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Presents as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Undergraduate program








A novel can give us information, knowledge, motivation and inspiration even

though it is about a real story or fictitious story of human life in novel. There are
many pleasure we can get by reading a novel. One of the most important from a novel
is moral value and it can influence to human life. Definition of Moral is an action in
the real life and in other words Value is the result of an action. This thesis entitled An
analysis of Moral Values on Girl in Pieces Novel Written by Kathleen Glasgow. The
purpose of this thesis is analyze the moral values shown in the novel “Girl in Pieces”
through the main character. The object of this study is a novel entitled “Girl in
Pieces“ by Kathleen Glasgow. There are some moral values found in this novel and
the study is classified as a qualitative research. Moral value exist in the novel is
messages from the author that can be learned and knew the aim of novel. This
research is about the moral values potrayed on the Girl in Pieces novel written by
Kathleen Glasgow. So the techniques in collecting data are the writer reading novel in
several times, analyzing dialogues and quotations in novel. the writer describes moral
values are in the novel through using analyzing moral values by Hornby(2010) such
as bravery, humbleness, honesty, steadfastness, sympathetic to others,
cooperativeness, thankfulness, kindhearted, trustworthiness, sincerity and love and
affection. In addition, the writer also find any material for analysis in library to have
same references and read the same thesis as the writer, articles and journals.
Therefore, the novel “Girl in Pieces told about an adolescent who has NSSI disease. It
will answer the aims of the author to found the moral values of Girl in Pieces novel
that discussed in this thesis.

Key Words : analysis, novel, moral values



1.1 Background of Study

This chapter is divided into six parts, there are background of study,

statement of problem, research question, goal and function, scope and limitation

and conceptual framework.

Nowadays, people may realize of many things that created by some people

through using their creativity, great ideas and imagination that aim to inform or

even some creation also aim to entertain and inspire many people. The creation is

such as films, dramas, novels, poetry, short stories and songs. In other words, all

of those elements is a form of literature. Surely, each of the literary work always

develops and creates something that is constantly new. These works are

increasingly enjoyed by many people.

Literature is a creativity work that produces many productive activities that

have aesthetic values, it actually a very special influence around the world.

According to Bressler (1994: 7) “Literature as work of imaginative or creative

writings”. Based on the statement above, it tells that literature is full of beautiful

works, it attach beautiful writing and interesting ways of thinking and it is

explained that literature is very important for many people because many ideas

will be channeled through studying literature and people can get many

unexpected things through finding a literature such as knowledge through

reading or watching and its contents are meaningful values for life.

Literature also created by various experiences of human life that can made a

literary works. According to Pickering, James H & Hoeper, Jeffrey D (1981.

01:307) says that "Literature is a uniquely human activity, born of man's timeless

desire to understand, express, and finally share experiences”. In other words,

literature is already a part of human beings, because humans have had a great

curiosity since childhood because of a great curiosity, it can become a real

literary work, for that reason some people can create some great literary works

that can be shown, enjoyed and also very useful for many people.

Based on the statement above, there are many creation that can enjoyed in

our daily life. Many people create a book to share their creativity, ideas and

imaginatives. One of the creation is a novel which is it made for entertain and

give knowledge to the reader. According to Richard Taylor (1981: 46) says: "A

novel is normally a work process with a quite length complex which attempts to

reflect an express something of quality of human experience value." From this

statement, it tells us that a good literary work need a process to create an

interesting novel which is it influenced by human activities. Besides that,

according to (Taylor, 1981). “Novel as a literary genre offers a model that

contains the value of life.” Which means that the novel provides values that are

compatible with humans. It made as the values of every human being.

In our daily life we can know that there are people who has bad or good act

in their activities from moral that they had. Moral is one of the important thing

that can influence to someone’s life. Meanwhile, According to Veugelers (2008 :

1) says that “Moral values are values that express ideas about the good life.” This

statement explain that moral values can be found from a good command message

that regulates the conditions of human life, through religion or culture that has

aim to regulate someone life more regularly so that through a lot of advice all

humans have a meaningful life value.

In this research the writer interested with Girl in Pieces novel written by

Kathleen Glasgow because this novel show some of the moral value of Girl in

Pieces novel that open the mind and determine something good or bad to

sampling the real life to the reader. Therefore the writer want to analyze it in this

research because it can give something new knowledge for the writer and readers

1.2 Statement of the problem

Based on the background of study above, moral values are going to be

discussed, regarding the good or bad that occurs through analyzing of the main

character's life of a seventeen years old girl. Charlie is her named, she does not

have to live like another kids. After a lot of things had happened, Charlie became

a terrible figure for himself. For this reason in this research the writer would like

to deeply analyze of the main character activity in the novel and relate it with her

life for being an unlucky girl and also to tell the reader some important messages

through this analysis.

1.3 Research of Question

The research question is formulated as follows :

1. How does moral value reveal on the Girl in Pieces Novel written by

Kathleen Glasgow?

1.4 Goal and Function

The goal of this study is to find the moral values and explain it through the

main character's life in the novel. Which means that the function of the purpose

of this research to give the information to the readers about what happened to

Charlie in a novel written by Kathlen Glasgow and what will be the moral values

that consist in the novel and the writer also wants to give knowledge for other

people who wants to learn about its theory as a reference .

