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Singapore Management University

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Research Collection Lee Kong Chian School Of
Lee Kong Chian School of Business


The transformation of Globe Telecom

Havovi JOSHI
Singapore Management University, [email protected]

Christopher DULA
Singapore Management University, [email protected]

Singapore Management University, [email protected]

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JOSHI, Havovi; DULA, Christopher; and ZERRILLO, Philip. The transformation of Globe Telecom. (2018). Asian Management
Insights. 5, (2), 52-58. Research Collection Lee Kong Chian School Of Business.
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Redefining telecommunications
in the Philippines.
By Havovi Joshi, Christopher Dula and Philip Zerrillo

lobe Telecom—a major telecommunications service provider in the Philippines—had a long,
pioneering history in the communications business. Incorporated in 1935, it was the first
international wireless communications company connecting the Philippines to the rest of
the world. Years later, in 1994, Globe would become the first company in the country offering
mobile subscription-based services.

By 2018, more than half of the Philippines’ 100 million residents were Globe customers,
with the company as the market leader in both postpaid and prepaid segments. Service revenues
were up nine percent from over a year ago. For an industry that was only growing by two to
three percent, it meant that Globe was chipping revenue out of the competition. The results
were so impressive that Citi, in its 2nd Quarter 2018 Results Report, noted, “Globe hands down
delivered the best performance amongst the ASEAN telcos in 2Q…”
But the company was not always so well-positioned. Despite its first-mover advantage,
Globe had found its market share steadily eroding, and by 2010, its market share had shrunk
from 42 percent to 33 percent in just under six years. Morale within the company was at an
all-time low, and the workplace had become toxic. Globe was clearly failing in the execution of
its strategies, and also did not appear to have the right capabilities to conceive effective ones.
From these depths, how did the Globe leadership team succeed in dramatically turning
the company around? What did they do to grow beyond the traditional telco business model and
transform every aspect of the company to become a provider of digital lifestyle, the prized
market leader and an iconic brand in the Philippines today?

Diagnosing the problem

The deregulation of the telecommunications industry in 1995 saw the creation of
several wireless service operators. Prior to this, the sole provider of telecommunications
services in the country was PLDT. In March 2000, PLDT acquired one of the operators,
Smart Communications. And while Smart and Globe would prevail as the leading mobile
operators, the former had the advantage of network footprint and distribution pervasiveness.
In no time, Smart aggressively penetrated the mass market via prepaid. Globe, on the
other hand, was strong in postpaid. Prepaid, however, had a larger market, as the majority
of Filipino consumers preferred ‘sachet, a-la carte’ plans, as opposed to committing to the
higher upfront price of the postpaid subscriber plans. Smart, therefore, remained the
mobile market leader for a long time, with Globe coming in second.
In 2003, another operator, Digitel Mobile, launched wireless mobile services under the
Sun Cellular brand. In October 2004, Sun started offering unlimited calls and texts. The
first of its kind, the campaign proved effective and Smart and Globe followed suit. In this
scenario, the size of one’s subscriber base played a critical role, as unlimited promotions only
applied to same-network calls and texts. Leveraging the scale of its subscriber base, Smart
continued to grow. And as Sun started gaining traction, it was Globe who started losing
market share.
54 Vol.5 / Asian Management Insights

