisions of the First Schedule shall apply to the
Functions of 4. (1) The functions of the Authority shall be----
Authority (a) implement the policy relating to the National Pension
Scheme in accordance with this Act; and
(b) control and administer the Scheme.

Powers of 5. (1) The Authority shall have power to----

Authority (a) subcontract any of its functions to a consultant or corpo-
ration with proven experience in the particular function
being subcontracted;
(b) give such directions as it may consider necessary regard-
ing the operations of the Scheme; and
(c) do all such other acts and things as are necessary to give
effect to the provisions of this Act.
(2) In the performance of its functions, the Authority shall,
subject to the provisions of this Act, not be subject to the
control or direction of any person or authority.
Director- 6. (1) There shall be a Director-General who shall be the Chief
General Executive officer of the Authority and who shall, subject to
the control of the Authority, be responsible for the day to day
administration of the Authority

National Pension Scheme [No. 40 of 1996 881

(2) The Director-General shall be appointed by the Minister for

a three year renewable term of office and shall be eligible for re-
(3) The Director-General shall attend meetings of the Authority
and may address such meetings but shall have no vote.
7. (1) There shall be a secretary of the Authority appointed by Secretary,
the Authority on such terms and conditions as the Authority inspectors
may determine and other
(2) The other staff of the board shall be appointed by the staff
Authority on such terms and conditions as the Authority may
(3) The Authority shall appoint inspectors for purposes of this
(4) The Director-General shall issue an identity card to each
(5) An inspector shall have power, on production of the identity
card issued to him under subsection (4), to inspect any book,
register, account, receipt or any document relating to contributions
or to the provision to register or to contribute under this Act are
being compiled with.
(6) In inspecting the documents referred to in subsection (5), the
inspectors shall ensure that the records kept are in accordance with
the provisions of this Act.
(7) Any person who obstructs an inspector appointed under
subsection (3) in the exercise of his duties under this section shall
be guilty of an offence and shall be liable upon conviction to a fine
not exceeding five hundred thousand penalty units or to imprison-
ment for a term not exceeding three months or to both.

8. (1) There is hereby constituted a Scheme to be known as the Constitution
National Pension Scheme into which shall be paid all contributions of the
authorised under this Act and out of which shall be met all payments National
authorised to be paid under this Act. Pension
(2) The Authority shall be the trustees of the Scheme.
9. (1) The Authority shall pay pension benefits to a member Benefits
who---- under
(a) retires from employment on reaching the retirement age; scheme
(b) retires five years before he reaches pensionable age and
has contributed to the Scheme for a minimum period
prescribed by the Authority; and

(c) has made contributions for at least twelve months and is
certified by the medical board that he is incapable of
gainful employment due to total or partial mental or
physical incapacity which pension shall be determined
by a formula by an actuarial study and prescribed by the
Minister by statutory instrument.

882 No. 40 of 1996] National Pension Scheme

(2) The Authority may pay lump sum benefits under such
conditions as the Authority may prescribe.
(3) The Authority shall exchange the lump sum benefits referred
to under subsection (1) in accordance with actuarial advice, in such
circumstances as may be prescribed.
(4) On the death of the member, the Authority shall pay the
pension benefits due to the member in accordance with the provisions
of the Intestate Succession Act and the Wills and Administration of
Act No. 5 of Testate Estate Act.
1989 Act
No. 6 of

Vesting of 10. (1) Without further assurance the existing fund shall be transferred
existing fund to the Scheme and shall vest in the Authority which shall, subject to the
and funds of provisions of the Act, have the sole management and control of it.
the Scheme
(2) The funds of the Scheme shall consist of----
(a) the fund of the existing fund;
(b) the assets of the existing fund;
(c) the combined contributions of contributing employers and
members determined by, statutory instrument, in accordance
with actuarial valuation and paid into the Scheme.
(d) income and capital appreciation derived from the holding of the
the assets of the Scheme in any form ; and
(e) such other moneys or assets as may accrue to the Scheme.

