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for Enumerative Combinatorics, vol. 1, 2nd ed., 2012

version 10 June 2020

• page 5, line 9–. Insert “a” after “is”.

• page 23, line 6. Insert “a” after “is”.

• page 24, line 2. Change ci to c1 .

• page 34, line 15. It should be stated that for this second way, d + 1
cannot be inserted at the end even though d 6∈ D(w).

• page 38, line 18. Change “does” to “do”.

• page 40, line 15. The intent of the parenthetical comment was to write
the summation as
··· q g(4)+···+g(5) .
g(4)≥g(6) g(6)≥g(3) g(5)≥0

We are actually first summing on g(5) ≥ 0, then g(1) ≥ g(5), etc.

• page 40, line 4–. Insert m≥0 before w∈Sd .

• page 43, line 4. Change “relection” to “reflection”.

• page 43, line 14. Change i ≥ 0 to i ≥ 1.

• page 45, line 1. Change w to T (w).

• page 47, line 11. Change n ≥ 2 to n ≥ 1.

• page 49, lines 20–22. The two sentence beginning “Figure 1.10 . . . ”
and “Let f (n) denote . . . ” should be interchanged, since f (n) is used
in the first of these sentences but defined in the second.

• page 50 , line 4. Change “tree” to “trees”.

• page 53, line 1–. Change n to n − 1.

• page 54, line 8. Change “number” to “numbers”.

• page 62, equation (1.78). Change j ∈ Si to j ∈ Si .

• page 62, line 13–. Change Sj to Si .

• page 65, line 7. Change proposition to Proposition.

• page 66, line 13. Change F (0, q) to F (x, 0).

• page 68, line 17–. Change “k of the γi ’s to “k γi ’s”.

• page 71, line 2–. Change “then then” to “then the”.

• page 76, line 2. Change “x to −x” to “t to −x”.

• page 77, line 5–. Change “f (0), f (0)” to “f (0), f (1)”.

• page 85, Theorem 1.10.4, line 3. Change GL(n, q) to GL(m, q).

• page 85, Theorem 1.10.4, line 4. Change |λ(f )| · deg(f ) to m = |λ(f )| ·

deg(f )

• page 88, line 13–. Change vij to v1j .

• page 98, line 7. Change “in the monograph” to “is the monograph”.

• page 109, Exercise 35(b,c,d). For the history of these results, see Math-
Overflow 63561.

• page 112, Exercise 54(a), line 1. Change A(2n+1, n+1) to A(2n+1, n).

• page 112, Exercise 55, line 2. Delete “, respectively”, since maj(w r ) is

expressed in terms of both des(w) and maj(w).

• page 113, Exercise 1.58(a), line 2. Change “and” to “can”.

• page 115, Exercise 70(b), line 3. Change (1, 0) to (0, 1), and change
“i.e,” to “i.e.,”.

• page 120, Exercise 94, second bullet. Change “Then” to “The”.

• page 121, Exercise 96(c), line 3. Change to 4.1.1.

• page 123, Exercise 116(b), line 2. Change distribuiton to distribution.

• page 126, line 2. Change 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n to “1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n, excluding
(i, j) = (1, n),”.
2 2x
• page 126, Exercise 128(d), line 7. Change 1+x to 1+x .
• page 126, Exercise 129(a), line 3. Add k≥0 after n≥1 .

• page 132, Exercise 160(c), lines 2,3. Change ξ to ζ.

• page 136, line 1–. Change q n−1 to q k−1 .

• page 137, Exercise 184(a), line 5. Change “polynomials f (x) = β for

0 6= β ∈ Fq ” to “polynomial f (x) = 1”.

• page 139, Exercise 193, line 2. Change γn to γ(n).

• page 140, Exercise 199, line 4. The condition (only relevant in charac-
teristic 2) should be that A = −At and A has 0’s on the main diagonal.
Some people will take this to be the definition of “skew-symmetric,”
while others will call these matrices “alternating.”

• page 140, Exercise 198(b), last displayed equation. Change (q 2m−1 ) to

(q 2m−1 − 1) (twice).

• page 148, Exercise 56, line 3. Change = to ⊆.

• page 150, Exercise 22(b), line 6. Change x2i+1 to x2i−1 .

• page 156, line 2. Change Combinatorica to Combinatoria.

• page 163, Exercise 80. For the convoluted history of this result, see R.
Gilbert, A Fine rediscovery, Amer. Math. Monthly 122 (2015), 322–
331. In particular, the result is actually first due to N. J. Fine in 1959.

