2020-07-17 Current Year 9 - Arrangements For The Return To School

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17 July 2020

Dear Parent/Carer,

Arrangements for the Return to School – Current Year 9

I do hope that you and your families remain safe and well.

This has been a challenging period of time for us all and certainly a demanding time to be in
education. I must acknowledge the incredible work of the staff who reacted so quickly to the
changes that were needed to provide continuity of learning during this pandemic.

My colleagues have been totally committed to the students whether this is by providing remote
learning experiences; enrichment activities; the delivery of laptops and learning materials; or
through their pastoral care. They have kept in touch with each individual student through the
assemblies, communications and weekly telephone calls. In addition, many staff have been on
site supporting the children of key workers and some of our boys who needed to be in school for
further support.

Some events have continued, albeit virtually, and if you attended the Virtual Summer Arts Festival
last week you will have enjoyed the many outstanding contributions from the students (past and
present) and the staff.

My thanks also to you for your support during these times. I am very grateful to you for working
with us to do the best for your children. I am grateful too for the many messages of thanks that
my colleagues and I have received throughout our partial closure.

Planning for a Full Return to School

The government published a 35-page guidance paper recently regarding the full return of all
students to school in September. Like all schools, we have been digesting this advice and
endeavouring to turn the guidance into a workable plan.

For the past few weeks we have had Year 10 and Year 12 students in school on a rotation basis
and it has been great to see them back in class. They have been totally respectful of our new
safety protocols and this has given us the opportunity to ensure that we can operate safely whilst
planning for the safe return of all students in September.

End of Summer Term 2020

The end of this term is Friday 17 July, and the teaching staff will continue to set work right up to
the end of period 5 on Friday. Please do ensure that your son/ward completes all of the work
ahead of the summer break. Well done to him if he has managed to keep working throughout this
difficult period and thanks to you for supporting his work.

Due to the nature of remote working, we will not be issuing an end-of-year report. However, we
have monitored evidence of work completed and will use this to inform planning for next term.

Continued on next page…

Enrichment Programme

The enrichment activities have been updated and will be available to our students throughout the
summer on the school website. You can access them here.

In addition, all of our students can now use our new and extensive online reading platform here
where over 1,500 books can be accessed. Please feel free to visit this site and encourage your
son/ward to enjoy the facility.

Start of the Autumn Term 2020

Due to the pandemic and the new requirements on schools, we have made some changes to the
original dates that were set for the start of term. We have planned a longer staff training
programme to ensure that every member of staff is fully briefed on all aspects of our risk
assessment and our new procedures, and that they are ready to welcome students back to

We are also going to run a safety briefing for each year group ahead of the full return to school.
For our new Year 10 students this will take place on: Monday 7 September from 2.00 – 3.00 pm.

Students should arrive at school between 1.45pm and 2.00pm in full school uniform. They will
not need to bring any equipment for this session. The students need to arrive via the gates on
Ridgeway Road where they will be welcomed by a member of staff and directed to the briefing
area. Please do encourage your son/ward to walk or cycle to school, in-line with the guidance
from government. If they need to use public transport, they must use a face covering.

Our new Year 7 students are having an extended induction at the start of term and to
accommodate this, your son/ward will return to school on: Wednesday 9 September at 9.25 am.
Due to the staggered arrival and departure of students the school day for Year 10 will run from
9.25 am to 3.50 pm for the start of the academic year and until a return to a normal timetable.

I appreciate that these are different to the original dates and times that were planned but I do
consider it vital to ensure that all members of our community and the school site are fully ready
for the safe return of students to school.

The Curriculum

You may well have read in the press the suggestion from the government that some subjects
may be removed from the curriculum, in order spend more time focusing on core subjects. We
firmly believe in a broad and balanced curriculum and whilst there will be some adaptations to
our lessons, as we reintroduce our students to school, our fundamental commitment to a full
curriculum for our students remains in place.

Our desire is to see learning return to normal as soon as possible. We appreciate that students
have been out of school for many weeks, so we will make sure we look after your boys as they
get back into the normal rhythm of school.

Continued on next page…

Part of this caring and compassionate approach includes our plan to embed Personal, Social,
Health and Economic (PSHE) education within the curriculum. These lessons are part of the all-
round education to which your son/ward is exposed. PSHE is the curriculum subject that gives
young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live safe, healthy,
productive lives. Parents/carers have already received our consultation survey on the delivery
of this subject.

£725,000 Improvement Bid Successful

You may have seen that our bid for funds to increase the space for dining, to refurbish the kitchen,
install a Sixth Form study area and provide new drama and music suites, has been successful.
We are delighted to have secured these funds which will greatly enhance our estate. We hope
that work can begin in August and we will keep you updated with developments. Read more
information on the school website here.

The School Shop, Uniform and Stationery

Our shop is fully stocked with school uniform, PE & Games kit, equipment and stationery. The
shop will be open during the summer and we will be sending a separate communication to you
so that you can book a timeslot to come into school to make your purchases. In advance of this,
you can view the items for sale on the school website here.

Because of the pandemic, it is even more important that every student has their own set of
equipment for learning. You will be able to buy a basic set from the school shop and we will be
checking that students are properly equipped at the start of term. Please do make this a priority
ahead of the return to school.

Further Communications through the Summer

You will realise that we still have a great deal of work to do this summer ahead of next term. So
that you remain informed, there will be a series of communications throughout the summer break.
The communications will include a guide to the safety measures that are in place in school.
Please do watch out for further information by email, on the Twitter feed and on the school

My colleagues and I cannot wait for the start of next term and we very much look forward to
welcoming your son/ward back to school in person. In the meantime, thank you for your continued
support and I wish you all a very good summer.

Yours sincerely,

Euan Ferguson

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