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1. Jane : Where are you going?
Frank: ….
a. I go to the cinema
b. I have gone to the cinema
c. I went to cinema
d. I’m going to the cinema

2. They … listening to the radio when their mother cook in the kitchen
a. Am
b. Are
c.  is 
d. Was

3. Jono : Hey Lusy. I need … sugar. I want to make sweet tea.

Lussy: All right, take it in the kitchen.
a.  A number of 
b.  A little
c. A few 
d. Many

4. “It will be a wonderful trip”, Ani told them. We can said, Ani told them that it … a wonderful trip.
a. Was 
b. Would be
c. Will be 
d. Will have been

5. Nisa : Gina, you are beautiful like … mother.

 Gina : Really. Oh, …,
a. Their, okey b. his, okey c. Her, thanks d. Your, thanks.

6. Doni is 16 years old. Joko is younger than him. Which statement is correct?

a. Joko is more than 16 years old 
b. Joko is 17 years old
c. Joko is the same age as Doni 
d. Doni is older than Joko8. Alan is 176 cm height. Roni is 179 cm height. David is 176 cm
height. Mindi is 180 cm

7. Rika : It’s break time. … a glass of milk?

Yuan : That would be very nice of you.
a. May you get me 
b. Could you help me to get
c. May I offer help tp get 
d. Would you like me to get you
This text is for number 9- 11

8. Does _____ let _____ go?

a.     (her, me)
b.     (she, I)
c.     (he, me)
d. (they, she)
9. Please tell _____ that _____ will be late.
a.     (her, I)
b.     (them, him)
c.     (we, I)
d.     (him, her)
10. _____ love Monday. Does _____ love it too?
a.     (I, you)
b.     (She, he)
c.     (They, you)
d. (I, she)

Text 1 is for questions no. 11 to 13

         On Wednesday, my students and I went to Jogjakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel
which is not far from Malioboro.
         On Thursday we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the
Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahma and
Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temple is being renovated.
         On Friday morning we went to Jogja Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were
lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to
Borobudur. We arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard an announcement that
Borobudur gate would be closed.
         In the evening we left for Jakarta by Wisata bus.

11. Which of the following statements is true?

a. Malioboro is very far from Dirgahayu hotel
b. The writer left for Jakarta on Friday
c. The writer and the students went to Jogyakarta for having a research
d. The writer went to Borobudur first and then to Kraton

12. The text above mainly discusses about …

a. The writer’s trip to Jogyakarta
b. The writer’s first visit to Prambanan
c. The writer’s impression about the guide
d. The writer’s impression about Borobudur
13.  Which temple was being renovated?
a. Borobudur
b. Syiwa
c. Brama
d. Wisnu
14.  My niece …….the doll every day.
What is the right word to fill in the blank?
a. Played
b. Plays
c. Playes
d. Play

15. John and I …….in the park every Sunday evening

What is the right word to fill in the blank?
a. Sit
b. Went
c. Sleep
d. Ride

16. John: What …..your father do every evening?

Hary: He ……….a cup of coffee every morning
What is the right word to fill in the blank?
a. Do – is
b. Does – do
c. Does – drinks
d. Does – drink

17. I …… to eat banana but I like to eat orange every morning
What is the right word to fill in the blank?
a. Is not
b. Does not
b. Am not
c. Do not

18. Dhita has an expensive car.

What is the negative sentence?
a. She hasn’t an expensive car
b. She isn’t has an expensive car
c. She doesn’t has an expensive car
d. She doesn’t have an expensive car
19. Jordie and Aldy work in the big company.
What is the Interrogative sentence?
a. Does Frank and Bobby work in the big company?
b. Do you work in the big company?
c. Are they work in the big company?
d. Do they work in the big company?
20. Dimas : Excuse me, I am a new student. I would like to introduce myself my
name is Ahmad. How do you do?
Afwan: ………………
Dimas: Nice to meet you.
    Afwan: ………………
  The right response for the conversation   above is?
a. I am Ok! – How do you do?
b. Good to meet you – I’m fine thanks
c. How are you? – Nice to meet you too
d. How do you do – Nice to meet you too

