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Applied Behavior Analysis of Language & Cognition


The origins of behavior analysis can be traced to the pioneering

Behavior Analysis
work of B.F. Skinner, whose fundamental insights into human behavior

of Language &


were profound and far-reaching. However, there is considerable room
for further investigation in the field, particularly with an eye toward
language and cognition. With contributions from leading behaviorists,
this groundbreaking edited volume brings the study of verbal behavior
into the 21st century with cutting-edge, new research.

Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition offers a

comprehensive overview of the concepts and core behavioral processes
involved in language and cognition. You’ll find in-depth discussions
on topics such as generative responding, learning by observation, and
perspective taking. You’ll also discover clinically proven interventions
based on mindfulness and psychological flexibility to help your clients
improve complex language, social, and academic skills. Whether you’re
a behavior analyst, student, or researcher, this book is a must-have
addition to your professional library. FOR PRACTITIONERS
“An outstanding volume with a star-studded lineup of
editors and authors, with strong credibility in behavioral
science and its progression.”
—YVONNE BARNES-HOLMES, PhD, associate professor in behavior
analysis and senior research fellow at Ghent University

“This book should be required reading in every graduate Edited by

program in psychology and behavior analysis.”
—MARTHA PELAEZ, PhD, professor in the department of educational
psychology at Florida International University
Context Press LINDA J. HAYES, PhD
An Imprint of New Harbinger Publications, Inc.

“This is an outstanding volume with a star-studded lineup of editors and authors, with
strong credibility in behavioral science and its progression. The editors mount a compel-
ling case for the merits of behavioral science as an academic and applied field, and one
in which these integrate coherently. For authors or students wishing to update on what
behavior analysis has done since Skinner, this volume is a must. While it is dense and
accurate, it is readable and digestible. An excellent addition to a complex area of psychol-
ogy, but one which the editors and authors convince us is worth grappling with.”
—Yvonne Barnes-Holmes, PhD, associate professor in behavior analysis, and
senior research fellow at Ghent University

“A truly remarkably and needed book that provides a comprehensive analysis of funda-
mental behavioral processes and contemporary theory, research, and practice published
in the areas of language and cognition. It synthesizes Skinner’s analysis of verbal behav-
ior with contemporary relational frame theory (RFT), and progressively introduces
important core concepts such as stimulus equivalence classes, response generalization,
referencing, perspective taking, problem-solving, and rule-governed behavior. Acceptance
and commitment therapy (ACT) is presented as a contemporary behavior analytic
therapy that addresses the implications of the science of language and cognition for prac-
tice and instruction of applied behavior analysis. This book should be required reading
in every graduate program in psychology and behavior analysis.”
—Martha Pelaez, PhD, professor in the department of educational psychology at
Florida International University

“I highly recommend this book to academicians, researchers, and scientific practitioners

who are interested in the advancement and application of behavior science. Central
threads in behavioral accounts of sociocultural phenomena highlight communication,
and ways language plays a fundamental role in human behavior. The selection of chap-
ters coedited by Fryling, Rehfeldt, Tarbox, and Hayes illustrate the power of behavior
science and collective abilities of our scientific group to respond to the emerging oppor-
tunities for scientific impact. In that regard, the authors lay substantial groundwork for
the advanced analyses of language and cognition with workable implications for develop-
ment and dissemination of associated technologies.”
—Ramona A. Houmanfar, PhD, professor in the department of psychology, and
director of the behavior analysis program at the University of Nevada, Reno
Behavior Analysis
of Language &

Edited by

Context Press
An Imprint of New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
Publisher’s Note
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the
subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in render-
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Copyright © 2020 by M
 itch Fryling, Ruth Anne Rehfeldt, Jonathan Tarbox,
and Linda J. Hayes
Context Press
An imprint of New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
5674 Shattuck Avenue
Oakland, CA 94609

Cover design by Amy Shoup

Acquired by Ryan Buresh

Edited by Rona Bernstein

Indexed by James Minkin

Figure 16.1. is used by permission from Springer Nature. Adaptation of “Derived Stimulus
Relations and Their Role in a Behavior Analytic Account of Human Language and
Cognition”; Barnes-Holmes, Finn, McEnteggart et al; Perspectives on Behavior Science.
Copyright January 1, 2017.

All Rights Reserved

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data on file

Printed in the United States of America

22  21  20

10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1 First Printing

Chapter 1  n Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis of

Language and Cognition 1

Chapter 2 Basic Concepts 6

Chapter 3 Basic Verbal Operants 20

Chapter 4 Complex Verbal Behavior 38

Chapter 5 I dentification and Establishment of Bidirectional

Verbal Operants 55

Chapter 6 The Scope and Significance of Referential Behavior 72

Chapter 7 Human Behavior Is Referential Behavior 94

Chapter 8 Observational Learning 115

Chapter 9 Generative Responding Through Contingency Adduction 131

Chapter 10  quivalence-Based Instruction: Designing Instruction

Using Stimulus Equivalence 157

Chapter 11 Relational Frame Theory: Basic Relational Operants 174

Chapter 12  ssessing and Teaching Complex Relational Operants:

Analogy and Hierarchy 198

Chapter 13 Rule-Governed Behavior and Verbal Regulation 214

Chapter 14 Problem Solving 234

Chapter 15 Second- and Third-Wave Behavior Therapy 250

Chapter 16 Implicit Cognition and Social Behavior 264

Chapter 17 Perspective Taking, Empathy, and Compassion 281

Glossary of Acronyms 301

References 309

Index 359

An Introduction to Applied Behavior

Analysis of Language and Cognition

Linda J. Hayes
University of Nevada, Reno

Progress toward a natural science of behavior has been delayed by a number of difficul-
ties. The first of these—the attribution of causal status to nonmaterial entities—has
been overcome by the exclusion of hypothetical, nonnatural elements and their powers
from the events making up the subject matter of a science of behavior (Kantor, 1924).
While not all behavior scientists have forfeited the right to postulate unobserved entities
for purposes of explanation, the need for such entities and their forces is proportional to
the absence of information derived from observational sources. Hence, advances in
observational methods and technologies may be expected to make such distractions
increasingly unnecessary.
A second difficulty pertains to the definition of a unit behavioral event. The units of
analysis problem has been resolved, for the most part, by sacrificing the uniqueness of
individual responses for the affordances of response class constructions. More than one
such unit has been proposed, though Skinner’s (1938) concept of the operant has proven
particularly valuable. The criteria proposed by Skinner for the membership of responses
in operant classes included their conditions of occurrence, a provision enabling not
merely prediction but also control over class member occurrences. Further, because pre-
diction and control of class member occurrences are more readily demonstrated when
such occurrences are taking place at high frequencies, Skinner (1953) proposed that
preliminary investigations focus on simple responses of arbitrary form that could occur at
high frequencies without significant fatigue for extended periods of time. The notion was
that this preparation would permit for the development of laws and principles of behavior
that, subsequently, would be applicable to more complex, nonarbitrary forms of respond-
ing. With this aim and upon this premise, the science of behavior proceeded.
The absence of sophisticated observational technologies at the time of these devel-
opments placed severe limitations on the automated detection of even simple responses,
however, representing a third factor delaying progress of the natural science of behavior.
2 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Automated detection of responses demanded that they be localized on particular

mechanical operanda (e.g., levers, keys), the operations of which were substituted for
measures of responding. As a result, the nuances of individual responses fell below the
threshold of instrumental precision. Still, Skinner’s experimental preparations (e.g.,
Skinner, 1938; Ferster & Skinner, 1957) resulted in a corpus of principles (e.g., stimulus
control, reinforcement, extinction) that proved applicable to the behavior of a wide
variety of species and led to the development of a powerful technology of behavior change
presently being employed in many domains of human activity. All the research presented
in this volume, with the exception of that in chapter 7 by Emilio Ribes, rests on a founda-
tion of the principles of behavior as construed by Skinner.

Challenges Related to the Subject of Behavior

The promise of an experimental analysis of unrestricted, nonarbitrary forms of respond-
ing, and their elaboration into more complex forms, has not been fully realized. For the
most part, this circumstance is owing to the subject matter of behavior science. Behavior
has a number of features that complicate its scientific investigation. In the first place,
behavior is not a thing localizable in an organism, but is rather a function resulting from
responding and stimulating, taking place in a field of many other factors. As such it is not
possible to identify or classify behavior in the absence of information about the setting in
which it is occurring. Measurement practices thereby must be capable of capturing func-
tional relations between behavior and environmental variables, not merely the occur-
rence of responses with particular formal properties.
Secondly, behavior does not come in discrete units, but rather occurs as a continu-
ous stream of activity. Hence, where one event ends and another begins must be deter-
mined on the basis of arbitrary criteria, presenting significant difficulties for the
replication of findings. While substituting switch closures for responses solves this
problem of measurement, it also distorts the character of the events measured. More wor-
risome is that the prediction and control of behavior—operations achieved by way of a
frequency-based interpretation of probability—require that the character of behavior be
distorted in this way. Practices capable of depicting behavior as a continuous stream of
activity are needed to solve this problem.
Added to this, behavior is the action of the whole organism, and in this regard, it is
always a complex phenomenon involving the simultaneous participation of multiple
response systems (e.g., muscular, neurological, sensory, glandular). Complete descriptions
of behavior thereby entail consideration of its relevant organismic components, implying
the need for measurement in real time.
Finally, behavior is corrigible. This is to say it is a continuously changing reper-
toire, becoming more elaborate and more varied with respect to contextual circum-
stances over the course of its development. As such, response events initially selected
An Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition 3

for measurement are likely to have evolved into different forms and to have developed
different relations with environing events over the course of their investigation. This
circumstance is of particular concern when the behavior at issue is verbal in kind. Verbal
behavior is especially difficult to investigate due to its substitutive character (Kantor,
1936, 1977), conventionality—and thereby arbitrariness—of response forms (Kantor,
1982), and enormous topographical variation. Perhaps it is for this reason that more than
one conceptualization of the verbal repertoire, as revealed in the chapters of this book,
have been developed in the science of behavior over the last half century.
Most behavior analysts are familiar with at least some aspects of B. F. Skinner’s
(1957) analysis of this repertoire. More specifically, most are familiar with the elementary
verbal operants, particularly those in which the stimulus products of verbal responding
show formal similarity with prior verbal stimuli (i.e., echoic, copying text), those in which
the stimulus products of responding share point-to-point correspondence with prior
stimuli (i.e., taking dictation, textual) and those occurring under the control of condi-
tions other than prior verbal stimuli (i.e., tact and mand). Less familiar, and less often
investigated and validated in application, are the elementary operants characterized by
more complex contingencies (i.e., intraverbal and autoclitic). The elementary verbal
operants were differentiated by the unique contingencies into which response instances
could be organized as members. These classes have enormous numbers of members, and
their identification was not Skinner’s primary aim in writing the book Verbal Behavior.
Rather, his primary aim was to consider the contributions of historical conditions and
current stimuli such as to foretell the topographical and dynamic features of a “single
forthcoming instance of verbal behavior” (1957, p. 28). How he proposed to pursue this
aim is not obvious until after the eighth chapter of Verbal Behavior where he discusses
multiple causation and supplementary stimulation. With respect to this aim, and in the
present author’s perspective, Skinner comes closer to its achievement than any other

Criticisms of B. F. Skinner’s Position

As is evident in some of the criticisms of Skinner’s position, not everyone working on this
topic has shared Skinner’s aim. Critiques of Skinner’s position (from within the behav-
ioral community at least) have focused on two aspects of his work. First, it has been
argued (e.g., Hayes, 1996) that Skinner focused exclusively on the occurrence and char-
acteristics of the speaker’s behavior, neglecting the same of the listener save the latter’s
role in the mediation of consequences for the speaker’s behavior—much of which had to
be assumed as opposed to directly observed. While Skinner did not in fact ignore the
verbal aspects of the listener’s behavior entirely (e.g., see Skinner, 1957, pp. 357–367), he
did argue that the behavior of the speaker could be analyzed without considering the
behavior of the listener (1957, p. 2).
4 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Interestingly, it might be argued that relational fame theory (RFT) has focused
almost exclusively on the behavior of the listener, to the neglect of the speaker. In much
of the early RFT research, in which a match-to-sample procedure was employed, the
responses measured were acts of selecting a particular stimulus from an array of stimuli.
Acts of this sort demonstrate a “knowing” of relations among stimuli—which is an act of
listening, perhaps, or understanding, but not an act of speaking. For example, when a
child points to stimulus X upon being asked to “show me X” in the presence of an array
of stimuli in which X is included, the response of pointing to X is not an instance of
speaking. By contrast, upon being presented with stimulus X and being asked to say what
it is, the response of naming the object is one of listening and understanding as well as
The same is true of the early work on stimulus equivalence. In this case, though,
some attempts to evoke topographically distinct response forms were made or were at
least imagined to be ongoing (Horne & Lowe, 1996). Added to these is Kantor’s (1936,
1977) interpretation of psychological linguistics, which is not a critique of Skinner’s posi-
tion per se but rather an independently developed alternative to it. From Kantor’s per-
spective, as exemplified in chapter 6 by Patrick Ghezzi, linguistic acts of the referential
type were held to involve simultaneous stimulation from two sources, one of which was
always the listener. Accordingly, it was not possible to focus on either the speaker’s or the
listener’s behavior in isolation.
The other major criticism of Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior has had to do with
his conceptualization of stimulus events. Stimulus events have come to be understood as
having both functional and object properties (e.g., see Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche,
2001). While Skinner (1957) did distinguish the function of a stimulus from its status as
a physical object, and he did make use of this distinction in addressing particularly
complex episodes of verbal behavior involving autoclitics, he did not do so consistently.
For the most part, stimuli were conceptualized as objects, which were or were not present
in a given circumstance, giving rise to such claims as “Apart from an occasional relevant
audience, verbal behavior requires no environmental support (Skinner, 1974a, p. 100),
and such analyses as “seeing in the absence of the thing seen” (Skinner, 1957, p. 363). It
was this issue that prompted Skinner to propose a category of operant behavior that,
unlike all other categories of operant behavior, was not contingency shaped, namely rule-
governed behavior. Rule governance was a less-than-convincing solution to the problem,
however (see Parrott, 1987). The problem was accounting for the control exerted by
stimuli in their absence, and the solution was to promote the distinction between the
functional and object properties of stimuli. It was this issue that gave rise to an important
body of research, generally referred to as stimulus equivalence. And it was this distinc-
tion and its implications, in turn, that gave rise to RFT. Interestingly, the distinction
between stimuli as objects and stimuli as functions is one of the hallmarks of Kantor’s
analysis of behavior (1924, 1958), including behavior of the linguistic type (1936, 1977).
The implications of making this distinction are profound. The distinction makes it
possible to assume that the functional properties of a stimulus are possible in the absence
An Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition 5

of its physical object properties. This is to say the functional properties of stimuli may
operate from nonoriginal sources which, according to Kantor, is an outcome of historical
relations between original and nonoriginal sources. Kantor (1936, 1977) refers to this
phenomenon as substitute stimulation. Other theorists, as is apparent in most of the
remaining chapters of this volume, account for this phenomenon in different ways and
refer to it with different terms. Nonetheless, all are pointing to the same phenomenon
and all are recognizing its implications for the understanding of exceedingly complex
forms of human behavior.
The development of a natural science of behavior has been impeded by several
factors, including the attribution of causal properties to hypothetical entities, the defini-
tion of the unit of a behavioral event, and the lack of sophisticated observational tech-
nologies. B. F. Skinner’s radical behaviorism, including its analysis of verbal behavior,
resolved many of these challenges. Conceptual difficulties remained with Skinner’s anal-
ysis, however, including an understanding of the behavior of the listener and referential
behavior. The conceptualization of rule-governed behavior and the study of derived
stimulus relations (and later RFT) permitted for an analysis of the behavior of both the
speaker and listener. J. R. Kantor’s analysis of substitute stimulation made it possible to
assume that the functional properties of a stimulus are possible in the absence of its
physical object properties. These developments, including the notion of substitute stimu-
lation, permitted for the understanding of complex human behavior.

About This Book

The aims of the present book flow from this general understanding of the corrigibility of
behavior science. Essential to this evolution is the incorporation of new materials into
our educational curricula. Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition provides
an analysis of the most innovative and contemporary research published in the area of
language and cognition to date. Authors share important perspectives that will guide the
reader in their own research or clinical work in the areas subsumed under each chapter.
The book is designed to maximize readers’ grasp of the complex issues involved in this
subject. At the beginning of each chapter is a “Link and Preview” box, in which the
editors provide a brief overview of the topic at hand and its link to previous chapters.
Each chapter—written by experts in their respective areas—contains an in-depth dis-
cussion of the topic, a consideration of implications and future directions, a summary of
the chapter’s key points, and a list of study questions to facilitate mastery of the concepts
presented in the chapter. Finally, as our field is teeming with terminology and acronyms,
a glossary of acronyms is included at the back of the book for readers’ reference.
It is the editors’ belief that the most important new materials for practitioners of
behavior science pertain to matters of language and cognition. This book reflects our
best efforts to make these materials available and accessible.

Basic Concepts

Linda J. Hayes
University of Nevada, Reno

Kenneth W. Jacobs
University of Nevada, Reno

Matthew Lewon
University of Nevada, Reno

Link and Preview

While the majority of this text is devoted to specific topics related to language and cogni-
tion in applied behavior analysis (ABA), as described in the introduction, the present
chapter describes the basic concepts and principles involved in ABA. We believe it is
important to provide an overview of these concepts and principles at the beginning of the
text given their foundational role in understanding behavior.

Basic concepts seem to be involved in everything in behavior analysis, from the simple to
the complex. We begin our overview with brief comments on the historical context of
behavior analysis, followed by a description of respondent and operant processes. The
chapter also provides an overview of select advanced topics related to stimulus control
and motivation.

Historical Context
In the one hundred plus years since John B. Watson (1913) regarded psychology as a
science of behavior, and the over fifty years since Skinner’s (1963) restatement in terms
of radical behaviorism, there have been two enduring conditioning paradigms within the
science of behavior: respondent conditioning and operant conditioning. Ivan Pavlov
Basic Concepts7

(1927) established the former, and B. F. Skinner (1938) the latter. The operant condition-
ing paradigm directly spawned the development of ABA (Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968),
whereas both respondent and operant conditioning informed behavior therapy (Wolpe,
1976a, 1976b). Barring some overlap, these learning processes and their associated appli-
cations remained relatively independent of one another (Williams, 1987). The supposed
distinction between respondent and operant conditioning, for instance, was “shrouded
with ambiguity” (Kazdin, 1979, p. 632). More recently, there has been a convergence of
thought, where respondent and operant conditioning have been conceptualized as com-
plementary rather than distinct (e.g., Delgado & Hayes, 2013, 2014; Domjan, 2016;
Rehfeldt & Hayes, 1998).
In addition to the classical and operant paradigms, J. R. Kantor (1924) developed the
field-theoretical position known as interbehavioral psychology. A similarity fundamen-
tal to both operant and interbehavioral psychology is their adherence to behavior as the
proper subject matter of a natural science of psychology (Morris, 1984). Kantor’s lifelong
pursuit was to construct a natural science of psychology impervious to the mentalistic
vernacular of nonscientific institutions (Clayton, Hayes, & Swain, 2005). Although it
had few followers to begin, the explicit and thoroughgoing explication of interbehavioral
psychology’s philosophical assumptions has guided theoretical developments in behavior
science to this day (Fryling & Hayes, 2015; Hayes & Fryling, 2009, 2014, 2015; Smith,
An even more recent addition to the ABA, behavior therapy, and interbehavioral
movements is contextual behavioral science. The philosophy of contextual behavioral
science, functional contextualism, is aligned with and also extends Skinner’s (1945)
radical behaviorism (Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Wilson, 2012; Hayes, Hayes, & Reese,
1988). The contextual behavioral science approach to clinical application (Hayes, Levin,
Plumb-Vilardaga, Villatte, & Pistorello, 2013) and language and cognition (Hayes,
Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001) is unique, but most importantly, is consistent with and
committed to a natural science of behavior. The assumption that a natural science of
behavior is possible is a thread that unifies each of behavior science’s respective move-
ments. We mention these theoretical foundations because they are a part of the larger
context from which the basic concepts reviewed in this chapter are derived.

Respondent Conditioning
Respondent behavior describes responses (unconditioned responses; URs) that occur
in the presence of particular environmental events (unconditioned stimuli; USs)
without a history of learning. While the relationship between the US and UR is relatively
constant (i.e., given the US, the UR will always occur), the UR may in some cases be
modified by consequences (Domjan, 2005). In other cases, the repeated and consistent
presentation of the US may gradually reduce the magnitude of the UR to the US, a
process called habituation. For example, you may notice the loud sounds of airplanes
8 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

coming and going every time you visit your friend who lives near the airport. Your friend,
however, may hardly notice those sounds, if they notice them at all. You might say that
habituation has occurred in this case (your friend no longer responds to the loud sound
of planes, the US, or at least not as strongly as they used to). The inverse, dishabituation,
is when the magnitude of the habituated UR recovers due to the subsequent presentation
of the US following exposure to a different stimulus (Groves & Thompson, 1970). In
other words, if your friend was not exposed to the sounds of the airplanes for a while, and
was then exposed to them again, your friend might again respond to the sound and find
it disruptive.
Respondent conditioning, also known as Pavlovian or classical conditioning, is
when one stimulus acquires the functional properties of another. This occurs when two
stimuli consistently occur together, either in space (i.e., near each other) or time (i.e.,
during or right before or after each other). The most reliable conditioning is obtained
when two stimuli frequently occur together and infrequently occur independent of one
another (Rescorla, 1967, 1988). A prototypical example is the acquisition of the eliciting
function of a US by a stimulus that previously did not elicit that response (we often call
this stimulus, prior to conditioning, a neutral stimulus). When the previously neutral
stimulus elicits a response similar to the UR elicited by the US, we call it a conditioned
stimulus (CS), which elicits the response now called a conditioned response (CR).
Fears and phobias are examples of the outcomes of respondent conditioning, where an
initial experience with a US (e.g., a prick from a needle) causes a previously neutral
stimulus (e.g., the doctor’s office or the sight of a needle) to become a CS. It is important
to note that stimuli may also acquire other functions via respondent conditioning,
including reinforcing (conditioned reinforcers; Williams, 1994), aversive (conditioned
aversive stimuli; Azrin & Holz, 1966), discriminative (Hayes, 1992), and motivational
functions (conditioned motivating operations; Michael, 1993).

Operant Conditioning
Antecedent, behavior, and consequence constitute the three-term contingency.
Antecedent refers to an event or condition that precedes a behavior, and consequence
refers to an event or condition that happens after a behavior. Each component of the
contingency is defined in terms of the other (Timberlake, 2004). This is to say that where
there is behavior there are consequences, and those consequences coordinate behavior
with stimuli (Skinner, 1974a). While consequences increase or decrease the probability
of a behavior occurring, antecedents regulate the probability of that behavior occurring
in a given setting or situation.
Antecedent, behavior, and consequence are open-ended terms in the sense that no
stimulus is guaranteed to function as an antecedent or consequence and no behavior is
guaranteed to function strictly as a respondent or operant (Domjan, 2016; Timberlake,
1988). Antecedent, behavior, and consequence represent candidate elements: stimuli
Basic Concepts9

and responses that may or may not function as conditioned stimuli, discriminative
stimuli, reinforcers, or punishers (more on these terms below). Determining what does or
will function as an antecedent or consequence is a matter of observation and
In the sections that follow we describe the processes and outcomes of antecedents
and consequences as they relate to operant behavior. We will elucidate the conditions
under which candidate antecedents and consequences have discriminative or reinforcing
functions. Furthermore, we will describe the conditions under which motivation and
emotion influence the three-term contingency as a unit of analysis.

Consequential Control
Consequential control refers to changes in behavior due to reinforcement or pun-
ishment. Below is a thumbnail take on how behavior analysts speak of reinforcement and
punishment, then and now (cf. Killeen & Jacobs, 2017a, 2017b). Afterward, we describe
the particulars of reinforcement and punishment procedures and the process of

Early in his career, Skinner (1938) described reinforcement as the process by which
behavior is strengthened. The converse, punishment, was described as the process by
which behavior is weakened (Skinner, 1953). “Reinforcement builds up these tendencies;
punishment is designed to tear them down” (Skinner, 1953, p. 182). The “tendencies”
Skinner referred to are behavior: the acts of whole organisms in context. Those acts are
“strengthened” or “weakened” in the sense that there is an observed change in their
probability of occurrence. In lay terms, behavior that occurs a lot, or intensely, might be
said to be strong, and that which occurs infrequently, or at a very low magnitude, might
be said to be weak.
The notions of response strengthening and weakening are metaphors. They are
figures of speech that represent an assumption fundamental to any experimental or
applied behavior analysis (i.e., behavior is probabilistic). The occurrence or nonoccur-
rence of a response is indicative of its probability, its likelihood of occurrence on any
given occasion. Rate of responding is a measure of response probability that has been
deemed the basic datum of the science of behavior (Skinner, 1956, 1966b). Other mea-
sures such as count, percent, duration, and latency can be indicative of response proba-
bility as well, so our applied analyses of behavior are not limited to rate of responding
alone. This means behavior change can be measured in a variety of ways.
The probability that a response will or will not occur depends on its consequences
within a given setting. We can predict the likelihood that a response will occur, and can
even control its occurrence, but we do so in terms of response classes. This is to say that
behavior analysts do not predict the occurrence of particular response forms on any given
10 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

occasion. Instead, behavior analysts predict whether or not a particular class of behavior
will occur.
Within any given class of behavior are many variations of response form. For
instance, one might request water when thirsty in various ways: “Water, please?” “Can I
have water?” “I want water,” and so on. Regardless of how they request that water, the
consequence is the same: access to water. When the consequence for a variety of response
forms is the same, behavior analysts functionally class those responses; they group those
responses into classes on the basis of their consequences. In addition to the water-related
response class there are food-related response classes, attention-related response classes,
escape-related response classes, and so on.
In the case of a thirsty client, the applied behavior analyst can make a class-based
prediction: When in the presence of listeners who may have water, a water-deprived
client will engage in one or more various forms of verbal behavior that have produced
access to water in the past. We cannot predict with certainty that the individual will ask,
“Water, please?” versus “Can I have water?” but we can predict that the individual will
request water in some form.

Later in his career Skinner (1981) dropped the notions of strengthening and weak-
ening in favor of selection. In a masterstroke, Skinner (1981) described genetic, behav-
ioral, and cultural processes in terms of selection by consequences. Consequences are
responsible for the traits of a species, the behavioral repertoires of a species’ members,
and the cultural practices of a group. Variation at all three levels is key, as it makes the
selection of an adaptive trait, behavior, or practice possible (Hayes, Sanford, & Chin,
2017). At the behavioral level, consequences are reinforcers and punishers that differen-
tially select responses, which constitute the functionally defined classes of behavior
already described. When a response class is stereotypic, and therefore restricted in terms
of variation, applied behavior analysts are tasked with expanding that response class or
shaping and maintaining new ones (Hayes & Sanford, 2015).
In keeping with Skinner (1981), we will describe the processes and outcomes of con-
sequential control in terms of selection. Evolutionary science is a natural ally to the
behavioral sciences (Wilson, Hayes, Biglan, & Embry, 2014), as consequential control is
a product of our “evolved susceptibility to reinforcement” (Skinner, 1981, p. 501).

The outcome of reinforcement is an increase in the probability of a response on
future occasions. There are two sorts of reinforcement: positive reinforcement and neg-
ative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement entails the presentation or addition of a
stimulus, whereas negative reinforcement entails the removal or subtraction of a stimu-
lus. Both positive and negative reinforcement increase behavior based on the contingent
Basic Concepts11

presentation or removal of a stimulus, respectively. Reinforcers, however, are not exclu-

sively stimuli. Events or activities may also function as reinforcers (Jacobs, Morford, King,
& Hayes, 2017; Premack, 1959; Timberlake & Allison, 1974). For the sake of brevity we
will speak in terms of stimuli, but we will indicate which candidate reinforcers are stimuli,
events, or activities when those designations are applicable.

If contingent access to a stimulus follows a target response and increases that target
response, then positive reinforcement is observed. An example of positive reinforcement
is the case in which a parent provides a child with access to a preferred toy (stimulus) as
long as the child says “please” (target response). We say the toy functioned as a reinforcer
if and only if its contingent presentation was observed to increase the rate of the target
response (i.e., saying please).

If the contingent removal of a stimulus follows a target response and increases that
target response, then negative reinforcement is observed. An example of negative rein-
forcement is if a teacher removes an academic demand (activity) on the condition that
the child appropriately requests a break (target response). The academic demand is said
to have functioned as a negative reinforcer if and only if its contingent removal was
observed to increase the rate of the target response (i.e., requesting a break). Another
example is the case in which the removal of a headache (event) is contingent upon your
taking medicine (response). If the probability of taking medicine increases on future
occasions, then the removal of that headache is said to have functioned as a negative

The outcome of punishment is a decrease in the probability of a response on future
occasions. There are two sorts of punishment: positive punishment and negative pun-
ishment. As is the case with reinforcement, positive and negative refer to the presenta-
tion or removal of a stimulus, event, or activity contingent upon a particular behavior.

If the contingent presentation of a stimulus follows a target response and decreases
that target response, then positive punishment is observed. An example of positive pun-
ishment is if a parent requires a child to excessively clean up a room (activity) on every
occasion the child engages in property destruction (target response). We say that exces-
sive cleaning functioned as a positive punisher if and only if its contingent presentation
12 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

was observed to decrease the rate of the target response (i.e., property destruction). This
procedure is also known as overcorrection (see Timberlake & Farmer-Dougan, 1991).

If the contingent removal of a stimulus follows a target response and decreases that
target response, then negative punishment is observed. Negative punishment is the case
in which a teacher, for example, removes access to playtime (activity) on every occasion
the child hits another individual (target response). Playtime is said to have functioned as
a negative punisher if and only if its contingent removal was observed to decrease the
rate of the target response (i.e., hitting). This procedure is also known as time-out.
Additionally, and critically, negative punishment requires the removal of a positive rein-
forcer for its procedures to be effective in decreasing behavior.

Up until this juncture we have described what happens to behavior when natural or
scheduled events follow behavior on particular occasions. We have described the pro-
cesses and outcomes of reinforcement and punishment. The question before us now is:
What happens to behavior when previously obtained consequences are lacking or
Extinction is a reduction in responding that no longer produces reinforcing conse-
quences. In procedural terms, a reduction in responding is observed when reinforcement
for a particular response is lacking or withheld. For the effects of extinction to be
observed, reinforcement must be lacking or withheld for responses that have produced
reinforcing consequences in the past. Like punishment, a reduction in behavior occurs,
but not because of the contingent removal of a reinforcing stimulus (negative punish-
ment). Whereas negative punishment is a contingency, extinction is the decoupling of
contingencies. In other words, extinction involves the discontinuation of the relationship
between responses and their reinforcers.
Importantly, we can only say that extinction has occurred when there is an observed
decrease in a previously reinforced behavior. Here the word “extinction” may be used to
refer to a procedure (i.e., no longer providing the reinforcer) and an outcome (i.e., the
reduction in behavior). Besides its primary effect of reducing behavior, the process of
extinction has at least three additional effects: an initial burst in responding, variability
in responding (operant variability), and variants of response recovery.

When reinforcement for a previously reinforced response is withheld, a rapid increase
in responding may be observed initially. An extinction burst refers to that initial rapid
increase in responding. If reinforcement for socially appropriate requests is withheld,
Basic Concepts13

then a burst in socially appropriate requests is likely to ensue. For example, if a child has
learned to say “Mom” to get his mother’s attention, he may say “Mom” repeatedly, and
perhaps more loudly, when attention is no longer forthcoming. As extinction proceeds,
those requests for attention may also vary in form, which brings us to the next effect of

A client may not emit the same socially appropriate request when reinforcement for
that request is withheld. For example, the child may say, “Look at me,” “Pay attention,”
or other responses after the response “Mom” is no longer followed by attention. Extinction
is said to induce operant variability in such a way that new response forms, and varia-
tions of old response forms, can be selected by their consequences.

Subsequent to an extinction burst or operant variability, the response form for which
reinforcement is withheld will eventually subside. A particular request, after extinction,
may now have a zero probability of occurrence within a particular setting. With the
passage of time or change in context, however, the previously extinguished response may
recur at or near its original baseline level of occurrence. After a period of rest between
extinction sessions, for example, extinguished responding might recover due to extrane-
ous sources of control within the setting where extinction took place (Pierce & Cheney,
2013). Continuing with our previous example, it is possible that the child will resume
yelling “Mom” in a few days. This effect, known as spontaneous recovery, is only one of
the many different forms of response recovery after extinction. We briefly describe
those other forms of recovery, but encourage readers to see Bouton, Winterbauer, and
Todd (2012) for references and review.
Renewal, resurgence, and reinstatement are terms that describe the recurrence of
responses previously extinguished. Bouton et al. (2012) describe these types of response
recovery as relapse effects. In the case of renewal, extinguished responding recurs due
to changes in context. If a response was selected by its reinforcing consequences in
context A, but extinguished in context B, the extinguished response will renew (i.e.,
recur) if the individual returns to context A. This is known as the ABA renewal effect.
Resurgence occurs when an initially reinforced response is put on extinction while an
alternative response is now reinforced. If you then extinguish the alternative response,
the previously extinguished initial response will resurge (i.e., recur; see Lattal et al., 2017,
for a review of the definition of resurgence). Lastly, reinstatement is the case in which a
response recurs because the previously extinguished response is reinforced on a later
occasion, which reinstates its occurrence.
14 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Antecedent Control
Antecedent control is a general term used to describe a change in the probability of
a particular response when in the presence of certain stimuli. Whereas consequential
control refers to changes in the probability of behavior due to events that follow it, ante-
cedent control refers to changes in the probability of behavior due to several classes of
events that precede it. Antecedent control includes both stimulus control and motivat-
ing operations, on which we elaborate below.

Stimulus control is a continuum on which stimulus discrimination and stimulus
generalization are opposite endpoints (Dinsmoor, 1995a; Rilling, 1977). On one end of
this continuum, stimulus discrimination occurs when measures of behavior vary system-
atically across two or more different settings. On the other end, stimulus generalization
occurs when consequences for behavior in one setting affect measures of behavior in
another setting. In applied situations, either can be desirable or problematic depending
on the nature of the performance. The processes and outcomes of each, as well as the
factors that affect them, are described below.

Stimulus discrimination. Stimulus discrimination refers to a change in the probability

of an operant response in one setting versus another. That change in the probability of a
response is due to discrimination training, which entails a history of differential rein-
forcement, punishment, or extinction across settings. In procedural terms, discrimina-
tion training is when a given response is consistently followed by one outcome, on a
particular schedule in one setting, while that same response is followed by either a differ-
ent outcome or the same outcome, on a different schedule in another setting (Dinsmoor,
1995a; Terrace, 1966). Such training may be arranged intentionally or occur

SD & S-delta. The most common discrimination training procedure involves rein-
forcing a response in one setting and extinguishing it in another. Other combinations of
reinforcement, punishment, extinction, or different schedules of reinforcement/punish-
ment for a single response—across different settings—may also bring about stimulus
discrimination. In the prototypical procedure, the stimulus in the presence of which a
response is reinforced is referred to as the discriminative stimulus (abbreviated SD or
S+). Due to a history of reinforcement in its presence, the presence of the SD increases
the probability of the response. The stimulus in the presence of which the response is
extinguished is typically referred to as S-delta (SΔ or S-), and its presence serves to
decrease the probability of the response. While the term “discriminative stimulus”
implies that only the SD exerts discriminative control, both SD and SΔ may be considered
discriminative in the sense that both affect the probability of a response: the former
increases it while the latter decreases it. Stated generally, the probability of a given
Basic Concepts15

response in a particular setting is related to that response’s history of reinforcement/

punishment/extinction in that setting.

Stimulus classes. In addition to the stimulus control exerted by a particular setting,

specific properties of stimulus objects or events may come to acquire discriminative func-
tions under the relevant contingencies. A stimulus class, or concept, is defined as a
group of stimuli that share a specific property and that are functionally related to respond-
ing in the same way (Chase & Danforth, 1991; Herrnstein, Loveland, & Cable, 1976;
Zentall, Galizio, & Critchfield, 2002). The property shared by all members of a given
stimulus class may be established as an SD via concept training: a given response is fol-
lowed by a particular consequence in the presence of members of one stimulus class, and
is followed by a different consequence in the presence of members of another stimulus
class. The outcome is that the response will become more or less probable in the presence
of the property that is shared among all members of the given stimulus class, even if
various members of the class differ in other regards. An example of this is reinforcing the
verbal response “red” in the presence of many different red objects, while extinguishing
the same response in the presence of objects of other colors. Subsequent to this training,
the response “red” will be more likely in the presence of all red objects and less likely in
the presence of non-red objects.

Stimulus control factors. Practical applications are often concerned with establishing
specific stimuli or stimulus properties as discriminative (i.e., we want behavior to occur
in the presence of certain stimuli but not in the presence of other stimuli). A number of
factors affect the extent to which this is achieved. The first is stimulus salience, which
pertains to the magnitude of the difference between an intended SD and other stimuli
present during training (Dinsmoor, 1995b). Stimuli that are more distinguishable from
background stimulation are more likely to acquire discriminative functions under the
appropriate contingencies. Salience is related to many factors, including but not limited
to the intensity of a stimulus relative to the setting in which it occurs (Mackintosh,
1976), sensory capacity (i.e., what an individual is capable of detecting; Heffner &
Heffner, 2007; Horowitz, 1987), and the biological relevance of stimuli (Domjan, 1983).
Another factor affecting discrimination training is stimulus disparity, which is the
extent to which an intended SD for a given response differs along some physical dimen-
sion from SΔ(s) during training (Dinsmoor, 1995b). The greater the difference between
an SD for a given response and various SΔs present during training (i.e., SDs for other
responses, often called “distractors”), the more readily the former will acquire the appro-
priate discriminative function.

Stimulus generalization. Stimuli that are similar in certain ways tend to evoke similar
patterns of responding, or stimulus generalization. This term refers to circumstances in
which the consequences of a given response in one setting affect its probability in another
similar setting. The conditions under which stimulus generalization occurs have been
studied extensively in the laboratory (Honig & Urcuioli, 1981; Rilling, 1977). In applied
16 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

settings it is often important to explicitly program for generalization such that perfor-
mances established in treatment occur in the appropriate circumstances outside of treat-
ment (Stokes & Baer, 1977). In some situations, though, generalization may be undesirable
(e.g., it may be important that a given response occur in only one of two similar settings),
and appropriate discrimination may require further training. Terrace (1966) described
how this may be expedited by beginning training with SDs and SΔs that are dissimilar and
gradually making them more similar across training, that is, until the response is only
occurring in the appropriate setting. This process is known as fading or errorless learn-
ing and is the basis for various prompting and transfer of stimulus control technologies
(Green, 2001).

Overshadowing. When a response is reinforced, punished, and/or extinguished, a

plethora of environmental stimuli are present, but not all stimuli will necessarily acquire
discriminative functions. Only those stimuli that are consistently correlated with a par-
ticular consequence, for a particular response, will acquire such functions (Mackintosh,
1977). Furthermore, if two equally relevant stimuli are present when a response produces
a particular consequence, one of them may acquire discriminative functions while the
other does not (e.g., Reynolds, 1961). This is known as overshadowing. Overshadowing
may also occur when an already-established SD (S1) and another stimulus (S2) are both
present when a response is reinforced or punished. Under these conditions, S1 may
prevent S2 from acquiring discriminative functions unless the consequences or schedule
of reinforcement for the response change with the introduction of S2 (Kamin, 1969;
Rescorla & Wagner, 1972).
In light of the above, it is important to recognize that a variety of stimuli are present
during discrimination training and that any of these may adventitiously acquire some
discriminative functions in the course of training. The delivery of reinforcers (Bouton &
Trask, 2016; Franks & Lattal, 1976) or aversive stimuli (Ayllon & Azrin, 1966; Holz &
Azrin, 1961), states produced by drugs or other motivating operations (Lubinski &
Thompson, 1987; Overton, 1984), and the stimulation provided by an individual’s own
behavior (Killeen & Fetterman, 1988) are all capable of acquiring and exerting discrimi-
native control over behavior. In some cases, it is even possible for these events to interfere
with the discriminative control established by a practitioner.

The study of motivation in behavior analysis pertains to changes in the probability
of behavior that occur due to the influence of environmental events functioning as moti-
vating operations. Motivating operations (MOs) are antecedent events that have two
functions. First, they alter the value of reinforcers and aversive stimuli, increasing or
decreasing their reinforcing/punishing efficacy. Second, they alter the probability of
behavior relevant to those events/activities as consequences. The former has been
referred to as the value-altering effect and the latter as the behavior-altering effect
(Laraway, Snycerski, Michael, & Poling, 2003).
Basic Concepts17

There are two subclasses of MOs: establishing operations (EOs) and abolishing
operations (AOs; Laraway et al., 2003). We take each in turn.

Establishing operations. EOs are events that increase the efficacy of reinforcers or
aversive stimuli and increase the probability of behavior. If an individual is exposed to an
EO for a reinforcer, the probability of all responses that have produced that reinforcer in
the past increases. If an individual is exposed to an EO that increases the extent to which
an event functions as aversive, the probability of behavior that has produced the reduc-
tion or removal of that aversive stimulus in the past increases.

Abolishing operations. AOs have the opposite effect: they reduce the efficacy of rein-
forcers or aversive stimuli and decrease the probability of behavior. An AO for a particu-
lar reinforcer will decrease the probability of responses that have produced that reinforcer
in the past, and an AO for an aversive stimulus will decrease the probability of responses
that have resulted in the removal/reduction of that stimulus in the past.
Note that EO and AO are relative terms. Whether a particular event functions as an
EO or AO depends on the motivational condition(s) to which it is compared. For
example, six hours of food deprivation is an EO relative to no food deprivation, but is an
AO relative to twelve hours of food deprivation.

Types of motivating operations. A wide variety of events function as MOs, and various
MOs for different reinforcers/aversive stimuli may operate concurrently (Sundberg, 2013).
Unconditioned MOs function as MOs without a prior history with those events, and
conditioned MOs are events that acquire motivational functions through correlation
with other events (Michael, 1993). The types of events that function as MOs include
various deprivation operations (e.g., food, water, sex, or sleep deprivation), aversive stim-
ulation (a given aversive stimulus can serve to punish the response that precedes it and
also function as an MO for its reduction/removal; Michael, 1993), drug or alcohol intake
(Valdovinos & Kennedy, 2004), pain or illness (O’Reilly, 1997; O’Reilly, Lacey, &
Lancioni, 2000), verbal stimuli (sometimes referred to as augmentals; Hayes, Barnes-
Holmes, & Roche, 2001), events associated with emotions (Lewon & Hayes, 2014), and
the repeated presentation of reinforcers or aversive stimuli (known as habituation,
described earlier in this chapter; Azrin & Holz, 1966; McSweeney & Murphy, 2009).

Since the terms MO and SD both fall under the umbrella that is antecedent control,
it is worth emphasizing their distinctive functions for technical as well as practical pur-
poses. Michael (1982, 1993) distinguished between the effects of SD and MO on the basis
that the former relates to the differential availability of reinforcement for a given response
while the latter relates to the differential effectiveness of a particular reinforcer. This is
often a useful distinction in practical applications, as behavioral excesses or deficits
related to the presence or absence of SDs will require different intervention strategies
from those related to MOs.
18 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Despite their technical differences, a variety of SDs and MOs are always present and
interact in the evocation of behavior. Research has shown that EOs increase the proba-
bility of a given response in the presence of an SD, but to a lesser extent they also increase
the probability of the response in the presence of other stimuli not explicitly established
as SDs (Edrisinha, O’Reilly, Sigafoos, Lancioni, & Choi, 2011; Lotfizadeh, Edwards,
Redner, & Poling, 2012). This is to say that a particular response is most likely when both
the SD and an EO for the relevant reinforcer are present, and least likely when both are

Implications and Future Directions

The principles of classical (i.e., respondent) and operant conditioning are the theoretical
foundations of behavior science movements both new and old. No matter how founda-
tional, though, those principles are verbal constructions. Even though they are the prod-
ucts of meticulous observations, they remain susceptible to misinterpretation in the form
of mentalisms and dualisms. This is to say that the principles of behavior are not static,
as they evolve in accordance with the behavior of scientists, practitioners, and the cul-
tural milieu within which they operate. Testaments to such evolution are Skinner’s (1963)
take on the law of effect, Rescorla’s (1988) take on classical conditioning, Premack’s
(1959) probability-differential hypothesis, Timberlake and Allison’s (1974) response-
deprivation hypothesis, and Baum’s (2012) rethinking of reinforcement. While the prin-
ciples of behavior are fundamental, they are subject to refinement and evolution over

While behavior science is diverse in its research and application of the principles of
behavior, there is a common thread that unites such diversity: the pursuit of a natural
science of psychology, or more specifically, a natural science of behavior. The aim of this
chapter was to provide an overview of fundamental behavioral processes, including some
relatively advanced topics. These processes serve both as a foundation for the remaining
chapters and as a starting point for the behavior analysis of language and cognition
pursued in this text.
Basic Concepts19

Study Questions
1. Provide an example of habituation.

2. What is dishabituation? Elaborate on your example from question 1

and explain how dishabituation may occur.

3. Give an example of respondent conditioning, being sure to describe a

previously neutral stimulus, a US and UR, and how the neutral stimulus
became a CS eliciting a CR.

4. What are the differences between positive and negative reinforcement

and punishment?

5. How is extinction different from punishment? Explain with an example.

6. What are the effects of extinction as reviewed in the chapter?

7. Distinguish between SD and S∆. Provide an example of each.

8. How might overshadowing interfere with the establishment of stimulus

control during discrimination training?

9. What are the two effects of MOs?

10. How are MOs distinguished from SDs?

11. Provide an example of both an EO and an AO.


Basic Verbal Operants

Rocío Rosales
University of Massachusetts Lowell

Yors A. Garcia
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

Sebastian Garcia
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Ruth Anne Rehfeldt

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Link and Preview

While chapter 2 focused on general behavioral processes, this chapter begins to consider
language from the perspective of behavior analysis. Specifically, the authors focus on the
basics of B. F. Skinner’s (1957) approach to verbal behavior, including an overview of fun-
damental concepts, research, and implications for practice. These principles are important
in their own right, and also set the stage for more complex topics to be addressed later in
the book.

Behavior analysis is a science dedicated to identifying functional relations between

behavior and environmental variables (Delprato & Midgley, 1992). A behavioral account
of language (Skinner, 1957) places special emphasis on the conditions that affect the
occurrence of verbal behavior: motivation, discriminative stimuli, and reinforcement.
The focus on the pragmatic function of language distinguishes Skinner’s approach from
more traditional accounts of language that focus on the topography or structure of lan-
guage (i.e., Chomsky, 1966).
Basic Verbal Operants21

Verbal Operants as Defined by Skinner

Skinner (1957) defined verbal behavior as “behavior reinforced through the mediation of
other persons [who] must be responding in ways which have been conditioned precisely
in order to reinforce the behavior of the speaker” (p. 2, p. 225). He accordingly described
a taxonomy of several elementary verbal operants:

1. The mand is “a verbal operant in which the response is reinforced by a charac-

teristic consequence and is therefore under the functional control of relevant
conditions of deprivation or aversive stimulation” (pp. 35–36). That is, the mand
(a sign or gesture, selection of a picture or activation of a vocal-output device, or
a vocalization) specifies its reinforcer and is influenced by relevant establishing
or motivating operations (Laraway, Snycerski, Michael, & Poling, 2003; Michael,

2. The tact is a response (i.e., vocalization or sign) evoked by a particular nonver-

bal discriminative stimulus (object, event, or property of an object or event) and
is maintained by generalized conditioned reinforcement such as praise or atten-
tion from a listener (pp. 81–82).

3. The intraverbal is a verbal response (i.e., written or vocal) under the control of
a verbal stimulus with no point-to-point correspondence or formal similarity to
the response, and is maintained by generalized conditioned reinforcement (p.

4. The echoic is a response (i.e., imitation or vocalization) under the functional

control of a verbal stimulus with point-to-point correspondence and formal sim-
ilarity to the response, and is maintained by generalized conditioned

5. Textual behavior is a response (i.e., overt or covert vocalization) evoked by a

verbal stimulus (i.e., written text) with point-to-point correspondence but no
formal similarity (p. 65).

Michael (1982) further expanded upon the last two operants proposed by Skinner,
echoic and textual responding, by describing the codic and duplic. He suggested that we
adopt the term “codic” for relations preceded by a verbal stimulus with point-to-point
correspondence but no formal similarity (i.e., textual and taking dictation) and the term
“duplic” for relations preceded by a verbal stimulus with both point-to-point correspon-
dence and formal similarity (i.e., echoics, imitation, and copying a text). For example, if
a learner is presented with the auditory stimulus “D-I-N-O-S-A-U-R” and accurately
writes each corresponding letter on a whiteboard, this is an example of a codic. If the
same learner is presented with the visual stimulus DINOSAUR in a book and proceeds
to write each corresponding letter on a whiteboard, this is an example of a duplic.
22 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

According to Michael, this arrangement resulted in useful categories and prevented con-
fusing extensions such as referring to Braille as textual behavior and imitation of signs as
echoic behavior.
Importantly, the topography, or form, of verbal behavior is not limited to vocaliza-
tions. Rather, all of the verbal operants may be emitted as a gestural sign, a picture
exchange, or a touch or point to activate a speech-generating device. The topography is
not relevant because it does not provide us with information about the function of the
response. According to Michael (1985), verbal behavior can be either selection based or
topography based. Selection-based verbal behavior (and selection-based communication
systems) requires the same response topography across many responses (i.e., a point, a
touch, a press of a button, or a picture exchange). Topography-based verbal behavior
(and topography-based communication systems) requires a unique response form that
has point-to-point correspondence with the relevant response product (i.e., a vocaliza-
tion, a written response, or a manual sign). Skinner’s analysis was primarily focused on
the function of a verbal response because the topography of a response does not help to
inform us about the functional relationships that exist between antecedent and conse-
quent stimuli that evoke a specific response. In other words, Skinner’s analysis of verbal
behavior was a functional analysis, which has important implications for intervention
In the last several decades, a large and growing body of empirical support has
emerged for Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior as a framework for teaching language to
individuals with developmental delays (Aguirre, Valentino, & Leblanc, 2016; Carr &
Miguel, 2012; Dixon, Small, & Rosales, 2007; Sautter & LeBlanc, 2006). Continued
study of verbal behavior is important for advancing the analysis of language and cogni-
tion from a behavioral perspective. Skinner’s interpretation of language also has copious
practical value for the clinical services provided to individuals with autism spectrum
disorder (ASD) and other related disorders (Sundberg & Michael, 2001). For example,
traditional approaches to language assessment do not fully capture the function of the
learner’s repertoire. This may be due in part to the lack of consideration of motivating
operations and automatic reinforcement, and the overemphasis on words and their
meanings (Sundberg & Michael, 2001). Collectively, these factors can lead practitioners
to underestimate the complexity of verbal relations and make inaccurate assumptions
about a learner’s existing repertoire. Inaccurate assumptions can include attributing the
learner’s failure to acquire skills to a diagnosis rather than to an incomplete analysis of
the environmental variables that may contribute to such failure (Sundberg & Michael,

Verbal Behavior Research

In this section we turn our attention to the empirical support for and clinical implica-
tions of three of the elementary verbal operants: echoics, mands, and tacts.
Basic Verbal Operants23

Echoics Defined
The echoic is one of the earliest verbal operants observed in young children and is
said to be dependent on the exposure to speech sounds produced by the verbal commu-
nity (Horne & Lowe, 1996). When a child readily imitates novel verbal behavior in the
absence of contingent social reinforcers, they are emitting generalized echoic respond-
ing. Generalized echoic responding is fundamental to the development of more complex
behaviors such as self-instructions, listener behavior, and naming (Horne & Lowe, 1996),
and it is considered a behavioral cusp because it facilitates many new interactions
(Rosales-Ruiz & Baer, 1997). In behavioral interventions for children with language
delays, an echoic repertoire is useful for teaching other verbal operants (Barbera &
Kubina, 2005; Kodak, Clements, & Ninness, 2009). Thus, a generalized echoic repertoire
is fundamental for the development of more complex verbal behavior.
Skinner (1957) asserted that echoic behavior should not be confused with self-rein-
forcing responses that are not socially mediated. For example, an infant’s babbling is
automatically reinforcing if it persists in the absence of feedback from parents (p. 58).
Automatic reinforcement occurs when reinforcement is the product of a response and is
not socially mediated (Vaughan & Michael, 1982). From the time of an infant’s birth,
parents’ sounds and words that are paired with reinforcing activities (i.e., feeding) become
conditioned reinforcers for the infant. These sounds, when produced by the child, will
help strengthen the muscle movements that are necessary to produce babbling. As a
result, infants will babble the sounds that are paired with socially mediated reinforce-
ment more frequently.
The process of automatic reinforcement helps strengthen a child’s vocal verbal rep-
ertoire and prepare them for speaking in words and eventually full sentences (Sundberg,
Michael, Partington, & Sundberg, 1996). The process of automatic reinforcement
involves two steps: (1) sounds and words heard by a young child become conditioned
reinforcers when paired with the parent’s positive feedback and interactions (e.g., as
mother talks to her infant while she feeds her); and (2) production of the sounds by the
child is strengthened by the product of her verbal behavior in the form of auditory stimuli
(e.g., the infant makes vocalizations that begin to sound like her mother’s voice, and
these auditory stimuli serve as reinforcers for more vocalizations). The closer the sound
production (e.g., the infant’s vocalization) is to the sound conditioned as a reinforcer
(e.g., the mother’s voice), the higher the value of that reinforcer (Sundberg et al., 1996).

When children with language delays fail to develop an echoic repertoire, vocal
models help to prompt simple vocalizations (Barbera & Kubina, 2005; Bourret, Vollmer,
& Rapp, 2004). If the child does not emit any vocalizations, echoic instruction may
involve a shaping procedure whereby the instructor provides a vocal prompt and differ-
ential reinforcement for successive approximations to each target sound (Cook & Adams,
1966; Harris, 1975). For example, when teaching a child to say “mama,” the mother may
24 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

initially place emphasis on the beginning sound of the word (“mmmm”) and initially
reinforce any approximation to this sound with enthusiasm. The shaping procedure
would require the mother to fade out this enthusiastic reinforcement over time and as
additional opportunities to echo the sound were made available. After a few instances of
the child reliably saying “mmmm,” the mother may change her reaction to this vocaliza-
tion and provide enthusiastic praise for a closer approximation (e.g., child says “mmmma”).
This process may be difficult and slow if vocalizations of any topography occur at very
low rates. An alternative procedure with moderate empirical support is the stimulus-
stimulus pairing (SSP) procedure (Petursdottir, Carp, Mathies, & Esch, 2011;
Shillingsburg, Hollander, Yosick, Bowen, & Muskat, 2015).

Stimulus-stimulus pairing is designed to increase vocalizations using the same
process that is thought to result in increased infant babbling (Yoon & Bennett, 2000).
Many variations of SSP have been reported to date. The essential feature of SSP is an
adult presenting a vocal sound paired with delivery of highly preferred tangible or social
stimuli. No overt response is required by the child in this procedure. Through the repeti-
tion of sounds paired with preferred stimuli, as emitted by the therapist, the goal of SSP
is to establish unique and specific vocal sounds as conditioned reinforcers (as described
above). Following repeated presentations, the child may produce sounds that are the
same or very similar to what they hear (Sundberg et al., 1996). The increase in any vocal-
ization has important clinical implications because these behaviors provide an opportu-
nity for reinforcement, shaping, and mand instruction. In other words, once the child is
producing initial vocalizations through the use of SSP, those vocalizations may then be
expanded upon using additional interventions.
To date, the empirical support for the efficacy of SSP is mixed. A recent literature
review by Shillingsburg and colleagues (2015) suggests that conclusions are difficult to
draw from the evidence base because of varied participant characteristics, information
reported on participants’ verbal repertoires, and reported procedural differences (e.g.,
number of pairing trials, number of experimenter-emitted sounds, and type of preferred
items used during instruction). As such, clinical recommendations for the specific use of
SSP are difficult to establish. In general, the results of the literature review show higher
success with SSP when participants were younger (i.e., under age five), with use of a
delayed pairing procedure (i.e., delivery of the preferred item overlapped with presenta-
tion of the target sound), and when there was control for adventitious reinforcement (i.e.,
the experimenter withheld access to preferred items for a specified time if the participant
emitted a sound immediately following presentation of the vocal model). As noted by the
authors of the review, although this last finding is surprising, it could be partially
accounted for by the fact that the majority of studies that controlled for adventitious
reinforcement also happened to be conducted with younger participants. Additional
research is needed to control for these variables. Applied researchers are encouraged to
Basic Verbal Operants25

continue working on this important line of work, especially in identifying specific par-
ticipant characteristics that can predict success with this procedure (Shillingsburg et al.,
2015). One important avenue for future research may be to establish initial vocalizations
with SSP and then implement more traditional echoic and manding teaching

Mands Defined
In nontechnical terms, a mand is a request that occurs under specific motivation
and specifies the reinforcer to be delivered. As discussed in chapter 2, a motivating
operation (MO; Laraway et al., 2003) is defined as a change in the environment that
momentarily increases (establishing operation [EO]) or decreases (abolishing opera-
tion [AO]) the value of a reinforcer and evokes behavior that has previously resulted in
access to the reinforcer (Michael, 1982). For example, if a child has been denied access
to their favorite toy dinosaur, the reinforcing value of the dinosaur is temporarily
increased, and behaviors that have produced access to the dinosaur are evoked (i.e., the
child says, “Give me the dinosaur” or simply “dinosaur”).
Selection of mand modality is an important component of clinical assessment and
intervention for learners with language delays. Several studies have systematically evalu-
ated outcomes for topography- versus selection-based mand forms in learners with autism
spectrum disorder (ASD) and related disorders. In aggregate, the results of these studies
provide support for the use of selection-based communication systems (Adkins &
Axelrod, 2001; Barlow, Tiger, Slocum, & Miller, 2013; Chambers & Rehfeldt, 2003;
Gregory, DeLeon, & Richman, 2009; Lorah, Parnell, Whitby, & Hantula, 2015; Tincani,
2004; Ziomek & Rehfeldt, 2008), but there are idiosyncrasies across findings and the
number of participants included is generally small. Therefore, further research is needed
to draw firm conclusions. Shafer (1993) outlined considerations for selection- and topog-
raphy-based systems (described above in the chapter introduction). We offer some clini-
cal recommendations for the selection of a mand modality based on the information
discussed by Shafer and the empirical evidence to date.


First, a widely used selection-based system with ample empirical support is the
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS; Frost & Bondy, 2002). A meta-
analysis conducted by Tincani and Devis (2011) revealed that PECS has been moderately
effective in establishing mands up to the fourth phase (of six total phases) and that PECS
has been shown to facilitate vocalizations in some participants. A second form of selec-
tion-based verbal behavior is the use of speech-generating devices, which now encom-
pass the use of more accessible high-tech devices such as the iPad, but results from studies
investigating the efficacy of this modality relative to others are mixed (see Lorah et al.,
2015; Still, Rehfeldt, Whelan, May, & Dymond, 2014).
26 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Potential disadvantages for the use of selection-based responding systems include

prerequisite skills that may be required for successful implementation (i.e., scanning and
making conditional discriminations). Gregory et al. (2009) evaluated the relationship
between matching and motor imitation skills with regard to the acquisition of both
manual sign and exchange-based systems for six children with developmental disabilities.
Following an assessment to determine if motor imitation and matching were already in
each participant’s repertoire, participants were taught to mand for the same preferred
items using both systems. The results showed strong correspondence between motor imi-
tation and manual sign acquisition, but also between matching and manual sign. In addi-
tion, the correspondence between both assessments and exchange-based communication
was almost as strong. However, three of the six participants did not learn either com-
munication system. These results support the claim that these skills may expedite the
acquisition of these communication forms.
A second noted disadvantage of selection-based responding systems is that the
learner must have the pictures or device available at all times, which may limit its use in
natural settings (Sundberg & Partington, 2013). This second disadvantage is at least
partially addressed by the use of high-tech portable devices that are more readily avail-
able and commonly used by neurotypical peers for other purposes (i.e., iPhone or mini
iPad). In this regard, the use of high-tech devices may be more socially acceptable because
virtually everyone in today’s society makes frequent use of such devices and therefore
their use may “stand out” less than manual sign (Lorah et al., 2015).


Topography-based responses such as manual sign have been described as conceptu-
ally similar to speech (Sundberg & Partington, 2013) because there is point-to-point
correspondence for each response with its relevant response product. The use of manual
sign has demonstrated efficacy as a viable communication system for learners with lan-
guage delays, with some studies showing increased vocalizations following instruction
that is paired with tacts of the requested items (i.e., “total communication”; Barrera,
Lobato-Barrera, & Sulzer-Azaroff, 1980; Barrera & Sulzer-Azaroff, 1983; Brady &
Smouse, 1978; Carbone et al., 2006; Carbone, Sweeney-Kerwin, Attanasio, & Kasper,
2010). A commonly noted disadvantage for the use of manual sign is that the verbal com-
munity that can interact with the individual leaner will be limited. In addition, manual
sign may not be a good fit for learners with ASD who also often present with motor
impairments (Green et al., 2009). Manual sign has the advantage of requiring only simple
discrimination repertoires, and the response topography is easily identified across differ-
ent individuals, so long as the individual is capable of executing the standard sign (as
opposed to a unique modified version of the sign).
Studies that have evaluated preference for a mand topography demonstrate mixed
results, with some showing a clear preference for speech-generated devices (Lorah et al.,
2015; McClay et al., 2016) and others indicating that some learners prefer a picture
exchange system (van der Meer, Sutherland, O’Reilly, Lancioni, & Sigafoos, 2012).
Basic Verbal Operants27

Recent studies have demonstrated that although learners may show a preference for spe-
cific mand topographies, this preference does not always impact the success of interven-
tions designed to decrease challenging behavior (Winborn-Kemmerer, Ringdahl, Wacker,
& Kitsukawa, 2009). Other considerations that should be made in mand modality selec-
tion include the response effort required by the learner (Horner & Day, 1991; Torelli et
al., 2016), proficiency in use of the mand topography (Ringdahl et al., 2009), and the
history of reinforcement for use of a specific modality (Matter & Zarcone, 2017).
The collective results from studies that have evaluated preference for mand modality
indicate that a mand topography assessment should be conducted with all learners using
augmentative communication systems. A mand topography assessment is conducted
with procedures similar to typical preference assessments with actual objects or pictures.
Guidelines for implementation of this type of assessment are beyond the scope of this
chapter; interested readers should reference studies that have outlined the steps to
perform this type of assessment (see LaRue et al., 2016; van der Meer et al., 2012). Future
research on mand modality selection should consider the skills that learners must present
with in order to benefit from multimodal communication systems (Shafer, 1993) and how
teaching multimodal systems may help to facilitate vocalizations and emergent verbal
relations, a topic we will discuss later in this chapter.

Mand instruction should be an essential component of any early intervention cur-
riculum because it increases the child’s control over their environment (Sundberg &
Michael, 2001). In addition, if therapists begin treatment planning with mand instruc-
tion, it provides them with an opportunity to pair themselves with unconditioned and
previously established conditioned reinforcers. Through mand instruction and the
pairing that occurs, therapists are likely to become conditioned reinforcers themselves.
The goal of mand instruction is to teach independent requests that are under the control
of relevant MOs. Therefore, ensuring the relevant MOs are present during mand instruc-
tion is of paramount importance.
Two common strategies designed to ensure relevant MOs are present during instruc-
tion include capturing learning opportunities as they occur in the natural environment
(Fenske, Krantz, & McClannahan, 2001) and contriving or creating an opportunity by
manipulating other relevant stimuli in the environment (Hall & Sundberg, 1987). For
example, incidental teaching requires caregivers to identify MOs that occur naturally in
the child’s environment, such as when a child shows interest in a toy, and then use a
series of prompts to encourage manding (Fenske et al., 2001). A common strategy used
to contrive MOs during incidental teaching includes withholding reinforcers for speci-
fied periods before a mand instruction session begins (to create sufficient levels of depri-
vation, an EO). O’Reilly, Aguilar, et al. (2012) evaluated levels of deprivation for preferred
items prior to mand instruction sessions. Results confirmed that limiting access to the
preferred item prior to the teaching session produced evocative and reinforcing-establish-
ing effects (an EO), whereas having access to the reinforcer immediately before the start
28 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

of the teaching session produced an abating and reinforcer-abolishing effect (an AO;
Michael, 1988; O’Reilly, Aguilar, et al., 2012).
A second evidence-based approach for contriving MOs is the interrupted behavior
chains procedure (Carter & Grunsell, 2001; Duker, Kraaykamp, & Visser, 1994; Rosales
& Rehfeldt, 2007; Sigafoos, Kerr, Roberts, & Couzens, 1994). This procedure involves
contriving transitive conditioned establishing operations (CMO-T). Michael (1993)
defined CMO-Ts as previously neutral conditions whose occurrences alter the effective-
ness of another stimulus and evoke responses that produce or suppress that stimulus. The
procedure begins with the therapist teaching a sequence of steps (e.g., getting dressed to
go outside). Once the child learns the sequence of steps, the therapist interrupts the
sequence by removing a needed item to complete the behavior chain (e.g., moving the
shoes out of sight). Following a brief pause to allow the child an opportunity to respond
independently (e.g., “Shoes please”), the therapist provides a response prompt (e.g.,
“Say…”). Following the missed step, the child completes the remaining steps and the
therapist delivers the reinforcer (i.e., going outside). A major strength of the interrupted
chains procedure is that it can momentarily transform a previously neutral stimulus (e.g.,
shoes) into a reinforcer, because it is necessary to continue the chain and access the
larger reinforcer at the end, thereby providing the opportunity to teach a learner to mand
for the item that they normally would not be motivated to mand for.
Transfer of stimulus control (ToSC) procedures are also effective for establishing a
mand repertoire. These procedures can be used in combination with those outlined
above (Thomas, Lafasakis, & Sturmey, 2010). ToSC requires the teacher or therapist to
introduce and then gradually fade prompts in one of several ways (i.e., time delay, fading
the stimulus prompts gradually over time, use of a less intrusive prompt, or changing the
topography of the prompt). In this manner, a stimulus that already exerts control over the
target behavior is systematically faded until the child produces the target response
Teaching simple mands (e.g., single words) is a prerequisite for teaching more
advanced language skills such as mands for information (e.g., “Where is the milk?” or
“When is my birthday?”; Lechago & Low, 2015). Previous studies on this topic have
combined CMO-T with an interrupted behavior chain to produce mands for informa-
tion. For example, Landa, Hansen, and Shillingsburg (2017) taught the mand for infor-
mation “When” (e.g., “When can I have…”) to three children with ASD. They alternated
two conditions: presence of EO (e.g., therapist denied access to items or activities) and
absence of EO (e.g., therapist denied access to reinforcers and requested completing an
additional activity). When the therapist withheld relevant information from the learner,
the learner produced mands for information exclusively.
Other researchers have examined the effects of procedures to establish variability in
manding. This is important because individuals with ASD often engage in repetitive and
restrictive language. For example, a child with ASD may emit the same mand form (e.g.,
“I want…”) without engaging in an alternative mand form (e.g., “I would like…”) to gain
access to preferred items. One strategy with empirical support for teaching mand
Basic Verbal Operants29

variability is the use of a lag schedule of reinforcement, in which the wording of a mand
cannot be identical twice in a row, in order for the learner to receive reinforcement (Lee
& Sturmey, 2006). A second strategy with empirical support is script-fading procedures.
Scripts are visual or auditory supports that serve as discriminative stimuli for the student
to emit a response. Brodhead, Higbee, Gerencser, and Akers (2016) investigated the
effects of a script-fading and discrimination-teaching procedure on mand variability in
individuals with ASD. Scripts were faded progressively (e.g., “I would like ”,
“I would ”, “I ”) in the presence of a discriminative stimulus using
lag schedules of reinforcement. Sellers, Kelley, Higbee, and Wolfe (2016) also evaluated
script training and fading for the acquisition and maintenance of varied mand frames
(i.e., “May I have ”, “Please give me ”) for preschool children with
ASD. If participants did not demonstrate increases in their mand variability following a
continuous schedule of reinforcement, the researchers implemented post script-fading
extinction to induce variability. This procedure was effective for all but one of the par-
ticipants in the study. These results demonstrate that this is an effective procedure that
should continue to be evaluated.
In summary, mand instruction is an essential component of early intensive interven-
tion for young children with language delays, but it should also be prominent when inter-
vening on problem behavior for learners of any age. Several studies support the use of
assessment-based intervention for skill acquisition, but there is a paucity of research to
identify the most effective intervention to establish verbal operants for a given individ-
ual. Future research should evaluate how such an assessment may be conducted.

Tacts Defined
In nontechnical terms, tacts are labels or descriptions of the world around us, and
“tacting” refers to this behavior of labeling and describing.


Tacts are of primary benefit to the listener because they convey information on envi-
ronmental stimuli. Stimuli that evoke tacting can include all of the senses (visual, audi-
tory, olfactory, sensory, and gustatory). Tacts may serve as the basic building blocks for
conversation. For this reason, they are often targeted in early curricula for learners with
ASD and related disorders (Partington, 2008; Sundberg, 2008). Additionally, the devel-
opment of a tact repertoire may help reduce the frequency of nonfunctional language
emitted by children with ASD (Karmali, Greer, Nuzzolo-Gomez, Ross, & Rivera-Valdes,
2005). Initial targets for tact instruction may consist of learning tacts for objects and
persons, followed by representative pictures of these items. Mastery of these initial targets
is typically followed by tacts of feature, function, and class of common items; prepositions
and actions; and relational descriptors (e.g., soft/rough, more/less, hot/cold, wet/dry;
Partington, 2008; Sundberg, 2008).
30 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

When echoic and mand repertoires are well established, these verbal operants can
be used as prompts in ToSC procedures (Barbera & Kubina, 2005). For example, in the
echoic-to-tact transfer, a stimulus is presented and the instructor presents an echoic
prompt (i.e., tacts the stimulus and waits for the learner to respond). If the learner does
not tact the stimulus independently following the initial echoic prompt, a second prompt
may be added (i.e., “Say ”) followed immediately by the discriminative stimu-
lus once more (i.e., “What is it?”). Barbera and Kubina (2005) successfully demonstrated
this prompting sequence as an effective method to establish stimulus control for their
selected targets.
It is important to note that the supplemental question “What is it?” is not part of
Skinner’s (1957) definition of a tact, and this additional discriminative stimulus may
sometimes interfere with the teaching procedure (Marchese, Carr, LeBlanc, Rosati, &
Conroy, 2012). The introduction of a supplemental question in tact instruction can be
problematic because the learner may not respond appropriately to stimuli in their envi-
ronment (considered a “pure” tact form). That is, the learner may not emit a response
until a question is posed (Marchese et al., 2012). A related problem with presenting
supplemental questions during tact instruction is that the question may acquire intraver-
bal control over early responses and lead to interference with the acquisition of new
responses (Partington, Sundberg, Newhouse, & Spengler, 1994). One other potential
problem with inclusion of a supplemental question during tact instruction is that learners
may begin to imitate part of the question. This is especially likely if the learner engages
in echolalia under other conditions. While additional intervention can remediate this
problem (McMorrow, Foxx, Faw, & Bittle, 1987), it could lead to unnecessary delays in
targeting other important treatment goals. Sundberg, Endicott, and Eigenheer (2000)
targeted signed tacts for two young children with ASD who presented with previous dif-
ficulty acquiring tacts. They compared two conditions: object with supplemental ques-
tion versus object with a prompt to “sign [object name].” Results of this study demonstrated
superior performance in the sign-prompt tact acquisition condition.
The instructional procedures outlined above for mands and tacts may be best suited
for learners with an established or emerging speaker repertoire. An alternative procedure
that has received attention in recent years is listener training (Fiorile & Greer, 2007).
Listener training involves teaching conditional discriminations to a learner via match-
to-sample procedures and then testing for the emergence of speaker responses (i.e.,
mands and tacts). A related procedure that has received empirical support is multiple
exemplar instruction (MEI). We will discuss both of these topics below.

Functional Independence of Verbal Operants

The notion of functional independence of verbal operants has been presented as a
major tenet of Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior (Lamarre & Holland, 1985). The
Basic Verbal Operants31

concept of functional independence suggests that establishing one verbal operant within
the repertoire of a learner will not necessarily lead to emission of any other verbal operant
for that learner. For instance, a child who reliably emits a mand “chocolate” under the
pure control of MOs would not be expected to say “chocolate” in the sole presence of a
nonverbal stimulus (i.e., they would not necessarily be expected to tact just because they
mand). The same is true with the opposite relation, acquiring the mand response “choco-
late” after learning to tact for the same item. Whether verbal operants are functionally
independent has been a matter of debate in recent years. Some empirical support exists
for functional independence across verbal operants (Hall & Sundberg, 1987; Lamarre &
Holland, 1985; Partington et al., 1994; Simic & Bucher, 1980; Twyman, 1996), while
other studies demonstrate interdependence of mands and tacts (Finn, Miguel, & Ahearn,
2012; Gilliam, Weil, & Miltenberger, 2013; Kooistra, Buchmeier, & Klatt, 2012; Wallace,
Iwata, & Hanley, 2006) and other elementary verbal operants (Grow & Kodak, 2010).
Fryling (2017) recently suggested that Skinner neither called for research to confirm
the functional independence of verbal operants nor openly declared that the verbal oper-
ants were functionally independent. In fact, Skinner included a full chapter on multiple
causation (Michael, Palmer, & Sundberg, 2011), which can be interpreted as an implica-
tion that verbal behavior is controlled by different antecedent variables. Regardless of
whether Skinner urged for clarifying the role of functional independence across verbal
operants, the data so far are equivocal (Gamba, Goyos, & Petursdottir, 2015). In their
review of the literature on functional independence of mands and tacts, Gamba and col-
leagues (2015) reported procedural differences in training and testing probes that were
employed in the published studies on this topic. For this reason, they conclude that the
reported lack of transfer between mands and tacts in the published literature (and vice
versa) could be attributed to alternative explanations, such as problems in capturing the
relevant controlling variables to evoke the mand or tact response (i.e., contriving or
capturing MOs) or establishing trained responses that do not function as mand or tacts,
but are instead controlled by other variables present in the training situation (i.e., pres-
ence of an item during mand probes). Thus, Gamba and colleagues suggested that the
existing support for functional independence presents problems related to issues of con-
struct validity, and as such, no single published study has reported exceptionally strong
evidence for mand-tact independence.
Gamba and colleagues (2015) suggest that unless future research on this topic con-
trols for critical variables (e.g., appropriate participants, use of standardized language
assessments, separate antecedent and consequential control for mands and tacts), more
research seems unnecessary. These authors suggest designing alternative strategies that
do not involve teaching one operant and then testing for the other, as it may be extremely
difficult to design such a study that does not leave room for alternative interpretations,
regardless of the outcome. Instead, future research may evaluate existing verbal reper-
toires in a functional analysis to determine how each operant is used (Lerman et al.,
2005). Alternatives are to evaluate the emergence of both mands and tacts following
listener training (Ribeiro, Elias, Goyos, & Miguel, 2010) or to test for the functional
32 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

independence of verbal operants by manipulating schedules of reinforcement for each

verbal operant that is assessed.
The goal of identifying functional independence or interdependence in applied
research and in practice is to establish effective and efficient communication for learners
with language delays. Research in this area has been primarily focused on establishing
emergent verbal relations. Emergent relations are defined as responses that are acquired
under the controlling conditions for one verbal operant (i.e., a tact) that transfer to con-
ditions of another verbal operant (i.e., a mand) with no further teaching or direct instruc-
tion (Finn et al., 2012; Gilliam et al., 2013; Kooistra et al., 2012; Wallace et al., 2006).
Practitioners who are well informed on the definition and importance of functional inde-
pendence and interdependence (i.e., the conditions under which functional interdepen-
dence has been observed) will be better equipped to develop and implement treatment
plans that will establish emergent relations (Egan & Barnes-Holmes, 2010). This trans-
lates into better, more efficient intervention, potentially enabling teaching more skills in
the same amount of time.
To this end, we offer some clinical recommendations: First, practitioners should
conduct frequent assessment and probes to evaluate the functional independence or
interdependence of verbal operants. Clinicians are cautioned against assuming functional
interdependence as this may lead to failures in curriculum development and dispropor-
tionately increase one verbal repertoire over the other (Carr & Miguel, 2012; Sautter &
LeBlanc, 2006). Second, practitioners should consider teaching mands first under pure
MO control, and if tacts do not emerge, then incorporate ToSC procedures. It would be
wise to use visual, vocal, or textual stimuli, along with the presentation of the manded
item, to bring the response under nonverbal discriminative stimulus, and then deliver
generalized conditioned reinforcement instead of the preferred item (Lechago & Low,
2015). Third, practitioners should use mixed operant training, that is, combine mands
and tact trials in one single teaching block (e.g., say “dinosaur” under SD and MO
control), then test for the emergence of either verbal operant (Arntzen & Almås, 2002).
Fourth, clinicians are advised to use MEI. For example, Nuzzolo-Gomez and Greer
(2004) evaluated the effects of MEI on the emergence of untaught mands or tacts of
novel adjective-object pairs in four children with ASD or other developmental disabili-
ties. The experimenter provided initial probes for mands under appropriate levels of
deprivation (i.e., the participants had access to the stimuli used in the study only during
the experimental conditions, and if a child did not make a selection during an initial
probe, the experimenter terminated the session until a state of deprivation could be
established). Once the child made an initial selection, the experimenter placed the item
out of view in a cup, bowl, or box as the child observed. They then placed the item in an
array in front of the child with two other containers of the same type but a different size
(i.e., small, medium, and large cup). Tacts consisted of the experimenter’s placing the
three items in front of the child and pointing to the object to be tacted with no further
verbal antecedents. The experimenter explicitly taught the participants to mand and tact
using up to three different adjective-object response forms that were different from the
Basic Verbal Operants33

original set used during baseline probes. MEI included learning opportunities for mands
and tacts. Participants received instruction for the mand with one adjective-object pair
followed by instruction for the tact response with the same adjective-object pair. This
instruction was followed by probes for the original untaught responses. If the participant
did not meet the mastery criterion, they were exposed to a second and then a third
adjective-object pair for both mand and tact response forms. Results of the study showed
that MEI produced high levels of correct responding on the untrained operant.
Most of the published research on functional independence has been conducted
with mands and tacts. More work is needed to assess functional independence across
other verbal operants (Aguirre et al., 2016; Carr & Miguel, 2012). There may be prereq-
uisite skills that facilitate the emergence of verbal operants, but those data are not yet
available. Future research should focus on targeting prerequisite skills before assessing for
functional interdependence of verbal operants (Aguirre et al., 2016).

Synthesizing Skinner’s Analysis of Verbal Behavior

with Relational Frame Theory
As we have discussed thus far, Skinner’s (1957) account of verbal behavior advanced the
field of behavior analysis by incorporating a topic that had not previously been discussed
from a behavioral perspective. Since the publication of Skinner’s book, other behavior
analysts have expanded upon his analysis (Greer & Speckman, 2009; Hayes, Barnes-
Holmes, & Roche, 2001; Horne & Lowe, 1996; Sidman, 1994). Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-
Holmes and Cullinan (2000) proposed a synthesis of Skinner’s work with relational
fame theory (RFT) that has led to applied research with significant clinical implications
for learners with autism and related disabilities (Rehfeldt & Barnes-Holmes, 2009; see
chapters 11 and 12 in this volume for more elaborate overviews of RFT). The main
benefit of combining these two approaches is the development of teaching applications
that are focused not only on contingency-based learning, but on derived or emergent (not
directly taught) skills (Murphy, Barnes-Holmes, & Barnes-Holmes, 2005). In addition,
the nature of derived or emergent relations can help account for the generativity of
human language (Murphy & Barnes-Holmes, 2009a).
Rehfeldt and Root (2005) evaluated a procedure to establish derived mands, defined
as mands not directly taught but that emerged from a history of conditional discrimina-
tion instruction. Specifically, Rehfeldt and Root first taught three adults with develop-
mental disabilities to mand for preferred items using pictures. This was followed by
conditional discrimination instruction to establish two relations: dictated name to
picture and dictated name to corresponding text. Next, the experimenters conducted
probes for derived mands (i.e., mands for preferred items using text instead of pictures).
All participants demonstrated derived manding following this procedure. Rosales and
Rehfeldt (2007) also evaluated derived manding for adults with moderate developmental
disabilities. This study extended the previous findings by evaluating “pure” mands, where
34 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

the reinforcer was not in view of the participant during the derived mand probes. This
was accomplished through the utilization of the interrupted chained task procedure
(Hall & Sundberg, 1987). Results showed that all participants were successful in the
derived mands probes although performance declined at follow-up.
A series of studies by Murphy et al. (2005) and Murphy and Barnes-Holmes (2009a,
2009b, 2010) also demonstrated derived manding skills in typically developing children
and children with ASD. The focus of these studies was on mands for “more” or “less”
tokens of various amounts. For example, Murphy et al. (2005) taught children with ASD
derived mands for single tokens in the context of a game. They first taught participants
to mand for a specific number of tokens (X1 and X2) by presenting a corresponding card
to the experimenter. Importantly, the stimuli were arbitrary symbols and nonsense syl-
lables printed on cards. They then implemented a conditional discrimination procedure
to establish stimulus classes with three nonsense syllables (i.e., A1-B1/A2-B2 and B1-C1/
B2-C2) and directly taught participants to mand for tokens using only the original stimuli
(X1 and X2). On subsequent test probes, participants demonstrated derived mands using
the stimuli that were conditionally related during training (i.e., C1 and C2).
A follow-up study by Murphy and Barnes-Holmes (2009a) included derived mands
for the addition or removal of a single token, and a third study showed derived manding
skills for more or fewer tokens of specific amounts (Murphy & Barnes-Holmes, 2009b).
Collectively, these results support the synthesis of Skinner’s analysis with RFT to estab-
lish derived manding skills in children with and without ASD and in adult learners with
moderate developmental disabilities.
The teaching approach employed in this series of studies should be further explored
in verbal behavior programming for children with ASD in applied settings. The evidence
from applied studies indicates these teaching procedures are likely to prove effective and
efficient for teaching multiple mand responses. However, absent the data to support these
procedures in applied settings, this remains an empirical question. Future studies should
also evaluate the effectiveness of the procedures with individuals with less sophisticated
verbal and cognitive repertoires. Another suggestion for practitioners working with this
population is to establish flexible responding from the beginning of instruction by teach-
ing multiple mand targets that lead to the same outcome simultaneously (i.e., water,
drink, and juice) instead of teaching one at a time to criterion (Murphy & Barnes-
Holmes, 2009b).

Implications and Future Directions

Understanding Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior is important for practitioners tasked
with the development of appropriate treatment planning for individuals with language
delays. For this reason, practitioners should be familiar with the variety of topographies
and teaching techniques available for alternative communication. Selecting appropriate
targets and learning to manipulate variables to evoke vocalizations and other
Basic Verbal Operants35

topographies of verbal behavior are skills that practitioners should develop in order to
provide the most enriching learning environment for their clients.
Skill-acquisition programming should include a goal for functional communication
that begins with teaching a learner how to mand for preferred and needed items. Starting
with an assessment of the existing verbal behavior repertoire, capitalizing on the use of
MEI, and testing for emergent relations are all of utmost importance in order to make the
most impact with limited instructional time. We also recommend that practitioners
familiarize themselves with the different strategies for contriving and capturing MOs
and automatic reinforcement, two variables that will have an impact on the development
of early verbal repertoires (Sundberg & Michael, 2001).
The issue of functional independence and interdependence should be explored with
procedures different from those of past studies (Gamba et al., 2015). Another area with a
dearth of empirical support is language intervention for individuals exposed to and/or
learning multiple languages (Lang et al., 2011). The U.S. Department of Education,
National Center for Education Statistics (2017) estimates that 13.8% of the total English
language learner (ELL) population enrolled in US public elementary and secondary
schools are students with disabilities. Given these statistics, it is evident that teachers
and practitioners will be required to develop intervention plans for learners who are
bilingual or multilingual. Practitioners and researchers alike should aim for cultural com-
petency when working with families from diverse backgrounds and develop a better
understanding of when the learner will benefit from one language versus the other. For
example, some researchers have recently started to evaluate whether ELLs have a prefer-
ence for the home language (Aguilar, Chan, White, & Fragale, 2017), the impact of the
language of instruction on rates of challenging behavior (Padilla Dalmau et al., 2011),
and rates of acquisition for new skills when instruction is presented in a bilingual format
(Leon & Rosales, 2017).
Leon and Rosales (2017) evaluated the effects of tact training when instruction was
presented only in English and compared this training to instruction presented in a bilin-
gual format with both English and the participant’s home language. This study was the
first to directly compare rates of acquisition in the context of bilingual training. The
results showed faster acquisition when instruction was in English, but better generaliza-
tion and maintenance for stimuli trained in the bilingual instruction condition. The
results should be evaluated with caution given the participant’s age (six years, eight
months) and history of reinforcement for listening to and speaking in English only in his
school environment. Applied researchers should continue researching bilingual modifi-
cations to verbal behavior instruction as it is an area ripe for investigation. For example,
it would be interesting to continue to evaluate rates of acquisition for mands and tacts
when instruction is presented in one or multiple languages, and also to evaluate the
learner’s preference for monolingual or bilingual instruction.
Skinner (1957) described his analysis of verbal behavior as an “exercise in interpreta-
tion rather than a quantitative extrapolation of rigorous experimental results” (p. 11).
While only a handful of researchers applied his interpretation to working with
36 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

individuals with ASD and related disabilities early on, there is now a robust body of evi-
dence to support Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior (Aguirre et al., 2016; Dixon et al.,
2007). Basic and applied research in behavior analysis has been focused on designing
procedures that incorporate Skinner’s analysis to teach relevant language skills to learn-
ers with and without disabilities, although arguably the focus has been on young children
with disabilities. Stewart, McElwee, and Ming (2013b) pointed out that despite the
upsurge of research on the basic verbal operants, the generativity of language has been
addressed far less. They described language generativity as the “ability to produce sen-
tences never before said, and to understand sentences never before heard” (p. 137). While
the research that has been described in this chapter has been largely focused on elemen-
tary verbal operants with some discussion on how procedures can be designed to promote
the emergence of untaught verbal operants, the research agenda established by Stewart
et al. (2013b) will only further enhance the utility of a behavior analytic interpretation
of language.

This chapter provided a synopsis of Skinner’s conceptualization of verbal behavior,
including an overview of his taxonomy of verbal operants, which is based upon a func-
tional analysis. A distinction was made between selection-based and topography-based
verbal behavior. Three elementary verbal operants were defined according to Skinner’s
taxonomy—echoics, mands, and tacts—along with research in support of Skinner’s con-
ceptualization of each operant. Research by applied behavior analysts has focused on
identifying best practices in teaching manding, tacting, and echoic behavior, and recent
research has bridged Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior with relational frame theory.
Basic Verbal Operants37

Study Questions
1. Provide an example of an echoic.

2. What is the difference between a codic and a duplic?

3. Briefly outline two procedures to teach echoic responding.

4. What is a mand? Distinguish between a selection-based and topogra-

phy-based mand.

5. Describe two strategies to teach mands.

6. What is a tact? How is a tact distinguished from a mand?

7. How is an echoic-to-tact transfer procedure used to teach tacts?

8. Provide an example of the functional independence of mands and tacts.

9. Use the same example to describe the functional interdependence of

mands and tacts.

