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Interschool National Scrabble Tournament 2020 (Beginner)

Terms & Conditions

Updated - July 2020

All participants in the “Interschool National Scrabble Tournament 2020 (Beginner)” must adhere
to the following Terms and Conditions.

● By participating in the “Interschool National Scrabble Tournament 2020 (Beginner)” (the
“Contest”) participants agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions; all decisions by
Mattel Southeast Asia (the “Organiser”) is final and binding. Participants accept that if
they do not follow or adhere to these rules, they will be disqualified for participation in the
● The Organiser reserves the right to change, amend, add, or delete any of these Terms and
Conditions without prior notice at any time. Participants shall be bound by all changes.
● The Organiser reserves the right to change, cancel, terminate and/or suspend the Contest
without prior notice. The Organiser reserves the right to modify, suspend, or cancel the
Contest in the event of technical interference or corruption due to but not limited to
computer viruses, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failures or
any other causes beyond the control of the Organiser.
● The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify participants found or suspected to have
tampered with the Contest during the selection process, during the operation of the
Contest, or who have knowingly violated the rules of the Contest.
● The Organiser also reserves the right to disqualify or take legal action against any person
who it suspects to have infringed on any of these Terms and Conditions or interfered in
the Contest via fraudulent activities or activities harmful to the Contest.
● Entrants shall be responsible for meeting all costs associated with entry to the
competition, including mailing costs, transportation, and accommodation.

● Applicants agree to abide by the competition rules laid out in the attached document.
● Coordinating teachers, parents, and guardians may offer advice and guidance during the
Briefing session, but may not communicate with their students during gameplay during
either the online Qualifying Rounds or the Finals.
● One parent/guardian must accompany participants for the duration of the Briefing
Session and online Qualifying Rounds to provide technical assistance and to report
● Finalists will need to be accompanied by a guardian who stays within the vicinity of the
tournament for the duration of the competition.
Competition Details
● Before the online Qualifying Rounds, all participants must attend an online Briefing
Session on how to use the Internet Scrabble Club (
● The online Qualifying Rounds of the Contest will be held between 8 August 2020 - 23
August 2020. All Qualifying Rounds will be held online on the Internet Scrabble Club.
Participants will compete by location: Johor (1), Ipoh (1), Malacca (1), Penang (1), and
Klang Valley (2).
● The top 16 participants from each online Qualifying Round will be invited to participate in
the Finals.
● The Finals will be held on ground at the end of September at IPC Shopping Centre.
● The Organiser reserves the absolute right to reschedule or postpone the stages of the
contest if deemed necessary, following the direction of the Ministry of Education.

● The Contest is open to all Malaysian students.
● Applicants should be new to Scrabble tournaments; at the time of their application
submission, they must be unrated by Malaysian Scrabble Association (MSA). Applicants
who already have an MSA rating at the time of their application submission will be turned
● The Contest is not open to the sponsors, advertising and promotional agencies,
employees, or organisations associated with the Organiser.
● All students must be aged 10 - 12 (born in 2008 - 2010) and be supervised by a
coordinating teacher or a guardian to be eligible for entry.
● The purpose of the coordinating teacher/parent/guardian is solely to help with the
selection and registration of students and to ensure that all participants are aware of and
follow the rules, Terms and Conditions of the Contest.

How to Enter
● No purchase necessary.
● One school may only select four students to represent them.
● Representatives are to compete as individuals.
● Students are required to adhere to the rules of the tournament as outlined by the
● Coordinating teachers are to fill out the registration form, take a photo or scan it, and send
it to the contest Organiser.
● Coordinating teachers are to confirm the participation of their students who have already
registered. Should a student be unable to participate, coordinating teachers may replace
them with another unrated student.
● The Organiser reserves the right to deny registrations that are incomplete. Participants
will not be granted entry to the online Qualifying Rounds without registration forms.
● The Organiser may disqualify a participant if they fail to comply with the rules of the game.
Judging, Selection, and Notification of Winners
● The Contest rounds will be conducted and overseen by representatives of the Malaysian
Scrabble Association.
● The top sixteen players from each online Qualifying Round location will be invited to play
in the Finals. On the occasion that a qualified player cannot make it to the Finals, the
Organiser will reach out to the next most qualified player from their location.
● Points scored during online Qualifying Rounds will not be carried forward to the Finals.
● If any participant invited to participate in the Finals does not acknowledge their
advancement in the competition within three days of contact from the Organiser, they
forfeit their position and will be replaced with the next most qualified participant.
● The Organiser will not be held liable in the event of non-receipt or delayed delivery of any
form of notification to the winners. All costs incidental to the redemption and/or usage of
the prizes shall be solely borne by the winners.
● The Organiser may refuse or disqualify any participant (including winning participants) if
the entrant concerned or anyone authorised by the entrant to deal with their entry, acts in
a way which the Organiser reasonably considers to be inappropriate, unlawful or offensive.
If a winning participant is disqualified, the Organiser reserves the right to award the prize
to another entrant.

● All participating students and coordinating teachers will earn participation certificates.
● There will be six trophies to be won. Three will be awarded to the top three individual
players. The other three will be awarded to the top performing schools; one school may
only win one trophy.
● The Organiser reserves the right to substitute any one of the prize(s) with items of
equivalent value at any time without prior notice. All prizes are not transferable, non-
refundable and non-exchangeable.

Data Protection
● Any personal data relating to entrants will be used solely in accordance with current
Malaysia data protection legislation and will not be disclosed to a third party without the
individual's prior consent.
● Participation in this contest and acceptance of the prizes constitute an irrevocable
permission for the Organiser to use the winners’ names and photographs for purposes of
publicity and advertisement without any compensation or need for prior notification to the

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