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research study of Accountancy, Business and Management 11-A
students in Cabiao National Senior High School, School Year

The Researchers:

Canlas, Ezekiel D.

De Jesus, Rovic

Galang, Miguel Jerome C.

Mapilis, Jayvee M.

Vinuya, John Kenneth A.

Batas, Rosebelle G.

Clemente, Lyka O.

Victorino, Jana Mariz L.

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Nowadays, in our modern society online shopping is

one of the best ways to buy things, therefore, it has been
affecting the ways of how Filipino’s spend their money. The
researchers conducted this study because of the present issue
about online shopping. People tend to do online shopping due
to various advantages of it, like its convenience that it
brings to thousands of customers. It allows customers to
choose and shop items from distant places; also, it enables
them to buy items digitally in just a click of a button.
Furthermore, online shopping may lessen the additional cost
brought by the transportation. It can save more time from
customers because it decreases the time spent in traveling to
markets, boutiques and malls. Sometimes the products on online
shop are good in picture but when it comes to reality, the
products are far from quality that shows in the picture.
Moreover, when the customers are cancelling the order of
products in this case the online shop will not respond.
Therefore, the online shop still continues the delivery of the
product. This study aims to describe how online shopping
affects the behavior of Accountancy, Business and Management
students towards spending money.

The purpose of the study is to determine the effects

to the behavior of the customers towards online shopping and
spending more money to it. The importance of this study is to
acquire new knowledge about online shopping towards spending
money. The outcome of this study can be serve as a guide and a

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big help to the Accountancy, Business and Management students
of Cabiao National Senior High School to achieve this outcome
the researchers will go on observing and interviewing the
Accountancy, Business and Management students.


1. Why does Accountancy, Business and Management students being addicted

in online shopping instead of buying in a market?
1.1 Have you tried to buy online?
1.2 Why did you buy online?
1.3 How frequently you buy online?
1.4 When you are shopping online did you buy your needed things?
1.5 Are you satisfied in a product that make you addicted in online shop?
2. How Accountancy, Business and Management students faced the difficulties
and/or problems encountered by shopping online?
2.1 Have you experienced any problem in online shopping?
2.2 What do you feel when there is problem?
2.3 How often you experienced a problem or difficulties? What? Why?
2.4 How did you face the problem or difficulties?
2.5 What did you do to solve it?
3. How the Accountancy, Business and Management students handle the
expectation and the quality of the product enough for the money they have?
3.1 Have you experienced when you buy online don’t meet the reality on your
3.2 How can you handle your expectation into the item that you ordered?
3.3 Do you feel regrets if the item has a damage?
3.4 Do you think that the money you have is enough for the quality of the
3.5 How can you say that?

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 The researchers want to study the effect of

behavior in Accountancy Business and
Management students on spending their money in
online shopping.

 This study is focuses on Accountancy Business

and Management students both grade 11 and
Grade 12 in Cabiao National Senior High School
Academic Year of 2019-2020.

Statement of the Problem

In this study, the researchers already know that

there are several problems about online shopping that might be
possible to happen after purchasing items on it. The
researchers know that this online shopping might cause delay
to the things that the buyer ordered. The researchers also
know that not all the items that are ordered online are fine
when it comes to them.

The researcher conducted this study to determine the

effect of online shopping to the behavior of the students of
Accountancy Business and Management in Cabiao National Senior
High School. If it is helpful to them or it can cause to the
student to be lazy or irresponsible. It is important to know
because this online shopping can cause to the students to be
lazy in buying the things that he/she needs or either they

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want. It can also cause addiction to those students who always
use this online shop.

The problems arises anywhere when someone buy online.

The persons that are affected to this are usually the
consumers who always ordering items on online shopping. In
this study, the way that the researcher do to solve this
problem is to interview the students to know their behaviour.


The person who will be benefits of this study are the


The Researchers- the researchers will have new knowledge about

online shopping and can serve as a guide if they will go on
buying in online shopping.

Students- the students will not consume too much time to buy.
They will be aware to buy items in online shop because of the
result of the study.

Parents- on this online shopping, parents will be benefited

too because of this, they have a lot of time to do all the
task that they need to do. And after those task they will have
a time to rest.

Teacher– through these teachers can have an understanding also

that online shopping are really affects their behavior and it
is helpful in the academic performances of the students,
therefore teacher can lessen their strictness or establish
rules in using online shopping.

