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Personal Assignment

Topic: The influences, Background, tradition of Johnannine literature

Subject: Jesus Tradition in the Johannine writing

Submitted By: Duanchuingam Gonmei – B.D IV (B)

Reflection from the reading above topic.

John gospel influences the Greek-Hellenistic gospel where their languages and their thought are from
the school of Greek philosophies thought. John’s concept of the word from the Greek ideas abstract
ideas of light and truth of the gospel of John (John 18:38) and the dualistic of the divine light/darkness.
John gospel was also influence by the Jew philosopher by the name Philo of Alexandria (20BCE- 50
CE). And also possible influence of the Gnosticism. We also understand that the original Christianity
was the Jews Christianity and symbolise by peter and that was oppose by gentile Christianity
symbolise by Paul and those two ideas got combined up into what we called Johannine literature. And
so we talk about this as law for Jews Christianity and grace for Paul Christianity and the law of love
for Johannine Christianity. John gospel may also be influence of mandaean and theirs writing where
about Jews stories and Gnostic stories and pulling them together or mixing it together we called it
Syncretism. All of these possible theories agree on the fact that John language and though did not
stand from the Palestinian though of Jesus what the synoptic gospel does. So from here we can
understand that john gospel is very much in the Greek philosophy. Its also influence the rabbinic
Judaism Literature that help us to understand the fourth gospel better: to say that Rabbinic Judaism
forms parts of John’s conception background is not farfetched. This leads us to study of the Qumran
revolution and John Johannine literature also possible Influence Samaritan background where
Samaitan focused on mosses with great attention. However, we cannot say that the Samaritan
background is the milieu of John. One would need to come up with more convicing of a Samaritan
background for John.

Own Reflection

In the gospel of John the scholars continue to riveted on the possible backgrounds of the vocabulary
and the though world of the Apostle John. Former generation of Scholars would rooted that
background for example, purely in Greek categories, like the mystery religions or Gnosticism or they
might root it. for example, in the Hellenistic Judaism says that the Platonism of Philo but more recent
scholars rightly think rather route to the background in Palestinian Judaism not unlike the community
that we associate with the Dead Sea Scrolls in fact the Dead Sea Scroll and the gospel of John have a
very similar perspective on eschatology. When we comes to the book of Revelation, one of the most
exciting areas of research for that book is to look at what we call the possibility that it’s an ex-phrases,
it is a narrative reading of art, or architecture. For example Revelation 17 is and ex-phrase, it’s really
portraits a narrative portraits of the day aroma coin which is minted in AD 71, both of them have very
similar portraits of Rome except. Of course John is more polemical so there is a lot of exciting
research going on with regard to the Johannian literature.
The Johannine Literature has an enduring significance for us. It comprise as so many beloved texts
from beloved disciple. It is important to recognise that the Old Testament imagery that is been use in
the gospel of John to convey the theological importance of Christ. And we see the love of Christ
clearly portraits in the Johannine literature.

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