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Created by Ron Blessing -
Normal Ability pool + d6, difficulty 2 (easy) to 8
Lead spends pool and rolls, other players add
1 pool (no benefit to roll), + 2 difficulty for
each player not paying pool
Cooperation Lead spends pool and rolls, each player adds
pool (+1 for each added beyond 1)
Contests First to act, first to test; first to fail, loses
􀂃Scuffling vs. Scuffling or Shooting vs. Shooting
􀂃Higher current fighting pool goes first
􀂃Hit Threshold (HT) is 3 (4, if Athletics rating 8+)
Free-for-all Combat
Order of action Determined by highest fighting pool
(Scuffling or Shooting) at start of combat
Tie-breaker 1 Ability rating
Tie-breaker 2 PCs over enemies
Tie-breaker 3 Player arrival time
Weapon Table (Damage: d6 + Damage Modifier)
Weapon Type Damage
Fist, Kick -2
Small improvised weapon, police baton, knife -1
Machete, heavy club, light firearm 0
Sword, heavy firearm +1
Armor (Subtract From Damage)
Light Body Armor -2 from bullets, -1 cutting/stabbing
Military Body Armor -3 from bullets. -1 cutting/stabbing
Cover (Reduces/Increases HT)
Exposed (No barrier) -1
Partial Cover (Half body exposed) 0
Full Cover (Barrier completely protects) +1
Exhaustion, Injury, and
Gruesome Death
Health Pool Effect
Below 0 Consciousness Roll vs. absolute negative Health
pool (can spend Health; reduces pool)
0 to -5 Hurt – No Investigative abilities can be used; +1
difficulty to all tests
-6 to -11
Wounded – Make a Consciousness Roll; no
Investigative abilities can be used; can no longer
fight; till First Aid is given, lose 1 Health pool
per 30 minutes
-12 or more Dead – Make a new character
Hurt Each point spent by another player, add 2 Health
Wounded Another player may spend 2 points to stabilize;
no Health regained. Character must convalesce 1
day per negative Health pool; day 1 at 0 Health,
go to half pool; day 2, regain full Health pool
Stability Tests
Difficulty 4, or lose Stability pool
Incident Loss
A human opponent attacks you with evident intent to
do serious harm 2
You are in a car or other vehicle accident serious
enough to pose a risk of injury 2
A human opponent attacks you with evident intent to
kill 3
You see a supernatural creature from a distance 3
You see a supernatural creature up close 4
You see a particularly grisly murder or accident scene 4
You learn that a friend or loved one has been violently
killed 6
You are attacked by a supernatural creature 7
You see a friend or loved one killed 7
You see a friend or loved one killed in a particularly
gruesome manner 8
Losing It
Stability Pool Effect
0 to -5 Shaken – Seem distracted: no Investigative
abilities can be used; +1 difficulty to all tests
-6 to -11 Mental Illness* – Like Shaken; permanently
lose 1 Stability rating point
-12 or more Permanently Insane – May commit one last
crazy act; make a new character
* If mental illness from mundane cause, then Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder (PTSD). If mental illness from supernatural cause,
see p. 47.
Psychological Triage
􀂃For each Shrink point spent by another player, player can
regain 2 Stability points.
􀂃If mental illness, another player can spend 2 Shrink points to
give temporary lucidity for remainder of current scene.
Head Games
Illness Cure
􀂃During prologue to a case, Shrink test
(difficulty 4)
􀂃Three consecutive cases with success and
Stability stays above 0, then cured
􀂃If mental illness again, regains condition
􀂃Successful Shrink test suppresses symptoms
till next Stability loss.
Regaining Pool Points
All Investigative
abilities End of case
Stability Between cases
Health 2 points per day of restful activity
Athletics, Driving,
Scuffling, Shooting 24 hours from last expenditure
All other abilities End of case

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