Membership 11. (1) Every person who, before the commencement of this Act, is
of Scheme under pensionable age and is a member of the existing fund,
shall be a member of the Scheme.
(2) Every person who, before the commencement of this Act, is not
a member of the existing fund under subsection (1) and is not less
than sixteen years but who is under pensionable age and is
employed by an contributing employer, shall be registered as a
member of the Scheme as provided for under section thirteen.
(3) The Minister may, by statutory instrument, provide for the
conditions and procedures under which any person who is not
eligible to become a member of the Scheme under this Act, may
become a member.
Contributing 12. Subject to subsection (2) of section eleven, contributing employer
employer shall mean---
(a) a person, association, institution or firm registered as a tax
payer with a contract of service with an employee; and
(b) the Government of the Republic of Zambia, local authority
or parastatal or statutory body.

National Pension Scheme [No. 40 of 1996 883

13. (1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, every Registration
contributing employer shall, within one month, register under this of contribut-
section in the prescribed manner, unless such employer is registered ing
under the existing fund. employers
(2) The employees listed in the Second Schedule shall be
exempt from the provisions of this Act and the Minister may, by
statutory order, vary the list of employees in the Second Schedule.
(3) The Minister may, by statutory instrument, prescribe the
minimum number of employees in the service of any employer and
the categories to be exempted under this section.
(4) The period of one month mentioned in subsection (1) shall,
in every case, begin upon the commencement of this Act or the date
when the person concerned becomes a contributing employee.
(5) On the first day of the month following the month in which
the period mentioned in subsection (1) expires, the employee shall
be a contributing employee for the purposes of this Act unless a
further period is specified in the statutory order declaring that other
categories of employers be contributing employers.
(6) Any employer who belongs to a category of employers
exempted under subsection (1) shall with the consent in writing of
the majority of his employees, apply to the Authority in the prescribed
manner, to register under this Act.
(7) The Authority shall notify an employer registered under subsection
(1) that his application has been approved.
(8) An employer registered under subsection (7) shall become a
contributing employer on the first day of the month following the
month in which such employer receives notification that the employer
has been registered under this section.
(9) A religious organisation which desires to make statutory
contributions in respect of any minister of religion or any other
category of employees may apply to the Authority in the prescribed
manner to register under this section.
(10) The Authority shall notify the religious organisation registered
as a contributing employer for the purposes of this Act that the application
has been approved.
(11) A religious organisation registered under subsection (9)
shall notify the Director-General of the prescribed particulars of any
minister of religion or any other category of employees in respect of whom
it wishes to make contributions and shall become an eligible employer on
the first day of the month following the month in which notification is made
under this subsection.
(12) A contributing employer who ceases to be an employer of any
employee shall cease to be a contributing employer in respect of such

(13) Any contributing employer who registers or is registered
under the provisions of this section shall, without delay, register, as
a member of the Scheme, every person who is or who subsequently
becomes an employee in his service, by notifying the Director-General
of such particulars of the employee as may be prescribed.

884 No. 40 0f 1996] National Pension Scheme


Responsibil- 14. (1) A contributing employer shall pay to the Scheme a

Ity for contribution in respect of an employee in his employment
Payment of consisting of the employer’s contribution and the employee’s
contribution at the prescribed percentage.
(2) A contributing employer shall be entitled to recover from
his employee who is a member of the Scheme, the amount of
the employer’s contribution by deduction from his earnings the
(3) Notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary, an
employer shall not be entitled to deduct from the earnings of a
member or otherwise reduce such earnings as part of the
employer's contribution.
(4) The prescribed percentage referred to under subsection
Payment of
(1) shall be determined by actuarial valuation calculated to
contributions ascertain the financial sustainability of the Scheme.
15. (1) A contributing employer shall pay contributions to the
Authority at the end of each month and such employer shall
submit, with such payment, all prescribed supporting
particulars concerning his identity, period of employment and
earnings of the member to whom the contributions relate.
(2) If any contribution is not paid within the time stated
under subsection (1) a sum equal to twenty per centum of the
amount unpaid shall be added as a penalty for each month or
part thereof after the date the payment is due and the amount
of the penalty shall be recoverable as a debt owing to the
Scheme by the employer.
Treating 16. Where the Director-General is satisfied that an
unpaid employee’s contribution has been deducted from his
as paid
earnings, but the employer has failed to pay this
contribution together with the employer’s contributions to
the Authority, he may treat the unpaid contributions as
wholly or partially paid for the purpose of any claim to the
payment of benefits, provided that this shall be without
prejudice to any action to recover the amount due from the
Refund of employer.
contributions 17. Where the Director-General is satisfied that any amount
paid in error has been paid to the Authority as contributions which were not
properly payable and that such amount was paid as a result of

a bonafide error, the amount paid in error shall be refunded or
applied to any current liability with the consent of the person
who made the payment.
18. Subject to the other provisions of this Act, a retirement
Conditions pension shall be paid to a retired member who has---
for the award (a) attained pensionable age; and
of retirement (b) made not less than one hundred and eighty
pension monthly contributions.

