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35 St. Louis U. Pub. L. Rev. 109

Saint Louis University Public Law Review


Chad Flandersa1 Joseph Welling

Copyright (c) 2015 Saint Louis University School of Law; Chad Flande; Joseph Welling



The recent rash of police shootings has raised troubling questions about when, if ever, police are justified in using deadly
force against a suspect. Some police shootings may simply represent wanton violence. Others may present close cases. How
do we decide when a police officer can not only use force, but shoot at a suspect -- even shoot to kill? When is a police
killing a justifiable homicide, and when is it just a homicide?
One place to start in drawing the line between justified and unjustified uses of deadly force is the Supreme Court’s 1985
opinion in Tennessee v. Garner.1 Reading the majority opinion in Garner is a bracing experience. Justice White’s extended
discussion of the common law standard of police use of force makes clear on many levels that he did not merely want to
replace the common law rule: he wanted to bury it. 2 That police could use any amount of force, including deadly force, to
“seize”3 a fleeing felon -- the common law rule which at issue in Garner4 -- was not only constitutionally infirm, it made little
sense as a policy matter. 5 Police departments had long ago abandoned the idea (at least in theory, but also in practice) that
deadly force should be the default option for stopping non-violent offenders. 6 The common law rule, in fact, was a relic of an
age where most crimes were punishable by death and most felonies were violent ones. 7 However, we were now in an age of
due process, where we had trials and did not “shoot first and ask questions later.” More deeply echoing throughout the
opinion is the theme that the common law in our day and age is utterly lacking in humanity.8 The rule at common law seemed
to suppose that it was always more important to catch a criminal even if that meant killing him. However, that is not always
the case. Sometimes it is better to let the criminal go free than to use force that could kill. 9 The opinion does not condone the
offender in victim but it does, in a way, encourage us to sympathize with him: he may have deserved a trial and punishment,
but he did not deserve to die.
As powerful as the Garner decision was, it also was an importantly limited one. Garner was a case involving a suit under §
1983, the federal civil rights statute. 10 In deciding such a suit, the Court has to announce what the constitutional rule is -- and
so in Garner’s lawsuit, the Court had to say what amount of force counted as “reasonable” under the Fourth Amendment. 11
However, deciding the constitutional standard for Garner’s civil rights suit did not disturb what the standard had to be for
state criminal law prosecutions.12 States still have the authority to dictate under what circumstances police could justifiably
use deadly force, and so avoid punishment under state law.13
In other words, although Tennessee lost the lawsuit in Garner, the result in Garner did not require that it change its statute
that permitted police to shoot at a fleeing felon, nor did it require any other state to abandon the common law rule 14 States

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could still hang on to the common law rule -- and even after Garner, many did.15 States generally have free rein to decide
what defenses they can have, and the scope of those defenses. 16 A state can decide to have a “stand your ground” law, or it
can decide not to have one, but neither is required -- or for that matter, prohibited -- by the Constitution. 17 States can say
officers are never authorized to use deadly force, or they can say they can use deadly force to shoot a fleeing felon. 18 Again,
neither result is dictated by the Constitution.19
Many states did change their laws after Garner due to Garner’s compelling reasoning.20 Police could shoot at felons, these
new laws articulated, but the felons had to be dangerous, or have committed a dangerous felony (states differed slightly in
how they interpreted the holding in Garner).21 These states that changed their law to fit with Garner joined the ranks of those
states that had already given up on the common law rule. 22 According to the Court’s tally in Garner, twenty-three states had
the common law rule in 1985, approaching but not quite a majority. 23 The number would diminish in the succeeding decades,
as we report below.24
The number has not yet reached zero. As the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri brought to light, 25 many states
still had the common law rule, either as a matter of statutory law or as a matter of their common law. 26 In some of these states,
the actual status of the law regarding police officer use of force was a matter of considerable confusion. 27 In Missouri, police
departments by and large followed the Garner rule in their training,28 and the jury instructions for police officer use of force
(approved by the Missouri Supreme Court) explicitly referenced the Garner decision and standard.29 The Missouri statute still
followed the common law rule.30 A number of bills were proposed in the spring of 2015 to change the Missouri statute, but
none of them made it to a full vote. 31 All of them, to a greater or lesser extent, sought to make the law in Missouri closer to
the Garner standard. Presumably, the issue will be up again for debate in the coming legislative session. 32
This essay updates the count of states who still hang on to the common law rule in their statutes, thirty years after Garner.33
The structure of our essay is as follows: after a recapitulation of Garner -- including a discussion of the *113 ambiguity of
what is ultimately its holding (Part I) -- we turn to our updated count of states that still retain the common law rule (Part II).
Part III explains why, contrary to the belief of many, the decision in Garner did not require states to abandon the common
law rule. Part IV looks at the most recent legislative efforts to reform the use of police force statute in Missouri.


