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Self Study Report

Submitted To
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)

July 2015
Sr. No. Description Page No.

Genesis of CHARUSAT

Vision & Mission

Officers at CHARUSAT

Executive Summary i-ix

Profile of the University i-viii

1. Curricular Aspects 1-20

2. Teaching – Learning And Evaluation 21-61

3. Research , Consultancy and Extension 62-113

4. Infrastructure and Learning Resources 114-130

5. Student Support and Progression 131-148

6. Governance , Leadership and Management 149-161

7. Innovation and Best Practices 162-171

8. Evaluative Reports of Constituent Institutes

8.1 Chandubhai S. Patel Institute of Technology(CSPIT) ER-1 – ER-46

8.2 Smt. Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel Institute of ER-47 – ER-77

Computer Applications (CMPICA)
8.3 Ramanbhai Patel College of Pharmacy (RPCP) ER-78 – ER-101

8.4 Indukaka Ipcowala Institute of Management (I2IM) ER-102 – ER-137

8.5 P.D. Patel Institute of Applied Sciences (PDPIAS) ER-138 – ER-174

8.6 Ashok & Rita Patel Institute of Physiotherapy ER-175 – ER-195

8.7 Manikaka Topawala Institute of Nursing (MTIN) ER-196 – ER-212

Genesis of CHARUSAT
Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT) has been established by
promulgation of Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009. It came into existence on 24th
July 2009, through Government of Gujarat’s Notification No. GH/SH/24/GPU-2009-321-
Kh[1]. It is empowered to confer degrees under section 22 of UGC Act 1956.
The Patidars (farmers) of Charotar Region (Land of SardarVallabhbhai Patel) of Gujarat
created an organization called Shri Charotar Moti Sattavis Leuva Patidar Samaj –
Matrusanstha in 1895 to keep the society closely knit and nurture the social values. This
organization was spread over twenty-seven (Sattavis) villages at the time of its formation;
it now covers 25,000 families spread over 66 rural constituent units and 9 national and
international urban constituent units. Formed initially as an informal social set-up, the
organization framed a constitution and got itself registered formally in June 1987. In the
initial years, the organization focused its activities to save poor families from extravagant
and unaffordable expenditure during rituals associated with birth, marriage and demise
among the member families. Following some reflective discussions on the activities of
the Samaj since its birth (during the centenary celebrations of Matrusanstha in 1993-94),
and the challenges facing the development of India in the context of liberalization,
privatization and globalization of Indian economy, the Samaj decided to create a
dedicated organization for knowledge creation and dissemination. Thus, an educational
trust Shri Charotar Moti Sattavis Patidar Kelavani Mandal took birth in 1994 with the
distinct objective of creating and developing state-of-the-art educational facilities. The
trust is a democratically managed institution with three layers of governance and is
known for its transparent functioning, integrity and humanitarian liberal approach to the
functioning of academic institutions.
Formation of Kelavani Mandal through Matrusanstha, which ultimately led to the
establishment of CHARUSAT, was illuminated under the leadership of two former
Presidents - Late Shri Chhotabhai Bhikhabhai Patel (an illustrious businessman and
social leader based in Mumbai and founder President of Kelavani Mandal) and Late Dr.
K C Patel, a renowned nuclear scientist and a prominent educationist of Gujarat. These
visionaries always insisted on global standards and a dream of a university at Education
Campus, Changa.
The premier venture of Kelavani Mandal was the setting up of Education Campus, Anand
at an outlay of INR 30 million in Anand in the year 1994. The campus consists of two
centers: D. Z. Patel (Ramol / London) Higher Secondary School and Jashkamal (Milcent)
Management Training Centre.

The next venture of the Kelavani Mandal was the Education Campus, Changa in the year
2000. It is established on 105 acres of lush green land. The humble beginnings included
Charotar Institute of Technology (CITC) as the first institute which is now known as
Chandubhai S Patel Institute of Technology (CSPIT). This institute had 4 Undergraduate
Programs, student strength of 240, employee strength of only 25 personnel, and an
investment of INR 3 Crores. Year after year institutes and programs were added. In the
years 2002 and 2004, Kelavani Mandal established Charotar Institute of Computer
Applications (CICA) and Ramanbhai Patel College of Pharmacy (RPCP) respectively.
CICA has been rechristened as Smt. ChandabenMohanbhai Patel Institute of Computer
Applications (CMPICA). Year 2006 saw the commencement of IndukakaIpcowala
Institute of Management (I2IM). P D Patel Institute of Applied Sciences (PDPIAS) was
established in the year 2007 along with Dr. K C Patel R & D Centre (KRADLE).
Education Campus, Changa grew into a conglomerate of Institutes which was
transformed into a University in July 2009. The name Charotar University of Science and
Technology was conceived to pay tribute to the region – Charotar (the golden land)
where it has originated. In the transition phase and ingraining phase, President - Shri
Surendra Patel and Secretary - Dr. M C Patel - of Kelavani Mandal provided honorary
services as the President and the Provost of CHARUSAT respectively. The incumbent
triumvirate doyens of CHARUSAT are Shri Surendra Patel, Dr. M. C. Patel and Shri
Nagin Patel.
Expanding the horizons, in the year 2009, alongside the establishment of CHARUSAT
University, Kelavani Mandal also heralded in Healthcare Education through Charotar
Institute of Physiotherapy and Charotar Institute of Nursing at CHARUSAT Campus,
Changa.Both the institutes have since been rechristened. They are now called Ashok and
Rita Patel Institute of Physiotherapy (ARIP) and ManikakaTopawala Institute of Nursing
(MTIN). By then, the need was also realized to foray into Healthcare Delivery as well.
Table: Chronology of Establishment of Institutes at CHARUSAT
Sr. Name of the Institution (at the
Rechristened Name of the Year of
No. time of establishment) Institution Establishment
1 Charotar Institute of Technology
Chandubhai S Patel Institute of 2000
(CITC) Technology (CSPIT)
2 Charotar Institute of ComputerSmt. ChandabenMohanbhai Patel 2002
Applications (CICA) Institute of Computer Applications
3 Ramanbhai Patel College of ----- 2004
Pharmacy (RPCP)
4 IndukakaIpcowala Institute of ----- 2006

Management (I2IM)
5 P D Patel Institute of Applied ----- 2007
Sciences (PDPIAS)
6 Charotar Institute of Ashok and Rita Patel Institute of 2009
Physiotherapy Physiotherapy (ARIP)
7 Charotar Institute of Nursing ManikakaTopawala Institute of 2009
Nursing (MTIN)
Centers at CHARUSAT
1 Dr. K C Patel R & D Centre ---- 2007
2 Prin. B. I. Patel Human ---- 2011
Resources Development Centre
3 CHARUSAT Space Technology ---- 2013
and Research Centre (CSTRC)

Through a forte of taking world class education to the door-steps of rural students and a
thrust on socially relevant research, CHARUSAT strives to prepare students for global
assignments. It aims to make its students Job Creators and not Job Seekers.
Further, CHARUSAT fosters an aspiration of achieving the academic excellence of a
World Class University. It strives, initially, to be in the league of Top 20 Universities at
National Level. CHARUSAT wishes to achieve it through hybrid culture: a culture that
represents the serenity of the oldest places of learning like Takshashila and Nalanda and
the scholarship (dynamism/ technical advancements) of the centers like Harvard and
Today, in 2015, the growth and development of CHARUSAT boasts many fold. There
are, under its ambit 6 Faculties, 7 Institutes and 3 Centers offering 70 different UG, PG,
and Ph D Programs,student strength of about 6500, human resource of about 525
personnel and a capital outlay of INR 113 Crores.


Vision and Mission

To become a dynamic global institution in a knowledge driven world
through excellence in teaching, research and social contributions.

To serve society by striving to transform it through creation, augmentation,
dissemination and perpetuation of knowledge.

Sr. Name Designation

1. Dr. B.G. Patel Provost (Vice-Chancellor)
Charotar University of Science & Technology
2. Mr. Devang Joshi Registrar,
Charotar University of Science & Technology
3. Dr. Amit Ganatra Dean,
Faculty of Technology & Engineering
4 Dr. A. D. Patel Principal,
Chandubhai S. Patel Institute of Technology
5. Dr. R.H. Parikh Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy&
Principal, Ramanbhai Patel College of Pharmacy
6. Dr. R.V. Upadhyay Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences&
Principal, P.D. Patel Institute of Applied Sciences
7. Dr. Atul Patel Dean, Faculty of Computer Science and Applications&
Principal, Smt. Chandaben M. Patel Institute of Computer Applications
8. Dr. Govind Dave Dean, Faculty of Management Studies&
Principal, Indukaka Ipcowala Institute of Management
9. Dr. M. Balaganapathy I/c Principal,
Ashok & Rita Patel Institute of Physiotherapy
10. Mr. Anil Sharma I/c Principal,
Manikaka Topawala Institute of Nursing
Executive Summary

Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT) has been established by

promulgation of Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009. It came into existence on the 24th
July 2009, through Government of Gujarat’s Notification No. GH/SH/24/GPU-2009-321-
Kh [1]. It is empowered to confer degrees under section 22 of the UGC Act 1956.
The Education Campus, Changa, was launched in the year 2000. It is established on 105
acres of lush green land. The humble beginnings included Charotar Institute of
Technology (CITC), presently known as Chandubhai S Patel Institute of Technology
(CSPIT). In the years 2002 and 2004, Shri Charotar Moti Sattavis Patidar Kelavani
Mandal established Charotar Institute of Computer Applications (CICA) rechristened as
Smt. Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel Institute of Computer Applications (CMPICA) and
Ramanbhai Patel College of Pharmacy (RPCP) respectively. Year 2006 saw the
commencement of Indukaka Ipcowala Institute of Management (I2IM). P D Patel
Institute of Applied Sciences (PDPIAS) was established in the year 2007 along with Dr.
K C Patel Research & Development Centre (KRADLE). Education Campus, Changa
grew into a conglomerate of Institutes which was transformed into a University in July
2009. The name Charotar University of Science and Technology was conceived to pay
tribute to the region – Charotar (the golden land) where it has originated. In the transition
and ingraining phase, President - Shri Surendra Patel and Secretary - Dr. M C Patel - of
Kelavani Mandal provided honorary services as the President and the Provost of
CHARUSAT respectively. The incumbent triumvirate doyens Shri Surendra Patel, Dr. M.
C. Patel and Shri Nagin Patel steer the evolvement of CHARUSAT.
Expanding the horizons, in the year 2009, alongside the establishment of CHARUSAT
University, Kelavani Mandal also heralded in Healthcare Education through Charotar
Institute of Physiotherapy, presently Ashok and Rita Patel Institute of Physiotherapy
(ARIP) and Charotar Institute of Nursing, presently Manikaka Topawala Institute of
Nursing (MTIN) at CHARUSAT Campus, Changa. A need to foray into Healthcare
Delivery was felt which was instrumental in patronage support for Charusat Healthcare
and Research Foundation (CHRF) which has launched CHARUSAT Hospital.
Curricular Aspects
CHARUSAT has under its ambit six faculties, 7 Institutes and 3 Centers (within the
constituent institutes), offering 70 different UG, PG, and Doctoral Programs. The
faculties include Faculty of Technology and Engineering, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty
of Computer Science & Applications, Faculty of Management Studies, Faculty of
Applied Sciences and Faculty of Medical Sciences. Each of these faculties have one
institute under them to implement the various programs; however, Faculty of Medical
Sciences has under it two institutes catering to the specialized fields of Physiotherapy and
The emphasis at CHARUSAT is on science and technology. The curricula are designed
by considering the highest international standards in science and technology; though
national needs, demands and issues are adequately taken care of. Training for scientific
pursuits or research as well as entrepreneurship development are the two major
considerations being emphasized in curricula at CHARUSAT.

CHARUSAT ensures compliance with guidelines issued by regulatory bodies like
AICTE, UGC, PCI, INC, etc for curriculum design and development. Adequate practical
skills are inculcated into the students by experimental learning derived during practical
sessions/ Field work/ Industrial Training/ Hospital Training for programs under different
faculties at CHARUSAT.
Special courses are designed and offered at various stages of the curriculum to develop
soft skills and ensure all round development of the students. Elective courses are also
offered to the students to help them gain insight into other allied fields of application or
to enhance their thinking and creative ability. Research based projects are an integral part
of majority of the postgraduate programs at CHARUSAT.
CHARUSAT accentuates the holistic integral development of all its students. With this
consideration, the University has introduced several value-based and add-on courses to
supplement the courses of the curriculum. The value-based are implemented across all
programs with permissible flexibility and include ICT training, Critical Thinking and
Logic, Values and Ethics, Communication skills, Academic writing, etc.
Students of CHARUSAT are also offered courses run by various professional
organizations like Cisco Network Academy, Oracle Certified Java Professional Academy
(OCJP) and Microsoft IT Academy. These courses are skill enhancement courses of
vocational nature supplementing classroom learning.
The University has a structured and robust mechanism to obtain both formal (online) and
informal (offline) feedback about the course content as well as course delivery. Open
house sessions with Provost and Principals are organized at the university at regular
intervals to obtain feedback from the students about issues pertaining to student life on

Teaching Learning Evaluation

All the programs offered under CHARUSAT are semester based programs. The
University has implemented Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) by way of according
credits to the direct contact hours between the teacher and the taught, award of grades and
final result in terms of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade
Point Average (CGPA). The evaluation system comprises of internal evaluation (carried
out at institute level) and University Level End Semester evaluation. It is a judicious
blend of external and internal paper setters, examiners and evaluators.
The university believes in student-centric learning approach, which is evident through its
structured Orientation program termed as Commencement Celebration for the fresher
students; adherence to Academic Calendar and providing plenty of learning opportunities
like projects, internships, industrial visit, and interactive sessions by eminent professors,
scholars and industry experts.
CHARUSAT ensures wide publicity at State and National level about the programs being
conducted through varied means including an updated website. The University follows
admission rules of Government of Gujarat for UG and PG programs. Admissions are
based on merit of the qualifying exams along with national or state level common
entrance tests. The University also has provision for entrance test and qualifying test for
PhD program.

The university identifies the learning needs of the advance learners by Continuous
assessment (including components such as quizzes, presentations, case analysis,
assignments, and Internal Examination) which provide insight to the course coordinators
about individual students’ performance in classroom and laboratory, their core strengths
and areas of improvement. Work-intensive projects/ assignments are given to advance
The University also provides a platform to the students to be the members of Central
Council (CC) of the individual institutes to represent students’ fraternity for various
academic, extra-curricular and developmental activities of the institute and university.
Student centered methods are an integral part of the pedagogy adopted by the faculty with
extensive use of ICT. A few such measures include Blue Book Application, Digital
Classrooms, E–Learning, Webinars in coordination with the IIT, exposure to the Live
Lectures governed by QEEE. Conscious efforts have been made to convert traditional
classrooms into 24 X 7 learning places through software, hardware and blended learning
methods. These include Project Based Learning & Live Project, Open Online Courses,
Group learning, discussion, role-play, interactive learning, task-based learning, web-
based (on-line) evaluation using Flubaroo and Edmodo. Faculties encourage students’
participation in teaching-learning process by floating case studies, seminars and group
tasks/ projects, Blogs and website, Use of Social Media Networking, etc.
CHARUSAT offers a variety of programs at UG and PG levels. 8 out of 12 programs at
UG level have a component of project or dissertation from internship. The projects are in
the core technical field or could be in allied field like entrepreneurship business plan
(Faculty of Pharmacy). Among all the PG programs the project or dissertation is a feature
spanning over 1 or 2 semesters. CHARUSAT also provides funding for the students
projects. Till date the University has utilized a sum of about INR 65 Lakhs towards UG
and PG projects.
Extra learning exposure on a variety of topics beyond curriculum and classroom is
provided to the students with the help of Experts and professionals from Industry,
Academia and Research organizations. CHARUSAT has established 14 Endowment
Chairs under the six Faculties since 2014. Each Endowment Chair Fund is to the tune of
INR 25 Lakhs. 8 eminent experts have visited the campus under this activity.
Each institute has Course Coordinators and Class Coordinators to facilitate the learning
process. Personal and psychosocial counseling is also provided to all the students of
CHARUSAT with adaptive models being implemented to suit the needs of the
constituent institute.
The university has a customized mechanism of performance appraisal system for all its
employees based on UGC guidelines. Emphasis is given to innovation made by a faculty
member to improve teaching-learning process. Moreover, each faculty member is
motivated and encouraged to undertake research in the area of interest. Faculty members
are given recognition for their additional fields of expertise by involving them in
University committees. The efforts and contribution of the faculty members are
acknowledged as felicitation during Annual Day celebration with Certificates,
Appreciation letters and mementos.
The institute follows a methodological, transparent approach for the recruitment of
human resources. The faculty members at CHARUSAT continuously update and enrich

their teaching and knowledge through participations in various training and academic
programs. The faculty members use innovative teaching approaches and methods to make
learning more effective. Students Feedback System is in place which forms part of
Faculty Performance Appraisal undertaken annually.
Examination Reforms Committee has been constituted with the mandate of reviewing
and revising the methodology of internal and external evaluation, Transparency and
confidentiality in evaluation is ensured through Integrated Examination Platform and
other good administrative practices.
CHARUSAT has been regularly conducting annual convocations since 2012 and the
dignitaries who have delivered the convocation addresses till date include Dr. A. P. J.
Abdul Kalam, Dr. R. A. Mashelkar, Mr. Pankaj Patel and Dr. T. Ramasami.

Research Consultancy and Extension

CHARUSAT being a young university envisages growing in the field of research,

consultancy and extension. University has Research Council (RC), which monitors and
addresses all matters related to research. The Policy on Research is meant to facilitate
financial assistance to the teachers of the University for participating / presentation at
reputed National/ International events within the country as well as abroad, Post-Doctoral
Fellowships, seed money for research as well as financial assistance to conduct various
events. 80 events of various types and levels have been organized, of which 42 events
have received financial assistance from various funding agencies to the tune of INR 28
Lakhs. Additionally, CHARUSAT has also extended financial assistance to about 36
events to an extent of about INR 84 Lakhs.
Well established policy for Patent filing and Royalty sharing at CHARUSAT has led to
the filing of 17 patents resulting from the innovative projects from students and faculty
members. The total funding for 28 research projects funded by Government funding
agencies at CHARUSAT is INR 6.12 Crores in addition to an amount of INR 2.04 Crores
for the 10 completed projects. CHARUSAT has also been granted MODROBS projects
from AICTE to the tune of INR 34.5 Lakhs. Industrial projects are also taken up by the
faculty and the completed projects have generated revenue of INR 17.25 Lakhs, while
projects worth INR 25 Lakhs are ongoing.
K. C. Patel Research and Development Centre (KRADLE) established in 2007 focuses on
research in Non-vacuum solution based processes for nanoparticles, nanostructures,
nanocomposites and thin films; solar cells and optoelectronic devices; and Plant-derived
materials for optical and electronic applications.
CHARUSAT Space Technology and Research Centre (CSTRC), set up in collaboration
with SAC-ISRO facilitates training and research in space technology and thereby hopes
to contribute to the man power and technical needs of organizations like SAC-ISRO.
CHARUSAT has been identified as a nodal agency for the development of Ferrofluids
and has been sanctioned six projects. The aim of these is to design and develop fully
automatic magnetic fluid synthesis plant.
CHARUSAT has well equipped and well-furnished laboratories effectively utilized for
teaching and research. Experimentation at both UG and PG levels is in most cases on an
individual level, which helps train the students well. The University has purchased

sophisticated equipment worth INR more than 5 Crores and licensed software to the tune
of more than INR 3.75 Crores. There is a central depository for the software available on
CHARUSAT Intranet. These are extensively used in teaching at both UG and PG levels
as well as research. This is well-supported by adequate computer laboratories.
The number of publications in journals with TR impact factor is 172 and SJR impact
factor is 155. Out of these, 92 publications are in journals having both TR and SJR
impact factors. The faculty members have also published 445 research articles in journals
with ISSN number. In addition, 69 research papers have been published in proceedings
of various conferences. This, in totality gives 746 publications during the period of 2009
to 2014. The total citations for publications from the University are 7136.
21 research articles published in journals with TR impact factor greater than 3.0 including
journals such as Nano Energy (impact factor 10.21), Journal of Controlled Release
(impact factor 7.633); International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology
(impact factor 6.831); International Review on Modeling and Simulations (impact factor
5.94); Bioresource Technology (impact factor 5.0), Physical Review D (impact factor
4.86), Nano Research (impact factor 4.37), etc.
10 faculty members have been awarded travel grants to the tune of about INR 8 Lakhs
from funding agencies, while CHARUSAT has also funded foreign travel to attend
conferences to an extent of INR 7 Lakhs. Faculty members at CHARUSAT have
presented their research findings at various forums at International level – 146 (59 %),
National level – 85 (35 %) and State level – 15 (6 %), totaling to around 250
presentations in either oral or poster mode.
Best Research Paper Award in various disciplines under each faculty has been initiated
from the year 2015 to motivate the faculty towards quality publications. The procedure
for the same has also been worked out. The University has a well-defined and structured
policy for Consultancy.
CHARUSAT has instituted a dedicated University Industry Interaction Cell (UIIC) to
systematize and catalyze the various mutually benefitting activities for Industry and the
University. The cell facilitates exchange of ideas amongst students, faculty, and the
The University has always been conscious about its social and moral responsibilities
towards society and initiated and promoted a variety of extension programs.
CHARUSAT Rural Education Development Program (CREDP) has undertaken activities
like Campus visit by schools, Teachers’ Training Program, Exhibition of Teaching-
Learning Models and Teacher Aptitude Training.
CHARUSAT has MoUs with many reputed institutes and universities like Indian
Planetary Society for Establishment of Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn
State University for Collaborative teaching, research and Internship programs, reputed
industries like GIDC, Ahmedabad, Plasma & Vacuum Technologies, eiTRA – eInfochips
for students’ and faculty training, placement of students, expert lectures etc. CHARUSAT
has MoUs with many reputed Hospitals like Shalby Hospitals, Ahmedabad and DDMM
Heart Institute, Nadiad for clinical exposure and training.

Infrastructure and Learning Resources

CHARUSAT is established over a sprawling campus of 105 acres of lush green lawns
and trees, conducive to learning in natural surroundings. All the constituent institutes of
CHARUSAT are provided with all modern amenities like well-equipped laboratories
with safety features, 24X7 Wi-Fi enabled campus with high bandwidth, ICT enabled
class rooms / interactive theatres, well equipped laboratories, auditoriums, seminar halls,
computer centers, open spaces in natural settings enhancing the horizons of innovative
thinking and well-established library at the central level and at institutes/ departments
with sufficient resources to cater to the needs of one and all.
The Library Resource Utilization Center (LRUC) is the key academic facility. The library
includes a wide range of reference books and text books as well as e-books and a variety
of national and international journals accessible in online mode and print mode. The
library committee is responsible for policy framing, implementation monitoring and
developmental aspects of the library.
CHARUSAT Hospital having ward blocks and a diagnostic block is functional with a
150 bed capacity at present. The campus has 2 Playgrounds for outdoor sports like
cricket, basketball, football and facilities for Indoor games too. Gymnasium with Multi
Gym facilities is also available for students. Four auditoria of varying capacity and two
open air theatres are available for various students’ activities. Girls’ Hostels with a
housing capacity of 750 girls are on campus. Boys’ Hostels are out of the campus within
a radius of 1 km with a capacity for housing 1000 Boys.
A dedicated Cell has been created to look after the IT Services, maintenance and its
Management - Wireless Information and Networking Cell (WINCell). CHARUSAT
cloud ready environment is configured to match with the latest IT scenario and about 45
virtual servers presently deliver the IT service to internal as well as external users. After
foraying into cloud computing with server virtualization, the University is now on the
path to desktop virtualization. CHARUSAT network is protected by enhanced security
with the use of secure static IP and subneting which isolates it from other outer and
unsecured network threats.
CHARUSAT turned to Wi-Fi campus in the year 2006 and currently this Wi-Fi facility
has 55 high end Wi-Fi access points which provides the Wi-Fi facilities all over the
campus. It is controlled centrally at Data Center. Each of the 2,500 computers on the
campus are connected to central LAN. CHARUSAT Campus is Microsoft’s Platinum
level partner through Microsoft Edvantage Program.
CHARUSAT has recently bagged the 3rd CMAI CCI Technology Education Excellence
Award for the Best University in Use of Technology in Teaching – Learning Process
among all the Universities of Gujarat State.

Student Support and Progression

A common mentoring system is adopted across the University with slight modifications
to suit the needs of the constituent institutes. A faculty Mentor is assigned to all the
students. The mentor during the periodic review meeting counsels the students and also

attends to the academic matters of mentees dealing with previous academic performance,
internal assessment marks, semester results and career coaching.
Support Services for students of special categories are provided. University has
Entrepreneur Development and Incubation Centre (EDIC) which motivates the students
for entrepreneurship through seminar and workshops. The University has an
institutionalized mechanism for students’ placement through the Career Development and
Placement Cell (CDPC). Each institute/department also has similar cells to coordinate the
activities of Career Development and Placement Cell. Till date about 200 recruiting
companies have visited the campus resulting in good placement for the students.
CHARUSAT believes in the holistic integral development of the students and provides
ample opportunity for the students to participate in extra-curricular and co-curricular
events organized in-house or outside the University. University provides platform for
various games like basketball, cricket, volleyball, chess etc. Students at CHARUSAT
have excelled in a variety of events and competitions both on campus and off-campus.
Publication of University Student Magazine - ‘The Quill’ is managed by the students.
Students are given the financial and technical support for participating in activities
outside the campus as well. Also the efforts of students are appreciated by presenting
them with appreciation awards and certificates during Annual day celebrations.
CHARUSAT is a Ragging free zone including any untoward incidences of sexual
harassment with the Anti- Ragging Committee and Cell for Prevention of Sexual
Harassment. The Grievance Redressal cell takes necessary steps to resolve matters
brought up by students and faculty. CHARUSAT has a Central Student Council with
student representatives from each of the constituent institutes. The university involves
students in many academic and nonacademic bodies/committees.

Governance, Leadership and Management

The University espouses four values of honesty, integrity, transparency and social
responsibility which are practiced in its functioning. The University has well documented
vision plan delineating academic and research excellence, community development and
financial self-sufficiency.
The University grooms leadership at various levels through providing autonomy in
functioning to the employees as well as providing training about developing leadership
competencies. The autonomy in functioning is given in academic, managerial and
financial processes. Training is also imparted in grooming leadership competencies
including emotional intelligence, vision clarity, communication etc.
The policy and system developments, implementation and continuous review is done
through regular meetings of important bodies like Academic Council, Research Council,
Board of Management and Governing Body. Specific areas like Finance and Human
Resources are looked into by Finance and HR committees respectively.
CHARUSAT is committed to quality in all its endeavors, to foster an intellectual culture
and develop graduates for a life of purpose, service and leadership. CHARUSAT has
established an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a vehicle for quality
enhancement on the campus.

A two-tier system is adopted for the management of financial resources with appreciable
autonomy being given to the constituent institutes. Effective and efficient usage of
Financial Resources is ensured through Budget and Quarterly Account Statements as
prime instruments. CHARUSAT has the mechanism of Internal and External Audit.
Through its commitment to societal development, sincere and honest efforts and
transparent functioning, CHARUSAT has been able to win the faith of philanthropists
from across the world wishing to contribute to societal development.
Academic Council, the Central Body headed by the Provost, meets twice in a year in the
months of March and September to review and approve new curricula development,
modifications in existing curricula, Result Analysis, Training, Placements, Industrial
Interaction, Innovation in pedagogy, Project submissions, Research initiatives, Exam
reforms etc.
Efforts at CHARUSAT are directed towards achievement of academic excellence,
outreach programs in the areas of healthcare, education and rural economy and
achievement of financial self-sufficiency for operational excellence.

Innovations and Best Practices

The University emphasizes paperless office. All communications including circulars and
notices are issued by group email. A 100 kWp capacity solar photovoltaic (SPV) power
plant has been installed on the campus. The generation of electricity from the SPV power
plant is being monitored by automatic data logging system (Solar Log) through LAN.
The solar electricity generated in a span of initial five months was recorded at 64,060
kWh (equivalent to about 64,000 units).
CHARUSAT has always encouraged innovations in teaching and developmental
activities; and has boldly allowed the practice of innovative ideas. Research projects at
UG and PG levels, offering variety of enrichment and elective courses, Summer
Research Fellowship Program, Emphasis on applied research and industry projects by
faculty, Establishment of Human Resource Development Centre, Mentoring of young
faculty by experienced super-annulated faculties from other institutes/ Universities and
organizations, Regular Industry Academia Meet, Students’ involvement in administrative
bodies of the University, Poster preparation and evaluation during dissertation at PG,
establishment of CHARUSAT Space Technology and Research Centre (CSTRC) and Dr.
K C Patel Research and Development Centre (KRADLE) are some of the innovations
designed, implemented and practiced by CHARUSAT.
The University endeavors to face the challenges of the future with the cognizance of its
own strengths, opportunities ahead and a mindful assessment of its weaknesses.

SWOC Analysis

 Active stakeholders involvement and inputs in curricula design and development
from industry professionals.
 Value added courses from humanity and liberal arts and add-on courses run by
various professional organization for the students of all UG and PG programs.
 University support for student projects, Endowment chair and research funding.
 Philanthropic support from across the world.
 Advance Cloud-ready IT infrastructure and state-of-the-art facilities for learning
and research in Wi-Fi enabled campus.
 Filing of 17 patents.

 Lack of on-campus residential and Guest house facilities.
 Lack of adequate presence of national and international students and faculty.
 Partial say in the selection of students being admitted to the various programs.
 Failure to attract highly qualified faculty due to the initial rural background of the
 Record of scientific publications not up to high standards.

 Conducive, cooperative academic atmosphere for overall growth of every
 Scope for the establishment and strengthening of teaching and research
collaborations with research and academic institutes and industries.
 Scope for innovations and creativity due to healthy management practices.
 Scope for inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary teaching and research.

 Long-term sustainability without compromising standards due to horizontal
growth in higher education.
 Lack of societal readiness to adopt new, innovative programs.
 Inculcation of commitment for scientific research among faculty and students.
 Attracting and retaining very good faculty members.

1. Name and Address of the University:
Name : Charotar University of Science and Technology, CHARUSAT
Address : CHARUSAT Campus, At Changa, Taluka Petlad,
District Anand
City : Changa Pin : 388421 State : Gujarat
Website :

2. For communication:
Designation Name Telephone Mobile Fax Email
with STD code
Vice- Dr. B.G. Patel (O) 02697-247050/ 9904094649 02697- provsotbgp@char
Chancellor 265015 247050
(Provost) (R) 02692- 268649
Registrar Mr. Devang (O) 02697- 9825303420 02697- registrar@
Joshi 247101 265001 265007
(R) 02692-
IQAC Dr. Anuradha (O) 02697- 9925140156 - Charusat.iqac@
Coordinator Gajjar 265037
(R) 079- anuradhagajjar.i
26750156 [email protected]

3. Status of the University:

State University
State Private University 
Central University
University under section 3 of UTC (Deemed University)
Institutional of National Importance
Any other (please specify)

4. Type of University:
Unitary 

5. Source of funding:
Central Government
State Government
Self-financing 
Any other (please specify)

2 4 0 7 2 0 0 9
6. (a) Date of establishment of the University (d d m m y y y y)

(b)Prior to the establishment of the University, was it a / an

i. PG Centre Yes --- No --- 
ii. Affiliated College Yes --- No --- 
iii. Constituent College Yes --- No --- 
iv. Autonomous College Yes --- No --- 
v. Any other (please specify) Group of affiliated colleges

Sr. No. Institute Name Date of Establishment

1 CSPIT 03/02/1999
2 CMPICA 14/03/2002
3 RPCP 26/04/2004
4 I2IM 18/08/2006
5 PDPIAS 10/09/2007
6 ARIP 10/06/2009
7 MTIN 14/07/2009

7. Date of recognition as a University by UGC or any other national agency:

Under section dd mm yyyy

i. 2f of UGC* UGC Committee has visited on 02/12/2013
ii. 12B of UGC ---- ---- ---- ----
iii. 3 of UGC# ---- ---- ---- ----
iv. Any other ^ (specify) All programs are approved by appropriate
regulatory, governing &statutory bodies viz

Enclosed as Enclosure 1
8. Has the University been recognized?
(a) By UGC as a University with Potential for Excellence?
Yes No 
(b) For its performance by any other governmental agency?
Yes No 

9. Does the University have off-campus Centres?

Yes No 

10. Does the University have off-shore Campuses?

Yes No 

11. Location of the Campus and Area:

Location* Campus area Built-up area in Sq.
in acres Meters
i. Main Campus Area Rural 105 99051.32
ii. Other Campuses in the country --- --- ---
iii. Campuses abroad --- --- ---

12. Provide information on the following: It is a single campus University. The

information is as under.
 Auditorium/ Seminar complex with infrastructural facilities


There are four auditoria with 400, 260, 280 and 130 seating capacity at CHARUSAT,
available to all the institutes on the campus. Additionally, there are two open-air
theatres with 2000 - 3000 seating capacity.
 Sports facilities
o Playground
2 Playgrounds having an area of 19284 sq. m. Another having an area of 10652
sq. m is under planning.
o Swimming pool
Not available
o Gymnasium
Gymnasium with Multi Gym facilities is available at campus for utilization by
students and staff from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. It has an area of about 275 sq. m.
Another Fitness Centre has been planned in the physiotherapy institute building in
the healthcare zone of the campus.
o Other
Basketball court, Volleyball court & Indoor Sports facility for Table Tennis,
Carom, and Chess
 Hostel
o Boys’ Hostel
Boys’ hostels are outsourced at 8 different locations within a radius of 1 km. These
hostels have a housing capacity for about 1200 boys.
Facilities available at these hostels include dining hall, mess, reading room, TV
room, Wi-Fi connectivity and transport facilities to the campus and back. Guest
rooms are also available.
o Girls’ Hostel
CHARUSAT campus has 3 Girls’ hostels. These hostels have a housing capacity for
670 girls. Another hostel with the capacity to house 300 girl students is under
planning phase. Another hostel at a nearby village, Demol is outsourced, which
has a capacity for housing 80 girls.
Facilities at the hostels include safe drinking RO purified water, store for provisional
items and food, hot and cold water, dining hall, mess, food plazas and pantry.
Recreational facilities include separate facilities for viewing TV and reading
newspapers and magazines, indoor sports like table tennis and carom. Resident
Rector and warden look after the girl students staying in the hostels. Round the
clock medical facilities are also available. Wi-Fi connectivity and computers are
also provided.
o Working Women’s Hostel
Accommodation is provided on request in the Girls’ hostel.
 Residential facilities for faculty and non-teaching staff
The University facilitates off campus houses to employees on request. On campus
residences are planned.
 Cafeteria
Different facilities like Canteen, Amul parlor, Ice Berg, Nescafe, Danny’s Coffee
Bar, Krishna Chaat etc. are available over an area of 936 sq. m.
 Health centre
Multi-specialty CHARUSAT Hospital is available with 150 bed capacity.
 Facilities like banking, post office, book shops, etc
ATMs of SBI and AXIS Bank are available on the campus. The Kaira District
Central Cooperative Bank, KDCC, is also located on the campus.SBI Bank is off-
campus at a distance of 500 m. Courier services are available on the campus.

There is a stationary store in the central building with printing and reprographic
 Transport facilities to cater to the needs of the students and staff
CHARUSAT facilitates transport to students and staff from their residence to the
University and back. The university has a fleet of 19 buses(outsourced), which
ply on pre-decided routes providing connectivity to Ahmedabad, Nadiad, Anand
and Vadodara every day. In addition CHARUSAT has its own fleet of vehicles
like LUVs (3), SUVs (2) and a few buses (3- 40 seater and 1- 60 seater). The
LUVs and SUVs are used for providing transport to the Executives, while the
buses are used for CHARUSAT Hospital patients and students of institutes of
Physiotherapy and Nursing.
 Facilities for persons with disabilities
The University has provided a ramp at the entrance of each Building for the
physically challenged students. On ground floor of every building, rest rooms are
available for physically challenged persons.
 Animal house
A well-equipped animal house approved by CPCSEA having an area of 64 sq. m.
 Incinerator for laboratories
Incinerator for biological waste is provided and regularly maintained.
 Power house
The campus has round the clock supply of electricity along with a backup of 6
generators to supply 416 KVA of power back-up.
 Waste management facility
Solid waste: Collection and disposal through environmental friendly ways.
Liquid waste: Disposal through Soak pits in environmental friendly ways.
Hazardous wastes like e-waste and Bio-medical waste are disposed of to
Government authorized agencies.

13. Number of institutions affiliated to the University

This University is a Non-affiliating, Unitary University with the following constituent
institutes on its Campus.
1. Chandubhai S. Patel Institute of Technology (CSPIT) - Engineering
2. Smt. Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel Institute of Computer Applications (CMPICA) –
Computer Applications
3. Ramanbhai Patel College of Pharmacy (RPCP) - Pharmacy
4. Indukaka Ipcowala Institute of Management (I2IM)– Management
5. P.D. Patel Institute of Applied Sciences (PDPIAS) - Science
6. Ashok & Rita Patel Institute of Physiotherapy (ARIP) - Physiotherapy
7. Manikaka Topawala Institute of Nursing (MTIN) - Nursing

14. Does the University Act provide for conferment of autonomy (as recognized by the
UGC) to its affiliated institutions?
Not Applicable

15. Furnish the following information:

Particulars Number Number of
(a) University Departments
Under graduate Nil
Post graduate Nil

Research Centres on the Campus 2
(b) Constituent colleges 7 9172
(c) Affiliated colleges Not
(d) Colleges under 2(f) Applicable
(e) Colleges under 2(f) and 12B
(f) NAAC accredited colleges Nil
(g) Colleges with potential for Excellence (UGC) Nil
(h) Autonomous colleges Nil
(i) Colleges with Post graduate Departments 7 2211
(j) Colleges with Research Departments 7 253
(k) University recognized Research Institutes/ Centres 1*
*: Research Institute (CSMCRI) recognized for Doctoral program.

16. Does the University conform to the specification of Degrees as enlisted by the UGC?
Yes  No
If the University uses any other nomenclatures, please specify.

17.Academic programs offered by the University departments at present, under the

Following categories: (Enclose the list of academic programs offered)
Programs Number
UG 12
PG 42
Integrated Masters 03
M. Phil. 00
Ph. D. 06
Integrated Ph.D. 00
Certificate 02
Diploma 00
PG Diploma 05
Any other (please specify) 00
Total 70

18. Number of working days during the last academic year. 285

19. Number of teaching days during the past four academic years.
2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12
186 206 210 211
(“Teaching days’ means days on which classes were engaged. Examination days are not
to be included)

20. Does the University have a department of Teacher Education?

Yes No 

21. Does the University have a teaching department of Physical Education?

Yes No 

22. In the case of Private and Deemed Universities, please indicate whether professional
programs are being offered?
Yes  No

If yes, please enclose approval/ recognition details issued by the statutory body
governing the program.
Enclosed as Enclosure– 2

23. Has the University been reviewed by any regulatory authority? If so, furnish a copy of
the report and action taken there upon.
Yes, by UGC committee on 02/12/2013
UGC Report: Enclosure - 3

24. Number of positions in the University.

Position Teaching faculty Non- Technical
teaching staff
Professor Associate Assistant Others staff
Professor Professor
Sanctioned by the 50 83 243
---- ---- ----
UGC/ University/
State Government
Recruited 14 18 233 33 109 58
Yet to recruit 36 65 10 --- ---- ----
Number of ---- ---- 22 29 14 0
persons working
on contract basis
Others includes Lecturer, Teaching Assistant, Clinical Instructor, Physiotherapist

25. Qualification of the teaching staff.

Highest Professor Associate Assistant Others Total Grand
Qualific Professor Professor Total
ation M F M F M F M F M F
Permanent Teacher
Ph.D 13 1 7 2 16 9 0 0 36 12 48
M.Phil 0 0 0 0 5 3 0 0 5 3 8
PG 0 0 8 1 132 68 4 18 144 87 231
UG 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 7 4 7 11
Temporary Teacher
Ph.D 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
M.Phil 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 3
PG 0 0 0 0 12 9 7 16 19 25 44
UG 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 4
Total 13 1 15 3 166 89 19 43 213 136 349
Others includes Lecturer, Teaching Assistant, Clinical Instructor, Physiotherapist & Tutor.

26.Emeritus, Adjunct and Visiting Professors.

Emeritus Adjunct Visiting
Number ---- 4 7

27. Chairs instituted by the University.

School / Department 14

28. Students enrolled in the University departments during the current academic year, with
the following details.

Students UG PG Integrated Masters Ph. D. PG Diploma
From the state 699 289 432 288 117 153 22 13 -- --
where the
University is
From other states --  --  -- -- -- -- -- --  --  --
of India
NRI students 109 51 45 41 -- -- -- --  --  --
Foreign students --  --  -- -- -- -- -- --  --  --
Total 808 340 477 329 117 153 22 13 --  --
M = Male F= Female

29. “Unit cost” of education

(Unit cost = total annual recurring expenditure (actual) divided by total number of
students enrolled)
(a) Including the salary component = Rs. 94,738/-
(b) Excluding the salary component = Rs. 53,213/-

30. Academic Staff Colleges : The University has its own Human Resource Development
Year of establishment : 2011
University’s own programs: 91

31. Does the University offer Distance Education Programs (DEP)?

Yes No 

32. Does the University have a provision for external registration of students?
Yes No 

33.Is the University applying for Accreditation or Re-Assessment? If Accreditation,

name the cycle.
Accreditation : Cycle 1  Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4
Re-Accreditation :

34.Date of accreditation* (applicable for Cycle 2, Cycle 3, Cycle 4 and re-assessment

Not Applicable

35. Does the University provide the list of accredited institutions under its jurisdiction on
Its website? Provide details of the number of accredited affiliated/ constituent /
autonomous colleges under the University.
Not Applicable

36. Date of establishment of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

IQAC 19/04/2012 (dd/mm/yyyy)

37.Any other relevant data, the University would like to include.


I. Research in Space Technologies
CHARUSAT has set up CHARUSAT Space Technology Research Centre (CSTRC) in
its campus on June 15, 2013. The purpose of Centre is to undertake research and
development in the field of Space Technology. The Centre has undertaken real time
development projects given by ISRO. It aims to work for development of Space
Technology, Defense Technology and other such advanced technologies. It is
providing hands-on training to teachers and students by giving opportunity to them to
work on high-end development projects.
II. Research in Astronomy
CHARUSAT and Indian Planetary Society has signed a Memorandum of Understating
for the establishment of Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (IAA) in
CHARUSAT Campus. It will be first of its kind in Gujarat. There will be a solar
observatory and stellar observatory along with advanced labs to facilitate study and
research in Astronomy.
III. Professional Academies (Add on Courses)
CHARUSAT offers Add on courses in collaboration with various professional
organization like CISCO Network Academy (CCNA), Oracle Certified Java
Professional Academy (OCJP) and Microsoft IT Academy. These courses are skill
enhancement courses of vocational nature supplementing classroom learning.
 CISCO Academy develops practical computer networking knowledge and skills.
 Oracle Academy provides education and certification programs in Oracle
 Microsoft It Academy offers courses in Database, HTML5/CSS3, C# .Net, ASP
.Net, Windows application Development, Security, Testing and Microsoft Cloud -
Azure. This leads to Microsoft Official Courseware (MOC), Microsoft Certified
Professional (MCP) and Microsoft Certified Technology Associate (MTA)
IV. Initiatives in Sustainable Development
Moving towards sustainable development, CHARUSAT has installed a 100 kWp
capacity Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) power plant on the roof of one of the buildings at
an outlay of Rs. 1 Crore. It's under study & observation. If found successful then
whole campus shall be solar energy driven. Water harvesting, optimizing energy
consumption, creating green landscapes are other initiatives in the direction of
sustainable development.
V. CHARUSAT Rural Education Development Program (CREDP)
University has demonstrated its social and moral responsibility towards society
through the CHARUSAT Rural Education Development Program (CREDP). The
program was launched on September 26, 2013 focusing on Rural education. CREDP
cell organizes education enrichment activities like training programs, tests,
competitions for students, workshops & seminars, career counseling programs,
awareness and motivational programs, Exhibitions, school visit, school survey, etc.
VI. DST Ferro fluid Network National level Program
Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, has sanctioned six
Projects under the National Network Project on Ferro fluids. One of the major
responsibility of material preparation & characterization is assigned to CHARUSAT.
Under this project, the major aim is to design and develop fully automatic magnetic
fluid synthesis plant. The idea of production of magnetic fluid in large quantity
without manual intervention is itself unique and the first major venture within India.


Criterion 1
Curricular Aspects
NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

CHARUSAT is a non-affiliating, ever-expanding unitary university situated on a single
campus spanning an area of more than 105 acres of lush green land providing the ambient
environment conducive to learning. All the institutes under CHARUSAT are its
constituent institutes.
The emphasis at CHARUSAT is on science and technology. The curricula are designed
by considering the highest international standards in science and technology; though
national needs, demands and issues are adequately taken care of. CHARUSAT aims at
training students in science & technology simultaneously with emphasis on holistic
development being achieved through liberal arts courses interwoven well into the science
& technology programs. The emphasis is to seek a balance between skill development
and cultural development. Training for scientific pursuits or research as well as
entrepreneurship development are the two major considerations being emphasized in
curricula at CHARUSAT.
Identifying the diverse needs of the students and to cater to the various sections of the
society, CHARUSAT has under its ambit six faculties. These include Faculty of
Technology and Engineering, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Computer Science &
Applications, Faculty of Management Studies, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Faculty
of Medical Sciences. Each of these faculties have one institute under them to implement
the various programs; however, Faculty of Medical Sciences has under it two institutes
catering to the specialized fields of Physiotherapy and Nursing. CHARUSAT played a
key role in the establishment of CHARUSAT Hospital under the flagship of Charotar
Healthcare and Research Foundation (CHRF). All the programs conducted under
CHARUSAT are semester based programs. The University has implemented the features
of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) by way of according credits to the direct contact
hours between the teacher and the taught, award of grades instead of direct marks and
final result in terms of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade
Point Average (CGPA). The evaluation system is a judicious blend of external and
internal evaluators.

1.1 Curriculum Design and Development

Curriculum Alignment to Vision and Mission
Vision: To become a dynamic global institution in a knowledge driven world
through excellence in teaching, research and social contributions.

Mission: To serve society by striving to transform it through creation,

augmentation, dissemination and perpetuation of knowledge.

The major thrust for all activities at CHARUSAT is to provide excellent human resources
for various fields of Science, Technology, Management as well as Para- Medical
Sciences, who would be sensitive, progressive and concerned citizens of the society. This
is expected to be achieved through several humanities courses on integral development
being offered in science, technology, management and para-medical programs.
CHARUSAT aims to contribute to knowledge creation through its dynamic problem

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 1

AC Accreditaation SSR - CHARUSAT

oriented reesearch programs clossely tied upp with teacching. The programs in Applied d
Sciences eemphasize mission-mo
m ode approach to scienntific reseaarch throug gh problem m
solving on aspects geetting emerg ged throughh continuouus interaction with ind dustry. Thee
emerging programs
p n healthcaree aim at prroviding excellent heallthcare perssonnel withh
commitmennt to societaal services.
The instituutional objecctive of nu
urturing entrrepreneurshhip is facilittated by a very activee
interaction with industry and socciety that arre the impoortant ingreddients of thhe curricula.
An Entreprreneurship Developmeent and Incubation Ceentre (EDIC C) is being establishedd
with the m mandate to train the teachers of CHARUS SAT to meentor the students
s onn
entrepreneuurial aspects. Each connstituent insstitute has an
a Entrepreneurship Developmentt
Cell, whichh is supporrted by the Entrepreneeurship Devvelopment and a Incubaation Centree
(EDIC) of the Univerrsity by prroviding reqquired resoources, proffessional an nd financiall

Process forr Curriculu um Design and Develoopment

Need assesssment is done throughh informal discussion with experrts from acaademia andd
industries in the field and
a alumni. Followingg flow-chartt indicates the
t process adopted forr
the design and
a developpment of cu
urriculum inn terms of feeedback.

Feedbaack from Guidelinnes issued by Feedbacck from Expertss

Feedback recceived from Specializaation based Regulatoryy Bodies UGC// from
m Industries
students annd Alumni group of
o faculty AICTEE/ PCI /INC /Hospitalls and Academiic
memmbers- Institutions-
peers Employers/Industries
Alumni, Students Faculty

Board of Studdies
Review/feedback from

members, Academic

Faculty Boaard

Academic Council

Fig. 1.1: Flow

w Chart for Cuurriculum Devvelopment andd review of accademic progrrams at CHAR

CHARUSA AT ensuress compliancce with guuidelines isssued by regulatory

r b
bodies likee
AICTE, UG GC, PCI, IN NC, etc forr curriculumm design annd developm ment. Accoordingly, alll
Boards off Studies/F Faculty Booards and Academicc Council ensure its effectivee
implementaation. Therre is room for innovaation in thhe curriculuum in addiition to thee
guidelines of
o aforemenntioned reguulatory bodiies.
CHARUSA AT has bellieved in the t dynamiism of currriculum annd hence, revision off
curriculum is a regullar practicee. Academicc review of o the proggrams is doone at each h
Academic Council Meeting
M thhrough peddagogical innovationss, examinaation resultt
analyses, reesearch enddeavors, traiining and placements,
p feasibility of introducttion of new
programs, iindustry inteeraction upddates and faaculty feedb

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects

A 2
NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Employability, Innovation and Research in Curriculum Design

CHARUSAT has appointed experts from industries and allied organizations (Hospitals,
research organizations, etc.) on its various academic and regulatory bodies. The
suggestions received from these experts give an insight into the needs of the employers as
well as of the society, which are woven into the curriculum during the revision and
designing stages. Adequate practical skills are inculcated into the students by
experimental learning derived during practical sessions/ Field work/ Industrial Training/
Hospital Training for programs under different faculties at CHARUSAT.
Special courses are designed and offered at various stages of the curriculum to develop
soft skills and ensure all round development of the students. Elective courses are also
offered to the students to help them gain insight into other allied fields of application or
to enhance their thinking and creative ability.
Research based projects are an integral part of majority of the postgraduate programs
under the six faculties at CHARUSAT. This provides an excellent learning environment
for the exploring mind. CHARUSAT has also designed and implemented policies relating
to patent as well as consultancy to further nurture innovation and research among the
students and faculty. Committees are also in place in each institute to look into the ethical
aspects of research being undertaken at the University. Internships and membership of
students in professional societies is encouraged.
The University has benefitted through such efforts within a short span of its existence as
improvement in placements, both through on-campus and off-campus efforts, better
opportunities for the training of not only the students but also of its faculty members, a
continuously gaining relationship with all its stakeholders, better training of its students
in terms of industry preparedness, motivating the students to set and achieve higher goals
leading to performance in competitive examinations at national level (UGC-
CSIR/NET/JRF/GPAT/GATE/CAT) and publication of their research findings by way of
research/ review articles and/ or patents.

Holistic Development of Students

Besides employability, innovation and research in curriculum design, CHARUSAT lays
due importance on holistic integral development of all its students. With this
consideration, the University has introduced several value-based and add-on courses to
supplement the vocational courses, which are a part of the curriculum. These are cultural
courses and this is a mandatory component implemented across all programs with
permissible flexibility. Such courses include ICT training, Critical Thinking and Logic,
Values and Ethics, Communication skills, Academic writing, Managerial communication
as well as foreign languages like French and German.

