English Project Report Final

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Submitted by:

Sana munir (f2018241191)



Submitted to:

Faiza abid

Section :

The impact of family influence and involvement on career
To decide career at early stages puts positive effect on student performance, college achievement
and professional growth. This study will classify how family inspires the career decision making
processes and will educate specialists about how to unite the family to evade interruptions in the
chosen career paths of developing adults. The purpose of it was to investigate the level of
inspiration parents had on the career decision making process for their children.

The impact of family influence and involvement put a serious effect in their children’s career


Family is a place in which children learn to realize the realities, parents serve significant
decoders to children for information about the planet and youngster’s ability. Children from their
attitude of work and career is a result of interaction with the family. Family background provides
the idea on which a student’s career planning and selecting develops. However, within each
family, the degree of involvement can very positively or negatively.

Objectives of the study

• To observe the connection between the extent of counselling of parents and career selection of
students in secondary schools.

• To determine if the dimensions of a family have any effect on the selection of career of
secondary school students.

• To examine the contact between living condition at family and selection of career of students.
Research question/ hypothesis

 To what extent does the socio-economic status of parents effect the career choice of students
in secondary school?
 Is there any connection between the level of education of parents and the career choice of
students in secondary schools?
 To what extent does the ability and nature of parents affect the choice of career of students?
 Is there any communication between living condition at family and choice of career of
Significance of the study

Students succeed in school when certain features are put under control, some of these includes to
make sure that the child diet is well at family, get enough sleep, does his work checked by both
his teachers and parents, has his school stuff, gets enough motivation from their parents, useful
information should be given to the child so they can make the right decision for their career to
guide futures generation. So the result of the above discussion is, the students will support
parents to have vision into the behavior and needs of their children. The purpose of this study is
to disclose the factors that boost the choice of students in secondary schools.

Literature review

Parents and main caregivers deliver the highest effect and support in their children’s lives. This
investigation recommends helping caregivers and analysts by giving the necessary information to
support students in defining the needs. If parents and school counselors work together, students
can be directed to careers early.

 Career development process

Career development demonstrates long- 23 span and great impact on young persons (Larson
&Majors, 1The supreme career decision maker shows awareness of his or her need to make a
career decision. The individual shows inclination to make such a decision and can make the
decision “right.”

 Overview of career theories

The method persons think can tremendously affect the way they develop their career and choose
professions. Another major hypothetical method is trait and factor models, which are deep rooted
in the work of Frank Parsons.

 Career development theory

The Public Intellectual Career Theory signifies a position that tries to suggest some of the
intricate contacts between persons and their career related framework, between mental and social
factors, and between self-directed and externally imposed impacts on career.


The method we used to study is quantitative and qualitative research. By directing both
method study, we can analyze the data. The use of both qualitative and quantitative research
methods provides a better understanding. To collect the data, the following survey and
calculations were used.

Data analysis
I find two research questions for this study. There are one quantitative and one qualitative
research in this study. I used qualitative methods to study the second research question. I used
standard deviation equation to find the quantitative research. A standard deviation equation will
examine the first and third null hypothesis by organizing whether parents and caregivers
influenced career selection and career development or not. Through these researches we can
understand the role and influence of parents in career selection and development.

Variables N Mean Standard


Mother’s total 49 13.50 3.228

Men 17 14.47 2.239

women 32 13.00 3.619

Father’s total 49 13.45 3.422

Men 17 13.41 4.273

Women 32 13.47 2.951

Caregiver’s total 33 12.24 3.01

Men 9 12.11 2.369

Women 6 12.29 3.26


The purpose of this research was to develop a better understanding of parent contribution in the
activities and behaviors of the children. Following are the recommendations that can solve this

 PTA meetings

 Systematized parent clubs/organizations

 Sponsored with career investigation

 Attended academic ceremonies and events

 Gave straight coaching

 Supervised academic progress

 Encouraged decision making


Parents verified their contribution and support to their child’s secondary educational needs.
They make their child to develop their interest in athletics, academic organizations, performing
arts, and other events or activities. Parents also participated in the activities that were related to
their child’s school. Student also show through their responses that their parents known the value
of education. Parents also support their children with homework assignments, projects, and
research papers. They also contact with teachers to know their child’s academic performance. As
the child development from high school to college takes place parent’s involvement decreases
while their support increases. Eventually, parents gave no influence, no support or involvement.
This make the students find more difficulty in identifying a parent who is most supportive in the
process of identifying and selection of a profession.

 https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3209&context=etd


1. Which parent show more interest in your school activities?

I. Mother
II. Father
III. Other caretaker
2. Which parent has more contribution in your academic achievements?
I. Mother
II. Father
III. Other caretaker

3. Which parent support most in choosing a major?

I. Mother
II. Father
III. Other caretaker

4. Which parent helped to choose suitable career?

I. Mother
II. Father
III. Other caretaker

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