1. 5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research to find out the moral value that consist in the

Girl in Pieces novel written by Kathleen Glasgow. After reading the novel, the

writer found many interesting aspects that can be discussed in specific but in

order to do this research the writer limits the problem and another aspects to

emphasize the moral values in the novel.

1.6 Conceptual Framework

In order to make this thesis :

1. The writer reads Girl In Pieces for several times.

2. The writer choose and learn the moral value’s theory

3. The writer deeply analyzes of this novel to make her easily understand to

know about the moral values.

4. In the end, the writer provides “An Analysis of Moral Value in Kathleen

Glasgow Novel “Girl In Pieces”.

dReading on “Girl in Pieces” Novel in

. several times.

. Choosing and learn theory of moral value that will

be fit to this analysis

Analyzing the novel deeply

Providing the information of “An Analysis of Moral Value the Girl in Pieces Novel
written by Kathleen Glasgow’’



2.1 Review of Previous Study

There are some previous studies conducted by other researchers as

follows: To deepen this study the writer takes several previous studies as a

comparative study that have relevant point in order to get some important matters

to help this study.

The first is the research conducted by Musinda Lestari (2018) , a student

of the ministry of research, technology and higher education, University of

Mataram faculty of teaching and educational sciences. Her thesis entitled, Moral

Values in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations and its relation to character

education. In her thesis, she used qualitative descriptive method. she analyzed,

the construction of moral values, and its relationship with character education.

From that, a student can learn the lesson that taught from each moral value as a

guide to living the life and builds characters that are basic to be possessed such as

caring, honest, respect, pacifist, and etc.

Futhermore, the research conducted by Fanny Yasa (2014), a student of

the English Education Program Education Program Teacher Training and

Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. Her thesis entitled,

The Analysis of Moral Values found in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story “The

Golden Touch” and its application in English Language Teaching. The researcher

focuses on the explanation the positive moral and the negative moral on the story

and how to apply the narrative text in English Language Teaching. She found

that method and approach is very important in teaching because both of them will

influence teaching strategies which will affect the teaching learning process and

to meet the learning objectives

The Next, is the research conducted by Dwi Sulis Setyoasih (2014), a

student of english education program faculty of education and teacher training,

State Islamic Institute Tulungagung. Her thesis entitled, Analysis of Moral

Values in “Aesop’s Fable” towards children character building. The research

discussed the function of the fable especially Aesop’s fable to the reader

especially children. And, this study analyzes the moral value and character

building through thirteen stories chosen within the fable compilation.

Then, the research conducted to by Syamsul Fajar (2017), a student of

English Language Department Faculty of Education and Teacher Training,

University Ar- Raniry. His thesis entitled, Moral Values Analysis in The

Rainbow Troops Novel Written by Andrea Hirata. His research attempts to find

out and analyze moral values in this novel and the way the author presented

them, there are several moral value presented explicitly by the author in The

Rainbow Troops. His analysis is about to find reveal that In terms of human

relationship with themselves, the major type of moral value is tenacity, in respect

of human relationship with others in society, including their relationship with

nature, the dominant moral value is friendship, and regarding human relationship

with God, the most presented type of moral value is obedience. And, the

researcher did several steps of extracting the data commencing trough reading the

whole book carefully, categorizing the various moral values by highlighting

phrases which are considered as moral values, to making table based on the

specifications of moral values.

In Addition, the research conducted by Henry Febriyanto Santoso

(2014), a student of Faculty of Teacher and training Education English

Department, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya. His Thesis entitled,

Moral Values in Ernest Hemingway’s “The Old Man and The Sea”. To conduct

analysis using the moral value theory which is also supported by characterization

theory. This analysis is called the pragmatic approach proposed by the M.H.

Abrams. The goal of a pragmatic approach is to teach and delight readers. The

moral values found in this novel are courage, caring, honesty, respect, and

diligence. Hemingway reveals moral value through five character attributes.

They are character appearances, word characters, mind characters, action

characters, and how other characters treat him.

2.2 Literature

Nowadays people easily find literary works that want to be search or read

through advanced technology now just write the title through Google can all be

found. Literature is a work of an imaginative mindset resulting in the imagination

or outcome of a person's real life story with an objective to attract the attention of

many people.

Literature is a literary work to keep someone amused. It plays an

important role in literature that can make a view of literary work better and can

build a positive mindset to the reader. Example of one of the literary works that

has a goal to entertain is a novel. According to Eagleton (1983: 1) “literature can

be defined as ‘imaginative’ writing in the sense of fiction.” It means that

literature is an imaginative mindset which came from the sense of someone’s

imagination or the real events that may happen in the real life.

In addition, there are several types of literary works such as poetry,

drama, and novels and literary works that have the value of beauty so that gives a

good impression to the reader. Some people also to express feeling or looking for

new inspiration. Then, the literature also has a function to readers like just for a

hobby, adding new vocabulary or knowledge and about the moral message in a

literary work.

2.3 Definition of Novel

Novels are literary works that are much in love by people who like to

read the books. Many beautiful words and storyline that make the reader happy

to read a novel. In other words It also has a good value content can be found by

the reader and it makes the reader interested find a new novel to satisfy their


“Writers have, of course, always been interested in the world around

them, but the development of the novel reflects a move away from an essentially

religious view of life towards a new interest in the complexities of everyday

experience. Most of novels are concerned with ordinary people and their

problems in the societies in which they find themselves” (John Peck and Martin

Coyle, 1984:102). It conclude that the real story of someone is more interesting

to make a literary work by a writer. In addition, the author's imagination can also

be a writing story that aims to satisfy the reader's feelings to be entertained.

