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Module 5

Title: Techniques in separating mixture such as

sieving, using magnet, picking and scooping,
flotation, simple distillation and simple

Most Essential Learning Competency: Describe

techniques in separating mixtures such as decantation,

evaporation, filtering, sieving and using magnet. ( MELC

VI Week 4-6 Day 6 to 10 )

To the Learners

These activities are specially designed

to help you learn more about the common

things you see, eat, drink, play with, make, or

use everyday : a mixture. There are many mixtures around you, some of them are

made by people and some are found in nature. As you move from one activity to

another you will gradually brought to higher forms of learning. Each activity is a new

experience for you to discover the real beauty of Science.

Hoping that you will enjoy answering the activities which involves the different

techniques in separating mixtures so that you will appreciate the benefit of it.


You are expected to have full understanding on how to separate

mixtures through sieving, use of magnet, picking and scooping, flotation, simple

distillation and simple chromatography. To have fun while investigating the different

techniques suited to a given situation or in a particular type of mixture. Lastly, apply

the appropriate way of separating mixture as necessary.


Direction : Read the definition carefully. Write the letter that corresponds to your


1. The process of separating mixture from big and fine components using

strainer or big screen.

a. Flotation b. Scooping c. Sieving d. Picking

2. The process of separating metal from non metal thing.

a. Scooping b. Simple distillation c. Sieving d. Use of magnet

3. The process of separating liquids from a solution wherein the lowest boiling

point boiled to vapor and condensed to liquid and collected.

a. Scooping b. Sieving c. Simple distillation d. Use of magnet

4. The process of separating the components of a mixture based in the ability

of each component to be drawn across the surface of another material by

the use of chromatography paper.

a. Chromatography b. Flotation c. Sieving d. Picking

5. The process of separating mixture by the used of hands.

a. Flotation b. Sieving c. Picking d. Use of magnet

Looking Back

There are techniques in separating the components of a mixture and some

of it were given to you earlier such as decantation, a process of separating less dense

substance from a denser one. Evaporation, the process used to separate soluble

solid from liquid and lastly, filtration which is used to separate insoluble solid from

liquid. Another ways/ techniques will be given to you on this module.

Brief Introduction

Mixture is everywhere. Can the materials in a mixture be separated? If so,

how can this be done? These are the common questions that we can hear from a

curious young mind of our learners. Picking and scooping can be done by using our

hands, flotation wherein we need to separate lighter object from the heavier one,

simple distillation where we need to boil the substance and allow the vapor to

condense into liquid, and lastly, simple chromatography which separates the different

components of a mixture using an absorbent material such as clean white linen or

paper chromatography.

Activity 1
Direction: These are techniques in separating mixture. Name each picture.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

Activity 2

Direction : How would you separate the componets in the following mixtures?

Write the appropriate technique to be used.

1. A mixture of pins, needles, plastic chips and buttons

2. A mixture of flour, corn and uncooked sago

3. A mixture of whole peppercorn (paminta), corn kernels and salt

4. Plastics and Styrofoam in the canal or creek

5. A mixture of cashew nuts, peanuts, marshmallows and kisses chocolates

6. A refreshing halo-halo delight

7. A water with alcohol

Activity 3
Do it yourself
With care

1. Get mongo seeds, flour, 1 empty basin, plastic spoon and strainer. Mix

the flour and mongo seeds using plastic spoon. Place the mixture in a

strainer and separate the components..

= What do you observed? = What technique did you used?

2. Get small pieces of paper, paper clips, plastic buttons, some sand and

a magnet. Mix everything in a container. Place the magnet over the


= What do you observed? = What technique did you used?

3. Prepare a clear glass cup and filled it with 5 spoonful of clean water.

Cut a bond paper with the length of 3 inches and 2 inches wide that fit in

glass cup that you have. Be sure that one end will not touch the bottom of

cup. Paste the other end of the bond paper in a stick in order to serve as

hanger. Draw a straight line across the edge of the paper to be submerge

inside the glass cup. Put 1 drop of ink in the middle of the line and soak it

inside the cup. Wait a couple of minutes and observe what is happening.

= What do you observed? = How do you find out the colors?


1. In conducting investigation in a certain process be sure to follow the

procedures carefully and don’t add unnecessary thing.

2. Mixture can be separated by physical means such as picking, scooping,

sieving, flotation, distillation, and chromatography.

3. The process of separating mixture from big and fine components using

strainer or big screen is known as sieving.

4. The process of separating liquids from a solution wherein the lowest boiling

point boiled to vapor and condensed to liquid and collected is called simple


5. The process of separating metal from non metal thing can be done by the

use of a magnet.

6. The technique in separating the components of a mixture based in the ability

of each component to be drawn across the surface of another is known as


7. The technique in separating mixture by using our hands or any device is

called picking.

Check Your Understanding

1. Your mother is about to cook rice for your lunch but she found out that there

are some palay, insects and small stones. What will you do to help her

remove the unwanted objects in the rice grains? What technique should

be used?

2. What example of mixture could be separated by flotation and scooping?

Give your own example based on what you see inside the house.

3. How will you separate the big stones in the sand? What technique should

you used? How will you do it?

4. If your mother ask you to segregate the garbage inside your trash bin, what

process will you use? Why ?

5. You finished printing your assignment in Art education when suddenly your

little brother/ sister dropped her/his glass of water in your work. What do you

observed in the picture you printed in the computer? What process took

place on your drawing?

Post test

Direction : Read the description given to each number. Choose the letter that

corresponds to your ans548wer.

1. The technique of separating metal from non- metal objects.

a. Flotation b. Scooping c. Sieving d. Use of magnet

2. The technique of separating mixture from big and fine components using

strainer or big screen.

a. Scooping b. Sieving c. Simple distillation d. Use of magnet

3. The technique of separating the components of a mixture based in the ability

of each component to be drawn across the surface of another material by

the use of chromatography paper.

a .Chromatography b. Scooping c. Sieving d. Picking

4. The technique of separating liquid from a solution wherein the lowest boiling

point boiled to vapor and condensed to liquid and collected.

a. Flotation b. Scooping c. Simple distillation d, Sieving

5. The technique of separating mixture by the used of hand or any device.

a. Sieving b. Simple distillation c. Picking d. Use of magnet


Direction : Feel free to write what is/are your opinions on the situations given

Below based on your experience in accomplishing this module.

In this module I This learning

learned … experience helped

I had difficulty in…..


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