Developing Global Competency

The curricula design at CHARUSAT in different programs are at par with international
standards in reputed national and international institutes and sincere efforts are made to
implement these programs. The global competency is expected to be achieved through
the components in programs like in-depth critical theoretical studies supplemented with
hands-on experimental experience in laboratory work, research projects and mandatory

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 3

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

courses in liberal arts (to be selected based on individual’s choice) in programs of

science, technology, management and medical sciences to inculcate interdisciplinary
Following initiatives taken by various faculties under CHARUSAT are likely to create
national impact:
 Elective Courses offered in B.Pharm program at semester 7 and 8, namely
Pharmaceutical Documentation, Pharmaceutical Marketing and Pharmaceutical
Instrumentation and Technology.
 Certificate programs in Cosmetic Technology and Packaging Technology
simultaneously offered to students of B.Pharm program introduced during 2014-
 Introduction of courses like Critical Thinking and Logic, Values and Ethics,
Professional Communication, Society and Governance and International Studies
as well as a course on liberal arts are offered at under graduate (UG) level
programs across all faculties.
 Similarly courses on Advanced Critical Thinking and Logic and Academic
Writing and Communication Skills have been introduced in post graduate (PG)
programs conducted under all the constituent institutes of CHARUSAT.
 Relative Grading system introduced in Dual Degree (B.Sc + M.Sc) program.
 Students of M.Sc program undertake at least one semester research based project
providing them exposure to research and innovation.
 Students of CHARUSAT are also offered courses run by various professional
organizations like Cisco Network Academy, Oracle Certified Java Professional
Academy (OCJP) and Microsoft IT Academy.

Recommendations of Stakeholders in Curriculum Design

Curriculum revision process takes into consideration the views obtained from the
stakeholders on various instances.
 Experts from industries/ research bodies/ NGOs are invited as member of
various academic and advisory bodies (Governing Body/Board of
Management/Academic Council/Faculty Board/Board of Studies) of the
university. This provides an opportunity for interaction and to seek their
opinions on the curriculum revision process.
Table 1.1: Involvement of Experts from Different Walks of Life in Academic Decision Making
Academia Industry Government Organizations, Research
Organizations, Regulatory Bodies
and Others
Governing Body (GB) 2 6 The constitution of theses bodies is as
Board of Management -- 3 per Act; however, experts from these
(BOM) organizations are regularly invited for
Academic Council (AC) 3 2 the meetings of these bodies
Faculty Board (FB) 47 27 6
Board of Studies (BOS) 25 22 1
Total 77 60 7

 All constituent institutes invite experts to interact with students and members

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 4

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

of faculty during various Workshops/Seminars/ Staff Development

Programs/Guest Lecture /Brain storming Sessions. These, in turn provide
opportunities to interact and seek the opinion for curriculum revision.
 Faculty members are deputed to industries/research organization for training at
regular intervals. Such trained faculty members are subsequently involved in
curriculum revision process.
 Curriculum is sent to experts in the industry for review and their feedback is
given due consideration while revising the curriculum. MoUs are signed with
some industries by the institutes, where one of the mandate of is to explore
different avenues for up-dating the curriculum. Feedback is received from
recruiters, parents and Alumni regarding curriculum and utilized for curriculum

Table 1.2: Cross Section of Prominent People from Various Organizations Involved at CHARUSAT
Sr. No. Name of Expert Achievements of Expert
1 Dr. M. I. Patel Former Sheriff of Mumbai, and
Renowned Technocrat and Industrialist based at Mumbai.
2 Dr. V G Patel Founding Director, EDI. and
Renowned Expert in Entrepreneur Development
3 Mr. Hemal Patel CEO, Elitecore Technologies Ltd NJ –USA and
Leading Entrepreneur in IT Industry
4 Dr. Paresh Patel Prominent Surgeon (FACS,FICS-USA) and
President & Surgeon Shraddha Hospital- Borsad
5 Shri Pankaj R Patel Chairman& Managing Director, Cadila Healthcare Ltd &
Chairman, Ahmedabad Management Association
6 Shri Devang Patel Chief Executive, IPCO Industries & Business operated at USA
and A Philanthropist of repute
7 Shri H T Patel Former President, API Business, Zydus Cadila Healthcare Ltd.
And Corporate Leader
8 Shri Manubhai P Patel Prominent Industrialist and
MD, Sigil India Ltd., Vadodara
9 Prof. H. J. Jani Provost, C.U.Shah University, Wadhwan
10 Dr. C. N. Ramchand CEO, Laila Pharma Pvt. Ltd, Chennai
11 Dr. Ketan Kotecha Vice Chancellor, Parul University, Vadodara

Table 1.3: List of Select Industries where Faculty of CHARUSAT has been trained
Sr. No. Name of the Industry Sr. No. Name of the Industry
1. TCS, Gandhinagar 11. Zydus Cadila Healthcare, Ahmedabad
2. e-Infochips, Ahmedabad 12. NIMHANS, Bangalore
3. Infostretch, Ahmedabad 13. Rave Technology, Navi Mumbai
4. Epsilon Electronics,Ahmedabad 14. Edisecs Technology, Gurgaon
5. Electrotherm (ET), Ahmedabad 15. Green Circle Inc, Vadodara
6. Cliffs Marketing Services, Baroda 16. Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Ahmedabad
7. Tatvasoft, Ahmedabad 17. Torrent Research Center Gandhinagar
8. Galaxy Technology, Surat 18. Open ERP, Gandhinagar
9. Kaysons Techno Equipment Pvt. 19. VR Software System Pvt. Ltd,
Ltd., Anand Vadodara
10. Kashiben Gordhandas Patel’s 20. Baroque Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd,
Children Hospital, Vadodara Khambhat

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 5

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Curricular Structure: Semesters and Credits.

UG programs: 8 Semesters/ 4 years duration, with a component of industrial/ hospital
training as the case may be. Each semester has 25 to 30 credits making an UG program
having 200 to 260 credits.
PG programs: 4 Semesters/ 2 years durations, with a component of research project based
on actual solution to identified problem or field based study. Each semester has 25 to 30
credits making a PG program having 95 to 130 credits.
As per UGC directives, the courses being taught at the campus have been classified as
Core, Elective and Foundation courses.

1.2 Academic Flexibility

Programs Offered
CHARUSAT has identified the diverse needs of the students and has established six
Faculties to offer various UG/ PG/PGD and PhD programs. All programs offered at
CHARUSAT follow a semester system of teaching and evaluation.
Each of these faculties runs research programs leading to the award of PhD degree;
however, to provide an opportunity to employed personnel to undertake research, the
University offers PhD programs in both Full time and Part time mode.
The university offers a total of 12 UG programs and 42 PG programs including 5 PG
Diploma programs. As already mentioned, there are 6 Research Programs for PhD. The
details of all the programs being offered and taught at the constituent institutes under the
six faculties in the university are as follows.

Table 1.4: Programs conducted at CHARUSAT

Sr.No Name of the Institute Under Graduate Programs Post Graduate/ PG Diploma*/ Dual
A Faculty of Technology & Engineering
1 Chandubhai S Patel 1. B. Tech (Mechanical 1. M. Tech (Elect & Comm
Institute of Engineering) Engg [Communication Systems])
Technology (CSPIT) 2. B. Tech (Civil 2. M. Tech (Mechanical
Engineering) Engineering [CAD/ CAM])
3. B. Tech (Electrical 3. M. Tech (Mechanical Engineering
Engineering) [Advanced Manufacturing
4. B. Tech (Elect. & 4. M. Tech (Electrical
Comm. Engineering) Engineering [Power System])
5. B. Tech (Computer 5. M. Tech (Computer
Engineering) Engineering)
6. B. Tech (Information 6. M. Tech (Information
Technology) Technology)
7. M. Tech (Civil Engineering
8. M. Tech(Embedded System
& VLSI Design)
B Faculty of Pharmacy
2 Ramanbhai Patel 7. B. Pharm 9. M. Pharm (Pharmaceutical
College of Pharmacy Technology)
(RPCP) 10. M. Pharm (Quality Assurance)
11. M.Pharm (Clinical Pharmacy)

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 6

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12. M. Pharm(Pharmaceutics
Drug Regulatory Affairs)
13. M. Pharm (Pharmacology
& Toxicology)
14. Post Graduate Diploma In
Cosmetic Technology*
15. Post Graduate Diploma In
Packaging Technology*
C Faculty of Computer Science And Applications
3 Smt. Chandaben 8. B. Computer 16. Master of Computer
Mohanbhai Patel Applications (BCA) Applications (MCA)
Institute of Computer 17. M. Sc (IT) Program
Applications 18. MCA Program (Lateral Entry)
(CMPICA) 19. Dual Degree BCA + MCA**
D Faculty of Management Studies
4 Indukaka Ipcowala 9. B. Business 20. Master of Business
Institute of Administration (BBA) Administration (MBA)
Management (I2IM) 21. Post Graduate Diploma in
Management (PGDM)*
22. Dual Degree BBA + MBA**
E Faculty of Applied Sciences
5 P. D. Patel Institute of 10. B. Sc (Biological 23. M. Sc (Microbiology)
Applied Sciences Sciences) 24. M. Sc (Biochemistry)
(PDPIAS) 25. M. Sc (Biotechnology)
26. M. Sc (Advance Organic
27. M. Sc (Physics)
28. M. Sc (Nanoscience &
29. Dual Degree B.Sc + M.Sc
(Biological Science)**
F Faculty of Medical Sciences
6 Ashok And Rita Patel 11. Bachelor of 30. M. PT (Musculoskeletal
Institute of Physiotherapy (B. PT) Sciences)
Physiotherapy (ARIP) 31. M. PT(Neurological
32. M. PT (Cardiopulmonary
33. M. PT (Paediatrics)
34. M. PT (Rehabilitation)
35. M. PT (Women’s Health)
7 Manikaka Topawala 12. B. Sc (Nursing) 36. M. Sc (Nursing) Medical Surgical
Institute of Nursing 37. M. Sc (Nursing) Community
(MTIN) Health
38. M.Sc (Nursing) Mental Health
39. M.Sc (Nursing) Child Health
40. M.Sc (Nursing) Obstetrics
& Gynecology
41. PGD in Medical Laboratory
42. PGD in Hospital Administration*

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 7

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Lateral and Vertical Mobility of Students

The University offers Dual Degree Programs with an exit option after completion of three
years (leading to the award of Bachelor’s degree) through three of its constituent
Institutes, providing vertical mobility to the students. This arrangement in curriculum
permits vertical mobility. The dual degree programs offered at CHARUSAT are enlisted.
Table 1.5: Dual Degree Programs offered at CHARUSAT
Sr. Program Faculty Name of Constituent Institute
1 BCA + MCA Faculty of Computer Science and Smt. Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel
Applications Institute of Computer Applications
2 BBA+MBA Faculty of Management Studies Indukaka Ipcowala Institute of
3 B Sc + M Sc Faculty of Applied Sciences PD Patel Institute of Applied Sciences

Diploma holders from the fields of Engineering and Pharmacy are given lateral entry
directly into the second year of the degree program. Smt. Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel
Institute of Computer Applications offers MCA Lateral Entry program in which a
candidate gets admission directly in the second year of the MCA program after the
successful completion of BCA.

Elective Courses
A range of electives are offered by the constituent Institutes in different semesters of both
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs to the students enrolled in the respective
institutes. From among the given options, a student is required to select any one course.
However, students’ selections of the elective courses are finalized based on the
availability of experts / faculty in the respective department.
Students of the B. Tech program are offered electives variably during semesters 6, 7 and
8 from a range of about more than 30 courses. For the Masters’ program (Master of
Technology) too, students have a choice of about 28 courses to choose as electives during
semesters 1 and 2 across the specializations offered by the six departments of
Chandubhai S Patel Institute of Technology (CSPIT).
Table 1.6: Specializations offered in M. Tech Program under Faculty of Technology & Engineering
Name of the Department Area of Specialization at M. Tech
a) Department of Civil Engineering i) Structural Engineering
b)Department of Electronics and ii) Embedded System & VLSI Design
Communication Engineering iii) Communication System
c) Department of Electrical Engineering iv) Electrical Power System
d) Department of Mechanical Engineering v)Computer Aided Design &
Manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
vi)Advanced Manufacturing Technology
e) Department of Information Technology vii) Information Technology
f) Department of Computer Engineering viii) Computer Engineering

Elective courses are offered to the students of Dual degree B.Sc + M.Sc (Biological
Sciences) programs during semesters 4, 5, 6 and 10 from a cafeteria of 18 elective
courses, while there are about 20 electives for the students of M. Sc programs. Electives
are also supplemented by Mini-Project in a few branches of specialization.

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 8

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Table 1.7: List of Electives Offered to Students at CHARUSAT

Faculty of Technology & Engineering
Electives in Under Graduate Programs
1. Advanced Structural Analysis 18. Advanced Geotechnical Engineering
2. Theory of Water and Waste Water Engineering 19. Advanced Traffic & Transportation Planning
3. Soil Erosion & Conservation 20. Service Oriented Architecture
4. Environmental Pollution & Control 21. Urban Transportation System
5. Irrigation Water Management 22. Repair & Rehabilitation of Structures
6. Power System Operations 23. Advances in Power System
7. Applications of Advanced Microcontrollers in 24. Applications of Advanced
Electrical Engineering-I Microcontrollers in Electrical Engineering- II
8. Advanced Java programming 25. Programming Embedded Systems
9. Advanced Programming using .NET Framework 26.Field Applications of Geotechnical Engineering
10. Language Processor 27. Advanced Computing
11. Advanced Materials 28. Operations Research
12. Internal Combustion Engine 29. Non-traditional Machining
13. Industrial Tribology 30. Optimization Techniques
14. Automobile Engineering 31. Robotics
15. Digital System Design 32. Digital Image Processing
16. Radar Systems 33. Advanced Web Technology
17. Artificial Intelligence
Electives in Post Graduate Programs
1. Prestressed Concrete Structures 15. Bridge Engineering
2. Structural Optimization & Reliability 16. Design of Composite Structures
3. Non-destructive Testing 17. Rehabilitation & Retrofitting of Structures
4. Facts & HVDC Transmission 18. Distributed Computing & Systems
5. Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Power 19.Web Services & Service Oriented Architecture
6. Advanced Compiler Construction 20. Advanced Computing
7. Design Pattern & Framework 21.Digital Image Processing
8. Object Oriented Analysis & Design 22.Experimental Techniques
9. Embedded System 23. Surface Engineering
10. Advanced Materials 24. Advanced Metrology
11. Artificial Intelligence 25. Industrial Tribology
12. Mobile Computing & Wireless Network 26. Object Orientation & Modeling Analytics
13. Computational Fluid Dynamics 27. Distributed Computing
14. Digital Image Processing 28. Service Oriented Architecture
Faculty of Applied Science
Electives in B. Sc + M. Sc (Dual Degree) Program
1. Biodiversity and its conservation 10. Applied Microbiology
2. Introductory Developmental Biology 11. Microbial Biochemistry
3. Soil fertility and plant nutrition 12. Food and Dairy Microbiology
4. Toxicology 13. Human genetics
5. Evolution and behavior 14. Human nutrition
6. Food and Dairy biotechnology 15. Plant tissue culture
7. Pharmaceutical Quality Control and Quality 16.Microbial Technology based Entrepreneurship
8. Biosafety and Bioethics 17. Basic Forensic biotechnology
9. Fundamentals of Omics Technologies 18. Basic Animal Cell culture Techniques
Electives in M. Sc Programs
1. Thin film technology 11. Plasma Physics
2. Solar Cell: Science & Technology 12. Nuclear Reactor Physics

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 9

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3. Introduction to Nanotechnology 13. Biophysics

4. Synthesis of Nanoparticles 14. Medical Physics
5. Nanofludics 15. Electronics & Communications
6. Nanofluids 16. Advance Microprocessor
7. Nano-composite 17. Semiconductor Devices
8. Vacuum Technology 18. Advance Magnetism
9. Nanotherapeutics 19. Nano-Biosensors
10. Biophysical principles 20. Biomaterials
Faculty of Computer Science & Applications
Electives in MCA and MCA (Lateral) Programs
1. Windows Communication Foundation 5. Procurement, Implementation and Management of
Framework IT systems
2. Intrusion Detection and Computer Forensics 6. Advanced Network Management &Security
3. Frameworks and Applications 7. Web Technologies
4. Collaboration Technologies 8. Advance Management Information System
Faculty of Management Studies
Electives in MBA and PGDM Programs
1. Consumer Behavior and Technology 46. Integrated Marketing Communication
2. Sales and Distribution Management 47. Strategic Marketing
3. Rural Marketing 48. Product and Brand Management
4. Financial Management of Health Institution 49.Security Analysis &Investment Management
5. Retail Management 50. Digital and Social Media Marketing
6. Financial Decision Analysis 51. Management of Financial Services
7. International Marketing 52. Taxation Management
8. Financial Reporting Analysis and Corporate 53. Development Banking Rural and MicroFinance
9. Behavioral Finance 54. Corporate Restructuring
10. International Finance 55. Derivatives and Risk Management
11. Strategic Human Resource Management 56. Organizational& Change Development
12. Industrial Relations 57. Human Resource Auditing
13. Occupational Testing 58. Human Resource Development
14. Human Resource Information System 59. Project and Infrastructure Management
15. Compensation Management 60. Industrial Jurisprudence
16. Entrepreneurship Marketing & Analytics 61. Relational Database Management Systems
17. Management of Software Projects in IT 62. Services and Relationship Management
18. Systems Analysis and Design 63. Data Warehousing and Data Mining
19. Business Process Reengineering 64. Information Security and Cyber Law
20. Hospital Management Information Systems 65. Modeling and Analysis With Spreadsheets
21. Health Economics & Policy 66. Information Systems Audit
22. Health Care and Social Policy 67. Health Care Marketing
23. Principles and Concepts of Tourism & 68. Environmental Health Management and
Hospitality Management Safety Planning
24. Health Communication: Development and 69. ERP Systems: Technology Planning and
Dissemination Implementation
25. Hospital Operations Management 70. Legal Aspects of Health Care
26. International Human Resource Management 71. Creativity, Incubation and Innovation
27. Social Projects and Infrastructure 72. Project and Infrastructure Financing
28. Sectoral Issues in Infrastructure 73. Theory of Constraints
29. Project Formulation, Initiation, Monitoring, and 74. Introduction to Infrastructure Policy and
Control Development
30. Cost Benefit Analysis of Infrastructure Projects 75. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
31. Leadership Skills 76. Succession Planning and Management

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 10

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32. Introduction to Mass Communication and 77. Information Technology in Business

Journalism Management
33. Project and Infrastructure Marketing and Pricing 78. Application of Strategic Frameworks for SMEs
34. Management of Technology and Innovation 79. Social Entrepreneurship and Management
35. Professionalization of Family Business 80. Indian Tourism and Hospitality Management
36. Principles and Concepts of Tourism and 81. International Tourism &Hospitality
Hospitality Management Management
37. Tourism Policy, Destination Planning and 82. Quality Management in Tourism and Hospitality
Development Business
38. Front Office Management 83. Facility and Event Management
39. Legal Aspects of Tourism and Hospitality 84. Cost and Operations in Tourism and Hospitality
Management Business
40. Competitive Strategy and Management of 85. Crises Management in Tourism and Hospitality
Family Business Portfolio Business
41. Development Communication 86. Print Media Communication
42. Business Regulations & Start-up Financing 87. Public Relation and Corporate Film Creation
43. Media Law and Ethics 88. Electronic Media Communication
44. Media Management & Ad Campaign Strategies 89. Cyber Journalism: Convergence and New Media
45. Media Analytics 90. Media Economics and Analysis

Over and above, Elective courses are offered at the 7th and 8th semesters of B Pharm
Program. These electives include:
i) Pharmaceutical Instrumentation and Technology,
ii) Pharmaceutical Documentation and
iii) Pharmaceutical Marketing.
Realizing the importance of certain current developments and recent trends, the students
of all the five branches of specialization of the Masters’ program (M. Pharm) are offered
courses on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Regulatory Affairs.
Faculty of Computer Science & Applications offers the students of MCA and MCA
(lateral) 8 electives during 4th, 5th and 2nd, 3rd semesters respectively.
Dual specialization was offered to the students of MBA program (2009 to 2012) through
a range of elective courses (4 each in Semester 3 and 4). A student was given option of
specializing in two functional areas of management by taking four courses in each of the
areas and carrying out a comprehensive project in each of the areas. The areas of
specialization included:
 General Management  Marketing Management
 Finance Management  Human Resource Management
 Health Services Management  Insurance and Risk Management
 Entrepreneurship and Project Management
From the year 2014-15 onwards, students are given single specialization to be selected
from a range of 9 streams of specializations which have been added to the existing fields
of specializations and some have been restructured, which include:
 Information Technology  Tourism & Hospitality Management
 Journalism & Mass Communication  Family Business and Entrepreneurship
 Project & Infrastructure Management
The new fields of specialization have been introduced considering the emerging needs.
The specialization of Family Business and Entrepreneurship caters to a special section of
the society consisting of industrial houses, a rising need of this region. There are a total of

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 11

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90 elective courses offered to the students of MBA and PGDM programs

Students of dual degree program (BBA + MBA) are offered single specialization to be
selected from a range of 3 streams (Marketing, Finance and Human Resource) with 15
courses each being offered in semesters 5 and 6. They are also offered single
specialization in 4 sectoral areas (Information Technology, Health Care, Banking and
Insurance and Tourism and Hospitality). A student may select any one area and study its
two courses.

Value-Added Courses
Value-added courses tend to enhance the creativity and nurture innovativeness among
students. These courses are uniquely designed to support and enhance their specialized
field in professional career. These courses are aimed at Integral Human Development and
Vocational/ Soft Skill Enhancement.Value-added courses are offered to all the students of
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs across the University. The structure has been
prepared keeping in view the personal, social and professional development of students.
All Undergraduate students are offered courses on Liberal Arts. They choose from the six
options/ electives offered according to their desire and inclination during the first
semester. Additionally, there are nine value-added courses offered to them through the
second to sixth semester. They gain expertise through these value added courses and
further enhance these as their hobbies. This is a great boon which enables them to face
the formidable challenges of the future. These courses also help students in inculcating
interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary approach in their professional life. This has
become a very important and essential component now-a-days in research and
Table 1.8: Structure of Value-Added Courses Offered at UG and PG Levels
Level Semester Name of the Course Credits
UG 1 Liberal Arts (Electives) 2
1. Painting2. Photography3. Pottery and Ceramic Art
4. Arts and Crafts5. Media and Graphic Studies 6. Sculpting
2 1. English Language and Literature 2
2. Communication Skills –I (for BBA only) 2
3 1. Value and Ethics 2
2. Academic Writing (for BSc Nursing only) 2
4 1. Critical Thinking and Logic 2
2. Communication Skills –II (for BBA only ) 2
3. Sociology (for BSc Nursing only) 2
5 Professional Communication 2
6 Society, Governance and International Studies 2
PG 1 1. Advance Critical Thinking and Logic 2
2. Critical Thinking and Logic (for MBA only) 3
3. Managerial Communication (for MBA only) 3
4. Languages (French/German)*(for MCA, MSc,MPT) 2
*as an option to Advance Critical Thinking and Logic
2 Academic Writing and Communication Skills 2

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 12

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Prior to the introduction of the above-mentioned value-added courses in a structured

manner, the courses being offered to the students of the constituent institutes of
CHARUSAT during different semesters of their programs included the following.
Professional Communication – I Communication Skills – I
Professional Communication – II Communication Skills – II
Basics of Management Managerial Communication
Aural and Oral Communication Managerial Effectiveness
Soft Skill Training Bridge Course on Language & Communication

Add-On Courses
Students of CHARUSAT are also offered courses run by various professional
organizations like Cisco Network Academy, Oracle Certified Java Professional Academy
(OCJP) and Microsoft IT Academy. These courses are skill enhancement courses of
vocational nature supplementing classroom learning aimed at bridging the gap between
classroom learning and specific contemporary demands of the industry. At present, these
courses are in Computer Engineering and Information Technology and CHARUSAT
looks ahead for designing and implementing such courses in other faculties too. These are
enrichment courses offered to the students in addition to the courses of their curriculum.
The professional organizations have identified CHARUSAT campus as a potential center
among the few across the country. The courses offered by them are in modular format.
Cisco Network Academy (CCNA) offers four courses, namely
1. CCNA 1 (Networking Basics Competencies),
2. CCNA 2 (Routers and Routing Basics),
3. CCNA 3 (Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing), and
4. CCNA 4 (WAN).
Each of these modules has a curriculum of 280 hours. These courses were offered to the
students during vacations prior to 2009, but now are offered during college timings on the
first, second and fourth Saturdays of the month. Cisco curriculum develops practical
computer networking knowledge and skills in a hands-on environment among the
students. About 400 students have benefitted from these courses since the inception of the
Department of Computer Engineering in 2006.
Oracle Academy provides education and certification programs to selected college
campuses and institutions under the Workforce Development Programs. This program
offers curricula, courseware, and online learning for students focused on a profitable
career path, life-long learning, and Oracle certification to the college. About 225 students
have been benefited from the OCJP programs, which include JAVA 6 and JAVA 7.
The Microsoft IT Academy program has been active on CHARUSAT campus since 2009
through the offerings of Microsoft .Net Framework Fundamental- which is from
Microsoft Official Courseware (MOC) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)
Certification examination. In 2014, Microsoft Edvantage program granted platinum
membership to CHARUSAT; the facility of which was extended to students of all
semesters of B. Tech, M. Tech and MCA/M. Sc(IT) programs. Students were also offered
Microsoft Certified Technology Associate (MTA) examination. Online and offline
learning material is provided to all students for Certification and faculty members also
guide them for preparation and registration of these certification examinations. These

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 13

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

courses cover teaching of 30-40 hours in the form of lectures and 30-40 hours of
Laboratory training. The necessary laboratory facilities are extended to the students by
CHARUSAT. The various courses of Microsoft IT Academy offered to the students
1. Database 2. Windows Application Development
3. HTML5/CSS3 4. Testing
5. Security 6. Microsoft Cloud – Azure
7. C# .Net 8. ASP .Net
CMPICA introduced the Mobile Application Development Academy (MADA) for its
students during 2013. The courses were conducted by OCJP Academy. The courses
offered to the students included Android, iOS and Window Phone, with the respective
tool being Eclipse, Xcode 3.2 with Objective C and Window 8. About 24 students were
trained under MADA.
The students have benefitted tremendously and have taken on the path of life-long
learning and profitable career.
Table 1.9: Details of Add-on Courses at CHARUSAT
Sr. Name of the Academy No. of Duration during which the Revenue
No. students course was offered Generated
benefitted (INR)
1 Oracle Academy (MCA) 225 Since 2013 till date 5,04,500/-
2 OCJP (MADA) (MCA) 24 2013 72,000/-
3 Oracle Academy (Computer 105 Since 2008 till date 2,62,500/-
4 Microsoft IT Academy 386 Since 2009 till date 3,39,000/-
(Information Technology)
5 Cisco Network Academy 405 Since 2006 till date 14,28,000/-
(Computer Engineering)
Total students benefitted 1145 Total Revenue generated 26,06,000/-

1.3 Curriculum Enrichment

Review and Revision of Curriculum
CHARUSAT believes in giving autonomy to the teachers to revise the syllabus and hence
curriculum review and revision is an ongoing process.
 Curriculum is reviewed every six months through BOS and Faculty Board
 Academic Council meetings are also conducted every six months to review and
endorse the proposals by the BOS and Faculty Boards.
 Any revision and up-gradation is done following the broader guidelines laid down
by regulatory bodies like AICTE, UGC, PCI, INC etc.
This practice of regular review and revision of curriculum is of immense benefit as it
helps to keep the curricula in alignment with the latest trends and industrial as well as
global requirements. The strategies adopted by the University for review and revision of
curricula are:
 Online (formal) and offline (informal) feedback on all courses taught on campus
from students to evaluate the course content as well as course delivery techniques/
 Feedback is also sought from other stakeholders, society representatives,

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 14

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employers participating in campus placement activity as well as the faculty

members regarding the course curriculum.
 Feedback from alumni is also sought during the annual meets and through emails
in an informal mechanism.
 Suggestions for inclusion of new topics/courses and/or revision of existing
courses are received from the faculty through in-house(formal meetings) and
informal discussions held at institute/ department level.
 Adoption of innovative, adaptive teaching and evaluation methods is also
discussed during such meetings.
 The suggestions for inclusion of revisions in the curricula are then forwarded for
discussion in Academic Council meetings.
 Organization of Management Seminar Series – MANAS, Industry Academia
Meets, Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, etc provides an opportunity to discuss
with external experts on aspects of curriculum review.
 Sending course curriculum to the subject experts in Industry and Academia of
National and International repute and inviting their opinions and suggestions
which lead to enhancement and enrichment of the course curricula.
 Regular visits by faculty members and interaction with company executives
provides an opportunity to understand the needs of the industry better.
 Themes of National/ International conferences, symposia and latest trends are
considered while preparing the course curricula.

Figure 1.2: Involvement of Stakeholders in the Revision of Existing Courses and Programs 
Some major revisions in curricula during the last 3 years are enlisted below.
1. Introduction of new programs like M. Tech with specializations in Information
Technology (2012-13), Structural Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing
Technology (2013-14) and Embedded Systems & VLSI Design (2014-15)
under Faculty of Technology and Engineering.

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 15

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2. Introduction of Dual degree programs in Faculty of Management Studies,

Faculty of Computer Science & Applications and Faculty of Applied Sciences.
3. Introduction of Master of Technology Management (MTM) and Master of
Pharmacy Management (MPM).

Programs in Inter-Disciplinary Areas

In order to articulate the integration of more than one discipline and utilize skills of
interdisciplinary students/faculty members and to integrate multiple perspectives,
University is offering inter- disciplinary programs.
 Since 2009, university offers inter-disciplinary M. Sc. (Nanoscience and
Technology) program with following unique features in its curriculum. The
curriculum is a combination of various disciplines such as physics, chemistry,
biology, mathematics, material science, nano-engineering, nano-bioengineering
etc. Students are trained to use various techniques to synthesize nanoparticles,
nanotubes, thin-films, etc. Subsequently hands on training on various
sophisticated instruments like XRD, FTIR, TGA-DSC, particle size analyzer, etc.
along with interpretation and data analysis provides opportunity to the student to
use these skills in allied fields.
 Other significant programs involving different faculties / disciplines include the
Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital Administration, being executed by Faculty of
Management Studies and Faculty of Medical Sciences.
 From the year 2014 – 15, Faculty of Pharmacy has offered to the under graduate
students Certificate programs in two upcoming fields, namely Cosmetic
Technology and Packaging Technology. These certificate programs consist of
four courses each, being offered from the fourth to seventh semester of the B.
Pharm program.
 The Doctorate (Ph.D) programs include inter-disciplinary research/approach.
 CHARUSAT has signed a MoU with The Indian Planetary Society to initiate a
program of inter-disciplinary nature in M. Sc in Astronomy & Astrophysics.
Interdisciplinary programs have enhanced the approach being undertaken by both
the faculty as well as the students towards the learning of the courses in Science
and Technology.
 Four students have joined PhD program in the various fields like biomineralized
hydrogels, thermal nanofluids, bio-functionalization of Magnetic Nanoparticles at
nano-bio-interface, and biological scaffolds for tissue engineering.
 One student, Ms. Rushita Shah has joined Doctoral program in Technology of
Macromolecular Compounds, Polymer Centre-Faculty of Technology, Tomas
Bata University in Zlín; remaining three students have joined CHARUSAT
doctoral degree program.

Courses in Emerging Thrust Areas

As a result of the advancing edges of research, new fields are constantly emerging. Some
come and go, whereas others develop into new, well-recognized entities. Recognizing
and accepting the advancing challenges and demands of modern times, CHARUSAT has

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 16

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introduced a number of programs as well as program combinations for the benefit of

students and society at large. Some of these programs are also interdisciplinary in nature.
Table 1.10: Program and Program Combinations in Interdisciplinary and Emerging Areas
Sr. Name of the program Year of Name of Institute Faculty
No. Initiation
Interdisciplinary Programs & Program Combinations
1 M. Sc. (Biotechnology) 2009-2010 P. D. Patel Faculty of
2 M. Sc. (Biochemistry) Institute of Applied
3 M. Sc. (Microbiology) Applied Sciences Sciences
4 M. Sc. (Nanoscience & Technology)
5 PGD in Hospital Administration 2013 - 14 Indukaka Faculty of
(PGDHA) Ipcowala Institute Management
of Management Studies&
Faculty of
6 Dual Degree in Biological Science 2013 - 14 P. D. Patel Faculty of
(Microbiology, Biochemistry and Institute of Applied
Biotechnology) Applied Sciences Sciences
7 M. Pharm (Quality Assurance) 2010 – 11 Ramanbhai Patel Faculty of
8 M. Pharm (Clinical Pharmacy) 2011 – 12 College of Pharmacy
9 M. Pharm (Pharmacology & 2012 – 13 Pharmacy
10 M. Pharm (Pharmaceutics – Drug
Regulatory Affairs)
Programs & Program Combinations In Emerging Areas
1 Bachelor of Physiotherapy 2009 -10 Ashok & Rita Faculty of
Patel Institute of Medical
Physiotherapy Sciences
2 MCA Dual Degree (BCA + MCA) 2014 - 15 Smt. Chandaben Faculty of
Mohanbhai Patel Computer
Institute of Science &
Computer Applications
3 PGD in Packaging Technology 2013 - 14 Ramanbhai Patel Faculty of
4 PGD in Cosmetic Technology College of Pharmacy
5 Certificate Program in Packaging 2014 - 15 Pharmacy
6 Certificate Program in Cosmetic
7 M. Tech (Advanced Manufacturing 2013 - 14 Chandubhai S Faculty of
Technology) Patel Institute of Technology
8 M. Tech (Structural Engineering) Technology and
9 M. Tech (Computer Engineering) Engineering
10 M. Tech (Embedded System and VLSI
11 M. Tech (Power System)
12 M. Tech (Information Technology)
13 M. Pharm (Quality Assurance) 2010 – 11 Ramanbhai Patel Faculty of
14 M. Pharm (Clinical Pharmacy) 2011 – 12 College of Pharmacy
15 M. Pharm(Pharmacology&Toxicology) 2012 – 13 Pharmacy
16 M. Pharm (Pharmaceutics – Drug

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 17

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Regulatory Affairs)
17 Dual Degree BBA + MBA 2014 - 15 Indukaka Faculty of
Ipcowala Institute Management
of Management Studies

Skill Development Programs in Consonance with National Requirement

Special or tailor-made courses as outlined by National Skill Development Corporation
are not conducted. However, the contents covered under the various programs offered by
NSDC are covered under the curriculum of appropriate courses being delivered. The
coverage of the topics varies at UG and PG levels including the mode of coverage as
theory or practical or clinical training or any combination thereof. These include:
Table 1.11: Skill Development Programs in Curriculum
Sr No Topic Sr No Topic
1 Cryptography & Network Security 16 Data Warehousing & Data Mining
2 Computer Organization & Peripherals 17 Information & Network Security
3 Web Technologies 18 Computer Graphics
4 High Performance Computing 19 Digital Logic & Design
5 Computer Network & Internetworking 20 High Performance Computer Architecture
6 Data Communication & Networking 21 Programming Embedded Systems
7 Pharmaceutical Technology and Drug 22 Marketing Plan for Domestic or
Regulatory Affairs International Sales
8 E- Business & ERP 23 Electrical Machine Design
9 Programmable Logic 24 Electronics and Drives
10 VLSI Design Verification & Testing 25 First Aid & Emergency Nursing
11 Clinical Neurology & Psychiatry 26 Audio Video Engineering
12 Digital VLSI Design 27 Dispensing Pharmacy
13 Sales Promotion 28 Concrete/Construction Material Testing
14 Advance Hospital Pharmacy Management 29 Controller and Industrial Automation
15 Pharmaceutical Production Management

1.4 Feedback System

Well Structured Students’ Feedback System
Stage1: Online feedback on courses and teachers.
Stage2: Inbuilt mechanism in Computer system/ programming for statistical analysis.
Stage 3: Role of Coordinator & HoD/ Principal
Stage 4: Discussion on feedback with teacher during Self- Appraisal interaction.
The University possesses a structured and robust mechanism to obtain both formal
(online) and informal (offline) methods to obtain feedback about the courses and delivery
The university uses systematic and structured student feedback about the course and
teaching. This formal method of feedback includes an online questionnaire related to:
 Course Content  Teaching and Evaluation methods
 Classroom conduct  Resource/ study Material provided
The students at the end of each semester submit online feedback through an inbuilt
computer program. The feedback is obtained for each of the teachers transacting a
particular course.
The feedback system-program also provides statistical analysis of students’ feedback

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 18

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

about course(s) and teacher(s) and teaching methods adopted by the teachers.
A copy of the students’ feedback is also provided to the concerned teachers, when the
HoD or Principal also advices on the remedial actions to be initiated by the teacher and
improve in areas of concern.
A brief discussion on students’ feedback is also a part of the Self-Appraisal interaction, a
regular feature at the end of every academic year.
Informal feedback is taken from each student during the counseling/mentoring sessions
by faculty members and communicated to the authority in due course of time.
Open House Session with Provost and Principal
Open house sessions with Provost and Principals are organized at the university at regular
intervals to obtain feedback from the students about course, teaching and other relevant
issues pertaining to student life on campus. Any student of the university can register
his/her name online to take part in the open house. Feedback received from the students
are written and documented for further needful actions. Moreover, the University has
adopted an open door policy, wherein all executives and faculty are freely available to
meet the students.

Expert Feedback on Curricula

University has a structured questionnaire (consisting closed and open ended questions in
order to receive quantitative and qualitative inputs)designed for taking feedback about the
course(s) from Faculty Members. It takes in to consideration following parameters:
 Harmony with industry standards and requirements
 Alignment of course objectives/ outcome to career development and progress of
the student.
 Space to incorporate contemporary issues.
 Teachers flexibility to plan and deliver programs that maximize student learning
University has a formal mechanism to obtain feedback from National and International
faculty and corporate executives. The curriculum is sent to the identified experts through
email or hard copy and the suggestions are invited.
Feedback from industry representatives is sought during interactions at placement
campaigns on- and off-campus to reduce the gap between academia and industry.
Linkages with national and international Universities as well as industries have been
established. This provides an opportunity for deliberations on curricular, training and
other related aspects.
 The University has signed MoUs with various institutes/ Universities of national
and international repute like IISc, Bangalore.
 MoUs have also been signed with local, national and international industries like
Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC), Vithal Udyognagar, Gujarat
Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC), Ahmedabad, GESIA,TecSo Projects
Ltd, Vadodara, Federation of Gujarat Industries (FGI), Vadodara, Industrial Metal
Powders Pvt. Ltd., Pune, Bio invitro Diagnostics, Vadodara, Emirates
Transformer & Switchgear Ltd, Dubai, etc.
 MoUs have also been signed with hospitals to provide ample opportunities in
terms of provision of patients for clinical research and development. Such

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 19

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

hospitals include Mahagujarat Hospital, Nadiad, V. S. General Hospital, LJ

Hospital, Muljibhai Urological Hospital, Nadiad, Vadodara Institute of
Neurological Sciences, Baroda, Jaya Rehabilitation Centre, Bidada, Kutch,
Shalby Hospital, Ahmedabad, etc.
The members of the interview panels include experts from academia and industry which
also provides a platform for the discussions on curricular contents and delivery.
Feedback on course is also requested from visiting expert faculties. Consultative
meetings / workshops include faculties/ professionals from other organizations during
such brain-storming sessions, which provide an opportunity for discussion on curricular
aspects. This also includes experts visiting the campus during various Conferences,
Seminars, Workshops, etc.
Moreover, individual faculty members are constantly in touch with field experts outside
the University through the events they attend outside the campus. The learnings from
such visits are shared with the other faculty members and implemented wherever deemed
Faculty members refer and analyze the syllabi from benchmarked national and
international University’s like IITs and NITs during curriculum design.

Quality Sustenance and Quality Enhancement Measures

 Involvement of Industry and Academia in BoS, FB, AC, etc
 Incorporating global trends in the curriculum and teaching methods.
 Use of Student feedback to enrich the curriculum and teaching.
 Courses on Integral Human Development and Vocational Skill
 Programs on Applied Sciences (types of programs, etc).
 Provision for Research projects in PG curricula.
 CHARUSAT Students’ Exchange Program.
 Specialized Endowment Chairs.
 Dual Degree Programs
 Interweaving of science & technology courses with Humanities, Social
Sciences and Liberal Arts courses.

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects 20

Criterion 2
Teaching – Learning &
NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

CHARUSAT determines excellent standards for teaching and learning and evaluation.
The university follows merit and entrance based admission while strictly adhering to the
rules and regulations for admission lay down by Government of Gujarat. The university
is committed to enrich and enhance teaching-learning experience of the students. The
university believes in student-centric learning approach, which is evident through
organizing systemic commencement programs for the fresher students; by following
academic calendar; and through providing plenty learning opportunities and facilities like
projects, internships, and industrial visit, lectures by eminent professors, scholars and
industry persons. Learning is also supported by bridge and remedial courses along add-
on courses. The university is concerned about the holistic development of the students
and hence offers various subjects of humanities and social sciences as value-added
courses. The university provides mentoring and counseling for academic, career building,
personal and social issues. Moreover, university takes conscious efforts to identify and
provide learning environments to advanced learners and slow learners.
The university is a home to senior and scholar along with young and enthusiastic faculty
members. The faculty members at CHARUSAT continuously update and enrich their
teaching and knowledge through various training programs and by attending academic
programs at national and international level. The faculty members use innovative
teaching approaches and methods to make learning more effective. The teachers are
evaluated by students for their teaching through feedback system, which is communicated
to them during self-appraisal interview; they are appreciated and given goals for further
The university makes available sufficient modern teaching-learning equipment and
environment like, 24 hours Wi-Fi internet and broadband connectivity, modern computer
Labs, projectors, LCDs, interactive boards, audio-visual aids, and teaching-learning
The university is benefited by the scholarly guidance and mentoring of eminent
academicians and scientists like Dr. S P Kosta (Former Scientist, SAC- ISRO,
Bangalore); Prof. S G Shah (Former Dean, Faculty of Technology and Engineering,
Maharaja Sayaji Rao University of Baroda, Gujarat); and Dr. A M Shaikh (Former
Principal, Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya (BVM)Engineering College, Gujarat).
The university has transparent and methodical evaluation process, which makes
examination, assessment and publication of result smooth and consistent. The university
is keen to interact with national, international faculties; industry; and global organizations
to make the learning and research of global standards and requirements.

2.1 Student Enrollment and Profile

Admission Process: Publicity and Transparency
CHARUSAT ensures wide publicity at State and National level with the following
a) Career Counseling Workshops: Career counseling workshops are conducted at public
places in major cities and towns of Gujarat by the faculty members of CHARUSAT.

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 21

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

The schedule of these workshops is widely publicized in regional and local

newspapers. During these, students are guided about the online application process
(of Joint Admission Committee for Professional Courses, JACPC for Gujarat) as well
as the program options available at the University.
b) Brochures, Pamphlets and Video films: CHARUSAT every year comes out with
various brochures and pamphlets providing information about the various courses and
amenities offered at the campus. Video films are also prepared which provide a
glimpse of the campus life. These video films are show cased at the career counseling
workshops. The brochures and pamphlets are freely distributed to all the participants
as well as to the students visiting the campus.
c) Visits to the University Campus: Students and teachers of schools from nearby cities,
towns and villages are encouraged to visit the University campus on any working day
throughout the year. They are taken around each institute on a guided tour after a
brief introduction on the scope of the programs offered and answering the queries
raised by the students.
d) Pre-admission counseling on campus: Help-desks are created to facilitate the queries
raised by the visiting students during the vacation. Students generally visit the
campus after appearing in the qualifying examinations. Here, they are guided for the
best suitable stream based on their aptitude and interest. They are also provided
answers to any queries like cut-off for the previous years, facilities being provided,
program structure and the likes.
e) Approaching societal organizations: Having a social lineage of more than 118 years
from its parent organization, Shri Charotar Moti Sattavis Leuva Patidar Samaj –
Matrusanstha, CHARUSAT has several linkages with other societal organizations.
The platforms offered by these too are utilized to provide guidance to the desirous
f) Advertising in National and Regional newspapers: Admission notifications for all
programs of CHARUSAT are published in leading national and regional newspapers.
This information is also hosted on the University website. Video films of the
University are also aired on television media.
g) Updates on University Website: All the updates for the admission process are provided
on the University website ( This website is very user-friendly
and provides details about the admission policy, academic programs, curriculum,
courses, syllabus and the likes.
h) Visits to different schools and colleges by the faculty members of CHARUSAT:
Faculty of CHARUSAT visit various schools and colleges based on requests. Such
interactions provide excellent opportunities for guiding the students on the choice to
be taken up based on their aptitude.
i) Hoardings at public places: Banners and hoardings about the University are displayed
at strategic locations within the state to spread awareness about the University and the
variety of academic programs which could be availed by the interested students. These
also have the website address, where the interested candidates may log in and navigate
through for further details.

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 22

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

CHARUSAT ensures high level measures to maintain transparency in admission process.

 The University follows admission rules of Government of Gujarat for UG and PG
programs. Admissions are based on merit of the qualifying exams along with
national or state level common entrance tests as dictated by the rules and
regulation of Government of Gujarat. Moreover, the university has provision for
entrance test and qualifying test for PhD program.
 The merit lists are published on the University website for easy and transparent
 The University also appoints a special admission committee to look into the
admissions according to the norms.
 All applicants are made aware of eligibility criteria, rules and regulations;
schedule of admission process and fees from the day of announcement of
admission process.
 Applicants also receive a call letter from the university before they secure their
 During the process of admission, the university arranges live update of admission
process, and it is made available/accessible live through university website.
Table 2.1: Criteria of Admission to all Programs at CHARUSAT
Criterion UG PG PhD
Merit of XII Science B.Tech.,B.Pharm,B.Sc., ------ -----
BPT, B. Sc (Nursing)
Merit of XII Sci. & Com BBA, BCA ------ -----
Merit of XII (General) BBA, BCA ------ -----
Common Entrance Test B. Tech., B. Pharm M. Tech., MPT, M.Sc., PhD
(National/ State Level) B.Sc., BPT M. Pharm., PGDHA, MBA,
GPAT/PGCET/CET/CMAT M.Sc.(IT), M. Sc (Nursing)
UG Merit ----- M. Tech., MPT, M. Pharm., -----
M.Sc., M.Sc.(IT), PGDPT,
M. Sc (Nursing), PGDCT
CHARUSAT Entrance Test ----- M. Sc. (Nursing), MPT PhD

Review of Admission Process

The admission process and student profile are annually monitored by the Board of
Management. Regular review in this manner has impacted the admissions at
CHARUSAT in the following ways:
 An increase in the visits of School children to the University campus.
 Organization of career guidance seminars by the University in cities and towns
across the state of Gujarat.
 Organization of mock entrance tests by the University.
 Introduction of Merit Scholarships for various programs.
 Introduction of Merit Scholarships for Girl students.
 A noticeable increment in the number of girl students enrolled for the various
programs on the campus.

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 23

AC Accreditaation SSR - CHARUSAT

Inclusiveneess in Adm

Studeent Enrollm
ment Duringg 2014-20155
20 18 82

53 38 2

SC ST OBC// SEBC General

Female 20 18 8
82 699
Male 53 38 2
254 1100

The Univerrsity implemments the reeservation policy

p of the Governm ment of Gujaarat. For thee
purpose off inclusivenness in the admission, the University reserrves 7% seeats for SC C
candidates, 15% seats for the STT candidatess, 27% seatts for the SEBC includding widow w
and orphann of any castte. Moreoveer, 3% seatss are reserveed for differrently abled
d candidatess
and 1% avvailable seaats is reserrved for thhe childrenn of Defensse personnel and Ex--
Servicemann. Students of all cateegories get access throough 75% oof Governm ment Quota.
Regulationss on admisssion to Jam
mmu & Kashhmir Migrannts and studdents from other statess
are also foollowed durring admissions. Furthher, the Unniversity heelps these students too
obtain varioous Govern
nment beneffits/ scholarsships.

Analysis off Demand Ratio

R and Trends
Admissionss to almost all the proggrams condducted at CH
HARUSAT are done according
a too
the norms of Governnment of Gujarat
G thrrough the Joint Adm mission Com
mmittee forr
Professionaal Courses, JACPC, foor Gujarat. However, as shown in the table below, thee
merit numbber of the last studentt admitted in CHARU USAT has bbeen ascennding whichh
indicates thhat CHARU
USAT is a prreferred chooice among students.
Table 2.2: Meerit List Statuss
Year Last Merrit Number inn State Last Merit Number admitted
2009-2010 47318 14555
2010-2011 25011 12038
2011-2012 42108 25989
2012-2013 47862 28805
2013-2014 69943 49613
2014-2015 62723 46132

Substantial number off seats remaained vacant in the statte of Gujaraat, whereas,, there weree
no vacant sseats at CHA

Criterion 2: Teaching-Lea
T arning & Ev
valuation 24
NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Table 2.3: Status of Seats Remaining Vacant after Admission Process

Year Total Total Seats % of vacant % of seats
Intake Remaining Vacant Seats after Remaining vacant at
in State in State Admission CHARUSAT
2009-2010 34010 170 0.5 0
2010-2011 43670 524 1.2 0
2011-2012 45893 3997 8.71 0
2012-2013 55895 11995 21.46 0
2013-2014 63113 4771 7.56 0
2014-2015 71575 21995 30.73 0

The table below indicates that in spite of competition, admissions at CHARUSAT are sought
after among the student fraternity
Table 2.4: Management/ NRI Quota Admission Scenario (25 % Seats)
Year No. of Applicants No. of Seats Demand Ratio
2009-2010 4567 165 27.68
2010-2011 3622 165 21.95
2011-2012 1858 165 11.26
2012-2013 1330 180 7.39
2013-2014 1742 180 9.68
2014-2015 1640 180 9.11

2.2 Catering To Student Diversity

Commencement Celebration Program
The University organizes orientation programs in each of its constituent institutes. Every
institute spends an average of six days / thirty hours for the orientation program, which is
named as the Commencement Celebration. This program is well structured and has a
variety of topics being covered including fun games and ice breaking sessions to acquaint
the students in the new environment. The contents covered include:
Table 2.5: Contents of Commencement Celebration Program
Sr Topic/ Particulars Resource Person(s) Remarks
1 Introduction to Introduction to Program and Course Structure
CHARUSAT and Institute and Evaluation System
2 Ice Breaking Introducing students to each other and build up a
3 Videos Internal Faculty Members Imparting basic technological, innovative and
management learning
4 Campus Tour Visit to all the departments and faculties of the
5 Game Learning by games, encouraging team work
6 Expert Sessions Internal / External faculty Contemporary issues related to the field
7 Know Your Library Librarian and other Library procedures, Using E-resources /
experts databases/ Journals
8 Office Administration Dean/Principal and Office General information about administrative
Executive of the Institute support and procedures
9 Interaction with Senior Senior Students Fun games and healthy interaction

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 25

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

10 Course Briefing Sessions Course Coordinators Introducing new students to the courses they
would undertake in the semester. This
introduction includes:
Number of Credits for respective course, Course
Objectives, Course Outline, Pedagogy, Internal
and External Evaluation, Learning Outcomes of
the course & Reference Materials to be used.
11 Community Outreach --- Mentor - Mentee Interactions, Interactions
activities among students
Community services under different heads of
Community Clubs of the university / institutes
12 Other Aspects --- Registration on E-Governance, Anti-Ragging
Committees, Student Committee Presentation
and Selection,
Prevention of Sexual Harassment,
Placement Opportunity

The inaugural session of the Commencement Celebration is addressed by the Provost and
if the situation demands, it is streamed live simultaneously to multiple venues on the
A dedicated session is scheduled for obtaining formal and informal feedback from the
students at the end of the commencement celebration on the following criteria to measure
the effectiveness of the program:
 Contents of the program
 Interaction with other class mates / batch mates
 Improvement observed in Skills
 Exposure about usage of E-resources and Online Database
 Needs and expectations of the participants

Mechanism for Analyzing Differential Needs of Students

CHARUSAT analyses the differential requirements of the student population after
admission and addresses them appropriately before the commencement of the classes.
The university analyses the following factors:
 Medium of graduation / higher secondary education (English Medium /
Vernacular Medium)
 Board of affiliation in case of higher secondary education (Gujarat Board /
Central Board / Other)
 Marks obtained at higher secondary / graduation (Percentage / Percentile /
 Marks of the qualifying examination (for specific courses only, conducted by
other bodies / agencies)
 Stream of Graduation (for specific courses only leading to specialization)
Analysis of this type helps the university to identify the specific requirements of the
students and as per these requirements individual institutes offer following programs:

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 26

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

 Bridge courses on Basic Communication Skills – Presentation skills, writing

skills, Managerial Communication for the benefit of the students pertaining to
vernacular medium of instructions.
 Remedial Classes / Add-on courses for areas other than the regular streams of
 The university has provision for Academic – Recuperation sessions in the
regular academic sessions to cater to the needs and requirements of slow
 The university also encourages English to Gujarati / English dictionary usage
for the students.
 The university also provides online news hour mobile application under the
concept of “BYOD” – Bring Your Own Device.
 Counseling facility is also made available to the students with specific

Remedial/ Add-On Courses

The university has a provision for the conduct of remedial / add-on courses in a
structured manner, which are being implemented by the constituent institutes. These
institutes may conduct them on holidays too if required. Some of the institutes also offer
non-credit compulsory courses, too.
Table2.6: Remedial/ Add-on Courses Offered at CHARUSAT
Sr.No. Faculty Remedial / Add-on courses
Faculty of
Providing students additional reference and web based learning resources like
1 Technology &
Bridge courses are arranged for lateral-entry students (Diploma to Degree
Pharmacy) to cater the courses of 1st Year B. Pharm. These include:
Faculty of Basic Computer Applications, Basic Mathematics, Communication skills – I
Pharmacy and Project – I.
Remedial courses are offered to Backlog students, for which faculties are
deputed course-wise.
Compulsory Non –Credit Courses (CNCC) include:
Communication Skills – 1 and 2 (for MBA and PGDM Programs),Aural and
Oral Communication(for Dual Degree BBA+MBA Program),Skill
Faculty of
Development Sessions (SDS), Bridge Courses on Quantitative Techniques for
3 Management
Managers, Managerial Communication, Financial Reporting and Analysis,
Language and Communication Orientation Course, Workshops on Effective
Presentation Skills for Managers, Essentials of Managerial Communications,
Certificate Course in Effective Communication and Presentation.
Workshops on advanced technologies such as:
Faculty of
Mobile Application Development for all smart phone operating systems,
4 Computer
LINUX, MongoDB database, Magento Framework, WordPress, SharePoint
Faculty of
5 Bridge Course for Basic English language
Applied Sciences
Faculty of
6 Bridge Course for Basic English language
Medical Sciences

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 27

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Contribution to Academic Growth of Students from Disadvantaged Sections

CHARUSAT has made the following efforts to facilitate academic growth of students
from the disadvantaged sections of the society.
 Socially and economically disadvantaged students are extended the provisions for
Scholarship, relaxation in fees and fee payment in part.
 Arrangement of remedial and make-up classes is a regular practice for the slow
 Students are informed about various types of Government scholarships for the
different sections of the society and are encouraged to apply for the same.
 The University is set up in a rural background with the objective of catering to the
rural population and help in the all-round development of the area.

