Calculate The Relieving Temperature Latent Heat of Vaporization For Fire Case PSV Sizing by Shell DEP Method PDF

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6/27/2014 Process Design Engineer Tools: To calculate the Relieving temperature & Latent Heat of Vaporization for Fire

or Fire case PSV sizing by Shell DEP method.

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Heat of Vaporization for Fire case PSV sizing by Shell DEP
(This method is based on mass flow it gives somewhat higher relieving temperature)
Blog Archive L.K. Singh

▼ 2012 (3) PFD: PFD developed in Aspen HYSYS AMIChemE

Whatever I have
▼ March (3) shared here on my
► Mar 26 (1) blog that experience
▼ Mar 21 (2) has come by working
with some good
companies like
the C. I have worked in
relieving Refinery technology
te... development,PMC,EP
To calculate C,Petrochemical and
the Refinery residual
Relieving basic and Detailed
temperatur Engineering,I have
e & Latent also worked on
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► 2009 (5) and Detailed
1. Methodology: Following are the steps to be followed for developing the Engineering projects
for SHELL & Petronas
model in HYSYS.
a. Open HYSYS and define the stream component, Select fluid package then
View my complete
go to simulation environment and pick a material stream from HYSYS utility profile
b. Define the stream conditions Temperature as Operating temperature and
Pressure as Relieving Pressure give some mass flow rate let say 100 kg/hr.
c. Once stream (14) is conversed now put a heater (E-100) downstream of
material stream (14).
d. Now define the vapor fraction of stream (17) for 5% flashing by mole if
the composition basis is mole % and after that go to heater parameter and
define pressure drop across heater zero, now E-100 and stream 17 is
e. Now put an Adjuster on stream 17 to adjust vapor fraction 5% by mole
basis to convert into 5% weight basis.
f. Now place a Flash drum (V-104) for flashing stream no 17.
g. Define two outlet streams 15 & 16 for V-104, 15 for vapor outlet and 16
for liquid outlet from the flash drum.
h. If the stream 16 vapor fraction is zero then automatically stream 16 is at
its bubble point, therefore got into the properties of stream 16 and note
down the mass enthalpy (-1969KJ/Kg).
i. Now place a heater E-102 downstream of stream16 to bring the stream
at its dew point.
j. Define a heater E-102 outlet stream 18, now define the pressure drop
across heater zero and stream vapor fraction 0.00001. 1/3
6/27/2014 Process Design Engineer Tools: To calculate the Relieving temperature & Latent Heat of Vaporization for Fire case PSV sizing by Shell DEP method.
k. Now stream heater E-102 and stream 18 is conversed and stream 18 is at
Dew point.
l. Note down the temperature of stream 18, which your relieving
temperature (194.8 deg C) at relieving pressure.
m. Now got to the stream 18 properties note the value of mass enthalpy (-1610
n. Subtract the liquid mass enthalpy (-1969 KJ/kg) from vapor mass
enthalpy (-1610KJ/Kg), you will get the latent heat of vaporization 358.6

1. The Relieving Temperature at relieving Pressure is
194.6 deg C.
2. Latent Heat of Vaporization is 358.6 KJ/Kg.

Posted by L.K. Singh AMIChemE at 3:59 AM

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Duy Hai December 8, 2013 at 7:59 PM

Dear Mr L.K. Singh,
your sharing is very useful. Could you explain for me the following, please:
- why define the vapor fraction of stream (17) for 5% flashing by mole? why not
3% or 10%, or any other values?
- why we should convert the vapor fraction by mole basis to vapor fraction by
weight basis?
- My mass enthalpy of streams 16 and 18 doesn't different, due to very small of
stream vapor fraction 0.00001.

Thank you in advanced,



L.K. Singh April 7, 2014 at 9:38 PM

5% flashing is based on Shell DEP.
If we use wt percent, it gives more accuracy because mole basis is a
major unit.


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6/27/2014 Process Design Engineer Tools: To calculate the Relieving temperature & Latent Heat of Vaporization for Fire case PSV sizing by Shell DEP method.

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