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Graduation Project (PROPOSAL)

Business Administration Department

Prerequisite Courses

To register in a graduation project, a student should have

successfully passed or completed 90 credit hours of
his/her major in addition to the practical training course.

Towards the Final year of the programme it is important to
expose students to real or simulated work situations so
that they can demonstrate the amalgam of knowledge they
have gained through a substantial piece of work.
It provides a vehiclee to demonstrate transferable skills &
offer suitable opportunity for the student to put into
practice, other skills learnt in earlier part of the course.An
individual project for each student forces full ownership of
the work by the student . It incourages & stimulates the
interest of the student in his/her area of choice.

Steps to Graduation Projects

offer project titles

Titles go to PPG

Check &

All student have a

projectt title

Students start project

according to rules

Student submit 3
reader,department) at
the specified dates

2 weeks to read &


All students present on

a “project day”

Student presents 15
minutes+5 minutes

Final mark generated

by staff discussion


Alist of suitable projects is generated by inviting suitable

titles from members of staff,industry &students. The
PPWG/IPG would consider sutability of all such projects
e.g complexity &level,resource requirment&availability of

Each member of the teaching staff supervises no more than

four projects.
Typically a student would spend 46 hrs in one semester.Since
this is individual project,this time can be vary.

How to Supervise:

The supervisor is responsible of the projects he receives.

His supervision should be regular by organizing the work and

directing students.

To follow up with students every week/ apprximatly 20

minutes per student

Helping the System built and the Projects Book(Diary)

Read &mark the final report & attend the project


Assessment of Graduation Project

General conduct & diary30%
Report: 50%
Verbal Presentation 20%

The Format of the Project Report
Students make all necessary adjustment in the
project (research)

Final copies of the project should be covered in blue

with the emblem of the university in golden color. The
name of the project is written in the middle.

The supervisor checks the adjustment then signs the

certificate. The committee checks the Adjustments
then signs the approval.

Three copies are delivered to the secretaries of

department or the supervisors

Three soft back-covered copies should be handed

The Book should be written in English

The first page from the outside should contain the


The project’s title, the student’s names, the University’s

slogan, and the year.

The last page from the outside should contain the


A summary of the project in less than ten lines

If the committee accepts the project, a copy should be

handed to the Section within a restricted period
containing all the amendments required. The copy
should have a blue hardcover.

The Book should have: Format, Spacing 1.5, times New

Roman, binding 2, left and right margins 1.5

The first supervisor makes the project (write a small
request )

The second reader reads & gives a marks.

The two supervisors agree & put the final assesment to
the committee.

Incomplete Projects:

Incomplete projects can’t be accepted unless a valid

reason is presented or the supervisor presents a written
application for that. The committee may give extension
to complete the project.

Suggested method to write the project

1. Rational & introduction

2. Research

3. Analysis of the problem

4. Design of solution

5. Improvement

6. Conclusion

Project proposal



Topic of interest:



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