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In the case of Rosita B.

Lim, on her behalf and on behalf of her (then) minor

children namely, Jennifer, Lysander and Beverlie vs. Luis Tan et. al, G.R. No.
177250, November 28, 2016, the Supreme Court held that:

“Under Article 2229 of the Civil Code, exemplary damages are imposed by way of
example or correction for the public good. The purpose of exemplary damages is to
serve as a deterrent to serious wrong doings and as a vindication of undue
sufferings and wanton invasion of the rights of an injured or a punishment for those
guilty of outrageous conduct.”

In addition, the Supreme Court reiterated that Article 2208 of the Civil Code
enumerates the legal grounds which justify or warrant the grant of attorney's fees
and expenses of litigation, namely: (a) when exemplary damages are awarded; and
(b) in any other case where the court deems it just and equitable that attorney's
fees and expenses of litigation should be recovered.

PARAD correctly awarded exemplary damages and attorney’s fees in this case,
since this case has been hauled on for too long.

It is only proper that this Honorable Board award the attorney's fees and litigation
expenses, bearing in mind the legal extent of the work undertaken as well as the
length of time that had elapsed to prosecute this case.

This case qualifies for the reasons why attorney's fees are awarded.

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