The content in the novels is also made to remind an event in real life

for the readers or That memory can be a value that can make a new spirit.

According to Reeve (1785: 26) Novel is a picture of real manner and of the time

in which it was written”. It conclude, the novel is part of a true story of everyone

and novels are written deliberately to remind the situation and condition

happened in human life.

2.4 Types of Novel

Novels also popular literary works that loved by many people

especially by people who like to read. Mucthar Lubis in his Tarigan’s book,

Novel is divided into:

a. Avontur novels are novel forms that are centered on a play or main

character. The story starts from the beginning to the end the

characters experience obstacles in achieving their goals.

b. Psychology Novel is a novel full of psychiatric events of the


c. Detective Novel is a novel that is a story of dismantling engineering

crime to catch the culprit by means of precise and careful


d. Political Novel or social novels are a form of story about the life of

a group in society with all its problems, for example between the

society and the workers and the capitalists revolt.

e. Collective Novel is a novel that tells the actor in a complex

(overall) and all its ins and outs. Collective novels do not concern

the individual community collectively.

From the statement above the writer conclude that in every literary works.

It has various of novel that will amuse the reader. On the other hand, there is

something that a novelist need to be noticed in writing a novel. It has instrinsic

elements and extrinsic elements. According to Nurgiantoro (1995 : 23) “divided

elements of novel into two, those are the intrinsic elements and extrinsic

elements.” It tells about characters, theme, plots, setting, moral messages and

point of view.

2.4 Moral

According to James R. Rest said in a book entitled “The Main

Components of Morality” the result of research on morality are generally divided

into three parts, namely though about morals, moral feelings and moral behavior.

Besides that, Bernard Gert (2005 : 9) said in his book that Hobbes is one of the

few philosophers who realized that the moral virtues are praised because of the

calamities everyone avoids if people act morally. Hobbes’s point is that morality

is primarily concerned with the behavior of people insofar as that behavior

affects others; it prohibits the kind of conduct that harms others and encourages

the kind of conduct that helps them. Morality is an informal public system

applying to all rational persons, governing behavior that affects others, and

includes what are commonly known as the moral rules, ideals, and virtues and

has the lessening of evil or harm as its goal. (Bernard Gert 2005 : 27)

According to Kierkegaard, The present age in Morality and Moral theory

book by Robert B. Louden (1992) Morality is character, character is that which is

engraved [kharassoē]; but the sand and the sea have no character and neither has

abstract intelligence, for character is really inwardness.

Then, Hurlock (1956) states true morality is behavior which conforms to

social standards and which is also carried out voluntary by the individual. It

comes with the transition from external to internal authority and consists of

conduct regulated from within. It is accompanied by a feeling of personal

responsibility for the act. Based on the above theory I can conclude that the

moral is almost synonymous with ethics. Moral specifically talk about right or

wrong. It is based on the social agreement which are becoming a common


From the statement above the writer conclude that, an attitude will

produce morals and morals will show an attitude. In addition, some people will

get know others through the attitudes and morals.

2.5 Value

According to Arnold and Fawcett (1975, in Ancok, 1986), with the

concept “Values of Children” it has some points such as:

a. Positif Values

1. Emotional benefits

2. Economic benefits and security

3. Self enrichment and development

4. Identification with children

5. Family cohesiveness and continuity

b. Negative Values

1. Emotional costs

2. Economic costs

3. Restrictions and opportunity cost

4. Physical demands

5. Family costs

c. Large-Family Values

1. Sibling rivalsy

2. Sex preference

3. Child survival

d. Small-Family Values

1. Sociental costs

2. Maternal health

From all the above the writer concludes that economic, family, school,

emotional, physical, socialization, something that needs to be concerned by

children so they can help to build their good character. In addition, all the negative

values also should be pay attention. Then, from the Living Values Education book

with the context of school Damardi (2009:28) describing a foundation moral value

and norms.

Message content (Norms)

Value Base

1. Religion
2. Knowledge
Logic 3. Political, ideology, social
economy, cultural,
Values Ethic
defense and security.
Aesthetic 4. Positive Law
5. Customs and Cultures

The values referred are those related about three concepts such as

logic, ethics and aesthetics as seen as basic values in various aspects of life.

Value is one form of character development. Something need of awareness of

value is necessary for balance and life as moral beings can be controlled.

According to Djahiri (1985: 23) also states that human awareness of values can

be classified into 5 things:

1. Be aware of value system.

2. Be aware of the importance of having a value system.

3. Be aware of the desire to embrace or have a value system.

4. Be aware of the need to foster and improve the value system.

5. Be aware of trying to standardize it everyday .

Surely, if someone has an awareness of values as stated above, then

someone will be able to determine their attitude towards a better direction.

Because basically there is no value in human life. In addition, Ambroise (1987)

views values as abstract values. Values can to be in as a motivator and principle

of life. Therefore the value occupies as the most important in the life.