10. What is a derived mand? Give an example.

11. What does it mean to establish flexible responding?


Complex Verbal Behavior

Yors Garcia
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

Rocío Rosales
University of Massachusetts Lowell

Sebastian Garcia-Zambrano
Southern Illinois University

Ruth Anne Rehfeldt

Southern Illinois University

Link and Preview

The previous chapter provided an overview of the conceptual importance and empirical
support for three of the elementary verbal operants defined by Skinner: echoics, mands,
and tacts. Beyond those elementary verbal operants, Skinner defined more complex
forms of verbal behavior, including, for example, the intraverbal, various extensions of the
tact, the speaker serving as his or her own listener, and autoclitics, to which he devoted a
full-length chapter. These complex forms of verbal behavior will be the focus of the current

Skinner’s Verbal Behavior (1957) was a theoretically rich and comprehensive account of
language from a behavioral perspective. It is evident that Skinner’s analysis was not
limited to the elementary verbal operants, yet much of the empirical work on verbal
behavior has been largely focused on these operants (de Souza, Akers, & Fisher, 2017;
Dixon, Small, & Rosales, 2007; Dymond, O’Hara, Whelan, & O’Donovan, 2006;
Petursdottir & Devine, 2017). Two recent literature reviews specifically focused on the
Complex Verbal Behavior39

simple intraverbal (Aguirre, Valentino, & LeBlanc, 2016) and multiply controlled intra-
verbals (Stauch, LaLonde, Plavnick, Bak, & Gatewood, 2017), showing a steady increase
in research on this particular verbal operant.
One possible explanation for the dearth of applied research on the more complex
verbal operants is that these operants typically involve multiple sources of control and
therefore cannot be addressed until the relevant prerequisite skills are established
(Eikeseth & Smith, 2013; Michael, Palmer, & Sundberg, 2011; Sundberg, 2016). In addi-
tion, language assessments that help guide treatment planning have not always been
helpful in guiding language intervention on more complex repertoires (Gould, Dixon,
Nadjowski, Smith, & Tarbox, 2011), although a more recently developed behavioral lan-
guage assessment has begun to address this gap (Dixon, 2014a, 2014b, 2015). Applied
researchers and practitioners alike must not lose sight of the importance of programming
for more complex forms of verbal behavior. Learners with autism spectrum disorder
(ASD) and related disabilities require individually tailored and comprehensive treatment
programming to meet their unique needs. Complex forms of verbal behavior are related
to important skills such as academic performance (Greer, Yaun, & Gautreaux, 2005),
problem solving, (Sautter, LeBlanc, Jay, Goldsmith, & Carr, 2011), conversation,
(Beaulieu, Hanley, & Santiago, 2014), and obtaining employment (O’Neill & Rehfeldt,
In this chapter, we will define and review the empirical literature on more complex
forms of verbal behavior, beginning with the intraverbal and ending with dictation
taking, copying text, and speaker-as-own-listener behavior (chapter 5 focuses on the
speaker-as-own-listener). There is ample empirical support for a variety of transfer of
stimulus control (ToSC) procedures that result in the acquisition of intraverbals, and
research is emerging on techniques that result in derived or untaught intraverbal behav-
ior for learners with and without developmental disabilities (Aguirre et al., 2016; de
Souza et al., 2017; Grannan & Rehfeldt, 2012; May, Hawkins, & Dymond, 2013). Fewer
studies, however, have evaluated methods to improve intraverbal behavior related to the
conversational speech of typically developing adults (de Souza et al., 2017; Petursdottir &
Devine, 2017). Likewise, research on intraverbal behavior has expanded into areas such
as simple and conditional discrimination processes, compound stimulus control, diver-
gent and convergent stimulus control, and reverse and derived intraverbals. In the next
section we will review some of this research and provide recommendations for

Research on Complex Verbal Operants

A number of conceptually interesting and clinically important areas of research may fall
within the purview of “complex verbal operants,” including the intraverbal, dictation
taking and copying text, and speaker-as-own-listener. We begin with the intraverbal.
40 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Skinner (1957) defined the intraverbal as a verbal operant that is under the stimulus
control of a preceding verbal stimulus, without point-to-point correspondence, and is
maintained by generalized conditioned reinforcement. For instance, a child says “Alex”
when asked, “What is your name?” and this response is followed by praise or acknowledg-
ment by an adult or peer. In this example, there is no topographical point-to-point cor-
respondence between the SD “What is your name?” and the response product “Alex.”
Intraverbals range from simple chains of verbal stimuli (e.g., 1, 2…, A, B…) to fill-in-the-
blank responses (e.g., “You buy things with ?”), answering questions (e.g.,
“How old are you?”), and categorization (e.g., “Tell me some mammals?”).
Palmer (2016) called attention to two different types of intraverbals, intraverbal
control and intraverbal operant. In the case of the intraverbal operant, a single verbal
stimulus (written, spoken, gesture) evokes an intraverbal response “as the result of a
history of reinforcement for emitting that response in the presence of that stimulus” (p.
97). We observe multiple examples of intraverbal operants when we respond to specific
questions presented to us (e.g., “What’s your phone number?” “Where do you live?”).
Nevertheless, as Palmer (2016) remarks, intraverbal responses are sometimes under mul-
tiple sources of stimulus control (i.e., intraverbal control), for example, when verbal
stimuli interact with supplemental stimuli to facilitate problem solving (e.g., self-prompts,
auditory imaging; Aguirre & Rehfeldt, 2015; Kisamore, Carr, & LeBlanc, 2011; Mellor,
Barnes, & Rehfeldt, 2015).
A number of instructional methods for teaching intraverbal responses have been
empirically validated. One of the most widely used procedures is ToSC. In this proce-
dure, the instructor concurrently presents a stimulus (prompt) that already exerts some
control over the target behavior along with the target verbal stimulus and then systemati-
cally removes (fades) the stimulus until the learner produces the target response indepen-
dently. Multiple studies have used echoic (e.g., saying the correct response vocally and
providing an opportunity for the participant to repeat the correct response; Watkins,
Pack-Teixeira, & Howard, 1989), textual (e.g., showing the correct response as a written
word; Krantz & McClannahan, 1993), tact (e.g., showing the correct response as a visual
or auditory stimulus; Goldsmith, LeBlanc, & Sautter, 2007), and echoic prompts com-
bined with error correction (Kodak, Fuchtman, & Paden, 2012) to increase precise stim-
ulus control over intraverbal responses.
Other teaching methods have also demonstrated efficacy for establishing intraverbal
repertoires. These include instructive feedback (IF; Carroll & Kodak, 2015), multiple
exemplar instruction (MEI; Lechago, Carr, Kisamore, & Grow, 2015), peer-mediated
interventions (PMIs; Beaulieu et al., 2014 ), compound tact instruction (Devine, Carp,
Hiett, & Petursdottir, 2016), stimulus pairing (Byrne, Rehfeldt, & Aguirre, 2014;
Vallinger-Brown & Rosales, 2014), lag schedules of reinforcement (Contreras & Betz,
2016), chaining procedures (Valentino, Conine, Delfs, & Furlow, 2015), differential
observing responses (DORs; Kisamore, Karsten, & Mann, 2016), distributed trials
(Haq & Kodak, 2015), and precision teaching (Cihon et al., 2017). Furthermore, Aguirre
Complex Verbal Behavior41

and colleagues (2016) reported that research has expanded into derived intraverbals that
are the product of a different operant or conditional discrimination instruction (e.g.,
Grannan & Rehfeldt, 2012; May et al., 2013) and from the instruction of other intraver-
bals (e.g., Dickes & Kodak, 2015). Research has shown that intraverbal responses may be
under simple stimulus control (“jump,” “1, 2,…”), conditional discrimination (“If your
name is Charlie, say your ABCs!”), and compound stimulus control (“get up” and
“jump”; Axe, 2008; Eikeseth & Smith, 2013; Sundberg, 2016). In the coming sections we
will review some of the conceptual and empirical work that has been recently conducted
on simple and multiple controlled verbal operants. In addition, we will present some of
the procedures that have been more effective in teaching direct and derived intraverbals
in individuals with ASD and related disabilities, and offer some clinical


Skinner (1957) defined a verbal stimulus as a product of prior verbal behavior. For
example, when an individual sends a text message to someone else saying, “How are you?”
this stimulus product may evoke in the listener either a written verbal response product
(e.g., typing “good”) or a vocal response product (leaving a voicemail message; Sundberg,
2016). Verbal stimuli may also control private verbal responses, as when the speaker-as-
own-listener engages in thinking (e.g., I have to pay my bills). Verbal stimuli may control
simple discriminations; for example, the written word “STOP” on a traffic sign evokes an
observing response (looking to both sides of the street before crossing it). In the case of
learners with ASD, lacking simple verbal discrimination skills will impede the acquisition
of more advanced intraverbals. For instance, intraverbal questions such filling in the
blank (e.g., “A, B…,” “1, 2…”) or animal sounds (e.g., “A dog says ?”) require
learners to discriminate between “C” and “D” or “ruff-ruff” and “meow,” respectively. In
particular, “A, B” is the SD and “C” the intraverbal response. If a participant fails to
respond “C,” one potential solution would be to teach both “C” and “D” under simple
discrimination format until the learner is responding reliably (Eikeseth & Smith, 2013;
Sundberg, 2016).
ToSC is one of the most effective procedures for teaching simple verbal discrimina-
tions in children with ASD (e.g., Finkel & Williams, 2001; Ingvarsson & Hollobaugh,
2011). For instance, Watkins et al. (1989) taught simple intraverbal responses to three
individuals with intellectual disabilities using echoic prompts and a simple verbal stimu-
lus (e.g., “name a color,” “name a size,” or “name a texture”). Similarly, Finkel and
Williams (2001) used textual and echoic prompts to facilitate intraverbal responses in a
child with ASD. In this study, the child’s stimulus control was enhanced through echoic
prompts (e.g., “I like to eat muffins”). Results regarding the efficiency of each prompting
strategy are mixed. Some studies report that a history of reinforcement (Coon & Miguel,
2012), visual imaging occasioned by the presence of pictures (Ingvarsson & Hollobaugh,
2011), and preexisting repertoires and individual preferences (Vedora & Conant, 2015)
may impact the effectiveness of each form of instruction.
42 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Sundberg and Sundberg (2011) noted that some of the problems related to the acqui-
sition of intraverbals stem from the complexity of the verbal discriminative stimuli and
the lack of generalized tact, mand, and listener skills established in the learner’s reper-
toire. Although the research on intraverbal prerequisite skills is lacking (Axe, 2008),
some studies suggest that simple discrimination skills may facilitate the acquisition of
simple and complex intraverbals (Guerrero, Alós, & Moriana, 2015; Stauch et al., 2017).
In this case, starting with simple nonverbal discrimination and instruction following, for
example, might involve the clinician’s presenting two blocks together, where one stimu-
lus, “green,” is correlated with reinforcement (SR+), and the other stimulus, “red,” is placed
under extinction (i.e., S-delta, or SΔ). The clinician repeats the same procedure with
spoken instructions (e.g., to clap hands upon hearing the instruction “clap your hands”).
Once these skills are in the participant’s repertoire, simple intraverbals may be taught
(e.g., “A kitty says ,” “One, two…”, “How old are you?”; Sundberg, 2016). We
recommend that clinicians assess prerequisite skills such as simple visual discriminations,
echoic responses, and learning history prior to conducting intraverbal instruction.


Advanced intraverbal responses are under conditional discrimination and com-
pound stimulus control (Eikeseth & Smith, 2013; Sundberg, 2016). This type of anteced-
ent control may further be subsumed into what has been named divergent and convergent
control (see Michael et al., 2011). In divergent control, a single discriminative stimulus
(SD) controls different response topographies (e.g., hearing “car” may evoke different
responses, such as “drive,” “wheels,” “vehicle,” or “auto”; see Feng, Chou, & Lee, 2017;
Lee, Chou, & Feng, 2017). The opposite occurs in convergent control; that is, multiple
discriminative stimuli contribute to the strength of a single response topography (e.g.,
“the person who does your nails is a ”). In this last example, the response
“manicurist” is under the control of two stimuli: “person” and “nails” (see Devine et al.,
2016; Haggar, Ingvarsson, & Braun, 2018). Two specific verbal stimuli are under conver-
gent control, verbal conditional discrimination (VCD) and a compound stimulus.
These stimulus control procedures have one significant difference. In VCD, one
verbal stimulus affects the evocative function of another verbal stimulus (e.g., “What do
you wear that is brown?”). In this example, the verbal stimulus “wear” alters the function
of “brown”; that is, saying “shoes” is under the control of two different verbal stimuli. On
the contrary, under compound stimulus control, two independent verbal stimuli are
combined to evoke a particular response, for instance, “talk slow” and “talk fast,” “eat
slow” and “eat fast” (see Eikeseth & Smith, 2013). Although a compound stimulus can
occur during conditional discrimination instruction, in compound stimuli one stimulus
does not determine the function of the other stimulus.
Prior to teaching complex intraverbals, practitioners should assess appropriate con-
ditional stimulus control. This means that a correct vocal response (e.g., “shoes”) must
be evoked by the presence of the verbal stimulus (e.g., “brown”). If other responses are
Complex Verbal Behavior43

evoked (e.g., “sweater,” “watch”), further simple verbal discrimination teaching may be
needed to bring both verbal stimuli under conditional control (Eikeseth & Smith, 2013;
Kisamore et al., 2016; Sundberg & Sundberg, 2011).


Little research has been conducted on the identification of the specific prerequisite
skills learners must acquire prior to intraverbal instruction. Nonetheless, Axe (2008) and
Sundberg and Sundberg (2011) provide some general guidelines. First, one should ensure
that the learner has reliable mand, echoic, tact, and listener repertoires prior to begin-
ning intraverbal instruction (e.g., Vedora & Conant, 2015). Second, the instructor should
be sure that simple discrimination skills are in the child’s repertoire before teaching basic
intraverbal questions such as fill in the blank and animal sounds. Third, teaching
advanced intraverbal questions (e.g., “What do you wear that is green?”) requires condi-
tional discrimination and compound stimulus control; therefore, one should teach these
skills first in case the repertoire is absent. Prerequisite skills that facilitate conditional
discriminations are simple and compound tacting and sorting pictures (Axe, 2008;
Devine et al., 2016; Ribeiro, Miguel, & Goyos, 2015). Fourth, a practitioner should ensure
that the learner has a basic listener repertoire of responding by feature (i.e., parts of
items, descriptions), function (i.e., use or purpose), or class (i.e., category). For instance,
the learner will point to a picture of a cookie when asked to identify it by its features
(“round,” “crunchy”), function (“you eat it”), and class (“food” or “snack”). Fifth, one
should use available verbal behavior curricula to assess current verbal skills (Dixon,
2014a, 2014b, 2015; Partington, 2008; Sundberg, 2008). With these guidelines in mind,
we now turn to intraverbal instruction.

In this section, we describe the different instructional procedures to teach intraver-
bals under divergent and convergent control. We also present current research on estab-
lishing derived intraverbals along with some applications for teaching more advanced
social skills.

Divergent control and intraverbals. In divergent control, as noted earlier, a single

verbal SD occasions diverse intraverbal responses (e.g., intraverbal categorization). Some
of the most effective procedures to promote intraverbals under simple verbal control are
IF, lag schedules of reinforcement, and ToSC. Instructive feedback typically involves
adding additional nontarget stimuli to the antecedent or consequence events of direct
instructional trials (Carroll & Kodak, 2015). In each trial, the instructor presents a target
instruction, provides an opportunity to respond, delivers the appropriate consequence,
and presents an additional nontargeted IF stimulus. The learner is not required to
respond to the IF stimulus, and if they do, the instructor does not deliver consequences.
For example, the instructor may present an intraverbal question “What are some fruits?”
When the learner says, “apple,” the instructor delivers praise and an IF stimulus such as
44 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

“Right! Banana is a fruit too.” In this case, banana is the IF stimulus. Multiple responses
may be added to the IF so that divergent control may be established.
Several studies have demonstrated the effect of IF in the establishment of intraverbal
responses. For example, Carroll and Kodak (2015) found that using prompt delay with IF
increased response variability when intraverbal categories were taught. Tullis, Frampton,
Delfs, and Shillingsburg (2017) found similar effects when IF was implemented to teach
problem-solving skills. In this study, the instructor presented a verbal question to the
participant (“What is the problem?”), provided reinforcement for correct problem selec-
tion (e.g., “shoe with no laces”), and added IF in the form of problem explanation to the
consequence (i.e., “That’s right. This is a problem because the laces are missing so you
cannot tie the shoe”). One participant acquired the secondary target without explicit
teaching, whereas the other two participants required additional instruction for the
problem explanation section. Haq, Zemantic, Kodak, LeBlanc, and Ruppert (2017)
reported that the efficacy of IF may depend on the learner’s repertoire before instruction
begins, such as attending and echoic behavior. Thus, during instruction, prompting
attention to the target stimulus and using vocal prompts may facilitate the acquisition of
novel intraverbal responses (Carroll & Kodak, 2015; Haq et al., 2017).
Implementing lag schedules of reinforcement is a second alternative for fostering
divergent intraverbals. Lag schedules differentially reinforce intraverbal variability by
making reinforcement available for responses that differ from preceding responses based
on the value of the lag. For example, on a Lag 2 schedule, a response is reinforced if it
differs from the immediately preceding two responses (e.g., saying, “I like apple” and “I
like ice cream” when asked, “What do you like to eat?”). In a recent study by Contreras
and Betz (2016), individuals with ASD were taught to provide variable responses to ques-
tions using a lag schedule of reinforcement. For example, participants were exposed to
Lag 1 and Lag 3 (e.g., “Tell me things that fly” with potential responses under Lag 3 being
“flies,” “birds,” and “eagles”). The results showed an increase in varied responding in two
participants, while the other participants required additional variability instruction. The
results are promising in terms of increasing varied vocal responding using different lag
schedules of reinforcement (Lee & Sturmey, 2014; O’Neill & Rehfeldt, 2017; Wiskow,
Matter, & Donaldson, 2018).
Lastly, ToSC procedures have also facilitated the acquisition of divergent intraver-
bals. Diverse procedures such as tact prompts, errorless learning, schedule thinning,
prompt delay, and intraverbal prompting have yielded positive results (Feng et al., 2017;
Goldsmith et al., 2007; Lee et al., 2017).
In sum, to increase intraverbal variability (i.e., divergent control), start with simple
verbal discrimination instruction using ToSC procedures. If prompt dependency is a
problem during instruction, use an alternative prompt method (e.g., Ingvarsson &
Hollobaugh, 2011; Mueller, Palkovic, & Maynard, 2007) while also implementing more
efficient error-correction procedures (Kodak et al., 2016). We also recommend inserting
IF trials early during the instruction and probing for novel intraverbals. Finally, including
lag schedules of reinforcement during instruction to maximize intraverbal categorization
Complex Verbal Behavior45

and beginning with a simple Lag 1 prior to requiring more response variability (e.g., Lag
3) may also be effective.

Convergent control and intraverbals. In convergent control, multiple antecedent

variables influence the strength of a single response (Michael et al., 2011). For instance,
if a learner says “parrot” in response to “Tell me a green animal,” in this case, the response
“parrot” is under the control of two stimuli, “green” and “animal” (i.e., conditional dis-
crimination). Several studies have used methods such as conditional discrimination
instruction (e.g., Guerrero et al., 2015; Kisamore et al., 2016; Pérez-González & Alonso-
Álvarez, 2008), multiple tact instruction (Belloso-Díaz & Pérez-González, 2015; Devine
et al., 2016; Mellor et al., 2015), and intraverbal chains (Valentino et al., 2015) to teach
complex intraverbal responses to individuals with developmental disabilities; we discuss
these below.

Conditional discrimination. The purpose of this strategy is to establish discrimina-

tive control under additional stimuli. Take for example two complex questions that,
though relatively similar, are difficult to discriminate for some learners with ASD: “What
do you eat?” and “What do you eat with?” In this case, each question leads to a different
accurate response, “chicken” and “fork,” respectively. However, for learners with ASD
who may lack complex conditional discrimination skills, these answers will take numer-
ous trials to master, unless they are taught under specific stimulus control. In this case,
the correct response would have to come under differential stimulus control of the words
“eat” and “with.” Similarly, asking participants to repeat the words before providing the
intraverbal response may facilitate auditory discrimination in multiple controlled
Kisamore et al. (2016) used conditional discrimination teaching procedures and the
requirement of a DOR to teach multiply controlled intraverbals to individuals with ASD.
For instance, when the experimenter asked “What’s a fruit that’s green?” the participant
was required to repeat part of the question “fruit green.” If the participant did not repeat
the verbal stimulus, the experimenter presented a vocal prompt (e.g., “Say, fruit green”).
Results showed that conditional discrimination instruction with the DOR was more
effective than the prompt-delay procedure with error correction in establishing conver-
gent intraverbals in four of the seven participants.
Blocked-trial procedures have also been effective in establishing intraverbal rela-
tions to promote complex intraverbal relations under conditional discrimination control
(Haggar et al., 2018; Ingvarsson, Kramer, Carp, Pétursdóttir, & Macias, 2016). In this
procedure, the number of trials is gradually reduced contingent upon specific criteria,
and the procedure ends with sample stimuli randomly interspersed. Ingvarsson et al.
(2016) used constant prompt delay and error correction to teach responses to intraverbal
questions through a blocked-trial procedure. Question pairs were selected that took the
form “What do you ?” versus “What do you with?” A total of
eight question pairs were included for each participant. Presentation of each question was
randomly alternated until ten consecutive answers occurred. Contingent on meeting
46 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

mastery criterion (i.e., four consecutive trial blocks with no more than two errors), par-
ticipants proceeded to the next phase. In the subsequent phases, the number of correct
consecutive answers and accuracy criterion were lowered. In the last two phases of the
teaching procedure, questions were counterbalanced until fifteen consecutive correct
answers occurred. In the last step, two questions were presented in a quasi-random
fashion. This procedure was effective in establishing novel intraverbal responses under
conditional discrimination control, although two participants required additional error
correction to acquire the first discrimination. Additional studies found that adding cri-
terion-level probes after each step of the blocked-trial procedure increased accurate
responding (Haggar et al., 2018).
Practically speaking, these studies show that teaching learners to discriminate com-
ponents of the intraverbal questions using DOR and blocked-trial procedures increases
the occurrence of intraverbal responses. Further research is warranted to study some of
the behavioral mechanisms (e.g., blocking effect, salience of SD, density of reinforcement,
auditory stimulus control, visual imaging) that could explain the effectiveness of these
procedures (Haggar et al., 2018; Ingvarsson et al., 2016; Kisamore et al., 2016). Future
studies should also compare the blocked-trial procedure to other potentially more effi-
cient teaching procedures (e.g., varied-trial instruction; Cariveau, Kodak, & Campbell,

Multiple tact instruction. In this procedure participants are required to tact the
name of the stimulus while providing the category of the item (e.g., Belloso-Díaz &
Pérez-González, 2015; Devine et al., 2016; Grannan & Rehfeldt, 2012). For instance, the
instructor presents a target stimulus (e.g., picture of dog) to the participant and asks,
“What is this?” Then, after the participant emits a correct response, the instructor asks,
“What else is it?” The instructor then conducts intraverbal probes (e.g., “Tell me some
animals”). Most of the empirical literature shows that intraverbals do not emerge after
multiple tact instruction, though performance improves upon implementing ToSC pro-
cedures (Aguirre et al., 2016). On the contrary, recent studies report that using com-
pound tact instruction—that is, presenting two stimuli simultaneously (e.g., “dog” and
“cat”)—enhances the emission of intraverbal responses (Belloso-Díaz & Pérez-González,
2015; Devine et al., 2016). Although results are positive, further research needs to clarify
the different variables that affect the emergence of complex intraverbals under the
control of nonverbal stimuli.
An additional strategy that has shown effective results in acquiring multiple con-
trolled intraverbals is using mediating responses (e.g., visual imaging instruction; Aguirre
& Rehfeldt, 2015; Kisamore et al., 2011; Mellor et al., 2015; Sautter et al., 2011). Such
responses also allow the individual to manipulate variables covertly and to “prompt and
probe his own behavior” (Skinner, 1957, p. 442) to increase the probability of a solution.
For example, when someone asks, “What does your school look like?” the response is
partially prompted by precurrent responses that involve private visual stimuli (e.g., imag-
ining classrooms and buildings) and the question asked. In particular, Mellor et al. (2015)
reported that intraverbals (e.g., saying “camera” when asked, “What makes the sound of
Complex Verbal Behavior47

a click?”) and categorization intraverbals (e.g., “What are some sounds that you know?
Tell me as many as you can”) emerged after multiple tact instruction (e.g., saying “camera”
when presented with the recording of a camera clicking) and auditory imagining (e.g., “I
know that a camera goes [camera clicking]; oh right, a camera goes click”). Results
showed that multiple tacts and imagining were sufficient to yield criterion-level intraver-
bals in three and two of four participants, respectively. However, two of four participants
needed additional ToSC instruction. Although these studies have demonstrated effective
results in neurotypical individuals, further research needs to be conducted in individuals
with ASD and related disabilities.

Reverse intraverbals. Intraverbals can be derived from other intraverbals, as is the case
with reverse intraverbals. For example, teaching an intraverbal response “What is the
opposite of tall?” (“short”) may also promote the reverse intraverbal (“What is the oppo-
site of short?” “tall”). A number of studies have failed to produce the emergence of reverse
intraverbals in neurotypical individuals and individuals with developmental disabilities
(Pérez-González, Garcia-Asenjo, Williams, & Carnerero, 2007; Petursdottir, Carr,
Lechago, & Almason, 2008). Positive outcomes were obtained only after participants
were exposed to MEI (Pérez-González et al., 2007).
One recent study found that teaching original intraverbals produced the emergence
of reverse intraverbals in some participants (Dickes & Kodak, 2015). In this study, the
researchers taught compound stimuli across categories (e.g., object/function relations,
opposites, and animal sounds) using a multiple baseline design across categories (e.g.,
saying “ooo-aaahh” when asked, “A monkey says?”). In the probe sessions, the researchers
assessed directly taught and reverse intraverbals (e.g., “Ooo-aaahh says the ?”).
Teaching direct intraverbals produced emergence of reverse intraverbals in two out of
three participants; however, results were variable when reverse intraverbals were taught
directly. In other words, direct intraverbal instruction was sufficient to produce emergence
of reverse intraverbals. As the authors noted, results should be interpreted with caution
due to problems with experimental control; the researchers did not introduce the inde-
pendent variable in all categories. Future research should explore the role of prior histories
with verbal conditional discrimination in establishing reverse intraverbals.

Derived intraverbals. Recent studies have demonstrated that intraverbal responding

may also emerge from other basic verbal operants in the absence of direct instruction
(Allan, Vladescu, Kisamore, Reeve, & Sidener, 2015; Daar, Negrelli, & Dixon, 2015;
Dixon, Belisle, Munoz, Stanley, & Rowsey, 2017; Dixon, Belisle, Stanley, Speelman, et
al., 2017; Grannan & Rehfeldt, 2012; May et al., 2013; Shillingsburg, Frampton, Cleveland,
& Cariveau, 2018). For instance, a child may be taught a tact relation (e.g., “What is the
name of this animal?” [dog]), followed by derived intraverbal probes (e.g., “What is a
dog?”). Unlike the other instructional protocols discussed previously, generalized contex-
tually controlled patterns of responding mediate the emergence of derived intraverbals
(see Stewart, McElwee, & Ming, 2013a, for further details). This is worth mentioning
because the behavioral mechanisms responsible for derived intraverbals may increase the
48 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

likelihood of novel verbal operants emerging in the absence of direct instruction. Due to
limited space, we describe only some of the most relevant findings.
In one study, Grannan and Rehfeldt (2012) demonstrated the emergence of intraver-
bal categorization through direct tact instruction. Specifically, participants were taught
to tact categories when presented with a picture (e.g., the instructor presented a picture
of vehicles and asked, “What are some things that take you places?” [cars, planes]), fol-
lowed by visual-visual conditional discrimination (e.g., matching pictures of vehicles).
Results showed that derived intraverbal responses emerged in all participants (e.g., saying
“car” when asked, “What are four things that take you places?”). In a similar study, May
et al. (2013) also found that derived intraverbals emerge after tacts are directly taught.
When derived intraverbals do not emerge, adding listener instruction (Smith et al.,
2016), MEI (e.g., Greer, Yaun, & Gautreaux, 2005; Pérez-González et al., 2007) or stim-
ulus-pairing procedures (Byrne et al., 2014; Vallinger-Brown & Rosales, 2014), or over-
lapping SDs between directly taught and emergent relations (e.g., Shillingsburg et al.,
2018), may facilitate further emergence of untaught intraverbals.
Additional studies have shown that conditional discrimination procedures may be
used to establish derived intraverbals such as novel wh- questions (e.g., who, where, what;
Daar et al., 2015), metaphorical intraverbal responses about feelings (Dixon, Belisle,
Munoz, et al., 2017), and derived intraverbal categorization (Dixon, Belisle, Stanley,
Steelman, et al., 2017). For instance, Dixon, Belisle, Munoz, and colleagues (2017)
showed that teaching metaphorical tacts (e.g., “If you felt like this [picture of a tornado],
how would you feel?” [sad, mad, or upset]) promoted the emergence of metaphorical
intraverbals (e.g., the instructor asked, “[Name] was told to clean up his/her toys and
feels like a tornado. How might [name] feel?”). In this example, the correct response
would be “mad.” Results of the study showed that all three children answered metaphori-
cal questions during the first instructional phase; however, during the second phase
when novel stimulus sets were presented, one participant required a modification (i.e.,
reduced stimulus array). Taken together, these studies show that advanced intraverbals
may emerge from tact instruction under conditional control (i.e., picture plus auditory
stimulus). Although most of the studies on this topic have reported positive results, some
have shown that it is important to include alternative procedures to enhance derived
responding in children with ASD (see Shillingsburg et al., 2018). In the next section, we
will explore one additional procedure that may facilitate more advanced intraverbal rep-
ertoires such as that involved in social communication.

Peer-mediated interventions. PMIs consist of teaching typically developing peers how

to model and prompt targeted social behaviors for their peers with a diagnosis of ASD or
related disabilities. Research on the evaluation of social skills intervention has high-
lighted PMIs as one of the most promising methods to improve this target behavior in
this population (Chang & Lock, 2016). Krantz, Land, and McClannahan (1989) demon-
strated the efficacy of PMIs with three adolescents diagnosed with ASD serving as peer
prompters for three other peers with ASD. The procedure consisted of a peer’s delivering
Complex Verbal Behavior49

a prompt to talk about a topic of interest (e.g., sports). Generalization probes showed
similar levels of performance with peers not involved in the study and in settings outside
of the teaching environment, and also showed maintenance of the behavior once the
peer prompter was withdrawn.
More recently, Beaulieu et al. (2014) evaluated a PMI behavioral skills training
(BST) procedure to improve the conversational skills of a college student with a learning
disability. The focus of the study was not isolated to intraverbal responding, but rather
included several additional indicators of advanced conversation skills, including time
spent as listener versus speaker and number of interruptions. Peers were taught to provide
instructions, modeling, role-play, and feedback to the participant during all teaching ses-
sions. For interruptions, they delivered feedback visually at first, and then vocally, if
necessary. Following the introduction of BST, the participant emitted fewer interrup-
tions, increased the time spent as a listener during the sessions, and showed a decrease in
the duration of high-specificity content (defined as an excess of details provided on a
topic). The effects of the intervention were maintained with naïve peers and compared
favorably with normative data on the conversational skills of three undergraduates
without disabilities.

Dictation Taking, Textual Behavior, and Copying Text

Three additional complex verbal operants were described in Verbal Behavior (Skinner,
1957), including dictation taking, textual behavior, and copying text. Dictation taking
corresponds to what is known as writing; Skinner defined dictation taking as a written
response controlled by a vocal verbal stimulus (e.g., writing a sentence as someone says
it). Textual behavior is vocal responding controlled by a visual verbal stimulus (e.g.,
reading the newspaper). Both dictation taking and textual behavior involve point-to-
point correspondence and no formal similarity between the verbal SD and the response
product. In point-to-point correspondence, all components of the response match the
components of the SD, for instance, writing “apple” upon hearing the word “apple,” or
saying “apple” when seeing the written word “apple.” In both cases each letter of the SD
matches each letter of the verbal response “apple,” and there is no formal similarity
between the SD and response product; both are in a different modality (e.g., SD is a
written stimulus and the response is vocal). These operants are among some of the most
advanced verbal skills and are underresearched topics in verbal behavior (Dymond et al.,
2006). In this section, we will briefly review some of the procedures to promote the devel-
opment of these complex verbal operants and provide some clinical recommendations for
Some studies have used simple stimulus-control procedures (Asaro-Saddler, 2016;
Pennington, 2016; Pennington & Delano, 2012) and derived relational responding tech-
nology (de Souza, de Rose, & Domeniconi, 2009; de Souza & Rehfeldt, 2013; Greer,
Yaun, & Gautreaux, 2005) to teach written (i.e., dictation-taking) and spoken spelling
skills in individuals with ASD (Aguirre & Rehfeldt, 2015). For example, de Souza et al.
50 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

(2009) developed a research program that starts with teaching simple words with conso-
nant-vowel sequences (e.g., “bad,” “fan,” “nap”), followed by teaching complex sequences
of words (e.g., “bread, chair, snake”) and then integrating reading (textual behavior) and
writing skills in a network of derived relations to assess reading comprehension.
Additional studies have found that teaching dictation (de Souza & Rehfeldt, 2013),
teaching written and spoken spelling skills (Greer, Yaun, & Gautreaux, 2005), and pro-
moting collateral responses (Aguirre & Rehfeldt, 2015) enhance the occurrence of
untaught spoken and written skills in individuals with intellectual disabilities. In addi-
tion, de Souza and Rehfeldt (2013) evaluated the effect of conditional discrimination
instruction (i.e., matching printed words to their printed synonym) on the emergence of
untaught vocal spelling. Aguirre and Rehfeldt (2015) examined the effects of visual
imaging and instruction on correct written spelling responses in three adolescents with
learning disabilities. In the instructional phase, the examiners presented participants
with a flash card (i.e., “The word is ”), which they then removed. They
instructed participants to imagine the word for three seconds and later asked them to
write the word. An error correction plus reinforcement procedure was added in case
participants did not meet mastery criterion of written spelling. Only one participant met
the mastery criterion during the visual imaging only condition, and the other two par-
ticipants required error correction plus reinforcement.
Miguel, Yang, Finn, and Ahearn (2009) taught children with ASD to select pictures
and printed words when given their dictated name via match-to-sample. Then, without
further instruction, all participants demonstrated emergent textual behavior (i.e., reading
aloud written words). Sprinkle and Miguel (2013) obtained similar results. These studies
show that textual behavior may be established indirectly through instructional proce-
dures that promote derived stimulus relations between printed words, pictures, and dic-
tated names. These findings are particularly relevant for practitioners who wish to
minimize instructional time. Likewise, constructed-response match-to-sample tasks have
been implemented to teach vocal and copying skills to students with intellectual disabili-
ties (Hanna, de Souza, Rose, & Fonseca, 2004). In this procedure, an instructor presents
a pool of letters (e.g., “C,” “B,” “A,” D,” “R”) simultaneously with the sample stimulus
(e.g., written word “CAR”) to the participant, and then asks the participant to construct
a word identical to the sample. If the sample stimulus is a printed word, the task is essen-
tially one of copying. In contrast, if the sample is a spoken word, then the participant is
required to construct and spell the correct word. Additional procedures such as BST
(Pennington, Foreman, & Gurney, 2018), video modeling (Marcus & Wilder, 2009),
praising qualifying autoclitics (Hübner, Austin, & Miguel, 2008), and ToSC (Fabrizio &
Pahl, 2007; Haq & Kodak, 2015) have also been implemented to teach textual responses.
Taken together, these studies show that arranging for derived stimulus relations,
using MEI, and establishing mediating behavior such as visual imaging may increase the
emergence of untaught textual (Miguel et al., 2009), dictation-taking (de Souza &
Rehfeldt, 2013), and written and spoken spelling skills (Aguirre & Rehfeldt, 2015; Greer,
Yaun, & Gautreaux, 2005).
Complex Verbal Behavior51

The Speaker-as-Own-Listener
Thus far, we have reviewed how separate speaker (e.g., mand, tact, intraverbal) and
listener (pointing, attending, following instructions) repertoires may be established.
Skinner (1957) described several repertoires, including thinking, problem solving, self-
editing, and self-awareness, that emerge when the speaker mediates their own responding
as a listener. Speaker-as-own-listener is an advanced repertoire that allows an individual
to achieve significant independence and engage in complex social skills (e.g., writing,
reading, perspective taking; Greer & Speckman, 2009; Spradlin & Brady, 2008). For
example, when someone is reading a text, they not only read the written words but also
listen to what is read. Reading consists of a speaker-listener relationship under the control
of print stimuli or pictures. Similarly, when an individual is writing, the speaker and lis-
tener within the same skin are under the control of the auditory and textual stimuli.
Taking perspective also requires that the individual discriminate their own point of view
where events take place and respond to them from the same perspective (e.g., when
asked, “How do you feel?”). We only mention this topic briefly here as it is the focus of
the next chapter.

Implications and Future Directions

The material presented here on complex verbal behavior has a number of important
implications for practitioners and researchers. First, it is not clear what preexisting reper-
toires must be intact prior to initiating intraverbal instruction, though some efforts have
been made in this regard (Partington, 2008; Sundberg, 2008; Sundberg & Sundberg,
2011). More research is warranted to determine the minimal number of tacts, echoics,
and listener skills necessary before introducing intraverbal instruction. One interesting
research line explored the use of psychometrically sound assessments to evaluate verbal
deficits in individuals with ASD (Dixon, 2014a, 2014b, 2015). In the meantime, we rec-
ommend that practitioners follow best practice—that is, teach tacts, mands, and listener
skills before proceeding to intraverbal teaching (see Sundberg & Sundberg, 2011).
Second, results are mixed regarding the best prompting strategy to teach intraverbals
(e.g., Coon & Miguel, 2012; Ingvarsson & Hollobaugh, 2011; Vedora & Conant, 2015).
Therefore, we encourage practitioners to assess the type of prompting method that is
most suitable for the learner prior to intraverbal instruction (see Seaver & Bourret, 2014,
for an example of a prompt assessment). Future studies might also include error analyses
(see Devine et al., 2016; Kisamore et al., 2016) and compare echoic and tact prompts
with and without error correction during intraverbal training (see de Souza et al., 2017).
Third, research on multiply controlled intraverbals has been conducted in recent
years (e.g., Stauch et al., 2017). This area offers important opportunities and challenges
for practitioners and researchers alike. Palmer (2016) made an important conceptual
distinction between the traditional definition of intraverbal (i.e., intraverbal operant)
and a multiply controlled intraverbal (i.e., intraverbal control). In the former case, studies
52 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

have focused on teaching simple intraverbals such as question answering, fill-in-the-

blank responding, and categorization skills using ToSC procedures (see de Souza et al.,
2017; Petursdottir & Devine, 2017). In these studies, a single verbal stimulus was estab-
lished as discriminative for the intraverbal response (e.g., “What is your name?”). Other
studies have explored the role of collateral stimuli and verbal conditional discriminations
to teach intraverbal responses, primarily in neurotypical individuals (e.g., Aguirre et al.,
2016; Kisamore et al., 2011; Mellor et al., 2015; Valentino et al., 2015). For instance, some
studies have demonstrated that using visual imaging may enhance problem-solving
(Kisamore et al., 2011) and written spelling skills (Aguirre & Rehfeldt, 2015).
Similarly, other studies have used conditional discrimination procedures to teach
intraverbal responses, for instance, block-trial procedures (i.e., the same sample stimulus
is presented repeatedly across trials instead of alternating each trial; Ingvarsson et al.,
2016) and DOR (e.g., naming or touching the sample stimulus before selecting the com-
parison stimulus; Kisamore et al., 2011). Practically speaking, this means that practitio-
ners must teach simple discrimination repertoires prior to teaching basic (e.g., A, B…)
and complex (e.g., “What are some red fruits?”) intraverbal responses. Then, they can
teach advanced repertoires such as problem solving or covert intraverbal behavior using
supplementary stimuli such as visual imaging. Although more research is needed in this
area, currently available results are promising.
Fourth, once simple and multiply controlled intraverbals are in the participant’s rep-
ertoire, it is important to target intraverbal variability (de Souza et al., 2017; Haq et al.,
2017; Lee & Sturmey, 2014) and derived intraverbals (Grannan & Rehfeldt, 2012; May
et al., 2013). Although the results have been very consistent showing that lag schedules
and IF increase intraverbal variability, there is still room for additional research in assess-
ing the controlling variables in these procedures. Similarly, research in derived relational
responding has demonstrated that more efficient protocols can be implemented to teach
derived intraverbals (Daar et al., 2015; Shillingsburg et al., 2018).
Lastly, data on more elaborate repertoires such as dictation taking, textual behavior,
copying text, and speaker-as-own-listener are emerging in the field. We recommend that
clinicians assess some prerequisites (e.g., listener skills, fine-motor coordination, and self-
regulatory skills such as self-control) prior to teaching dictation-taking skills. Similarly,
evidence-based practices such as using speech-generating devices, self-management,
visual support (e.g., scripts, pictures), and peer-mediated instruction have been found to
be effective in facilitating the acquisition of writing skills in learners with ASD (Asaro-
Saddler, 2016; Pennington et al., 2018). Results of other studies promote the use of
derived relational responding protocols in teaching written and spoken spelling reper-
toires (de Souza & Rehfeldt, 2013; Greer, Yaun, & Gautreaux, 2005). Finally, teaching
naming and say-do correspondence repertoires facilitates the achievement of important
independent skills. Research in this area is well developed (see Greer & Ross, 2008, and
the following chapter for more details).
We conclude this chapter with some recommendations for future research in complex
verbal behavior. Research is lacking on intraverbal responses focused upon social
Complex Verbal Behavior53

questions (e.g., “Who is your best friend?”); most research has concentrated on teaching
categorization, feature, function, and class responses (de Souza et al., 2017; Stauch et al.,
2017). Similarly, there is limited research exploring intraverbals focused upon emotions
(Dixon, Beslise, Munoz, et al., 2017) and using peer-mediated interventions with middle
and high school students with ASD. Research should also incorporate generalization and
treatment fidelity measures (Chang & Locke, 2016). Furthermore, future research should
investigate the role of different problem-solving strategies (e.g., organizing and grouping
stimuli, visual imagery, observing one’s own environment, and covert intraverbal behav-
ior) on the acquisition of complex intraverbal categorization in individuals with develop-
mental disabilities (e.g., Aguirre et al., 2016; Mellor et al., 2015; Petursdottir & Devine,
Likewise, future research should compare whether instructive feedback or lag sched-
ules of reinforcement is more effective in establishing response variability for children
with ASD (Carroll & Kodak, 2015; de Souza et al., 2017). Also, evaluating the role of
different types of lag schedules of reinforcement (e.g., Lag 3) in intraverbal instruction
(Lee & Sturmey, 2014) and investigating the effects of different reinforcers on intraverbal
variability is in order.
Divergent and convergent control is another area that requires further exploration.
For instance, research on divergent control is needed to evaluate the efficiency of differ-
ent instructional methods (e.g., formal prompts, instructional feedback; Feng et al., 2017;
Lee et al., 2017). In convergent control (e.g., conditional discrimination and compound
stimulus control), a need exists for further evaluation of the effectiveness of blocked-trial
procedures and DORs in establishing intraverbal responses. This might involve evaluat-
ing generalization across people, environment, and different responses using blocked-
trial procedures and whether DOR alone or combined with a blocked trial-procedure is
more effective in establishing convergent intraverbals (Haggar et al., 2018; Kisamore et
al., 2016). Likewise, future research should extend the use of derived relational respond-
ing technology in establishing more complex intraverbal responses, the role of covert
verbal responses on overt responses such as academic tasks, and the establishment of
vocal spelling with different verbal repertoires (de Souza & Rehfeldt, 2013; Grannan &
Rehfeldt, 2012).
What started as a friendly challenge introduced to Skinner by the philosopher
Alfred North Whitehead, who said, “Let me see you account for my behavior as I sit here
saying ‘No black scorpion is falling upon this table’” (Skinner, 1957, pp. 456–457), has
turned into a vibrant research program with effective applications, mostly in the area of
developmental disabilities (de Souza et al., 2017; Petursdottir & Devine, 2017). Sixty
years have passed since Skinner published his most important work. However, buried in
his book still lie many areas awaiting empirical testing, for instance, the role of echoic
behavior and supplementary stimulation in remembering, metaphorical extensions of the
tact, tacting private behavior, and multiple causation (Schlinger, 2017). More research is
still needed, particularly with typically developing individuals. Skinner (1969) once men-
tioned, “Behaviorism, as we know it, will eventually die—not because it is a failure, but
54 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

because it is a success. As a critical philosophy of science, it will necessarily change as a

science of behavior changes” (p. 267). The field of verbal behavior will only prosper and
survive by standing on the shoulder of the giants, as was the quest of this chapter.

Skinner’s taxonomy of verbal behavior includes several operants that are the foundation
of a number of complex skills. Unlike the operants described in the preceding chapter,
many such operants are multiply controlled, and for this reason a number of prerequisite
skills may be established before such operants are acquired. This chapter explored the
processes involved in intraverbal, dictation taking, textual, and copying text repertoires
and discussed research on strategies for teaching such repertoires in individuals who may
lack such skills.

Study Questions
1. What is an intraverbal? Explain by distinguishing it from one of the
other verbal operants reviewed in this text so far.

2. Describe how the same word could be an echoic, mand, tact, or


3. How have transfer of stimulus control procedures been used in intraver-

bal instruction?

4. Give an example of both divergent and convergent control.

5. What are three prerequisites described in the section titled “Prerequisites

and Intraverbal Assessment”?

6. Describe the differential observing response procedure and how it is

used in intraverbal instruction.

7. What is multiple tact instruction?

8. Distinguish between dictation taking and copying text.

9. Describe one procedure that has been explored to promote dictation

taking or copying text.

10. Comment on two of the implications for practice as described at the

end of the chapter.

Identification and Establishment of

Bidirectional Verbal Operants

R. Douglas Greer
Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and
Teachers College, New York, NY

Peter Pohl
Child Psychology Practice, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

Lin Du
Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and
Teachers College, New York, NY

Jennifer Lee Moschella

Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and
Teachers College, New York, NY

Link and Preview

Up to this point the text has provided an overview of fundamental behavioral processes
(chapter 2), basic verbal operants (chapter 3), and complex verbal operants (chapter 4).
The present chapter goes a step further in the area of complex verbal operants, and in
particular focuses on bidirectional verbal operants, including the speaker’s functioning as
their own listener. Importantly, the chapter is written from the perspective of behavioral
development and pertains to the building blocks for some of the most complex forms of
verbal behavior.

We now understand a great deal more about the developmental sequence needed for
children to become fully verbal. Research from our laboratory and schools (
56 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition has resulted in the verbal behavior developmental theory (VBDT;

Greer & Ross, 2008; Greer & Speckman, 2009). VBDT builds on Skinner’s (1957) theory
of verbal behavior, as well as relational fame theory (Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche,
2001), research on derived relations, and other research in verbal behavior. Central to all
of this research is Skinner’s idea that in the development of verbal behavior in children,
the listener (observing or “perceptual” responses) and speaker (speaking or producing
responses) are initially independent. There is growing agreement on this point across
disciplines. Developmental research in neuroscience has identified correlates in brain
physiology that shows that responding as a listener precedes speaking (Imada et al.,
2006). Both behavior science and neuroscience now concur that experience is key. In
fact, the Imada et al. study provides snapshots of brain changes as a function of
What verbal behavior development contributes to these disciplines is the identifica-
tion of the kinds of experiences that make the development possible, the relation of these experi-
ences to the fundamental principles of behavior, and how children come to have the wherewithal
to contact or benefit from those experiences. Verbal behavior development findings have led
to increased numbers and sophistication of tools available to professionals to establish
components of development children might be missing. These components of develop-
ment are called behavioral developmental cusps (Rosales-Ruiz & Baer, 1997). The
onset of cusps allows children to (a) learn what they could not learn before, (b) learn
faster, or (c) learn in new ways (i.e., cusps that are new learning capabilities such as the
stimuli controlling learning from observation or exposure).

Bidirectional Operants
The focus of this chapter encompasses some of the cusps that are the bidirectional oper-
ants that mark the particular intercept of the listener and speaker. These can be separated
into three different categories: (a) verbal episodes between persons, (b) the speaker-as-
own-listener (Donley & Greer, 1993; Greer & Speckman, 2009; Skinner, 1957), and (c)
the learning of word-object relations as speaker and listener incidentally. All of these are
examples of the joining of the speaker and listener. Some even argue that we are only fully
verbal at the point where the speaker and listener are joined (Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-
Holmes, & Cullinan, 2000; Greer & Du, 2015a). Bidirectional verbal operants are
involved in talking with others, talking to oneself, and listening to oneself. Social rein-
forcers are involved in all three types, but they are only conspicuous in the verbal epi-
sodes between persons.
Skinner (1957), in his seminal work, stated that verbal behavior is social behavior. He
and others (e.g., Tomasello, 2008) have theorized that verbal behavior evolved because
of the need for the human species to collaborate in order to hunt and gather and later
cultivate and harvest. In a review of a body of research, Greer and Du (2015b) argued
that behavioral developmental cusps emerge in many cases with the onset of newly
Identification and Establishment of Bidirectional Verbal Operants 57

learned social reinforcers (i.e., conditioned social reinforcers). Verbal behavior differs
from language in that the former pertains to the function of communicating, while the
latter pertains to the structure, or the lexicon, of communication. This does not mean
that the two disciplines are necessarily adversarial; rather, they should be complemen-
tary. Verbal behavior also differs from the structural aspect of language in that it includes
social interactions such as frowns, smiles, grimaces, and gestures. In essence, verbal
behavior encompasses the range of interactions in which individuals seek to affect—or
be affected by or benefit from—the behavior of others.
What may have initially begun with a need to collaborate for mutual primary rein-
forcement (i.e., to emit and respond to mands) may have eventually evolved to direct
reinforcement of communicative exchanges by the behaviors of the parties involved (i.e.,
conversational units or tacts as contact reinforcement). One research endeavor focuses
on verbal episodes involving communicative exchanges between children or children
and adults. This consists of analyses of bidirectional verbal operants involving exchanges
between two or more individuals, where an individual is reinforced both as speaker and
listener in one exchange. This is referred to in the literature as a conversational unit
(Baker, 2014; Donley & Greer, 1993; Greer & Ross, 2008; Lodhi & Greer, 1989;
Schmelzkopf, Greer, Singer-Dudek, & Du, 2017; Sterkin, 2012). More frequent conversa-
tional units speak to the magnitude of the social repertoire of the individual. Still another
social reinforcement dimension of the conversational unit is the initiation of episodes.
Initiating an interaction and responding to an episode initiated by others are each mea-
sures of social reinforcement. The complementary phenomenon in linguistics is “turn
taking.” What verbal behavior adds to the concept of turn taking is that the conversa-
tional unit doesn’t necessarily require that exchanges “make sense” to an observer;
semantics and syntax are irrelevant to these bidirectional operants. Moreover, a verbal
listener or a verbal speaker response need not involve a lexicon. Evidence of reinforce-
ment is the continuation of exchanges and few or no lulls in conversation. The conversa-
tional unit includes within it other verbal operants.
In our laboratory and practice we use the presence or absence of conversational units
as the essential measure of social behavior in children. This measure is used in interven-
tions that have proved successful in establishing, or enhancing, conversational exchanges
by children with adults and with children. These appear to result in establishing the
natural but learned reinforcement that is characteristic of social verbal behavior. The use
of traditional behavior analytic interventions to increase socially appropriate speech in
children with autism—scripts or videos, for example—have a long track record (e.g.,
Charlop & Milstein, 1989; Taylor, Levin, & Jasper, 1999). In these cases, the focus has
been on behavior as the target. While these interventions are successful in many cases,
there have been problems with maintenance. Our research program has shown that tar-
geting specific behavioral cusps may lead to more expansive verbal behavioral
58 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Methods to Identify and Establish Bidirectional

Verbal Operants
For each bidirectional operant—verbal episodes between persons, verbal behavior within
the skin (also referred to as speaker-as-own-listener or talking to oneself), and incidental
learning (i.e., bidirectional naming)—we will describe the cusp and give a general
description of how to identify and establish bidirectional verbal operants.

Verbal Episodes Between Persons

Lawson and Walsh (2007) developed a protocol to establish social reinforcement for
talking to others, seeking them out, and being sought; we term this social listener rein-
forcement (SLR; Baker, 2014; Greer & Ross, 2008; Lawson & Walsh, 2007; Sterkin,
2012). This protocol is used specifically when children, who have characteristics like
those described in the studies, emit tacts and mands but do not initiate conversational
units or tacts with adults or other children. However, when a child demonstrates that
social reinforcement is present but lacks the behaviors (i.e., does not initiate conversa-
tional units), then the use of scripts, videos, and other similar interventions to establish
language repertoires is needed. But, if the behaviors are not directly reinforced by com-
municating with others and being communicated with by others, then establishing the
cusp that results in new social reinforcement for bidirectional operants, the SLR proto-
col, is suggested. When maintenance does not result because reinforcers other than
social reinforcers have been used, the establishment of the relevant social reinforcers also
may be needed. In some cases, after the cusp is established, scripts and videos can be
used to expand the variety of verbal behavior.
Below we describe three procedures that have been shown to be effective in increas-
ing verbal episodes with other individuals: (a) social listener reinforcement involving
collaboration contingencies, (b) the intensive tact protocol, and (c) observational condi-
tioning. Each appears to act to condition reinforcers for bidirectional operants between
children and adults or between children, but different presenting repertoires of children
determine which are appropriate for any given child.


The SLR protocol involves a sequence of increasingly complex games, ending with
an empathy phase, that use a yoked contingency game board to establish social listener
reinforcement. A game board is designed with two paths (Greer & Ross, 2008; Stolfi,
2005), one for the students and one for the teacher/experimenter. Children must follow
the rules of the game and collaborate with a partner in order to “move up” the path
toward an agreed-upon prize and avoid the teacher’s beating them to the prize. The pair
must ask each other questions and listen to each other in order to “move up.” For example,
the peer confederate holds an unknown item while the target child is blindfolded, and
Identification and Establishment of Bidirectional Verbal Operants 59

the target child must ask the peer questions (speaker behavior). If the target child emits
a correct response by telling the experimenter or teacher exactly what the peer confeder-
ate said, the team “moves up” the game board (first listener behavior and then speaker
behavior). The procedure is designed to build reinforcement for speaking and listening to
peers and to increase the child’s conversational units with others. The ages and reper-
toires of the children determine which games are selected. The types of interactions
involving the game board include peer tutoring, video monitoring, and board games to
increase verbal operants emitted by participants with a wide range of prerequisite verbal
skills (Baker, 2014; Sterkin, 2012). Baker found that the SLR procedure led to more
increases in conversational units when compared with traditional video modeling, sup-
porting the notion that the SLR procedure established reinforcement for verbal
exchanges, a critical component of truly social behavior and audience control. As the
sequence and sophistication of the games progress, the reinforcement should come to
incorporate “winning” together as a new reinforcement effect in itself.


The emission of tacts appears to be preliminary to, or a building block for, conversa-
tional units. There is growing evidence that the tact is under the control of social rein-
forcement and not just any type of generalized reinforcers (Eby & Greer, 2017; Schmelzkopf
et al., 2017). An intervention that we call the intensive tact protocol (Greer & Du,
2010) has proved successful in increasing the initiation of tacts and conversational units.
It appears that the procedure has different effects for different children depending on
their initial repertoire. For children who initiate few mands and tacts, the procedure
increases mands and to a lesser degree tacts, but does not establish conversational units
(Baker, 2014; Schmelzkopf et al., 2017). For children with more tacts in their repertoire,
the initiated mands decrease and the tacts and conversational units increase, demon-
strating the shift toward more social reinforcement (Eby & Greer, 2017). The decrease in
mands and a corresponding increase in tacts indicates a shift in reinforcement control to
social contact and is a sought after and desirable outcome (Costa & Pelaez, 2014).
The intensive tact intervention builds social listener reinforcement (Delgado &
Oblak, 2007; Greer & Du, 2010; Pistoljevic & Greer, 2006; Schauffler & Greer, 2006;
Schmelzkopf et al., 2017) and consists of daily presentation of 100 learn units of pure tact
opportunities, where the participant receives social praise as reinforcement for emitting
tacts without a vocal-verbal antecedent. That is, a stimulus is presented without the use of
vocal instructions such as “What is it?” Target stimuli can consist of social studies content
(e.g., national monuments) and can be determined by participants’ age, grade-level cur-
ricular requirements, and grade-level achievement. The procedure can also incorporate
autoclitic functions.

An observational conditioning intervention (i.e., Singer-Dudek, Oblak, & Greer,
2011) is another effective protocol to condition social attention and praise as a reinforcer.
60 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Greer, Singer-Dudek, Longano, and Zrinzo (2008) conditioned adult praise as a rein-
forcer by presenting a simple task to target participants and peer confederates, while
delivering praise only to the peer confederate (the target participant was denied praise for
completing the task). Schmelzkopf and colleagues (2017) also found increases in conver-
sational units with peers as a function of this protocol. (See chapter 8 on observational
learning for more on interventions that capitalize on the repertoire of learning by
The three behaviors discussed above—social listener reinforcement, the intensive
tact protocol, and observational conditioning—establish or enhance adult attention as a
reinforcer which, in turn, results in more tacts and, more significantly, more conversa-
tional units. Once the speaker and listener are joined, the repertoires for listening to
others (being “communicated to” as a function of reinforcement stimuli) and speaking to
others (communicating to as a function of reinforcement stimuli) are embedded in the
stimuli in the interaction. Of course, the onset of the cusp is the very beginning of this
repertoire. But, once it is present, the experiences in communicating with others lead to
a more sophisticated repertoire because the reinforcers are present.
Children also take on the roles of speaker and listener when they talk aloud as they
are alone and engaged in fantasy play. Skinner (1957) argued that this overt behavior,
speaker and listener roles, becomes covert as children are made “self-conscious” as a
result of certain audiences. We also argue that it is a critical speaker-as-own-listener cusp
leading to more complex behavior, which we discuss below.

Verbal Behavior Within the Skin (Talking to Oneself)

While it is empirically difficult to test whether one talks to oneself covertly, it is
apparent and observable in young children when they engage in fantasy play, where they
talk aloud to themselves. The phenomenon is described as a critical stage by many devel-
opmental psychologists who study play and language development (Vygotsky, 1967).
Behavior analysts have investigated this phenomenon in children demonstrating the
alternation of speaking and listening, where the roles of listener and speaker can be
directly observed. Lodhi and Greer (1989) demonstrated that typically developing five-
year-old girls engaged in self-talk conversational units (i.e., alternated roles as speaker
and listener), providing evidence for Skinner’s (1957) “speaker and listener within the
skin.” Many of the self-talk exchanges in Lodhi and Greer’s study also included the
say-do correspondence repertoire that Paniagua and Baer (1982) identified early on. A
child may act as a speaker in saying that they, or an object of play, will engage in an
action, and then the child may act as a listener by doing what they said they would do.
This demonstrates that the listener and speaker repertoires are joined in the child’s
verbal behavior development. Say-do correspondence and self-talk signal that bidirec-
tional verbal operants are present in the child’s verbal repertoire. These functions appear
to lay the foundation for more complex listener/speaker interactions within the skin, such
Identification and Establishment of Bidirectional Verbal Operants 61

as thinking verbally. Then, by extension, once print control becomes part of the rela-
tions, one functions as writer and own reader, or self-editor.

Incidental Learning (Bidirectional Naming)

The third bidirectional operant and developmental cusp is what Horne and Lowe
(1996) called naming. We concur with Miguel (2016) that the term bidirectional
naming, and the abbreviation BiN, is less confusing. By extension, we suggest that the
term unidirectional naming (UiN) refer to the demonstration of the listener compo-
nent. While it is possible, and even probable, that one can be taught to emit speech
sounds (parroting or canonical babbling) before responding as a listener, we argue that
this is not really verbal from a developmental and a verbal behavior perspective. For
example, one can shape speech such that a child says the name of an item and receives
the item; however, if the child did not first acquire the listener relation, it is not truly
verbal. When the speech sound is taught or learned first, it may function as a duplicative
response, as in singing or parroting under the control of the correspondence rather than
the verbal function (see Gladstone and Cooley, 1975, for the seminal study). There are
numerous examples of individuals with autism who are not verbal but can sing the lyrics
of an entire song. They are presumably under the control of the correspondence between
their responses and what they heard before, yet none of the responses are verbal in the
sense that they affect the behavior of others in verbal functions. However, if the speech
sounds are in repertoire, interventions may join the listener to the speaker.
The specific aspect of BiN that we focus on is how this developmental cusp (i.e., a
cusp that is also a new learning capability that changes how children can learn) results
in children’s learning language and verbal behavior functions without direct instruction
(i.e., incidental learning). We believe that the body of existing research suggests that
BiN, together with the two other cusps associated with the joining of the listener and
speaker within the skin, represents the point at which the child becomes fully verbal. The
subsequent complex behaviors associated with reading and writing, using the methods of
science, authority, and logic, are built on the emergence of these cusps.
We now know that some children who did not demonstrate BiN can do so after they
undergo environmental interventions, including multiple exemplar instruction (MEI)
across listener and speaker responses with training sets of stimuli. After receiving MEI,
children from eighteen months to six years of age (neurotypical children and children
with language delays) demonstrated BiN with novel stimuli (Corwin & Greer, 2017;
Fiorile & Greer, 2007; Gilic & Greer, 2009; Greer, Corwin, & Buttigieg, 2011; Greer,
Stolfi, Chavez-Brown, & Rivera-Valdez, 2005). Children who demonstrate or have BiN
(i.e., learn words for things incidentally) for novel but familiar types of stimuli (i.e., novel
animals, cartoon characters, vegetation) may not demonstrate BiN with unfamiliar
stimuli (e.g., constructed symbols such as chemical symbols). However, they can develop
BiN for these unfamiliar stimuli after contact with exemplar experiences involving those
types of stimuli (Lo, 2016). Children with basic BiN require additional experiences to
62 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

simultaneously learn the names of the stimuli and at the same time the actions paired
with the stimuli (Cahill & Greer, 2014). Similarly, simultaneously learning additional
auditory, tactile, and olfactory relations requires additional experiences consisting of
pairings with these senses. However, once basic BiN is present, the additional relations
appear to accrue simply by an automatic reinforcement conditioning process.
It has been more than fifteen years since we first identified how to establish BiN.
Our understanding of the cumulative research, in the years since, is that the initial
accrual of reinforcement for observing the visual stimuli along with the words (Longano
& Greer, 2014) allows those stimuli, in turn, to condition the new actions, scents, tactile
stimuli, and sounds as reinforcing stimuli for observing responses, and the new stimuli
join with those already in repertoire with repeated experience (Frias, 2017; Kleinert,
2018; Lo, 2016). No instruction or additional reinforcement is needed; simple exposure
alone appears to result in the accrual of the new relations. From the perspective of the
principles of behavior, this appears to explain the rapid growth of language observed in
young children. The stimuli are now clear for “spontaneous” language development
(Chomsky & Place, 2000). It is not spontaneous; rather it is under the control of learned
Understanding the developmental phenomenon of BiN has significant applied
utility, in addition to the obvious contribution to basic science. Once BiN is present,
children can learn in typical education settings, while without it they struggle or cannot
(Corwin & Greer, 2017; Greer et al., 2011). In our laboratory and inclusion classrooms,
we identified that BiN is an essential cusp needed for children to be successful in general
education. Once BiN is present, the expansion of verbal repertoires is no longer depen-
dent on direct instruction. That is, children’s responding no longer needs to be directly
reinforced or corrected for each skill. Instead, children can observe and learn a response
to stimuli as a listener and speaker simultaneously.
Below, we discuss the identification and establishment of bidirectional operants
involved in appropriate self-talk, and then we examine different types of BiN.


Skinner (1957) described the phenomenon of individuals’ talking to themselves as a
rotation of speaker and listener responses. He proposed that children speak to themselves
aloud until the behavior is punished by the audience (parents or peers), at which point
the behavior goes beneath the skin, not unlike going from reading aloud to reading
silently. The rotation of listener and speaker roles within the skin is, from a radical
behaviorist perspective, “thinking.” The indications of a child’s being truly verbal and
rotating the listener and speaker roles within the skin are (a) say-do correspondence
(Farrell, 2017; Paniagua & Baer, 1982) and (b) self-talk in fantasy play (Lodhi & Greer,
1989). These verbal cusps, or components of the speaker-as-own-listener cusp, may be
prerequisites or co-requisites to BiN and SLR (Greer & Ross, 2008). The research on
these relations remains to be done. Self-talk refers to the emission of conversational units
Identification and Establishment of Bidirectional Verbal Operants 63

by one individual, where each of the roles of speaker and listener intersect in a conversa-
tional unit. Each behavior function, listener and speaker, is reinforced in an exchange.
These are bidirectional operants between listener and speaker roles. These responses are
distinguished from vocal stereotypy and palilalia because the function of self-talk is the
conditioned reinforcement for exchanging of behaving as a speaker and listener and
usually involves young children’s fantasy play with toys that have anthropomorphic char-
acteristics (e.g., animals, dolls, puppets; see Lodhi & Greer, 1989).
In a recent dissertation, Farrell (2017) told two- and three-year-olds, “Say what I say”
(echoic) and “Do what I do” (imitation). The experimenter modeled one action figure
saying, “Let’s go save the world!” and the other figure saying, “Okay, let’s go!” followed by
the experimenter’s moving the figure. The experimenter then gave the participant an
opportunity to do the same and reinforced their echoic and imitating responses.
Participants demonstrated first instances of say-do and self-talk conversational units
during free-play settings. Intraverbal mutual entailment emerged as a function of the
intervention (i.e., untaught responses of example to category or category to example).
Say-do correspondence is usually implicit in self-talk and conversational units.
When an individual has say-do correspondence, they can state what they will do
(Paniagua, 1990; Paniagua & Baer, 1982), as when a child tells a caregiver, “I’m going to
go so high on the swings!” and runs over to do so. Similarly, Farrell (2017) reported that
do-say correspondence is the same cusp, when children say what they did (i.e., “I went
on the slide!”). In essence, the individual behaves as a listener in response to their own
speech. Say-do correspondence and self-talk are the prerequisites for more complex rep-
ertoires such as problem solving and self-awareness (Greer & Du, 2015b). Say-do corre-
spondence, self-talk conversational units, conversational units with others, and BiN are
all examples of bidirectional operants. Say-do, self-talk in fantasy play, and BiN are devel-
opmental cusps that are components of the joining of the speaker and listener within the

BiN is of utmost importance for one’s educational and social development. It is one
of the cusps demonstrating the joining of the speaker and listener that is necessary to
become fully verbal. BiN allows the learning of word-object relations incidentally and allows
children to learn from demonstration and observation. Typically developing children
generally acquire BiN without direct instruction as a result of experiential contact with
thousands of verbal interactions. However, if children cannot contact those experiences,
even though the experiences are present, they are missing the BiN cusp.
Research suggests there are several effective interventions that can lead to the estab-
lishment of full naming or the listener half of naming. One protocol, but not the only, is
MEI across speaker and listener responses (i.e., Corwin & Greer, 2017; Feliciano, 2006;
Fiorile & Greer, 2007; Greer, Stolfi, et al., 2005; Rosales, Rehfeldt, & Lovett, 2011). MEI
involves the rotation of presentations of stimuli across the four response topographies: (1)
visual match-to-sample while hearing the tact of object/picture (observing), (2) point to
64 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

(observation response), (3) tact (production response), and (4) intraverbal tact responses
(producing) to the same set of stimuli. This exposure can result in the child’s responding
as both speaker and listener to untaught responses to novel stimuli. The rotation compo-
nent between listener and speaker for the same stimuli in MEI was shown to be both
sufficient and necessary for the acquisition of BiN for children who lacked this capability.
The QR code below is a link to a video that provides a sample of two MEI interventions
to induce BiN.

However, those who have acquired basic BiN under observational conditions cannot
necessarily learn the names of things by exclusion (Greer & Du, 2015b). Therefore, the
participant is asked to discriminate the unknown stimulus (i.e., Chinese logograph)
against four other known ones (i.e., common home or school items), as well as point to,
tact, and intraverbal tact the novel stimuli. In Greer and Du (2015a), instruction was
structured in the same rotated fashion as in traditional MEI; the participant was rein-
forced sequentially first by observing the stimulus and simultaneously attending as a lis-
tener to the word for the object, and emitting listener and speaker responses to the
object. This exemplar experience was shown to be effective in the establishment of BiN
by exclusion.
Recent research shows that this kind of transformation of stimulus function across
listener and speaker responding could also occur without direct instruction (Lo, 2016;
Longano & Greer, 2014). Longano and Greer (2014) tested the effects of stimulated
natural conditions on the emergence of BiN with preschoolers with disabilities. The
experimenters presented the novel stimulus to the participant and tacted the stimulus
while holding or pointing to it. The participant was not required to emit any responses,
and thus no consequence was delivered. They found that exposure to this type of tact
word-object relation experience led to increases in the children’s echoics and in turn
resulted in the emergence of BiN. In a recent dissertation, Lo (2016) presented repeated
unconsequated probes to young preschoolers with disabilities until they demonstrated
mastery (90% accuracy or above) for each of the four responses, including listener
responses to visual stimuli, speaker responses to visual stimuli, listener responses to audi-
tory stimuli associated with the visual stimuli, and speaker responses to the additional
auditory stimuli. Lo found that the exemplar experiences with the repeated pairings of
visual and auditory stimuli functioned to establish conditioned reinforcement for spoken
and nonspoken auditory stimuli. Lo’s study suggested that the increases in stimulus
Identification and Establishment of Bidirectional Verbal Operants 65

control may be responsible for the onset of traditional BiN as well as BiN to auditory
nonspeech stimuli.
Additional stimulus control accrues from further experience once an individual
demonstrates basic BiN as a result of pairings. Recent verbal behavior development
research suggested that such multisensory experience may be responsible for the estab-
lishment of other forms of BiN (Cahill & Greer, 2014; Frias, 2017). Cahill and Greer
(2014) found that simultaneously presenting actions and names hindered participants’
learning of names, but pairing reinforcement with multiple responses across imitation
actions, responses to “Find ,” intraverbals, and tacts induced this type of BiN.
Another study investigated the relation between naming and additional auditory stimuli,
olfactory stimuli, and tactile stimuli entering the naming “frame” (Frias, 2017). The
experimenter provided the participant with naming experience of stimulus-stimulus
pairing by presenting a stimulus for the participant to observe by seeing (visual), hearing
(auditory), touching (tactile), and smelling (olfactory) together with the name of the
stimulus (Pérez-González & Carnerero, 2014). Stimulus relations accrue for the names of
stimulus modalities after such experience (Frias, 2017).
These studies provide support for the differential development of BiN across varied
stimulus modalities. What is especially interesting and important about the expansion of
the stimuli accrued from BiN experiences is that once the basic BiN repertoire is estab-
lished, the additional stimuli are learned without direct instruction. This finding sug-
gests the source of BiN resides in the pairing of existing reinforcers for observing responses
with the new stimuli, consistent with research by Longano and Greer (2014) and others
showing the strong association between the onset of new conditioned reinforcers and
demonstrations of several cusps (Greer & Du, 2015a).
The identification of verbal developmental cusps was driven by seemingly unsolvable
learning problems presented by children with language and social deficits and guided by
the basic science of behavior. The findings are inherently translational in that applied
investigations promote basic findings. The theory and findings of verbal behavior devel-
opment also suggest relations with biology, a type of relation that has a long history in
behavior analysis. We conclude the chapter with a consideration of the potential rele-
vance of operant bidirectionality as a behavioral phenotype in the evolution of verbal

The Bidirectional Operant as Behavioral

Together with the foundational cusps of observing and producing as part of the child’s
preverbal cusps, we have regularly established incidental learning of verbal bidirectional
operants in typically developing children earlier than expected (Gilic & Greer, 2009). At
the same time, in many other children with language delays, we have induced bidirec-
tional verbal operants experimentally. In both cases, the resulting emission of
66 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

bidirectional operants was striking and seemed to indicate a fundamental transformation

of the child’s subsequent development. We felt that this remarkable emergence of operant
bidirectionality in the child’s behavioral development merited special consideration
(Greer, Pohl, Du, & Moschella, 2017; Pohl, Greer, Du, & Moschella, 2018): Accordingly,
we report on comparative evidence that suggests that the bidirectional operant may be
functionally homologous to the biological phenomenon of metamorphosis and a behav-
ioral phenotype in the evolution of verbal behavior.
In pursuing this hypothesis, we follow Skinner (1966a) and Donahoe (1996), both of
whom have provided strong arguments for the functional similarities between natural
selection in phylogeny and selection by reinforcement during ontogeny. Donahoe’s (2012)
review of a collection of papers concerned with developments in evolutionary biology
during the 150 years since publication of Darwin’s (1859/2013) On the Origin of Species
concludes that “our understanding of the details of selection by reinforcement is arguably
at least as complete as was Darwin’s understanding of natural selection” (Donahoe, 2012,
p. 256).
Metamorphosis (meta, meaning “change” + morphe, meaning “form”) as a biologi-
cal process is extreme life-stage modularity and means that a single genome produces at
least two highly distinctive morphological and behavioral phenotypes, which occupy
very different habitats. It is ubiquitous throughout nature, repeatedly evolving in the
history of multicellular life, and many species—butterflies, bees, beetles, ants, moths,
flies, and wasps, as well as many marine invertebrates (amphibians and fish)—undergo
dramatic phenotypic remodeling during development. In a symposium of fourteen com-
parative biologists primarily concerned with metamorphosis across a number of taxa in
the animal kingdom, Bishop et al. (2006) loosely conceived metamorphosis as a compo-
nent of organismic ontogeny. However, despite considerable differences in the definition
of the term, no distinctive life-cycle transitions comparable to metamorphosis in insects
(e.g., caterpillar to butterfly) have been documented for mammals.
In her groundbreaking treatise, Developmental Plasticity and Evolution, developmen-
tal evolutionary biologist and insect social behavior expert Mary Jane West-Eberhard
(2003) devotes a chapter to “phenotypic recombination due to learning” (pp. 337–352),
wherein she focuses on the importance of learning for the origin of novel adaptive phe-
notypes. West-Eberhard (2003) notes, “Most people, including most biologists, probably
underestimate the importance of learning in the biology of nonhuman animals… So
learning itself has not always received the attention it deserves as a phenomenon of
general evolutionary interest” (p. 337). Recent evidence supports her insight at the cel-
lular level (Robinson & Barron, 2017). And at the level of behavior, a study on behavioral
development in dogs explicitly referred to “behavioral metamorphosis” (Scott & Nagy,
1980), and an editorial by Oppenheim (1980) considered metamorphosis more generally
from the perspective of the phenomenon’s adaptive advantage.
In his Biographical Sketch of an Infant, Darwin (1877) observed that his son, at exactly
twelve months of age, began to vocalize for food in a prosodic manner employing the
consonant-vowel “mum,” with “a most strongly marked interrogatory sound at the end”
Identification and Establishment of Bidirectional Verbal Operants 67

(p. 293). Darwin related that observation with farsightedness to a view he had enter-
tained six years earlier in The Decent of Man (Darwin, 1871), namely that before any
prehuman hominid species began to use articulate language, it uttered notes in a true
musical scale similar to the vocalizations of a number of nonhuman primates including
gibbons. That the nonhuman primate vocal tract can produce and use sounds to com-
municate involving both speaker and listener functions, such as in male-female duets,
has been well documented by a gibbon vocalization field study carried out by Geissmann
A recent observational study with baboons (Papio papio) suggests that this species of
nonhuman primates produces vocalizations comparable to human vowels (Boë et al.,
2017). The researchers employed acoustic analyses of vocalizations coupled with an ana-
tomical study of the tongue muscles and dynamic modeling of the acoustic potential of
the vocal tract. The data suggest that baboons are capable of producing at least five
vocalizations with the properties of vowels, in spite of their high larynx, and that they
can combine them when they communicate with members of the same troop. The
finding suggests that the last common ancestor of humans and baboons may have pos-
sessed the anatomical prerequisites for speech—hinting at a much earlier origin of lan-
guage than heretofore believed. Could it be that correspondence is also an embedded
reinforcement effect at play here as it is with children (Gladstone & Cooley, 1975)?
Regarding speech perception from a comparative perspective, valuable support
would be given to the hypothesis developed here if, for example, functional ear asym-
metries like those typically found in humans were established experimentally in nonhu-
man primates. In the first study to document ear advantages for acoustic stimuli in a
nonhuman primate species, employing an operant conditioning, same-different auditory
discrimination task, Pohl (1983) found in four baboons (Papio cynocephalus) highly sig-
nificant and reproducible ear advantages in the monaural discrimination of pure tones,
three-tone musical chords, synthetically constructed consonant-vowels (CVs), and vowels
in each of the animals with marked individual differences in the direction of ear asym-
metry. The ear advantages found in these baboons under monaural conditions resembled
those obtained with dichotic presentation in human subjects (Pohl, Grubmüller, &
Grubmüller, 1984) and thus suggest, especially when considered together with the recent
Boë et al. (2017) findings on the vowel-like quality of baboon vocalizations mentioned
above, that the baboon may provide a valuable nonhuman primate model of functional
asymmetry in the central auditory system.
In a subsequent study on ear advantages for temporal resolution in the same four
animals, Pohl (1984) hypothesized that the temporal resolution, which underlies an indi-
vidual’s ear advantage for speech perception, would predict an ear advantage for a tem-
poral resolution task to correlate precisely with an ear advantage for the discrimination
of CVs that differ in their temporal features. Using the same methodology as in the previ-
ous study to test the hypothesis in all four baboons, Pohl employed a gap-detection task
that required the resolution of brief intervals of no noise (between seven and twenty
milliseconds, depending on the animal) in bursts of random noise. The finding clearly
68 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

confirmed the hypothesis in that the probability of obtaining by chance the same direc-
tion of ear advantage in four animals under two quite different task conditions is <.01.
The results suggest that a single perceptual mechanism based on fine temporal analysis
underlies the CV discrimination and gap detection tasks in both humans and baboons
and that this mechanism may be asymmetrically organized within the central auditory
system of primates.
Any attempt to understand behavioral metamorphosis during speech development
from a biological perspective must incorporate a set of established facts from studies of
birdsong development. The late ethologist Peter Marler seems to have left the science of
biology with an unusual legacy. In an early comparison of the ontogeny of birdsong and
speech, Marler (1970a) stated, “There may be basic rules governing vocal learning to
which many species conform, including man” (p. 669). Soha and Peters (2015) list six
basic rules, elaborated on the basis of Marler’s extensive research in songbirds, which
underlie the ontogeny of vocal behavior in both humans and white-crowned sparrows
(Zonotrichia leucophrys). We cite these rules here as they are consistent with what has
been discovered about verbal behavior development (see Soha & Peters, 2015):

1. Exposure to certain sounds (normally, the vocalizations of adult conspecifics)

during development has a crucial impact on the adult repertoire.

2. This exposure has the greatest effect during a certain developmental time range,
that is, learning proceeds most readily during an early critical period.

3. Vocal learning is guided by predispositions to proceed in a certain way. In par-

ticular, human babies preferentially attend to speech sounds and young song-
birds are predisposed to pay particular attention to the vocalizations of their
own species.

4. Individuals must hear their own output during vocal development, as auditory feed-
back guides the matching of this output to what was heard and memorized previously
(italics ours). Auditory feedback is then less important; in Marler’s words, it
“becomes redundant” (Marler, 1970b, p. 23) after vocal development is

5. At least some vocal learning apparently proceeds without external reinforce-

ment, suggesting that internal reward reinforces the process of matching vocal
output to memorized models. [It should be mentioned here that this is consis-
tent with the Horne & Lowe (1996, p. 207) theory and research findings from
Longano and Greer (2014; insertion in brackets ours)].

6. Vocal motor development proceeds in stages. Young individuals begin by making

vocal sounds that do not resemble those of adults (italics ours), and even deafened
individuals produce the earliest versions of these sounds (babbling or early
subsong). In normal individuals, the effects of auditory experience then become
apparent at the next stage. (Soha and Peters, 2015, p. 934)
Identification and Establishment of Bidirectional Verbal Operants 69

In the interim, Patricia Kuhl (2004) and her associates have amply filled this empiri-
cal gap between birds and infants with their multidisciplinary research on social and
speech development in early childhood. Pertinent to the argument developed here, Kuhl
(2003) notes that “Both babies and birds must…rehearse and refine their communicative
repertoires, actively comparing and gradually matching (through auditory feedback) their pro-
ductions to the sound patterns stored in auditory memory” (p. 9645, italics ours).
What, then, is Marler’s legacy? It hinges on the empirically grounded fact that song-
birds need to hear their own auditory output during vocal development as a necessary
precondition to the production of typical species-specific singing as juveniles and adults.
As we have seen, this fundamental fact of vocal learning during development also holds
for the human infant. For babies, the task involves learning the phonemic units and
prosodic characteristics (rhythm, stress patterns, and intonation) of their mother tongue.
For songbirds, the developmental requirement is to learn the specific notes, syllables, and
prosodic characteristics typical of their species’ song repertoire. Taken together and com-
bined with the primate data cited previously, these findings suggest that a class of operant
behavior underwent selection by reinforcement, enabling the modular design of a bidi-
rectional behavioral phenotype as a necessary precondition for the evolution of human
speech development.
We hypothesize that in joining the listener and speaker together in the same skin, the
bidirectional operant would seem to represent complete behavioral metamorphosis. To
use the classic example from insect ontogeny, if the caterpillar’s habitat is the ground,
branches, and leaves, and the preverbal child’s niche is the immediate physical and social
environment, then the butterfly’s new habitat is the air and plants, and the verbal child’s
novel environment is the symbolic universe of a verbal community. Whereas the pre-BiN
child behaves more like a nonhuman primate in a proximate physical and social environ-
ment, the child who has acquired the bidirectional operants becomes a member of a verbal
community, which is the equivalent of a novel environment of symbolic relationships.
The evolutionary prerequisite of that profound behavioral transformation is the
ontogenetic selection of separate observing and producing phenotypes and their modular
integration into the bidirectional operant through social learning. In this context and
with a view toward “a more comprehensive understanding of language,” Greer (2008)
mentions music and dance in addition to verbal behavior and the visual arts as evolu-
tionary outcomes of the ontogenetic selection of separate observing and producing
responses and the cultural joining of them (p. 370). This sets the stage for the hypothesis
proposed here concerning the evolutionary origins of the bidirectional operant as an
instance of behavioral metamorphosis in Homo sapiens. Based on the recent discovery of
the bidirectional operant through behavioral research, Marler’s legacy is that through his
comparative studies of birdsong development, he has enabled our understanding of the
bidirectional operant as an exemplar of complete behavioral metamorphosis during
human verbal development. It is conceivable that in the years to come this insight could
enable the approximation of two subdisciplines of biology, developmental evolutionary
biology and developmental verbal behavior analysis, and spawn future interdisciplinary
research on behavioral metamorphosis.
70 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Implications and Future Directions

The present chapter has important implications for research and practice. In taking a
verbal behavior developmental theory approach, the chapter draws attention to the
concept of behavioral developmental cusps, which expand an individual’s behavioral rep-
ertoire in meaningful ways. This chapter provides an overview of several instructional
protocols that have been developed and researched in efforts to understand how to best
promote the emergence of behavioral developmental cusps. More research is needed on
the procedures described, including replications as well as studies with individuals with
different prerequisite skills, in different settings, with respect to different topographies of
behavior, and more. This research program has substantial implications for clinicians,
especially considering assessment and intervention efforts in the area of language devel-
opment. Effective practice is guided by knowledge of not just how to teach various skills,
but also when to teach them with particular learners, what to do next, and so on. Given
this, the behavioral sequence needed to establish fully verbal behavior, as described in
this chapter, has remarkable clinical value.

Verbal behavior development builds on a variety of theoretical frameworks, all of which
can be used to identify the kinds of experiences, or cusps, that make verbal development
possible. This chapter discussed behavioral cusps known as bidirectional operants, which
include verbal episodes between persons, speakers-as-own-listeners, and the learning of
word-object relations. The joining of speaker and listener repertoires is critical for verbal
behavior development. This chapter disseminated research on assessment and instruc-
tional methods for identifying and establishing such behavioral cusps.
Identification and Establishment of Bidirectional Verbal Operants 71

Study Questions
1. What three things do behavioral developmental cusps allow children to

2. Provide two examples of bidirectional verbal operants as mentioned in

the text.

3. What is the premise of the social listener reinforcement protocol?

When is it most likely to be helpful?

4. Describe the intensive tact intervention and the type of generalized

reinforcer that is to be used.

5. What does it mean for an individual to function as both a speaker and

a listener?

6. What is say-do correspondence? How does say-do correspondence

relate to the speaker’s functioning as a listener?

7. What is self-talk? How does self-talk relate to the integration of the

speaker and listener repertoires?

8. How do the chapter authors explain “spontaneous” language


9. What does it mean to become fully verbal from the perspective of the
chapter authors?

10. What is the difference between unidirectional and bidirectional


11. How is multiple exemplar instruction used to establish BiN?

12. Is there an animal model of an individual’s functioning both as a

“speaker” and a “listener”? In which species?

13. Describe bidirectional operants between individuals and bidirectional

operants within individuals.

14. Define the conversational unit. How does it serve as a measure of social

The Scope and Significance of

Referential Behavior

Patrick M. Ghezzi1
University of Nevada, Reno

Link and Preview

Thus far we have covered basic processes, Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior, including
both fundamental and more complex aspects of it, and the analysis of bidirectional oper-
ants. This chapter and the next pertain to a relatively less well-known approach to language
within behavior analysis, specifically referential behavior. The analysis is derived from
interbehavioral foundations and is ripe with theoretical, investigative, and practical impli-

“What precisely happens when one speaks?” J. R. Kantor (1936) answered his question
in this way: “In effect, the speaker refers, and the hearer is referred to some thing, person,
or event” (p. 75). Kantor offered the example of one person, A, saying to a second person,
B, “The car is wrecked.” Person A is the speaker in this case who refers person B, the
listener, to the wrecked car. “It’s ruined,” replies B, thereby completing the interaction
initiated by A, the speaker.
What is plain to see in Kantor’s example is that the two people are talking to each
other about something. A layperson calls it the “topic of conversation,” and Kantor calls
it the referent, that is, “some thing, person, or event” to which a speaker refers a listener.
The speaker who refers the listener to the wrecked car is stimulated in the moment to say
something about it, and the listener, in turn, is stimulated to respond to what the speaker

1 Author’s Note: The author would like to acknowledge Ainsley Lewon and Vanessa Willmoth for
their assistance in the preparation of this chapter.
The Scope and Significance of Referential Behavior 73

said about it. A layperson would say the two people are “having a conversation.”
Technically, the episode is termed a referential interaction.
A distinguishing feature of referential behavior is how pervasive it is. The same can
be said about other complex human behaviors—thinking and imagining come to mind—
yet what further distinguishes referential behavior is how conspicuous it is. It is almost
always public in the overt, psychological sense of the term and in the sense that it so
often takes place openly for all to see and hear. Individual instances are sufficiently dis-
tinct to observe and record, and measures of count and time, long favored in the natural
sciences, apply seamlessly to it.
Referential behavior is further distinguished by how early it develops and expands
throughout the life span. By two to three years of age, noted Bijou (1989), a young child
is fully capable of engaging in it. The expansion of referential behavior is explosive, actu-
ally, eventually becoming the cynosure of a person’s personal and professional life. It is no
overstatement to say that referential behavior is a cornerstone of society, and further, that
it constitutes a remarkable adaptation by the human species.
An additional feature of referential behavior is how understudied it is in behavior
science. How could something so common, so conspicuous, and so fundamentally human
fly so far under the proverbial radar? What is it about an ordinary, everyday, directly
observable and objectively measurable behavior that seems so easy to ignore?
The antilogy is even harder to fathom when it comes to young children who experi-
ence difficulties engaging in referential behavior and suffer a lifetime because of it. The
behavior develops quickly for most youngsters and flourishes naturally throughout ado-
lescence, adulthood, and well into old age. This trajectory is impeded early in life for
some children, notably young children with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
A common treatment objective for these youngsters, indeed, is to learn how, when,
where, and with whom to engage in referential behavior.
The aim of the present chapter is to elaborate upon these features of referential
behavior. We begin with a brief survey of J. R. Kantor’s writings on language and linguis-
tics to reveal the origins of the analysis of referential behavior, and move from there to
discuss referential behavior in detail. Three advancements in the analysis of referential
behavior since Kantor’s death in 1984 are highlighted next, followed finally by sugges-
tions for future research and development in the field.

Origins of the Analysis

Judging from the chronology of his publications, Kantor took an early interest in lan-
guage. In a series of articles published in the 1920s (1921, 1922, 1928, 1929), he argued
for an objective analysis of meaning and language, and in 1926 devoted a lengthy chapter
to language in the second volume of his Principles of Psychology. Here, he (1) differenti-
ated psychological data from other language-related things and activates, (2) categorized
and analyzed language behavior situations, and (3) speculated on the development of
74 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

language in relation to cultural and social conditions. Several years later, in another
textbook on general psychology (1933), he presented a brief account of his approach to
language. Three years after that, in 1936, the breadth and depth of Kantor’s views were
developed fully in his first volume on language, An Objective Psychology of Grammar. In
it he emphasized the crucial difference between speaking and listening and the products
of these behaviors, namely, words and sentences. The former was taken to be the proper
domain for a functional psychology of language, and the latter, the focus of structural
After An Objective Psychology of Grammar, Kantor published another article on lan-
guage, this on the role of language in logic and science (1938). He returned to the study
of language some thirty years later, when in the 1970s he published four papers under the
authorship “Observer” (1970, 1971a, 1971b, 1976). In those articles he reiterated that
authentic psychological language, consisting of referential and symbolizing behavior,
should be distinguished from the products of these behaviors. His position was subse-
quently outlined in a chapter of his second textbook of general psychology (Kantor &
Smith, 1975). In the same year in an article published in the first issue of the Mexican
Journal of Behavior Analysis, Kantor (1975) labeled his position “psychological linguis-
tics.” The fact that “linguistics” was then, as now, synonymous with the study of words
and sentences did not deter Kantor, nor did the fact that the hybrid term “psycholinguis-
tics” was and still is infused with doctrine antithetical to his approach. Regardless,
Kantor (1977) published his second and final book on language, Psychological Linguistics.
Shortly before his death, Kantor published another series of articles on language. In
them he argued that (1) the confusion between speaking and listening and the products
of these behaviors was due to the disunity in psychology regarding the basic premises of
a natural science of psychology (Kantor, 1981), (2) the use of metaphors in psychology
and language (e.g., the brain conceptualized as a computer) has had a regressive effect on
both disciplines (Observer, 1983a), and (3) the concept of meaning in psychology and
linguistics is misunderstood due to the longstanding confusion between events and con-
structs (Observer, 1983b).
It is clear that Kantor had much to say about language. Over some sixty years he
wrote on every conceivable topic in psychology, maintaining throughout that all psycho-
logical activity can be construed as the observable activities of organisms interacting
with the things, objects, people, and events collectively called the environment. As a
specialized area of study within the field of scientific psychology, language was for Kantor
distinguished only by its complexity and preponderance among human beings.
One of the great ironies in the history of behavior science is that to this day, Kantor’s
writings on language are neither widely acknowledged nor appreciated. There is a notable
exception to this, a review by the esteemed behavior scientist Nate Shoenfeld in 1969 of
Kantor’s (1936) An Objective Psychology of Grammar. Shoenfeld proclaimed the volume a
“stunning” and “historic” book and urged his colleagues and students to study it.
Shoenfeld’s advice went unheeded, yet neither Kantor nor Skinner seemed to mind.
Kantor did not refer to Skinner’s (1957) Verbal Behavior in any of his writings, and
The Scope and Significance of Referential Behavior 75

Skinner, who died in 1990, never referred to Kantor’s (1977) Psychological Linguistics in
any of his writings. It is common knowledge that Skinner’s approach ascended during his
lifetime, while Kantor’s approach languished during his life in relative obscurity (Ghezzi
& Lyons, 1997).
The two approaches to language have since been compared and contrasted in detail
by several accomplished behavior scientists, notably Parrott (1984a, 1987) and Morris
(1982, 1984). This is not the place, however, to repeat or expand on the issues. Suffice it
to say that the similarities between the two approaches are greater than the differences,
and that a synthesis of the two, as the present chapter will show, is both possible and
desirable. We turn now to referential behavior, our main focus.