Meeting Challenges from Advanced Learners

The university identifies the learning needs of the advance learners by Continuous
assessment (including components such as quizzes, presentations, case analysis,
assignments, and Internal Examination) which provide inputs to the course coordinators
about individual student’s performance in classroom and laboratory, their core strengths
and areas of improvements.
CHARUSAT responds to the learning needs of the advanced learners by:
 Providing a platform to be in the Central Council (CC) of the individual
institutes to represent students’ fraternity for various academic, extra-
curricular and developmental issues of the institute and university.
 Challenging topics and tasks with higher difficulty level are assigned to the
fast learners as compared to the slow learners.
 Work-intensive projects/ assignments are given to advanced learners. These
advanced project works are funded by CHARUSAT and such students are
further motivated to participate and compete in technical and managerial
workshops / conferences and other relevant events conducted by other
institutes / universities or organizations. A few such representative projects
are listed below.
Table 2.7: Indicative List of Innovative Students’ Projects
Sr. Title Area of work Achievement/ Recognition
Project Level: Under Graduate
1 Design and Fabrication of Electric and Automobile Four Awards - 1st in Asia, 1st in
Solar Car ( Electric Solar Vehicle Endurance Race, 1st in Autocross
Championship -2015) event, Best Design Award and Prize
money of INR 1,15,000/-
2 Student Formula Car Competition (Supra Automobile Three awards - 1st in Endurance
- 2013-14) Race, Go Green Award, Overall 3rd
Rank and Prize money of INR
3 Smart Agrobox Mobile Helpful to farmers to improve their
Computing crop output
4 Next Generation Agriculture and Rural Computers in Paper presented at 9th Conference of

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 28

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Development Agriculture the AFITA 2014, Edith Cowan

University, Perth, Australia
5 Gesture Recognition Image 1st Prize by I View Industry,
Processing Ahmedabad
6 Prostatic Arm Embedded Secured Tally Innovation Award in
systems JED-I project Challenge, IISc,
7 Wireless Robot Embedded 2nd rank at Technical event at MS
systems University, Vadodara
Project Level: Post Graduate
8 Pharmaceutical Formulation of Non- Drug Delivery Indian Patent has been filed
steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs for
Ophthalmic Drug Delivery
9 Intranasal Microemulsion of an Anti-
malarial Drug Artemether
10 Solubilizing Composition of Atorvastatin Solubility
calcium enhancement
11 Immobilization of Phytase in mesoporous Plant
silica Biotechnology
12 Development of Contamination free Plant
Tissue Culture Process

 Offering Collaborative Research with external academic institutions,

industries or NGOs. A representative list of Students’ Research collaborative
projects is provided.
Table2.8: Representative List of Students’ Research Collaborative Projects
Sr. Title of Project Name of Collaborating Broad Area of
No. Organization Work
Level of Projects: Under Graduate
1 Wireless Energy Metering IEEE Bangalore section Communication
2 Low Power Electronic Diya Texas Instruments VLSI
Level of Projects: Post Graduate
3 AutomaticData Commissioning Tool TCS, Ahmedabad Utility software
4 Design & Development of SAC- ISRO, Ahmedabad Aerospace
Deployable Mechanisms for
Segmented Primary Mirror
5 Design & Development of
Compliant Mechanism for Shape
6 Design Simulation and Validation of
Stress Relief and Compensation
Mechanism for Spacecraft
7 Implementation of FMS on Shop Jyoti CNC Automation, Automation
Floor Rajkot
8 Vibration based fatigue evaluation L & T e-solutions, Vibration
of auxiliary heater bracket Baroda Analysis
9 Optimization of Tire Contour using Apollo Tyres, Baroda Optimization
Morphing Techniques
10 Design, Analysis & Optimization of Jyoti Ltd, Baroda

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 29

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Pelton Turbine Runner

11 Car Hire Portal L & T Power Software
12 Switch sync simula for demo kit ABB India Ltd. Switchgear and
13 Isolation, Chemical Characterization Directorate of Medicinal Phytochemistry
and Quantification of Spermatogenic & Aromatic Plant
Alkaloidal Compound from Indian Research
Medicinal Plant
14 Comparative Evaluation of Flexible M/s. Packaging Solution, Compatibility
Packaging Material for Protective Ahmedabad Study of Product
Abilities on dried Fruit powder of and Package
Piper longum
15 GSTM1 Polymorphism in Cervical Sri Krishna Hospital and Cancer Biology
Cancer Pramukh Swami Medical
College, Karamsad

 Encouraging and supporting advanced learner to present their work at

conferences and seminars in the advanced issues of the related fields by
providing financial assistance.
 Although a self-financing, private University, CHARUSAT has recognized
the importance of investing in students’ research projects. On an average,
every year the University has invested INR15 Lakhs for students’ research.
This gives advanced learners an excellent opportunity to strengthen and develop their
academic skills, familiarize themselves with the advanced and contemporary issues in the
related fields.

2.3Teaching – Learning Process

Planning and Organization of Teaching – Learning and Evaluation Schedule
All institutes prepare Academic Calendar before commencement of academic session
under the guidance of Dean and Principal of the institute. The criteria that are taken into
consideration while preparing the academic calendar are:
 List of Holidays (As per Government of India /CHARUSAT norms)
 Academic activities (Registration, teaching-learning and evaluation including
technical events)
 Extra and Co-curricular activities (Sports and cultural activities).
 It is displayed on the notice board/website.
 Each teacher conducting a course provides lesson (teaching) plan (hard/soft
copy) to the students at the beginning of the Academic session. This is the
detailed session wise schedule, approved from the Dean and Principal of the
 Moreover, Subject teacher explains the objective, motivation and outcome of the
syllabus along with the teaching /evaluation scheme to the student in the
introductory session.

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 30

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

 Course contents and evaluation method (Course specific components) are

discussed well in advance with the students.
 Course-files are also prepared for each course.
 Course outlines are also made available to the students on the institute’s and
university websites.
 Session wise schedule is reviewed to see the progress of the course and syllabus
completion before the internal and external examinations, providing a mechanism
for academic audit.
 Examination schedules are also displayed on the notice board well in advance.
A typical course file contains the following details:
1. Front Page/Label (Logo of Institution and Name of the Dept. / Faculty)
2. Detail syllabus of the subject.
3. Teacher’s Profile- Short (one Page)
4. Time Table of the Teacher
5. Lecture hours, lab hours, credit hours, and office hours of the teacher.
6. Detailed week-by-week plan for the entire semester that shows:
a. Topics to be covered each day / week (Lesson Plan)
b. Schedule of assessments (unit tests/ case studies, Assignments,
midterms, projects, quizzes, and/or final exam)
7. List of textbooks used:
a. Required (student must use)
b. Recommended (would be useful to student)
c. Reference (read if available in library/elsewhere)
8. Attendance Sheet(s) for their subjects
9. List of Experiments
10. All teaching materials (notes, handouts, drawings, slides, e-materials, etc.)
11. All assessment materials (exams, quizzes, assignments, University question
papers, internal question papers, case studies, questions banks, homework,
12. For each assessment:
a. Sample of above average student answer book
b. Sample of average student answer book
c. Sample of below average student answer book
d. Full record of all results for all assessments
13. Faculty Course Review. (Suggestions , feedback over the content)
Generally the University does not face any challenges in completing the curriculum
within the stipulated time frame and calendar. However, a few challenges are faced in
completing the curriculum within the stipulated time frame and calendar due to:
(a) Late Admissions
(b) Natural calamities (if any)
(c) Mass absenteeism (up to the extent of one week) due to festivities like
Janmashtami, Uttarayan, etc
The corrective measures taken to overcome these include:

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 31

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

(a) Arranging extra sessions on holidays (like 1st and 3rd Saturdays)
(b) Reducing the vacation for 1st year students and designing separate academic

Student Centric Learning

CHARUSAT is oriented towards student centric teaching learning activity since its
inception. Student centered methods are an integral part of the pedagogy adopted by the
faculty. Following is the various approaches of participatory learning activities adopted
by the faculty that contribute towards the holistic development of the students with
respect to learning and knowledge management:
 Practical performance: In courses associated with practical component, students
perform experiments in laboratories largely on individual basis.
 Self-learning: Seminar courses at UG and PG levels involve presentations by
students for selected topics from their course syllabus.
 Presentation Skill Development: Seminar Courses are evaluated for presentation
skills and communication skills. Viva and synopsis are also included to assess the
student understanding and learning.
 Industrial Academia gaps are narrowed down by offering bridging courses which
are taken up as electives by students.
 Humanities based courses are offered to enable the exploration of the hidden
talents among students.
 Case study approach is undertaken for suitable courses to develop critical thinking
among students.
 Group discussion: Students are divided in groups to build up team work qualities
and for better learning through discussions and debates.
 Question and Answers sessions: Interactive class room teaching allows two way
communications among teachers and the taught. Study question based learning is
adopted in practical courses. Question bank based learning in theory courses.
 Win-Win Teaching: Apart from guidance and learning from teachers, Interaction
of students with Motivational Speakers and the Spiritual Leaders help in molding
the personality of the students.
 Eminent Academia and Industry Experts form an integral part of teaching
learning process bringing contemporary issues in the classroom discussion.
 Exhibitions of projects and models are organized to motivate the students.
 Community outreach activities: Awareness programs and rallies in rural and
urban suburbs.
 Industrial/Field Exposures through Project / Field Work / Education Tour or visits
 ICT based Learning: Computer oriented graphical presentation, use of latest
technologies to empower the imaginative skills for better interaction and
understanding of the course.
 Wide Data Sources: Library with rich learning resources (both e-resources and
physical) as well as study area with ambient environment.

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 32

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

 Hands on Training: Introduction of new experiments related to curriculum leading

to improved learning skills.
 Problem solving approach utilized to understand various concepts and
applications for any topic in the curriculum.
 UG and PG students undertake project/s during the program for knowledge
management in some programs.
Moreover, students are integral part of the system. They are involved in various academic
and administrative activities of the university and the institute. In order to ensure
themaximum participation of students in all the activities, various committees
(Academicand Administrative) are formed.

Figure 2.1: Representation of Students in Various Committees

University Policy on Inviting Experts

CHARUSAT has keen interest in providing extra learning exposure of a variety of topics
to the students beyond curriculum and classroom. Experts and professionals from
Industry, Academia and Research organizations like Physical Research Laboratory
(PRL), Indian Space Research Organization (SAC-ISRO), Central Salt and Marine
Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI) and the likes are invited to deliver lectures for
students. This practice improves the teaching learning process and brings contemporary
issues and latest developments to the classroom discussion. University provides
budgetary support for the organization of such expert talks for the students.
The University also organizes Sardar Patel Memorial Lectures to commemorate Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel on his birth anniversary. Every year CHARUSAT has also initiated
another lecture series, viz, Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar Lecture Series to invite renowned
scientists to the campus and gain from their experience.

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 33

AC Accreditaation SSR - CHARUSAT

Table 2.9: Guuest Lectures

Affiliation oof Talks
Expert Deliveredd Lectures Delivered by Experts
E from
m Various Fieelds
Academic 2881
Industries 2443 Industrries
243 Academic
Others 4
44 281
Total 5668 43%%
Government.O Org,NGOs,
Research Orgg. Others
8% Academic
A Others Inndustries

CHARUSA AT Endowm ment Chairrs

CHARUSA AT has estaablished 14 Endowmennt Chairs unnder the sixx Faculties since 2014.
Each Endow wment Chaair Fund is tot the tune oof INR 25 Lakhs.
L Thesse have been n facilitatedd
with the puurpose of proomoting exccellence by:
 Invviting distingguished Pro ofessors of National
N annd internatioonal repute.
 Proomoting research and innnovation.
 Orgganizing sem minar/ workkshop/ other such activvity.
 Exttension actiivities for thhe benefit off society.
Table 2.10: Allocattion of Endow
wment Chairs across
Sr. Name of Faculty
F under CHARUSAT T Number oof Endowmennt
No. Chairs
1 Faculty off Technology & Engineerinng 6
2 Faculty off Pharmacy 1
3 Faculty off Applied Scieences 2
4 Faculty off Managementt Studies 1
5 Faculty off Computer Sccience & Appllications 2
6 Faculty off Medical Scieences 2
Totaal 14

At PDPIAS S, Shree Prramukhswaami Maharaj aj Endowedd Chair wass launched as early ass
September 2010, patroonized by thhe corpus fuund receivedd from Shri P. D. Patel family.
Additionallly, other reg
gular eventss include thee following:
 Arranging seminars/eexpert sesssions for UG/PG levels maatching thee
 Annual sem minar calledd Science Manthan
M for the studentts of all the universitiess
of Gujarat state. Undeer this progrram, Expertt lectures arre followed by the oral,
posters andd 3D modelss presentatioon by the sttudents.
 Management Seminar Series (MA ANAS).
 Placement Assistancee Program (PAP), Sectoral inpuuts, Corporaate Culturee
workshops,, Mock interviews.

Criterion 2: Teaching-Lea
T arning & Ev
valuation 34
NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Table 2.11: Experts Invited under CHARUSAT Endowment Chair

Sr. Name of the Affiliation of the Broad Area of Interaction Faculty Duration
No. Expert Expert
1 Dr. H. K Department of Development of Faculty of 15-
Raval Mechanical Competitive & research- Technology 18/04/2015
Engineering, SVNIT, oriented curriculum and
Surat Engineering
2 Prof. D. P. Formerly with Power System Analysis Apr. 2014
Kothari Department of and Simulation, Power to
Electrical Engineering, System Optimization and Mar. 2015
Indian Institute of Recent Trends in Power
Technology – Delhi System
(Indian Institute of
3 Prof. G. Department of Exercise Prescription and Faculty of 02-
ArunMaiya Physiotherapy, its Recent Advances Medical 03/04/2015
Manipal College of Sciences
Allied Health
Sciences, Manipal
4 Dr. Department of Use of NANDA, 06-
Krishnaswam Nursing, National Research Strategy in 09/12/2014
yLalitha Institute of Mental terms of research design,
Health & population & conceptual
Neurosciences framework
5 Prof. R. K. Cell Biology & Cytoskeleton and Cell Faculty of 28/01/2013
Rao Physiology Graduate Adhesion Applied to
Program, University of Sciences 01/02/2013
Tennessee, USA
6 Prof. Harvard Medical Molecular and Cellular 27/02/ 2012
AratiKhanna- School &Birgham and Aspects of to
Gupta Women’s Hospital, Haematopoiesis& 09/03/2012
Boston, USA Diamond
P D Patel Lecture Series on Nano Science and Technology
7 Prof Homer Clinical Sub-Dean, Emerging technologies on Faculty of 03/11/2009
Vaniasinkam Leeds Medical School medical applications of Applied
Nano Sciences Sciences
8 Dr. C N President & CEO, New Drug Discovery & 03/11/2009
Ramchand LailaPharma, India Evaluation with Special
Reference to

Blended Learning
At CHARUSAT emphasis is laid on extensive use of ICT in teaching-learning process.
Some of the features of blended learning being implemented include:
 E-Resource Library: The University has a state of art library and e-library. E –
Resources available to the students include:

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 35

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

o Science Direct:

o ACM:
o IOP:
o EBSCO Business Source Elite:
o Ace Knowledge & Research Portal:
o RSC:
o Springer Link:
o APS:
o Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source - RSMS -
o Proquest– Nursing and Allied health Sciences:
 Blue Book Application: I2IM has provided virtually re-live classroom experience
on anytime anywhere basis with Blue Book Educational Solution, which offers a
range of useful tools and applications to make the learning experience more
engaging and interactive for students. Blue Book application is available on all
the major platforms (Android, iOS, Windows) and for all the devices (laptops,
tablets, smartphones).
 Digital Classrooms: The University provides fully digital infrastructure in the
classroom with projectors, audio and video systems, Computer labs and Language
 E–Learning: Faculty members and students actively use MOODLE (LMS) where
students can submit their assignment and case study online. Students are
encouraged to use MOOCs, NPTEL, open online courses.
 Webinars in coordination with the IIT - Bombay are arranged on regular basis.
Students are facilitated with Spoken Tutorial Project initiated by IIT - Bombay
and MHRD dept., Govt. of India.
 Students are encouraged to attend the Live Lectures governed by QEEE -
MHRD.NPTEL. Educational Videos are provided to the students using
INTRANET. Students are encouraged to regularly visit the blog and website of
faculty members where they interact with many tools such as Flubaroo.
 IT based Teaching - Learning Facility: In courses like Bioinformatics and the like,
software/programs like PERLE, PyMol, BioEdit, Vector NTI etc. are widely used
which provide the platform to develop and design the gene sequences and protein
structural analysis; ChemDraw and ACD/Labs software are used for
chemical/spectral analysis.

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 36

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Transforming Traditional Classrooms into 24X7 Learning Places

CHARUSAT has made conscious efforts to convert traditional classrooms into 24 X 7
learning places through software, hardware and teaching-learning methods. Following are
certain representative steps:
 Wi-Fi Campus: CHARUSAT provides Wi-Fi connectivity with up to 100 MBPS
round the clock across the campus. Wi-Fi enables students to access the learning
resources either from their institutes, hostels or from the library within the campus.
 E-Resources & E-Tools: CHARUSAT Resource Center contains 62442books, 350
magazines, access to 13182 online journals, 3000 e-Books, 4854 CD’s. The
Knowledge Resource center (Central Library) maintains access of national and
international e- resources namely IEEE, ASME, AIP, IOP, IPS. Open courseware
such as MIT and NPTEL are available to the students and faculty members.
 Intranet and Website: University Exam papers are available on the intranet for the
students and faculty to refer. Faculty members are trained to prepare and host blogs to
stimulate and sustain creative thinking among the students. This also enables sharing
of study material, answer key, circulars for students, etc.
 Teaching-Learning Methods and Tools: Teachers extensively use modern multimedia
teaching aids like LCD Projectors, audio-visual aids, interactive CDs, and E-learning
materials. Learning Management System (LMS) (like MOODLE) is being used in
some institutes. MOODLE enables faculty to check on the learning activity of
students. Computer-based packages are used to elucidate abstract knowledge and
virtual instruments through computer animation.
 Research Oriented Learning: Dissertation/Project/Thesis work as part of the
curriculum in itself promotes the 24x7 learning process. Students are also encouraged
to use computer software packages for meaningful analysis of the experimental data
collected/acquired by them.
 Student-Teacher Interaction beyond Classroom: Faculty members are also available
for academic discussion on their e-mail, mobile phones, websites, blogs and social
networking websites.
 Cloud based computing: VDI (Virtual desktop infrastructure) license has been
procured to promote BYOD (bring your own device) activity for 50 machines. This
has been initiated for research scholars to facilitate time consuming experiments like
simulations from any place and at any time using the virtual facility available on the
campus server.

Students’ Counseling System

According to the diversified needs of the constituent institutes, different models of
Student Counseling have been developed. However, each institute has Course
Coordinators and Class Coordinators to facilitate the learning process. Some institutes in
addition, also have the provision for Chief Coordinator (Academic Cell) and Program
Coordinators for the academic mentoring of the students.

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 37

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Personal and psychosocial counseling is also provided to all the students of CHARUSAT.
Variable number of students (ranging 15 to 25) are assigned to each faculty member for
this. Some salient features of the counseling system include:
 Maintenance of confidentiality of each counseling session.
 Keeping academic track-record of students.
 Counseling sessions are incorporated in the time-table. Additionally, students are
free to contact the counselor on need basis too.
 Counselor can represent any major difficulties to the Head of the Institute for
guidance and remedial action.
 Teachers have also been oriented and imparted special training for the counseling
process with the help of experts.
The systematic approach towards counseling has resulted in the following outcomes:
 Slow learners have achieved higher/ better grades.
 Fast/ advanced learners have been motivated to higher career goals/ paths in tune
with their skills and aptitude.
 Responsible behavior of the students.
 Acquiring higher emotional skills like self-awareness, self-regulation and positive
 Identification of the social problems faced by the students and amelioration of the

Innovation and Creativity in Teaching

Teachers at CHARUSAT continuously thrive to adopt innovative approaches/ methods/
practices to enhance teaching-learning process. Such adoptions have shown improvement
in learning. Some of the innovative teaching methodologies, approaches, and practices
adopted are mentioned below:
 Practical Work: In all institutes at CHARUSAT, practical work is an integral part
of learning process. Students are assigned various projects aligned with their
curriculum. Practical work has given opportunities for students to have hands-on
experiences and live work environment.
 Case Studies: In most institutes at CHARUSAT, case studies are involved. Such
method has given plentiful opportunities for students to study real-world situation,
problem-solution practice and practicing the theoretical concept in application.
 Field Work & Industrial Visit: Most institutes at CHARUSAT have adopted field
work or industrial visit to learn industrial work patterns and practical simulations.
CHARUSAT encourages its teachers to have active interaction with 1 or 2
industries and also encourages them to undergo 1-2 weeks training at the industry.
This helps in designing teaching-learning methods as per industry requirements
and assist in bridging the gap between "what one learns" and "what one practices"
 Seminar & Workshop: In most institutes at CHARUSAT, seminar and workshop
are integral part of learning process, where students study, develop and present on
various concepts of their respective subjects/topics.

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 38

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

 Project Based Learning & Live Project: Students are assigned live projects works
that are aimed at testing the application of theoretical concepts to industry
 Open Online Course: Course Faculties motivate the students to go through
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for supplementary learning.
 Others: Other methods adopted include Group learning, discussion, role-play,
interactive learning, task-based learning, ICT enabled learning and blended
learning methods. A few course faculties have explored and implemented web-
based (on-line) evaluation using Flubaroo and web-based (on-line) submission
and evaluation of laboratory work and assignments using Edmodo, "social
learning platform" website. Most of the course faculties encourage students’
participation in teaching-learning process by floating case studies, seminars and
group tasks/ projects.
 Blogs and website: Faculty members have created blogs and websites where
academic aspects like syllabus, assignments are put up, enabling the students to
access these from home also.
 Use of Social Media Networking: Class-wise groups or communities have been
created for the quick sharing of information and important messages for enhanced
communication. These messages include information about examinations,
assignment submissions, attendance follow-up, recruitment drives, etc.

Efforts for Recognition to the Faculty Member

The university has a mechanism of performance appraisal system for each faculty based
on UGC guidelines. More weightage is given to innovation made by a faculty member to
improve teaching-learning process.
Moreover, each faculty member is motivated and encouraged to carry out research based
on his/her area of interest, which helps faculty to provide in-depth knowledge to the
students during classroom discussions.
Best Research Paper Award has been initiated to motivate the faculty members. Further,
faculty members are given recognition for their additional fields of expertise by involving
them in University committees.
In order to recognize efforts and contribution of the faculty members, the institute
felicitates them during Annual Day celebration. Certificates, Appreciation letters and
mementos are issued to them.

Nurturing Creativity and Scientific Temper

CHARUSAT creates a culture of instilling and nurturing creativity and scientific temper
among the learners through various curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
as following:
 Curricular
Students are encouraged to plan, design and develop various models and prototypes
based upon their curricula. Many models have been successfully tested and working.
Students are encouraged to take part in events like poster preparation and presentation,

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 39

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

model preparation and presentation, documentary preparation and presentation, theme-

centric discussions, and class seminars. Students are also encouraged to take part in state
and national level subject related events, workshops, technology and science festivals-
programs, conferences, expeditions. Students are guided and motivated to present their
research papers at state, national and international level conference and seminars.
CHARUSAT also organizes university level workshops based on various curricular
aspects. Special subject experts based on curricular themes are also arranged frequently.
Students are encouraged to prepare/write subject related dissertation, minor project based
on the curriculum. Further, the viva for Dissertation Presentation enables students to
enhance their presentation skills and confidence levels.
CHARUSAT regularly organizes industrial and field visit and training. Moreover,
courses like Critical Thinking & Logic, Case Analysis, and Contemporary Issues in
Management impart and instill creativity among students. Also, courses, which impart
and instill research temper among students, are Research Methods for Managers,
Quantitative Techniques for Management, Comprehensive Project, Summer Internship
Project and Entrepreneurship and MSMEs.
Special courses on liberal arts are offered to students of First Year. These electives help
in instilling and nurturing creativity and scientific temper among the students.
 Co-curricular
CHARUSAT arranges and encourages students to take part in various activities like
debate, quiz, essay competition, group discussions, and presentations, exhibitions to get
the maximum opportunity to nurture creativity and enhance their scientific temper.
Various important days like engineering’s day, teacher's day, International Nurses day,
Malaria day, World Suicide prevention day, etc. are celebrated with awareness drives and
other events to bring out their creativity. I-Club (Innovation Club) initiative financial
assistance and a platform to the students as well as teachers to do “Project on Innovative
Idea” and share their knowledge, skills, experiences to convert into real-time systems and
applications. At the same time, it enriches their knowledge of practical implementations
and implications of the theoretical concepts.
Many state-national level events like Convegno (Annual Management Meet), Cognizance
(Technology event), Avalanche (pharmacy event), IGNITE (Computer science event) are
 Extra-curricular
CHARUSAT organizes university level annual three-days Cultural Program (SPOURAL)
for the students to nurture and instill their art and creativity. Students publish their
Students’ Magazine (The Quill) on art, literature and contemporary issues, and thus their
creativity and critical thinking is nurtured. There are many clubs, events and roll-over
programs like Nature-club, Prayaas (A Community Club), and Holistic Exposure
Learning Program(HELP) to practice their creativity and social skills.

Students’ Projects
CHARUSAT offers a variety of programs at UG and PG levels. 75 % (8 out of 12)
programs at UG level have a component of project or dissertation from internship. The

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 40

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

projects are in the core technical field or could be in allied field like entrepreneurship
business plan (Faculty of Pharmacy). Among the 42 PG programs the project or
dissertation is a feature spanning variable over 1 or 2 semesters. CHARUSAT also
provides funding for the students projects. Till date the University has utilized a sum of
about INR 65 Lakhs towards UG and PG projects.
Table 2.12: Students’ Projects Completed at CHARUSAT
Sr. No. Department/Institute Number of Projects
UG PG Total
1 MTIN 14 -- 14
2 ARIP 86 -- 86
3 CMPICA -- 458 458
4 IIIM -- 250 250
5 PDPIAS -- 224 224
6 RPCP 39 180 219
IT 286 30 316
CE 266 80 346
EC 205 167 372
EE 111 53 164
ME 133 81 214
CL 90 18 108
Total 1230 1541 2771

The students’ projects are collaborative efforts which are interdepartmental in nature.
Collaborations are made with academic institutes as well as industries. A short list is
provided below.
Table 2.13: Representative List of Collaborating Organizations
Sr. No. Name of Collaborator Sr. No. Name of Collaborator
1 Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund, Anand 11 Atlanta Electricals Pvt. Ltd., Anand
2 Siemens Ltd., Vadodara 12 Kotak Mahindra, Ahmedabad
3 Mafatlal Industries Ltd., Nadiad 13 Reliance Industries Ltd., Vadodara
4 Amanta Healthcare Ltd. 14 Arihant Pumps Private Ltd., Palanpur
5 Adani Ports and SEZ Ltd., Mundra 15 ABB India Ltd.
6 Bank of Baroda, Rajkot &Nadiad 16 Arya Biotech
7 Gujarat Mineral Development 17 Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers and
Corporation , Surat Chemicals Ltd.
8 Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd., 18 Sonata Ceramics Pvt. Ltd.,
Khambhat Himmatnagar
9 J. M. Financial Services Pvt. Ltd., 19 ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Pvt.
Vadodara Ltd., Anand
10 Department of Chemistry, The M S 20 Department of Biosciences, SPU,
University of Baroda VVNagar

Role of Faculty in Facilitating Projects

Faculty guides students during the following stages of student’s research work.
 Identifying area of research chosen and conceptualization of the project
 Literature Review and drawing inferences
 Deriving problem definition

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 41

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

 Choosing appropriate research methodology and experimental design

 Data Collection and Analysis
 Conclusions and Recommendations
 Report or dissertation preparation
Table 2.14: Some Noteworthy CHARUSAT Funded Projects
Sr. Title Broad Area of Work Funding from
Project Level: Under Graduate
1 Student Formula Car Competition (Supra - Automobile 3,00,000/-
2 Waste Heat Air Conditioning Thermal Engineering 50,000/-
3 Analysis of Effects of Electro Magnetic Multi-disciplinary Research 65,000/-
Waves on Plants
3 Switch sync simula for demo kit Switchgear and 1,54,862/-
4 Next Generation Agriculture and Rural Application of Computers 80,000/-
Development in Agriculture
5 Mobile Controlled Wi-Fi Robot Car Mobile Computing 11,900/-
Project Level: Post Graduate
6 Development &Validation of Stability Stability Studies of 35,000/-
Indicating HPTLC Method for Formulations
Centellaasiatica& its Marketed
7 Preformulation Analysis of Prepared Solubility enhancement 35,000/-
Tadalafil Co-crystals
8 Oral in Situ Gelling Formulation of Drug Delivery 35,000/-
Metformin HCl
9 Development of Biocontrol Against Fungal Microbial Technology 15,000/-
10 Study of Fusariumoxysporum Derived Fungal Biotechnology 15,000/-
Silver Nano Particles

Teachers’ Evaluation by Students

Each constituent institute of CHARUSAT has a well-defined mechanism in place for the
evaluation of teachers by the students/alumni. The feedback form is given to students to
be filled after the completion of the course. It covers a wide range of evaluative questions
including the content / structure of the course, reading materials, assessment process and
assessment of course instruction. Feedback is shared and discussed with the HOD/ HOI
and faculty and, if necessary, changes in course content and pedagogical strategy are
incorporated in the next term or academic year as the case may be. Based on the
feedback, the faculty is advised to take corrective measures if required.
Students of Faculty of Technology and Engineering, also provide feedback on their
overall experience on the campus.

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 42

AC Accreditaation SSR - CHARUSAT

2.4 Teacheer Quality

Recruitmeent Policy
The institu
ute follows a methodo ological appproach for the planninng and recruitment off
human resoource.
 Apppropriate au uthorities alllocate courrses to each h faculty baased on his//her area off
 Thee University y provides in nduction traaining to freeshly recruitted faculty members.
 Faculty is encouraged to participatee in National and/or Innternationaal Seminars,
Workshops, Co onferences, Symposia,, Faculty Developmen
D nt Programss as well ass
renoowned Instiitutes for specialized traaining.
 Thee constituen nt institutes also organiize in-housee Faculty Developmen
D nt Programs,,
Semminars and Faculty Colloquium
C for moldin ng the facuulty academ mically andd
impprove their research
r orieentation.
 Faculty is also o encourag ged to avaiil study leave/sabbatical leave, to take up p
reseearch projeccts in emergging and innnovative areeas.

Advertise Final
for the Selection
Scruttiny of Processs
Vacant Invite (Based on
Positions Application Appliccations (Either/ A
(Baseed on Writtenn
(News Papeer (Online/ reecommenda
Advertisem me U
University eligibbility Presentatioon/
tion of the
nts and W portal)
Web criteeria) panel
Career pagge nominated
on websitee) by
b Provost)

Figuure 2.2: System

matic Process flow for Recrruitment of Faaculty

Faculty Prrofile at CH HARUSAT

CHARUSA AT believess in an opeen policy of o recruitmeent based oon gender equality.
e Itss
efforts are directed
d tow uality with ooutstanding credentials.
wards attraccting facultyy of high qu
Female empployers con nstitute 39.6
6 % of the accademic wo ork force at CHARUSA AT.
Table 2..15: Faculty Profile
P at CHA
Highest Professor Associiate Assiistant Others Total Grand
Qualificationn Professsor Proffessor Total
Permanennt Teacher
Ph.D 13 1 7 2 16 9 0 0 36 12 48
M.Phil 0 0 0 0 5 3 0 0 5 3 8
PG 0 0 8 1 132 68 4 18 144 87 231
UG 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 7 4 7 11
Temporaary Teacher
Ph.D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M.Phil 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 3

Criterion 2: Teaching-Lea
T arning & Ev
valuation 43
NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

PG 0 0 0 0 12 9 7 16 19 25 44
UG 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 4
Total 13 1 15 3 166 89 19 43 213 136 349
Others includes Lecturer, Teaching Assistant, Clinical Instructor, Physiotherapist & Tutor.

Diversity among Faculty

An open recruitment policy with recruitment advertisements appearing in national dailies
has resulted in a fair degree (approximately 15 %) of representation of faculty having
their highest qualification from a University outside the state of Gujarat. Majority of the
faculty have acquired their educational credentials from universities other than
CHARUSAT within the state.
Table 2.16: Diversity among Faculty at CHARUSAT
Constituent % of faculty % of Faculty % of Faculty % of Faculty Grand total
Institute from from Other from Other from Other
CHARUSAT Universities Universities Countries
within Outside
Gujarat Gujarat
ARIP 0.28 2.25 4.51 0.00 7.04
CMPICA 0.56 8.45 0.28 0.00 9.30
CSPIT 9.86 42.82 3.94 0.28 56.90
IIIM 0.28 4.23 0.85 0.00 5.35
MTIN 1.13 3.38 3.94 0.00 8.45
PDPIAS 0.00 5.63 0.85 0.00 6.48
RPCP 0.56 5.63 0.28 0.00 6.48
Grand total 12.68 72.39 14.65 0.28 100.00

Faculty Appointment & Training in Newer Emerging Areas

 Applicants fulfilling the norms of the qualification and experience as per AICTE,
UGC, PCI and other similar regulatory bodies are shortlisted for the interview
 The institutional needs for new programs in emerging areas of studies are kept in mind
during the interaction with the candidate as well as by way of studying the details
related to experience of teaching & research profile of the candidate.
 Institute invites persons of eminence for guest lecture in emerging areas.
In case new faculty are not appointed for the new courses/programs, these are assigned to
the existing faculty in advance to provide them with an opportunity to prepare for the
same by taking the help from appropriate sources.
Faculty members are appointed based on their previous experience in related
technologies. Existing faculty members are trained according to their interest for new
courses/programs through training programs organized at the University and outside.
Table 2.17: Deputation of Faculty
Sr. Name of Faculty Institute Deputed to Duration of Purpose
No. Deputation
1 Dr. Manan Raval Indian Institute of Jan. 2014 to Enrollment to Distance
Packaging (IIP) – Jun. 2015 Learning Program for
Mumbai Packaging Technology
2 Dr. Jagdish Patel NPIMR, University May 2010 to Training in Proteomics

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 44

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

College of London Apr. 2011

3 Dr. Trushit VIT University, Chennai May 2011 and For the training of Cisco
Upadhyaya Campus Nov- Dec 2011 Networking Academy
4 Prof. Amit Nayak Center for Research and Nov – Dec Program
Industrial Staff 2010

Visiting Professors
CHARUSAT Endowment Chair has been established to facilitate inviting renowned
academicians from India as well as abroad to the campus. This provides an opportunity
for the young faculty engaged in research to interact with the invited guest and learn from
their experiences. The University also has a few adjunct professors of international repute
and the University has conferred them as research guides of doctoral programs. Students
too get the benefit of their guidance and it also helps to strengthen the collaboration
between CHARUSAT and the other University/ Institute.
Table 2.18: List of Adjunct/ Visiting Professors at CHARUSAT
Sr. Name of the Visiting Visiting Professor’s Duration Broad Area of his
No. Professor Affiliation contact at CHARUSAT
1 Mr. Husnain Structural Engg, L& T, 05/01/2015 to Structural Engineering
Murmurvala Vadodara 11/04/2015
2 Mr. Brijesh Mistry Structural Engg, Jacobs, 05/01/2015 to
Vadodara 18/04/2015
3 Dr. Venkat Ramani Managing Director, 01/01/2015 to Plasma Physics
Aditya High Vacuum Pvt. 15/03/2015
Ltd. and Former Scientist, 01/07/2014 to Vacuum Technology
Institute for Plasma 30/09/2014
Research (IPR), Gujarat
4 Prof. V N Potbhare Former Professor, M.S 01/01/2015 to Nuclear and Particle
University of Baroda, 30/04/2015 Physics
Vadodara 01/07/2014 to Electromagnetic
30/11/2014 Theory-II
5 Prof. D. G. Panchal Dean, Faculty of 25/08/2014 to Structural Engineering
Technology, Dharmsinh 08/11/2014
Desai University
6 Dr A.K Verma Professor, BVM Engg 25/08/2014 to Advanced Foundation
College, V V Nagar 08/11/2014 Engineering
7 Dr A. V Shroff Professor (Retd), MS 25/08/2014 to Advanced Foundation
University 08/11/2014 Engineering
8 Prof. Yashwant Former Professor and 16/12/2013 to A course on Quantum
Waghmare Dean, Student’s affairs, 08/02/2014 mechanics
IIT, Kanpur 20/05/2013 to Advance course on
01/06/2013 classical mechanics

Academic Recharge & Rejuvenation Strategies for Teachers

Academic Recharging of Teachers
 University provides research grant to faculty members for research projects
leading to Ph. D. and Minor Research Projects. Till date about 100 Faculty

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 45

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

members have been encouraged for pursuing higher studies –20 for M. Tech and
80 for PhD.
 University provides Travel Grant once in three years to present a paper in
international conferences abroad. Duty leaves are sanctioned for the same. Till
date, CHARUSAT has provide travel grants to 10 (ten) faculty members to the
tune of INR 7,12,264/-.
 University provides financial support (registration fee, accommodation and travel
charges) to teachers for attending national/International seminars, workshops, etc.
Duty leaves are sanctioned for the same.334 teachers have been sent till date for
various events.
 Study leave is provided to faculty members according to rules, to work in other
Universities in India and abroad to widen the horizons in teaching and research.
Over the past five years one faculty has been granted study leave, while five
faculty members have been sent for PhD and one faculty has been sent for M.
Tech with pay by CHARUSAT.
In-service Training Mandatory for all teachers of the University
Each faculty member undergoes Domain Knowledge Training (DKT) for at least two
weeks, Industry Exposure Training (IET) for a duration of 10 to 12 days and Soft Skill
Training (SST) for 5 to 6 days as per CHARUSAT norms. The following programs on
domain knowledge training have been organized in last five years.
Table 2.19: Programs on Domain Knowledge Training
Year Program Number of
2015 Workshop on How to use Interactive Key Pad in a Classroom / 130
2014 Short Term Training Program on Statistical Package for Social Sciences 25
(SPSS) Workshop
2014 Workshop on Applications of Reference Manager Software: Using as 25
2014 FDP on Mobile Application Development 32
2014 FDP on WordPress 30
2014 Workshop on Publishing Research Papers in High Impact Factor 27
2014 Faculty Development Program on Strategic Financial Management 27
2014 One day workshop on Visual MOD Flow 56
2014 One Day National Seminar on "Soil Dynamics and Machine 36
2013 Advances in Concrete Technology 26
2013 Faculty Development Program on Case Writing in Management with 20
Special Reference to Case-lets
2011 Advances in Earthquake Engineering 50
2010 Workshop on Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML with 85
Essentials of Rational Software Architect
2010 Applications of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Techniques 65

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 46

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

 Industry Exposure Training (IET): 97 teachers have been deputed for industrial
training till date in industries like ZydusCadila (Ahmedabad), L&T (Vadodara),
Torrent Research Center (Gandhinagar), NIMHANS (Bangalore), Tatvasoft
(Ahmedabad), Indus Infotech Ltd. (Ahmedabad); Tubon Energy System
(Kolhapur), Amul Dairy (Anand), Atlanta Electricals Pvt. Ltd (Vidyanagar) to
name a few.
 Soft Skill Training (SST): 134 faculty members have been trained at the Human
Resources Training Centre of the University on aspects like Communication skill
enhancement, Leadership training, etc
These programs are continuously monitored and modified as per the requirements.

Continuing Professional Development Program

CHARUSAT understands the high worth of the process of professional development of
involving intellectual as well as effective development. With this objective a special
training program titled, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) was organized. The
program was held for two months during September – October, 2013, where almost 150
faculty members participated in the training of 60 hours. Topics covered in the training
sessions included Prioritization and plan options; Classroom Challenges; Interactive
session on Case studies; Psychology of Learning and Teaching , Guidance and
counseling; Innovative learning materials; Research Methodology; Research writing; and
Formative and Summative Assessment.
Curriculum Development & Evaluation Reform Programs
CHARUSAT emphasizes on the importance of enduring reforms and development in
curriculum design and development; and in the reforms of evaluation process. For this
purpose, the university has formed a special exam reform committee, and with this
reference, a specific program training has been organized with a title “Curriculum
Development & Evaluation Reform”. This is a training workshop conducted for about 45
senior faculty involved in policy making at CHARUSAT throughout the semester. Total
of three intense sessions have been organized on the following topics:
1. A workshop on Curriculum Development: Key issues, Elements, Aspects, Tenets and
2. A Workshop on Curriculum Development, Delivery and Assessment.
3. An Interdisciplinary Workshop on Graduate Attributes: Framing and Aligning with
the Curriculum and Institute / University Vision and Mission
Workshop on Art and Science of Counseling: Developing helping Communication Skills
Workshop of Art and Science of Counseling: Developing helping communication Skills
was conducted under HRDC by Dr B M Palan. 123 Faculty members participated in this
event in which they were taught various skills and techniques so as to help the students in
their career. This contents of this program was designed such that at the end of the
training the participants would understand and develop basic knowledge about human
mind, its functioning and potentials; the process of the counseling or helping; developing
self-awareness; to inculcate basic counseling and communication skills in themselves;
enhancing motivation; strengthen their self-confidence, assertiveness and self-esteem,

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 47

AC Accreditaation SSR - CHARUSAT

etc. The traaining proggram was organized

o w a view
with w to train thhe faculty members
m ass
guide, counnsel and meentors for thet studentss in their caareer, persoonal and soccial matterss
and issues.
Organizing g National/In
nternationall Conferencces
Institute org
ganizes both
h national as
a well as innternational conferencee with financial supportt
from univeersity, sponsorship from m Governmment fundin ng agencies and industtry support.
Kindly refeer Criterion 3 for the deetails.

Recognitioon of Teach hers

During the past four yeears, the facculty at CHA
ARUSAT hash receivedd the follow
wing awards..
Dr. Atul Paatel, Dean/P
Principal hass been awarrded as a sen
nior membeer fellowshiip by ACM,,
USA in 20112.
Another faaculty memb ber, Dr. Veenu Mehta, received a Fulbright scholarship p by The J.
William Fuulbright Foreign Scholaarship Board d, Washingtton, USA dduring 2010--11.
Dr. R. V. U
Upadhyay iss also the reecipient of noteworthy y among theem are Commmonwealth h
Academic Staff Fello owship, UG GC Career Award,
A INSA Visitingg Fellow and
a Vikram m
Sarabhai Award.

Staff Devellopment Prrograms Av vailed by Teachers

Following nnumber of faculty und derwent stafff developm
ment program
ms during the
t last fourr
years. It iss indicativee of the encouraging
e g policy ad
dopted by CHARUSA AT towardss
professionaal developmment of facullty memberrs.
Facultty Participattion in Various Staff Devvelopment Prrogram

Summer/ Winter Schoools, Workshopps, etc 592

Staff Training conducted byy other… 429

Staff Trainning conducteed by the Univ

versity 319

Orrientation Proggrams 121

HRD Proogram 134

Refresher Course
C 103

0 100 200 300 4000 500 600

6 700

Staff Traininng conducted by Staff Trainning conducted by Summer/

S Winter
Refresher Coursse HRD Prograam Orientation P
the Unniversity otheer institutions Schools, Workshops, etc

Faculty Participation 103 134 121 319

3 429 592

Faculty as Resource Persons

P an
nd as Particcipants
Each consttituent instittute at CHA
ARUSAT deputes
d its faculty
f memmbers to attend variouss
events and present pap pers or deliv
ver talks in
n their areass of expertisse. This hass resulted in
each facultty having attended
a on
ne such eveent at leastt once in aan academicc year. Thee

Criterion 2: Teaching-Lea
T arning & Ev
valuation 48
NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

experiences derived from such exposure are shared with the rest of the faculty members
and put to good use in the overall development and academic performance of the institute
in particular and the University as a whole.
Table 2.20: Participation of Faculty as Participants and Resource Persons
Constituent Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty having Faculty Faculty Total for
Institute Invited as participat presented teaching industrial having each
Resource ed in papers experience in engageme international institute
Persons external other nt teaching
events universities / experience
ARIP 15 100 60 10 90 00 275
CMPICA 3 75 60 45 35 00 218
IIIM 11 100 83 89 100 06 389
MTIN 10 93 30 70 100 00 303
PDPIAS 40 87 80 53 40 00 300
RPCP 10 66 31 48 32 00 187
CSPIT 81 384 392 56 109 05 1027
Average 16.75 75.41 61.33 30.91 42.16 0.92 ---

Participation of Faculty as Participants and Resource Persons

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Faculty Invited as Resource Persons

Faculty participated in external events

Faculty presented papers

Faculty having teaching experience in other universities /
national institutions
Faculty industrial engagement

Faculty having international teaching experience


Organization of Academic Development Programs

CHARUSAT is aware of the need for regular training of the trainer and has been actively
organizing various programs; the details of which are presented below.
Table 2.21: Academic Development Programs Organized at CHARUSAT
Sr. Name of the Program Dates of
No. Program
Content/ Knowledge Management
1 Workshop on How to use Interactive Key Pad in a Classroom / Laboratory 23/01/2015
2 Workshop on Applications of Reference Manager Software: Using as example 13/12/2014
3 One Day National Seminar on Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations 02/08/2014

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 49

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

4 FDP on WordPress 02/08/2014

5 Faculty Development Program on Strategic Financial Management Decisions 17-18/06/2014
6 FDP on Mobile Application Development 16-20/06/2014
7 Short Term Training Program on Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 19-26/05/2014
8 Workshop on Publishing Research Papers in High Impact Factor Journals 11/04/2014
9 One day workshop on Visual MOD Flow 01/02/2014
10 Advances in Concrete Technology 10/11/2013
11 Faculty Development Program on Case Writing in Management with Special 04/05/2013
Reference to Case-lets
12 Advances in Earthquake Engineering 02-03/12/2011
13 Applications of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Techniques 23-24/12/2010
14 Workshop on Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML with Essentials 15-18/10/2010
of Rational Software Architect
Examination Reforms
1 An Interdisciplinary Workshop on Graduate Attributes: Framing and Aligning 04/04/2015
with the Curriculum and Institute / University Vision and Mission
2 Examination Reforms 02/04/2015
3 A workshop on Curriculum Development: Key issues, Elements, Aspects, Tenets 27/12/2014
and Perspectives
4 A Workshop On Curriculum Development, Delivery And Assessment 08/11/2014
5 Workshops and Seminar on Open-Book Examination (Pre-During-Post) 09/10/112013
Teaching Learning Methods
1 Faculty Development Program on Expectations from Teacher in Higher 23-25/06/2014
Education: Challenges Ahead.
2 Faculty Development Program on Management Teaching, Research and 09-14/06/2014
Entrepreneurship Development
3 Seminar on Innovation and Best Practices in Management Education 18/04/2014
4 One-day National Symposium on Technology in ELT: Challenges and Remedies 23/11/2013
5 Faculty development program on communication and soft skill training 17-21/06/2013
6 Faculty Development/ Orientation Program on Management Teaching, Research 03-08/06/2013
and Consultancy
7 Basic Course Workshop on Health Profession Education 08-09/08/2012
Curriculum Development
1 Workshop on Course Curriculum Development and Teaching Pedagogy for 09/04/2014
courses of Humanities and Social Sciences
2 Workshop on Course Curriculum Development and Teaching Pedagogy for 12/2012
1 Group Discussion on Public Health Prospective in Physiotherapy Field 14/03/2015
2 Seminar on NAAC in Physiotherapy Institute 07/02/2015
3 Certificate Program on Liberal Arts 19-23/6/2014
4 NAAC Awareness Workshop – An overview of Indian Higher Education System 03/05/2014
& Building Excellence in Higher Education
5 Seminar on Common Disclosure Agreements for Resource Mobilization / 12/04/2014
Consultancy Projects
6 Faculty Development Program on Influencing and Communication with Team 27-28/12/2012
Work Promotion Leading to Consulting Assignments

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 50

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Some of the Experts invited as Resource Persons in the above programs are given below.
Table 2.22: Indicative List of Experts during Academic Development Programs
Sr. Name of Expert Affiliation of Expert
1 Dr. B.K. Rastogi Institute of Seismological Research, Gandhinagar
2 Dr. Shashank Bishnoi Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
3 Dr. Prakash Nathgopalan Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
4 Dr. C. H. Solanki SVNIT, Surat
5 Dr. Dileep Mavalankar Indian Institute of Public Health, Gandhinagar
6 Dr. Rajendrasinh Jadeja H. M. Patel Institute of English Training & Research, SardarPatel
University, V.V. nagar
7 Dr. K. L. Majumdar Space Tech Consultant, Ahmedabad
8 Prof. C. S. Sanghvi L. D. Engineering College, Ahmedabad
9 Dr. A. K. Singh Nirma University, Ahmedabad
10 Mr. Chandramauli Pathak Centre for Entrepreneurship Development, Ahmedabad

2.5 Evaluation Process & Reforms

Evaluation Process at CHARUSAT
CHARUSAT has adopted credit system and grading system since its inception in 2009
across all faculties. The system of evaluation comprises of internal evaluation (carried out
at institute level) and University Level End Semester evaluation. The weightage of
internal evaluation ranges from 20-30 % whereas that of University level evaluation
ranges from 80-70 % for each course. For every course, internal evaluation is carried out
by the faculty conducting the course. At the University Level End Semester
Examination, a panel comprising of external individuals (from other colleges/ industries
and Universities of the State) as well as internal faculty members are involved.
Internal evaluation by the course faculty member(s) is based on continuous assessment.
Internal Evaluation for theory courses are based on Unit Tests, Assignment, Theory Test
and Attendance components whereas Internal Evaluation of practical courses are based
on Performance based practical, Viva, Synopsis, Laboratory Record and Attendance
Final examination by the University is through written paper or practical test or oral test
or presentation by the student or a combination of any two or more of these.
PG Evaluation: In the evaluation of Dissertation, there is a combination of at least two
components, namely poster, power point presentation and proposed manuscript.

