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Data governance is a wide set of management and technical disciplines designed to ensure that an institution has
the right data available at the right time and that the data is accurate and in the correct format required to satisfy
specific business needs. Putting data into the context of an institution’s business needs requires understanding of
the business definition of specific data elements, the way those elements are used within specific business
processes across the enterprise, the individual systems or databases that house the elements, and any business
roles or transformations that occur on the data. This requires complete knowledge of both business and technical
metadata to provide a full view of the lineage and proper use of key data elements. An effective data governance
program should provide the answers to each of these questions, and many more.
1. What systems did the data come from and what upfront controls exist within those systems to
protect the quality and fidelity of the data?

2. Can the data be linked back to the first-line business processes to ensure that the right data
elements are being leveraged for transaction monitoring?

3. Is there data quality monitoring in place to flag issues such as incomplete transactional data or
material changes in volume?

4. Does similar data from different data sources actually mean the same thing throughout the

5. What processes do we want data to support?


6. What data is available to us?


7. What data is still needed?


8. What is an acceptable level of data quality, and who is ultimately responsible for ensuring the data
is delivered at that quality?

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9. How will we keep this data updated and respond to challenging systems and technology across
the organization?

10. Where does compliance fit in the technology hierarchy?


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