Readers – in reading the whole research can broaden their

knowledge in terms of buying an item in online.

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Future Researcher – the future researchers are able to use
this study as reference in the research that they will
conduct, related to the how online shopping affects their
behavior and when it comes in the academic performance of

Chapter II

Review of Related Study and Literature


According to Earl Michael et al. (2016), (Consumer

perception and purchase behaviour on online shopping among
students in Mindanao University of Science and Technology)
there were three elements of perception about online shopping
(1) convenience; (2) benefits; (3) leisure; and other three
elements of behaviour; (1) convenience; (2) security; (3)
leisure. It revealed to sustain the high perception of the
online shopper, the web developers should incorporate features
on their websites regarding to convenience, security,
benefits, and leisure. It is important for online marketers,
entrepreneur, and businessman to consider the fact that the
students spend more time on the internet and this factor will
likely increase the student’s behaviour on online shopping.

According to Edralin Lim (2014), (Adoption of E-Commerce

in Manila) the acceptance factors of E-commerce were ease of
understanding, personalization, reliability and usability. It
also revealed the reason of slow adaptation of E-commerce are
culture, infrastructure, shipping and delivery costs, security
and data protection.


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According to T. Jukariya and R. Singhvi (2018),(a study
of Factors Affecting Online Buying Behaviour of Students)
India, that there are transaction security and multiple
payment option, personal privacy and security, product price
and quality, the speed of access and after sales service were
few major factors that affects students online shopping

According to Jadvah, V and Khanna M, (2016), (factors

Influencing Online Buying Behavior of College Students: A
Qualitative Analysis, that study were found that the main
influencing factors in online shopping were identified as
availability, low price, promotion, comparison, convenience,
and customer service, perceived ease of use, attitude, time
consciousness, trust and variety seeking.

The relevance of the study entitled “How online shopping

affects the behavior of Accountancy, Business and Managements
students towards spending money” are some study were referred
to the online shopping and the factors that affecting the
students towards online shopping. Most of the study saying
some factors and perception how online shopping affects the
behavior, it also revealed the main influencing factors in how
online shoppers getting used the online shopping. Some study
saying that online shopping was ease of understanding is found
to be a significant factor to predict the intention to use the
online shopping. It was found that online shopping was
commonly used to buy goods and services without leaving their
comfort zone.

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Chapter III

Qualitative Research Design Used

This study aims to determine the behavior effects of

online shopping to the Accountancy, Business and Management
students in Cabiao National Senior High School. Case study
research design was used. Case study is a descriptive and
exploratory analysis of a person, group or event.

The research study entitled “How online shopping affects

the behavior of Accountancy, Business and Managements students
towards spending money” falls from the case study. The unit of
analysis were the Accountancy, Business and Management
students of Cabiao National Senior High School.

Through the use of case study, the researchers can make a

conclusion to the study; It give definition where the topic
under from, it also gives a focus to the researchers to what
will be the outcome.

Sampling Procedure and Sampling

The study used the purposive sampling. The students of

Accountancy, Business and Management students were being the
participants of the study. The researchers asked first if they
did online shopping before they were interview.

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Purposive sampling techniques is appropriate use in this
study because most of the Accountancy, Business and Management
students did not try to buy online they will not give the
information that the researchers want to have.

Data Collection Procedure

Data Requirements
In conducting a research, the researchers asked some
question to their participants to answer the question. The data
requirements that the researchers wanted was direct to the
point and really connects to the researcher’s study and also to
easily find and give solution. And if the others respondent
answer about the question, it can give information to the
researchers .

Data Collection
The proper recommendation for the researchers has given
by their research teacher of Cabiao National Senior High
School. The researchers (12) twelve students of Accountancy
Business and Management both grade 11 and 12 as their
participants. The researchers selected it purposively.
Because it is a qualitative research, the researchers used
interviews and observation to gather all the data needed in
their study. The researchers also used interview guide

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questions to the respondents for them to easily gave their
answer confidently. It is important for the participants to
have a comfortable communications and feel that they are the
priority for them to have an organized and proper answer.

Data Processing

In data processing, the researchers used voice recording to

get all the answer of the respondents in the question that helps
the researchers to give or to find solutions about the study that
researchers conducted.