Dissemination of Information of Evaluation Process to All Stakeholders

Dissemination of information (related to evaluation process) to stakeholders is carried out
by following process:
 Students are briefed about evaluation process during the orientation program.
Students are personally counseled by respective teachers and made aware
regarding the complete evaluation process during classroom interaction.
 Parents are briefed about evaluation process during orientation program. The
institute also organizes; Parent-Teacher-Student (PTS) meet once in every

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 51

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

semester. During this meeting, they are briefed about the evaluation as well as
conduct of examinations.
 Faculties are briefed through the institutional meetings. Newly appointed
Faculties are briefed during orientation program.
 Board members are also kept updated about the evaluation process through
regular meetings of Board of Studies (BoS) and Faculty Board (FB).
 To make aware industry about the evaluation processes which are in place, the
institute invites external/ subject experts. Subject experts and External examiner
inputs are taken for subject curriculum up gradation, syllabus designing and to
improve the evaluation process.
 The schedule of all examinations are indicated in the Academic Calendar,
announced at the beginning of each semester and strictly adhered to.
 The students are shown the answer books for the internal examinations in the

Examination Reforms and Outcomes at CHARUSAT

University has established an Examination Reforms Committee, concerned not only with
management of evaluation process but also with sensitive issues related to reforms in
evaluation process.
Table 2.23: Constitution of Examination Reforms Committee
Sr. No. Profile of the Member Position in the Committee
1 Provost Chairman
2 Convener Member
3 All Deans of the Faculties Member
4 Coordinator – IQAC Member
5 All Advisors Member
6 Dy. Registrar (Exam/Academic) Member Secretary

The Examination Reforms Committee has been constituted with the mandate of
reviewing and revising the methodology of internal and external evaluation, minimizing
exam stress and anxiety among students, initiating research of examination results and
analysis of the same, training teachers in assessment and educational technology and
initiating reforms in syllabi, question paper format, grading, etc.
The following reformative measures have been implemented:
1) Internal Improvement test is conducted by all the faculties during the semester
and before University Semester Examination, for Backlog (failure in particular
course) Students.
2) The internal assessment marks are generated by the E-governance System
(Information Management System) Institutes and Departments are using portal for
daily attendance and sessional marks to be generated by the respective faculty in
all the tests. The results are analyzed and reviewed by the HoD and Principal so as
to plan and execute corrective actions, if any.
3) Rechecking (re-totaling) and reassessment mechanism is in place since the
inception of the University across all faculties. Reassessment Mechanism is

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 52

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

periodically reviewed. All Students can apply for two courses for Reassessment
and Rechecking.
4) Format of the answer book is changed, students concern hide their Student Id.
number by putting sticker in the answer book enabling blind assessment.
5) Open book exams are introduced on an experimental basis in institutes like I2IM,
RPCP, etc. Another model that has been implemented at one institute (RPCP).
Under this model the students are provided standard study material and allotted
some time for reading the same. The questions to be answered after this reading
session evaluate the comprehension and analytical abilities of the students.
6) Objective type questions (MCQ) have been incorporated along with descriptive
questions in the University Examination paper.
7) Question Papers are reviewed by the concerned BoS and the report is discussed in
the Faculty Board meeting.
8) Know Your Answer book Concept: Introduced for review of the evaluated answer
book by the student for University level semester end examinations from April/
May 2015.
9) Online examination system introduced experimentally in some programs like B.
Tech, MCA, etc
10) Preparation of Examination Manual has been responsible for the efficient conduct
of the examinations.

Timely Declaration of Results

Average time taken by the University for declaring the result is two - three weeks.
A senior faculty member is appointed as Assessment coordinator to ensure timely
assessment. To avoid delays measures like appointment of alternate examiners,
expediting assessment through follow up etc. are taken. Result is displayed at Department
Notice Board, University Notice Board and Website.

Ensuring Transparency in Evaluation Process

Transparency (up to permissible limits) is kept in all procedures related to the evaluation.
These include the following:
 All internal examinations are conducted in a transparent manner. The answer
books of all internal examinations are shown to the students after assessment and
corrective measures are taken if deemed necessary. Due documentation of
students’ seminars is undertaken and presentations are scheduled and evaluated
after presentation.
For the University Level Examination, following measures ensure transparency:
 Rechecking and Reassessment: Rechecking involves re-totaling of all the marks
assigned in an answer book, whereas, reassessment involves complete assessment
by a subject teacher within or outside the University for the Whole answer book
(other than the one involved in the first assessment). These measures are
implemented since the inception of the University and are periodically reviewed.

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 53

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

 Know Your Answer Book: This practice has been implemented from the
University examinations being conducted in April – May 2015. It involves a
personal study of the answer book by the student within the rules and procedures
laid for the purpose. A student can apply under this practice in case of
dissatisfaction in the evaluation of University level Theory Examination of any

Ensuring Confidentiality in Evaluation Process

Confidentiality is the fundamental feature of the evaluation process for the highest ethical
standards. This essential feature is ensured through the following practices:
 Each Question paper is prepared in two sections set by an internal and an external
 The details of students on the answer book (front page) are hidden by stickers (flap)
enabling blind assessment.
 Assessment is made at the University premises under Central Assessment system
maintained under CCTV surveillance.
 One section of Question Paper is assessed by the Internal Faculty and the other
section is assessed by the External Faculty.
 A Coordinator for Central Assessment is appointed from among the senior faculty
members of the University.
 Marks are entered twice by two data entry operators to avoid errors, mistakes,
discrepancy in the E-governance system.
 Examiner movements are monitored by movement register.

Integrated Examination Platform

The University has its own ERP system covering all functionalities including Exams. All
the Pre-exam, Exam and Post-exam processes are managed through this platform
ensuring timely execution and efficiency.
The university has well defined rules and regulations for various activities like Central
Assessment, Printing of question paper, Reassessment/rechecking of answer books and
preparation of results. Moreover, University appoints Assessment Coordinator, Senior
Press Coordinator, and E-governance coordinator at various levels. Hence, the
examination activities are streamlined. Generally the coordinator is appointed by the
Provost on rotation basis from the senior faculty members.
Well-structured hierarchy is followed for timely assessment through appropriate follow
up. The examiners are communicated to complete assessment in time. This makes it
possible to declare results on time.
Vigilance squad visits the constituent institutes during University examinations to
monitor the smooth conduct of the whole process. ICT usage has been adopted for the
same and now the continuous monitoring of the CCTV footage of all the examination
blocks is being undertaken centrally.

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 54

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

The process of examination control office is linked with e-governance system. The step
by step process is defined from enrollment of students to declaration of result for smooth
operations of exam section.

PhD Evaluation Process at CHARUSAT

Research in interdisciplinary areas is encouraged on the campus of CHARUSAT. Each
faculty under the University has a number of scholars pursuing PhD either in the full time
mode or part time (external) mode. The university has adopted the UGC (minimum
standards and procedure for award of Ph. D degree) regulation 2009. It has introduced
1. Research scholar shall be required to undertake course work as per UGC norms.
2. Doctoral Advisory Committee is formed which
 Monitors the Research work regularly
 Approves the synopsis
 Approves the draft thesis; this practice was taken up on an experimental
basis and helped improve the quality of PhD thesis.
 Monitors the progress of Research scholars every semester, following
presentation by the scholar
3. A Research scholar has to publish minimum of two research papers. However
one research paper in a peer reviewed Indian/foreign journal of ISSN number and
having an impact factor of at least 0.5 or shall have filed a complete patent as first
researcher substantiated by sufficient evidence before the submission of the thesis
for evaluation.
4.Two referees are appointed for final thesis evaluation. One is from out of State/
Country and another from outside University.
5.Open Viva – Voce of the Ph.D Research scholar are arranged after detail report has
been received by the two referees. Interested persons can attend the presentation
of the Ph.D. thesis during open viva-voce.

Redressal of Grievances in Examination Process

 In order to ensure transparency in examination, each faculty member/ course
coordinator show and discuss the answer sheets (internal examinations) to each
 For University examination, students can apply for rechecking and reassessment
(being undertaken by experts other than those involved in the initial evaluation) of
their answer sheets. These measures have been implemented since the inception
of the University and are used by the students.
 Any grievance complaint received from the student with respect to examination is
referred to the University. University addresses to the grievance reported through
a duly constituted committee and by providing opportunity to the complainant to
explain his/her view point to the committee.
 The punishment for use of unfair means during examinations is printed on the
reverse page of the hall-ticket issued to the students.

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 55

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

 Know your answer book is a provision to view the checked answer book of
university examination by the students in case of any kind of grievance.
 In the case of use of unfair means by the student, a committee is in place to decide
on them. This UFM (Unfair Means) Committee considers the cases by following
the guidelines chalked out for the purpose. During the meeting of this committee,
the student along with parents are allowed to put forth their viewpoint.
Table 2.24: Constitution of the UFM Committee
Sr. No. Profile of the Member Designation in the Council
1 Provost Chairman
2 Two Deans of Faculties other than concerned Members
3 Dean of the Concerned Faculty Member
4 Principal of the Concerned Institute Member
5 Advisor (s) Member (s)

Streamlining Examination Operations

 Examination manual to streamline the process
Administration and conduct of University Examinations is a very important function and
high levels of quality and integrity are to be ensured at each stage of the process. Taking
this aspect in to consideration, CHARUSAT has prepared an Examination Manual to be
used as a detailed guideline/reference document for the people who are carrying out
various components of the examination process of the University.
 Use of e-governance in management of exams
The process of examination control office is linked with e-governance system. The step
by step process is defined from enrollment of students to declaration of result for smooth
operations of exam section.

2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes

Graduate Attributes
CHARUSAT Experience enables graduates to become:
A. Academically Excellent
 have in-depth knowledge of their chosen discipline(s)/ domain
knowledge/professional-academic field(s)
 reach a high level of achievement in research activities, problem-solving,
innovation and communication
 be critical and creative thinkers, with an aptitude for continued self-directed
B. Knowledgeable Across Disciplines/ Interdisciplinary Knowledge
 examine critically and synthesis and evaluate knowledge across a broad range of
 expand their analytical and cognitive skills through learning experiences in
diverse themes and subjects
 have the capacity to participate fully in collaborative and participative learning
and research
 have a set of flexible and transferable skills for different types of employment

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 56

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 have understanding and appreciation for art, novel thoughts and humanities
C. Leaders in Communities
 initiate and implement constructive change in their local as well as nation-wide
 initiate and implement professional knowledge for inclusive growth of the
 mentor future generations of learners or allow others’ potential to flourish
 engage in meaningful public discourse, with an insightful awareness of
community needs
D. Attuned to Cultural Diversity
 value different cultures, races and ethnicity
 secular and open-minded
 Conscious and concern about dignity and rights of others
 have an understanding of the social and cultural diversity in our community
E. Active Global Citizens
 accept social and civic responsibilities
 have global awareness, knowledge and understanding
 understand and act upon global needs, policies and competencies
 investigate the world beyond their immediate environment
 be advocates for improving the sustainable development across the globe
 have a high regard for human rights, equity and ethics
F. Individually Excellent and Committed
 have excellent interpersonal and decision-making skills
 have an awareness of personal strengths and challenges
 recognize perspectives of others and of their own
 be fluent and fair in language and communication skills
 be creative, imaginative and reflective in all endeavors
 have a strong sense of intellectual integrity
 have the ethics of scholarship and research

Facilitation and Monitoring of Implementation of Graduate Attributes

Following are the activities/ measures conducted at CHARUSAT to facilitate and
monitor the implementation of graduate attributes:
 University facilitates inculcation of Graduate Attributes in its students through
curricula - pedagogy followed by the teachers and organizing various events in which
students play a vital role. Such events organized by the university aim to motivate the
students and inculcate in them attributes like problem analysis and solution of the
problems, concern for social and environmental issues, team work, etc.
Blood Donation: Students of CHARUSAT enthusiastically and voluntarily take part
in social outreach and community activities. Blood Donation is one of the activities
where students volunteer their services and contribution by donating blood.
Publication of THE QUILL – Students’ Magazine: CHARUSAT students publish a
Magazine named THE QUILL dedicated to art, literature and creativity. It is

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 57

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

published twice a year. Students get opportunities to enhance their creativities, team
work and leadership skills through this activity.
Institute Specific TECH-FEST: Constituent institutes also organize technical festivals
handled completely by the students. Such events help in acquainting the students on
the latest advances in their fields as well as hone their organizational and leadership
skills. Students are also encouraged to participate in such events organized by other
Institutes, within and outside the state. MTIN also has a Nursing Students’
Table 2.25: Tech-Fests Organized by Institutes
Sr. No. Name of Tech-Fest Name of the Organizing Institute

 Courses are tailor made according to the needs of different faculties with respect to
information technology, knowledge and information management and communication
 Program specific Graduate Attributes are articulated by each faculty/ institute with
the help of members of Board of Studies and Faculty Board through design of
 University not only focuses on conceptual knowhow but also makes it essential that
every student gets opportunity for personality development. For the same the students
are encouraged to give classroom presentations and participate in group discussions
as well as interact with eminent personalities who visit the campus for guest lectures.
 University organizes a grand event SPOURAL. It is a sports and cultural festival to
celebrate the talent of the students. Guided by faculty, students are greatly involved in
all organizational matters of the event.
 Faculty of Computer Science and Application has also started a Social Initiative –
SAMARPAN. The four main objectives of SAMARPAN are:
o Save Environment oImpart Knowledge,
o Improve Global Health oA Path to Self-Awareness.
Various activities are conducted under the SAMARPAN, in which students and
faculty members participate enthusiastically. SAMARPAN seeks to address the
various challenges surrounding university area by effectively using young intelligent
minds for social enrichment. It provides young people with tools and resources for
effective socially driven action. Moreover, it educates and informs the youth to
address social challenges. SAMARPAN also aims to embrace energy conservation to
impart basic computer knowledge to the people; and to create a healthier society by
popularizing preventive measures to address issues related to health and hygiene.
 Extending the same faith university organizes a seminar series called MANAS in
which experts of the various fields deliver talks on variety of topics.
 All institutes provide Placement Assistance to all students with respect to preparing
them to face job interviews. Various activities conducted under them are Resume

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 58

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Building, Mock Group Discussions, Personal Interview, Competency Mapping,

Summer MAN-EDU-Trainmen Camp and Placement Assistance Program (PAP).
 Entrepreneurial Skills are inculcated by incorporating subject for entrepreneurship
development in the curriculum.

Learning Outcomes of Academic Programs

Learning outcomes have been identified for each program. Some of the learning
outcomes common to all programs include:
 Understanding of professional, ethical, legal, organizational and societal needs
 Exhibit skills for life-long learning and responsibilities.
 Demonstrate use of ethical values in personal and professional life.
 Utilize latest trends and technologies.
 Establish collaborative relationship with members of other discipline.
 Capable of communicating and performing effectively in multi-disciplinary
settings as an individual and in a team.
 Demonstrate ability to understand, assimilate and analyze.
The learning outcomes of each academic program are clearly stated in the respective
program booklet.
 Each program and particularly each course sets out its objectives and learning
outcomes in the syllabus of respective programs, in the booklet of the University
and on the university website.
 Further during the orientation program held at the beginning of the academic year,
the students are informed about the objectives of the programs.

Achievement of Intended Learning Outcomes

The University has initiated many innovative steps to facilitate the achievements of the
intended learning outcomes.
Table 2.26: Facilities for Achievement of Intended Learning Outcome
Activity/Facility Outcome
24 X 7 Wi-Fi Internet facility, Digital Library, To keep abreast to ever advancing world and to
Computer Labs with Internet connectivity have access to all resources of information
Workshops and Seminars To provide an insight into the latest trends in the
field which in-turn facilitates placements.
Industry-Academia Meet To give exposure of the industrial world
Scholarships To reward scholarly students and help the needy
Activity Based Learning, Collaborative Learning To maximize the learning outcomes from the
and case study methods students

Evaluation Methods: Learning outcomes are closely linked with the evaluation methods
at CHARUSAT. Evaluation methods are based on the learning outcomes of
knowledge/understanding, comprehension, application, analysis/ evaluation,
remembering and creation. Thus the assessment process is also linked with such
components of learning outcomes.

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 59

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Table 2.27: Skills Assessed by Evaluation Methods Adopted

Sr. Evaluation Method Skill Assessed
No. Adopted
1 Unit Tests Understanding
2 Assignment Analysing & Applying
3 Practical Performance Applying & Understanding
4 Viva Understanding & remembering
5 Synopsis Understanding & remembering
6 Laboratory Record Evaluating & Analysing
7 Dissertation Creating, Analysing, Evaluating &Applying
8 Poster Creating, Analysing, Evaluating &Applying
9 Presentations Creating, Analysing, Evaluating &Applying
10 Proposed Manuscript Creating, Analysing, Evaluating &Applying

Data Analysis of Student Learning Outcomes

The institute has Mentor-Mentee Program in which Mentor has continuous observation
on Mentee students. Exam data is collected through e-governance facility to assess the
learning outcome. After student participatory event, feedbacks are taken to assess their
learning. The institute has taken initiative to conduct pre-test and post-test during
workshops and certificate course programs to nurture the soft skills of the students.
Through Examination Section, data of examination results is communicated to the
respective institutes through appropriate notifications. Feedback on question paper is
sought from the external examiners to make them more relevant to the real-world
experience. Data of the examination results are analyzed at Institute/ Department level
and is reviewed at each Academic Council meeting.
Counseling system: The counsellor allocated to a student continuously monitors the
progress of the mentee throughout the stay of the student at the University until the
completion of the program for which the student is enrolled.

New Technologies Adopted for Enhancing Student Learning and Evaluation

1. University promotes and facilitates ICT enabled teaching- learning facilities to
emphasize effective teaching and learning.
2. University provides Wi-Fi internet connectivity of high band-width to keep pace with
today’s fast and ever growing technology and expand our limits of resources for
knowledge gaining.
3. E-resources are provided and facilitated through Digital library subscription through
4. Effective communication skills are imbibed right from UG level programs through
PG courses by including power point presentations and seminars by students.
5. Continuous evaluation and enhancement of dissertation and project work done by
comprehensive presentation for dissertation courses in PG programs.
6. Online examinations and submissions of assignments has been introduced in selected
programs to make evaluation and examination more student friendly and convenient
as well as eco-friendly.

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 60

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

7. Judicious combination of objective and subjective/ descriptive assessment in question

paper facilitates the evaluation of varied cognitive learning abilities.
8. Open book examination has been successfully tried out in selected programs to
develop critical thinking and analysis among the students.
9. Hands on experiments in courses wherever deemed necessary increase application
based learning.

Quality Sustenance and Quality Enhancement Measures

Quality Enhancement efforts in Teaching- Learning and evaluation at CHARUSAT
include the following.
 Experienced Academicians and Scientists for the development of CHARUSAT.
 Teaching and research are inter-woven through the introduction of research
 Extensive use of ICT in academic activities.
 Student centric teaching programs with provisions for students counseling,
catering to the needs of talented students, continuous evaluation, support system
for slow learners, over integrated development of students, with a component of
industrial training in relevant programs.
 Continuous efforts for faculty enrichment including promotion of research,
promotion of organization and participation in academic programs, industrial
 Inclusion of liberal arts courses as well as modulated skill development courses in
teaching programs in science, technology and management.
 Interactive self- appraisal of faculty with peers and members of management.

Criterion 2: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 61

Criterion 3
Research, Consultancy &
NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

CHARUSAT identifies the significance of activities under research, consultancy and
extension - the important wings of the university. For this purpose the University
promotes, encourages and facilitates various types and levels of activities for the young
faculty members and students. CHARUSAT being a young university is dedicated to
grow in the field of research, consultancy and extension. The University provides
research funding, seed money and facilities for research. The university has also initiated
‘Best Research Paper Award’. The university encourages all faculty members to submit
research proposals to external funding agencies, which has resulted in the faculty being
awarded 28 projects, worth INR 6.12 crores. 10 projects worth INR 2 crores have been
completed at CHARUSAT. A number of events (state, national as well as international)
have been organized at the campus with financial assistance from a variety of funding
bodies. The research centres at CHARUSAT, K. C. Patel Research and Development
Centre (KRADLE) and CHARUSAT Space Technology and Research Centre (CSTRC)
in collaboration with SAC ISRO undertake R & D work in the emerging
multidisciplinary areas of science and technology as well as steer the scientific and
industrial development at the campus. Faculty members are always encouraged and
appreciated for their research publications. Moreover, CHARUSAT has filed 17 patents
till date by virtue of the innovative research conducted by faculty members. The
University is also involved in regular extension and collaborative activities.

3.1 Promotion of Research

CHARUSAT Policy on Promotion of Research
The policy of university to encourage the research can be put into following points:
1. Financial assistance from CHARUSAT for participation in National/ International
Professional Development Events: There is a dedicated policy at CHARUSAT that is
meant to facilitate financial assistance to the Teachers of constituent institutes of the
university to attend conferences, seminars, short term training program, workshops for
their knowledge enhancement and professional development within the country as well as
abroad. The financial assistance includes registration fees, travelling, and
accommodation. Each faculty is provided this opportunity at least twice in an academic
2. Post-Doctoral Fellowships: The University offers Post-Doctoral fellowships to
deserving candidates. This provision is made under each of the six faculties under
3. Seed Money for Research: University encourages faculty members by providing seed
money to initiate research. This provides an opportunity to the young faculty to gain an
early experience in handling projects and preparing project reports. The experience so
gained stands in good stead when applying for project funding from external funding
4. Financial Assistance for Conduct of Events: The University also encourages conduct
of scientific events like Conferences (both National and International), Seminars,
Workshops, etc. Till date, CHARUSAT has allocated an amount of about INR 84.5

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 62

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Lakhs for the conduct of various events on the campus, in addition to the financial
assistance derived from external funding agencies and sponsorship from industries.
5. Emphasis on Inter- Institute and Interdisciplinary Research: Faculty members and
research scholars are encouraged to undertake interdisciplinary research. The
infrastructural facilities at the campus like sophisticated instruments and
laboratory/testing facilities are available to all the research scholars across the campus.

Research Council: Composition and Mandate

University has Research Council (RC), which monitors and addresses all matters related
to research. The detailed composition is given below.
Table 3.1: Constitution of the Research Council
Sr. No. Profile of the Member Designation in
the Council
1 The Provost or any person nominated by him/her. Chairman
2 All Deans of the faculties & Head of the R & D centre(s). Members
3 Three teachers including Principals having Ph.D. belonging to
different faculties and imparting education in Post-Graduate courses
/ engaged in Research to be nominated by the Provost.
4 Three persons renowned for their specialized knowledge in different
subjects to be nominated by the Provost in consultation with the
5 Three recognized Ph.D. Teachers belonging to different faculties to
be nominated by the Provost.

The Research Council also has members from other Institutes/ research organizations,
which include:
1. Prof. D Chenna Reddy, Associate Dean, Infrastructure, Institute for Plasma
Research (IPR), Gandhinagar.
2. Dr. P. K. Ghosh, Director, Central Salt Marine & Chemical Research Institute,
(CSMCRI), Bhavnagar.
3. Dr. Sanjay Chaudhary, Professor, Institute of Information and Communication
Technology (IICT), Ahmedabad University (AU), Ahmedabad.
In addition to this, university has constituted Doctoral Advisory Committee (DAC) in
each institute for each research scholar enrolled for the PhD program. This committee
monitors the progress and quality of research undertaken by the scholar at the institute.

Impact of Some Recommendations of Research Council

The Research Council at CHARUSAT has been involved with the establishment and
sustenance of a culture of research and innovation. This has resulted in a number of
recommendations having a positive impact on research at the University. A few of such
recommendations are listed below.
1. Detailed deliberations on the regulations of the Doctoral Program have resulted in
the smooth and effective implementation of the Doctoral program in accordance
to the UGC Regulations 2009.

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 63

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

2. Some eminent Professors / Scientists outside the University have been invited as
Ph. D. Supervisors at the University. A cross sectional list is provided.
Table 3.2: Indicative List of Doctoral Supervisors from Other Organizations
Sr. Name of the research Affiliation of the research Area of research Faculty of
No. Guide Guide CHARUSAT
1 Dr. Alok Verma IIT, Bombay Electronics & Faculty of
Communication Technology &
2 Dr Khond Mohan Pandurang, College of Mechanical Engineering.
Engineering, Pune Engineering
3 Dr. Bhushan Trivedi Professor & Director, GLS Data Mining Faculty of
Institute of Computer Computer
Technologies, Ahmedabad Science and
4 Dr. Prashant M Dolia Department of Computer Artificial Intelligence Application
Science and Applications,
Bhavnagar University.
5 Dr. Varsha J Patel, B J Medical College, Clinical Pharmacy Faculty of
Ahmedabad Pharmacy
6 Dr. M. T. Chabaria, L. M. College of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical
Ahmedabad. Chemistry
7 Dr. Shailesh B. Gandhi Indian Institute of Finance & Faculty of
Management, Ahmedabad Accounting Management
8 Prof. B. N. Hiremath DAIICT, Gandhinagar Economics and
9 Dr. Amit Bhattacharya CSMCRI, Bhavnagar Chemical Sciences Faculty of
10 Prof. Rama Sankar Department of Cell Biology Applied
Varma Biotechnology,IIT, Chennai Sciences
11 Dr. Mohan Ganeshan Sri Devaraj Urs Academy Neurology Faculty of
of Higher Edu. & Res., Medical
Kollar, Karnataka. Sciences
12 Dr. Subhash Maniklal Pravara Institute of Medical Orthopadics
Khatri Sciences, Loni Bk, Ahmed
Nagar, Maharashtra

3. An Ethics Committee has been formed at CHARUSAT to monitor and approve

the Healthcare Projects in addition to the Ethics committees already existing in
Ramanbhai Patel College of Pharmacy, P. D. Patel Institute of Applied Sciences
and Ashok & Rita Patel Institute of Physiotherapy.
4. Introduction of Post-Doctoral Fellowship program to promote exemplary research
in the fields of Science & Technology, including Pharmaceutical Science, Applied
Sciences, Management Studies, Computer Applications, Medical sciences and
other such sciences.
5. Encouragement and intellectual support is provided to faculty members to submit
research proposals to external funding agencies.
6. Contingency amount of INR 30,000/- or more is allocated to research scholars.

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 64

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Proactive Mechanisms for Smooth Implementation of Research Schemes

1. Seed Money for Research: University encourages faculty members by providing seed
money to initiate the research. This policy also encourages interdisciplinary as well as
inter-institutional collaborative research projects.
2. Interim Financial Support: CHARUSAT has the provision to release advance grants
for the initiation and execution of a sanctioned project. This takes care of the travel and
other expenditure in relation to the research undertaken.
3. Simplification of Procedures Related to Purchases by the Investigators: The University
had made two categories for purchases. Principal Investigator/Principal of the Institute
are authorized for purchase up to INR 1 Lakh. Purchases above INR. 1 Lakh are made
through University’s Purchase Committee, a centralized committee for negotiating with
vendors, to get quality product at the best price.
4. Freedom to the Principal Investigator for Utilizing Part of the Overhead Charges:
CHARUSAT has framed rules for this purpose. The Principal Investigator has a high
degree of freedom to use the overhead charges.
5. Timely Release of the Grants: University has streamlined the processes of releasing the
funds. Once the Budget Heads of the sanctioned amount are created (as per sanctioned
letter of funding agency) by the Finance Office, the release of fund from the office is
done as per the requirement of the PI.
6. Timely Auditing: University completes the annual audit by the first week of April. The
same practice is continued for the projects. Mid-term auditing is also done for the smooth
processing of the project.
7. Submission of Utilization Certificate to the Funding Authorities: Utilization
certificates of all the projects are submitted on time to the funding agencies.
8. Laboratory and Infrastructure Facilities: The University also provides sophisticated
laboratories and essential research infrastructural facilities to the teachers for research.
The faculty members can avail computers, software, Wi-Fi and broadband connection to
pursue research along with all learning resources. At times special requirements from
faculty are provided to facilitate their research projects.

Inter-Disciplinary Research at CHARUSAT

Inter – Institutional Collaborations within CHARUSAT
Depending on the expertise available, collaborative interdisciplinary projects have been
taken up by a few faculty members. The University has provision to appoint members of
other department/ institute/university as a Guide/Co-guide to encourage inter-disciplinary
research. This gives wide exposure to faculty members and research students.
University has established CHARUSAT Space Technology and Research Centre
(CSTRC) where faculties from various departments (Computer Engineering, Electronics
and Communication, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering etc.) are working
together in different projects.
CHARUSAT promotes interdisciplinary research through collaborations between faculty
members and by floating courses having interdisciplinary elements. Such courses include
Nanoscience and Technology, cosmetic technology, packaging technology, etc.

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 65

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Inter – Institutional collaborations within CHARUSAT include:

1. Collaboration between Dr. Janki Thakkar (PDPIAS) and Prof. N.D.Shah (Civil
Engineering department, CSPIT) for making eco-friendly bricks which could be
used as construction materials.
2. Collaboration between the Physics department (Dr. R. V. Upadhyay & team
members) and CHARUSAT Space Technology and Research Centre (Prof.
S.P.Kosta & team members) on Optics based experimental designing.
3. Collaboration between Dr. Manan Raval (RPCP) and Dr. Jagdish S. Patel
(PDPIAS) for the testing and analysis of ayurvedic formulation (Ashwagandhadi
Lehya) on different cell lines. This is a sponsored project by GUJCOST.
4. Collaboration between Physics department (Dr. R. V. Upadhyay) and Mechanical
engineering department (Mr. Dipal Patel) on the development of
magnetorheological dampers.
Inter - Institutional Collaboration with Organizations Other than CHARUSAT
The PDPIAS have established various teaching and research collaboration with various
organizations of national repute, the outcomes of which is shown in table below.
Table 3.3: Collaborative Ventures at CHARUSAT
Sr. Collaborating Organizations Collaborative Venture Duration
1 PDPIAS-BARC Synthesis of Nano-Magnetorheological Fluids Dec. 2009 to
using Neutron Scattering Techniques Nov. 2012
2 PDPIAS-UGC-DAE-CSR Size Dependent Magnetic Properties Jan 2009 to
(Mumbai Centre) Dec. 2012
3 PDPIAS-UGC-DAE-CSR Studies on Structure of Microbial Jan. 2012 to
(Mumbai Centre) Exopolysaccharide (EPS) Solutions and Dec.2012
Hydrogels using SANS"
4 PDPIAS- JNCASR, IISc Study on Citrate Synthase of Plasmodium May 2013
Bangalore falciparum onwards

Mr Erik Sibert, Institute of Fluid mechanics, Technology University (TU) Dresden,

Germany has taken up an Internship at CHARUSAT under the Department of Physical
Sciences, PDPIAS for the duration of Five months (September 2014 – February 2015).
His research interest was to synthesize and characterize mono-disperse magnetic fluids as
well as to study rheological properties. He has also guided few students in rheology as a
consequence; it was possible to communicate one research report.
University – Industry Collaboration
The PDPIAS has collaboration with various industries like:
1. Plasma and Vacuum Technology (PLASVAC): The faculty at PDPIAS is
involved in the projects titled a) Design, Development and Fabrication of
magnetic fluid plant and b) Design, Development and Fabrication of Magnetic
fluid based seal.

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 66

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

2. Dhara biotech Pvt. Ltd. and Recasil Industries Pvt. Ltd.: The collaborative work is
in the field of a) Contaminated water filtration and b) Enzyme based sewage
3. Margen Impex Limited- VV Nagar
4. Monarch Catalysts, Mumbai.
5. Industrial Metal Powder (India) Pvt. Ltd., Pune.
Inter – Disciplinary Research Activities at CHARUSAT
Inter-disciplinary research activities have always been encouraged at CHARUSAT. The
following is the representative list of inter-disciplinary research projects conducted at
Table 3.4: Representative List of Inter-Disciplinary Research Projects
Sr. Project Title Broad Research Area
1 Screening of Advanced Glycation End Product Inhibitor and Phytochemistry, diabetes,
Investigating Their Role in Diabetes Complications cell biology
2 Molecular Mechanism Involved in Cardiogenic Differentiation of Stem cells and microfluidics
Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells n Microfluids
3 Molecular Genetic Analysis of Cancer Associated Genes in Women Molecular Genetics
Susceptible to Gynecological Disorder
4 Investigation on Role of Adenosine Receptors in Nephropathy Molecular Pharmacology
5 Phytochemical and Pharmacological Studies on Some 'Vajikarana' Drug discovery from natural
Drugs of Ayurveda products
6 Macrophage Targeted Pulmonary Drug Delivery to Treat Novel drug delivery system
7 Incidence and Prevalence of Risk Factors for Development of New Clinical Pharmacy
onset Diabetes after Kidney Transplantation (NODAT)
8 Speech Recognition System with Wireless Hardware Realization Electrical and Computer
9 An Interactive Knowledge Based Predictive/Query System for
Data Mining
Farmer (In English & Gujarati)
10 Automatic Evaluation of Raaga (Melody) and Taal (Rhythm) in
Software tools
Hindustani Classical Music
11 Experimental and Analytical Investigations on Drilling of Polymer
Mechanical Engineering
Matrix Composites
12 Design and Development of Miniaturized Satellite Communication
Antenna design
Antenna using Metamaterial
13 Experimental Investigation for Tribological Parameters in Polymer Tribology and polymer
Matrix Composites studies
14 Electromagnetic Modeling of Human Eye for Wireless Environment Electrical and Computer
15 Car Control System using Speech Recognition Algorithm Engineering

Workshops/ Training Programs/ Conferences Organized at CHARUSAT

The constituent institutes at CHARUSAT have organized about 80 events of various
types including training programs, seminars, symposia, workshops and
national/international conferences. 42 events have received financial assistance from
various funding agencies to the tune of INR 28,22,374/-. Additionally, CHARUSAT has
also extended financial assistance to about 36 events summing up to an amount of about

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 67

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

INR 84 Lakhs. The pie chart following the table shows the extent of financial assistance
received from various funding agencies.
Table 3.5: Events Organized with Financial Assistance from External Funding Agencies
Sr. Title of Event Duration of Funding Funding
No. Event Agency Received (INR)
1. Ramanbhai
9 Patel College of Pharmacy 27-28/02/2014 DBT 100000/-
International Conference (RAPCOPINC2014)
2. International
3 Conference of Diabetes and its 18-20/01/2013 DBT 150000/-
8 (ICDC) DST 75000/-
CSIR 75000/-
ICMR 50000/-
3. 113th International conference on Molecular 09-11/01/2011 DBT 100000/-
7 (MolMed-11) DST 100000/-
CSIR 100000/-
ICMR 40000/-
4. Recent
2 Trends & Technologies in Cloud 08-09/05/2015 GUJCOST 40000/-
Computing for E-learning
5. Current
3 Trends & Development in Android 22-23/05/2015 GUJCOST 30000/-
Mobile Application Platform
6. Workshop
1 on "Software and Hardware 29-30/01/2015 GUJCOST 15000/-
7 for Image and Video processing &
Its applications"
7. Workshop
1 on "Advances in Signal Processing 19-20/06/2015 GUJCOST 40000/-
and8 Communication Technology"
8. Workshop
1 on "Advances in VLSI System 21-22/08/2015 GUJCOST 30000/-
9 and Technology"
9. Research
1 Trends in Algorithm and Graph 23-24/01/2015 GUJCOST 15000/-
10. NS-3
2 Network Simulator, Simulation of 14-15/03/2015 GUJCOST 30000/-
9 and Wireless Networks
11. QoS
3 in Wired and Wireless Networks 12-13/03/2015 GUJCOST 15000/-
12. Research
3 Methodology in Science and 23-24/01/2015 GUJCOST 15000/-
1 Workshop
13. Computer
3 Networking Workshop 30-06 to 05- MHRD, 62810/-
2 07-2014 IIT, Bombay
14. Computer
3 Programming Workshop 16-21/06/2014 MHRD, 84885/-
3 IIT, Bombay
15. Research
1 Issues and Challenges in next 06-08/11/2014 GUJCOST 15000/-
3 Network (NGN) with NS-2:
Insights and Innovations
16. Workshop
1 on “Control Systems” 02-12/12/2014 MHRD, 150562/-
17. National
2 Seminar on "Soil Dynamics and 02/08/2014 IGSBaroda 10000/-
6 Foundations" Chapter

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 68

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

18. Science
4 Academies’: 57th Refresher course on 18/03 to IAS 251538/-
1 Physics 02/04/2014
19. Advances
2 in Concrete Technology 10/11/2013 AICTE 85000/-
20. Advance
3 Computing & Big Data Workshop 21-23/11/2013 GUJCOST 35000/-
21. National Workshop on Recent Advances in 21-23/02/2013 AICTE 100000/-
Drug Delivery
22. Research
1 Scope and Possibilities in 22-24/08/2013 GUJCOST 60000/-
1 Intelligence & Data Mining
23. Recent
1 trends & issues in practical data 18-19/10/2013 AICTE 75000/-
24. Drug
6 Discovery from Natural Products 08-09/01/2013 ICMR 40000/-
25. Entrepreneurship
7 Development Program 21/01 to NSTEDB 130000/-
15/02/2013 through
26. Workshop
5 on Intellectual Property Rights and 23-24/03/2012 GUJCOST 50000/-
Patent system
27. Workshop
2 on “"Nanostructured Materials – 05-06/05/2011 GUJCOST 40000/-
1 and Future Research Areas in
Mechanical Engineering”
28. Advances
2 in Earthquake Engineering 02-03/12/2011 GUJCOST 40000/-
29. Workshop
1 on “Simulation of Electronics 23-24/10/2010 GUJCOST 35000/-
5 design using SEQUEL (SECS-2010)
30. Neonatal
1 Resuscitation program 29/04/2015 IAP 22609/-
31. Seminar on Cost Effective Treatment 20/01/2015 GUJCOST 15000/-
8 For Domestic Waste
32. Seminar on Sustainable Development 21/11/2014 GUJCOST 15000/-
33. Science
4 Meet - 2014 16/11/2014 GUJCOST 40000/-
2 GSC 25000/-
34. ESDM
3 Workshop 09/04/2013 CSI 24000/-
35. Gujarat Science Congress 24/02/2013 GUJCOST 200000/-
9 GSA 45000/-
36. ‘Research
4 2 Rupees’- GSBTM initiated 18/03/2013 GSBTM 12000/-
0 Management & Research
37. 7th1Gujstate Conphycs ’13 (Gujarat State level 18-19/10/2013 GUJCOST 50000/-
Physiotherapy Conference)
38. Workshop
2 on “Virtual Instrumentation in 08-09/03/2013 GUJCOST 35000/-
0 Applications”
39. Waste
2 Management through Environmentally 27-28/12/2012 GPCB 25000/-
4 Technologies
40. Refresher
4 course for Registered Pharmacist 21-22/01/2011 GSPC 24000/-
41. Applications
2 of Remote Sensing and 23-24/12/2010 GUJCOST 40000/-
2 Techniques
Total 28,22,374/-

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 69

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Extent of Financial Assistance from External Funding Agencies for

Organization of Events OTHER


15% 5%


19% 10%

Table 3.6: Events Organized with Financial Assistance from CHARUSAT

Sr. Title of Event Duration of Funding
No. Event Received(INR)
1. Ramanbhai
1 Patel College of Pharmacy International Conference 27-28/02/2014 500000/-
2. International
3 Conference of Diabetes and its Complications 18-20/01/2013 3800000/-
3. 3 th
133 International Conference on Magnetic fluid (ICMF 13) $
04-07/01/2013 500000/-
4. 1238th International conference on molecular medicine (MolMed-12)* 18-22/02/2012 500000/-
5. 7 th
113 International conference on Molecular Medicine (MolMed-11) 09-11/01/2011 700000/-
6. Future
1 Trends and Opportunities In Data Analytics, Business 30-31/01/2015 45000/-
. and Big Data along with Research Methodology and
Thesis Writing
7. Science
3 Academies’: 57th Refresher course on Experimental 18/03/2014 to 50000/-
5 02/04/ 2014
8. Drug
1 Discovery from Natural Products 08-9/01/2013 113735/-
9. 12
National Workshop on Recent Advances in Drug Delivery 21-23/02/2013 220294/-
10. Data1 Modeling and Analysis (Data and Business Analytics) 23-25/05/2013 26000/-
11. 5
1 Simulation and Protocol Development using NS-2 in 8-9/06/2013 36000/-
6 with IEEE
12. Research
1 Scope and Possibilities in Computational Intelligence & 22-24/08/2013 2300/-
Data7 Mining
13. Recent
1 Trends & Issues in Practical Data Mining 18-19/10/2013 30212/-
14. 8
2 on “E-Foundry: Casting Design and Simulation” 06/07/2013 27000/-
15. 1
3 in Concrete Technology 10/11/2013 47848/-
16. 09
Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights and Patent system 23-24/03/2012 53761/-
17. Workshop
1 on Drug Regulatory Affairs 20-21/04/2012 179516/-
18. 60
Workshop on Evidence based Management of Spinal Pain 14/04/2012 140000/-
19. Recent1 Advances in Analytical Techniques for Pharmaceutical 28-29/09/2012 195674/-
20. Advances
2 in Earthquake Engineering 2-3/12/ 2011 151897/-

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 70

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

21. Workshop
2 on “"Nanostructured Materials – Properties and Future 5- 6/05/2011 12500/-
3 Areas in Mechanical Engineering”
22. Workshop
2 on “Simulation of Electronics circuit design using 23-24/10/2010 7698/-
0 (SECS-2010)
23. Recent innovation in Solar Energy (RISE-2015) 26/02/2015 50000/-
24. Short
1 Term Training Program on Statistical Package for Social 19-26/05/2014 60000/-
Sciences (SPSS)
25. Workshop
) on Basic Life Support (BLS) for Health Care Provider 30/04/2014 81000/-
26. Workshop
3 on Kinesiotaping for Sports Injuries 31/3/2014 to 75000/-
27. Seminar
3 on 2nd Green Revolution By Vermi Technology 22/11/2014 23000/-
28. 2
3 Manthan-2014 02/02/2014 245000/-
29. 4
4 on Basic Life Support (BLS) for Health Care Provider 18/04/2013 82500/-
30. Geographical Information System Basics and Applications 08/11/2013 12297/-
31. Workshop
3 on Vermiculture for Organic and Sustainable 22/11/2013 40000/-
32. Continuing
5 Physiotherapy Education (CPTE) on “Physical 07/12/2012 90000/-
Therapy Services for Children and Youth with Cerebral:
Contemporary Perspectives and Evidence Informed Practice”
33. Workshop
2 on “Computer Aided Drafting & Modeling” 16/03/2012 13000/-
34. Training Program on Struds : Structural Analysis, Design and 1315/02/2012, 66180/-
6 Software 16-18/02/2012
35. Training
2 Program on Struds : Structural Analysis, Design and 22-24/03/2012 38605/-
7 Software
36. Waste
2 Management through Environmentally Sustainable 27-28/12/2012 65522/-
37. Workshop
7 on Maitland’s Concept of Vertebral Joint & Peripheral 22-24/12/2011 95000/-
Mobilization & Manipulation with Clinical Reasoning
38. Workshop
8 on Stroke-Rehabilitation: A Task Oriented Approach 12-13/06/2010 59500/-
39. Applications
2 of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Techniques 23-24/12/ 13680/-
4 2010
Total 84,49,719/-

Involvement of Researchers of Eminence at CHARUSAT

Adjunct/ Visiting Professors at CHARUSAT
Adjunct Professors periodically visit the campus, deliver lectures on their areas of
expertise and hold discussions with students and faculty members about the latest trends
in research. Faculties are encouraged to have active collaborative research. The Adjunct
Professors at CHARUSAT are listed below.
Table 3.7: Visiting Professors at CHARUSAT
Sr. Name of Visiting Professor’s Affiliation Duration Broad Area of contact at
No. the Visiting CHARUSAT
1. Professor V Former Professor, M.S University of 01/01/2015 to Nuclear and Particle Physics
N Potbhare Baroda, Vadodara 30/04/2015
01/07/2014 to Electromagnetic Theory-II

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 71

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

2. Dr. Venkat Managing Director, 01/01/2015 Plasma Physics

Ramani Aditya High Vacuum Pvt. Ltd., and to15/03/2015
Former Scientist, 01/07/2014 to Vacuum Technology
Institute for Plasma Research 30/09/2014
3. Professor Former Professor and Dean, Student’s 20/05/2013 to Advance course on classical
Yashwant affairs, Indian Institute of Technology, 01/06/2013 mechanics
Waghmare Kanpur 16/12/2013 to A course on Quantum mechanics
4. Prof. R. K. Cell Biology & Physiology Graduate 28/01/2013 to Cytoskeleton and Cell Adhesion
Rao Program, University of Tennessee, USA 01/02/2013
5. Prof. Arati Harvard Medical School & Birgham and 27/ 02/ 2012 to Molecular and Cellular Aspects
Khanna- Women’s Hospital, Boston, USA 09/03/2012 of Haematopoiesis & Diamond
Gupta Blackfan Anaemia
6. Prof Rama Department of Biotechnology, IIT, 16/07/2012 Cancer Biology
S Verma Madras
7. Dr. C N CEO and President, Laila Pharma Pvt. 13/02/2011 Drug Delivery and Development
Ramchand Ltd., Chennai to17/02/2011

CHARUSAT has also established the CHARUSAT Endowment Chair, under which a
number of renowned experts from abroad have visited the constituent institutes. The
details are presented under Criterion 2.4 (Teaching Learning Process – University Policy
on Inviting Experts).
Impact of such efforts on the research activities of the university include the training
availed by Dr. Jagdish Patel on proteomics research for one year and establishing
proteomics research laboratory at CHARUSAT. This was facilitated by the active efforts
of Professor S. Holmer-Vanniasinkam, Director of Research & Education NPIMR,
University College of London, UK.

Eminent Academic Visitors to CHARUSAT

CHARUSAT invites eminent academicians regularly to the campus and interact with the
student fraternity. They are also invited to deliver talks during the various events
Table 3.8: Indicative List of Eminent Experts Delivering Talks on Various Platforms
Sr. Name of Expert Affiliation of the Expert Title of Talk Delivered
1. Padma Bhusan Founding Director, Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology
Prof. P M Bhargava Cellular & Molecular Biology,
2. Prof Bakul Former Director, IIM-Ahmedabad. Education in India
3. Prof David Hill University of Western Ontario, Strategies To Manipulate Beta Cell Mass
4. Prof Paresh Founder & Director, Diabetes- Diabetes and Metabolism
Dandona, Endocrinology Center of Western
New York
5. Prof Michael Ross Harbor-UCLA Medical Center,Dept. Obstetrics and Gynecology
Obstetrics & Gynecology, Los
Angeles, CA, USA

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 72

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

6. Prof. Avadhesha Professor of Biophysics Molecular Cell surface carbohydrate receptors and
Surolia Biophysics Unit Indian Institute of protein folding
Science Bengaluru, India
7. Prof. Jens Hoiriis Kobenhavns Universitet, Denmark Regulation of Beta Cell Mass: Lessons
Nielsen from Pregnancy
8. Prof. Mulchand The State University of New York, Maternal obesity: Fetal programming and
Patel Buffalo, USA adult-onset obesity
9. Prof. Victor University of Warwick, United The Role of Changes in the Responses of
Zammit Kingdom Hepatic Triglyceride Metabolism to
Insulin in the Etiology of Dyslipidemia
10. Prof. Robert A. Indiana University School of Are the pyruvate dehydrogenase kinases
Harris Medicine, USA viable targets for the treatment of
diabetes and cancer?
11. Prof. Sung Soo Kyung Hee University School of New implications of old proteins,
Kim Medicine, Korea cyclophilins, in pathological conditions
12. Dr. Gopakumar Dean, Institute of Intellectual Intellectual Property Rights
Nair Property Studies (IIPS), Hyderabad.
13. Prof. Jose Cuezva Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, The Bioenergetic Signature of Cancer
14. Prof. Satrajit Sinha The State University of New York, The Role of The Transcription Factor p63
USA in 3D: Development, Differentiation and
15. Prof. Haya Hebrew University, Israel Cell-Directed Enzyme Replacement
Loberboum-Galski Therapy for Mitochondrial Disorders -
New Hopes for Un-curable Diseases
16. Prof. Chandan K. The Ohio State University, Ohio Natural Vitamin E α-Tocotrienol:
Sen Neuroprotection and Against Stroke
17. Prof. Ajeet Mathur Indian Institute of Management, The strategic management of intellectual
Ahmedabad, India capital and organizational knowledge
18. Dr. Mandip Professor, A & M University, Nanotechnology & Drug Development:
Sachdeva Florida How Far Have We Come .
19. Dr. Alan Mark Professor, University of Queensland Computational Approaches for the
Validation of Proteins
20. Dr. Saranjit Singh Professor, NIPER, Mohali Stress Testing: Regulatory Perspectives,
Benefits and New Vistas

Advisors/ Emeritus Professors at CHARUSAT

CHARUSAT has created the positions of Advisors assigned with the role of providing
guidance and mentoring the University Executives on effective academic and general
administration including policy making and execution. This also includes mentoring
faculty for research.
Table 3.9: Advisors at CHARUSAT
Sr. Name Field of Previous Affiliation PhD From Period
No. Specialization
1. Dr. S. M. Patel Electronics SPU SPU Since 2000
2. Late Prof. S G Computer, Electronic Former Dean, Faculty of IIT – 16/06/2003 to
Shah and Electrical Technology & Bombay 24/04/2015
Engineering Engineering, MSU
3. Dr. S P Kosta Telecom Engg. Former Scientist, SAC Jabalpur Since
Space Science & ISRO, Bangalore & Vice- University 05/03/2001

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 73

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Technology Chancellor, Jabalpur (MP)

Electronics University
4. Dr. A M Heat Transfer Former Principal, Birla IIT – 01/03/2006
Sheikh (Mechanical Engg.) Vishvakarma Mumbai to
Mahavidyalaya, 30/06/2014
Alumnus of IIT- Bombay
5. Mr. Ashok IT Professional GSFC, Advisor to GoG ----- Since 2009
Patel on IT initiatives (Hon. Advisor)
6. Mr. H.T Patel Corporate Leader President, API Division, ----- Since 2013
Zydus Cadila
7. Dr. V.G Patel Economist & Founding Director EDI Wisconsin Since 2009
Entrepreneurship University,
Expert USA
8. Dr. M.I Patel Renowned Founder of Patel SPU, Since 2000
Technocrat & Extrusion Group

National & International Academic Delegations & Guests at CHARUSAT

CHARUSAT invites and welcomes delegations and guests to enrich its academic,
research and collaborative wings. Here is the list of some prominent delegations and
guests that visited CHARUSAT.
Table 3.10: Delegations and Guests at CHARUSAT
Sr. Delegation/ Guest Name Country Purpose of visit/interaction
No. at/with CHARUSAT
1 Barbara Burton, Educational Administrator USA Academic Collaboration
2 Joachim Rocha Canada Academic Collaboration
3 Masako Enokl Japan Academic Collaboration
4 Chieko Kataoka Japan Academic Collaboration
5 Dr Prashant Kakoday, an ENT surgeon Cambridge, UK Academic Interaction
6 Dr. Vithalbhai L. Patel, University of Arizona USA Academic Interaction
7 Jay Vasavda, Prominent Gujarati Writer India Academic Interaction
8 Smt. Jyotsnaben Patel, Secretary, India Academic Interaction
Sri Ram Krishna Seva Mandal.
9 Dr. Kantilal Bhalani and Dr. Barbara Carter, USA Academic Collaboration
Doctors Foundation – USA
10 Ms. Niyati Vastupal, India Academic Interaction
Zydus School of Excellence
11 Dr. Dinesh Mittal USA Academic Interaction
12 Mr.Ajay Umat, Senior Editor, India Academic Interaction
Times of India, Ahmedabad
13 Hon. Laura Veendapi Mcleod, Namibia Academic Collaboration
Regional Governor of Omaheke
14 Dr. Rajeev Sharma, Scientist, DST. India Academic Interaction
15 Shri Munjal Patel, Attorney USA Academic Interaction
16 Dr. Ali Irani, President, India Academic Interaction
Indian Association of Physiotherapists
17 Dr. Rebecca Manring, Associate Professor, USA Academic Interaction
Indiana University, USA
18 Mr. Jagat Shah, Trade & Investment India Academic Interaction

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 74

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Representative of Manitoba in India

19 Ms. Maria Helga Gudmondsdottir, Grad Student, USA Academic Interaction
Stanford University
20 Dr. Shaukat M Sadikot, President, Indian Medical India Academic Interaction
21 Dr. Neeraj Sharma, Head, TDS Division, DST, India Academic Interaction
New Delhi.