21. Farras : Good morning, Farhan.

Farhan  : Good morning, Farras.
Farras   : …………..?
Farhan  : I’m fine thanks, and you?
Farras   : …………..
Farhan : I want to buy some food in the   canteen do you want to come with me?
Farhan: No, thanks I have just eaten at home.
The right response for the conversation is?
a. How do you do – Nice to meet you too
b. Where are you  – I am fine too
c. How are you    – I am fine too
d. How do you      – I am fine too
22. Mr. Sulis ia a performer. His work is to make a joke and make people laugh. He
usually performs on a television program. He is s funny and makes other people feel
happy. He is a…..
a. Farmer
b. Singer
c. Comedian
d. Doctor
23. March 23th 1983. The correct way to say this expression is……
a. March the twenty third, nineteen eighty three.
b. March the twenty three, nineteen eighty three.
c. The twenty third march, nineteen eighty three.
d. The twenty third march, nineteen eighty three.
24. Nania is the … of the student who goes to school in the morning.
a. Three
b. Second
c. Two
d. One
25. “It is a quarter past eight.”
The correct numbering of this expression is….
a. 6.38 
b. 7.38
c. 10.37
d. 8.15
26. “It is half past nine”
The correct numbering of this expression is…..
a. 10.30 
b. 9.30
c. 10.15
d. 8.45
27. “It is thirty eight past seven”
The correct numbering of this expression is…..
a. 6.38 
b.  7.38
c. 7.37 
d. 8.37
28. “It is twelve to ten”
The correct numbering of this expression is…..
a. 10.12                                 
b. 12.11
c. 10.11
d. 11.12
29. 2  October 2017. The correct way to say this expressions is…..
a. The second October two thousand and seventeen
b. October the second two thousand and seventeen
c. The two October two thousand and seventeen
d. October the two thousand and seventeen
e. The second two thousand and seventeen
30. Tomorrow is Monday. Two days before is….
a. Tuesday                            
b. Thursday
c. Friday                            
d. Saturday
e. Monday
31. Paijo : Please accept my condolences
Jono : …..
a. Thank you                            
b. We’re sorry
c. That’s ok for this time            
d. Yes, I will
e. No problem
32. I feel …. in the drama movie
a. interested                             
b. angry
c. scared                                  
d. worried
e. tired

33. .  …. If borrow this dictionary ?

a. do you mind                         d. want you
b. may                                       e. will you c. would

34. A : May I go home now ?

       B : ……
a. I am sorry                             d. But I ….
b. thank you                              e. watch out
c. by all means
35. .  …. I take your umbrella ?
a. can                                        d. could
b. will                                       e. do you mind
c. want

36. A : Please accept my apology for coming late.

B : …….
a. Go ahead                               d. Thank you
b. Do you mind if ?                  e. It doesn’t matter
c. yes, I will
37. Shintawati… her office by bus..
a. had gone                               d. go
b. gone                                     e. went
 c. goes
38. A    :    “Mr. Ario. Let me introduce our new manager. Mr. Raharja.”
       B    :    “….?”
       C    :    “How do you do?”
       a. Hi, good morning
       b. Pleased to meet you
       c. How do you do
       e. Pretty well

39. Reza and Anita ……. Professional singers.

       a. am                                         d. was
       b. are                                         e. were
       c. is

40. She buys a new motorcycle for…..

       a. us                                          d. his
       b. them                                     e. him
       c. our

41. Anita ….. in a store as shopkeeper.

       a. works                                    d. working
       b. work                                     e. had worked
       c. worked

42. My parents……fishing with their friends

   a. went                                      d. going b. goes                                      e. had gone
       c. go
43. The students ……. the sentences that the teacher said.
       a. wrote                                     d. write
       b. written                                   e. has written
       c. writes
44. (-) Mr. Andre is not present today
       (?) ….. ?
       a. Are Mr. Andre present today ?
       b. Did Mr. Andre present today ?
       c. Do Mr. Andre present today ?
       d. Does Mr. Andre present today ?
       e. Is Mr. Andre present today ?
45. (?) Are they sure about that ?
       a. They don’t sure about that
       b. They are not sure about that
       c. I don’t sure with them
       d. I am not sure with them
       e. the are not sure about that.

46. (-) They do not distribute the food

       (?) …… ?
       a. Do they distribute the food ?
       b. Does they distribute the food ?
       c. Are they distribute the food ?
       e. Do they distributes the food ?

47. The …… rose is so pretty. I like it very much.

       a. brown                                    d. blue
       b. pink                                        e. blue
       c. orange

48. Good looking – slim – a – girl – Nitayani

       The good arrangement of the sentence is…..
       a. Nitayani is a slim girl good looking
       b. Nitayani is a girl slim good looking
       c. Nitayani is a girl good looking slim
       d. Nitayani is a good looking slim girl
       e. Nitayani is a slim good looking girl
49. Touring – my – bought – a – father – beautiful – car – Italian – old.
       a. My father bought a old beautiful Italian touring car.
       b. My father bought a Italian beautiful old touring car.
       c. My father bought a beautiful old Italian touring car.
       d. My father bought a touring beautiful old Italian car.
       e. My father bought a beautiful Italian touring old car.

50. Wooden – shelves – small – orange – move – Dara – the – to – living – room
       The correct arrangement of the sentence is…..
       a. Dara move the orange small wooden shelves to the kitchen
       b. Dara move the small orange wooden shelves to kitchen
       c. Dara move the shelves wooden small orange to the kitchen
       d. Dara move wooden small orange shelves to the kitchen
       e. Dara move the orange shelves small wooden to the kitchen

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