A. The Facts of Garner

B. The Birth of the Garner Standard for Deadly Force

The Supreme Court, in its opinion, took it upon itself to give a searching investigation of the common law rule of police
force, and to reassess that rule in light of modern circumstances. 62 It notes, early on, that the use of deadly force represents
something of an anomaly in a system that is structured by trials and proof beyond a reasonable doubt. 63 If you kill someone
who is fleeing, you dispense with all that. You skip the trial, and go straight to the punishment -- a punishment that cannot be
reversed on appeal. As the majority opinion states, somewhat dryly but emphatically, “The use of deadly force is a self-
defeating way of apprehending a suspect and so setting the criminal justice system in motion. If successful, it guarantees that
the mechanism will not be set in motion.”64 There should be a bias against using deadly force, the Court surmises, if only for
this reason: we prefer trials to summary executions.65
The Court then answers the compelling counter-argument made by the state: the common law rule supports shooting fleeing
felon; moreover, the common law rule was the rule at the time of the adoption of the Constitution. 66 However, to accept the
common law rule in interpreting the Constitution, the Court replies, is to be in the grips of a “mistaken literalism” that

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ignores history.67 The common law rule may have made sense when all felonies were punished by death. 68 Then, there may
have been considerable pull to the idea that the police officer was simply accomplishing quickly what the court system would
be doing eventually. Further, the common law rule may have been acceptable when nearly all felonies were dangerous
felonies,69 as we could automatically presume dangerousness from the mere fact of a felony having been committed.
Neither of these facts was still true at the time of Garner.70 The death penalty, slowly, but inexorably, was being limited to the
most violent and heinous of crimes. 71 It was not applied to all crimes, even all felonies, across the board. Now not all felonies
were violent. In fact, many crimes that were misdemeanors in the world of Blackstone were now being treated as felonies. 72
Thus, two trends, working in opposite directions, made the common law rule *116 otiose: the death penalty was becoming
more rare, but more crimes, particularly nonviolent crimes, were becoming felonies. 73 To these two trends the Court added a
third: it was getting easier to use deadly force. 74 Before, deadly force was mainly inflicted by hand-to-hand combat, that is,
after a fight.75 Nowadays, police can kill with one pull of a trigger. There may be, in such a world, a greater need for caution
in using force -- and for a rule that would discourage the use of force unless and until it was really necessary. 76
The Tennessee rule, the Court concluded, was “pure” common law, but that common law rule when literally applied made no
sense in our changed “legal and technological context.” 77 Proof that the rule was no longer good could be found in the
evolving practices of states (discussed in greater detail in the next Part of this essay) but even more “impressive[ly]” in
polices “adopted by police departments themselves.” 78 “Overwhelmingly” police departments had chosen policies that were
more restrictive than the common law rule. 79 They allowed force when there was a risk of serious harm, or death, and not
merely when there was a fleeing felon. 80 According to the Court, over 85% of departments had rejected the common law
rule.81 The Court found the trend of departments to be especially persuasive, because it demonstrated that sound policing did
not require the common law rule in order to protect citizens and prevent crime.
The Court’s new standard, which was to replace the common law rule, was that deadly force could “not be used unless it is
necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of
death or serious physical injury to the officer or others.” 82 This is how the Court announces the rule in the opening paragraph
of its decision.83 Later, it clarifies, and puts the rule in both positive and negative terms. If the suspect poses no immediate
threat to the officers or others, deadly force cannot be used. 84 However, when “the officer has probable cause to *117 believe
that the suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm . . . it is not constitutionally unreasonable to prevent escape by using
deadly force.”85 The next line brings an even more specific statement of the Court’s new standard: “Thus, if the suspect
threatens the officer with a weapon or there is probable cause to believe that he has committed a crime involving the
infliction or threatened infliction of serious physical harm, deadly force may be used if necessary to prevent escape, and if,
where feasible, some warning has been given.”86
The line just quoted is ambiguous, because it is not clear whether it is restating the rule or giving a specific application of the
rule.87 The “thus” would could either be introducing an example of the rule being applied (as in: “for example”) or a further
restatement of the rule (as in: “in conclusion”). 88 This ambiguity is important, because on it hinges the question of whether
deadly force is only justified when the felon presents an immediate threat or whether it can be used also when the felony is a
dangerous one.89 The later possibility suggests the rule that deadly force is justified even when the felon is not immediately
dangerous, but has committed a dangerous felony. 90 What seems likely, although it is not dictated by the text, is the following
allowable inference: a police officer has probable cause to believe a felon poses an immediate threat either when he is
immediately threatening or he has committed a dangerous felony which suggests that he is probably a continuing threat.
Again, this is a conclusion not strictly dictated by the text -- and explains why state statutes are split on the matter, even when
they have been changed after Garner.91
It is hard not to see the Court as being influenced by the Model Penal Code’s (MPC) standard for the use of force. 92 They
nearly reproduce it in *118 spirit, although the MPC is clearer about which way it reads the ambiguity noted in the previous
paragraph.93 The MPC prohibits the use of deadly force except in situations where the person is either presently dangerous or
has committed a crime using deadly force. 94 It is possible to see the Court as endorsing this type of standard in Garner,
although it remains unclear whether it believes that using deadly force on someone who has committed a dangerous felony is