• page 166, Exercise 91(d), line 4. Replace this line with

(−1)n (xn − x−n−1 )q ( 2 ) .

• page 166, Exercise 92. This identity is actually due to I. Gessel and
D. Stanton, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 277 (1983), 173–201 (equations
(7.13) and (7.15)).
• page 169, Exercise 109(a), line 4. Change “is bijection” to “is a bijec-

• page 171, line 4. The index entries for these four names is missing.

• page 173, Exercise 129. Change the parts a and b to b and c.

• page 173, Exercise 134, line 2. Change the period after Petersen to a

• page 181, Exercise 164, line 1. Change x = 0 to y = 0.

• page 186, Exercise 164. Change the parts a and b to b and c.

• page 186, Exercise 185, line 6. Insert after =.

• page 190, Exercise 1.190(b), line 3. Replace this line with

ω ∗ (n, q) = q n − q m − q m−1 − q m−2 − · · · − q ⌊n/3⌋ + O(q ⌊n/3⌋−1 ).

• page 195, line 9–. Change “example” to “examples”.

• page 196, equation (2.5). Change Y ⊇ T to Y ⊇ ∅ or to just Y .

• page 198, line 2. This line should read:

function f= satisfies f= (T ) = f= (T ′ ) whenever #T = #T ′ . Thus also f≥ (T )

• page 199, line 11–. Change “i set” to “i-set”.

• page 199, line 3–. Change S − T to Sn − T .

• page 200, line 8. Change j ≥ i to j ≤ i.

• page 203, line 6. Insert ) before }.

• page 203, line 13. Change “nonatttacking” to “nonattacking”.

• page 203, line 4–. Change “is” to “in”.

• page 205, line 2–. Change n − k − 1 to n − k + 1.

• page 206, line 9. Change “suggest” to “suggests”.

• page 207, line 4–. Change x − s1 to x + s1 .

• page 208, line 10–. Change “a3 ’s” to “a3 3’s”.

• page 210, line 9. Insert “one for 121,” after “one for 112,”.

• page 210, line 9–. Insert = between d(n) and #Dn .

• page 212, line 9–. Change T ⊆ S to Y ⊆ S.

• page 216, line 5–. Insert ) after xγi .

• page 217, l. 14–. Change v to (x, y).

• page 217, l. 12–. Change v to (x, y).

• page 222, Exercise 10(b), lines 1 and 2. Change E(n)/n! to E(n)/nn


• page
P 227, line 3–. iOn the left-hand side of the formula, remove one
i≥0 and change y to t .

• page 229, Exercise 29(a), line 4. Change “partitions” to “composi-


• page 235, Exercise 10(b), line 9. Change E(n)/n! to E(n)/nn .

• page 237, Exercise 19. Change 2n−k k
to 2n−k 2n−k

• page 237, line 2–. Change second an−k+1 to an−k+2 .

• page 248, line 5–. Change “an” to “a”.

• page 249, Proposition 3.3.2, line 1. Change “condtions” to “condi-


• page 252, line 3. Insert “simple” before “matroids”.

• page 253, line 9–. In the definition of finitary distributive lattice, add
the condition that L has finitely many elements of each rank. (Thus
for instance the distributive lattice of all finite subsets of an infinite set
is locally finite with 0̂ but not finitary.)
• page 277, line 12–. Change dim(W ∪ W ′ ) to dim(W + W ′ ).

• page 283, lines 8– to 6–. Delete the sentence “Let Λt = {s ∈ L(A) : s ≤

t}, the principal order ideal generated by t.”

• page 284, line 3–. Delete “real” at the end of the line.

• page 284, line 2–. Insert “over K” after “arrangements”.

• page 285, line 9. Delete “#B1 = #B − 1 and”.

• page 285, line 11. Under the second Σ, change B1 ∈ A′′ to B1 ⊆ A′′

• page 291, line 10–. Change “sketch that” to “reference for”.

• page 303, Theorem 3.15.8. To be completely accurate, one should as-

sume that P 6= ∅.

• page 308, line 9. Change “an” to “and”.

• page 313, Figure 3.33. The poset P5 is drawn incorrectly.

• page 315, line 7. Change as − as+1 to as − as−1 (twice after the brace).

• page 317, after (3.80). The phrase “(since intervals of Eulerian posets
are Eulerian)” is unnecessary since the formulas under consideration
hold for any graded poset with 0̂ and 1̂.