Referential Behavior in Detail

What laypeople call the topic of conversation, or what is known technically as the refer-
ent, is not the only stimulus to which a speaker (and listener) responds. “At the basis of
referential behavior,” wrote Kantor (1977), “is the psychological process of bistimulation”
(p. 62). The concept of bistimulation recognizes that, in addition to the referent, individ-
ual speakers and listeners themselves are a source of stimulation for referential behavior. In
Kantor’s (1936) example of the wrecked car, imagine a scenario in which a teenage driver
is sobbing and apologizing profusely to his father about what happened to the car, and the
father, in turn, is loudly chastising his son for careless driving. When the boy speaks to his
mother about the accident, in sharp contrast, he is defiant and his mother, demure.
It is clear to see in ourselves and other people that whom we talk to influences what
we talk about and how, when, where, and why we talk about it. Determining the direc-
tion and magnitude of the change in referential behavior as a function of the character-
istics of individual speakers and listeners is a fertile area for research, one that we will
have more to say about later in the chapter.
In addition to bistimulation, Kantor recognized a third factor, setting conditions,
which Bijou (1996) defined as “the general surrounding circumstances that operate as
inhibiting or facilitating conditions in a behavioral unit” (p. 149). Bijou and Baer (1978)
and Bijou (1996) have compiled a fairly comprehensive list of biological, physical, and
sociocultural setting conditions that can influence operant and respondent behavior.
Referential behavior, likewise, can be affected by the biological status of a speaker and
listener (e.g., ill, tired, hungry), the physical environment in which a speaker and listener
interact (e.g., a stadium, church, bedroom), and the sociocultural practices of the group
to which a speaker and listener adhere. As to the latter type of setting event, the imagi-
nary interaction between the teenager and his father involving the car wreck would be
more civilized, presumably, if the two were at a busy restaurant. This type of sociocultural
setting condition would have an inhibiting effect on the interactions between father and
son; after all, it is unacceptable in polite society for a parent to chastise their child in
76 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

The diagram in figure 6.1 depicts a single episode or unit of referential behavior and
interaction with all four factors: speaker, listener, referent, and setting conditions. Note
that the speaker, in Phase 1, initiates an interaction by responding simultaneously to a
listener and a referent. In Phase 2, the listener responds, in turn, to the speaker and to
the speaker’s referent, thereby completing the interaction initiated by the speaker. Note,
too, that the interaction between the speaker and listener occurs under the influence of
setting conditions.

Figure 6.1. A single episode of referential behavior and interaction.

In this figure, the speaker is one person, the listener another. Speakers and listeners
can differ along countless dimensions such as age, gender, race, education, occupation,
avocation, social status, and level of development. The referent may involve all manner
of things, objects, people, pets, relationships, places, events, and activities. It may be real
or imaginary, fact or fiction, present or absent, concrete or abstract, timeless, timeful, or
Referential interactions may be narrative, mediative, or both. In narrative referen-
tial interactions, one person’s referential behavior is coordinated with another person’s
referential behavior, as in casual conversation, the prototype referential interaction. The
content and manner of narrative interactions range widely, to say the least, from the
simple, everyday exchanges between two coworkers over the weather to two heads of
state talking about the growing threat of nuclear annihilation. The sheer volume and
breadth of narrative interactions over a person’s lifetime, in a word, is astounding. It is
hard to imagine a life devoid of narrative interactions. It would be hard to differentiate
Homo sapiens from other species without this fundamentally human proclivity, and
harder still to envision a society in which people never talk and listen to one another
about the things and events that matter to them.
A mediative referential interaction, in contrast to a narrative interaction, occurs
when a speaker’s referential behavior is coordinated with a listener’s nonreferential behav-
ior. There are two major types of mediative interactions, each distinguished by whether
The Scope and Significance of Referential Behavior 77

a speaker’s referential behavior precedes or accompanies a listener’s nonreferential behav-

ior. When a speaker asks or tells a listener to do something such as open a door or pass
the salt and the listener complies, a preceding mediative interaction is identified.2 An
accompanying mediative interaction, by comparison, commonly involves a speaker and
a listener who are each engaged in a nonreferential activity that stimulates one or the
other person to comment on it. Consider the mother who says to her daughter as they
garden together, “You’re doing great!” and the child continues to garden without speak-
ing or gesturing. In addition to identifying this as an accompanying mediative interac-
tion, it may be important, for example, to determine whether or not the mother’s
referential behavior functioned to reinforce more frequent or longer bouts of gardening
with her daughter in the future.
A speaker’s (and listener’s) referential behavior, whether mediative, narrative, or
both, varies in content and style according to each person’s history of learning and
present circumstances. Encompassed in this history and circumstance is the role that
society plays in developing a speaker and a manner of speaking that is at once both con-
ventional and idiolectical. As a matter of living in a group, a person learns, along with
other members, the customs, norms, traditions, values, beliefs, and manners of the group
and, along with other members, learns to speak a common language and to talk to
certain people in certain situations according to convention. It is cultural behavior, in
Kantor’s view (1936, 1982), a mode of action that prominently includes referential behav-
ior between the members of the group on a regular basis and with respect to a common
set of customs, values, and the like. At the same time and also as a matter of living under
conventional circumstances, a person learns to speak in a style or manner that is instantly
recognized by family, friends, associates, and admirers as that person. Speaking is much
like a person’s fingerprints in this regard, absolutely unique, utterly distinctive, and
seldom mistaken for someone else’s.
Before turning to what qualifies as language behavior but not as referential behav-
ior—namely, symbolizing behavior—it will be helpful to take a closer look at the dis-
tinction Kantor drew between the actual behaviors of speaking and listening, on the one
hand, and the products of these behaviors, on the other hand. Understanding Kantor on
this point is vital to understanding his approach to language in general and referential
behavior in particular.

The Trouble with Words

It is customary for psychologists and linguists, in the ancient tradition of philology, to
study language behavior and its development in terms of written words and sentences
and their syntactic and semantic properties. The approach is unproductive, in Kantor’s
view, because it confuses the products of behavior with the behavior itself. Consider the

2 Readers familiar with Skinner’s (1957) Verbal Behavior will recognize the parallel between
“manding” and mediative interactions.
78 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

following chain of events: (1) a language sample of two people talking to each other is
taken, (2) the sample is either transcribed into ordinary words and sentences or trans-
formed into a notational system (e.g., International Phonetic Alphabet; Bloom, 1993), (3)
various counts and calculations are performed on the reconstituted sample, and then,
once the results are in, (4) an account is given as to how and why the two people in the
sample were able to speak and understand what was on each other’s mind. Subjecting the
behavior of two people talking to each other to this type of analysis and then calling it a
psychological analysis is the problem, according to Kantor, and the only way around it is
to replace words and sentences as the unit of analysis with referential behavior and
We turn next to a distinction Kantor drew between referential behavior and symbol-
izing behavior. The symbolic type of language behavior, as with the referential type, is
inherently interactive and fundamentally communicative. However, while the referential
type normally involves verbal-vocal behavior and/or gestures, as in casual conversation,
the symbolic type centers on creating and using symbols. A distinction is therefore made
between two types of language interactions, referential and symbolic, each of which
requires a separate analysis.

Symbolizing Behavior
The symbolizing type of behavior involves a person responding to a stimulus that has
been designed or created to substitute, stand for, or point to something else, either by that
person or by some other person. The behavior of a person with respect to a thing that
denotes some other thing or event, in short, is called symbolizing. Symbols take many
forms—pictures, diagrams, figures, words—and serve many functions—identify, inform,
remind, direct, warn, and so on. The property common to all symbolizing is that there is
a stimulus that, ideally, corresponds unambiguously to a given circumstance and regu-
larly produces the correct or appropriate response(s) to it. Said another way, there is
ordinarily a firm relationship, first, between the symbol and the thing symbolized, and
second, between the symbol and the behavior for which the symbol was created. Consider
the road sign that reads, DANGEROUS CURVE AHEAD. The sign has a fixed rela-
tionship to the condition of the road ahead and, assuming a driver attends to the sign
and is oriented to what it signifies, the behavior of slowing down is virtually
A second example of symbolizing behavior involves the exit sign above a door at a
movie theater. The sign is placed above the door to show people where to leave from
once the show is over and where to go in case of an emergency. A person’s response to
this type of stimulus may be simply orientational, such as noticing the sign upon entering
the theater and taking a seat, or it may entail a more extended response such as noticing
the sign and then leaving the theater through the door under the sign after the movie is
over. Speculating on the origins of this type of symbol, it is conceivable that someone
The Scope and Significance of Referential Behavior 79

actually stood guard at the door to a theater in an earlier era, say, in Shakespeare’s time,
greeting patrons when they arrive to the performance, showing them where to leave from
when they depart and where to go in case of an emergency. The exit sign in a modern
movie theater serves essentially the same function, now unaccompanied by the referen-
tial behavior on which these types of sign are based.
The symbolizing type of language behavior is at least as prevalent, public, conspicu-
ous, and central to life in society as the referential type. The similarity between the two
types ends there, however. With symbolizing behavior, the stimulus-response relation is
linear in operation and rigid in its function; only a narrow range of responses and stimuli
are tolerated by virtue of the function for which they are designed. This differs greatly
from referential behavior, where multiple sources of stimulation arising from speakers,
listeners, referents, and setting conditions do not symbolize, substitute, or stand for any-
thing, and where considerable variation in conventional and idiolectical behavior espe-
cially is allowed and even nurtured.
We turn now to the last section of the chapter on selected advancements in research
on referential behavior. The advancements include (1) the codevelopment of a method
for analyzing referential behavior and a procedure for conducting descriptive and experi-
mental research, (2) research on interventions for remediating deficits in the referential
behavior of young children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and (3) the
results of a longitudinal study on the development of referential behavior in a young child
with autism over the course twenty-five months of intensive behavioral treatment.

Selected Advancements in the Analysis of

Referential Behavior
The development of a method for analyzing referential behavior and interaction, together
with the development of a procedure for conducting research that complimented the
method of analysis, is significant for this one reason: Kantor’s approach to referential
behavior, until then, was long on conceptual analysis and short on research. With a
method of analysis and a procedure for conducting research available for the first time,
the path was clear, as we shall see, to investigate a variety of topics.

Analyzing Referential Behavior and Interaction

Shortly after Kantor’s death, Bijou and his colleagues published two articles describ-
ing a method for analyzing referential behavior (Bijou, Chao, & Ghezzi, 1988; Bijou,
Umbreit, Ghezzi, & Chao, 1986). A third article served as a manual for teaching people
how to code videotapes of research sessions based on the method (Ghezzi, Bijou, &
Chao, 1991).
The method was designed as a direct observation system, suitable for descriptive and
experimental research in any setting involving two people, a speaker and a listener, who
80 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

talk to each other while being filmed for later analysis. The analysis entails two phases.
In the first, trained raters identify, in successive one-minute intervals, (a) the interactions
initiated by the speaker and responded to by the listener, termed “complete interactions,”
and (b) the interactions initiated by the speaker to which the listener did not respond or
responded irrelevantly, termed “incomplete interactions.” This first phase distinguishes
between referential and nonreferential behaviors and interactions, provides details on
the number of complete and incomplete referential interactions initiated by each person
in the dyad, and tracks the continuation or change in the referent(s) over the entire
course of the conversation.
In the second phase of analysis, the experimenter records the duration and modality
(verbal-vocal and/or gestural) of a speaker’s initiation, identifying any accompanying
concurrent and repetitive behaviors, such as “fidgeting,” and determining the referential
content of the initiation. This includes time frame (past, present, future, or no time
frame), actuality (real, imaginary, or a combination of both), and references to persons
(self, listener, others), animals, objects, places, activities, and the like.
The experimenter also identifies the prevailing setting conditions during the second
phase. Three categories—physical, social, and interactional—are used. Research con-
ducted in a small room at an elementary school, for example, would constitute one set of
physical (room) and social (school) setting conditions, while research conducted in a room
of a child’s home would constitute a different set of conditions. The interactional setting,
which refers to situations wherein two people agree to communicate according to some set
format, as in taking turns telling knock-knock jokes or reciting movie lines, may vary over
the course of a conversation, in which case the initiation is classified accordingly.
For each interaction initiated by a speaker, there is a corresponding response by the
listener; thus the listener’s response is also analyzed. The analysis is nearly identical to
the analysis performed on the speaker: the experimenter records the duration of the lis-
tener’s response and classifies it according to modality; notes any concurrent behavior
that may have accompanied the listener’s response to the speaker’s initiation; documents
the referential content of the listener’s response to each initiation; and records whether
the interaction was narrative, mediative, or a combination of the two.
The experimenter also determines whether or not the interaction that immediately
follows the interaction under study was initiated by the same person—the speaker—and
if so, whether it was a continuation of the referent in the preceding interaction (the
speaker stayed on a topic), or whether the referent was changed (the speaker changed the
topic). Alternatively, the listener may change the referent, thereby becoming the speaker,
provided the other person in the dyad responds relevantly to the new referent, in which
case he or she now becomes the listener. The value of these designations is that they
show a person’s tendency to sustain interactions on the same referent, as opposed to
either changing referents frequently or letting the other person in the dyad initiate inter-
actions by introducing their own referents. These designations, incidentally, are aspects
of referential behavior that figure prominently in the section below on teaching referen-
tial behavior.
The Scope and Significance of Referential Behavior 81

The first experimental test of the method (Ghezzi, Bijou, Umbreit, & Chao, 1987)
centered on the well-established finding that a child’s language is altered in response to
the age of the person they are addressing (e.g., Shatz & Gelman, 1973). Ghezzi, Bijou,
Umbreit, and Chao (1987) developed a procedure whereby a preadolescent spoke to
either a six-year-old child, an age-peer, or an adult for ten minutes a day over several suc-
cessive days. The dyad met at the same time each day in a small room with decorated
walls and some furnishings at the elementary school the children attended. A session
began with a brief familiarization period conducted separately for each dyad in which the
individuals were allowed “to look at the camera and television” before taking their seat
on a bean bag chair in front of a video recorder and TV. Once seated, the dyad was told
that they would be watching a short segment of a popular television show and that after
it was over, they could “talk about the segment or anything else.” The experimenter left
the room and returned ten minutes later to end the session.
Both the procedure and the method of analysis exceeded our expectations. The
results confirmed and elaborated on the finding that a child’s language—what is techni-
cally referential behavior—is altered in the presence of people who differ in age. The
preadolescents in the Ghezzi, Bijou, Umbreit, and Chao (1987) study talked for a short
time to a six-year-old child about a large number of referents, yet spoke at length about a
comparatively smaller number of referents to a thirty-year-old adult. As to the referents,
the preadolescents talked mostly about themselves or their family and friends when
speaking to the adult, yet talked most often about the child or the child’s family and
friends with the six-year-old.
The combination of (1) creating a method for analyzing referential behavior and
interaction, (2) developing a procedure that fit the method, and (3) using the method
and procedure to confirm a well-established finding in traditional child language research
was significant. Notable, too, was that it stimulated additional research on the effects of
varying the composition of speakers and listeners in a dyad.
Lyons and Williamson (1988), in a study involving dyads of adults with schizophre-
nia and typical adults talking to one another in a lounge-like room, found that the
average duration of interactions initiated by both typical speakers and those with schizo-
phrenia was longer when the listener had schizophrenia. Speakers with schizophrenia,
compared to typical speakers, initiated interactions of the longest duration regardless of
the listener. Lyons and Williamson also found that typical speakers talked much less
about themselves than the speakers with schizophrenia did, who talked about themselves
almost exclusively and in equal measure with both typical listeners and those with
Chiasson and Hayes (1993) formed dyads of undergraduate first-year students,
undergraduate seniors, and graduate students to investigate how the “social status” of a
member affects one another’s referential behavior and interaction. The first-year students
initiated roughly twice as many interactions when the listener was a fellow first-year
student compared to when the listener was a senior or a graduate student. Chiasson and
Hayes also reported that the average duration of each interaction was longest when the
82 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

first-year students spoke to one another, intermediate when they spoke to a senior, and
shortest when they spoke to a graduate student.
This collection of findings by Ghezzi, Bijou, Umbreit, and Chao (1987), Lyons and
Williamson (1988), and Chiasson and Hayes (1993) shows clearly that a speaker’s refer-
ential behavior is altered by the characteristics of the listener with whom the speaker is
interacting. That this conclusion is drawn from results based on a method and procedure
founded on Kantor’s analysis of referential behavior is sufficient reason to take the
method and procedure in a different direction. The direction Bijou and his colleagues
took was teaching referential behavior to young children with intellectual and develop-
mental disabilities.

Teaching Referential Behavior

In a paper on the development of referential behavior, Bijou (1989) described an
experiment on social skills training by Ghezzi, Bijou, and Chao (1987; Ghezzi & Bijou,
1994). The study involved three elementary school-aged children (ages six to nine) with
mild intellectual delays whom school officials described as unable to carry on a conversa-
tion with their typically developing classmates and who were suffering socially because of
it. The experimenters tested and developed two interventions. One intervention (A)
involved showing a child selected excerpts of videotapes that depicted exemplary and
nonexemplary instances of the child initiating a referential interaction or sustaining a
series of referential interactions while talking to a typical classmate. An adult trainer
taught the target child to eventually identify, without assistance, the exemplary and non-
exemplary instances and to practice socially desirable alternatives.
The second intervention (B) involved teaching a child to initiate and sustain a series
of referential interactions on referents either supplied by an adult trainer (e.g., plan a
party, build a clubhouse) or offered by the child (e.g., favorite sports personalities, toys).
The adult, through role-playing exercises, taught the child to talk about, and elaborate
on, the adult-supplied or child-offered referents. Toward the end of a session, the adult
gave the target child two assignments: (1) to have a conversation with the typically devel-
oping member of the dyad (an age-peer) about the same referent(s) introduced and dis-
cussed during role-playing, and then, right after the upcoming conversation with the
typically developing child was over, (2) to report to the adult on the details of what they
had just talked about.
The effects of both interventions were evaluated during five-minute probe sessions
in which the dyad (the target child and the typically developing peer) was asked to
“have a conversation about anything you like.” For the A intervention, both children in
the dyad were escorted back to their classroom at the end of the session. For the B inter-
vention, the target child stayed with the adult for about fifteen minutes to report the
details of the conversation the child just had with the typically developing member of
the dyad.
The Scope and Significance of Referential Behavior 83

Intervention A produced three main outcomes: (1) an increase in the number of

referential interactions initiated by a target child (i.e., the child started more conversa-
tions with the typically developing peer in the dyad), (2) an increase in the proportion of
the interactions initiated by a target child that either related to or differed from the
referent(s) the child first introduced (i.e., the child either continued talking about a topic
or changed the topic altogether), and (3) an increase in the number of relevant responses
by a target child to the referential interactions initiated by a typically developing peer
(i.e., the child responded relevantly to more of the typically developing child’s initiations,
thereby completing more interactions). In contrast to the first two increases, the third
increase occurred without specific instruction.
Intervention B produced two main outcomes: (1) an increase in the average duration
of a referential interaction initiated by a target child (i.e., the child spoke longer while
starting a conversation, and (2) an increase in the average duration of a target child’s
responses to interactions initiated by the typically developing child in the dyad (i.e., the
child spoke longer in response to the typically developing child’s initiation). This second
outcome occurred without teaching.
The analysis of the details of the referential behavior and interactions within and
across dyads revealed no large or consistent differences between the two interventions.
The children spent roughly half the time talking about each other’s interests, relatives,
friends, and pets, and spent the remaining time talking about themselves, other people,
places, and activities.
The results of this study were significant for several reasons. The two interventions
improved a target child’s referential behavior as a speaker in three ways: the child intro-
duced more referents, talked more about them, and talked about them for longer periods
of time. The interventions also produced two uninstructed improvements in a target
child’s behavior as a listener: the child responded more often, and for longer periods of
time, to the interactions initiated by the typically developing member of a dyad.
That the method for analyzing referential behavior and interaction yielded measures
that were highly sensitive to the effects of the interventions paled in comparison to the
revelation that referential behavior is exceptionally meaningful to the social develop-
ment of a child. It is widely acknowledged that a great many children with (and without)
disabilities have a problem interacting with their age-peers and are socially disadvan-
taged because of it (Guralnick, 2001). It so happens that many of these children differ
from their age-peers in their preference for solitude over companionship (Wang, 2015).
Under prolonged circumstances, a minimal repertoire of desirable social behavior would
develop, as friendships and personal relationships would be difficult to acquire and main-
tain, leading eventually to isolation, loneliness, depression, and, according to some
experts, self-harm and suicidal thoughts (Endo et al., 2017).
More often than not, according to Ghezzi (1999), modifying the social behavior of a
child is a matter of (1) assessing how the child interacts referentially with other children
and adults, (2) intervening on those aspects of the child’s referential behavior that are
deemed deficient, and (3) evaluating the effects of the intervention on the child’s
84 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

referential behavior and interactions with adults and age-peers. It is a familiar process,
one that applied researchers and practitioners alike follow assiduously. What is unfamil-
iar about the process as it pertains to referential behavior is the most important part: how
to measure referential behavior and interaction for purposes of its ongoing assessment,
intervention, and evaluation.
A study by Willmoth, Lewon, Taylor, and Ghezzi (2017) is a recent development in
the analysis of referential behavior that illustrates the process. A five-year-old boy with
autism was nearing the end of nearly two years of early intensive behavioral intervention
(EIBI; Klintwall & Eikeseth, 2014). Informal observations of his referential behavior with
his home-based adult tutor revealed that while he initiated now and then, he seldom
continued to keep initiating on the same referent(s). He would say that he was looking
forward to going to the park this afternoon, for instance, and then, after the adult com-
pleted the interaction (e.g., “That will be fun!”), he would either say nothing more about
the park or would initiate the very next interaction by introducing an entirely new refer-
ent (e.g., “Hot dogs are my favorite food”).
Willmoth et al.’s (2017) study began with the assumption that a “good speaker” con-
tinues to initiate interactions on a referent at a frequency appropriate to the listener,
setting, and circumstance. Following a series of baselines sessions, described below, the
researchers decided that the frequency at which the child continued to initiate interac-
tions on a referent(s) he himself introduced while talking to his tutor was low. The
researchers developed a referential teaching procedure to improve his behavior as a
speaker by increasing the number of times he continued to initiate an interaction with
his tutor on a referent he himself introduced. Recall that the same aim was set for the
young children with intellectual disabilities in the study reported by Ghezzi, Bijou, and
Chao (1987; Ghezzi & Bijou, 1994) and discussed by Bijou (1989), the details of which we
discuss and interpret below as meaningful to the social development of a child. The route
taken with the young child with autism differed from the route taken by the children
with intellectual disabilities, however.
Willmoth et al. (2017) conducted baseline sessions over eleven days for five minutes
each day in a small room in the child’s home. The tutor told the child that they would be
“having a conversation” and that they could “talk about whatever they liked.” The tutor
refrained from taking on the role of speaker by initiating interactions of her own during
baseline, and instead replied to the child’s initiations without elaboration and without
regard to whether or not he continued to talk about the referent(s) he introduced. If the
child remained silent, so, too, did the tutor, until either the child initiated a referential
interaction or the five-minute session timed out.
The procedure followed a changing criterion protocol whereby social praise was con-
tingent on the child’s initiating a series of interactions on a referent he introduced. If the
child started talking about a video game, for example, the tutor would (1) reply to his
initiation (e.g., “Video games are amazing!”) and (2) provide praise (e.g., “What you told
me about playing those games is awesome!”), at first contingent on a relatively smaller
The Scope and Significance of Referential Behavior 85

number of continuations and later, on a comparatively larger number, depending on the

number of continuations recorded the last time he had a conversation with his tutor.

Figure 6.2 Mean number of continued referential interactions by the child as speaker.

The mean numbers of referential interactions continued by the young child per five-
minute session throughout baseline and over twenty-three days of the referential behav-
ior training are shown in figure 6.2. The average remained low during baseline at roughly
four per session, meaning that, on average, the boy continued to initiate about four con-
secutive interactions on a referent he introduced. He exceeded that average across the
first criterion and, for the most part, across each and every one of the five subsequent
increases in the criterion for contingent praise. Near the end of intervention, the child
was initiating roughly eight interactions per session with his tutor on referents he intro-
duced, twice as many as in baseline.
It became apparent that while the child was improving as a speaker, his behavior as
a listener was “poor” in the sense that he seldom continued to talk about a referent intro-
duced by his tutor. The tutor would start talking, for example, about her dog (“My dog
loves to play”), and the child’s typical response was to make a simple statement (e.g.,
“Dogs bark”) or to ask a simple question (“Does your dog bark?”) and leave it at that
without additional follow-up or continued referential behavior relevant to his tutor’s dog
and what she said about it. It was also apparent that the procedure developed to improve
his behavior as a speaker—sustaining a series of interactions on the referent(s) that he
introduced—had no discernable effects on his behavior as a “good listener,” someone
who, presumably, continues to talk about a referent introduced by a speaker at a rate
appropriate to the speaker, setting, and circumstance. The baseline rate of this behavior
86 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

was considered low for this child, which stimulated a procedure designed to increase the
number of times he continued to talk about a referent(s) his tutor introduced.
Baseline sessions were conducted over eight days for five minutes each day in the
same small room in the child’s home. The adult tutor told the child that they would be
having a conversation and that he could talk to her about whatever he liked. The tutor
assumed the role of speaker by initiating interactions with the child on referents that she
selected from a list generated from an informal assessment of his most preferred things
and activities (e.g., games, toys, movie characters, bike riding, baseball). The tutor
refrained from encouraging the boy to continue interacting about her referent(s), and
instead simply introduced a referent (e.g., “Your bike must be fun to ride!”), waited for a
response (e.g., “It is!”) to complete the interaction, and then proceeded either (1) to initi-
ate another interaction on the same referent (in which case the boy continued to talk
about the tutor’s referent), or (2) to initiate a new interaction on a different referent (in
which case the boy did not continue to talk about the tutor’s referent). If the child initi-
ated an interaction by introducing his own referent (e.g., “Do you eat spaghetti?”), the
tutor, now listener, would complete the interaction (e.g., “Yes”) but without encourage-
ment to the child to continue interacting with her on his referent.
The procedure followed a changing criterion protocol, as before, but this time with
praise contingent on the child’s continuing to respond to a referent introduced by his
tutor in her role as speaker. For example, if the tutor started talking about Spiderman
(e.g., “Spiderman is awesome!”), she would continue to initiate interactions about the
character so long as the child continued to give a response that was relevant to the refer-
ent (e.g., “He’s the best!”). When the child met or exceeded the criterion number of
continuations set for the day, the tutor would praise the child and then continue to initi-
ate another interaction on the same referent (e.g., “Thanks, buddy, for talking more to
me about Spiderman! I wonder if his mom and dad know he’s Spiderman.”). This cycle of
events continued throughout each session, provided the child kept giving a response that
was relevant to his tutor’s referent. If his response was irrelevant, if he made no response
at all, or if he responded to his tutor’s referent by introducing a referent of his own (e.g.,
“It’s cold outside”), the tutor would look away from him and wait for a period of roughly
ten seconds of silence to elapse before initiating an interaction on a referent from her list
of his favorite things to talk about.
The mean number of continuations by the young child as a listener throughout base-
line and intervention are shown in figure 6.3. The average decreased from nearly eight
continuations per five-minute session at the start of baseline to about four per session
thereafter. He exceeded that average once intervention began at the first criterion (four
continuations) and, with one exception (Session 25), kept meeting or exceeding the cri-
terion that was set each day for continuing to talk about his tutor’s referent. Near the end
of the intervention, the boy continued to interact with his tutor on her referent about
fourteen times on average, roughly a three-fold increase above baseline.
The Scope and Significance of Referential Behavior 87

Figure 6.3 Mean number of continued referential interactions by the child as listener.

How the combination of initiating interactions on the child’s favorite referents, not
responding to initiations on referents that he himself introduced, and changing the cri-
terion for contingent praise contributed to the results of the Willmoth et al. (2017) study
are questions for further study. The main point is that as far as referential behavior is
concerned, it is entirely possible, and desirable, to assess, teach, and evaluate the effects
of teaching referential behavior as a speaker, a listener, or both.
We turn now to a third and final area of advancement in referential behavior
research involving the development of referential behavior in a young child with autism
over the course of twenty-five months of EIBI.

The Development of Referential Behavior

Bijou (1983, 1989) published two papers on the development of referential behavior
from infancy through the preschool years. He described the typically developing child as
progressing through four stages from infancy to roughly four years of age: (1) preverbal-
vocal communication, (2) primitive referential verbal-vocal interactions, (3) first-approx-
imation referential interactions, and (4) second-approximation referential interactions
and the beginning of symbolizing behavior. The mayor types of behaviors and interac-
tions taking place during these periods would populate each stage, according to Bijou,
and each stage, in turn, would be further marked by its own transition from the previous
stage to the next stage. Later stages of referential behavior would extend through the
early elementary school years and beyond into adulthood and eventually old age.
88 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

The process of developing a repertoire of referential behavior unfolds naturally and

without delay for most young children. For a significant minority of children, however,
the process can be slow or even stopped in its tracks. When it is, parents worry about
delays and deficiencies in the development of their child’s language, communication, and
social behavior. Chronic impairments in these three domains in particular can lead to a
diagnosis of autism and, in turn, to treatments designed to address a child’s deficits in
these same three domains.
Because referential behavior entails all three domains, a child’s social behavior and
functional speech, and perhaps his or her grammatical behavior as well, should develop
markedly as the deficits in the child’s referential behavior are replaced with more appro-
priate or desirable referential interactions with age-peers and adults. It is a working
hypothesis, one that gains support by the results of the studies on teaching referential
behavior reviewed above. It is also a hypothesis that acknowledges the simple yet power-
ful truth that at the end of the day, what a parent of a young child with autism wants
most is to have a conversation with their child (Pituch et al., 2011; Richards, Mossey, &
Robins, 2016).
A. Lewon (2019), in an ongoing longitudinal dissertation study, asked these three
questions: How does a young boy with autism speak to his mother? How does the mother
speak to her son? How do these referential interactions develop over the course of an
EIBI program? Lewon posed these questions at the start of a young boy’s program, which
began shortly after his third birthday and ended just after his fifth birthday, two years
later. The child’s mother, also a wife and homemaker, reported at intake that her and her
husband’s first priority was to communicate and be more socially engaged with their son.
Once a month for twenty-five consecutive months, an adult assistant arrived at the
family home to videotape a five-minute conversation between the mother and her son
while they were seated on a couch in the family living room. The assistant instructed the
child and his mother “to stay seated for the next five minutes and have a conversation
about anything you like.” The assistant left the room and returned five minutes later to
end the session.
There were no formal contingencies in effect at any time during the videotaped ses-
sions that related either to the mother or her son, nor were there ever any procedures in
place over the course of the child’s EIBI program that isolated referential behavior as a
treatment target. The videotape sessions, then, were probes designed to track the devel-
opment of the child’s referential behavior for the duration of his intensive intervention
program for autism.
The top panel in figure 6.4 displays two data streams, one representing the frequency
of complete referential interactions initiated by the child’s mother (open squares) and the
second, the frequency of complete referential interactions initiated by the child (closed
squares). What constitutes a complete interaction, to reiterate, is a relevant response by
a listener to a referent introduced by a speaker, and what constitutes a speaker is the one
who initiates, or continues to initiate, an interaction on a referent that they introduced.
The Scope and Significance of Referential Behavior 89

During the early months of intervention, as the top panel in figure 6.4 shows, the
mother was far more likely to initiate a referential interaction with her son than her son
was to initiate an interaction with her. Said another way, the mother had plenty to say to
her son, but he had nothing to say to her as a speaker. This imbalance changed gradually
but steadily over the course of treatment, culminating at eighteen months in a fairly even
mix of interactions initiated by the child and his mother. Proportionately, the child initi-
ated about 52% of the interactions with his mother during the last three months of
intervention, compared to roughly 26% during the first three months of intervention.

Figure 6.4 Frequency of complete interactions (top panel) and incomplete interactions
(bottom panel) initiated by the mother and child as speakers in each monthly sample.

The bottom panel in figure 6.4 contains two data streams spanning the same twenty-
five consecutive months of the mother and child’s interactions. One data stream shows
90 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

the frequency of incomplete referential interactions initiated by the mother (open squares),
and the second stream shows the frequency of incomplete interactions initiated by her son
(closed squares). The mother’s data show that over the first seven months of treatment,
she initiated between fourteen and twenty-four referential interactions each monthly
session to which her son either did not respond or responded irrelevantly. The mother, in
other words, had plenty to say to her son, yet he had nothing to say back to her as a lis-
tener. The number of these incomplete interactions fell steadily over the course of inter-
vention to near-zero levels by the end of intervention.
The child’s data in the bottom panel of figure 6.4 show that the number of referential
interactions he initiated that his mother failed to complete, either by not responding or
by responding irrelevantly to her son’s referent(s), remained at near-zero levels through-
out the study. The mother completed all but a few interactions initiated by her son over
the entire course of treatment, as might be expected of any parent who wants their child
to talk to them. The contrast between the child and his mother on this measure is strik-
ing at first, given how many more interactions she initiated that he failed to complete
compared to the number he initiated that she failed to complete. The child improved
greatly in this regard such that by eighteen months into intervention and for the final
seven months of intervention, he completed most if not all of the referential interactions
initiated by his mother.
These positive developments in the child’s referential behavior occurred without any
direct or specific instruction. They were emergent effects, in other words, clearly the
result of the cumulative effects of over two years of EIBI, and yet just as clearly a result
that is impossible to attribute to any one aspect of the intervention. The child with
autism in the Willmoth et al. (2017) study, on the other hand, also received over two
years of EIBI and yet his referential behavior was poor by comparison and did not
“emerge” for the better until a program was implemented near the end of intervention to
improve his performance as a speaker and a listener. Accounting for differences of this
sort in the context of the aims and values of EIBI constitutes a potentially lively area for

Implications and Future Directions

At the start of this chapter I made the claim that referential behavior is understudied. It
is, in fact, woefully understudied in comparison with the scope and significance attached
to it. One speculation is that the analysis of referential behavior in Kantor’s time was
entirely conceptual and that a clearly identified unit of behavior and the numerical mea-
sures pertaining to it was unavailable (Ghezzi, 1999). That has changed, and now there
is a functional unit of analysis for referential behavior with standard measures of count
and time attached to it. The frequency with which a speaker initiates a complete referen-
tial interaction, and the time the listener spends responding to the speaker’s initiation, is
one example of two metrics available to researchers within a single referential interaction.
The Scope and Significance of Referential Behavior 91

In a nutshell, the methods and measures described here open a door to countless experi-
mental and descriptive studies on the development of referential behavior from infancy
to old age.
In keeping with the theme of this book and the need, in my view, to introduce new
and alternative procedures for enhancing the social competence of young children with
developmental disabilities, we shall keep mostly to applied matters of this sort.
How the analysis of referential behavior might inform the techniques of contingency
management, and vice versa, is an area that deserves close attention. The use of contin-
gent praise enabled the young child with autism in the Willmoth et al. (2017) study both
to initiate a greater number of complete interactions as a speaker and to continue inter-
acting with his tutor as a listener. It is a fine example of what is possible when episodes
of referential behavior and interaction are treated as units to which contingent conse-
quences can be applied as a means to develop or refine a repertoire as a speaker, a lis-
tener, or both.
The tradition in applied behavior analysis is not just to demonstrate a reliable change
in behavior but to show a socially relevant and personally meaningful change as well.
Social validity, in other words, is a value to which behavior analysts have long adhered
(Wolf, 1978). As this pertains to modifying referential behavior, it is presently unknown
whether or not a change in a child’s referential behavior is related to a change in that
child’s status as a friend or playmate, for instance, or whether or not the child or the
child’s parent would regard the change in referential behavior as socially significant or
personally desirable. Improvements in a child’s social competence may be assessed by
means of peer nomination and rating scales (e.g., Ghezzi, Robles, & Bijou, 1992), by
asking a child’s parent or the child themself to rate their level of satisfaction with the
change in behavior (e.g., Hood, Luczynski, & Mitteer, 2017), or by asking total strangers
to judge the social appropriateness of a child’s behavior (e.g., Peters & Thompson, 2015).
One possible variable in this regard centers on the two cases of teaching referential
behavior described above. The instructors decided to increase the number of interactions
the child initiated to his tutor as a speaker in the Willmoth et al. (2017) study, and once
that was achieved, the instructors increased the frequency of his continuations as a lis-
tener to his tutor’s initiations. It seems self-evident that a person who strikes an even
balance between initiating referential interactions and responding to the initiations of
the other person in a dyad would be judged as a “good speaker” and a “good listener,”
respectively. This may near the mark, or not, but in any case it seems to be a fruitful area
for research, one that could provide practitioners with guidelines on the characteristics
of referential behavior and interaction that facilitate making and maintaining friend-
ships, for instance, or that foster a child’s popularity among age-peers.
How referential behavior develops over the lifespan is another area ripe for research
and full of applied significance. Bijou (1983; 1989) provides the framework for exploring
the conditions under which an infant moves from gestures and babbling to holophrastic
speech and the beginnings of referential behavior. The stages Bijou outlines may be
useful guideposts for a young child’s social development especially, and may be useful as
92 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

well to people in the field of early intervention who work closely with parents to identify
and ameliorate deficits in the initial development of a child’s language behavior before
problems arise at later stages.
One last direction for the future pertains to the aims and values of EIBI. Most young
children develop an adequate repertoire of referential behavior and enjoy interacting
with their peers, siblings, parents, and other adults throughout childhood, adolescence,
and adulthood. Other young children fall below this trajectory, but the child with autism
falls farther below most. For this child, as well as for the child’s parents, referential behav-
ior can be considered the applied endpoint (Pituch et al., 2011). If this is anywhere near
the mark, then establishing a treatment environment that effectively teaches the referen-
tial behaviors necessary for a child to become a competent speaker and listener at home,
in school, and out in the community could be the key to a successful outcome.

The study of referential behavior was inspired by the many writings of J. R. Kantor, the
founder of interbehaviorism. In lay terms, referential behavior refers to two people talking
to each other about something. Research has shown that referential behavior is estab-
lished at a very young age in children, and then expands greatly over the course of an
individual’s interaction with their verbal community. In fact, the repertoire is at the
heart of many aspects of personal and professional life. This chapter identified the differ-
ent types of referential interaction, including mediative and narrative, and provided
examples of each. A number of studies have analyzed children’s referential interactions,
results of which demonstrate the important role of referential behavior in social
The Scope and Significance of Referential Behavior 93

Study Questions
1. Describe referential behavior.

2. Distinguish between the referor and the referee with an example.

3. What is “bistimulation”? Explain with an example.

4. Describe two setting conditions that could influence the occurrence of

referential behavior.

5. What is a narrative referential interaction?

6. What is a mediative referential interaction?

7. What is the problem with studying sentences and words as a means of

understanding language in behavioral perspective?

8. What is symbolizing behavior?

9. What is the main difference between referential and symbolic


10. What is the general finding of the series of studies by Ghezzi, Bijou,
Umbreit, and Chao (1987), Lyons and Williamson (1988), and Chiasson
and Hayes (1993)?

11. Why is referential behavior a socially significant target behavior?

12. What are the results of the longitudinal study by Lewon described in
the chapter?

Human Behavior Is Referential Behavior

Emilio Ribes-Iñesta
University of Veracruz

Link and Preview

The previous chapter provided an overview of both referential behavior and symbolic
behavior, and in particular described the clinical implications of work in this area. The
current chapter continues with the very general topic of referential behavior but addresses
the topic of language in science more generally. This includes a discussion of terms within
psychology and applied behavior analysis specifically. This chapter will be of particular
interest to those who are interested in delving further into theoretical issues pertaining to
the topic of language in science.

“Language” and “behavior” are not technical terms, although they may be used techni-
cally for given purposes. This is one of the reasons why confusion often arises in psychol-
ogy. Indeed, when people talk about “psychological” terms, they often think they are
talking about the same things because they are using the same words, but this is often
not the case. Words in ordinary language are multisensical; that is, they are used in dif-
ferent senses in different situations and contexts. Ryle (1949; 1962) pointed out that
oftentimes people suppose that they are sustaining a dialogue about a common issue
when, actually, two simultaneous monologues about different issues are taking place. In
ordinary language words do not have a specific and constant referent or correspondence
with things. However, in technical languages some words have specific uses regarding
only some things. Clearly that is an important distinction between ordinary language
and the technical language of the sciences.
“Language” and “behavior” are also not univocal terms, even in the scientific
domains of linguistics and psychology. I will try to delimit the ways in which these terms
will be used from now on. “Language,” as a term, always has to do, directly or indirectly,
with the social practice of human beings. In fact, “language” is the only term inherently
reflexive; we can talk about language in language or through language. Language origi-
nated with human society, that is, with the organized division of labor and appropriation
of goods and mutual services between individuals (Ribes, 2001). This explains why com-
munication in some animal species does not constitute true language, and why it is
Human Behavior Is Referential Behavior95

absurd to postulate “private” languages of different sorts. Language emerged as conven-

tional practice and cannot be conceived as an individual product or process. On the
contrary, as I shall argue later, human individuals become differentiated from one
another, not by language, but in language. Language is not external to human life and
practice; it is not a means for relations among individuals, but the medium itself in which
human practice and social relations take place and, therefore, are sensical or
Language and social human practice are one and the same thing and are intrinsi-
cally interlocked. No human society without language is known. In this sense, language
is not only talking and so forth, but as Ludwig Wittgenstein (1953, p. 19) pointed out, “to
imagine a language means to imagine a form of life.” Any social form of life as language
embraces a diversity of activities, relations, products, and dispositions. It would be impos-
sible to set a single frame to classify them. Nevertheless, following J. R. Kantor (1936,
1977), a useful first step may consist of distinguishing “alive” from “dead” language, that
is, distinguishing between language taking place as acts from the vestiges of those acts.

On Human Behavior as “Language”

“Dead” language is related to the vestiges and products from actual practice, as are
recordings of all sorts: marks, drawings and pictures, inscriptions, writings, books, codex,
tapes, and so forth. Dead language products are not equivalent to the practices from
which they resulted, nor are they an outcome of these practices, although sometimes
dead language products may provide clues from which to infer part of the conditions
prevailing when actual practices took place. Nevertheless, in the same manner by which
words and expressions do not correspond to things or events, linguistic vestiges should
never be confounded with the actual practices that gave rise to them. By contrast, “alive”
language always consists in part of a social practice involving more than one individ-
ual—a practice articulated with the multiplicity of interindividual relations occurring in
society. The relations so involved do not necessarily have to be simultaneous in time and
place, especially when some type of graphing or writing is involved.
In behavioral psychology, language has been considered a special type of operant
behavior (Skinner, 1938, 1957) and has been equated with so-called verbal behavior (also
see chapters 3 and 4). However, this is a conceptual mistake and leads to confusion.
Verbal behavior deals with speech—that is, with orally emitted language—and, although
it is in some sense the dominant modality of language practices, it is not the only one nor
the most important in all occasions. Because of this, the term “linguistic behavior” will
be used to refer to any kind of individual language activity, and “verbal” will be restricted
to speech. Alive language is the underlying practice of social relations between individu-
als and involves different modes or modalities of occurrence as behavior. These modes
can be identified as active modes or reactive modes, although they usually take place
simultaneously, not only between individuals but also with a single person. Some active
96 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

and reactive modes involve inseparable pairs, whereas some active modes usually occur
together as functional patterns.
The active modes are gesturing, speaking, and writing, while the reactive modes are
observing (not looking), listening (not hearing), and reading (not texting). It is obvious
that gesturing-observing, speaking-listening, and writing-reading are complementary
pairs, and that normally they occur at the same time with a single individual and in other
individuals in relation: gestures are observed (sometimes as proprioceptive observation),
speech is listened to, and writing is read. These relations are synchronic and most of the
time we are not aware of them, but as developmental studies show (King & Quigley,
1985; Marschark, 1993; Marschark, Mourandian, & Halas, 1994), children with impaired
vision and/or hearing are seriously affected in learning to speak and in conventional
social gesturing (and reading). Individuals who do not read are unable to write, even if
they copy letters or words. On the other hand, when individuals interact with others,
active modes of linguistic behavior do not occur in isolation of each other. While speak-
ing and reading we gesture, and while writing we speak “silently” or loudly in the form of
reading. Not only do linguistic modes not occur in isolation, but they are always part of
an act or activity by the individual in a given circumstance, in such a way that they are
patterned as components of situational interactions.
Linguistic behavior, in this perspective, includes aggregate behavior patterns of the
individual as part of a social practice, even though some components of the patterns do
not look linguistic given their morphology. Behavioral response systems include biologi-
cal, natural reactions and actions that are common to all individuals as members of the
human species. In fact, psychological behavior consists of the development of new func-
tions and organization of biological response systems (Kuo, 1967) as a result of the inter-
action of the individual with different kinds of environmental contingencies related to
objects, events, and other individuals. But human beings, in addition to their biological
responses systems, develop novel kinds of responding derived from them, arbitrary in
their morphology. These novel response systems are, precisely, linguistic response
systems. Arbitrariness in morphology means that, from a biological point of view, there
is no necessary relation between the form of the responses and the physical and chemical
circumstances in which they occur. However, the arbitrariness in form does not mean
arbitrariness in function. On the contrary, to the extent that linguistic response systems
are conventional and shared in nature, their functions are delimited and established by
social practice. Social practices constitute the rules “governing” language functions.
Grammar came after writing as a formal description of language uses and functions.
These functions always involve and entail necessarily social relations with other indi-
viduals articulated with objects and events in the environment.
Given their conventional nature and arbitrariness in form, linguistic response
systems, in contrast to purely biological ones, are detachable from the original conditions
in which they are (were) first emitted or “learned.” This feature of linguistic response
systems allows individuals not only to act in similar ways in different situations, but also
to respond “in the absence” of the circumstances (individuals, objects, and events
Human Behavior Is Referential Behavior97

included) in which linguistic behavior once took place. Given this detachability of lin-
guistic behavior systems, human beings may relate to past and future times, different
places, absent persons or objects, and “constructed” conventional objects (concepts,
myths, nonexistent beings, and so forth). It is also possible to relate to the linguistic
behavior of absent individuals, both as alive and as dead language.
In the history of humankind, and in individual human development, the first modes
of language were (are) gesturing and speaking, with writing being the last one to appear
(6,500 years ago and when children are taught to read and write). With the advent of
writing, words were created as transcriptions of the articulated sounds when speaking.
Words do not represent objects or events. Words represent articulated speech sounds,
and words, as grammatical units, did not exist before writing. Like speech itself, words, as
graphic representation of speech, are a human construction. Because of this, the advent
of writing also represented the existence of linguistic (conventional) objects in the form
of words, pictograms, hieroglyphics, and so forth. These linguistic objects coexist with
“natural” objects and with artifacts constructed by means of crafts and technology.
Writing, as patterning of stimulus objects and conditions, fills spatial and temporal gaps
in the relations between individuals under common circumstances (personal interac-
tions). Writing also consists of complex linguistic stimulus objects in different modes of
knowing (ordinary, scientific, artistic, formal, religious, technological, and others), with
which individuals may interact in different places and time (impersonal interactions).

Although what we have identified as reactive modes of language (observing, listen-
ing, and reading) have been usually related to understanding, this is not an accurate
interpretation. Understanding is not a different “process” or moment from speaking and
writing. The separation of understanding from the active modes of language is a mistake
that leads, most of the time, to the assumption that understanding is a special kind of
covert (not implicit) behavior, usually consisting of some sort of self-speaking or self-
observing, as in introspection (e.g., Schlinger, 2008). Actually, understanding always
involves “overt” behavior, both linguistic and nonlinguistic in form. Understanding
entails completing an episode, in concordance with a social convention. Understanding
is nothing other than a shared social practice by at least two individuals. Linguistic
behavior always occurs in episodic situations, involving at least two individuals, although
on occasion an individual may perform two different functional roles, as in a soliloquy.
In this last case, it would be absurd to predicate some sort of “self-understanding.”
Language, given its inseparability of social practice, wraps all human relations and
interactions. It is the medium in which all human behavior takes place. Extending
Kantor’s (1924, 1926) concept of contact medium, we could say that language, articulat-
ing social institutional practices as interindividual relations, is the contact medium
exclusive of human behavior, a conventional contact medium. Wittgenstein (1980, p. 678)
emphasized this binding between language and human life when saying “We’re used to a
98 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

particular classification of things. With language, or languages, it has become second

nature to us.”
Linguistic behavior (as equivalent to human behavior) is conventional in nature
(Ribes, 1993, 2006a) and, to that extent, always takes place in concordance with those
participating in any interaction or relation. Concordance, inherent to convention, pre-
supposes understanding. Nobody speaks, gesticulates, or writes attempting to be under-
stood, but actually does so because they are always understood. When a person speaks,
gestures, or writes to another person, they are sure, beforehand, that it is being under-
stood. Otherwise, people would probe all the time before contacting others. In fact,
“understanding” is used in ordinary language practices only when, by special reasons,
individuals show inappropriate behavior in relation to what is being indicated, spoken, or
written to or for them. Philosophers and psychologists, who have created or followed the
myth of the “cognitive” individual as the origin of knowledge and language, are respon-
sible for raising the false problem of understanding.

Behavior and Conduct

In addition to understanding, a second important concept to be examined is that
related to behavior. “Behavior” and “conduct” are neither technical terms nor exclusive
of psychological descriptions or attributions. These terms are used in everyday language,
and in Romance languages, these words (e.g., comportamiento and conducta in Spanish)
derive from the Latin words comportare and conducere, meaning “what is brought with,”
and “to lead together,” respectively). These terms are ordinary terms, employed not only
in reference to the doings of people, but also to changes related to direction in inanimate
objects or events. Disciplines other than psychology also employ the term “behavior” to
describe changes in conditions of particles, physical bodies, electricity, molecules, cells,
groups, institutions, markets, polls, movement, temperature, pressure, direction, and
many others depending on the subject matter under scrutiny. “Behavior” and “conduct”
are generic terms that apply not only to movements of organisms, but to changes in the
activity or conditions of a diversity of “entities” or things. In the case of psychology,
behaviorism (Watson, 1913) naturalized the term to define its subject matter (or at least
an index of it). Nevertheless, “behavior” has no single meaning within behaviorism.
Kitchener (1977) identified a diversity of definitions of behavior among the various
behavioristic formulations, pointing to different conceptual subject matters despite using
the same term. This is not a surprising situation, since words and concepts are not the
same. Words are the morphological units composing the lexicon of a natural language,
while concepts are the functions that exert words. The same word may have different
conceptual meanings, that is, pertain to different conceptual frames, and at the same
time different words may be conceptually similar. Ribes (2004a) stressed that the term
“behavior” is not a neutral, descriptive, or ostensive term corresponding to or denoting
“psychological” events or phenomena. Rather, as used in psychology, the term is an
abstraction related to different ordinary uses of the word and other akin terms that show
Human Behavior Is Referential Behavior99

“family resemblance” (Wittgenstein, 1953) according to some explicit or implicit crite-

rion. Although, as noted above, other disciplines use the term “behavior” in their descrip-
tions, only in psychology is “behavior” considered a term indigenous to its subject matter,
without the necessary conceptual awareness that this is not the case.
Kantor (1963) called attention to the fact that “behavior” is a term used by different
disciplines, and that psychology adopted it from biology through the conceptual tradition
of reflex physiology. Kantor was especially critical about the organocentric conception of
behavior, as an activity flowing from the organism, either as reaction (provoked or “elic-
ited”) or as action (emitted). To get away from this reductionist conception, he proposed
to distinguish between biological and psychological behaviors, and afterward, these two
from cultural or institutional behavior. Psychological behavior consists of functional con-
tacts involving an acting/reacting individual and the stimulus properties of objects and
events in the environment, including other individuals and, in some cases, the same
individual interacting with their own linguistic behavior. Psychological behavior is not
movement, or actions, but functional relations between individuals and particular objects
(sometimes other individuals).
Nevertheless, psychological behavior is always to be viewed from the standpoint of
the individual and not from the stimulus object or event, especially when this is another
individual also behaving. The analysis of relations between individuals, as a functional
unit, pertains to the domain of social science. Interindividual relations constitute insti-
tutional behavior and may be approached as a multidisciplinary enterprise between social
science and psychology (Ribes, Pulido, Rangel, & Sánchez-Gatell, 2016). Psychological
behavior takes place only as individually framed or oriented episodic components forming
part of ecological (survival) or social (living together, coexistence) relations. There are
no autonomous psychological contacts, foreign to ecological and conventional media.
Psychological contacts constitute a special set of relations between individuals showing
differentiated reactional systems and particular stimulus objects and/or other individuals.
However, only some of these relations between individuals and stimulus objects and
other individuals qualify as psychological, always being components of ecological or
social relations. Psychological behavior is concerned only with those relations that can
be identified from the perspective of the individual, and not from the stimulus objects or
as a two-component indivisible relation.
Psychological relations, not surprisingly, usually correspond to those ordinary lan-
guage practices including or consisting of “mental” terms and expressions. “Mental”
terms and expressions do not occur in isolation. They are always part of social episodes,
in which terms characterize the circumstances of the individual acts in reference to other
individuals, objects, and events. “Mental” terms do not describe, denote, or refer to
special activities taking place “inside” the individual. The so-called mental terms and
expressions are constitutive of the social practice and are part of the circumstances that
constitute the episode in which they take place. Psychological behavior always consists of
an episodic relation in ordinary language (Ryle, 1949); it involves episodes in which an
individual may be characterized, by himself and others, as remembering, learning, feeling,
100 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

perceiving, and so on. These references are relative not to something happening in the
individual, but to something taking place between the individual and other individuals,
objects, or events as the circumstances of the relation. This is why psychological behavior
may be considered as a collection of episodic segments of ordinary language practices
(Wittgenstein, 1969). These segments are part of the referential nature of ordinary lan-
guage. Reference means that when talking we always talk about something (i.e., the talk
is referring to a thing but is distinct from that thing itself) to somebody (and in special
circumstances to ourselves). Speaking (and obviously gesturing and writing) is not a
mere denotative or descriptive accompaniment to the reactions and actions taking place
when individuals behave. As an accompaniment, language would be dispensable or
Human behavior is functional because it is integrated with language, even in its reac-
tive modes. Because of this, psychological “language” should be understood as language
about the individual circumstances involved in social episodes, and nothing else, irrespec-
tive of the fact that this talking about the individual-in-relation is in singular first, second,
or third person (I, you, or they). For example, when “remembering” talk occurs, remem-
bering consists of the relations taking place in the episode. Remembering talk is not an
index, description, or “reference” of something taking place in the individual. Remembering
talk is what remembering is about. The same can be said of any “mental” term or expres-
sion corresponding to psychological phenomena in ordinary language practices.
However, if psychological behavior is inherent in social relations between individuals
taking place in ordinary language practices, does this mean that psychological behavior
is exclusive of human behavior and cannot be attributed to certain animal species?
Usually, in daily life, we speak about psychological reactions or acts in those animals that
are domesticated or deprived of their natural environment (e.g., zoos, circuses), animals
with which we have continuous or intermittent contact under socially established cir-
cumstances. We attribute emotions and intentions to our pets, but we do not do so with
unknown, unfamiliar animals or with those pertaining to invertebrate phyla, such as
insects, arthropods, and echinoderms. Regardless of the daily life extension of psycho-
logical attributes to animals, it is only recently that the terms “mental” and “psychologi-
cal” became part of ordinary language practices, mostly as an effect of the social influence
of the psychiatric and psychological professions. In past centuries, “mind” and “mental”
were not ordinary terms. Even more, psychology, as a discipline born at the beginning of
the last century, became concerned with animal “mind” processes, as an influence of the
concepts advanced by Charles Darwin (1974) and John Romanes (1888), in tracing back
the conduct of mankind to the evolution of species. Something similar occurred with the
incorporation of terms such as “physical,” “chemical,” and “biological” by ordinary lan-
guage practices. These terms label special technical languages that are based on the ref-
erential functions of ordinary language but have different purposes. The distinct domains
of science do not deal with concrete objects and situations but with general properties
abstracted from them. Scientific terms and concepts are concerned with properties and
relations, not with things and particular events.
Human Behavior Is Referential Behavior101

Nevertheless, the case of psychology is distinct. Wittgenstein (1953) commented

that psychology involved experimental methods and conceptual confusion, pointing to
the fact that psychologists have incorrectly identified ordinary “psychological” terms
with alleged univocal references, in the form of reports and descriptions of events or
experiences supposed to occur within individuals. In contrast to other sciences, psychol-
ogy has assumed that terms used in ordinary language, such as “perception,” “feeling,”
“sensation,” “memory,” “thinking,” “imagination,” and similar ones, constitute reliable
references to actual kinds of experiences, activities, or events taking place “in” or “by” the
individual. As a sequel to this historical condition, psychology borrowed technical terms
from other disciplines to become “scientific,” while attempting, without fortune, to
provide a technical status to ordinary language terms by means of operational definitions
and constructed validity tactics. Conditioning theory, theories of cognition based on
information and computer models, and psychometric theories are prominent examples of
this historical tendency.
Although J. R. Kantor (1924, 1926) formulated a logical model specific for psycho-
logical phenomena, he did not advance any theoretical concepts to construct a technical
language beyond the terms of ordinary language. In order to construct a scientific theory,
it is not sufficient to provide functional interpretations of ordinary language terms.
Functional analysis of language is not equivalent to an abstract theory of the psychologi-
cal phenomena inherent in ordinary “mental” terms and expressions. A scientific theory
requires a technical language, denotative in nature, in which terms and expressions have
univocal meanings and correspond to abstracted properties, dimensions, and relations of
concrete objects and events. Nevertheless, such abstract terms do not refer to particular
concrete instances. Facts and events (Hanson, 1958) are always “constructed” by abstrac-
tion of those events, objects, and conditions dealt with in the daily practice of ordinary
language. To the extent that abstract technical concepts do not refer to particular events
or objects, they cannot be used as ostensive or descriptive terms in natural sceneries in
daily life. The functional grammar of abstract theoretical concepts is not the same as the
diverse grammars framing the sense of terms in ordinary language, and it would be a
serious logical mistake to establish or assume direct correspondences between them.
Scientific language is denotative, whereas ordinary language is referential. It is hard to
imagine a language in which talking consists of naming and describing objects or events.
Paradoxically, in spite of its denotative function, nothing socially meaningful for living
together would be said to others. Naming and describing are not essential dimensions in
social communication.

Field Theory and Interdisciplinary Extensions

J. R. Kantor (1924, 1926) formulated a field model for the scientific analysis of psy-
chological behavior. His fundamental conception of the field construct involved the
identification of functional contacts between the individual and particular stimulus
objects or events, made possible by a contact medium and promoted by setting factors in
102 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

the situation and the individual interactive history. Explanation of psychological behav-
ior was conceived as the description and systematic analysis of the interdependent rela-
tions established between the components of the psychological field. Nevertheless, the
field system was not developed in order to abstract and identify different classes or types
of functional contacts (Ribes, 2018), probably because Kantor’s efforts were devoted to a
theory about psychology and not to a theory in psychology.
Rather, the conceptual frame was used to examine ordinary psychological terms as
if they corresponded univocally to different classes of psychological fields. In the best of
cases, such analysis provided a functional interpretation of ordinary language terms, but
it fell short of satisfying the requirements of a theoretical technical language. Ordinary
terms may be incorporated by the technical language of an abstract theory, but only
when they are provided with a univocal sense, under the logical frame of the theory.
Otherwise, the use of ordinary terms leads to misunderstandings and confusion. As men-
tioned earlier, psychological terms are not “references” to anything else. They are part of
the individual episodes that constitute psychological phenomena, and, therefore, it is
absurd to consider them as a special sort of self-denotative terms with “explanatory”
functions. In the same way, these terms, by themselves, isolated from the circumstances
in which they occur as part of ordinary language practices, do not represent legitimate
problems to be addressed by a scientific theory. Ordinary terms and expressions are mul-
tisensical, depending on their meaning or sense from the context in which they take
place or are “used.” This is why they cannot be directly translated to or from denotative
abstract terms. Abstract denotative terms may show a logical coverage including a diver-
sity of ordinary terms, and conversely, a single ordinary term may be analyzed from the
perspective of different denotative terms.

Logical Functions of a Psychological Theory

I have proposed that a balanced theory in psychology should include four types of
logical categories (Ribes, 2003): taxonomic, operational, measurement, and representa-
tional. Taxonomic categories cover the abstracted empirical domain to be considered as
facts and their properties. Operational categories are related to the observational and
experimental preparations, methods, procedures, and techniques through which facts
and their properties are set to occur, be manipulated, and be recorded, among other
operations. Measurement categories deal with the way in which recorded facts, as
events and properties meaningful for the theory, are transformed into data, and there-
fore—in evidence of the functional relations—implicitly assumed by taxonomic catego-
ries. Finally, representational categories consist of the more or less formal schemas in
which general functional relations are “pictured” and structurally organized. Below I will
elaborate on taxonomic categories specifically.
Taxonomic categories, to the extent that they delimit the empirical domain to be
studied, are the first step in the development of a scientific theory. Taxonomic categories
frame the facts to be accounted for in terms of processes and states. Kantor (1958)
Human Behavior Is Referential Behavior103

formulated a subject matter for psychology and the logical model to address its study.
This logical model consists of a field analysis of functional contacts, made possible by a
contact medium and facilitated or interfered with by situational and historic setting
factors. However, Kantor did not take further steps to formulate a theory of psychological
behavior. To fill this initial conceptual gap, I have proposed a taxonomy consisting of five
different functional contacts in a field involving interdependent contingencies between
the individual’s behavior patterns and the properties and dimensions of stimulus objects
(Ribes, 1997, 2018). This functional classification is based upon two central concepts:
mediation, in terms of the component articulating the field organization, and detach-
ment, referring to the progressive functional independence of properties present in the
situation in which the contact takes place. The taxonomy covers five types of functional
contact, two of which are exclusive to human beings but at the same time build upon the
rest of the contacts that are shared with other animal species. The five types of contacts
are coupling, alteration, comparison, extension, and transformation of contingencies
(see Ribes, 2018) and are analyzed in terms of molar measures describing directionality,
variation, preference, vigor, and persistence. Special operations and experimental prepa-
rations have been gradually developed for their experimental study.

Dealing with Natural and Social Settings

In the same way that ordinary psychological terms and concepts cannot be directly
related to abstract denotative terms, the latter cannot be directly applied to describe
psychological behavior in natural and social settings, or to the complementary analysis
required by multidisciplinary intersections, especially with biology and social science.
The “application” of scientific findings demands an adaptation of the theoretical knowl-
edge describing abstracted conditions in the form of a technical language formulated to
cope with particular conditions characterizing specific situations in natural and social
settings. The application of scientific knowledge always entails the empirical findings
framed under the concepts and categories of a theory.
Theories in science do not deal with particular situations or concrete events. In
contrast, application of scientific knowledge has to do with particular situations, actual
individuals, and specific social criteria about the goals, effects, or outcomes of such appli-
cation. Applications of science always deal with interdisciplinary fields, which consist of
special professional domains designed to solve socially important problems and promote
the achievement of institutional goals. Examples of interdisciplinary fields are medicine
and other health professions, administration and finance, education-related professions,
and a wide variety of engineering fields. Interdisciplinary fields delimit the boundaries
and characteristics of the contributions to be made by different sciences, technologies,
artistic disciplines, and traditional practices. All those contributions must touch upon
the different dimensions of the problems to be solved or the goals to be achieved.
Contributing disciplines must adapt their knowledge to the demands, requirements, and
criteria of the interdisciplinary fields, or, in exceptional cases, provide arguments and
104 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

procedures to modify the ways in which they are conceived. Consequently, scientific
disciplines do not “apply” straightforward knowledge and techniques when participating
in an interdisciplinary field or enterprise.
So-called applied behavior analysis (ABA; Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968) arose as a
direct application of the principles of operant conditioning (equated with the experimen-
tal analysis of behavior) to social problems in natural settings. The field of ABA included,
in its beginnings, the behavior of patients with mental illness (Ayllon & Azrin, 1968;
Lindsley, 1960), children with developmental disabilities (Azrin & Foxx, 1971), physical
rehabilitation (Parker et al., 1984), juvenile delinquency (Cohen, 1972; Hobbs & Holt,
1976; Wolf et al., 1976), elementary education settings (Barrish, Saunders, & Wolf, 1969;
Burchard & Barrera, 1972; Cossairt, Hall, & Hopkins, 1973; Glynn, Thomas, & Shee,
1973, Holt, 1971; McDowell, 1968; Schutte & Hopkins, 1970), the personalized instruc-
tion system, programmed instruction, and precision teaching (Keller, 1968; Lindsley,
1992), psychotherapy (Kohlenberg & Tsai, 1995), industrial and labor settings (Hermann,
Montes, Domínguez, Montes, & Hopkins, 1973) and some extensions to community
problems (Fawcett, Mathews, & Fletcher, 1980).
ABA was conceived as a direct application of principles identified in the experimen-
tal laboratory, mostly with animal subjects, and afterward with the replication of proce-
dures from the animal laboratory with human subjects. Principles consisted of operational
categories relating procedures with effects or outcomes, namely reinforcement, extinction,
punishment, discrimination, generalization, conditioned reinforcement, and so on (see
chapter 2). Experimental operations were transferred to natural settings under controlled
situations to assess effects on the frequency of different behaviors, either to establish new
behavior or to increase or decrease target behavior. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of such
procedures was limited to relatively simple behaviors or interactions, in which the (high
or low) frequency of behavior was the relevant issue, not the behavior itself. Moreover,
procedures were used mainly under conditions in which it was possible to control the
interactions and outcomes of those behaviors. Thus, ABA procedures were more akin to
limited demonstrations than to a true technology for behavior change, as it was assumed.
With the passage of time, it became obvious not only that the use of a jargon based
on operant conditioning operations had little to do with actual procedures employed in
human situations, but also that this jargon became progressively mixed with nontechni-
cal terms or terms borrowed from different professions, disciplines, and even religious
practices. The so-called applied behavior analysis procedures required of simplified envi-
ronments, and their implementation, were not in correspondence with the original defi-
nitions supporting them (Ribes, 1977, 2004b). This is to say that operant principles, at
least as they have been formulated for the experimental (and theoretical) analysis of
behavior, seem to apply to a rather limited set of circumstances (e.g., those involving
discrete repetitive responses and stimulus changes related to deprivation or intensity
parameters). Indeed, it may be considered somewhat naïve to assume that individuals’
daily life is “controlled” by “reinforcers,” which are to be identified as any condition or
event following behaviors varying in complexity, and which are difficult to compare with
Human Behavior Is Referential Behavior105

each other (e.g., crying, reading letters or books, writing novels, solving problems, con-
suming drugs). The world and daily life of individuals is not arranged by discriminative
stimuli and reinforcers. It is difficult to attempt to conceive human behavior in natural
settings in terms of “response classes” being continuously affected, in discrete linear
chunks, by ad hoc “natural” discriminative and reinforcing stimuli. Skinner’s (1957) anal-
ysis of language as verbal behavior clearly showed that interpreting human behavior in
terms of operant principles is, at best, a hermeneutic exercise, full of contradictions and
imprecisions (Ribes, 1999).
Scientific disciplines, in contrast to interdisciplinary fields, are able to take distance
from prevailing social ideologies and correlated dominant practices. This does not mean
that science is a neutral, pure, human enterprise (see Kantor, 1953). Nevertheless, ana-
lytic thinking and empirical criteria for confirmation of knowledge widens the horizons
of sciences’ perspectives about the determinants and solutions for problems arising in the
context of human social organization and activity. Therefore, the participation of science
within interdisciplinary fields is not a simple matter of adaptation and application of
available knowledge. It implies also a critical appraisal of the social problems involved
and challenging traditional views about their nature and solution. In the case of educa-
tion, unfortunately, the contributions of psychology (and of the other participating disci-
plines), without any critical perspective, have been assimilated by dominant social criteria
to prolongate the conservative nature of the “school.”

Competence: The Integration of Intelligence,

Learning, and Knowing
The final section of this chapter focuses on an example of an interdisciplinary effort.
Specifically, I will focus on the field of education to examine the ways in which psycho-
logical theory may participate in an interdisciplinary endeavor. Not only is education a
relevant social field to which psychology may contribute, but it also allows us to compare
the ways in which applied psychology in general, and ABA in particular, have conceived
their role. Education, as a general endeavor, mostly rests on the “school”—the institution
devoted to instructing individuals for the social division of labor and for the reproduction
of values inherent in a given social formation. Education involves the documentation of
the information, abilities, and skills acquired by individuals. Since the French Revolution,
education has been designed to be offered in the school to individuals grouped together
according to different criteria: age, sex, type of instruction, previous knowledge and
­abilities, and so forth. Individualized instruction is an exception, even though this may
sometimes take place in a home or small work setting. The availability of electronic
devices has promoted impersonal educational environments, which, nevertheless, should
be conceived to be complementary but not equivalent to those that require the explicit
interaction of the learner with the teacher. In any case, there are hierarchical social
institutions prescribing, designing, and regulating the educational programs offered in
106 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

the school. These institutional bodies make the decisions about what, how, where, and
to whom the varied contents of educational programs are to be taught. In spite of the fact
that teachers are only a part of the operation of the institutional mechanism, they bear
the responsibility of educational effectiveness, conceived as the fulfillment of the out-
comes demanded by the social formation as a whole.
Two concepts are outstanding in reference to the psychological dimensions involved
in education, namely, intelligence and learning. These two concepts emerged from the
natural history of education and point to aspects related to the individual being instructed,
trained, or taught—the so-called apprentice, pupil, or student. Whereas instruction
depends on the teacher, who is assumed to be knowledgeable about what is being taught
and the adequate procedures to teach it, the success of such effort depends in turn on the
capacities and abilities of the apprentice. Learning is the concept that describes the final
outcome of instruction. Psychology, from different perspectives, has approached the
teaching-learning process by focusing on the construct of intelligence, its measurement,
and its development, or, on the other hand, by focusing on the design of the teaching
procedures that promote effective and fast learning. Psychologists construct intelligence
and learning tests and scales and devote themselves to the design of learning environ-
ments and procedures, participating in the teaching of teachers. Teachers are, thus,
instructed to teach, to assess the intelligence and learning of students, and to plan and
administrate educational settings with these purposes. Educational failure is attributed
to teaching procedures and to the inadequacy of students in showing basic skills or abili-
ties. Nevertheless, it is unusual to find explicit rationales of the educational process jus-
tifying what is to be learned by apprentices and how this learning is to be incorporated
in the various functional domains of daily life. Learning is often conceived in terms of
“knowledge” about something or as basic skills related to reading, writing, and calculat-
ing. The school curriculum, from the elementary school to the university, is grounded on
the assumption that learning consists of knowledge acquisition and that the “mechanics”
of reading, writing, and calculating are mere instrumental devices for the acquisition or
application of knowledge. Psychology in general, and ABA in particular, have oriented
their contributions to improve the efficiency of the school system, without questioning its
adequacy, values, and implicit goals.
Intelligence, learning, and knowing (or cognition) are not technical psychological
concepts. These terms are part of ordinary language practices and are used in a diversity
of contexts. Nevertheless, in all cases, we can identify a common functional sense that in
no way makes them adequate for theoretical purposes. “Intelligence” is a term with a long
history (since Aristotle) and is especially used in the context of evolutionary thinking as
equivalent to species-adaptive capacities. The measurement of intelligence, as a measure
of individual differences, emerged with two different purposes: (1) with Galton (1899), to
justify racial and class differences in humans, and (2) with Binet and Simon (1916/1973),
to measure differences in school performance, initially to provide compensatory teach-
ing, and later to select individuals for different activities according to their capacities and
abilities, that is, to classify the affordances of social opportunities.
Human Behavior Is Referential Behavior107

On the other hand, the term “learning” was seen as the process responsible for
behavioral changes and adaptation, in both animals and humans, in such a way that
learning almost became synonymous to behavior (Bower & Hilgard, 1981; Thorndike,
1911), contrasting acquired performance with so-called instinctive, inherited action pat-
terns (Lorenz, 1965).
Finally, “knowing” is another ordinary term with a multiplicity of explicit and
implicit meanings or uses (Malcolm, 1963). Psychology (and philosophy) incorporated
knowing as the common function of other nontechnical terms, namely, “perception,”
“memory,” “thinking,” and “consciousness,” all related to the subjective capture of the
world by a contemplative individual.

An Analysis of Terms
A conceptual analysis of the terms “intelligence,” “learning,” and “knowing” helps
to identify their functional uses, in order to formulate interfacing concepts between them
and those describing functional contacts in interbehavioral theory. Ryle (1949) and
Ribes (1981, 1989, 2007) provided detailed analyses of the three aforementioned terms,
so I will only briefly review how they are used in ordinary language practices.
Intelligence is always predicated on doings and outcomes of individuals. Strictly
speaking, intelligence is always referred to as intelligent behavior or performance.
Intelligent behavior always consists of actions that are effective in the context of their
occurrence, usually solving a problem or formulating its correct solution. Nevertheless,
intelligence is never predicated on a single occurrence of an effective performance by an
individual, but rather to a collection of occurrences by the same individual in a variety of
situations. A single effective behavior may be due to chance or fortune, and the repetitive
occurrence of the same performance in the same situation, although showing effective-
ness, does not show that with a change in the situation the individual could be equally
successful. Thus, an individual’s behavior is described as intelligent only when the behav-
ior is effective more than once and in varied forms or situations.
Ryle (1949) described intelligent behavior, emphasizing the variety of possible
­effective performances, by saying that the crucial feature is knowing the final destination
and not a particular route to be taken. Contrary to traditional views in psychology and
education, intelligence should not be conceived as something that is possessed in larger
or smaller amounts, but rather as a characteristic of performance when a problem must
be formulated and solved. Figure 7.1 shows a table with two axes: effectiveness of perfor-
mance and variety of behavior. Only the cell in which varied and effective performance
coincide corresponds to intelligent behavior. The other cells show different types of
behavior: creative behavior when performance is varied but not effective, operative
behavior (i.e., behavior that results from training) when performance is effective but not
varied, and “fool” behavior when performance is neither effective nor varied. Not being
intelligent does not necessarily mean being a fool.
108 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Figure 7.1 Different types of behavior according to the intersection

of variation and effectiveness continua.

Learning has been conceived by psychologists and neurobiologists as a central

process explaining the workings of behavior in animals and humans. In the last century,
learning theory became equivalent to behavior theory, and the concept of learning sup-
ported the metaphor of the acquisition of behavior. This metaphor allowed for the distinc-
tion between so-called innate (or instinctive) behaviors and learned behaviors, a
questionable and misleading dichotomy. Writings about classical, instrumental, or
operant conditioning (among other procedural domains) commonly refer to the salivary
conditional response or to the key-pecking or bar-pressing responses as acquired or learned
responses. But it is well known that dogs normally salivate, that pigeons peck on surfaces
and objects, and that even rats, left by themselves, press the bar in the operant chamber.
In fact, those responses are “available” before any conditioning procedure is developed
and occur without explicit elicitation. It is incorrect to speak about the emergence of
“new” responses, since what is taking place is the emergence of new functions for response
patterns already available. The dog salivates to the signal of food, and the pigeon and rat
extend the response patterns to food seeking and consumption. The tone has become a
component of a stimulus segment determined by food delivery, while pecking and press-
ing have become components of a behavior segment related to eating. Even in those
cases in which the specific response patterns do not seem to be available—as in language
learning or some motor skills, including walking—the potential of such patterns is part
of the reactional systems of the individual.
Kuo (1967) described development in terms of behavior gradients and potentials. A
good example of this is speaking, in that articulated language involves a reduction or
restriction of the sound frequencies originally emitted by the newborn, and not new
sound frequencies. Differences in phonetics between the different natural languages is an
outcome of this process. Based on the acquisition metaphor, psychology has postulated
learning to be an underlying process taking place every time a new behavior function
emerges. Additionally, the consolidation of what is learned is attributed to a complemen-
tary process: memory. However, this is an inaccurate description of what actually happens
when it is said that an individual is learning or has learned. When learning is said to have
Human Behavior Is Referential Behavior109

happened, typically only one thing occurs—the performance in a situation—as opposed

to two things, the performance and its learning and consolidation.
Learning is not identified by means of special activities, except for the case in which
the activities themselves are what is being learned. Learning is said to occur when the
performance of an individual fulfills a predetermined criterion of mastery of an activity,
or a criterion related to the results or outcomes of a set of activities. When no criterion is
prescribed or established, it is nonsensical to talk about learning or nonlearning. The
appeal to “implicit” learning always consists of a post-hoc recognition of a prior nonpre-
scribed criterion. Therefore, it is safe to assert that the same behavioral processes take
place when individuals learn and when they do not learn. The prescription of an activity/
outcome criterion is the crucial difference between both situations. Learning and not
learning can only be identified in reference to a criterion. The postulated stability or
permanence of learned behavior is the result of the stability and permanence of the con-
tingencies required and established by the corresponding ecological or social criteria.
Knowing is the third ordinary term dealing directly with the means and goals of
education as a social institution. It is assumed that the ultimate end of schooling is to
promote the “acquisition” and “use” of knowledge. The terms “to know” and “knowl-
edge” are used in a multiplicity of ways in ordinary language, not only in reference to the
mastery of a practice, situation, or domain, but also in relation to doubt, estimation, and
certainty, among other uses. Knowledge usually applies to intellectual products as well as
to procedures and techniques. Knowing entails an episodic relation of an individual with
something or someone, in terms of exposure, information, or mastery in practice, involv-
ing a great diversity of linguistic practices. Knowing is not a special kind of activity but
rather an outcome of direct and indirect contact with entities (things, persons, living
beings, institutions), events, and doings, sometimes under specifically arranged learning
situations. Although knowing something is tantamount to being informed about “that,”
information implies only the availability of potential stimulus conditions. Being informed
is not the same as knowing what to do or knowing how something or someone will
behave, operate, or work.
Borrowing Austin’s (1955/1962) characterization of language expressions, we may
speak of constative and performative knowing (Ribes, 2007). Constative knowing con-
sists of recognizing, pointing to, informing about, describing, and confirming events,
states of things, and previous acts. Constative knowing may be an outcome of direct (e.g.,
talking, writing) or indirect (e.g., observing, listening, and reading) contacts with what is
known. On the other hand, performative knowing consists of doing something, and
these doings may involve pure linguistic acts, as in theoretical practice (reflexive lan-
guage), or integrated patterns involving linguistic and effective motor acts. Talking and
writing, as Austin emphasized, are sometimes the effective components of behavior.
Performative knowing involves mastering how to do things, including ways of talking and
writing as acting.
Given that learning is learning of knowing how and knowing about, four general
types of learning may be identified (in this case, I take “saying” as representative of the
110 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

three active modes of language behavior: speech, signaling/gesturing, and writing): (1)
learning how to do and to say, (2) learning how to say as a doing, (3) learning how to say
about doing, and (4) learning how to do as a saying.
These general types of learning may take place either as intelligent behavior or as
operative behavior, with the aim of schooling being to provide the necessary conditions
of these behaviors and learnings to occur in different domains of social life. In the case
of operative behavior, traditional wisdom prescribes that practice, repetition, supervi-
sion, and appropriate feedback are sufficient for its establishment and endurance. By
contrast, these training conditions, although necessary in certain occasions, are not suf-
ficient for the establishment and development of intelligent behavior. Indeed, even when
some intelligent behavior has developed, it is still important to diversify its organization
in accordance with different criteria of functional aptitude. Functional aptitudes deal
with different types of functional contacts of the individual with the stimulus conditions
involved in a problem. Different aptitudes involve different skills, techniques, routines,
and procedures, or a different organization of the available skills, even when the “formal”
situation seems to be the same.
I have formulated the concept of functional competence (Ribes, 2006b, 2008) in
order to deal with the learning of intelligent behavior in educational settings. A compe-
tence is the functional organization of skills, techniques, routines, and procedures in
order to satisfy a functional aptitude criterion (see figure 7.2). Aptitude criteria corre-
spond to the five types of interbehavioral contacts identified in the field theory: coupling,
alteration, comparison, extension, and transformation of contingencies (Ribes, 2018).
Thus, a competence is a relation between functional aptness or capacity, in reference to
a type of field contact, and intelligent behavior in the form of varied and effective behav-
ior. Competence is the interphase concept that “connects” theory with practice. Through
the analysis of competencies, it is possible to look into intelligent behavior, learning, and
knowledge a nonlinear way.



Figure 7.2 Competence as the conjugation of operative behaviors

and functional aptitude criteria.
Human Behavior Is Referential Behavior111

From this perspective, interdisciplinary intervention by psychologists and educators is

concerned with designing the conditions in which, for any domain of knowing or life, indi-
viduals can deal with problems in any of the five types of aptitude corresponding to inter-
behavioral functional contacts. The “domain” in which individuals interact may be always
the same (for instance, learning about kinetics in physics), but the quality and functional
characteristics of those interactions may be completely different depending on the type of
interbehavioral contact involved. To diversify functional aptitude in any domain, however,
demands a profound change in the structure of the schooling situation. It is not simply a
matter of adapting teaching procedures or introducing supplementary media. These are
relevant only for providing information or for training techniques and skills, as has been
traditional in media-concerned education or in ABA. The “contents” of education must be
replaced by competencies pertinent to specific domains of life and knowledge. Competencies
must be shown as actual behaviors that are relevant for the mastery of a given domain—
that is, doing something (and this always includes linguistic interactions) that is a func-
tional activity in the situation. It is not behavior “external” to the situation involved, but
behavior “internal,” intrinsic to the usual practices involved in a given domain.
Competencies can only be learned from those who master them in a given situation.
One cannot simply be informed about competencies. Rather, competencies have to be
taught through example. To teach a competency entails demonstrating it and guiding,
prompting, and correcting the apprentice with respect to the different criteria, prescrib-
ing the ways in which to interact with the circumstances in a situation. Teaching a com-
petency goes beyond showing constative knowledge. Competencies always involve some
form of varied performative knowing, even in cases that are completely linguistic in
nature, as in theoretical practice. To the extent that learning a competency always
involves some kind of doing or activity, when teaching competencies, no additional eval-
uation regarding its learning is needed after it is demonstrated by the apprentice. Unlike
traditional teaching, in which knowledge is transmitted through textual or spoken lan-
guage, the use of media, or even demonstrations, competencies cannot be transmitted.
The teaching of competencies requires that both teacher and apprentice participate in
the actual activities involved in the exercise of performative knowing in a given situation
or domain. Competencies consist of episodic interactions and not of specific, pinpointed
behaviors or responses. In fact, competencies may be exercised through very different
activities, events, and stimulus conditions. The domain and the aptitude criteria in a
situation are the factors that identify a competence as being the same, in spite of the
diversity of activities and elements involved in any episodic interaction.
I have previously discussed (Ribes, 2006b, 2011) why traditional schooling does not
allow or promote the establishment and development of competencies and intelligent
behavior by apprentices. Below, I will elaborate on the reasons.

Flaws Inherent in Traditional Education Models

Formal education is most often based on the assumption that apprentices learn
“knowledge” as information, not as practical interactions within the boundaries of
112 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

disciplinary domains and life contingencies. The traditional conception of teaching and
learning, as transmission-contemplation, has to be replaced by one in which to learn
means to master the competencies involved in the practice of any domain of life and
knowledge. This entails replacing the conception of having learned in terms of being
informed about something and being able to recognize, repeat, or reproduce it, by one in
which learning corresponds to effective interactions in practical circumstances involving
new knowing or new ways of showing such knowing. Learning has to be approached in
terms of what the apprentice must master as a practice, instead of emphasizing what
teachers have to inform students about. This is why present schooling is, at least, defi-
cient. Most learning is planned to take place in a classroom, and sometimes in demon-
stration laboratories, where apprentices observe and listen to the teacher. The teacher
exposes students to what is written in manuals and books and informs them about the
actual doings and learning of others. Leaning is evaluated through exams and tests, in
which apprentices have to recognize, repeat, or reproduce the information received or
the procedures involved in demonstrations.
Psychology and ABA have focused their efforts on improving the “efficiency” of this
model of schooling, emphasizing teaching and instructional techniques, as well as assess-
ment methods to evaluate “how much” apprentices have “learned” to duplicate the infor-
mation and demonstrations provided to them. However, as previously mentioned, the
interdisciplinary intervention of scientific disciplines in education, at least, should not be
without criticism and provided on an “on demand” basis. Aside from other arguments
concerned with the social orientation of the present universal model of schooling, an
analysis—based on the nature of learning from the perspective of interbehavioral field
theory—leads to the formulation of an alternative model centered on the apprentice and
to design situations promoting the development of functional competencies in the diverse
domains of knowledge and daily life. This alternative model should also question the
ultimate social goals of education and schooling. Following this argument, I proposed an
alternative model for preschool and elementary education that can be extended to the
complete schooling process (Ribes, 2008). This model involves the development of five
kinds of competencies for every segment of disciplinary knowledge in empirical sciences,
sequencing their organization in terms of increasing complexity of phenomena (from
physics and chemistry, to geology and biology, and finally to social science).
In this new educational model, alive language (Kantor, 1936), in all its modalities, is
emphasized as an actual practice, and not as “rules” or erudition. This approach to
schooling includes the various arts as well as an extended learning of mathematics as a
transdisciplinary tool. Disciplinary competencies are integrated with social domains of
daily life, in order to develop life competencies in health, social participation, communi-
cation, environmental conservation, technological skills, and recreation. Sciences are to
be learned by doing and thinking in the conditions and situations in which their practice
take place (obviously not in the classroom). The same goes for life competencies, which
can also be integrated with language enrichment and artistic activities.
Human Behavior Is Referential Behavior113

Implications and Future Directions

The perspective described in this chapter has several implications for the science of
behavior, particularly as increased attention is given to topics related to human language
and cognition. As described in the chapter, the language used throughout various areas
of science has implications for the conduct of subsequent work. That is, how we talk
about what we do may impact subsequent research, and ultimately how we approach
various applied topics. While this chapter is more theoretical in nature when compared
to other chapters in this volume, it is clear that several lessons pertinent to both research
and practice can be gleaned. More generally, as the perspective described in this chapter
is relatively less well known among many applied behavior analysts, the potential impli-
cations of this body of work remain to be seen.

Language is used in various ways throughout science. The present chapter considered
some of the ways in which language impacts science—in particular psychology and
behavior science—and provided some guidance for the proper use of language in science.
While largely a theoretical chapter, it also considered applied issues and concluded with
a consideration of the topic of education and schooling. Behavior scientists of all sorts are
encouraged to analyze the language of science and practice and consider the extent to
which it impacts their work and various areas of research and practice more generally.
114 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Study Questions
1. How are technical and ordinary language different?

2. Explain why language is a conventional practice.

3. How does the author distinguish between “alive” and “dead”


4. Comment on the relationship between the products of language and

language itself.

5. What does the author mean when he suggests that linguistic response
systems become detached from the conditions in which they were origi-
nally learned?

6. Why does the author have concerns about the term “understanding”?

7. How did the borrowing of language from biology result in a reduction-

istic conception of behavior?

8. What is the author’s concern about Kantor’s logical model?

9. The author suggests that ABA did not amount to a true technology of
behavior change in applied situations. Explain.

10. What are some of the author’s concerns about operant principles in
applied circumstances?

11. Summarize some of the author’s concerns about the traditional

approach to education and schooling.

Observational Learning

Mitch Fryling
California State University, Los Angeles

Rocío Rosales
University of Massachusetts Lowell

Natalia Baires
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Link and Preview

It probably goes without saying that we all learn a great deal from observing things in our
environment. While this is obvious to both laypersons and scientists from various disci-
plines, the topic of observational learning—the focus of this chapter—is often not given
extensive treatment in behavior analysis. The present chapter focuses on observational
learning, reviews conceptual foundations and recent literature, and provides implications
for practice. We believe it is an important part of the story for understanding a compre-
hensive account of language and cognition in behavior analytic perspective.

Observational learning (OL), generally defined, involves behavior change as a function

of observing happenings in one’s environment. OL is a conceptually challenging topic,
one with significant theoretical and applied implications. Indeed, most learning environ-
ments require learners to have an OL repertoire. For example, teachers often model a
particular task to a classroom of students with the hope that students will engage in the
modeled behavior themselves at a later time. Social development also seems to involve
OL, as when a child learns how to play and interact with their peers by observing others.
Clearly, the absence of an OL repertoire would be detrimental to one’s development;
learning would have to occur directly, with a trained therapist or teacher providing spe-
cific instructions, prompting, and differential reinforcement. This is not only costly but
also a slow, cumbersome process that interferes with other learning opportunities. For
116 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

these reasons, developing the prerequisite skills needed to learn from observation is an
essential consideration for behavior analytic practitioners.
Moreover, learning from observation seems to be involved in day-to-day living more
generally. For example, humans live in social environments, and their relationships with
other people are greatly enhanced if they observe the behavior of others in different situ-
ations, and if their behavior is subsequently changed as a function of those observations.
For instance, if we observe a coworker to be overwhelmed at work, we may offer them
help or wait before asking them to take on an additional task. Alternatively, noticing that
our significant other is sad or disappointed about something that happened may require
the careful observation of their behavior with respect to the matter in prior interactions.
As these examples highlight, observing relations among various factors in one’s environment
fosters subsequent derived relational responding. In this sense, OL may be considered a
foundation of language and cognition more broadly.
Our commitment to developing a comprehensive and coherent natural science of
behavior requires us to address OL more systematically in behavior analysis. Moreover,
as mentioned, OL is also a topic with considerable clinical implications. Indeed, to the
extent that individuals can learn to learn from observation, they may develop skills more
quickly, including subtle repertoires that can be difficult to instruct directly (e.g., social
skills), and adapt more efficiently to ever-changing environments. This chapter provides
an overview of behavior analytic research and scholarship in the area of OL. We will
begin by discussing conceptual work in the area, followed by a review of various areas of
research in OL. Special emphasis is given to the emergence of derived stimulus relations
as a function of OL, as this is a particularly promising area for additional research. The
chapter concludes with implications for future research and practice.

Conceptual Analysis of Observational Learning

Our section on the conceptual foundations of OL begins with an overview of the work
by Bandura and colleagues, which was central to the social cognitive perspective, fol-
lowed by a review of behavior analytic conceptual analyses of OL.