Post-Doctoral Fellowship at CHARUSAT

CHARUSAT Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program has been initiated from the academic
year 2014- 2015 to support high quality ongoing research activity.
CHARUSAT also encourages research PDF/RA ships of UGC/CSIR or any other
external funding agency by providing the necessary infrastructural and laboratory
facilities in respective Departments. Recently, one research student, Mr. Dweipayan
Ashishgiri Goswami has been selected for CSIR-SRF.

Study Leaves at CHARUSAT

The university has sponsored Dr. Jagdish Patel to avail training on proteomic research at
NPIMR, University College of London. His yearlong study leave was granted. University
has borne travel, local hospitality and all other expenses during his training period. After
coming back from the training, Dr. Patel has established proteomics research laboratory
at the PDPIAS.

Eminent Scientists Having Participated in Conferences at CHARUSAT

A number of renowned experts from industry and academia have visited CHARUSAT
and shared their expertise on a number of platforms. The following is a cross-sectional
list of such experts.
Table 3.11: Indicative List of Eminent Speakers at Conferences at CHARUSAT
Sr. Name of the Affiliation of the Expert Title of Talk Delivered
No. Expert
1. Professor David University of Western Ontario, Strategies To Manipulate Beta Cell Mass
Hill Canada
2. Prof Shervanthi University College of London, Molecular mechanisms of atherosclerosis:
Homer United Kingdom emerging concepts and their clinical
3. Dr. Manoj Desai VP, Gilead Sciences Inc. Discovery of Antiviral Drugs for HIV and HCV
4. Prof. R. K. Rao University of Tennesse Health Stress-Induced Gut Barrier Dysfunction:
Science Centre, USA Disruption of Calcium Homeostasis and
Activation of JNK2
5. Prof. Satrajit The State University of New The Role of The Transcription Factor p63 in 3D:
Sinha York, USA Development, Differentiation and Disease
6. Prof. B J Rao Department of Biosciences, "Genome dynamics: diseases & ageing"
TIFR, Mumbai, India
7. Dr. Navin Sharma ITC R & D Centre, Bangalore Nutrients/Exercise and Ageing
8. Dr. Anirban Basu National Brain Research Centre, Host Pathogen Interaction in Japanese
Haryana Encephalitis Virus Infection: From Bench to

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 75

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

9. Dr K P Indian Institute of Chemical Sunlight and Parkinson’s Disease

Mohankumar Biology, Kolkata
10. Dr. Evans Professor, Bombay College of Docking & Pharmacophore Modeling as Tools
Coutinho Pharmacy in Ligand Design.
11. Dr. Sandip Tiwari Tech. Dir., Colorcon Asia, Goa QbD in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
12. Dr. Pramil Tiwari Professor, NIPER, Mohali Challenges to Practice of Pharmacy in India
13. Prof Saranjit Professor, NIPER, Mohali Recent Advancements in Analytical Techniques
Singh for Pharmaceutical Research
14. Prof. Padma Professor and Head, ICT, Recent Advances in Drug Delivery
Devarajan, Bombay
15. Prof. T. Former Director, COE, Polymer Polymeric Hydrogels In Drug Delivery
Aminabhavi Science, Karnataka University,
16. Dr. M. Chourasia Senior Scientist, Dept. of Role of Microspheres in Drug Delivery and
Pharmaceutics, CDRI, Therapeutics
17. Dr. Rakesh Senior Scientist, CDRI. Antihyperglycemic Leads from Ayurveda Crude
Mourya Drugs
18. Dr. Mukul Jain Sr. Vice President, Zydus Saroglitazaar (Lipaglyn): A Novel
Research Centre. Cardiometabolic Drug from India
19. Prof. S. J. Rajput Pharmacy Department, MSU, Application of Electrophoresis Technique in
Baroda Pharmaceutical Analysis
20. Mr. K. Anand President, Global Quality & Quality Management and Regulatory
Regulatory Affairs, Zydus Requirements in New & Generic Drugs
Healthcare Ltd.

3.2 Resource Mobilization for Research

Financial Provisions for Students’ Research Projects.
CHARUSAT has provisions for the students’ projects as well as training. The amount
utilized during the past four years is as given below.
Table 3.12: Finances for Students’ Projects
Sr. Year Amount Utilized
No. (INR in Lakhs) Finances for Students' Project
1 2014 – 2015 68.41
2 2013 – 2014 108.23 68.41
3 2012 – 2013 63.80 63.8
4 2011 - 2012 29.12
Total 269.57
2014 – 2015 2013 – 2014 2012 – 2013 2011 - 2012

Resource Mobilization from Industrial Projects

Faculty at the University is involved in industrial projects as well. The details of the same are as
Table 3.13: Resource Generation through Industrial Projects
Sr. Funding Industry (Period) Title of the project Amount
No. (INR in lakhs)
1 Industrial Metal Powders(I) Pvt. Ltd Development of MR Fluids 1.45
Pune, (February 2013 to June 2013)

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 76

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

2 Margen Impex Ltd, Vitthal Udyognagar, To develop Magnetic Fluid 4.50

Anand, Gujarat Seal for Rotating Shaft".
(On going, October 2013 onwards)
3. Gujarat Social Infrastructure Development Preparation of District 6.00
Society (GSIDS) Human Development Report
(On going, September 2014onwards) (DHDR)
4. Nimisha International Heat Transfer Analysis of USD 5000
(On going since January 2012) Bus Duct & Analysis of Al
expansion joint
5 MARGEN Impex Ltd, V.U. Nagar (Sept. Design of Safety Mother 10.60
2013 to Nov. 2014) Board
6 Velocity Pharmacy LLC, New York Pharmaceutical Product 1.25
(Ongoing since July 2014) Development
7 Marck Bioscience Pvt. Ltd., Kheda Container Stability Testing 2.00
(November 2013 to April 2014)
Total 25.80 + USD 5000

Patents at CHARUSAT
Sensitization on IPR: Lectures, Workshops and Awareness/ Awareness Sessions on IPR
The university also understands the worth of spreading awareness and sensitization on
IPR through lectures and workshops. The University has conducted two programs for this
purpose. The details are as:
Table 3.14: IPR Sensitization Events
Sr. Name of the Conference/ Seminar/ Name of Organizer Dates of the Event
No. Symposium
1 Two Days Hands on Training: Patent PDPIAS & RPCP 28-29/09/2013
Drafting Program
2 Seminar on Patent Awareness Mark Patent Org & 14/03/2015

IP and Royalty Sharing Policy at CHARUSAT

CHARUSAT encourages, facilitates, promotes and safeguards scientific investigations,
research and innovation. For this purpose, the university has The Intellectual
Property (IP) policy to provide guidelines for making inventions and discoveries
available to the general public in the interest of the nation at large. IP policy of
CHARUSAT aims to lay down the process for promotion and support to
creators/ innovators at CHARUSAT for translating their innovative works into IP. The
policy also aims to set forth guidelines for ownership of IP developed at CHARUSAT,
those directly or indirectly associated with CHARUSAT.
Moreover, the university has a specific policy on distribution of Royalty sharing. The
policy defines the process and scheme of distribution of royalty.
Attorneys Hired for Facilitating Filing of Patents
The university has also hired two Attorneys, namely, H K Acharya & Company and
Krishna & Saurastri Associates for legal procedures related to IP.
Patents Filed

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 77

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

The university is still young for the award of patents. However, 17 patents have been
filed and are under various stages of reviews at the office of Patent. Two of these
patents, which have been filed under PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) have undergone
international examination/search report and subsequently published on the WIPO’s
(international PCT authorities) website. Following is the list of patents filed.
Table 3.15: Patents Filed by CHARUSAT
Sr. Title Authors (Institute) Indian Date of Reference
No. Provisional/ filing No.
complete/ (DD/MM/
1. Novel
1 method for detection Gayatri Dave, Mehta Rucha PCT* 29/01/13 WO2013164
of contamination in plant Harishkumar, Patel Niralee 835
tissue culture Gautambhai, (PDPIAS)
2. Method For Extraction of Rucha Desai, Aniruddha PCT* 12/09/14 WO2015/04
Biomolecules By Bhati, C N Ramchand, Hilor 0633 A1
Magnetic Particles Pathak, R V Upadhyay,
3. Novel system of phytase Gayatri Dave, Hasmukh Indian, 23/04/13 1496/MUM/
supplementation in Amrutlal Modi, (PDPIAS) Complete 2013
4. Method For Extraction of Rucha Desai, Aniruddha Indian, 17/09/13 3011/MUM/
Biomolecules By Bhati, C N Ramchand, Hilor Complete 2013
Magnetic Particles Pathak, R V Upadhyay,
5. Novel method for detection Gayatri Dave, Mehta Rucha Indian, 30/04/12 1354/MUM/
of contamination in plant Harishkumar, Patel Niralee Complete 2012
tissue culture Gautambhai, (PDPIAS)
6. Eco-friendly novel fabric Gayatri Dave, Nikita Indian, 12/03/12 644/MUM/2
from microbial origin an Dipikkumar Chhaya, Complete 012
innovation material for (PDPIAS)
fabric industries
7. Novel approach for carbon Gayatri Dave, (PDPIAS) Indian, 26/12/12 3625/MUM/
dioxide sequestration Provisional 2012
8. Novel acrylic derivatives Dijit Kumar Patel, Indian, 09/01/14 49/MUM/20
of 4-chloro-3,5-dimethyl Mehdihasanshekh, Kaushal Complete 14
phenol and its homo and co Patel, R M Patel, (PDPIAS)
9. Novel Oral composition of Balaram Gajra, Ravi Patel, Indian, 11/07/12 3233/MUM
a mast cell stabilizing (RPCP) Complete /2012A
agent, Cromolyn Sodium
10. Intranasal Micro-Emulsion Amit Jagdish Patel, Mansi Indian, 04/01/13 32/MUM/20
Of An Anti-Malarial Drug, Paradkar, R. H. Parikh, Complete 13
Artemether (RPCP)
11. Pharmaceutical Shah Payal , Kotak Darshin, Indian, 28/11/14 3766/MUM/
Formulation of Non- (RPCP) Complete 2013
steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs for ophthalmic drug
12. Transnasal Microemulsion R. H. Parikh, Ankit Shah, Indian, 16/01/12 146/MUM/2
of An Antispastic Agent (RPCP) Complete 012 A

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 78

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

13. Solubilizing compositions Gayatri Patel, Akash Patel, Indian, 30/11/ 13 3765/MUM/
of atorvastatin calcium Manali Malaviya, Brijesh Complete 2013
Navadiya, (RPCP)
14. Thermogelling Chintan Dalwadi, Gayatri Indian, 03/01/14 29/MUM/20
Composition and Method Patel, R. H. Parikh, (RPCP) Complete 14
of Production of the same
15. Frame-Bust Problem & Viswas Raval, Amit Ganatra, Indian, 07/09/09 2057/MUM/
Bust-Protective Algorithm Y. P. Kosta (CSPIT) Complete 2009
16. A System and Device for Hardik Modi (CSPIT) Indian, 29/08/14 2382/MUM/
Skin Mole Cancer Complete 2014 A
17. Acetylcholinesterase Kinnari Parekh, Nidhi Parikh, Indian, 03/07/14 2164/MUM/
inhibitor coated Anuradha Joshi Provisional 2014
nanoparticle conjugates
*Have been published after having international examination/search report on the WIPO’s (international
PCT authorities) website.

On-Going Research Projects at CHARUSAT

The faculty at CHARUSAT are actively involved in research and have submitted and
awarded 28 projects funded by Government funding agencies like DST, DBT, AICTE,
GUJCOST, etc under various schemes like SERB, MRP, RPS, INSPIRE, etc. The total
funding for research projects at CHARUSAT is INR 6,12,09,000/-. In addition
CHARUSAT has been granted MODROBS projects from AICTE to the tune of INR 34.5
Table 3.16: On-Going Research Projects at CHARUSAT
Sr. No. Year of Name of Project Funding Agency Grant Received
Sanction (INR, in Lakhs)
A Major Research Projects Funded by External Funding Agencies
1 2012-13 Ferro Fluids: Science Technology DST, New Delhi 285.66
2 Identification of hydroxyl citric acid DST 23.00
(HCA) producing bacteria and
probing its HCA biosynthetic
3 Implication of P glycoprotein SERB-DST 16.10
modulation by phytochemicals to
increase bioavailability of drug in
hyperglycemic stress
4 Rare sugar production using DBT 31.52
isomerases and epimerase
5 Elastin Like Polypeptide (ELP) DBT 11.94
Tagged Amylase and Xylose
Isomerases: Alternative Purification
and Immobilization Technology
6 Eco-Friendly Bricks: A new material DST 57.00
in Civil Engineering
7 Use of Actino bacteria sp. as PGPR: DBT 36.00
Media Optimization, Scale-up for
Biomass production and field trials

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 79

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

8 Eco-friendly textile effluent treatment DST-INSPIRE 35.00

coupled to bioelectricity generation
using Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC)
9 Supramolecular hydrogels: an FTPYS, DST 21.7
efficient carrier for sustained/targeted
delivery of biomedicinal
10 2013-14 Tribological and wettability studies of AICTE 22.79
nanostructured thin films
Total 540.71
B Minor Research Projects Funded by External Funding Agencies
11 2012-13 Thermal conductivity of nanofluids: GUJCOST 03.75
Potential application in heat transfer
12 2013-14 Preparation and evaluation of GUJCOST 05.00
biodegradable in-situ gel forming
injectable controlled drug delivery
system based on thermoresponsive
methyl cellulose hydrogel.
13 Development and validation of GUJCOST 04.90
stability indicating chromatographic
methods (Accelerated and Real time
stability study) for identification of
some herbal formulations used in
CNS disorder
14 Pre-clinical pharmacokinetic studies GUJCOST 04.00
on aphrodisiac phytoconstituent.
15 Formulation of a Unique Magnetic GUJCOST 03.50
Nanoparticles based DNA, RNA and
Protein Extraction Kit
16 Studies on electrical and UGC-DAE-CSR, 07.00
photoelectronic properties of Indore
PbS/polymer nanocomposites
17 2014-15 Carotenoids from Marine Microbes: GUJCOST 04.00
Extraction, Purification and
18 To study anti-cancer effects of GUJCOST 05.00
phosphonium ionic liquids on HPV
positive and negative
cervical cancer cell lines
19 Evaluation of multicomponent GUJCOST 03.60
Ayurveda formulation –
Ashwagndhadi Lehya*
20 Design, synthesis and biological GUJCOST 06.20
evaluation of flavonoids derivatives
as potential non-steroidal inhibitors in
breast cancer
21 Phytochemical and pharmacological GUJCOST 04.50
studies on isolated principles of
Argyreia speciosa for aphrodisiac and

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 80

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

spermatogenic potential
22 Development and characterization of GUJCOST 01.80
nano sized drug carrier
microemulsion formulation
23 Development of Dynamic Reactive GUJCOST 03.80
Power Compensation Device for
Voltage Control in Electrical Power
24 Object shape extraction and GUJCOST 03.30
Boundary Mapping from Natural
25 Preparation of District Human GSIDS 03.00
Development Report (DHDR)
26 Development of solution-based ZnO GUJCOST 04.50
nanostructures as light harvesters for
low-cost solar photovoltaics
Total 067.85
C Minor Research Projects Funded by CHARUSAT
27 2013-14 Clinical Assessment of Ayurveda CHARUSAT 02.73
Formulation Ashwagandhadi Lehya
as Aphrodisiac and in Treatment of
28 2014-15 Development of solar Photovoltaic CHARUSAT 00.80
Powered Air-Conditioner
TOTAL (A + B + C) 612.09

Industry Sponsored Projects at CHARUSAT

Faculty members at CHARUSAT have completed five industrial projects and generated
INR 17.25 lakhs.
Table 3.17: Industry Sponsored Projects
Sr. Name of Sponsoring Industry Title of the project Amount
No. Institute/ Sanctioned
Department (INR in Lakhs)
1 PDPIAS Industrial Metal Synthesis of Magnetorheological Fluid 01.40
Powders(I) Pvt. Ltd for Damper Application
2 PDPIAS Margen Impex Ltd Magnetic Fluid Seal for Rotating Shaft 02.50
3 RPCP Velocity Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Product Development 01.25
LLC, New York
4 EC/ CSPIT Energy System Design & Implementation of Digital 00.10
Engineering, Baroda, Interface for Active Harmonic filter
using Hysteresis Current Controller
5 PDPIAS Industrial Metal Development of commercialization of 12.00
Powders(I) Pvt. Ltd Magnetorheological fluids for damper
Total 17.25

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 81

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Research Centers at CHARUSAT

K. C. Patel Research and Development Centre (KRADLE)
Research and Development (R & D) is the backbone of growth and advancement in
education. After venturing into undergraduate and postgraduate education in Engineering,
Pharmacy, Management, Computer Applications, and Applied Sciences, it was perceived
at CHARUSAT to establish an R & D Centre to undertake multidisciplinary research and
facilitate industrial collaboration. K. C. Patel Research and Development Centre
(KRADLE) was established in January 2007. The Centre is named after late Dr. K. C.
Patel, (the former President of the trust and the fountain head of Education Campus,
Changa) who was supervised for his Ph. D. degree in Nuclear Chemistry by Prof.
Schrödinger (Germany). He was always a scientist to the core and a visionary
educationist. Current Research Areas of KRADLE are: Non-vacuum solution based
processes for nanoparticles, nanostructures, nanocomposites and thin films;
Nanostructures and nanocomposites for solar cells and optoelectronic devices; Inorganic-
polymer nanocomposites for optical and optoelectronic applications; and Plant-derived
materials for optical and electronic applications.

CHARUSAT Space Technology and Research Centre (CSTRC) (in collaboration

with SAC-ISRO)
CHARUSAT Space Technology and Research Centre (CSTRC) was set up on 15th June
2013. Along with making facilities available for training and research in space
technology, the University hopes to contribute to the industrial development and
economic growth of the nation by preparing a team of scientists, who provide both man
power and technical support for the work being undertaken at organizations like SAC-
On 3rd February 2014 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between CSTRC and
ISRO/SAC center was signed for joint development of technology demonstration
experimental payloads to be flown on forthcoming SAC-ISRO spacecraft. The CSTRC
Director Dr S P Kosta is Former Scientist, SAC-ISRO, Former Director, Society for
Applied Microwave Engineering and Research, and Deputy Director for the first Indian
Satellite project. The team consists of 11 faculties from EC Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering and Computer & IT Engineering departments of CSPIT.

DST Ferrofluid Network National Program

The research on “Ferrofluid: headed by Professor R V Upadhyay, PDPIAS,
CHARUSAT has been identified as a nodal agency for the development of Ferrofluids
and has been sanctioned six projects. The aim of these is to design and develop fully
automatic magnetic fluid synthesis plant. The idea of production of magnetic fluid in
large quantity without manual intervention is itself unique and the first major venture
within India.

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 82

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Research Projects Completed During Last 4 Years

During the past four years, the faculty members at CHARUSAT have completed 10
projects funded by external organizations worth an amount of INR 2,04,63,000/-.
Another project titled Installation & Field Study of Rooftop Grid-Tied 100 kWPV Power
System (under JNNSM) worth INR 86 Lakhs has also been completed by Dr. T. K.
Chaudhuri; the funding for which was provided by CHARUSAT
Table 3.18: Research Projects Completed in the Last Four Years
Sr. Project Name Principal Funding Agency Project Total Project Value
No. Investigator Duration (INR In lakhs)
1 Study of Ultrasonic wave Dr. R. V. GUJCOST, Mar.2009 to 05.84
propagation in magnetic Upadhyay Government of Mar. 2011
dispersion to develop M R Gujarat

2 Size dependent Magnetic Dr. R. V. UGC-DAE-CSR, Jan. 2009 to 03.30

Properties Upadhyay Mumbai Dec.
3 Synthesis of Nano- Dr. R. V. DAE-BRNS Dec. 2009 to 40.00
magnetorheological fluids Upadhyay BARC Nov.
using neutron scattering 2012
4 Eco-Friendly Bricks: A Dr. Janki DST, New Delhi Jul. 2011 to 57.84
new material in Civil Thakkar Jun. 2014
5 Studies on structure of Dr. Bragdish UGC-DAE-CSR, Jan. 2012 00.35
microbial Iyer Mumbai to Dec. 2012
exopolysaccharide (EPS)
solutions and hydrogels
using SANS"
6 Study of the properties of Dr. Bhavin DST Jul. 2012 to 04.80
heavy hadrons in Patel Jul. 2013
relativistic formalism
7 E-Foundry project in Dr. B. Ravi NKN, GOI Jul. 2011 to Total project
collaboration with IIT (IIT Bombay) Jun. 2014 Grant: 152.00
Bombay Dr. Mayur Grant Received at
Sutaria Institute: 001.70
8 Design and Development Dr. Trushit ISRO, Jul. 2010 to 006.80
of miniaturized dualband / Upadhyay Department of Nov. 2013
triband antenna using Defense
negative refractive index
9 Inkjet Printing of Dr. T. K. (SERI), DST June 2011 to 078.00
Inorganic Thin Films for Chaudhuri Dec 2014
Solar Photovoltaics
10 Solution Grown Cu2SnS3 Dr. T. K. UGC-DAE-CSR, Aug 2011 to 006.00
Thin Films for Solar Cells Chaudhuri Indore Mar 2014
Total 204.63

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 83

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

3.3 Research Facilities

Infrastructural Facilities for Research at CHARUSAT
Research labs at CHARUSAT
CHARUSAT has faculty members working in many diversified areas. In order to
maximize the effective utilization of the research facilities, the University has identified
10 laboratories for specialized purpose. These are located in the buildings of the
constituent institutes. The details of such specialized laboratories are as under.
1. Data Centre with Cloud Ready Environment
2. Environment Engineering Laboratory
3. Manufacturing Technology Laboratory
4. Surface Engineering Laboratory
5. Material Testing and Characterization Laboratory
6. Pharmaceutical Processing Equipment Laboratory
7. Sophisticated Analytical Instrumentation Laboratory
8. Sophisticated Instrumentation Laboratory
9. Magnetic Measurement Laboratory
10. Magnetic Fluid (MR Fluid) Research Laboratory
Additionally, CHARUSAT has more than 30 well equipped laboratories dedicated for
utilization by PG and PhD students.
List of Sophisticated Instruments for Research on the Campus
CHARUSAT has well equipped and well-furnished laboratories effectively utilized for
teaching and research. Experimentation at both UG and PG levels is in most cases on an
individual level, which helps train the students well. The University has purchased
sophisticated equipment worth INR more than 5 Crores. Additionally all the laboratories
are well furnished with the necessary consumables procured at an additional expense.
Some of the sophisticated instruments have been purchased under the research schemes
granted to the faculty at CHARUSAT. A list of the sophisticated equipment is presented.
Table 3.19: List of Sophisticated Equipment at CHARUSAT
Sr. Instrument Sr. Instrument
No No
1. Electrical Discharge Machine With 40 Machine Conditional Monitoring System (Portable
Automatic Fire Extinguisher DAQ system & sensors)
2. Tablet Punching Machine 41 Wear and Fiction Monitor
3. Dip/Spin Coating Unit 42 Ultrasonic Machine System
4. Spectroflourophotometer (LS-55) 43 HPLC
5. Spray Dryer 44 CNC LATHE 30M with Controller.
6. CNC MILLING 30M with Controller. 45 HPTLC
7. UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (UV- 1600 46 CADFEKO(NI2) FEKO Suits v5.4 Academic
and 1700) with Accessories R&D license silver
8. Lyophilizer 47 Bio Pack System
9. Universal Milling Machine-UF-1 with 48 PLC controller. PAC with IO Module and Lab
supporting attachments View Academic Software
10. Surface Texture Measurement 49 3D Microscope.” Quick Scope “L2010ZB
11. Roland 3D Laser Scanner LPX-60 50 Surface Tester
12. Deep Freezer (-400C) 51 Rotavapour

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 84

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

13. Probe Sonicator (VCX-500) 52 Contact Angle Goniometer

14. Extruder and Spheronizer 53 DC/RF Magnetron Sputtering Set-up
15. Fluid Bed Dryer(TG-200) 54 Inverted Microscope
16. Cooling Centrifuge 55 ELSD Detector
17. CO2 Incubators 56 Universal Testing Machine
18. Bio Safety Cabinet 57 Shake Table Instrumentation
19. Redundant truss 58 DC/RF Magnetron Sputtering Set-up
20. ELISA Plate Reader 59 Pin Jointed Frameworks
21. Dissolution Apparatus Accessories 60 Ultra Pulse Velocity Testing Machine
22. Beam Apparatus 61 Rebound Hammer
23. Machine Conditioning monitoring system 62 CNC Vertical Machining Center.
24. (NI Analyzer
RF DAQ with vibration sensors & 63 D space
Labview software)
25. ARM Development board 64 Generator Protection Relay REM 543
26. NI Smart Camera Evolution kit having 65 High Performance Fuzzy Logic EDM
27. lens, basler,
Tinious cables
Oleson UTM etc.(50kN Capacity) 66 4-Component Dynamometer
28. CNC Vertical Machining Center 67 (Kistler
PAC with 9272)
IO Module (NI)
29. Machine Vision System (3D) Microscope) 68 Laser 3D Scanner LPX-60
30. Open Circuit Wind Tunnel 69 VSM attached with CCR (20K to 300K), high
31. Powder X-ray Diffractometer(XRD), D2 70 temperature oven assembly
Magnetorheological device (300K to 1273K),
phase Software and accessories
32. HPLC-GPC System 71 Thermal Conductivity unit
33. FTIR Spectrometer, Thermo-Nicolet 6700 72 Atomic Force Microscope (Nanosurf easy scan )
34. Particle Size Analyser, Zetasizer nano s90
35. Synthos 3000 Microwave parallel 73 Planetary Micro Mill
36. synthesizer 74 Gel Doc
Gas Chromatography (GC)
37. Electrospinning Unit 75 Rheometer
38. TGA- DSC Analyzer 76 Inkjet Printer for thin film printing
39. Incubator shaker 77 UV -VIS- NIR spectrophotometer

List of Software for Teaching and Research

CHARUSAT has invested an amount of more than INR 3.75 Crores for the procurement
of licensed software. These are extensively used in teaching at both UG and PG levels as
well as research. This is well-supported by adequate computer laboratories. A list of
software available at the University is provided here.
Table 3.20: List of Software Available at CHARUSAT
Sr. Instrument Users Sr. Instrument Users
No No.
1. Design Expert 8 01 33. Primavera P6 Release 7.0 01
2. Endnote X6 01 34. GEO5 01
3. Multisim 7 Education Version 10 35. CADENCE Software (Renewal) 10
4. NetSim 15 36. Mipower updated version 10
5. Origin 20 37. SAP 2000 V 15 10
6. iTernity 10 38. Bentley CIVIL combined 01
7. MATLAB 6.5 10 39. STRUDS 2010 01
8. MATLAB 7.2 10 40. SEPL-ESRGSR 3.3 01

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 85

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

9. MATLAB 12a 25 41. STRUDS V 12 20

10. MATLAB 13a 50 42. Surfer 12 01
11. CADFEKO Software 10 43. ANSYS Academic Teaching HF 25
12. Bentley MX Road Suite V8i 01 44. SEPL-ESRGSR V 4 05
13. Pro-Engineer Wildfire 5.0 200 45. Global Mapper 16 01
14. Keil MDK-ARM-ED25 25 46. NS-2 & NS-3 ---
15. Protel DXP PCB Designing 05 47. Computer based tutor software 05
Software trainer for 8085
16. PTC CREO 2.0 500 48. MicroTutor’86 Software Trainer 20
17. MicroTutor8051Software Trainer 20 49. Tina Pro Education Software 01
18. Micro Tutor “C” Consisting of 20 50. SKM POWER TOOLPSIM 10
19. Micro Tutor JAVA 20 51. SoftwareSOFTWARE
20. STAAD.ProV8i & STAAD 15 52. ABAQUS 6.13- Research Edition 01
21. Netbeans * 53. ORCAD PSPICE Software 10
22. Microsoft Ed-vantage * 54. MAGNET SOFTWARE 05
23. Oracle * 55. Auto Cad 2004 Full Pack 10
24. NS-2 & NS-3 * 56. Hyperworks 10
25. Weka,R-Tool * 57. Cyme 05
26. Tiny OS * 58. Power factory 10
27. Open Office * 59. Mipower software 10
28. Logisim Tool * 60. Academic Software 50
29. SPIM Tool * 61. Autodesk 2011 Full Pack 25
30. MIPS * 62. R, Weka, Miner ---
31. Code Block * 63. MASTER CAM 9.0 01
32. Microsoft * 64. Minitab 16 15
*: Unlimited Licenses for usage

Computer Labs
There are more than 2,500 desktops, laptops and tablets on the whole campus in various
institutes. These are supplemented with Wi-Fi facility with high band width round the
Engineering Workshop
CHARUSAT also has an Engineering Workshop spanning an area of more than 1100 sq.
m. This workshop facility is utilized by B. Tech and M. Tech students of the university
for performing practical’s in various subjects such as Workshop Practices (1 st Year),
Manufacturing Processes-I (2nd Year), Manufacturing Processes-II (3rd Year) and
Production Technology (3rd Year), Advanced Manufacturing Technology (1st Year M.
Tech) and Casting and Welding Processes (1st Year M. Tech). The major sections of
workshop are Machine Shop-I, Machine Shop-II, Welding Shop, Plumbing Shop,
Carpentry Shop, Fitting Shop, Sheet Metal Shop and Smithy Shop.
The Workshop also provides following services in addition to performing the academic
o Providing fabrication facilities to UG/ PG students of the University for preparing
their projects.

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 86

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

o Preparing furniture as per the requirements of the constituent institutes of the

o Providing maintenance activities for buildings and furniture at the University.

Efforts and Strategy for Improvement of Infrastructural Facilities

Department-wise centers have been established by CHARUSAT to ensure effective,
efficient and optimum utilization of all facilities and equipment, rather than having
centralized facilities. The University promotes continuous up-gradation of
instrumentation facilities either through projects or on self-financing basis. CHARUSAT
encourages and facilitates inter-institutional use of experimental facilities (within
CHARUSAT). The University hires the facilities of equipment from other Universities
and Institutes also to meet the needs of researchers in emerging disciplines. The charges
incurred during the same are reimbursed by the University.
Table 3.21: Some Facilities of Other Organizations Availed by CHARUSAT
Name of Institute or Department Name of instrument or equipment
National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health Confocal Microscope
(NIRRH), Mumbai.
CSIR- Central salt & Marine Chemical Research Transmission Electron Microscope
Institute (CSIR-CSMCRI), Bhavnagar, Gujarat. (TEM) , NMR and LC-MS
Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre For Applied Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
3 Research And Testing (SICART), Vallabh Gas Chromatography (GC)
Vidyanagar, Gujarat.
Shah-Schulman Center for Surface Science and Particle size analysis with Zeta
Nanotechnology, DDU, Nadiad, Gujarat Potential
Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Texture Analyzer
6 Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai Small Angle Neutron Scattering
7 UGC-DAE-CSR, Mumbai Neutron Diffraction
UGC-DAE-CSR, Indore Photo-Luminiscence, temperature
dependent photo-conductivity

The University has received MODROBS grants from AICTE for the up-gradation of its
existing facilities. The grants received from MODROBS amounts to a total of INR
34,50,000/- till date. CHARUSAT also continuously approaches philanthropists for
research and development laboratory/ facility set up.
Table 3.22: MODROBS Grants Received from AICTE
Year Modernization of Laboratory Grant (INR in Lakhs)
2009-10 Reverse Engineering Lab 06.0
2010-11 Production & Automation Lab 09.5
2011-12 Machine Vision Lab 09.0
2012-13 Surface texture measuring system 10.0
Total 34.5

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 87

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Information Retrieval Facility

Though the University does not have a formal Information Resource Center,
CHARUSAT caters to the needs of the researchers in the following ways in the context
of tapping information resources. This is done either by the University library or the
respective institute libraries.
ICT facilities with internet and Wi-Fi connectivity are created and well maintained on the
campus. CHARUSAT library also subscribes to a number of E-Journal packages.
Databases are also available to all faculty.
Remote access to all e-resources has been provided to all faculty and staff members on an
experimental basis through EZproxy. Remote access facilitates faculty to search through
research literature available in the Web-based licensed content offered by CHARUSAT
library. This facility will also be extended to all the students of CHARUSAT in due
course of time.
Table 3.23: Journals Subscribed through E-Resources
Name of E- Resource No. of E- Journals Name of E- Resource No. of E- Journals
Springer 586 ACM Digital Library 1091
AIP 18 ASCE 33
ASTM 1700 APS 10
RSC 29 Institute of Physics (IOP) 73
Proquest – Nursing & 1423 Rehabilitation & Sports 235
Health Source Medicine source
IEL Growth Plan 152 ACE knowledge & Company Statistical
(Multiuser) Research Portal Data
TOTAL e journals 11,381

Residential Facilities for Researchers

CHARUSAT has residential facilities for research scholars (for girls within the campus
and for boys at university affiliated hostels). These are equipped with computers, Wi-Fi
and internet facilities. Access to uninterrupted internet connectivity is provided through
high band-width Wi-Fi to all students, staff and Teachers on the campus. Visiting
scientists are provided accommodation in hotels located in Anand, Nadiad, Ahmedabad,
etc with transport facilities also being provided.

Research Centers on Campus

K. C. Patel Research and Development Centre (KRADLE) established in 2007 focuses on
research in Non-vacuum solution based processes for nanoparticles, nanostructures,
nanocomposites and thin films; solar cells and optoelectronic devices; and Plant-derived
materials for optical and electronic applications.
CHARUSAT Space Technology and Research Centre (CSTRC), set up in collaboration
with SAC-ISRO facilitates training and research in space technology and thereby hopes
to contribute to the man power and technical needs of organizations like SAC-ISRO.
CHARUSAT has been identified as a nodal agency for the development of Ferrofluids

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 88

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

and has been sanctioned six projects. The aim of these is to design and develop fully
automatic magnetic fluid synthesis plant.

Facilities Extended to Researchers from Other Institutes/ Universities

The infrastructural facilities available at CHARUSAT are also extended to research
scholars from other Institutes or Universities. The information regarding the same is
made available on the University website along with the contact person details. Outsiders
are given appointment to visit the campus and avail the facility.
Table 3.24: Some Facilities at CHARUSAT Extended to Outsiders
Sr. Name of the Person Affiliation of the person Facility availed
No. Availing the facility
1 Mr. Pradipkumar Shree Samanvay College of Phar. HPTLC – Method Development
Nakarani Edu. & Research, Botad. and Validation
2 Ms. Nirali Prajapati PG Department of Pharmaceutical Bright Field Microscope
Sciences, SPU
3 Ms. Ritisha Patel Dharmaj Pharmacy College HPLC with PDA Detector
Ms. Bijal Goswami
4 Dr.Harshita Purwar Claris Lifesciences Limited HPLC with ELSD detection
5 Mr. Hardik Patel L. J. Institute of Pharmacy Spectrofluorimeter– Spectral
Dr. Shailendra Bhatt Ahmedabad. Measurement
6 Haresh Patel, Hiren SRF, NDDS-F & D, Emcure Lyophilizer
Patel and Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Ahmedabad
Arpan Chudasma
7 Bharghavi Azad PG Student, K.B. Institute of
Ashish Patel Pharmaceutical Education and
Research, Gandhinagar
8 Yogesh Pandya PG Student, KBIPER Probe Sonicator
9 Dr. R B Patel. A.R College of Pharmacy, Dynamic Light Scattering
10 Dr. Ajay Gupta CII, Ahmedabad (DLS)/Particle size analyzer
11 Dr. Rajeshree Jotania Professor, School of Sciences, Powder X-ray Diffractometer
Gujarat University, Ahmedabad (XRD) , Thermal Gravimetric
Analysis (TGA)
12 PG and PhD Scholars Various Universities FT-IR

3.4 Research Publications and Awards

Research Publications at CHARUSAT
The following table provides the details of the research articles published journals with
Thomson Reuters (TR) and SJR Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) impact factors
by the faculty members of CHARUSAT. The number of publications in journals with TR
impact factor is 172 and SJR impact factor is 155. Out of these, 92 publications are in
journals having both TR and SJR impact factors. The faculty members have also
published 445 research articles in journals with ISSN number. In addition, 69 research
papers have been published in proceedings of various conferences. This, in totality gives
746 publications during the period of 2009 to 2014.

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 89

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Table 3.25: Publications by Faculty at CHARUSAT

No. of Publications
Year A B C A+B+C
2009 17 19 10 46
2010 32 51 9 92
2011 32 71 6 109
2012 40 100 5 145
2013 48 128 8 184
2014 63 76 31 170
Total 232 445 69 746
A: Publications in Journals with TR/ SJR impact factors
B: Publications in Journals with ISSN numbers
C: Publications in Conference Proceedings

Publications in Journals
Comparison of Publications in
with TR/ SJR Impact 150 Journals with Impact factor and ISSN
Factor 63 Number
48 100
40 71 76
32 32 50 63
30 51 48
32 32
20 17 17 19
10 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Bar chart for Publications in Journals with Impact Factor, ISSN

Number & Conference Proceedings
150 5 31

100 6 128 76
9 100
51 71
50 10
19 40 48 63
17 32 32
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014



Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 90

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Faculty at CHARUSAT is also involved in publishing books. Till date 20 books authored
by the faculty of CHARUSAT have been published by national and international
publishers like Taylor and Francis, Pearson International, Springer, Lambert Academic
Publishing, Prestige Books International Publishing, etc. Another book has been co-
edited. Faculty members have also contributed and written 22 chapters in edited volumes
or books. Additionally, 1 reference book has also been published. A textbook titled A
Comprehensive Textbook of Nursing Management has also been published by the
Faculty of CHARUSAT.
Quality Analysis of Research Publications at CHARUSAT
Total publications in journals with Thomson Reuters (TR) and SJR Scimago Journal &
Country Rank (SJR) impact factors are 232, out of which 172 articles have been
published with journals with TR impact factor; and 155 papers have been published in
journals having SJR impact factor. There are 21 research articles published in journals
with TR impact factor greater than 3.0 including journals such as Nano Energy (impact
factor 10.21), Journal of Controlled Release (impact factor 7.633); International Journal
of Electrical Engineering & Technology (impact factor 6.831); International Review on
Modeling and Simulations (impact factor 5.94); Bioresource Technology (impact factor
5.0), Physical Review D (impact factor 4.86), Nano Research (impact factor 4.37), etc.
The total citations for publications from the University is 7136, with the highest number
of citations being 928. The h-index of the publications is in the range of 1 – 23, with the
total of h-indices being 352. The i-10 index of the publications from CHARUSAT is 251,
in the range of 1 – 52.
Table 3.26: Analysis of Publications
Thomson Reuters Impact Factor SJR Impact Factor
Range Number of Cumulative Range Number of Cumulative
Publications Frequency Publications Frequency
0–1 43 43 0–1 130 130
1–2 71 114 1-2 20 150
2–3 37 151 2-3 4 154
3–4 13 164 3-4 1 155
4–5 3 167 Total 155
5–6 2 169
6–7 1 170
7–8 1 171
8–9 0 171
9 – 10 0 171
10 - 11 1 172
Total 172

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 91

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

167 169 170 171 171 171 172
180 164
Total 140 114
Publications with 120
TR Impact 100
Factor 80
60 43
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
TR Impact Factor

154 155
Total 150 150
Publications 140
with SJR
Impact Factor 130 130
1 2 3 4
SJR Impact Factor Range

Faculty Recognition
Faculty Serving on Editorial Board of Journals
Faculty at CHARUSAT contributes to professional development in different manner. 18
faculty members are on the Editorial board of about 29 journals in various capacities like
Associate Editor, Member of the Editorial board or as Advisor Board member. Some of
the journals where these services are rendered include The Scitech Journal, International
Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC), The International Journal of Emerging Technology
and Advanced Engineering, Journal of Information Technology Education: Research,
American Journal of Remote Sensing, International Journal of Wireless Communications
and Mobile Computing, European Journal of Academic Essays, International Journal of
Pharmaceuticals Analysis, Journal of Textile Science and Engineering (JTSE) and World
Journal of Orthopedics.
Faculty Serving as Reviewer
Faculty members are also involved in the review of research articles pertaining to their
field of specialization for various journals. During the period of 2009 to 2014, 161
articles in 84 journals have been reviewed by 30 faculty members. Some of the journals
in which faculty have served as reviewers are given in table below.

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 92

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Table 3.27: Faculty Serving as Reviewers in Journals

Sr. No. Name of Journal Impact Factor
1 Wireless Communications, IEEE 6.524 --
2 Applied Energy 5.26 --
3 International Journal of Nanomedicine 4.195 1.32
4 IEEE transactions on power systems 3.53 --
5 Journal of cleaner production Elsevier 3.5 1.699
6 Materials and Design 3.171 --
7 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 3.111 1.980
8 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2.522 0.904
9 Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2.278 0.777
10 Journal of Food Science and Technology 2.014 --
11 Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy 2.004 0.83
12 Chem. Phys. Lett. 1.991 0.901
13 Swarm Intelligence 1.833 --
14 Disability and Rehabilitation 1.83 --
15 Medicinal Chemistry Research (MCRE) 1.612 --

Travel Grants Received by Faculty

a. Travel Grants from External Funding Agencies
CHARUSAT has adopted a policy of encouraging the faculty members for
participation in conferences, both within the country and abroad. Faculty
members are also acquainted with the procedure for applying for travel grants
from Government funding agencies. All these efforts have culminated in 10
faculty members being awarded travel grants to the tune of INR 7,92,463/- from
ICMR, DST and others.
b. Travel Grants from CHARUSAT
10 faculty members have been extended financial assistance towards travel to
attend an international conference abroad. The funding in this case amounts to
INR 7,12,264/-.
Table 3.28: Travel Grants Awarded to Faculty at CHARUSAT
Sr. Name of Name of Amount Name of Conference Attended Dates of the
No Faculty Granting Sanctioned event
. Agency
YEAR 2015
1 Dr. Shobhit K. DST 129513/- APS-URSI 2014 06-
Patel 11/07/2014
YEAR 2014
2 Dr. P.J. Bhatt DST 50000/- The 6th IEEE Asia Pacific Power & 07-
Energy Engineering Conference 10/12/2014
3 Dr.Vijay DST 70000/- International Symposium for High- 02-
Kumar Parmar Anchrome 45440/- Performance Thin Layer 04/07/2014
Chromatography – HPTLC 2014

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 93

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

4 Dr.Niraj Shah CHARUSAT 77518/- 7th International Conference on High 09-

Performance and Optimum Design of 11/06/2014
Structures and Materials (HPSM)
5 Dr.Shobhit CHARUSAT 40000/- IEEE International Symposium on 06-
Patel Antennas and Propagation and USNC- 11/07/2014
URSI Radio Science
6 Dr.Praghnesh CHARUSAT 85851/- 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and 07-
Bhatt Energy Engineering Conference 11/12/2014
(APPEEC 2014)
7 Dr.Vijay CHARUSAT 51044/- International Symposium for High- 02-
kumar Parmar Performance Thin-Layer 05/07/2014
8 Dr.M. CHARUSAT 35289/- 7th International Conference of Nepal 18-22
Balaganapathy Physiotherapy Association /11/2014
9 Dr.Dhruv Dave CHARUSAT 22500/-
YEAR 2013
10 Dr.B.G.Patel CHARUSAT 191595/- ACU Centenary Conference 13-19/10/2013
YEAR 2012
11 Balaram Gajra ICMR 90816/- 39th Annual Meeting and Exposition of 15-
Controlled Release Society 18/07/2012
12 Dr. Mayur DST 43000/- International MATADOR Conference 25-
Sutaria 27/07/2012
13 Dr Niraj Shah DST 65843/- 11th International Conference on 12-
Concrete Engineering & Technology 13/05/2012
14 Dr.Niraj Shah CHARUSAT 27655/- 11th International Conference on 11-
Concrete Engineering & Technology 16/06/2012
15 Dr.Balaram CHARUSAT 80500/- 39th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the 15-
Gajra Controlled Release Society 18/07/2012
16 Dr.T.K.Chaudh CHARUSAT 30409/- 22nd International Photovoltaic Science 05-
ari and Engineering Conference (PVSEC- 09/11/2012
YEAR 2011
17 Dr. Piyush DST 65000/- International Conference on Composite 22-
Gohil Science & Technology 24/03/2011
YEAR 2010
18 Dr. Sushant DST 84000/- International Conference on 04-
Rawal Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and 06/08/2010
19 Dr. Rucha DST 84851/- 12th International Conference on 01 -
Desai Magnetic Fluid 05/08/2010
20 Prof. R V DST 64000/- 12th International Conference on 01 -
Upadhyay Magnetic Fluid 05/08/2010

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 94

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Travel Grant Awarded to Faculty





Invited Talks by Faculty

Faculty at CHARUSAT has been invited to deliver talks in their area of expertise on
various platforms like conferences, seminars, symposia, orientation programs, STTP,
FDP, etc. 112 talks have been delivered in this manner by 34 faculty members from the
University. Of these 50 talks have been delivered at State level events, 59 at National
level events and 3 at events organized at International level.
Table 3.29: Talks Delivered by CHARUSAT Faculty at International Level
Sr. Name of Title of Talk Delivered Name of the Event Name of Event Dates
No. Faculty Organizer
1. Dr. Jagdish Investigation of Magnetic 30th International Widener 15-
S. Patel Iron Dust (MID) for Its Conference in Solid University, 18/03/2015
Applicability as Matrix Waste Management USA
for Immobilization of
2. Dr. Mayur E-Foundry: Online 2nd National Indian 17-
Sutaria Learning Resources and Knowledge Network Institute of 19/10/2013
its Uses (NKN) Annual Science,
Workshop Bangalore
3. Dr. Kinnari Magnetic NanoFluid: An 13th International NPL, New 07-
Parekh Acid Corrosion Inhibitor Conference on Delhi 12/01/2013
Magnetic Fluid

Faculty as Session Chair, Organizing Committee Members and Judge in Various Events
Faculty members of the constituent institutes of CHARUSAT also have their
contributions as Chairpersons of session in conferences (6 national and 4 international),
members of the organizing committee of various events (state level event:1, national
level event: 5 and international event: 2) and as judges (3 faculty members) in
competitive events organized by organizations other than CHARUSAT institutes.
The faculty at CHARUSAT has received awards and fellowships; the details include:

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 95

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Table 3.30: Awards Received by Faculty at CHARUSAT

Sr. Name of Faculty, Name of the Name of Body or Prize Money (if Year of
No. Institute Award Organization giving the any) Receiving
Award the Award
1 Dr.Hilor Pathak INSPIRE faculty Department of Science 35 lacs for five 2014
award and Technology, India year as a project
2 Dr. Neeraj Jain INSA Fellowship Indian National 10000 pm 2013
Academy Science, India
3 Dr. Darshan H. JNCASR, IISc Indian Institute of 25000/pm for 2012-13
Patel Visiting Sciences, Bangalore three months
4 Dr. Darshan H. Elected member Biochemical Society, Nil 2012-13
Patel of Biochemical UK
Society, UK

Awards for Paper Publication

1. Mr. Niraj Vyas has been awarded the National Award for the Best Paper in Natural
products Category (2015) published in Indian Drugs, 51(11), 28-35 by Indian Drugs’
Manufacturer’s Association. The title of the paper is: Quantification of Two Marker
Compounds in Gmelina arborea Roxb. Stem Bark using Validated Thin Layer
Chromatographic -Densitometric Method.
2. Distinguished Research Paper and Presenter award has been conferred on Mr. Vishwas
Raval (2009) for paper titled Frame-Bust Problem and Bust Protective Algorithm
published in the Proceedings of International Conference on Software Technology &
Engineering (ICSTE-2009), pp.8-11 978-981-4289-98-6, July-2009. (World Scientific),
the conference being organized by International Association of Computer Science &
Information Technology, Singapore.

Awards Received by Faculty for Paper Presentation at Various Forums

About 13 faculty members from the constituent institutes of CHARUSAT have received
recognition for their work presented at various conferences/ seminars, etc
Table: 3.31: Recognition of Faculty at Various Forums
Sr. Name of Name of Event Complete Title of Presentation Prize
No. Faculty

1. Bhavin Translational Nanomedic Targeted Delivery of Mannosylated-PLGA 1st
Patel* ine (TNANO 2014) Nanoparticles of Anti-retroviral Drug to Brain
2. Ms.
1 International Conference
A Study of Role Efficacy in relation to 1st
6 Emotional Intelligence and Role Stress of
5 lower level management employees of NACIL
3. Dr2Hetal Physio Summit 2014 Kinaesthesia, balance & agility exercise versus 3rd
9 strength training among people having knee
7 osteoarthritis-A comparative study. 3rd prize in
senior faculty category

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 96

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

4. Dr3Mansi 52nd Annual IAP Effectiveness of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular 3rd

1 Conference Facilitation in Bells Palsy
5. Dr.3 Dhruv 52nd Annual IAP Effects of Backpacks on trunk muscular 3rd
1 ** Conference endurance in primary school going children – a
0 pilot study
6. Niraj
4 National seminar on Simultaneous estimation of β -sitosterol and 2nd
4 Recent Advances in lupeol from stem bark of Gmelina arborea
Drug discovery from using validated HPTLC method
Natural Resources
7. Vinaya
5 17th Annual National Effect of decontamination of the nasopharynx 1st
Nerurkar** NRSI conference and oropharynx by chlorhexidine gluconate on
prevention of nosocomial infection in cardiac
surgery patients
8. Pushpendra UGC Sponsored One Projecting New Paradigms in English 1st
Sinora* Day Seminar on Web 2.0 Language Teaching through Web 2.0
Technology Technologies
9. Dr.3 Rutvik National Orthopedic Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in 1st
1 Rehabilitation agricultural workers and its association with
3 Conference- Conor ergonomic risk factors- A Cross- sectional
10. Dr.Sanskru
2 XXVII Gujarat Science Development of a fuzzy logic based expert 3rd
ti Patel*
0 Congress - 2013 system for students' attendance evaluation
7 through handheld devices
11. Jagruti
4 national seminar on Oral Bioavailability Enhancement Of 1st
9 “Multifunctional Isradipine By Loading Into Nanostructured
Nanoparticles For Tumor Lipid Carriers : Peyer’s Patch Targeting
Targeting Delivery” Approach
12. Dr Dipika 5th Gujstate Conphycs A Cross Sectional Survey on the wellness of 1st
Shah** 2011 academic employees of a private university.
13. Dr.3 Prakash 6th Gujstate Conphccs’12 Evidence based management of contracture in 2nd
V**1 patients with neurological conditions
*: Poster, **:
9 Oral

Guest lectures by Faculty (at various Institutes)

About 85 faculty members have delivered more than 200 lectures on areas of their
specialization at various institutes across the state.
Faculty Undergoing Industrial training
CHARUSAT has introduced mandatory training in the industry for faculty during
summer vacations. Under this provision, faculty have to undergo training for a minimum
duration of two weeks in the industry assigned to them. In this manner, 110 faculty
members have undergone training in 58 industries till date.
Faculty Attending Orientation programs/ Faculty development Programs/ Short term
Training Programs, etc
CHARUSAT promotes and supports continuous professional development of its faculty.
The University provides the registrations fees along with the travel allowance and
necessary duty leaves are also granted. The University also encourages its departments to

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 97

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

conduct such professional development programs at the campus. About 400 faculty
members have attended various Orientation/ Refresher programs/ Faculty development
Programs/ Short term Training Programs totaling more than 500 such events; both within
and outside CHARUSAT. Institutes other than CHARUSAT where faculty have attended
such events include IITs (Bombay, Roorkee, Delhi, Gandhinagar and Kanpur), NITs
(Hamirpur, Rourkela, Calicut, Trichi), CEPT University, GLS University, SVNIT
(Surat), VJIT (Mumbai), ISF College of Pharmacy (Moga) B. V. Patel PERD Center, etc
Faculty Participation in Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Symposia as Delegates
About 450 faculty members have been deputed to attend more than 800 state (349, 41 %),
national (376, 44 %) and international (within and outside India, 123, 15 %) conferences,
seminars, workshops, etc.

