MODULE Quarter 2 Week 1 (Use Context Clues To Find Meaning of Unfamiliar Words)

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Name ______________________________ Date ______________

Grade & Section ___________________

MODULE Grade 4 Competency 7 Quarter 1

Use context clues to find meaning of unfamiliar words: definition, exemplification

I. Let us answer the following.

REMINDER: The learner may need the help or assistance of someone in the family
(parent/guardian or older siblings) who may read, explain, illustrate the instructions and
explain the discussions in each activity. If the instructions have been made clear, the
learner should work independently on the activities.

Activity 1 – Complete the table.

Write the prefix, root word and suffix of each word in the correct box. Not all words will
have each part.

Prefix Root Word Suffix

1. tallest
2. unhappy
3. preschool
4. disappear
5. younger
6. homeless
7. misspoke
8. ungrateful
9. replay
10. worthless

Activity 2 – Choose the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence from the
1. It certainly was tranquil listening to the ocean waves and birds chirping.
a. annoying b. disturbing c. peaceful

2. We all had sorrowful looks on our face as one of our best friends waved goodbye
for the last time.
a. joyful b. sad c. delighted

3. I was content after eating that delicious meal and tasty dessert.
a. satisfied b. happy c. depressed
4. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was determined to bring equality and fairness to all
men and women, regardless of the color of skin.
a. strongly motivated b. undriven c. unmotivated

After answering, try to find the correct meaning of the words in your dictionary and find
out if your answers are correct or not.

II. What You Need to Know

(Reminder: This should be done with the assistance of an able parent, guardian or

Did you answer the previous activity correctly? If yes, you already have what it
takes to know the meaning of words without looking in the dictionary. If no, do not
worry. We’ll take you both on a learning adventure.

Before anything else, let me tell you something about context clues.

Now, what are context clues, you say? Context clues are hints that the author
gives to define a difficult or unusual word.

The clue may appear within the same sentence as the word to which it refers, or it
may follow in the next sentence.

Because most of your vocabulary is gained through reading, it is important that

you be able to recognize and take advantage of context clues.

Using context means to figure out what words mean by how they are used in the
sentence or paragraph where they appear.

There are several context clues you can use to help you figure out unfamiliar

Author often use punctuation clues to help the reader. Punctuation clues might
include commas, dashes and parentheses.


Mary retained, kept the deed to her mother’s house.

I wonder if that fruit is edible, able to be eaten.

Types of Context Clues

There are at least four kinds of context clues that are quite common: definition,
exemplification, synonyms and antonyms.
Let us first focus on the first two kinds: Definition and Exemplification.

A. Definition. Sometimes the meaning of a word or phrase is explained immediately

following its use.

Etymology, which is the study of the origin of words, finds many teachers taking
the bull by its horns when unraveling the mysteries of vocabulary studies.

A biographer, or one who writes about people’s lives, is an example of an


Acrophobia, or fear of heights, can make life difficult for tightrope walkers who
suffer from it.
“fear of heights”

Bibliographies are often placed at the end of a chapter or textbook to list books in
which you may find more information.

Bibliographies are:
a. List of books?
b. List of chapters?
c. List of words?
d. List of authors?

B. Example. Writers use words like such as, for instance and for example to
indicate example.


The student was suffering from anxiety. For example, when he first saw
the test, he began to tremble.

Old Mr. Santos was quite spry for his age. Daily he walked several blocks
to buy a newspaper, and I often see him working in the garden.

Which words or phrases might help you figure out what spry means?

Daily he walked several blocks.

Working in his garden.

Mario put on a heavy coat, a cotton scarf, several pairs of socks inside his
boots, and fur-lined gloves to protect himself from the frigid weather.