The years 2004 to 2010 saw a steady decline of Globe’s market share. To NeTwork prepaid model. In order for this to draws the customer to our service more
make matters worse, in 2011, PLDT acquired Sun Cellular, resulting in The senior leadership at Globe mulled ‘The Transformation work, a telco needs to be able to than other brands.”
the former controlling almost 70 percent of the subscriber base. In the era of over how to address its ageing House’ was Globe’s track, in real time, millions of different
calls and texts, it was simply too hard to break the ‘calling circle’. infrastructure. On the one hand, they answer to meeting the account-linked devices. The mobile phone TaleNT aNd CulTure
Having determined that the company was desperately in need of a transformation, could focus on simply expanding competition head-on was in effect a wallet; when a customer With the transformation of its IT
and that the country was on the cusp of a new wave—the coming of smartphones coverage with the existing network and responded to an SMS promotion offering business and operating systems,
—a framework to
and data—redefining the company had everything to do with the next phase. incrementally upgrading or augmenting five hours of talk or data, Globe needed Globe was able to innovate and create
systematically address
the equipment. On the other, they could to be able to deduct that from the products faster, be first to market and
take it all down and replace it. The
these challenges by
The Transformation House account and track usage 24/7. change the whole customer experience
The Globe leadership team recognised that it would need to transform its commercial leadership team decided on the latter, focusing on three Ultimately, Globe invested more from a utility to a customer-centric
offerings if it was to survive—not only that, it also needed to position itself anew at a cost of a billion US dollars. This was pillars: Network; than US$400 million into its IT systems— brand of service. However, all of this
to stay abreast of, or at least keep pace with, other players. underwritten by the Ayala Corporation, IT and Systems; with capabilities beyond just billing and required putting the customer first and
Globe’s network was a generation or so behind the competition’s technology. the oldest and largest conglomerate in Talent and Culture. business support. Customer analytics transitioning out of a ‘utility’ mindset.
The company was saddled by legacy IT systems, prohibiting it from offering new the Philippines (which had a 30 percent and usage tracking allowed Globe to gain It had to be ingrained in the company’s
in-demand products and services without significant investment; a hard sell to stake in Globe); and the Singtel group of valuable insights into where, when, and DNA, its mission, vision, and values—
investors already wary of past performance. companies, one of the largest telecom itself given the 7,000-plus islands that how customers were using their phones. the ‘Globe Way’.
Spearheaded by Ernest Cu, who had joined Globe in 2008 as the Deputy CEO groups in Southeast Asia (with a constituted the Philippines; a major This capability was a key competitive The ‘I Love Globe’ campaign
and subsequently became President and CEO in 2009, ‘The Transformation House’ 40 percent stake in Globe). differentiation point from its competitors, advantage in understanding, anticipating, redefined Globe around 10 service
was Globe’s answer to meeting the competition head-on—a framework to At such a high price tag, the which tended to be more concentrated and delivering on customer needs. commitments that were shared across
systematically address these challenges by focusing on three pillars: Network; IT investment needed to be more than a in major population centres. Cu explained, “We compete on the entire organisation. To put
and Systems; Talent and Culture. Investment into these pillars proved essential one-time fix. Cu described this move, product, marketing and quality of customers first meant to continuously
to transforming Globe’s commercial offerings into an ever-growing array of “It is almost like changing the engines, IT aNd SySTemS network as opposed to price. Globe has engage with them, and to see them
sophisticated products and services supported by high-tech capabilities and the wings and navigation system of a IT business and operating systems are never been a price leader. We believe as more than subscribers. This mindset
entrepreneurial competencies. commercial airplane at the same time— complicated. Take for example, the that the combination of the things we do had to be pervasive. For leadership
while in flight and carrying passengers.”
In 2010, Cu decided to adopt a
single vendor policy, an unprecedented
globe’s TRANsFoRMATIoN JoURNeY move in the industry at that time.
Previously, Globe relied on four different
equipment and infrastructure suppliers,
Cisco, Nokia, Ericsson, and One Way.
Under the new policy, Globe and its
new vendor-partner were better able
Commercial to manage the modernisation effort,
Transformation which began in 2011. This relationship
would also make continued maintenance
and improvement of the network more
efficient and cost-effective.
It was a prudent move. Halfway
IT & Talent &
Systems Culture
through the modernisation programme,
Globe recalibrated from a 3G to a
4G LTE network in response to
growing consumer appetite for data-
hungry apps, and cheaper, next-
Cost Transformation
generation smartphones.
Globe also continued to expand
its coverage area, a feat in-and-of
56 Vol.5 / Asian Management Insights

