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Asset Summary The Kepala Burung PSC ("Basin PSC") and the Salawati Kepala Burung PSC (
Indonesia blocks located in the 'Birds Head' area of West Papua, Indonesia and are the G
PSC covers an onshore area of 872 km2, while Island PSC covers an area of 1,09
Malaysia offshore. Both blocks lie within the Salawati basin, which is one of the most prolifi

Basin PSC
The Group holds an aggregate of 60% working interest in the Basin PSC. Th
PetroChina and Pertamina. The Group entered the block in 2010 as a non-operat
took over the operatorship of the PSC. Being operator of the block enables the G
the operations and performance of the block, and support the Group's plan to g

Drilling activity in the Basin PSC began in 1972 which resulted in 20 oil and gas d
Kais Formation, a fractured carbonate with strong aquifer support. To date, cum
has exceeded 350 million barrels of oil and 250 billion cubic feet of gas. Currentl
active oil and gas fields, with the largest contributor being the Walio oil field wh
the block's oil production. In recent years, production level has remained rela
program of well optimization and workovers, supplemented by near field
development drillings.

The Basin PSC owns and operates the Kasim Marine Terminal ("KMT"), where
stored before it is lifted by the respective Basin PSC partners. KMT has the pi
from its storage tanks to the adjacent refinery owned by Pertamina, as well as lo
crude oil onto tankers for both the domestic and export markets. Besides
production, KMT also stores and throughput oil produced from 5 neighbouri
sharing arrangements. Crude oils from the various blocks are integrated and sold

The Basin PSC was awarded in October 1970 for a 30-year term and was later ex
the current term expiring on 15 October 2020. In July 2018, the Group signed a n
enlarged area of around 1,030 km2 (the "New Basin PSC"). The New Basin PSC is
into effect when the current Basin PSC expires in October 2020. The Group hol
continue to be operator in the New Basin PSC, with Pertamina holding the remain

With the award of the New Basin PSC, the Group is well positioned to review and
to increase production from existing fields, such as through in-fill development d
optimization plans. More importantly, the Group will be able to refocus its
exploration prospects that remain within the block. Any exploration success has
infrastructure and move into development and production quickly.
For the latest update on the Basin PSC, please refer to our latest corporate presen

Island PSC

The Group is a non-operating partner in the Island PSC with a 33.2% working inter
are PetroChina and Pertamina, which jointly operates the block through a joint op

Similar to the Basin PSC, the Island block produces from the Miocene aged
onshore fields is barged to KMT where it is mingled and stored with oil producti
sold as Walio Mix crude blend. In the offshore area, the Island block currently pro
is a standalone development comprising an unmanned platform tied to a leased F

The Island PSC was awarded in April 1990 for a 30-year term and will be expiring
Group signed a new Salawati PSC covering an area of around 1,137 km2 wh
existing acreage of the Island PSC (the "Salawati PSC"). The Salawati PSC is aw
come into effect when the current Island PSC expires in April 2020. The Group ho
assume operatorship of the new Salawati PSC, with Pertamina holding the re
operator for both the New Basin PSC and Salawati PSC, the Group will be b
operational and cost synergies between the two adjoining blocks.

There remain a number of undeveloped discoveries and drill ready prospects in

offshore areas, which offer significant growth potential for the Group. These incl
Sele gas fields which have a combined contingent resource of up to 20.7 million b
feet of gas.

For the latest update on the Island PSC, please refer to our latest corporate prese

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