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justified based on the fact that he is likely to be dangerous because of that (i.e., because he has shown himself to be
dangerous in the felony he has committed) or whether this is a truly independent ground for the use of deadly force. 95 The
MPC treats them as two distinct grounds. 96 However, there seems no question that with the MPC, the Court wanted to raise
substantially the threshold at which deadly force could be used, far above the common law standard of “any felony.” 97 It
wanted to reserve the use of deadly force for only those situations where the felon was posing a risk of causing death or
serious physical injury to others, or had at least committed a crime where deadly force had been used. 98


A. Garner’s 50 State Survey


Common Law Rule Definitely Still in Effect Common Law Rule Definitely Not Still in Effect Undetermined

Codified by Statute By Case Law By Statute: MPC Verbatim By Other Statute By Case Law No statute and no case law
or otherwise unclear

19 4 3 18 2 4

Total: 23 Total: 23 Total: 4

B. Updating Garner’s Count

Although we provide a survey of all state laws in the Appendix, 119 here our focus is on those states that retain their common
law rule (either in their common law or in statutes), and where the rule has not been substantially modified by state court
decisions. Easiest to see are the states which have retained the basic common law rule in their statutes. They make no
distinction between types of felonies, and do not add any qualification about the present dangerousness of the felon. Most
states now have one or the other or both qualifications to their statutes. Eight states still have neither, even thirty years after
the Garner decision. Alabama says officers may use deadly physical force to “make an arrest for a felony;” 120 Mississippi’s
statute allows that homicide is justifiable when committed to apprehend “any person for any felony committed;” 121 Missouri
also refers to “a felony;”122 the New Mexico statute governing homicide by police officers states that homicide is justifiable
when “necessarily committed in arresting felons fleeing from justice” without qualifying which felons;123 Oregon still allows
use of deadly force when the crime committed is a felony or attempted felony; 124 Rhode Island also says officers can use
deadly force when pursuing someone who merely has committed “a” felony; 125 South Dakota has language virtually identical
to New Mexico, although it phrases the rule in terms of when an officer is justified in committing “homicide;” 126 and
Washington permits deadly force to arrest a person who has committed simply “a felony.” 127
By our count, that leaves eleven states post- Garner that have changed their statutory law to more closely resemble the
Garner standard.128 Connecticut’s statute now states deadly force in making an arrest is justified only when the officer
believes it is necessary to “defend himself or herself or a third person from what he or she reasonably believes to be the use
or imminent use of deadly physical force,” language which echoes Garner but arguably goes beyond it in the emphasis on the
imminent use of deadly physical force, not just force that may result in a serious injury. 129 The Kansas statute also mirrors
Garner in requiring that the officer have “probable cause” to believe that the person has committed a felony “involving death
or great bodily harm or is attempting to escape by use of a deadly weapon.” 130 The other states that have *122 departed from
the common law rule post- Garner follow in this model, adjusting the common law standard in either of these two ways: by
requiring an imminent threat or by requiring a belief that the felony committed was “dangerous” in some measure. 131