2.6 Kind of Moral Value

According to Hornby, there are kinds of moral values:

1. Bravery

Bravery is willing to things which are difficult (Hornby,

2010:169). It is the ability to stand up for what is right in difficult

situations. The bravery to take the decision is very useful to face the

problem. It is not doubtful in facing the danger because gives the strength

to do action which is considered right to front of the stong opponent. An

example of bravery in daily life are brave to make a decision, brave to be

honest, brave to responsible.

2. Humbleness

Humbleness means showing that we do not think if we are as

important as other people (Hornby, 2010 : 734). The benefit for us if we

have a humble attitude like have a more peaceful, more friends, will emit a

positive aura, people will be more sympathetic, people will appreciate

much more. An example of humble behavior is simple looks, friendly to

everyone, and not arrogant.

3. Honesty

Honesty is the quality of being honest. It always tells the truth and

does not hide the rightness (Hornby, 2010:721). Being honesty is a

strength, a positive force that encourages the soul to fulfill an obligation.

And besides that, the one who waits is a force requires someone to commit

‘a crime. An example of honesty is do not take revenge, no complaining.

4. Steadfastness

Steadfastness means that our attitudes and aims are not changes

(Hornby, 2010:1460)

5. Sympathetic to others

Sympathetic is the feeling of being sorry for somebody. It shows

that we understand and care about the problem of the other people.

(Hornby, 2010 : 1514) the example from sympathetic to others like

someone give a statement of sadness and condolence to a friend who was

stuck by the disaster. Even for example, a means of implementation in

sociology, is a someone gets happiness, we feel happy. This called


6. Cooperativeness

Cooperativeness involves the fact of doing something together or

working together toward a share aim (Hornby,2010:323)

7. Thankfulness

Thankfulness is word of action that shows that we are grateful to

somebody for something.(Hornby,2010:1545).

8. Kind-hearted

The kind-hearted is the quality of being kind (Hornby,2010:822).

The example of kind-hearted likes does not hurt the feeling of the other

person, respect for others, help the other person.

9. Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness is that the action that we can rely on to be a good,

honesty, sincere, etc (Hornby,2010:1602). For the example of

trustworthiness like give someone a work position.

10. Sincerity

Sincerity shows the feeling, belief, or behavior that we really think

or feel (Hornby,2010:1385)

11. Love and Affection

Love is a strong feeling or deep affection for somebody or

something especially a member of family or friend (Hornby,2010:884).

Affection is the emotional state of liking or loving somebody or

something very much and caring about them (Hornby,2010:24). The

example of love and affection likes the parents love their children, the

husband who love their wife and son.

2.7 Synopsis of Novel

“Girl in Pieces” is a novel written by Kathleen Glasgow, it is a story about

an adolescent of seventeen years old who has named Charlie. she has Non-

Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) disease. An unlucky life, a girl feels so lonely and

she does not believe to anyone. And memories that she had made her succesfully


This novel tells the story of Charlie’s life in the past and to create a positive

life for herself. In this story Charlie’s father shows sign of mental illness and he

killed himself when Charlie was young. Her mother was depressed and vented all

her anger to Charlie.

At school because she is poor and Charlie also has a scar on her arm, she

meets a girl names “Ellis” who accept her as she is. When Charlie got tired of her

mother hitting her and hit her back, Charlie’s mother threw her out of the house.

Charlie lived with Ellis until Ellis’ parents found drugs. The drugs belonged to

Ellis’ boyfriend, but she blamed it on Charlie. Charlie was left to live on the


On the streets, Charlie meets Evan and Dump who save her from a man who

tries to rape her. She lived with them for several months until they took her to a

sex house owned by a man called Charlie Fucking Frank. He tells that she has to

work as a prostitute to get her room and food. Charlie refuses, ending up in the

attic of Frank’s house and she tried to commit suicide.

In the psychiatric hospital, Charlie slowly opened up about what happened to

her. She only began talking after the doctors removed the bandages and stitches

from her wounds. Charlie is a silent girl, she only talks through sketch. It is

easier to understand for her. Because, Charlie did not have health insurance to

pay for expensive inpatient therapy. Then, the hospital stopped to take care of her

because her condition had improve. But the rules made was that she returned to

live with her mother. Charlie’s mother arrived to take Charlie home when the

hospital dismissed her. When, they were some distance away from the hospital,

Charlie’s mother gave her an envelope containing Charlie’s birth certificate and

other identifying papers along with a bus ticket to Tucson. Charlie was sad that

she can live with her mother together anymore. One time, Charlie got a job doing

the dishes and found a room to rent and she was proud of her accomplishment.

Soon, Charlie met Riley West and be friend of him. He is a musician who

has a sister named Julie. She is an owner of Cafe and Charlie works of there.

Riley is a chef who can give Charlie free food. Many things happened between

them. she attempts to dedicate herself to Riley even though she knows that Riley

does not treat her as a man should treat a girlfriend.



This chapter provides the description of how the research was conducted

to answer the research questions . Therefore , it covers the explanation of subject

research approach, subject matter, data source, data collection, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Approach

In this research approach part of the study conducted there are two types

of analysis are qualitative and quantitative, from these two methods can be

distinguished from how to analyze and the data used. According to Riessman

(1993:10), a qualitative research study has five “levels,” These are as follows:

 attending: the people who later become participants build up an internal

picture of the world;

 telling: these people tell the researcher about this internal picture. This often

occurs in the form of an interview, although other forms of telling are possible

such as letters, texts of speeches, an autobiography, etc. These narratives are

recorded in some form, usually by the researcher;

 transcribing: the narratives are transformed into a written text by the


 analysing: the transcriptions are analysed by the researcher, via for instance

content analysis;

 reading: the results of the steps just outlined are communicated to

appropriate readers, for instance in the form of a thesis or dissertation, or a

research report.

