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Dimatulac, Aaron Joseph F.

April 2020
GED102 – A7 Score:
CO2, PS#2

Exercise 3.1 (#s 1, 3, 5)

Instruction: Solve the following problems using Polya’s four step problem solving strategy.

1) In the complex number system, i 1=i; i 2=−1 ; i 3=−i ;i 4=1 ; i5 =i, … Find i 173 .
i. Understand the problem
Given complex number system, determine the value of i 173.

ii. Devise a plan

Observing the complex number system, a number pattern can be seen, where similar values repeats
after an interval of four. Refer to the table below:

in n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4 n=5 n=6 n=7 …

Equivalent i −1 −i 1 i −1 −i …

From the number pattern, there are two options to get the value of i 173:
a. Divide 173 by 4. Dividing 173 by 4 will give you a remainder. Multiply the remainder to the equivalent
value of the quotient from the table.
b. Since we know that the similar value repeats after an interval of four, we can assume that i 172=1.

iii. Carry out the plan

a. =43 remainder 1 ; ( i 172 ) ( i 1 )=( 1 ) ( i ), which is equal to i.
b. If i 172=1, then i 173 =i.

iv. Look back

Checking through referring to the table, we can verify that the pattern in the table is true. The similar
value repeats after an interval of four. That’s why we can say that i 173 =i is correct.
2) Yan was born exactly 78 days before Dong was born. If Dong was born on a Monday, what day was Yan born?
i. Understand the problem
Determine the day Yan was born given that he was born exactly 78 days before Dong.

ii. Devise a plan

Assuming today is Monday, precisely 7 days ago was also Monday since we know that there are 7
days in a week. Going back exactly 78 days before Dong was born to know the birthday of Yan, we need to
determine the nearest multiple of 7 from 78. Afterwards, supposing we have the nearest multiple of 7 from
78, go backwards until we determine the exact day Yan was born.

iii. Carry out the plan

First, we let today to be Monday. Then, we find the nearest multiple of 7 from 78 which is 77. This
means that it was also Monday 77 days ago.
Referring from the table:

No. of
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
Day Monday Sunday Saturday Friday Thursday Tuesday Monday Sunday

Yan was born exactly 78 days which is Sunday before Dong’s birth. We can now conclude that Yan
was born Sunday.

iv. Look back

Since we only have exactly fixed 7 days in a week. It would always be a Sunday 78 days before a Monday
and it would always be a Monday 78 days after a Sunday. For example, if today is March 16, 2020 which is
Monday, 78 days ago was December 29, 2019, which is a Sunday. Counting the days backwards 78 days
ago from this year differs from last year, because 2020 is a leap year.
3) Consider a rectangle with length l and width w. Now fold it into two, draw a line on the fold, and unfold the
rectangle. Observe that there are now three rectangles, two small rectangles, and the original rectangle.
a. Fold the rectangle into three, draw lines on the folds, then unfold. How many rectangles do you see?
b. Fold the rectangle into four, draw lines on the folds, then unfold. How many rectangles do you see?
c. From your observations in (a) and (b), how many rectangles are formed if the original rectangle is folded into n

i. Understand the problem

When it is folded, determine the pattern of all possible rectangle.

ii. Devise a plan

Referring from the given information above, we can observe the pattern that corresponds the
summation of n, this will give you the formula:
n ( n+1 )
a n=

iii. Carry out the plan

3 ( 3+1 )
a. a 3= =6
4 ( 4+ 1 )
b. a 4= =10
n ( n+1 )
c. a n=

iv. Look back

Using the formula, to find the numbers of all possible rectangle when fold nth times, refer to the table
No. of rectangle 1 2 3 4 n

Total combined n ( n+1 )

1 3 6 10
rectangle 2

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