Frigid means:

a. Very dry
b. Very hot
c. Very wet
d. Very cold
e. Very old

Activity 1. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Using Example clue, find the meaning of the
underlined words. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Projectiles include those items that are shot forward such as a cannon shell, bullet,
or rocket.
a. things put down
b. things shot forward
c. things hurt
d. things broken

2. The professor was a favorite among the students at the college. His sagacity was
helpful to them as they pursued their degrees. The professor was known to use his
experience, insight, and common sense to help students pursue their education.
a. silliness
b. thoughtlessness
c. wisdom
d. negligence

3. Famous conquistadors include Cortes, who conquered Aztec Mexico and Pizarro,
who conquered Inca Peru.
a. geographers
b. losers
c. victims
d. conquerors

4. A sleuth, such as Sherlock Holmes, can be very helpful in solving crimes.

a. senior citizen
b. man
c. pilot
d. detective
5. Joseph was a good at many sports. He excelled in swimming, running,
horsemanship, fencing, and target shooting. He decided to compete in the
pentathlon rather than having to choose one of the events.
a. competition with two events
b. competition with five events
c. competition with eight events
d. competition with ten events

Activity 2. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Using Definition clue, find the meaning of the
underlined words. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Katie appeared infallible in math class because she had never gotten a problem
a. never wrong
b. mistaken
c. wrong
d. incorrect

2. The tornado annihilated the whole town to the point that nothing was left
a. destroyed
b. saved
c. created
d. constructed

3. We could tell by the rotten smell, that something putrid was in our trash can.
a. ample
b. alive
c. rotten
d. appealing

4. Stephen felt elated when she won the race.

a. sick
b. miserable
c. tired
d. happy

5. The insidious burglar was able to sneak into the house without being heard or
a. strong
b. loud
c. clumsy
d. sneaky

Activity 3. Matching Type. Read the sentences on Column A. Match the underlined
word to its meaning on Column B by connecting them with a line.

Column A Column B
1. Julie bought a gift for her mom   verse
at a cart in the mall. The kiosk
sells special chocolate candies.
2. I ate a portion of everything on   healthy
my plate when I ate a small
piece of meat, a small piece of
bread, and a small piece of
chocolate pie.
3. Birds that migrate, such as   to move
some ducks and geese, leave
their home in the winter.
4. There are many forms of   rain
transportation, such as a bus, a
car, or a train, that can get you
to the zoo.
5. A limerick is a fun way to use   piece
words. You can make up
poems, rhymes, and songs.
6. Precipitation, such as rain and   cart
snow, falls from the sky.
7. Our country's highest   elected person
politician, the president, has
the job of making sure our
country stays safe.
8. Nutritious foods, such as fruits   system for moving
and vegetables, help our people or things
bodies grow.

Activity 4. READING COMPREHENSION. As you read the story, pay attention to

the underlined words, and any hints you might find about the meanings of these words.
The Water Cycle
You can’t see it, but the water cycle is always in motion on the earth. This
series of events goes round and round, again and again, providing clean, fresh water
for the land and seas.
As water goes through this cycle, it is sometimes solid ice, sometimes liquid
water, and sometimes a gas called water vapor.
The energy that drives the water cycle is heat. When heat is added to ice, the
ice melts into water. When heat is added to water, it evaporates, turning from liquid
into gas. When heat is taken away from water vapor, it condenses, turning from gas
into liquid. When heat is taken away from water, it freezes, turning from liquid to
The heat from the sun warms the water in oceans and rivers. The water
changes into water vapor that rises into the air. High above the earth, the water vapor
cools and becomes tiny particles of water that create clouds. As the clouds gather
more and more particles of water, the water falls as rain or snow, which are two forms
of precipitation. This precipitation is absorbed in the ground or is added to the water
in oceans, lakes, and rivers. The cycle is always, constantly, in process, everywhere in
the world.

Select which context clues give a hint to the meaning of each of these
1. cycle
a. can’t see it
b. on the earth
c. series of events goes round and round

2. vapor
a. through this cycle
b. a gas
c. liquid water

3. evaporate
a. heat is added to water
b. heat is taken away
c. turning from liquid into gas

4. condense
a. turning from gas into liquid
b. it freezes
c. turning from liquid to solid

5. particle
a. tiny
b. create
c. becomes

6. precipitation
a. particles of water
b. rain or snow
c. absorbed in the ground

7. What context clue gives you a hint to the meaning of the word“constantly”?


Prepared by:

Teacher I
Lapsing Elementary School
Moncada North District
Answer key:

Activity 1. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Using Example clue, find the meaning of the
underlined words. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Projectiles include those items that are shot forward such as a cannon shell, bullet,
or rocket.
a. things put down
b. things shot forward
c. things hurt
d. things broken

