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SPINE Volume 26, Number 24S, pp S27–S30

©2001, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Critical Care of Spinal Cord Injury

Perry A. Ball, MD

The loss of the contribution of the abdominal muscles to

Study Design. Review article. expiration results in a similar decrease in the maximal
Objectives. To review the pathophysiology and man- expiratory force and thus a decreased ability to cough
agement of the pulmonary and hemodynamic derange-
ments that occur after acute spinal cord injury.
and clear secretions.23
Summary of Background Data. Acute spinal cord in- As spinal shock resolves and the paralysis of the inter-
jury is often associated with alterations in pulmonary and costal muscles becomes spastic, the chest wall becomes
cardiovascular function that require treatment in the in- rigid and no longer collapses with inspiration. There is a
tensive care unit. resulting improvement in ventilatory function. This im-
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Methods. Review of published reports.

provement is mostly in inspiratory function, and by 5
Results/Conclusion. Careful attention to the support of
the pulmonary and cardiovascular systems can reduce months after injury the forced vital capacity and maxi-
the morbidity associated with acute spinal cord injury. mal inspiratory force are about 60% of predicted prein-
Pulmonary function decreases markedly in the immediate jury levels.20,23 The maximum expiratory force is 33%
postinjury period but improves in the subsequent weeks, of the preinjury level.23
allowing most patients with injury levels at C4 and below
to be weaned from ventilatory support. Bradycardia and
hypotension often accompany acute spinal cord injury, Intubation
and management strategies are reviewed. The prophy-
The altered ventilatory mechanics in the acute phase that
laxis and diagnosis of thromboembolic disease are
reviewed. [Key words: spinal cord injury, mechanical ven- result in shallow breaths can be compensated initially by
tilation, shock, thromboembolic disease] Spine 2001;26: an increase in the respiratory rate. The initial arterial
S27–S30 blood gas is thus often normal or shows a mild hypox-
emia.23 Rapid, shallow breathing, however, is quite in-
efficient. This is because with shallow breathing there is
Acute spinal cord injury (SCI) is often associated with still the need to move air in the dead space of the trachea
alterations in cardiopulmonary function that require and bronchi so that a larger percentage of each breath
management in the intensive care unit. Knowledge of the does not participate in gas exchange. The shallow
pathophysiology of these derangements is crucial for breaths also promote a cascade of atelectasis whereby it
their successful management. becomes progressively difficult to inflate the lungs, espe-
Respiration cially in the face of diminished inspiratory force.
The decision making in proceeding with intubation
The process of inspiration involves contraction of the involves some degree of judgment. About one third of
diaphragm and the internal intercostal muscles that al- patients with cervical injuries will require intubation,
low the chest cavity to expand. At high levels of ventila- and the large percentage of these will require intubation
tory activity the accessory muscles are recruited to aid in within the first 24 hours after injury.9 Careful monitor-
this process. Expiration is largely passive but can be aug- ing to look for signs of fatigue can help guide the deci-
mented by the forceful contraction of the muscles of the sion. Serial measurement of vital capacity can be done at
abdominal wall. the bedside; if this value progressively declines or is ⬍1 L,
The diaphragm is supplied by the C3–C5 segments this should cause concern as should a rising respiratory
and so that injury above this level results in apnea and rate or PCO2. In general, it is best to proceed with intu-
the need for immediate ventilatory support. With injuries bation under controlled circumstances rather than wait-
at C5 and below, the function of the diaphragm is pre- ing until it becomes an emergency.
served, but ventilation is substantially compromised. Once the decision has been made to proceed with in-
The intercostal muscles are supplied by the thoracic seg- tubation, it is clearly preferable that, if at all possible,
ments, and in the acute period of injury there is flaccid practitioners who have considerable experience in air-
paralysis of these muscles. As the diaphragm contracts way management should perform or supervise the pro-
and descends, the chest wall contracts rather than ex- cedure. Two large series have demonstrated the safety of
pands. The resulting loss of ventilatory function is strik- the use of orotracheal intubation with manual in-line
ing: the forced vital capacity and maximal inspiratory traction in the setting of acute cervical injury.11,26 Con-
force are acutely decreased by about 70%.20,23 This re- trol of the airway is often facilitated by the use of phar-
sults in a breathing pattern consisting of shallow breaths. macologic paralysis. Succinylcholine is an excellent
agent because of its rapid onset and short half-life. How-
From the Departments of Surgery and Anesthesiology, Dartmouth- ever, it should not be used in the setting of spinal cord
Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, New Hampshire.
Device status category: 1. injuries of ⬎4 days duration because of the risk of pre-
Conflict of interest category: 12. cipitating hyperkalemia.19