and management, it also meant continuous engagement with at its core, this goal in some ways missed the great opportunity.
employees. By better knowing and understanding the needs To elaborate, while most retailers were trying to get people TeAMINg Up wITh globAl bRANds
and aspirations of both customers and employees, Globe into their stores, here was Globe trying to get them to leave!
would be more able to satisfy those desires. This meant The management quickly realised that while in the store,
becoming more than a telco, and in 2013, the company customers wanted to try new technology, talk with consultants
redefined its Service Commitments to enhance clarity on about the products, and get a quick update on the latest
how the company would engage with its customers (refer to and greatest. Hence, while the first generation stores had may 2015 - Present
aug 2014 - Present Turner
Globe -
Figure 1). plastic dummy phones that frustrated would-be shoppers Google Play HOOQ Clash of Clans Cartoon Network Anything
Globe’s reimagined, redesigned stores were a case waiting for their turn in line—today, the third generation Google Facebook iTunes Niantic Cartoon Network
in point. Initially, they resembled something more akin to a stores are built around experience zones designed to showcase Wattpad Grab YouTube Tribe
business or service centre where customers would visit to technology, merchandise and integrated service offerings.
pay bills and report problems, rather than a place to browse The slick, redesigned retail outlets are now state-of-the-art 2012 2014 2015 2016

and experience the new technologies being offered. Long lines and very attractive showrooms where potential customers Viber Spotify Lazada Disney Interactive Sports Illustrated
and a ticket queue system that kept customers waiting was can experience the digital lifestyle Globe had to offer. Jul 2013 - Present apr 2014 - Present WhatsApp Windows Phone Netflix
Zalora Disney WATCH Disney Channel
a poor brew as unhappy customers had been running into The Globe leadership team thus did not stick to the
NBA Game Time WATCH Disney Junior
employees with low morale—which was certainly not reflective current practices, but became highly innovative. They would
Nov 2014 - Present WATCH Disney XD
of the aspirations of the Filipinos. break the ‘rules’ because they thought that it was the right thing
As management began to reimagine the retail points of to do for their customers and employees. Globe received the
contact, there was an immediate desire to reduce waiting time Gold Stevie Award in 2018 as ‘The World’s Employer of the
as a first step to improve service and empower employees. But Year in the Telecommunications Industry.’ In the same year,
FIGURE 2 Source: Globe Telecom

Globe also bagged the ‘Best Workplace in Asia’ award at

globe’s seRVICe CoMMITMeNTs (2013) the Asia Corporate Excellence & Sustainability Awards. To become a purveyor of the ‘digital
Cu commented, “I am happy that our efforts to create a lifestyle,’ Globe began leveraging its
great workplace have been recognised. We built a new position within the digital ecosystem
way of working, a work environment that promotes a by partnering with potential disruptors.
culture of empowerment, so good ideas don’t get trapped
by hierarchy.”
Transforming commercial offerings media companies, by explaining how they could help grow
It was clear early on that data was going to be the key to the each other’s businesses by changing customer habits.
I will treat I understand and I communicate I represent all I am empowered future—which itself presented a fundamental challenge For example, rampant online piracy had led Filipinos to
every customer anticipate my clearly and keep of Globe in to solve my because many disruptive services would end up flowing become accustomed to not paying for content. To overcome
as an individual customers’ needs my customers every customer customers’ issues
whom I would and engage informed at interaction. at my first contact. through a telco’s network. For example, internet-based this, Globe needed to demonstrate greater value in paid-for
like to know them in the best all times.
and care for. possible way. messaging services like WhatsApp could easily disrupt the content. So a Spotify premium service anywhere else in the
SMS messaging services offered by Globe. The risk was that world would probably cost about US$10 a month, but
by becoming a provider of data, Globe could become through Globe, it was about US$3 a month.
commoditised, competing purely on price. The key strategy In addition to the ‘discount priced’ model, Globe also
SURPRISE CREATE DELIGHT TAKE PART ACT was to keep a focus on changing consumer demands. came out with a ‘freemium’ construct, whereby consumers
The alternative was to become a purveyor of the ‘digital could try services for free for the first few months. Designed
lifestyle,’ and not just a purveyor of data. To do this, Globe for maximum habituation, the consumers’ journey went
began leveraging its position within the digital ecosystem by through the phases of awareness, trial, and adoption. They
I go out of my way I seek I will turn I will play my part I will do
to deliver opportunities unfortunate to make the what I promise. partnering with potential disruptors in order to avoid getting began to value on-demand streaming as a superior product
delightful surprises. to innovate and incidents into a Globe network
create a wonderful delightful Globe better everyday. stuck as a ‘utility’ and to be able to offer a wider portfolio based to pirated material, which tended to be more inconvenient
Globe experience. moment. on its customers’ varying interests. to access and of lower quality.
Globe presented itself as a valuable partner when it teamed That initial transition was also a significant leap for
FIGURE 1 Source: Globe Telecom
up with Spotify and later Netflix, among other leading online consumers; by introducing them to the expansive libraries of