National Pension Scheme [No. 40 of 1996 885

19. (1) The Minister shall prescribe the

monthly retirement pension, by statutory instrument, Amount of
based on the actuarial valuation calculated to ascertain pension
that the Scheme is financially viable.
(2) The average monthly earnings shall be
determined for each member at the time he makes a
claim dividing the aggregate of pensionable earnings
by the number of months of pensionable employment.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), the level
of pensionable earnings shall be adjusted annually by
an index based on the national average earnings as
may be prescribed by the Minister, by statutory
(4) The minimum monthly pension shall be
twenty per cent of the national average earnings.
(5) The Authority shall determine the national
average earnings referred to in subsection (3)
annually, by applying statistics and data compiled by
the Central Statistics Office.
20. The retirement pension payment shall Duration of
commence from the month following the month in retirement
which the retired employee satisfies the conditions in
section eighteen and shall end in the month in which
the retired member dies.
21. A member who has attained Lump-sum
pensionable age and has retired from employment but payment
does not meet the qualifications for a pension under
section eighteen, shall be entitled to the payment of a
a lump sum as may be prescribed by the Authority.
22. (1) A member shall qualify for early Early
retirement if he is within five years of pensionable age retirement
and has paid contributions for at least one hundred
and eighty months.
(2) The amount of the pension paid on early
retirement under subsection (1) shall be the amount
that would be payable under subsection (1) of section
eighteen reduced in accordance with a prescribed
actuarial formula.
(3) An early retirement pension shall not be
payable if the amount of the pension calculated in
accordance with the provisions of subsection (2) would
be lower than the minimum pension under subsection
(4) of section nineteen.

23. A member shall qualify for invalidity Invalidity
pension if ---- pension
(a) he suffers from permanent invalidity; and
(b) he is under pensionable age and either—
(i) the provisions ofsection eighteen
regarding pension contributions
are satisfied; or
(ii) the member had paid at least sixty
monthly contributions of which
twelve or more were paid in the
period of thirty-six months
immediately preceding the date
the invalidity began.

886 No. 40 of 1996] National Pension Scheme

Amount of 24. (1) The Minister shall, by statutory instrument,

Invalidy prescribe monthly rate of invalidity pension determined on the
pension basis of the members average monthly earnings and the length
of pensionable service.
(2) The monthly rate of invalidity pension shall be
supplemented by a prescribed percentage.
(3) The minimum monthly invalidity pension shall be
Duration of twenty per centum of the national average earnings.
25. Subject to the provisions of this Act, invalidity
pensions shall be payable for the duration of a permanent
invalidity commencing with the month following the date of
invalidity and ending either---
(a) when the member reaches pensionable age, if
at that time the member is entitled to a
retirement pension at the same or a higher
rate; or
(b) when the member dies
Invalidity 26. A member who qualifies for invalidity pension
but does not satisfy the conditions under section eighteen, that
member shall be entitled to a lump-sum payment as may be
prescribed by the Authority.
Establishement 27. (1) The Authority shall appoint medical boards
of medical or appoint medical officers for the purpose of examining
boards and appointment
of medical officers
claimants or beneficiaries who have claims to any benefits
under this Act.
(2) A member of the medical board or a medical
officer shall be paid such remuneration or allowance as the
Authority may determine.
(3) The procedure for medical boards, guidelines to be
followed and reports to be prepared by the medical boards and
submitted to the Authority shall be prescribed by the Minister,
by statutory instrument.
Medical 28. (1) A person shall apply for a claim for
invalidity benefits to the Director-General.
(2) The Director-General shall refer a claim submitted
under subsection (1) to a medical board for determination.
(3) The Director-General may, at any time after the
award of an invalidity pension, refer a person who receives an
invalidity pension to a medical board to determine the medical
state of the permanent invalidity.

