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 Table
 Philippine flag
 Troop flag
 Trefoil
 Match or lighter
 Script
 Candles (12 for the points of the scout law; 3 for the points of the scout oath; 1
big candle representing cards for each scout and adult

The room is dark except for the single big candle. The troop Leader stands
behind the table where the candles have been set up. The Senior Patrol Leader takes
the candidates from the room and stands ready with the outside the door. The scouts to
be inducted or invested are in uniform, if possible.


TROOP LEADER: “Senior Patrol Leader, bring the candidates forward.” (SPL escorts
the candidates to the table where they stand facing the Troop Leader, back to audience.
SPL retires to one side).

TROOP LEADER: “You have presented yourself before this troop and asked to be
made scouts. Is this your wish now?”

CANDIDATES: (together) “Yes sir!”

TROOP LEADER: “In this ceremony, you will be received on to this troop and into the
brotherhood of scouting. Before you is a single, lighted candle. It represents the spirit of
scouting. As you become scouts you will learn more the scouting spirit. The law of the
troop is the Scout Law. It is known and followed by millions of scouts. You will learn and
follow this law too. Listen closely for I will soon ask you whether you accept this law as
your own.” (The Senior Patrol Leader or twelve (12) boys who are already a member
will recite the parts of the law).

BOY 1: A Scout is Trustworthy. A scout tells the truth. He keeps his promises.
Honesty is part of his code of conduct. People can always depend on him.

BOY 2: A Scout is Loyal. A scout is true to his family, friends, scout leaders, school,
nation, and world community.

BOY 3: A Scout is Helpful. A scout is concerned about other people. He willingly

volunteers to help without expecting payment or reward.

BOY 4: A Scout is Friendly. A scout is a friend to all. He is a brother to other scouts.

He seeks to understand others. He respects those with ideas and customs that are
different from his own.

BOY 5: A Scout is Courteous. A scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or

position. He knows that good manners make it easier for people to get along together.

BOY 6: A Scout is Kind. A scout understands there is strength in being a gentle. He

treats others as he wants to be treated. He does not harm nor kill any loving creature
needlessly but will strive to save and protect all harmless life.
BOY 7: A Scout is Obedient. A scout follows the rules of his family, school and troop.
He obeys the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are
unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobey them.

BOY 8: A Scout is Cheerful. A scout looks for the bright side of life. He cheerfully
does tasks that come his way. He tries to make others happy.

BOY 9: A Scout is Thrifty. A Scout works to pay his way and to help others. He saves
for the future. He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses his time
and property.

BOY 10: A Scout is Brave. A scout can face danger even if he is afraid. He has the
courage to stand for what he thinks is right even if others laugh at him or threaten him.

BOY 11: A Scout is Clean. A scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He goes
around with those who believe in living by these same ideals. He helps keep his home
and community clean.

BOY 12: A Scout is Reverent. A scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his
religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.

Each boy grasps the big candle and lights each candle on his right (audience’s left).
This is done until all points are covered. The troop Leader then addresses the Scouts

TROOP LEADER: “You have heard the twelve points of the scout law. Do you accept
this law as a scout and do you promise to do your best to live by this law?”

CANDIDATES: “Yes we do!”

TROOP LEADER: “Scouts also live by another code: It is the Scout Oath. The Scout
Oath describes three duties that every scout must accept his duty to God, his duty to
other, and his duty to himself. I want you to make this promise publicly for the first time.
Repeat after me this Oath as I light three candles to represent these three duties.

(Troop Leader uses big lighted candle to light the three candles representing the Scout
Oath. Troop Leader orders Scouts to make the Scout Sign.)

TROOP LEADER: “On my Honor, / I will do my best/ To do my duty/ To God and my

country/ the Republic of the Philippines (Light the center candle)/ And to obey the Scout
Law, / To help other People at all times (Lights the left candle)/ To keep myself
physically strong, / mentally awake, / and morally straight. (Light the right candle).

TROOP LEADER: “You have heard the words of the Scout Oath. Do you accept the
three duties it describes and do you pledge yourself to learn and to follow the Scout

CANDIDATES: “Yes we do.”

TROOP LEADER: “Very well. We begin in almost total darkness. Now in the light of
these candles, we can see one another well. So it is that spirit of the Scout Oath and the
Scout Law light our steps. I direct your attention to the flag. We know what it means. We
learned to take care of it. We love and honor the nation it represents. I ask you now to
face and pledge your allegiance to it. Use the Scout Sign.”

CANDIDATES: (Recites the pledge) “Ako ay Pilipino/ buong katapatan nanunmpa sa

watawat ng Pilipinas/ at sa bansang kanyang sinasahisag/ na may dangal,/katarungan,/
at kalayaan./ Na pinakikilos ng samabayanang maka-Diyos,/ Makatao,/ Makakalikasan,/
at Makabansa.”
TROOP LEADER: “Now, you will recite this investiture pledge as a commitment to your
responsibilities as a Boy Scout.” (Scouts read the pledge and execute the Scout Sign.)


I, _________________________________ of Troop No. ________________________

Of _______________________________ Council (Sponsoring Institution and Council)
pledge to do my best to prepare myself for Service to others. I further pledge to live up
to the Scout Oath, the Scout Law and the Scout Motto and Slogan of the Boy Scouts to
the best of my knowledge and ability. So help me GOD.

___________________ _____________________
Date Invested Scout’s Signature

Attest: ________________________________
Troop Leader

TROOP LEADER: “Candidates, please turn about face the troop.” (At this point the
Troop Leader calls the parents of candidates forward and asks them to stand behind
their sons. If parents are not involved, then the patrol leaders of the candidates are
asked to do this. Parents pin Scout Badge on each Scout’s right packet. Troop leader
hands over the certificates to each scout.)

TROOP LEADER: “Patrol Leaders, take charge of these Scouts and welcome them into
your patrols.”

(If patrol leaders have been involved in the ceremony, they are already up front. They
merely conduct the Scout back to the patrols. If they have not been involved, they come
forward and escort the scouts back. Parents return to their seats.)


On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to

God and my Country, the Republic of the
Philippines and to obey the Scout Law. To help
other people at all times, to keep myself
physically strong, mentally awake and morally

THE SCOUT LAW “Laging Handa” (“Be Prepared”)

A Scout is:
HELPFUL “Do a good turn daily” (Gumawa ng
FRIENDLY mabuti araw-araw)

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