Spotify and Netflix at a discount, they became better engaged

with both the streaming service and the mobile device—
mobile money transfers, payments, credit scoring and
online lending. NEEDS A NEW WAY
which resulted in higher rates of data usage than they would However, such commercial transformation is challenging.
have otherwise consumed. As a result of surging data use—driven by people’s
Bolstered by the success of these and other media content ever-digitising lifestyles facilitated by Globe, and the pervasive
partnerships, and recognising a significant gap in local Internet of Things lurking on the horizon—the company
content, Globe Studios was created. In the Philippines, local has had to invest upwards of a billion dollars a year into its EXECUTIVE MASTER OF MASTER OF IE-SMU MASTER OF
22 ND 49 TH
content was controlled by the incumbent networks and network and IT systems in order to keep up with demand. BUSINESS GLOBALLY 1 BUSINESS GLOBALLY 5
not easily shared with other OTT 1 services and apps. This has only been made possible through Globe’s service
So Globe has attempted to stimulate local content production commitments and focused attention to ‘The Transformation
Lee Kong Chian • Benefit from the collective experience
of the most senior EMBA class profile
• Gain industry experience working
with real clients and budgets via
• Joint MBA degree from two
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by collaborating with other film producers to create and House’, where investment into the three pillars is continuous. School of in the world
• Interact with leading world thinkers at
the new Overseas Immersion
Programme (OIP)
in Asia and Europe
• Gain insights into Asia-Pacific

promote Filipino content for national and worldwide It now has a workforce that is highly engaged and Business The Wharton School (University
of Pennsylvania), Indian School of
• Enjoy lifelong ROI –
Continue learning with SMU even
markets, business strategies
and management cultures
distribution. One of their productions, Bird Shot (2016)
was selected as the Filipino entrant to the ‘Best Foreign Film’
continues to outperform its counterparts in the industry on
sustainable engagement scores. The customers are empowered
Postgraduate Business and Guanghua School of
Management (Peking University)
after graduation by enrolling
in complimentary MBA
elective classes*

category at the Academy Awards and was the first Filipino and are able to access a digital lifestyle enabled by Globe’s Programmes Akira Nishimura Derik Daeik Kong Aarthi Sridharan
EMBA, Class of 2017 MBA, Class of 2015 IE-SMU MBA, Class of 2015
movie to be shown on Netflix. services and connectivity. Head of Global Partnering, Partner Channel EdTech Project Manager,
Business Development Dept. Development Manager, Lee Kong Chian School of Business,
Globe’s endeavour to bring Filipino talent to the world Today Globe is a market leader, a far cry from its position Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Microsoft of Korea Singapore Management University