National Pension Scheme [No. 40 of 1996 887

(4) A claim to invalidity benefit referred to a

medical board shall be, in the prescribed manner.

(5) A beneficiary of an invalidity pension shall

cease to receive his invalid pension if he fails to
comply with directions of the Director-General under
subsection (2), to be medically examined by a medical
board and to supply all necessary documents or
information as may be necessary for the purposes of
determining his continued entitlement.

29. Subject to this Act, a survivors Survivors

benefits shall be paid to a member of the family or a benefits
dependant if at the time of death the member----

(a) was in receipt of a retirement pension or

an invalidity pension;
(b) would have been entitled to an invalidity
pension for permanent invalidity at the
time of death; or
(c) had reached pensionable age and was
entitled to a retirement benefit and had
made a claim to such benefit.
30. The following persons shall be Family
regarded family dependants for the purpose of section dependants
(a) a surviving spouse of the deceased
(b) a child of the deceased member; or
(c) such other persons as may be entitled to Act No.5 of
benefit under the Intestate Succession Act 1989 Act
No. 6 of
or Wills and Administration of Testate 1989
Estates Act or as nominated by the

31. The pension payable to each family Survivors

dependant shall be at a rate prescribed and payable
to the deceased member or the pension that would
have been payable to him under section eighteen or
section twenty-one.

32. Survivors pensions shall be paid to— Duration of
(a) a surviving spouse who, at the date of survivors
death of the deceased member is
forty-five years old or above or is
under the age of forty-five and has the
care for dependant children under the
age of fifteen, for life or until he
(b) a surviving spouse who, at the date of
death of the deceased member, is
under the age of forty-five and does
not have the care of children under
the age of fifteen years, for a period of
two years from the date of death of
the member;

888 No. 40 of 1996] National Pension Scheme

(c) a child, until the age of eighteen years or until the

child completes full-time education but not
later than the age of twenty-five or, if the child
is an invalid, for life.
Survivors 33. Where a deceased member did not satisfy the
lump-sum qualifying conditions specified in section twenty-six, his family
dependants shall be entitled to a lump-sum payment
prescribed by the Minister by statutory instrument.
34. (1) On the death of a member who has paid at
least twelve monthly contributions during the thirty-six months
immediately preceding his death, a funeral grant in the form of
a lump-sum shall be paid to his next of kin.
(2) The lump-sum referred to under subsection(1)
shall be determined by the Minister by statutory instrument.
(3) For the purpose of this section, the next of kin shall
be the surviving spouse, or, in the case of an unmarried
person, the father or mother, brother or sister or the person
Adjustment responsible for the payment of funeral expenses.
of benefits 35. The Authority shall review the pension rates
annually and adjust them in line with increases in national
average earnings.
Time and 36. (1) A person shall have the right to benefits if he--
Manner of (a) makes a claim to the Director-General in the
making prescribed manner within the prescribed time;
(b) produces such certificates, documents,
information and evidence for the purpose of
determining his right to benefits as the
Director-General may require.
(2) The contributing employer shall maintain records,
or reports and such other information as may be prescribed by
the Minister by statutory instrument for the purpose of
establishing any person’s entitlement to any benefits.
Repayment 37. (1) Any person who fails to disclose or
of benefit misrepresent any material fact, whether such non-disclosure or
improperly misrepresentation is or is not fraudulent and receives any
received benefits he was not entitled to receive shall be liable to repay
the benefits so received.
(2) Any person liable to repay any benefits received
under subsection (1) shall repay the benefits and the Authority
shall recover by deducting from any payment or benefit to
which the person referred to in subsection (1) is entitled.
Benefit to be 38. Every assignment or charge on benefits and every
agreement to assign or charge any benefit shall be void, and

on the bankruptcy of a beneficiary the benefit shall not pass to
any trustee or other person acting on behalf of creditors.

National Pension Scheme [No. 40 of 1996 889

39. The Minister may by statutory instrument

prescribed--- Transitional
(a) the conditions for qualifications for provisions
for benefits
entitlement to benefits under this part
in respect of members who are above
a prescribed age on the day the Act
comes into force;
(b) that members of the existing fund may
convert the amount in their account under
that fund into pensionable employment for
the purpose of entitlement to retirement
pension or invalidity pension in
accordance with a prescribed formula; or
(c) the transfer of pensionable employment in
respect of persons covered under other
pension legislation before the date of
commencement of this Act.


