7° Año - Inglés - Guia - Environment

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Guía Inglés 7º año

“Green Issues”

Name:___________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Ptje ideal: 35 pts / Exigencia: 60% / 21 puntos= 4,0 Ptje real________ Nota: _______

- Utilizar estrategias de comprensión lectora para identificar información general y específica.
- Identificar y utilizar vocabulario específico relacionado a medio ambiente.

1-. Complete the sentences below by inserting the words in the box: 10 points

Earthquake - Water - Global Warming - Toxic - Soil - Environment - Air

a) __________________ is everything around us, air, flowers, animals, plants, etc.

b) __________________ is the increment of the planet’s temperature.
c) There are three types of pollution: ______________ pollution, _____________ pollution and
______________ pollution.
d) ________________ is a natural disaster; it is the shaking of the surface of the Earth.
e) Some waste is dangerous, because it contains ____________________ elements.

Save The World

Global warming is the climate change, in other words the increase of the
heat in Earth’s atmosphere. Scientists work every day to stop its effects on
Earth, but what can we do?

There are many ways to protect the planet. First, you should stop wasting
energy like electricity and gasoline. You can turn off the lights or electrical
devices; and walk or use a bike for short distances.
We should reduce the air pollution in the atmosphere. You can plant trees, flowers and plants.

Finally, we have to integrate the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) rules into our lives. Reduce the amount
of your garbage. Reuse the items such as jars, pots, newspapers, carrier bags, packaging papers, etc.
Recycle paper, plastic, metal and glass.

2-. Read the text and answer the questions. (8 points)

1. What is global warming? __________________________________

2. How can we stop wasting energy? ___________________________

3. What does “3 Rs” mean? __________________________________

4. What materials can we recycle? _____________________________
3-. Answer in English: (8 points)

a) What does “Pollution” mean?___________________________

b) What does “Environment” mean?________________________

c) What does “Global Warming” mean?______________________

d) Name 3 endangered animals: ____________________________

4-. Draw the meaning: (4 points)

Throw out the garbage: Cut down trees:

5-. Answer true or false: (5 points)

a) ________________ “Turn off the lights” helps the planet.

b) ________________Global warming is the increment of the Earth’s temperature.

c) ________________ The giant panda is not an endangered animal.

d) ________________ Dogs are endangered animals.

e) ________________ “Cut down trees” is good for the planet.

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