• page 319, line 12–. Change Q1 ∗ Q2 ∗ · · · ∗ Qr to R1 ∗ R2 ∗ · · · ∗ Rr (since

Qi already has been given another meaning).

• page 319, line 11–. Change the first Qi to Ri .

• page 332, line 1–. Change γj−1 to γj−1 .

• page 332, bottom of page. Add the following paragraph:

The proof that (γj∗ )2 = 1 is completely analogous. It also follows from
the fact that γj2 = 1, since we can assume without loss of generality
that j = p − 1 and then apply the automorphism of G that sends each
τk to τp−k .

• page 334, line 4. Change zδ to zδp−1 .

d → KP
• page 336, line 11. Change ϕ : KP d to ϕ : KP → KP

• page 337, lines 14– to 11–. The sentence “For the algebraically minded
. . . formal power series.” is not correct. We first need to consider non-
commutative polynomials (not power series) and then pass to suitable
• page 342, line 6. Change (1 − q)2 to (1 − q) (in the denominator).
• page 345, line 4. Change ps−1 + ps to pj−1 + pj .
• page 345, line 13. Change A to A (boldface).
• p. 356, Exercise 15(g), line 3. Change 9655 to 11586.
• page 356, Exercise 16(b). Change the difficulty rating to [3] (or maybe
[3+]). See M. Guay-Paquet, A. H. Morales, and E. Rowland, DMTCS
proc. AS (FPSAC 2013 Paris) (2013), 253–264.
• page 360, Exercise 38. This exercise is incorrect for 1 < k < m, where
m is the maximum size of an antichain of P . A counterexample is given
by k = 2 and L = J(P ), where P = 1 + (1 ⊕ (1 + 1)). It is true that
#Pk = #Rk , even for modular lattices. See Exercise 3.101(d).
• page 360, Exercise 41(c,d). It is assumed that L is distributive.
• page 364, Exercise 55(b). The rating should be changed to [3–]. An ex-
ceptionally elegant proof was given by G. Stachowiak, Order 5 (1988),
257–259. Another elegant proof was given by B. Iriarte, arXiv:1405.4880.
Iriarte proves the more general result that if G is the comparability
graph of a poset P , then the number of linear extensions of (G, o) is
maximized when o respects the order P .
• page 374, Exercise 95. The stated identity is actually valid for the dual
Möbius algebra, where one uses the join operation rather than the meet.
The correct identity using the text definition of Möbius algebra is
!  
µ(t, 1̂)t = µ(u, 1̂)u ·  µ(v, 1̂)v  .
t∈L u≥z v∨z=1̂

• page 375, Exercise 98, line 3. Change ≤ to ≥.

• page 378, Exercise 114(a). The answer should be

(x − 1)(x − 2) · · · (x − n).


• page 379, Exercise 115(c), line 1. Change “0,1” to 0. (There are 2

• page 379, Exercise 116. The subscripts should not be in boldface.

• page 387, Exercise 3.139. The right-hand side of the displayed formula
should be 2x(1 + x)n−2 /(1 − x)n .

• page 390, Exercise 158(a), line 4. Change a. at beginning of line to i..

• page 390, Exercise 158(a), line 5. Change b. at beginning of line to ii..

• page 390, Exercise 158(c). Delete one of the periods at the end of the

• page 390, Exercise 158(d), line 2. Change “thats” to “that”.

• page 403, Exercise 189. Note. The result is also true for d odd, but
the proof is quite a bit easier.

• page 404, Exercise 198. It should be mentioned that butterfly posets

are also called “ladder posets,” since there is an index entry for “poset,

• page 405, line 8–. The notation f00 is not defined until the next sen-

• page 407, Exercise 205(b), line 2. Change 44605 to 44606 (private com-
munication from Patrick Byrnes, 21 February 2012). Byrnes originally
assumed that a vertex v could be covered by at most one singleton
(element covering only v), but there is exactly one example up to rank
9 where this property need not hold. Byrnes also computes that there
are 29,199,636 1-differential posets up to rank 10.

• page 408, Exercise 211, line 3. Change the numerator r 2 + (r + 1)q − q 2

to r 2 + r(r + 1)q − rq 2 .

• page 408, Exercise 215(c). Change the difficulty rating [5] to [3].
• page 415, Exercise 36(b). This example is incorrect. For instance,
{1, 2, 3} and {1, 2, 4, 5} have no meet.

• page 431, line 2–. Change 23 to 33.

• page 449, Exercise 163(a), line 3. Change 2eP (p − 1) − (p − 1)e(p) to

(2eP (p − 1) − (p − 1)e(P ))/p!.