After the researchers got all the

Data Cleaning
answers of their participants, the data
cleaning was happened when the researchers decoded the answer of
the participants. The researchers decoded the answer of each
participants that connected to their study to find or to give
solution on how online shopping affects the behavior of
Accountancy Business and Management students.

Data Analysis

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This case study used the narrative analysis as their data
analysis procedure. The researchers used this analysis because it
is used to analyze content from interviews, observations and
investigating that the respondents, thoughts and experienced
about online shopping.


The researchers communicate through personal talking for the

researchers to understand what the participants saying. Through
personal talking the researchers should have a respectful manners
in interviewing their participants.

There were 12 participants in total from all the

Accountancy, Business and Managements of Cabiao National
Senior High School. The data are collected through the use of
interview question and observation from Accountancy, Business
and Management student. The researchers ensure that the data
that already collected will surely kept strict under
confidentiality. The researchers bring tools like a phone to
take a picture and to record all the information that the
participant will gave and for the observation the researchers
have a checklist. The researchers need that tools because for
the proof and for the data analysis. The next process is the

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data analysis and making a supporting conclusion and
supporting decision making.

Data Analysis Procedure

The research study used narrative analysis. Information

narration and analyze content from various sources, in other
hand, it focuses on the stories and experiences shared by
people to answer the research question.

The researchers conducted interview and observation using

purposive sampling to the Accountancy, Business and Management
students of Cabiao National Senior High School.

1. Why does Accountancy, Business and Management students

being addicted in online shopping instead of buying in
a market?
Based on the data the researchers found out that
there are more students are not being addicted in
online shopping because most of them are rarely buying
in online that`s why they don’t being addicted and the
others are addicted because of the various advantage of
it, like convenient shopping and its cheaper price, low
consuming of time and decrease the cost brought by
1.1 Have you tried to buy online?
The participants saying that they have an
experience in online shopping or they tried to buy
in online.
1.2 Why did you buy online?

Most of the participants saying because of the

cheaper price and convenient shopping, less
consuming of time and no hassle the reason of why
did they continue to buying online.

1.3 How frequently you buy online?

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Based on the data that collected 6 participants
said that they are rarely to buy in online and
the others said they buy or purchase an order to
online shop once a week, twice a week, and once a

1.4 When you are shopping online did you buy your
needed things?
Based on the data that collected 8 participants
said they didn’t buy they needed things they just
want to spend their money and sometimes they
getting attracted because of the discount that
online shopping offered and the others said they
will have purchased they`re needed things.
1.5 Are you satisfied in a product that make you
addicted in online shop?
Majority said that they are not satisfied on
the product that they buy in online shopping and
they said that they only buy their wants.

2. How Accountancy, Business and Management students faced

the difficulties and/or problem encountered by shopping
Based the data there are more students encountered a
problem than to those not encountered in online
shopping and they consult the shop and asking for a
refund or returning of the product and some others
saying they just accept it.
2.1 Have you experienced any problem in online
Based on the data 6 of the participants haven’t
yet experienced a problem and the others 6 are
experienced a problem in online shopping.
2.2 What do you feel when there is problem?

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Based on the data 5 participants saying they
feel disappoint and annoyed at the same time and
the others saying unsatisfying and sad.

2.3 How often you experienced a problem or

difficulties? What? Why?
Based on the data the participants saying they
only experienced a problem once because of the
wrong color of the product and some saying because
of the defective parts.
2.4 How did you face the problem or difficulties?
Based on the data the others saying they just
accept it and some saying they make a refund and
return the product.
2.5 What did you do to solve it?
Based on the data the participants saying they
let it and some saying they consult the shop and
asking for a refund.

3. How the Accountancy Business and Management students

handle the expectation and the quality of the product
enough for the money they have?
Based on the data most of the participants saying
not expect too much to the product and review first the
rate of the product if is worth buying for and worth
for spend money.
3.1 Have you experienced when you buy online don’t
meet the reality on your expectation?
Based on the data most of the students saying
yes than to those student saying no.
3.2 How can you handle your expectation into the item
that you ordered?
Based on the data some saying not expect too
much to the product and accept the product when

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the product arrived and most of all review first
the ratings of the product if it is worth buying
3.3 Do you feel regrets if the item has a damage?
Based on the data all of the participants
saying yes because who will be happy if the
product that you ordered have a damage.
3.4 Do you think that the money you have is enough for
the quality of the product?
Based on the data most of the participants
saying yes and others saying sometimes yes and
sometimes no because it is depending on the price
of the product if is high price or low price.
3.5 How can you say that?
Based on the data because it is depending on
the price of the product if is high price or low
price and if the product is worth buying for and
worth for spend money.