After that, the writer used qualitative approach and the writer gets other

sources such as books, articles, journals, and websites which related to the study.

Therefore, the writer also analyze the life of the main character in the novel to

find moral values which based on the Hornby theory.

3.2 Subject Matter

In this subject, the writer analyzes a girl in pieces novel by Kathleen

Glasgow. In this research, the writer focuses on the main character in the novel.

Charlie went away from her mother and met people who made her get worse. She

lived full of sadness and a bitter life. It starts, when Charlie has found by the

security guard that she was bathed in menthol cigarettes, no clothes and flat stink

of machine coffee. A girl is not wanted by her mother. With the condition she

has, it makes her not confident and weak. She does not want to talk with people

during in the psychiatric hospital. Besides that, when she went out from hospital,

she keeps trying to find her true self, she tries to find a job and also her true love.

When the hurt comes she likes to hurt herself that because she has NSSI disease.

Through all this brief explanation, dialogues and action of the main character the

writer wants the reader more understand about the moral value that will be


3.3 Data Source

The data source of this research is taken from Kathleen Glasgow’s novel

entitled Girl in Pieces which published in 2016. The sources of data were very

significant in the research. Because, it is a written material, the writer used

document as the sources data, using the novel and find another resources to

collects the data and support her analysis.

3.4 Data Collection

In this part, the writer reads the novel and underline the important as the

information that will be analyzed. Collect the data to discussed by the writer.

Previously, the writer tries to find the topic of the content in the novel. Besides

that, the writer also search the sources by online research and offline research to

find the information of theory. Next, the writer finds theory of moral values from

the expert that related to this analysis such as : Bravery, Humbleness, Honesty,

Steadfastness, Sympathetic to others, Cooperativeness, Thankfulness, Kind-

hearted, Trustworthiness and, Sincerity.

The ways of collecting data in briefly are as follows:

a. The writer selects the “Girl in Pieces” novel.

b. The writer reads the “Girl in Pieces” novel.

c. The writer finds the theory to support her analysis.

d. The writer read and understand about the moral value theory.

e. The writer finds the topic in the novel.

f. The writer focuses on the main character’s life in the novel.

g. The writer finds all the sources to support her analysis.

h. The writer connects each of the quotation in accordance with the theory


3.5 Data Analysis

Find the theory Read the novel Find the dialogues

and quotation

The next step to do this analysis, the writer analyzing the novel with the

moral value through finding the dialogues and quotation of the main character

in the novel. And after that, the writer will put the quotation on the moral

values in its sections. Finally, It will be noted and the writer makes the

conclusion based on the analyzed data.



In this chapter, the writer would like to discuss about the evidences of Girl in

Pieces by using theory of moral values by Hornby.

1. Bravery

Bravery is willing to things which are difficult (Hornby,


From the novel, the writer found out some evidences of

bravery. First, it happened in hospital, when the main character was

going to look for the toilet and she was curious with a bell and ding it,

it sounds loud and horrible in the quite hall. Then, suddenly the big

man came to her and he showed his bad attitude to her. She tried to ask

about how long she has been here by using a sticky note but he did not

want to answer her.

Page 16
“Barbero thinks that I am afraid of him, but I’m not. There’s only one
person I’m afraid of, and he’s far away, on the whole other side of the
river, and he can’t get to me here.
I don’t think he can get to me, anyway.
Another sticky note. Just tell me, you oaf. My hands are shaking a
little, though, as I hold it up.

Barbero laughs. Chips clot the spaces between his teeth. (page 16)

From the dialogue above, we can know that she might be alone

when she try to talk with a stranger someone who has a big body

clumsy lazy guy and Charlie is a brave girl. She kept ask about how

long she has been in the hospital to him. And, it still continues to the

next page when she got mad with Barbero.

Page 17
“The plastic chair bounces off the nurses’ station. The container
holding the pens with plastic flowers taped to them falls to the floor,
the pens fanning out across the endless beige carpet. I start to kick the
station, which is bad, because I have no shoes, but the pain feels good.
So I keep doing it. Barbero is up now, but I grab the chair again and
he holds out his hands, all calm down, you crazy fucker. But he says it
really soft. Like, maybe he’s a little afraid of me now. And I don’t
know why, but this makes me even angrier.”(page 17)

The quotation above shows that Charlie is mad with him. She

is not afraid with Barbero. she showed that she is strong and he has to

answer her question. Then, the writer found about bravery again in the

next story in Girl in Pieces novel. It started when she had gone from

the hospital and she was alone, she tried to find a job.