stage does not stop at film. The company also aims to support in 2010. A mere challenger has overtaken the incumbent— C
the fashion, music, and theatre industries—areas of the creative something that has never been seen in the telecom industry in M
arts where Filipinos have the potential to excel. the region. Y MANAGEMENT FINANCE FINANCE DUAL DEGREE
• Benefit from a specialised curriculum • Prepare for your CFA designation • Benefit from a unique curriculum • Gain a comprehensive understanding
that covers the value chain of wealth concurrently with a curriculum encompassing pricing & hedging, of the analytical and pricing issues of
Future-oriented MY
management, including asset designed to meet CFA and CAIA risk analytics & management, and financial markets and instruments
management, investment and examination requirements quantitative trading & investment • Boost your competitive advantage with
Globe’s commercial challenges in the late 2000’s afforded client advisory • Minimise your time away from the • Pursue your studies in SMU (Singapore) exposure to different cultures, financial

the company an important insight beyond just the dangers • Gain real-world knowledge that can workforce with the 12-month full-time or in both SMU and Cass Business markets, and business practices
CMY be immediately applied to work from or 18-month part-time structure School (City University London) via
of complacency. What it came to learn was that the value of its our diverse faculty members with the international track
industry experience
enterprise was not in providing bandwidth alone—that

could be commoditised—but in facilitating the digital

Lu Ying Ng Jing Ying Wu Jiaying Marco Iachini
MWM, Class of 2017 MAF, Class of 2016 MQF, Class of 2013 GMF, Class of 2015
Portfolio Manager, Market Risk Analyst, Portfolio Manager / Analyst, Investment Advisor,
lifestyle; as an exclusive branded channel that was fundamental Nomura Asset BNP Paribas Maybank Asset Management Standard Chartered Private Bank
Management Singapore Singapore
to its customers’ lives.

entered into the next stage of the consumer digital lifestyle. MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION HUMAN CAPITAL INNOVATION
Through its fintech arm Mynt, and by partnering with Ant
Enjoy access to internships and job Gain global exposure with a one-week Gain global exposure with a one-week Gain global exposure with a one-week
Financial, Globe is leveraging its trusted brand, customer Havovi Joshi • • • •
placement opportunities with SMU’s residency at UCLA residency at The Wharton School residency at Babson College
accounts and network to deliver financial services such as is Head, Communications & Dissemination at the Centre for extensive connection to close to 3,000 • Gain real-time industry exposure via • Earn an Advanced Diploma (Level 7) • Access to 2,600 square feet of
Management Practice, Singapore Management University companies globally an internship (full-time track only) in Human Resource Management co-working space, facilities and
• Benefit from a Global-Asian Management (approved by CIPD) upon completion mentors in the SMU Business
Curriculum that covers the latest trends Innovations Generator (BIG)
Christopher Dula in business management
is a freelance writer at the Centre for Management Practice,
Globe has attempted to stimulate Singapore Management University
Felicia Tan Wen Min Isabelle Lim Geraldine Tan Winston Chan
local content production by Philip Zerrillo
MM, Class of 2014
Associate, Enforcement
MCM, Class of 2016
Director of
MHCL, Class of 2017
Regional HR Director,
MI, Class of 2017
Chief Operating Officer
Department (Legal Unit), Corporate Communications, APAC Chr. Hansen, FT Consulting Pte Ltd
collaborating with other film is Executive Director of the Centre for Management Practice, Monetary Authority of Singapore L’Oreal Singapore Singapore Pte Ltd
Singapore Management University
producers to create and promote Our suite of postgraduate programmes is designed to develop a new generation of leaders for the Asian century,
Filipino content for national and 1
OTT stands for ‘over-the-top,’ the term used for the delivery of film and
giving you a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a rich learning environment to broaden your perspectives.
worldwide distribution. TV content via the internet, without requiring users to subscribe to a Visit to start your development today.
traditional cable or satellite pay-TV service.
1 2018 FT Executive MBA Ranking
2 2018 FT Masters in Finance Post-Experience Ranking
3 2018 FT Masters in Finance Pre-Experience Ranking
4 2017 FT Masters in Management Ranking
5 2018 FT Global MBA Ranking [email protected] * Terms and conditions apply.

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