• page 458, Exercise 185. Part f. should be k., and g. should be l.

• page 459, line 5–. Should be βP (4, 5, 6) = −1.

• page 465, line 7–. Change “degree j” to “degree j − 1”.

• page 468, Proposition 4.2.2, line 5. Change the period after Ef to a

• page 469, line 6–. Change n≥0 f (n) to n≥0 f (n)xn .

• page 511, line 18–. Change (v, bi ) to (v, i), 1 ≤ i ≤ k.

• page 522, Figure 4.29. The vertex labels should be 0 and 1, not 00 and

• page 528, Exercise 4.2, line 3. Change “over” to “in”.

• page 530, Exercise 4.12. Change 0.00010203050813213455 · · · to

0.0001010203050813213455 · · · , and change 1, 2, 3 to 1, 1, 2, 3.

• page 530, Exercise 4.14, line 2. Insert “relatively prime” after “choose
a, b”.

• page 531, Exercise 22, line 1. Change α ∈ C to 0 6= α ∈ C.

• page 532, Exercise 25(e), line 3. Change N1 (m) to N1 (2m − 1).

• page 532, Exercise 25(e), line 5. Change N1 (m) to N1 (q m − 1) and

N−1 (m) to N−1 (q m − 1).

• page 532, Exercise 25(e), line 8. Change N1 (m) to N(2m − 1).

• page 532, Exercise 25(e), line 10. Change N1 (m) to N1 (2m − 1).

• page 533, line 2. Change N1 (m) to N1 (2m − 1).

• page 533, line 5. Change N1 (m) to N1 (2m − 1).
• page 533, line 7. Change N1 (m) to N1 (3m − 1).
• page 533, line 8. Change N2 (m) to N2 (3m − 1).
• page 533, line 10. Change N1 (m) to N1 (3m − 1).
• page 533, line 11. Change N2 (m) to N2 (3m − 1).
• page 539, Exercise 47, line 1–. Change to 1.8.6.
• page 542, line 4. Change n × n to (n + 1) × (n + 1).
• page 542, line 10. Delete ) after u6 .
• page 546, Exercise 4.75(d). Change the difficulty rating to [3–]. A
combinatorial proof (though not a simple bijection) was found by Jacob
Scott, private communication dated September 2, 2012.
• page 548, Exercise 2(a), line 6. The assertion “Clearly, we can write
f (x) = P (x)/Q(x) for some relatively prime integer polynomials P and
Q.” is not so clear. One must show that if F (x) ∈ Q[[x]] and F (x) =
R(x)/S(x) where R, S ∈ C[x], then one can write F (x) = P (x)/Q(x)
where P, Q ∈ Q[x]. This statement does have a fairly simple proof,
which we leave as an exercise.
2 2
• page 549, line 1–. Change xm to xn .
• page 552, Exercise 14. The smallest known pair (a, b) seems to be
a = 106276436867 = 31 · 3128272157
b = 35256392432 = 24 · 2203524527
due to M. Vsemirnov, J. Integer Seq. 7 (2004), article 04.3.7.
• page 557, line 4–. Change xℓ to xl .
• page 558, line 1. Delete comma after Wochenschrift.
• page 558, Exercise 43. The sequence t(3), t(4), . . . is known as Alcuin’s
sequence, after Alcuin of York (730s or 740s – 19 May 804). For a
survey see D. J. Bindner and M. Erickson, Amer. Math. Monthly 119
(2012), 115–121.
• page 560, Exercise 46(b), line 1. Delete the first “many”.

• page 560, Exercise 46(b), line 2. Change f (n+1), f (n+2), . . . , f (n+d)

to “(f (n + 1), f (n + 2), . . . , f (n + d)) for fixed d”.

• page 564, Exercise 58(f), line 1. Change “order polynomials” to “Ehrhart


• page 567, Exercise 75(c), line 1. Delete “directed”.

• page 569, Exercise 80, displayed equation, line 1. Change vi′ y to vi y.

• page 571, line 3. Change “chose” to “chosen”.

• page 578. The following item is missing: First edition—Supplementary

Exercise 1.7 = Second edition—Exercise 1.114(b).

• page 579. The following three items are missing: First edition—Supplementary
Exercise 3.19 = Second edition—Exercise 3.44; First edition—Supplementary
Exercise 3.10 = Second edition—Exercise 3.63; and First edition—
Supplementary Exercise 3.17 = Second edition—Exercise 3.189.

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