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Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for

your character. Some suggestions:
Clothes: Tweed, carefree, ill-fitting, mottled, proper, suit,
casual, nerdy, or old-fashioned clothes.
Face: Childish, round, ravaged, tired, pale, square, disproportionate,
narrow, beaky, ugly, handsome, aged, or
bearded face.
Eyes: Skeptical, arrogant, analytical, disinterested, curious,
shy, intelligent, distracted, authoritarian, glasses-framed, or
tired eyes.
Body: Thin, chubby, tall, wispy, bent, weak, athletic, out
of shape, slow, angular, rigid, impaired, large bellied, fat,
short, compact, or hairy body.
Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in
which the campaign is set.
Everyone introduces their character by name, looks, and
personality. Take your turn. Write down the other player
characters’ names. Go around the table again to establish
your Relations.
If you know any of the other player characters from before,
choose one of these options to establish the relationship
between the two of you.
◊◊ One of the characters studied at the same campus
as you, and you became good friends.
Take +1 Relation with each other.
◊◊ One of the characters is your relative.
◊◊ One of the characters met you at a
◊◊ You hired one of the characters as an
assistant for a research project.
◊◊ One of the characters is your
lover. Take Relation +1 or +2
with them.
Decide the nature of three additional
Relations: One neutral
(0), one meaningful (+1), and
one vital (+2).

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