Page 117
“It takes me two hours to get up the nerve to leave the house. I spend
those two hours walking the perimeter of the small guest house,
talking to myself, rubbing my arms, doing my breath balloons. Going
out the shop to ask about a job means talking. It means opening my
mouth and hoping the right words come out. It means letting people
look me over, cast their eyes up and down me and my weird overalls
and long shirt, funny hair, all of it. Right? Isn’t that how job things
go? You have to tell people where you’re from, where you worked,
what you like to do, all that shit.”(page 117)

From the evidence above we can know that she pushed herself

to make herself better. She wants to talk through finding a job. she

wants to force herself to open her mouth and she tries to speak to make

the words come out from her mouth or she wants to make herself

better and she is brave to do it. She is alone but she tried to do it


2. Humbleness

Humbleness means showing that we do not think if we are as

important as other people (Hornby, 2010 : 734).

From the statement of Humbleness theory above, the writer

found a dialogue in the novel shows that Charlie is a humble girl. It

happened when Charlie ride her bicycle to Riley’s neighborhood she

met with an elderly man.

Page 166
“He stops to brush a fly off his pants leg. His toes are gnalerd and
dirty in his sandals. “I’m Leonard. Why don’t you tell me your name?
and we can start this beautiful friendship.” He searches down to help
me from the tub.
I take his hand. It’s surprisingly soft, and smile in spite of myself. I
relax a little. He seems so nice, and honest. “Charlie,” I tell him.
“Charlie Davis is my name.”

From the dialogue above, the evidence shows that Charlie

responds him nicely, she wants to shake hand with the stranger she has

just met and she also tell her name.

3. Honesty

Honesty is the quality of being honest. It always tells the truth and

does not hide the rightness (Hornby, 2010:721).

The writer found the honesty of the main character, when

Charlie was not in the hospital when Casper tried to ask about her past.

But Charlie did not want to answer the question and suddenly, her

Doctor came run into her room, she grabbed her waist and Charlie

yanked her hair but she said sorry about it.

(Page 80)
“I tell her. After my father died, my mother curled up into something
tight and awful and there was no more music in the house, there was
no more music in the house, there was no more touching, she was only
a ghost that moved and smoked. If I got in her way, if the school
called, if I took money from her purse, if I was just me, the yelling, she
started hitting.
Casper blots my face with a cloth as I talk. Louisa wrings her hands in
the doorway. Girls pile up behind her, pushing, trying to get a look.
I say: she has been hitting me for a long time. I say: I started hitting

From the dialogue above, Charlie is telling about her past to

her Doctor, her life is full of sadness and it is a honesty from her.

There is no one with her to make her comfort or think straight and to

decide something. Because, we can read her words above when she

said that she started hitting back her mom cause her mom hit her first.

Then, we can know that she did not have a good life as a teenager.

Moreover, it showed that she tried to be an honest girl..

Next, when she met with a guy who named Mikey, they are

seeing each other after for a long time they did not meet. Mikey is the

one who know about her life and he was trying to ask to make her tell

him more about her.

Page 172
“So out with it. Tell me. What did they tell you in there? Is there, like
a name for what you . . .have? the cutting thing.”
Mikey stares at me intently. When did he get so handsome? I look
down at my plate. We’re at a place called Gentle Ben’s and sharing a
Black & Blue Burger and peppery fries.
His question makes me nervous –how much should I tell him what’s
the quick factor on cutting and psychotic behavior, after all? I
swallow a French fry and take a deep breath. “It’s called NSSI. Non –
Suicidal Self Injury.”
He wipes his mouth and take a sip of his Coke, his eyes flashing.
“What’s that supposed to mean, exactly? Did . . .does Ellis have that,
“It means I hurt myself, but I don’t want to die.”

From the dialogue above, when Mikey asked about her

condition. She was not complain and she told the truth to him. We can

read from her answer that she got NSSI problem in her life, she likes

to hurt herself but she does not want to die.

After that, when she opened her email. Before, she is mad with

him, she had Mikey the only one she could talk about her feeling.

Since Charlie kissed him, they did not meet each other. And the next,

afternoon when she woke up, She was thinking that she wants to talk

to someone and she decided to talk with Casper through send a

message by using email. Because, she has failed by drinking, by

throwing herself at Mikey. she wanted to tell everything to her Doctor.

Especially, she broke the rules.

Page 194
“And then I write to Casper, because I should tell her what did. I tell
her I drank three beers, that I tried to kiss Mikey, that I did kiss Mikey,
and he didn’t like it. But I also tell her I didn’t cut, even though not
cutting made me exhausted.”

We can see from the quotation above, it shows honesty. when

she said that she drank three beers. She is trying to tell that she broke

the rules by saying she drank, because she wanted to listen her Doctor

and she also promised to herself that she will not drink anymore after

went out from the hospital.

The next honesty is happened when Charlie and Mikey eat

together and talking each other. Mikey told her to make the right

friends and he said that somebody has seen her walking with Riley

West. She is mad with that question. She wondered, why did he care

about her.

Page 218
“He gave me a job. A fucking job washing dishes.” I push the plate
away angrily. “he can’t fucking get up in the morning, so I go over
and get him. Don’t worry Michael, I’m just his alarm clock. I mean,
who’s going to want to fuck me when I’m all scarred and crap? Not
you, right? You wiped your mouth after we kissed.”

We can see from the evidence above is Charlie tells about

Riley west that he was the one who can gave her a job and now she

just as his alarm clock. She is not complaining about Riley. Besides

that, she tried to tell her feeling that she is mad to Mikey. Because, he

wiped his mouth when Charlie kissed him. After that, the writer still

found of honesty, when she and Riley talked each other in her room in

office and he found a roll of linen.

