Recommended Package of Practices: Foxtail Millet (S

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Recommended package of practices

Foxtail millet(Setariaitalica L.)

A number of varieties with high yield potential have been released for different states. The list of
latest and popular varieties recommended for different states are given below

Foxtail millet
Sl. Varieties
1. Andhrapradesh SiA 3088, SiA 3156, SiA 3085, Lepakshi, SiA 326
SiA 326, HMT 100-1 and PS 4,Sreelaxmi, KO
2. Karnataka
12,Narasimharaya, SiA 3088, SiA 3156
TNAU 196 and TNAU 43, CO (Ten) 7,TNAU 186, CO 1,
3. Tamil Nadu
CO 2, CO 4, CO 5, K2, K3
Prathap Kangani (SR 1) and SR 51, SR 11, Sreelaxmi, SR
4. Rajasthan
16, SiA 3085
PRK 1 and PS 4, SiA 3088, 3085, Sreelaxmi,
5. Uttar Pradesh
Narasimharaya, S-114, SiA 326
6. Uttarakhand PS 4 and PRK 1, Sreelaxmi, SiA 326

• August – September in Tamil nadu.
• July-August in Karnataka.
• First fortnight of July in Andhra Pradesh.
• Second and third week of July in Maharashtra.
• In Tamil Nadu, Kharif irrigated crop is planted from the beginning of June to end of July and
summer irrigated crop in January
• Plains of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, middle of June.

• 25-30 cm between rows and 8-10 cm between plants within a row

Seed rate
• 8-10 kg ha-1 for line sowing
• 15 kg ha-1 for broadcasting

Manuring and fertilization

Apply 5 tones of farm yard manure per hectare 2-3 weeks prior to sowing. Fertilizer required for
different states is as follows

State Fertilizer recommended NPK kg ha-1

Andhra Pradesh 40:30:0
Jharkhand 40:20:0
Karnataka 30:15:0
Maharashtra 20:20:0
Tamil nadu 40:20:0
Other regions 20:20:0

Apply entire quantity of phosphorus and half of nitrogen at sowing and remaining half of nitrogen at
30 days after sowing.

Weed control

• Two inter cultivations and one hand weeding in line sowing

• Two hand weeding in broadcasted crop

Cropping systems

Inter cropping

Andhra Pradesh: Foxtail millet+ ground nut (2:1 ratio)

Foxtail millet + cotton (5:1 ratio) - Royal seema regions.
Finger millet + pigeon pea in 5:1 row ratio.

Relay cropping

Andhra Pradesh: If monsoon is early, sow foxtail millet at 45 cm row spacing and introduce Rabi
jowar as relay crop when foxtail millet is nearing maturity.

Sequence cropping
Foxtail millet-mustard, foxtail millet-green gram, foxtail millet-pigeon pea and foxtail millet-
sunflower are profitable than one crop of foxtail millet.

• Blast (Pyricularia setariae), Brown spot (Helmithosporium setariae), rust (Uromyces
setariae) appear on the foliage.

Spraying Mancozeb (0.2%) and warrant a spray only if they appear at the early stages of crop growth.

• Grain Smut (Ustilagocrameri)

Treating the seeds with Carboxin or Carbendazim @ 2g/kg

• Green ear (Sclerosporagraminicola)

Treating the seeds with Ridomil Mz @ 2g/kg.Rouging out the affected plants.

Army worm, cut worm and leaf scrapping beetle appear occasionally in serious form. In certain areas
shootfly occur, although it is not a regular pest.
When pests are noticed, take up dusting of Endosulfan 4% @ 30kg/ha or Malathion 5% @ 8-10 kg/ha.

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