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In our updated chart, we dispense with the Garner Court’s division of the states that have rejected the common law rule. The
Garner Court went out of its way to identify those states that seemed to adopt a version of the MPC rule. 144 However, what is
salient in our mind is not whether or not they adopt the MPC rule or some other formulation, but whether they have followed
Garner in explicitly rejecting the common law rule. In other words, our chart recognizes Garner as the watershed decision
that it was, supplanting the importance of the MPC as an influence on the law-making behavior of the states. There is now
only the one question: Are you sticking with the common law, or are you following Garner?

Common Law Rule Definitely Still in Effect Common Law Rule Definitely Undetermined
Not Still in Effect

Codified by Statute By Case Law

8 4 36 2

Total: 12 Total: 36 Total: 2


It is true that the Constitution applies to the states. 159 The First Amendment of the Constitution may mean that a state law is
unconstitutional.160 A state may make it illegal to say bad things about the President, or to burn the flag, or to use coarse
language.161 Such laws -- and prosecutions under such laws -- would not stand under the First Amendment: they would
involve obvious violations of free speech. 162 Consider how different that is from whether or not a police officer should be able
to appeal to a certain justification under state law when he or she uses force. There, the question is not whether someone
should be punished for breaking the law, but whether his or her conduct should be considered a violation of the law at all. 163
The difference here is between expanding liability in the face of a constitutional provision and being required to hold
someone liable. States may be required to strike down laws, but they cannot be required to make them -- or get rid of excuses
or justifications they may have in the law.
In general, states are free to be more expansive in defining the scope of their criminal law. 164 States have to obey the
Constitution, but they do not have to criminalize violations of the Constitution. 165 They can make some things not a crime that
the federal government criminalizes -- consider the repeal of state marijuana laws in Alaska, Colorado, and Washington. In a
similar way, a state could decide to legalize “being a police officer and using deadly force against a fleeing felon,” even if
there is a federal law that comes out the other way. Not *127 all states have to have the same defenses. 166 For the most part,
federalism is the rule in the substantive criminal law in the states.167
Furthermore, the Fourth Amendment, as a matter of criminal procedure, rather than criminal substance, does apply to the
states.168 This is not relevant, either, in the context of a state criminal prosecution of a police officer. 169 If Wilson had
unreasonably seized Brown, and Brown did not die and was later put on trial, any evidence Wilson had gotten as a result of
that seizure could potentially be excluded at trial. 170 The consequence of a Fourth Amendment violation is the exclusion of
evidence gathered as a result of that violation -- a boon for the defendant. In other words, the Fourth Amendment does not
require or mandate any criminal sanction for the officer who has violated the Fourth Amendment. 171 It only gives the