Page 273
“He huff twice, queer sounds, like someone’s knocked him in the
chest. “what the fuck is this?”
Before I can stop my self, I blurt, “it is me. It is what I do.
What I did, I mean. I am trying not to do anymore.” I hold my breath,
It is like he did not hear me. Angry, he holds out the box, his voice
rising. “what is this shit?”
He holds up th pieces of glass one by one, the small plastic container
of hydrogen peroxide, the tube of ointment, the roll pf gauze.
“it is what I use. To cut my self. Those are my things.”

From the dialogue above, we can know that Charlie tells the

truth to Riley that she liked to cut herself. The moral value shows that

the main character was not hide the rightness about her past to Riley.

After that, when she looked for Blue when she get home from work.

She found her in Riley’s front room. They talk, laugh and joke each

other and she just look from the screen door. And then, Blue has fallen

asleep on the couch.

Page 327
“He is behind me, pressing me against him, his breath against my
cheek. “your friend, she was just talking shit, right, about rooming
with you? I do not know how I feel about that.”
I close my whirling eyes, I am so tired of drinking, and cleaning up
after him up for work. Where I am? What I am doing?
My voice skips, my throat is sore from cigarettes, but I push it out and
it comes out angry and I can tell he feels it ; his body shrinks back,
just a touch.
“you won’t even let me have a friend? Like, just one friend?”

My words are slurry and I start to panic a little. I don’t want to lose it,
but the ball is getting bigger, the alcohol is pushing it along greedily.
“Hey, now.” Riley’s voice is soft. “I didn’t.”
“I mean, do you know how hard is it to be around just you all the
time? When you are so fucked up?”
Riley is silent.
My voice gets louder. I push his hands away, press myself against the
wall, the window open above me. Can the neighbors hear me?
“You never ask me anything about myself. You have never been asked
me about scars. Or about my parents. Blue at least knows, she
Hey, listen, everybody’s got shit, honey, I just didn’t ask because
You didn’t ask because I don’t think you really care, as long as I’m
here when you need me to be” A cookie or a book or a record on a
shelf, like Julie said”

We can know from the dialogue above that Charlie is telling

about her feeling to him that she felt Riley did not care of her because

she said that he also never wanted to ask about what happened about

her in the past. It showed that she is an honest girl. She revealed all her

feeling to him. And it still continues to the page 328, Charlie still

wants to tell everything to him.

Page 328
“I had a friend and she tried to kill herself, and it was my fault. And I
broke my mother’s nose and she kicked me out. There was never a
heating grate, but here’s what there was: a loaf of bread can last
week, but you get stopped up” my words are tumbling out, caught in
slurry clouds in my throat, but I can’t stop.
When I ask you for change, you will give it to me because I am small
and I look sad and I am dirty and you have some secret thought about
me, because I am small and sad and dirty. You think maybe you could
do the things to me, and I would let you because I need money. And I
know this, so when I say we should walk to the park and talk some
more, privately, you are happy to come with me, you are excited and
Riley whispers, “Do not”
He covers his face with his hands.

We can know from the evidence above that she keeps telling

the truth about her past to him. And, the next page, the main character

still continues of telling about her feeling.

Page 329
“I lean down close to Riley’s face. He shuts his eyes tight. “I lived in a
sex house. Someone tried to sell me money. So I tried to die. There’s
my story, Riley. When do I get yours?”

We can read from the evidence above that she keeps telling

about herself, besides that, she also wants to know about Riley in the

past. She also asked him about she wanted to know about Riley’s past.

And it showed an honesty..

4. Cooperativeness

Cooperativeness involves the fact of doing something together or

working together toward a share aim (Hornby,2010:323)

The writer only found the cooperativeness of Charlie and her

Doctor. Casper told her to do some rules to make her better or she tries

to control to stop hurt herself.

Page 32
“I’m trying to follow the rules. I am trying to go where.
I’m supposed to go when I’m supposed to go there and sit like a good
girl even though I don’t say anything because my throat is filled with
nails. I’m trying to follow the rules because to not follow the rules
means to risk outside.”

From the evidence above we can know that Charlie is trying to

do the rules from her Doctor. So, her mental health can get well soon

and it is a cooperativeness.

5. Thankfulness

Thankfulness is word of action that shows that we are grateful to

somebody for something. (Hornby, 2010:1545)

The writer found evidences of thankfulness, first it happened,

when Charlie wanted to make her way out of the library to the plaza

and she did not know the streets.

Page 158
“Three grubby guys on the library lawn catch my eye. They’re
grolling cigarretes, sitting against their dark backpacks I grit my
teeth. I don’t want to talk to them, but I’m going to, because they’ll
have information I need.
Two of them grunt when I ask where the food bank is, but the third
man points down the street and tells me the name of the place. One of
the other man says, “Yah, but you won’t get in, girl. Got to get in line
for dinner practically at the crack of fuckin’ dawn and lately, it’s all
babies and they mamas. Can’t take a plate a food might be for a baby,
I say thanks and unlock my bicycle.
(Page 158)

From the evidence above, we can know that even though she is

a silent girl, Charlie is still has a good attitude. Because, when she asks

someone to help her, she does not forget to say thank you.

6. Kind-hearted

The kind-hearted is the quality of being kind (Hornby,2010:822).