Research Methodology

The researchers collect a necessary data through the

interview and observation from participants of both grade 11
and 12 of Accountancy, Business and Management students in
Cabiao National Senior High School who try and have an
experience to buy online. Through this method of collecting
data this research study will be complete and done.

The researcher used an interview and observation, to have

an answers of research question and the collected data from
the participants. Through the collecting data from the
participants will helps a lot to the research study about
effects of online shopping to the behavior.

The case study is all about

The researchers observing and investigating
interviewed the individual thoughts and
participants outside experiences about online
of their room and shopping. Page 16 of 30
the participants The researchers ensure
answer the that the collected
questions. information will surely
kept under strict
Case Study

The researcher
interviewed (12)
This study used The researcher had a
twelve participants of
purposive sampling, checklist for observation
Accountancy, Business
the participants are and the researcher
and Management
only the students of observed the Accountancy,
students both grade 11
Accountancy, Business Business and Management
and 12 in Cabiao
and Management who students without knowing
National Senior High
tried or have an it.
School who tried or Chapter
experience in IVonline
have an experience
buying Conclusion

In conclusion, Online shopping have an effects to the

Accountancy, Business and Management students of Cabiao
National Senior High School different behavior have been
affecting like, getting annoyed by the product. Most of the
students are getting annoyed by the product because of the
wrong delivery product. Most occurs problems are like that,
wrong color of the item and defective parts. Online shopping
may lessen our time going to market and decrease our
transportation cost. Most of the students are buying online
because of the various advantage of it, like it is more
convenient and no hassle shopping than in the market and
online shopping sometimes have an item or product that the
market doesn’t have.

Online shopping is a big help to the students and to the

Pilipino because it does not consume more time and fastest way
and easiest. Due to the various advantage of online shopping
more students of Cabiao National Senior High School students
are being addicted in online shopping. When the students are
buying in online they spend their money to the things they
want not to the things that they needed. The product in online

Page 17 of 30
shopping is seems good in picture but when it comes to the
reality the product itself is not that good enough and it is
effecting the expectation of the students.

Online shopping may be a best way to buy things but

concealed to the knowledge of others it has an effect to the
behavior and it is, annoyed, disappointment, sad, regrets,
being addicted and cause of the spending money.

As a result of the study, Online shopping brings us

satisfactory and less consuming of time than in the market but
online shopping has an effects to the behavior of the
Accountancy, Business and Management students.


Based on the conclusion there are more Accountancy,

Business and Management students are being addicted in online
shopping and high expectation to the quality of the product.

 To sustain their addiction to online shopping, the

researchers recommended that the students have a
control to their action and to their self.
 To sustain their high expectation, the researchers
recommended that the students must look first to the
rating of the product before they ordered it and
views for the feedback about the product.
 The researchers suggested do not expect too much in
the things that you see because looks can be

List of Reference

Perception and Purchase Behavior on online shopping among
students in Mindanao, University of Sciences and Technology).

Page 18 of 30

Jadvah,V and Khanna M,(2016)

influencing online buying behavior of college stundents:A
qualitative analysis).

T. Jukariya and R. Singhvi (2018) (



The researchers would like to send the warmest gratitude

to GOD because of the strength and the knowledge he gave to
complete this study and also for taking care in every
situation that involve this study.

The researchers would also like extend their gratitude to

Mrs. Casey Dauz for her guidance and support for the study and
special thanks to the Principal of Cabiao National Senior High
School Mr. Sergio B. Gonzales and to the Assistant Principal
Mr. Ronaldo U. Dayao for accepting the request to conduct
interview in School.

The researchers would like to give their thanks to the

participants which are Accountancy, Business and Management
students for participating and giving answer to the question
of the researchers.

Page 19 of 30
The researchers would like to send their warmest
gratitude to the parents for providing support and advice and
giving money for the study.


This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to our beloved

parents, who have been our source of inspiration and gave us
strength when we thought of giving up, who continually provide
moral, spiritual and financial support.

To our beloved friends, loved ones and classmates who

shared their words of advice and encouragement to finish this

And lastly, the researchers dedicated this study to the

Almighty God, for the guidance, strength, power of mind,
protection and skills and for giving us a healthy life.


