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Sacred Heart Academy

Loon, Bohol
SY 2019-2020
Member: Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP)
and Bohol Association of Catholic Schools (BACS-Tagbilaran)
email add: [email protected]
tel #: (038) 505-8087

Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: ______________________________ Score: _______

1st Quarterly Examination Quarter: First Set: Applied Subject
Practical Research 1 Teacher: Niño Jay C. Gastones, MA-English Date: January 17, 2020

I. Identify the terms suggested on each item below. Choose your answer from the table below. Write the letter of your choice on the
space provided.

____ 1. It prefaces the study by providing a summary of the main idea and is usually short and concise.
____ 2. It states the area of concern of the research paper whether it is a circumstance needing development, a difficulty requiring
attention, or an inquiry necessitating an answer.
____ 3. This refers to the people with the desired capability and willingness to participate in the study.
____ 4. These include the avoidance of research problems that pose unethical demands on the part of the research participants.
____ 5. This refers to the practical value of the problem due to its “newness” in the field of inquiry.
____ 6. These factors matter in choosing a research problem.
____ 7. This considers the fact that studies must be pursued within a given time frame.
____ 8. These constitute the researcher’s knowledge and expertise as a result of experience and study.
____ 9. These depend upon the researcher’s physical and intellectual capacity and moral judgment.
____ 10. These are essential attitudes that bring anticipated satisfaction or enjoyment in the completion of research tasks.

a. motivation, interest,
intellectual curiosity, and b. experience, training, and qualifications of d. research
c. availability of subjects e. time factor
perceptiveness of the the researcher problem
f. hazards, penalties, and i. costs and j. research
g. ethical considerations h. novelty
handicaps returns title

II. Identify the word or phrase referred to by the following expressions. Choose your answer from the table below. Write the letter of
your choice on the space provided.

______________ 1. It is a descriptive word for a topic useful to society’s progress.

______________ 2. It is the effect of a topic you like so much or find close to your heart.
______________ 3. These are topics appealing solely to a person’s thoughts and feelings.
______________ 4. These are topics needing an intensive reading in the library.
______________ 5. It is a remedy against a very broad topic.
______________ 6. It is the effect of working on a vague or not so clear topic.
______________ 7. It is the reason behind a topic hard to investigate.
______________ 8. These are topics that require an advanced study.
______________ 9. These are topics not needing factual data.
______________ 10. It is an adjective for a topic attuned to current happenings.

a. timely c. controversial topics e. narrow it g. scarcity of reading materials i. vague subjects

b. relevant d. too narrow subjects f. lose focus h. highly technical subjects j. get interested to it

III. True or False. Write T if the statement is correct and F if not. (2 points each)

________ 1. The formulation of a good research problem is dependent on the selection of strong research questions.
________ 2. A well composed research problem allows for many perspectives to be tackled as researchers are dissecting their topic
and must hold a practical value for the researcher and the society.
________ 3. The Statement of the Problem states the problem as a sub problem to a main issue, written either as declarative
statement or as a question.
________ 4. A good research problem must focus on only one perspective to be able to answer uprooted research questions.
________ 5. Problem statements usually start out as something specific then grows into something general.

Vision: An institution of God-fearing, God-loving, and well transformed individuals

Mission: To provide quality education and values formation
Goals: inspired by the school’s vision-mission statement and the Divine Providence, we commit ourselves to:
Parent’s signature over printed name:
 become person for others by sharing what we have and what we are;
 have a harmonious relationship among administrators, teachers, parents and students based on Trinitarian Spirituality; _____________________________________________
 develop a pro-People, a pro-Nation, a pro-Earth, and a pro-God community
Sacred Heart Academy
Loon, Bohol
SY 2019-2020
Member: Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP)
and Bohol Association of Catholic Schools (BACS-Tagbilaran)
email add: [email protected]
tel #: (038) 505-8087

Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: ______________________________ Score: _______

1st Quarterly Examination Quarter: First Set: Applied Subject

IV. Check the title that appears to be the best in terms of narrowing down a broad topic. Follow the example below.
Ex. 2 Symptoms of AIDS 1 Physical Symptoms of AIDS 3 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

1. ____ The Psychology of Reading 8. ____Man’s Personality

____ A Study of Human Behavior ____ The Right Lobe of the Brain
____ Sensory Experience in Reading ____ The Five Aspects of Personality
2. ____ World Ideologies ____ The Intellectual Aspect of a Person
____ Feminism in the Digital Era ____ Brain Components
____ Feminism in Nick Joaquin’s Latest Novel 9. ____Prose and Poetry
3. ____ Communication Skills ____ Fiction
____ The Writing Process ____ The Legend of Mayon Volcano
____ Pre-writing Strategies ____ Philippine Literature
4. ____ War Among Nations ____ Legends
____ World War II
____ Japan’s Role in World War II 10. ____ Pluses and Minuses of Teenage Marriage
5. ____ The University of the Philippines ____ Teenage Marriage
____ The History of the University of the Philippines ____ The Advantages of Early Marriage
____ The University of the Philippines in the 1960’s ____ Marriage
6. ____ Philippine Transportation System ____ Human Relationships
____ Metro Manila’s Transportation System
____ Manila’s LRT/MRT Systems
7. ____ The Enactment of Laws in Congress
____ The Governing Bodies of the Philippines
____ The Congress of the Philippines

V. Enumeration and Short Response

1. Characteristics of a Title (5)
2. Guidelines in Choosing a Research Topic (5)
3. Research Topics to be Avoided (6)
4. Sources of Research Topics (6)
5. In 2-3 sentences, how is your knowledge of research title, sources, and considerations helps you formulate a sound title? (5)

Vision: An institution of God-fearing, God-loving, and well transformed individuals

Mission: To provide quality education and values formation
Goals: inspired by the school’s vision-mission statement and the Divine Providence, we commit ourselves to:
Parent’s signature over printed name:
 become person for others by sharing what we have and what we are;
 have a harmonious relationship among administrators, teachers, parents and students based on Trinitarian Spirituality; _____________________________________________
 develop a pro-People, a pro-Nation, a pro-Earth, and a pro-God community
Sacred Heart Academy
Loon, Bohol
SY 2019-2020
Member: Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP)
and Bohol Association of Catholic Schools (BACS-Tagbilaran)
email add: [email protected]
tel #: (038) 505-8087

Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: ______________________________ Score: _______

1st Quarterly Examination Quarter: First Set: Applied Subject

Don’t stop dreaming…it’s free anyway.

_Sir Ninin_

Vision: An institution of God-fearing, God-loving, and well transformed individuals

Mission: To provide quality education and values formation
Goals: inspired by the school’s vision-mission statement and the Divine Providence, we commit ourselves to:
Parent’s signature over printed name:
 become person for others by sharing what we have and what we are;
 have a harmonious relationship among administrators, teachers, parents and students based on Trinitarian Spirituality; _____________________________________________
 develop a pro-People, a pro-Nation, a pro-Earth, and a pro-God community

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