40. (1) The Authority shall prudentially manage Management

objectives of
the Scheme so as to ensure that at all times it scheme
is in a state of actuarial correctness, financially
sustainable, fair in its benefit distribution and
is affordable. Act No.
(2) Notwithstanding the generality of of 1996
subsection (1), the Authority shall ensure that
the Scheme is managed in accordance with
the prudential management principles
specified in the Pension Scheme Regulation
Act 1996.
41. The Authority may invest any liquid assets of Investment
the Scheme not immediately required to meet of Fund
any charges or obligations in---
(a) a savings account of any bank or
institution which is governed by any written
law of Zambia or by the law of the united
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland, or on fixed deposit or at call with any
such bank or institution;
(b) real estate;

(c) stocks,securities or funds issued by or on
behalf of the Government or in stocks,
securities or funds guaranteed by the
(d) such other investment as may be
approved generally or specially, by the
Authority. Application
42. There shall be charged on, and discharged of Funds of
from, the liquid assets of the Scheme---
(a) the payment of benefits in accordance
with the provisions of this Act;

890 No. 40 of 1996] National Pension Scheme

(b) the whole of the expenses incurred in

connection with or incidental to the
management and administration of the
Scheme, including the cost of staff and the
audit and actuarial investigations of the

(c) any loses incurred on the realization of

decrease in the value of any assets of the
Scheme; and

(d) any other payments authorized to be made out

of the Scheme under the provisions of this Act.

Of actuary 43. The Authority shall appoint any
actuary who shall be a Fellow of the
Institute of Actuaries of London, the
Faculty of Actuaries in Scotland or
Institute of Actuaries of America or
any other equivalent qualifications to
carry out the duties and exercise the
powers imposed or conferred upon
him under this Act.

Actuarial 44. (1) The Scheme shall be valued by

Valuation of an actuary as may be required by
Scheme the Authority.

(2) The Scheme shall be valued at

intervals not exceeding three

(3) The actuary shall –

(a) prepare a report on the state
of the Scheme;
(b) state any surplus or deficiency
in the Scheme; and
(c) recommend the action to be

Action on 45. (1) The Authority shall pay due regard


to any recommendations made by the actuary
under section forty-four and, in doing so may,
notwithstanding anything contrary to the
contrary contained in this Act—

(a) increase or decrease in the rates

of contribution payable in respect
of members; or
(b) require members to pay such
sums as the actuary may
determine to cover any deficiency
directly attributable to an action of
such member.

(2) The Authority shall report to the Minister its

reasons for failing to carry out any recommendations
made by the actuary.

(4) If, within six months of the receipt

of a report by the Authority, the
Authority fails to carry out any
recommendation contained in
such report, the Minister may,
exercise any of the

National Pension Scheme [No. 40 of 1996 891

powers conferred on the Authority by

subsection (1), and the exercise of such
powers by the Minister shall have the same
effect as if such powers was exercised by the


46. On the appointed date, there shall Vesting of

vest in, and be owned by the Authority without further assets and
assurance, all property, rights, liabilities and transfer of
obligations which immediately before the appointed liabilities
date, were the property, rights, liabilities and
obligations of the existing fund. Registration
47. (1) All property, rights, liabilities of property
or obligations of the existing fund shall be transferred to be
to the Authority and where any written law provides for transferred
registration, the Authority shall make an application in
writing to the proper officer or the appropriate
registration authority for the registration of the transfer.
(2) The proper officer referred to in subsection
(1) shall make such entries in the appropriate register
as shall give effect to the transfer and, where
appropriate, issue the transferee concerned with a
certificate to the register, as the case may be, and
shall make endorsements on the deeds relating to the
title, right or obligation concerned.
48. (1) Without prejudice to the other Legal
provisions of this Act, where any right, liability or proceedings
obligation vests in the existing fund, the Authority and
all other persons, as from the commencement of this
Act, shall have the same right, powers and remedies
(and in particular the same rights as to the instituting or
defending of legal proceedings or the making or
resisting of applications to any authority) for
ascertaining, or enforcing those rights, liabilities or
obligations as they would have at all times been a
right, liability or obligation of the existing fund under
the repealed Act.