From the novel, the writer found the kindness of the main

character. It happened when, a guy who named Riley asked her to help

him to be his alarm in the morning and she agreed with it. When the

time comes to wake him up, the rain fell and she got wet in the rain.

Page 241
“The rain happens very early, while I am riding my bicycle to Riley’s
to wake him up for work. It was humid all night and I slept with the
fan right against my body, but it did not do any good. I rinsed off in
cold water in the tub, but my clothes stuck to me instant I got outside.
About a half to his house, It is a though someone drew a dark curtain
across the sky and suddenly, the fattest rain I have ever seen or felt
starts pouring down. It is like a thousand faucets have gone off in the
sky once. The street fills up instantly and cars driving by skitter and
splash even more water all over me. I almost crash when someone hits
a puddle and the water slashes across my face. The rain is warm and
I am soaking when I got his house. I run up on the porch, kick off my
boots. I call out through the door, but there is no answer. I do not
want to get his floor wet, but I think, what is he going to care,
anyway? So I run through his house straight to the bathroom. The
only towels are on the floor. I start mopping myself off, shaking water
from my hair.”(page 241)

From the evidence above, we can know that she is a

kindhearted girl. Because she still wants to help Riley even its heavy


7. Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness is that the action that we can rely on to be a good,

honesty,sincere, etc (Hornby,2010:1602).

The writer found the worthiness of Charlie is when she talked

about Ellis to her Doctor, her named is Casper. Because, she asked

about who is her secret keeper.

Page 71
“and in her room, with the wild blue walls and so many posters and
solar system ceiling, I could tell her anything, I did. Charlie, Charlie,
you are so beautiful, so fucking angelic. Her hand in mine. She wore
white flannel pajamas with black skulls on them. And that was that.
My secret keeper. (page 71)

From the evidence about we can know that she put her

trustworthiness in her good friend. She said that Ellis is her secret


8. Sincerity

Sincerity shows the feeling, belief, or behavior that we really think or

feel (Hornby,2010:1385)

The sincerity of Charlie is found when she realized her mistake

to Mikey even though its a small problem, she wanted to say sorry to

him and it is a sincerity.

Page 386
Mikey turns and sees me. My stomach luches as he smiles and walks
over, bunny staying behind to chat with someone. I cannot help but
notice the glint of plain gold on his finger. Blue stays by my side,
“Hi,” he says shyly.
“Charlie,” he says. “I am really happy to see you are here. I am
really happy to see you.”
I motion to his finger. “So, things are pretty different for you now.”
Mikey nods. “You could say that.” He laughs.
I take a deep breath. “I am sorry for the way I acted, Mikey. Michael.
I am sorry. I should have answered your emails.”

From the dialogue above, we can know that she does not feel

shy to say sorry for her mistake to him. It shows that she has a good

heart and she really think about she did to her good friend.

9. Love and Affection

Love is a strong feeling or deep affection for somebody or something

especially a member of family or friend (Hornby,2010:884). Affection

is the emotional state of liking or loving somebody or something very

much and caring about them (Hornby,2010:24).

The writer found about a love and affection in the novel. When

she was in the Julie’s office to find a new box of order pads, and she

called Riley using phone call in office.

Page 380
“I loved you, Riley.” It hurts, saying it out loud, letting it balloon up
and away from me.
“Please,” he cries, “Baby-“
The line goes dead.

From the evidence above we can know that Charlie is in love

with a guy named Riley West. She has a strong love feeling or deep

affection for him.



This chapter consists of two elements, conclusions and suggestions of the


A. Conclusion

This chapter consists of two elements, conclusions and suggestions of

the research. The writer would like to draw the conclusion as follows:

After analyzing “Girl in Pieces Novel by Kathleen Glasgow”, in this

chapter the writer would like to the conclusion of moral value in “Girl in

Pieces” Novel. Moral values can take and learn in daily life, in relation with a

good or bad attitude of people. We also can decide what should we do or not

through studying moral values. It will help and lead us to take care of

ourselves and others. Especially, Girl in Pieces novel is a story of a teenager

always facing difficult situation everyday and she kept strong herself.

Actually, there are eleven moral values written by Hornby such as bravery,

humbleness, honesty, steadfastness, sympathetic to others, cooperativeness,

thankfulness, kindhearted, trustworthiness, sincerity and love and affection.

But, the writer found nine of moral values in the novel that can be learned in

“Girl in Pieces” novel to the reader. They were: The writer found four

evidences of bravery. Besides that humbleness, cooperativeness, thankfulness,

kindhearted, trustworthiness, sincerity, love and affection found only one

evidence in the novel. Next, in the novel the writer found eight evidences of

honesty. Moreover, the moral values which are discovered in the Girl in

Pieces novel have implication in the education life of adolescent especially the

broken home and who has NSSI disease.

B. Suggestions

In the end of this paper, the writer would like to give some suggestions

as follows:

1. The novel Girl in Pieces novel was an education life of novel. It was

interesting. The researcher invited all of adolescent to read this novel. It is

a novel full of value and meaning life.

2. Novel can be used to as media in education. The reader could find

benefits of moral message that conveyed by the author in novel. It assists

us to grasp the true message of novel.

3. Moral Values is the most important to make human to be better. It will

lead everyone to do something properly. In order to do comprehend good

and wrong behavior.


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