Bandura’s Theory
Generally, Bandura’s research program demonstrated something simple yet very
important—that behavior can develop as a function of observing a model. Bandura’s
work also demonstrated that it is not just modeling that is important, but that the con-
sequences of the model’s behavior also play a critical role. In particular, participants who
observe a model being punished are found to demonstrate less behavior change relative
to those who observe a model being reinforced or receiving no programmed conse-
quences at all (e.g., Bandura, 1965). Another issue fundamental to Bandura’s work is the
delayed performance of the observer after observing a model; a great deal of OL seems to
Observational Learning117

be demonstrated long after the model has engaged in the behavior. In this sense, behav-
ior seems to occur in the absence of a current environmental stimulus (we’ll address this
more in the next section). Following from this, Bandura’s research began to investigate
cognitive3 factors to account for this delayed performance. For example, in one experi-
ment (Bandura, Grusec, & Menlove, 1966), one group of observers was told to describe
what they were observing, another was told to count while they were observing, and a
third group was not given any instructions. The results showed that those who described
what they were observing engaged in more OL than those who didn’t, suggesting the
importance of “cognitive” factors in OL.
While the consequences of the model’s behavior have been found to influence the
extent to which observers engage in the observed behavior themselves, observers can
describe what they observe irrespective of this (e.g., Bandura, 1965). To Bandura, this
suggested that learning from observation occurs regardless of observed consequences,
whereas performance, demonstrated by the engagement in the modeled behavior, is
dependent on the consequences of the model’s behavior. All of this led to the develop-
ment of a theory of OL (e.g., Bandura & Jeffrey, 1973). According to the theory, the
initial learning of behavior is accounted for by attention and retention processes, whereas
the performance of observed behavior is determined by factors involved in motor repro-
duction and motivational factors. Following an input-output cognitive-type model, the
general theory is that observed events are taken in by the individual and stored within
the individual, and that these stored experiences (e.g., images or symbols in cognitive
theory) later emerge to guide behavior.

Behavior Analytic Conceptualizations of

Observational Learning
Deguchi (1984) provided an alternative explanation of the outcomes described in
the OL literature based upon Skinner’s radical behaviorism (Skinner, 1974a). Generally,
Deguchi highlights that much of the literature on OL has given little attention to the
dynamic reinforcement history of the observer. The majority of experiments conducted
by Bandura involved typically developing children, who are likely to have a rather exten-
sive history of reinforcement for imitating observed behavior. Moreover, that history of
reinforcement is likely to have involved an intermittent schedule of reinforcement, ren-
dering it particularly resistant to extinction and likely to persist during brief postobserva-
tion probes during OL experiments. This sort of reinforcement history may explain the
popular notion of one-trial learning found in the OL literature (i.e., behavior change
that results from a single observation).

3 From a behavior analytic perspective, these factors are not cognitive in the sense that they are
something other than behavior; rather, these factors are conceptualized as additional behavior to be
accounted for in learning from observation.
118 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Deguchi (1984) also accounts for the delayed performance found in the OL litera-
ture by turning to reinforcement histories. Imitative behaviors may not always be rein-
forced if they occur immediately after the modeling (as when it is very obvious that one
is simply imitating). In accounting for the alleged cognitive events in Bandura’s theory,
Deguchi describes the influence of instructions on behavior. Bandura’s research showed
that individuals who were instructed to do various things during observations were more
or less likely to learn from observation, depending on the particular instructions. To
Deguchi (1984), this is simply seen as the impact of instructions on behavior (more on
this below). Finally, reinforcement histories are again used to explain the role of observed
consequences. Specifically, the consequences of the model’s behavior likely have dis-
criminative stimulus functions, with observers having a probable history of reinforce-
ment for engaging in observed behavior only when the model is reinforced and especially
not when the model is punished. For example, observing someone receive social rein-
forcement for engaging in a particular behavior may set the occasion for an observer to
engage in that behavior themself at a later time. Deguchi’s work is especially noteworthy
for emphasizing the reinforcement history of the observer in accounting for OL.
Palmer (2012) discussed OL in the context of describing atomic repertoires. Palmer
suggests that much of our complex behavior can be explained by appealing to smaller,
fine-grained units of behavior, which may occur both overtly (behavior others can see
easily) and covertly (behavior others cannot see easily). Atomic behavior may include
imitative, echoic, and tacting repertoires. Pertinent to OL, Palmer explains the one-trial
learning phenomenon by suggesting that atomic repertoires occur at the moment of
observation. Then, at a later time when part of the original observational context is
present, the atomic behavior occurs again and may set the occasion for other behavior.
For example, if someone is learning new job duties and observes a model engaging in a
particular behavior in a particular situation, when that situation, or even part of that
situation, arises again in the observer’s experience, they may be more likely to engage in
the observed behavior themselves. To Palmer, the theoretical implication of this is that
behavior occurring as a function of a single observation is not occurring for the first time
with no history of reinforcement. Rather, the behavior has occurred before, at least in
some form, and was reinforced at that time, and this history accounts for subsequent
behavior change.
While the observer’s reinforcement history is central to the behavior analytic
account of OL, behavior analysts have also elaborated on the stimulational aspects of
OL. Masia and Chase (1997) provide an overview of how conditional discrimination
processes, generalization, and functional classes (e.g., stimulus equivalence) may partici-
pate in OL. In considering conditional discrimination, the authors provide an example
of how instructions can function as conditional stimuli that alter the extent to which
someone learns from observation. For example, instructions such as “You will be tested
on this later,” “Don’t do it this way,” or “Especially focus on X” can alter the extent to
which observers engage in observed behavior. Masia and Chase also make the connec-
tion to rule-governed behavior, and note that this literature may also inform our
Observational Learning119

interpretation of OL. Considering language and rules more specifically, Fryling, Johnston,
and Hayes (2011) note that observers likely have a long history of reinforcement for
describing relations in their environment (rule generation) and engaging in subsequent
rule following with respect to those descriptions. At the same time, Fryling et al. discour-
age the assignment of causal or mediational status to this sort of behavior. In other words,
the authors do not suggest that this behavior causes OL. Rather, this sort of rule genera-
tion is to be considered a product of specific attention to what is observed, and such
attention is surely required to learn from observation.4
Generalization processes may also contribute to OL (Masia & Chase, 1997). Masia
and Chase provide an example of an individual with a history of getting burned on the
stove who later observes someone get burned from a campfire. In this case, the observer
may avoid getting too close to the campfire as a result of the observation and the similar-
ity of the campfire to their own experiences with the hot stove. Similarly, the functions
of observed consequences may also be impacted by generalization processes, as when we
observe someone become very afraid after some event, and as a function of our own
experiences of being similarly afraid in entirely different circumstances, we learn to avoid
what was observed (i.e., because the consequences are morphologically similar).
Generalization processes highlight that it is not just observation, but observation and the
similarities between what is observed and our own experiences, that impacts OL.
Finally, Masia and Chase (1997) describe how the concept of functional classes
may contribute to OL. The stimulus equivalence literature has shown how stimuli may
develop the stimulus functions of other stimuli, even when those stimuli share no physi-
cal similarities. Importantly, such stimulus functions do not simply emerge, they are a
product of an individual history of responding with respect to relations among stimuli
and responses. For example, given a particular history, a number of very different stimuli
may develop the stimulus functions of being “bad” (e.g., smoking, failing school, lying).
At a later time, an individual with such a history may observe someone engaging in a
different behavior (e.g., swearing) while also being told that the behavior is “bad.” As a
consequence of this observation and the derived stimulus functions of the word “bad,”
the individual may avoid the observed behavior and the context in which it occurred. As
this simple example highlights, derived stimulus relations are likely to participate in OL.
Elaborating on the stimulational aspects of OL, Fryling et al. (2011) provided an
analysis of OL derived from interbehaviorism (Kantor, 1953) and interbehavioral psy-
chology (Kantor, 1958). Fryling et al. (2011) specifically emphasize the unique field ori-
entation of the interbehavioral position (Kantor, 1958), and especially highlight the
dynamics involved in the development of stimulus functions and the role of observing
and describing stimulus relations. As noted, the OL literature requires behavior analysts

4 Importantly, Fryling et al. (2011) also consider nonhuman animal demonstrations of OL and
note that nonhuman animals are unlikely to engage in this sort of rule stating. In other words, the fact
that nonhuman animals learn from observation further suggests that we should be careful in our con-
sideration of verbal behavior in accounting for OL. The finding that those who describe their environ-
ment may learn more from it should only suggest that careful attention to what is observed greatly
enhances OL.
120 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

to describe how past observations influence behavior at a later time, often in the absence
of an obvious stimulus. In the interbehavioral perspective, this phenomenon can be
explained with Kantor’s concept of stimulus substitution. Generally, stimulus substitu-
tion occurs when one stimulus develops the functions of a stimulus that is no longer
present as a result of an individual’s history of responding with respect to relations among
those two stimuli (such relations occur in space and/or time, and may occur among
stimuli, settings, responses, and variations thereof). For example, one may think about
an old friend when visiting a place that they frequented with that friend (i.e., respond to
the friend even when the friend is not physically present). In this case we would say that
aspects of the setting developed substitute stimulus functions for the friend. Similarly,
previously observed behavior that occurred in a particular setting or situation may be
occasioned by stimuli that substitute for past observations. That is, previously observed
behavior may be present by virtue of stimulus substitution (see Fryling et al., 2011, for a
more detailed overview of stimulus substitution).
Conceptual work in behavior analysis has provided an alternative to Bandura’s
theory of OL. While the behavior analytic literature differs in some ways regarding the
conceptualization of OL, there is a similar focus on environmental factors and how these
influence OL. This focus on understanding functional relationships in the natural envi-
ronment is conceptually coherent with our aims as a natural science and offers specific
practical advantages over cognitive perspectives. Most obviously, the behavioral perspec-
tive points to environmental factors that may be altered and studied in efforts to promote
learning from observation in various situations.

Observational Learning Research in Behavior Analysis

While behavior analysts have begun to provide a comprehensive theoretical account of
OL, a number of behavior analysts have also conducted research in the area of OL. The
following sections provide an overview of behavior analytic research on OL, including
both general OL research and that which specifically focuses on derived stimulus rela-
tions. Implications for research and practice are provided throughout.

Assessment of Observational Learning

The majority of the behavior analytic research in the area of OL may be considered
assessments of OL, wherein researchers collect preobservation baseline data, implement
an observational intervention, and then conduct postobservation assessments of behav-
ior change. A number of topics have been researched this way in the literature, with
recent examples including children’s preferences (Leaf et al., 2012; Leaf et al., 2016), the
acquisition of verbal operants (Storlie, Rehfeldt, & Aguirre, 2015), and parents learning
skills to work with their children (Eid et al., 2017). Researchers have also examined
factors that may impact OL. For example, Castro and Rehfeldt (2016) assessed the extent
Observational Learning121

to which learning from observation is influenced by the observer’s relationship to the

model (also see Singer-Dudek & Oblak, 2013, described below).

Observational Learning and Prerequisite Skills

Given the importance to day-to-day functioning of developing an OL repertoire, it is
important to consider prerequisite skills. As outlined by Taylor and DeQuinzio (2012),
examples of these prerequisite skills include attending, delayed imitation, and identifying
and discriminating among contingencies. Related to attention, OL involves attending to
multiple stimuli (e.g., observing both a modeled response and the subsequent conse-
quence), dividing attention among various stimuli, and engaging in sustained attention.
Imitation, specifically delayed imitation, is also pertinent to OL. Two essential com-
ponents are required in order for imitation to occur within the context of OL: history of
reinforcement and a generalized imitative repertoire (Taylor & DeQuinzio, 2012).
Imitation skills that are reinforced will be maintained, while a generalized imitative
response class will ensure that novel responses occur without the need for direct instruc-
tion or a continuous schedule of reinforcement. Delayed imitation is critical as responses
often need to be emitted long after the observation of a model. For example, a child may
observe a teacher solving a problem during instruction one day, and on a later day be
asked to solve a problem in a similar manner in the absence of the model.
Finally, observers’ behavior must demonstrate discrimination between observed
contingencies of reinforcement and punishment. Such discrimination facilitates the
development of complex stimulus control such that observers engage in modeled behav-
ior that is reinforced, and not that which is observed to be punished. For example, a child
may learn to engage in an appropriate social behavior (e.g., calmly asking for something)
after observing that behavior be reinforced, and not engage in a socially inappropriate
behavior (e.g., yelling) after observing such behavior fail to be reinforced.

Developing Observational Learning Repertoires

Several researchers have pointed to the need for more research in the area of devel-
oping OL with individuals who lack OL repertoires (e.g., Greer, Singer-Dudek, &
Gautreaux, 2006; Townley-Cochran, Leaf, Taubman, Leaf, & McEachin, 2015). In one
study that focused on developing OL repertoires, Pereira Delgado and Greer (2009)
investigated the effects of teaching children without OL repertoires to monitor peers in
order to learn from observation. In Experiment 1, two children were taught to monitor
peers while those peers were being taught textual behavior (i.e., “reading” in traditional
terms). After the participants who were monitoring the peers learned to select a green
cube when the peer responded correctly and a red cube when the peer responded incor-
rectly, both participants demonstrated improvements in OL. Interestingly, while the par-
ticipants only monitored a peer learning textual responses, postmonitoring probes
122 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

demonstrated that OL improved while observing the same peer learning to tact fruits
and while observing a different peer learn textual behavior.
Experiment 2 of Pereira Delgado and Greer’s (2009) research replicated the first
experiment but with oral spelling as the target behavior. After learning to monitor a
peer’s behavior as in Experiment 1, all three children improved oral spelling as a function
of observing a peer being taught by a teacher. Interestingly, two of the three observing
participants in Experiment 2 learned at the same speed as or faster than their peer who
was being taught directly.
Taylor, DeQuinzio, and Stine (2012) also investigated the effects of teaching chil-
dren to monitor their peers’ behavior while those peers were instructed to engage in
previously mastered textual behavior (i.e., reading sight words). Monitoring conditions
involved imitating peers’ responses after being asked, “What did he say?” and engaging
in a matching response (i.e., placing a chip under the correct word on a matching board).
Specifically, during training a teacher presented a sight word to the peer and said, “Read”
while the participant observed. Correct responses were reinforced with a token and
praise from the teacher. The teacher would then remove the word card and ask the par-
ticipant, “What did he say?” requiring an imitative response. The teacher corrected the
participant’s incorrect imitation responses by re-presenting the word to the peer to read
again and again asking the participant, “What did he say?” If the participant still pro-
vided an incorrect response, the teacher did not require a matching response and began
a new trial. For incorrect responses during the matching task, a least-to-most prompting
hierarchy was utilized, where tokens were not delivered and a new trial followed. An
exposure condition was also included with separate sight words, with procedures identi-
cal to the monitoring condition with the exception that monitoring responses were no
longer required. Results indicated that training improved all participants’ monitoring
responses. Tests for OL also demonstrated that all participants learned from observation
when they were required to monitor their peers’ behavior. Moreover, two of the three
participants demonstrated learning during the exposure condition, suggesting that the
effects of the training influenced behavior where monitoring was no longer required.
More recently, MacDonald and Ahearn (2015) evaluated a broad assessment and
training package for OL. First a preassessment was conducted, which involved assessing
OL across five different tasks, each with three variations. In tasks where OL was found
to be deficient, participants were taught specific prerequisite skills that have been sug-
gested in the literature (Taylor & DeQuinzio, 2012), including attending, imitation,
delayed imitation, and consequence discrimination. After participants mastered a spe-
cific variation within a particular type of task, the experimenters conducted an assess-
ment to test for generalization across the other variations of the task. If generalization
across task variations did not occur, the participant then went through the training with
that particular variation and, upon mastery, generalization across untrained variations
was again assessed. This pattern of testing and training continued until participants
demonstrated mastery across all task variations. Once this had occurred, the researchers
assessed generalization across task types. Finally, if generalization across a particular task
Observational Learning123

type did not occur, the researchers initiated training for that task area, as described
above. This continued until the participants demonstrated mastery across all task types
and variations. (Yes, this study involved a lot of steps!)
Results demonstrated that the amount of training required for mastery of each pre-
requisite skill varied across skills and participants. In addition, five of the six participants
demonstrated generalization across task types and across variations of the task within
each type. One participant did not demonstrate generalization across task types, but did
demonstrate generalization across variations of tasks within each type. In general, the
protocol by MacDonald and Ahearn (2015) is noteworthy as it details how OL might be
assessed across skills, and also how generalization probes can be systematically incorpo-
rated into an OL training program. Again, given the importance of developing an OL
repertoire, the evaluation of procedures to develop OL after it has been found to be
deficient is an important area for further research in behavior analysis.5

Emergence of Conditioned Reinforcers

Through Observation
An additional type of OL involves the conditioning of reinforcers through observa-
tion (Greer et al., 2006). Greer and Singer-Dudek (2008) assessed whether neutral stimuli
(discs and strings) would function as conditioned reinforcers after children observed a
peer be reinforced with those items. First, the researchers demonstrated that the neutral
stimuli did not have an effect on the participants’ performance (skills already in the par-
ticipants’ repertories) or learning (acquisition of new skills). Then, the researchers imple-
mented an observational intervention that involved the participants’ working side by side
with a peer on the same task, with trials being presented simultaneously. An opaque
partition was between them, however, such that the participants could see only their
peers’ head and shoulders and the cup where reinforcers were delivered, not their peers’
responses. The researchers placed discs or strings in the peers’ cup contingent on correct
responding, and did not correct errors. Participants’ cups remained empty after both
correct and incorrect responses (i.e., their access to the previously neutral stimuli was
restricted). Findings demonstrated that the observational intervention resulted in the
conditioning of the discs and strings as reinforcers.
Singer-Dudek and Oblak (2013) expanded upon the findings of Greer and Singer-
Dudek (2008) by specifically evaluating the role of peer presence on the acquisition of
conditioned reinforcer functions from observation. The researchers compared two varia-
tions of the methodology used by Greer and Singer-Dudek: a no-peer condition where
participants worked side by side with an empty chair, and a peer-present condition where
participants worked side by side with a peer. In both conditions the neutral stimuli were

5 There are a number of topics that may be related to developing observing responses more
broadly. For example, Keohane, Pereira Delgado, and Greer (2009) described a number of protocols
that facilitate the development of observing responses.
124 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

placed in the translucent cup, in front of either the peer or the empty chair, while the
participants had no access to the stimuli (strings or toothpicks). Results showed that
conditioned reinforcement functions emerged for both maintenance and acquisition
tasks only after the peer-present observational intervention, indicating peer presence is
important. In addition, similar results were obtained across participants who observed
familiar (two participants) and unfamiliar (one participant) peers, suggesting that peer
familiarity was not critical. While OL is generally regarded as learning new behavior as
a function of observing a model engage in that behavior, this line of research demon-
strates that reinforcers may also be conditioned through observation. Importantly,
derived stimulus relations have also been shown to develop as a function of observa-
tion, and the final section reviews this literature specifically.

Observational Learning Research in Derived

Stimulus Relations
A growing body of research in OL has examined the extent to which untrained or derived
stimulus relations emerge as a product of observation. Sidman (1971) was the first to
demonstrate the development of derived stimulus relations when he taught an individual
with severe intellectual disability to relate dictated names to their corresponding pictures
and also to their corresponding printed texts. Following this direct teaching, the indi-
vidual labeled the pictures used in the training, read the corresponding text when these
stimuli were presented in isolation, and matched the pictures to the text and vice versa.
These additional relations were performed without direct teaching. The emergence of
these skills demonstrated that a stimulus class consisting of dictated names, pictures, and
printed words was formed, and that the stimuli were functionally equivalent (Sidman,
1971; Sidman & Tailby, 1982). This teaching paradigm has demonstrated efficacy for
teaching a wide variety of language and cognitive skills to typically developing popula-
tions and those with disabilities (Rehfeldt, 2011). The paradigm has wide implications
because it can lead to efficient use of instructional time (see chapter 10 for a specific
overview of stimulus equivalence). This efficiency can be further enhanced when a par-
ticipant observes another learner performing conditional discriminations, and these
observations lead to subsequent formation of stimulus classes. To date, only a handful of
studies have directly evaluated the impact of OL on stimulus equivalence relations
(MacDonald, Dixon, & LeBlanc, 1986; Ramirez & Rehfeldt, 2009; Rehfeldt, Latimore,
& Stromer, 2003).

Stimulus Equivalence and Observational Learning

Training approaches to teach derived stimulus relations to learners with develop-
mental disabilities will often include a variety of match-to-sample (MTS) tasks. During
Observational Learning125

MTS tasks, a learner is presented with an array of stimuli (termed comparison stimuli)
and instructed to select the one that corresponds to a stimulus that has been previously
or simultaneously presented (termed a sample stimulus). Responses are reinforced when
the learner makes a correct selection. Teaching may consist of two or more directly
trained relations (e.g., A-B and B-C) followed by tests for many more untrained relations
(e.g., A-A, B-B, C-C, B-A, C-B, A-C, and C-A).
MacDonald, Dixon, and LeBlanc (1986) were the first to examine the role of OL in
stimulus class formation. They recruited four adults with moderate and severe intellec-
tual disability and taught them to match arbitrary visual stimuli. Each participant was
taught one set of sample-comparison stimulus relations (e.g., B1-A1, B2-A2) until they
demonstrated a mastery criterion. The participant then observed another participant
perform a second set of sample-comparison stimulus relations (e.g., C1-A1, C2-A2) such
that each observed relation had one stimulus in common with a relation that had been
directly taught to participants. During tests for derived relations, all participants demon-
strated at least one such relation between the modeled stimuli.
Rehfeldt et al. (2003) replicated and extended this work with individuals with autism
and other developmental disabilities. Participants were taught to conditionally relate a
set of stimuli and were also required to observe a peer learning conditional discrimina-
tions with a different set of related stimuli. The experimenter verbally prompted the
participants to observe the model by saying, “Watch [name],” and provided verbal praise
when the participant observed the peers. This prompt was effective in establishing
attending for all participants in the study (Rehfeldt et al., 2003). The experimenter
praised the model while the observer watched the model perform conditional discrimina-
tions. All participants demonstrated stimulus class formation for the stimuli that were
directly trained and improved posttest scores relative to pretest scores for the stimuli that
they observed a peer learning. A second experiment replicated these results using stimu-
lus sets from similar overarching categories and words that could not be discriminated
easily by form or shape. Results showed that participants demonstrated emergent perfor-
mance for all stimulus sets they were trained on, and also displayed some of the relations
that they had observed a peer learning.
Finally, Ramirez and Rehfeldt (2009) explored the impact of OL to teach Spanish
vocabulary words to typically developing children. In their experiment, one child was
taught conditional discriminations between dictated names and their corresponding pic-
tures across three stimulus sets while a second child observed. Results showed the emer-
gence of symmetrical relations in the form of labeling the pictures used in training by
both children. Collectively, the results of these studies show support for the use of arrang-
ing observation of peers as an attractive approach to teaching conditional discrimina-
tions that may result in derived stimulus relations. All three studies used an MTS
procedure, and each reported mixed success in establishment of derived stimulus rela-
tions. These results suggest that the MTS training procedure may not be effective for all
learners and that alternative procedures should be evaluated.
126 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Stimulus-Pairing Procedure
One alternative to MTS training that has received empirical support in recent years
is a stimulus-pairing observation (SPO) procedure (also termed stimulus-pairing
training or respondent-type training; Rosales, Rehfeldt, & Huffman, 2012; Smeets,
Leader, & Barnes, 1997; Smyth, Barnes-Holmes, & Forsyth, 2006). This procedure
involves the observation of a stimulus briefly presented in isolation, followed by an inter-
stimulus interval (ISI) and then presentation of a second stimulus. Thus, the procedure
involves pairing of stimuli with no overt response requirement from the participant other
than attending to the stimuli presented by the experimenter. Presentations of stimuli
may occur on a computer screen or in vivo. These stimulus pairings are followed by tests
for derived stimulus relations (Leader & Barnes-Holmes, 2001a, 2001b). Since there is no
mastery criterion requirement in the SPO procedure, presentation of stimulus pairs typi-
cally occurs for a predetermined number of trials before tests for derived stimulus rela-
tions are presented.
The SPO procedure may be more efficient than MTS in terms of time required for
learning stimulus relations. It is possible that in MTS tasks, responses are under various
types of stimulus control, including irrelevant features of comparison stimuli or varied
position of stimuli (Fields, Garruto, & Watanabe, 2010). If participants learn stimulus
relations through an SPO procedure, instructors can potentially decrease some of these
errors. However, studies that have directly compared the efficacy of MTS and SPO have
reported mixed results, with neither procedure showing facilitation of derived stimulus
relations for all participants (Clayton & Hayes, 2004; Fields, Reeve, Valeras, Rosen, &
Belanich, 1997; Kinloch, McEwan, & Foster, 2013).
Leader and Barnes-Holmes (2001b) demonstrated the efficacy of SPO to teach typi-
cally developing five-year-old children academically relevant stimulus relations. The
visual stimuli paired were fractions (A stimuli), the corresponding pictorial representa-
tions for each numerical property (B stimuli), and the corresponding decimals (C stimuli).
The fraction-pictorial representation pairing (A1-B1, A2-B2) was conducted first, fol-
lowed by the decimal-pictorial representation pairing (C1-B1, C2-B2). Tests for derived
stimulus relations subsequently demonstrated that all participants were successful in
matching the fractions to their corresponding decimals (A1-C1, A2-C2) and the deci-
mals to fractions (C1-A1, C2-A2). Two follow-up experiments demonstrated that partici-
pants also established relations between pictures that were not specifically targeted in
Rosales et al. (2012) also recruited typically developing children learning English as
a second language and examined the effectiveness of the SPO procedure to teach a small
vocabulary set. Participants were required to attend to the experimenter presenting an
auditory stimulus paired with a visual (object) stimulus in isolation for a predetermined
number of trials. Tests for emergence of stimulus relations demonstrated that the partici-
pants acquired most of the listener relations targeted (i.e., selecting a stimulus when
named in an MTS format from an array of three items) and some speaker relations (i.e.,
naming the stimulus when presented in isolation). The experimenters then conducted
Observational Learning127

multiple exemplar instruction (MEI; involving direct teaching of tact relations with
novel stimulus sets, followed by probes with the original training set) in an attempt to
demonstrate the emergence of the untrained relations and reported moderate success.
The findings of the SPO literature reviewed thus far are exciting and demonstrate
support for the SPO procedure to establish derived stimulus relations in typically devel-
oping learners. The utility of the SPO procedure may be most evident for learners with
autism and other developmental disabilities due to the potential savings in training time.
However, only a handful of studies have examined the possibility of the SPO as an
instructional procedure for this population. For example, Takahashi, Yamamoto, and
Noro (2011) used SPO to teach relations among names (printed words), faces, and Kanji
symbols to two boys with autism. The experimenters paired two visual stimuli (faces and
printed words) in succession on a computer screen for one participant, and an auditory
and visual stimulus (Kanji symbol plus corresponding auditory stimulus) for a second
participant. Following SPO, the experimenters administered subsequent MTS tests to
assess emergent relations among these stimuli for each participant. Results indicated the
SPO procedure was effective in producing increases in correct responses across all par-
ticipants, but the study did not directly compare the efficacy of SPO with MTS
Vallinger-Brown and Rosales (2014) extended the applied research on the SPO pro-
cedure for learners with autism by directly comparing the effectiveness of MTS and SPO
to facilitate the emergence of untrained responses in children with autism. All partici-
pants were exposed to both training conditions, with different sets of stimuli. During the
MTS procedure, participants were presented with a sample auditory stimulus and were
required to select the correct corresponding visual stimulus from an array of six images
presented on an iPad. During the SPO procedure, participants were presented simultane-
ously with an auditory and visual stimulus and required to observe the screen throughout
the training. Results of this study showed mixed results, with one participant demon-
strating untrained stimulus relations following training in both procedures and two par-
ticipants demonstrating minimal increase in performance relative to baseline following
the MTS procedure. Finally, a transfer of stimulus control procedure was used to directly
teach the target relations to all participants. These authors noted that a possible prereq-
uisite skill for success with the SPO procedure may be overt or covert echoic responding,
but this was not directly evaluated in the study.
A similar study by Byrne, Rehfeldt, and Aguirre (2014) further confirmed the effec-
tiveness of an SPO procedure to teach speaker and listener responses (i.e., selection-
based responding) to learners with autism. This study also demonstrated the value of
MEI to help establish some of these trained and untrained relations. However, these
results counter the notion that echoic responding may play a role in levels of accuracy
following training with the SPO procedure because the participant who emitted the
fewest number of echoic responses during training performed at optimal levels during
tests for untrained relations. The authors acknowledge the possibility that this partici-
pant may have been engaging in covert echoic responding, but further investigation is
needed on this topic.
128 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Future research on the effectiveness of the SPO procedure should systematically

examine the prerequisite skills needed for this procedure to be effective. Some research
has demonstrated prerequisite skills for learners to benefit from OL more generally
(MacDonald & Ahearn, 2015), and it would be interesting to determine if these skills are
similar to those that may be required for the formation of derived stimulus relations from
observation. Another alternative for learners with more advanced language repertoires
may involve indirect measures such as posttraining interviews with participants to
inquire directly about procedures used to learn the relations. Given the relative ease with
which the SPO procedure can be implemented and the parallels it has to naturalistic
instruction, further research in this area seems warranted. If derived stimulus relations
may develop through sequential or simultaneous presentation and observation of related
stimuli, there are broad implications for its use in practice.

Extended Implications of Observational Learning

Aside from derived stimulus relations, research in OL and specifically on the use of
the SPO procedure has demonstrated that transfer of stimulus functions can also occur
(Smyth et al., 2006). Smyth and colleagues demonstrated this phenomenon using the
SPO procedure in an experiment with participants who self-identified as spider-fearful.
The participants were exposed to four stimulus pairings and subsequently tested for a
transfer of function for reports of self-arousal in the presence of stimuli that were never
directly paired. A second experiment demonstrated differential responding on self-
reported levels of arousal when videos of spiders where shown to spider-fearful and non-
spider-fearful participants. These results demonstrate the utility of the SPO procedure
and offer support for a derived-relations model of the acquisition of anxiety responses
(Smyth et al., 2006). Related studies also show support for the notion that conditioned
fear or excessive avoidance behavior, which is a defining feature of anxiety disorders, may
emerge through observation (Cameron, Roche, Schlund, & Dymond, 2016; Cameron,
Schlund, & Dymond, 2015). Clearly, OL has implications for understanding a wide range
of psychological phenomena.

Summary of OL Research in Derived Stimulus Relations

While more research is needed, the existing research demonstrates that learners can
acquire more skills via OL and derived stimulus relations interventions than by directly
observing a model performing those skills (MacDonald et al., 1986; Ramirez & Rehfeldt,
2009; Rehfeldt et al., 2003). That is, OL can also lead to the formation of derived stimu-
lus relations and transfers of stimulus functions (Smyth et al., 2006). In addition, the
basic and applied research on the SPO procedure provides some initial support for its use
to teach conditional discriminations and establish untrained relations among stimuli for
Observational Learning129

typically developing populations (Leader & Barnes-Holmes, 2001b; Rosales et al., 2012)
as well as learners with developmental disabilities such as autism (Byrne et al., 2014;
Takahashi et al., 2011; Vallinger-Brown & Rosales, 2014). Moreover, there is growing
support for the participation of OL across a wide range of psychological happenings.

Implications and Future Directions

Behavior analytic work in the area of OL has a number of exciting implications for both
research and practice. An extensive amount of learning occurs from observation; thus,
the development of an OL repertoire is of great importance. Moreover, developing the
skills to learn from observation permits individuals to learn faster, and therefore to learn
more, and to adapt to changing circumstances more quickly. Given this, we encourage
practitioners to become familiar with the suggested prerequisite skills described in the
research literature, assess for their presence, and program for their development when
deficits are identified. We also recommend that generalization be assessed regularly, both
across variations of particular skills and across skill domains, with the ultimate goal
being the development of a highly generalized OL repertoire (e.g., MacDonald & Ahearn,
2015). Behavior analytic researchers may contribute to this important area by evaluating
prerequisites more systematically in research studies and by studying various interven-
tions to promote OL with specific learner profiles. Given the importance of developing
an OL repertoire, this area demands considerable attention from behavior analysts.
Practitioners should also consider the use of observational interventions in the devel-
opment of derived stimulus relations. A growing body of research has shown how OL can
lead to the development of derived stimulus relations, with multiple skills being learned
in a highly efficient manner. As with OL more generally, more specific attention to pre-
requisite skills is needed in this area, so that both practitioners and researchers develop a
better understanding of when to use such programs, and further, how to better prepare
clients for participation in such programs. This, in addition to the results of studies on the
development of conditioned reinforcers through observation, highlights that OL may
involve much more than observers’ engaging in modeled behavior at a later time.
It seems likely that some type of OL participates in a great range of common psycho-
logical events. As mentioned in this chapter, observational processes have been shown to
play a role in the development of fears, for example. It is possible that observational pro-
cesses contribute to the benefits of mindfulness-based interventions as well, as such
interventions often involve the deliberate focus on particular features of one’s environ-
ment. To the extent that some psychological problems are a product of a lack of attention
to and observation of stimulus relations in one’s environment, interventions may be
aimed at promoting such observation. Importantly, however, Greer et al. (2006) noted
that several terms within the OL literature seem to be used in various ways, and addi-
tional conceptual clarity may be needed as the research in this area continues to evolve.
130 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Observational learning is a conceptually interesting topic with a number of clinically
important implications. Our aim in writing this chapter was to provide readers with an
overview of the behavior analytic work in OL, including theoretical foundations, an
overview of research in the area of OL, a consideration of OL’s role in derived stimulus
relations, and implications for future research and practice. We hope that this chapter
impacts clinical work and stimulates further research in the area of OL.

Study Questions
1. Why is observational learning a socially important topic for behavior
analysts to be familiar with?

2. How does Bandura distinguish between learning and performance?

3. How does reinforcement history explain some of the findings in the

observational learning literature?

4. How might “atomic behavior” explain learning from observation?

5. Describe two of the processes outlined by Masia and Chase (1997) to

explain observational learning.

6. What are two important prerequisite skills for observational learning?

7. Describe one of the peer-monitoring interventions reviewed in the


8. How is the literature on conditioning reinforcers through observation

different from other research in the area of observational learning?

9. Describe the stimulus-pairing observation procedure. What makes it

different from match-to-sample training procedures?

10. Comment on the “extended implications” of observational learning.

11. What is one theme for practitioners to take away from the chapter?
Comment on why this is an important topic in clinical practice.

Generative Responding Through

Contingency Adduction6

Kent Johnson
Morningside Academy

Elizabeth M. Street
Central Washington University

Link and Preview

The present chapter focuses on a topic that is central to the behavior analysis of language
and cognition: generative responding. The chapter presents an overview of conceptual
foundations, provides references to seminal work in the area, and addresses numerous
implications for the design of instructional programs. While much of the content focuses
on the topic of education specifically, the processes involved relate to the consideration of
language and cognition in behavior analysis more generally.

Generativity is the study of the conditions that produce novel, untaught responding in
new circumstances, without directly programing them. Not only is the study of genera-
tivity important for a scientific understanding of complex human behavior, it is also
important from a practical perspective. Educators cannot possibly teach everything a
student needs to learn in order to be an effective independent adult. Even full mastery of
the K–12 curriculum will not do the trick. Successful adults engage in untaught blends
and recombinations of behavior they previously were taught in order to meet the require-
ments of contexts not previously presented in instruction. In order to engage in untaught
blends and recombinations that meet current contingency demands, people must have
component repertoires relevant to those new situations that can be blended and

6 The authors would like to thank Marta Leon, Director of Editorial and Instructional Design for
Learning A–Z for her data analysis and helpful suggestions related to Headsprout Reading.
132 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

recombined. The new situations must function as an effective teacher. As Ferster (1965)7

It may seem a paradox that the listener (student) needs essentially the same
repertoire as the speaker (teacher) if communication is to be effective. What,
then, was communicated? Actually an instruction was communicated, a rear-
rangement of existing verbal behavior so that new combinations can occur.

This analysis is also consistent with Skinner’s concept of composition, discussed in

Verbal Behavior (Skinner, 1957, p. 123, pp. 344–352).
This conceptualization has driven our generative instruction model of teaching
and learning. The thrust of generative instruction is to arrange instruction of key com-
ponent skills, facts, concepts, and principles in such a way that students will engage more
frequently in more complex academic behavior without direct teaching. We have discov-
ered that complex behavioral repertoires emerge without explicit instruction when well-
selected component repertoires are appropriately sequenced, carefully instructed, and
well rehearsed.
Our model was developed at Morningside Academy in Seattle, a laboratory school
for typical and near-typical elementary and middle school students who struggle to
acquire foundational reading, writing, math, thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving
repertoires. Our students have not previously reached their potential; many have been
diagnosed with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, or ADHD.
All have average to above average intelligence test scores. Morningside is not a school for
children with significant emotional problems, behavioral problems, developmental
delays, or autism spectrum disorders. One hundred thirty public partner schools and
agencies in the United States, Canada, and Europe have adopted our generative instruc-
tion model to date (Johnson & Street, 2004, 2012, 2013, Street & Johnson, 2014).
We will report our discoveries and investigations of generative responding, or
untaught responding, in academic skill development as well as thinking, reasoning,
and problem-solving development. The data that we will share have come from many
classrooms across the United States, as well as an associated instructional design
company. Both of us authors are educational practitioners, so neither of us has con-
ducted detailed or exhaustive controlled studies.8 Yet our descriptive data show such
consistent patterns that we want to share them with the wider behavioral community

7 Paper read at the 50th anniversary Conference of the Graduate School of Education, the
University of Pennsylvania, 1965. Reprinted in Ferster, Culbertson, and Boren (1975, p. 565). Extracted
pages available from the first author of this chapter, a student of Ferster’s in the 1970s.

8 Morningside Academy is a third level, scientifically driven service organization (Johnston,

1996) consisting of a laboratory school and current outreach to 130 schools and agencies throughout
the US and Canada through Morningside Teachers’ Academy. It is not a level 2 organization, such as
a university, that conducts controlled research in applied settings. “The priority of applied practice is
to deliver effective service, not to answer experimental questions” (Johnston, 1996). A comprehensive
science is strongest when it integrates basic research and applied research and modifies applied research
procedures to develop successful protocols of service delivery.
Generative Responding Through Contingency Adduction 133

in the hopes that other practitioners will join us in our inductive explorations and that
researchers will join us by conducting controlled studies of the phenomena that we
have confirmed in our multiple settings.

Generativity and Contingency Adduction

The work of three groups of behavior analysis investigators has influenced our work in
generative instructional design: Epstein, Skinner, and their colleagues’ studies of genera-
tivity; Andronis, Goldiamond, and their colleagues’ research on contingency adduction;
and Haughton, Barrett, Binder, and other precision teachers’ work in behavioral fluency.
Here, we will briefly describe the first two groups’ influences, and later in the chapter we
will describe the third group’s influence.
Dr. Robert Epstein, a student of B. F. Skinner’s, described a series of animal labora-
tory experiments that were intended to provide a behavioral interpretation of “insight,”
akin to Kohler’s gestalt psychology of the mental life of other animals (e.g., Epstein, 1985;
Epstein, Kirshnit, Lanza, & Rubin, 1984). Epstein and his coworkers found that pigeons
that were individually taught to push a small box around an experimental chamber, to
step on the box, and to peck at an object—all in separate training sessions—would solve
the problem of pecking at the object when it was out of reach. When presented with the
problem, the birds would demonstrate a series of “insightful” maneuvers, much like
Kohler’s apes, revealing that behavior analysis can account for such behavior in other
animals. In remarkably similar behavior patterns, birds would observe the experimental
chamber, move the box under a banana, step on the box, and peck the banana. Only
birds that received instruction in all three of the component skills successfully solved the
problem. Epstein (1985) described the phenomenon as a “spontaneous” (unprompted,
not arranged) interconnection of existing repertoires to solve a problem. The existing
repertoires were learned separately, under the same contingencies that prevailed in the
problem situation. He later expanded this work to show the emergence of novel behaviors
in humans under similar circumstances and used the term “generativity” to name the
phenomena. Epstein (1993, 1999) also developed a computer-based algorithm for simu-
lating the shifting probabilities of competing behaviors as the interconnection process
unfolds. If Epstein’s pigeons were humans, most people would say that they “figured out”
how to solve their problem, that they showed “insight,” and that they were “very creative”
or “clever.” From this colloquial perspective, generative instruction is meant to produce
students who are clever, creative, insightful problem solvers.
In contrast to Epstein’s studies, which showed how component teaching can be
added to an existing repertoire to solve a specific problem, Andronis, Layng, and
Goldiamond (1997) used the term contingency adduction to describe a related but dif-
ferent phenomenon: Behaviors learned under one set of contingencies can be selected or
recruited by new, very different contingencies that present a new and different problem.
The performance is reinforced in the new situation by a different effect on its
134 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

environment than the effects achieved when the originally established behaviors were
emitted. That is, the recruited behaviors form new combinations or blends that serve a
new or different function in a new context, solve a new problem, and meet the require-
ments for success in a new situation, different from the requirements for success under
which those recruited behaviors were previously learned. According to Andronis et al.
(1997), the moment of reinforcement of a behavior established with one set of conditions
by an entirely different set of conditions marks the “Aha!” moment of contingency adduc-
tion. No direct instruction or programing of the adduced behavior or behavioral reper-
toire occurs. Adduction can occur only once, after which the performance becomes part
of a student’s behavioral history, available as needed to meet reinforcement requirements,
and available for further recombining and blending with other components during con-
tingency adduction in future problem solving and discovery learning.
Novel behavior produced by recruitment is different from novel behavior produced by
shaping of successive approximations. The new, adduced behavior “comes pre-shaped, and
is selected or recruited by different contingencies than those responsible for the initial
shaping of the behavior” (Layng, Twyman, & Stikeleather, 2004a, p. 99). Andronis et al.
(1997) used the term “contingency adduction” rather than “adduction” to emphasize that a
student does not adduce the performance, the new contingency does. The new contin-
gency shares common features with the original contingencies that produced the perfor-
mance. The term “adduction” is applied in its definitional sense: adduct means “to bring
together similar parts,” and adduction means “the act of adducing or bringing forward”
(Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, s.v. “adduct” and “adduction,” respectively). In the
context of academic skill development, contingency adduction allows a teacher to skip one
or more subsequent instructional steps on a curriculum ladder because the student can
already engage in the performance required by an instructional objective.

Examples of Contingency Adduction: Five Variations

We Have Programmed
Johnson and Layng (1992) first provided empirical evidence for contingency adduc-
tion in fractions problem solving, eliminating the need for instruction. Four students
enrolled in a Morningside summer school program for neighborhood children at Malcolm
X College in Chicago were assessed in solving word problems with fractions. The number
of correct responses ranged from three to seven out of fourteen assessment problems.
Other assessments showed similar deficits in lower-level, whole number word problems
and fractions computation skills. The students were placed in instructional sequences in
which they were taught the skills required to solve whole number word problems and to
add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed numbers (i.e., combinations of
whole numbers and fractions). Both the whole number problem solving and fractions
computation skills were then shaped to accuracy and fluency criteria with separate
instructional sequences. After the students had practiced the lower-level skills until they
had reached high frequencies of correct responding, they were given a contingency
Generative Responding Through Contingency Adduction 135

adduction probe: Could they now solve a similar set of fraction word problems correctly
when simply given the instruction, “Can you do these problems now?” with no instruc-
tion in fractions problem solving? Three of the four students correctly solved all fourteen
word problems and one solved thirteen of the fourteen problems correctly. The same test
environment in which their previous performance had failed now resulted in a highly
successful adduction of a new repertoire, “for free” as we say colloquially. Adduction was
not a product of gradual shaping but appeared fully established as a function of establish-
ing its component parts and providing a new instruction. With no fraction problem
solving instruction necessary, fluency building was prescribed to assure retention of this
adduced repertoire.
Let us examine this example closely to see how it meets the requirements of contin-
gency adduction. Applying Tiemann and Markle’s (1990) method of concept analysis to
contingency adduction reveals three critical features, listed in table 9.1. Two relevant
behaviors were in the students’ behavioral histories—whole number word problem
solving and fractions computation—thus meeting the first requirement for contingency
adduction. A new, different contingency was presented—fractions word problems—with
the instruction, “Can you do these problems now?” illustrating the second criterion.
Finally, the previously established behaviors, whole number word problem solving and
fractions computation, formed a new behavioral sequence that served a new and differ-
ent mathematical function, solving word problems involving fractions. Solving fractions
word problems meets the new reinforcement requirement. Neither of the originally estab-
lished behaviors was sufficient to meet the new contingency requirement. Solving frac-
tions word problems under these conditions is adduced behavior.

Table 9.1. Three Critical Features of Contingency Adduction

Contingency Adduction Criteria Notes
1. One or more behaviors are reinforced It/they become(s) part of the behavioral
under one set of contingencies (conditions, history of the learner.
2. A different set of current contingencies Recruitment is the occurrence and
(conditions, circumstances) recruits one or reinforcement or selection of that behavior
more behaviors in a person’s history (#1). in the new circumstance.
3. A novel stimulus control relation is formed The moment of recruitment and
from the behaviors in the person’s history, reinforcement (#2) is the moment of
one that serves a new and different function contingency adduction.9
or purpose than the function served when
the behaviors were first learned and

9 Once a behavior has been recruited and reinforced, it becomes part of the behaver’s history;
thus, there is only one moment of contingency adduction related to a particular S-R relation, and there
is only one moment of contingency adduction related to a particular behavior.
136 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

A complete concept analysis (Tiemann & Markle, 1990) includes both critical fea-
tures and variable features. Each example of a concept contains features that vary from
instance to instance while maintaining membership in the concept class. We have so far
discovered five variations of contingency adduction that meet the requirements for mem-
bership in the concept class. Table 9.2 describes these five variations, and table 9.3 shows
three methods for designing instruction to produce contingency adduction that we have
engineered so far. Space allows us to give only one or two examples of academic skill
development for each variation, but we encourage readers to generate many more

Table 9.2. Some Variations of Contingency Adduction

Variation New Antecedent What Occurs Text Example
1. Adduction of a A combination of A new sequence of Fractions word
new sequence of stimuli, each of already established problem solving
previously learned which controls component without instruction,
behavior different behaviors behaviors occurs. as a function of new
requirements, and
previous instruction
in whole number
word problem
solving and fractions
2. Adduction of a A combination of A new blend (a new Saying consonant
new blend of stimuli, each of topography) of blends without
previously learned which controls already established instruction, as a
behavior different behaviors behaviors occurs. function of new
requirements and
previous instruction
in consonant sounds
3. Adduction of a A component of a A component of Saying consonant
component of previously already established sounds without
previously learned encountered behavior occurs. instruction, as a
behavior from (“familiar”) stimulus function of new
context antecedent
requirements and
previous instruction
in consonant blends
Generative Responding Through Contingency Adduction 137

4. Adduction of new A new stimulus, (a) A new response Saying new

vocabulary from presented together occurs from the set vocabulary words,
context, adduction with previously of new and pictures, and
by process of encountered stimuli previously definitions, as a
elimination that serve as encountered stimuli. function of new
nonexamples based antecedent stimuli
upon a prior history (b) The sequence of and prior instruction
of instruction training restricts in other vocabulary
response words, pictures, and
alternatives to the definitions
one remaining
stimulus, correlating
the new stimulus to
the requirements for
contained in the
5. Adduction of new A new arrangement (a) Already (1) Saying untaught
equivalence of previously established behavior fractions, decimals,
relations encountered not previously and percent
stimulus-response occasioned by the equivalence
relations new antecedent relations, as a
stimulus occurs. function of prior
instruction in some
(b) The sequence of fraction, decimal,
training events and percent
restricts response equivalence
alternatives, linking a relations.
stimulus from one
previously (2) Selecting
established untaught picture-
stimulus-response definition
relation to a equivalents and
behavior established word-picture
in a different equivalents, as a
stimulus-response function of prior
relation. instruction in

(3) All relational

138 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Table 9.3. Three Procedures for Designing Instruction to

Produce Contingency Adduction10
Procedure Text Examples
Combined stimulus procedure (1) Sequence adduction of fractions
problem solving

(2) Blended topographies adduction of

consonant blends
Exclusion procedure (oddity-from-sample (1) Component adduction of consonant
procedure) sounds

(2) Adduction of vocabulary words,

pictures, and definitions
Equivalence procedure (1) Saying fraction, decimal, or percent
equivalent of another fraction, decimal, or

(2) Selecting definition-picture equivalents

and word-picture equivalents

Returning to our example of fractions word problem solving, we see in Variation 1
(see table 9.2) that a new sequence of previously established behaviors was adduced by the
contingencies of presenting word problems with fractions. Consulting table 9.3, we see
that the adduction of the fraction word problem-solving sequence was produced by a
combined stimulus procedure. The combined stimulus process occurs naturally when
students read text and encounter new words that are recombinations of sounds they have
mastered. Students regularly decode thousands of new words after learning the forty-six
sounds of letters and key letter combinations (Alessi, 1987). These new math and reading
performance sequences allow the instructor to skip instruction for solving fractions word
problems and sight word reading and move on to the next more advanced instructional
objectives in the math and reading curriculum ladders, saving lots of time and effort.

Layng and colleagues (2004a) reported a second variation of novel behavior that
meets the three requirements for membership in the concept class contingency adduc-
tion. It occurs in our interactive, animated Internet reading program, Headsprout Early
Reading ( The program explicitly teaches consonant sounds,
such as /c/, /r/, /f,/ /l/, /s/, /p/, /t/, and /n/. Later, the program says, “I bet you can figure out

10 We are eager to hear from others who can tell us how they have engineered other procedures.
Generative Responding Through Contingency Adduction 139

new sounds all by yourself!” Students are then presented combinations of the directly
taught sounds, such as /sn/, /cr/, /sl/, /fl/, /pl/, /sp/, /tr/, and /st/ and asked to listen to and
select the correct sound combinations.
Data collected on over 11,000 students showed that between 80% and 95% of stu-
dents correctly identified the new sound combinations in the absence of instruction (i.e.,
“for free”).11 Let us again examine table 9.1 closely to see how this example meets the
requirements of contingency adduction. Isolated consonant sounds were in the students’
behavioral histories, thus meeting the first requirement. A new, different contingency
was presented—consonant blends with the instruction, “I bet you can figure out new
sounds all by yourself!”—illustrating the second criterion. Finally, the students formed
new consonant blends from the previously established isolated consonant sounds, serving
a new or different reading function. To meet the new reinforcement requirement, stu-
dents had to select the correct consonant blends when spoken by the program. None of
the originally established consonant sounds were sufficient to meet the new contingency
requirement. Correctly selecting consonant blends when heard under these conditions is
adduced behavior. In this example we see that a new blend of previously established
behaviors was adduced by the contingencies of presenting consonant sounds together,
the second variation listed in table 9.2. Consulting table 9.3, we see that adduction of
consonant blends from consonant sounds was produced by a combined stimulus
One student in the fractions problem-solving example made an error in the contin-
gency adduction probe, and 5% to 20% of the 11,000 students in the consonant blends
example did not successfully adduce the correct behavior in the first adduction probe.
One or more component repertoires may emerge during an adduction probe. We call
each response to an adduction probe a candidate response. Sometimes a candidate
response is reinforced and becomes adduced behavior. When a candidate response is not
reinforced, it is not adduced and does not become part of the selecting environment for
further new repertoires.

We have engineered a third variation of novel behavior that meets the three require-
ments for membership in the concept class, contingency adduction. It occurs when a
component of a previously learned behavior, but not the composite behavior itself, meets
the requirement for reinforcement. Another sequence from instruction in Headsprout
Early Reading illustrates this process (Layng et al., 2004a). Some individual consonant
sounds are adduced by segmenting previously taught consonant blends. For example, the
sound /n/ is adduced from the previously taught sight word “an.” As the program narrator
says, “Some sounds have other sounds inside them!” “An” moves to the left side of the
screen and “n” is presented on the right side. The narrator then says, “Click on the sound

11 After two failed contingency adduction probes, Headsprout Early Reading provides direct instruc-
tion in consonant blends.
140 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

that does not say “an.” The student responds “away” from the previously learned sight
word “an,” and clicks on “n.” The narrator then says, “Yes, n.” Then “n” is presented
alongside of “an” and “a.” The program says, “Click on ‘n.’” When the student clicks on
“n,” the program says, “Yes, n.” This is the moment of contingency adduction. Six conso-
nant sounds are taught this way: /n/, /c/, /l/, /f/, /r/, and /p/. Four dyads, /an/, /cl/, /fr/, and
/ip/, were taught earlier, from which these six consonant sounds were segmented. Data
collected on almost 33,000 students showed that they correctly segmented between 86%
and 97% of the new isolated consonant sounds from the sound combinations “for free”
(without instruction). Eighty-nine percent to 98% of the sounds were isolated on the first
attempt, depending upon the sound.
Four sound combinations were in the students’ behavioral histories, thus meeting
the first requirement for contingency adduction in table 9.1. A new, different contingency
was presented, isolated consonant sounds, with the instructions “Some sounds have
other sounds inside them!” and “Click on the sound that does not say [the letter combi-
nation],” illustrating the second criterion. Finally, the previously established behaviors,
four sound combinations, were segmented into six isolated consonant sounds, serving a
new or different reading function. Selecting the correct isolated consonant sounds from
the sound combinations and other, incorrect isolated sounds met the new reinforcement
requirement. None of the originally established sound combinations were sufficient to
meet the new contingency requirement. Correctly selecting isolated consonant sounds
when heard under these conditions is adduced behavior.
Adduction of a component of previously established behavior is the third variation
listed in table 9.2. Consulting table 9.3, adduction of these six consonant sounds from
previously established consonant blends was produced by an exclusion procedure, spe-
cifically an oddity-from-sample procedure (Layng et al., 2004a). The student “responds
away” from a previously learned stimulus, allowing a new stimulus, the only remaining
stimulus available, to recruit the novel behavior that meets the requirement for

A fourth variation of contingency adduction is illustrated in the second Internet
program in the Headsprout system, Headsprout Reading Comprehension ( One feature of the program teaches students new vocabulary words in
groups of four. The program teaches thirty-one groups of four words, or 124 words, in
total. Each word has a correlated definitional word or phrase already in the student’s
repertoire, plus a picture illustrating the word. The fourth word in each group is learned
through an exclusion training procedure in the following manner. After learning the first
three vocabulary words with a different procedure, described below, the fourth vocabu-
lary word, definition, and picture are introduced. The new vocabulary word appears in a
row along with two of the previously learned words, and the new definition appears
below them. The student must “respond away” from the two previously learned words
and select the remaining new word that correctly corresponds to the new definition
Generative Responding Through Contingency Adduction 141

presented below the words. In subsequent instructional frames, the new definition
appears in a row along with two of the previously learned definitions, and the new word
or the new picture appears below them. The student must “respond away” from the two
previously learned definitions and select the remaining new definition that correctly cor-
responds to the new word or picture presented below the definitions. Likewise, other
frames present the new picture in a row along with two of the previously learned pictures,
and the new word or definition appears below them. The student must “respond away”
from the two previously learned pictures and select the remaining new picture that cor-
rectly corresponds to the new word or definition presented below the pictures. Whenever
the student clicks on the unfamiliar word, definition, or picture, the program narrator
says, “Right! That’s the word/definition/picture that goes with that word/definition/
picture!”; this is the moment of contingency adduction. Data from twenty students show
that just over 96% adduced correct answers on the first trial through exclusion training
(Joe Layng, personal communication, August 14, 2017).
This example embodies the three critical features required for membership in the
concept class contingency adduction described in table 9.1. Table 9.2 lists this fourth
variation, and table 9.3 identifies it as adduction produced by an exclusion procedure. A
large number of studies have systematically replicated the exclusion effect with typically
developing children, children with disabilities, and undergraduate students learning
word-object relations. Most recently, exclusion procedures were used with two-year-old
children learning adjectives (Ribeiro, Gallano, Souza, & de Souza, 2017). Our work also
helps to extend the generality of using an exclusion procedure.

A fifth variation of contingency adduction is familiar to behavior analysts: stimulus
equivalence. Much research exists to support equivalence-based instruction, reviewed in
chapter 10 in this book (e.g., Fields et al., 2009; O’Neill, Rehfeldt, Ninness, Munoz, &
Mellor, 2015). From a contingency adduction perspective, in stimulus equivalence proce-
dures, one component of a previously encountered stimulus-response relation occurs
with new instructions to relate it to a component of another stimulus-response relation
that has also already been learned. For example, at Morningside we ask students to
memorize the equivalences among certain fractions, decimals, and percentages as a tool
skill for learning algebra. Students memorize the following equivalents among tenths,
fifths, quarters, thirds, and halves: 1/10 = .1 = 10%, 1/5 = .2 = 20%, 1/4 = .25 = 25%,
1/3 = .33 = 33%, 2/5 = .4 = 40%, 1/2 = .5 = 50%, 3/5 = .6 = 60%, 2/3 = .67 = 67%,
3/4 = .75 = 75%, and 4/5 = .8 = 80%. Each of these ten sets of equivalence relations
contains three equivalents to master (i.e., fraction to decimal, fraction to percent,
decimal to percent), totaling thirty relations, which are much more efficiently mastered
in a stimulus equivalence paradigm. When we teach students to memorize ten fraction-
decimal equivalents and ten decimal-percent equivalents, then present the ten fractions
with appropriate instructions (e.g., “Write the percent equivalents of these fractions”),
the adduced performance yields these ten relations “for free.”
142 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

This example of adduction by equivalence meets the requirements of contingency

adduction described in table 9.1. Adduction by equivalence is the fifth variation listed in
table 9.2. As Ferster said in 1965 (see the quote at the beginning of this chapter, excerpted
from Ferster, Culbertson, & Boren, 1975), the instruction rearranged the student’s exist-
ing repertoire. This time the instruction, “Write the percent equivalents of these frac-
tions,” rearranged a component of students’ math repertoires, linking a stimulus from
one previously established stimulus-response relation to a behavior established in a differ-
ent stimulus-response relation. In other words, the sequence of instructional events—
memorizing fraction-decimal equivalents, then memorizing decimal-percent
equivalents—restricted response alternatives when students were presented with frac-
tions plus the instructions to provide the percent equivalents. Knowing the decimal
equivalents of fractions restricted their responses to the instruction to the percent equiv-
alents of the decimals.
Stimulus equivalence is also incorporated in the procedures for teaching vocabulary
in Headsprout Reading Comprehension ( To review, vocabu-
lary words are taught in groups of four. Each word has a correlated definitional synonym
or phrase already in the student’s repertoire, and a picture illustrating the word. Earlier
we described how the fourth word in the group is learned through an exclusion proce-
dure. The other three words in each group are learned through exposure plus stimulus-
equivalence practice, in the following manner.
Each word is visually presented with its definition in a sentence, along with its
picture. The narrator reads the sentence, then the student reads it. After this exposure,
stimulus equivalence is leveraged in a practice format that adduces more formal word-
definition equivalents, definition-picture equivalents, and word-picture equivalents.
Students are presented with a new vocabulary word and, below it, the familiar definition
equivalent in an array of several other definitions. When they select the correct defini-
tion, the narrator says, “Right! [New word] means the same thing as [familiar defini-
tion].” Students also practice the reverse relation. When presented with a familiar
definition, students must select the correct new word from an array of words. Likewise,
students practice the other legs of the word-definition-picture equivalents: definition-
picture equivalents and their reverse, and word-picture equivalents and their reverse.
Thus, the stimulus-equivalence procedure in these segments is exposure-initiated rather
than contingency shaped.
Data from twenty-four students from one of the thirty-one vocabulary segments
shows that they correctly selected the appropriate word when given the definition, picture
when given the definition, word when given its picture, and the reverse of these relations
95% of the time on the first trial. Their average number of errors was 1.29. Data from
nineteen students from a second vocabulary segment shows that they correctly selected
the appropriate answer 97% of the time on the first trial. Their average number of errors
was 0.79
Table 9.3 lists adduction of new equivalence relations from previously established
equivalences as the third procedure that we have engineered so far to produce
Generative Responding Through Contingency Adduction 143

contingency adduction. We are curious about the degree to which contingency adduc-
tion analysis extends to other relational operant investigations, which is why we have
added “all relational operants” with a question mark to table 9.2 as a third text example
of the fifth variation of contingency adduction.

Some Complex Classroom Examples of

Contingency Adduction
The adduction examples we have presented so far clearly indicate specific anteced-
ent procedures responsible for their occurrence. Many classroom examples are not so
clear-cut, representing combinations of more than one of the variations of adduction that
we have discussed. For example, after reading comprehension instruction in drawing a
conclusion based on information in a text, students may encounter an adduction activity
that asks them to make a skillful prediction at a certain point in a text, a new compre-
hension skill that has not been taught. To be successful, students must draw a conclusion
from previously read text in a story—for example, that a character is shy and timid
because they fail to speak up when others make false accusations about their past behav-
ior. Then students must go beyond their conclusion and use a new event in a story—
another accusation by a different character—to predict that when the character hears
the false accusation they will fail to object to it by providing an accurate account of their
own behavior. The combined stimuli of a new story event, a new accusation, and the
instruction to make a prediction adduce a prediction about a future outcome in the story.
In writing instruction, after learning how to modify nouns with adjectives and how
to write dependent clauses, students may encounter an adduction activity that asks them
to write sentences with appositives, without any additional instruction beyond a model
sentence or two. For example, after learning how to construct sentences such as “The
surly, arrogant candidate lost the election to a grassroots candidate,” the student may
adduce appositive sentence writing and write, “The candidate for state representative, a
surly and arrogant man, lost the election to a grassroots candidate.” Excellent research-
based methods for teaching grammar through sentence combining such as those
described by Linden and Whimbey (1990), Whimbey, Johnson, Williams, and Linden
(1993/2017), O’Hare (1973), and Archer, Gleason, and Isaacson (2008) greatly enhances
the power of adducing sentence writing.
To illustrate the information described thus far in the chapter, below we present an
example of a teacher’s use of adduction in the classroom.

A Case Study in Adduction

Morningside teacher Marianne Delgado designed a generative process to teach stu-
dents how to adduce definitions of unfamiliar vocabulary words by using four reading
comprehension procedures: (a) using context clues to infer the meaning of a word, (b)
144 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

describing the connotation and mood that a word evokes, (c) writing multiple forms of
the word corresponding to various parts of speech, and (d) writing the word in a com-
plete sentence that indicates its meaning (Delgado & Johnson, 2010). Using context
clues to determine the meaning of “writhing,” students copied the sentence in which the
unknown word occurred from the text, read the sentences that immediately preceded
and followed the sentence containing the unknown word, and wrote their best guess of
the word’s meaning. For example, when students read, “LeGleo peered through the spy-
glass and viewed the writhing mass, shuddering as he spied rats moving on every piece of
the decrepit ship,” one student copied the sentence, read the sentences before and after
it, and recorded this best guess: “I think writhing must mean wiggling as if the rats are
moving constantly. He shuddered so I know he didn’t like it.”
To describe the connotation and mood that “bedraggled” evokes, Delgado instructed
the students to decide whether the word had a positive or negative connotation and give
an instance in which they would use the word in daily conversation. One student wrote,
“I think bedraggled has a negative connotation, because it was how (story character)
Rikki Tikki Tavi appeared after he had been in a flood. I would use bedraggled if I was
describing how I got caught in a rainstorm while waiting for a bus.” When writing mul-
tiple grammatical forms of a word, one student wrote, “cache–noun, used with in. He
stored the dynamite in a cache. Cache–verb, cached, caching, caches. He cached the
code in secret files deep in the computer.” When writing sentences that show they know
the meaning of a word, students were instructed to surround the word with words that
might be contained in a definition and with words that would describe a picture of the
word in action. For example, one student wrote, “On my trip to the farm I saw two oxen
wearing a yoke that was attached to the plow behind the animals,” and “On my trip I saw
two fledglings in a nest that hung over a masonry wall built with stones from the
Delgado conducted multiple informal assessments of her procedures with different
subsets of the vocabulary words she taught throughout the school year. For some new
vocabulary words, students followed the adduction process outlined above; for other
words, students practiced flashcards with new words on one side of the cards and teacher-
given definitions of the words on the other sides. When given a multiple-choice test of
words and definitions, students who adduced word definitions performed as well as stu-
dents given words and teacher definitions, averaging 4.3 correct of five test items, com-
pared with 4.1 correct of five items for the words they learned by practicing flashcards.
Later, when asked to use an accumulation of twelve previously adduced words to write a
story, and twelve words learned from flashcards to write another story, students correctly
used an average of 10.4 of the twelve adduced words, compared to only 8.9 correct of the
twelve words learned from flashcards.
The differences in the flashcard and adduction procedures became even more
obvious on two retention tests, using a different set of new vocabulary words from those
reported above. On one retention test of words memorized from flashcards, students used
8.5 words correctly out of twelve words in November, but six months later their
Generative Responding Through Contingency Adduction 145

performance declined to an average of 7.1 out of twelve correctly used words. However,
on a retention test of adduced vocabulary words, students wrote an average of 9.8 words
correctly in November, and maintained correct usage six months later, averaging 9.3
correct words. When asked to write two separate paragraphs employing six different
adduced words and six different flashcard words they had learned six months earlier,
students used an average of 5.2 of the six adduced words correctly, but only 4.5 of the six
flashcard words correctly.
Delgado and another Morningside teacher, Nicole Erickson (Delgado, Erickson, &
Johnson, 2015) replicated these results. Delgado and Johnson (2010) had implemented
the adduction procedure with students who performed above grade level in reading and
writing. Those students had adduced vocabulary words in the course of preparing a pre-
sentation in a project-based learning class. In the study that is reported in Delgado et al.
(2015), Erickson successfully used the adduction procedure with corrective readers who
performed below grade level in reading and writing. Her students simply required more
explicit instruction and correction procedures to master the four reading comprehension
In addition to designing instruction to promote contingency adduction, we can
teach generative repertoires such as thinking, reasoning, and problem solving that
themselves will facilitate contingency adduction within a sequence of components and

Generative Repertoires
Colloquially speaking, generative repertoires are at work when we “figure out” how
to do things we’ve never done before, draw new conclusions, infer new knowledge, “have
insights,” and so on. From a behavior analytical perspective, current contingencies occa-
sion generative repertoires: supplementary verbal behavior from the problem solver that
may lead to repertoires not previously taught. The student’s generative repertoires rear-
range current circumstances to prompt generative responding that is based upon new
combinations and blends of behavior in our current relevant repertoires. At Morningside,
teaching generative repertoires is a high priority.
One important influence is the work of Arthur Whimbey and his colleagues. Their
book Blueprint for Educational Change: Improving Reasoning, Literacies, and Science
Achievement with Cooperative Learning (Whimbey et al., 1993/2017) makes the case that
much of novel responding comes from the ability to reason or to engage in analytical
thinking. Whimbey et al. reason that many nonanalytic thinkers don’t engage in the
careful process of analyzing what they read or hear or think, a process that, they assert,
analytical thinkers use routinely. Specifically, Whimbey et al. provide examples of how
nonanalytical thinkers don’t read carefully or draw clues from what they read. They say
that nonanalytical thinkers don’t question their first assertions or draw pictures to repre-
sent complex problems as their more analytical classmates do; rather, they guess at
answers that seem, on the surface, to be correct. Whimbey and his colleagues show how
146 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

these habits lead to incorrect assumptions and ultimately incorrect answers. Our obser-
vations confirm these findings. In addition we find that some students don’t engage in
self-questioning and that some have very disorganized and nonsequential thinking.
Whimbey et al. (1993/2017) then build the case for making overt the reasoning pro-
cesses of good analytical thinkers that most often occur out of view of an observer. They
suggest that one of the reasons that some students don’t acquire good reasoning skills is
that they don’t get to see or hear what the good analytical thinker is doing privately, in
order to be able to learn from or imitate it. It is this thesis that set the stage for Whimbey
and his colleagues to develop their seminal think aloud pair problem solving (TAPPS)
method of reasoning from a given problem. TAPPS builds on the notion that effective
analytical thinkers engage in a dialogue with themselves. Deciding what to buy at a
grocery store, solving a math word problem, and making predictions while reading a
mystery all may involve self-dialoguing. This notion aligns perfectly with a radical behav-
iorist way of thinking. We can apply what we know about observable behavior to events
like thinking that we cannot see—that’s the radical component of radical behavior
A significant amount of thinking is private verbal behavior: conversing with oneself
as a speaker and listener in the same skin, as Skinner (1953) put it. Skinner called think-
ing precurrent behavior, a sequence of behaviors that prime and prompt final solution
behavior. The self as speaker prompts and probes their own behavior and generates
stimuli to supplement other behavior already in their repertoire. The self as listener con-
firms, rejects, or prompts new speaker behavior. The specific consequences of thinking
may advance problem solving closer to the solution, having a meaningful effect on the
thinker; the thinking behavior will thus be automatically reinforced.
Whimbey et al. (1993/2017) use a problem taken from the Whimbey Analytical Skill
Inventory, a test that Whimbey and colleagues constructed and tested for its ability to
separate analytical from nonanalytical thinkers. They also provide a “script” of the think-
aloud dialogue used by a particularly analytical problem solver—a male lawyer, in this
case—to solve the problem, shown in the text box below. The lawyer’s dialogue illus-
trates several of the characteristics of a good problem solver, including his concern for
accuracy and how he achieves it: writing a segment of the alphabet to help him find the
correct answer, pointing to letters as he counts them in the partial alphabet he has
written on the paper before him, making marginal notes on what he has concluded at
each point in his analytical thinking rather than trusting his conclusions to memory,
and, finally, because the problem asks him to “Circle the consonant that is farthest to the
right in the word,” saying, “Which is my right hand? This is my right hand. So this direc-
tion is right,” as he points to his right to be sure he is going in the right direction as he
counts off letters in the word. Similar examples are used to teach students the value of
drawing pictures and other similar routine skills of good problem solvers.
Generative Responding Through Contingency Adduction 147

An Expanded Version of a “Think Aloud” from Whimbey et al.

OK. The problem says, “If the word sentence contains fewer than nine letters and more
than three vowels, circle the first vowel. Otherwise, circle the consonant that is farthest to
the right in the word.”

I’m going to start from the beginning.

If the word sentence contains fewer than nine letters…

Well, the first thing I need to do is to count the letters in the word “sentence.” OK. 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8. I think eight is right, but just to be sure, I’m going to count again, and this time,
to make sure that I don’t miss any letters, I’m going to touch the letters in order with my
pen as I say each number. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. OK, so the word ‘sentence’ has eight letters
in it, which is fewer than nine. So, I’m going to write the word “yes” above that part of the
question so I won’t forget.

But that’s not all. The problem says, “If the word sentence contains fewer than nine letters
and more than three vowels, circle the first vowel.” I already know that the word sentence
contains fewer than nine letters, having determined that it actually contains eight letters.
That was the first test. So what is the second test? Oh, here it is. It says “and more than
three vowels.” Because the instructions say and, it means that for me to circle the first
vowel, the word sentence must pass both tests: it must have fewer than nine letters and
more than three vowels. So the next thing I need to do is to count the number of vowels in
the word sentence.

But first, which letters are vowels? Oh yes. They are a, e, i, o, and u.

Are there any of those letters—any vowels—in the word “sentence?” Oh, I see three of
them, here and here and here. OK. I need to count them. I’ll use my pen. There are 1, 2, 3.
OK. There are three. Now, I want to read the part of the problem that deals with this again.
It says, “more than three vowels.” Well, “sentence” does have three vowels, but it doesn’t
have more than three. So I’ll write a “no” above that part of the problem. And since I have
answered only one of the questions “yes,” I now know that my answer will be wrong if I
circle the first vowel.

So, now what do I do? Let me read the rest of it. “Otherwise, circle the consonant that is
farthest to the right in the word.” Okay, now I know what to do. But wait, which direction
is right? Oh yes, I know that this is my right hand so this direction will be to the right. So
the letter that is farthest to the right is an “e.” But an “e” is a vowel, so I need to keep
moving back from the end until I come to a consonant. Oh, here is one. It’s the “c” right
before the final “e.” Now what was I to do with it? Oh yes, I was to circle it. So that’s what
I’ll do.

In addition to creating the inventory that successfully separates analytical reasoners

from nonanalytical ones, Whimbey has either authored or coauthored at least four ana-
lytical reasoning workbooks: Analytical Reading and Reasoning (2nd ed.; Whimbey, 1990),
Mastering Reading Through Reasoning (Whimbey, 1995), and Analyze. Organize. Write.
148 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

(rev. ed.; Whimbey & Jenkins, 1987), as well as Problem Solving and Comprehension
(6th ed.; Whimbey & Lochhead, 1999), the classic book, first published in 1970, that
outlines the TAPPS procedures and provides hundreds of practice problems. Numerous
programs have used Whimbey and Lochhead (1999) along with Whimbey’s TAPPS
program to improve their students’ analytical reasoning. For example, Xavier University,
a historically black college in New Orleans, teaches a five-week summer program called
SOAR (Stress on Analytical Reasoning). Over its first dozen years, students enrolled in
SOAR made pre- to posttest gains averaging twelve points on the Preliminary Scholastic
Achievement Test (equivalent to gains of 120 points on the Scholastic Achievement
Test) and three grade levels on the Nelson-Denny Reading Test. Students enrolled in
SOAR during those first years were more than twice as likely to pass science and math
in the college sequence than unenrolled students, and more African American students
were accepted in medical and dental schools from Xavier than from any other US college
(Whimbey et al., 1993/2017). Another example of the success of TAPPS comes from the
chemical engineering department at McMaster University—a very selective engineering
university in Canada—which has a specific program devoted to teaching problem-solv-
ing processes using TAPPS as a primary teaching method ( Both of these programs, which began
before the turn of the century, continue today. Other research shows that TAPPS
improves reading comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, writing and editing skills,
math performance, direction following, understanding assignments, standardized
achievement test scores, aptitude, and even intelligence quotients (Whimbey et al.,
1993/2017). Reading between the lines, it also holds promise for setting the stage for
students to adduce new repertoires.
Morningside Academy’s principal, Joanne Robbins, modified Whimbey’s TAPPS
program to make it appropriate for younger students at Morningside learning to think
aloud in their problem solving (Robbins, 2011). Robbins’s (2014) teacher-training program,
which she has designed, field-tested, and revised, is called Learn to Reason with TAPS: A
Problem Solving Approach. As Johnson (2015) reported in The Journal of Organizational
Behavior Management, to reduce students’ anxiety about the procedure, Robbins intro-
duces talk aloud problem solving (TAPS) in a cooperative learning setting and engages
students initially in content-free and typically enjoyable exercises such as solving logic
problems, puzzles, or brainteasers. The program teaches students how to function in only
one of the problem-solving roles—the problem solver or the active listener—at a time.
The ultimate goal of the program is for each student to adopt the practices of both a good
problem solver and an active listener.
The five qualities of a problem solver include

1. shows a positive attitude,

2. works carefully,

3. breaks the problem into parts,

Generative Responding Through Contingency Adduction 149

4. actively works the problem, and

5. never just guesses.

The five qualities of an active listener include

1. follows along,

2. gives encouragement,

3. catches mistakes,

4. leads and hints instead of giving an answer, and

5. reviews for accuracy.

After roles are assigned, each partner in the team receives a card displaying their
role. Students learn specific dialoguing practices for each quality. One student—the
Problem Solver—performs aloud as the other partner—the Active Listener—provides
reinforcement, corrections, and shaping. As students master both the speaker and lis-
tener roles, they receive a variety of problems to solve independently, although, even
then, they are required to comment out loud on their own speaking, as a listener would.
At this stage, the student is practicing combining their speaker and listener repertoires
in the same skin into a controlled intraverbal chain. During this phase of the teaching
process, Morningside teachers provide reinforcement, corrections, and shaping in a
manner similar to what they did when students played only one of the roles for a particu-
lar problem. According to Johnson (2015), “Finally, each student practices covertizing
the speaker and listener routines while maintaining problem solving fluency. Of course,
by encouraging students to covertize the speaker and listener routines, teachers can only
see the outcomes of the private dialogue in a correctly solved problem” (p. 143). As
Morningside Academy has routinized its own TAPS procedures, students have been pro-
viding evidence that they understand its importance in working through many challeng-
ing problems, puzzles, logic questions, and even everyday problems that arise. For
example, we’ve witnessed students—deciding where to go for a special lunch or what to
do on their break—say, “Let’s TAPS that!”
Morningside instructional designers are in the process of developing several genera-
tive procedures, including routines for questioning teachers and peers (e.g., Robbins,
Layng, & Jackson, 1995), a constructivist approach called “questioning the author”
(Beck, McKeown, Hamilton, & Kucan, 1997), and pragmatic natural philosopher and
educator John Dewey’s (1933) method for reflective thinking, descriptions of which are
beyond the confines of this chapter. Besides strengthening our students’ problem-solving
repertoires, designing generative repertoire procedures reduces the need to design
instructional procedures that directly promote contingency adduction and provides more
opportunities for using commercially available instructional materials that are not gen-
erative in nature.
150 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Frequency Building of Component Skills and

Application to Learning Complex Skills
The third group of behavior analysis investigators who influenced our generative
instruction model was Eric Haughton’s behavioral fluency group, which included Beatrice
Barrett, Carl Binder, Annie Desjardins, Michael Maloney, and Clay Starlin, among
others. Haughton in particular was interested in the rather explicit nature of the relation
between practice to fluency and generative responding. The present authors eventually
became part of this group. Before the discoveries of contingency adduction, the behav-
ioral fluency group discovered a wealth of Standard Celeration Chart evidence showing
that accuracy of a response class is insufficient for smooth progress through a curriculum
sequence. Building component elementary or “tool” skills such as letter sounds and math
facts to certain frequencies made it easier to develop useful frequencies of complex skills
that require the synthesis of these component skills, such as word and passage reading
and computational arithmetic. Eric Haughton (1972) described many Standard Celeration
Charts that illustrated these relations, discovered while he was coaching teachers using
precision teaching in elementary schools in Canada. Importantly, he calculated the rela-
tion between the frequency of saying sounds correctly and oral reading frequency across
the Standard Celeration Charts of many teachers representing many students. The cor-
relations ranged from .6 to 1.0. Notably, the correlation between number writing fre-
quency and computation averaged 0.9! Low tool skill frequencies clearly predicted low
frequencies and higher errors in more complex reading, math, and writing performance.
Over time, Haughton and his teachers discovered three outcomes of effective class-
room practice: (1) when tool skill frequencies reach between 100 and 200 per minute,
more complex skills will accelerate faster and require less error correction, and students
will progress through curriculum steps at a faster rate; (2) errors are much easier to
correct when overall performance on a given skill is higher than fifty to sixty per minute;
and (3) students can successfully engage in independent practice without risk of practic-
ing errors when they can perform at approximately half the proficiency level for a given
skill (Haughton, 1980). A large number of precision teaching investigations since 1980
have also supported the conclusion that increased performance frequencies improve
application (e.g., Evans & Evans, 1985; Johnson & Layng, 1992, 1994; Maloney,
Desjardins, & Broad, 1990; Mercer, Mercer, & Evans, 1982). By application, precision
teaching means “integration of component response classes into composite response
classes” (Binder, 1996, p. 178).12 One controlled study has examined the relation between
the frequency of prerequisite tool skills and complex skills that incorporate them. Van
Houten (1980) measured the frequency of long multiplication (e.g., 42 x 26) and long
division (e.g., 342 ÷ 12) problems completed in ten minutes. During some conditions
students also practiced multiplication and division facts during another part of the school

12 In precision teaching, the original meaning of “application,” the “A” in the acronyms for fluency
such as RAPS, REAPS, and RESSA, was clearly about component skills facilitating composite behav-
ior. The “A” has nothing to do with performing a skill in a new context.
Generative Responding Through Contingency Adduction 151

day, and during other conditions they did not. Results showed that students’ frequencies
of completing long multiplication and long division problems increased only in the condi-
tions in which they also practiced multiplication and division math facts. When math
facts practice did not occur, frequencies of long multiplication and division remained the
same. Math fact frequencies rose from thirty to forty per minute at the beginning of the
experiment to sixty to seventy per minute at the end of the experiment, highly correlated
with increases in long multiplication and division frequencies.13
Since precision teaching investigations and data are focused on the relation between
growth in tool skill frequencies and growth in more complex skill frequencies, it is not
possible to draw conclusions about whether tool skill frequency building produced
adduction of more complex skills in the absence of instruction. We can say that tool skill
frequency building made it appear much easier to learn subsequent more complex skills
that required the synthesis of these skills. By easier, precision teachers are talking prag-
matics: more complex skills will accelerate faster and require less error correction, and
students will progress through curriculum steps at a faster rate. Tool skill frequency build-
ing enables composite behavior instruction by ensuring that the frequencies of the com-
ponents are sufficient for them to be easily applied in larger composites, after at least some
instruction in the composite. Instruction is presumably still necessary but is briefer and
requires less error correction. From these data we can conceptualize degrees of generativity
in responding and a continuum of instruction ranging from many demonstrations and
opportunities for guided practice and feedback to a few tips and quips, or no help at all.
It appears that the amount or dose of instruction required for students to build high fre-
quencies of complex skills with fewer errors was much lower when students had higher
frequencies of their component skills.

Collateral Emotional Effects of the Moment of

Contingency Adduction
The moment of contingency adduction often produces collateral positive emotional
effects. The student’s adduced performance may be accompanied by “Aha,” smiling, and
other overt responses if the student tacts the correspondence between their novel behav-
ior and the criteria for reinforcement in the new situation. Aha tacts usually follow

13 We should note that many investigations have demonstrated that building component frequen-
cies accelerates composite skill instruction and performance with children and adults with disabilities.
The first author did significant work in designing instruction to teach activities of daily living skills
such as handwashing and teeth brushing to adults with developmental disabilities in an institution.
Teaching focused on practicing tool skill components of these activities, such as reaching, touching,
grasping, placing, releasing, pushing, pulling, shaking, squeezing, and tapping; and informally demon-
strating their combination to students. Neither task analysis nor chaining procedures were necessary.
Even sales and customer service staff have learned to engage in lengthy problem-solving conversations
with customers by focusing on product knowledge facts (Binder & Bloom, 1989; Binder & Sweeney,
2002). Many of these investigations have been published; however, we cannot describe them here.
Instead, we will stick to our goal of describing generative responding in academic skill development.
152 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

sudden and dramatic shifts in stimulus control where the student’s performance changes
from unsuccessful candidate responses to adduced responses that match the teacher’s
score sheet. If engineered well, inductive, discovery learning can be enormously more fun
for students and teachers than didactic, expository learning.
One reason constructivist-style education dominates current educational practices is
likely the aesthetically pleasing outcomes discovery learning in principal can produce.
However, constructivist lessons are often not successful for all students. Student out-
comes often do not meet high standards, continuing a sorting machine philosophy of
education where the best students rise to the top while others are left behind. Often
these problems are masked by cooperative learning arrangements in which a few students
in a small group do the majority of the learning while the others are left puzzled. Discovery
learning lessons also often proceed at a slow pace of learning, bogged down with errors
and collateral negative emotional effects. Behavior analysis in education may gain a com-
petitive foothold in current thinking about education by investigating and proposing
methods based on a thorough analysis of the conditions under which generative respond-
ing through the process of contingency adduction can be arranged.

Contingency Adduction and Behavioral Evolution

The behavioral process of contingency adduction (or comparable accounts of generative
responding) is essential to a plausible account of the origins of the vast number of behav-
iors emitted by organisms, especially humans, during the course of their lives. Behavioral
accounts that incorporate only the basic behavior principles of reinforcement, shaping,
and stimulus control are insufficient, as evidenced by the large majority of skeptics who
find behavioral accounts too elementary and too naive (e.g., Chomsky, 1959). Figure 9.1
depicts a more plausible account. In the course of an organism’s behavioral evolution,
various contingencies operate simultaneously and continuously on the many behaviors in
an organism’s history. Novel behavior relations are the outcome of these dynamics. In
each new situation or circumstance, contingencies recruit current relevant component
repertoires from an organism’s history. Novel adduced repertoires are selected from the
combinations and recombinations of component behaviors in an organism’s history to
meet the requirements of those current reinforcement contingencies. These adduced rep-
ertoires become part of the selecting environment for further new repertoires required in
subsequent new circumstances, and so on, thus producing increasingly complex behav-
ior. When current contingencies are not at sufficient strength, contingency adduction is
often facilitated when the student engages in generative repertoires, such as TAPS, best
guess study skills, and other analytical routines. Good instructional design assures that
students practice generative repertoires to heighten their occurrence in the presence of
novel contingencies.
Generative Responding Through Contingency Adduction 153

Component Repertoires
in our behavioral history

New situation occurs

Or, the new situation promotes

Generative Repertoires
Those contingencies directly (e.g., questioning, TAPS,
Reflective Thinking)

Recruit our current relevant

Component Repertoires,
which create

Adduced Repertoires,
which then become part of our
Component Repertoires

Figure 9.1 Behavioral evolution.

The quote below, by Charles Ferster (1965)14, conveys the essence of contingency
adduction as it applies to instruction.

The essential point is that the speaker (teacher) does not build the repertoire in
the student. He can only prompt, modify, or rearrange verbal behavior that the
listener (student) already has. Thus, the interaction between speaker and lis-
tener (teacher and student) is most effective when their repertoires are close but
not identical. The listener (student) is well prepared for the speaker’s (teacher’s)
influence when he would have said the same thing given another ten minutes (italics

14 Paper read at the 50th anniversary Conference of the Graduate School of Education, the
University of Pennsylvania, 1965. Reprinted in Ferster et al. (1975, p. 567). Extracted pages available
from the first author.
154 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Implications and Future Directions

Our work with contingency adduction has substantially informed our generative instruc-
tion model of academic instruction and our other clinical work with children and youth
(Johnson & Layng, 1992, 1994; Johnson & Street, 2004, 2012, 2013; Layng, Twyman, &
Stikeleather, 2004a, 2004b; Street & Johnson, 2014). Generative instruction makes
teaching and learning more efficient. Eliminating the need for explicitly teaching com-
posite performances reduces time to mastery of a typical curriculum by one-third or
more. Generative instruction also provides explicit practice in problem solving without
instruction as required in the real world. Direct and explicit teaching alone avoids teach-
ing students how to think and creates dependency upon teachers and instruction for
learning. And if we teach ourselves as well as constructivists how to engineer discovery
learning effectively, we can heighten the aesthetically reinforcing effectiveness of discov-
ery learning by making reinforcement denser and more probable. Then maybe we’ll
command a bigger role in American general education—a role that constructivists now
claim and that we once claimed in the 1960s and 1970s.
In light of these advantages, we recommend that behavioral instructors revise their
typical behavioral instruction protocols such as discrete trial training, direct instruction,
and precision teaching in the following manner:

1. Focus instruction on component behaviors to facilitate untaught mastery of

complex behavior.
• Deconstruct the current holistic activities and real-world composite behav-
iors identified in today’s academic curriculum frameworks and standards.
Use component/composite analysis to break down the composite behaviors
(Binder, 1996; Haughton, 1980; Johnson & Layng, 1992). We have identi-
fied over forty foundational component behaviors in reading, writing, and
mathematics (Johnson & Street, 2013).
• Design and present explicit instruction for each component behavior, using
the demonstrate-guide-test model described by Gilbert’s (1962a, 1962b)
Mathetics and Engelmann and Carnine’s direct instruction (Engelmann &
Carnine, 1982; Marchand-Martella, Slocum, & Martella, 2004) to build
highly accurate performance.
• Design and present frequency-building activities for each component, using
Lindsley’s precision teaching (Binder, 1996; Johnson & Street, 2012, 2013;
Kubina & Yurich, 2012) to build high frequencies of performance.

2. Build complex repertoires from the component behaviors thus established by

engineering discovery learning.
• Sequence instruction so that composite activities follow component
Generative Responding Through Contingency Adduction 155

• After teaching the sequence of component behaviors, design and present a

contingency adduction moment: one or more composite behavior activi-
ties that incorporate the component behaviors that you have explicitly
taught. When presenting the composite activity, provide a blend of brief
context-setting instruction and connections to natural, real-world problem
solving to assure that the activity functions as a motivative operation.
• Use a delayed prompting procedure to guarantee that the composite activ-
ity will recruit the components and adduce the complex untaught compos-
ite, instead of directly teaching it.

3. Delayed prompting is essentially an upside-down version of explicit instruction;

begin with a test phase (“Can you do this now?) and proceed to prompting and
guiding, then full-blown demonstrations, as needed.
• Reinforce the new performance to produce adduced behavior.
• Teach generative repertoires such as TAPS, questioning, and reflective
thinking to facilitate contingency adduction and discovery learning.

4. Use these procedures for corrective, remedial instruction as well as instruction

for new learning. Trouble in algebra does not mean we should intensify instruc-
tion and practice in algebra. Component/composite analysis and student perfor-
mance assessment will reveal the components of algebra that are absent,
error-prone, or at frequencies too low to be useful in solving algebra problems.
Such nonlinear analyses reveal that the problem that a student presents—in
this case, trouble in algebra—is not the main problem to solve.

Generative behavior is behavior that occurs in novel forms under novel circumstances
without direct instruction. That behavior analysts can program for generative respond-
ing is important, because educators cannot possibly teach every academic skill that a
student needs to learn. The purpose of generative instruction is to arrange for the teach-
ing of a number of component skills so that students will demonstrate new forms of
complex academic skills that combine several component skills. Research on generativ-
ity, contingency adduction, and behavioral fluency have all contributed to the develop-
ment of the generative instructional model. Five variations of contingency adduction
have been programmed in classroom settings and are incorporated into the Headsprout
Internet reading program. Results for the Headsprout Early Reading program have shown
that a large proportion of students identified new sound combinations in the absence of
instruction and formed new consonant blends. Likewise, many students showed the
emergence of new vocabulary skills following their completion of the Headsprout Reading
Comprehension program. Whimbey and colleagues have provided a framework for
156 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

analyzing novel behavior in terms of analytic thinking and problem solving. Importantly,
for all forms of generative repertoires, the speaker or teacher does not build the repertoire
but prompts, modifies, or rearranges verbal behavior that the listener or student already
has in the repertoire.

Study Questions
1. What is generativity? Explain in your own words.

2. What are the practical benefits of generative responding? Why is it

socially important?