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defendant an advantage at trial, and presumably, in negotiating a plea as well. 172 It is true, however, that a statute plus a Fourth
Amendment violation can lead to sanctions for an officer who violates the Fourth Amendment. 173 A statute can say “if a
police officer violates the Fourth Amendment, then he or she should be held liable in a court of law.” 174 In fact, this is
precisely what some federal civil rights statutes do; they give a cause of action for people to sue for recovery of damages
sustained as the result of a Constitutional violation.175 However, the important thing is that the constitution does not do this by
itself. It requires a statute to make something criminal.176
The officer in Garner was sued under precisely such a statute, not under a state criminal statute. 177 If a state’s criminal law has
a more restrictive standard -- the Garner standard rather than the common law standard -- then of course the officer may be
criminally liable under the state law. If the state does not have the Garner standard, then it is possible that a police officer
could escape criminal liability but still face civil liability under § 1983.178 This is exactly what the result was in the Garner
case.179 Officer Hymon escaped criminal liability (in fact, he was not even a party to the civil suit by the time Garner reached
the Supreme Court), but it was still possible for the Garner family to recover damages from what the officer did. 180
Therefore, the prosecutors were right initially when they gave the grand jurors Missouri’s law as the one to apply to any
prosecution of Wilson.181 That rule -- basically the common law rule -- is what applied, and not the Garner standard.182 Garner
did not, as some commentators mistakenly asserted, “overturn” Missouri’s law, or Tennessee’s law, for that matter. 183 Of
course, one might favor the Garner standard for policy reasons, and many states did post Garner. However, it is a mistake to
say that Garner meant that the states had to change their law, because Garner left those laws untouched. There is no
requirement that state law fit with the standards for a federal civil rights suit against a police officer. If the attorneys
supervising the grand jury thought that Garner somehow “overrides” the state statute, they were wrong.184 The substantive
criminal law of the fifty states does not have to meet a constitutional standard of reasonableness. 185


As we saw, Missouri was one of the states cited by the Court in 1985 as having the common law rule, 187 and thirty years after
Garner, Missouri still has the same rule. In the major reform to the criminal code passed by the Missouri legislature last
year,188 they kept the rule -- making only minor grammatical changes to the text of the statute. Moreover, in the comment to
the statute, which was made effective in 1979, the legislature expressly disavowed limiting the use of deadly force to certain
felonies (e.g., ones that involved a risk of death or serious physical injury), saying that such an approach was “cumbersome
and impractical.”189 The comment did say that the officer should use his judgment as to whether the situation was dangerous
enough to merit deadly force. 190 However, such a dangerousness requirement is nowhere to be found in the text of the statute
itself, which permits the use of force in cases where any felony is committed, even a non-violent one. 191 In principle, an
officer in Missouri would be protected by the Missouri law enforcement officer use of force statute if he used deadly force
against a fleeing check forger (a class D felony).192
The shooting of Michael Brown -- and the subsequent decision not to prosecute Darren Wilson -- brought renewed attention
to Missouri’s use of force law. Add to this the confusion about the proper jury instructions given to the grand jury, and there
was a sense that law needed to change, or at least be clarified. Missouri’s pattern jury instructions follow Garner by leaving
out the justification of deadly force on a fleeing felon -- departing from the clear text of the statute, which allows force to be
used against any fleeing felon. 193 Police *130 practice in Missouri also embodies the Garner standard.194 Again, Missouri state
law is not required to follow Garner, as several media outlets misleadingly reported in the wake of the grand jury’s
decision.195 However, changing the law might have at least some symbolic significance, even if it might not matter that much
to practice. It could show that Missouri believes its police officers should use force only sparingly, that is, only when the
suspected felon actually, and presently, presents a threat to others. 196
Several proposals were made to change the law in the spring 2015 legislative session, introduced by Senators Dixon,
Chappelle-Nadal, and Nasheed, and by Representatives Adams and Pierson. 197 None of the bills passed the General
Assembly, although it seems reasonable to predict that many of them will be introduced in the new legislative session. 198 Our

