Sudarsana Homam Procedure

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Re: Fwd: [sv-rituals] Shri Maha Sudarshan Homam

From the Bhakti List Archives

Sadagopan • September 18, 2002

SrI Sudarsana Homam is a powerful and grand homam consisting of the

recitation of many Veda manthrams preceded by BhIjAksharams and prayOgams

A brief sequence for Sudarsana Homam acording to one sampradhAyam is as


1. Sudarsana Manthra Japam with kara nyAsam , HrudhayAdhi nyAsam ,

DhyAanam , ViniyOgam

2. Sudarsana AshTottharam starting with (PraNavam ) SudarsanAya nama:

and concluding with (PraNavm) NaarAyaNakrupAvyUha tEjascchakrAya nama:

3. SrI Sudarsana Homa MahA Sankalpam

4. Kumba AavAhanam : In that Kumbam , VaruNan , Lakshmi NaarAyaNan,

Sudarsan are invoked and ShOdasOpachAra AarAdhanam is performed

5. Agni Prathishtai

6. Homam with the following Manthrams:

** SrI Sudarsana ShadAkshari(108 times)with aahUthi

** SrI Sudarsana GaayathrI

** SrI Sudarsana MaalA Manthram

** SrI Nrusimha manthram

** SrI Nrusimha GaayathrI

** SrI VishNu GaayathrI

** SrI LakshmI GaayathrI

** SrI LakshmiI Manthra Homam

** SrI DhanvanthrIi Manthra prayOgam

** SrI Paanchajanya Gaayathri

** PoorNAhUthi

All (the Four participants)/rhtviks) and the spectators go around the Agni
Kuntam and recite SrI SudarsanAshtakam . The Basmam ( saampal) from the
Homam is worn on the forehead for auspiciousness and protection.
The Homam concludes here.

In this Homam , if Lord Sudarsana is pleased , you may get a glimpse of

Sudarsana BhagavAn in the Saptha jihvA (Seven tongued) of Agni JwAlai.

Optional: Sudarsana ShaDkam can be recited here followed by SrI Sudarsana

Sathakam of Sri Koora NaarAyaNa Jeeyar. This is a a powerful sthOthram.

This sthOthram is about the fierce and yet auspicious Sudarsana JwAlai and the
other parts of Sudarsana Chakram .

SrI Koora NaarAyaNa Jeeyar has blessed us with 100 slOkams on Lord
Sudarsana ( 24 on the Sudarsana JwAlai, 14 on the nEmi of SudarsanA ,
12 on the arams of SudarsanA , 11 slOkams on the Naabhi of Sudarsana
chakram ,13 slOkams on the Aksham of the Chakram and 26 on the description
and salutation of Sudarsana MahA Purushan presiding over this MahA
Chakram ).

In conclusion , Swamy NammAzhwAr's ThriuvAimozhi decad 7.4 can be recited

for general auspicousness and to ward off any amangalams.

This decad starts with the Paasuram :

Aazhiyezha Sankum villumzha , disai

vaazhiyezhat-taNDum VaaLUmezha , aNDam
mOzhaiyeazha mudipaadhamezha , Appan
Oozhyezha Ulaham koNDavARE

Invocatory benedictions
1.SoudarsanI JwAlA BhavathAm abhIpsithAni vitharathu!

(May the most beautiful to behold JwAlai of

Sudarsanar grant You all what You desire ).

2.chAkram maha: BhUtayE va: sphurathu !

( May the Tejas/Radiance of Sudarsana BhagavAn remove all kinds of poverty

and grant great wealth).

3. JyOthi BhavathAm praharsham pradisathu!

(May the effulgence of SrI Sudarsanar remove all worries and grant you
happiness ).

4-100 : There are similar benedictions that go with every slOkam of SrI
Sudarsana Sathakam
to give us an understanding of the MahA MangaLams arising from SrI Sudarsana
manthra japam , Homa Karyam and SthOthra Padanam .

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