3. Describe two areas of research that have influenced the authors’ gen-
erative instruction model.

4. Explain “contingency adduction.”

5. What are the three critical features of the concept class contingency

6. How does exclusion learning facilitate contingency adduction? Give an


7. Describe two of the examples of contingency adduction reviewed in the


8. What is the main idea behind the development of TAPPS/TAPS


9. What are the five qualities of problem solvers and active listeners as
described in the chapter?

10. What is one of the main conclusions from the precision teaching
research described in this chapter?

11. Describe the implications for teaching provided by the authors at the
end of the chapter.

12. What is a “contingency adduction moment”? Give an example.

13. The authors say that trouble in algebra doesn’t necessarily mean that
more practice in algebra is needed. What point are the authors making
with this example?

Equivalence-Based Instruction: Designing

Instruction Using Stimulus Equivalence

Daniel M. Fienup15
Teachers College, Columbia University

Julia Brodsky
The Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Link and Preview

The discovery of a behavior process known as stimulus equivalence was important for
behavior analysts because it set the stage for an analysis of conditions under which novel
patterns of responses may emerge in the absence of explicit instruction. The present
chapter introduces the concepts of stimulus equivalence classes and elaborates upon how
the formation of equivalence classes relates to the concepts of stimulus and response gen-
eralization. The chapter also describes instructional procedures that have been used in
both the laboratory and educational settings for producing equivalence relations.

The challenge of education is to engineer antecedents and consequences to produce

accurate performance under appropriate stimulus control conditions. An educator must
begin the design of instruction by determining the stimuli that should evoke the desired
academic response(s). At the simplest level, an educator may wish to establish responding
in the presence of a discriminative stimulus such that the response occurs in the pres-
ence of certain stimuli—such as saying “five” in the presence of the numeral five (5) but
not in the presence of other stimuli, such as other numerals—thereby demonstrating
stimulus control (Herrnstein, 1990). At a higher level, an educator may want to develop
responding to an open-ended category of stimuli, such as treating the numeral five dis-
played in different sizes and fonts, as functionally interchangeable (see top portion of
figure 10.1). The formation of open-ended categories requires stimulus generalization,

15 Author Note: A portion of Daniel Fienup’s effort was conducted while affiliated with Queens
College, CUNY.
158 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

or the spread of effect across topographical stimulus dimensions (Herrnstein, 1990;

Stokes & Baer, 1977). A more complex type of stimulus control is involved in concept
formation, which entails responding to a range of nonidentical stimuli that may vary
across perceptual modalities—such as the numeral five (5), the letters f-i-v-e, the spoken
word “five,” and five objects—and treating them as functionally interchangeable (see
bottom portion of figure 10.1). Concept formation is quite a different phenomenon from
stimulus generalization because of the range of stimuli involved. At the level of concept
formation, educators may look to the long history of basic and applied studies dealing
with the formation of classes of physically disparate stimuli for guidance in teaching such
repertoires. This area of research is known as stimulus equivalence (Sidman, 1994).

Open-Ended Categories and Generalization

5 5 5 5
Concept Formation and Stimulus Equivalence

5 five Five!

Figure 10.1 A depiction of stimulus generalization and stimulus equivalence.

Equivalence-based instruction (EBI) is a generative instructional design tool that

incorporates the principles of stimulus equivalence, which bears resemblance to logical
deduction (Fienup, Covey, & Critchfield, 2010). Typically conducted via match-to-sam-
ple (MTS) procedures, EBI teaches classes (sets) of stimuli containing three or more
stimuli each (e.g., A, B, and C). To reduce the amount of direct teaching while maintain-
ing high levels of academic output, educators consider how to link a small subset of
stimulus-stimulus relations to expand to a new, larger set of stimulus-stimulus relations.
EBI is concerned with the design of instruction to teach functional interchangeability
between topographically dissimilar, but thematically similar, stimuli.
The trajectory of stimulus equivalence research is atypical. Many behavioral tech-
nologies are inspired by the findings of basic research. Initial stimulus equivalence
research was conducted in the applied field, where the phenomenon was discovered and
studied by Murray Sidman and his colleagues (Sidman, 1971; Sidman & Cresson, 1973),
who taught reading comprehension to learners with an intellectual disability (ID) and
Down syndrome. Questions generated in applied settings led researchers to further study
Equivalence-Based Instruction: Designing Instruction Using Stimulus Equivalence159

this phenomenon in laboratory settings, where the majority of research in this area has
been conducted. In the last few decades, while basic researchers have continued con-
ducting research in highly controlled settings, parallel applied and translational research
has studied the application of this technology to the design of educationally relevant
academic instruction (Rehfeldt, 2011). Areas of instruction have included spelling (De
Rose, de Souza, & Hanna, 1996), matching names and faces (Cowley, Green, &
Braunling-McMorrow, 1992), geography (e.g., Hall, DeBernardis, & Reiss, 2006), and
mathematics (Lynch & Cuvo, 1995). These skills have been taught to participants with
a variety of diagnoses, such as Down syndrome (Sidman & Cresson, 1973), fragile X
syndrome (Hall et al., 2006), ID (Sidman, 1971), autism spectrum disorders (Stanley,
Belisle, & Dixon, 2018), brain injury (Cowley et al., 1992), and visual impairments
(Toussaint & Tiger, 2010).
Lynch and Cuvo (1995) conducted a study that typifies EBI. These researchers
taught fraction-decimal mathematics classes to general education fifth and sixth graders.
The stimuli in the classes included numerical representations of fractions (A stimuli);
pictorial analogues, which were grids composed of 100 squares with a particular number
of squares filled in black (B stimuli); and numerical representations of decimals (C
stimuli). There were twelve separate fraction-decimal classes included in training. For
example, class one contained the stimuli 1/5 (A), a pictorial analogue with 20 of 100
squares filled in (B), and 0.20 (C). Figure 10.2 displays examples of taught and derived
stimulus-stimulus relations in this study. The researchers used MTS procedures to teach
AB and BC relations and test for the emergence of derived relations.
During AB training, the researchers presented a sample stimulus and the participant
selected the sample (observing response) to produce four comparison stimuli. In AB
training, fractions (A) served as samples and pictorial analogues (B) served as compari-
sons. Of the four comparison stimuli presented during a trial, one was from the same
class of stimuli, and selecting this stimulus resulted in an audible “yes” generated by the
computer program. Three comparison stimuli were from classes other than the sample,
and selecting those comparison stimuli resulted in no effect—that is, the stimuli remained
until the participant clicked the correct comparison stimulus. Following mastery of all
twelve AB relations, the researchers applied the same training procedure to BC relations
where pictorial analogues (B) served as sample stimuli and decimals (C) served as com-
parison stimuli. Prior to and after the instruction, the researchers tested stimulus-stimu-
lus relations that were expected to emerge from the instruction. Two of these relations
were symmetry (BA, CB) and tested for whether sample-comparison conditional dis-
criminations resulted in bidirectional transfer whereby the participant made accurate
responses when samples became comparisons and comparisons became samples. One
derived relation was transitivity (AC) and represented an association between two
stimuli not directly taught, but related through a mutual stimulus (in this study, the B
stimuli). A final derived relation was equivalence (CA), or combined symmetry and
transitivity, which involved both bidirectional transfer and a novel association.
160 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Prior to instruction, participants showed low levels of class-consistent (accurate)

responding. After learning the AB and BC conditional discriminations, participants
showed the emergence of equivalence classes by responding with high accuracy to sym-
metry, transitivity, and equivalence probe trials, thus demonstrating the ability to accu-
rately relate fractions and decimals (see figure 10.2). This is an important educational
outcome because participants treated three topographically different stimuli as inter-
changeable, and this socially significant repertoire resulted from teaching just two over-
lapping relations. Thus, the teaching strategy appeared to be time efficient, in that
several skills emerged after only a few were taught.






1/5 1/5 Transitivity


.20 Equivalence

Figure 10.2 Trained relations (top row) and tested derived relations (bottom row)
based on Lynch and Cuvo (1995).

Equivalence Procedures as Instructional

Design Choices
In this section we will review different components of EBI and the supporting research
base. Many instructional design features of the study conducted by Lynch and Cuvo
(1995) are worth noting. The first is that by teaching two relations (AB, BC), the
researchers observed the emergence of four derived relations (BA, CB, AC, CA). The
number of untaught emergent relations shows the power of stimulus equivalence and why
educators and clinicians may be interested in adopting this technology. For example,
Equivalence-Based Instruction: Designing Instruction Using Stimulus Equivalence161

Lynch and Cuvo (1995) observed the emergence of relations between fractions and deci-
mals that were never directly taught. The effect of programming for and observing the
emergence of derived relations has been replicated across a large number of different
content areas and populations, including college students learning about single-subject
research designs (Lovett, Rehfeldt, Garcia, & Dunning, 2011) and neuroanatomy
(Fienup, Mylan, Brodsky, & Pytte, 2016), and learners with disabilities mastering reading
and spelling (de Rose et al., 1996) and coin equivalences (Keintz, Miguel, Kao, & Finn,
2011). Broad reviews of equivalence applications (Rehfeldt, 2011), and those specifically
with college students (Fienup, Hamelin, Reyes-Giordano, & Falcomata, 2011; Brodsky &
Fienup, 2018) and individuals with autism (McLay, Sutherland, Church, & Tyler-Merrick,
2013), summarize the variety of concepts researchers have taught using EBI.
The derived relations reported in EBI studies represent properties of equivalence
classes, and the presence of these properties establish that a class of stimuli function
interchangeably. The properties established in the Lynch and Cuvo (1995) study were
symmetry, transitivity, and equivalence. One additional property is reflexivity, whereby
a stimulus bears a relation to itself, akin to identity matching (see Sidman, 1994). Lynch
and Cuvo (1995) did not test for the property of reflexivity, nor do most studies involving
typically developing participants, but this property is important to establish and test in
applications with individuals with IDs (e.g., Sidman & Cresson, 1973).

Match-to-Sample Procedures
Lynch and Cuvo (1995) made an instructional design choice by implementing simul-
taneous MTS procedures (see top portion of figure 10.3) to conduct AB and BC condi-
tional discrimination training. In simultaneous MTS procedures, the sample and
comparison stimuli are present at the same time. Lynch and Cuvo required an observing
response to the sample stimulus to ensure a participant was attending to the sample, and
then the comparison stimuli appeared while the sample remained on the screen. A varia-
tion of this procedure is delayed MTS (see bottom portion of figure 10.3), in which the
sample disappears once clicked, and the comparison stimuli appear immediately (zero-
second delay) or after some time (Arntzen, 2006). Indeed, most of the EBI applications
we are aware of utilize a simultaneous MTS procedure. This is interesting because basic
research has shown that delayed MTS results in higher levels of equivalence class forma-
tion. Arntzen (2006) conducted a series of experiments with adult learners comparing
simultaneous MTS and delayed MTS arrays with delays between zero and nine seconds.
Results showed that longer delays between the offset of the sample stimulus and the onset
of comparison stimuli resulted in higher numbers of participants demonstrating equiva-
lence classes. To the best of our knowledge, this phenomenon has not explicitly been
studied in the context of EBI and teaching academically relevant equivalence classes,
although there are examples of delayed MTS procedures used in EBI research (e.g., Lane
& Critchfield, 1998; Stromer & Mackay, 1992).
162 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Simultaneous Match-to-Sample (With Observing Response)

Delayed Match-to-Sample

Figure 10.3 Simultaneous MTS (top row) and delayed MTS (bottom row).

Training Structure
Lynch and Cuvo (1995) made an instructional design choice to arrange the training
structure of the fraction-decimal classes as a linear series (LS), whereby A sample stimuli
were conditionally related to B comparison stimuli, and B sample stimuli were condition-
ally related to C comparison stimuli (see left portion of figure 10.4). The B stimulus was
the node, or stimulus that connected the other two, which served as both a comparison
stimulus and sample stimulus in different training phases. Basic researchers have rigor-
ously tested other training structures. The other training structures are colloquially
described as one-to-many (OTM; middle portion of figure 10.4) and many-to-one
(MTO; right portion of figure 10.4), or technically named sample-as-node and compar-
ison-as-node, respectively.
In an OTM training structure, given stimuli ABC, an instructor teaches AB and AC
relations and tests for the emergence of (1) BA and CA symmetry relations and (2) BC
and CB equivalence relations. In this case, A stimuli serve as samples on all training
trials and A stimuli are the node, hence the technical name sample-as-node. In an MTO
training structure, an instructor teaches BA and CA relations and tests for the
Equivalence-Based Instruction: Designing Instruction Using Stimulus Equivalence163

emergence of (1) AB and AC symmetry relations and (2) BC and CB equivalence rela-
tions. The naming of a particular relation depends upon the training structure used.
You may notice that the BC relations mentioned here represent a trained relation in
the LS example and an equivalence relation in OTM and MTO examples. The way to
distinguish between these relations is to first note the trained relations (see black lines in
figure 10.4) and then consider whether a derived relation (red lines) entails (1) bidirec-
tionality (symmetry), (2) associations between novel stimuli without bidirectionality
(transitivity), or (3) associations between novel stimuli with bidirectionality (equiva-
lence). Researchers have directly compared training structures and their effect on the
probability of forming equivalence classes. With typically developing adults, the OTM
training structure produces the highest levels of derived relations, followed by the MTO
training structure (Arntzen, Grondahl, & Eilifsen, 2010; Arntzen & Holth, 1997, 2000).
With children and individuals with IDs, the MTO training structure is the most success-
ful arrangement, followed by OTM (Saunders, Drake, & Spradlin, 1999; Saunders,
Wachter, & Spradlin, 1988). In basic research studies that directly compared training
structures, the LS structure has reliably produced the lowest level of class-consistent
responding; however, several applied EBI studies have used the LS training structure
with success (e.g., Lynch & Cuvo, 1995; Fields et al., 2009).

Linear Series One-to-Many Many-to-One

Figure 10.4 The linear series, one-to-many, and many-to-one training structures.

Training Protocol
Another instructional design choice by Lynch and Cuvo (1995) was how to order
training and testing phases, referred to as training protocol (see figure 10.5). Lynch and
Cuvo programmed all training phases (AB and BC) consecutively and prior to conduct-
ing tests of derived relations. During testing, probes for symmetry and transitivity were
conducted first, followed by equivalence probes. The training protocol used in Lynch and
Cuvo mimics a simultaneous (SIM) protocol (see top portion of figure 10.5). In this
164 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

protocol, all training phases are grouped and all testing phases are grouped, with no
overlap between (Fields, Reeve, Adams, Brown, & Verhave, 1997). Another training
protocol is the simple-to-complex (STC) protocol (see middle portion of figure 10.5),
which intersperses training phases and derived relations probes. Across the whole
program, derived relations are tested individually, and tests are arranged from the sim-
plest type of derived relations (i.e., symmetry) to the most difficult (i.e., equivalence;
Adams, Fields, & Verhave, 1993). Lynch and Cuvo’s (1995) protocol would have looked
a bit different if conducted as an STC protocol. The authors taught AB, then BC, and
then tested for BA, CB, AC, and BC, respectively. In an STC protocol, the test for sym-
metry of AB would have directly followed AB training. With three-member classes, per-
formance differences produced by the SIM and STC protocols is minimal, but the
difference becomes more obvious as class sizes increase (see Fienup, Wright, & Fields,
The SIM and STC protocols are the most commonly used in basic and applied
studies, although other protocols have been discussed. The complex-to-simple (CTS)
protocol completes training phases consecutively and then tests for the emergence of
derived relations individually, starting with the most complex relations (for a description
see Adams et al., 1993; for an applied example see LeBlanc, Miguel, Cummings,
Goldsmith, & Carr, 2003). The hybrid protocol (Imam & Warner, 2014) includes train-
ing in consecutive phases, and tests are ordered from simple to complex (see bottom
portion of figure 10.5). In other words, the hybrid protocol includes SIM training and
STC testing. The first work on training protocols was conducted by Adams et al. (1993)
and showed that when instructors taught relations between arbitrary stimuli (e.g., non-
sense syllables), the STC protocol produced a very high number of participants who
demonstrated equivalence classes. This outcome was considerably better than previous
studies utilizing SIM and CTS protocols. Fienup et al. (2015) directly compared the SIM
and STC protocols while teaching college students neuroanatomy classes. The research-
ers found that when teaching three-member (ABC) and four-member (ABCD) classes,
participants who completed the STC protocol always formed classes during the first
administration of the final test of equivalence. However, fewer participants who com-
pleted the SIM protocol formed three-member classes (75%), and this number dropped
further with four-member classes (42%). Additional research has demonstrated that the
breakdown of testing is potentially more important than whether training and testing are
interspersed. Imam and Warner (2014) compared the SIM protocol to the hybrid proto-
col and found that ordering test phases from simple to complex dramatically influenced
whether an individual formed equivalence classes. This procedure mimics the testing
order used by Lynch and Cuvo (1995) and may explain why Lynch and Cuvo found high
performance during tests of equivalence class formation.
Equivalence-Based Instruction: Designing Instruction Using Stimulus Equivalence165
SIM Protocol

STC Protocol

Hybrid Protocol

Figure 10.5 The SIM, STC, and hybrid training protocols. Dashed boxes represent
testing probes; solid boxes represent training phases.

Generalization of Class-Consistent Responding

Lynch and Cuvo (1995) conducted generalization trials and paper-based generaliza-
tion tests using novel fraction-decimal classes. Frequently, EBI researchers test for gener-
alization across stimuli, responses, and time. For example, Trucil, Vladescu, Reeve,
DeBar, and Schnell (2015) taught portion size estimation using EBI, and tested for gen-
eralization by asking participants to estimate portions of novel foods, demonstrating
stimulus generalization. Such tests underscore the educationally relevant outcomes pro-
duced by EBI. Reyes-Giordano and Fienup (2015) conducted MTS EBI and tested derived
relations in computerized MTS, multiple-choice, and fill in the blank formats. The out-
comes suggested response generalization. Albright, Reeve, Reeve, and Kisamore (2015)
166 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

taught participants statistics concepts and demonstrated maintenance one week after
equivalence training. Fienup et al. (2016) demonstrated that learning neuroanatomy
classes via computerized EBI resulted in higher course exam performance a few weeks
later as compared to no equivalence training, demonstrating a combination of stimulus
and response generalization and maintenance.
Successful performance on generalization measures demonstrates that instructors
may choose to use EBI teaching procedures even when the target response topography
may differ from the training topography. This is educationally important because many
curricular goals include writing and talking about stimuli. However, teaching in this
modality may be difficult, and the results of the EBI literature suggest the MTS training
often results in improved writing and discussion of educational stimuli (e.g., Walker,
Rehfeldt, & Ninness, 2010). Additionally, the research has shown that when mainte-
nance tests are administered, participants continue to respond in a class-consistent
manner in both the experimental settings (Albright, Schnell, Reeve, & Sidener, 2016;
Trucil et al., 2015) and the naturalistic educational settings (e.g., Fienup et al., 2016);
however, some booster training may be required to maintain responding (Walker &
Rehfeldt, 2012). Such generalization outcomes may be beneficial in clinical work, where
a therapist can train concepts such as classes of animals using EBI in a client’s home, but
the learner may generalize to writing about classes of animals at school or speaking about
classes of animals with peers on the playground.

EBI Applications
Researchers have demonstrated the utility of EBI in teaching a wide variety of socially
significant behaviors across a number of individuals of varying skill levels. Sidman (1971)
first demonstrated equivalence relations in a learner with ID. The learner had a preexist-
ing repertoire of matching spoken words to pictures. After Sidman taught the learner to
match spoken and printed words, the learner was then able to match words to their cor-
responding pictures, thereby demonstrating reading comprehension. In a follow-up study,
Sidman and Cresson (1973) taught two young adults with Down syndrome reading com-
prehension, but unlike in the 1971 study, the participants did not have a preexisting
spoken word-picture repertoire. The researchers taught the participants to choose pic-
tures and written words when presented with dictated words and observed the emer-
gence of reading comprehension—matching pictures and written words. This study
replicated and extended the original 1971 study and experimentally demonstrated the
emergence of transitive relations and equivalence classes contingent upon teaching spe-
cific, linked conditional discriminations.
Much of the applied literature represents a replication and extension of the Sidman
and Cresson (1973) procedures to teach different repertoires. For example, Keintz et al.
(2011) taught coin equivalences to children with autism, which is an important step in
Equivalence-Based Instruction: Designing Instruction Using Stimulus Equivalence167

teaching functional use of money. Coin names served as A stimuli, physical coins served
as B stimuli, printed prices served as C stimuli, and dictated prices served as D stimuli.
Following training, participants were able to engage in a number of derived skills, such as
matching coin names with prices. Such a procedure could also be used to teach equiva-
lences with paper-based currency in addition to coin-based currency in clinical practice.
A number of studies have involved utilizing EBI with children and adults with dis-
abilities. LeBlanc et al. (2003) taught classes that involved US state names (A), pictures
of states (B), and state capital names (C) to children with autism. Hall et al. (2006)
replicated and extended the work of LeBlanc et al. (2003) and Lynch and Cuvo (1995)
by teaching geography and mathematics skills to children with fragile X syndrome.
Stanley et al. (2018) taught adolescents with autism a number of academic content areas,
including chemical compounds (technical names, compound symbols, common names),
units of measurement (yards, feet, inches), and historical figures (names, pictures, facts,
country of origin). EBI procedures have also been used to help adults with brain injury
match names and faces (Cowley et al., 1992) and recognize emotions (Guercio, Podolska-
Schroeder, & Rehfeldt, 2004), as well as teach Braille to children with degenerative
visual impairments (Toussaint & Tiger, 2010). Using EBI to address these socially signifi-
cant repertoires benefits both clients and clinicians by saving valuable instructional time,
allowing the clinician to progress to teaching other skills with the saved time.
Several studies have focused on language and language arts skills, including the
initial studies conducted by Sidman (1971) and Sidman and Cresson (1973) of reading
competencies. Additionally, researchers have taught competencies such as foreign lan-
guages, spelling, and prereading skills. Equivalence researchers have trained other lan-
guage arts skills in similar ways. For example, Connell and Witt (2004) trained
kindergarteners to match uppercase and lowercase letters to the spoken name of the
letter and its sound, de Rose et al. (1996) taught reading and spelling skills to first grade
children, and Lane and Critchfield (1998) taught letter sounds to individuals with intel-
lectual disabilities.
Much of the basic research related to stimulus equivalence has focused on demon-
strating properties of classes or manipulating a parameter of training to observe how it
affects the formation of classes. One important feature of equivalence classes is the
transfer of stimulus functions across stimuli related in an equivalence class (for a
review, see Dymond & Rehfeldt, 2000). Researchers have found that once a set of stimuli
function interchangeably (as an equivalence class), functions associated with one class
member transfer to other class members. For example, Hayes, Kohlenberg, and Hayes
(1991) conditioned stimuli to serve reinforcing and punishing consequences by pairing
them with verbal feedback. Then, they included the stimuli in a training procedure to
form equivalence classes and taught a conditioned reinforcer in one class and a condi-
tioned punisher in another. After equivalence classes were formed, the researchers found
that stimuli in a class with a conditioned reinforcer took on reinforcing functions and
stimuli in a class with a conditioned punisher took on punishing functions. Unfortunately,
168 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

there have not been enough applications that explore the use of transfer of function to
solve socially important skill acquisition deficits. An application of these findings in
clinical work might involve establishing classes of “safe” (e.g., toys, books) and “danger-
ous” (e.g., knives, matches, guns) stimuli and corresponding approach and avoidance
responses to a stimulus from each class, which should then transfer to other members of
the safe and dangerous classes.
Two important applications of transfer of function are reported in the literature.
One exemplar was conducted by Taylor and O’Reilly (2000). In this study, the research-
ers taught individuals with disabilities to engage in a behavior chain at a grocery store
(e.g., get basket, collect food items, and check out). After this, the participants engaged
in an MTS task that matched various grocery store stimuli—the written and spoken
word “SUPERMARKET,” pictures from the inside of a familiar supermarket, and pic-
tures from the inside of a novel supermarket. In effect, the researchers developed a
grocery store class using an MTS procedure after establishing a discriminative function
(i.e., how to shop) to some members of the class (e.g., images of the inside of the trained/
familiar supermarket). When the participants were then taken to a novel grocery store,
they were able to engage in the behavior chain with high levels of accuracy similar to
individuals taught using multiple exemplar training (i.e., taught the behavior chain in
multiple grocery stores) and with higher levels of accuracy than participants who com-
pleted single-exemplar training (i.e., taught the behavior chain in one grocery store).
Training in one supermarket and teaching supplementary classes may have saved instruc-
tional time and resources. Such a procedure could be expanded to teach other activities
of daily living to clients, such as borrowing books from the library, calling others on a
phone, ordering at a restaurant, and using public restrooms. In another example of trans-
fer of function, Rosales and Rehfeldt (2007; also see Rehfeldt & Root, 2005) began by
teaching participants to mand for preferred items using pictures of the desired item. The
researchers taught participants to mand by engaging the participant in a behavior chain
that led to a reinforcing outcome and withholding a step in that chain to create an
opportunity to mand. For example, one behavior chain included listening to music. The
participant had to mand for headphones by handing a picture of headphones to the
researcher in order for the chain to continue and result in the opportunity to listen to
music. After manding was established in the participant’s repertoire, the researchers used
EBI to teach the participant three-member equivalence classes that included pictures,
spoken names, and written words of those same desired items. Next, during the behavior
chain, the researchers omitted the pictures but made the written words available to par-
ticipants. The researchers observed that participants were readily able to mand using
both vocal and written words. In other words, once Rosales and Rehfeldt (2007) estab-
lished pictures as discriminative stimuli for manding, the function transferred to other
members of the class (the corresponding text).
Much of the recent applied EBI research has focused on college-level content. This
phenomenon has been studied in a number of settings, such as the laboratory (e.g.,
Albright et al., 2015), as part of a course requirement (Critchfield, 2014), as a method of
Equivalence-Based Instruction: Designing Instruction Using Stimulus Equivalence169

lecture (Pytte & Fienup, 2012), and as an online supplement to in-class instruction
(Walker & Rehfeldt, 2012). Several studies have shown that EBI is more effective at
concept formation than no instruction. For example, Fields et al. (2009) taught college
students four four-member statistics classes using an LS training structure and an STC
training protocol. Each class contained a graph displaying an interaction (A), a textual
example of an interaction (B), a name of a statistical interaction (C; e.g., crossover inter-
action), and a definition of that interaction (D). The researchers compared the effects of
EBI to a no-instruction control group that completed pre and post assessments with a
break in between. Fields et al. (2009) found that participants had comparable levels of
performance at pretest, but the EBI group scored significantly higher on the posttest and
demonstrated the formation of statistical interaction equivalence classes.
EBI has been shown to be more effective than instructional procedures typically
used in the classroom, such as reading a textbook (O’Neill, Rehfeldt, Ninness, Munoz, &
Mellor, 2015) and video-taped lecture (Lovett et al., 2011). It is also more efficient than
directly teaching all stimulus-stimulus relations in a class (Fienup & Critchfield, 2011).
Researchers have had success implementing EBI through various delivery methods.
While many researchers deliver this instruction via automated computer tutorials (e.g.,
Albright et al., 2015), some have had success using paper-and-pencil formats (Walker et
al., 2010) or distance education formats, such as Blackboard (Walker & Rehfeldt, 2012)
and Adobe Connect (Sella, Ribeiro, & White, 2014), which demonstrates the potential
of EBI technology, irrespective of instructional setting or format. Participants have dem-
onstrated equivalence class formation in a variety of response topographies, including
computer-based MTS (e.g., Fienup & Critchfield, 2011), paper-based MTS (Fields et al.,
2009), clicker-based responding (Varelas & Fields, 2017), selection-based intraverbals
(e.g., O’Neill et al., 2015), vocal intraverbals (e.g., Walker et al., 2010), and estimating
portions of food (Hausman, Borrero, Fisher, & Kahng, 2014). EBI researchers have taught
college students a wide range of socially significant topics, such as neuroanatomy (e.g.,
Reyes-Giordano & Fienup, 2015), research design and analysis (Fields et al., 2009; Fienup
& Critchfield, 2011; Sandoz & Hebert, 2016; Sella et al., 2014), functions of behavior
(Albright et al., 2016), portion size estimation (e.g., Trucil et al., 2015), disability catego-
rization (Walker et al., 2010), and advanced algebra and trigonometry (Ninness et al.,
2006, 2009).

Implications and Future Directions

There is robust experimental evidence for the effectiveness of EBI (Brodsky & Fienup,
2018; Fienup et al., 2011; Rehfeldt, 2011). However, this claim comes with a caveat that
should shape future research and application: the vast majority of experimental evidence
comes from teaching individuals a small set of discrete skills in highly controlled settings.
Instruction ranges from teaching children with disabilities three three-member geogra-
phy classes (LeBlanc et al., 2003), to teaching typically developing children twelve
170 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

three-member fraction-decimal classes (Lynch & Cuvo, 1995), to teaching college stu-
dents sixteen three-member neuroanatomy classes (Fienup et al., 2016). These skill sets
were taught in settings analogous to controlled laboratory settings, such as a quiet area of
a classroom (participant 1; LeBlanc et al., 2003), separate classrooms (participant 2;
LeBlanc et al. 2003; Lynch & Cuvo, 1995), and traditional university laboratory space
(Fienup et al., 2016). Collectively, the research suggests that EBI is promising for educa-
tional applications, but research is needed that is conducted in traditional educational
settings and scales this type of instructional design to address the many educational
needs of individuals with and without disabilities.
Many educational content areas have yet to be addressed by EBI researchers. Most
individuals are in school from ages five to eighteen and increasingly contact higher edu-
cational schooling for at least an additional four years. The sum of the EBI research base
touches upon a few academic content areas students may come across during this long
time of formal education. Two recent studies demonstrate progress toward the goal of
scaling EBI. Greville, Dymond, and Newton (2016) trained four five-member (name,
image, function, pathology, anatomy) and eight four-member (name, image, function,
pathology) neuroanatomy classes to students in their first and second year of medical
school. Fienup et al. (2016) taught sixteen four-member neuroanatomy classes that
covered one-third of the neuroanatomy content covered in an undergraduate behavioral
neuroscience course. These studies represent movement toward broader curricular appli-
cations of EBI. We hope to see researchers designing EBI applications that span content
across entire courses.
Another glimmer of hope in scaling EBI comes from the publication of Dixon’s
(2015) PEAK relational training system: Equivalence module (PEAK-E; see chapter 11).
The PEAK-E module was designed for children with disabilities and contains 184 differ-
ent educational goals, spanning repertoires such as demonstrating reflexivity with
objects, pictures, and stimuli from different sensory modalities (e.g., gustatory); demon-
strating symmetry with pictures and objects or written words and objects; the formation
of planetary equivalence classes (with pictures, spoken names, and written names of
planets); reading and mathematics classes; and even perspective taking. For a particular
skill, the curriculum specifies the training procedures and specific derived relations to be
evaluated. This curriculum emphasizes tests of reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity, and
equivalence toward the development of higher-order concept learning—something that
is omitted from common curricula for children with disabilities.
There is a sizable evidence base demonstrating the efficacy of equivalence work with
typically developing college students (thirty-one experiments across twenty-eight papers;
Brodsky & Fienup, 2018) and a number of studies evaluating EBI in individuals with
developmental disabilities (McLay et al., 2013). Very few studies address EBI as an
instructional tool for typically developing children. This problem is related to the scaling
issue mentioned above in that many general education topics have not been examined by
EBI researchers because the participants included in studies determine the educational
content of the studies. Thus, many of the goals listed in national school curricula such as
Equivalence-Based Instruction: Designing Instruction Using Stimulus Equivalence171

the Common Core (National Governors Association Center for Best Practices & Council
of Chief State School Officers, 2010), which is used by forty-two states in the US, have
not been evaluated for whether or not they are amenable to EBI. The work conducted by
Albright et al. (2015), Lynch and Cuvo (1995), and Ninness et al. (2006, 2009) dealing
with mathematics EBI applications strongly suggests this technology could be applied to
a wide array of Common Core mathematics competencies. For example, a first grade goal
is “tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks” (see
1.MD16). In an EBI application, classes could include spoken times (A), written times (B),
time displayed on an analog clock (C), and time displayed on a digital clock (D). This set
of stimuli is amenable to an OTM training structure where spoken times serve as sample
stimuli. One may find that certain relations, like matching spoken and written times, are
already in the participant’s repertoire and, thus, training could focus on teaching AC and
AD relations and testing for the emergence of the remaining relations. Lynch and Cuvo’s
(1995) procedures could be used to address the third grade goal to “understand two frac-
tions as equivalent (equal) if they are the same size, or the same point on a number line”
(see 3.NF). This training could serve as a prerequisite for addressing the fifth grade goal
to “use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions” (5.NF). As a last
example, Common Core specifies a goal to “classify two-dimensional figures into catego-
ries based on their properties” and provides the following subgoal: “Understand that
attributes belonging to a category of two-dimensional figures also belong to all subcate-
gories of that category. For example, all rectangles have four right angles and squares are
rectangles, so all squares have four right angles” (5.G). Indeed, the educational goals pro-
posed by the Common Core curriculum could benefit from EBI.
Additional research is needed to identify training and testing parameters that
promote equivalence class formation toward building robust EBI applications. Currently,
a number of instructional design components have empirical support. With adult learn-
ers, data exists suggesting that participants should respond with mouse clicks (Kato, de
Rose, & Faleiros, 2008) and undergo OTM training structures (Arntzen & Holth, 1997)
within the context of the STC training protocol (Fienup et al., 2015), using delayed MTS
training procedures (Arntzen, 2006) and a high mastery criterion (Fienup & Brodsky,
2017). With young learners and individuals with disabilities, the only research comparing
different EBI components suggests the MTO training structure is best (Saunders et al.,
1988, 1999). Clearly, many components of EBI have not been tested, especially with
young learners and individuals with disabilities (McLay et al., 2013), which are frequently
reported populations in behavior analytic research. Additionally, an astute reader will
note that applied researchers have used some components of EBI with success, despite
negative findings for that component in the basic research. For example, the LS training
structure is reliably found to be simultaneously ineffective in basic research (e.g., Arntzen
& Holth, 1997) and effective in applied work (e.g., Fields et al., 2009). What is not com-
municated in the research is the number of pilot studies conducted by researchers,

16 These standard numbers refer to American Common Core educational standards, which can be
found at
172 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

including those conducted in our own lab, to optimize a specific EBI tutorial. This
process may hamper adoption by educators, and thus, we encourage researchers to inves-
tigate optimal instructional design components of EBI. Specific guidelines for designing
EBI applications with different populations would promote mainstream use of EBI.
Beyond the design of EBI components lies a challenge in disseminating actual pro-
grams. Many EBI applications are computer based and require the developer to have
skills in software design. This may prevent educators from adopting EBI. One solution
lies in the development of commercially available EBI applications. A platform where
instructors could specify instructional content and disseminate the program to students
and clinicians for use on smartphones and tablets would allow for considerable flexibility
for learners. Another avenue researchers can pursue is evaluating low-tech procedures or
procedures within already-existing educational systems. In terms of low-tech applica-
tions, Walker et al. (2010) used a paper-and-pencil-based procedure that entailed com-
pleting multiple-choice worksheets for training. Many EBI applications with individuals
with disabilities entail MTS discrete trials similar to educational strategies already in
place for the individual. In this context EBI adds the programming for and testing of
derived relations. Regarding already existing educational systems, Walker and Rehfeldt
(2012) demonstrated that the popular course-management system Blackboard could be
used to administer quizzes for EBI of single-subject research design. Accompanying task
analyses that specify how to create individual quizzes and quiz contingencies for systems
like Blackboard and Quizlet (see could help speed the dissemi-
nation of EBI technology.

This chapter provided an overview of processes involved in stimulus equivalence and a
review of instructional research that utilizes stimulus equivalence (EBI). In addition, a
number of areas in need of additional research were highlighted. Collectively, EBI
research findings show that it is an effective technology for teaching a number of socially
significant skill sets to learners on a spectrum of age, skill level, and disability status
(Brodsky & Fienup, 2018; Fienup et al., 2011; Rehfeldt, 2011). As research on effective
EBI design choices grows, instructors will be able to optimize their equivalence-based
teaching procedures. This knowledge base, combined with evidence of scaling and
greater accessibility of the technology, has the potential to bring behavior analytic
instructional design one step closer to mainstream adoption.
Equivalence-Based Instruction: Designing Instruction Using Stimulus Equivalence173

Study Questions
1. How is stimulus equivalence different from generalization?

2. Suppose you are teaching a child letter-name-sound classes. Letters

serve as the A stimuli, names of letters serve as the B stimuli, and letter
sounds serve as the C stimuli. You teach AB and AC relations (one-to-
many training structure). In this scenario, which relations represent
symmetry and which relations represent equivalence?

3. If you were teaching a child math quantities (A: spoken name of

number, B: numeral, C: quantities of dots), how could you mimic the
training procedures of Lynch and Cuvo (1995) to teach math quantity
classes? What relations would you directly teach and what specific rela-
tions would you expect to emerge as a function of that training? (See
figure 10.2 for assistance.)

4. What is training structure? How would you differentiate instruction

based on this variable and the clientele you work with?

5. What is a training protocol? What evidence suggests one should use

one training protocol over another?

6. How can you incorporate tests for generalization within an equivalence-

based instruction protocol?

7. What is transfer of function? Describe one application that has incor-

porated transfer of function.

8. How have educators applied equivalence-based instruction to teach

college-level content?

9. How could the content of this chapter be applied to teaching classes of

stimuli that are not related by sameness (e.g., frames of opposition or
comparative frames)?

Relational Frame Theory:

Basic Relational Operants

Mark R. Dixon
Southern Illinois University

Caleb R. Stanley
Southern Illinois University

Link and Preview

Chapter 10 provided an overview of the phenomenon known as stimulus equivalence.
Chapter 11 builds upon that chapter by delineating arbitrary relations other than stimulus
equivalence, all of which play an important role in language and cognition. The concepts of
relational framing and derived relational responding are introduced in this chapter, as well
as the relevance of both concepts for the understanding of human language. The chapter
surveys the types of additional relational frame families, including research in support of
each type and educational implications of building repertoires of each.

On the Origin of Relational Frames

An emergent, or derived, relation is any relation between two stimuli that develops
without a direct history of reinforcement. Derived relational responding has appeared
in the behavior analytic literature for over forty years, with the first demonstration of an
emergent relation being traced back to the work of Murray Sidman. In an attempt to
teach reading skills to a boy with intellectual disabilities, Sidman (1971) found that when
he taught a specific set of relations, new relations would emerge in the absence of direct
training. For example, he taught the boy that spoken words (A) were the same as pictures
(B) (A-B), and the pictures (B) were the same as the printed words (C) (B-C). Following
this training, the boy not only was able to respond to the directly trained relations (i.e.,
A-B and B-C), but also responded correctly to relations that had not been specifically
Relational Frame Theory: Basic Relational Operants 175

taught. For instance, he responded correctly by saying the spoken word (A) in the pres-
ence of printed words (C) (C-A) and vice versa (see chapter 10). While it is not surpris-
ing that the participant made this response, as most individuals would with sufficient
training, the most surprising finding was that he made this response in the absence of
reinforcement for responding in accordance with that specific relation. Novel responding
in the absence of reinforcement poses an interesting question for behavioral science.
Sidman theorized the boy responded correctly to these untrained relations because the
stimuli had become equivalent, and he coined this phenomenon stimulus equivalence.
As a result, many behavioral scientists began researching this phenomenon in an attempt
to explain it. Over the years, numerous conceptual and theoretical debates ensued, each
offering an account that attempts to explain the phenomenon. Relational frame theory
(RFT; Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001) is one such attempt.
Since stimulus equivalence was first popularized, the connection between derived
relational responding and language has been obvious. One of the first studies to evaluate
this connection was conducted by Devany, Hayes, and Nelson (1986), who compared the
performance of three groups of children on tests of stimulus equivalence. Groups con-
sisted of typically developing children with full language, children with an intellectual
disability who demonstrated expressive language, and children with an intellectual dis-
ability who had more severe language deficits. The researchers exposed the children to a
series of trainings in the form of conditional discriminations, then tested them on their
ability to form equivalence relations. The findings showed that all children who formed
equivalence classes also demonstrated language, whereas those who did not form equiva-
lence classes were without language. Additionally, since all children were exposed to the
same trainings and reached the same mastery criteria prior to the equivalence tests,
failure to form equivalence was not due to the inability to learn the conditional discrimi-
nations. Instead, the evidence pointed to a relationship between language and stimulus
Most early literature on derived relational responding consisted of establishing rela-
tions among stimuli based on their physical features, referred to as nonarbitrary rela-
tional responding. Lowenkron (1989) provided one of the first demonstrations that this
type of relational responding could be brought under contextual control. In this study,
Lowenkron required participants to select between sets of stimuli dependent on back-
ground color. For example, selecting the comparison stimulus that was the same as the
sample in the presence of a blue background would result in reinforcement, and selecting
a comparison stimulus that was larger or longer than the sample in the presence of a
green background would also result in reinforcement. The background color eventually
came to exert contextual control over the participants’ responses, even when the partici-
pants were presented with novel stimuli.
Steele and Hayes (1991) expanded on the findings of Lowenkron’s (1989) study by
examining if relational responding to arbitrary stimuli could be brought under contex-
tual control. In their study, the authors exposed participants to a series of trainings in
which participants were taught relations between arbitrary stimuli using contextual cues
176 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

of same, opposite, and different. The results showed that the relational responses were
brought to bear on the stimuli due to the contextual cues. This suggested that humans
not only demonstrate relational responding to stimuli based on their physical properties,
but also demonstrate relational responding to arbitrary stimuli based on the presence of
a contextual cue. This had implications for language development since this pattern of
responding may explain the process by which words acquire their meaning—through
their relation with other stimuli in the presence of a contextual cue. For example, imagine
that a young child with limited verbal capabilities is taught to select a picture of a fox
from an array when asked “Show me the same as fox.” In this example, the word “same”
serves as a contextual cue that specifies the relational response that would be reinforced
in the presence of the word “fox”—selecting the picture of the fox. When this relational
response is made, the functions of the stimuli are altered depending on the contextual
cue. In this example, the word “fox” acquires the same stimulus functions as the picture
of the fox, and the child is likely to respond to the word “fox” as though it is the same as
the picture, even when this visual stimulus is absent. In this way, the word “fox” essen-
tially acquires the meaning of the picture and vice versa, which provides an explanation
for the process in which words can acquire meaning.
Further support for the relationship between language and relational stimulus equiv-
alence was found when experimenters followed a sixteen-month-old infant over the
course of an eight-month period. In this study, Lipkens, Hayes, and Hayes (1993) docu-
mented the development of language as well as the infant’s performance on tests of stim-
ulus equivalence and exclusion when presented a series of relational tests. The data
showed that the child was able to respond correctly to both tests of equivalence and
exclusion following the various trainings of the study, despite the limited verbal reper-
toire of the child at the time. These findings yielded two significant implications. First,
because the child had little to no verbal repertoire, it suggested that derived relational
responding was not dependent on language mediation, and therefore, language was not
necessary for derived relational responding to occur. Instead, although derived relational
responding is not dependent on language, language may be dependent, at least in part,
on derived relational responding. The second major implication was that the child
responded correctly to the tests of exclusion even though no training had been con-
ducted to that specific test. This could not be readily accounted for by the stimulus
equivalence model and suggested other explanations may be necessary to account for
this pattern of responding.
The prevailing notion at the time the studies described above were conducted was
that language gave rise to derived relational responding, and derived relational respond-
ing was dependent on language. Relational frame theorists believed that language was
dependent on and resulted from a form of relational responding called arbitrarily appli-
cable relational responding (AARR). Steele and Hayes (1991) provided this evidence
in their study when they demonstrated that AARR could be brought under contextual
control. These studies served to provide the first empirical support for the core
Relational Frame Theory: Basic Relational Operants 177

assumptions behind RFT, and, while the origins can be traced back to stimulus equiva-
lence, not everything is equal.

Fundamental Concepts in Relational Frame Theory

RFT holds that emergent relations result from the behavior of relating. Relating
means responding to one event in terms of another event (Hayes, Barnes-Holmes &
Roche, 2001). For instance, if an individual was taught to select a black square in the
presence of an identical black square and a triangle when presented with the statement
“Which is the same?” they are relating, or making a relational response. In this example,
the individual was responding to a stimulus in terms of its physical or formal similarities
(i.e., the shape of the stimulus) to another stimulus. This type of relational responding is
referred to as nonarbitrary relating. In nonarbitrary relational responding, stimuli are
related in terms of their physical properties, such as color, shape, size, weight, texture,
smell, and so on. An example of nonarbitrary relational responding involving size would
be if a clinician is teaching a child the concept of bigger and smaller, whereby the child
is taught to select the largest block from an array of three blocks of varying size when
presented with the statement “Which is the biggest?” In this example, the child is
responding to each of the blocks in terms of their size to one another. An interesting
feature of nonarbitrary relational responding is that is it not limited to humans, as many
other species have been trained to respond relationally to the physical properties of
stimuli. For instance, nonarbitrary relational responding has been observed in birds
(Towe, 1954), fish (Perkins, 1931), and mammals (Harmon, Strong, & Pasnak, 1982).
RFT posits that relational responding is much more than responding to the physical
or formal characteristics of a stimulus. Rather, relational responding can come under the
control of cues that can be modified based on social convention, known as arbitrarily
applicable relational responding (AARR). In contrast to nonarbitrary relational
responding, AARR is not dependent on the physical or formal properties of a stimulus to
make a relational response, but instead relies on a contextual cue that specifies the rela-
tion between the stimuli. For example, imagine a child is being taught differences in coin
values. During training, the child is verbally told that a dime (A) is more than a nickel
(B) (A-B), and a nickel (B) is more than a penny (C) (B-C). Without having ever been
directly taught the relation between the dime (A) and penny (C), the child will derive
that the penny is less than the dime (C-A) and the dime is more than the penny (A-C).
Without ever having seen the stimuli, the child can make this response because the
contextual cue (i.e., more than) is controlling this pattern of responding. In fact, the
nonarbitrary stimulus properties seem to compete with this pattern of responding, as the
physical size of the dime is less than that of the penny. In this example, the individual is
responding to the stimuli based solely on the contextual cue.
The above example highlights the notion that in the presence of a contextual cue,
individuals can respond relationally to any stimuli, regardless of the actual physical prop-
erties of those specific stimuli. Additionally, unlike nonarbitrary relational responding,
178 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

AARR is a pattern of responding belonging only to humans, with no other animal

species having exhibited this type of relational responding. Several studies have attempted
to establish equivalence classes in nonhuman animals (e.g., Murayama & Tobayama
1997; Yamamoto & Asano, 1995), but with little success. It has been documented that
with extensive training, certain species of animals have occasionally responded with
high accuracy in accordance with reflexive and symmetrical relations (Oden, Thompson,
& Premack, 1988; Pack, Herman, & Roitblat, 1991), few have demonstrated responding
in accordance with transitivity (D’Amato & Colombo, 1985; Tomonaga, Matzusawa,
Fujita, & Yamamoto, 1991), and none have demonstrated high levels of correct respond-
ing in accordance with stimulus equivalence. Because AARR is a pattern of responding
unique to humans, RFT rests on the assumption that AARR is the core of complex
human language and cognition, with our advanced verbal repertoires arising from arbi-
trarily applicable relational responses. As such, an understanding of the principles and
concepts underlying RFT can aid in the identification of the specific environmental
variables responsible for these repertoires, which has applied utility in that interventions
can be developed to establish and strengthen these behaviors.


Most literature on derived relational responding refers to a pattern of responding
relationally as a “relational frame.” This term is often used as a noun, but it refers to the
action of framing events relationally, or responding to one event in terms of another
(Hayes & Hayes, 1989). Specific patterns of relational responding constitute different
types of relational frames. For example, responding to one stimulus in terms of its simi-
larities to another stimulus is one pattern of relational responding, while responding to
one stimulus in terms of its differences from another stimulus is another pattern of rela-
tional responding, both of which represent distinct types of relational frames. A rela-
tional frame consists of three defining properties: (1) mutual entailment, (2) combinatorial
entailment, and (3) transformation of stimulus function. Mutual entailment occurs
when an individual responds to one stimulus in terms of another stimulus. For example,
imagine a child is presented with a block and a ball and is taught to select the ball (B)
when asked, “Which one is the ball?” (A), and is provided reinforcement for making the
correct response (A-B). As depicted in figure 11.1, mutual entailment occurs when the
individual responds by saying “ball” (A) when shown the actual physical ball (B), without
ever having received reinforcement for producing the vocal utterance in the presence of
that stimulus (B-A).
Relational Frame Theory: Basic Relational Operants 179

Figure 11.1 Mutual entailment.

Combinatorial entailment adds another level of complexity and refers to a derived

stimulus relation in which two or more stimulus relations mutually combine (Hayes &
Chase, 1991). Stated another way, combinatorial entailment occurs when an individual
responds to a stimulus in terms of another stimulus based on mutually entailed relations
with other stimuli. Using the previous example, imagine that the mutually entailed rela-
tion between the physical ball (A) and the vocal utterance “ball” (B) has already been
established. An additional mutually entailed relation can develop if the individual is
directly taught to respond with the vocal utterance “round toy” (C) when presented with
the question “What is a ball?” (B) (B-C). In the absence of direct training, they will
demonstrate mutual entailment by saying “ball” (B) when asked, “What toy is round?”
(C) (C-B). If the child has a sufficient repertoire of relational responding, they will addi-
tionally demonstrate a combinatorially entailed response. In this example, the child
would respond with the vocal utterance of “round toy” (C) when presented a ball (A) and
asked, “What shape is this?” (A-C), and by selecting the ball (C) when presented an
array containing a ball and a block and asked, “Which one is the round toy?” (A) (C-A;
see figure 11.2).
180 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Figure 11.2 Combinatorial entailment.

The final property of a relational frame is the transformation of stimulus function.

The transformation of stimulus function (see also chapter 10) is an ongoing process
that occurs contingent on the development of mutually entailed and/or combinatorially
entailed relations. The transformation of stimulus function occurs when a certain stimu-
lus in a relational network has certain functions and serves to modify the functions of
other stimuli in that relational network in accordance with the derived relation (Hayes,
Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001). More simply stated, the transformation of stimulus
function is demonstrated when the function of a stimulus is changed due to a mutually
and combinatorially entailed relationship with other stimuli. As a result, this stimulus
will not only evoke new behavior, but also evoke the behavior in novel contexts because
of its relational history with other events. Building on the previous example, imagine that
the mutually entailed and combinatorially entailed relations between a ball and the vocal
words “ball” and “round” are established (A-B, B-C, A-C, and C-A). The child may be
able to request “ball” or a “round toy” when asked, “What do you want to play with?” or
ask for a ball in the absence of prompts. This pattern of responding represents a transfor-
mation of stimulus function because neither the question nor wanting to play with the
Relational Frame Theory: Basic Relational Operants 181

toy would have evoked the request for the ball prior to the establishment of a relational
Now, imagine the child from the previous example is presented with an entirely
novel item that they have never interacted with before. They are taught that this new
item is called a JES. If the child was asked, “Would you like to play with the JES?” it is
likely that the child will not respond to this question. If the child was taught a JES is
similar to, but also better than, a ball, the child may now be more likely to engage with
the item because it has been related to an already preferred stimulus, and the new stimu-
lus is better than the already preferred item. Although this example contains an arbitrary
word with no actual meaning, it is no more arbitrary than any other novel words that we
are exposed to each day. Every word ever encountered throughout the duration of an
individual’s life was at one time an arbitrary stimulus, void of any function or true
meaning. It was not until that arbitrary stimulus participated in relational networks with
other stimuli that the functions transformed. The functions of those once arbitrary
stimuli acquired meaning based on their relationships with known stimuli, without a
direct training history. The transformation of stimulus function gives rise to a true
understanding of the stimuli encountered in our daily lives. In the above example, the
resulting transformation of stimulus function allowed for the reinforcing experience of
interacting with a potentially preferred tangible stimulus. The transformation of stimulus
function may also allow for an individual to solve problems or respond in terms of abstract
relational events. Once relational responding has been firmly established in an individu-
al’s repertoire, stimuli can be related to almost any other stimuli, resulting in a near limit-
less amount of transformations of stimulus function, depending on whatever complex
combination of contextual cues happen to be present at any given moment.


Demonstrating derived relational responses to stimuli in the absence of a history of
reinforcement is a hallmark characteristic of mutual and combinatorial entailment.
Emitting derived responses, however, first relies entirely on a history of differential rein-
forcement for relating events to other events in this way. Responding in accordance with
mutual entailment, along with combinatorial entailment and the transformation of stim-
ulus function, comes about due to a history of differential consequences and multiple
exemplars. In this way, relational framing is probably best conceptualized as generalized
operant behavior. When an individual is provided a sufficient number of exemplars and
receives reinforcement for making mutually and combinatorially entailed relations, they
will then begin to make these responses seemingly naturally, and in contexts in which
they were not initially trained. Furthermore, as the individual is taught new stimulus
relations, more untrained stimulus relations will begin to emerge in the absence of direct
training. This pattern of responding allows for faster learning and facilitates the develop-
ment of more complex relational repertoires.
Initial research on derived relational responding as a generalized operant was scant,
with most articles consisting of conceptual and theoretical discussions on the topic (e.g.,
182 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Barnes-Holmes & Barnes-Holmes, 2000) or demonstrating the emergence of combinato-

rial relations in individuals with existing relational repertoires (e.g., Healy, Barnes, &
Smeets, 1998; Healy, Barnes-Holmes, & Smeets, 2000). Recently, however, numerous
empirical articles have emerged supporting derived relational responding as operant
behavior. Some researchers have even established derived relational responding reper-
toires when they were previously nonexistent (Barnes Holmes, Barnes Holmes, Smeets,
Strand, & Friman, 2004; Berens & Hayes, 2007).
A more recent study conducted by Belisle, Dixon, Stanley, Munoz, and Daar (2016),
for example, sought to teach perspective-taking skills (i.e., deictic relational responding)
to three children with autism and evaluate if this pattern of responding would generalize
to novel stimuli. The researchers used a two-sided picture card, which depicted a differ-
ent picture on each side, to test the children’s ability to make different types of perspec-
tive-taking responses. To evaluate perspective-taking abilities, the child was first shown
both sides of the picture card and the card was positioned so that the participant and the
assessor could see opposite sides of the picture card; then the assessor would ask a ques-
tion that required the participant to perform perspective taking. Baseline performance
indicated that the participants failed to respond correctly when presented with certain
perspective-taking tasks. The researchers then conducted training for one set of picture
cards until the participants could respond accurately to the required tasks. Following
training, the participants were exposed to a set of picture cards containing novel stimuli
(i.e., stimuli that differed from those taught in training) to evaluate whether they dem-
onstrated this pattern of responding with this new set of cards. Two of the three partici-
pants demonstrated high levels of responding to the novel set of picture cards, while the
third participant required additional training to reach the same criterion. Because the
stimuli in the second set of picture cards were not formally similar to those used in the
first set, correct responding to the second set cannot be interpreted as stimulus general-
ization, but rather suggests this pattern of relational responding as a generalized type of
operant behavior. These findings contribute to the growing body of literature supporting
derived relational responding as generalized operant behavior, which develops from and
is shaped by a history of differential consequences.

An RFT Account of Language and the Response from

the Behavior Analytic Community
The first behavior analytic account of language was provided by B. F. Skinner (1957)
in his book Verbal Behavior. In this analysis, Skinner proposed that language arises in the
same way as any other operant behavior—it is reinforced. Skinner defined verbal behav-
ior as behavior that is reinforced through the mediation of a listener who has been trained
to provide reinforcement to the speaker. Therefore, a speaker’s verbal responses are
dependent on the consequences the speaker contacts from the listener. While this
account of verbal behavior served the behavior analytic community for over fifty years,
some believe there are challenges with this definition. First, Skinner’s definition of verbal
Relational Frame Theory: Basic Relational Operants 183

behavior may not be entirely functional. A functional definition requires that the defini-
tion be stated in terms of the history of the individual organism and the current environ-
ment. Skinner’s definition of verbal behavior incorporated the history of conditioning of
a listener; therefore, the definition no longer depends solely on the history of the speaker.
Furthermore, this definition focuses only on the role of the speaker and considers the
listener’s behavior nonverbal. In addition, Skinner’s definition of verbal behavior may be
too broad. With Skinner’s definition it is not hard to classify almost any behavior as
verbal behavior. For example, imagine a rat that has been trained to press a lever and,
contingent on a lever press, is provided food by a researcher. Using Skinner’s definition,
the rat’s behavior would meet the criterion for verbal behavior. The speaker’s (i.e., rat’s)
behavior (i.e., lever press) is reinforced through the mediation of the listener (i.e.,
researcher). Given this example, most basic operant experiments where an animal’s
behavior is reinforced by an experimenter would also meet this criterion. In other words,
Skinner’s definition of verbal behavior provides no meaningful way to discriminate
between all basic operant research ever done with rats and pigeons and the complexity,
generativity, and variability of human language.
An alternative account of language came in the form of a collection of works on
derived relational responding titled Relational Frame Theory: A Post-Skinnerian Account
of Human Language and Cognition (Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001). In this book,
the authors present the foundational concepts of RFT along with the accumulation of
publications supporting it over years of research. In addition to the fundamental concepts
of RFT, the book offered an alternative account to human language and cognition.
According to RFT, language arises due to framing events relationally, and this pattern of
responding is the core of human language and cognition. Our complex verbal repertoires
are the result of relational responding in the presence of a contextual cue that comes to
control this pattern of responding to stimuli, regardless of the physical or formal proper-
ties of the stimuli. In short, RFT holds that AARR gives rise to language. This definition
of language addresses some of the concerns surrounding Skinner’s definition described
above. For example, RFT provides a functional definition of language in that it is no
longer dependent on an understanding of a second person’s history of reinforcement in
order to determine whether a first person’s behavior is verbal. In RFT the behavior of
both the speaker and listener is considered verbal. The speaker produces verbal stimuli
that are a product of framing events relationally, and the listener responds in accordance
with these relationally framed events.

The Hope Relational Frame Theory Provides

A core foundational assumption of RFT is that relational training can give rise to
complex networks of untrained stimulus relations. For example, imagine that a three-
member stimulus equivalence class has been established between a set of stimuli (e.g.,
ABC). From training only two relations (A-B and B-C), another four relations (B-A,
C-B, A-C, & C-A) emerge without the need of explicit training. Now, imagine that
184 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

stimulus A is then established as being different from stimulus D (A-D). By establishing

this single relation between stimulus A and stimulus D, all other stimuli within the same
equivalence class as A are then also related to stimulus D, which results in a total of nine
untrained stimulus relations. Now, if stimulus D was then related to a completely differ-
ent set of stimuli, an even greater number of relations would be made between the new
stimuli and all other previously related stimuli. This example demonstrates that with
only a few directly trained relations, the number of relations that emerge is exponential.
With every stimulus we have ever encountered being related to every other stimulus we
have and will encounter, it becomes clear just how generative relational responding can
Because relational responding is so generative, it has particular utility in terms of
skill acquisition. Rather than directly training every single response to an individual,
trainers can set up programming so that untrained relational responses can be derived.
For example, imagine that you are trying to teach a child to tact a novel stimulus, and
you want to train vocal and printed words to this stimulus. Rather than teaching every
single relation among the stimuli, which would be undoubtedly time consuming, you
could set up the stimulus relations so that only two relations would need to be trained for
the other relations to emerge. The generative nature of relational responding could be
particularly useful in situations where limited resources are afforded or time constraints
exist. For instance, a study conducted by Stanley, Belisle, and Dixon (2018) sought to use
procedures based on RFT to teach academically relevant material to individuals with
autism. One of the skills taught involved unit conversion between yards, feet, and inches.
Rather than teaching every single relation between yards, feet, and inches, the research-
ers arranged the stimuli so that training consisted of teaching conversion of inches to
yards and feet to yards. Once these were taught to criteria, the researchers tested for the
emergence of the unit conversion of inches to feet and feet to inches. The participants
responded with high accuracy to these specific relations, despite the fact that they had
not been directly trained. This study demonstrates the generative nature of derived rela-
tional responding. Rather than teaching every single relation among the stimuli (i.e., a
total of six relations), the researchers arranged the stimuli so that only two relations were
directly trained and the remaining relations were derived. Although this represents only
a single demonstration of this phenomenon, a clinician could replace the stimuli with
stimuli individualized to their client, while retaining the same arrangement, in order to
facilitate the emergence of derived relations.

Types of Relational Frame Families

There are a number of different ways in which stimuli can be related to one another.
Take, for example, an apple and a cat. Initially, it may appear as though these two stimuli
are not related to one another at all. But upon further inspection, these two seemingly
unrelated stimuli can be related to one another in countless ways. For example, it might
be easy to think of ways in which these two stimuli are different from each other. Perhaps
Relational Frame Theory: Basic Relational Operants 185

the color of the two stimuli is different (e.g., the cat is black and the apple is red), or
maybe the cat has hair, whereas the apple does not. The cat may be bigger and weigh
more than the apple. Both the cat and the apple are the same because they are living
organisms; however, the apple is classified as a fruit, whereas the cat is classified as an
animal. Relations such as same, different, more or less than, opposite, temporal relations,
and many more resulted from only a single example. Within the RFT literature, stimulus
relations have typically been categorized into nine distinct families of relations: (1) coor-
dination, (2) opposition, (3) distinction, (4) comparison, (5) hierarchical, (6) temporal,
(7) spatial, (8) conditionality/causality, and (9) deictic. In this chapter, relational frames
are categorized into six families, with the frame families of temporal, spatial, and condi-
tionality/causality grouped into the frame family of comparison, since these topographies
are compared relative to each other across a wide variety of dimensions (i.e., time, space,

The first type of relational frame family is the frame of coordination (see figure
11.3). This relational frame has been considered to be the simplest relation and the first
to emerge in an individual’s repertoire. The frame of coordination appears to serve as the
foundation on which other frames are built (Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001).
The frame of coordination deals exclusively with sameness and similarity. The examples
from equivalence research described in the beginning of the chapter are examples of
frames of coordination. An example of similarity (but not equivalence) would be if an
individual was taught that a pen is similar to a paint brush. In this instance, the pen and
paint brush are not exactly the same physically but are the same in terms of their func-
tion—they both are utensils used to produce markings on a page.
The relational frame of coordination is the most researched type of stimulus relation,
encompassing approximately 73% of the literature on derived stimulus relations (Rehfeldt,
2011). Research for this type of frame dates back over forty years, beginning with Sidman
(1971). Since then, abundant basic and applied studies have been published, a list far too
exhaustive to outline in this chapter. However, basic research on this relational frame
includes demonstrations of contextual control over transformations of stimulus functions
in frames of coordination (Dougher, Perkins, Greenway, Koons, & Chiasson, 2002),
relating equivalence classes to other equivalence classes (Barnes, Hegarty, & Smeets,
1997), the transformation of respondently conditioned stimulus functions in accordance
with arbitrarily applicable relations (Roche & Barnes, 1997), and many others (e.g.,
Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-Holmes, Roche, & Smeets, 2001a; Healy et al., 2000; Valverde,
Luciano, & Barnes-Holmes, 2009). Researchers have used instructional procedures
grounded on the frame of coordination in a variety of areas, including teaching fraction-
decimal relations (Lynch & Cuvo, 1995), second languages (Haegele, McComas, Dixon,
& Burns, 2011; Joyce, Joyce, & Wellington, 1993), and accurate portion size estimates
(Hausman, Borrero, Fisher, & Kahng, 2017) to children and adolescents, as well as to
college students (e.g., Critchfield & Fienup, 2010; Fienup, Covey, & Critchfield, 2010;
186 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Sella, Ribeiro, & White, 2014; Walker, Rehfeldt, & Ninness, 2010). In addition, coordi-
nation has demonstrated particular utility for skill acquisition in individuals with dis-
abilities and has been used to teach name-face matching to adults with brain injuries
(Cowley, Green, & Braunling-McMorrow, 1992), as well as to teach US geography
(LeBlanc, Miguel, Cummings, Goldsmith, & Carr, 2003), music skills (Arntzen,
Halstadtro, Bjerke, & Halstadtro, 2010), monetary values (Keintz, Miguel, Kao, & Finn,
2011), academic skills (Stanley et al., 2018), and emotions (NoRo, 2005) to individuals
with autism. (See chapter 10 of this volume for more on frames of coordination as it
pertains to equivalence-based instruction.)

Figure 11.3 Frame of coordination.

The relational frame family of distinction refers to relating one stimulus in terms of
its differences to another stimulus. For example, if an individual is taught that the text
C-U-P is the same as the vocal utterance “cup” and then taught that this vocal utterance
is different from the vocal utterance “bowl,” the individual will then respond not only as
though the vocal utterance “bowl” is different from the vocal utterance “cup,” but also
that it is different from the text C-U-P and vice-versa (see figure 11.4). Again, notice in
this example that the relation of sameness must first be established or exist in the
Relational Frame Theory: Basic Relational Operants 187

individual’s repertoire before the relation of difference develops. An additional compo-

nent of the frame of distinction worth noting is that the relevant dimension by which the
stimuli are being differentiated is usually not specified. We do not know exactly which
specific features of the stimuli differ, only that they differ in some way. Using the previous
example, it is not clear how exactly a bowl and a cup are different, since they are different
along several properties (e.g., shape, color, size, texture). Successful AARR does not
require this specification; it only requires responding accurately to the contextual cue
“different.” As a more clinically oriented example, a clinician might target this pattern of
responding if attempting to teach a child olfactory discrimination (i.e., discrimination of
different scents). The clinician could present a sample scent (e.g., vanilla), followed by a
sequentially presented identical scent and a nonidentical scent (e.g., cinnamon) and the
discriminative stimulus “Which is different?” If the child received reinforcement follow-
ing a correct relational response, it would strengthen this pattern of nonarbitrary rela-
tional responding. Although this may appear as a trivial skill not worth targeting, it has
potential applied utility for individuals with limited verbal repertoires who have difficulty
responding accurately to problems involving the contextual cue of different.

Figure 11.4 Frame of distinction.

Research on the frame of distinction dates back to the first demonstration of AARR,
in which participants’ responses to arbitrary stimuli were brought under contextual
control (Steele & Hayes, 1991). Several basic studies on the frame of distinction have
188 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

been conducted since then (e.g., Roche & Barnes, 1997), most of which have been dem-
onstrations of basic behavioral phenomena that support underlying theory of RFT,
lending further empirical support for the theory. For instance, a study conducted by
Dixon and Zlomke (2005) sought to evaluate relational frames of coordination, opposi-
tion, and distinction using computerized training procedures consisting of a series of
conditional discriminations. During the first part of their study, participants were shown
two stimuli on the screen and asked to choose between two arbitrary colored response
options that served to describe the stimuli as same, opposite, or different. This procedure
established relations of same, opposite, and different between these stimuli. Participants
were then exposed to a series of tests to determine if they were able to correctly respond
to the derived, symmetrical relations they were initially trained on. All participants dem-
onstrated high levels of correct responding to the tests, as well as when presented with
novel stimuli. This study demonstrated that procedures other than match-to-sample can
be utilized as a means of establishing relational responding. Although there are several
basic and translational studies on the frame of distinction, most demonstrations were
conducted with typically developing participants who likely could already respond in
accordance with the frame of distinction. Currently, there have been no studies that
have successfully established a frame of distinction in individuals previously lacking this
pattern of responding. Therefore, substantial applied research is necessary to provide
empirically based methodology for teaching these behaviors. A particular population
that would greatly benefit from applied procedures for establishing relational framing of
distinction is individuals with autism, given that these individuals often have deficits in
their relational repertoires.

The relational frame family of opposition deals with relating one stimulus in terms
of another stimulus based on the contextual cue of opposite. For example, if a child was
taught an elephant is big and then taught big is the opposite of small, the child will sub-
sequently respond to the elephant as the opposite of small (see figure 11.5). The rela-
tional frame families of opposition and distinction are similar to one another, yet differ
based on the relevant dimensions of the stimulus (Rehfeldt & Barnes-Holmes, 2009).
With the frame of opposition, the stimuli are being differentiated based on some refer-
ence point along a continuum of a relevant dimension, with each event at opposing ends
of the continuum. In a frame of distinction, the stimuli are also differentiated based on a
relevant dimension, but the dimension remains unspecified and is not often implied. For
example, an elephant is the opposite of a mouse because each are at differing ends on the
continuum of the specified dimension of size. In contrast, the statement “the elephant is
different from the mouse” does not indicate which dimension they are being differenti-
ated upon (e.g., size, shape, color).
Relational Frame Theory: Basic Relational Operants 189

Figure 11.5 Frame of opposition.

Numerous studies have been published on the frame of opposition, both basic and
applied. For example, Dymond, Roche, Forsyth, Whelan, and Rhoden (2007) conducted
a study demonstrating the transformation of avoidance response functions in accordance
with the relational frames of same and opposite. In this experiment, participants were
first exposed to a relational training procedure to establish same and opposite relations
among arbitrary stimuli. Once relational networks were established, one stimulus from
the network was established as discriminative for an avoidance response that canceled a
scheduled presentation of an aversive image/sound. Results showed that for participants
exposed to the relational training procedure, other stimuli in the network acquired dis-
criminative functions in accordance with the relations of sameness and opposition. In
other words, stimuli that were related in a frame of sameness or coordination were dis-
criminative for the previously taught avoidance responses, whereas those that were
related in a frame of opposition were not.
Other basic research on the frame of opposition has demonstrated the transforma-
tion of consequential function in accordance with the frame of opposition (Whelan &
Barnes-Holmes, 2004), as well as generalized responding to the contextual cue of oppo-
site (Healy et al., 2000). Furthermore, Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-Holmes, and Smeets
190 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

(2004) conducted a study in which children who were lacking the frame of opposition
were exposed to a set of relational trainings that resulted in the emergence of generalized
responding in accordance with the frame of opposition. The authors of this study accom-
plished this by first exposing the participants to a series of training and testing phases,
which involved establishing opposite relations among several paper coins and presenting
a problem-solving task to the participant. The problem-solving task required the partici-
pant to select the coin that could be used to buy as many or as few sweets as possible,
which the participant could only accomplish if they could respond in accordance with
relational frames of opposition. After a series of trainings, the experimenters were suc-
cessful in establishing relational responding in accordance with opposition, and this
responding generalized to presentations involving novel stimuli and to novel experiment-
ers. These findings support the assumption that relational responding is a generalized
operant behavior. Similar studies have been conducted with children with disabilities,
and the results suggest that relational training procedures are effective in establishing
relational responding of opposition with this population as well (e.g., Dunne, Foody,
Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-Holmes, & Murphy, 2014).

The relational frame of comparison deals with relating one stimulus in terms of
another based a specific quantitative or qualitative dimension. Common examples of
responding in accordance with this relation include more/less, better/worse, bigger/
smaller, and faster/slower. Countless other comparative relations among stimuli can exist.
It is important to note that the relevant controlling variable for any particular response
is relative to the comparison being made; it is not inherent in any property of a particular
stimulus. For example, if you showed an individual a large book and a medium-sized book
and asked, “Which is bigger?” they would select the large book rather than the medium
book. Now, if you presented the medium-sized book alongside a small book, the person
would select the medium-sized book. In this example, the medium book is only smaller
when it is being compared to a larger stimulus, thus illustrating how a direct relational
comparison must be made between the stimuli (see figure 11.6). A more clinically rele-
vant example might involve teaching monetary values of coins to a child, such as the
relations among the values of a quarter, a penny, and a dime. To accomplish this, a clini-
cian could present the dime as a sample stimulus along with an array containing a penny
and a quarter, while reinforcing the learner’s selection of the quarter when asked, “Which
is worth more?” The clinician could then repeat the stimulus arrangement except rein-
force the learner’s selection of the penny when asked, “Which is worth less?” This
arrangement would effectively establish the quarter as more than the dime and the penny
as less than the dime, while simultaneously allowing for the derivation of the relationship
between the quarter and the penny.
Relational Frame Theory: Basic Relational Operants 191

Figure 11.6 Frame of comparison.

Like the relational frame of coordination, the relational frame of comparison has a
well-established empirical base. Several basic studies have been conducted demonstrat-
ing the emergence of AARR in terms of this frame and the resulting transformation of
stimulus functions (e.g., O’Hora, Roche, Barnes-Holmes, & Smeets, 2002; Vitale, Barnes-
Holmes, Barnes-Holmes, & Campbell, 2008; Whelan, Barnes-Holmes, & Dymond,
2006). In a study conducted by Dougher, Hamilton, Fink, and Harrington (2007), for
instance, the experimenters exposed college students to a series of trainings that estab-
lished a frame of comparison using arbitrary stimuli. They then taught the participants
that stimulus “A” was smaller than stimulus “B,” and stimulus “C” was the largest stimu-
lus. The experimenters then paired stimulus “B” with mild shock using respondent con-
ditioning. Next, the experimenters presented the participants with each of the three
stimuli and measured changes in their skin conductance. The results showed changes in
skin conductance were greater for stimulus “C” than for stimulus “B,” and were smaller
for stimulus “A” than for stimulus “B” for six out of eight participants. This exemplifies
the transformation of stimulus function for the “A” and “C” stimuli, since only “B” was
paired with shock. Recent applied studies on this frame have demonstrated that the
frame of comparison can be established in typically developed children’s repertoires
192 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

when it is lacking (Berens & Hayes, 2007), and this pattern of responding can generalize
to novel stimuli and trainers (Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-Holmes, Smeets, et al., 2004).
Data from these studies support AARR as an operant behavior and demonstrate the
utility of multiple exemplar training in establishing relational frames. Other studies on
the frame of comparison have demonstrated utility in populations of those with disabili-
ties, such as autism (e.g., Dunne et al., 2014).

Hierarchical relations consist of responding to a stimulus in terms of its membership
to or as being part of another stimulus (see chapter 13 in this volume). In other words,
hierarchical relations denote belongingness between a group of stimuli and a common
categorical relation, and they are often stated in the form of “stimulus A is an attribute
of stimulus B” or “stimulus A is contained by stimulus B.” For example, if an individual
was taught that cats and dogs belong to mammals, and snakes and lizards belong to rep-
tiles, they would respond to mammals as containing cats and dogs, and reptiles as con-
taining snakes and lizards (see figure 11.7). Similarly, if the individual was taught that
mammals and reptiles belong to animals, the individual would respond as though animals
contained dogs, cats (both of the mammals), snakes, and lizards (both of the reptiles).
Notice, however, that although all dogs are animals, not all animals are dogs. The func-
tions of belongingness flow top down, not bottom up, which is a defining characteristic
of hierarchical frames. This type of responding may be the closest to providing an under-
standing of complex topics such as abstraction and concept formation.
Research on the relational frame of hierarchy is less established than the other rela-
tional frames, with few empirical demonstrations reported in the literature (see chapter
13). One of the first demonstrations of a hierarchical relation was conducted by Griffee
and Dougher (2002), who taught college students a series of relations to arbitrary stimuli
and conducted subsequent tests to determine the extent to which the participants formed
hierarchical relations. The findings suggested that relational responding could be brought
under contextual control consistent with that of hierarchical relations. Furthermore,
results showed all stimuli at the bottom of the hierarchy shared functions with stimuli at
the top of the hierarchy, but the stimuli at the top of the hierarchy did not share the func-
tions of those at the bottom.
Additional studies have emerged demonstrating the utility of multiple exemplar
training to teach hierarchical relations (e.g., Gil, Luciano, Ruiz, & Valdivia-Salas, 2012,
2014). A recent study conducted by Mulhern, Stewart, and Elwee (2017) found a correla-
tion between age, intellectual performance, and hierarchical responding. These data
suggest hierarchical responding seems highly correlated with intellectual performance,
and hierarchical relational frames tend to develop over the course of several years as
individuals age. Although the previously mentioned studies add empirical support for
hierarchical relations, further research is necessary on this frame. With the exception of
the study by Mulhern et al. (2017), all the previously mentioned studies were conducted
Relational Frame Theory: Basic Relational Operants 193

with typically developed adults, which limits the generalizability of the data to other
populations. Future research can evaluate different procedures for establishing hierarchi-
cal relations in children, since children likely have simpler verbal repertoires than adults.
Further research is needed on this relational frame in terms of applied demonstrations in
populations with disabilities. Research has yet to be conducted that evaluates the effec-
tiveness of procedures in establishing hierarchical frames in individuals lacking this rep-
ertoire (see chapter 12 for more on hierarchical frames).

Figure 11.7 Frame of hierarchy.

Deictic relational frames involve responding to a stimulus in terms of its perspective
to the speaker themself. Deictic responding appears to be central to perspective taking
and is often under the contextual control of pronouns, such as I/you, me/she, us/them,
and so on. Perspective taking can also include spatial relations of here/there and tempo-
ral relations of now/then, since one is always speaking here and now and others are
always listening there and then. Given that deictic relational responding requires some
form of perspective taking by the speaker, this pattern of relational framing is essential
194 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

for the development of an understanding that different people see different things.
Although this seems like a relatively simple skill, it is often deficient in individuals with
disabilities such as autism, Down syndrome, and other developmental and intellectual
disabilities. Therefore, clinicians can teach deictic relational responding to these indi-
viduals in an effort to facilitate the development of many perspective-taking skills.
Studies have reported a relationship between an individual’s perspective-taking abil-
ities and intellectual functioning (Gore, Barnes-Holmes, & Murphy, 2010). Individuals
who respond with low accuracy to perspective-taking tasks typically have lower intellec-
tual functioning and verbal ability. Other studies have found that those with schizophre-
nia (Villatte, Monestès, McHugh, Freixa i Baqué, & Loas, 2010) and social anhedonia
(Vilardaga, Estévez, Levin, & Hayes, 2012; Villatte, Monestès, McHugh, Freixa i Baqué,
& Loas, 2008) demonstrate difficulty responding in accordance with deictic relations,
suggesting a potential connection between the two. Several studies have reported suc-
cessful results in terms of establishing this type of responding in typically developed
individuals (e.g., Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-Holmes, & McHugh, 2004; Heagle & Rehfeldt,
2006; Weil, Hayes, & Capurro, 2011) as well as those with neurodevelopmental disabili-
ties (e.g., Belisle et al., 2016; Jackson, Mendoza, & Adams, 2014; Rehfeldt, Dillen,
Ziomek, & Kowalchuk, 2007) and schizophrenia (O’Neill & Weil, 2014). Taken together,
results from these studies suggest that deictic relating is amenable to training via multiple
exemplar training. Research on deictic relations could benefit from additional studies
establishing single and double reversals in nontypically developed individuals, especially
in terms of here/there and then/now relations. (See chapter 17 for more on perspective

Implications and Future Directions

Within only a few decades, RFT has generated a significant amount of research, and the
number of studies published on derived relational responding and RFT continues to
increase (Dymond, May, Munnelly, & Hoon, 2010). There are areas, however, in which
additional research would be beneficial, one being cross-sensory stimulus relations (i.e.,
stimulus relations encompassing more than one sensory modality). Much of the literature
on derived relational responding focuses primarily on establishing stimulus relations
between visual and vocal stimuli, with little attention given to the olfactory, gustatory,
and tactile sense modes. While studies demonstrating cross-modal relational frames exist
(e.g., Belanich & Fields, 1999; Dixon, Belisle, Stanley, Munoz, & Speelman, 2017;
Toussaint & Tiger, 2010), the limited research does little in providing a well-documented
framework for program development by clinicians. Despite the limited demonstrations,
movement toward broadening RFT’s applications—such as the incorporation of cross-
sensory stimulus relations—can be seen with the development of a curricular application
based on the theory and concepts underlying RFT, known as the Promoting the
Emergence of Advanced Knowledge (PEAK) Relational Training System. PEAK
Relational Frame Theory: Basic Relational Operants 195

consists of four modules, each designed to target a specific type of learning. The final two
modules, the PEAK-Equivalence (Dixon, 2015) and PEAK-Transformation (Dixon,
2016) modules, are directly based on the concepts and principles underlying stimulus
equivalence and RFT. These modules incorporate these principles and concepts into (1)
an assessment designed to identify an individual’s potential relational framing deficits
and (2) a curriculum designed to teach the skills identified as deficits by the assessment.
There are 184 different programs within the curricula for each of the modules that clini-
cians can use to teach relational framing skills to their clients. With the programs
encompassing a broad range of relational skills, including cross-sensory relational
responding, the overarching goal of the PEAK is to establish relational framing as a gen-
eralized operant behavior. Clinicians can utilize this technology to facilitate relational
framing repertoires, and researchers can use the programs as a framework to answer
empirical questions.
A second avenue for future RFT research would be to conduct longitudinal studies.
Longitudinal studies would be beneficial for, and add to the existing empirical support
for, RFT in a number of ways. First, having longitudinal studies that document the devel-
opment of relational frames and language would allow for a better analysis of the contri-
bution of relational framing to language development. RFT holds that relational framing
emerges first and gives rise to language, or more precisely, that language consists of rela-
tional framing. Although Lipkens et al. (1993) conducted such an analysis and obtained
results supporting this perspective, their data is limited to only a single child. Longitudinal
studies would yield meaningful data in terms of whether language or relational framing
emerges first. Second, longitudinal research could be afforded to populations that are
often lacking complex verbal repertoires. Having longitudinal studies conducted in this
area would allow researchers to evaluate the effect relational training may have in pro-
ducing more complex verbal responses in these individuals.
Researchers may also conduct randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of various RFT-
based procedures. While most studies in behavior analysis feature the use of single-sub-
ject designs, RCTs would add an additional level of scientific credibility outside of the
behavior analytic community. RCTs would also allow researchers to compare the relative
effectiveness of RFT and other approaches for producing changes in larger and longer-
term repertoires. For example, researchers may compare RFT-based procedures with tra-
ditional verbal behavior therapy and control groups to evaluate which form of training is
most effective and efficient in producing sophisticated verbal repertoires. RCTs may also
be utilized to compare groups of people who receive varying amounts of relational train-
ing to evaluate if a dosage effect is present.
Finally, future research can be conducted evaluating the relationship between neu-
rological data, derived relational responding, and language. Numerous studies have eval-
uated the relationship between derived relational responding and language using
functional MRIs (fMRIs; Hinton, Dymond, Von Hecker, & Evans, 2010; Ogawa,
Yamazaki, Ueno, Cheng, & Iriki, 2010; Schlund, Cataldo, & Hoehn-Saric, 2008;
Schlund, Hoehn-Saric, & Cataldo, 2007) and electroencephalograms (EEGs; e.g.,
196 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Barnes-Holmes et al., 2005; Roche, Linehan, Ward, Dymond, & Rehfeldt, 2004; Yorio,
Tabullo, Wainselboim, Barttfeld, & Segura, 2008). Most of these studies involve expos-
ing participants to a series of relational tests while documenting which areas of the brain
are activated during exposure to these tests. Rather than documenting which areas of
the brain are activated when exposed to relational procedures, future research could
attempt to link neurological data with observed behavioral performances.

Sixty years ago, Skinner proposed the first behavior analytic account of human language.
This analysis has served as the primary account of language for the behavior analytic
community since that time; however, the definition of verbal behavior and the analysis
itself was not without limitations. RFT offers an extension that addresses some of the
potential limitations of Skinner’s analysis. An RFT account of language holds that
AARR is the core of language. It becomes increasingly hard to dismiss RFT as the evi-
dence supporting it continues to grow. If the evidence supports the utility of an RFT
approach for producing analyses and outcomes that are not possible using Skinner’s
verbal operants alone, then the utility of continued work using only Skinner’s verbal
operants may require reexamination.
Since the emergence of RFT in the 1980s, a substantial body of evidence has been
established that supports the underlying theoretical and conceptual foundations of RFT.
Additionally, RFT has demonstrated ubiquitous utility in terms of teaching skills to indi-
viduals and promoting responding that is generative of numerous other behaviors.
Although RFT has generated a significant amount of empirical support, many areas
could benefit from further empirical exploration. As we move forward in our pursuit of
understanding language and cognition, it is imperative that behavior analysis continue
to research and scientifically evaluate the underpinnings of language and cognition,
while making data-driven decisions rather than appealing to dogma.
Relational Frame Theory: Basic Relational Operants 197

Study Questions
1. What characterizes an emergent or derived relation?

2. Distinguish between nonarbitrary relational responding and arbitrarily

applicable relational responding.

3. From an RFT perspective, what gives rise to complex human language

and cognition?

4. What is a relational frame?

5. What are the three defining properties of a relational frame and how do
they differ from one another?

6. According to RFT advocates, what are some potential limitations of a

purely Skinnerian approach to language?

7. What are the different types of relational frame families discussed in

this chapter?

8. In terms of applied utility, what is the primary advantage offered by

programming for the emergence of derived relations?

Assessing and Teaching Complex Relational

Operants: Analogy and Hierarchy

Ian Stewart
National University of Ireland, Galway

Shane McLoughlin
University of Chichester, UK

Teresa Mulhern
National University of Ireland, Galway

Siri Ming
Private Practice

E. B. Kirsten
National University of Ireland, Galway

Link and Preview

The preceding chapter surveyed the different types of relational operants. To supplement
that discussion, the current chapter focuses exclusively on two in particular, analogy and
hierarchy. As was the case with the operants described in chapter 11, the discussion in this
chapter is inspired by relational frame theory (Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001).
Regardless of theoretical focus, the implications for behavior analytic instructional proce-
dures focused upon analogical and hierarchical reasoning are clear.

As has been discussed previously, relational frame theory (RFT) has introduced the
idea that derived arbitrarily applicable relational responding, or relational framing, is an
Assessing and Teaching Complex Relational Operants: Analogy and Hierarchy199

operant repertoire that underlies human language and cognition. Substantial research
findings now support this thesis, including studies on diverse patterns of derived rela-
tional responding that show a consistent correlation with complex human performance
(e.g., Dymond & Roche, 2013; Zettle, Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Biglan, 2016). Much of
the work has been focused on relatively simple relational operants (primarily equivalence
but also others such as opposition and comparison). However, RFT research has also
modeled and investigated more complex derived relations, including analogy and hierar-
chy, in both children and adults as well as in populations of both typically developing
individuals and those with developmental delay. The aim of this chapter is to consider
the research on these two particular relatively complex operants.

A critical feature of analogy (“A is to B as C is to D”) is the transfer of existing knowledge
from one context to another through an assessment of the relationship or overlap between
them. It is a core component of higher-order language and cognition, including scientific
and mathematical skills (e.g., Polya, 1954) as well as problem solving more generally (e.g.,
Brown, 1989) and is commonly used as a metric of intellectual potential (e.g., Sternberg,
1977). In more basic, functional analytic terms, analogy may underpin much of our
untaught behavior in novel contexts because it allows us to use existing knowledge of
familiar contexts to guide behavior in new or unfamiliar ones. Examples of this abound
in educational and scientific domains. Consider for instance “electron (A) is to nucleus
(B) as earth (C) is to sun (D).” This shows the basic process involved in analogy whereby
an individual’s familiarity with a known domain (e.g., the solar system) can be used to
teach them about important aspects of a second unknown domain (e.g., atomic struc-
ture). Furthermore, analogy is not just confined to education and science but is evident
in diverse situations in everything from the understanding of figurative speech (e.g.,
“arguing with him is fighting a losing battle”) to dealing with new procedures or tech-
nologies (e.g., “using that new application is like reading a map”).
Based on its perceived importance, the study of analogy has long been a key area
within mainstream cognitive research (e.g., Bod, 2009; Gentner, 1983; Vosniadou &
Ortony, 1989). In this field, the general consensus is that analogy involves a transfer of
relational information from a domain that already exists in memory (usually termed the
“source,” the “base,” or the “vehicle”) to a domain to be explained (termed the “target,”
or the “topic”; see, for example, Vosniadou & Ortony, 1989). Furthermore, over the years
a variety of theories have been produced in accordance with this conceptualization (e.g.,
Christie & Gentner, 2014; Corral & Jones, 2014; Gentner, 1983; Gentner, Holyoak, &
Kokinov, 2001; Holyoak & Thagard, 1989; Keane, 1997; Lu, Chen, & Holyoak, 2012;
Sullivan & Barner, 2014).
Until the 1990s, behavioral psychologists showed little or no interest in analogical
reasoning. The advent of RFT has changed this. RFT posits derived relational
200 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

responding as the core operant pattern underlying human language and cognition,
including all of the complex performances of which we are capable, such as analogy.
Equivalence (or coordination) relations are seen as the simplest relational pattern that
can be derived and most likely the first to be acquired (e.g., Lipkens, Hayes, & Hayes
1993). In this case, if a learner is told that A is the same as B, then they will readily deter-
mine that B is the same as A, even though this has not been directly taught. In this case,
the word “same” cues a coordination relation between A and B and enables the learner
to derive the mutually entailed B-A coordination relation, assuming an appropriate
training history. Furthermore, if this learner is then taught to match B and C, then a
more complex mutually entailed A-C equivalence relation can also be derived. Multiple
other derived relations have also been empirically shown, including for example, com-
parison (e.g., “if A is more than B, then B is less than A”), opposition (e.g., “if A is oppo-
site of B, then B is opposite of A”), temporality (e.g., “if A is before B, then B is after A”),
and so on. Of key importance from an RFT perspective is the fact that derived relations
are arbitrary, and thus the relations need not be based on formal properties of the stimuli.
For example, the C and A terms in derived equivalence don’t go together because they
look like each other in some way (just as the word “cat” does not resemble an actual cat)
but based on a learned generalized relational pattern.
A key feature of analogies is that they involve the derivation of an equivalence rela-
tion between derived relations themselves. Hence in the analogy “A : B :: C : D,” the task
is to derive a relation between A and B and between C and D, and also to derive an
equivalence relation between these two relations themselves based on the fact that they
are the same type of relation. Consider the analogy presented in figure 12.1, denoted as
“chair : stool :: glove : sock.”

Figure 12.1 A representation of the analogy denoted as “chair : stool :: glove : sock”
showing the relations between the elements.