(2) Any legal proceedings or application to
any authority pending immediately before the
commencement of this Act by or against the existing
fund in relation to the assets transferred to the
Authority, may be continued by or against the
(3) After the commencement of this Act,
proceedings in respect of any right or obligations which
was vested in, held, enjoyed incurred or suffered by
the existing fund may be instituted by, or against the

892 No. 40 of 1996 National Pension Scheme

against 49. Notwithstanding anything contrary contained in any written
attachment law, where any judgement or order has been obtained against
a member, no execution or attachment or process of any
nature shall be issued against his contributions, except in
accordance with the terms of the Authority and such
contributions shall not form part of the assets of the member in
Transfer of the event of bankruptcy.
staff 50. (1) The Minister may, by statutory instrument, approve
arrangements under which all or some of the employees of the
existing fund shall be transferred to the Authority.
(2) Where a person is transferred in accordance with the
arrangements made under subsection (1), his terms and
conditions with the Authority shall be no less favourable than
those enjoyed while employed by the existion fund and for the
purposes of determining his rights to or eligibility for any
pension, gratuity, leave or other benefits, his previous service
with the existing fund shall be treated as service with the
Offences Authority.
and 51. (1) Any person who---
(a) evades paying for any contribution by him or some other
person and makes any false statement or
(b) fails to register within the period specified in or under this
Act when required to register;
(c) when required by or under this Act to furnish any
information, without lawful excuse, fails to disclose that
information or furnishes information which is false;
(d) fails to pay to the Scheme within the period specified any
contribution which he is liable to pay under this Act;
(e) obstructs any inspector, officer or servant of the Scheme
in the discharge of his duties;
(f) fails without lawful excuse to produce documents which
he has been required under this Act to produce;
(g) by duress obtains the consent of employees to any
course of action provided for under subsection (6) of
section thirteen;
(h) deducts from a member’s wages any amount by way of
the member’s share which is in excess of the amount
due to be deducted under this Act; or
(i) contravenes any other provision of this Act;

Shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to
a fine not exceeding one thousand penalty units or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or to both.

National Pension Scheme [No.40 of 1996 893

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of

subsection (1), the court before which any person is
convicted of an offence under this Act may, without
prejudice to any civil remedy, order that person to pay
to the Scheme the amount of any contributions,
together with any interest or penalty, certified to be due
from that person to the Scheme at the date of
conviction; and such amount shall be recovered in the
same manner as a fine and shall be paid into the
Scheme for the credit, where applicable, of the
accounts of the members concerned.
52. Any person who contravenes any General
provision not provided for under this Act shall be guilty penalty
of an offence and shall be liable upon conviction to a
fine not exceeding five thousand penalty units or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or
to both.
53. (1) The Minister may, by statutory
instrument, make regulations for the better carrying out
of provisions of this Act.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the
regulations prescribed under subsection (1) shall
provide for---
(a) the prevention of the receipt of more than
one benefit and the adjustment of
benefits in special circumstances.
(b) the time and manner of the payment of
benefit and the information to be
furnished by any person applying for
(c) suspending payment of benefit to any
person during any period when he---
(i) is absent from Zambia subject to
any provisions contained in any
social security bilateral agreement
or international convention ratified
by Zambia; or
(ii) is legally imprisoned or under
some other legal custody:

Provided that specifications
are prescribed for the circumstances
and manner in which payment of the
whole or any part of the benefit may
instead of being so suspended may
be paid during any such period to any
person nominated by the beneficiary,
or for the maintenance of any
prescribed person who the Director
General is satisfied is a dependent of
the beneficiary;
(d) appointing a person to exercise on behalf
any other person who, is a minor is
unable to act, any power or right
which that other person may be
entitled to exercise under this Act and
to authorise the person so appointed
to receive and deal with any sum
payable by way of benefit to that other

894 No. 40 0f 1996] National Pension Scheme

(e) a claim to be made or proceeded with in

the name of any person who is dead,
for authorising payment to or among
persons claiming as his or personal
representatives, legatees, next-of-kin,
creditors or otherwise and for
dispensing with strict proof of the title
of persons so claiming; and
(f) such other matters as may be necessary
for proper administration of benefits,
including the obligations of claimants,
beneficiaries and employers.
54. The National Provident Fund Act is
Repeal of hereby repealed.
Cap. 513