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purpose in discussing them here is not to endorse one proposal over another, but rather to highlight the differences between
the bills, and see how the compare to the standard articulated in the Garner decision.
The bill that got the most media attention was the one proposed by Senator Nasheed. 199 Her proposal required that police
exhaust “all other reasonable means” before using deadly force and also that a warning be given. 200 Such measures arguably
move beyond the Garner standard (i.e., make the use of force more difficult to justify than Garner would), although Garner
itself suggests the advisability that officers give a warning. 201
Nasheed’s proposal also gave police officers the permission to use deadly force against someone who is attempting to escape
and “possesses a deadly weapon,” a change that potentially makes the statute less restrictive than Garner when it comes to
the use of deadly force: on one interpretation of the language, an officer could shoot at a fleeing misdemeanant, whom the
officer believed had a weapon on his person. 202 There are other problems: requiring use of a deadly weapon -- which is given
a particular definition elsewhere in the Missouri Criminal Code -- leaves out cases where a person threatens an officer or
others with a non-switchblade knife or baseball bat or crowbar -- all “dangerous instruments” but not “deadly weapons.” 203
Nasheed’s proposal seemingly left open the recurring high speed car chase scenario, where a person may pose a serious risk
to others, but without the use of “deadly weapon.”204 Finally, Nasheed’s suggested revisions would remove the most Garner-
like part of the current Missouri statute: section (c) which allows the use of force against someone who may “endanger life or
inflict serious physical injury.”205
Senator Chappelle-Nadal’s bill, which got rid of the felony requirement altogether and says force is justified only if the
person to be arrested “poses a clear danger to the officer or any other person” seems very close to the standard laid out in
Garner.206 However, “danger” is an ambiguous term, and not one used in Garner, which specified that the danger be one of
death or serious physical injury. Senator Dixon and Representative Adams’s bills come *132 closest to Garner.207 Adams’s
bill keeps the felony language of the Missouri statute, but adds that it must be a “violent” felony. 208 Garner avoids the use of
the term “violence,” which has the potential for ambiguity,209 and instead uses the language of physical injury and deadly
force. Still, Adams’s proposal is roughly in the spirit of Garner.
Senator Dixon’s proposed revision was probably the one that would bring Missouri law closest to Garner.210 Like Chapelle-
Nadal’s and Adams’s bills, it gets rid of the felony language altogether, and leaves in the existing statutory language allowing
the use of deadly forced if the felon may endanger life or inflict serious physical injury unless immediately stopped. 211 That is
the Garner idea and the Garner language, and it is already present in the Missouri statute. Dixon’s proposal was also the
easiest fix to the existing Missouri statute, as it just cuts out the language that allows police officers to use force to stop a
person who has committed “a felony.”
What eventually made it to the House was a compromise bill that included changes from both Senator Dixon’s and Senator
Chappelle-Nadal’s bills: it would qualify the any felony language to include only felonies that involved “the infliction or
threatened infliction of serious physical injury” and clarified that officers may also use force against a person who might
endanger the life or inflict serious physical injury on “the officer or another person” unless arrested without delay. 212 Both
changes are broadly consonant with Garner and its emphasis on the seriousness of the risk to the life or the physical safety of
the officer and those around him, based either on the fact that the person (a) has committed a dangerous felony or (b)
immediately presents a risk of causing death or serious injury. 213 Senator Nasheed voted against the bill, arguing against the
bill as “watered down.” She would have preferred that the standard of belief for the officers be “probable cause” rather than
“reasonable suspicion” -- which would bring the Missouri law even closer in line with *133 Garner’s holding.214 Senator Rob
Schaaf also voted against the bill, asserting that if the bill were passed the “perpetrator has no reason to stop when the police
say stop because they know they can get away.” 215 The bill was approved by the House, but eventually died in the Senate.
According to reports at the time, Governor Jay Nixon “said he would encourage lawmakers to revisit the issue next year.” 216


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Garner was an important decision, but not important in the way many now think it was. It did not itself change state laws or
require them to be changed -- and many of them still remain unchanged. However, it did state, clearly and powerfully, the
problems with the common law approach to police use of deadly force. It set the constitutional standard and in so doing, it
doubtlessly inspired many states to change their laws so that they no longer conflicted with Garner. Many police departments
were also moved to change their standards to be in line with Garner, although as Garner made clear, police departments
tended to be ahead of the curve in the standards they employed.217
Whether the remaining common law states will stick to that standard, especially in light of recent events, we must wait and
see. However, these states stand against the historical trend and the powerful message of Garner.

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