From an RFT perspective, “chair” and “stool” participate in a relation of equivalence

(because both are furniture), while “glove” and “sock” also participate in a relation of
equivalence (because both are items of clothing). A correct analogical response involves
the derivation of these two equivalence relations and the derivation of a further
Assessing and Teaching Complex Relational Operants: Analogy and Hierarchy201

equivalence relation between the relations (i.e., “chair” is equivalent to “stool” in the
same way as “glove” is equivalent to “sock” because each are members of the same respec-
tive class).
In accordance with this conception, Barnes, Hegarty, and Smeets (1997) reported
the first RFT model of analogical reasoning as the derivation of equivalence relations
between equivalence relations, or equivalence-equivalence responding. In this study,
the experimenters first gave participants match-to-sample (MTS) training and testing
for the induction of several equivalence relations between arbitrary (nonsense syllable)
stimuli. In a subsequent, critical stage, they exposed the participants to equivalence-
equivalence (analogical) testing, which was similar to the equivalence testing but com-
prised two different types of trials, referred to as similar–similar and different–different
trials, respectively. During the former (similar-similar) trial, the sample stimulus was
always a compound of a combinatorially entailed relation of sameness (e.g., B1C1), and
the two comparisons included both a compound stimulus formed by a combinatorially
entailed relation of sameness (e.g., B3C3) and one formed by a combinatorially entailed
relation of distinction (e.g., B3C4). Different–different trials entailed the same compari-
sons, but this time the sample stimulus was a combinatorially entailed relation of distinc-
tion, not sameness. In the language of RFT, this equivalence-equivalence test was designed
to see if participants would relate two derived coordination or distinction relations to
each other in accordance with a derived frame of coordination (i.e., relationally frame
one relation as being coordinated with another relation). Findings were that a range of
participants, including adults as well as nine- and twelve-year-old typically developing
children, readily passed this analogical-type test.
A considerable quantity of studies has now extended this work. One aspect on which
several follow-up studies have focused is the importance of formal, or nonarbitrary, prop-
erties in analogy. Consider again the analogy from figure 12.1: “chair: stool :: glove :
sock.” In this example, the arbitrary equivalence relation between the words “chair” and
“stool” is based, to some extent, on the coordination of physical properties shared by the
actual stimuli with which the words are coordinated (i.e., both actual items have legs and
a flat platform for sitting on). Similarly, the arbitrary equivalence relation between the
words “glove” and “sock” is based on the shared physical properties between the clothing
items (i.e., both are made of soft material and fit on parts of the body). Thus, although
the two equivalence relations and the equivalence-equivalence relation are entirely arbi-
trary (there are no formal similarities shared by the words or shared between the words
and the actual objects), they can readily be traced back to shared nonarbitrary features.
In simple terms, the nonarbitrary features are brought to bear automatically in the deri-
vation of the coordination relations.
A study by Stewart, Barnes-Holmes, Roche, and Smeets (2001) was the first to
capture this dimension of analogy, by showing equivalence-equivalence relations based
on stimuli that differed along various physical dimensions including, for example, color.
Stewart, Barnes-Holmes, Roche, and Smeets (2002) subsequently demonstrated that
relating derived relations could allow the discrimination of a common physical similarity
202 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

between the relations and that this in turn could produce transformation of functions in
a separate task. For example, the researchers exposed participants who had previously
sorted a series of wooden blocks according to color instead of shape to an analogical
protocol in which all trials involved the discrimination of common shapes across the
equivalence-equivalence network. After that, participants changed the way they sorted
the blocks so that they sorted according to shape. This arguably modeled the experience
of “insight” via analogy, whereby analogical responding facilitates a new more effective
response to the environment. One more recent study by Ruiz and Luciano (2015) showed
that participants would choose equivalence relations involving common physical proper-
ties as more closely related and thus more suited to form an equivalence-equivalence
relation than equivalence relations involving different physical properties.
RFT research has extended the equivalence-equivalence model in a number of other
ways also. For example, a number of researchers have used a method known as the rela-
tional evaluation procedure (REP) to demonstrate a much more generative model of
analogy than in the original (i.e., Barnes et al., 1997) study (Stewart, Barnes-Holmes, &
Roche, 2004). Other researchers have measured relating derived relations, as a model of
analogy, using reaction times and event-related potentials (ERPs). This work showed
that, based on presumed lower levels of complexity, derived similar-similar relations were
emitted with greater speed than derived different-different relations and were under-
pinned by different patterns of neural activity (Barnes-Holmes et al., 2005). This outcome
is similar to findings seen elsewhere in the neurocognitive literature (Luo et al., 2003)
and suggests that the derivation of relations between relations recruits similar neural
resources to solving analogies in conventional format. Subsequently, Lipkens and Hayes
(2009) demonstrated the derived relating of opposition and comparative relations and
showed that directly teaching an analogy between two relations allowed participants to
derive a number of untaught analogies between novel stimuli. Finally, Ruiz and Luciano
(2011) extended the RFT model of analogy by teaching and testing cross‑domain analo-
gies, defined as the derived relating of relations across separate relational networks.
Whereas the research reviewed thus far focused exclusively on within-domain analogies
(e.g., “overcoming a difficult personal problem is like overcoming a difficult work
problem”), cross-domain analogies involve the transfer of knowledge from one domain to
a completely unrelated domain (e.g., “overcoming a difficult personal problem is like
reaching the top of a mountain”). Ruiz and Luciano (2011) found that such analogies
could be established via a history of multiple exemplar training (MET) and that perfor-
mance on the model strongly correlated with that on a standard analogy test.
For the present purposes, perhaps the most relevant extension of Barnes et al. (1997)
is research assessing derived relations between relations in young children. If RFT
researchers are correct that equivalence-equivalence responding represents a basic
empirically controlled form of analogy, then it might be expected that performances
based on equivalence-equivalence responding would coincide with those recorded on
more traditional analogy tests used by mainstream researchers.
Assessing and Teaching Complex Relational Operants: Analogy and Hierarchy203

For cognitive developmental psychologists, one key issue has always been at what age
children become able to engage in analogical reasoning. Because of the view that the
relations contained within analogies are complex (often referred to as “higher-order”), it
was traditionally believed that children under twelve could not solve analogies (e.g.,
Piaget, Montangero, & Billeter, 1977). According to Piaget, higher-order relations were
present only in formal operational thinking, which is not fully developed until adoles-
cence. Apart from providing empirical evidence supporting this claim, Piaget also tried
to identify the incorrect strategies that younger children in his studies may have used to
try to solve the analogies. One type of incorrect answer was indicative of simple associa-
tions rather than higher-order relations. For example, consider the task “Bicycle is to
handlebars as ship is to ?” In this case the relationship between A and B refers to
“steering mechanism,” so the correct answer is “rudder.” However, children would often
select “bird” based on the logic that “both birds and ships are found on lakes.” In doing
so, they were focused only on the “lower-order” relation in the incomplete pair (C and D);
they ignored the first pair (A and B) and thus also missed the higher-order relation
between relations.
Goswami and Brown (1990) have also closely examined the types of simple associa-
tions to which children incorrectly default in the context of analogies. Their research
deployed pictorial stimuli, presenting three of the stimuli from an A : B :: C : D analogi-
cal pattern as an incomplete pattern and an additional four stimuli as response options.
Consider, for example, the following sequence: “Bird is to nest as dog is to ” with
the options “doghouse,” “cat,” “another dog,” and “a bone.” The correct (analogical)
choice involves selecting the doghouse, based on the common relation of habitat. The
remaining, incorrect options in this case include the bone as a simple associative choice
(as dogs and bones frequently go together), the other dog as a match on the basis of
“surface similarity” derived primarily from perceptual features, and the cat as a “category
match.” Findings showed that children between ages four and nine performed at levels
significantly above chance, with accuracy positively correlated with age. On this basis,
Goswami and Brown (1990) concluded that children as young as four or five can show
analogical reasoning, and that increasing age allows them to respond less on the basis of
simple associations and more in accordance with higher-order relations.
One possible confound that may have influenced outcomes in both the Piaget et al.
(1977) and Goswami and Brown (1990) studies, however, concerns the level of the chil-
dren’s familiarity with the target pairs and the relations between them. In Piaget’s
research, the children’s analogical reasoning skills may have been underestimated
because they did not have adequate experience or knowledge of concepts such as steering
mechanisms, for example. Regarding the findings of Goswami and Brown, it is possible
that age differences may have reflected differences in levels of experience with birds,
nests, and so on, rather than in relational competence.
As it happens, data from Goswami and Brown (1989) shed light in this regard. This
study involved a series of item analogies based on causal relations (e.g., cutting, wetting,
and melting), with which most three- or four-year-olds are familiar. Consider the task
204 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

“Playdoh is to cut playdoh as apple is to .” The experimenters presented tasks such

as this to children in conjunction with other tasks that probed their familiarity with the
target causal relations. For example, they showed the children three pictures of items that
had been causally transformed (e.g., cut playdoh, cut bread, cut apple) and asked them to
select the causal agent responsible for the transformation (e.g., a knife, water, the sun).
Results showed a strong correlation between scores on the analogies and on the control
tasks, thus suggesting the importance of familiarity with target relations for analogical
reasoning. This implies, first, that relational knowledge and analogical competence
codevelop, and second, that where relational knowledge is high, children even as young
as four may derive the target relations and respond in accordance with analogy.
Conversely, where relational knowledge is inadequate, associative, and likely incorrect,
strategies will dominate.
Carpentier, Smeets, and Barnes-Holmes (2002) used the equivalence-equivalence
paradigm to provide a functional analytic test of the emergence of analogical responding
in young children. They assessed a range of age groups including adults, nine-year-olds,
and five-year-olds. Across several experiments, adults and nine-year-olds successfully
demonstrated equivalence-equivalence relations, but the five-year-olds did not. Only
when the latter were exposed to equivalence-equivalence type tests in which the com-
posite equivalence relations were directly taught as opposed to being derived did they
subsequently demonstrate the target performance. Further empirical support for these
findings was reported in follow-up research by Carpentier, Smeets, and Barnes-Holmes
The fact that five-year-olds in Carpentier et al. (2002) did demonstrate derived ana-
logical relations seems consistent with Goswami and Brown’s (1990) research; however,
in contrast to the outcomes of the latter, extensive relational pretraining was required.
As such, the issue of whether five-year-olds can genuinely show analogical reasoning
based on the core processes described here (i.e., the derivation of relations between
derived relations) seems as yet open. From the RFT perspective, derived relational abili-
ties should be relatively well honed by age five, and five-year-olds should also have a
robust general relational knowledge base. As such, it might be predicted that they could
solve at least some analogy tasks, though it would need to be ascertained that such per-
formances are based on derived equivalence-equivalence rather than on some simpler
associative basis. In any event, RFT would predict that explicit exemplar training in
equivalence-equivalence responding should greatly boost performance on traditional
analogy tasks.
As an example of the potential application of the RFT approach to analogy in an
applied arena, one relatively recent study used MET to teach children with autism to
solve novel metaphors (Persicke, Tarbox, Ranick, & St. Clair, 2012). Metaphor is a
subtype of analogy in which a primary function of the relational process is to highlight
particular nonarbitrary properties of the analogical target that are shared with the
vehicle. For example, the aim of a metaphor such as “He’s as busy as a bee” is to highlight
how busy the target is by comparing it (he, in this case) to an insect known for being fast
Assessing and Teaching Complex Relational Operants: Analogy and Hierarchy205

moving and productive. Persicke et al. (2012) taught children with autism to solve novel
metaphors (e.g., “This apple is candy”) through induction of the following steps: (1)
stating properties of the target (i.e., apple—it’s fruit, grows on trees, tastes sweet), (2)
stating properties of the vehicle (i.e., candy—it’s food, tastes sweet, rots your teeth), and
(3) identifying the property shared between the two, thus identifying the metaphor’s
meaning (in this case, that the apple tastes sweet). RFT would suggest that a number of
relational performances were involved. Teaching the children to relate each stimulus in
the metaphor to its respective properties might be seen as instances of equivalence or
possibly hierarchical relating, while comparing the inferred properties of the two stimuli
in the metaphor arguably consisted of both distinction relating (for nonidentical proper-
ties) and coordinate relating (when the shared property was identified). All participants
learned to solve novel metaphors, and their responding generalized to novel, untaught
In conclusion of the discussion of analogy, in spite of the core importance of analogi-
cal reasoning within higher cognition, there remain limited instructional protocols to
help establish the necessary skills. From an RFT point of view, the core repertoire of
analogy is the capacity to derive relations between relations. As such, a protocol such as
that implemented by Carpentier et al. (2002) that targets equivalence-equivalence
responding and related composite skills may be useful in establishing the basis of analogi-
cal abilities.

The second complex repertoire under discussion in this chapter is hierarchical relational
responding, which RFT sees as underlying responding in accordance with conceptual
hierarchies (see figure 12.2). One key example of conceptual hierarchies is hierarchical
classification, in which classes of stimuli are treated as members of larger classes (e.g.,
“poodle” is classified as a member of the category “dog,” while “dog” is classified as a
member of the category “animal,” and so on; see e.g., Griffee & Dougher, 2002; Slattery,
Stewart, & O’Hora, 2011). Another example is hierarchical part-whole analysis, in
which elements are treated as parts of larger, more inclusive “wholes” (e.g., “nail” is cat-
egorized as part of “finger,” while “finger” is categorized as part of “hand,” and so on; e.g.,
Slattery & Stewart, 2014; Stewart, Slattery, Chambers, & Dymond, 2018).
Responding in accordance with conceptual hierarchies is a fundamentally impor-
tant repertoire with regard to understanding and navigating the world (Bornstein &
Mash, 2010; Furrer & Younger, 2008; Gelman, 1988; Kalish & Gelman, 1992; Lin &
Murphy, 2001; Markman, 1989; Proffitt, Coley, & Medin, 2000). For example, a young
child sufficiently skilled in this repertoire who learns the category of a new person in her
environment can derive likely properties of that person, and compare and contrast with
other already known people and make predictions about what to expect (e.g., “Jenny is a
doctor like my father; that means she treats people who are ill and probably works in a
206 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

hospital, like he does; she probably knows a lot about medicine and how to treat sick
people”). This type of responding can thus facilitate rapid learning and understanding.
Furthermore, it is critical for promulgation and promotion of key skills needed in the
educational arena, including, for example, logical and scientific thinking. For instance,
the understanding of taxonomies (e.g., within biology or chemistry) is heavily dependent
on hierarchical organization. As such, hierarchical conceptual responding is a very valu-
able repertoire in educational terms.

Figure 12.2 Examples of conceptual hierarchies: left, classification hierarchy;

right, analytic hierarchy.

A substantial quantity of research on conceptual hierarchies has previously been

provided by mainstream cognitive-developmental researchers (e.g., Blewitt, 1994;
Deneault & Ricard, 2006; Greene, 1994; Inhelder & Piaget, 1964). The main focus of
such work has been hierarchical classification, in which stimuli are organized into a hier-
archy of classes within classes. Theorists from this tradition see this phenomenon as
involving three core features, namely transitive class containment, asymmetrical class
containment, and unilateral property induction.
Transitive class containment refers to classifying a stimulus (A) as a member of a
higher-order class (C) on the basis that it is a member of a subclass (B) that is a member
of that higher-order class. For example, if a child is taught that “poodle” (A) is a type of
“dog” (B), then they may also classify “poodle” as an “animal” (C) on the basis that “dog”
(B) is a type of animal. Asymmetrical class containment refers to the fact that a higher-
order class (e.g., “animal”) contains a lower-order class (e.g., “dog”) but not vice versa
Assessing and Teaching Complex Relational Operants: Analogy and Hierarchy207

(i.e., “dog” does not contain “animal”). Unilateral property induction refers to the
concept that properties or features of a higher-order class (e.g., “animal”) will also be
found in a lower-order class (e.g., “dog”) but not vice versa. For example, all animals
breathe and thus dogs breathe; however, while dogs have four legs, not all animals do
(e.g., Halford, Andrews, & Jensen, 2002). Learning to respond in accordance with these
properties is seen as critical for being able to think and derive effectively, especially in the
educational arena. At the same time, while important, hierarchical classification may be
just one variety of conceptual hierarchical responding. Markman and colleagues (e.g.,
Markman & Seibert, 1976), for example, compared classification (class/member) type
hierarchy with analysis (part/whole) type hierarchy (involving the analysis of a stimulus
[e.g., a face] into its parts [e.g., eyes, nose, mouth]). They found that younger children
responded with higher accuracy to questions based on analysis hierarchy than to those
based on classification hierarchy; accordingly, the authors argued that analysis hierarchy
develops earlier than classification hierarchy.
Until recently there has been relatively little research on hierarchical responding by
behavior analysts. The first such study was one on hierarchical classification by Griffee
and Dougher (2002), who modeled features of responding in accordance with a natural
language hierarchy (e.g., robin–bird–animal). This work was an important first step in
providing a bottom-up model of hierarchical classification. However, Griffee and Dougher
did not explicitly test for the three features that cognitive developmental theorists had
suggested were important in hierarchical classification. A more recent study by Slattery
et al. (2011) tested the Griffee and Dougher (2002) model for the presence of one of these
features, namely, transitive class containment, and found that only two out of eight par-
ticipants showed this pattern. Though Slattery et al. subsequently adapted the protocol
such that participants did begin to show behavior consistent with transitive class con-
tainment, they recommended an alternative approach to modeling hierarchical respond-
ing including classification using RFT.
Within RFT, hierarchical conceptual responding can be conceptualized and modeled
as a pattern of hierarchical relational framing. As with other frames, the latter might be
hypothesized to originate in the teaching of nonarbitrary relations. For example, one
such nonarbitrary relational pattern that might be important is containment: A child
might learn, in one context, to describe things as being physically inside other things
(e.g., “my hand is in my glove”) and in another, to describe things as containing other
things (e.g., “the house contains the doll”). This repertoire might then come under con-
textual control (i.e., of cues such as the words “in” and “contains”) and generalize, devel-
oping into more abstract patterns such as classification (i.e., responding to “members” as
being contained in “classes”) or analysis (i.e., responding to “parts” as being contained
within “wholes”). Accordingly, hierarchical responding can be investigated by establish-
ing arbitrary stimuli as cues using nonarbitrary training and then using those cues to
establish hierarchical relations (e.g., “member/class”) between arbitrary stimuli and
gauging additional derived relations and/or properties.
208 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

To date, a number of studies have modeled hierarchical responding as hierarchical

relational framing. The first of these was conducted by Gil, Luciano, Ruiz, and Valdivia-
Salas (2012). In this study, nonarbitrary relational training was used to establish contex-
tual cues for both hierarchical (“includes,” “belongs to”) as well as “same” and “difference”
relations. In the case of the hierarchical cues, for example, participants were exposed to
two-dimensional picture stimuli inside two-dimensional outline stimuli and were taught
to choose the former in the presence of the “belongs to” cue and to select the latter in the
presence of the “includes” cue. In later stages, these cues were used to test expected
transformation of functions of arbitrary stimuli via hierarchical relations. As an example,
the researchers taught participants that stimulus X.1 had the property of being cold and
that it contained a number of other arbitrary stimuli including A1 and B1. They then
tested them for whether a stimulus C1, previously derived as being in the same class as
A1 and B1, was also cold, and the participants showed this predicted transformation of
functions. This study demonstrated a number of empirical and methodological innova-
tions, including (1) the establishment of contextual cues for containment relations and
(2) the demonstration of a format in which instructors require learners to select contex-
tual cues for particular frames in order to probe the learners’ responding in accordance
with multiple stimulus relations (same, different, belongs to, includes). More recently, Gil,
Luciano, Ruiz, and Valdivia-Salas (2014) extended this initial study by showing addi-
tional patterns of derived hierarchical relations and by providing an improved set of
controls over participants’ performance.
Both Gil et al. (2012) and Gil et al. (2014) modeled hierarchical responding as
broadly conceptualized. As indicated above, however, mainstream research has suggested
a number of varieties of hierarchical responding, including hierarchical classification and
hierarchical analysis, and these varieties may have functionally important differences.
Accordingly, a number of more recent studies have focused on using an RFT approach to
investigate particular varieties of conceptual hierarchy.
Slattery and Stewart (2014) used relational framing to model hierarchical classifica-
tion specifically and to probe for the three core features said to characterize it, namely,
transitive class containment, asymmetrical class containment, and unilateral property
induction. In Phase 1 of their study, they established arbitrary shapes as contextual cues
for hierarchical relational responding, similar to Gil et al. (2012, 2014). In contrast to the
Gil et al. studies, however, the core of this training involved a very simple set of colored
shape stimuli that might be grouped together only along particular physical dimensions.
This aimed to facilitate tight control over the nonarbitrary relational pattern supporting
the establishing of the contextual cues, so as to facilitate hierarchical classification in
particular, and more specifically, by inducing relating of abstracted common physical
properties (“classes”) with examples of shapes that included those particular properties
(“members”). In Phase 2, the cues thus established were used to teach and test a hierar-
chical relational network of nonsense syllables. Nine out of ten participants who com-
pleted the protocol exhibited predicted patterns of derived relational responding and
transformation of functions in accordance with all three of the properties of hierarchical
Assessing and Teaching Complex Relational Operants: Analogy and Hierarchy209

classification by showing asymmetrical mutual entailment, transitive combinatorial

entailment, and unidirectional transformation of functions.
Another more recent study has extended Slattery and Stewart’s (2014) approach by
using a similar two-phase protocol to demonstrate and investigate hierarchical analysis
rather than hierarchical classification and to examine whether the properties of this
pattern of relational framing would differ from those implicated in hierarchical classifica-
tion (Stewart et al., 2018). The key difference between this study and the previous one
was in Phase 1, which established contextual cues. In Slattery and Stewart’s (2014) study,
the relations that were relevant in teaching the contextual cues were between concepts
based on the abstraction of common physical properties (“classes”) and examples of
shapes that included those particular properties (“members”)—for instance, between the
concept “green” and particular shapes that were green. In the Stewart et al. (2018) study,
in contrast, the relations that were relevant in teaching the contextual cues were between
shapes made up of a number of different parts (“wholes”) and examples of the parts them-
selves (“parts”)—for example, between a shape made up of a red triangle, a yellow star,
and a green circle (the “whole”) and a yellow star (a “part”). As in the previous study,
Phase 1 established the functions of contextual cues, and then in Phase 2, these cues
were used to teach and test for derived relational responding and transformation of func-
tions. Findings showed a similar pattern of mutual and combinatorial entailment but, in
contrast with Slattery and Stewart’s (2014) results, the absence of any consistent pattern
of transformation of functions. The authors argued that although in part this was pre-
dictable—because, in contrast with classification hierarchy, analytic hierarchy is not
associated with any particularly clear-cut pattern of transformation of functions—further
research would be useful for testing ways in which particular patterns of function trans-
formation might be induced.
These examples of RFT work on hierarchical relational responding show that ver-
bally competent individuals engage in hierarchical relational framing and that this form
of behavior underlies patterns of responding in accordance with conceptual hierarchies,
including both hierarchical classification and analysis. Recent research has extended this
work in directions that are of direct relevance to the current focus on the early develop-
ment and establishment of these repertoires.
One example is a study by Mulhern, Stewart, and McElwee (2017), who measured
patterns of relational framing linked with categorization in a large sample of young
(three- to eight-year-old) typically developing children. The protocol correlated framing
performance, including nonarbitrary and arbitrary containment and arbitrary hierarchy,
with linguistic and cognitive potential as measured by standardized instruments. To
assess nonarbitrary containment, the researchers presented children with differently
colored boxes in which smaller boxes were physically contained inside larger boxes, and
asked the children whether one particular box was inside another or contained the other.
To assess arbitrary containment, they presented children with a number of differently
colored circles that were physically the same size as each other. The researchers then told
the children about one or more “containment” relations between the circles and probed
210 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

for the derivation of further relations in the absence of any physical containment rela-
tions being demonstrated (hence, these tasks probed for arbitrary relations). For example,
for mutual entailment tasks, they told the children that one particular colored circle (e.g.,
the green one) contained another particular colored circle (e.g., the red one) and then
tested for predicted derived responding (in this case, that the red one was inside the
green one). Finally, to assess arbitrary hierarchy, the researchers presented children with
real and nonsense words on a computer screen, told them about one or more “hierarchi-
cal class” type relations between the stimuli, and probed to see whether they could cor-
rectly derive further relations. For example, for mutual entailment tasks, they told the
children that one particular nonsense word (e.g., “tol”) was a type of animal and then
tested to see whether they could endorse the correct entailment relation (in this case,
that the class “animal” contained “tols” as members). As for the previous task, this was
an arbitrary relational task because the stimuli representing classes and members did not
show any physical relationship of relevance to the task. Results showed expected varia-
tion in level of relational categorization skill based on age, as well as strong correlations
between relational performance and scoring on standardized measures.
Another recent study, following on from the latter, used an adapted version of the
protocol used in Mulhern et al. (2017) to assess and teach relational framing of categori-
zation in young typically developing children and to assess the impact of training on
relevant measures of language and categorization (Mulhern, Stewart & McElwee, 2018).
In two experiments, the researchers assessed and instructed children in mutual and com-
binatorial entailment and transformation of functions of hierarchical relations. In
Experiment 1, they assessed and instructed five-year-olds in arbitrary containment, while
in Experiment 2, they assessed and instructed six-year-olds in arbitrary hierarchy. Both
experiments employed a multiple baseline design across responses and participants and
compared children receiving instruction with controls. In both experiments, correct
responding increased to criterion levels on introduction of teaching, and both generaliza-
tion and maintenance were observed. Additionally, in both cases the instructional group
showed better performance than the controls on measures of language and categoriza-
tion. Such results suggest that hierarchical framing can be systematically taught and has
potential intellectual benefits, though additional research using larger samples and con-
ventional analysis is needed to confirm the latter.
Apart from this work, researchers have also recently applied RFT to the assessment
and teaching of class inclusion responding, a sub-repertoire that falls under the umbrella
of hierarchical classification skill. In a typical example of such a task, the researcher first
shows a child an array of stimuli in a particular class that includes two different sub-
classes, with a greater quantity of one subclass than the other. They then typically ask the
child whether there are more members of the more populous subclass or more members
of the class. For example, they might show the child an array of red and blue flowers with
more red flowers than blue flowers and ask, “Are there more red flowers or are there more
flowers?” The aim of the task is to ascertain if children can respond to a stimulus as
simultaneously belonging both to a class as well as to a subclass contained in it.
Assessing and Teaching Complex Relational Operants: Analogy and Hierarchy211

Ming, Mulhern, Stewart, Moran, and Bynum (2018) used an RFT paradigm to assess
and train this ability in three typically developing preschoolers (Experiment 1) and three
individuals with autism spectrum disorders (Experiment 2). In each of the two experi-
ments, the researchers first assessed the three participants, who failed to demonstrate
class inclusion. They then gave them nonarbitrary relational instruction using a non-
concurrent multiple baseline design. More specifically, they showed the participants how
the two sets of stimuli used on a particular trial (e.g., pictures of cats and pictures of dogs)
might be arranged into separate transparent boxes representing each of the two classes,
and then how both of the boxes might themselves be put into a larger transparent box
representing the overarching class (i.e., animals). The rationale was that this demonstra-
tion of the physical containment relations involved could support establishment of the
appropriate relational repertoire. In both experiments, relational teaching successfully
established the target repertoire, and subsequent testing demonstrated both maintenance
and generalization to untrained stimulus sets.
In conclusion, with regard to conceptual hierarchy, as is the case with analogical
reasoning, there remain relatively limited instructional protocols to help establish the
necessary skills. We have described a number of approaches based on recent empirical
studies that might be employed in this context. However, much further exploration and
refinement of these protocols is needed in order to further this work.

Implications and Future Directions

There are a number of topics that require further research related to the current chapter.
With regard to the area of analogy, discussed earlier in this chapter, further work is war-
ranted to explore the utility of a protocol that targets equivalence-equivalence respond-
ing and related composite skills with young children and individuals with developmental
delays. Research exploring generalization and extension beyond core abilities is also
needed. For example, once a core repertoire is in place, then MET using more traditional
picture-based tasks such as those used by cognitive developmental psychologists might be
deployed. Research improving the functional utility of such tasks is also warranted (see,
for example, Carpentier, Smeets, Barnes-Holmes, & Stewart, 2004). In addition, in the
case of both analogies and metaphors, instructors might query underlying formal or non-
arbitrary properties during assessment and highlight these properties during instruction,
with a particular emphasis on these in the teaching of metaphor.
Turning to conceptual hierarchy, the Mulhern et al. (2017, 2018) protocols, which
evaluated and established containment and hierarchical relational responding, focused
on hierarchical classification only while not exploring hierarchical analysis. Furthermore,
even in the exploration of hierarchical classification, much further investigation is
needed. For example, the protocols used focused on contextual cues for hierarchical
relational framing per se (e.g., type of, contains) exclusively. This is reasonable in the
case of simpler frames such as coordination or comparison. However, hierarchical
212 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

relational framing is more complex than these frames in that derivation in accordance
with the full scope of hierarchy should implicate other simpler frames also. For example,
in addition to framing appropriately in response to the cues of “type of” and “contains,”
other important aspects of this pattern might also be tested. When two stimuli are
framed as being part of the same class, then they should also both be framed as being
different from other stimuli framed within a different class and equivalent to each other,
in at least some contexts, independent of their physical properties. Such a pattern of
responding might be expected from someone with a sufficiently advanced repertoire of
hierarchical classification. The Mulhern et al. protocols did not test for such relations;
adjusting it so as to do so might be expected to improve its reliability and validity as a test
of classification. This would be one useful direction for future work. Despite the fact that
further work is needed, however, the protocols described in some of the studies discussed,
including especially those focused on assessment and teaching of hierarchical relational
frames in children and individuals with developmental delay, do indicate the potential of
RFT as an approach to this important repertoire.

The repertoires on which this chapter has focused, namely analogical reasoning and
conceptual hierarchical responding, are simultaneously complex but also of central
importance in terms of the development of sophisticated thinking and reasoning skills.
This chapter indicates that there is potential in adopting an RFT approach to the assess-
ment and instruction of these skills. Key aspects of RFT exemplified in these studies
include nonarbitrary relational support, MET of relational patterns, and consistency of
contextual control. This work is starting to allow sophisticated behavior analytic inves-
tigation of these protocols, which can capture key aspects of the features of these phe-
nomena. Although relational framing paradigms have been discussed and outlined in
traditional cognitive developmental literature, developing a functional analytic concep-
tion of these repertoires can readily facilitate practically oriented behavior change.
Assessing and Teaching Complex Relational Operants: Analogy and Hierarchy213

Study Questions
1. What are the core features of analogy as conceptualized by relational
frame theory?

2. What part do nonarbitrary features play in analogy? Give an example of

an analogy and describe the nonarbitrary features involved.

3. List and briefly describe three ways in which researchers have extended
the findings of Barnes, Hegarty, and Smeets (1997).

4. What is the significance of the findings of Carpentier, Smeets, and

Barnes-Holmes (2002) with regard to the debate concerning the age at
which children become capable of analogical reasoning?

5. What are the three defining properties of hierarchical classification as

explored by cognitive developmental researchers?

6. How did Stewart, Slattery, Chambers, and Dymond (2018) extend

Slattery and Stewart’s (2014) protocol?

7. How did Mulhern, Stewart, and McElwee (2017) assess hierarchical

relational framing of categorization?

8. What is class inclusion? Briefly describe how Ming, Mulhern, Stewart,

Moran, and Bynum (2018) have approached class inclusion using an
RFT paradigm.

Rule-Governed Behavior and Verbal Regulation

Jonathan Tarbox
University of Southern California and FirstSteps for Kids

Vincent Campbell
University of Southern California and FirstSteps for Kids

Savannah Pio
University of Southern California and FirstSteps for Kids

Link and Preview

The present chapter focuses on an important topic in the behavior analysis of language and
cognition, rule-governed behavior. While it may seem obvious that much of the behavior
of humans is influenced by rules (or “instructions”), there are a number of interesting
issues and implications related to this topic. This chapter provides an overview of concep-
tual foundations, reviews basic and applied research, and suggests several areas for future
research and practice in the area of RGB.

The demonstration of the power of direct-acting contingencies of reinforcement to influ-

ence behavior is among the greatest contributions of the science of behavior analysis.
Indeed, the basic principles of behavior analysis can largely be described as a collection
of the ways in which immediate environmental contingencies directly impact the behav-
ior of organisms. However, for humans with complex verbal behavior, the picture is some-
what more complicated. B. F. Skinner (1969) made the observation that talking about
the future can affect one’s behavior in the present. In particular, rules that describe
contingencies can control behavior as if the behavior had contacted the contingencies
described, even though it never has in the past. For example, this book might provide you
with a web address that links you to study materials on the Internet, along with a
Rule-Governed Behavior and Verbal Regulation215

statement that, if you study those materials (behavior), you are likely to get a better grade
on the exam (consequence). You might then follow that rule by going to that web address
and studying those materials, although you have never engaged in that behavior at that
website in the past and so you never could have received reinforcement for it. Put simply,
verbally competent humans, starting around the age of three to five (Bentall, Lowe, &
Beasty, 1985), can work toward a verbally constructed future that they have never had—
and may never have—direct contact with. This is the essence of rule-governed behav-
ior (RGB).
Skinner (1974a) pointed out that RGB is critical to human civilization. Aside from
cases of observational learning (see chapter 8), without RGB, every individual human
would have to contact virtually every direct consequence in order to learn. In some
cases, this would be merely inefficient, as in learning to cook without recipes. In other
cases, this would be downright deadly, as in learning to avoid poisonous animals and
foods, and so on. The earliest developments in agriculture likely involved RGB behavior
of some sort because it necessarily involved behaving with respect to a verbally con-
structed future (e.g., planting today to prepare for harvest time several months away) that
was too delayed and infrequent to control behavior directly. Even the development of a
behavior as rudimentary as building a hut today because it might rain next week likely
involved some participation of RGB, and engaging in behaviors such as these undoubt-
edly contributed to the survival of the cultures that induced their members to do so. But
aside from immediately practical matters of survival and convenience, RGB is critical to
creating and maintaining all of the higher-order pillars of civilization. Virtually all laws,
for example, are rules that describe behaviors to be avoided and the aversive conse-
quences of failing to do so (Skinner, 1989). The laws of science, as Skinner pointed out,
are essentially “rules for effective action” with respect to the natural world (1974a, p.
259). Skinner (1969) explained that rules are largely how knowledge is passed down from
one generation to another, so that each generation can learn from its elders, rather than
only through trial and error. Without RGB, humanity would quite literally have to rein-
vent the wheel every generation.
Despite the critical role that RGB plays in civilization, rules can also come to influ-
ence behavior in maladaptive ways. Control by rules often overrides control by prevailing
contingencies of reinforcement (Baron & Galizio, 1983). For example, a participant in a
laboratory experiment may follow the rule “I need to press fast,” even though they con-
tinue to fail to earn reinforcers on a differential reinforcement of low rate (DRL)
schedule, or a gambler may continue to follow the rule “I’m going to win; I just need to
play one more spin,” while losing all their money in a slot machine. Because of the power
of rules to influence behavior and because of the ubiquity of rules in daily life, a thorough
understanding of what rules are and how they control behavior is likely critical to a com-
prehensive applied science of behavior. We now turn to a discussion of what, exactly,
RGB is.
216 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Defining Rule-Governed Behavior

Rule governed behavior is behavior that occurs due to contact with an antecedent rule
and not due to prior contact with the contingencies the rule describes (Skinner, 1969).
RGB can be contrasted to contingency-shaped behavior, which is behavior that occurs
due to prior contact with contingencies, not contact with rules. For example, if you are
told, “Pressing the lever slowly will earn you points,” and you then press the lever slowly,
that slow rate of lever pressing is likely rule governed, assuming you have not participated
in a similar experiment in the past. If you had been given no instructions and you tried
pressing the lever quickly and received no points and then tried pressing the lever slowly
and then received points, subsequent slow pressing might be primarily contingency
shaped. Note that exactly the same topography of behavior (i.e., slow pressing) may be
rule governed or contingency shaped purely on the basis of the history and function of
the behavior.
Outside of the laboratory, behavior is rarely 100% contingency shaped or 100% rule
governed. People talk to themselves frequently about what they are doing and are in
constant contact with contingencies, so most behavior is likely partially controlled by
both rules and contingencies. A laboratory example might be if the experimenter told
you, “Try pressing fast or slow and see what works,” and you then follow the rule and
come in contact with the contingencies and then continue to press slowly. In this case
your slow pressing might be partially controlled by the word “slow” in the experimenter’s
instructions, partially controlled by the points you received for slow pressing, and perhaps
partially controlled by a rule you constructed yourself during that experience with the
contingencies (e.g., “Aha, it works better when I press slowly; the experimenter was
telling the truth”).

What Is a Rule?
If RGB is defined as behavior that occurs due to contact with a rule, then a scientific
account requires a technical definition of a rule. Skinner at various times described a
rule as a discriminative stimulus (1969, p. 148), as a “contingency specifying stimulus”
(1969, p. 169), and as an antecedent that altered the function of other stimuli (1957, p.
359). A rule cannot be a discriminative stimulus because a discriminative stimulus is
defined as a stimulus that was present in the past when a behavior was reinforced, and
RGB, by definition, has not occurred or been reinforced in the presence of that rule in
the past. So it is likely more appropriate to state that rules affect behavior as though they
were discriminative stimuli. Stating that a rule is a contingency-specifying stimulus gets
more to the heart of what rules seem to do—they tell the listener what contingencies are
likely to bear on their behavior. But this definition was problematic for decades because
we did not yet have a technical definition, in terms of behavioral principles, of what is
meant by specification (Hayes, 1991).
Rule-Governed Behavior and Verbal Regulation217

Contemporary Accounts of Rules and

Rule-Governed Behavior
The crux of the challenge with rules is that they have the function of discriminative
stimuli, even though they have never been directly established as such. For the first
several decades of research in behavior analysis, little or no research was done that
showed that a stimulus can come to have a function other than that which was directly
taught. In cases of stimulus generalization, a stimulus comes to function as though it were
a discriminative stimulus even though the behavior was never reinforced in its presence
(e.g., someone tacts all examples of apples as “apple” after learning to tact just a few
apples as “apple”), but this is due to the physical similarity between the teaching stimuli
and the generalization stimuli (e.g., all apples are round). Rules do not need to be physi-
cally similar to other rules that have had the same function in the past. To demonstrate
this easily, we could present to you any random combination of action words (e.g., clap,
jump, smile), any random combination of temporal words (e.g., before, after, first, last),
and any random sequence of the words “do” and “don’t,” and if you were attending care-
fully, you could follow the rule, even though you certainly have never done that same
sequence of actions in response to a physically similar instruction in the past. In lay
terms, you understand the meaning of the novel rule, apart from responding to how it is
physically similar to rules you have followed in the past.
A functional analysis of meaning, in terms of behavioral principles, was lacking for
decades in behavioral research (Parrott, 1984b). Skinner (1957) was clear that the
meaning of a word was to be found in the contingencies of reinforcement for the behavior
of the speaker (or listener), but what are those contingencies? Starting in the 1970s, Dr.
Murray Sidman began research on reading comprehension that later came to be called
stimulus equivalence (see chapter 10 for in-depth explanation of equivalence). When
words participate in equivalence relations with objects, an analysis of these relations may
comprise a functional analysis of the “meaning” of those words (Catania, 1997) or of
speaking with meaning and listening with understanding (Parrott, 1984b). For example,
an English-speaking child learns to tact cars as “car,” and then derives the response of
pointing to a car when hearing the word “car” (i.e., listener response).
Equivalence research provided a partial explanation for how rules can control
behavior as though the person had contacted the contingencies described in the rule,
because the research showed how words come to have the functions of other stimuli, as
though the words were those stimuli themselves. For example, the word “clap” can have
some of the same functions as seeing someone clapping (e.g., you yourself can clap when
you hear the word “clap”). However, rules do not simply provide words that are equiva-
lent to action. Rules also provide words that specify contingent relations between ante-
cedents and behaviors (e.g., “If it’s raining, take an umbrella”), between behaviors and
consequences (e.g., “Clean your room and then you can go out and play”), and between
antecedents, behaviors, and consequences (e.g., “If mom is already mad [antecedent],
218 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

and you ask her for something [behavior], then she is going to say no and you won’t get
to have it [consequence]”). Relational frame theory (RFT; see chapter 11) provides an
account of how humans learn to respond to the relations between stimuli in multiple
ways, including conditional or causal relations. According to RFT, the ability to respond
to one stimulus as conditional, or contingent upon another, is itself generalized operant
behavior learned through multiple exemplar instruction. For example, over perhaps hun-
dreds or thousands of exemplars of a child’s parents saying conditional statements that
involve two stimuli (e.g., “First eat your veggies, then you get dessert”), the child then
responds to new such statements as though she has contacted those statements in the
past, even though she has not. The antecedent stimuli that are present that cue the con-
tingent relation (e.g., “First/then,” “If/then,” “If and only if”) become functionally substi-
tutable for a stimulus that is discriminative for the actual contingent relation so that the
child can respond to those cues as though he has contacted the relation they describe in
the past, even though they have not (Tarbox, Tarbox, & O’Hora, 2009).
Figure 13.1 depicts relations involved in a rule that describes an antecedent, a behav-
ior, and a consequence. Such a rule likely involves, at a minimum, (1) an equivalence (or
coordinative, in RFT terminology) relation between the word for the antecedent and the
actual antecedent, (2) an equivalence relation between the word for the behavior and the
actual behavior, and (3) an equivalence relation between the word for the consequence
and the actual consequence, plus (4) a conditional relation between all of the above,
cued by the words “if” and “then” (Barnes-Holmes, O’Hara, et al., 2001). The complexity
of the contingency described by the rule can be increased by cueing additional relations.
For example, rules might describe what not to do (i.e., frames of distinction), when to do
something (i.e., temporal frames), that consequences will be bigger or smaller than in the
past (i.e., comparative frames), and so on.

Figure 13.1 Schematic of the minimum relations constituting a complete rule that
describes an antecedent, behavior, and consequence.
Rule-Governed Behavior and Verbal Regulation219

Dimensions and Characteristics of Rules

The defining feature of a rule would seem to be that it functionally describes a con-
tingency to the listener’s contacting it, but a virtually endless range of complexity is pos-
sible, presumably limited only by the complexity of the verbal and relational repertoire of
the listener contacting the rule. Peláez (2013) proposed a framework for analyzing some
of the key dimensions of rules that are likely to impact whether a listener will follow the
rule: (1) explicitness, (2) accuracy, (3) complexity, (4) source, and (5) time (immediate,
delayed, or remote).
The explicitness of a rule refers to how clearly and completely the rule describes the
contingency. For example, “Clean your room by five o’clock or you lose your cell phone”
clearly describes the behavior, when it needs to occur (the antecedent), and the conse-
quence to be avoided. A less explicit version of a similar rule might be “Get some clean-
ing done, OR ELSE.” More explicit rules are more likely to be followed than less explicit
The accuracy of a rule is the degree to which the rule describes the actual contin-
gency the listener will experience if they follow the rule. All other things being equal,
more accurate rules are probably more likely to be followed, particularly if the listener has
a history of contacting and following other accurate rules from similar sources in the
The complexity of a rule refers to how many variables and relations between vari-
ables the rule entails. In the example above, a more complex rule might be “Clean your
room more than you cleaned it last time, by five o’clock, or you lose your cell phone.” That
rule is more complex because it also entails the comparative relation more between the
behavior to be executed now and a behavior executed in the past. All other things being
equal, a less complex rule is probably more likely to be followed than a more complex
The source of the rule refers to who the speaker is. All other things being equal,
rules are more likely to be followed when they are delivered by speakers who have a larger
history of mediating reinforcement for following rules they have delivered in the past.
Listeners can also derive and speak their own rules, in which case they act as both the
speaker who delivers the rule and the listener who listens to it and then follows it (or fails
to). Individuals who have a larger history of reinforcement for deriving and following
their own rules are probably more likely to follow their own rules, relative to those have
less of such a history.
The element of time refers to temporal components of the rule. For example, a rule
can describe a contingency with a long-delayed or an immediate consequence for behav-
ior (e.g., “If you smoke cigarettes today, you will get cancer in twenty years” versus “If you
drink poison, you will die right now”). All else being equal, rules that describe more
immediate consequences are probably more likely to be followed than rules that describe
more delayed consequences. Another temporal component that could affect the likeli-
hood that a listener will follow the rule is the duration of time that passes from the time
220 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

the listener contacts the rule to the time the listener has the opportunity to follow the
rule. For example, rules that describe what to today or tomorrow are probably more likely
to be followed than rules that describe what to do next week, month, or year. Peláez
(2013) notes that little research has systematically analyzed these components of rules
and that much future research is needed. We return to a brief discussion of these param-
eters in the “Practice Recommendations” section later in the chapter.

Functional Units of Rule Following

Zettle and Hayes (1986) and Hayes, Zettle, and Rosenfarb (1989) proposed three
functionally distinct types of rule following, based on the history that established each
repertoire as well as how it functions in the present moment: (1) pliance, (2) tracking,
and (3) augmenting.
Pliance is a repertoire of rule following that was acquired due to a history of socially
mediated arbitrary reinforcement for following rules. This repertoire is likely established
when parents reinforce a child’s behavior of doing what they are told by meting out posi-
tive and negative reinforcement that is not related in any meaningful way to the natural
consequences of the child’s behavior. For example, “First take a bath and then I will read
you a book,” or “Finish your chores or I’ll take away video games.” The reason for the
term pliance,” which comes from the word “compliance,” is that this repertoire is acquired
through arbitrary reinforcement of compliance, per se.
Tracking is a repertoire of rule following that is acquired due to a history of follow-
ing rules and then coming into contact with the contingencies that the rules describe.
Examples include “Take a bath so you are not smelly and your friends don’t make fun of
you,” “Clean your room so that the next time you want to find your toy, you will be able
to find it easily,” or “Put your shoes on before you go outside and play, so your feet don’t
get hurt by stepping on sharp rocks.” The relation between the behavior and the rein-
forcer is the primary distinction between pliance and tracking. In pliance, the relation is
arbitrary—the consequence is simply whatever the authority figure chooses to use to
modify the listener’s behavior. In tracking, the consequence is a natural consequence of
the behavior. In lay terms, pliance is more like obedience, whereas tracking is more like
following accurate advice. Research has shown that individuals may be more likely to
form and follow rules that describe actual contingencies, as opposed to just doing what
authority figures tell them to do, when authority figures exert less of a presence through
monitoring compliance (Donadeli and Strapasson, 2015). To the extent that behavior
analysts want to help clients form and follow rules that accurately help them achieve
valued goals, this research implies that it may be beneficial to sometimes help clients
“figure things out themselves,” rather than always directly telling them what to do.
Augmenting is a repertoire of rule-following in which the rule transforms the func-
tion of stimuli for the listener. In particular, contact with rules can transform previously
neutral stimuli to have novel reinforcing and/or discriminative properties. For example,
Rule-Governed Behavior and Verbal Regulation221

when being trained by a behavior analyst, a parent of a child with autism might contact
the rule “Doing extinction for your child’s tantrums is moving him closer to making
friends and succeeding in school.” Contact with this rule may help mitigate the aversive
functions of hearing their child’s crying. In addition, the sound of their child crying
during a tantrum may have a transformed discriminative-like function of evoking
increased effort on the part of the parent, as opposed to avoidance. Augmenting seems
to be particularly relevant to behavior that involves what is often referred to as “values”
in lay terms (Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001). For example, the function of losing
money, which is clearly aversive, may be transformed into a source of positive reinforce-
ment via contact with a rule such as “If you donate money to this charity, you will help
treat children who have cancer.” Rules that control augmenting behavior are referred to
as “augmentals.” It is worth noting that augmentals have much the same effect as moti-
vating operations (Laraway, Snycerski, Michael, & Poling, 2003), so it may be reasonable
to think of augmentals as verbally motivating operations made possible by derived rela-
tional responding.
It is important to note that, although repertoires of pliance, tracking, and augment-
ing likely develop in that respective order in typical child development, the distinction is
not intended as implying that one is better or more adaptive than another. In any given
person, if one of the repertoires of rule following is excessively strong or rigid, it could
have negative consequences. For example, if one’s pliance repertoire is excessively strong
or rigid, they might only do what they are told, which could severely limit their creativity,
career advancement, social relationships, and so on. If one’s tracking repertoire is overly
strong or rigid, they might never comply with authority figures, even when to do so is
critically important (e.g., police, supervisor at work). Finally, if one follows augmentals
too rigidly, it can lead to negative life outcomes. For example, the augmental “No pain,
no gain” can be useful when followed to a reasonable degree (e.g., moderate exercise) but
can be damaging when applied too rigidly (excessive exercise that produces injury) or
under contextual circumstances that lead to harm (e.g., in a physically abusive intimate

Basic Research on Rule-Governed Behavior

In this section, we describe some of the classic basic studies on RGB and some of the
major findings, thereby laying the groundwork for our later discussion of applied research
and practice recommendations.

Among the earliest findings in basic research on RGB was that RGB tends to be less
sensitive to changes in contingencies, compared with contingency-shaped behavior.
222 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Kaufman, Baron, and Kopp (1966) provided participants with instructions that occa-
sioned behavior that was appropriate to reinforcement schedules but found the behavior
was insensitive to changes in those contingencies. Shimoff, Catania, and Matthews
(1981) studied schedule sensitivity in two groups of college students by giving one group
clear instructions on how to respond by pressing a lever on a DRL schedule. The other
group was given no specific instructions; instead their lever-pressing behavior was gradu-
ally shaped to occur at a low rate on the DRL schedule. The researchers then changed
the reinforcement schedule to reinforce high-rate responding, without giving any new
instructions. The lever pressing of the group that was not given explicit rules (e.g., whose
behavior was shaped by contingencies) increased in rate when the DRL contingency was
removed, whereas the group whose behavior was directly instructed by explicit rules
describing DRL did not. The results suggested behavior that is primarily rule governed
tends to be less sensitive to changes in contingencies than behavior that is primarily
contingency shaped, all other things being equal.

Instructed Versus Derived Rules

A small amount of research has found that the origin of a person’s rules may affect
how sensitive those rules are to changes in environmental contingencies. For example,
participants who were directly instructed on what rules to follow were less sensitive to
unsignaled changes in reinforcement schedules than participants who developed their
own rules to follow based on past direct contact with contingencies (Catania, Shimoff, &
Mathews, 1989). Hayes, Brownstein, Haas, and Greenway (1986) compared sensitivity to
contingencies in groups of participants who had been given accurate rules, minimal
rules, or partially accurate rules. When confronted with changes in contingencies, par-
ticipants who had been given accurate rules were less sensitive to these changes than
those who were given minimal or only partially accurate rules. Put simply, when partici-
pants were given accurate rules describing reinforcement contingencies and they appar-
ently behaved with respect to those contingencies, they actually were not behaving
sensitively to the contingencies because their behavior did not change when the contin-
gencies changed. Participants whose behavior was either mostly contingency shaped or
controlled by self-derived rules were far more sensitive to changes in contingencies.

Rules Describing Behavior Versus Contingencies

Matthews, Catania, and Shimoff (1985) conducted an experiment with undergradu-
ate college students responding on multiple random ratio (RR) and random interval
(RI) schedules of reinforcement. The researchers taught participants to derive rules that
described either behavior (e.g., “press fast” or “press slow”) or contingencies (e.g., “The
button works after a random number of presses”). They then reversed the actual contin-
gencies, and participants who had been taught to create rules that described behavior
Rule-Governed Behavior and Verbal Regulation223

continued to follow their old rules, even when the rule was inaccurate. However, partici-
pants who had been taught to derive rules that described contingencies were more likely
to adjust to the new contingencies. The results suggest that rules that encourage attend-
ing to the environment, rather than merely executing specific behaviors, may produce
behavior that is more sensitive to changes in the environment.

Applied Research on Rule-Governed Behavior

Despite the tremendous importance of RGB to human civilization, there has been sur-
prisingly little research conducted on applying what we know about RGB to solving prob-
lems of social significance. However, what little research currently exists has addressed a
rather broad range of topics, and we describe some of this research below.

Problem gambling is an interesting behavioral phenomenon because most games,
particularly slot machines, by mathematical necessity, do not allow players to win in the
long term. While reinforcement is occasionally delivered, if a gambler plays for long
enough, it is absolutely certain that they will lose money overall. It is also apparent that,
although reinforcement occurs occasionally, the much more frequent direct consequence
of gambling is money loss, which would presumably function as extinction or punish-
ment. The fact that most people are not problem gamblers may support this analysis.
However, researchers estimate that between 1% and 2% of the US population meets
diagnostic criteria for pathological gambling disorder, while up to approximately 14% of
the population engages in problem gambling behaviors (Cunningham-Williams et al.,
2005). Furthermore, the effects of problem gambling can be severe, so it would seem that,
for these individuals, some variables other than direct consequences are likely contribut-
ing to gambling.
Dixon (2000) conducted one of the first studies to apply an analysis of RGB to
gambling behavior. The study involved manipulating the delivery of rules in a simulated
roulette game in which participants were sometimes allowed to place their own bets and
the experimenter sometimes dictated where bets would be placed. The dependent vari-
able of interest was the amount of chips wagered. Participants consistently wagered
more chips when they had control over chip placement versus when the experimenter
did, despite there being no difference in the probability of winning. When the experi-
menter provided the participants with accurate rules (e.g., “I cannot pick numbers that
make you lose”), the difference in wagering between participant-controlled versus
experimenter-controlled trials decreased substantially. The implications of this study
are that gambling behavior may be largely influenced by inaccurate rules that gamblers
follow, rather than solely by the reinforcement schedule entailed in the game. In
224 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

addition, the results imply that interventions that target these rules have the potential
to affect gambling behavior.

Public Health
Public health is an area in which RGB is implicated, almost by definition. It is very
rarely the case that members of the public receive adaptive, immediate, direct-acting
consequences for their health- and safety-related behaviors. Indeed, the immediate con-
sequences of many health- and safety-related behaviors are maladaptive. For example, the
immediate consequences of smoking, taking off a helmet, having intercourse without
condoms, drinking alcohol, consuming illegal drugs, consuming high-calorie processed
foods, and so on, can be highly reinforcing. And since the vast majority of typically
developing adults do not have professional staff following them during all hours, it is not
possible to deliver professionally mediated direct consequences for most behaviors related
to public health. RGB would seem particularly relevant to the area of public health, then,
and a few researchers have studied rules and/or analyzed how rules might be involved in
strengthening and weakening safe and healthy behaviors.
Jonah and Grant (1985) evaluated the effects of a Selective Traffic Enforcement
Program (STEP) in Ottowa, Canada, that involved intensive public education about the
benefits of seat belt use and the law requiring it, as well as stepped-up enforcement of seat
belt laws via traffic citations. The program was theorized to work via two mechanisms:
(1) increased probability of punishment for driving without a seat belt, and (2) increased
awareness of this contingency, as well as of the greater safety that seat belts afford. The
results of the evaluation showed that seat belt use increased from 64% to 84%, that driver
casualties declined by 14%, and that these results were maintained two years after the
intervention. For individual drivers who received a speeding citation and then drove
more slowly, one might attribute the effects of this intervention to direct-acting punish-
ment, not RGB. However, for anyone whose behavior changed before receiving a cita-
tion, the changed behavior was likely largely rule governed. Rules such as “I have to wear
a seat belt so I don’t get a ticket” and/or “I have to wear a seat belt so I don’t get killed in
a crash” plausibly helped mediate the effects of the public safety campaign.
Mathews and Dix (1992) hypothesized that RGB may be relevant to influencing how
cartoonists depicted characters wearing seat belts in nationally syndicated newspaper
cartoons. In a personal letter to eight cartoonists, the experimenters described the
importance of drawing cartoon characters wearing seat belts, for the purpose of modeling
safe behaviors to the public. The percentage of cartoon characters depicted wearing seat
belts increased from 15% to 41%, but the effects were inconsistent across cartoonists.
However, the cost of the intervention was essentially zero, and the effect was to alter
stimuli contacted by hundreds of thousands of people; therefore, the cost/benefit ratio
may have been high. The effects of writing letters to cartoonists must be largely due to
RGB. Several of the cartoonists confirmed something of this sort when they wrote back
to the researchers, stating that they felt good about “doing the right thing.”
Rule-Governed Behavior and Verbal Regulation225

Higher Education
A few studies have examined how rules may participate in policies designed to have
large-scale effects on student outcomes. Robertson and Peláez (2016) studied the effects
of a graduation success initiative (GSI) on rate of retention and on-time graduation in
undergraduate college students. The GSI was a university-wide policy that required that
students declare a major upon entering school. It was hypothesized that doing so would
set the occasion for students to develop rules regarding which classes they needed to take
to graduate on time and behave accordingly. Overall, the GSI produced a sixteen-point
increase in on-time graduation.

Rules as Supplements to Behavior Intervention Plans

It seems probable that adding rules to effective behavior intervention plans could
make those intervention plans work more rapidly, because less direct contact with con-
tingencies may then be needed. However, very little research has systematically evaluated
the added benefit of including rules in behavior intervention plans. Watts, Wilder,
Gregory, Leon, and Ditzian (2013) compared differential reinforcement of other behavior
(DRO) with rules to DRO without rules for decreasing excessive engagement with high-
preferred toys in four children with autism. During DRO without rules, the therapist
delivered a reinforcer if the child did not engage with a preferred toy for twenty seconds.
In the DRO with rules condition, the therapist informed the child that they would
receive a reinforcer if they did not touch the preferred toy for twenty seconds. The DRO
with rules condition was highly effective for all participants and decreased the behavior
more rapidly than the DRO without rules for three of the four participants. For the
fourth participant, the DRO without rules condition was not effective at all. It is likely
that many other applied behavior analysis studies have also included descriptions of con-
tingencies but did not include that information in the methods section of the manu-
scripts and/or did not systematically evaluate whether the inclusion of instructions was
an effective component of the intervention. Much more research is needed on the effects
of rules on larger behavior intervention plans.
Although adding rules to interventions may enhance effectiveness, it is possible that
it could have unwanted effects as well. Because rules can decrease the sensitivity of
behavior to contingencies, some researchers have suggested that the use of rules as part
of interventions should be considered carefully (Hayes, Brownstein, Haas, & Greenway,
1986). Particularly when the goal of an intervention is to strengthen a repertoire that
should then be sensitive to natural contingencies, it may not be optimal to use rules to
establish particular behaviors early on. For example, when teaching social skills, one
could use rules to establish particular topographies quickly (e.g., “Introduce yourself,”
“Introduce a topic of conversation”), but those behaviors may not then be sufficiently
sensitive to actual social contingencies. As a person matures and navigates different
social contexts and groups, what works and what doesn’t work will change from time to
226 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

time and context to context. If there are methods for establishing social skills that pri-
marily rely on contingencies, these might be preferred over reliance on rules.

Establishing Repertoires of Rule Following

Most or all of the basic and applied research described above has evaluated RGB in
people who already demonstrate a repertoire of rule following. Very little research has
established repertoires of RGB in people who did not already demonstrate it. Tarbox,
Zuckerman, Bishop, Olive, and O’Hora (2011) used an RFT analysis to design an inter-
vention for establishing the simplest repertoire that might reasonably be conceptualized
as rule following: accurately following novel rules that describe antecedents and behav-
iors. The experimenters used multiple exemplar instruction to teach children with
autism, ages three to seven, to follow simple rules that described mastered antecedent
stimuli and mastered motor responses. For example, therapists would hold up picture
cards and present instructions such as “Clap if this is a carrot” or “If this is a fire truck,
then touch your head.” During half of the trials, the described antecedent was present,
and during the other half it was not (randomly determined). Although the picture cards
were known (i.e., participants could respond accurately to them as listeners, in other
words, receptively) and the motor responses were known (i.e., the participants could
respond accurately to the motor response instructions), the participants could not
respond accurately to the if/then conditional statements contained in the instructions.
During baseline, participants almost exclusively displayed the motor response described
in the rule, regardless of whether the antecedent described in the rule was present.
Nontechnically speaking, the participants did not “understand if/then conditionality” or
they lacked “cause and effect reasoning.” The experimenters taught participants multiple
exemplars of rules describing antecedents and behaviors until generalization was observed
across untaught rules. Results were variable, but all six participants acquired the skill of
responding to untaught rules describing antecedents and behaviors by the end of the
study. Although the study was not designed to address pliance directly, the repertoire
established in the study might reasonably be analyzed as pliance because the reinforcers
included were never related directly to the behaviors described in the rules, nor were the
reinforcers described in the rules at all. Instead, the same generalized reinforcers (e.g.,
food, praise, tokens) were used across all rules that were presented.
In a follow-up study, Wymer, Tarbox, Beavers, and Tullis (2016) extended multiple
exemplar instruction to rules that described behaviors and consequences. In the multiple
exemplar teaching, a therapist presented rules such as “If you do [behavior], then you get
[consequence].” On half of the trials, the described consequence was preferred (e.g., “If
you clap hands, you get a ball”), and on the other half, the described consequence was
nonpreferred (e.g., “If you stomp your feet, you get broccoli”). Preference was determined
at the outset of each session by a mini preference assessment. All three participants
rapidly acquired the generalized repertoire of following untaught rules that described
preferred and nonpreferred consequences. Although this study was not designed to
Rule-Governed Behavior and Verbal Regulation227

address tracking directly, the rule following that the study established might be consid-
ered tracking because the rules described behaviors and the consequences those behav-
iors would produce if executed. Put simply, the children with autism were not given
reinforcers merely for doing what the experimenter told them to do, but rather, were
given whatever reinforcers they chose, based on whether they executed the described
behaviors or not. Taken together, the two studies described above provide evidence that
a basic repertoire comprising the ability to follow antecedent-behavior and behavior-
consequence rules is teachable to children with autism via instruction with multiple

When Rule-Governed Behavior Is Maladaptive

Despite the many advantages of RGB, there are potential hazards associated with it
as well. Researchers have pointed out that the rigidity that rules can engender can be
maladaptive (Hayes, Brownstein, Zettle, Rosenfarb, & Korn, 1986). In other words, even
when a rule occasions an adaptive behavior (e.g., “I have to study to do well in school”),
if it is followed too rigidly, it may prevent the person from contacting the actual contin-
gencies, for example, overstudying may not actually produce a higher grade and may
decrease contact with important social or family relationships. A small number of studies
have attempted to directly address the relation between overly rigid RGB and maladap-
tive behavioral outcomes.
Wulfert, Greenway, Farkas, Hayes, and Dougher (1994) interviewed undergraduate
college students using the Scale for Personality Rigidity and divided participants into
high-rigidity and low-rigidity groups based on their scores on the scale. They then gave
participants a lever-pressing task consisting of a multiple DRL and fixed ratio (FR)
schedule. After the participants demonstrated stable responding, the examiners switched
the reinforcement schedule to extinction. Half of the participants in each group received
accurate instructions about extinction, whereas the other half continued to receive
instructions telling them to respond on an FR schedule. Participants in the high-rigidity
group continued to respond as though they were on an FR schedule (they continued to
follow the FR instructions), whereas participants in the low-rigidity group demonstrated
decreased rates of lever pressing (their behavior was sensitive to extinction, as opposed to
continuing to follow an inaccurate rule). The implication of these results is that individu-
als who are reported to “have higher rigidity” are likely to engage in behavior that is more
sensitive to control by rules and less sensitive to the contingencies for their behavior. In
other words, these individuals may be more likely to follow old rules, even when those
rules do not accurately describe real contingencies and even when following those rules
may not be in their best interest.
McAuliffe, Hughes, and Barnes-Holmes (2014) compared rigidity of rule following
in participants with and without reported depressive symptoms. In the first experiment,
the researchers initially gave participants accurate rules that described how to respond
on high- or low-rate reinforcement schedules, and participants in both groups responded
228 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

appropriately. However, when the researchers provided inaccurate rules later, partici-
pants who reported higher depressive symptoms rigidly followed old inaccurate rules,
despite a lack of reinforcement. The behavior of participants who reported lower depres-
sive symptoms changed when the provided rules were not effective, thereby showing
greater sensitivity to contingencies.
In the second experiment, McAuliffe et al. (2014) compared rules that modeled
pliance versus tracking. In the pliance condition, experimenters asked participants to
read the experimental instructions out loud, and then the experimenters told the partici-
pants that they would be watching them carefully and that they would check to see how
many points they earned after the experiment. In the tracking condition, experimenters
asked the participants to read the instructions silently, and the experimenters could not
see the instructions. In addition, experimenters did not indicate that they would watch
the participants; they merely told participants to earn as many points as they could. In
the pliance condition, participants with higher depressive symptoms were significantly
less sensitive to reinforcement contingencies than were participants with less depressive
symptoms. However, in the tracking condition, participants with higher depressive symp-
toms were indistinguishable from participants with lower depressive symptoms. The
results suggest that, even when a person has a history of maladaptive, rigid rule adher-
ence, their RGB may be amenable to disruption through strengthening tracking behav-
ior. The larger applied implication of this study is that strengthening repertoires of
tracking, as opposed to pliance, may help establish more flexible, sensitive repertoires of
behavior. These repertoires could be beneficial to people facing new challenges for which
old rules have not prepared them, such as a parent with a newly diagnosed child with
autism, or a child with autism encountering new social contingencies in high school or

Research on Say-Do Correspondence

Several decades of research have focused on making positive reinforcement contin-
gent on correspondence between what people say and what they do. Space does not
permit a comprehensive review of the literature, but readers are encouraged to read
Bevill-Davis, Clees, and Gast (2004) for an in-depth review. In an early study, Risley and
Hart (1968) implemented a “do-say” teaching procedure in which they first gave pre-
school children an opportunity to engage in a specific low-frequency play behavior (e.g.,
playing with blocks and paint), referred to as the “do” component, followed by an oppor-
tunity to verbally report which play behaviors they engaged in (the “say” component).
The researchers delivered reinforcement contingent upon correspondence between doing
and saying, resulting in an increase in those low-frequency play behaviors. Furthermore,
these results were maintained, and correspondence was maintained even after it was no
longer required for reinforcement, suggesting the strengthening of a generalized operant
of accurately describing what one did (e.g., say-do correspondence).
Rule-Governed Behavior and Verbal Regulation229

Similar results have been replicated across more socially significant behaviors
(Rogers-Warren & Baer, 1976), subsequent studies have replicated the finding of gener-
alization (Ward & Stare, 1990), and a small amount of research has been done on inves-
tigating say-do correspondence as generalized repertoires of RGB (Luciano, Heruzo, &
Barnes-Holmes, 2001). Overall, the literature on say-do correspondence suggests that
relatively young children (i.e., preschool age) can be taught to talk to themselves and
others about what they are going to do and that, when reinforcement is provided for
accurately predicting their behavior (or describing it after the fact), increases in targeted
nonverbal behavior can be produced. Furthermore, the generalization observed in mul-
tiple studies seems to suggest that such procedures may establish a generalized repertoire
of say-do correspondence. It seems plausible that such behavior may be closely related to,
perhaps even a subtype of, RGB, and future research should more explicitly investigate
this connection.

Practice Recommendations
The literature on RGB is still in its infancy, particularly in the applied realm. We look
forward to a more productive future of research in this area and offer the following pre-
liminary recommendations for practitioners.

Establishing Repertoires of Rule-Governed Behavior

The studies by Tarbox and colleagues (2011) and Wymer and colleagues (2016)
provide a relatively straightforward framework for how the repertoire consisting of the
ability to follow novel rules can be taught to someone who does not already display it:
treat that ability like a generalized operant and teach it through multiple exemplar
instruction until generalization to untaught exemplars is demonstrated. The following
are practical tips for establishing initial repertoires of rule following:

1. Assess prerequisite skills. Learners should already accurately follow a large

variety of one-step instructions, should demonstrate a large variety of auditory-
visual conditional discriminations (i.e., “receptive labels” or listener behavior),
and should likely already display generalized derived symmetry (in RFT jargon,
“generalized derived mutually entailed relations of coordination”).

2. Start small. First teach rules that describe only antecedent-rule relations or only
behavior-consequence relations. After learners demonstrate generalization to
novel rules, teach the other repertoire. After they demonstrate generalization to
novel rules in the second repertoire, consider teaching rules that describe rela-
tions between antecedents, behaviors, and consequences.
230 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

3. Expand complexity. After learners can reliably follow novel rules that describe
antecedents, behaviors, and consequences, consider adding in other relational
operants. Consider gradually fading in less probable consequences (i.e., not
always fixed ratio one). Consider gradually fading in delays between the presen-
tation of the rule and the antecedent described in the rule (i.e., opportunity to
follow the rule), and consider gradually fading in delays between the behavior
described in the rule and the consequence described in the rule.

4. Be flexible. Adjust how instructions are presented, what type of reinforcers are
used, how many exemplars are taught at once, and any other relevant procedural
details, in order to maximize the learner’s response to teaching.

Consider Dimensional Characteristics of Rules

When intervening on a client’s RGB and/or when using rules as a component of
larger intervention packages, consider the dimensional characteristics of the rules you
are providing. As discussed earlier, Peláez (2013) suggests that the following characteris-
tics are likely to impact how effective rules are: (1) explicitness, (2) accuracy, (3) com-
plexity, (4) source (who the speaker is), and (5) time (immediate, delayed, remote). For
example, when delivering rules that describe the contingencies of a classroom-wide
behavior management program in a school setting, to maximize effectiveness, it might be
wise to consider delivering those rules clearly, honestly, simply, from a trusted source
(e.g., teacher or principal who has a history of delivering honest rules), frequently (not
just at the beginning of the semester), and—for rules that describe consequences—with
a relatively short delay (e.g., as opposed to consequences that occur only at the end of a
month or semester).
However, as learners are successful with rules that optimize the dimensions described
above, consider gradually fading them out. The real-life settings in which clients live will
rarely continue to deliver optimal rules, and clients would be well served to learn to
become sensitive to rules with less optimal dimensions. As Peláez (2013) notes, little
research has systematically evaluated these characteristics of rules, but these dimensions
are likely a useful resource for designing and problem solving interventions that contain

Teaching Rules for Flexible Rule-Governed Behavior

Little or no research has been done on how to establish rules that optimize a client’s
RGB repertoire, but some general practice recommendations are worth discussing and
should serve as directions for future research. It seems likely that, all other things being
equal, flexible rule following and deriving is probably more adaptive than rigid rule fol-
lowing and deriving. For example, in most challenging situations, a rule like “I need to
try different approaches and see what works” is probably going to be more adaptive than
Rule-Governed Behavior and Verbal Regulation231

“I have to get it right” or “I have to just do what I am supposed to do.” Therefore, it might
be worthwhile both to model these types of rules during regular everyday interactions
with clients and also to explicitly teach them. It is possible that even varying the topog-
raphy of rules from one moment to the next might help foster rule flexibility. For example,
rather than always saying, “Try to finish your work quickly,” one might present a variety
of similar rules, such as “Work fast,” “Go like a racecar,” “Work like lightening,” and so
on. In addition, there is some evidence to suggest that rules that are more general may
engender behavior that is more flexible and sensitive to contingencies, relative to rules
that are more specific and prescriptive (Hayes, Brownstein, Haas, & Greenway, 1986).
For example, when teaching conversational skills, a rule like “Try noticing what your
friends are into” might engender more flexible responding than “Ask your friend what
they want to talk about.”

Implications and Future Directions

Rule-governed behavior is an area of behavior analysis that is widely acknowledged as
important and yet, at the same time, largely ignored in research and practice. This cir-
cumstance could be partially due to the previous lack of a behavioral conceptual analysis
of rules and RGB that suggested a clear road ahead for studying RGB. Such a practical
analysis is now available in RFT, and research has started to very slowly progress. A sepa-
rate, highly productive line of research is that of acceptance and commitment therapy
(ACT). ACT is a behavior analytic treatment approach designed to loosen the rigidity
with which rules control behavior, particularly rules that evoke responding toward
shorter-term, smaller negative reinforcement (e.g., avoidance of social anxiety in the
moment) at the cost of longer-term, larger positive reinforcement (e.g., meaningful social
relationships). To a very large extent, ACT works by disrupting control of overt behaviors
by maladaptive and rigidly held rules and increases control both by less-verbal, direct-
acting, short-term contingencies as well as by verbally constructed, long-term positive
reinforcement contingencies referred to as “values.” Space does not permit a full treat-
ment of ACT here (see chapter 15 for more on ACT), but it is worth noting that the
ACT literature has largely developed separately from the applied behavior analysis litera-
ture and so the potential of ACT work, which is designed to make repertoires of RGB
more flexible and adaptive, has hardly been tapped in terms of its contributions to the
mainstream ABA literature. Future researchers should bridge this gap by dismantling
package interventions such as ACT and identifying the specific ways in which they affect
RGB, weakening maladaptive RGB and strengthening flexible and adaptive repertoires
of RGB.
Little or no previous research has investigated the role of RGB in rigidity in autism,
but a connection seems plausible. Rigidity might be conceptualized as behavior that is
relatively insensitive to environmental contingencies, which is also a well-documented
feature of RGB. Future research might investigate how RGB correlates with rigidity in
232 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

autism and, in particular, whether the rigidity of RGB, itself, is related to overall rigidity
in people with autism. More important than mere correlations would be research that
attempts to loosen the rigidity of behavioral repertoires displayed by people with autism.
One fruitful direction for such research might be to attempt to increase the sensitivity of
behavior to contingencies, perhaps by providing strong differential reinforcement for
behaviors that contact environmental contingencies versus those that follow rules. For
example, perhaps a player who follows the rules of a game might earn a small preferred
consequence (e.g., brief praise), whereas a player who invents new rules to the game
might earn a much larger reinforcer (e.g., more praise and extended play time). A second
and perhaps complimentary direction for research in decreasing the rigidity of RGB in
individuals with autism might be to use rules to enhance the flexibility of the individual’s
RGB itself. For example, one might present rules such as “It’s fun to do things differently,”
“Let’s try a new way,” and “Let’s see what happens if…” while providing strong positive
reinforcement for stating, following, and ultimately deriving novel rules of this sort.
Much more research in this area is needed.

We hope that the conceptual analyses and practice recommendations presented in this
chapter will spur continued research into RGB, as well as program development by prac-
titioners, thereby contributing to a fuller scientific understanding of human behavior.
Such an understanding is likely to be relevant to most repertoires of socially significant,
verbally influenced behavior, and would be especially relevant to the treatment of autism
spectrum disorders. Overly rigid rule following seems to be at the core of many difficul-
ties displayed by more verbal individuals with autism and perhaps at the core of many of
the challenges that parents of individuals with autism face as well (Gould, Tarbox, &
Coyne, 2017).
Rule-Governed Behavior and Verbal Regulation233

Study Questions
1. Rules that describe contingencies can influence behavior even when
the individual has never contacted the contingency. Explain this with
an example.

2. Comment on the benefits of RGB and explain how humanity would

have to “reinvent the wheel” every generation in the absence of RGB.

3. How can RGB also contribute to maladaptive behavior?

4. Provide an example that highlights the difference between rule-gov-

erned and contingency-shaped behavior.

5. Why is it difficult to conceptualize a rule as a discriminative stimulus?

6. How does equivalence research contribute to our understanding of


7. Provide an example that includes each of the five components proposed

by Peláez (2013).

8. How are the concepts of pliance, tracking, and augmenting useful in

the analysis of RGB?

9. Explain and comment on the results of the study by Shimoff, Catania,

and Matthews (1981). What is the primary implication of these results?

10. Describe two of the studies in the section titled “Applied Research on
Rule-Governed Behavior.”

11. What are some areas for future research in the area of RGB, behavioral
rigidity, and autism?

12. What are the four recommendations for practice related to establishing

13. What do the authors recommend in the section titled “Teaching Rules
for Flexible Rule-Governed Behavior”?

Problem Solving

Thomas G. Szabo
Florida Institute of Technology

Link and Preview

The present chapter builds upon the previous chapter on rule-governed behavior by focus-
ing on a repertoire that is fundamental to the daily lives of humans—solving problems. The
chapter also expands upon prior chapters on relational frame theory and contrasts a
behavior analytic approach with cognitive work in the area. The author provides an over-
view of recent research on problem solving and describes implications for practice.

Skinner’s operant analysis of problem solving provides a rich scaffold from which to help
learners develop skills for generating novel solutions in situations where they lack an
effective response. Despite Skinner’s conceptual advances, many efforts to teach problem
solving within a behavior analytic framework do not veer far from nonbehavioral
approaches. Nevertheless, in recent years, some authors have begun investigating ways to
utilize the more intricate aspects of Skinner’s analysis in applied studies with children.
Relational frame theory offers additional tools that can be used to teach problem-solving
Problem solving is likely critical to everyday human functioning, given that everyday
situations rarely provide the perfect environment to support behavioral repertoires
exactly as they are first learned. For example, children may need to derive new ways of
solving simple problems during play, adolescents may need to come up with novel solu-
tions to complex social conflicts, and adults must find creative solutions to family and
work challenges on a regular basis. Many of these situations seem to require a person to
execute a new behavior, which they were never directly taught to do, often involving a
novel combination of two or more previously learned behaviors in composites that were
never directly learned. Despite the importance of problem solving, like many constructs,
it is not clearly understood and has not been addressed adequately in behavior analytic
conceptual or empirical work. Empirical evaluations of this process are rare in the behav-
ioral literature. Nevertheless, the rudiments of a conceptual analysis were proposed by B.
Problem Solving235

F. Skinner many decades ago, and a small amount of behavioral research has been done
on the topic.
This chapter reviews behavioral and nonbehavioral research on teaching problem
solving and related skills, including research using common-sense approaches, and dis-
cusses the usefulness of extending Skinner’s examination of problem solving with prag-
matic verbal analysis, an approach derived from the experimental analysis of human
behavior. Additionally, the chapter discusses pragmatic approaches informed by rela-
tional frame theory (RFT; Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001) and concludes with
recommendations for practitioners.

Conceptual Approaches to Problem Solving

This section of the chapter reviews conceptual foundations for the study of problem
solving, including Skinner’s analysis and common cognitive and constructivist

Skinner’s Analysis of Problem Solving

Skinner (1953) proposed that a problem is a situation in which an organism in a state
of deprivation or aversive stimulation has no immediately available response that will
reduce the deprivation or terminate the aversive condition. The solution to the problem,
according to Skinner, is the response that reduces or terminates this nonoptimal condi-
tion. In turn, solving the problem involves manipulating the variables of which behavior
is a function such that the solution can be emitted. Skinner’s interpretation of problem
solving involves two parsimonious steps: (1) an establishing operation is in effect, and (2)
variables are manipulated until a response that terminates the establishing condition is
produced. However, Skinner suggests that in many cases, a third step will be needed in
which supplementary stimuli in the form of probes and prompts will be required to occa-
sion the problem-solving response. For example, one might talk to oneself about various
potential solutions, draw a diagram, write a list, and so on, all of which produce supple-
mentary stimuli, to which one might then respond with a successful solution.

Cognitive and Constructivist Approaches to

Problem Solving
In contrast to Skinner’s focus upon manipulatable environmental variables, con-
structivist accounts focus on the architecture of the mind (Piaget, 1970), and cognitive
accounts focus on information-processing models of problem inputs that lead through
various mental processes to a solution output (Siegler, 1983). Reese (1994) reviewed
236 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

fifty-seven applied psychology or education papers dealing with problem solving from
these nonbehavioral traditions and identified seven shared steps described in common
sense terms by researchers. The sequence of steps Reese documented throughout the
constructivist and cognitive problem-solving literature is as follows: Difficulty is Felt,
Define the Problem, Gather Information, Identify Possible Solutions, Select a Plan, Carry
Out the Plan, Test the Outcome, and Change the Plan.
Skinner’s two-step approach underscores the parsimony of easily controlled anteced-
ent and consequent variables as opposed to hypothesized developmental levels at which
the steps outlined above can be used or cognitive maps inferred with which to make use
of these steps. Yet despite the elegance of Skinner’s interpretation, many applied behavior
analytic treatments of problem solving examined herein make use of a sequence of steps
that are conspicuously similar to those emerging from the cognitive and constructivist
perspectives (e.g., Agran, Blanchard, Wehmeyer, & Hughes, 2002; Bernard-Opitz,
Sriram, & Nakhoda-Sapuan, 2001; Briscoe, Hoffman, & Bailey, 1975; Cote et al., 2014;
Hughes, 1992). Perhaps this is unsurprising: there may be pragmatic utility to breaking
down Skinner’s composites into common-sense component repertoires. However, the
applied science of behavior analysis aims to be conceptually systematic (Baer, Wolf, &
Risley, 1968) for the purpose of identifying redundancies and inconsequential variables.
Thus, restating these steps in technical terms would be a useful procedure for analysts
interested in paring the steps down to those that are necessary and sufficient. For
example, the steps discussed above could be recast as follows: Establishing Operation in
Effect, Tact the Problem, Arrange and Sample Multiple Discriminative Stimuli-
Reinforcement Probabilities, Environment Selects the Most Probabilistically Effective
Solution, Emit Behavior, Contact Reinforcers, and Environment Refines the Selection of
an Optimal Solution.
In some cases, tacting the problem may be unnecessary. In others, arranging multi-
ple three-term contingency matrices may be redundant because only the putative estab-
lishing operation, discriminative stimulus, and reinforcer are needed to evoke effective
action. To date, no investigators have conducted component analyses to determine the
conditions under which any of these steps are necessary or sufficient in and of

Behavioral Studies with Common-Sense Approaches

This section reviews behavioral research that follows a more traditional approach to
studying problem solving. The studies are grouped into four subsections: a) teaching
problem solving in unstructured community settings, b) the self-determined learning
model of instruction, c) using video models to teach social problem solving, and d) teach-
ing problem solving strategies for complex categorization tasks.
Problem Solving237

Teaching Problem Solving in Unstructured

Community Settings
In an early community psychology study involving lower-income policy board
members, Briscoe et al. (1975) taught participants a three-step procedure that included
stating the problem, finding solutions to the problem, and implementing the action to
the solution. The experimenters employed supplementary prompts in the form of cue
cards and faded in the instructional sequence. In accordance with Skinner’s suggestion
that successful problem solvers generate verbal stimuli to supplement other behavior in
their repertoire, they taught participants to vocalize several possible options and the
response to be made that would solve the problem at hand in upcoming board
Problem and solution tacts as well as action behaviors increased during teaching and
during follow-ups. However, some limitations were noted. First, participants did not
maintain these skills at high levels. Second, follow-up sessions were conducted with the
experimenters present; thus, it is not clear whether the problem-solving behaviors would
have been maintained in the absence of an outside observer. Third, the authors reported
that although the participants learned the skills they were taught, no data were collected
as to whether the skills used by participants led the board to successful accomplishment
of its objectives. Fourth, it is important to note that the problem-solving repertoire
Briscoe and colleagues taught was really a rule-following repertoire. That is, participants
followed the rule to generate options, but there were no contingencies that brought these
options under stimulus control, and no attempt was made to assess the degree to which
problem solving that followed this pattern was maintained or increased in frequency over
time. Finally, although the procedure involved an establishing operation and manipulat-
ing variables that facilitate the successful emission of a solution response, the manipu-
lated variables were preselected by the investigators. Since it is unknown whether the
solutions helped the board accomplish its aims, it is not entirely certain whether the
procedure led to behavior under the control of relevant features of the environment.
Taken as a whole, this was an important example of community behavioral psychology
with specific, measurable behavioral outcomes, in contrast to frequently reported mental
health approaches with affective gains (e.g., Perkins & Zimmerman, 1995). Nevertheless,
the study offered only preliminary evidence of the utility of a behavior analytic approach
to problem solving, as is likely the norm in a study that is perhaps the first in a particular
area of research.

The Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction

A number of investigators have employed multiple variants of the self-determined
learning model of instruction (SDLMI; Agran et al., 2002; Cote et al., 2014; Hughes,
1992; Wehmeyer, Palmer, Agran, Mithaug, & Martin, 2000). Common throughout these
238 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

and other studies from this group of researchers is the use of scripted problem-solving
instruction delivered by a teacher that follows a sequence predetermined by the investi-
gator. Hughes (1992) taught individuals with severe intellectual disabilities to verbalize
five statements: the problem, a generic class of solution response, a specific solution
behavior, the outcome, and a self-reinforcing statement. Wehmeyer et al. (2000) and
Agran et al. (2002) taught students with mild disabilities to vocalize answers to the ques-
tions “What is my goal?” and “What can I do to make this happen?” and, after emitting
a response, to vocalize answers to additional questions, “Did I meet my goal?” and “Do I
need to adjust my goal or plan?” Cote et al. (2014) taught elementary students with
autism a variation that included identifying problems, determining possible solutions,
choosing best solutions, emitting a response, and self-evaluating.
Each of these studies provided evidence that vocal rehearsal of a problem-solving
strategy in the presence of an establishing operation could lead to successful utilization
of the tactics involved in the strategy. In each of these approaches, too, manipulation of
variables with the supplemental support of formal prompts and verbal probe stimuli
proved useful. However, as was the case in Briscoe et al. (1975), solving the problem did
not result from participants’ manipulating variables until the environment selected an
effective response. Rather, the experimenters taught a predetermined package of steps,
and only after the preplanned response was emitted did participants evaluate the out-
comes. Perhaps rather than problem solving in the Skinnerian sense, the participants
learned to follow rules describing particular scripted sequences of behaviors. In these
studies, problems were solved by the investigators, who constructed external stimuli used
to assist others. Skinner described such approaches as “public products of problem
solving” (Skinner, 1969, p. 139) that are useful in the accumulation and transmission of
social wisdom. As in the constructivist and cognitive models, these top-down efforts
solve the problem for others but do little to assess whether learners have developed a
problem-solving repertoire that they employ independently in novel situations.
An additional limitation of this body of research is that the majority of studies
included problems that were perhaps not really problems in the Skinnerian sense. In
particular, most of the problems consisted of the participants’ engaging in behaviors that
were less problematic for the learners themselves than for others (e.g., engaging in stereo-
typy in the classroom). Skinner’s analysis of a problem requires that the solution to the
problem be reinforcing to the person solving the problem. The participants’ solving the
problem in the studies described above probably amounted more to reinforcement for
caregivers than for the participants themselves.

Using Video Models to Teach Social Problem Solving

A slightly closer approximation to teaching what Skinner conceptualized as problem
solving is found in Bernard-Opitz et al. (2001). In this study, investigators showed chil-
dren with autism animated social problems, each with a choice of possible solutions and
an additional option to produce novel, unprompted solutions. The experimenter showed
Problem Solving239

and discussed pictures presenting both appropriate and inappropriate responses,

prompted innovative solutions by a light and the question, “Do you have any good ideas?”
and reinforced novel answers. Probes in which prompts and reinforcers were withheld
showed gains, but the study did not assess generalization to novel contexts outside of the
laboratory. Additionally, although the rate of appropriate solution selections increased,
the authors did not supply data on the rate of alternative solutions generated by learners
during probes. Thus, as in the previous studies, children were successfully taught to select
previously modeled appropriate answers to social conflict questions, but they were not
taught to manipulate variables that would make it possible for them to emit an optimal
response of their own.

Teaching Problem-Solving Strategies for Complex

Categorization Tasks
Skinner (1957) defined the intraverbal as a verbal operant that bears no formal simi-
larity to or point-to-point correspondence with the antecedent verbal stimulus that
evokes the response and is maintained by nonspecific social reinforcement. Learning to
categorize stimuli when asked to do so can be conceptualized as intraverbal responding
that can be hastened by using a verbal problem-solving strategy. Sautter, LeBlanc, Jay,
Goldsmith, and Carr (2011) taught typically developing preschoolers a problem-solving
strategy for categorization that involved self-prompting with intraverbal chains. The
authors found that multiple tact instruction, intraverbal instruction, and mediating-
response teaching were necessary but insufficient for producing a problem-solving reper-
toire. When learners were offered mediating-response prompting (instructional rule-use
prompts and pictorial-tact prompts), intraverbal categorization increased and prompt
fading was successful. An important finding was that participant use of audible self-
prompts, evident initially, declined with use of the problem-solving strategy.
In a follow-up study, Kisamore, Carr, and LeBlanc (2011) examined one of Palmer’s
(1991) predictions that visual imagining could be taught as a problem-solving strategy to
facilitate intraverbal categorization. The authors taught typically developing preschoolers
the same prerequisite skills as before (multiple tact instruction, intraverbal instruction)
and followed this with visual imagining instruction, visual imagining prompting, and
visual imagining prompting plus a rule during probes. In the final phase, experimenters
prompted participants with a rule statement prior to beginning the phase. Rules such as
“You can imagine [italics added] all the places where animals go and tell me what you
see” (Kisamore et al., 2011; p. 263) decreased the number of problem-solving prompts
needed and appeared to augment visual imagining.
As in Sautter et al. (2011), teaching was necessary but insufficient. Modeling and
prompting generated learners’ self-prompting and self-probing for supplemental stimuli
that occasioned an imaginative response to solve the problem. Skinner’s analysis of
operant seeing, or “seeing in the absence of any identifiable external support” (Skinner,
1953, p. 271), involves the learner’s performing speaker and listener roles simultaneously
240 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

and the presence of a self-rule-following repertoire. The combination of these skills might
have led to automatic reinforcement, curtailing the need to acquire social reinforcement
by solving problems vocally aloud. Nevertheless, also as in Sautter et al. (2011), it is
unclear whether participants actually used the strategy of visual imagining, since this is
a covert and currently unmeasurable behavioral repertoire.
To summarize the work reviewed thus far, applied behavioral literature that explic-
itly harnesses Skinner’s account of verbal problem solving is limited. Many studies appear
on the surface to use Skinner’s analysis, but upon close examination, they do not meet
the inductive criteria that Skinner established. Said differently, many studies provide
top-down rules by which instructor-defined solutions are generated in a lock-step manner
when learners follow a particular rubric. Although these approaches are grounded in
environmental determinants of behavior and are laudable because they do not require an
appeal to cognitive structures or innate information-processing formulas, the extent to
which they establish generative repertoires of problem solving is unclear. The two studies
attempting to teach problem-solving strategies for complex categorization tasks are
exceptions in that participants in both experiments used problem-solving strategies to
generate their own, novel supplemental stimuli that evoked effective solution responses.
It is upon the shoulders of these studies that we now turn to RFT extensions of Skinner’s
analysis of verbal behavior and applied RFT problem-solving studies.