(Section 3)

1. (1) The members of the Authority shall be-

Composition (a) two representatives from such
of the
associations of employees as the
Minister shall designate;
(b) two representatives from such
associations of employers as the
Minister shall designate;
(c) a representative and an alternate
member from the Ministry responsible
of finance;
(d) a representative and an alternate
member from the Ministry responsible
for social security;
(e) a representative of the Bank of
(f) a representative of the Bankers
Association of Zambia; and
(g) a representative of the Pension
Managers Association.
(2) The members referred to in subsection
(1) shall be appointed by the

(3) The Chairperson shall be

(4) The Vice-Chairperson shall be

elected from amongst the
Seal of members.
Authority 2. (1) The seal of the Authority shall be
such device as may be determined by the
Authority and shall be kept by the Secretary.
(2) The affixing of the seal shall be
authenticated by the Chairperson or the Vice-
Chairperson and the Secretary or one other
person authorised in that behalf by a
resolution of the Authority.

National Pension Scheme [No. 40 of 1996 895

(3) Any contract or instrument which,

if entered into or executed by a person
not being a body corporate, would not be
required to be under seal, may be entered
into or executed without seal on behalf of the
Authority by the Secretary or any other person
generally or specifically authorised by the Authority
in that behalf.
(4) Any document purporting to be a
document under the seal of the Authority or
issued on behalf of the Authority shall be
received in evidence and shall be executed or
issued, as the case may be, without further
proof, unless the contrary is proved.
3. (1) Subject to the other provisions Tenure of
of this Act, a member shall hold office for a Office of
period of three years from the date of
appointment and may be re-appointed for a
like period.
(2) A member may resign by giving
one month’s notice in writing to the Secretary.
4. Notwithstanding paragraph 3, the Removal of
the Authority may, at any time, with the member
approval of the Minister remove a person
from the office of member---
(a) if that person has been absent
from three consecutive meetings of the
Authority and that absence was in the opinion
of the Authority without reasonable excuse;
(b) if the Authority is satisfied that the
continuance of that person in the office of
member will be prejudicial to the interest of the
5. (1) Whenever the office of a Filling of
member becomes vacant before the expiry of casual
the term of office, the Minister may appoint
another member in place of the member who
vacates the office.
6. (1) Subject to the other provisions Proceedings
of this Act, the Authority may regulate its own of Authority

(2) The Authority shall meet for the
transaction of business, at least once in every
three months at such places and at such times
as the chairperson may decide.
(3) Upon giving notice of not less than
fourteen days, a meeting of the Authority may
be called by the Chairperson and shall be
called if not less than one third of the
members so request in writing:
Provided that if the urgency of any
particular matter does not permit the giving of
such notice, a special meeting may be called
upon giving a shorter notice.
(4) The quorum at any meeting of the
Authority shall be the Chairperson or the Vice-
Chairperson and three other members.

896 No. 40 of 1996] National Pension Scheme

(5) There shall preside at any meeting of the

(a) the Chairperson; or
(b) in the absence of the Chairperson or
Vice- Chairperson, such member as the
members present may elect from amongst
themselves for the purpose of that meeting.
(6) A decision of the Authority on any
question shall be by a majority of the members present
and voting at the meeting and, in the event of an
equality of votes, the person presiding at the meeting
shall have a casting vote in addition to the deliberative
(7) Where a member is for any reasonable
cause unable to attend any meeting of the Authority,
he may, in writing, nominate another person from the
same organisation to attend such meeting in his stead
and such person shall be deemed to be a member for
the purpose of such meeting.
(8) The Authority may invite any person,
whose presence in its opinion is desirable, to attend
and to participate in the deliberations of a meeting of
the Authority but such person shall have no vote.
(9) The validity of any proceedings, act or
decision of the Authority shall not be affected by any
vacancy in the membership of the Authority or by any
defect in the appointment of any member or by reason
that any person not entitled so to do, took part in the
(10) The Authority shall cause minutes to be
kept of the proceedings of every meeting of any
committee established by the Authority.