Faculty Participation in Various Events

STATE, 349, 41%



Faculty Participation in Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Symposia and Presenting

Paper (Oral/ Poster)
Faculty members at CHARUSAT have presented their research findings at various
forums at International level – 146 (59 %), National level – 85 (35 %) and State level –
15 (6 %), totaling to around 250 presentations in either oral or poster mode.

Faculty Participation as Delegates & Paper


349 376

123 146
200 85


Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 98

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Fellowships of Academies
CHARUSAT has some renowned academicians on its rolls. Some of these academicians
have been honored by various fellowships during their lifetime for their contributions in
the fields of education, science and technology.
Provost of CHARUSAT, Dr. B. G. Patel is a Fellow of the Gujarat Science Academy. He
is also the Fellow of the Institution of Chemists (India) and has been awarded Sardar
Patel Award for his contribution to education by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Foundation.
Advisor to CHARUSAT, Dr. R. M. Patel and Principal of PDPIAS, Dr. R. V. Upadhyay
are also the Fellows of Gujarat Science Academy.

PhDs Awarded
The University has initiated the PhD programs under its faculties only after 2010, and
hence the number of PhDs awardees is very low. Till date 10 scholars have been awarded
the Doctoral degrees. Additionally, many PhD candidates have realized their research
objectives and in various stages of publishing their findings and thesis writing.
The University participates in Shodhganga by depositing the Ph.D theses with
INFLIBNET for electronic dissemination through open access.

CHARUSAT Policy on Code of Ethics in Research

The University strongly believes in the authenticity of the research conducted at the
campus. It also has a strong stand on matters pertaining to plagiarism. The University
policies have contributed to strengthening original work and these are applicable to
research scholars as well as students. Policies are as under:
 It is expected that all assignments, projects, reports, papers, theses, any other
work submitted for academic credit will be the student’s own.
 Researcher should acknowledge the information derived from resources which
includes not only primary and secondary material published in print or online, but
also information and opinions gained directly from other people.
 Paraphrasing and Citation must be clear to acknowledge the research of others. In
citing any sources, the student implicitly guarantees the accuracy and fullness of
 Research Scholars/Students who, for whatever reason, submit work either not
their own or without clear attribution to its sources will be subject to disciplinary
 The University is equipped with INFLIB-NET facility supported by UGC. As a
part of this activity, there is certified 'Plagiarism software' made available at the
Central library. All research papers as well as Ph.D. thesis is subjected to
'Plagiarism' check. No cases reported till date.
 After purchasing the Turnit-in plagiarism check software by the University, all
post graduate publications including theses are scrutinized through the software.
Faculty members are also encouraged to use Viper, open-source software to check
plagiarism. It is mandatory to submit the plagiarism report along with thesis
submission at the university.

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 99

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Interdepartmental Interdisciplinary Research

A majority of the PG and PhD projects undertaken are of interdisciplinary nature. A
representative list is as under.
Table 3.32: Representative List of Interdepartmental Interdisciplinary Projects
Sr. No. Project Title
1 A novel algorithm for inverse channel modeling adaptive signal processing
2 Nano Magnetic and Nano MR Fluids: Ultrasonic,Small Angle Neutron Scattering and
Rheological Studies.
3 Design and Development of Miniaturized Satellite Communication Antennas using Negative
Refractive Index Technique
4 Synthesis and Characterization of Different Size Co-Zn Spinel Ferrite Nanoparticles :
Neutron Diffraction and Magnetic Studies
5 Solution Processed Copper Tin Sulphide ( Cu2SnS3) Thin Films for Solar Cells
6 Design and Development of Some Microstrip Based Radiating Structures Using
7 Development and Validation of UV Spectrophotometric, Chemometric and HPTLC Methods
For Simultaneous Estimation of Celecoxib and Diacerein from Bulk Drug and in Combined
Dosage Form
8 Bioanalytical Method Development and Validation for Berberine Hydrochloride and its
Marketed Formulation by Spectroflourophotometry
9 Total Protein Extraction and Drug Bioanalytical Extraction using Magnetic Nanoparticles
from Different Matrices
10 Simulation of Optical and Wettability Properties for Transparent Nanostructure Coatings

Research Awards Established by CHARUSAT

CHARUSAT has introduced in 2015 the “Best Research Paper Award” in various
disciplines under each faculty. The procedure for the same has also been worked out. One
award per calendar year will be given under each discipline. The award in each discipline
shall comprise of a citation, a trophy and cash prize. This initiative has been taken with
the objective to promote quality research activity on the campus through healthy
competition. Faculty members, PhD scholars, and PG students can apply for the award.
In addition, the constituent institutes have already been appreciating the efforts of their
faculty by felicitation of faculty members having good publications during the Annual
Day celebrations. Some institutes also have the Best Paper Award; which is being
announced and awarded during Annual Day celebrations.

3.5 Consultancy
CHARUSAT Policy on Consultancy
CHARUSAT considers consultancy as an activity to enhance academic excellence and to
serve industry. CHARUSAT has identified consultancy to enrich and enhance academics
as it generates case studies and real-time application examples, helps in resource
generation, brings the University closer to the industry as well as society and enhances
industrial interaction. There are three categories of consultancy at CHARUSAT: (i)
Individual Consultancy; (ii) Departmental Consultancy; (iii) Institutional consultancy.
CHARUSAT has a well-defined and structured policy for Consultancy for all three
categories. The policy document defines rules and regulations on agreements, proposal,

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 100

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

and approval, handling of assignment funds, sharing of income, provision for intellectual
property right and financial input and distribution.

Some Consultancies Undertaken by the University in Last Four Years

CHARUSAT has been encouraging its faculty to take up consultancy, which has resulted
in the faculty members undertaking projects worth more than INR 21 Lakhs. About 11 of
these projects were carried out for external agencies.
Table 3.33: Consultancies at CHARUSAT
Sr. Name of Institute / Title Consultancy
No. Department Worth (INR)
A Completed Consultancies
1 Technical Support in drafting Health and Safety Plan-- 35,000/-
UK & Iraq-II
2 Technical Support in drafting Health and Safety Plan-- 60,000/-
UK & Iraq-I
3 Design of school building 10,000/-
4 CSPIT CL Preliminary design of Loading Bay Roof – UK 10,312.5/-
5 Structural Alteration- Khambhat 5000/-
6 Design of Raft Foundation 6000/-
7 To conduct GATE Classes for GATE Forum 18,750/-
8 CSPIT CE, IT & ME Bus Duct - Nimisha International USD 5000
9 CSPIT CE & IT IPDR VoIP - Elitecore Pvt. Ltd. 25,000/-
10 CSPIT EC Design of industrial antennas - Twin Engineering, 20,000/-
Baroda, Gujarat
11 CSPIT EE SWITCHSYNC Simulator demo kit for University – 1,00,000/-
ABB Ltd.
Total (A) 2,90,062+
USD 5000
B On-Going Consultancies
1 CSPIT CE, IT & ME Design of Cooling Parameter for BUSDUCT USD 5000
2 CSPIT EC Design of Safety Board 10,60,000/-
3 CSPIT EC Charge point Simulator SOAP API Design & Web 30,000/-
Application - Gridscape Solutions, Gujarat
4 PDPIAS Identification of culturable bacterial species present in 45,000/-
the mixed liquor of aeration tank
5 PDPIAS Development of Diagnostic Enzymes 84,000/-
Total (B) 12,19,000+
USD 5000
Total(A+B) 15,09,062+
USD 10,000

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 101

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CHARUSAT believes that the economic development of a country primarily depends on
the synchronized efforts of both Industry and the University. In-order to facilitate such
synchronized efforts, CHARUSAT has instituted a dedicated Cell called University
Industry Interaction Cell (UIIC). CHARUSAT-UIIC strives to systematize and catalyze
the various mutually benefitting activities for Industry and the University. The cell
facilitates exchange of ideas amongst students, faculty, and the industry. By interfacing
with the Industry for Guest Lectures, Leadership Talks, Competitions, Scholarships and
Business conclaves, UIIC serves as the channel between Institutes and the corporate
world. The UIIC is intended to be the single point contact of the University to the
industry. It facilitates the process of close industry-Institute interaction and actively
promotes fresh avenues for the same. Some of the functions of UIIC are offering services
of testing/material characterization and certification; offering tailor-made specialized
training programs on awareness/motivation/scrutiny for small/medium scale industries
and also for the University faculty, both at their site and also at the University
Departments, University-Industry interactions, arranging experts from the industries in
designing the academic programs of the University departments like (a) curriculum
development (b) teaching programs and (c) Research programs; arranging Industrial
Tours for Faculties/Student; assisting in signing of MoU by the University faculty based
on products and processes; and providing consultancy services of diverse nature with
respect to institutional capacities as well as individual capacities. Total 255 number of
Industries have been Visited. A MoU is signed with Federation of Gujarat Industries
(FGI) which comprises of 172 industries. Total 7 consultancy projects have been
facilitated through UIIC.

Interaction with Industry

Since its inception, CHARUSAT has nominated a few renowned industrialists on its
various bodies. This facilitates active interaction with the industries. Further, the modes
of publicizing the expertise of the institute for consultancy services are as under:
 Faculty members visit organizations during faculty industry exposure (FIE)
segment. During this segment, faculty members interact with the company
executives and publicize the consultancy services. In this manner each faculty has
to visit assigned industry and act as a point of contact for all purpose.
 Communicating with industry through e-resources
 Inviting eminent scholars/ business personnel for guest lecturers or interactions.
Table 3.34: A Few Guest Lectures from Industry Experts
Sr. Name of Expert Affiliation of Expert Title of Talk
1 Mr.Tarak Mehta Torrent Power Electrical Power system Distribution
2 Mr. Pankaj Parikh Adani Power Ltd Electrical Power Generation
3 Urmil Parikh ABB Ltd. (R &D) Fundamentals of Power System and
Power System Protection.
4 Mr. Girish Joshi Senior Manager, Bosch Hydraulics Basics
Rexroth India Ltd.
5 Mr. Jai Purohit Head – Operations, Essar Welding Basics and Welding Failure

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 102

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Steel India Ltd.

6 Nitin Shah iGate- Patni, Gandhinagar Software Engineering (Testing)
7 Mr. Ankit Fadia Reliance World Ethical Hacking
8 Mr. Avijeet Banerjee Head Operations, TCS Software Development Strategies
9 Mr. Maulik Shah TOPS Technologies, Android Application Development
10 Mr. Jagdish Sanghani Consultant in Embedded Designing of Embedded System
Systems, UK
11 Ms. Sweety Thomas Axis Bank, Bangalore Credit Management in Banks
12 Mr. Anoop Dwivedi Bombay Stock Exchange, Stock Markets - Role, Functioning,
Ahmedabad Operations and Process
13 Dr. Hanumant Barkate Associate VP & Head, Pharmacovigilence and related
Medical & Regulatory regulations
Affairs, Intas Pharma Ltd.
14 Mr. Purvish Patel Technical Director Application of Plastics in Packaging
Packaging Solution Pvt.Ltd.
15 Dr.Sampad Bhattacharya VP, Sun Pharmaceuticals Ltd Plant Layout, Designing & manufacturing
of Sterile Products.

 Organizing events like Industry-Academia meet. Two Industry-Academia Meets

have been organized on July 20, 2013 and July 19, 2014 in which executives from
34 and 21 industries respectively participated.
 The Individual departments publicize the expertise of consultancy services
through departments website, brochure and regular interaction of stakeholders. A
separate webpage for the details of consultancy works ongoing in the departments
are generated in the website.
 Faculty profiles along with their specialization are displayed through university
 The constituent Institutes organize HR Meets which provide a platform for the
interaction with HR of the various industries.
 The constituent Institutes arrange hands on training programs for the participants
from industries as well as institutes. Faculty members from RPCP delivered talks
and trained the personnel at Zydus API Research Centre, Dabhasa, Baroda on
January 5, 2013 on Quality by Design
 The constituent Institutes having good laboratory infrastructure and extend the
facility to industries for testing.
 Under Faculty of Medical Sciences, interaction is strengthened with multi-
specialty hospitals and clinics.
 CHARUSAT has always been able to bring on continuous basis, donations from
industrialists. This helps in establishing meaning interaction with people in

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 103

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Utilizing Faculty Expertise

Faculty members are deputed at various hospitals along with students for clinical training
and render their services to those hospitals. Through patient oriented training, faculties
contribute to the development of communication and consultancy skills in students.
Faculty of Computer Science and Applications provides expertise of the faculty members
to provide various ICT related solutions, development and maintenance of website,
development of various mobile applications to CHARUSAT as well as other

Broad Areas of Consultancy Services

Institute of Management, I2IM conducted two Management Development Programs
(MDPs) for the employees of PANCHAMURT, Godhra for which the institute received
INR 20,000/-. The details of the MDPs are as under.
1. ISO 22000 – Housekeeping conducted on June 22, 2013
2. Materials Management conducted on July 25, 2013
Other institutes on the campus are also involved in consultancy services and the
following table provides the details.
Table 3.35: Broad Areas of Consultancy at CHARUSAT
Sr. No. Area of Consultancy Revenue Generated (INR)
1 Service Provided 20,00,000/-
2 Software Development 2,20,000/-
3 Website Designing and Development 1,65,000/-
4 Advertisement Designing 25,000/-
5 Civil Engineering 5,84,000/-
6 Electrical Engineering 1,00,000/-
7 Electronics and Communication Engineering 12,60,000/-
8 Stability Studies and Leachability Testing in 2,00,000/-
Pharmaceutical Sciences
9 Laboratory Testing Facilities in Pharmacy 25,050
10 Laboratory Testing Facilities in Applied Sciences 1,33,500/-
11 Industrial Projects 525000
Total 52,37,550

The following table gives a list of industries/ corporate houses to which the faculties at
CHARUSAT have provided consultancy services.
Table 3.36: List of Industries where CHARUSAT has Provided Consultancy
Sr. No. Industry Sr. No. Industry
1 Nimisha International 5 Twin Engineering
2 ABB India Ltd 6 Energy System Engineering
3 MARGEN Impex Ltd, V.U. Nagar 7 Deepak Nitrite Limited, Dahej
4 Industrial Metal Powders Pvt. Ltd 8 Alps Chemical Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad

3.6 Extension Activities and Institutional Social Responsibility

Social Outreach Programs by CHARUSAT
The University has always been conscious about its social and moral responsibilities
towards society. CHARUSAT has initiated and promoted the following extension

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 104

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

programs being conducted by the students with the involvement of faculty. The
constituent institutes have also established Community Clubs like:
Table 3.37: Community Clubs at CHARUSAT
Sr. No. Community Club Main Objectives
1. Prayaas Helping Hands , Spreading Smiles, Celebrating Joys, A Ray of Hope and
Enlightening Lives through Career Guidance and Life Management Skills
2. Samarpan Save Environment, Impart Knowledge
Improve Global Health and A Path to Self-Awareness
3. Nirmaan Organizing Blood donation camps
Distributing educational books to needy children
4. Kadam Village cleanup and Other social works

 Faculty of Medical Sciences organizes camps like Vatsala Matrusambhal (to provide
health education to pregnant rural women) programs in association with CHRF
regularly to provide door step services to needy persons.
 Students are also posted for clinical training and treatment of stroke patients at
identified centers in remote areas.
 Career guidance seminars are organized for 12th standard students at different
schools to select appropriate career option after 12th Science.
 Involvement of the faculty and student and for raising various charity activities and
relief funds during natural calamities.
 CHARUSAT Rural Education Development Program: The activities conducted under
this include the following.
 Campus visit by schools: Total 6028 students of different schools from rural
area have visited CHARUSAT Campus till date.
 Teachers’ Training Program titled Effective Classroom Communication was
conducted at B A Patel High School, Changa on November 30, 2013,
Saturday during which 20 teachers were trained for teaching the four
identified subjects (Mathematics, Science, English and Computer).
 A Teaching- Learning Model exhibition was organized on April 12, 2014.
Total 25 schools participated in the exhibition and exhibited around 40
models. In total 300 students and teachers from rural areas visited the
 Teaching Aptitude Training was conducted from June 3 to 5, 2014. Total 35
Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary teachers of SantramVidyalaya,
Nadiad were trained at CHARUSAT Campus. The training included topics
like sustaining teaching aptitude, Child psychology, student- centric classroom
teaching, soft skills, use of ICT in teaching- learning process, etc.
 Students’ Academic Projects related to extension services are listed below.
1) Study of demographic characteristic of children related to nutritional status,
maternal nutritional profile and diet education of the feeding mother.
2) Study of Malnutrition in Pregnancy and it effect on Maternal and Fetal Health
3) Study of Malnutrition in Adolescent Girls

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 105

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4) Study of the junk food eating habits, nutritive value and its impact on lifestyle
and general health in urban population.
5) Study of knowledge and life style practice of patients of Hypertension and/or

CHARUSAT- Neighborhood Network

CHARUSAT has given special attention to promote local community development and
extension activities in its “Vision 2015” document. CHARUSAT organizes and sponsors
the extension activities based on the needs of the hour so that it can inculcate the sense of
social responsibilities among the staff and students.
The University has initiated many activities by implementing the components of
community services in the curriculum (at both UG and PG levels) to inculcate the spirit
of student participation at the field level with a focus on holistic exposure to students as a
part of their overall personality development. This effort of Holistic Development of the
students is interwoven with the effort of community development and as a result of this
linkage number of Institute-community collaborative activities have been implemented to
nurture students’ holistic development in three stages - Personal, Social and Professional.
University promotes institute-neighborhood network by involving people of village, local
government, Gram Panchayat in social outreach programs. The activities are listed
1. The management institute organized Holistic Exposure Learning Programs (HELP) in
last two years in which the students of the institute visited a total of 76 nearby villages
of Charotar Region to create awareness among rural area people on various social
issues like education, health, skills, farming, superstitions, governance etc.
2. Establishing Community clubs- Prayaas, Samarpan, Nirmaan and Kadam and
organizing community service programs.
3. Celebrating and participating in days like Organ Donation Day, World Sparrow Day,
and Tree Plantation Day etc.
4. Raising funds for Physically Handicapped people: Data from various villages were
collected as part of social survey on Identification of Disabilities and providing
physiotherapy services among rural population.
5. Providing Institute faculty members and infrastructure for Rural Educational
Development Program
6. Sensitizing people regarding Healthy Diets and food habits.
7. Providing Career Guidance and Counseling Seminars and Resume Building Seminars
to the college and school students.
Other note-worthy programs include:
A workshop on “Vermiculture for Organic and Sustainable Agriculture” was conducted
by CHARUSAT for the education of farmers of nearby villages on Vermiculture and
sustainable farming methods on 22nd Nov 2013.
The institute of computer applications, CMPICA, organized workshops on “Computer
Aided Drafting and Modeling” for different ITI and diploma engineering students free of

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 106

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Facilitating Students in Extension Activities

The University motivates and facilitates participation of students in extension activities in
the following manner:
1. Educating and motivating students for extension activities.
2. Extending infrastructure for extension activities
3. Involving faculty in extension activities.
4. Promoting Collaborations with NGOs like Tribhuvandas Foundation, Indian Red
Cross Society, Education trusts of various villages, Matrusansthan.
5. The Institutes keep track of students’ involvement in extension activities by
recording their contribution and felicitating them during Annual Day celebrations.
The University is initiating NSS and NCC programs from the academic year 2015-16.

Societal Surveys for Social Justice and Empowerment of the Underprivileged

The University has made small initiatives, but the definite and impact-making nature of
these initiatives will encourage many more such future projects.
 The University undertook Holistic Exposure Learning Program (HELP) on August
10, 2013 and August 09, 2014.
 It involved faculty members and more than 500 students who visited 4000
households of 76 villages and cities across Gujarat State.
 It aimed to generate awareness about CHARUSAT UNIVERSITY and CHRF, to
profile population/households in terms of age, education, occupation, disease
prevalent/ contracted, annual income, monthly expenses, spending, on healthcare,
etc and survey of 108 EMRI (Emergency Services).
 Tree plantations at the schools, themes based Role Plays on education and health
care, Entertaining Games in Old-Age Homes, Education Awareness Campaign for
Orphanage Home residents, Career Guidance for Secondary and Higher Secondary
Students aspiring for Higher Education, around 200 videos display on Life
Management Skills to Households, Rakshabandhan with Traffic Policemen are
some of the other activities.
 Social survey on Identification of disabilities and providing physiotherapy services
among population of different villages was carried out by department of
community physiotherapy at ARIP.
The following activities have been conducted by SAMARPAN – a social initiative, for
empowering the underprivileged and the most vulnerable sections of society
 Seminar on “Vote for Better India” was organized.
 “Education is giving something back to the society”. In context to this, FCSA took
an initiative for knowledge sharing program that was organized by FCSA for
students from rural areas. They were imparted knowledge of computer basics, in
this program. 70 students from different schools had participated.
The final year students of B.Sc Nursing have conducted research and surveys on under 5
children, antenatal mothers, lactating mothers, geriatric patients, etc in order to ensure
them social justice. Also CHARUSAT every year conducts School Health programs
focusing on identifying the health issues and practices in the schools of nearby villages.

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 107

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Some survey-based research related to community service also include:

1. Assessment of the Clinical Outcome of Parenteral and Oral Iron Formulations
among Pregnant Women Attending to Antenatal Clinic at a Community Health
Centre in Anand District.
2. Study of Maternal Morbidity Pattern and Incidence of Gestational Diabetes
Mellitus (GDM) among Pregnant Women Attending to Antenatal Clinic at a
Community Health Centre at Sarsa.
3. Malnutrition in Pregnancy and its Effect on Maternal and Fetal Health.

Extension Activities Supplementing Students’ Academic Learning

The inclusion of extension activities as an integral part of the curriculum at CHARUSAT,
has resulted in a definite addition to Students’ Academic learning in the following
 To practice management through concept of 'Learning by doing' in societal setting /
open systems.
 To develop an understanding about needs of various stakeholders of the society
through personal interactions and observations based on field visits.
 Learning to liaise and network with and understand management models practiced
by various agencies like Government, local bodies, private institutions, NGOs, etc.
 To gain knowledge and skills.
Learning Outcomes achieved include:
 Understanding roles and responsibility
 Interaction with classmates/batch mates and other students
 Build individual accountability towards society
 As the students treat the patients while their clinical postings in rural set up, they
learn the skill of adaptability and make modifications which have to be
spontaneous and need based using the limited resources which are available.
 The extension activities help students to understand real life problems. The
students can develop lifelong learning skills.
 They can utilize their experience to solve the community problems.
 The extension activities expose the students to rural life and possible application
of technology to make village life comfortable.
 Ethics, value generation, soft speaking, ready to help others etc., are developed in
the students.
 Better understanding brought positive changes in their attitude towards people
living with various illnesses like HIV / AIDS, leprosy affected people, slum
dwellers, street children etc.
 The extension activities inculcated the values of team spirit, helping each other,
community participation, acknowledging the persons, group behavior and the like.

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 108

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Involvement of Community in Extension Activities

The community outreach activities are the bridge to connect academia with community.
The University ensures the involvement of all the stakeholders of the community in its
outreach activities through:
 The extension activities of CHARUSAT are carried out by keeping in loop the
Village Sarpanch, members of the Gram Panchayat, primary and secondary
school teachers, practicing doctors and healthcare workers as well as societal
 Benefitting Community is invited to participate in activities like tree plantation,
Career Guidance Seminars, Life Management Skills seminar, Street Role Play etc.
 Benefited Community is acknowledged for its participation and support during
 Leaflet distribution of the organization of camps in villages to acquaint the local
residents about the camp schedule.
 Also on the day of the camps, local leaders are involved to motivate and help in
the smooth conduction of the camp to give the best results.
 The University also provided Rs. 74,000/- in Prime Minister’s Relief Fund
(PMRF) for the flood affected people in Jammu and Kashmir (June 2013) with
the contributions from staff and students.
 The community members in turn help the students by providing accommodation
in the community hall while organizing the camps. They are also involved in the
community developmental activities like cleanliness, sanitation, etc.
 Time to time survey is conducted to check the feedback and improvement in
society. Seminars, individual discussion and group discussions are also
The University has not received any awards for its commendable services to the society.
However, Verbal and written appreciation from community and hospitals has been
received by institutions for extension activities and contributions to social/community
development during the last four years.

3.7 Collaboration
Linkages with Other Academic Institutions
1. ISRO – CSRTC: Collaborative research has been undertaken in the form of B.Tech
projects and M. Tech dissertations including discussion meetings. CSRTC is involved in
the joint development of technology demonstration experimental payloads to be flown on
the forthcoming ISRO spacecraft. CSRTC team is a multidisciplinary team consisting of
faculty members from Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering and Computer & IT Engineering departments of CSPIT along with students.
Till date, this collaborative effort has resulted in the completion of dissertations and
projects of 17 M Tech and 18 B Tech students.
2. Indian Planetary Society: MoU has been signed by CHARUSAT with the Indian
Planetary Society to establish Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (IAA) at
CHARUSAT campus. As a first step towards this, an International Conference on

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 109

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Astronomy and Astrophysics to Celebrate 100 years of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

and Birth Centenary Year of Prof. Sir Fred Hoyle is being organized during June 21 to
24 2015 at CHARUSAT campus.
3. AIMST University: Ashok & Rita Patel Institute of Physiotherapy has collaborated
with Department of Physiotherapy, AIMST University, Malaysia for cooperation
in Academic collaboration, Teaching, research & development collaboration, Faculty
staff and/or student mobility programs, Franchise and Internship programs and
Development of joint certificate, diploma, degree & postgraduate programs.
4. Gujarat Science Academy: Our Professors, Dr. B. G. Patel, Dr. R. V. Upadhyay and
Dr. R. M. Patel are fellows of the Gujarat Science Academy. They initiate academic
activities jointly with GSA, Vallabh Vidyanagar chapter. These activities include joint
monthly research presentations by researchers at CHARUSAT and Sardar Patel
University and organization of events. Annual Science Meet (Science Meet 2014) has
been organized at CHARUSAT on 16/11/2014. Gujarat Science Congress 2013 has also
been organized at CHARUSAT on 24/02/2013.
5. Indian Academy of Science: CHARUSAT organized Science Academies’ 57th
Refresher Course on Experimental Physics in collaboration with the Indian Academy of
Science during 18/03/2014 to 02/04/2014. The experts included Dr. Alok Banerjee,
UGC-DAE-CSR, Indore, Dr. D. N. Srivastava, CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar and Dr.
Venkat Ramani Former Scientist Institute of Plasma Research.
6. IIT Bombay and IIT Kharagpur: CHARUSAT has established linkages with IIT
Bombay and IIT- Kharagpur and jointly organized various workshops on Control
Systems, Computer Networking, Computer Programming and Database Management
System under the NMEICT scheme of MHRD. CHARUSAT has also deputed a few
faculty members for pursuing PhD at IIT Bombay and IIT Roorkee.
7. Indian Geotechnical Society, Baroda Chapter: CHARUSAT has organized a national
Seminar on Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations in collaboration with IGS, Baroda
8. Other Institutes: CHARUSAT has also initiated linkages with other institutes like
CSMCRI, MSU, SPU, Nirma University, VIT, Pune, Anand Agricultural University,
Anand, B. J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, DAIICT, Ahmedabad University, College of
Engineering, Pune, Bengal Institute of Technology and Management, BVM Engineering
College, PDPU, IRMA, IIM – A, etc by extending recognition of PhD guide ship to
researchers in these institutes. CHARUSAT hopes to further develop collaborative
research programs with some of them.
Also prominent and active faculty members from these and other renowned institutes are
invited to be on various bodies of CHARUSAT like Board of Studies, Faculty Board,
Doctoral Advisory Committees etc to contribute to the academic growth as well as
quality enhancement and sustenance efforts of the University. This has resulted in the
development and up-gradation of various curricula at CHARUSAT.
9. Collaborative Research Publications:
Faculty at CHARUSAT has sometime or the other has collaborative research publication
from the following researchers in respective institutions.

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 110

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Table 3.38: Collaborative Publications from CHARUSAT .

Sr. Name of Faculty at Collaborating Organization of Collaboration Name of Faculty at
No. Institute CHARUSAT
1 Dr. Ashwin Thaker Anand Agricultural University Leena Patel
2 Dr. Varsha J Patel, B. J. Medical College, Ahmedabad Jalpa V. Suthar
3 B.R. Goyal, R. K. Goyal, A. A. L. M. College of Pharmacy, Nilay Solanki
Mehta Ahmedabad
4 Dr. Shailesh Bhavsar Institute of Vet Science & Animal
Husbandry, Navsari Agricultural
5 S. Rayaprol, V. Siruguri UGC-DAE, CSR, Mumbai Harshida Parmar, R. V.
6 ABanerjee UGC-DAE, CSR, Indore Upadhyay
7 Prashant Acharya KKSJMSC, Ahmedabad
8 Jayesh D. Patel Laval University, Quebec Tapas K. Chaudhury
9 Frej Mighri, Abdellah Ajji Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal Tapas K. Chaudhury
10 A.J. Patel KBIPER, Gandhinagar S. G. Patel, V. P.
11 Krishan Dutt Tiwari Powerdeal Energy Systems, Nashik Tapas K. Chaudhury,
Arabinda Ray
12 Ulrich Kortz Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany Sachin A. Joshi
13 A.P. Sudhir, B. R. Dave, A. S. Sardar Patel University Darshan Patel
Prajapati, K. Panchal, R. B.
14 Eun Jin Cho, Ho Myeong Kim, In Chonnam National University,
Seong Choi, Hyeun-Jong Bae Gwangju, Republic of Korea
15 Do Xuan Phu, Min-Sang Seong, Inha University, Incheon, Korea R. V. Upadhyay
Seung-Bok Choi
16 N. Andhariya, B. Chudasama Thapar University, Patiala
17 R. Mehta Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji
Bhavnagar University
18 V. K. Aswal BARC, Mumbai
19 Kinnari Parekh IIT - Gandhinagar
20 L. Almasy Lab of Neutron Scattering, Villigen,
21 H. S. Lee Mineral Resources Research
Division, Daejeon, Republic of
22 C.N. Ramchand, R. Sripathy, N. Laila Pharma Pvt. Ltd, Chennai A. Buch, H. Pant, A.
Somashekara Vyas, R. V. Upadhyay
23 P. C. Vinodkumar Sardar Patel University
24 Ajay Majethiya Kalol Institute of Technology & Bhavin Patel
Research Centre, Kalol
25 Kaushal Thakkar SVNIT, Surat

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 111

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

CHARUSAT has signed MoUs with the following Institutes/ Industries for academic and
research collaboration in addition to the stated purposes.
Table 3.39: MoUs by CHARUSAT
Sr. No. Name of Institute/ Industry Stated Purpose
A MoUs with Academic Institutes/ Universities
1 AIMST University, Bedong, Malaysia Collaborative teaching, research and Internship
2 Indian Planetary Society Establishment of Institute of Astronomy &
3 N. V. Patel College of Pure & Applied Recombinant protein Expression & Purification
4 SAC-ISRO, Ahmedabad Software and hardware development for IMS bus
5 Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Collaborative Research & Training of Research
Technology (IIEST) Scientist & Scholars
B MoUs with Industries
1 GIDC, Vitthal Udyognagar Sharing of knowledge, student and faculty training
2 GIDC, Ahmedabad
3 Gujarat Electronics and Software Industries Student and faculty development, students’
Association (GESIA) placement, exchange of technical know-how
4 Federation of Gujarat Industries, Collaborative organization of Technical activities
Vadodara and sharing of knowledge
5 Industrial Metal Powers, Pune Magnetic fluids
6 BioInvitro Diagnostics Diagnostic Enzymes
7 Emirates Transformers and Switchgear Collaborative projects
Ltd, Dubai
8 Gujarat Social Infrastructure Development Preparation of District Human Development
Society Report
9 Dhara Biotech Enzyme Manufacture for use of soil stabilization &
sewage management
10 Procate Tech LLP Commercialization of magnetic fluids
11 Dhara Applied Technologies Know-how for regeneration of carbon
12 Recasil Industries Silicate based materials for soil stabilization
13 Margen Impex Ltd. Design of Safety Board, Magnetic fluid seal for
rotating shaft
14 Plasma & Vacuum Technologies Magnetic fluid seal for rotating shaft
15 eiTRA – eInfochips Academic collaboration and training
16 Twin Engineering Collaborative organization of Technical activities
and sharing of knowledge
17 Velocity Pharmacy, LLC, New York Pharmaceutical Product Development
18 Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Next generation network
19 Epsilon Electronics India Training of students and faculty
20 Tata Power Solar Systems Ltd., Bangalore Collaborative Research
C MoUs with Hospitals
1 Mahagujarat Hospital Clinical exposure & student training
2 Muljibhai Urological Hospital
4 Shalby Hospitals, Ahmedabad.
5 DDMM Heart Institute, Nadiad
6 SMIT Orthopedic Hospital Anand

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 112

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

7 LG Hospital, Ahmedabad
8 V.S. Hospital, Ahmedabad
9 Cambay General Hospital, Khambhat
10 Shri Santram Netra Chikitshalay
11 Nagarpalika Hospital, Anand
12 Banker’s Heart Institute, Vadodara
13 Shree Santram Physiotherapy Centre,
14 Medical Care Centre Trust, Vadodara
15 Shree Krishna Hospital, Karamsad Clinical exposure, student training and research
16 K. G. Patel Children Hospital collaboration

The University Industry interaction at CHARUSAT as stated above and elsewhere in the
present report has contributed to the establishment of following specialized laboratories.
 Data Mining Specialized Laboratory
 Peripheral Laboratory
 Networking Laboratory
 Structure Laboratory
 Surface Engineering Laboratory
 E-Foundry Laboratory
 State-of-art clean room laboratory has been developed in consultation with B.
Methalia & Company, Ahmedabad.
 Technical support has been received in designing and creation of Aseptic
 Plans are also being worked out to set up a Gait laboratory to enhance student
training for gait analysis. It would also boost research activities for post graduates

Quality Sustenance and Quality Enhancement Measures.

 Funding for students Research Projects at UG as well as PG levels
 Well defined policies for Consultancy, Patent filing, sharing of revenue from
Patent realization.
 Seed money for Faculty minor Research Projects.
 Support to faculty and students for attending conferences, seminars, etc within
and outside the country.
 Best Research Paper Award.
 Encouragement to undertake and submit research projects to external funding
 Support by the University for the Organization of various events for professional
growth of the faculty and students.
 Linkages and collaborations with a large number of industries for varied purposes.

Criterion 3: Research, Consultancy & Extension 113

Criterion 4
Infrastructure & Learning
NAAC Accreditation SSR- CHARUSAT


CHARUSAT is established over a sprawling campus of lush green lawns and trees,
conducive to learning in natural surroundings. The academic institutes are spread over an
area of 105 acres. The seven constituent institutes of CHARUSAT are housed in nine
buildings provided with all modern amenities. The modern amenities include well-
equipped laboratories with safety features, 24X7 Wi-Fi enabled campus with high
bandwidth, open spaces in natural settings allow enhancing the horizons of innovative
thinking and well-established library at the central level and at institutes/ departments
with sufficient resources to cater to the needs of one and all.
The Library Resource Utilization Center (LRUC) is the key academic facility provided
for the students, research scholars and faculty members. The library includes a wide
range of reference books and text books as well as e-books and a variety of national and
international journals accessible in online mode and print mode.
CHARUSAT has a strong IT infrastructure managed by an efficient in-house team of
engineers of the WIN Cell. The campus has already forayed into cloud computing with
server virtualization and is now on the path to desktop virtualization.
The campus has modern sports facilities. Playgrounds for outdoor sports like cricket,
basketball, football, and others are available. Indoor games facilities have also been
created. The Full-fledged Gymnasium facility is also available for students. Three
auditoria of varying capacity and two open air theatres are available for various students’

4.1: Physical Facilities

Existing Buildings of Academic Institutes/ Administration
The campus and the buildings are designed with the objective of providing a satiating
ambience to all its stakeholders like Students, Employees and Visitors. The campus has
been divided into two zones: Technology Zone and Healthcare Zone.
 Technology Zone accommodates all the institutes offering professional Education
Programs and all the allied facilities like cafeteria, Hostels etc. This zone houses one
building each belonging to the faculties of Pharmacy, Management Studies, Applied
Sciences, and Computer Science and Applications. Faculty of Technology and
Engineering is located in three buildings of similar architecture, with two departments
in each building.
 Healthcare Zone accommodates Hospital and institutes offering Medical related
courses like Physiotherapy and Nursing.
Overall architectural planning is made in such a way that the campus and buildings exude
welcoming warmth. The buildings are arranged at a comfortable distance to facilitate
intra-building movements as well as to generate feeling of snugness. The connecting
roads are made up of RCC with appropriate breadth to facilitate human and traffic
movements simultaneously. The campus is fully landscaped with Trees, Shrubs and
Lawns to enhance the beauty as well as comfort. There is a Pond of about 2 acres which

Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 114

NAAC Accreditation SSR- CHARUSAT

serves as recharging tank and recreation element. Whole campus rain-water runoff is
diverted to the pond preventing inundation of the campus in times of heavy rains.
The buildings are designed based on ancient Indian Architecture concept. They have
huge courtyards incorporated into planning. This facilitates good ventilation and natural
light. An aerial view of the Technology zone offers seven buildings in a similar shape.
There are sufficient open spaces surrounding buildings encouraging leisure sitting and
informal/ formal interactions and gatherings. Huge open spaces with lawns facilitate
organizing of Functions / Ceremonies / Cultural activities. Ample Parking Space,
Waterworks, Electrical installations etc. are the other elements at Campus. The whole
campus is maintained under surveillance.
Table 4.1: Built-up Area of Buildings at CHARUSAT
Sr. No. Name of the Building Built-up Area (sq. m)
1 Central Administrative Building 4858.00
2 CSPIT (CE and IT) 5969.26
3 CSPIT (CL and ME) 12889.76
4 CSPIT (EE and EC) 8253.66
5 Workshop 1325.00
6 RPCP 8717.12
7 IIIM 6262.00
8 PDPIAS 6153.98
9 CMPICA 6153.98
10 ARIP 5245.83
11 MTIN 4222.73
12 CHARUSAT Hospital 29000.00
Total 99051.32
Additionally, CHARUSAT campus houses a well-equipped animal house approved by
CPCSEA having an area of 64 sq. m. There is also an herbal garden, having around 180
species of plants of medicinal value. Some of the rare species of medicinal plants include
Rudraksh, Chandan, Coffee, Sindur and cinnamon. The area covered by the 1200 plants
is 2000 sq. m.
Additionally, each institute has at least one meeting/ board room, adequate numbers of
seminar halls/ rooms to enable interactive sessions; all provided with multimedia and
audiovisual equipment.
The campus has round the clock supply of electricity along with a backup of 6 generators
to supply 416 KVA of power back-up. A water tank with a storage capacity of 1,75,000
liters of water ensures uninterrupted supply of water for the smooth functioning of the

Construction in Progress
CHARUSAT Hospital having ward blocks of 5000 sq. m and a diagnostic block of
24,000 sq. m. is functional with a 150 bed capacity at present. The patient admitting
capacity would be further enhanced in two phases with progressively increasing number
of beds from 150 to 300 and then up to 450 beds in near future.
CHARUSAT Girls’ Hostel 4 is also under planning on the campus with a provision for
100 rooms with a housing capacity of 300 students.

Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 115

NAAC Accreditation SSR- CHARUSAT

Planning and Availability of Physical Infrastructure

The University has a policy for creation and enhancement of infrastructure depending on
the requirements of any change in the curriculum, student admission, introduction of any
additional courses and facilities to students and employees. The budget for this
requirement is prepared in consultation with HOD, Principal and Management and
subsequently submitted to the Board of Management (BOM) for approval. Once it is
approved, the same is implemented with the help of professionals in the concerned area.
Intensive study of various reputed establishments / Universities is carried before
proceeding towards the step of the development to take care of its optimal utilization.
Services of external agencies are hired to ensure the implementation and timely execution
of the projects. These services include consultants for designing, plumbing, electrification
as well as Architects. Norms of bodies like AICTE, UGC, INC, PCI, and other
Government authorities are considered for the development of the infrastructure.
The various committees involved in the planning and developmental activities for
infrastructure at CHARUSAT include Board of Management (as approving body),
Building Committee, Finance Committee, Furniture Purchase Committee and Equipment
Purchase Committee (as executing committees).

CHARUSAT Policy for Creation and Enhancement of Physical Infrastructure

Board of Management/Governing body regularly takes decisions about infrastructure on
Principal’s requests. Purchase committee for Equipment and Purchase committee for
Furniture are involved in the timely, efficient and economical procurement of
infrastructure at regular intervals. Annual Contracts are fixed with reputed agencies for
purchase of a variety of materials and purchase of standard furniture items for timely
Budget presentations are undertaken which approves the requirement of the whole year.
Group of Deans/Provost make budget and discuss it thoroughly. Accordingly Accounts
department communicates budget to Principals. Thereafter it is presented to Finance
Committee and Board of Management and subsequently to Governing Body for approval.
Autonomy is given to Principals for purchase through a two tier system. Tier one
represents Institute level purchase and tier two represents University level purchase. At
the University level, the procedures are initiated upon the receipt of Principals’ request.

Classrooms and Laboratories at CHARUSAT

The campus provides an ambience that motivates students to grow. The classrooms and
seminar halls are spacious, ventilated and equipped with multimedia, interactive boards
and audiovisual equipment to facilitate effective learning. The classrooms are designed to
provide maximum interaction between the faculty and students. Some classrooms are
designed as interaction theatres to facilitate better learning experiences.

Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 116

NAAC Accreditation SSR- CHARUSAT

Table 4.2: Areas for Laboratories and classrooms at CHARUSAT

Sr. No. Name of the Building Area (sq. m) for laboratories Area (sq. m) for Classrooms
1 CSPIT (CE and IT) 1471.70 1013.32
2 CSPIT (CL and ME) 5005.38 1305.63
3 CSPIT (EE and EC) 1972.33 1261.95
4 RPCP 1911.56 618.01
6 IIIM 748.00 1056.00
7 PDPIAS 2997.96 326.32
8 CMPICA 1035.00 816.00
9 ARIP 1275.68 975.20
10 MTIN 660.54 715.35
Total 17078.15 8087.78
Classrooms + Laboratories = 25165.93 sq. m
Infrastructural facilities available in all laboratories include adequate fixtures, furniture,
continuous supply of gas and water and consumables (glassware and chemicals). Good
Laboratory Practices are followed in each of the constituent institutes. Safety aspects of
the students and teachers are considered and wherever necessary, additional facilities like
ventilation and air conditioning, Aseptic area, Fire extinguisher and Incinerator for
biological waste are provided and regularly maintained.
Some specialized state-of-the-art laboratories include:
1. Aseptic laboratory 2. Characterization laboratory.
3. Magnetic measurement laboratory4.High throughput magnetic fluid laboratory

Facilities for General Computer Education.

Each staff member is provided a personal computer. Laptops are provided to senior
faculty members like Deans, Principals, HODs etc. User accounts for Cyberoam (for
internet connectivity) and Wi-Fi are provided to all Staff members. Additionally, there
are separate computer labs for each department and institute with internet connection. E-
mail server for staff and all students is also available.
The campus also has Wi-Fi services with high band width covering all areas of campus.
There is a central depository for software available on CHARUSAT Intranet. Up-
gradation of these licensed software is carried out periodically. New software are
purchased and made available on Intranet as and when required. The list of software at
CHARUSAT is provided in Criterion 3.

General Infrastructure Facilities

Office Rooms
There are separate Executive offices for University executives with interiors, furniture
and fixtures. Each constituent institute has Principals’ Office with interiors, furniture and
fixtures. Each department is provided with a separate HOD room and Staff rooms with
interiors, furniture and fixtures. All offices are provided with separate rest rooms and
staff rooms have attached rest rooms. There is allocation of budget for all office items.
Common Rooms and Rest Rooms
Common rooms, covering an area of about 400 sq. m are provided for boys’ and Girls’
with Bed, attached rest rooms, lockers with other furniture. Rest rooms for boys’ and

Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 117

NAAC Accreditation SSR- CHARUSAT

Girls’ are provided at each floor of all the buildings. On ground floor of every building,
rest rooms are available for physically challenged persons. The University has provided a
ramp at the entrance of each Building for the physically challenged students.

Facilities for Sports and Extra-Curricular Activities

Outdoor and Indoor sports facilities
2 Playgrounds having an area of 19284 sq. m are regularly used by Students and Staff for
playing cricket, football, volley ball, Basketball, Handball etc. Another playground
(10652 sq. m) is under planning. A separate room is available for indoor games where
students and staff can play Table Tennis, Carom, and Chess.
Gymnasium with Multi Gym facilities is available at campus for utilization by students
and staff from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. It has an area of about 275 sq. m. Another Fitness
Centre is also being planned in the physiotherapy institute building in the healthcare zone
of the campus.
The University has constructed state-of-the-art auditoria with AC and ultra-modern
audio-video support systems to assist in the organization of various events for the benefit
of the students and teachers alike. There are four auditoria with different seating capacity
at CHARUSAT, namely, Shri Ambalal I. Patel Auditorium with 400 seats, CHARUSAT
Auditorium 1 with 260 seats (in PDPIAS building), CHARUSAT Auditorium 2 with 280
seats (in RPCP building) and CHARUSAT Auditorium 3 with 130 seats (in CSPIT
building). These auditoria are available to all the institutes on campus on the basis of
prior intimation. Two open-air theatres are also available on the campus where events on
a large scale like convocations and cultural events are held (2000- 3000 seating capacity).
Cultural events/activities
Facilities and training are provided to students for participation in invitational
tournaments (including sports, cultural, co-curricular and extra-curricular events) and
inter-university tournaments. Mentoring is provided by the faculty of the respective
Celebrations of various days
Students are guided and encouraged to participate in and celebrate various events like
Cultural Days, Traditional Days, Teacher’s Day, Engineer’s Day, Annual Day, Sports
Day, Festival Celebration (Navratri, Dhuleti, kite-flying etc.), Republic Day,
Independence Day, International Nurses Day, International Yoga Day, National
Pharmacy Week and Students Tech-Fests. Fresher’s and Farewell parties are also
arranged by the students on the campus under the guidance and presence of faculty
members. During kite flying, the University provides kites and string to all the
constituent institutes and kite flying is celebrated together by the students and staff.

Catering to the requirements of Residential Students

Girls’ Hostels are on campus. The details of the same are provided in the table below.
Boys’ Hostels are out of the campus within a radius of 1 km with a capacity for housing

Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 118

NAAC Accreditation SSR- CHARUSAT

1000 Boys.
Table 4.3: Details of Girls’ and Boys’ Hostels
Sr. Area No. of Housing
No. (sq m) Rooms Capacity
Girls’ Hostels
1. Kalsons Kashiba Girls’ Hostel 3000 75 150
2. J.C.Patel Girls’ Hostel 3450 75 225
3. CHARUSAT Girls’ Hostel - 3 4344 95 295
4. CHARUSAT Girls’ Hostel – 4 3000 40 80
(Outsourced to village Demol for 2014-15)
Total 10,794 285 750
Under Planning on Campus
1. CHARUSAT Girls’ Hostel - 4 6890 100 300
Boys’ Hostels
1 Ohm Hostel 6365 74 225
2 Nisarg Hostel 3000 60 180
3 ShreeDeep Residency 3735 60 240
4 Ashirwad Hostel 3250 49 155
5 Dicken Dorn Hostel 2325 42 130
6 Neelkanth Hostel 445 13 39
7 Darshan Hostel 1200 30 118
8 Indukaka Ipcowala Hostel 930 30 90
Total 21250 358 1177

CHARUSAT facilitates transport to students and staff from their residence to the
University and back. A fleet of buses, which ply on pre-decided routes provide
connectivity to Ahmedabad, Nadiad, Anand and Vadodara every day. This service is
outsourced. In addition CHARUSAT has its own fleet of vehicles like LUVs (3), SUVs
(2) and a few buses (3- 40 seater and 1- 60 seater). The LUVs and SUVs are used for
providing transport to the Executives, while the buses are used for CHARUSAT Hospital
patients and students of institutes of Physiotherapy and Nursing.
Wholesome, nutritious food is made available to the residents of the hostels in the mess.
Subsidized lunch facilities are availed by the faculty and administrative staff at this mess.
The Executives of CHARUSAT avail lunch facilities at the same mess. Additionally,
there are a number of cafeterias to serve the tingling taste buds of young students,
through normal lunch coupled with quick feed items. There is an Amul Parlour also on
the campus to serve healthy milk products and ice-creams.
The Recreational facilities provided at these hostels include: Gymnasium, Courts for
Badminton and Volleyball, Indoor sport like table tennis and carom, separate facilities for
viewing TV and reading newspapers and magazines and facilitation for celebration of
various days/festivals by the hostel residents.
Other facilities provided include Safe drinking RO purified water, store for provisional
items and food, hot (through Gas Geysers and Solar water heaters) and cold water, dining
hall, mess, food plazas, pantry, Internet and Wi-Fi facility with computers, facilities for
medical emergencies, housekeeping service and security. Resident rector and warden
look after the girl students staying in the hostels.

Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 119

NAAC Accreditation SSR- CHARUSAT

Health Services to Students and Staff

Insurance policy is available for the students as well as staff members of CHARUSAT.
This covers insurance of the concerned in case of accidents while on campus.
Additionally, staff members are also covered under the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima
There is CHARUSAT Hospital on the campus. The services of the hospital are available
for all the students and staff members of CHARUSAT. All emergency services are free
of cost for the students. Further, treatment is given to them at a discounted rate. Health
Check- up for all employees as well as students is done annually at the CHARUSAT
First Aid Kits are made available in all the departments/ Institutes. Training is also
imparted to staff and faculty on first aid and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. All staff
and faculty members are given training for handling emergencies due to fire and use of
fire extinguishers.
On an experimental basis CHARUSAT organized Yoga classes and self-defense (karate)
for hostel residents during the academic year 2013-14. It has been decided to continue
with such activities in the coming year too.

4.2 Library as a Learning Resource

The library system at CHARUSAT has two components, namely, Central Library and
Autonomous Institutional Libraries.
The Central library is expected to cater to the general and common needs of students and
faculty; whereas the institutional libraries are expected to cater to the highly specialized
needs of the respective institute. For effective functional purposes, the institutional
libraries enjoy autonomy but for administrative purposes, they are under the Central
library. In the Faculty of Engineering, CHARUSAT has created Departmental libraries
for specialized engineering departments.