Pragmatic Verbal Analysis

From an RFT lens, Skinner’s definition of problem solving, which “makes the appearance
of a solution more probable” (Skinner, 1953, p. 247), limits the term to contexts in which
there are obstacles to be avoided or removed. Taken at face value, a rat that pushes a box
until it is flush with a cabinet, stands on the box, and pulls a chain to shift a bag of nuts
on a counter until it falls to the floor is engaging in problem solving. Although this could
be considered one aspect of problem solving, it is a noncomplex form that involves no
verbal behavior. Yet in Skinner’s conceptualization, it is the intersection of contingency-
shaped and rule-governed behaviors that will lead to the most promising lines of applied
research (Skinner, 1969), so this same line of reasoning applied to human problem solving
would likely be fruitful.
Accounts of problem solving based on RFT analyze problem solving as a verbal rep-
ertoire consisting of framing events relationally under the antecedent and consequent
control of an absence of effective action (Hayes, Gifford, Townsend, & Barnes-Holmes,
2001). This repertoire involves verbally relating stimuli in ways such that their functions
are altered. Verbal problem solving defined as such involves pragmatic verbal analysis.
Hayes, Gifford, et al. (2001, p. 90) define pragmatic verbal analysis as “framing relation-
ally under the control of abstracted features of the nonarbitrary environment that are
themselves framed relationally.” In other words, tacting features, functions, and classes of
stimulus events leads to tacting features, functions, and classes of the tacts themselves.
Problem Solving241

This categorization of one’s verbal behavior is the procedure by which supplemental

stimuli are generated such that discriminated, generalized, and abstracted relations
among arbitrary and nonarbitrary stimuli can be brought to bear upon action. Effective
verbal problem solving, then, involves such tacting of one’s own tacts and conjoint
actions, which is perhaps what is meant by the common sense terms “self-reflection” and
“self-evaluation.” For example, given an establishing operation of being unable to read
without glasses and no eyewear at hand, an individual might generate formal probes such
as “Where have I been in the last hour that I might find my glasses? I’ll check the closet,
pantry, and garage.” Tacting the locations where the individual has been in the past hour
is the first aspect of pragmatic verbal analysis. The second step is to tact features, func-
tions, or classes of these and other tacts that have been successful in the past. To do this,
the individual might generate additional supplementary prompts, such as “These are all
dark places (feature) where I didn’t need glasses, so what are some places I’ve been
recently where I might have stopped to read something (function)?”
When verbal problem solving generalizes to novel contexts, it may be because ver-
bally abstracted physical dimensions of nonarbitrary stimulus events come to serve as
relational cues for the frame of coordination between them. In other words, tacting a
relation between two stimulus events cues action with respect to that relation. A profes-
sor who tells himself, When I read too many source materials, it’s like I’m flooring the gas
pedal in my car; I need to find ways to prepare lectures more efficiently is solving an intel-
lectual problem by comparing it to a physical one. Pragmatic verbal analysis thus pro-
duces the context in which acting in accordance with multiple relational frames (i.e.,
coordination, distinction, opposition, hierarchy) between verbal and physical events
become repertoires that promote problem solving.

Strategic Versus Valuative Problem-Solving

From an RFT lens, it can be useful to differentiate strategic from valuative problem
solving. In strategic problem solving, novel solutions are generated based upon previ-
ously successful ones and well-established networks of verbal relations. The result is the
formation of linear, step-like problem-solving heuristics, such as those discussed earlier.
For example, to solve a problem, a learner might ask themself, What is the problem, what
are two solutions, and what are the pros and cons of each? Valuative problem solving
involves the use of relational framing in contexts where no previous verbal history can be
brought to bear. Therefore, valuative problem solving results in a number of possible
outcomes that can be contacted briefly, either by metaphorical extension or by direct
contingency sampling, until the contingencies of reinforcement reveal and select the
optimal solution. For example, a writer composing verse about the swells of emotion may
insert lines using alliteration and rhyme into a poem and sample each one repeatedly for
its effect at bringing the listener’s attention to the equivalence between cadences of
ocean and emotion.
242 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

The important contribution of RFT to these two types of problem solving is the
categorization of framing repertoires (i.e., equivalence, distinction, opposition, condi-
tionality, temporality, locality, hierarchy, and deixis). These repertoires have been well
documented in at least 288 empirical studies to date (O’Connor, Farrell, Munnelly, &
McHugh, 2017) and are discussed at greater length in chapters 11 and 12. They are skill
sets that can be taught with multiple exemplars to improve the effectiveness and effi-
ciency of strategic problem-solving repertoires. In other words, relational operants permit
for an analysis of the broad and temporally drawn-out behaviors described by Skinner
into smaller, more easily analyzed and potentially more easily taught units.

Reducing Delay Discounting

The ability to delay gratification is widely acknowledged to be an important predic-
tor to many socially relevant outcomes (e.g., Dixon, Buono, & Belisle, 2016), and situa-
tions that demand self-controlled responses might reasonably be conceptualized as
situations that require problem-solving behavior that makes impulsive responding less
likely. A prediction from the RFT literature is that the ability to delay responses is, in
itself, a problem-solving skill that can be acquired by multiple exposures to tasks involv-
ing conditional framing. Given Skinner’s analysis, the problem is that the delay to rein-
forcement is aversive, and the only available response that reduces the aversive condition
is an impulsive choice. An ideal solution would be a response that both reduces the
aversive stimulation and decreases reliance upon the nonoptimal impulsive choice.
Dixon and Holton (2009) evaluated the RFT prediction that such conditions can be met
with pragmatic verbal analysis instruction. The authors asked five individuals with gam-
bling disorder to complete a relational responding task involving learning conditional
discriminations aimed at transforming the functions of irrelevant stimuli to alter subse-
quent delay discounting. Arbitrary color stimuli were related to quantitative gambling
stimuli in conditional discrimination instruction involving worse than/better than rela-
tions. Following teaching and testing, discounting occurred less often; that is, the par-
ticipants responded to arbitrary color stimuli correlated with larger, later payoffs more
than to those correlated with smaller, sooner rewards. This study provides very prelimi-
nary support to the possibility that a pragmatic verbal analysis approach to instruction
can reduce impulsive responding to the present situation due to the intrusion of stimulus
functions transformed via language and due to the increased salience of larger but tem-
porally remote reinforcers after relational instruction. Put more simply, gamblers’ impul-
sive behavior in this study seemed to lessen as they were taught to “reflect back” on
poorer and better choices made in the past.

Teaching Metaphorical Reasoning

Metaphorical language is a particularly strange form of verbal behavior because it
necessarily involves calling a thing something other than what it literally is. When
Problem Solving243

considered from a behavioral perspective, a speaker might tact a nonverbal stimulus met-
aphorically by labeling it with a label that is conventionally reserved for tacting a com-
pletely different stimulus. For example, a speaker might tact a particularly strong person
as a “horse.” Depending on the history of the listener with respect to metaphorical verbal
behavior, it could be quite challenging to produce a socially successful listener response.
An RFT analysis might prove useful for addressing the behavior of the listener.
Specifically, effective metaphorical “reasoning” by the listener in such cases may be a skill
that will reduce an establishing operation present when an individual is unable to com-
prehend metaphor used in typical conversation. In order to successfully “think through”
a novel metaphor uttered by a speaker, a listener may manipulate verbal variables in
accordance with coordination, distinction, and hierarchy frames to solve the problem of
how to respond intraverbally to speaker metaphors.
Based on the analysis described above, Persicke, Tarbox, Ranick, and St. Clair (2012)
taught children with autism to attend to relevant contextual cues surrounding a meta-
phor and to engage in reciprocal relational responding to respond correctly to metaphori-
cal questions. The metaphorical questions involved asking the participants to explain
the meaning of metaphors that combined two seemingly unrelated stimuli by identifying
the shared feature of the two stimuli. To do this, the experimenters prompted the partici-
pants to talk to themselves about the features of one stimulus (i.e., hierarchical relating)
and then the features of the other stimulus (hierarchical relating), and then identify
which feature was the same between the two stimuli (coordinative relating), thereby
providing the answer to the “meaning” of the metaphor. For example, participants might
respond to the question “If I told you that the snow was a blanket, what would I mean by
that?” with something like “Snow is cold, white, and it covers things, and blankets are
warm, they cover you, and they belong on your bed—you must mean that the snow was
covering things!” The experimenters instructed the participants on multiple exemplars
of metaphors until they demonstrated accurate responding on the first trial of new meta-
phors that had never before been taught. Two children demonstrated generalized accu-
rate responding after multiple exemplar instruction plus visual prompts (which were
faded out), and a third reached mastery criteria after multiple exemplar instruction alone.
That the findings generalized to untaught metaphors demonstrates that metaphorical
reasoning may be taught to children with language deficits and that once learned, it may
be a flexible, generally applicable skill that solves the problem inherent in an aversive
condition when a speaker is using an unfamiliar turn of phrase. This strategy for teach-
ing metaphorical reasoning is a kind of pragmatic verbal analysis that facilitates a gener-
alized problem-solving repertoire. That is, participants produced supplemental stimuli to
categorize arbitrary and nonarbitrary events in accordance with relational frames of hier-
archy, coordination, and distinction and thus solved the problem of how to respond to
In summary, research informed by an RFT perspective on problem solving as prag-
matic verbal analysis is still in its infancy, but the initial results are promising and consis-
tent across studies. The general findings would appear to be that one’s own behavior,
244 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

one’s current circumstances, and one’s verbal construction of near future circumstances
are all environmental variables to which one can be taught to respond verbally. Put
another way, the ability to talk to oneself about one’s own behavior, one’s current circum-
stances, and which behaviors are likely to produce preferred future circumstances seems
to be a complex repertoire of relational verbal behavior that is teachable via multiple
exemplar instruction.

Relevance of Rule Deriving

Chapter 13 addressed rule-governed behavior (RGB), and rule following in particular,
to a thorough degree, and that will not be repeated here. However, rule deriving may be
particularly relevant to problem solving and warrants discussion. Rule deriving is a rep-
ertoire of behavior consisting of creating rules that describe potential future behaviors
and future environmental circumstances and then responding with respect to the rules
one just derived. It differs from rule following in that rule following generally entails the
delivery of rules by someone else (often an authority figure), whereas rule deriving entails
articulating novel rules oneself. Rule deriving fits well in Skinner’s analysis of problem
solving in that it likely comprises some of the behavior that Skinner posited to occur
after the appearance of a problem and before the appearance of the solution. That is,
some of what one likely does to modify one’s own environment such that a solution is
available is talk to oneself about how one might modify one’s environment and what the
outcomes might be. For example, if a child’s favorite toy is not working (i.e., problem) and
the child then says to themself, “Maybe I could check the batteries, or maybe I could ask
an adult, or maybe it’s just broken—I’ll check the batteries!” (problem solving behavior),
and then checks the batteries and replaces them (solution) and the toy then works (rein-
forcer), then it would appear that rule deriving may have played an important role in the
chain of problem-solving behaviors.
It is also worth noting that rule-deriving behavior of this sort might provide a behav-
ior analytic way to analyze and teach some of the stages of problem solving proposed by
cognitive researchers, including “identify possible solutions and select a plan,” as socially
meaningful overt behaviors, as opposed to hypothetical constructs. In addition, the RFT
analysis of pragmatic verbal analysis described earlier also fits well with an analysis in
terms of rule deriving because rule deriving is likely an important part of the self-directed
verbal relating that characterizes that repertoire. For all of these reasons, it would appear
that rule deriving could be a useful area for further research and conceptual analyses into
problem solving.
Unfortunately, very little research has been done on rule deriving, so it is not possi-
ble to say with any degree of certainty how the repertoire is acquired or how relevant it
is to problem solving. In a recent study on rule deriving, Monclus, Uribio, and Szabo
(2016) taught three children with autism (five, seven, and fourteen years of age) to derive
their own rules for solving social behavior problems after viewing multiple video models
Problem Solving245

of related situations. To occasion rule formation, the models turned away from the
problem, pressed a red button, and looked into the camera as they vocalized options and
selected a response. They then pressed the button again and emitted the solution in
context. The experimenters then exposed the participants to situations that resembled
the problems modeled in videos and instructed them to press a red button, turn to face
the experimenter, and derive an if/then statement about the contingencies. All three
participants responded effectively to 80% or more of the situations they were exposed to,
although two needed a supplemental prompt before responding in at least one of the
probes. To assess whether nonverbal behavior (such as handing a toy to a sibling) was
under the control of covert rules and whether verbal reports were functionally equivalent
to the covert rules, the authors conducted three control procedures known as the silent
dog method (Arntzen, Halstradtro, & Halstradtro, 2009; Taylor & O’Reilly, 1997). In
the first control, duration from instruction to completion was measured in three novel
problems. The second control involved measuring response duration when self-talk was
interrupted by another speaker. In the third control, participants taught a confederate to
solve the problem using the same rules that they had derived when faced with a similar
situation. One participant, a seven-year-old girl, successfully solved all problems and,
based on results obtained during the silent dog control procedure, appeared to have done
so using self-generated rules.
The types of problems solved by participants in this experiment have applied signifi-
cance. In addition, pragmatic verbal analysis procedures used to teach problem solving
resulted, in some cases, in a generalized repertoire of rule deriving. This is one of the few
studies that have attempted to analyze the relationship between covert and overt problem
solving and the aspects of pragmatic verbal analysis necessary for establishing this reper-
toire. More work in this area is needed, yet there seems to be great potential for generat-
ing a range of procedures for teaching self-directed verbal relating and precise protocols
for teaching rule deriving in context.

Implications and Future Directions

The literature reviewed in this chapter is a promising start to the behavior analytic study
of problem solving, but it is probably fair to say that the field of applied behavior analysis
is far from conclusively answering how problem-solving skills can be taught. Accordingly,
there are a number of implications that can be drawn with regard to both research and

Research Directions
The topic of problem solving presents a number of opportunities for future research
and practice. Few studies have examined problem solving from the perspective of prag-
matic verbal analysis as described in this chapter. Given this, it seems that entire lines of
246 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

research are needed to explore this area. In addition, more research is needed in the area
of rule deriving, including further conceptual analysis. This work not only is conceptu-
ally interesting but has large social implications given the importance of problem solving
in day-to-day life.

Practice Guidelines
Despite the limited empirical data on the most effective methods to teach problem
solving from an applied behavior analytic perspective, clients receiving applied behavior
analytic services, across a wide variety of populations and diagnoses, would benefit from
enhanced problem-solving skills. Therefore, we believe it is prudent for practitioners to
address such deficits when needed (also see Najdowski, 2017, for a practitioner’s manual
that includes guidance on teaching problem solving). Based on conceptual analyses from
Skinner (1953, 1969), Hayes, Gifford, et al. (2001), and the empirical literature reviewed
herein, I offer the following recommendations to guide ABA practice in developing prob-
lem-solving repertoires:

1. Identify relevant establishing operations and controlling variables of the desired

problem-solving behavior.

2. Provide supplemental stimuli (prompts and probes, both formal and thematic)
to aid discrimination. Fade these stimuli when learners can respond indepen-
dently to desired controlling variables.

3. Teach learners to vocally generate their own prompts and probes. When learn-
ers vocalize their problem solving, teachers can shape both verbal and nonverbal
responses. The aim is to improve the probability that learners will learn to
manipulate only those variables most relevant to their immediate context.

4. After problem-solving skills are acquired, teach learners to reduce the magni-
tude of their self-prompts and probes. This is important for at least two reasons.
First, many learning environments do not tolerate vocal self-talk. Second, when
problem solving is competitive, inscrutability is advantageous.

5. Scripted problem-solving instructions serve as strategic supplements. These

stimuli can be introduced in various forms so that behavior develops contextual
sensitivity to the necessary and sufficient script components for each new
problem scenario. The aim of varying these supplemental stimuli is to induce
behavioral flexibility (response generalization). Therefore, fade out scripts as
quickly as possible and consider using variable multiple exemplars of scripts, as
opposed to only a single script format.

6. Specific elements of traditional problem-solving scripts may or may not be rele-

vant in a given context. For example, emitting a self-reinforcing statement
(Hughes, 1992) could be beneficial in situations where solutions do not contact
Problem Solving247

reinforcement immediately, but not in other circumstances. Another aspect of

scripts is what has been termed “strategic problem solving” (Hayes, Gifford, et
al., 2001). One type of strategic script is systematic evaluation of the outcomes
of problem-solving strategies, which seems to be crucial for future refinement of
and generation of new problem-solving strategies.

7. Program for and reinforce stimulus generalization. That is, reinforce the use of
problem-solving strategies across novel environments to solidify and contextual-
ize the problem-solving repertoire.

8. Teach learners to respond in accordance with coordination, distinction, opposi-

tion, hierarchy, temporal, location, and numerical relational frames. Pragmatic
verbal analysis may add appetitive functions to otherwise aversive problem situ-
ations. Practice of this kind has also been shown to increase the salience of
larger, temporally remote reinforcers.

9. To improve existing problem-solving repertoires and improve the control exerted

by the environment, teach learners to self-prompt in accordance with coordina-
tion, distinction, opposition, hierarchy, temporal, location, and numerical rela-
tional frames.

10. Foster the development of a pragmatic verbal analysis repertoire by asking learn-
ers to tact verbally abstracted physical dimensions of nonarbitrary stimuli and to
tact their tacts in relational classes. For example, teach children to experiment
to see whether baking soda or sugar produces a livelier volcano; then ask them
to experiment to see whether smiling or frowning produces livelier conversa-
tions. Over multiple exemplars, tacts regarding the relationship between
abstracted properties of stimuli will serve as relational cues for behavior in
accordance with frames applicable to the context. In the example above, a suc-
cessful intervention might result in a child’s telling you later that he is experi-
menting to see whether looking in peoples’ eyes or looking away results in more
people offering to play with him.

11. Where possible, create problem-solving contexts in which learners contact pro-
prioceptive feedback. Problem solving can be taught in physicalized contexts
and later prompted in more abstract, verbally demanding situations. As in other
learning scenarios, establish contingencies for learners to vocalize physical prob-
lem-solving procedures during learning activities and diminish the magnitude
of their vocalizations during performances. Fostering the dynamic interplay of
rule governance and contingency shaping in this manner can lead to flexible,
generally applicable problem-solving behavior.

12. Problem solving, as analyzed here, involves self-directed verbal behavior and
evaluation. When acquiring these skills, some learners might emit overly critical
or negative self-directed verbal behavior. Avoid establishing excessive or overly
248 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

harsh evaluation of one’s own behavior (e.g., “I am stupid,” “I always mess up”).
If you hear responses such as these, express empathy. Let the learner know that
solving problems is hard and that you make mistakes too. Encourage learners to
be “kind” to themselves by saying things such as, “I caught my mistakes and now
I have a solution that works!”

13. As with everything we do in applied behavior analysis, use powerful positive

reinforcement and make learning fun. In early stages of instruction, use prompts
that are effective enough to prevent repeated errors, thereby preventing teach-
ing from becoming aversive.

The present chapter provided an overview of the important topic of problem solving.
Traditional behavior analytic approaches were considered relative to those informed by
cognitive and constructivist foundations. After reviewing behavioral studies derived
from more traditional foundations, an analysis of problem solving based on relational
frame theory—pragmatic verbal analysis—was reviewed. A summary of select research
related to this conceptualization was provided, as was an analysis of rule deriving in the
context of problem solving. The chapter concluded with implications for further research
and guidelines for practice.
Problem Solving249

Study Questions
1. Why is problem solving a socially important behavioral repertoire?

2. How does Skinner define a problem?

3. Provide an example of a problem using Skinner’s conceptualization.

4. What are the two steps involved in Skinner’s interpretation of problem


5. List the cognitive steps to problem solving as well as their behavior

analytic translation.

6. What was the primary shortcoming of the study by Briscoe, Hoffman,

and Bailey (1975)?

7. Comment on the research described in the section “Teaching Problem-

Solving Strategies for Complex Categorization Tasks”; be sure to include
a strength and weakness of this line of research.

8. Distinguish between the RFT emphases on strategic and valuative

problem solving.

9. Describe one of the studies in the section on reducing delay discounting

or teaching metaphorical reasoning.

10. What is rule deriving and how does it pertain to the understanding of
problem solving?

11. Comment on two of the recommendations for practice. Explain why

these two recommendations stand out to you as especially interesting
and important.

Second- and Third-Wave Behavior Therapy

Emily K. Sandoz
Department of Psychology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Gina Q. Boullion
Department of Psychology, University of Mississippi

D. Owen Rachal
Department of Psychology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Link and Preview

This chapter extends the analyses of verbal and nonverbal behavior that compose the body
of this book into a greater degree of complexity and a wider scope—specifically, those
involved in the second- and third-wave behavior therapies. The content of this chapter
consists of behavior analytic treatment approaches that are generally applied outside of
the scope of practice of mainstream behavior analysts. With a focus on the variety of
complexity of the typically developing human behavioral repertoires, this chapter presents
the possibility of extending mainstream behavior analysis both scientifically and practi-
cally. In particular, the chapter describes acceptance and commitment therapy, a contem-
porary behavior analytic third-wave therapy, and addresses the implications for the science
and practice of applied behavior analysis.

Behavior analysis has long been challenged with two related issues: (1) the role of private
events in the analysis of human behavior, and (2) the application of behavior analysis for
the adult outpatient population (e.g., Anderson, Hawkins, & Scotti, 1998; Breger &
McGaugh, 1965; Golden, 2009; Wolpe, 1978; Wulfert, 2002; Wynne, 2004). These chal-
lenges are particularly salient when considering behavior therapy from a behavior ana-
lytic perspective, as individuals seek behavior therapy due to concerns about private
events and their impact on behavior, concerns that are relevant for many of the clinical
populations that behavior analysts serve.
Second- and Third-Wave Behavior Therapy251

Behavior Analysis and Private Events

Despite the common impression that behaviorists somehow deny the occurrence of
behaviors like thinking and feeling (e.g., Shevrin & Dickman, 1980), the issue of private
events in behavior analysis has received much direct and consistent attention in the lit-
erature. In 1945, Skinner proposed private events as part of the stimulating conditions
that might occasion operant behavior. By 1969, he had clarified the role of private events
in his behavioral analysis, including them as part of the behavior being analyzed (Skinner,
1969; pp. 221–268). In fact, for Skinner, the inclusion of private events was an important
distinction between methodological and radical behaviorism (Skinner, 1953). Over the
years, many behavior analysts clarified (e.g., Branch & Malagodi, 1980; Creel, 1980;
Moore, 1980) or extended (e.g., Zuriff, 1979) Skinner’s work on private events, while
others offered distinct alternative positions on private events from interbehavioral (e.g.,
Parrott, 1983, 1986) and molar (e.g., Rachlin, 1984) perspectives.
Behavior analysts’ positions on the role of private events in radical behaviorism still
vary widely with respect to (1) the relevance of private events to a behavioral analysis and
(2) the causal status of private events. Many accept Skinner’s position, discussing private
events not as causes but as still relevant as private behavior, private physiological stimuli,
or descriptors of a likelihood of engagement in a particular behavior (see Moore, 2009).
Some (e.g., Baum, 2011a, 2011b; Rachlin, 2011) discard private events as irrelevant to the
scientific analysis of behavior. Some (e.g., Palmer, 2009, 2011) emphasize the role of
private events in scientific interpretation, distinct from analysis but necessary for main-
taining a comprehensive science. Others (e.g., Fryling & Hayes, 2015) dispute the dis-
tinction of some events as “private,” instead positing all psychological events as wholly
unique and in-kind observable. And still others (e.g., Dougher, 2013) point to the work-
ability of the inclusion of private events in behavior analysis as it is clinically applied in
behavior therapy.

Clinical Behavior Analysis and the Rise of

Behavior Therapy
Less consistent attention has been given to clinical behavior analysis—the application
of behavior analysis to serve adults seeking to address psychological difficulties in outpa-
tient treatment (see Kohlenberg, Tsai, & Dougher, 1993; c.f., Kohlenberg, Bolling,
Kanter, & Parker, 2002). Behavior analysts have long been interested in the kinds of
difficulties that typically bring adults into outpatient treatment (e.g., anxiety, depression,
or other struggles categorized as “psychopathology”). This is evident in early conceptual
behavioral accounts of psychopathology. For example, Skinner (1953) rejected the disease
model of psychopathology, describing disordered behaviors in terms of the reinforcing
context. From the Hullian tradition, Dollard and Miller (1950) provided a book-length
account of psychoanalytic principles in terms of drives. This interest is also evident in
252 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

experimental studies supporting early animal models of psychopathology. For example,

Estes and Skinner (1941) attempted to model anxiety along with its disruption of behav-
ior under appetitive control in rats, a study that created the foundation for research on
conditioned suppression.
From early on, these behavioral accounts of psychopathology came with behavioral
accounts of treatment and behavior change in psychotherapy. Both Skinner’s (1953) and
Dollard and Miller’s (1950) texts, for example, included not only descriptions of psycho-
pathology, but also descriptions of psychotherapy processes in behavioral terms. Neither
proposed new approaches or formats to psychotherapy. Instead, they attempted to under-
stand the phenomenon of psychotherapy as it existed at that time in terms of behavioral
principles. These conceptual accounts also translated into empirical investigations of
psychotherapy from a behavioral perspective in two veins—understanding how these
traditional psychotherapies worked, and applying behavioral principles in ways that
might work better.
Several lines of inquiry sought to empirically account for psychotherapy processes
and outcomes in behavioral terms. This work mostly involved exploring the verbal con-
tingencies at play in the therapy room. Krasner and colleagues conceptualized and
modeled experimentally psychotherapy processes using a series of verbal conditioning
studies (see Krasner, 1963). Kanfer and colleagues conducted a series of clinical interview
and analogue studies manipulating interviewer behavior to directly shape interviewee
verbal behaviors (e.g., Kanfer, 1959; see Kanfer, 1961; Kanfer & McBrearty, 1962; Kanfer,
Phillips, Matarazzo, & Saslow, 1960; Phillips, Matarazzo, Matarazzo, Saslow, & Kanfer,
1961). As behavior analysts explored the clinical relevance of verbal conditioning pro-
cesses, however, many came to challenge the central tenet of psychotherapy—that
changing verbal behavior in the therapy room could result in broad, generalizable behav-
ior change outside of the therapy room (e.g., Zax & Klein, 1960). In fact, a number of
behavior analysts responded to this challenge by rejecting not just the theories behind
psychotherapy, but the focus on manipulating verbal contingencies to change verbal
behavior at all. And behavior therapy was born.

First Wave of Behavior Therapy

In its first wave, behavior therapy all but abandoned the focus on manipulating verbal
behavior, focusing instead on changing the direct contingencies controlling the behav-
ioral excesses and deficits classified as psychopathology. Offered as a distinct alternative
to psychodynamic psychotherapy, the original behavior therapy movement united behav-
iorists from disparate traditions around a focus on changing direct contingencies in
accordance with specific scientific values. In short, behavior therapists held that behav-
ior change interventions should be

1. supported by coherent theories derived from empirically established basic prin-

ciples, and
Second- and Third-Wave Behavior Therapy253

2. comprised of well-established, empirically supported procedures (Hayes, 2004).

Thus, the well-established basic behavioral principles of operant and respondent

conditioning were applied in techniques such as counterconditioning, aversion therapy,
negative practice, reactive inhibition, and systematic desensitization (see Bandura, 1961;
Eysenck, 1960, 1964; Metzner, 1963; Wolpe, 1958, 1961). The evidence supported the
effectiveness of these interventions in terms of reducing subjective ratings of distress and
maladaptive behavior (e.g., see Grossberg, 1964). Further, research efforts sought to
clarify the mechanisms of change in behavioral terms (e.g., see Rachman, 1967, for an
early review of systematic desensitization), supplementing data from effectiveness studies
with data from animal (e.g., Wilson & Davison, 1971) and analog (e.g., Ross & Proctor,
1973) studies.
With these early successes, behavior therapy grew in prominence. It did not, however,
take clinical behavior analysis with it. In fact, interest in the behavioral mechanisms of
talk therapy faltered, lying dormant for almost two decades (Kohlenberg et al., 2002).
This can be attributed to two issues. First, doubt grew regarding the clinical significance
of changing verbal behavior in the therapy session (e.g., see Grossberg, 1964), which
characterizes much of the behavior the therapist directly observes and manipulates in
adult outpatient treatment. Second, clinical behavior analysis did not rise to behavior
therapists’ original challenge that psychotherapy be based on evidence supporting not
only effectiveness but the basic underlying theory. Accounts of verbal conditioning, and
the data supporting them, were of limited relevance to (1) most of the problems for which
adults sought outpatient treatment, and (2) the fact that discussing these problems in a
therapy session could result in improved functioning outside of a therapy session (see
Kohlenberg et al., 1993; Kohlenberg et al., 2002). Until these accounts progressed, clini-
cal behavior analysis would have little to offer, leaving behaviorists to either avoid adult
outpatient treatment altogether, employ conditioning concepts with imprecision, or
incorporate nonbehavioral analyses to support their work.

Second Wave of Behavior Therapy

Meanwhile, behavior therapy continued to evolve independent of clinical behavior anal-
ysis. And as the connections between behaviorism and behavior therapy grew strained,
behavior therapists became increasingly accepting of accounts of psychopathology and
behavior change that incorporated models of cognitive mediation (e.g., Bandura, 1969).
Accordingly, the second wave of behavior therapy (e.g., Bandura, 1974; Beck, 1976;
Mahoney, 1974; Meichenbaum, 1977) was dominated by approaches that conceptualized
specific psychopathologies as attributable to specific cognitive errors. Changing these
behaviors, then, involved using language to correct these errors. Technologies from the
first wave of behavior therapy were largely retained but were deemed supplementary to
new technologies designed to alter dysfunctional beliefs and problematic cognitive
254 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

The commitment to the development of empirically supported theories and clinical

procedures was also retained in this era of behavior therapy (see Beck, 2005). For
example, behavior therapy researchers sought empirical support for the general cognitive
theory of depression (e.g., see Haaga, Dyck, & Ernst, 1991), the content specificity
hypothesis (e.g., Greenberg & Beck, 1989; Salkovskis et al., 2000), and the efficacy (e.g.,
Blackburn, Bishop, Glen, Whalley, & Christie, 1981) and effectiveness (e.g., Cohen,
Sullivan, Minde, Novak, & Helwig, 1981) of cognitive behavior therapies. And these
efforts were largely successful, fostering the dominance of the second wave of behavior
therapy over other forms of intervention for some time.
All but absent from this program of research, however, was the development of basic
principles of cognitive change (behavioral or otherwise) and their relationship with overt
behavior change. As descriptive data grew matching diagnostic categories with cognitive
functioning, the burgeoning body of basic data on cognitive processes was rarely con-
sulted (see Beidel & Turner, 1986). As efficacy data piled up, research on cognitive medi-
ation was conspicuously lacking (see Stevens & Pfost, 1983). In short, the basic idea that
behavior changed because cognitive errors changed was simply not considered.
In time, behavior therapy research efforts did take a closer look at cognitive media-
tion. And among the data that emerged was a series of anomalies that seriously chal-
lenged this core idea that direct cognitive changes were necessary for behavior change
(see Hayes, 2004). Data on changes over the course of treatment suggested that early
positive responses to behavior therapy occurred before clients were exposed to key com-
ponents (e.g., Ilardi & Craighead, 1994). Results from a large component analysis sug-
gested that cognitive components do not incrementally improve the effectiveness of
behavior therapy (Gortner, Gollan, Dobson, & Jacobson, 1998; Jacobson et al., 1996).
And data that directly examined purported mechanisms of change were inconsistent at
best. For example, several data sets suggested that cognitions covary with symptoms, but
without evidence of causal links (e.g., Burns & Spangler, 2001). And as these data threat-
ened the cognitive model that supported behavior therapy’s second wave, several differ-
ent bodies of research converged on an alternative.

Third Wave of Behavior Therapy

In applied research on behavior therapy, novel approaches that deemphasized the role of
cognitive mediation began to proliferate. For example, attempts to adapt behavior therapy
to chronically suicidal patients resulted in the development of dialectical behavior
therapy (DBT; Linehan, 1987), which integrates the explicit focus on behavior change
that characterized first-wave behavior therapies with the shaping of awareness and accep-
tance of one’s immediate experience. Others (e.g., Wells & Matthews, 1994) focused on
the increased attention paid to worry, rumination, and other forms of nonproductive
cognition. This resulted in the development of the metacognitive therapy (Wells, 2000),
which replaces direct strategies to modify cognitive contents with direct strategies to
Second- and Third-Wave Behavior Therapy255

modify counterproductive metacognitive beliefs (e.g., attributing power to unwanted

thoughts). In a more traditional wing of behavior therapy, Barlow and colleagues (e.g.,
Barlow, 1988; Barlow, Craske, Cerny, & Klosko, 1989) incorporated private events into
treatment by extending exposure, based on respondent extinction, to interoceptive cues
(e.g., physical sensations associated with anxiety).
Meanwhile, in behavior analysis, two streams of basic research provided the founda-
tion for a coherent and productive theory of language and cognition—relational frame
theory (RFT; Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001). First, the data on rule-governed
behavior (RGB; see Hayes, 1989) suggested that humans will respond to contingencies
contacted via instruction (i.e., via a “rule”) even when they conflict with directly experi-
enced contingencies (e.g., Galizio, 1979). In light of the rigidity and insensitivity that
characterizes psychopathology, RGB was offered as a basic theoretical account that could
support continued conceptual and technical development of behavior therapy (e.g.,
Zettle & Hayes, 1982). Second, the data on stimulus equivalence in verbally able humans
(Sidman, 1971) suggested that when the discriminative functions of one stimulus are
conditional upon the presence of another stimulus, the two stimuli come to share func-
tions in a bidirectional manner. Further, these bidirectional relationships among stimuli
appeared to emerge, untrained, through combinations of directly trained relationships,
and are not limited to equivalence. And in this phenomenon that came to be called
derived relational responding (DRR; see chapter 4 in this volume) was an account of
verbal conditioning that both explained rule-governed behavior and extended beyond.
The development of this program of research on DRR as a conceptualization of
verbal behavior also opened the doors for a resurgence in clinical behavior analysis
(Kohlenberg et al., 2002). Many of the kinds of problems that brought adults to outpa-
tient behavior therapy were analyzable when viewed according to the basic theory of
DRR and transformation of stimulus functions. The verbal stimuli that those humans
had learned to effectively discriminate in their world came to share functions with the
events themselves. With this, new responses could be learned without direct experience.
Humans could learn to fear and avoid events without ever having been exposed to them.
Likewise, it was clear that the talk that occurred in therapy could evoke responses that
were functionally equivalent to the problematic behaviors in clients’ lives and shape new,
more effective repertoires. And thus, the third wave of behavior therapy was born.
The third wave of behavior therapy has been described by Hayes (2004) as including
several elements:

1. an emphasis on empirical support, coherent at multiple levels of analysis;

2. a focus on generalizable principles of behavior change;

3. a sensitivity to context and function of behavior (both public and private) over

4. the aim to expand repertoires to produce breadth and flexibility; and

256 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

5. a consistency between analysis of client behavior and that of clinician


In this way, third-wave behavior therapies returned to the scientific strategy and
principles that defined the first wave, but with an explicit account of the role of private
events. In short, third-wave behavior therapies tend to focus on cognition and emotion
indirectly, changing the context to alter the relationships among private events and overt
behaviors, such that the functions of those private events are expanded.
The trends that typify the third wave are evident in behavior therapies from varying
theoretical orientations. However, two of the third-wave behavior therapies retained
explicit philosophical and theoretical foundations within clinical behavior analysis:
functional analytic psychotherapy and acceptance and commitment therapy. Functional
analytic psychotherapy (FAP; Kohlenberg & Tsai, 1991) focuses on using the therapeu-
tic relationship to analyze, evoke, and shape clinically relevant behaviors. Acceptance
and commitment therapy (ACT; pronounced “act”; Hayes, Strosahl, & Wilson, 1999,
2012) focuses on undermining problematic impacts of DRR and increasing personally
meaningful actions in the presence of unwanted private events. The remainder of this
chapter will focus exclusively on ACT.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and commitment therapy (Hayes, Strosahl, & Wilson, 1999, 2012) applies
RFT and the basic findings on DRR to help people engage in their lives in more person-
ally meaningful ways. ACT is based on RFT’s idea that most of the behavioral tendencies
typically categorized as psychopathologies are acquired and maintained by complex rela-
tional networks (Dymond & Roche, 2009). Specifically, repertoires become dominated
by behaviors under rule-governed aversive control (Levin, Hayes, & Vilardaga, 2012).
Thus, from the ACT perspective, psychopathology is characterized functionally by psy-
chological inflexibility—a response class that involves persistent avoidance, excessive
rule governance, and subsequent difficulty taking meaningful action (Blackledge &
Drake, 2013; Hayes & Wilson, 1994). Psychological well-being, on the other hand, is
characterized functionally by psychological flexibility—a response class that reflects
sensitivity to both immediate contingencies and verbally constructed values (Blackledge
& Drake, 2013).

Scientific Strategy and Support

ACT is grounded in a particular extension of behavior analysis called contextual
behavioral science (CBS; Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Wilson, 2012), which is distin-
guished by its explicit grounding in functional contextualistic philosophy. Functional
contextualism (FC) emphasizes a pragmatic approach to scientific pursuit, with the aim
Second- and Third-Wave Behavior Therapy257

being to reliably predict the conditions under which behaviors of social significance
occur and change those conditions to exert experimental control or influence. FC further
holds that ideally, the behavioral analyses that allow for prediction and control do so
with precision (a high degree of specificity), scope (broad applicability), and depth (coher-
ing with other levels of analysis). CBS also explicates a reticulated research approach
where theoretical, practical, and multifaceted (i.e., basic, analogue, and applied) empiri-
cal efforts are mutually influential in fostering CBS’s overall progress. The CBS scientific
approach has resulted in the rapid proliferation of studies demonstrating support for the
efficacy of ACT in fostering behavior change in a number of domains (see Hayes, Luoma,
Bond, Masuda, & Lillis, 2006; Powers, Vörding, & Emmelkamp, 2009; Ruiz, 2010) and
for psychological flexibility as the mechanism for improvement (Ruiz, 2012).

ACT is a process-based therapy, defined not by a specific set of techniques but by a
focus on increasing the probability of psychologically flexible behaviors. This is quite
distinct from the common focus in psychotherapy on reducing psychological distress or
changing problematic thoughts. Instead of aiming to reduce or change the aversive
private events associated with various diagnostic categories, ACT practitioners elicit
these events and broaden their functions by shaping new, personally meaningful behav-
iors in their presence. This might involve the integration of any number of techniques
from first- or second-wave behavior therapies, from other third-wave behavior therapies,
or from outside of behavior therapy altogether. Fidelity to the ACT model simply involves
assessing and intervening on the repertoire in terms of psychological flexibility.
In order to assist practitioners in the implementation of ACT, psychological flexibil-
ity is often conceptualized as involving six interdependent facets (Hayes, Strosahl,
Bunting, Twohig, & Wilson, 2004). Each facet describes a functional dimension of
behavior that together represent a unified model of behavior change (Hayes, Pistorello,
& Levin, 2012). These facets are described as mid-level terms. Like psychological flexi-
bility (and inflexibility), they are not proposed as technical terms, but rather serve to
orient practitioners to assessing and intervening on functional dimensions of behavior
consistent with the underlying technical account described in RFT (Levin et al., 2012).
These six mid-level terms are valued living, present moment awareness, cognitive defu-
sion, experiential acceptance, self-as-context, and committed action.

Valued living. Valued living has been described as the primary purpose of ACT (Hayes
et al., 1999), such that psychological flexibility and each of the other core processes are
evaluated in terms of the extent to which they foster valued living (Hayes, Strosahl,
Bunting, et al., 2004). Valued living refers to any behaviors that are acquired and main-
tained due to their correspondence with a person’s verbally established values (Wilson,
Sandoz, Kitchens, & Roberts, 2010). Thus, in ACT, clients verbally clarify their chosen
purpose, or the abstract qualities they desire their ongoing behavior to have, along with
258 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

the specific topographies or goals they can track as potential values-consistent behaviors
(see Sandoz & Anderson, 2015). These verbal constructions then serve as formative and
motivative augmentals, transforming the functions of the inherent stimulus products and
natural consequences of values-consistent behaviors so that they serve as intrinsic rein-
forcers. In this way, values can foster behavior under rule-governed appetitive control in
any conditions (Wilson et al., 2010). Values avoid the rigidity and insensitivity typically
associated with verbal control by emphasizing abstract qualities of behavior over specific
topographies or outcomes (Levin et al., 2012). For example, the value of “being an
extraordinary mother” might involve the acute goal of ignoring tantrums. Once estab-
lished as such, the entire experience of ignoring, including the sound of the child’s cries,
could be transformed to reinforce the entire class of values-consistent behaviors. Shaping
a more flexible repertoire, then, involves shaping verbalization of both purposes across a
range of contexts. In practice, intervening on valued living often involves evoking client
descriptions of (1) a specific meaningful moment from memory (e.g., a sweet moment;
Wilson & Sandoz, 2008) or imagination (e.g., one’s own funeral; see Hayes, Strosahl, &
Wilson, 1999), (2) some quality of the client’s behavior that makes or has made that
moment meaningful, and (3) examples of behaviors that would also be characterized by
that meaningful quality.

Present moment awareness. ACT practitioners intervene to build present moment

awareness, or flexible, focused awareness of public and private events as they occur
(Hayes, Strosahl, Bunting, et al., 2004; Hayes, Pistorello, & Levin, 2012; Levin et al.,
2012). Psychological flexibility is characterized by sensitivity to a broad range of stimuli
in the changing context, whereas psychological inflexibility is sensitive to a narrow range
of aversive events. From the ACT perspective, discrimination of events, both public and
private, as they occur, will broaden the aspects of context likely to influence behavior.
ACT emphasizes both flexibility and focus, as flexibility of awareness without focus is
essentially distractibility, and focused awareness without flexibility is essentially hyper-
vigilance. Instead, present moment awareness as trained in ACT allows for focus on
particular stimuli that are significant, and for the shifting of attention when necessary for
effective values-consistent behavior. In practice, intervening on present moment aware-
ness often involves guiding clients’ attention to aspects of the immediate experience.
This could be carried out in an eyes-closed meditation (e.g., a breathing meditation) or
simply in conversation (e.g., “What do you notice happening in your body as we speak
about this?”).

Experiential acceptance. Experiential acceptance involves approaching events that

have previously functioned as aversive without attempts to manage or control them
(Blackledge & Drake, 2013). Psychological inflexibility is characterized by persistent
experiential avoidance, when a small number of difficult, unwanted private events exert
extensive aversive control over behavior. This emerges through DRR, where individuals
learn to tact certain co-occurring private events (i.e., thoughts, bodily sensations, memo-
ries) as emotions (e.g., “anxiety”) that should be avoided (Hayes, Strosahl, Wilson, et al.,
Second- and Third-Wave Behavior Therapy259

2004). Building flexibility involves changing the functional relationship between behav-
ior and the difficult, unwanted private events that have previously functioned as aversive
(Levin et al., 2012). In ACT, we shape valued living in the context of unwanted private
events, as it is often values-relevant contexts that foster vulnerability by eliciting painful
private events. In practice, intervening on experiential acceptance often involves use of
metaphor to practice approach of unwanted experiences. For example, the therapist
might instruct a client to interact with an object that symbolizes their pain as they typi-
cally do (e.g., by swatting or pushing it away), then to interact with it as they would a
butterfly (e.g., gently letting it land in cupped hands and holding still to observe it; Boone
& Cannici, 2013).

Cognitive defusion. Cognitive defusion (originally called “deliteralization”; Hayes et

al., 1999) involves awareness of thinking as ongoing behavior, such that the functions of
cognitive events broaden and no one verbal function dominates. Psychological inflexibil-
ity is characterized by cognitive fusion, where the context supports literal functions (i.e.,
the content of thoughts) as the dominant source of control over the repertoire (Blackledge,
2007). In this way, cognitive fusion refers to the same phenomenon described in the rule-
governed behavior literature and produces the same insensitivity to other sources of
stimulation (Blackledge & Drake, 2013). Building flexibility involves disrupting the
literal functions such that other functions (e.g., sensory qualities, memories of similar
thoughts, other relevant perspectives) can come to influence behavior along with other
events in the context. In practice, intervening on cognitive defusion often involves
drawing attention to the process of thinking. This could involve reflecting the client’s
description of thoughts with explicit labeling of them as thoughts (e.g., “So you feel com-
pelled by this thought that you are unlovable”) or asking the client to describe thoughts
(e.g., “It looked like something shifted for you just then. What’s coming up for you as we
discuss this?”).

Self-as-context. Self-as-context involves awareness of one’s own behavior as distinct

from other internal or external events, including self-relevant private events (Hayes,
Pistorello, & Levin, 2012; Levin et al., 2012). The self emerges through discrimination of
one’s own behavior as distinct from other events (Skinner, 1974b). Once a client verbally
discriminates the self (i.e., as a concept), however, they can easily relate to it, and it can
take on functions of other events through DRR. Psychological inflexibility involves
private events (e.g., evocative emotions or self-relevant cognitions) coming to dominate
functions of the self (Levin et al., 2012). Thus, like a highly generalized rule, these func-
tions can impact behavior in any situation, as the self is an event that is always relevant
(i.e., “If me, then…”). Psychological flexibility, however, involves awareness of the self as
an event that is present for and relatable to all other events, but is uniquely discriminable
and uniquely invariant in terms of its location in time, place, and person (Blackledge &
Drake, 2013). As such, building flexibility in ACT involves shaping awareness of self in
the presence of private events that vary across time (e.g., memories of the past and con-
cerns for the future), place (e.g., different situations, relationships, roles), and person (e.g.,
260 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

different perspectives on the same event). In practice, intervening on self-as-context

might involve having the client list different roles, concepts, labels, or characteristics
they associate with themselves (e.g., by completing a list of “I am” sentence stems). Next
the therapist might ask the client to notice conflicts among the different descriptions,
notice which others would know and which they wouldn’t, imagine contexts in which
these different descriptions dominate their experience of themselves, and imagine that
certain descriptions would not apply in the future.

Committed action. Committed action describes a large response class of values-consis-

tent behaviors for which the stimulus control over different topographies is well discrimi-
nated between contexts. The dominance of aversive control that characterizes
psychological inflexibility often prevents contact with appetitive events that could serve
to discriminate and consequate effective, values-consistent behavior. Building flexibility,
then, involves shaping (1) the discrimination aspects of the immediate context related to
values and (2) the engagement in values-consistent behaviors as appropriate to that
context. In practice, intervening on committed action often involves having a client
describe the function of their current behavior, describe immediately available behaviors
that would be more values consistent (and likely evoke some discomfort), and set a goal
to engage in a chosen behavior more often outside of session (despite the discomfort).

Implications and Future Directions

The material covered in this chapter thus far—and in particular the discussion of ACT—
is decidedly relevant to practitioners and to the field of applied behavior analysis as a
whole. We explore both of these areas below.

Implications for Practitioners

For behavior analytic practitioners, the implications of the evolution of behavior
therapy and ACT can be quite significant. Applied behavior analysis has always been
committed to addressing problems of social significance (Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968).
Behavioral difficulties categorized as psychopathology account for 30 percent of the
nonfatal disease burden and 10 percent of the overall disease burden worldwide (World
Health Organization, 2016). This is despite the proliferation of psychological treatments
and the ever-increasing availability of psychotropic medications. Further, this excludes
individuals whose suffering is not categorized by the socioverbal community as patho-
logical. The basic research underlying ACT would suggest that psychological suffering is,
in fact, universal, as it is a product of normal learning processes. Despite its universality,
however, psychological suffering is of tremendous social significance, and behavior anal-
ysis clearly has something to offer. We encourage practitioners, whether trained as
behavior therapists or not, to rise to the challenge of the human condition in at least
three ways.
Second- and Third-Wave Behavior Therapy261

First, let us be open to the inclusion of private events as relevant in behavioral analy-
ses. Mentalism, or the appeal to private events as causes of overt behavior, is rejected by
behavior analysis. However, private events and their relationships with overt behavior
can be analyzed and intervened upon from a behavior analytic perspective. Just as with
any other behavior outside of the focus of the intervention, considering private events is
often unnecessary to gain prediction and influence over the behavior of interest. But
when private events are relevant, referring clients to practitioners working from perspec-
tives we reject as mentalist (e.g., cognitive therapists) seems a bizarre course of action.
Where our direct analyses of overt behavior alone fall short, let us be open to considering
private events in relation to the behaviors of interest, with a focus on shifting the con-
texts controlling those behavior-behavior relations.
Second, let us consider verbal behavior in terms of DRR and the transformation of
stimulus functions. Behavior analysts, like members of any profession, use language to
intervene on their clients’ behavior as well as that of other stakeholders (e.g., employees,
colleagues, students, and parents). The difference, however, is that we have at our dis-
posal, in RFT, an analysis of verbal behavior that accounts for the conditions under
which that language might be most effective. We can change behavior by using language
to help transform the functions of the contexts in which individuals live and work.
Whether training a parent, teaching a class, giving a presentation, or marketing an inter-
vention, let us harness the incredible power of language to increase our effectiveness.
Third, let us consider psychological flexibility as a dimension of the behavioral rep-
ertoire, even outside of the behavior therapy setting. Often the rigidity and insensitivity
of client behavior is what makes it problematic. For example, a client might talk about
trains or dinosaurs regardless of the context or their partner’s interest, and at the exclu-
sion of other topics. The psychological flexibility model proposes conditions under which
rigidity like this might emerge (i.e., in the context of aversive private events where this
pattern allows for temporary escape and avoidance). ACT proposes how we might inter-
vene to improve flexibility without having to avoid contexts that elicit aversive private
events. Psychological flexibility, by definition, involves increased sensitivity to direct
contingencies and verbally established values to allow for an increase in personally mean-
ingful behavior. This quality of behavior is associated not only with recovery from psy-
chopathology but with thriving in a number of different domains of living. Certainly, this
level of engagement in life is relevant to behavior analysts intervening in all sorts of set-
tings with all sorts of clients.

Implications for Our Field

If practitioners are going to easily incorporate these implications into their work,
there are developments that behavior analysis as a field must make. First, we need to
expand our approaches to assessment. In particular, to the extent that we are dissatisfied
with the tools commonly used to assess private events and relationships between private
events and overt behavior (e.g., questionnaires), we are challenged to develop new
262 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

approaches. Second, we need to integrate theory, research, and practical training in

complex human behavior into typical behavior analysis curricula in order for the field of
behavior analysis to progress and evolve. This text represents an initial effort, yet it is not
enough, nor is the work presented in this text complete. Third, we need pioneer behavior
analysts to adapt third-wave behavior therapy technologies to the practice of behavior
analysis in the various settings in which behavior analysts work. ACT is topographically
different when implemented by medical doctors, managers, or coaches, and likewise,
most behavior analysts will not seek the training and licensure necessary to incorporate
talk therapy into their practice. Behavior analysts, however, do not need to be trained in
talk therapy to adapt ACT where it would serve their work. For example, Gould, Tarbox,
and Coyne (2017) demonstrated increased overt values-directed behaviors following a
brief ACT training intervention implemented by behavior analysts.
Despite challenges, behavior analysis has made substantial progress in how to apply
behavior analytic approaches to complex human suffering. It may now be time to inte-
grate these advances into the mainstream of behavior analytic research, training, and

The present chapter considered the historical development of contemporary behavior
therapy. Beginning with the consideration of private events in behavior analysis, this
chapter provided an overview of the development of clinical behavior analysis, and in
particular its role in analyzing the complex problems faced by adults in outpatient psy-
chotherapy. Behavior therapy can be seen as having developed in three phases, or
“waves”—each of which was described in this chapter, with particular emphasis given to
acceptance and commitment therapy. A number of implications were described, includ-
ing those focused on practice and the field of behavior analysis as a whole.
Second- and Third-Wave Behavior Therapy263

Study Questions
1. Define private events. Are they the same as or different from mental

2. Can private events be included in the science of behavior analysis? Why

or why not?

3. What are some of the defining features of the first-wave behavior


4. What are some of the defining features of the second-wave behavior

therapies? How do these depart from the first wave?

5. What are the some of the defining features of the third-wave behavior
therapies? How do these depart from the second wave?

6. Do the third-wave behavior therapies move toward, away from, or make

no movement with respect to the foundational philosophy and princi-
ples of behavior analysis, compared to the second wave?

7. What is acceptance and commitment therapy?

8. What are some of the defining processes of ACT?

9. Compare and contrast the defining features of ACT with mainstream

applied behavior analysis, in terms of being conceptually systematic
with behavioral principles, focusing on behavior, focusing on general-
ization, and insistence on being effective in producing substantial
changes in socially significant behavior.

10. What are the implications of ACT for your current practice in applied
behavior analysis and for what you see as the future evolution of main-
stream applied behavior analysis?

Implicit Cognition and Social Behavior

Dermot Barnes-Holmes

Colin Harte17
Ghent University, Belgium

Ciara McEnteggart
Ghent University, Belgium

Link and Preview

Chapter 16 builds upon previous chapters on derived stimulus relations, and relational
frame theory in particular. The focus of this chapter—implicit cognition and social behav-
ior—is of great importance as it relates to many of the most pervasive social issues around
the world. The authors review research on a number of consequential topics and describe
ongoing conceptual development.

The human species is composed of relatively weak and slow-moving primates, and yet we
have, in one sense, come to dominate the planet in a very short period of time. Arguably,
the propelling force behind our rise in dominance is our ability to learn how to relate
stimuli and events in increasingly abstract, or arbitrarily applicable, ways. Irrespective of
how this ability evolved so strongly in our species (see Hayes & Sanford, 2014), it appears
to lie at the core of human language and cognition (Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche,
2001). On the one hand, the human ability to engage in abstract relational responding
has been the key to our success in developing modern civilization with increasingly
sophisticated sciences and technology. On the other hand, abstract relational responding
allows humans to categorize other members of their own species into in- and out-groups
and to react to members of an out-group in a highly negative manner without having a
direct negative experience with any member of that group. Such prejudicial behaviors

17 The first two authors contributed equally to the chapter.

Implicit Cognition and Social Behavior265

appear to be widespread and common among the human species. Indeed, at the time of
writing we had just witnessed populist appeal for literally building a wall along the border
between the United States of America and Mexico and the withdrawal of the United
Kingdom from the European Union to allow for greater control over its borders. And in
the last 100 years of human history, we have witnessed two world wars in which millions
were slaughtered, and extremist attempts at mass genocide, based, at least in part, on the
human ability to categorize out-groups as sufficiently threatening to warrant warfare.
The ability to categorize other members of our species into in- and out-groups may
have served us well as small groups of hunter-gatherers, because it supported necessary
cooperation within a group against another in competing for potentially limited resources.
However, when human groups become increasingly abstract and increase in size (e.g., to
nation states) and the level of science and technology allows for the annihilation of mil-
lions at the press of a button, the evolutionary value of prejudicial behavior, or social
categorization, seems completely lost. Indeed, one could argue that in the modern
context of a genuinely globalized world there is only one in-group—the entire human
species and even more broadly life itself on this planet.
Clearly, the human ability to engage in social categorization is a potentially lethal
behavior that we need to study and to understand if we are to predict and influence it in
a manner that will serve to protect life on this planet. The science of psychology, and
social psychology in particular, has devoted considerable time and effort in tackling this
issue (see Tajfel, 1981, for seminal work). Behavior analysis has been less engaged, empiri-
cally, in this area, but its main progenitor, B. F. Skinner, became a household name for
publishing books that described how behavioral principles could be used to engineer
human cultures in a positive and peaceful direction. Empirical efforts at understanding
social categorization within behavior analysis have not been entirely absent, however. As
we shall see, relatively early in the study of stimulus equivalence and arbitrarily applicable
relational responding, behavior analysts made attempts to create experimental models of
human prejudicial behavior. It is fair to say that those conducting this early work had
little appreciation of how rapidly social categorization effects can occur in human behav-
ior. Only relatively recently has the “split-second” nature of such responding come to
light. As such, the pervasive and uncontrolled nature of human prejudicial behavior is
rendered even more threatening because it seems to occur “involuntarily” (because it is
so rapid). The area of research that has focused on this phenomenon has been labeled
implicit social cognition, and the current chapter will provide an overview of this work.
Specifically, this chapter will focus on the research investigating the role of derived
relations in the development of social stereotypes, prejudices, and beliefs. We will briefly
review the large body of literature that has employed a method derived from relational
frame theory (RFT; Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001), known as the implicit
relational assessment procedure (IRAP). The social domains upon which we will focus
comprise national identity, religion, race, gender, sexuality and sexual preferences, age,
body image, and smoking as a stigmatized behavior. We will then discuss the existing
266 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

conceptual attempts to understand these findings in the context of RFT, including a

recently proposed model for analyzing IRAP effects—the differential arbitrarily appli-
cable relational responding effects (DAARRE) model.

Implicit Social Cognition

Work on implicit social cognition, from an RFT perspective, actually began in the early
1990s. Specifically, researchers sought to examine social categorization in Northern
Ireland, where family names and sectarian symbols are often associated exclusively with
either Catholic or Protestant communities (Watt, Keenan, Barnes, & Cairns, 1991). The
study involved training participants in a series of match-to-sample tasks that were
designed to generate derived equivalence relations between Catholic names and
Protestant symbols that would be inconsistent with the verbal/social histories of partici-
pants who resided in Northern Ireland. The results showed that some Northern Irish
residents did indeed demonstrate difficulty in forming these equivalence relations,
whereas individuals from outside Northern Ireland did not. Numerous studies since then
have reported broadly similar outcomes in which participants with specific preexperi-
mental histories appear to show difficulty forming derived relations that are inconsistent
with those histories (e.g., Barnes, Lawlor, Smeets, & Roche, 1996; Dixon, Rehfeldt,
Zlomke, & Robinson, 2006; Leslie et al., 1993; Merwin & Wilson, 2005). Interestingly,
recent research in this area has also shown that it is possible to undermine these types of
effects with appropriate match-to-sample training designed to counter racially biased
responding in white children (Mizael, de Almeida, Silveira, & de Rose, 2016).
The general strategy of comparing patterns of responding that are consistent versus
inconsistent with participants’ preexperimental histories led to more recent efforts to
develop behavior analytic procedures that may be used to assess verbal relations.
Currently, the most widely used method in this regard is the IRAP (Barnes-Holmes,
Murphy, Barnes-Holmes, & Stewart, 2010). In the IRAP procedure, experimenters
present pairs of stimuli (e.g., words, pictures, statements) on each trial, require partici-
pants to confirm or disconfirm the relation between these pairs within a short response
latency window, and provide corrective feedback after each response. In general, the
feedback is designed to be consistent with participants’ preexperimental verbal histories
on half of the blocks of trials, and inconsistent on the other half. For example, an IRAP
might require responding “True” to a picture of a flower and the word “pleasant” (history
consistent) on one block, and “False” (history inconsistent) on another block. The basic
logic of the IRAP is that, all things being equal, participants should show a tendency to
respond more quickly on history-consistent, relative to history-inconsistent, blocks. This
difference in latencies across the two types of blocks is often referred to as the IRAP
effect or a positive or negative response bias, depending on whether the effect is above
Implicit Cognition and Social Behavior267

or below zero. It is important to understand that the terms “IRAP effect” and “response
bias” should not be interpreted as a proxy for a mental construct or implicit attitude in a
cognitive or social psychological sense. Instead, these terms simply denote a tendency to
respond in one particular direction over another on the IRAP.
There are several response-time measures for assessing implicit cognition, such as
the Implicit Association Test (IAT), evaluative priming, and the Extrinsic Affective
Simon Task (EAST). However, all of these other measures emerged from the “main-
stream” cognitive tradition and therefore cannot be attributed to RFT, or behavior anal-
ysis more generally. There is one other task, however, that has emerged within behavior
analysis known as the Function Acquisition Speed Test (FAST; O’Reilly, Roche, Ruiz,
Tyndall, & Gavin, 2012). The FAST has been used to assess implicit social cognition, but
at the time of writing only one published study had used the measure in this domain.
One advantage of the IRAP over many of the other measures is that it allows for a
more detailed analysis of the relations being measured. This is made possible through the
separation of the measured relations into four individual trial-types. In an IRAP designed
to measure racial response biases, for example, the following four trial-types might be
presented: White People-Positive-True/False; White People-Negative-True/False; Black
People-Positive-True/False; and Black People-Negative-True/False. Therefore, the IRAP
permits a functional distinction between, for example, black people as both positive and
negative, which may be conceptually important in socially sensitive domains.

Social Research
This section will address research within the various social domains listed earlier. We
will focus largely on IRAP research because it is clearly contained within the behavior
analytic tradition.

National Identity
One of the first published IRAP studies assessed biases toward different nationalities
(i.e., Irish, Scottish, American, and African) by native Irish and Irish-American partici-
pants (Power, Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-Holmes, & Stewart, 2009). Across two experi-
ments, researchers gave participants an IRAP in which the label stimuli “more likeable”
and “less likeable” appeared with a target consisting of two nationalities to be compared
in terms of likeability on each trial. In Experiment 1, the pairs were “Irish-Scottish,”
“Scottish-American,” “American-African,” “Scottish-Irish,” “American-Scottish,” and
“African-American,” and participants were required to choose either “True” or “False” as
response options on each trial. As an example, the first trial listed above could be read
as “Irish are more likeable than Scottish; true or false?” Results indicated a strong
268 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

“in-group response bias” for Irish over Scottish, and American over African nationali-
ties. That is, participants tended to respond more quickly when they were required to
respond “True” rather than “False” when these two pairs were presented with “More
Likeable.” In Experiment 2, the target pairs were “American-Irish,” “Irish-Scottish,”
“Scottish-African,” “Irish-American,” “Scottish-Irish,” and “African-Scottish,” and the
participants were Irish-Americans (i.e., American citizens who claimed Irish heritage).
Results indicated an in-group response bias for American over Irish, Irish over Scottish,
and Scottish over African. In both experiments, participants’ self-report measures rating
preferences of these nationalities diverged from the IRAP biases. For example, in the
self-report measure, the Irish Americans rated Irish as more likeable than Americans (or
any other group), but on the IRAP they responded “True” more quickly than “False”
when responding to the “More Likable; American-Irish” trial-type. This study was one
of the first to highlight the potential utility of the IRAP in the assessment of potentially
sensitive social issues. That is, the IRAP seemed to provide a method for assessing the
natural verbal relations at play over and above self-report measures.

Hughes, Barnes-Holmes, and Smyth (2017) employed the IRAP to assess the biases
of Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, a post-conflict context in which sec-
tarian tensions had been the source of violence and discrimination across three decades.
Specifically, in a known-groups design, the researchers presented Catholic and Protestant
participants in Northern Ireland with one of two label stimuli (i.e., “Catholics” or
“Protestants”) on each trial with one of six positive (e.g., friendly, safe) or negative (e.g.,
bad, dishonest) words as target stimuli. The IRAP required responding in a pro-Catholic
and anti-Protestant pattern on some blocks of trials (e.g., pressing a key for “True” when
“Safe” appeared with the word “Catholic”) and a pro-Protestant and anti-Catholic
pattern on the remaining blocks of trials (e.g., pressing a key for “False” when “Safe”
appeared with the word “Catholic”). The IRAP revealed pro-Catholic and pro-Protes-
tant biases across both groups; however, in-group biases were stronger. For example, the
size of the difference in reaction times was larger when Catholic participants were
required to confirm rather than deny that Catholics were positive compared to when
they were required to confirm rather than deny that Protestants were positive; the oppo-
site was the case for the Protestant participants.
Similar research was also conducted by Drake et al. (2010) on attitudes toward
Christians and Muslims in an undergraduate sample in the United States. Results
revealed a distinct positive bias for Christians on both the Christian-Positive and
Christian-Negative trial-types, and a negative bias for Muslims on Muslim-Negative, but
no significant effect was observed on Muslim-Positive. Moreover, Scheel, Roscoe, Scaewe,
and Yarbrough (2014) found a broadly similar pro-in-group Westerner bias when they
assessed attitudes toward Muslims and Westerners in a US-based undergraduate sample.
Implicit Cognition and Social Behavior269

One of the earliest IRAP studies focused on racial bias and examined the response
patterns of white participants toward pictures of black and white individuals (Barnes-
Holmes, Murphy, et al., 2010). The researchers presented participants with one of two
label stimuli (i.e., “Safe” and “Dangerous”) on each trial with a picture of a white or black
man holding a gun as a target stimulus. The IRAP revealed pro-white and anti-black
biases, although the anti-black effect was restricted to one trial-type (i.e., the Dangerous-
Black trial-type). Indeed, four other studies have also examined racial bias using the
IRAP, and broadly similar positive in-group biases were found for white participants
(Drake et al., 2010; Drake et al., 2015; Power, Harte, Barnes-Holmes, & Barnes-Holmes,
2017a). The most recent of these combined the IRAP for examining racial biases with
the measurement of electroencephalograms (EEGs; Power, Harte, Barnes-Holmes, &
Barnes-Holmes, 2017b). The EEG recordings revealed that the event-related potentials
(ERPs; i.e., brain responses) were more positive for the pro-black trials than for the pro-
white trials across six of the frontal sites. Indeed, it is interesting that the differential ERP
patterns observed in this study were restricted to the frontal sites and that greater posi-
tivity was recorded for the IRAP performances that required responding in a manner
that was inconsistent with a white in-group racial bias. Specifically, as the authors point
out, the findings are broadly consistent with research in the neurocognitive literature
indicating that the prefrontal areas of the cortex (i.e., more primitive areas of the brain)
may be involved in suppressing emotional reactions that are deemed to be undesirable in
some way—in this case a pro-white/anti-black response.

The IRAP has also been used across a number of studies in the assessment of gender
biases. For example, a study by Cartwright, Hussey, Roche, Dunne, and Murphy (2016)
evaluated the potential utility of the IRAP for assessing gender binary beliefs. Specifically,
participants completed two IRAPs, in which one of two label stimuli were presented (i.e.,
“Men” and “Women”) on each trial. One IRAP presented positive masculine (e.g., “com-
petitive”) or feminine (e.g., “nurturing”) traits as target stimuli; the other IRAP pre-
sented negative traits (e.g., masculine “aggressive”; feminine “bossy”). Participants also
completed a number of self-report measures on sexism and heteronormativity and a
hiring task to assess hiring preference. The IRAPs revealed that participants readily
paired masculine traits to men (e.g., saying men-competitive-true, more easily than false)
and feminine traits to women (e.g., saying women-nurturing-true, more easily than false),
and rejected pairing feminine traits with men (e.g., saying men-nurturing-false, more
easily than true) and masculine traits with women (e.g., saying women-aggressive-false,
more easily than true). Interestingly, 83% of participants rated male traits as making
someone more hirable. Similar results were found in another study using a FAST
(Cartwright, Roche, Gogarty, O’Reilly, & Stewart, 2016).
270 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Indeed, similar gender stereotyping biases have also been found using the IRAP
concerning gendered house chores (e.g., chopping wood is for men and cooking is for
women; Drake et al., 2010), gendered toys in young boys and girls (e.g., dolls are for girls
and toy cars are for boys; Rabelo, Bortoloti, & Souza, 2014), and gendered university
disciplines (i.e., men are related to science and arts but women to arts only; Farrell,
Cochrane, & McHugh, 2015).

Sexuality and Sexual Preferences

The IRAP has also been used in the assessment of attitudes toward sexuality and
sexual preferences. For example, in a study of sexual orientation, Cullen and Barnes-
Holmes (2008) assessed biases among a group of heterosexual and homosexual male
participants. The IRAP presented one of two label stimuli (i.e., “Straight” and “Gay”)
along with a positive stereotypical target for straight people (e.g., “normal,” “safe”) or a
negative stereotypical target for gay people (e.g., “abnormal,” “dangerous”). The IRAP
revealed pro-gay and pro-straight biases for both groups; however, an anti-gay bias was
observed on the gay-negative trial-type among heterosexuals only. In three further
studies, researchers successfully used the IRAP to predict sexual orientation by asking
participants to relate the labels “straight” or “gay” with attractiveness and unattractive-
ness (Ronspies et al., 2015; Timmins, Barnes-Holmes, & Cullen, 2016).
In a study on sexual stereotyping, Scheel, Fischer, McMahon, and Wolf (2011)
reported IRAP findings in which women confirmed more quickly than they denied that
traits stereotypical of gay men (e.g., “artistic,” “feminine”) corresponded with this group;
a similar bias was obtained for associating straight men with stereotypical traits (e.g.,
“assertive,” “masculine”). And in a study on BDSM (bondage and discipline, sadism and
masochism; or acts of domination and submission) practice, students and clinicians who
reported no BDSM tendencies produced greater anti-BDSM/pro-normal IRAP effects
than those who reported BDSM tendencies (Stockwell, Hopkins, & Walker, 2017;
Stockwell, Walker, & Eshleman, 2010).

One of the earlier IRAP studies examined ageist attitudes among young people and
revealed pro-young and anti-old biases in the first experiment (Cullen, Barnes-Holmes,
Barnes-Holmes, & Stewart, 2009). A second experiment attempted to assess the malle-
ability of the IRAP effects. Researchers randomly assigned participants to either a pro-
young or pro-old condition in which they were exposed to pictures of admired old and
disliked young people (pro-old condition) or to pictures of admired young and disliked
old people (pro-young condition). Participants completed one IRAP immediately after
exposure to the pictures and then a second identical IRAP twenty-four hours later. The
pro-young condition produced strong pro-young and anti-old effects on both days,
Implicit Cognition and Social Behavior271

whereas the pro-old condition produced relatively weak pro-young effects and relatively
strong pro-old effects on both days.

Body Image
A substantial body of IRAP research has also emerged in the domain of body image
in recent years. One of the first studies was conducted by Roddy, Stewart, and Barnes-
Holmes (2010), and results revealed a pro-slim, but not an anti-fat, bias. This effect was
replicated in another study by Roddy, Stewart, and Barnes-Holmes (2011), which also
employed facial electromyography (EMG) to gauge emotional responses of participants
while they conducted the IRAP, and both measures found a pro-slim bias. Interestingly,
in a similar study by Nolan, Murphy, and Barnes-Holmes (2013), this effect was found
only among males. Similarly, in a study that employed only female participants and
female stimuli, Exposito, Lopez, and Valverde (2015) found no pro-slim or anti-fat bias,
potentially suggesting that women demonstrate less weight-related prejudice than men.
Body-image IRAP effects have also been shown to predict body dissatisfaction, body
weight, and disordered eating, beyond that of self-report measures (Juarascio, Forman,
Timko, & Herbert, 2011). Furthermore, Heider, Spruyt and De Houwer (2015) employed
two IRAPs, one assessing actual body image (i.e., I am thin) and one assessing ideal body
image (i.e., I want to be thin). Results indicated actual self-thin bias was lower in those
with higher levels of body dissatisfaction, whereas ideal self-thin bias was higher in those
with higher levels of body dissatisfaction. Similar research on attractiveness, rather than
body image, found broadly consistent findings in which pro-attractive biases were
observed (Murphy, Hussey, Barnes-Holmes, & Kelly, 2015; Murphy, MacCarthaigh, &
Barnes-Holmes, 2014).

Smoker Status
Two published studies have used the IRAP to assess attitudes toward smokers and
non-smokers (Cagney, Harte, Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-Holmes, & McEnteggart, 2017;
Vahey, Boles, & Barnes-Holmes, 2010). In the first of these, Vahey et al. (2010) presented
to adolescents an IRAP in which the labels “smoker” and “non-smoker” appeared with
either social acceptance or social rejection words (identified from tobacco marketing
campaigns), along with “similar” or “opposite” as response options. Results showed that
smokers responded more quickly when confirming that smokers were similar to social
acceptance words, but no difference emerged between acceptance or rejection words
among the non-smokers.
In the second study, Cagney et al. (2017) attempted to conduct a more detailed
analysis of attitudes toward smokers using the IRAP in both adult and adolescent smokers
and non-smokers, and they also explored the impact of parental smoking status. The
results showed a pro-smoker bias for both adults and adolescents smokers, with a neutral
bias for non-smokers in both groups. However, adult smokers and non-smokers were more
272 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

clearly differentiated than the two adolescent groups on the IRAP, whereas the opposite
was true in terms of the self-report measures. Post-hoc analyses indicated that non-smok-
ers showed more positive bias scores toward smokers on the IRAP if their parents were
smokers (relative to non-smoking parents). Non-smokers also showed more positive bias
scores toward non-smokers if their parents did not smoke (relative to smoking parents).
Overall, therefore, smoking status and parental smoking status appeared to influence
social attitudes toward a socially stigmatized group (i.e., smokers).

Understanding IRAP Effects from a Relational Frame

Theory Perspective
As noted at the beginning of this chapter, the behavior analytic basis of the IRAP
involves comparing two opposing patterns of relational responding, one of which is
deemed to be generally consistent with the preexperimental history of the participant,
the opposing pattern, by definition, which is not. The so-called IRAP effect is therefore
deemed to reflect this difference in preexperimental relational responding. This is, in
essence, the basic assumption underlying the IRAP. Over the years, however, increas-
ingly sophisticated behavior analytic accounts of the IRAP have emerged, and the
remaining half of the current chapter will consider these, with a particular focus on
social implicit cognition.

The Relational Elaboration and Coherence

(REC) Model
The types of effects that have been observed with the IRAP have been referred to as
brief and immediate relational responses (BIRRs), in that they are emitted within a
short response window of time after the onset of each trial. In contrast, extended and
elaborated relational responses (EERRs) are more complex and emitted more slowly
and as such occur over a longer period of time (Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-Holmes, Stewart,
& Boles, 2010; Hughes, Barnes-Holmes, & Vahey, 2012). The distinction between BIRRs
and EERRs was conceptualized within the context of the relational elaboration and
coherence (REC) model, an initial RFT approach to implicit cognition (Barnes-Holmes,
Barnes-Holmes et al., 2010; Hughes et al., 2012). The basic idea behind the model is that
the IRAP (and indeed other implicit measures) produces the types of effects it does
because the task forces participants to emit BIRRs rather than EERRs. The latter are
generally assumed to be evoked by traditional self-report measures, when participants are
not under time pressure to respond to each item in a questionnaire. The strength or prob-
ability of the BIRRs emitted toward experimental stimuli is deemed to be functionally
similar to that of responses toward these stimuli in the participant’s preexperimental
history, particularly in situations in which individuals have to respond relatively quickly
Implicit Cognition and Social Behavior273

or have little motivation to reflect on how they are responding in that particular moment
in time.
Imagine, for example, a white individual who has resided exclusively in white neigh-
borhoods, has no non-white friends or family members, and has been exposed to many
media images of black people as violent drug dealers and inner-city gang members. When
presented with an IRAP that displayed pictures of black males carrying guns, according
to the REC model, BIRRs confirming that black men are “dangerous” and “criminals”
are likely to be more probable for this individual than those denying such relations, thus
revealing an anti-black racial bias (see Barnes-Holmes, Murphy, et al., 2010). Indeed, this
bias might not be observed if the same individual were asked to rate the same pictures of
the black men in the absence of time pressure. In the latter context, there is sufficient
time to respond in accordance with an extended and elaborated relationally coherent
network (i.e., an EERR), which by definition extends beyond the initial BIRR. In this
case, the REC model suggests that the individual may fail to report the initial BIRR
based on the additional relational responding, such as “It is wrong to discriminate on the
basis of race” and “I am not a racist.” Hence, the IRAP reveals the BIRR, and a question-
naire reveals the EERR.
It’s worth noting some limitations to the REC model. In concluding that the IRAP
reveals BIRRs rather than EERRs, the REC model assumes that participants respond to
each of the four IRAP trial-types in more or less the same manner. This basic assumption
has not been upheld empirically, however, and thus behavior analysts have recently
attempted to develop a more sophisticated RFT-based understanding of the behavioral
effects observed with the IRAP. In presenting this more recent account, we will focus
first on an IRAP that is not relevant to social cognition, but thereafter consider the
implications for the social-psychological domain.
Imagine an IRAP that aimed to assess the response probabilities of four well-estab-
lished verbal relations pertaining to non-socially valenced stimuli, such as shapes and
colors. Across trials, the two label stimuli, “Color” and “Shape,” could be presented with
target words consisting of specific colors (“Red,” Green,” and “Blue”) and shapes
(“Square,” “Circle,” and “Triangle”). As such, the IRAP would involve presenting four
different trial-types that could be designated as (1) Color-Color, (2) Color-Shape, (3)
Shape-Color, and (4) Shape-Shape. During such a Shapes-and-Colors IRAP, participants
would be required to respond in a manner that was consistent with their preexperimental
histories during some blocks of trials: (1) Color-Color-Yes, (2) Color-Shape-No, (3) Shape-
Color-No, and (4) Shape-Shape-Yes. On other blocks of trials, the participants would have
to respond in a manner that was inconsistent with those histories: (2) Color-Color-No,
(2) Color-Shape-Yes, (3) Shape-Color-Yes, and (4) Shape-Shape-No. Thus, when the four
trial-type effects are calculated, by subtracting response latencies for history-consistent
from history-inconsistent blocks of trials, one might expect to see four roughly equal
trial-type effects. In other words, the difference scores for each of the four trial-types
should be broadly similar. Critically, however, the pattern of trial-type difference scores
274 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

obtained with the IRAP frequently differs across the four trial-types (e.g., Finn, Barnes-
Holmes, Hussey, & Graddy, 2016).
The REC model always allowed for the potential impact of the functions of the
response options on IRAP performances, in which there may be a bias toward respond-
ing “Yes” over “No,” for example, and that this interacted with the stimulus relations
presented in the IRAP (Barnes-Holmes, Murphy, et al., 2010). As such, one might expect
to observe larger differences in response latencies for trial-types that required a “Yes”
rather than a “No” response during history-consistent blocks of trials. In the case of the
Shapes-and-Colors IRAP described above, therefore, larger IRAP effects for the Color-
Color and Shape-Shape trial-types might be observed relative to the remaining two trial-
types (i.e., Color-Shape and Shape-Color). The REC model does not predict, however, that
the IRAP effects for the Color-Color and Shape-Shape trial-types will differ (because they
both require choosing the same response option within blocks of trials), but in fact our
research has shown that they do (e.g., Finn et al., 2016, Experiment 3). Specifically, we
have found what we call a single-trial-type-dominance-effect for the Color-Color trial-
type. That is, the size of the difference score for this trial-type is often significantly larger
than for the Shape-Shape trial-type. This finding has led us to propose an updated model
of the relational responding that we typically observe on the IRAP, which we will briefly
outline subsequently. A complete description of the model and its implications for
research using the IRAP is beyond the scope of the current chapter (but see Finn,
Barnes-Holmes, & McEnteggart, 2018). However, it is important to consider the model
here simply to highlight how an ongoing focus on relational responding is continuing to
contribute toward a behavior analytic approach to human social implicit cognition.
In attempting to explain the single-trial-type-dominance-effect for the Shapes-and-
Colors IRAP, it is important to note that the color words we used in our research tend to
occur with higher frequencies than the shape words in natural language (Keuleers,
Diependaele, & Brysbaert, 2010). We therefore assume that the color words evoke rela-
tively strong orienting responses relative to the shape words. Or more informally, partici-
pants may experience a type of confirmatory response to the color stimuli that is stronger
than for the shape stimuli. Such responses may be interpreted as arising from the Cfunc
rather than the Crel properties of the stimuli.18 Critically, a functionally similar confir-
matory response may be likely for the “Yes” relative to the “No” response option (because
“Yes” frequently functions as a confirmatory response in natural language). A high level
of functional overlap, or what we define as coherence, thus emerges on the Color-Color

18 According to RFT, many of the functions of stimuli that we encounter in the natural environ-
ment may appear to be relatively basic or simple but have acquired those properties due, at least in part,
to a history of relational framing. Even a simple tendency to orient more strongly toward one stimulus
rather than another in your visual field may be based on relational framing. Identifying the name of
your hometown or city from a random list of place names may occur more quickly or strongly because
it coordinates with other stimuli that control strong orienting functions (e.g., the many highly familiar
stimuli that constitute your hometown). Such functions may be defined as Cfunc properties because
they are examples of specific stimulus functions (i.e., orienting) that are acquired based on, but are
separate from, the entailed relations among the relevant stimuli; the latter are labeled Crel properties
(see Finn et al., 2018).
Implicit Cognition and Social Behavior275

trial-type among the orienting functions of the label and target stimuli and the “Yes”
response option. During history-consistent blocks of trials on the IRAP, this coherence
also coordinates with the relational responding that is required between the label and
target stimuli (e.g., Color-Red-Yes). During history-consistent blocks, therefore, the trial-
type could be defined as involving a maximum level of coherence because all of the
responses to the stimuli, both orienting and relational, are confirmatory. During incon-
sistent blocks, however, participants are required to choose the “No” response option,
which does not cohere with any of the other orienting or relational responses on that
trial-type, and this difference in coherence across blocks of trials yields relatively large
difference scores. The model we have developed that aims to explain the single-trial-
type-dominance-effect, and a range of other effects we have observed with the IRAP, is
named the differential arbitrarily applicable relational responding effects (DAARRE)
model (pronounced “dare”). In the following sections we will outline the DAARRE
model for the Shapes-and-Colors IRAP and then consider an example of how the model
may apply to the results obtained from an IRAP that targeted social cognition (i.e., race).

The DAARRE Model

A core assumption of the DAARRE model is that differential trial-type effects may
be explained by the extent to which the Cfunc and Crel properties of the stimuli con-
tained within an IRAP cohere with specific properties of the response options across
blocks of trials. Response options, such as “Yes” and “No,” are referred to as relational
coherence indicators (RCIs) because they are often used to indicate the coherence or
incoherence between the label and target stimuli that are presented within an IRAP (see
Maloney & Barnes-Holmes, 2016, for a detailed treatment of RCIs).
The basic DAARRE model as it applies to the Shapes-and-Colors IRAP is presented
in figure 16.1. The model identifies three key sources of behavioral influence: (1) the
relationship between the label and target stimuli (labeled as Crels), (2) the orienting
functions of the label and target stimuli (labeled as Cfuncs), and (3) the coherence func-
tions of the two RCIs (e.g., “Yes” and “No”). Consistent with the earlier suggestion that
color-related stimuli likely possess stronger orienting functions than shape-related stimuli
(based on differential frequencies in natural language), the Cfunc property for Colors is
labeled as positive and the Cfunc property for Shapes is labeled as negative. The negative
labeling for shapes should not be taken to indicate a negative orienting function; rather,
it simply indicates an orienting function that is weaker than that of colors. The labeling
of the relations between the label and target stimuli indicates the extent to which they
cohere or do not cohere based on the participants’ relevant history. Thus, a color-color
relation is labeled with a plus sign (i.e., coherence), whereas a color-shape relation is
labeled with a minus sign (i.e., incoherence). Finally, the two response options are each
labeled with a plus or minus sign to indicate their functions as either coherence or inco-
herence indicators. In the current example, “Yes” (+) would typically be used in natural
language to indicate coherence, and “No” (-) to indicate incoherence. Note, however,
276 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

that these and all of the other functions labeled in figure 16.1 are behaviorally deter-
mined, by the past and current contextual history of the participant, and should not be
seen as absolute or inherent in the stimuli themselves.

Figure 16.1 The DAARRE model as it applies to the Shapes-and-Colors stimulus set.
The positive and negative labels refer to the relative positivity of the Cfuncs for each
label and target, the relative positivity of the Crels, and the relative positivity of the
RCIs in the context of the other Cfuncs, Crels, and RCIs in that stimulus set.19

As can be seen in figure 16.1, each trial-type differs in its pattern of Cfuncs and
Crels, in terms of plus and minus properties, that define the trial-type for the Shapes-and-
Colors IRAP. The single-trial-type-dominance-effect for the Color-Color trial-type may
be explained, as noted above, by the DAARRE model based on the extent to which the
Cfunc and Crel properties cohere with the RCI properties of the response options across
blocks of trials. To appreciate this explanation, note that the Cfunc and Crel properties
for the Color-Color trial-type are all labeled with plus signs; in addition, the RCI that is
deemed correct for history-consistent trials is also labeled with a plus sign (the only
instance of four plus signs in the diagram). In this case, therefore, according to the model,
this trial-type may be considered as maximally coherent during history-consistent trials.
In contrast, during history-inconsistent trials there is no coherence between the required
RCI (minus sign) and the properties of the Cfuncs and Crel (all plus signs). According to
the DAARRE model, this stark contrast in levels of coherence across blocks of trials
serves to produce a relatively large IRAP effect.

19 Figure 16.1 adapted from D. Barnes-Holmes, Finn, McEnteggart, & Barnes-Holmes [2017].
Adapted by permission of Springer Nature.
Implicit Cognition and Social Behavior277

Now consider the Shape-Shape trial-type, which requires that participants choose
the same RCI as the Color-Color trial-type during history-consistent trials, but here the
property of the RCI (plus signs) does not cohere with the Cfunc properties of the label
and target stimuli (both minus signs). During history-inconsistent trials, the RCI does
cohere with the Cfunc properties (minus signs) but not with the Crel property (plus sign).
Thus, the difference in coherence between history-consistent and history-inconsistent
trials across these two trial-types is not equal (i.e., the difference is greater for the Color-
Color trial-type) and thus favors the single-trial-type-dominance-effect (for Color-Color).
Finally, as becomes apparent from inspecting figure 16.1 for the remaining two trial-types
(Color-Shape and Shape-Color), the differences in coherence across history-consistent
and history-inconsistent blocks is reduced relative to the Color-Color trial-type (two plus
signs relative to four), thus again supporting the single-trial-type-dominance-effect.
At this point, it seems important to consider how the DAARRE model might be
used to interpret a single-trial-type-dominance-effect that was obtained in an early IRAP
study that focused on racial bias. Specifically, Barnes-Holmes, Murphy, et al. (2010)
reported four trial-type effects for a study that presented pictures of white and black
males carrying guns with words related to safety and danger. The two critical trial-types
in this context were Safe-White and Dangerous-Black because participants were required
to press “True” during pro-white and “False” during pro-black blocks of trials. The par-
ticipants (who were all indigenous white Irish individuals) tended to respond “True”
more quickly than “False” on these two trial-types. However, the size of the difference for
the Safe-White trial-type was approximately twice the size of the difference for the
Dangerous-Black trial-type. In effect, a single-trial-type-dominance-effect was observed.
One could interpret this result as indicating that participants were simply more certain
about the safety of white men carrying guns than they were about the danger of black
men carrying guns. Our recent work with the DAARRE model, however, suggests that
we should be more cautious in drawing such a conclusion. For illustrative purposes, con-
sider the following (speculative) interpretation.
Let us assume that the pictures of the white men and the safety words possessed rela-
tively positive evaluative functions, whereas the pictures of black men and danger words
possessed relatively negative evaluative functions. If we translate these assumptions into
a figure similar to the one we used above for the Shapes-and-Colors IRAP, it quickly
becomes apparent that the single-trial-type-dominance-effect may have arisen, in part,
from differences in coherence across the two trial-types, rather than purely from racially
biased responses (see figure 16.2). Specifically, note that the Cfunc and Crel properties
for the Safe-White trial-type are all labeled with plus signs; in addition, the RCI that is
deemed correct for pro-white trials is also labeled with a plus sign (the only instance of
four plus signs in the diagram). In this case, therefore, according to the model, this trial-
type may be considered as maximally coherent during pro-white blocks. In contrast, the
Dangerous-Black trial-type involves a “mixture” of Cfunc and Crel properties; the pic-
tures and words possess negative Cfunc properties but a positive Crel property between
them, and participants are required to choose the positive RCI on pro-white blocks.
278 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Similar to the Shapes-and-Colors IRAP, therefore, the difference between the size of the
IRAP effects may be attributed in part to a relative difference in the coherence among
the Cfunc, Crel, and RCI properties of the stimuli presented within the IRAP.
In making this argument it is important to understand that we are not suggesting
that IRAP effects are therefore irrelevant procedural artifacts that do not reflect poten-
tially important behavioral histories with regard to racial differences and other social
psychological phenomena. Indeed, the relative difference in coherence that we have just
suggested using the DAARRE model requires that participants evaluate the pictures of
the white men positively and the black men negatively. What the DAARRE model pro-
vides, therefore, is the potential for a more precise analysis of the functional relations
that are in play when participants are required to complete an IRAP.

Figure 16.2 The DAARRE model as it applies to the race stimulus set.

Implications and Future Directions

On balance, there has been very little direct study of the variables that may be used to
change or manipulate the types of relational responding that appear to be involved in
implicit social cognition. One notable exception was the study reported by Cullen et al.
(2009) in which exposure to positive and negative exemplars (of old and young individu-
als) was shown to impact relevant IRAP performances. It seems important, therefore,
that future research in this area begin to focus on methods, techniques, and general
strategies for changing implicit social cognition that may be deemed problematic in the
natural environment. Indeed, it should be noted that some success has been reported in
Implicit Cognition and Social Behavior279

manipulating IRAP effects, or their relationship to other behavioral measures, in the

clinical domain (e.g., Bast & Barnes-Holmes, 2015; Bast, Linares, Gomes, Kovac, &
Barnes-Holmes, 2016; Hussey & Barnes-Holmes, 2012; Leech, Barnes-Holmes, &
McEnteggart, 2017; Ritzert, Forsyth, Berghoff, Barnes-Holmes, & Nicholson, 2015).
Future behavior analytic research in implicit social cognition is therefore well placed to
explore and develop “interventions” for changing the types of relational responding that
seem to be involved in implicit cognition (e.g., Mizael et al., 2016).

The current chapter aimed to provide an overview of the main body of work on what may
be described as implicit social cognition, but from a behavior analytic perspective. Much
of the empirical research has emerged from RFT and a procedure (the IRAP) arising
from the theory. Conceptual analyses, such as those provided by the REC and DAARRE
models, have also emerged. The research, both empirical and conceptual, has clearly
become increasingly sophisticated since the initial studies reported in the early 1990s,
and it appears our understanding of the relational responding involved is gradually
becoming clearer. As noted, however, further research aimed at changing implicit social
cognition is clearly warranted. Indeed, at a time when there is increasing populist appeal
for building walls and withdrawing from a forty-year European Union, there seems to be
even greater urgency to tackle the human capacity for categorizing each other in poten-
tially negative and ultimately lethal and toxic ways.
280 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Study Questions
1. Construct a list of the studies on implicit cognition and social behavior
that have been published within the behavior analytic literature.

2. Name the methodology that has been used most extensively in the
studies you listed in response to question 1.

3. Provide a brief description of one implicit relational assessment proce-

dure (IRAP) that has been used to study implicit cognition and social

4. Briefly describe the findings from three studies that used the IRAP to
examine implicit cognition and social behavior.