S28 Spine • Volume 26 • Number 24S • 2001

Pneumonia may be appropriate to begin weaning are a rise in the

forced vital capacity, resolution of any pulmonary infec-
Respiratory complications are a leading cause of death in
tion, an inspired oxygen fraction of ⬍50%, and a minute
patients with SCI, and the majority of these are due to
ventilation ⬍10 L. Although the time course for this to
pneumonia.1,5,6 Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP)
occur varies, it is ⬎2 weeks before weaning can begin in
is a consequence of intubation and mechanical ventila-
tion; the risk of its occurrence increases by 1–3% per day more than half of patients.9
of intubation.3,9 VAP that occurs in the first 4 days of Although there has been a trend toward early surgical
intubation is usually caused by Streptococcus pneu- stabilization to allow for mobilization, it must be noted
moniae or Hemophilus influenza. VAP that occurs after that quadriplegics have better pulmonary mechanics in
4 days is usually the result of gram-negative bacilli, es- the supine position than when upright.7,10 The explana-
pecially Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Staphylococcus au- tion for this paradoxical association to positioning is
reus. The mortality attributed to VAP has been reported that when quadriplegics are placed in the upright posi-
to be 27% overall and 43% in cases due to P. tion, the paralyzed abdominal musculature allows the
aeruginosa.8 abdominal contents to descend and overdistend the dia-
Effective treatment of VAP is dependent on accurate phragm to an inefficient starting position for contraction.
diagnosis, but this can be a difficult diagnosis to establish If quadriplegics are returned to the supine position, the
with certainty. The presence of alveolar infiltrates or air abdominal contents push the diaphragm into a more ef-
bronchograms on chest radiographs have a high sensitiv- ficient position for contraction. The use of abdominal
ity but a low specificity. Fever and leukocytosis are com- binders can partially offset the decline in pulmonary
mon in critically ill patients and can be due to infections function in the upright position.10
other than pneumonia or numerous noninfectious A variety of ventilator strategies may be used as part
causes. Intubated patients will often have copious of the weaning process including T-piece trials, continu-
amounts of pulmonary secretions. There has been con- ous positive airway support, and pressure support, but it
siderable controversy about the relative accuracy of cul- is not clear that one is superior or allows more rapid
tures obtained by qualitative methods such as tracheal ventilator independence.9,22 The use of pressure support
suctioning or quantitative methods such as bronchos- ventilation has become more common in recent years,
copy. If the diagnosis of VAP is missed or delayed, seri- allowing for slow titration of the amount of ventilatory
ous consequences may ensue. If antibiotics are given in support.
the absence of pneumonia, the selection of resistant or- There are some clear advantages to tracheostomy in
ganisms is risked. In an attempt to help clarify these patients undergoing prolonged mechanical ventilation.
issues, the American College of Chest Physicians recently Tracheostomy is usually more comfortable for the pa-
convened an expert panel to establish recommendations tient as the irritation of the endotracheal tube against the
for the diagnosis of VAP. The recommendations of this posterior pharyngeal wall is eliminated. There is less
panel were that at least two of the following clinical signs dead space ventilation with tracheostomy, and in pa-
should be present for the diagnosis of VAP to be consid- tients with marginal pulmonary mechanics this can be
ered: temperature ⬎38 C or ⬍36 C, leukocytosis or leu-
important. There is some evidence that the use of early
kopenia, purulent secretions, and hypoxemia. If the chest
tracheostomy may be associated with lower rates of
radiograph demonstrates alveolar infiltrates or air bron-
pneumonia in trauma patients.25 Furthermore, it is pos-
chograms, then a strategy to select an antibiotic could be
sible to allow for periods of mechanical ventilatory sup-
based on the results of sampling of tracheal secretions.
The panel determined that there was insufficient evidence port to alternate with spontaneous breathing without
to favor a quantitative over a qualitative method of iden- having to manipulate the airway. However, tracheos-
tification of pathogens.15 tomy carries surgical risks such as bleeding, infection,
Antibiotics chosen should cover the suspected organ- and tracheal injury. A concern is that the site of trache-
isms until final culture results are available. If P. aerugi- ostomy is proximate to the incision site commonly used
nosa is suspected, double coverage with an antipseudo- for anterior cervical stabilization, and the period of time
monal ␤ -lactam agent and an aminoglycoside is that should separate these procedures to allow healing of
appropriate to help prevent the development of tissue planes is unclear but 2 weeks is often used.
resistance. The use and timing of tracheostomy must therefore be
individualized based on an estimate of the length of time
ventilatory support will be required and what type of
Weaning From Mechanical Ventilation surgical stabilization is planned. Respiratory failure is
There is a steady improvement in ventilatory mechanics more common in complete versus incomplete injuries,2
over the weeks following SCI as the chest wall becomes and the average length of time of ventilator dependence
spastic, and this allows for the large percentage of pa- is strongly related to the level of injury: 65 days for pa-
tients with C4 levels of injury and below to be weaned tients with C1–C4 levels, 22 days in patients with C5–C8
from mechanical ventilation.30 The indications that it levels, and 12 days for patients with thoracic injuries.17
Critical Care • Ball S29

