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GRADES 1 School: Progreso Village National High School Grade Level: 9

to 12 Teacher: MARIVIC G. PANO Learning Area: English

LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: July 19-21, 2017 Quarter: 1
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed,
 OBJECTIVES additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are using Formative Assessment
strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly
objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to use
Standards: processing, assessing, summarizing information, word derivation and formation strategies, appropriate word order, punctuation marks and interjections
to enable him/her to participate actively in a speech choir.
B. Performance The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice,
Standards: Delivery, Facial Expressions, Body Movements/ Gestures and Audience Contact.
C.Learning EN9RC-Ia-16: Share prior EN9LC-If-8.2: EN9V-Ie-11: Arrive at EN9WC-Ii-3.6: Use literary devices and EN9WC-Ic-8: Distinguish
Competencies/Obj knowledge about a text Judge the meaning of words through techniques to craft poetic forms between and among
ectives: topic relevance and word formation (clipping, EN9LT-Ih-14: Analyze literature as a informative, journalistic, and
Write the LC Code EN9RC-Ia-16: Share prior worth of blending, acronym, means of discovering the self literary types of text
for each knowledge text topic ideas compounding, folk etymology, EN9LT-Ig-2.2.3: Determine tone, mood, EN9OL-Ia-1.15: Use the
EN9SS-Ie-1.5.1: Skim to presented etc.) technique, and purpose appropriate segmentals
determine key ideas and EN9VC-Ic- EN9V-Ia-1: Provide words or EN9LT-Ih-2.3: Draw similarities and (sounds of English) and the
suprasegmentals or prosodic
author’s purpose 3.8: Infer expressions appropriate for a differences of the featured selections in
features of speech when
thoughts, given situation relation
delivering lines of poetry and
feelings, and EN9V-Ig-12.3: Note types of EN9LT-If-2.2.3: Determine tone, mood,
prose in a speech choir, jazz
intentions in context clue (restatement, technique, and purpose of the author.
chants and raps.
the material definition, synonyms, EN9G-Ic-1.6/1.7: Use
viewed antonyms) used for a given appropriate punctuation
word or expression. marks and capitalization to
convey meaning
EN9G-Ic-1.6/1.7: Use
appropriate punctuation
marks and capitalization to
convey meaning
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
Lesson 2. Maximizing My Strength
II. LEARNING Lists the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of
RESOURCES concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
1. Teacher’s Guide P30-32 P33-38 P39-40 P41-43 P44-49
2. Learner’s P30-32 P33-38 P39-40 P41-43 P44-49
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages P30-32 P33-38 P39-40 P41-43 P44-49
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning None – textbook only Copy of the None – textbook only None – textbook only
Resources reading text
GRADES 1 to 12 Progreso Village National High
DAILY LESSON LOG School: School Grade Level: 9
Teacher: MARIVIC G. PANO Learning Area: English
Teaching Dates and Time: July 19-21, 2017 Quarter: 1
DAILY LESSON LOG School: School Y Grade Level: 9
I. These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Area:
Teacher: MARIVIC G. PANO Learning Always English
be guided by demonstration of
PROCEDURES learning by the studentsTeaching which youDates andfrom
can infer Time: July 19-21,
formative assessment 2017 Sustain learning systematically
activities. Quarter: 1 students with multiple ways to
by providing
learn new things, TUESDAY
practice their learning, question their learning processes, and drawWEDNESDAY THURSDAY
conclusions about what FRIDAY
they learned in relation to their life experiences
and stepsknowledge.
previous should be done across
Indicate thethe week.
time Spreadfor
allotment outeach
the step.
activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of
A.Reviewing learning byboard
on the the students which youSharing
the quote can inferoffrom formative
answers assessmentRecall
on the activities. Sustain
the two Letlearning systematically
the students read theby providing students with multiple ways to
Previous Lesson learn new things, practice their learning, question their
additional task given. learning processes, and draw
text in the conclusions about what
excerpt about greatnessthey learned in relation to their life experiences
Reading Schedule/ICL
or Presenting and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step. previous through the life of Martin
E. Discussing New
the New Lesson Ask: Discuss the reading text given Let
lesson the students
Luther KingTake Jr.note of the Remedial/Enhancement Reading
Concepts and How do you know your justify their list of adverbs on Schedule/ICL
Practicing New “Strength”? answers. the excerpt.
Skills #2
B. Establishing a Sharing of observation and Ask: Sharing of Ask the students to read
Purpose for the discussion of the quote. Who do you consider truly ideas about the excerpt about
Lesson great in your life? the text by greatness through the life
compare and of Martin Luther King Jr.
contrast. considering the proper
F. Developing Choral reading Ask the processing questions What is the Discussion on
C.Presenting Sharing of thoughts related to Instruct them to write their importance
Do task 3: of
Discuss: adverbs.
(Leads to Formative
Examples/Insta Strength answers. finding
Finding similarities
Give a mini-lecture on the
nces of the 3) and differences
similarities of
importance of using facial
Lesson and ideas? expression and gestures to
differences on convey the meaning of the
p123 of the excerpt about greatness

D.Discussing New Do task 2. Connecting Lives Reading text 2 on p122 0f the Sharing of Brainstorming of the
Concepts and on pp30-32of the LM. LM. answers in excerpt by group.
Practicing New pairs on the
Skills #1 task 3 given.
GRADES 1 to 12 Progreso Village National High
DAILY LESSON School: School Grade Level: 9
Teacher: MARIVIC G. PANO Learning Area: English
Teaching Dates and Time: July 19-21, 2017 Quarter: 1
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be
guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning
systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning
processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the
time allotment for each step.
A.Making Generalizations Ask: Complete the Write the strong Do drills on adverbs. Remedial/Enhanc
and Abstractions about the What is greatness for you? sentence: points of each ement Reading
Lesson Today, I message from the Schedule/ICL
realized… text.

B. Evaluating Learning How would communicate others of Note the Ask students to Teacher-made quiz on
their experiences on greatness? significant compare and adverbs
responses of contrast each of
the students the messages.

C.Additional Activities for Share own experiences on Journal Do the sharing of Complete the
Application or Remediation greatness and how would you share writing: answers to the sentence:
it to others. Write your class. I realized that
experiences “greatness”…
on how you
of others of


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