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In this custom story, a random girl you just met invited you to a party with a
bunch of her random friends. Is she interested in you or was she just being
polite? Either way, you're the only man at this party, so things might get

Each time you start a new game of this story, you will end up with a different set
of random girls. Different names, different personalities, different likes and
dislikes, all of which determine what hoops you have to jump through to get busy
with them. Hopefully, this will make the story fun to replay.

In most cases, if you're careful and plan ahead, you should be able to have sex
with all of the girls. In some cases, though (like if several girls like one
specific type of booze only), it might be impossible. If you get frustrated, you
can always start over with a new set of random girls.

There are a bunch of quests that might help you along the way (see the list below,
if you don't mind spoilers). There are also four achievements you can earn from
this custom story (spoilers are posted in the forum where you downloaded this).


Extract the zip to your "<Documents>\Eek\House Party\Mods\Stories" folder. You

should end up with a folder called "Random Party." Start the game and choose
"Random Party" from the list of stories.


Please report any bugs you find. Debugging a story as complicated as this is hard,
especially with all the possible random combinations! But be aware of the

- The clothes radial menu stays open. This is intentional to make it easier to
strip/dress. Just right click when you're done with it.

- Under the right circumstances, some girls might get naked and walk around the
party like that. This is intentional. You can even ask them about it.

- There's a quest involving the camera. The game is kind of odd about what it
counts as a photo. If you view photos on the camera it might look like you have a
picture of a girl, but the game doesn't count it. I set up some on screen messages
to tell you who you still need pictures of. Go by these messages, instead of the
images themselves when you view photos on the camera.

- Your inventory will show "missing image" for some items. Nothing I can do about
that. Just ignore it.

- Puffing a joint will cause something to be added to your inventory temporarily.

Ignore it. It's nothing, really.

- The opportunity tracking system shows the characters' original story names under
their pictures. Nothing I can do about that. Just ignore it.

- If you like the group of girls you've ended up with, save often. It's possible
to make a mistake and get yourself beat up...

- You can use the "Y" key to dance/stop dancing and to take off/put on your
clothes. Some other options might also be available if you have certain items in

- Many actions are on a cool down timer. You usually have to wait a while before
you can ask a girl to do these things with you again...

- Some actions have a limit on how much they can increase your relationship with a
girl. If a girl's meter seems stalled, try doing something else...

- There are about a dozen places in the house you can search for useful items. Some
of them are drawers you have to open first, then search...

- It is often helpful to search the same place more than once. If you're looking
for something specific, search all the places again. What you're looking for is
usually in the last place you look...

- There are also about a dozen places to search for the phones.

- To dance with a girl, first you need to make sure there's music playing. The girl
also has to be friendly to you and not jealous. Follow the girl to the dance floor,
make sure she can see you and start dancing. Stick around near her for a while
until she thanks you for the dance. Don't wander off in the middle of it. Or do,
and see what happens...

- Pay attention to what the girls say. Sometimes there are hints about their

- There's also an item that can tell you all about each girl's personality...

- Talk to your hostess frequently. She has a number of missions for you...

- If you get stuck, there's an item near the TV that can give you some hints or
even help you cheat...


- Except during a specific quest, your hostess will be annoyed if she sees you
searching through her belongings...

- You can mix different drinks using red solo cups from the kitchen cabinet.
Feeding girls drinks they like can help loosen them up. But be careful about
getting them too drunk...

- Cheesy pickup lines are not always bad. Some girls think they are funny. And
girls that like you might also be more tolerant of them...

- When making out with girls, thought bubbles might appear with some suggestions.
When this happens, right click the girl. Some new options might be available...
- Groping girls is not always bad, especially if you're alone with a girl that
likes you a lot...

- Getting caught by another girl is often bad. Some places are safer than others
and there's an item that can help guarantee privacy. On the other hand, sometimes
it's good to get caught...

- If you do get caught, you can try apologizing. Sometimes you might have to work a
bit before a girl accepts your apology...

- Beware, however. If a girl is really angry, she might just kick your ass...

- Once you have the marijuana, find it in your inventory and right click on it to
roll a joint. Then find the joint in inventory and right click on it to light it.
Once you have a lit joint, a new option will be available in the main Y menu.