Table 1. Vasoactive Agents rine, to counter the loss of sympathetic tone and provide
chronotropic support to the heart (Table 1). An agent
Agent Common Dosage Ranges Comments
with purely ␣-adrenergic action such a phenylephrine
Dopamine 1–10 Has primarily ␣-adrenergic does not provide the needed chronotropic influence to
(␮g/kg/min) effects at low doses and the heart.
primarily ␤-adrenergic The resolution of shock and restitution of tissue per-
effects at higher doses; a
commonly used agent in fusion is a clear goal: this can be demonstrated by ade-
SCI quate urine output, resolution of systemic acidosis, and
Dobutamine 5–15 Most prominent effect is normal mentation. The blood pressure and cardiac out-
(␮g/kg/min) augmentation of cardiac
performance but may put that will achieve this will vary from patient to
lower systemic blood patient.
pressure so generally a The appropriate end point for spinal cord perfusion is
less useful agent in SCI
Epinephrine 1–8 Both ␣- and ␤-adrenergic less clear. Given that there is evidence for ischemic and
(␮g/min) effects, may promote vascular factors on secondary SCI, the appropriate blood
arrythmias pressure to perfuse the injured spinal cord is an impor-
Norepinephrine 1–20 Has some ␣-adrenergic but
(␮g/min) predominately ␤- tant question. Unfortunately, there is little information
adrenergic effects; a on this subject and no clear way to measure spinal cord
useful agent for blood perfusion. Vale et al treated a series of patients with acute
pressure support,
especially in cervical and SCI with fluid and vasopressors to achieve a mean arte-
high thoracic SCI rial pressure of 85 mm Hg for a minimum of 7 days and
Phenylephrine 10–100 Exclusively ␤-adrenergic reported favorable neurologic outcomes.27 In this un-
(␮g/min) agent; should be used
with caution in cervical controlled series the mean arterial pressure chosen was
SCI because of potential arbitrary and the optimal value is unknown.
for reflex bradycardia

Thromboembolic Disease
Hemodynamic Instability
Patients with spine and spinal cord injuries are clearly at
Acute SCIs, especially those occurring in the cervical re- high risk for venous thromboembolism. A recent meta-
gion, are often associated with hemodynamic instability. analysis of risk factors for the development of venous
This is because of interruption of the sympathetic fibers thromboembolism in trauma patients demonstrated that
that exit the spinal cord in the thoracic region and con- spine fractures increased the risk by twofold and that SCI
sequent unopposed parasympathetic outflow, which can increased the risk by threefold. Conversely, no such as-
result in cardiac arrhythmias and hypotension. sociation could be clearly demonstrated for the widely
The most common arrhythmia seen is bradycardia, assumed risk factors of head injury, pelvic fracture, and
although supraventricular tachycardia and ventricular long bone fracture.29
tachycardia can also be seen. Arrhythmias appear to be Given this substantial risk, there is a clear logic to
most common within the first 14 days after injury and begin prophylaxis in the acute phase in the intensive care
are more common and more severe in more severe unit. The methods available for prophylaxis are mechan-
injuries.21 ical devices, such as external pneumatic compression de-
The hypotension seen is due to loss of vasoconstrictor vices or compression stockings, and anticoagulants, such
tone in the peripheral arterioles and subsequent pooling as heparin, low molecular weight heparin, or warfarin.
of blood in the peripheral vasculature. The first line of Mechanical devices carry no clear risk but are not on
treatment for this is volume resuscitation. If the infusion their own sufficient prophylaxis in patients with spinal
of 1–2 L of intravenous fluid fails to bring the blood injury.14 Anticoagulants are effective in preventing ve-
pressure into the normal range, consideration should be nous thromboembolism in patients with spinal injuries
given to the placement of a pulmonary artery catheter. but carry the risk of bleeding.
The problem that can arise is that as extra volume is There is often reluctance to start anticoagulants
infused and the venous return increases, there needs to be acutely in the setting of a spinal fracture because of con-
an increase in cardiac output. Because the cardiac accel- cern for promoting bleeding at the injury site or the need
erator fibers have often been interrupted in cervical and for surgery. Studies of patients with spinal injuries have
upper thoracic lesions, the heart is not able to increase shown that without prophylaxis the risk of the develop-
the cardiac output by increasing the heart rate but must ment of deep vein thrombosis is quite low in the first 72
rely on an increased stroke volume that may not be at- hours after injury.14 In this initial period the use of me-
tainable. A pulmonary artery catheter allows the periph- chanical devices is a safe option. After this period me-
eral resistance and cardiac output to be measured di- chanical devices can be continued, but consideration
rectly and vasopressor therapy guided. The choice of a should be made of starting anticoagulation. Standard
vasopressor should be an agent that has both ␣- and mini-dose heparin twice a day does not appear to provide
␤-adrenergic actions, such as dopamine or norepineph- adequate prophylaxis in patients with spinal injuries.24
S30 Spine • Volume 26 • Number 24S • 2001

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