Physical Facilities at the Library

There are six institutional libraries in addition to the Central Library covering an area of
about 4000 sq. m. These libraries can accommodate about 650 students at a single
Table 4.4: Area of Libraries at CHARUSAT
Institutes Area of the library (in sq. m) Total seating capacity
Central Library 2950.00 400
CMPICA 0145.67 50
RPCP 0192.00 60
I2IM 0216.65 60
PDPIAS 0035.00 28
MTIN 0206.40 36
ARIP 0216.00 28
Total 3961.72 662

Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 120

NAAC Accreditation SSR- CHARUSAT

Working hours for the library are as follows:

Sr. No. Specification Library Working Time
1 Working days 8.30 A.M. to 4.30 P.M
2 Holidays Reading hall open for 24 hours
3 Before examination 8.30 A.M. to 4.30 P.M.(Reading hall 8.30 A.M. to 9.00 P.M.)
4 During examination 8.30 A.M. to 4.30 P.M. (Reading hall 8.30 A.M. to 12.00
5 During vacation Diwali Vacation: Library closed for 6 days. No closure during
summer vacation

Layout of Library
The library layout facilitates easy and convenient movement. The individual reading
carrels are well-arranged in an area spanning 455 sq. m. There is a separate lounge area
for browsing through magazines and relaxed reading. The lounge area spread over 321
sq. m has seating arrangement conducive to comfortable seating. A separate IT zone is
allocated for accessing e-resources. This area, housing 39 computers, is spread over 265
sq. m.
The library has clear and prominent display of floor plan, sign boards and fire alarms.
The library staff is very service oriented and always ready to help its users. The
differently abled students are very warmly treated and the activities at the library are
facilitated. Intranet and web-OPAC are extensively used for information retrieval and
accessing the library collection. The library policy also encourages actual physical access
to the collection.

Library Holdings and Usage

Table 4.5: Holdings at Library
Books Back Theses Print Journals subscribed Magazines
Titles Volumes volumes and National International
30626 62442 1671 3133 181 79 47
E- CD’s E-books E-journals
Resources 4854 3000 13182
About 23500 books have been added during the last four years.

Table 4.6: Average Monthly Library Usage

Users Transaction Downloads OPAC logins Login to e-resources
2498 3685 4691 485 7037

Access to the Library Collection

Access to the library collection can be done through OPAC
and Electronic Resource Management package for e-journals
has been subscribed as per AICTE guidelines. FEDGATE, which is a scholarly search
product offering a single point search facility for all e-resources is used in the library;

Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 121

NAAC Accreditation SSR- CHARUSAT

The library does not have a dedicated website; however, the link for the library and
library resources is provided through intranet to the University website.
Table: 4.7: Lending Facility at Central Library
Category Number of Books Number of Days
UG 3 21
PG 5 21
PhD 5 21
Staff 30 Full semester

ICT Deployment in Library

Library Automation in the form of SOUL software is used for Catalogue search and
transactions. There are 39 dedicated computers for e-resources, 4 for OPAC and 10 for
library staff. Printing facility for limited number of pages is available at library; for bulk
printing the reprographic and printing facility separately provided adjacent to the central
store can be availed. Internet band width speed available for e-resources was 100 MBPS
until June 2015, which is being up-graded to 200 MBPS from July 2015. All resources
are maintained with full or bibliographical details on Intranet through content
management system for e-learning. Participation in resource sharing networks/ consortia
include INFLIBNET, DELNET, Shodhganga and NPTEL Web Courses tailored and
downloaded for CHARUSAT purpose on Intranet

Specialized Services Provided by Library

Manuscripts are being facilitated from DELNET. References are provided by the library
to users. Reprography/ Scanning services are also available at the library. Inter-library
Loan Service is provided through DELNET to users. Information deployment and
notification are also available. OPAC is provided by library across the campus via
SOUL/OPAC link. Users can access internet from e – resource center in the library.
Reading list/ Bibliography compilation are available on library intranet. Remote access to
all e-resources has been provided to all faculty and staff members on an experimental
basis through EZproxy. Remote access facilitates faculty to search through research
literature available in the Web-based licensed content offered by CHARUSAT library.
This facility will also be extended to all the students of CHARUSAT in due course of
time. User Orientation is done new comer students. Assistance in searching Databases is
also available. INFLIBNET/IUC facilities are also available. CHARUSAT repository in
the library is in the process.

Library Budget
Over the past six years, CHARUSAT has spent 72 % of the resources allocated (INR
217.7 Lakhs) for the development and enhancement of learning resources at the campus.

Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 122

AC Accreditation SSR- CHARUSAT

Table 4.8: Buudget Utilization at Library

Year Alloocated Utillized(INR %
(INRR in in Lakhs)
L Utilized
14-15 51.22 25.999 50.76
13-14 40 34.668 86.7
12-13 39 19.1103 48.97
11-12 31.55 30.006 95.4
10-11 33.55 17.885 53.2
09-10 22.55 21.559 95.9
Average 71.82

Library ass a Happening Place at a CHARUS SAT

The followiing activitiees are underrtaken to maake the libraary as a Happpening Plaace at
 Boooks Exhibitiion - on 07//07/2011 annd on 22/04//2014 at stuudy foyer in the library;;
whiich had a provision for purchase onn approval basis.
 Vannche Gujarrat Abhiyann – Vanchhe Gujarat celebrated with Gujaarati bookss
Exhhibition at Central
C Librrary on 27/111/2010 andd gave the pprizes to ussers of Highh
schoool ( Vadtall, Changa, Demol,
D Rammol)
 Celeebration off 150th birtth anniversary of Swaami Vivekaananda throough Bookss
Exhhibition on 12/01/2013
1 at Central L
 Sepparate arranggement for newspaper
n uusers near to
t issue/retuurn counter.
 Librrary Orientaation Prograam at the beeginning off academic ccareer.
 Arraanging Worrkshops/Sem minars on “HHow to usee database?””
 Theere is a separate loungge to discusss topics am mong a grouup of studeents and forr
leisuurely readinng.
 A box is kept k near issue/returnn counter for collection of Comments//
 Keeeping the users
u updateed about thhe new arrivvals list byy sending email
e to thee
concerned depaartment.
 Guiidelines are displayed on o the noticce boards for
f the userss on matters of issuingg
boooks, returninng books att the counteer, going ab bout the refeerence sectiion, processs
to be
b followedd in case off loss of I-ccard and usse of SOUL L/OPAC lin nk to search h
partticular bookks, etc.

Library Managemen
M t
The adminnistration att libraries is i managedd by 2 Librrarians, 5 A Assistant Librarians, 1
Library Cleerk and ann office assiistant alongg with attenndants. Thee library coommittee iss
responsiblee for policy framing, im mplementatiion monitorring and devvelopmentaal aspects off
the library. Its constituution is as foollows.

Criterion 4: Infrastructure
I e and Learninng Resourcees 1233
NAAC Accreditation SSR- CHARUSAT

Table 4.9: Composition of Library Committee

Sr. No Member’s Profile Position in Committee
1 Provost Chairman
2 All Deans of the Faculties Members
3 All Principals Members
4 All Advisors Members
5 Coordinator of PhD. Program Members
6 Registrar Member
7 Librarian 1 Member
8 Librarian 2 Member Secretary

4.3 IT Infrastructure
IT Policy and Its Implementation at CHARUSAT
At CHARUSAT, the robust IT policy includes not only the software but also takes care
of IT infrastructure and the users (Staff and Students). CHARUSAT turned to Wi-Fi
campus in the year 2006 and currently this Wi-Fi facility has 55 high end Wi-Fi access
points which provides the Wi-Fi facilities all over the campus. It is controlled centrally at
Datacentre. Each and every computer on the campus is connected to central LAN and the
dedicated users are given rights as per the categories as detailed below:
Student-Students are given individual email ID. For internet surfing they are given
dedicated large bandwidth. All accounts are under vigilance with the help of Cyberoam.
Students can access all the academic information and unhealthy websites are blocked
through firewall policy. All mobile devices of students also need to be registered for
availing the Wi-Fi facility on the campus.
Staff- All faculty and staff members at CHARUSAT are allotted individual email and
internet access ID. Various email groups have also been created to easily convey
necessary information across departments, institutes and the whole campus. They can
avail the campus IT portal 24X7. Their personal laptops are also enabled to utilize
campus Wi-Fi services. Senior faculty and staff members have been provided with
unrestricted access to social networking.
IT Service Management: A dedicated Cell has been created to look after the IT Services,
maintenance and its Management - known as Wireless Information and Networking Cell
(WIN Cell).
CHARUSAT cloud ready environment is configured to match with the latest IT scenario
and about 45 virtual servers are presently deliver the IT service to internal as well as
external users. These servers consist of various laboratory level servers, Web servers,
Antivirus servers, FTP servers, e-governance server, WSUS server, account server,
Hospital portal, etc.
CHARUSAT campus has about 2,500 Computers located across the constituent
institutions. All computers are centrally connected and 200 Mbps leased line is also
available in the University (from July 2015; before that it was 100 Mbps). Various
departmental servers are centrally installed at WIN Cell which has the state of the art
network technology commissioned called CHARUSAT Cloud ready environment.

Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 124

NAAC Accreditation SSR- CHARUSAT

Information Security: Information security is provided to CHARUSAT IT infrastructure

by implementing firewall at Gateway level which protects campus data from outside
virus threats, hacking and other cyber-attacks.
High end UPS are provided at critical Hardware and Instruments of IT backbone. At
Datacenter one 10 kVA Smart UPS is installed with one hour of backup and a 63 kVA
generator set is also provided to protect the Datacenter as well as vital computer nodes
spread in various labs.
The critical IT information of student, exam, staff, finance, administration is securely
stored centrally at WIN Cell and the protection layers of these data has been provided
with automatic backup. To protect against cyber-attacks from outside (WAN), firewalls
are also implemented.
Categorically created Cyberoam internet account facilitates the user to various level of
internet surfing, that is, senior executives are provided with certain cyber privileges while
students have restricted access to academic and other useful internet sites.
Network Security: CHARUSAT network is protected by enhanced security with the use
of secure static IP and subneting which isolates it from other outer and unsecured
network threats. Enterprise level antivirus is implemented which looks after the critical
Data of students, examination, administration, as well as staff‘s data. Any external device
cannot access the campus IT facility without designated process (Device registration and
authentications). At regular intervals data and access logs are scrutinized to continuously
protect the IT setup.
Network security has been configured as mentioned below:
 Implementation of Firewall at Gateway Level
 Implementation of Antivirus, IPS (Intrusion Prevention System),at Gateway Level
 Use of high-end Layer-3 and Layer-2 Manageable Switches for Networking
 Installation of centrally managed antivirus software on Desktops, Laptops and
Servers across the campus
 LAN encompasses almost 2500 computers scattered across 14 major institutional
building blocks. All these buildings are interconnected via Fiber Optic
Connectivity. Such a large LAN is managed efficiently with the utilization of
Core Switch at Datacenter, Distributed switch at building level and Edge switches
at laboratories and staff office level. Core switch and Distributed switches are
Layer-3 manageable switches and all the edge switches are Layer-2 manageable
switches from CISCO. All these robust infrastructure makes it possible to manage
any PC of LAN from Datacenter. Manageable switches have made it possible to
control network traffic by separating Wi-Fi network and Wired Network with the
use of VLAN technology. Figures 1 and 2 display the campus Network scenario.
Risk Management: Efficient security measures like auto backup facility and critical
servers’ data being protected with a number of security levels helps control crises and
disastrous situations of information and data loss. Also efficient power backup facility
(UPS) has been put to use at the Data Centre.
A specially trained team of experts deals with events like Cyber-attack of hazardous
nature. This team regularly update themselves with technological developments and IT

Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 125

NAAC Accreditation SSR- CHARUSAT

policy is reviewed at regular intervals. Data has been replicated at various physical places
across the campus as well as off the campus in the form of external Hard-disk and
Software Asset Management: At CHARUSAT, a number of licensed software from
Microsoft, VMware, Oracle, Adobe, Autocad, Matlab, Soul, etc. have been procured. The
Edvantage program of Microsoft has been subscribed which allows the entire Microsoft
product’s utilization for academic purposes. Also software updates, licensing, renewal
and user accounts are securely managed centrally. The occupancy of laboratories of
higher-end software like MATLAB, Cadcam, ProE, etc are planned in such a way so as
to provide the best availability as well as utilization for the benefit of the students.
Various developmental platforms have been provided in specific laboratories to help the
students update their software skills and match the ongoing trends of IT world.
MOODLE lab at CMPICA and software project lab in Computer Engineering buildings
are some of them. Record is maintained of the utilization of various OS and applications
so that the efficient utilization can be achieved. The central source of most popularly and
frequently used software and applications is managed and made available to staff as well
as students.
Open Source Resources: Students use various Open Source platforms like Redhat,
CentOS, Ubuntu, and Moodle in laboratory having 125 Desktops. Dual OS/ Virtual OS
(Microsoft and Linux) are installed in more than 50% of the computers to provide open
sources platform to students. Students are encouraged to try their hands-on open source
software utilization and a cost effective approach is nurtured considering the costly
solution provided by proprietary software.

Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 126

NAAC Accreditation SSR- CHARUSAT

Green Computing: The Datacenter of CHARUSAT manages more than 45 virtual servers
under the Cloud Ready environment. This latest technology has reduced the physical
space required for these servers as earlier these servers were spread at various physical
locations. This has largely reduced the power consumption of providing cool
environment. In other labs planning is underway to provide the cooling with the help of
solar panels installed on the building terraces and in near future more utilization of such
solar power consumption will be encouraged. With the introduction of Cloud Ready
environment and Virtualization, Physical space and Power consumption has been
efficiently reduced which shows our commitment to Green Computing.

Computing Facilities at CHARUSAT

CHARUSAT campus has more than 2500 desktops, laptops and tablets with adequate
printers of various types. The computers on the campus are interconnected with Fiber
Optic cable (FOC) as backbone across the buildings. Inside each building, all the
computers are connected with Ethernet cables, and managed with manageable switches
(layer3 and layer2).Two separate virtual LAN (VLAN) have also been set up for wired
and wireless network. Wi-Fi facility across the campus is provided through Ruckus AP.
All the nodes are connected in central LAN with internet facility. The internet service can
be provided /restricted at any moment as per the requisition with the help of Cyberoam.
There are four dedicated computer centres with internet surfing facility in addition to
computer labs for student use. Each faculty is provided with a desktop.

Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 127

NAAC Accreditation SSR- CHARUSAT

Proprietary software: The University has procured proprietary software like E -

governance - the University ERP solution software, CMPICA Online exam system
modules, online student feedback module and CEM Cell Store Management System
Additional information: The University campus is maintained under electronic
surveillance with the help of about 400 CCTV cameras.
Campus CLOUD Ready environment is implemented with VMware as virtualization
solution. VMware has thoroughly examined this implementation and appreciating the
same they have published this case study on VMware website. In pursuit of the current
state of the art technology, CHARUSAT has procured license from VMware of Virtual
Desktop Infrastructure for 50 Nos as the initial step. A dedicated HP Blade server has
been commissioned at Datacentre (WIN Cell) to facilitate this technology which provides
platform in the form of OS (operating system) and can be accessible from any node
connected to campus LAN as per the customized requirements. Briefly it is a cross
platform technology which supports Desktops, BYOD (Laptops, Mobiles, Tablets etc..).
Students as well as faculty members are motivated to apply such new technologies in
their project areas.
Following the latest trend, at I2IM implementation of Bluebook solution is carried out as
initial step. With this lectures are captured in AV format which students can review at a
later time. Central Government’s HRD initiative QEEE (Quality Enhancement in
Engineering Education) program has been successfully implemented in Engineering
College, CSPIT.CHARUSAT Campus is Microsoft’s platinum level partner through
Microsoft Edvantage program.

Institutional Plan for Up-Gradation of ICT at CHARUSAT

 Procurement of about 100 PCs is in pipeline to expand the existing IT facility.
 After successful implementation of Server virtualization, CHARUSAT is planning
to go for desktop virtualization with initial laboratory setup of 50 numbers of virtual
 Video conferencing devices are being considered and will take shape soon.
 Efforts are also been made to enable live capture of lectures in the classrooms.
 Network TV (Digital signage) to be implemented at the entrance of each building.
So that all the latest and vital information can be published on network TV.
 Lecture capturing solution

On-line Teaching - Learning Resources at CHARUSAT

 Central government’s HRD initiative QEEE (Quality Enhancement in Engineering
Education) program has been successfully implemented for delivery of live video
lectures in engineering college.
 For professional certifications like Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, students are given high
discounts on course fees and with institutional IT infrastructures they acquire online
teaching and related material.

Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 128

NAAC Accreditation SSR- CHARUSAT

 More than 6000 Video lectures of experts from IITs are made available to
CHARUSAT staff and students via NPTEL server.
 CHARUSAT has been selected as a nodal center for MHRD’s online staff training
program conducted by IIT-Mumbai.
 As a part of up-gradation of knowledge of all staff and students, there is
participation in online webinars arranged by corporates and institutes.

New Technologies Adopted by CHARUSAT in ICT During the Past Four Years
 Campus CLOUD Ready environment is implemented with VMware as
virtualization solution. VMware has thoroughly examined this implementation and
appreciating the same they have published the case study on VMware website.
 Central government’s HRD initiative QEEE (Quality Enhancement in Engineering
Education) program has been successfully implemented in engineering college.
Under this program students are provided with live video lectures of IIT faculties
and hence being so far they are able to follow and adopt IIT level of education.

IT Based Teaching Facilities at CHARUSAT

 Each faculty is provided with a computer and an internet account.
 Each faculty is assigned institute’s email account to communicate with staff,
students and professionals through an official email address.
 Principals and departmental heads are provided with laptops and related
 Each classroom is ICT enabled having high end multimedia projector.
 PowerPoint presentations by faculty as well as students are encouraged.
 Staff and students can access online web resources with their personal internet
account registered at datacenter.

Maintenance and Up-Gradation of Computers

 The Datacentre –WIN Cell, has a team of 5 – 6 engineers who look after the
maintenance of all computers on the campus. This does away with the need for
annual maintenance contracts with external agencies.
 Budgetary allocation is made for this purpose and a team of experts is formed for
the necessary procurement and day to day vigilance on the maintenance team.
 An amount of INR 1.64 Crores has been allocated for the financial year 2015 -16
for the purchase and maintenance of ICT resources.

General IT Infrastructure created during the Past Two Years

 Considering the redundancy in internet supply, CHARUSAT has increased the
internet bandwidth from existing 100 Mbps to 200 MBPS from July 2015.
 About 300 computers have been added to the already existing computers with latest

Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 129

NAAC Accreditation SSR- CHARUSAT

 100tablets have been procured for distribution to students to facilitate access to

standardized reference material being provided from the institute.

4.4 Maintenance of Physical Infrastructure

Estate Office at CHARUSAT
CHARUSAT has Infrastructure Development and Maintenance Section (IDMS) office
comprising technical and administrative staff for overseeing the maintenance of
buildings, class-rooms, laboratories and other Infrastructure facilities. A workshop
headed by Workshop Superintendent looks after maintenance and preventive
maintenance work related with Carpentry, fabrication etc.
Infrastructure Development and Maintenance Committees (IDMC) have been constituted
in each department and institute involving one teaching and one non-teaching staff
member. The committee is responsible for the smooth execution of maintenance and
similar activities in a coordinated manner between Departments and IDMS office This
committee looks after the furniture procurement as well as preventive maintenance of
basic amenities like fixtures, intercoms, telephones, etc.

Maintenance Policy for Physical Infrastructure

The maintenance of buildings, class rooms and laboratories are managed by the IDMS
office of the University. Minor maintenance work related with Carpentry, fabrication etc.
and preventive maintenance is carried by workshop throughout the year. There are Stores
of electrical and plumbing materials to have ready availability of materials for
maintenance. External agencies are also employed for maintenance work related with
Civil, Aluminum section etc. There are annual Maintenance contracts for Water purifiers
(RO systems), Air Conditioners, Water Coolers, Gardens, Pest Control, Fire
extinguishers, Generators etc. The housekeeping and campus security have been
outsourced with required contractual obligations. The campus is covered under electronic
surveillance system.
Up to date records of Preventive maintenance, breakdown maintenance, and log book of
machines / equipment are maintained by the Institutes. Interdepartmental verification of
stock is carried at the end of every year and the missing or damaged items are noted /
written-off. Sophisticated equipment is covered under annual maintenance contract.
Budgeted provision of 10-15% of Capital Related Expenditure is made each year for
Maintenance expense.

Quality Sustenance and Quality Enhancement Measures

 Adequate infrastructure is provided for education and research.
 The surroundings and the campus environment are ambient to learning in rural
location in the lap of nature with all modern amenities.
 Learning resources center, Library has appreciable number of learning resources
catering to the students’ needs.
 Cloud computing facility available at the campus is the first of its kind in any of
the universities of the state.

Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 130

Criterion 5
Student Support &
NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

CHARUSAT is committed to provide healthy, safe and progressive environment to the
students. Students are mentored for their personal, social, professional and academic
development and success. The University publishes students’ handbook every year for
the freshers to be familiar and oriented towards the university, higher education and
comfortable life at the campus. Counseling, financial support, learning and research
facilities, health care facilities, and encouragement for innovation and creativity are the
salient features in the area of student support and progression. Students are encouraged
and guided for academic and extracurricular activities across the year. Many students
have won national and international prizes and recognitions for their academic and
extracurricular participation and activities. Students of CHARUSAT are also actively
volunteering in community outreach activities.

5.1 Student Mentoring and Support

Student Support Provided by CHARUSAT
• CHARUSAT provides scholarship to students on the basis of means and merit.
Till date INR 2.9 Crores have been disbursed among students through varied
• The university provides free health check-up to students annually. The services of
the CHARUSAT Hospital are also available for consultation and follow-up at
discounted rates.
• All students are covered under group insurance policy.
• 24X7 Wi-Fi facilities are provided.
• The university provides financial assistance to students participating in curricular,
sports and extra-curricular events at state, national level and international level.
• Different courses on Liberal arts are offered to the students from the academic
year 2014-15. It includes photography, painting, sculpture art, pottery, music etc.
These are conducted under the guidance of expert artists.
• University has Sports facilities (indoor as well as out-door), Placement Cell,
Computer Center to cater to the recreational, extra-curricular and educational
needs of the students.
• Cultural programs like Spoural (cultural festival of CHARUSAT) & Vrund
(Navratri celebration); technical programs like Tech-fest and sports week are
arranged every year to inculcate technical and extramural skills and healthy
competitive habits among the students.
• Assistance from various cells like Grievance Redressal Cell, Anti-Ragging
Committee and Cell for Prevention of Sexual Harassment is also available for the

Mentoring System at CHARUSAT

Mentoring is a youth development strategy that can create a path to successful adulthood`
and career for the students. A common mentoring system is adopted across the University

Criterion 5: Student Support and Progression 131

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

with slight modifications to suit the needs of the constituent institutes. Faculty members
are trained for counseling.
• A mentor is assigned15 to 25 students as mentees.
• The mentees are attached to the same mentor for the entire course of their study.
• The mentors meet the mentees regularly and record the outcome of the meetings.
• The mentors update the mentee's parents about the progress of the mentees.
Aspects of Mentor's Review: The mentors regularly review the mentee’s attendance,
academic matters and provide other areas of care and guidance as sought by the mentee
and as deemed fit by the mentor.
• The mentor takes care of the attendance of the mentee in the class. Also, mentors
are responsible for monitoring and advising for necessary follow-up actions with
regard to students, who are ‘out of rolls’ and those absent from classes.
• The mentors also attend to the academic matters of mentees dealing with previous
academic performance, internal assessment marks, semester results and career
coaching, if relevant.
• The mentors also look into behavioral and discipline matters, physical health,
spiritual growth, achievements, talents, scientific achievements and extra, co-
curricular achievements with regard to their mentees.
Hence, it can be said that the mentor is the local guardian of the mentee on the campus.
Academic Mentoring
Apart from classroom faculty members/mentors are available for academic mentoring, to
the students 24X7 through E-mail, Mobile phone, Social networking sites and Blogs.
Students are exposed to in-depth subject knowledge and other multilevel tasks through
students’ association activities, seminars and workshops organized by the departments.
In the review meeting, immediately after the Internal Assessment tests and the semester
results, the faculty appreciates the students who have performed well. This is placed on
record. The faculty also interacts with the students who have not done well or failed in
the internals and advises them to improve their performance. The faculty extends all
possible assistance to improve the academic performance of the students. Parents/
guardians are informed of the performance of their ward by email, post and personally
during parents meetings.
Students update themselves on recent trends and developments in the subjects by
participating in the training programs and presenting papers in the National / International
level seminars/ conferences and inter-collegiate competitions. They are guided by the
faculty in all such endeavors.
Care and Counseling
The mentor during the periodic review meeting shall counsel the students. The well
behaved students shall be appreciated and others shall be properly cared for and
counseled. In cases where expert care and counseling is required, the mentor shall consult
the senior members of the institute and identify the counselor/expert to whom the mentee
should be referred. The details of the mentee shall be communicated to the counselor/
expert by the mentor. The mentee will also be informed about the counselor/expert by the
mentor. The Counselor/ expert shall directly talk to the mentee for further follow up

Criterion 5: Student Support and Progression 132

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

Personality Development
The mentor shall encourage the mentee to develop and channelize his/her skills and talents
through an appropriate forum or activity of the University (arts, sports, extension
activities, workshops, conferences, association activities, etc.). These are aimed at the
overall development of the personality of the student so as to make him/her 'Arise and
Personal Enhancement and Development Skills
 University has Entrepreneur Development and Incubation Cell (EDIC) which
motivates the students for entrepreneurship through seminar and workshops.
 University also has a dedicated Career Development and Placement Cell (CDPC)
which looks after the training and placement of the students. Under this cell various
training programs are organized such as career counseling, education overseas, Soft
skill development or other programs which help students in shaping their future.
 Student presentations are conducted in each course to enhance their presentation
skills, handling queries, conflict management, realization of self-worth and
confidence building.
 Apart from these, career counseling and career-path-identification events are
organized by inviting guest faculties from other organizations. Community outreach
services are provided by CHARUSAT through students to inculcate social skills.
 In curriculum, a significant weightage is given to field/ team based learning, hands-
on practice and research projects. These activities are carried out under close
mentoring of faculty members and helps in inculcating self-confidence and a spirit
of team-work among the students.

Prospectus and Handbook of CHARUSAT

The University publishes its updated prospectus and handbook every year for each of the
constituent institutes. The contents of the prospectus include Vision and Mission,
University organogram, academic rules and regulations, code of conduct, Student
services, infrastructural facilities, and salient features of the programs and courses
offered, etc. Each institute also publishes a syllabus book with details of Course content
and outline, Evaluation Pattern, pedagogy. Electronic version is also made available on
the University website for download/online access.

Support Services for Students of Special Categories

a. Overseas Students
At Faculty of Applied Sciences, research facility access, accommodation and other
support to the overseas students during their stay at CHARUSAT was facilitated.
For other institutes, formulation of such policy is under process.
b. Differently-abled Students
CHARUSAT understands challenges faced by differently abled students and has
provided ramps in each building on the campus and a rest room for these differently
abled students.
c. SC/ST, OBC and Economically Weaker Sections

Criterion 5: Student Support and Progression 133

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

In order to help the SC/ST, OBC and economically weaker sections, the University
supports in the process of government scholarships. CHARUSAT meritorious
scholarship is also available to help economically weaker students.
d. Students Participating in Various Competitions/Conferences in India and Abroad
The University reimburses the participation fees for the students participating in
various competitions and conferences in India. It encourages and provides
mentoring also.
e. Health Center, Health Insurance etc
CHARUSAT organizes health check-ups for all students annually. CHARUSAT
has a well-functioning CHARUSAT hospital where adequate medical facilities are
provided to the students.
f. Skill Development (spoken English, computer literacy, etc)
A range of courses are offered to the students including Communication Skills,
Compulsory Non- Credit Courses (CNCC), Aural and Oral Communication,
Managerial Effectiveness, Introduction to Computer and Technology, Bridge
Courses, Audit Courses, Computer applications, Spoken English, Professional
Communication, Academic writing and Other courses of humanities and social
g. Performance Enhancement for Slow Learners
The university identifies the requirements of the students and as per these
requirements the institute offers following programs to slow learners:
 Offering add on courses/bridge courses on basic communication skills –
Presentation skills, Writing skills, Managerial communication for the benefit
of the students pertaining to vernacular medium of instructions.
 Offering remedial classes/add on courses/bridge courses for out of the
ordinary streams of graduation (i.e. offering remedial classes of Fundamentals
of Accounting for Engineering and non-commerce students).
 University has provision for Academic – Recuperation sessions in the regular
academic sessions to cater the needs and requirements of poor students.
h. Exposure of Students to Other Institutions of Higher Learning/ Corporate/ Business
Houses, etc.
University gives exposure to the students through various forums:
 Inviting experts from corporate houses and industries to interact with the
students on various aspects.
 Industry Academia Meets, Alumni Meets, Sectoral Inputs, and Placement
Assistance Program.
 University also encourages students to participate in various activities
organized by various institutes of national repute like Indian Institute of
Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A), IITs, IISc and others.
 Special educational visits to various industry and organizations are also
 Industrial visits and tours are a regular feature in each academic year.

Criterion 5: Student Support and Progression 134

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 The University curriculum has been designed to incorporate the syllabi of

various competitive examinations for higher studies.
i. Publication of Student Magazine
Publication of University Student Magazine- ‘The Quill’ is managed by the
students. The institutes nominate student coordinators for the magazine editorial
board and the students of the university write, edit and design this magazine. The
students’ creative side is encouraged to be reflected in this magazine
publication.Students of Faculty of Computer Science and Application are part of
Editorial Board of the institute’s e-Newsletter “Vrutant”.

Enhancing Student Participation in Sports and Other Activities

The university considers sports and extracurricular activities an integral part of students’
development. Special leaves are provided to participate in Extra and co-curricular events
and extra make-up classes are conducted for students. Flexibility to appear in internal
examinations is also provided in some of the cases. They are also given flexible dates for
their academic submissions. The university has a provision of Academic Performance
Enhancement Sessions, Academic Recuperation, Mentor- Mentee or counselor system to
provide additional academic support to the students, participating in sports and
extracurricular activities. Sports uniforms, sport kits and other necessary materials are
provided to the students. Special dietary requirements are also provided during the
events. Students are given the TA/DA when participating in such activities in institutes
outside the campus. Also the efforts of students are appreciated by presenting them
appreciation awards and certificates during Annual day celebrations. An amount of INR
3,44,758 /- has been spent towards student participation in sports and cultural activities
since 2011.

Students’ Placement Activity at CHARUSAT

The University has an institutionalized mechanism for students’ placement. The
university has a Career Development and Placement Cell (CDPC).Also, each
institute/department has similar cells to coordinate the activities of Career Development
and Placement Cell. Some of the institutes offer programs like Placement Assistance
Program (PAP) for the students. CDPC and the programs undertake the following
 To identify the job opportunities
 Prepare them for interview
 Develop their entrepreneurial skills
Moreover, Seminar on ‘Placement Assistance Program’; Workshop on ‘Curriculum Vitae
(CV) / Resume Designing’ and Imparting Placement Etiquettes ; MBTI test for all the
students to let them know their competencies; ‘International Test of English Proficiency’;
Workshop and Mock Group Discussion; Seminars on ‘Corporate Culture’ with an
objective to create awareness in the aspiring young minds about the actual working of
corporate cosmos ; Questionnaire Session on ‘Students Placement Inputs’ aimed to get

Criterion 5: Student Support and Progression 135

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genuine inputs of students career plans; workshop on ‘Personal Interview and one-to-one
personal interview’ and similar are organized.
In order to develop entrepreneurship skills among students, institute has a compulsory
course on - Entrepreneurship and MSMEs, Entrepreneurship for Pharma Professionals
and other courses are offered at various institutes with different level which enables the
students to understand the meaning of entrepreneurship.
The University has been offering Soft Skill and communication skill enhancement
courses as mandatory courses and arranges workshop, seminar, and lectures to enhance
employability of its youth work force. Members from the industry and organizations are
inducted in the Board of Studies of each institute and their inputs are incorporated into
the curriculum design. Feedback of the alumni and employers are also taken into
consideration while designing the syllabus. Employability is given a major thrust in
designing and developing the curriculum. The curriculum development emphasizes
application/practical orientation, in addition to soft skill development and communication
skills. Balanced curriculum revision of UG/PG courses is interlinked with employability
cum entrepreneurship skills and social orientation component.
The students at CHARUSAT opt for higher education up to an extent of about 30 %, with
the remaining eligible students being placed in various sectors of renowned industries.
Till date about 200 recruiting companies have visited the campus resulting in good
placement for the students.
Table 5.1: Indicative List of Companies with Placement of Students at CHARUSAT
Sr. Name of Recruiting Company Total No. of Sr. Name of Recruiting Total No. of
No. Students Placed No. Company Students Placed
in past 4 Years in past 4 Years
1. TATA Consultancy Services 280 17. L & T 48
2. iGATE 93 18. Sibridge 30
3. Tata Soft Technologies 72 19. Webline India 28
4. Infosys 55 20. Dots & Coms 27
5. Acmatix, Ahmedabad 24 21. e Clinical works Ltd 20
6. eInfochips-eITRA 24 22. Shreeji Infosoft 18
7. GSFC 24 23. Cygnet InfoTech 17
8. Tech Mahindra 21 24. Value Chain Solutions 17
9. Reliance India Ltd. 16 25. Indusa Infosystem 14
10. Intellise IT 15 26. Cube Construction 12
11. VR Software Systems Pvt.Ltd. 10 27. Gateway Technologies 12
12. India Infoline Finance Ltd 14 28. Omega 12
13. Skynet Global, Nadiad 12 29. iView Labs Pvt. Ltd. 11
14. Infinity Infoway Pvt. Ltd. 10 30. Pace InfoTech, Baroda 10
15. DB Corp Limited, Ahmedabad 11 31. e-infochip 14
16. Anand Agriculture University 10

CHARUSAT Alumni Associations

All the constituent institutes organize Alumni Meet annually, wherein alumni interact
with their junior students.
Alumnus of the institute helps in the following activities/areas:

Criterion 5: Student Support and Progression 136

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 Summer Internship Program

 Final Placement (In / off campus)
 Live project opportunities under Comprehensive Project(s)
 Research help in the form of consultancy projects /audits.
 Participation through Management Seminar Series under various categories like
External Exposure.
 Participation through Students University mapping system.
 Permission for industrial visits / case writing.
 Development of our human resources through design of customized programs.
 Providing all assistance for setting us an Entrepreneurship Development Cell.

Students’ Grievance Redressal Cell

Following the directions of the UGC and AICTE, the Grievances Redressal Cell has been
established in order to deal with the individual grievances related to students and ensure
the Redressal of varied grievances amicably in a time bound manner. The Grievance
Redressal Cell at CHARUSAT helps to maintain a conducive, unprejudiced education
environment and thereby a harmonious atmosphere on the University Campus.
Any aggrieved student of the University with a grievance complaint may approach the
Grievance Redressal Cell to lodge/file their grievance in writing or send e-mail.
Suggestion boxes are also placed at every department/institute, hostel and other important
locations to help the students to express their grievances. This box is opened once in a
week and addressed in the following week depending upon the degree of urgency.
The grievances are mainly related to the provision of basic amenities, improvement in the
facility of hostels, mutual conflicts, disciplinary issues, etc. The following table shows
the grievances and actions taken on that.
Table 5.2: Redressal of grievances at CHARUSAT
Sr. No Nature of Grievances Action Taken
1 Insufficient parking space 2 additional parking lots were provided.
2 Loss of personal belongings Installation of CCTV for surveillance
3 Condition of Water Coolers Maintenance carried out for all water coolers placed in
the entire University.
4 Insufficient access to canteen Coffee machines were installed in departments/institutes
facility of the University.

A well- organized Grievance Redressal Cell exists at CHARUSAT, the constitution of

which is given below.
Table 5.3: Constitution of the Grievance Redressal Cell at CHARUSAT
Sr. No. Designation Profile
1 Chairman A Senior Professor of the University
2 Members Three Senior Teachers from Various Institute
3 Student representatives At least one student from each constituent institute

Promoting Gender Sensitive Environment

CHARUSAT believes in the equality of all the employees, students, associates and
stakeholders. This ideal imbibes the idea of gender equality and gender sensitivity.

Criterion 5: Student Support and Progression 137

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CHARUSAT also believes in providing safe workplace to all its employees and a safe
place to study to all students. In compliance with the mandate of the Supreme Court,
CHARUSAT has formed the Cell for Prevention of Sexual Harassment (CPSH) to
address the issues of employees, especially female safety against sexual harassment.
The following programs have been organized towards creating gender sensitive
environment at the campus.
 A Convention on Women Empowerment was organized for all the students of
CHARUSAT on 28th February 2015. During the convention, the speakers included
Ms. Falguni Patel, Dy S. P, Nadiad, Dr. Manjulaben Patel, Senior Educationist and
Mrs. Madhuben Patel, Advisor, CHARUSAT. They addressed the gathering on
various topics like the role of women in modern development of the society, caution
to be taken while on social media and related topics. Various competitions like
Elocution Competition (Topic: Domestic Violence), Poster Making Competition
(Topics: Crimes against Women OR Empowering Women through Education) and
others. During the valedictory function, Prizes were distributed to the winners and
 A Convention on Impact of Gender Bias at Workplace was organized by CPSH on
7th March 2015. It also served as a platform for the celebration of Women’s Day
(8th March 2015). During the convention, Dr. Sulabha Natrajan, Professor & Head,
Waymade College of Education spoke on “Women empowerment”. Ms. Asha
Verma, Assistant Professor, GNLU discussed the laws regarding women
empowerment and gender bias at work place. Two competitions were organized
after the lunch to bring out the creativity among the female staff members and
prizes were awarded. The senior most lady on the campus, Ms. Vimalben Patel,
Hon. Director, MTIN, was felicitated on the occasion.
Table 5.4: Constitution of Cell for Prevention of Sexual Harassment at CHARUSAT
Sr. No. Member’s Profile Designation
1 A Woman faculty member of the cadre Associate professor and above to be Chairman
nominated by the Provost
2 To be nominated by the Provost; at least one should be a female Faculty Two Academic
Representative from any Institute staff Members
3 To be nominated by the Provost; of which at least one shall be from Two Non-
‘Officers’ category and the other from ‘other staff’ category representing teaching staff
various levels; at least one should be female. Members
4 A woman outside CHARUSAT with known contribution to woman’s Member
issues, to be co-opted, on approval by the Provost
5 Shall be from the concerned constituent institute of CHARUSAT, as an Representative
invitee in the cell. Member

Anti-Ragging Committee at CHARUSAT

Ragging is strictly prohibited inside and outside the University campus. The Anti-
Ragging Committee constituted for this purpose by the university is empowered to take
an immediate action against any untoward incident and counsel the fresher.

Criterion 5: Student Support and Progression 138

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To enhance familiarity and to acclimatize the fresher to the academic and social
environment of the campus, the university organizes Commencement Celebration in the
first week of each new academic calendar.
Table 5.5: Anti-Ragging Committee at CHARUSAT
Sr. No. Member’s Profile Position Numbers
1 Provost Chairman 1
2 Faculty Representatives from each Institute Members 12
3 Students’ Representatives Members 8
4 Representative of Non-Teaching Staff Member 1
5 Representatives from Parents Member 3

Eliciting Cooperation from Stakeholders

The conduct of all activities at CHARUSAT involves the various stakeholders in some
manner or the other. The involvement of each type of stakeholder is described below.
a. Organizations: Inviting organization’s representatives at institute to share their
experiences and latest happenings in the corporate world through Curriculum
Development, Industry Academia Meet, Management Seminar Series, Faculty
Industry Exposure –Interaction, Placement Assistance Program, Summer
Internship Program, Comprehensive Projects and Faculty training at
b. Alumni: Organizing Alumni Meets, arranging interactions with juniors for
providing career guidance in various forums and soliciting inputs for curriculum
c. Parents/ Guardians: Organizing Parent -Teacher - Student (PTS) Meeting in each
semester and soliciting inputs for curriculum development/ enrichment.
d. Representatives of society/ employers/ industries (Governing Body/ Board of
Management /Faculty Board and Board of Studies): Inviting inputs from them for
course curriculum development and other innovative and best practices of the
e. Faculty: At the time of entry, during informal discussions with the students,
strength and weaknesses of the students are identified. In due course of teaching
more clarity is obtained. Through personal counseling and additional attention,
faculty make efforts to overcome the barriers related to learning. For every
student, counselor is allocated for counseling. Faculty is involved in all decisions
related to academic planning and execution. Faculty feedback is taken in each
course to improve the curriculum.
f. Peers from other Institutes/Universities: Inviting faculty members from other
institutes/universities to share their experiences through Curriculum
Development, Expert Lectures, Training and participation in extra and co-
curricular activities such as Seminars, Workshops, Conferences, Symposiums,
Youth Festivals, etc.

Criterion 5: Student Support and Progression 139

AC Accreditaation SSR - CHARUSAT

Participatiion of Wom men Studennts in Sportts and Cultural Activiities

The Univerrsity alwayss encouragees and ensuures particippation of woomen studen nts in intra--
and inters-- institution
nal sports competition
c ns and culttural activities. Womeen studentss
participate in variouss cultural activities aand sports competitioons/activitiees such as,
Spoural – Cultural festival, Sports
S Weeek, other intra
i & innter-institutiions sportss
Table 5.6: Women
W Studennts Participatiion in Variouss Events
Yearr Participatioon in
Extternal Events Internaal Events
Total Femmale Total Femalee
20144-2015 966 350 1056 650
20133-2014 834 286 986 621
20122-2013 759 213 887 589
20111-2012 735 209 826 515

5.2 Studen
nts’ Progresssion
Student Sttrength
Table 5.7: Number of Students Admiitted during laast Four Acadeemic Years
Categories Year 2014-15
2 Year 20133-14 Y 2012-13
Year Year 2011-12
Male Female Male Female M
Male Fem
male Male Female
SC 53 20 38 14 37 114 39 15
ST 38 18 35 19 32 110 36 09
OBC/ SEBC 2544 82 163 50 150 447 1599 69
General 11000 699 809 410 787 367 7533 378
Others --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- ---
Others: Speciially abled/ Deefense Personn’s ward/ J & K Migrants/ Students
S from Other States

Student Paarticipation
n in Compeetitive Examminations
The follow
wing table gives the details
d of students
s haaving particcipated in competitivee
examinations like GATTE, GPAT, TOFEL, IE ELTS, NIPE ER JEE, NEET, SLAT, etc.

Criterion 5: Student
S Suppport and Proggression 1400
AC Accreditaation SSR - CHARUSAT

Tabble 5.8: Studennt Participation in Competittive Examinattions

Institute No. of Studdents Appeareed

wise Complletion Ratee


Studentt Progression in UG Prograams Student Prrogression in P

PG Programs
undeer Faculty of Technology
T & under Faculty of Techhnology &
Engineerring Engineeringg

100 10

90 9

80 8

70 7

60 6

2011‐2015 2010‐2
2014 2009‐‐2013 2013-2015 2
2012-2014 2011-2013 20100-2012

Studdent Progresssion in UG Student Proogression in P

PG Program
Proograms under Faculty
F of under Faculty
F of Phharmacy

70 70

60 60

015 2010‐20
014 2009‐20
013 20
013‐2015 20
012‐2014 201
11‐2013 2010

Criterion 5: Student
S Suppport and Proggression 1411
AC Accreditaation SSR - CHARUSAT

Sttudent Progreession in PG Student Prrogression in UG

U Programs
Prograams under Facculty of Appliied under Facculty of Mediccal Sciences


80 8

70 7

60 6

2012-2014 2011-2013 2
2010-2012 20099-2011 2011‐2015 2010‐2014
4 2009‐201

Stuudent Progression in PG Student Prrogression in PG Programs

Proograms under Faculty of under Facuulty of Compuuter Science &
Management Studies Applicationns

100 100
90 90
80 80
70 70

60 60

2012-2015 2011-2014 2
2010-2013 20099-2012 22012-2015 20011-2014 20110-2013 2009

PhD Thesees Submitteed

CHARUSA AT is a veryy young Un niversity; an
nd its PhD program
p is in an infantt stage. Thee
following table gives details
d of Ph
hD theses suubmitted duuring the past four yearrs.
Table 5.9: Phh.D Degrees Awarded
Sr.No. Faculty Ph.D. thheses submitteed Subjeect Area
Faculty of Antennaa design in coommunication system
1 Technology & 03 Satellitee communicattion antennas
Engineering Power system
Targeted Drug Deliveery
Faculty of
2 03 Receptoor Pharmacoloogy
Prescripption quality evaluation
Nanomaagnetic fluids
Faculty of
Nanopaarticles & Maggnetic studies
3 Applied 04
Solar Cells
Plant biiotechnology
Tottal 10

Criterion 5: Student
S Suppport and Proggression 1422
NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

5.3 Student Participation and Activities

Activities Available to Students
CHARUSAT believes in the holistic integral development of the students and provides
ample opportunity for the students to participate in extra-curricular and co-curricular
events organized by in-house or outside the University. The students are also trained and
mentored for the same.
Table 5.10: Student Participation in Various Events in the Past Year.
Sr. No Event Participation Sr. No Event Participation
Sports Activities
1 Badminton 27 9 Javeline Throw 1
2 Basket Ball 108 10 Judo 5
3 Chess 45 11 Kabaddi 48
4 Chess (Individual) 5 12 Lawn Tennis 5
5 Cricket 90 13 Soft ball 1
6 Disk Throw 1 14 Table Tennis 79
7 Foot Ball 120 15 Volley Ball 144
8 Hand Ball 12 16 100 m Run 1
Total 692
Cultural Activities
1 Dance (Folk, Western, 11
Contemporary, Garba) 150 Skit 6
2 Solo Song 10 12 Mime 6
3 Group Song 15 13 Quiz 3
4 Photography 3 14 Elocution 1
5 Collage 1 15 Debate 2
6 Poster Making, Painting 7 16 Poem Recitation 1
7 Rangoli 6 17 Extempore 1
8 Clay Modeling 1 18 Advertisement 10
9 Cartooning 1 19 Mehndi 4
10 One Act Play 6 20 Treasure Hunt 40
Total 274
Organized at CHARUSAT
1 CONVEGNO 250 5 Organized outside 935
Total 2635
Extension Activities
1 Prayaas 128 3 Samarpan 102
2 KADAM 289 4 Nirmaan 157
Total 676

Achievement of Students in Extra-Curricular Activities

Students at CHARUSAT have excelled in a variety of events and competitions; both on-
campus and off-campus. The following table details the achievements of the students of
CHARUSAT in Extra-curricular activities.

Criterion 5: Student Support and Progression 143

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Table 5.11: Achievements by Students of CHARUSAT in Extra-Curricular Activities

Sr. Event Competition Award
1 Handball Forum of Private University, Gujarat organize by 1st Sports Runners-up
2 Kabaddi(B) Competition Held at Ganpat University Kherva During the Runners-up
3 Chess 3rd February 2014 to 8th February 2014 Runners-up
4 Tennis Runners-up
5 Kabaddi(G) Runners-up
6 T.T (D) Runners-up
7 Basketball Gujarat National Law University Gandhinagar, Organize Runners-up
Invitation Tournament – 2014
8 Judo Khel Mahakumbh-14 Gold Medal
9 Folk Dance Open Kheda/Anand District Garba Tournament 3rd Position
1 PETRO CUP – 2013 All Gujarat Inter Engineering Sports Runners-up
2 Folk Dance JCI-2013 Garba & Folk Dance Competition -2013 Runners-up
3 100Mt Run Champion
SNA STATE CONFERENCE – 2013 (All Gujarat Nursing
4 Discus Throw Champion
College competition)
5 JavelineThrow Third
6 T T(S) CONPHYCS -2013 Champion
7 T T (D) (All Gujarat Physiotherapy Institute Sports competition) Runners-up
8 T T(G, S) Champion
9 Cricket Champion
10 Judo Khel Mahakumbh-13 Gold Medal
11 Volleyball All Gujarat Inter Engineering Sports Meet held at SVNIT Champion
Surat “IGNIS2013’’
1 Volleyball “Petro Cup -12” All Gujarat Inter Engineering Invitation Champion
Tournament organized by PDPU
2 Volleyball All India National Sports Festival “IGNIS-12”held at SVNIT Champion
3 Football Surat from 22nd March to 25th March 1st Runner-up
4 Basketball 2nd Runner-up
5 TT 1st Rotary Open Anand Table Tennis Tournament 4th & 5th Champion in U- 21 &
August 2012. 2nd in over 21.
6 TT Runner up in over 21
7 Chess All Gujarat Inter Engineering sports competition-2012 Held Champion
8 Football at DAIICT Runners-up
9 Basketball Runners-up
10 Judo Khel Mahakumbh-12 Gold Medal
11 Cricket CONPHYCS – 2012 First
12 T.T (D/S) (All Gujarat Physiotherapy Institute Sports competition) Second
13 Volleyball Third
1 Football (B) Petro cup – 11 all Gujarat Inter Technological courses Champion
Organized by PDPU
2 Volleyball Chunouti-11 all Gujarat Inter Engineering competition Champion

Criterion 5: Student Support and Progression 144

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Organized by : SVNIT-Surat
3 Football DAIICT-Gandhinagar organized all Gujarat Inter Champion
Engineering Invitation Tournament -2011
4 Judo Khel Mahakumbh-11 Gold Medal
5 TT First
6 Chess Second
1 Football Guj. Uni. South Zone Inter College Sports Competition- Silver Medal
2 TT 2010-11 Silver Medal
3 Judo Khel Mahakumbh-10 Gold Medal
S: Singles, D: Doubles, B: Boys, G: Girls

Achievements of the students of CHARUSAT at various other forums are as described

under. recognizes Ranu Patel, Woman Entrepreneur: Ranu Patel, Student of
Indukaka Ipcowala Institute of Management, CHARUSAT was recognized by as E-Commerce Role Model on International Women’s Day. She
established company entitled efonebits, selling online mobile accessories and is a small
town e-business entrepreneur of Gujarat.
Bal Shree Award: Vrunda Shah, a Physiotherapy student of CHARUSAT is the
recipient of the Bal Shree Award 2011-12 for her contribution to Performing Arts. She
received this award on 29th January 2015 at New Delhi. Vrunda is the only girl from
Gujarat under Performing Arts Category to receive this award.
National Elocution Competition 2014: Ms. Kruti J. Naik, 4thsem. M.Pharm
(Pharmaceutics-DRA) student of RPCP secured 2nd rank in state level round of National
Elocution Competition conducted by IPA. Ms. Kruti secured 3rd rank in Semifinal Round
of NEC-2014 for speaking on the topic "Indian Pharmaceutical Industry- Global
Perspective" and secured 3rd rank in National Level Final Round of National Elocution
Competition - 2014.
Honors at IIT Bombay Tech-Fest: Three students of Electronics and Communication
Engineering program at CHARUSAT namely, Devaj Parikh, Deep Parmar and Harsh
Bansal, participated in the event “INCLINO” at the IIT BOMBAY TECHFEST
2014.Their project based on civil engineering was adjudged 3rd with 282 points out of
350.The project was a static structure made up of Popsicle sticks (ice-cream sticks) and
white glue (fevicol) withthe constraints given by the organizers to construct an inclined
tower of 135cm in length with a base of 30cm x 30cm. The inclination of the tower was
Best from Waste: Costless air-conditioning in auto-mobiles by CHARUSAT Student
Nirmit Kantilal Sanchapara, 8th semester, Mechanical engineering, CSPIT-CHARUSAT
This model provides air-conditioning by utilizing only wasted heat from silencers
through hot exhaust gases. Hence, by introducing this system air-conditioning can be
obtained without compromising the fuel efficiency. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are not
used as refrigerant so the system is environment friendly and not responsible for global

Criterion 5: Student Support and Progression 145

NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

F3 racer car –Ojaswat ranked 3rd at National Level: Team 'OJASWAT', a group of 25
young engineers from Chandubhai S Patel Institute of Engineering and Technology, have
developed the formula racing car for participation in SUPRA SAE India 2014
competition held at Madras Motor Club at Chennai 17 – 22 July 17 2014. Team
OJASWAT cleared the first phase and stood 16th from across the country and first in
Gujarat. In the second round 87 teams were able to submit their cost reports, and 12
teams were allowed to run during the final 22 km endurance race. Team Ojaswat stood
first in the 'Go Green' and 'Endurance' categories and was ranked 3rdamongst various
engineering colleges in India winning a cash prize of INR 1,10,000/-.
Laurels at Heart Run:Students of ARIP have won cash prizes in the Heart Run (2.7 km)
organized by DDMM heart Institute, Nadiad where around 700 participants participated
for this category. The students, Vidhya Kiran (7thSem), Daksha (5thSem) andNehali
Amin (7thSem) secured 2nd, 3rd, and 5th ranks respectively.
Achievements at Youth Festival organized by Federation of Private University of
Gujarat and UkaTarsadia University: Federation of Private University of Gujarat and
Uka Tarsadia University organized 1stYouth Festival- 2013 during 1st February 2013 to
3rd February 2013. There were total 10 universities and more than 10 colleges from
Gujarat participating in 27 events in 5 different Categories- Music, Dance, Literature,
Theatre and Fine Arts. CHARUSAT participated in all events and secured First position
in 5 events, Second position in 5 events and third position in 4 events. CHARUSAT
participated with 57 students (40 boys + 17 girls) along with one faculty. CHARUSAT
got the title of all over Champion of the festival.
Honors at VCCI 2013: 14 different entries from CHARUSAT for innovative projects
from different departments of Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Applied Science.
Out of that 4 Projects from CHARUSAT nominated and selected for final demonstration
and exhibition at VCCI-2013 during 14-18th Feb. 2013 Innovation Demo. Out of 72
entries under i-Innovate category of Vibrant VCCI 2013, CHARUSAT was among the
top 15 teams selected on the basis of their innovation work. CHARUSAT won the First
prize for the “Best Innovation” under i-Create. The project cost involving not more than
INR 1300/-.was on “Surface Computing and Gesture Recognition”. The winning team
consisted of AmanVerma, Komal Bansal, Jevin Balar and Ami Dabhi.
Performance at Chemistry Aptitude Test 2012: Mr. Azaza Kureshi, Student of
Semester II, Department of Advanced Organic Chemistry, PDPIAS, CHARUSAT
Changa won the 1st prize at Gujarat state level (Grade-II) online examination Chemistry
Aptitude Test 2012-13 which was held on 27 - 28 January 2013, organized by Pharma
Care Society, aimed at creating awareness about the development of newer technologies
useful for processing industries in India.
JaydeepsinhjiBaria Award: Mr. Ashish Pandit, 2nd year B.Tech (EE),CSPIT won
Jaydeepsinhji Baria Award worth INR 50,000 from the Government of Gujarat for
second consecutive time for Excellence in Sports.
State Level Conference of Students’ Nursing Association: 23 students from MTIN,
CHARUSAT participated in State Level Conference of Student Nurses’ Association
(SNA) organized by C M Patel College of Nursing, Gandhinagar on 27 - 28 April 2013.

