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* Lecture 4

Solved Examples on
Settlement of Shallow

Prepared By
Foundation Committee
Solved Examples on Se lement

 Example: A rigid foundation of dimensions 5x10m is

required to transmit a uniform gross pressure of 160kN/m 2
at a depth of 1.0m below the ground su ace. Determine
Total se lement (Immediate, Elastic, consolidation and
secondary se lement) for the two layers shown in g.
below .

160kN/m 2

5x10m 1.0m

Sand Layer
Es= 50MN/m 2 , γ=20kN/m 3 , ν=0.3 5.0m

clay Layer
Es= 30MN/m 2 , γ=18kN/m 3 , ν=0.45,
eo =0.88,Cc=0.11,Cv=2.0 m 2 / year ,Cα=0.003 , 14.0
Δt=40years m

Impermeable Layer
3- Consolidation se lement Sc

Cc P o' + ΔP
Sc = -------- Ho log ----------- For Nc.c ,
1 + eo P o'
Determination Po' and ΔP at the center of clay layer
Po'= 20x1 +5 (20-10) + 7(18.0-10) = 126 kN/m 2
q net x B x L 140 x 5 x10
ΔP = -------------------------- = -------------------------- = 18.71kN/m 2
( B+Z) (L+Z) ( 5+12) (10+12)

0.11 126 + 18.71

Sc = ------------ x 14 x log ------------------- = 0.0477 = 4.7mm
1 + 0.88 126
4- Secondary Se lement for the clay layer Ss
t100 +Δt
Ss = Cα H log ------------------
t 100
To nd t 100( 100% consolidation ) assume Tv=100% (=1)
Cv . t 1 x 14 2
T v = ---------- t 100= ---------------- = 98 year
d 2

98 +40
Ss = 0.003x14 x log -------------- = 0.00624m = 0.6mm
Total Se lement = 15.2+7.4 + 47.0 + 6 = 75.6 mm
Is the total Se lement acceptable or not and why?
Determine the se lement by various methods for the loading
condition illustrated in g. below:


10x10m 1.0m

Sand Layer 5.0m

γ=20kN/m 3 , N=20, Cr= 8000kN/m 2
Sand Layer
γ=20kN/m 3 , N=25, Cr= 10000kN/m 2 5.0m
Sand Layer
γ=20kN/m 3 , N=30, Cr= 12000kN/m 2
q net = q gross – γ D f = 100 – (20x 1.0 ) =80 kN/m 2

Use m,n method ( Fadum Cha )to nd stress increment at the

center of each layer where ( m= L/z) and ( n=B/z) and vice versa
Δq = (q net x Iz) x 4 (four pa s) 5m 5m
De Beer and Ma in method - 1
H P o ' + ΔP 1.5 Cr
Si = -------- ln ---------, Cs= --------- , 5m
Cs Po ' Po '
The best way is tabulated the solution

La Layer       Iz        
ye Thickn Cr Po' Cs From Δq Log H/Cs Se l.
r ess kN/m 2 kN/ kN/ Po'+ΔP (mm)
N (H) m2 cha m2 / Po'
o. (mm) (m,
1 5000 8000 45 267 0.23 74.56 0.978 18.7 18.3
2 5000 10000 95 158
Se lement 31.6
38.40 0.339 10.6
0 ∑36.57mm
3 10000 12000 170 106 0.04 14.40 0.081 94.3 7.6
0 5
By Meyerhof (1965) - 2
1.9 Cr
Cs= --------- ,
Po '
Cs H/Cs S
337.7 14.8 14.48
199.9 25.0 8.47
134.11 74.6 6.03
Total Se lement
3- Terzaghi and Peck : Use g. (1) Se lement from eld tests

Si = ---------- S o
q all

q i = applied gross pressure

Si= Immediate Se lement

So= 25mm

From cha ( g,(1) ) av. SPT-N value (20+25/2)=22.5

For N=22.5 and B=10m ( in g. max. B=6m)

q all = 190kN/m2

Since there is a water table < B the value should be halved

So, q all = 95kN/m2

Si = ---------- x 25 = 26.5mm
4- Peck and Meyerhof (1965) Use Fig.(2) Se lement
from eld tests. qi
S i = ---------- S o

From cha ( g,(2) ) av. SPT-N value (20+25/2)=22.5

q all = 285kN/m2

There is no e ect of water table So, q all = 95kN/m2

Si = ---------- 25 = 8. 8mm

5- Meyerhof (1955)

Si= ------------ q for large ra

q= gross applied pressure

N = average SPT-N value at depth equal to width

Si= ------------ x 100 = 12.6mm


We have ve di erent se lement values for ve di erent


Which one you recommend to use and why? Sent your


H P o ' + ΔP 1.5 Cr
Si = -------- ln ---------, Cs= --------- ,
Cs Po ' Po '

Po ’ = E ective overburden pressure at the center of sand layer

below footing base, i.e at depth of 4.57m.
Po ’ = 3.05 x19.2 + (4.57-3.05)x (19.2-10) =72.54 kN/m 2
Cr = 400 N = 400 x 20 = 8000kN/m2

1.5 x 8000
Cs = --------------- = 165.5 ,
ΔP= Δσ'=317kN/m 2 from above table

6.1 72.5+ 317

Si = ---------- ln ------------- = 0.0619m = 61.9mm
165.5 72.5
Total Se lement is = 448+61.9 =509.9mm

Is This se lement acceptable or not and why?

* Tank you for Reading
* We are ready For Discussion

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