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Pilani Campus

Course Handout (Part-II)
Date: 03/8/ 2012
In addition to part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table) this portion
gives further specific details regarding the course.
Course No. : MATH C241/MATH F211
Course Title : MATHEMATICS - III
Instructor-in-charge : DEEPMALA AGARWAL
Instructor : Amit Verma, Ashish Tiwari, Balram Dubey, Chandra
Shekhar, Devendra Kumar, Lajja, Pankaj Biswas, Ram
Awtar, Shashi

1. Scopes and Objective of the Course:

This Course reviews and continues the study of differential equations with the objective of
introducing classical methods for solving boundary value problems. This course serves as
a basis of the applications for differential equations, Fourier series and Laplace transform in
various branches of engineering and sciences. This course emphasizes the role of orthogonal
polynomials in dealing with Sturm-Liouville problems.

2. Text-Book: Simmons G.F., Differential Equations with Applications and Historical

Notes, TMH, 2nd ed., 1991.
Reference Book:
1. Zill, Differential Equations, Thomson Learning, 5th ed., 2004
2. Shepley L. Ross: Differential Equations, John Willy & Sons, 1984.
3. Edwards & Penney: Differential Equation and Boundary value problems, Pearson
Education, 3rd edition, 2009.
3. Course Plan: (Sections/Articles refer to Text-Book)

Lect Learning Objectives Topic Sections Home work

No. (Page-problems
1 First order equations. 1-7 Rev & self study

To introduce the
classical methods to
2 solve 1st order First order equations. 8,9,10 All , page 53,
equations 1-4, page 59
1 to 4, page 61
3 Reduction of order. 11 1 to 3, page 65

4-5 Second order 14,15 4 to 8, page 86

To introduce the equations. 1to 4, page 91

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6 classical methods to Use of a known 16 All ,page 94

solve 2nd order solution.
8-11 equations Various methods to 17,18,19 1-2, page 97 & 5-
solve diff. Equations. 7, page 98
All , page 103,
All, page 106

12-13 Properties of Sturm Separation 24, 25 2-4, page 161

solutions Theorem and Sturm All, page 164
Comparison Theorem.
14-16 To introduce Series Series Solutions. 26 to 30 1-2, page 175
Solutions method to All, page 182
2nd order diff. 1- 5, page 191
Equation with 1 – 5, page 198
17-18 variable coefficients Hypergeometric 31 All, page 203
19-21 Legendre Polynomials 44,45 1-2, & 4, 341
1-5, page 347
22-24 Bessel functions 46,47 1- 6, page 356
1- 5, page 363
25 Hermite and Appendix B &
Chebyshev D
polynomials. (Any one
of them and another
for self study)
26-27 Eigenvalues and eigen 40,43 1, page 308
functions, Sturm
Liouville Problems.
28-31 Use LT to solve DE Laplace Transforms. 48,49,50,51,53 All, page 384
and IE All, page 388
All, page 394
1- 4, page 398
2,3,4, page 410

32-33 To introduce systems Systems of Equations. 54,55,56 1,2, page 420

of equations 5-9, page 426
1 and 5, Page 433
34-37 To introduce F series Fourier Series. 33,34,35,36 1-6, page 256
1-5, page 263
All, page 269
1-7, page 274
38 To introduce classical One dim. Wave eqn 40 5, page 310
39 methods to solve PDE One dim. Heat eqn 41
40 Laplace’s eqn. 42

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4. Home Assignment: All problems listed are for Home work.

5. Evaluation Scheme:
EC Evaluation Duration Weightage Date & Time Nature of
No. Component (in %) Component
1. Mid-Term 90 min. 35 6th October 2012, Close Book
Test 4:00 to 5:30 pm

2. Comprehensive 3 hrs. 45 1/12/2012 FN Partially Open

Exam. Book
3. Announced/Un 20 Close Book
6. Make-up: Make-up will be given only in genuine cases.
7. Chamber consultation hour: To be announced in the class.
8. Notices: All notices regarding MATH C241/MATH F211 will be put on Department of
Mathematics Notice Board..

MATH C241/ MATH F211

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