Criterion 5: Student Support and Progression 146

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Around 98 Nursing Institutes took part in this competition from all over Gujarat. Students
of MTIN got 8 prizes in different categories. Ms. Dharti Patel, Ms. Bhakti Patel and Ms.
Dhruvika Patel secured First Prize in 100 m. Race, Disc Throw and Poster presentation
respectively. Ms. Ritu Patel got Second Prize in Rangoli and Ms. Avni Patel and group
also got Second Prize in Health Education. Similarly, Mr. Ripal Patel and Brijesh Patel
got Third Prize in 100 m. Race and in Javelin and Disc Throw respectively.
Development of Mobile Windmill System: Vishal Ferwani, Aditya Dwivedi, Abhi
Mehta and Abhishek Purohit, students of CHARUSAT have originated a concept which
involves using a ‘Mobile Windmill System’ on automobiles like cars, trains , ships and
related auto motives. They presented this idea during the Concept fest event of
Cognizance in September 2012.  
A Scout from CHARUSAT bags President Award: CHARUSAT student- Divyesh
Patel- pursuing IT Engineering from CSPIT, has received the prestigious President
Award from the President of India. The Bharat Scouts & Guides has a total membership
of more than 51 lakls. Rashtrapati Puraskar (President Award) is the highest degree of
achievement for a Scout for his/her admirable services towards the nation.
Recognition at Rio+20: Ms. Mansi C Patel, final year B.Tech (IT), CHARUSAT
participated in Rio+20 and is one of the '21 National Winners. She has received gold
medal. Rio+20, a national level program, is a joint endeavor of the whole UN System. It
covers seven priority areas; these include decent jobs, energy, substantial cities, food
security and sustainable agriculture, water, oceans and disaster readiness.
Drives for Promotion of Heritage Consciousness
The University has organized visits to Gandhi Ashram, Sabarmati, Ahmedabad where
students learned the varied aspects of the Indian Freedom Struggle and promote and
educate people in the great philosophies, values and teachings of Gandhiji through the
elaborate exhibition. This also created an awareness about the spirit and meaning of
important aspects of the Indian culture.
Students Extra Curricular Publications
The University motivates students to publish their written material and research work in
university magazine, journal, scientific magazines, blogs and other media. The students
write on literary, science, general topics in the University students’ magazine – The Quill.
All the activities of the magazine are student driven.
At PDPIAS, the initiatives to allow students to participate and put their ideas about
current scientific activities include ‘What’s New: Wall display’ and ‘Journal Club:
Scientific Forum for Research Scholar of the PDPIAS’.
At Faculty of Computer Science and Applications, the e-Newsletter “VRUTANT”, is
managed by the students.
At Faculty of Medical Sciences, a student during her first year of B.Sc Nursing published
her article in a state level health magazine- “Paricharika Darpan”.
Moreover, students at various institutes of the university are involved in designing and
publishing of Souvenirs and Proceedings for the different academic and cultural events
being conducted throughout the year.

Criterion 5: Student Support and Progression 147

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Students’ Council at CHARUSAT

CHARUSAT has a Central Student Council. It consists of a student representative from
each department, a faculty and the principal.
Convener, CHARUSAT Central Council
Two Faculty Members (Institute/ Department-wise): To be nominated by HoI
Two Student Members (Institute/ Department-wise): To be nominated by HoI
The Central Student Council is involved with organization of various extra-curricular
activities like Garba and spoural, Tech-fest, Technical workshops, Robotics competition
and MATLAB coding competition. The University provides funding for such activities in
addition to the sponsorship collected by the students from various industries and business

Academic/ Administrative Bodies Having Students’ Representatives

The University works on the overall personality development of the students with
approach of the holistic exposure. The university involves students in many academic and
nonacademic bodies/committees to enlighten their skills. The students play an important
role in many academic and non-academic body/committee under the guidance and
motivation of Head of the institutes and faculty members.
Following active organizations make it easy for CHARUSAT students to pursue existing
interests or explore new ones.
 Illuminati  Research Committee
 Green Club – Changa  Physiotherapy Education Unit
 Blood Donation Camp  Anti-ragging Cell
 Curricular reform Committee  Editorial Board of e-Newsletter
 Internal Quality Assurance Cell  KADAM
 CONVEGNO - A National Level Management  A Workshop on Courses of Liberal Arts
 Student Nurses Association  Alumni association
 Holistic Exposure Learning Program  Other Statutory Bodies of the
(HELP) Institute/University like IQAC.

Quality Enhancement and Quality Sustenance Measures

 Mentor-Mentee system at CHARUSAT
 All activities are directed towards the holistic integral development of students.
 Support to students to suit their diversified needs.
 Encouragement, intellectual and financial support to students for participation in
sports, and extra-curricular activities on – campus and off- campus.
 Good interaction with industries for placement of students.
 Participation and recognition of students of CHARUSAT for their academic,
sports and extra-curricular efforts.

Criterion 5: Student Support and Progression 148

Criterion 6
Governance, Leadership &
NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT

The governance, leadership and management at CHARUSAT have its vision and mission
as its foundation. The University has imbibed and implements values of honesty, integrity
and transparency which are practiced in its functioning. Functioning of the university is
dedicated to social development and knowledge creation. The University has important
bodies like Academic Council, Research Council, Board of Management and Governing
Body. Specific areas like Finance and Human Resources are looked into by Finance and
HR committees.
Moreover, the University encourages and grooms leadership at various levels through (i)
providing autonomy in functioning to the employees and (ii) providing training about
developing leadership competencies.
The University fosters global competencies among students and inculcates sound value
system among them. This contributes to national development, promotes use of
technology, and encourages quest for excellence through various academic and
administrative environments. CHARUSAT has set a vision for development and also has
a plan to adopt definite strategies for achieving the vision.
CHARUSAT has a well-defined Quality Policy. Governance, leadership and
management of the university are dedicated for the implementation. Moreover, as a
vehicle to drive the implementation of Quality Policy, CHARUSAT has established an
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) with a dedicated office and office staff.

6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership

Vision and Mission
To become a dynamic global institution in a knowledge driven world through excellence
in teaching, research and social contributions
To serve society by striving to transform it through creation, augmentation, dissemination
and perpetuation of knowledge.
CHARUSAT lays a high degree of importance to Science & Technology; the word
Science incorporating other liberal sciences like economical sciences, management
sciences, and social sciences as well, with adequate emphasis on applied aspects. The
University aims to contribute to development of human resources in science and
technology with a commitment to national development through its teaching, research
and development programs.
The University espouses three values of honesty, integrity, transparency and social
responsibility which are practiced in its functioning.
The University has well documented vision plan which elaborates aspects of academic
and research excellence, Community development and financial self-sufficiency.

Leadership at CHARUSAT
The policy and system developments, implementation and continuous review is done
through consistent meetings of important bodies like Academic Council, Research

Criterion 6: Governance, Leadership and Management 149

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Council, Advisory Boards, Board of Management and Governing Body. Specific areas
like Finance and Human Resources are looked into by Finance and HR committees.
The interaction with the stakeholders is done through
(a) Representation in various bodies: Stakeholders like employers, industry, Academia,
Scientists etc. are representative members in bodies like BoS, Faculty Board, Academic
Council, BoM, GB, etc.
(b) Interaction: Stakeholders like Alumni, Parents, Academia, Students, industry are also
interacted with during several events like parents meetings, Alumni meet, Student-
counsellor sessions, seminars etc.
Regular meetings of various bodies as mentioned ahead and rigorous review ensures
reinforcement of culture of excellence. The University ensures that all positions in its
various statutory bodies are filled.
The University does promote culture of participative management. It’s reflected as under:
Table 6.1: Participative Management at CHARUSAT
Processes/ bodies Participation
i) Governing Body Provost (Vice-Chancellor), Deans, Experts
ii) Board of Management Provost, Deans, Principals, HoDs, Experts
iii) Academic Council Provost, Deans, HoDs, Teachers from various faculties, Experts
iv) Faculty Board Deans, HoDs, Teachers across the faculty, Experts
v) Board of studies HoDs, Teachers across the department, Experts
vi) Recruitment Provost, Deans, Principal, HoDs, Teachers, Experts
vii) Purchases Principal, HoDs, Teachers and Laboratory Technicians
viii) Seminars/ Tech-fest., Extra& Co- Teachers and Students
curricular activities
ix) Policy formulation Teachers across the University and participants of process from
(i) to (viii)

The University grooms leadership at various levels through (i) providing autonomy in
functioning to the employees (ii) providing training about developing leadership
competencies. The autonomy is given in (i) academic (ii) managerial and (iii) financial
processes like curriculum development, curriculum transaction, assessment, laboratory
development, recruitments, research pursuits, knowledge acquisition, budget formulation
and utilization, Academic planning, policy formulation etc. Training is given also
imparted in grooming leadership competencies including emotional intelligence, vision
clarity, communication etc.

Knowledge Management Strategy at CHARUSAT

The University does have knowledge management strategy through aspects of knowledge
generation, knowledge preservation and protection and knowledge dissemination. This is
being looked after by Academic Council.
The knowledge generation activities like research publications, research projects, books,
student’s projects etc. are actively encouraged and facilitated. The knowledge generated
like research publication, Ph.D. / Master’s dissertation, books etc. are being preserved in
Library through hard/ soft copies in well-documented manner.

Criterion 6: Governance, Leadership and Management 150

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CHARUSAT envisages to create a repository of knowledge created by the University.

University has well-established IPR Policy to protect its knowledge by way of obtaining
patents, non-disclosure agreement etc.

Professional Value System at CHARUSAT

The reflections of the several values are as under:
Contributing to National development
All the University activities like teaching-learning, research initiatives, community
service initiatives and extension activities are aligned as per societal development
requirements; thus fostering national development. The following exemplify the research/
technical projects of national relevance successfully developed by CHARUSAT.
1. Concept of Costless Air-conditioning in automobiles by Mr. Nirmit Kantilal
Sanchapara, 8th Sem. ME, CSPIT.
2. Electric Solar Car was designed by the UG students of Mechanical Engineering of
3. Mobile wind mill system by team CHARUSAT consisting of Vishal Ferwani,
Aditya Dwivedi, Abhi Mehta and Abhishek Purohit of EC department, CSPIT,
presented at COGNIZANCE 2013.
4. Smart Agrobox: Mobile technology developed to help farmers improve their crop
production quality and quantity in a cost effective manner.
5. Surface Computing and Gesture recognition project of team from CHARUSAT ,
which won the Best Innovation at Vibrant VCCI, 2013
6. Eco-friendly bricks
The following exemplify the extension programs at CHARUSAT contributing to
national development:
i. Plastic use awareness drive by CHARUSAT students, Sensitizing people
regarding Healthy Diets and food habits, Celebration of various days like Organ
Donation Day, World Sparrow Day, Tree Plantation Day, Engineer’s Day etc to
spread awareness among the society.
ii. Teaching kids of nearby villages and providing them books through the services
provided by Samarpan and Kadam - extension clubs at CHARUSAT.
iii. Extension activities of clubs Prayaas, Samarpan, Nirmaan and Kadam by
organizing community service programs, organizing street role plays by students
on various societal issues like Beti bachao, women empowerment.
iv. CHARUSAT Hospital services
v. CHARUSAT transportation facility
vi. CHARUSAT has contributed to the rural development of nearby villages
Providing Institute faculty members and infrastructure for Rural Educational
Development Program, providing physiotherapy services among rural population,
educating farmers on vermiculture, annual School Health programs and Vatsala
Matrusambhal (to provide health education to pregnant rural women) in
association with CHRF regularly to provide door step services to needy persons.
Students are also posted for clinical training and treatment of stroke patients at

Criterion 6: Governance, Leadership and Management 151

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centers in remote areas. Holistic Exposure Learning Programs (HELP) in last two
years in which the students visited a total of 76 nearby villages of Charotar
Region to create awareness among rural area people on various social issues like
education, health, skills, farming, superstitions, governance etc.
vii. CHARUSAT has provided a functioning platform for philanthropic contributions
from residential Indians and Non-Residential Indians (NRIs) for national
viii. CRED Program has been contributing to teachers training through its activities
like Teachers’ Training programs on Effective Classroom Communication,
Teaching – Learning Model Exhibition and Teaching Aptitude Training.
Fostering global competencies among students
The decision making bodies, right from Board of Studies, to Faculty Board, to Academic
Council to Board of Management elaborately discuss competencies to be developed in
students. Thereafter, these are being fostered through co-curricular and extra-curricular
1. CHARUSAT offers several add-on courses on IT and management to students to be
taken simultaneously with their regular chosen programs. These include CCNA 1,
CCNA 2, CCNA 3, CCNA 4, JAVA 6, JAVA 7, Database, HTML5/CSS3, C#.Net,
Windows Application Development, Security, Testing and Microsoft Cloud –
Azure, etc.
2. Students are mentored to participate in professional competitive programs like
TechFests, Paper presentations, Competitive examinations, etc.
3. Extra-curricular activities are offered by CHARUSAT to students with a view to
develop healthy competitive spirit, communication skills, event management
abilities as well as leadership and decision making skills. These activities include
4. Research projects and industrial training are inter-twined with teaching in the
programs offered by CHARUSAT so as to provide an opportunity to students for
early development of research aptitude and industrial training. Applied Sciences is
an emphasized component in teaching programs at CHARUSAT.
5. Participation of students in management of the University: Students’ representatives
are involved in the statutory bodies of the University; thereby providing an
opportunity to them to learn participative administration.
Inculcating sound value system among students
University has adopted values of honesty, integrity and transparency in its functioning.
Students, right from admission, are oriented to these values. Moreover, Department of
Humanities and Social Sciences offer courses on values and ethics for all students of the
University. Students are also instructed and advised to follow ethical practices in
activities which they participate in. Thus, inculcation of sound values in students is done
through imparting knowledge and practicing the values.
The traditional value of starting the day with a prayer is followed at CHARUSAT by the
playing of a variety of prayers every morning on the public address system across the
campus. This helps youth in organizing themselves.

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Promoting use of technology

The University uses technology for its functioning. It has developed its own ERP system
for managing processes. Moreover, technologies like Solar Technology, LED
Technology, Electronic board, RO Technology, Bio Technology etc. are used for
ensuring smooth functioning of the University.
The curricula have provision for constant up-gradation of practicals thereby exposing
students to new technologies; the laboratory equipment/s and software are continuously
upgraded for exposure of staff and students to new technology. CHARUSAT regularly
organizes various workshops for training teachers in latest technologies. Also, it
organizes tech-fest to expose students to new technologies.
Thus, University promotes use of technology by adopting new technologies in its
function and also exposing staff and students to new technology.
Quest for Excellence
The important functionalities and processes of University like teaching-learning,
Research, Human Resource Development, Infrastructure development, Results, Industrial
Interactions, Placements, community service, extension etc. are constantly reviewed and
continuously improved in pursuit of excellence. The University continuously strives to
search and develop functional models for meaningful implementation of all its objectives.

6.2: Strategy Development and Deployment

CHARUSAT Vision for Development
CHARUSAT plans to pursue the following major goals:
 Achievement of academic excellence on par with any World Class University
 Community development through outreach programs in the areas of healthcare,
education and rural economy.
 Mobilization of adequate resources for achieving excellence in all activities and
 Achievement of financial self-sufficiency for operational excellence.
CHARUSAT will adopt the following strategies for achieving the above goals:
 Building world-class faculty fraternity through development, honing of skills,
intensive association with industry, hiring of the services of faculty members from
abroad and from the industry;
 Strengthening bond with industry for training and development of students and
faculty members, and for design and introduction of industry-relevant and
innovative programs and courses;
 Active engagement with industry for consulting and research, as well as placement;
 Internationalization of CHARUSAT by enrolment of overseas students and through
faculty and student exchange programs with reputed universities and educational
institutions abroad;
 Identification of thrust areas for research and pursuit of research that will create
significant positive impact on society;
 Active participation in healthcare sector through healthcare delivery services by
establishing a modern hi-tech hospital;

Criterion 6: Governance, Leadership and Management 153

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Strengthening the entry into healthcare education by establishment of institutions

and launching programs in medical and paramedical areas; and
 Generating adequate internal resources and mobilizing resources from outside for
becoming and being a WCU with a cause.
Organizational Structure and Decision Making at CHARUSAT
The University has well-linked organizational structure to facilitate participative decision
making and execution.
For academic and research aspect, Board of Studies, Faculty Boards, Research Council
and Academic Council are in place. For other aspects University Industry Interaction Cell
(UIIC), CHARUSAT Rural Education Development Program (CREDP), Career
Development and Placement Cell (CDPC) are in place. Advisory Boards, HR Committee
and Finance Committee are also well functional. Decision of all these are discussed in
Board of Management. The decisions of Board of Management are ultimately taken up in
Governing Body. The approach is both ways: top-down and bottom up. This approach
ensures fast, efficient and effective decision making.

Criterion 6: Governance, Leadership and Management 154

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CHARUSAT Quality Policy

CHARUSAT is committed to quality in all its endeavors like teaching-learning, research
and extension; to foster an intellectual culture; and develop graduates for a life of
purpose, service and leadership.
CHARUSAT aims to achieve these through:
 Alignment of all its services to its core values of Honesty, Integrity, Transparency
and Social Responsibility.
 Review o f p r o g r a m s and processes to ensure significance and excellence
through participation of all stake holders of the University.
 Facilitation of resources and environment to promote and foster the competencies,
skills and creativity for all the students, teachers and staff.
As a vehicle to drive the implementation of Quality Policy, CHARUSAT has established
an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) with a dedicated office and office staff. The
following is the structure of IQAC at CHARUSAT.
Table 6.2: Constitution of IQAC at CHARUSAT
Sr. Profile of the Member Designation in the Council
1 The Provost Chairperson
2 A few senior Administrative officers Members
3 Three to eight teachers Members
4 One member from the Management Member
5 Nominees from Local Society, Students and Alumni (3) Members
6 Nominees from Employers/ Industrialist/Stakeholders (1) Members
7 Special Invitees (3) Special Invitees
8 One senior teacher Coordinator, IQAC & Member
9 One teacher Deputy Coordinator, IQAC.

Criterion 6: Governance, Leadership and Management 155

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Institutional IQACs in respective institutes have been established to help coordinate

University IQAC efforts.
All the activities of IQAC are coordinated by IQAC Coordinator. A few activities of
IQAC include:
1. Creation of CHARUSAT Database and its management including review.
2. IQAC contributes in various executive committees of the University like
Examination Reforms Committee, Principals’ Committee, Research Committee,
Academic Council and various planning and review committees. IQAC Coordinator
is an invited member in all of these.
3. IQAC is involved in generation of innovative ideas and means for implementation of
Quality Policy of the University.
Autonomy to constituent institutes to function independently is an important aspect of
CHARUSAT efforts for quality enhancement. The constituent institutes are given
financial, administrative and academic autonomy. The accountability is ensured through
reporting in bodies like Board of Studies, Faculty Board, Research Council, Academic
Council, Finance Committee and Board of Management.

Redressal of Grievances at CHARUSAT

There is a Grievance Redressal Cell. Moreover, all the executives like HoDs, Principals,
Deans, Registrar and Provost are readily and easily accessible to all the stakeholders.
This ensures resolution of all grievances promptly.
There have been five court cases. Three were regarding breach of service conditions by
Employees leaving University and two were regarding admission cancellation against
Govt. Rules. The verdict of three cases of service condition breach is in favor of and have
been won by the University; cases of Admission cancellation are subjudice.

Feedback Mechanism at CHARUSAT

At the end of each semester, students are required to give feedback about teaching. The
feedback is shared with the teachers and also discussed with concerned executives.
Moreover, students also have access to suggestion box. The institution response has been
to fully reciprocate the suggestions. Institution working timings, week-end offs, transport
facilities etc. are some of the actions taken based on student feedback.
The University has a pro-forma for filling up academic and other performance goals to be
filled by each department/ constituent. This is regularly reviewed and monitored by
Academic Council and Board of Management through elaborative presentations.
The Performance appraisal system is developed as per UGC norms. After appraisal form
is filled up, each teacher is interacted by the University committee. Some of the outcomes
of appraisals are:
 Industrial training for teachers
 Budget allocation for research activities
 Encouragement to teachers to pursue Ph.D. program
 Training programs for credit system awareness/ Teaching – learning enhancement/
student counselling/Communication skills and Personality grooming.

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6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies

Professional Training for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff
Training Programs for the teaching staff
 CHARUSAT provides opportunity to each teacher to undergo training program for
two week time period in a year.
 CHARUSAT also provides financial assistance to teachers for participation in
seminar, conferences, STTPS, FDP, workshops etc. at national and international
 Orientation Program for newly appointed teachers at CHARUSAT are regularly
Training Programs for the Non-teaching staff
 CHARUSAT organizes various training programs for non-teaching staff
(Administrative, Laboratory and Supporting staff.
 CHARUSAT also provides financial assistance to non-teaching staff for
participation in seminar, conferences, workshops etc. of national and international
Human Resource Development Centre has been established for training of employees.
The impact of such training programs has been as under:
 Enhanced Domain Knowledge
 Enhancement of Leadership and other competencies
 Attitude and Aptitude change
 Increased spirit of team-work
 Sense of belongingness and pride for the organization
CHARUSAT endeavors to attract, foster and retain eminent faculty. Some of the
measures adopted are as under:
 Academic and Administrative Autonomy
 Research facilities and other resources availability
 Pay structure matching with UGC norms
 Opportunities for self-improvement

Welfare Schemes for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff

All regular employees are given benefit of welfare schemes. Details of welfare activities
are as below
 Provident fund as per Employee Provident fund schemes 1952
 Gratuity as per Payment of Gratuity act 1972
 Yearly Health Check-up of Employees at CHARUSAT Hospital
 Group Personal Accident Insurance of all the employees. Employees of
Infrastructure Development and Maintenance Section, Drivers etc. are given
additional insurance coverage.
 Educational Assistantship to the children of employees

Criterion 6: Governance, Leadership and Management 157

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 CHARUSAT Employees Credit and Consumer Co-operative Society Ltd. has also
been established for benefit of all employees.

6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization

Financial Management at CHARUSAT
The aspects of Financial Resources like raising, allocating and monitoring are looked
after by Finance Committee, Board of Management and Governing Body of University.
To ensure effective and efficient usage of Financial Resources, Budget and Quarterly
Account Statements have been adopted as prime instruments. The process of Budget
Preparation by the University is presented below:

Figure 6.1: Flow Chart of Procedure for Budget Preparation

Audit Mechanism at CHARUSAT

CHARUSAT has the mechanism of Internal and External Audit. Internal Audit is
performed by the Internal Auditor for all the transactions of the University. The External
Audit is undertaken quarterly by the Statutory Auditor.
It is the mandate of the Finance Committee to look into the regular Audit of Accounts.
The Final Accounts of the University are prepared within 10 days after 31st March of
each Financial Year. As a result of Accurate and Precise Accounting, there have been no
audit objections.
Academic Expenditures are shown under the Head of “Education Related Expenditure”
and Administrative Expenditure is shown under the Head of “Administrative
Expenditure” in the Income and Expenditure Statement of the University.

Resource Mobilization at CHARUSAT

The University has the Provision of “Other Income” in the Balance Sheet that includes
the income as a result of Resource Mobilization. Under this category are included income
from Consultancy, Project Funding Proposals and Self-Dependent Workshop and
CHARUSAT also has the provision to create Corpus Fund. The total Corpus Fund is to
the tune of INR 14,44,01,648/-.

Criterion 6: Governance, Leadership and Management 158

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Through its commitment to societal development, sincere and honest efforts and
transparent functioning, CHARUSAT has been able to win the faith of philanthropists
wishing to contribute to societal development. The following table gives the
philanthropic contributions received by CHARUSAT for R & D activities.
Table 6.3: Philanthropic Contributions for Development of CHARUSAT
Sr. Institute Donation for Donation for Gold Medal Total Donation
No. Development & Endowment Fund (INR Received
(INR in Lakhs) in Lakhs) (INR in Lakhs)
1 CSPIT 1737.53 66.11 1803.64
2 MTIN 324.11 ----- 324.11
3 ARIP 497.23 ----- 497.23
4 IIIM 276.45 12.33 288.78
5 RPCP 449.73 30.00 479.73
6 PDPIAS 315.00 10.40 325.40
7 CMPICA 344.00 30.00 374.00
8 Hostels 210.07 ---- 210.07
9 CHARUSAT 378.98 ---- 378.98
10 Total 4533.13 148.84 4681.97

6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System

Academic Audit at IQAC
The University has initiated a unique system for academic audit. A pro-forma for
academic activity planning has been developed. All departments/ institution file their
performance goals for coming academic year. These goals vis-à-vis actual performances
are regularly monitored through Academic Council and Board of Management.
Moreover, for detailed monitoring of each activity, Advisory Boards have been made.
These Boards review performance of every constituent institute every six-months and
recommend appropriate action plan for enhancement of performance. Each constituent
institute has a dedicated Advisory Board.
Based on academic audits, decisions like increased usage of technology in pedagogy,
introduction of new practical, procurement of advance software and equipment, research
budget allocations, open-book exams, etc. have been taken.

Academic Council at CHARUSAT

At CHARUSAT, the Central Body is Academic Council. It regularly reviews teaching-
learning process and its impacts.
The Academic Council is chaired by Provost (Vice-Chancellor). The Deans and
Principals are the members. Moreover, experts from Industry and Academia are the other
members. The Academic Council meets twice in a year in the months of March and
September. In March month it normally deliberates new curricula development,
modifications in existing curricula, Result Analysis etc. In September month it

Criterion 6: Governance, Leadership and Management 159

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deliberates on Training Placements Industrial Interaction, Innovation in pedagogy,

Project submissions, Research initiatives, Exam reforms etc.
The outcomes have been introduction of new programs/ curricula, increased research,
reforms in pedagogy and assessment methods etc.

Contributions from IQAC

1. Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) – CHARUSAT has organized a workshop
titled, Awareness Workshop on NAAC Accreditation: A Step towards Quality
Enhancement on 4th January 2014 for the faculty members of the University to
enhance the understanding and knowledge on NAAC Accreditation.
2. Guidance on Preparation and Presentation of Evaluative Reports: The Evaluative
Report was prepared for the last four academic years by all the constituent institutes
of CHARUSAT. The presentation of the Evaluative report was made by the Head of
the Department/Institution in the presence of all the Faculty and Staff members and
IQAC members.
3. Workshops: IQAC has conducted workshops to guide the faculty members for
collection of data pertaining to the NAAC guidelines.
4. Steering Committee for NAAC Accreditation has been constituted and its meetings
were held regularly for the discussion on the criteria for NAAC accreditation and
documentation related to it.
5. Preparation of SSR: Preparation of SSR was undertaken.
6. Creation and up-gradation of CHARUSAT database

Periodic Review
The periodical review of administrative and academic departments, subject areas,
research Centre etc. is done as under.
Table 6.4: Frequency of Review Meeting of Various Bodies
Frequency Bodies
Monthly review Meeting of Provost with all the Deans / Principals
Two monthly review Board of Management/ HR Committee/ Finance Committee
Six monthly review Academic Council/ Research Council/ Advisory Boards

External Members on IQAC and Their Contribution

There are 6 external members on CHARUSAT IQAC as follows.
1. One member from Management
2. One member from Alumni
3. One member from Employers/ Industrialist
4. Three members as Special Invitees from amongst Academicians outside
The significant contributions from these members include:
1. The member from the industry educated IQAC members on the HR requirements of
industry, current trends and attributes expected from graduates by the industry.

Criterion 6: Governance, Leadership and Management 160

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2. The member from the management contributed to enlightening IQAC and

CHARUSAT on vision implementation plans of CHARUSAT and on expectations
of the management from CHARUSAT.
3. The member from the alumni helped in coordinating the CHARUSAT efforts
towards creation of CHARUSAT Alumni Associations (CAAs).
4. The external members from other academic institutions contributed to the
philosophy of NAAC Accreditation, NAAC Accreditation procedures, developing
innovative ways and means from quality enhancement and design and preparation of

Quality Sustenance and Quality Enhancement Measures

 Well-defined quality policy and arrangement for its implementation.
 Encouragement and grooming of leadership at all the levels.
 Core values of honesty, integrity and transparency.
 Academic audit.
 Human resource development and training program
 Welfare Schemes for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff.
 Professional Value System at all the functional and management levels at

Criterion 6: Governance, Leadership and Management 161

Criterion 7
Innovation &
Best Practices
NAAC Accreditation SSR - CHARUSAT


CHARUSAT is committed to innovation and follows best practices thereby establishing

progressive environment. The lush green campus, with its natural beauty is also
environment friendly. The University is dedicated towards environment consciousness.
Its infrastructure and architectural designs are oriented towards energy conservation and
use of renewable energy. Plantation, water harvesting, e-waste management and efforts
for carbon neutrality are sincerely taken care by the university. The university promotes
unique ideas through innovations among the staff and students. The university follows
best practices which would align to the concepts of higher education in India.

7.1 Environment Consciousness: Eco-Friendly Initiatives

Energy conservation & Use of renewable energy
 There is proper placement of Windows and skylights as well as the use of
architectural features that reflect light into a building reducing the need for artificial
lighting. Energy conservation is achieved by optimum usage of lights and electrical
appliances only when needed.
 Solar energy is used for hot water supply in Hostels. Also use of solar energy for
internal usage is planned. Traditional light bulbs have been replaced by cost
effective, high efficient LEDs.
 The University uses only the recycled photocopy papers for print out purposes. The
paper scrap is sold to a recycling agency.
 STP is there for waste water treatment. The use of treated water for landscaping is
under progress.
 Water is collected in Insulated water tanks before entering the water cooler which in
turn reduce the power consumption of the water coolers.
 Recycling and use of waste water of Girls’ Hostels for landscaping through use of
enzymes is under process.

Water harvesting
There is a two acre pond developed at campus. It collects rainwater run-off from the
whole campus.

Efforts for Carbon neutrality

 Implementation of e-governance by the University is one among the novel means to
promote carbon neutrality in campus.
 Paper usage is reduced through re-use of paper.
 Natural fertilizers are used for landscaping.
 Use of LED lights on campus
 Use of inverter based Air-conditioners.

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 The University is surrounded by a lush green environment. The landscape and
garden are beautifully maintained to refresh the mind of the students and teachers.
The entire campus is smoking free to ensure an eco-friendly and pollution free
 The greeneries of the Campus are well maintained by Gardeners under the
supervision of IDMS. Regular checks are conducted to maintain the environment
eco- friendly.
 Natural Fertilizers are used for development and maintenance of landscaping.
 Sprinklers are used for watering from pipelines from main water tank.
 The use of treated water through STP for landscaping is under progress. Use of
waste water of Girls’ Hostels for landscaping through use of enzymes is under
The following table explains the increase in the extent of green cover over the past few
Table 7.1: Cost Incurred for Increasing Green Cover at CHARUSAT
Sr. Description Year
No. 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
1. Trees (Nos.) 3,782 12,839 11,386 1602
2. Plants (Nos.) 27,702 18,437 26,980 19,789
3. New Plantation Expenses (in 31,88,216.00 89,94,948.00 89,60,469.00 + 11,91,990.00
INR) 12,72,245.00 (For
Herbal Garden)
4. Maintenance Expenses (in INR) 7,20,000.00 7,20,000.00 7,20,000.00 7,20,000.00
5. Total Plantation Expenses (in 39,08,216.00. 97,14,948.00 1,09,52,714.00 19,11,990.00

E. E-waste management
The University has emphasis on paperless office to save carbon emission in printers. The
non-working computer spare parts and other non-working equipment are collected and
kept at one place and then sold to the concerned recycling agents as and when it
generates. The cartridge of laser printers is refilled outside the University campus.

F. Harvesting Solar Energy

A 100 kWp capacity solar photovoltaic (SPV) power plant was installed on the roof of
Mechanical and Civil Engineering Building of CSPIT, CHARUSAT by TATA Power
Solar Systems, Bangalore. It was installed at a subsidized cost of INR 58.8 Lakhs with
the MNRE subsidy. The generation of electricity from the SPV power plant is being
monitored by automatic data logging system (Solar Log) through LAN. The total solar
electricity generated in a span of five months was recorded at 64,060 kWh (equivalent to
about 64,000 units).

G. Establishment of Energy Conservation Cell at CHARUSAT

Criterion 7: Innovations and Best Practices 163

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Energy Conservation Cell has been established at CHARUSAT with the objectives of
creating awareness on importance of energy conservation, disseminating information on
effective promotion and adoption of energy conservation measures through organization
of workshops, seminars, competitions, etc and contribute to saving the environment and
energy resources.

7.2 Innovations
CHARUSAT has always encouraged innovations in teaching and developmental
activities; and has boldly allowed the practice of innovative ideas. This is with a view to
generate new and fresh ideas in higher education and to test their practice. The following
are some of the innovations created and implemented by CHARUSAT.
1. Research projects at UG and PG levels.
Research projects are part of curriculum at UG and PG levels. Students are guided
and encouraged to take up innovative projects. This has resulted in practical
learning and development of the students.
2. Offering variety of enrichment and elective courses.
The curricula for various courses are designed in a way that they offer many
electives and enrichment courses. This allows students to select subject options as
per their choice and aptitude.
3. Summer research fellowship program.
Summer research fellowship in applied science courses allows students to get
enriched practical knowledge, exposure and training.
4. Emphasis on applied research and industry projects by faculty.
The university emphasizes and encourages faculty members to conduct applied
research and undertaken industry relevant projects.
5. Regular in-house research presentations by PhD scholars.
PhD scholars at CHARUSAT give presentations at regular intervals to display
their work. During these presentations, experts (from within and outside
CHARUSAT) advise the scholars on further development and improvement if
deemed fit.
6. Rigorous course work during PhD program.
All PhD scholars at CHARUSAT have to complete dedicated credit-base course
work before initiating the research project. Faculty members of CHARUSAT
deliver sessions to guide the scholars through the course work.
7. Establishment of Human Resource Development Centre
Human Resource Development Centre has been established. It plans and conducts
various programs for the professional and integral training of faculty and students.
8. Dr. K. C. Patel R & D Centre (KRADLE)
Dr. K. C. Patel R & D Centre has been established for focussed research in
physics and its application in varied fields.
9. CHARUSAT Space Technology Research Centre (CSTRC)

Criterion 7: Innovations and Best Practices 164

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CHARUSAT Space Technology Research Centre has been established in

collaboration with ISRO for focussed collaborative research and training of
students on space technology.
10. CHARUSAT Rural Education Development Program (CREDP)
CHARUSAT Rural Education Development Program has been established to
contribute to the quality enhancement in school education at rural level by
training the teachers.
11. Mentoring of young faculty by experienced super-annuated faculties from other
institutes/ Universities and organizations.
The university strongly wishes to enhance the teaching quality and for this
purpose, regular mentoring of young faculty members is done by experienced
super-annuated faculties form other institutes/university and organizations.
12. Regular Industry Academia Meet
Industry-academic meets are organized across the campus at regular intervals.
This helps to enhance the exchange of knowledge, experiences and expectations
from both the ends.
13. Close loop students’ feedback
Students’ feedback are considered very seriously for any change or development
at academic functioning. Teachers are also advised on remedial corrective
measures to improve their teaching skills.
14. Placement Officer in each constituent institute
A Placement Officer is appointed in each constituent institute for placement and
career guidance of the students. These officers are teachers and they coordinate
with the Central Career Development and Placement Cell.
15. Patents filed
17 Patents have been filed by the faculty members of CHARUSAT due to the
leading and supportive approach of the University.
16. Vasvik Awards
Vasvik Industrial Research Awards Presentation Function was jointly organized
by Vividhlaxi Audyogik Samshodhan Vikas Kendra, Mumbai and CHARUSAT
on 7th October 2011. This provided an opportunity where eminent persons from
various walks of life visited the campus and were acquainted to the University.
17. Students’ involvement in administrative bodies of the University
Students are actively involved in the administrative bodies of the university, their
representations give voice to the students fraternity and thus the administration
becomes students’ oriented.
18. Endowment Chairs in each constituent institute
CHARUSAT has established endowment chair at each constituent institute to
invite scholars and eminent academicians from outside and interact and guide the
faculty and research.
19. Involvement of Persons from industry in management
Persons from industry are involved at all levels to give expert suggestions for the
management and efficient functioning of the university.

Criterion 7: Innovations and Best Practices 165

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20. Fostering warm relationship between employed and the employer

CHARUSAT believes that a healthy and warm relationship between the employed
and the employer can pave the way for smooth and progressive functioning of the
University. All the employers are greeted with a card and a token gift (a book)
from the University on their birthday.
21. Guest lectures by experts from industry
Experts from industry are invited for delivering guest lectures during which they
share their knowledge and teach students about the actual functioning of the
industrial activities at the shop floor. They are also guided on various expectations
of the industry from the graduating students.
22. Poster preparation and evaluation during Master’s dissertation
Students of PG programs are encouraged to prepare posters as part of their
dissertation evaluation. This ensures training of the students in preparing
PowerPoint presentations (also an evaluation component) as well as poster
23. Commencement Celebration program for fresher students
CHARUSAT organizes commencement celebration program for the fresher
students. It is a week long program. During the program, the new students are
made familiar with the university, departments, other activities and facilities at the
campus. They are also oriented for life at Higher Education environment.
24. Open discussion on internal examination results.
Results of internal examinations are discussed in an open house session in each-
class during which the answer papers are also shown to the students; teachers
suggest the guidelines for improvement.
25. Open book examination on experimental basis.
Open book examinations are held on experimental basis at some of the constituent
institutes of the university. It would eventually be implemented across the
University with slight variations to suit individual needs.
26. Slot observation in Computer Engineering
An internal academic auditing mechanism has been initiated to ensure regular
conduct of academic sessions at the department. All faculty members are assigned
duties for allotted periods.
27. Learning through management games and simulation exercises
Faculty of Management Studies organizes learning through games and simulation
exercises to enhance the cognitive skills and learning process of the students.
28. Liberal arts courses across all the disciplines
A variety of courses of liberal arts are offered to the first semester students to
develop creative abilities and critical thinking.
29. Appointment of Co-Supervisor from industry for Projects
Co-supervisors are assigned from the industry for the projects at some Masters’
programs in Faculty of Pharmacy. These co-supervisors are also invited during
the dissertation evaluation.

Criterion 7: Innovations and Best Practices 166

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30. Financial support to students for research projects.

The university supports research projects of the students (UG as well as PG and
Doctoral students) by giving them financial support to meet the requirements of
consumables. The cost of testing facilities availed outside CHARUSAT is also
31. Courses on Entrepreneurship
University has initiated courses on entrepreneurship development. This will help
students to enhance their knowledge and guide them on the basic requirements for
becoming entrepreneurs.
32. Students’ Tech-Fests
Each constituent institute of the university organizes students’ tech-fest every
year. Students from outside institutes/university also participate in the events. The
Tech-fests include technical, professional and co-curricular activities.
33. Mentoring system for students.
Each student is assigned a mentor. The faculty members act as the mentors to the
students throughout their education at the university. Mentors take care of the
academic, personal, social and career related issues and progress.
34. Journal club
Research scholars and faculty present their findings at a gathering on scheduled
day to share information on the work being undertaken in various areas of
research at the institute. The presentations to be made by them at forums outside
the campus are also previewed.
35. Appreciation award for quality performance
During the Annual Day celebrations, appreciation certificates and mementoes are
awarded to faculty, staff and students having achieved quality performance in
terms of good publication, grant of research projects, and significant noteworthy
contribution towards extension activity.
36. Community engagement
The students and faculty are involved in rendering community services leading to
the upliftment of the weaker sections of the society. This is achieved through
extension clubs formed and managed by the students under the guidance of the
37. Virtual laboratory
Virtualization of desktops on the campus enables optimal and round the clock
utilization of campus facilities.
38. Know your Answer book
Review of the evaluated answer book by the student for University level semester
end examinations.

7.3 Best Practices

Title of the Practice: Industry-Academic Interface
Objectives of the Practice
 To enhance the quality education in the institute through exposure of students to

Criterion 7: Innovations and Best Practices 167

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 To meet industry needs in terms of skills required in students.

 To increase the co-operation between industry and institute.
 Expert lectures by industry personnel for staff and students
 Technical consultancy projects.
 To offer training programs specifically designed to the needs of the industry.
 Use of lab facility by Industries
 Collaboration and knowledge dissemination through organization of Workshops,
Conferences, summer/winter Training, programs specific to a given industries,
industry professional career development

The Context
Higher Education in India can act as the cradle to economic progress to the country by
shaking hands with industry through mutual knowledge-expertise sharing. The economic
development and progress of a country primarily depends on the synchronized efforts of
industry and academics. They both complement each other and can fine-tune the
country’s progress and development. It is very important for a university to establish a
continuous link with industry to exchange knowledge and experiences. Such healthy
condition allows faculty members and students to find maximum practical exposure. Vis-
a-vis industries can be benefited by the subject expertise from the faculty members.
Industrial interface provides a desired professional touch to the learning at the university.
Moreover, placement activities can be enhanced.

The Practice
Industry academic interaction at CHARUSAT includes the following unique features:
 Curriculum Development Feedback and Input: The University continuously seek
feedback and input from the industry for curriculum development. This way the
curricula at the university are dynamic and in tune with the social and real-world
 Faculty Training: Each faculty essentially gets industrial training in accordance
with their specialized or domain subjects at various industries. This exposure allows
faculty members to sharpen their knowledge and practical experience.
 Faculty as a single point contact with industry: Each faculty is assigned a few
industries to develop and maintain healthy, congenial and cooperative relations and
work towards the strengthening of the same.
 Students’ Visit/Interactions: Industrial visits and interactions for the students are
organized regularly. This provides exposure and motivation to the students in their
 Students’ Training, Projects & Internship: Students take up their projects at
industries during their academic tenure. This hands-on experience helps them to
learn practical skills. Moreover, students are sent for their internship and summer
training at the industries to be familiar with the professional environment and learn
the fundamentals and functioning of the industries.
 Expert Talk/Lectures: The University invites subject experts from the industries to
deliver talks in their field of expertise and interact with the students. They also get
guidance on how to prepare themselves for the professional life.
 Consultancy: Faculty members at CHARUSAT provide consultancy to industries
through their subject proficiency.
 R&D: The quality of research at the University is scaling new heights of
recognition. Collaborative publications are also envisaged.

Criterion 7: Innovations and Best Practices 168

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 MoUs: Areas of common interest can be identified between the industry and the
University paving the way for collaboration benefitting the signatories.
 Placements: Industries are invited for the placements of the students at the
university. Also, feedback and inputs are received at the end to the events.
 Industry-Academia Meet: Industry-Academia Meets at all the constituent institutes
of the university are organized every year to provide wider exposure of the
industrial world to the students and faculty members. This allows university to
know the recent trends in knowledge and practical skills, and the needs of the
 UIIC: CHARUSAT has a University Industry Interaction Cell, which is dedicated
to establish link between the university-academia and industry. The cell takes up
many activities like, MoUs, Placements, R&D and collaboration activities, and
knowledge sharing.

Evidence of Success

Particular Academic Year

Target Achieved
1. Industry visit by Students 01/Semester 01/Semester in all Faculties
2. Student project review by industry At least 01 review /Year 01 review/Year
3. Innovation in curriculum 20% 10-20%
4. Faculty Training 01/ Year/faculty 01/ Year/faculty
5. Collaborative project with industry 05/Year 05/Year
6. Industry Academia Meet 01/Year 01/Year
7. Student participation in exhibition 05/semester 05/Semester
8. Industry representation in various bodies At least 50% 50%
9. Collaboration with Industry Association At least 01/Year 02/Year
10. University Membership in Industry bodies 05 02
11. UIIC Meeting 01/Month 01/Month
12. Personality development & grooming 03/Semester 05 / Semester
session for students
13. Industrial collaborative project 15/Year 18/Year
14. Industry visit by faculty members 200 Industries/Year 421 Industries/Year
15. Student’s Project carried out in Industry 400 Final Year 490 Final Year
Students/Semester Students/Semester

Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Sr.No Problems Encountered Sr.No Resources Required

1 Lackadaisical attitude of 1 Training of faculty (Budget & Human Resources)
Industry 2 Autonomy for logistic to approach the industries
(Budget Provision)
3 Help form the Alumni (Financial Resources)
2 Awareness about importance of 1 Faculty Training
industries interaction in 2 Incorporation of this parameter in Performance
University fraternity Appraisal
3 Formation of UII Cell
4 Compulsory Industrial projects, training & other

Criterion 7: Innovations and Best Practices 169

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initiative to the students

3 Communication link with 1 Single point contact system
industry 2 Visiting Cards and Phone Connections
3 Brochure, CD, Booklet, Leaflet & web page
4 Policy for industrial exposure 1 Clear Policy & financial budget
for staff & students 2 Commitment of Management

Title of the Practice: Learning through Practice

Objectives of the Practice
 To blend students’ creative and critical thinking with hands-on learning.
 To facilitate students to learn concepts of design and implement it for real-world.
 To make students independent thinker as well as contributing team-player.
 To blend theoretical and practical knowledge and skills.
 To support the financial needs to promote innovative students’ projects.
 To train the students in project management as well as information management
and knowledge generation through critical analyses.

The Context
The training to design a problem and its methodology to apply one’s theoretical
knowledge with experimental skills to such a mission oriented problem is an important
aspect of Science and Technology education that needs to be duly emphasized especially
in the context of Indian Higher Education. CHARUSAT aims at contributing to this
aspect by Learning Through Practice. Higher Education needs to facilitate and encourage
students to be innovative and creative. It is important for a learner to develop critical
thinking and experiment with ideas applied through knowledge and cognitive skills.
Preparing projects is the way to practice creative and critical thinking. It allows students
to apply experimentation, team-work, leadership skills and independent thinking and
decision-making. It provides an opportunity to students to think out of the box and
implement experiments and projects.

The Practice
The curricula of the university are designed to incorporate preparation of projects and
practical sessions at UG and PG level. Programs under Faculty of Medical Sciences
include clinical training in addition to practical sessions. Students are encouraged and
guided by the faculty members to design, prepare and execute innovative projects.
Students not only develop technical skills but also learn about project planning and
acquire execution skills. Blended learning methods are practiced to sustain the curiosity
of the students. Students are encouraged to develop higher-order thinking skills while
learning through projects leading to initiation of technology development. This requires
team work which CHARUSAT strongly emphasizes to cultivate. They also practice
group and interpersonal skills while preparing the projects. This allows the students to
work successfully in a group and with members of their class and interact with people
outof the classroom environment. When students propose an independent project other
than curriculum requirement, university appreciates it and provides financial support.
This unique method allows to students to develop and progress in their technical and

Criterion 7: Innovations and Best Practices 170

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professional domain. As a result of the encouragement, guidance and financial support of

the university, students are now more orientated towards preparing unique projects as a
part of their curriculum and participate in challenging extra-curricular events.
The syllabi of all the programs reflect the importance being given to learning from
practice and about 50% of the contact sessions involve practical training. All B. Tech
programs have Minor projects across varying during semesters 3 to 7 involving group
learning. In the branches of CE, IT, EC and CL, additionally there is a semester long
project work with industrial collaboration (preferred).Each student of Business
Administration program undergoes 6 weeks of Summer Internship during the program.
Other features of experiential learning in the program for each student include
Interviewing a person of high profile, participation in at least one co-curricular event. 3
projects per semester and a seminar or workshop per semester are also mandatory.
Bachelor Students under Faculty of Pharmacy, are exposed to business plan preparation
in the course of Entrepreneurship for Pharmacy Professionals. The Master students under
take projects spanning two semester leading to submission of dissertation. Under Faculty
of Computer Science and Applications students of MCA undertake at least one major and
one minor project during the program. Students of nursing and physiotherapy under the
Faculty of Medical Sciences gain learning from clinical training and exposure.

Evidence of Success
Innovative projects have also resulted in the filing of patents. Till date 7 patents have
been filed out of the innovative projects of students at Masters’ level and 4 patents have
resulted from research projects of doctoral scholars.
Industry Visits: The students of each semester are given industrial exposure through at
least one industry visit per semester.
Many of the students’ projects have won accolades at national and international levels,
prizes, and recognition and cash awards. Some such projects include F3 Racing car-
OJASWAT, Air conditioning for automobiles without affecting the fuel efficiency, Eco
friendly bricks for construction, Mobile windmill on automobiles to generate power,
Solar car, Installation of photo voltaic power plant with remote monitoring system, CEM
Cell store management system and invitation for participation in national Ferro fluid
Network Program by DST.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Sr No Problems Encountered Sr No Resources Required

1 To seek and establish vital balance 1 Expertise and Continuous monitoring and updating
between theoretical understanding and from professionals in real life problems
experimental project methods. 2 Continuous University - Industry interaction
2 Funding Require for implementation of 1 Adequate funding from external agencies and
projects. society at large
3 Inculcating the mind set for design and 1 High degree of flexibility in teaching learning and
execution of high risk projects among evaluation system.
faculty and students.
4 Creating interdisciplinary approach and 1 Regular academic interactive activities involving
scientific background for project oriented faculty members from different disciplines for
learning. multi-disciplinary approach.
5 Formation of participating groups from
different disciplines and training to the
group members

Criterion 7: Innovations and Best Practices 171


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