In our modern days, online shopping is very helpful and useful

to the students where they can buy their wants or needed
things easily. Online shopping is one of the best ways to buy
things which you are not require to leave your comfort zone.
Some students are buying in online because of various
advantage of it like, it is more convenient and no hassle
shopping, cheaper price of the products. Some items in online
shop are available compare to markets, boutiques and malls.
Online shopping also decreased cost brought by transportation.

This study aims to describe how online shopping affects the

behavior of Accountancy, Business and Management students
towards spending money. The study was only conducted in Cabiao
National Senior High School, School Year 2019-2020. This study
used narrative analysis. The data was collected through
interview of 12 students of Accountancy, Business and
Managements students of Cabiao National Senior High School

Page 20 of 30
using purposive sampling which means not all students are
being participants of the study. The participants of the study
are students of Accountancy, Business and Management who tried
to buy online or who have an experience in online shopping.
The result of the study can be beneficial to the students,
researchers, future researcher in order to have new knowledge
about online shopping. In the result of the study the
researchers found out that the common effects of online
shopping to the students are addiction, annoyed, high
expectation, disappointment, and changing moods which reflect
how online shopping affects the behavior of Accountancy,
Business and Managements students towards spending money. To
sustain their high expectation to the product they must see
first the ratings of the product and the feedback of the
product and to sustain their addiction in online shopping they
must have a control in their action and to their self also.

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Curriculum Vitae

Name: Rovic De Jesus

Age: 17 years’ old

Sex: Male

Birthday: January 11, 2003

Birthplace: Meycauayan, Bulacan

Civil Status: Single

Home Address: Buliran, San Antonio, Nueva Ecija

Page 22 of 30
Religious Affiliation: Catholic

Philosophy in Life: “Always choose the right choice”

Name: Jayvee M, Mapilis

Age: 17 years’ old

Sex: Male

Birthday: August 18, 2002

Birthplace: San Antonio District Hospital

Civil Status: Single

Home Address: San Fernando Norte, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

Religious Affiliation: Catholic

Page 23 of 30
Philosophy in Life: “Don’t pull all that trust

in someone you don’t know yet because that person can be

your enemy someday”

Name: Miguel Jerome C, Galang

Age: 17 years’ old

Sex: Male

Birthday: November 26, 2002

Birthplace: Arayat, Pampanga

Civil Status: Single

Home Address: Sinipit, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

Religious Affiliation: Catholic

Philosophy in Life: “Always put God first”

Page 24 of 30
Name: John Kenneth A, Vinuya

Age: 16 years’ old

Sex: Male

Birthday: August 01, 2003

Birthplace: Sinipit, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

Civil Status: Single

Home Address: Sinipit, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

Religious Affiliation: Iglesia ni Cristo

Philosophy in Life: “Stay low, stay quiet, keep it

simple, don’t expect too much, enjoy what you have”

Page 25 of 30
Name: Ezekiel Canlas

Age: 17 years’ old

Sex: Male

Birthday: June 09, 2002

Birthplace: San Agustin, Arayat, Pampanga

Civil Status: Single

Home Address: Natividad South, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

Religious Affiliation: Catholic

Page 26 of 30
Philosophy in Life: “The only way to deal with unfree

world is to become free that your very existence is an

act of rebellion”

Name: Lyka O, Clemente

Age: 16 years’ old

Sex: Female

Birthday: July 12, 2003

Birthplace: San Roque, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

Civil Status: Single

Home Address: San Roque, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

Religious Affiliation:

Page 27 of 30
Philosophy in Life: “Sometimes life brings smiles,

memories, the tears dry, smiles fade but the memories

last forever”

Name: Jhana Mariz L, Victorino

Age: 17 years’ old

Sex: Female

Birthday: August 05, 2002

Birthplace: San Antonio, Nueva Ecija

Civil Status: Single

Home Address: Maligaya, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

Religious Affiliation: Catholic

Page 28 of 30
Philosophy in Life: “Do not fear failure but rather

than fear not trying”

Name: Rosebelle Batas

Age: 17 years’ old

Sex: Female

Birthday: December 08, 2002

Birthplace: Sinipit, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

Civil Status: Single

Home Address: Sinipit, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

Religious Affiliation: Catholic

Page 29 of 30
Philosophy in Life: “The greater things in this world

coming from above that never see but everlasting here to


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