- The cheat item has an option to enable "(sl)easy mode." This can cause crazy
things to happen, so use at your own risk. In particular, there will be a lot of
girls masturbating at once, which can cause them to get stuck in the walls. The
console command "unstuck" is useful if this happens.

- If you can't find that last phone, maybe check some dark, out of the way places
or try looking from higher ground...


Talk to Your Random Hostess: You only just met the hostess of this party, but it
still might make sense to check in with her so you don't look like some random
weirdo who just popped by uninvited.

Social Butterfly: Introduce yourself to all the other random party guests. (9

Named quests for each random girl: Win the affection of a random girl. (There will
be 10 of these in any given playthrough)

Invasion of Privacy: Find some salacious details about the random party guests. Or
any details, really. (Note: you can't completing this quest and Play It Straight in
the same playthrough)

Play It Straight: Win the affection of all the random girls without reading your
hostess' diary. (Note: you can't complete this quest and Invasion of Privacy in the
same playthrough)

Risk Taker: Win the affection of all the random girls without locking any doors.

To Completion: Win the affection of all the random girls. (10 increments)

Lost and Phound: Several of these random girls have left their phones lying around.
Reunite the correct phones with their owners. (6 increments)

Rock the House: Get some music started at this random party.

Dance Machine: Dance with all the random girls. (10 increments)

Spin the Bottle: Kiss all the random girls. (10 increments)
Warm Her Up: One of the random girls says she's cold. Maybe you can help her out.

Feed One Girl: One of the random girls says she's hungry. Maybe you can help her
out. (Hint: you need to get the quest Feed Them All before you can complete this

Feed Them All: If you can figure out a way to provide food for the entire party,
your random hostess would probably appreciate it. (Hint: what's one way in the
real world to get food delivered to your house OR where do you look to find

Making Memories: Get the hostess some photos of her random party guests.

Closing Time: If you can get all the other random girls to leave, you and your
hostess can spend some quality time together. They don't have to go home, but they
can't stay here!

Sweeping Together: Help your random hostess clean up after this random party. Will
these quests never end? (Hint: yes)


To find the MP3 player, you must first have the quest "Rock the House" from the
hostess. Then you should search the following spots: both desk drawers downstairs,
the orange bin in the garage, both desk drawers in the upstairs study, the "box"
(router) in the closet in the study, the dresser in the master bedroom, under the
bed in the master bedroom, and the nightstand in the master bedroom (the one that's
not full of condoms).

To find the safe combination, you must first try to open the safe and find out that
it's locked. Then search all of the same places you search for the MP3 player.

To find the phones, search the following places: the TV room armchair, the TV room
couch (3 cushions), the living room couch (2 cushions), the spare bedroom couch (3
cushions), both patio armchairs, both patio couches (3 cushions each), inside the
fridge. They might also be lying out in the open in the following places: the
master bathroom next to the sink, the desk under the bunkbed in the spare bedroom,
the upstairs bathroom floor, the downstairs bathroom floor, the garage floor on the
other side of the pingpong table, and the porch roof (climb the gutter to check).

To find the marijuana, search the washer, the dryer, and the laundry baskets in the
laundry room, upstairs bathroom, and master bathroom.

To find the handbag, check the perimeter of the yard, the garage, next to the front
door, the upstairs landing, the spare bedroom, the study, the art room in front of
the easel, the art room closet, the master bedroom, and the master bedroom closet.

To deal with the hungry girl (the quest "Feed One Girl"), you must talk to the
hostess, ask about her party, then ask about food to get the quest "Feed Them All."
Then you need the credit card. Once you have met those conditions, right click on
either computer and choose "Order Pizza." Alternatively, after you've got "Feed
Them All," inspect the gastronomy book (upstairs in the master bedroom), then read
the gastronomy book. Put all of the ingredients listed in the book (chicken, eggs,
potatoes, mayonnaise, salmon, whipped cream) into the oven.

To deal with the girl who is cold (the quest "Warm Her Up"), you must turn up the
thermostat and do one of the following: (1) heat the coffee in the microwave, (2)
heat the coffee in the kettle, or (3) put the chocolate bar (from the study shelf)
and water (from the kitchen faucet) in the mug and heat it in the microwave. Give
the hot beverage to the girl who is cold. If she's drunk, she will not accept the
coffee and you need the hot chocolate.

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