7. (1) The Authority may, for the purpose of
Committees performing its functions under this Act,
of Authority establish committees and deligate to any such
committee such of its functions as it thinks fit.
(2) The Authority may appoint as members
of a committee established under subsection
(1), persons who are or are not members of
the Authority and such persons shall hold
office for such period as the Authority may
(3) Subject to any specific or general
direction of the Authority any committee
established under subsection (1), may
regulate its own procedure.
8. There shall be paid to the members of the
tion and
Authority any committee of the Authority such
allowances remuneration and allowances as the Authority
of members may determine, with the approval of the
Disclosure 9. (1) If a member is present at a meeting of
Of interest the Authority or any committee of the Authority
at which any matter is the subject of
consideration and in which matter the
member’s spouse is directly interested in
private capacity the member shall, as soon as
practicable after the commencement of the
meeting, disclose such interest and shall not,
unless the Authority otherwise directs, take
part in any consideration or discussion of, or
vote on, any question touching such matter.

National Pension Scheme [No. 40 of 1996 897

(2) A disclosure of interest made under this

section shall be recorded in the minutes of the
meeting at which it is made.
10. (1) A person shall not, without the Prohibition
consent in writing given by or on behalf of the of publication
of or disclosure
Authority, publish or disclose to any of information to
unauthorised person, otherwise than in the unauthorised
course of his duties, the contents of any persons
documents, communication or information
whatsoever, which relates to, and which has
come to his knowledge in the course of his
duties under this Act.
(2) Any person who contravenes the
provisions of sub paragraph (1) shall be guilty
of an offence and shall be liable, upon
conviction, to a fine not exceeding five hundred
penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three years, or to both.
(3) If any person having information which to
his knowledge has been published or disclosed
in contravention of sub-paragraph (1) unlawfully
publishes or communicates any such
information to any other person, he shall be
guilty of an offence and shall be liable, upon
conviction, to a fine not exceeding five hundred
penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three months or to both.


11. (1) The funds of the Authority shall Funds of

consist of such moneys as may__ Authority
(a) be paid to the Authority by way of
contributions, fees, levy, grants or
donations; or
(b) vest in or accrue to the Authority;
(2) The Authority may__
(a) accept moneys by way of grants or
donations from any source;

(b) raise by way of loans or otherwise,
such moneys as it may require for the
discharge of its functions; or
(c) charge and collect fees for services
provided by the Authority.
(3) There shall be paid from the funds of the
(a) the salaries, allowances and loans of
the staff of the Authority;
(b) such reasonable travelling, transport
and subsistence allowances for
members or members of any
committee of the Authority when
engaged on the business of Authority,
at such rates as the Authority may
(c) any other expenses incurred by the
Authority in the performance of its

898 No. 40 of 1996] National Pension Scheme

(4) The Authority may invest in such manner as it thinks fit

such of its funds it does not immediately require for the
performance of its functions.
Financial 12. The financial year of the Authority shall be the period of
year twelve months ending on the 31st of December, in each year.
13. The Authority shall cause to be kept proper books of
account and other records relating to its accounts.
14. (1) As soon as practicable, but not later than six months
reports after the expiry of each financial year, the Authority shall
submit to the Minister a report concerning its activities during
such financial year, the Authority shall submit to the Minister a
report concerning its activities during such financial year.
(2) The report referred to in paragraph (1) shall include
information on the financial affairs of the Authority and there
shall be appended thereto__
(a) an audited balance sheet
(b) an audited statement of income and expenditure;
(c) such other information as the Minister may require.
(3) The Minister shall, not later than thirty days after the
first sitting of the National Assembly next after the receipt of the
report referred to in sub-paragraph (1), lay it before the
National Assembly.

(Section 10)
The following persons shall not be required to register as
members of the National Pension Scheme:
(a) an employed person whose monthly earnings are
less than K15,000;
(b) the spouse of the employer;
(c) a member of the family of the employer who
ordinarily resides with the employer;
(d) an employee of an international organisation who
is not a citizen of Zambia;

National Pension Scheme [No. 40 of 1996 899

(e) an employee of a foreign government who is accorded diplomatic or

equivalent status and who is not a citizen of Zambia;
(f) a member of the armed forces; and
(g) a public officer appointed before this Act comes into force and who is
on pensionable employment under the Public Service Pensions Fund
or the Local Authorities Suprannuation Fund.




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