2. The professor was a favorite among the students at the college. His sagacity was
helpful to them as they pursued their degrees. The professor was known to use his
experience, insight, and common sense to help students pursue their education.
a. silliness
b. thoughtlessness
c. wisdom
d. negligence

3. Famous conquistadors include Cortes, who conquered Aztec Mexico and Pizarro,
who conquered Inca Peru.
a. geographers
b. losers
c. victims
d. conquerors

4. A sleuth, such as Sherlock Holmes, can be very helpful in solving crimes.

a. senior citizen
b. man
c. pilot
d. detective
5. Joseph was a good at many sports. He excelled in swimming, running,
horsemanship, fencing, and target shooting. He decided to compete in the
pentathlon rather than having to choose one of the events.
a. competition with two events
b. competition with five events
c. competition with eight events
d. competition with ten events

Activity 2. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Using Definition clue, find the meaning of the
underlined words. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Katie appeared infallible in math class because she had never gotten a problem
a. never wrong
b. mistaken
c. wrong
d. incorrect

2. The tornado annihilated the whole town to the point that nothing was left
a. destroyed
b. saved
c. created
d. constructed

3. We could tell by the rotten smell, that something putrid was in our trash can.
a. ample
b. alive
c. rotten
d. appealing

4. Stephen felt elated when she won the race.

a. sick
b. miserable
c. tired
d. happy

5. The insidious burglar was able to sneak into the house without being heard or
a. strong
b. loud
c. clumsy
d. sneaky

Activity 3. Matching Type. Read the sentences on Column A. Match the underlined
word to its meaning on Column B by connecting them with a line.

Column A Column B
1. Julie bought a gift for her mom   verse
at a cart in the mall. The kiosk
sells special chocolate candies.
2. I ate a portion of everything on   healthy
my plate when I ate a small
piece of meat, a small piece of
bread, and a small piece of
chocolate pie.
3. Birds that migrate, such as   to move
some ducks and geese, leave
their home in the winter.
4. There are many forms of   rain
transportation, such as a bus, a
car, or a train, that can get you
to the zoo.
5. A limerick is a fun way to use   piece
words. You can make up
poems, rhymes, and songs.
6. Precipitation, such as rain and   cart
snow, falls from the sky.
7. Our country's highest   elected person
politician, the president, has
the job of making sure our
country stays safe.
8. Nutritious foods, such as fruits   system for moving
and vegetables, help our people or things
bodies grow.

Activity 4. READING COMPREHENSION. As you read the story, pay attention to

the underlined words, and any hints you might find about the meanings of these words.
The Water Cycle
You can’t see it, but the water cycle is always in motion on the earth. This
series of events goes round and round, again and again, providing clean, fresh water
for the land and seas.
As water goes through this cycle, it is sometimes solid ice, sometimes liquid
water, and sometimes a gas called water vapor.
The energy that drives the water cycle is heat. When heat is added to ice, the
ice melts into water. When heat is added to water, it evaporates, turning from liquid
into gas. When heat is taken away from water vapor, it condenses, turning from gas
into liquid. When heat is taken away from water, it freezes, turning from liquid to
The heat from the sun warms the water in oceans and rivers. The water
changes into water vapor that rises into the air. High above the earth, the water vapor
cools and becomes tiny particles of water that create clouds. As the clouds gather
more and more particles of water, the water falls as rain or snow, which are two forms
of precipitation. This precipitation is absorbed in the ground or is added to the water
in oceans, lakes, and rivers. The cycle is always, constantly, in process, everywhere in
the world.

Select which context clues give a hint to the meaning of each of these
1. cycle
a. can’t see it
b. on the earth
c. series of events goes round and round

2. vapor
a. through this cycle
b. a gas
c. liquid water

3. evaporate
a. heat is added to water
b. heat is taken away
c. turning from liquid into gas

4. condense
a. turning from gas into liquid
b. it freezes
c. turning from liquid to solid

5. particle
a. tiny
b. create
c. becomes

6. precipitation
a. particles of water
b. rain or snow
c. absorbed in the ground

7. What context clue gives you a hint to the meaning of the word“constantly”?

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