5. Briefly describe the relational elaboration and coherence (REC) model.

6. Explain how the REC model proved to be limited in accounting for

IRAP findings.

7. Using an appropriate diagram, describe the differential arbitrarily appli-

cable relational responding effects (DAARRE) model.

8. Explain how the DAARRE model accounts for IRAP effects that the
REC model does not.

9. Provide an example of a DAARRE model that explains the findings

from a study on implicit cognition and social behavior.

10. Provide a brief outline of a study in implicit cognition and social behav-
ior that could be useful in achieving the goals of prediction and

Perspective Taking, Empathy, and Compassion

Carmen Luciano
University of Almería, Spain;
Madrid Institute of Contextual Psychology

Bárbara Gil-Luciano
University of Nebrija, Madrid;
Madrid Institute of Contextual Psychology

Adrián Barbero
Madrid Institute of Contextual Psychology;
University of ICADE Comillas, Spain

Francisco Molina-Cobos
University of Almería, Spain

Link and Preview

This chapter concludes the book and addresses three complex but critically important
repertoires of social behavior—perspective taking, empathy, and compassion—from the
perspective of traditional psychology, radical behaviorism, and functional contextualism.
The authors’ analyses suggest a number of directions for practical action and provide fruit-
ful insights for expanding behavior analytic research and practice into an area that has
traditionally been dominated by other branches of psychology.

Perspective taking (PT), empathy, and compassion are three ordinary terms that refer to
concepts that have existed for centuries, but researchers only began to study them in the
last years of the twentieth century. In the last decade, the number of published studies
has shown an accelerated curve, and most of them point to the positive impact of the
282 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

behaviors defining these terms in several domains, including developmental, social,

health, clinical, political, and economic arenas. The interplay of one’s behavior with
others’ human behavior involved in PT, empathy, and compassion is at the core of
complex inter- and intrapersonal abilities for problem solving, effective living, and evolu-
tion. Although the massive trend of papers adds relevant information, it also presents a
lack of consensus either in defining these abilities or in identifying the conditions under
which they are developed. It is our contention that the behavior of PT is the core ability
in empathy and compassion. The examples below illustrate this point.

Pedro is nine years old. One of his favorite games to play with his friends is to portray
their favorite fictional characters or their heroes. He portrays his sister, his teachers,
or people from several different professions. When he represents them, he thinks and
acts just like they would, while discriminating his own perspective from those of the
character he is representing. We might say that Pedro can place himself in the
perspective of those characters. On one occasion, Pedro arrives at school and sees that
his friend Luis has just wounded his knee. He is bleeding. Pedro goes to him and, even
though he does not feel pain in his own knee, he feels like he understands Luis when
watching him complain about the pain—Pedro has gone through a similar situation
before. He acts as quickly as possible to make his friend’s pain go away. He is acting
the way others acted when he was injured, and in so doing, he is compassionate
toward Luis by assisting him.

Alfonso recently lost his sister in a terrible train accident. Among other things, he feels
disconnected and isolated from others, even though everybody worries about him and
tries to make him feel better. Suddenly, he hears about his good friend Patricia, with
whom he has always had a special relationship. Patricia’s father has been hospitalized
for several months, struggling between life and death. When they meet, Patricia tells
Alfonso what is happening to her. “I don’t seem to connect to practically anyone since
I have been going through my father’s situation.” Suddenly, Alfonso connects with
Patricia. He feels his own pain, recognizes the similarity to what she is feeling right
now, and feels closer to her. He tells her this and discovers that Patricia also feels
closer to him.

Maria is an architect who builds houses with a purpose in mind, a purpose derived
from enjoying step-by-step creative building so that people will enjoy living in warm
houses with adequate lighting, ventilation, and green spaces. She loves making
buildings that can offer other people not only beauty but usefulness. It is a
compassionate act, an act with personal meaning.

It is quite possible that, when reading these examples, most of us will realize that
they have common elements and that PT (I-You) is fundamental to all of them. In Pedro’s
case, PT is present for a specific purpose, but it was also present when empathy emerged,
in which case, his own emotion was coordinated with the emotional behavior of another
Perspective Taking, Empathy, and Compassion283

person. In another case, PT is present when compassion is also present, like when the
motivation of helping others is driven by feeling connected to them. The key question is
whether some fundamental behavioral repertoire is critical to all of these examples and,
if so, what are the necessary behavior-environment functional relations for these behav-
iors to take place?
These critical social repertoires described above seem to concern the development of
the self and self-knowledge, invoking a functional perspective that Skinner specified long
ago. Skinner (1974a, p. 35) wrote, “A person who has been made aware of himself by the
questions he has been asked is in a better position to predict and control his own behav-
ior.” One relevant derivation would be that, without the development of these complex
abilities, our species would have been extinguished. That is, the ability to discriminate
one’s own emotions and the emotions of others, as well as the chosen action and the
responsibility that comes with it, is developed through interactions with others. These
interactions promote the building of flexible patterns of interactions with one’s own emo-
tions and thoughts so that effective or meaningful actions take place. And perhaps in the
absence of these repertoires developing, the development of behavioral patterns defined
by suffering or psychological inflexibility may be more probable.
In this chapter, we address PT, empathy, and compassion from the standpoints of
traditional psychology, radical behaviorism, and functional contextualism. In doing so,
we track the verbal processes involved in all three of these repertoires, along with their
implications in applied contexts.

Perspective Taking
Perspective taking refers to the ability to respond to another’s perspective without losing
one’s own perspective. It is known as the ability “to be in the other person’s shoes” or as
“reading minds.” For instance, if Pedro, in the above example, were asked, “How would
you feel if you were your sister when she wakes up in the middle of the night with a night-
mare?” he would feel somehow similar to his sister and might respond to his feeling by
helping his sister in some way.
PT is a key ability that is likely critical for effective daily living interactions. PT has
been found to be a core element in many areas that involve relating to others as well as
relating to one’s own emotions and feelings. PT has been associated with effective social
interactions, resolving health problems, effective clinical interactions, improving eco-
nomic protocols, and spirituality and compassion (Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-Holmes,
Roche, & Smeets, 2001b; Biglan, 2015; Hayes, 1984; Luciano, Valdivia, & Ruiz, 2012;
Törneke, 2010; Strosahl, Robinson & Gustavsson, 2015; Wilson, Bordieri, & Whiteman,
2012; Villatte, Villatte, & Hayes, 2016; M. Villatte, Vilardaga, & Monestes, 2012).
However, in spite of the relevance of PT abilities and the large amount of published
research that addresses it, only in the last few decades has PT begun to be approached in
a way that focuses on the conditions under which it can be promoted.
284 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

The Traditional Approach to Perspective Taking

Early attempts to understand PT were dominated by research coming out of the
theory of mind (ToM) tradition, which refers to the capacity of inferring the beliefs,
intentions, and emotions of others in order to explain and predict their behavior (Premack
& Woodruff, 1978). In the classical Sally-Anne ToM task (Baron-Cohen, Leslie, & Frith,
1985), children witness a doll named Sally putting a marble in a box and then leaving the
room. Then, another doll named Anne moves the marble to a drawer. Children are then
asked where Sally will look for the marble when she returns. Children who have not yet
developed ToM abilities cannot distinguish what Sally knows from what they know, and
thus respond incorrectly that Sally will look for the marble in the drawer. With some
exceptions, most of the research on ToM has been conducted under the cognitive con-
ceptualization of levels, identified as simple and complex visual PT abilities, as the basis
of knowledge and true and false beliefs (Howlin, Baron-Cohen, & Hadwin, 1999). ToM
has commonly been used to evaluate and train the development of PT abilities, and ToM
deficits have been shown in children with autism spectrum disorder (Baron-Cohen et al.,
1985) and in persons diagnosed with schizophrenia, schizotypy, and social anhedonia
(Corcoran, Mercer, & Frith, 1995; Villatte, Monestès, McHugh, Freixa i Baqué, & Loas,
2008). A large amount of ToM research has been published on PT, but all of it has been
dedicated to documenting deficits in PT, as opposed to remediating them. The ToM
model has not been fruitful in leading to effective intervention research, arguably because
it did not provide the key learning processes involved in ToM that affect PT (see Barnes-
Holmes et al., 2001b; McHugh, Stewart, & Hooper, 2012; and Montoya, Molina-Cobos,
& McHugh, 2017, for reviews). However, the ToM literature contributed substantially to
drawing research attention to the topic of PT, and as well as describing the various overt
behaviors involved in PT. This helped lay a foundation for a functional approach to the
study of PT.

A Functional Approach to Perspective Taking

Functionally speaking, PT is the ability to notice one’s mind (i.e., private behaviors
and stimuli) while inferring others’ minds, without losing perspective of oneself, the one
who is experiencing all the thoughts and emotional content across time and places as a
unique experiential locus or self (Barnes-Holmes et al., 2001b; Hayes, 1984; Kohlenberg
& Tsai, 1991; Luciano, Valdivia-Salas, Cabello, & Hernández, 2009; Skinner, 1974a; J. L.
Villatte, Villatte, & Hayes, 2012).
Early on in the behavioral tradition, Skinner (1974a) pointed to the relevant role of
the self and self-knowledge. He wrote that the self is a locus where a diversity of genetic
and environmental conditions converges to organize a unique and characteristic reper-
tory. Earlier, Skinner (1945) provided some of the conditions that give rise to private
events as part of the self. And moreover, he emphasized the role of self-awareness as
central to the human condition. He wrote that the person who is conscious of himself or
Perspective Taking, Empathy, and Compassion285

herself is in a better position to predict and control his or her own behavior. These ideas
crystallize in the proposal of the self of Kohlenberg and Tsai (1991), who specify the
problems of the self and the therapy created to overcome such problems, functional
analytic psychotherapy (FAP). However, there was no specific research on this complex
behavior, leaving the interactions to prevent difficulties in the self’s behaviors and the
client-therapist interactions in an unknown scenario. That is, the verbal processes
involved between the therapist’s and the client’s behavior to build new repertoires were
The main problem in the difficulty researching self-behaviors probably had to do
with the consideration that discriminating one’s own behavior was a simple discrimina-
tion, rather than one that involved verbal processes. But for that behavior to take place,
perspective taking is needed between the one performing the discrimination and the
thing being discriminated so that the functions of these events are transformed (Barnes-
Holmes, et al., 2001b). Not an easy problem in those times, when there was no effective
conceptualization for this complex behavior. The early behavioral view of the self was
consistent with the way these behaviors seem to be produced. However, research in this
area was almost absent until behavior analysts took a contextually oriented approach to
PT and conducted research on the emergence or derived production of functions and
behavior. This set the stage for the development of relational frame theory (RFT) to
give an account of language as relational behavior. And it was then that one of the rela-
tional repertoires of behavior, deictic framing, was developed and became available to
provide a behavior analytic account of PT—one that could be applied to different human
behaviors including the problems of the self and the therapeutic relationship.

Perspective Taking as Deictic Framing

The RFT perspective states that language is framing, which means responding to
one stimulus in terms of the contextual relation established with another stimulus. As
described in earlier chapters, framing is a relational operant established through multiple
exemplars to abstract a number of relational cues that, when learned, can be arbitrarily
applied to any type of stimulus. New relations derive from the effects of this application
and indirectly provide or change stimulus functions. Consider, for instance, a child who
has learned the relational cues “more than,” “less than,” and “same as” and is told, “These
two toy cars are the same color, red, but the size is different. The big car is as fast as the
one you play with at home, but the small one is faster than the big one. Which of them
would you choose if you want the fastest?” A child with an intact framing repertoire can
respond by picking up the small car the first time without any previous interactions with
that car or that particular question. He will also probably be able to learn the rule “These
cars are both red, but the small one goes faster than the big one.” That is, the small car
has acquired a derived appetitive and discriminative function on the basis of the com-
parative relation applied to the two cars and the sameness relation with directly estab-
lished functions (the one he plays with at home).
286 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Fully formed human verbal repertoires involve responding to a number of relational

cues: coordination (e.g., same as), distinction (e.g., different), opposition (e.g., opposite),
comparison (e.g., more than, less than), hierarchical (parts of something, or inclusion),
temporal (now, then/before, later), causality (if…, then), and deictic (I-You, Here-There,
Now-Then). Advanced framing ability goes beyond a particular relation to combinations
of relations, as is the case when we make or understand analogies or metaphors, or we
form problem-solving rules and follow them. The relational behavior that is particularly
relevant to PT is what is known as deictic framing. Deictic framing specifies a relation
in terms of the perspective of the person who is behaving (Barnes-Holmes et al., 2001b),
for instance, the perspective I versus Other; the perspective I before and I later, or You
before and You now; or the perspective I here and My stomachache, there. Deictic framing
is at the core of most complex human behaviors that involve responding to the relation
between oneself and others.
Three deictic frames were identified almost twenty years ago (Barnes-Holmes et al.,
2001b): I versus YOU (Other), NOW versus THEN, and HERE versus THERE. However,
the most relevant point is that they are not separated, but rather they promote the unique
perspective of the I as invariant (even when noticing the Other perspective) and always
occurring in the NOW (even when noticing a THEN, in the past or future), and always
occurring HERE, NOW (even when noticing I-THERE in other places; Barnes-Holmes
et al., 2001b; Luciano et al., 2009). This occurs through the many opportunities that
other people in the community provide for the combination of these perspectives. Thus,
the perspective of I-Here-Now emerges as invariant through any other perspective that
might be involved, for instance, I-Here-Now and You-Here-Now (e.g., I am here, now, in
the kitchen and I notice that you are in the bathroom), or I-Here-Now and I-Here-Then (e.g.,
I am making the pizza now and I will clean the kitchen later). The establishment of deictic
relational cues is a social learning process. In other words, across multiple exemplar
training provided by the people around us who ask questions, model responding, and give
feedback, we learn to abstract the deictic relational cues I-You, Here-There, and Now-
Then in multiple combinations. The questions that Skinner identified to establish self-
knowledge are the key verbal interactions that establish deictic framing in young children,
for instance, What I am doing now? What are YOU doing now? and What is HE doing now?
What am I doing Here? and What did I do Yesterday?
The implications of deictic framing for understanding human behavior are enor-
mous because deictic cues are applied in thousands of ways in daily life. That is, when
this repertoire is fluently in place, we can apply the deictic cues when we understand or
formulate rules, when we learn to differentiate our own emotions from those of others,
when we look back or forward in our life, when we know what the other person knows or
sees, when we feel we connect to other people, and so on. We apply deictic cues when we
feel what it is being said by another person or we formulate questions and statements such
as the following:

“What are you going to do later?”

Perspective Taking, Empathy, and Compassion287

“You and I cried before, and now I am still crying and you are laughing.”

“I was better before than I am now.”

“If I were where you are now, I would be able to see what you see, but I cannot from

“How do you think your brother is feeling when you pick up his car without asking

“I cannot feel what you are feeling now. But, you know, if I were in your shoes and
had the same history you have had, I would be feeling the same.”

Finally, beyond the core role of deictic framing to promote PT and to understand the
formation of beliefs about oneself or others is the most relevant role that deictic framing
promotes: it is the formation of the self as a unique and integrative context for any thought
or emotion that develops. That is, deictic framing allows the formation of a hierarchical
or inclusion relation between oneself and one’s own behavior, which is essential for the
human being to be conscious, to be mindful, and to have a sense of spirituality. And this
repertoire is what is likely needed to respond to one’s own behavior without responding
as though I AM it. In other words, the ability to respond to oneself as a context in which
behavior occurs is broader and more flexible than responding to oneself by labeling
oneself as one’s behavior. To respond to a momentary emotion as though there is some
space between oneself and that emotion likely allows the opportunity for a flexible
response to that emotion. For example, when one experiences rage, one might notice
that emotion as something one is experiencing, which could leave room for a variety of
responses, rather than defining oneself by the emotion (e.g., “I am just the kind of person
who can’t control their anger,” which may be more likely to evoke a rigid, maladaptive
response (e.g., aggression). As a whole, flexible deictic relational framing likely facilitates
problem solving and interpersonal relations skills such as empathy and compassion.

Empirical Research on Deictic Framing and Implications

Research on deictic framing has increased in recent years and has been extended to
different areas. The developmental domain was the first to be addressed by the analysis
of protocols of deictic combinations in order to evaluate and train PT in normal develop-
ing children and in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The protocol was
designed to target the three deictic relations, I-You, Here-There, and Now-Then, through
three levels of complexity (simple, reversed, and double-reversed). A simple trial of I-You
would be If I have a ball and YOU have a cookie, then what do I have and what do YOU
have? Similar simple trials are designed to respond to Here-There (e.g., I am standing
HERE at the door and you are standing THERE at the table) and to Now-Then as relating
I-Now and I-Then (e.g., Now I am playing with the ball and yesterday I was reading).
288 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

Reversed trials require more complexity. For example, a reversed I-You trial would be
I have a ball and YOU have a cookie, however if YOU were me and if I were YOU, then what
would I have? A reversed Here-There example would be I am HERE at the door and you
are THERE at the window, but if THERE were HERE and HERE were THERE, then where
would I be, and where would you be? The double-reversed trial, in which two deictic rela-
tions are reversed, requires still more complexity. Following the above example, the trial
would be I am HERE at the door and you are THERE at the window, but if I am YOU and
YOU are me and if HERE is THERE and THERE is HERE, then where would I be and
where would YOU be?
Research has supported a general developmental sequence in the learning of these
levels of complexity, with older children and adults showing fewer errors in spatial and
temporal reversed and double-reserved relations (McHugh, Barnes-Holmes, & Barnes-
Holmes, 2004). Children with ASD have shown difficulties with reversed deictic rela-
tions, especially the Now-Then relations, which have been correlated with poor social
skills (Rehfeldt, Dillen, Ziomek, & Kowalchuk, 2007). The deictic protocols have also
been adapted to evaluate false-belief and deception repertories, showing a clear develop-
mental trend in both areas (Barnes-Holmes et al., 2001b; Heagle & Rehfeldt, 2006;
McHugh et al., 2004; Weil, Hayes, & Capurro, 2011). As a whole, the available research
presents a fruitful panorama in remediating deficits in PT. However, at the same time,
more natural protocols are needed to increase generalization to the natural setting
beyond the specific deictic tasks designed for the protocols (see reviews by McHugh et al.,
2012; Montoya et al., 2017; Mori & Cigala, 2016). In this line, researchers use a precise
analysis of the deictic relations to detect flexibility in PT using different tasks, such as,
for instance, the implicit relational assessment procedure (IRAP; Barbero-Rubio,
López-Lopez, Luciano, & Eisenbeck, 2016).
Finally, M. Villatte et al. (2012) used the deictic protocol designed by McHugh et al.
(2004) to evaluate PT in persons diagnosed with schizophrenia in comparison to persons
without such a diagnosis. The performance of the former group was poorer on all reversed
and double-reversed deictic relations, and they had more difficulties in taking the per-
spective of another and correctly attributing the intention of others (M. Villatte et al.,
2012). To summarize the above, deictic protocols seem to be sensitive to measuring and
treating PT abilities and appear to provide a behavioral foundation underlying classical
ToM tasks and other attribution tasks, where no specific processes had previously been
Beyond the relevant impact of the deictic protocol for evaluating and teaching PT or
ToM, deictic framing has been identified as being at the core of the process responsible
for the formation of thoughts and emotions and, more importantly, of the self as an inte-
grated set of behavioral repertoires. More specifically, deictic framing has been found to
be the key ability for the formation of self-rules (thoughts and emotions about oneself and
the world and others around one). Developing content about one’s own behavior and life
require the deictic-I in order to experience and notice that it is a behavior about oneself.
Perspective Taking, Empathy, and Compassion289

To feel in one’s own skin and say sentences to oneself such as I am very good at this and
they are not, I am not good enough, Nobody loves me, I will never have a successful life, I am
a person who loves to help others is not the same as repeating sentences we all know. It
means that emotions or feelings become present according to one’s history and one can
feel who is feeling them, in contrast to other agents, moments, and places. The formation
of thoughts about oneself is only possible through multiple interactions with others where
the I-You, Here-There, and Now-Then are interchanged. Consequently, the content
about oneself and its function depends on one’s personal history.
The final point is that deictic interplay is the key to establishing the content and
functions of self-rules, and it is the key to establishing a hierarchical perspective between
the self-rules and the very person who is noticing the self-rule (the deictic-I). The advan-
tages of self-knowledge and the self have already been mentioned, although the processes
were not established. The main point is that having a fluent hierarchical deictic-I reper-
toire establishes a context where one can be less attached to or trapped by emerging
self-rules. That is, such a repertoire allows us to overcome these momentary events and
to connect with more relevant and meaningful functions. In other words, with this ability
intact, we would react by noticing and integrating the self-evaluations that emerge and
we would respond under the influence of those other functions.
Based on this analysis, researchers have designed deictic framing protocols to
promote the deictic/hierarchical framing of one’s own behavior. In the first of these
studies, Luciano et al. (2011) proposed a relational-based account of defusion interac-
tions, typically used in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT; Hayes, Strosahl, &
Wilson, 1999). This study compared a deictic-I protocol with a deictic-I protocol plus
hierarchical cues in adolescents with problematic behaviors as participants (Luciano et
al., 2011). Results showed that the latter protocol had a greater effect than the former on
reducing the frequency of problematic behaviors and promoting psychological flexibility
at a four-month follow-up. These results have been replicated, improved, and extended
using specific experimental tasks (such as analogues of daily situations). For instance,
Gil-Luciano, Ruiz, Valdivia-Salas, and Suarez-Falcon (2016) analyzed the effect of these
deictic protocols on a behavioral pain tolerance task; López and Luciano (2017) analyzed
their effect on attention tasks; and Floody, Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-Holmes, and Luciano
(2013) tested the effect on the functions of negative self-evaluative rules. So far, these
authors’ findings suggest the significant role of hierarchical and deictic-I framing in
changing functions to self-content in establishing the ability of noticing and behaving
according to what matters. Deictic framing seems to be key in many other psychological
phenomena such as empathy, compassion, psychological flexibility, spirituality, transcen-
dence, and mindfulness (Hayes, 1984; Törneke, Luciano, Barnes-Holmes, & Bond, 2016;
J. L. Villatte et al., 2012; Wilson et al., 2012).
For instance, psychological flexibility has been defined as behaving on the basis of
hierarchical framing with the deictic-I (Törneke et al., 2016). This can be explained as
the ability of noticing my own ongoing emotion and thoughts from the deictic
290 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

I-Here-Now and my behavior, I-There, at the same time that noticing the integration or
inclusion of such behavior as part of ME as the context for the higher-order appetitive
functions (valued or meaningful functions) be present and to act accordingly. At this
point, it is worth pointing out that several experimental-clinical studies have already
been designed according to this view with very positive results (e.g., Ruiz, Riaóo, Suárez,
& Luciano, 2016). Moreover, the relevant role of deictic and hierarchical framing has
recently been used in a very specific way to approach the therapeutic relationship and
clinical problems (Barnes-Holmes et al., 2018) that are central in client-therapist interac-
tions promoted in FAP. In a similar but less specific manner, this role is also present in
the relational approach to clinical interactions of J. L. Villatte et al. (2016) and of Törneke
et al. (2016).
Putting all this together, deictic framing is involved in the formation of rules, what-
ever their content, and general beliefs about oneself as a hierarchical experience of ME
with the functions coming from one’s personal history. And, at the same time, deictic
framing is needed to establish the experience of ME noticing whatever self-content is
present at the moment (e.g., Barnes-Holmes et al., 2001b; Luciano et al., 2009; Wilson et
al., 2012). As mentioned, becoming fluent in framing one’s thoughts or emotions in the
deictic I-Here-Now and one’s thoughts and feelings There-Now establishes a hierarchical
perspective (in other places called self-as-context) that enhances flexible repertories. This
flexible repertoire serves an important function within a verbal community because we
cannot escape from interacting with our own feelings, thoughts, and functions emerging
in the context of other people’s behaviors and events in the world according to our own
personal history. Put simply, it is very easy to become attached to such functions of one’s
own behavior and, consequently, to act blindly concerning what matters. However, learn-
ing to frame in the hierarchical/deictic-I is central to generating psychological flexibility
because of its relevance to so many other verbal relational repertoires, as described above.
To sum up, most of the studies on promoting PT have been carried out under the
umbrella of deictic framing, pointing not only to the classical ToM tasks but also to the
design of more naturalistic deictic protocols. In addition, deictic framing has been identi-
fied as being at the core of the emergence and extension of networks of thoughts and
emotions, for better and for worse—that is, for the emergence of both positive and nega-
tive self-content and for the emergence of a secure or insecure sense of self. Moreover, a
good number of experimental and clinical protocols have shown that the combination of
deictic and hierarchical framing of one’s behavior generates the functional hierarchical
context where one connects with one’s own emotions and thoughts and experiences the
awareness of behaving according to what matters to oneself.
To conclude, PT as deictic framing seems to be at the core of prosocial behavior for
good, and this is for better but it might be for worse (the former, as Skinner pointed out
years ago, because it places the person in a better position to behave according to what
matters; the latter, because PT might also be used for purposes other than prosocial
ones). We will now turn our attention toward the deictic processes that might be involved
in empathy and compassion.
Perspective Taking, Empathy, and Compassion291

Empathy is a term that was introduced into the German language around 1858, originat-
ing from the Greek term “empatheia,” meaning “feeling-in,” as in merging with an object
or being connected to some kind of feeling or emotion. The meaning of “empathy”
evolved to underlining the interpersonal connection, and then emphasizing its emo-
tional component; this latter aspect was formulated by Titchener, who pointed to PT as
the relevant ability (Batson, 2009; Lanzoni, 2015; Vilardaga, 2009). The interest in
studying empathy during the twentieth century reflects its definition in Reader’s Digest in
1955 as the “ability to appreciate the other person’s feelings without yourself becoming so
emotionally involved that your judgment is affected” (Lanzoni, 2015).
Today, the large number of studies that have been published on empathy show a vast
panorama that crystallize in the lack of consensus about its definition and, more impor-
tantly, about the conditions under which empathic behavior develops and could be
changed. As Batson (2009) states explicitly, after decades of studying empathy, the dif-
ficulty lies in establishing what is being considered as empathy by different researchers.
For example, sometimes empathy means labeling or imagining another’s thoughts and
feelings, whereas other times it means adopting another’s position and feeling like the
other person feels.
Empathy appears significant in many areas of human functioning. A brief overview
shows the link between empathy and emotional intelligence and with functioning well in
daily living (e.g., Eisenberg, 2000; Goleman, 1998). It has also been correlated with pro-
social behaviors and conflict resolution (Batson, 2009; Garaigordobil & Maganto, 2011),
and with improving sports and artistic performances (Sevdalis & Raab, 2014). Conversely,
deficits in empathy have been found in children diagnosed with autism (Baron-Cohen et
al., 1985) and in people diagnosed with psychosis (Vilardaga, Estévez, Levin, & Hayes,
2012; M. Villatte et al., Monestès, 2012). However, the lack of consensus in defining
empathy makes analyzing and studying it a very difficult task.

Traditional Approach and Empirical Context

The numerous different definitions, conceptualizations, measures, and methodolo-
gies used to study empathy prevent a precise analysis and interpretation of the results
obtained across studies. These same problems hinder the interpretation of studies
­combining neuroscience and empathy. For example, the review by Zaki and Ochsner
(2012) shows that most of the studies have used measures focused on what is happening
in the brain when an individual watches videos of people talking about highly personal
emotional events. The question here is whether the reaction to such videos is a precise
example of empathy. In other words, what is the conceptualization, focus, or goal by
which empathy is being defined in these studies? The same problems might be found in
those areas oriented to improving empathic skills in practitioners in medical and clinical
contexts, where empathy is defined, for instance, by active listening, initiating
292 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

statements, and discussing and writing about empathy (e.g., Brunero, Lamont, & Coates,
2010; Gerdes, Segal, & Lietz, 2010).
However, even with different definitions of the term “empathy,” deficits in empathy
have been addressed in children using the ToM protocol (Baron-Cohen et al., 1985) with
no evidence of the positive effects of remediating empathic responding beyond the spe-
cific task that was directly trained. That is, there was no generalization to novel empathy
situations or false-belief tasks, or any signs of promoting social interactions (e.g., Golan
& Baron-Cohen, 2006; Silver & Oakes, 2001). Behaviorally oriented program protocols
have shown similar results (e.g., Leblanc, Coates, et al., 2003). This means that targeting
emotional labels while training in PT does not help the learner to be more effective in
responding to their emotional interactions. As Vilardaga et al. (2012) pointed out, the
problems with these empathy protocols is that there is no experimental approach to the
psychological phenomenon of empathy that allows the production of rules and formulas
with increasing levels of precision, scope, and depth. In other words, empathy has often
been addressed as either a hypothetical internal construct or an oversimplified overt

A Relational Framing Account of Empathy

Even the most general meaning of empathy as understanding how others feel, sharing
feelings, and responding to those feelings without losing one’s own perspective (Valdivia-
Salas, Luciano, Gutiérrez, & Visdómine, 2009) reveals dark zones. For example, it is one
thing to feel like the other person is feeling, which might be conceptualized as a coordi-
nation between one’s own feelings and the other’s feelings. But the function that such
coordination promotes in the very person who is behaving this way is a different thing.
That is, feeling like the other person may feel does not have the same function for every-
one, and for the person themself, because it depends on the person’s history in the present
context. For example, let’s imagine that Maria feels loneliness framed in coordination
with Peter’s signals of loneliness to Maria, but, for Maria, this feeling has the function of
remaining in the situation and doing something for Peter. However, for Carlos, the same
feeling has avoidance functions, and he withdraws from contact with Peter to reduce the
effect of the feeling in coordination between them. And, for Esther, these same feelings
entail actions to manipulate Peter’s behavior.
Perhaps the lack of consensus about what empathy is goes hand in hand with the
need for differentiating two elements. Specifically, we should differentiate feeling an
emotion—in the sense of the function that occurs in response to the other’s emotional
behavior—from the function of this emotion and the particular action under its control.
Differentiating the two processes should be a fruitful alternative when evaluating
empathic behavior and designing intervention protocols. Following this line, Valdivia-
Salas et al. (2009) proposed a promising protocol to establish empathic behavior by
translating the core features of empathy into behavioral-relational language with deictic
framing as the core ability. In this proposal, deictic framing occurs throughout the
Perspective Taking, Empathy, and Compassion293

process of experiencing the coordination of emotion and responding to it without losing

one’s own perspective. Three consecutive strategies are indicated to achieve empathy.
A first step is the establishment and understanding of one’s own emotions. This
process is promoted by agents in the verbal community so that we learn to verbally dis-
criminate our own private events from others’ behavior. That is, the community rein-
forces the coordination of internal states (e.g., pain when I fall) with a label (e.g., I feel
pain) with those of the other (e.g., my brother did not fall and feels no pain). Through
multiple exemplars of these types of discriminations, we not only learn to label a name,
but we also learn to respond in accordance with deictic framing, such as I-Here-Now and
my Pain-There (in the knee), and at other times, I-Here and my Pain-There (in my head),
and with other events, I-Here and my Hungry-There, and so on. And very importantly,
through these multiple exemplars of discriminating one’s own behavior, we learn to dis-
criminate our own experience from the unique perspective of I-Here-Now, so that the
self is developed as a hierarchical perspective of many events occurring to me across time
and places. This process occurs along with the discrimination of the “YOU” and the
respective discriminations.
A second step is the establishment and understanding of the emotions of others as
another element for empathic responding. This requires a shift in one’s perspective to
that of another’s perspective but without losing the former—that is, shifting from I-Here-
Now to “as if I were you now” (e.g., responding as if now I were my brother), or “if I were
you then and then should be now” (e.g., responding as if I were my brother when he was
a baby), and, importantly, without losing the perspective of I-Here-Now. Beyond this
shift of moving around the deictic reversal I-You, one must learn to discriminate cues
that suggest that some private events are occurring in others. For example, if Luis’s
mother cries, Luis might feel that she is hurt on the basis of coordination between a par-
ticular experience of being hurt with the label “being hurt” and a subsequent action of
crying when he was hurt. Luis might also have learned the conditional rule “If something
hurts, then I cry.”
A third step is to learn to respond empathically by virtue of differentiating my own
experienced feelings, connected to those of the other person, while at the same time real-
izing that the experience I am feeling is occurring due to my history with similar experi-
ences, by definition not occurring now, but nonetheless this feeling is occurring, or the
functions stemming from it are present. Expressed in relational terms, the following
deictic framings are in place: “I-Now-Then (before) and I-Now-Here” and “I-Now-Here
and You-Now-Here,” and I can react to my emotions in a useful way. That is, when
deictic framing develops, the functions of one’s behavior (the feeling I am experiencing)
change and alter the feeling I am having Now as if being There-Then. This increases the
likelihood of valued functions connected to the deictic I-Here-Now emerging and, then,
of behaving accordingly. For instance, in our example, the transfer of the emotional
functions I-You might make Luis reexperience his pain as being similar to his mother’s
pain and, at the same time, know that he has not hurt himself like his mother has and
that he is the one noticing such a pain as I-Here and my pain as There. As a result, he
294 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

will be in a good position to help his mother by asking for help instead of crying, as might
be the case if he had been hurt at that moment or if he had not learned to differentiate
himself from his own pain.
In spite of the conceptualization of empathy from the behavioral-contextual per-
spective, no specific and basic experimental designs have yet been designed to analyze
these components so that clear rules for promoting empathic behavior can be experimen-
tally established. Having said this, we think that the conceptualization is ready to be
used to design protocols for teaching empathy, which can then be tested empirically.
Summing up, different researchers have noted the variability in the definitions, con-
ceptualization, and measures used to study empathy, or in the applied protocols pro-
moted to improve empathy. However, despite the confusion, it seems clear that PT skills
are at the core of empathy. Expressed more technically, deictic framing establishes the
main conditions for experiencing one’s own feelings as if sharing emotions in the pres-
ence of another’s emotion. However, empathetically responding to such emotional feel-
ings is another context, which requires more functions to be brought into play. The point
here is that responding to one’s own emotions as sharing another’s emotion might have
different functions depending on the history of the person empathizing. Feeling in the
sense of sharing emotions might have avoidance and limiting functions, or it might have
avoidance or approximate functions oriented to, or in the context of, more relevant and
meaningful functions. For some, it might be the case that one’s own history brings func-
tions to manipulate or cheat others in such contexts.
To conclude, clarification of which behaviors are defined under the rubric of empathy
is needed. Beyond this, it is clear that the development of empathy should run in tandem
with the verbal sophistication connected to PT in order to develop an effective repertoire
of responding to one’s own emotions in relation to others. The implications of not devel-
oping empathic actions are substantial. In our view, the most important implication is
that the development of a unitary self in responding to others will be highly compro-
mised. In other words, interpersonal problem solving and, more generally, prosocial inter-
actions may not be established. The relational literature on deictic and hierarchical
responding might open the door to designing experiments to isolate the conditions for
adequate coordination between one’s own and others’ behavior, as well as the conditions
to frame one’s own feelings and thoughts in such a way that the relevant functions for
effective action are in place.

The word “compassion” has its origin in “com” (with/together) and “pati” (to suffer),
meaning to suffer together with. Most definitions of compassion share the idea that it is a
feeling of understanding someone else’s suffering, accompanied by the urge to help or the
desire to alleviate the other’s pain, meaning to suffer and love with. Broadly speaking, the
identification with others through compassion seems to lead to increased motivation to
Perspective Taking, Empathy, and Compassion295

do something in an effort to relieve their suffering. That is, it induces feelings of kindness
and forgiveness, which might allow one to get in touch with such feelings, integrate them,
and shift attention to acting toward valued goals. Although lacking unanimity about the
core concept or agreement on its nature, the current literature on compassion is massive
(e.g., see Goetz, Keltner, & Simon-Thomas, 2010, for a review). On the one hand, com-
passion has been considered a synonym for “empathic distress” (Ekman, 2003). From this
perspective, compassion would be a vicarious experience of distress in response to anoth-
er’s suffering. On the other hand, compassion has been related to emotional responses
that normally arise in the context of witnessing another person’s suffering and embracing
them in a benevolent action toward another in need. These responses have been gath-
ered under several different names, like “pity,” “sympathy”, “empathy,” “kindness,”
“caring,” “warmth,” and many more (see Wispé, 1986, for a review).
The relevance of compassion has grown significantly, as will be indicated later. From
a broad social perspective, compassion has been claimed as one of the greatest virtues of
the human condition, and it has frequently been advocated in all the major religious
traditions. It has also appeared on the scene of political and business organizations, in
evolution studies, and as a primary component in human social interactions. That is, it
has been the core of psychological treatments and is actually one of the relevant corner-
stones of the therapist-client interaction in the contextual therapies previously discussed
in this chapter.

Traditional Approach and Empirical Status

A brief view of the vast research conducted on compassion shows that most of it is
linked to empathy. Beginning with the level of analysis of neuropsychology, several brain
activities have been related to strong feelings of compassion in the context of observing
pain in others (Immordino-Yang, McColl, Damasio, & Damasio, 2009). Perhaps more
informative than the studies correlating brain activation with the observation of others’
pain are the studies correlating the reward of neuro-activation when subjects are per-
forming compassionate acts (Rilling et al., 2002). However, although these studies reflect
an advancement in detecting brain activation while persons are behaving in a certain
way, it is unclear what the participants are doing. Moreover, the processes by which com-
passionate acts occur and activate the brain are unclear.
The evolutionary perspective is another domain where compassion has been found
to play a relevant role. For instance, compassion seems to be more likely to occur when
one is related to another person in need and/or when the benefits of being compassionate
exceed the potential costs (Henrich, 2004). In political domains, compassion has been
identified as a characteristic of democratic societies, in that they value the recognition of
and identification with others’ suffering, as well as knowledge of the sources of suffering
and a commitment to reduce it. In the opposite context, the absence of compassion has
been found to be a key element of social atrocities (e.g., genocides) by aggressors whose
behavior is under the control of exclusion rules such that some persons are nonhuman or
296 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

are people who do not belong to “good” races (e.g., Hoffman, 1981). This is why the value
of connecting with others is at the core of compassion and self-compassion (Gilbert, 2010;
Ricard, 2015). Consistent with this view, McHugh, Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-Holmes,
Stewart, and Dymond (2006) found that the identification with another codevelops with
the ability to adopt the other’s perspective.
More concrete studies on compassion spread from medicine to psychology. For
instance, compassion displayed by physicians plays a mediating role in the effects of sick-
ness and suffering on human behavior. In the same vein, compassion and empathy
between patients and their caregivers seems to be a primary motivation to relieve the
physical, mental, or emotional suffering of each other (Pedersen, 2009). In spite of the
positive correlations between compassion and different social improvements, a dark side
has been identified and labeled “compassion fatigue.” This has been found in profession-
als interacting mostly with suffering (e.g., oncology patients), who become entangled in
the understanding of others’ feelings (Figley, 1995). However, to overcome this, research-
ers and medical experts have promoted training among practitioners to improve the
ability to tolerate one’s own pain (e.g., Kraemer, Luberto, O’Bryan, Mysinger, & Cotton,

Distinguishing Empathy and Compassion

Still, it is difficult to differentiate empathy from compassion. As Sinclair, Hack,
McClement, and Raffin-Bouchal (2016) concluded, while the key feature of empathy is
an affective state that is isomorphic with the affective state of another, the defining
feature of compassion is a prosocial motivation or behavior that is not necessarily linked with
such an isomorphic affect. At the same time, for effective prosocial actions to take place,
people must somehow feel something related to what others are feeling, either by under-
standing the sources of suffering or, perhaps more effective, by having the ability to
picture themselves in similar experiences.

The Functional Contextual Approach

The role of compassion is perhaps more explicit now than before, and it is becoming a
key clinical element in psychological therapy, especially in contextual therapies. In this
arena, the term “compassion” opens the way to self-compassion, and it has emerged
strongly with a myriad of interactions focused on promoting a context of compassion and
self-compassion. FAP (Kohlenberg & Tsai, 1991) and ACT (Hayes, Strosahl, & Wilson,
1999, 2012) involve frequent intimate, empathic, or compassionate interactions with the
client so that the therapist learns the repertoire of being open to feeling whatever might
emerge in a genuine interaction with oneself (Gilbert, 2010), and so that client and thera-
pist can feel that they are in the same boat to do the job of building a flexible or effective
Perspective Taking, Empathy, and Compassion297

For this to happen, protocols inherently link openness to empathy and compassion
toward others and oneself (Hayes, Strosahl, & Wilson, 1999, 2012; Strosahl et al., 2015;
Villatte et al., 2016; Wilson et al., 2012). According to this approach, a repertoire of self-
compassion is needed, as defined by the integration of one’s own whole ongoing experi-
ence—the thoughts and emotions that emerge in coordination with the client’s
experience—and responding under the control of higher or valued significant functions
oriented to alleviating the suffering of others. As a collateral effect, these kinds of inter-
actions with one’s painful and/or appetitive emotions and thoughts in the context of
personal valued actions repeatedly lead to a feeling of personal satisfaction and fulfill-
ment. Ultimately, compassionate acts are equivalent to valued actions, and these actions
show a great variability. For instance, Sinclair et al. (2016) point to the variability of
actions that are categorized as compassionate ability, and they conceptualize compassion
as being as unique and particular as the individuals who enter a profession or engage in
research or political activities.
Considering compassion as a pattern or series of different actions under the control
of significant or valued functions, it can be categorized as a functional class of behavior
built across personal historical interactions. Analyzing behavior in this way emphasizes
the function of the actions instead of their topographies or formal aspects. This is useful
because it establishes a bridge to understand the variability of actions that can be dis-
played to connect with another human being, and to understand the key point in com-
passion as the different actions under the influence of a motivating, valued, significant, and
personal function. This ability is at the heart of psychological flexibility, of psychological
well-being, and it opens the door to somehow connecting different terms and behav-
iors—in this case, compassion and psychological flexibility—as a functional class of
valued or significant personal actions.

Implications and Future Directions

As we have suggested throughout the chapter, perspective taking, empathy, and compas-
sion are topics with important implications for understanding human behavior, future
research, and the provision of therapeutic support. In a nutshell, deictic framing is
involved in all the applications where we need to identify our own and others’ mental
and emotional states to act effectively. This extends to building an empathic, compas-
sionate, and self-compassionate response, but it also extends to many areas where we
detect problems and do something to resolve them, either personally or otherwise. This
is so because, like any other framing, deictic framing can be used to relate any kind of
events, either between oneself and others or between oneself and one’s own behavior.
That is why it is at the core of psychological flexibility. Consequently, without these
skills, the development of a unitary and effective self in responding to others becomes
highly compromised. In other words, interpersonal problem solving, and, more generally,
prosocial interactions, may not be established. This rationale actualizes Skinner’s
298 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

approach to self-knowledge, as we indicated at the beginning of this chapter, by elaborat-

ing on his analysis and extending it to relational frames that can be taught and tested. It
is our contention that the research and application of deictic and hierarchical framing of
one’s own behavior might be a never-ending story, not only for analyzing the behaviors
addressed in this chapter but for creative functional analytic research that might shed
some light on the many obscure areas in the human condition.

“Empathy” and “compassion” are ordinary terms rooted in natural language. Interest in
comprehending these concepts has caused the number of publications in the last twenty
years to increase, as these concepts appear to be relevant to functioning in almost any
human domain. No consensus has been reached concerning the definitions and mean-
ings of these terms, nor about their application. However, the behaviors that constitute
PT seem to be involved in all of them.
We have argued that PT is the foundation of empathy and compassion. Empathy
involves PT because it focuses on the occurrence of an equivalent or coordinated emotion
brought into contact with another’s signs of emotions, as an affective resonance with
someone else. Compassion involves PT because it focuses on connecting with the other’s
suffering, and on responding according to an overreaching significant value of helping
In view of the relevant role of PT, we have conducted a conceptual analysis beyond
the classical context of ToM, in an attempt to identify and analyze the likely behaviors
involved, particularly deictic relational framing. The research conducted on deictic
framing has shown how to build the skill through multiple exemplar training in order to
establish the perspective of I-Here-Now and You-There-Then, and many other combina-
tions that enable us to switch from one perspective to another—without losing the
unique and transcendent experience of I-Here-Now in which I integrate the ongoing
behavior as a hierarchical perspective.
In conclusion, this chapter provided an overview, conceptual analysis, and review of
research, especially that informed by relational frame theory, related to the topics of
perspective taking, empathy, and compassion. These topics are central to understanding
complex human behavior and many clinically important issues encountered in the lives
of humans.
Perspective Taking, Empathy, and Compassion299

Study Questions
1. Describe traditional concepts of perspective taking (PT) from outside
behavior analysis.

2. Describe Skinner’s concept of the self and self-knowledge.

3. What are the three key deictic relational frames involved in PT?

4. Distinguish between simple, reversed, and double-reversed deictic rela-

tions involved in PT.

5. Describe traditional concepts of empathy from outside behavior


6. Describe the three stages of the development of empathy, according to

an RFT perspective.

7. Interpret how you might extrapolate the three stages of empathy devel-
opment into a protocol you could use to strengthen the behaviors
involved in empathy in the clients you work with.

8. Describe traditional concepts of compassion outside of behavior


9. Describe the RFT analysis of compassion explained in this chapter.

10. Distinguish between empathy and compassion, as conceptualized

through RFT in this chapter.
Glossary of Acronyms

abolishing operation (AO): An antecedent with two functions: (1) decrease the effec-
tiveness of a future consequence as a reinforcer, and (2) temporarily decrease the prob-
ability of responses that have been reinforced by that reinforcer in the past.

acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT): A contemporary behavior analytic

approach to psychotherapy, based on weakening rigid control by rules involving short-
term escape/avoidance contingencies and strengthening repertoires of behaving flexibly
with respect to long-term positive reinforcers. When implemented by behavior analysts
outside of psychotherapeutic settings, ACT is often referred to as acceptance and com-
mitment training.

applied behavior analysis (ABA): The application of behavioral principles of learning

and motivation to solving problems of human behavior that are of significance to society.

arbitrarily applicable relational responding (AARR): The term “relational” refers to

the fact that AARR is behavior that occurs in response to the relation between two or
more antecedent stimuli, rather than in response to a single stimulus. The term “arbi-
trarily applicable” refers to the fact that AARR does not need to be controlled by the
physical characteristics of stimuli, but rather by the arbitrary relational properties. For
example, a child learns to say that a dime is bigger than a nickel because it corresponds
to a larger amount of money, even though it is physically smaller.

autism spectrum disorder (ASD): A neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by

challenges with daily functioning that arise from excessive repetitive behavior and inter-
ests, as well as deficits in social communication skills.

behavioral skills training (BST): A highly researched training procedure that involves
three components: (1) verbal explanation, (2) modeling, and ( 3) role-play rehearsal with

bidirectional naming (BiN): An operant repertoire that involves responding as both

speaker and listener to the same environmental stimuli and the ability to switch back and
forth between listener and speaker behavior. BiN is characterized by the observation
that, when taught one repertoire (i.e., either speaker or listener), the learner can then
exhibit the other repertoire, despite not having been taught that repertoire. For example,
upon learning to label an apple as “apple,” the learner can then point to an apple when
asked to “point to apple.”
302 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

brief and immediate relational responses (BIRRs): Relational responses that occur
under time pressure and therefore tend to be relatively brief and unelaborated; that is, the
person behaving has not had the opportunity to self-edit the responses. BIRRs are often
different from relational responses that the same person would emit if they had a longer
duration of time in which to self-edit the response.

complex-to-simple (CTS) protocol: A stimulus equivalence training procedure that

involves consecutive training phases followed by testing for the emergence of derived
relations individually, starting with the most complex relations.

conditioned stimulus (CS): A stimulus that has respondent functions due to past
pairing with another stimulus, for example, a tone that elicits salivation because that
tone was paired with food in the past.

conditioned response (CR): A response that occurs in the presence of a stimulus due to
past pairing of that stimulus with another stimulus, for example, salivation that occurs in
response to a tone because that tone was paired with food in the past.

contextual behavioral science (CBS): CBS is a scientific tradition that is based on

functional contextualism and therefore adopts pragmatism as its truth criterion and the
ongoing act-in-context as its root metaphor for scientific analysis. CBS contains a reticu-
lated research approach where theoretical, practical, and multifaceted (i.e., basic, ana-
logue, and applied) empirical efforts are mutually influential in fostering CBS’s overall
progress. The larger purpose of CBS is to produce information that can be applied to
successfully reduce human suffering.

derived relational responding (DRR): Behavior that occurs in response to the relation
between two or more stimuli, rather than in response to a single stimulus, and that was
not directly trained and cannot be accounted for by the physical properties of the stimuli
(i.e., is not stimulus generalization). For example, if one is directly taught that Sam is
older than Jill and that Jill is older than Mario, one can derive that Mario is younger than
Sam, even though one has never been directly taught anything about the relation between
Mario and Sam.

dialectical behavior therapy (DBT): A behavioral approach to psychotherapy that inte-

grates the explicit focus on behavior change that characterized first-wave behavior thera-
pies with the shaping of awareness and acceptance of one’s immediate experience
(Linehan, 1987).

differential arbitrarily applicable relational responding effects (DAARRE): An ana-

lytic model that considers how variables affect responding in the implicit relational
assessment procedure. The model identifies three key sources of behavioral influence: (1)
the relationship between the label and target stimuli (relational cues), (2) the orienting
functions of the label and target stimuli (functional cues), and (3) the coherence func-
tions of the two relational coherence indicator response options (e.g., “True” and “False”).
Glossary of Acronyms303

differential observing response (DOR): A procedure in which the learner is required

to indicate in some way they have observed a stimulus before the procedure continues.
For example, a learner may be required to touch a visual stimulus or repeat an auditory
stimulus before the next stimulus is presented.

differential reinforcement of low rate (DRL): A reinforcement schedule in which rein-

forcement is delivered if responding occurs at or below a particular rate.

differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO): A reinforcement schedule in

which a reinforcer is delivered contingent on the absence of a behavior for a specified

discriminative stimulus (SD or S+): An antecedent stimulus that occasions a response

because in the past that response was reinforced in the presence of that stimulus more
often than in the absence of that stimulus.

early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI): A highly researched treatment approach

for children with autism that contains at least the following elements: (1) starts before
the age of three and a half years old, (2) contains thirty or more hours per week of one-
to-one intervention, (3) continues for two years or more, (4) is based on the principles of
behavior analysis, and (5) is individualized to clients’ needs. EIBI is sometimes used with
populations other than autism, but the vast majority of published research has been done
with children with autism.

English language learner (ELL): An individual whose first language is not English.

equivalence-based instruction (EBI): Teaching procedures based on stimulus equiva-

lence research. Such procedures generally involve directly training relations between
some stimuli, usually utilizing match-to-sample procedures, and testing for untrained

establishing operations (EOs): An antecedent with two functions: (1) increase the
effectiveness of a future consequence as a reinforcer, and (2) temporarily increase the
probability of responses that have been reinforced by that reinforcer in the past.

extended and elaborated relational responses (EERRs): Behaviors that occur under
relatively lower time constraints, such that the person responding had adequate time to
self-edit their response. Such responses are relatively more likely to be influenced by their
social consequences; for example, someone is less likely to emit a response that would be
judged as racist by others when engaging in EERRs.

Extrinsic Affective Simon Task (EAST): A task used in mainstream psychology to

assess implicit cognitions.

fixed ratio (FR): A reinforcement schedule in which reinforcement is delivered contin-

gent upon a specified number of behaviors occurring.
304 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

functional analytic psychotherapy (FAP): A behavioral approach to psychotherapy,

based in contextual behavioral science, that focuses on improving interpersonal relation-
ships to help individuals lead more fulfilling lives.

functional contextualism (FC): A philosophy of science that adopts pragmatism as a

truth criterion and the ongoing act-in-context as its root metaphor for scientific analysis.
Functional contextual science strives to produce increasingly organized statements about
nature, with precision, scope, and depth.

Implicit Association Test (IAT): A test developed in mainstream cognitive psychology

that tests implicit cognitions.

implicit relational assessment procedure (IRAP): An assessment procedure that

requires rapid responding to true or false relations between stimuli. Evaluating the differ-
ence in various response latencies provides a procedure for assessing implicit relations,
that is, relations that the participant may self-edit if given sufficient opportunity. For
example, a person is highly unlikely to report that they are racist, but their latency to
respond negatively to a statement that a particular ethnic group is bad may be shorter
than their latency to respond saying that same ethnic group is good.

instructive feedback (IF): A procedure that involves adding additional nontarget

stimuli to the antecedent or consequence events of direct instructional trials.

inter-stimulus interval (ISI): The time that elapses from the presentation of one stimu-
lus to the presentation of the next.

linear series: A sequence for training relations in a stimulus equivalence experiment.

For example, one might train that A = B and then B = C.

many-to-one (MTO): A format for training stimulus relations in an experiment in

derived relational responding. One stimulus set is used as the comparison stimuli,
whereas two or more other stimulus sets are used as the sample stimuli. For example, one
might train A = B, C = B, and D = B.

match-to-sample (MTS): A teaching procedure that involves presenting a single sample

stimulus, then an instruction, and then multiple comparison stimuli. For example, a
teacher might give a learner a picture of a car, then ask the learner to find the one that
is the same, and then provide the opportunity for the learner to scan comparison stimuli
consisting of car, truck, and airplane.

motivating operation (MO): The umbrella term that encompasses both abolishing
operation and establishing operation.

multiple exemplar instruction (MEI): A teaching procedure that involves teaching

more than one example at the same time. MEI can be conducted across multiple differ-
ent verbal operants for the same target, for example, learning to respond as both speaker
Glossary of Acronyms305

and listener to blue objects. MEI can also be conducted within a single operant repertoire
but across multiple exemplars of stimuli, for example, by learning to label the color blue
by being taught to label ten different blue objects as “blue.” Occasionally, MEI is used to
distinguish procedures where multiple exemplars are trained across operant classes of
behavior, as opposed to within.

multiple exemplar training (MET): Another term for MEI (see above definition).
Occasionally, MET is used to refer to procedures where multiple exemplars are trained
within operant classes of behavior, as opposed to across.

observational learning (OL): A form of learning that involves behavior change as a

function of observing happenings in one’s environment.

one-to-many (OTM): A stimulus equivalence training procedure, wherein one stimulus

set is used as the sample stimuli and relations are trained between that set as sample
stimuli and two or more other sets as comparison stimuli. For example, one might train
A = B, A = C, and A = D.

peer-mediated interventions (PMIs): Interventions in which peers are actively involved

in delivering relevant antecedents, consequences, or both.

Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS): A communication system com-

monly used by learners who have difficulty producing vocal speech. PECS involves
selecting and giving pictures to others as an alternative form of communication. PECS
also actively encourages learners to attempt to produce vocal speech while communicat-
ing with pictures.

Promoting the Emergence of Advanced Knowledge (PEAK): A recently developed

assessment and curriculum, based on relational frame theory, that is intended to be used
by practitioners to teach verbal repertoires, including derived relational responding.

random interval (RI): A reinforcement schedule in which reinforcement is delivered

contingent upon the first response that occurs after a specified interval of time has
elapsed since the last reinforcer was delivered, and where the duration of that interval
varies randomly, within specified parameters, after each reinforcer is delivered.

random ratio (RR): A reinforcement schedule in which reinforcement is delivered con-

tingent on the occurrence of a specific number of responses, and where that number
varies randomly, within specified parameters, after each reinforcer is delivered.

randomized controlled trial (RCT): An experimental design in which participants are

randomly assigned to two or more groups and where those responsible for measuring the
dependent variable are generally blind to group assignment. This design is considered
the strongest experimental design by most researchers in mainstream psychology and
306 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

relational coherence indicator (RCI): Response options, such as “True” and “False,”
that are often used to indicate the coherence or incoherence between labels and target
stimuli that are presented within an implicit relational assessment procedure.

relational elaboration and coherence (REC) model: An initial relational frame theory
approach to implicit cognition, based on the idea that the implicit relational assessment
procedure forces participants to emit rapid relational responses that are less likely to be
influenced by social variables than the slower, more elaborated relational responses
emitted on traditional assessments of bias. The strength of the rapid relational responses
emitted toward experimental stimuli was thought to be functionally similar to that of
responses toward these stimuli in the participant’s preexperimental history, when one
does not have the opportunity to edit one’s own responses in anticipation of social

relational fame theory (RFT): A behavior analytic theory of language and cognition
that addresses verbal behavior that occurs in response to relations between stimuli, rather
than to single stimuli as antecedents. Such behavior is said to comprise generalized rela-
tional operants, learned through a history of multiple exemplar training. These operants
are referred to as “relational frames” and demonstrate the properties of being arbitrarily
applicable (i.e., they do not depend on the physical properties of antecedent controlling
stimuli), displaying mutual entailment (i.e., they are bidirectional), displaying combina-
torial entailment (i.e., relations propagate across three or more stimuli in a network), and
involving transformation of stimulus functions (i.e., operant and respondent functions
transform in accordance with the mutually entailed and combinatorially entailed

rule-governed behavior (RGB): Behavior that occurs due to contact with an anteced-
ent rule and not due to prior contact with the contingencies the rule describes.

S-delta (SΔ or S-): A stimulus that does not occasion a response because the response
has not been reinforced in the presence of that stimulus in the past.

self-determined learning model of instruction (SDLMI): A program for teaching

problem solving that involves scripted problem-solving instruction delivered by a teacher
who follows a sequence predetermined by the investigator.

simple-to-complex (STC) protocol: A stimulus equivalence training protocol that

intersperses training phases and derived relations probes. Across the whole program,
derived relations are tested individually and tests are arranged from the simplest type of
derived relations (i.e., symmetry) to the most difficult (i.e., equivalence).

simultaneous (SIM) protocol: A stimulus equivalence training protocol in which all

training phases are grouped and all testing phases are grouped, with no overlap between.
Glossary of Acronyms307

social listener reinforcement (SLR): A procedure designed to build reinforcement for

speaking and listening to peers and to increase the learner’s conversational units with
others. Such procedures often involve a sequence of increasingly complex games, ending
with an empathy phase, that use a yoked contingency game board to establish social lis-
tener reinforcement.

stimulus-pairing observation (SPO): A procedure for teaching discriminations in

which an experimenter briefly presents a stimulus in isolation to the learner, followed by
an inter-stimulus interval (ISI) and then presentation of a second stimulus. Thus, the
procedure involves pairing of stimuli with no overt response requirement from the par-
ticipant other than attending to the stimuli presented by the experimenter.

stimulus-stimulus pairing (SSP): A procedure in which an experimenter pairs auditory

stimuli (e.g., word sounds) with already established reinforcers in an attempt to condition
those word sounds as sources of automatic reinforcement. This procedure often results in
temporary increase in the probability of the learner’s making those same word sounds.

talk aloud problem solving (TAPS): A problem-solving training procedure that teaches
students to perform both as problem solvers and as active listeners.

theory of mind (ToM): An evolutionary-developmental theory that explains perspec-

tive-taking behavior in terms of inferred brain mechanisms.

think aloud pair problem solving (TAPPS): A problem-solving training procedure that
teaches students to dialogue with themselves to analytically talk themselves through
solving problems. The procedure is often used to teach academic skills.

transfer of stimulus control (ToSC): A procedure in which stimulus control is trans-

ferred from one stimulus to another, often through gradually changing the topographical
properties of the first stimulus until it resembles the second stimulus.

transitive conditioned establishing operations (CMO-T): Previously neutral condi-

tions whose occurrences alter the effectiveness of another stimulus and evoke responses
that produce or suppress that stimulus.

unconditioned response (UR): A respondent behavior that occurs in response to

unconditioned stimuli and that does not depend on a history of conditioning to occur.

unconditioned stimulus (US): An eliciting stimulus that does not depend on a history
of conditioning to be effective at eliciting an unconditioned response.

unidirectional naming (UiN): In the context of rudimentary verbal behavior, UiN

refers to the demonstration of the listener component, which involves hearing a speech
sound and then responding in a nonvocal way to a nonverbal stimulus (e.g., hearing the
word “car” and then pointing to a car).
308 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

verbal behavior developmental theory (VBDT): A theoretical approach that com-

bines Skinnerian verbal behavior, stimulus equivalence, naming theory, and relational
frame theory to analyze the development of verbal repertoires over the lifetime of the
child, emphasizing the transition from unidirectional verbal operants to complex bidirec-
tional operants.

verbal conditional discrimination (VCD): Behavior that is under the control of two
antecedent stimuli, where the control that one exerts is conditional upon the presence of
the other. For example, when hearing the stimuli “vegetable” and “purple,” one might
reply “eggplant.”

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About Author

Editor Mitch Fryling, PhD, BCBA-D, is associate professor and chair of the division of
special education and counseling at California State University, Los Angeles. He has
authored and coauthored many scholarly publications, primarily in the area of behavioral
theory and philosophy, especially as it pertains to complex human behavior and system
development in behavior analysis. He is current editor of The Psychological Record.

Editor Ruth Anne Rehfeldt, PhD, BCBA, is professor of behavior analysis and therapy
at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, IL. She holds doctoral and master’s degrees
in psychology from the University of Nevada, Reno; and a bachelor’s degree in psychol-
ogy from the University of Puget Sound. She is also a board-certified behavior analyst.
Ruth Anne is a fellow of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, and previ-
ous editor of The Psychological Record. She has published numerous articles in the area of
verbal behavior and derived relational responding for individuals with autism spectrum
disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities.

Editor Jonathan Tarbox, PhD, BCBA-D, is director of the master of science in applied
behavior analysis program at the University of Southern California, as well as director of
research at FirstSteps for Kids. He is editor in chief of the journal, Behavior Analysis in
Practice, and serves on the editorial boards of several scientific journals related to autism
and behavior analysis. He has published four books on autism treatment; is series editor
of the Elsevier book series, Critical Specialties in Treating Autism and Other Behavioral
Challenges; and author of well over seventy peer-reviewed journal articles and chapters in
scientific texts. His research focuses on behavioral interventions for teaching complex
skills to individuals with autism, applications of acceptance and commitment therapy
(ACT) training inside of applied behavior analysis, and applications of applied behavior
analysis to issues of diversity and social justice.

Editor Linda J. Hayes, PhD, is professor of psychology, and founder and director of the
behavior analysis program at the University of Nevada, Reno.

A assessment: IRAP procedure for, 265,

266–278, 288; of observational learning,
ABA renewal effect, 13 120–121
abolishing operations (AOs), 17, 25, 301 asymmetrical class containment, 206–207,
about this book, 5 208
abstract relational responding, 264 atomic repertoires, 118
acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), attention, 121
231, 256–260, 301; defusion interactions augmenting, repertoire of, 220–221
in, 289; general description of, 256; autism spectrum disorder (ASD), 25, 39,
interdependent processes in, 257–260; 231–232, 287, 301
scientific strategy and support for, 256–257 automatic reinforcement, 23
accompanying mediative interactions, 77
accuracy of rules, 219
acquisition of behavior, 108 B
ACT. See acceptance and commitment Baires, Natalia, 115
therapy Bandura, Albert, 116–117
active listening, 149 Barbero, Adrián, 281
active modes, 95–96 Barnes-Holmes, Dermot, 264
adduction, 134 behavior: challenges in studying, 2–3;
age-related biases, 270–271 contingency-shaped, 216; language and
alive language, 95, 112 human, 95–105; maladaptive, 224,
alteration contacts, 103 227–228; metaphor of acquiring, 108;
analogies, 199–205; child development and, psychological, 98–100, 101–102; referential,
203–204; cross-domain, 202; future 72–92; rule-governed, 5, 214–232; social,
directions for studying, 211; key features of, 56–57, 264–280; three-term contingency
200–201; nonarbitrary properties in, 201 and, 8–9. See also verbal behavior
analytic hierarchy, 206, 209 behavior analysis, 20; clinical, 251–252;
Analytical Reading and Reasoning (Whimbey), developmental verbal, 69; future directions
147 for, 261–262; issues challenging, 250;
Analyze. Organize. Write (Whimbey & observational learning and, 117–124;
Jenkins), 147 private events and, 251, 261; verbal
antecedent control, 14–16 behavior and, 21–34, 182–183
antecedents of behavior, 8 behavior chains, 168
applied behavior analysis (ABA), 6, 7, 91, 104, behavior intervention plans, 225–226
260, 301 behavior therapy, 7, 252–256; clinical
aptitude criteria, 110 behavior analysis and, 251–252; first wave
arbitrarily applicable relational responding of, 252–253; implications of evolution of,
(AARR), 176, 177–178, 301 260–262; second wave of, 253–254; third
wave of, 254–256
behavioral developmental cusps, 56, 70
360 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

behavioral evolution, 152–153 comparison: functional contact of, 103;

behavioral metamorphosis, 65–69 relational frame of, 190–192
behavioral skills training (BST), 49, 301 comparison-as-node training structure, 162
behavior-altering effect, 16 comparison stimuli, 125
behaviorism, 53–54 compassion, 294–296; definition and
bidirectional naming (BiN), 301; explanation description of, 294–295; distinguishing
of, 61–62; types of, 63–65 empathy from, 296; functional contextual
bidirectional verbal operants, 56–70; approach to, 296–297; perspective taking
behavioral metamorphosis and, 65–69; related to, 282–283, 298; research studies
identifying and establishing, 58–65 on, 295–296. See also empathy
Biographical Sketch of an Infant (Darwin), 66 compassion fatigue, 296
biological behavior, 99 competence and competencies, 110–111, 112
bistimulation, 75 complete interactions, 80, 89, 90
blend of behaviors, 136, 139 complex verbal operants, 39–51; dictation
blocked-trial procedures, 45–46 taking, 49, 50; intraverbals, 40–49; textual
Blueprint for Educational Change (Whimbey et behavior, 49–50
al.), 145 complexity of rules, 219
body image biases, 271 complex-to-simple (CTS) protocol, 164, 302
Boullion, Gina Q., 250 component behaviors, 136, 140, 154
brief and immediate relational responses composition, concept of, 132
(BIRRs), 272, 273, 302 compound stimulus control, 41, 42–43
Brodsky, Julia, 157 compound tact instruction, 40
concept formation, 158, 169
C concept training, 15
conceptual hierarchy, 206–207, 208, 211
Campbell, Vincent, 214 conditional discrimination, 41, 45–46, 118
candidate elements, 8–9 conditioned MOs, 17
candidate response, 139 conditioned reinforcers, 123–124
categorization tasks, 239 conditioned response (CR), 7, 302
Cfunc and Crel properties, 274, 275, 276 conditioned stimulus (CS), 7, 302
chaining procedures, 40 conditioning: observational, 59–60; operant,
children: analogical reasoning in, 203–204; 6–7, 8–9; respondent, 6, 7–8
hierarchical relational responding in, conduct and behavior, 98
209–211; referential behavior study with, consequences of behavior, 8
81 consequential control, 9, 14
class inclusion responding, 210 constative knowing, 109
classes of behavior, 10 constructivist problem solving, 235–236
classical conditioning, 8, 18 contextual behavioral science (CBS), 7,
classification hierarchy, 206–207, 208–209 256–257, 302
clinical behavior analysis, 251–252 contextual cues, 208, 209
codics, 21 contingency adduction, 133–156; behavioral
cognitive defusion, 259 evolution and, 152–153; case study in,
cognitive problem solving, 235–236 143–145; classroom use of, 143; collateral
combinatorial entailment, 179–180 emotional effects of, 151–152; critical
combined stimulus procedure, 138 features of, 135; designing instruction to
committed action, 260 produce, 138; examples of, 134–143; future
Common Core, 171

directions in, 154–155; generativity and, developmental verbal behavior analysis, 69

133–134; variations of, 136–137 dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), 254, 302
contingency adduction moment, 155 dictation taking, 49, 50
contingency adduction probe, 134–135 differential arbitrarily applicable relational
contingency-shaped behavior, 216 responding effects (DAARRE) model, 266,
contingent relations, 217 275–278, 302
control: antecedent, 14–16; consequential, 9, differential observing response (DOR), 40,
14; convergent, 42, 45–47; divergent, 42, 303
43–45; intraverbal, 40; stimulus, 14, 157 differential reinforcement of low rate (DRL),
convergent control, 42, 45–47 215, 303
conversational units, 57 differential reinforcement of other behavior
coordination, frame of, 185–186 (DRO), 225, 303
copying text, 49, 50 discrimination: conditional, 41, 45–46, 118;
coupling, 103 observational, 121; simple verbal, 41–42;
cross-domain analogies, 202 stimulus, 14; verbal conditional, 42–43
cultural behavior, 77 discrimination training, 14
discriminative stimulus, 14, 42, 157, 216, 303
D dishabituation, 8
distinction, frame of, 186–188
DAARRE model, 266, 275–278 distributed trials, 40
Darwin, Charles, 66–67, 100 divergent control, 42, 43–45
dead language, 95 Dixon, Mark R., 174
deictic framing, 193–194, 286; empathy do-say correspondence, 63
development and, 292–294; empirical Du, Lin, 55
research on, 287–290; perspective taking duplics, 21
as, 285–287, 288, 290
delayed gratification, 242
delayed imitation, 121 E
delayed MTS procedures, 161, 162 ear advantages, 67–68
delayed performance, 116–117 early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI),
delayed prompting, 155 84, 88, 90, 303
Delgado, Marianne, 143, 145 EBI. See equivalence-based instruction
denotative language, 101 echoics, 21, 23–25; definition of, 23;
derived intraverbals, 47–48 instruction using, 23–24; stimulus-stimulus
derived mands, 33–34 pairing and, 24–25
derived relational responding (DRR), 174, 255, education: contingency adduction in,
302; clinical behavior analysis and, 255; as 133–156; equivalence-based instruction in,
generalized operant behavior, 181–182; 157–172; flaws inherent in models of,
language related to, 175 111–112; functional competence in,
derived stimulus relations, 5; description of 110–111; generative instruction in, 132;
emergent or, 174; observational learning process of institutional, 105–106;
research in, 124–129 psychological dimensions in, 106; rule-
derived vs. instructed rules, 222 governed behavior in, 225. See also
Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 67 instruction
detachment, concept of, 103 electroencephalograms (EEGs), 195
developmental evolutionary biology, 69 emergent relations, 32, 174
Developmental Plasticity and Evolution emotional intelligence, 291
(West-Eberhard), 66
362 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

emotions: contingency adduction and, fixed ratio (FR) reinforcement schedule, 227,
151–152; empathy development and, 293 303
empathy, 291–294; definition and description flexible responding, 34
of, 291; distinguishing compassion from, framing: definition of, 285; repertoires of, 242
296; functional contextual approach to, frequency building, 150–151
296–297; perspective taking related to, Fryling, Mitch, 115
282–283, 291, 298; relational framing Function Acquisition Speed Test (FAST), 267
account of, 292–294; research studies on, functional analysis, 22
291–292. See also compassion functional analytic psychotherapy (FAP), 256,
English language learner (ELL), 35, 303 285, 304
Epstein, Robert, 133 functional aptitude, 110
equivalence class formation, 161, 164, 167, 169 functional classes, 119
equivalence procedure, 138 functional competence, 110
equivalence relations, 137, 141–143, 159, 200, functional contextualism (FC), 7, 256–257,
218 304
equivalence-based instruction (EBI), 157–172, functional independence, 30–33
303; applications for, 166–169; explanatory functional MRIs (fMRIs), 195
overview of, 158; future directions for,
169–172; instructional design choices in,
160–166; match-to-sample procedures in,
161–162; research study typifying, 159–160; gambling behavior, 223–224
response generalization in, 165–166; Garcia, Yors A., 20, 38
training protocols for, 163–165; training Garcia-Zambrano, Sebastian, 20, 38
structures for, 162–163 gender bias, 269–270
equivalence-equivalence responding, 201–202 generalization processes, 119, 165–166
Erickson, Nicole, 145 generalized echoic responding, 23
errorless learning, 16, 44 generalized operants, 181–182
establishing operations (EOs), 17, 18, 25, 303 generative instruction, 132, 154, 155
event-related potentials (ERPs), 202 generative repertoires, 145–149
evolutionary perspective, 295–296 generative responding, 132, 155
exclusion procedure, 138, 140 generativity: contingency adduction and,
experiential acceptance, 258–259 133–134; explanation of, 131–132
explicitness of rules, 219 Ghezzi, Patrick M., 4, 72
extended and elaborated relational responses Gil-Luciano, Bárbara, 281
(EERRs), 272, 273, 303 Greer, R. Douglas, 55
extension contacts, 103
extinction, 12–13 H
extinction burst, 12–13
habituation, 7
Extrinsic Affective Simon Task (EAST), 267,
Harte, Colin, 264
Haughton, Eric, 150
Hayes, Linda J., 1, 6
F hierarchical classification, 205
fading process, 16 hierarchical part-whole analysis, 205
Ferster, Charles, 153 hierarchical relations, 192–193
Fienup, Daniel M., 157 hierarchies, 205–211; analytic, 206, 209; child
first-wave behavior therapies, 252–253 development and, 209–211; classification,
206–207, 208–209; contextual cues for,

208, 209; future directions for studying, IRAP (implicit relational assessment
211–212; relational frame of, 192–193 procedure), 265, 304; implicit social
hybrid training protocol, 164, 165 cognition and, 266–267; REC model
related to, 272–275; research on deictic
I framing using, 288; RFT perspective on
effects of, 272–278; social research using,
I-Here-Now perspective, 286, 290, 293, 298 267–272
imitative behaviors, 118, 121 IRAP effect, 266–267
Implicit Association Test (IAT), 267, 304
implicit relational assessment procedure. See
implicit social cognition, 265, 266–267; Jacobs, Kenneth W., 6
DAARRE model and, 275–278; future Johnson, Kent, 131
directions for studying, 278–279; IRAP
research and, 267–272; REC model and,
incidental learning, 61–62 Kantor, J. R., 4–5, 7, 72, 73–74, 92, 95, 99, 101
incomplete interactions, 80, 89, 90 Kirsten, E. B., 198
institutional behavior, 99 knowledge or knowing, 106, 107, 109–110
instructed vs. derived rules, 222 Kuhl, Patricia, 69
instruction: echoic, 23–24; equivalence-based,
157–172; generative, 132; intraverbal, L
43–49; mand, 27–29; tact, 30, 46–47. See
lag schedules of reinforcement, 29, 40, 44
also education
language: dead vs. alive, 95; derived relational
instructive feedback (IF), 40, 43–44, 304
responding and, 175; human behavior and,
intelligence, concept of, 106, 107
95–105; Kantor’s study of, 73–75; operant
intensive tact protocol, 59
behavior and, 182; ordinary vs. scientific,
interactions: complete vs. incomplete, 80, 89,
94; psychological use of, 101; referential
90; defusion, 289; mediative, 77;
nature of, 100; relational framing and, 195;
referential, 73, 76–77, 79–82
RFT account of, 183; scientific vs.
interbehavioral psychology, 7, 92, 119
ordinary, 101; Skinnerian account of,
interbehavioral theory, 107
182–183; social human practice and,
interbehaviorism, 119
94–95; understanding related to, 97–98;
interrupted behavior chains procedure, 28
verbal behavior distinguished from, 57. See
interrupted chained task procedure, 34
also verbal behavior
inter-stimulus interval (ISI), 126, 304
Learn to Reason with TAPS (Robbins), 148
interventions: early intensive behavioral, 84,
learning: behavioral, 107, 108–109; errorless,
88, 90, 303; peer-mediated, 40, 48–49
16, 44; incidental, 61–62; instructional,
intraverbal control, 40
106, 112; observational, 115–130; one-trial,
intraverbal operants, 40, 239
117; types of, 109–110; vocal, 68
intraverbal prompting, 44
Lewon, Matthew, 6
intraverbals, 21, 40–49, 239; convergent
linear series (LS) training structure, 162, 163,
control and, 45–47; derived, 47–48;
divergent control and, 43–45; instructional
linguistic behavior, 95–96, 97, 98
procedures, 40–41, 43–49; peer-mediated
linguistic response systems, 96–97
interventions, 48–49; prerequisites for
listener training, 30
teaching, 43; reverse, 47
logical model, 101, 103
364 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

longitudinal studies, 195 N

Luciano, Carmen, 281
naming: bidirectional, 61–62, 63–65;
unidirectional, 61
M narrative referential interactions, 76
maladaptive behaviors, 224, 227–228 national identity bias, 267–268
mand modality, 25 negative punishment, 11, 12
mands, 21, 25–29; definition of, 25; derived, negative reinforcement, 10–11
33–34; instruction using, 27–29; selection- neutral stimulus, 8
based systems of, 25–26; topography-based nonarbitrary relational responding, 175
systems of, 26–27 nonreferential behavior, 76
many-to-one (MTO) training structure, novel behavior, 134, 138, 139, 152
162–163, 304
Marler, Peter, 68 O
Mastering Reading Through Reasoning
(Whimbey), 147 Objective Psychology of Grammar, An (Kantor),
match-to-sample (MTS), 304; procedures, 74
158, 161–162, 168; tasks, 124–125, 126, observational conditioning, 59–60
127, 168; training and testing, 201 observational learning (OL), 115–130, 305;
McEnteggart, Ciara, 264 assessment of, 120–121; Bandura’s theory
McLoughlin, Shane, 198 of, 116–117; behavior analysis and,
measurement categories, 102 117–124; conceptual analysis of, 116–120;
mediating responses, 46 derived stimulus relations and, 124–129;
mediation, concept of, 103 developing repertoires of, 121–123;
mediative referential interactions, 76–77 emergence of conditioned reinforcers
mental terms and expressions, 99, 100 through, 123–124; explanatory overview
mentalism, 261 of, 115–116; extended implications of, 128;
metacognitive therapy, 254–255 future directions in, 129; prerequisite skills
metamorphosis, behavioral, 65–69 for, 121; research studies on, 120–129;
metaphorical reasoning, 242–244 stimulus equivalence and, 124–125
mid-level terms, 257 observing response, 159
mind processes, 100 On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 66
Ming, Siri, 198 one-to-many (OTM) training structure,
Molina-Cobos, Francisco, 281 162–163, 305
Morningside Academy, 132, 149 one-trial learning, 117
Moschella, Jennifer Lee, 55 operant conditioning, 6–7, 8–9, 18
motivating operations (MOs), 16–17, 18, 25, operant variability, 13
304 operational categories, 102, 104
Mulhern, Teresa, 198 opposition, frame of, 188–190
multiple exemplar instruction (MEI), 30, overshadowing, 16
32–33, 40, 61, 127, 304–305
multiple exemplar training (MET), 202, 305 P
multiple tact instruction, 46–47 Pavlov, Ivan, 6
mutual entailment, 178–179 PEAK Relational Training System, 170,
194–195, 305
peer-mediated interventions (PMIs), 40,
48–49, 305

performative knowing, 109 psychological behavior: explanation of,

perspective taking (PT), 283–290; definition 98–100; field model for analyzing, 101–102
and description of, 283; as deictic framing, psychological flexibility, 256, 257, 258, 259,
285–290; evaluating skill in, 182; 261, 289
functional approach to, 284–285; psychological inflexibility, 256, 258, 259
intellectual functioning and, 194; related Psychological Linguistics (Kantor), 74, 75
to empathy and compassion, 282–283, 298; psychological suffering, 260
speaker-as-own-listener and, 51; traditional psychological terms, 94
approach to, 284 psychopathology, 251–252, 256
Picture Exchange Communication System public health issues, 224
(PECS), 25, 305 punishment, 9, 11–12
Pio, Savannah, 214
pliance, repertoire of, 220, 228
Pohl, Peter, 55
positive punishment, 11–12 Rachal, D. Owen, 250
positive reinforcement, 10–11 racial bias, 269, 273, 277, 278
pragmatic verbal analysis, 240–244, 245, 247 radical behaviorism, 5, 6, 251
preceding mediative interactions, 77 random interval (RI) reinforcement schedule,
precision teaching, 40 222, 305
precurrent behavior, 146 random ratio (RR) reinforcement schedule,
prejudicial behaviors, 264–265 222, 305
prerequisite skills: for observational learning, randomized controlled trials (RCTs), 195, 305
121; for rule-governed behavior, 229; for rate of responding, 9
teaching intraverbals, 43 reactive modes, 95–96
present moment awareness, 258 REC model, 272–275
Principles of Psychology (Kantor), 73 recruitment, 135
private events: ACT processes and, 257, 258, referent, 75
259; behavior analysis and, 251, 261; referential behavior, 72–92; detailed analysis
third-wave behavior therapies and, 256 of, 75–77; development of, 87–90;
problem solving, 234–249; behavioral studies explanatory overview of, 72–73; future
on, 236–240; conceptual approaches to, directions for studying, 90–92; interaction
235–236; examples of teaching, 237–240; analysis and, 79–82; ordinary language as,
explanatory overview of, 234–235; future 100; origins of analysis of, 73–75;
directions for studying, 245–246; practice symbolizing behavior vs., 78–79; teaching,
guidelines for, 246–248; pragmatic verbal 82–87; word analysis and, 77–78
analysis for, 240–244, 245; qualities referential interactions, 73, 76–77
required for, 148–149; relevance of rule reflexivity, 161, 170
deriving for, 244–245; RFT perspective on, Rehfeldt, Ruth Anne, 20, 38
240–244; strategic vs. valuative, 241–242; reinforcement, 9, 10–11; automatic, 23;
thinking aloud for, 148 conditioned, 123–124; differential, 215,
Problem Solving and Comprehension (Whimbey 225; lag schedules of, 29, 40, 44; positive
& Lochhead), 148 vs. negative, 10–11; random ratio and
Promoting the Emergence of Advanced interval schedules of, 222; social listener,
Knowledge (PEAK), 170, 194–195, 305 58–59
prompt delay, 44 reinstatement, 13
proprioceptive feedback, 247 relapse effects, 13
relating, behavior of, 177
366 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

relational coherence indicators (RCIs), 275, rule following: establishing repertoires of,
306 226–227; functional units of, 220–221
relational elaboration and coherence (REC) rule-governed behavior (RGB), 5, 214–232,
model, 272–275, 306 306; applied research on, 223–229; basic
relational evaluation procedure (REP), 202 research on, 221–223; contemporary
relational frame families, 184–194; of accounts of, 217–218; definition of rules
comparison, 190–192; of coordination, and, 216; establishing repertoires of,
185–186; of deictic responding, 193–194; of 229–230; explanatory overview of,
distinction, 186–188; of hierarchy, 214–215; future directions for studying,
192–193; of opposition, 188–190 231–232; gambling behavior and, 223–224;
relational frame theory (RFT), 4, 33–34, higher education and, 225; maladaptive or
174–196, 306; families of relations in, rigid, 227–228, 231–232; public health
184–194; fundamental concepts in, issues and, 224; RFT informed by research
177–178, 198–199; future directions in, on, 255; rule following repertoires and,
194–196; hope provided by, 183–184; 226–227; say-do correspondence and,
IRAP derived from, 265; origin of 228–229; teaching rules for flexible,
relational frames and, 174–177; problem 230–231; types of rule following in,
solving informed by, 235, 240–244; 220–221
research providing foundation of, 255; rules: behavior intervention plans and,
rule-governed behavior and, 218 225–226; contemporary accounts of,
Relational Frame Theory (Hayes, Barnes- 217–218; deictic framing and formation of,
Holmes, & Roche), 183 290; describing behavior vs. contingencies,
relational frames: families of, 184–194; 222–223; dimensional characteristics of,
generalized operants and, 181–182; 219–220, 230; instructed vs. derived, 222;
language emergence and, 195; origin of, teaching for flexible RGB, 230–231;
174–177; properties of, 178–181 technical definition of, 216
relational responding, 174–176, 177, 184
religious bias, 268
remembering talk, 100
renewal, 13 sample stimulus, 125
representational categories, 102 sample-as-node training structure, 162
respondent behavior, 7 Sandoz, Emily K., 250
respondent conditioning, 6, 7–8, 18 say-do correspondence, 60, 228–229
respondent-type training, 126 schedule thinning, 44
response bias, 266–267 schedules of reinforcement: lag, 29, 40, 44;
response classes, 9–10 random ratio and interval, 222
response recovery, 13 schooling. See education
resurgence, 13 scientific language, 101
reverse intraverbals, 47 scripted problem solving, 246–247
RFT. See relational frame theory script-fading procedures, 29
RGB. See rule-governed behavior S-delta, 14, 306
Ribes-Iñesta, Emilio, 94 second-wave behavior therapies, 253–254
rigid rule following, 227–228, 231–232 selection by consequences, 10
Robbins, Joanne, 148 selection-based mand systems, 25–26
Romanes, John, 100 selection-based verbal behavior, 22
Rosales, Rocío, 20, 38, 115 self-as-context, 259–260
rule deriving, 244–245 self-awareness, 283, 284–285
self-compassion, 296, 297

self-determined learning model of instruction speech-generating devices, 25

(SDLMI), 237–238, 306 spontaneous recovery, 13
self-talk, 60–61, 62–63 Standard Celeration Charts, 150
sensitivity to changes, 221–222 Stanley, Caleb R., 174
sequence of behaviors, 136, 138 Stewart, Ian, 198
setting conditions, 75, 76 stimulus classes, 15
sexuality-related biases, 270 stimulus control, 14, 157
Shapes-and-Colors IRAP, 274, 275–278 stimulus discrimination, 14
Shoenfeld, Nate, 74 stimulus disparity, 15
Sidman, Murray, 158, 174, 217 stimulus equivalence, 4, 158; concept
silent dog method, 245 formation and, 158; contingency adduction
simple stimulus control, 41 and, 141–143; equivalence-based
simple verbal discrimination, 41–42 instruction and, 158; observational
simple-to-complex (STC) protocol, 164, 165, learning and, 124–125; relational frames
306 and, 175; RFT informed by research on,
simultaneous MTS procedures, 161, 162 255; rule-governed behavior and, 217–218;
simultaneous (SIM) protocol, 163–164, 165, trajectory of research on, 158–159
306 stimulus generalization, 15–16, 157, 158, 247
single-trial-type-dominance-effect, 274 stimulus pairing, 40
skill-acquisition programming, 35 stimulus salience, 15
Skinner, B. F.: criticisms of work of, 3–5; on stimulus substitution, 120
death of behaviorism, 53–54; operant stimulus-pairing observation (SPO), 126–128,
concept of, 1–2, 7; problem solving analysis 307
of, 234, 235, 240, 244; radical behaviorism stimulus-pairing procedures, 40, 48, 126–128
of, 5, 6; role of private events for, 251; on stimulus-stimulus pairing (SSP), 24–25, 307
rule-governed behavior, 214, 215; on the strategic problem solving, 241, 247
self and self-knowledge, 283, 284–285; Street, Elizabeth M., 131
verbal behavior analysis of, 21–34 strengthening of behavior, 9
smoker status biases, 271–272 Stress on Analytical Reasoning (SOAR)
SOAR (Stress on Analytical Reasoning) program, 148
program, 148 substitute stimulation, 5
social behavior: implicit cognition and, symbolizing behavior, 77, 78–79
264–280; verbal behavior as, 56–57 symmetry, 159
social categorization, 265, 266 Szabo, Thomas G., 234
social cognition. See implicit social cognition
social listener reinforcement (SLR), 58–59,
social research, 267–272; on age, 270–271; on tact prompts, 44
body image, 271; on gender, 269–270; on tacts, 21, 29–30; benefits of repertoire of, 29;
national identity, 267–268; on race, 269; instruction using, 30, 46–47; intensive
on religion, 268; on sexuality, 270; on protocol using, 59
smoker status, 271–272 talk aloud problem solving (TAPS), 148, 307
social validity, 91 talking to oneself, 60–61
solving problems. See problem solving Tarbox, Jonathan, 214
source of a rule, 219 taxonomic categories, 102–103
speaker-as-own-listener, 51 technical language, 94
speech perception, 67 temporal components of rules, 219–220
textual behavior, 21, 49–50
368 Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition

theory of mind (ToM), 284, 292, 307 verbal behavior, 3; empirical research on,
think aloud pair problem solving (TAPPS), 22–30; language distinguished from, 57;
146, 148, 307 problem solving based on, 240–241;
third-wave behavior therapies, 254–256 relational frame theory and, 33–34; rules
three-term contingency, 8 on development of, 68; selection- vs.
tool skills, 141, 151 topography-based, 22; Skinner’s analysis of,
topography-based mand systems, 26–27 21–34, 182–183; as social behavior, 56–57;
topography-based verbal behavior, 22 talking to oneself as, 60–61. See also
tracking, repertoire of, 220, 228 language
transfer of stimulus control (ToSC), 28, 39, 41, verbal behavior developmental theory
44, 307 (VBDT), 56, 308
transfer of stimulus functions, 167–168 Verbal Behavior (Skinner), 3, 38, 74, 132, 182
transformation of contingencies, 103 verbal conditional discrimination, 42–43, 308
transformation of stimulus function, 64, verbal operants, 21–33; bidirectional, 56–70;
180–181 complex, 39–51; echoics, 21, 23–25;
transitive class containment, 206, 207, 208 functional independence of, 30–33;
transitive conditioned establishing operations intraverbals, 21, 40–49, 239; mands, 21,
(CMO-T), 28, 307 25–29; tacts, 21, 29–30; textual behavior,
transitivity, 159 21
video models, 238–239
U Villatte, J. L., 290
vocal learning, 68
unconditioned MOs, 17
unconditioned response (UR), 7, 307
unconditioned stimulus (US), 7, 307 W
understanding, process of, 97–98 Watson, John B., 6
unidirectional naming (UiN), 61, 307 weakening of behavior, 9
unilateral property induction, 207, 208 West-Eberhard, Mary Jane, 66
units of analysis problem, 1 Whimbey Analytical Skill Inventory, 146
untaught responding, 132 Whimbey, Arthur, 145–148
Whitehead, Alfred North, 53
V Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 95
words: concepts distinguished from, 98;
valuative problem solving, 241 historical development of, 97; problem with
value-altering effect, 16 studying, 77–78. See also language
valued living, 257–258 writing, advent of, 97


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Applied Behavior Analysis of Language & Cognition


The origins of behavior analysis can be traced to the pioneering

Behavior Analysis
work of B.F. Skinner, whose fundamental insights into human behavior

of Language &


were profound and far-reaching. However, there is considerable room
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language and cognition. With contributions from leading behaviorists,
this groundbreaking edited volume brings the study of verbal behavior
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Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition offers a

comprehensive overview of the concepts and core behavioral processes
involved in language and cognition. You’ll find in-depth discussions
on topics such as generative responding, learning by observation, and
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