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M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering)

Programme Code: EPRRM 200800
Course Name of the Course Credits Hours Continuous Semester Total
Code per Evaluation End Marks
Week Examination
EPRRM101 Advanced 4 4L 40 60 100
EPRRM102 RF Components and 4 4L 40 60 100
Circuit Design
EPRRM103 Antenna Analysis & 4 4L 40 60 100
EPRRM Elective-I (Group I) 4 4L 40 60 100
121- 126
EPRRM Elective –II (GroupII) 4 4L 40 60 100
131 - 136
EPRRM111 Antennas Laboratory 2 3P 100 - 100
EPRRM112 Microwave 2 3P 100 - 100
Total 24 26 400 300 700

Group -I
EPRRM121 - Microwave Networks
EPRRM122 - Microwave Measurements

EPRRM123 - Digital Signal Processing
EPRRM124 - Advanced Microprocessors
EPRRM125 - EMI and EMC Techniques
EPRRM126 - Communication Networks

Group -II
EPRRM131 - Satellite Communication Systems
EPRRM132 - Radar Systems
EPRRM133 - Fiber Optic Communications
EPRRM134 - Mobile Communications
EPRRM135 - Telecommunications Switching Systems and Networks
EPRRM136 - Wireless Communication Systems

Course Name of the Course Credits Hours Continuous Semester Total
Code per Evaluation End Marks
Week Examination
Computational 4 4L 40 60 100
EPRRM201 Techniques in
Microwave Devices and 4 4L 40 60 100
Integrated Circuits
EPRRM 4 4L 40 60 100
Elective –III(Group III)
221 to 224
EPRRM 4 4L 40 60 100
Elective –IV(Group IV)
231 to 235
EPRRM Elective –V(Group V) 4 4L 40 60 100
241 to 244
EPRRM211 Technical Seminar-I 2 2P 100 -- 100
EPRRM212 MIC Design Lab 2 3P 100 - 100
Comprehensive Viva 2 -- 100 -- 100
Total 26 25 500 300 800

Group III

EPRRM221: Phased Array Antennas

EPRRM222: Smart Antennas for Mobile Communication
EPRRM223: Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication Systems
EPRRM224: Computer Communication Networks

Group IV

EPRRM231: Global Positioning Systems

EPRRM232: Wireless Channels and UWB Radio
EPRRM233: Multimedia Communication Technology
EPRRM234: Photonic Networks and Switching
EPRRM235: RF and Microwave MEMs

Group V

EPRRM241: RF Receiver Design and Wireless applications

EPRRM242: DSP Processors and Architecture
EPRRM243: Advanced Digital Signal Processing
EPRRM244: Radar Signature Analysis and Imaging


Course Code Name of the Credits Continuous Semester End Total

Course Evaluation Examination Marks
EPRRM311 Project Work 8 50 50 100
Total 8 50 50 100


Course Name of the Credits Continuous Semester End Total

Code Course Evaluation Examination Marks

EPRRM411 Project work 16 50 50 100

Total 16 50 50 100

Total Credits 74

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – I Semester
Course Code: EPRRM101 Category: core
Credits:4 Hours: 4per week
Wave equations, propagation and properties: Introduction, Time-varying
electromagnetic fields, Time-harmonic electromagnetic fields, Solution to the
wave equation, TEM modes, TEM in lossy media, Polarization, Normal
incidence-lossless media, Oblique incidence-lossless media, Lossy media,
Reflection and transmission of multiple interfaces, Polarization characteristics
on reflection.
Auxiliary vector potentials, electromagnetic theorems and principles:
Introduction, Vector potential F, Vector potentials A and F, Construction of
solutions, Solution of inhomogeneous vector potential wave equation, Far-field
radiation, Radiation and scattering equations, Duality theorem, Uniqueness
theorem, Image theory, Reciprocity theorem, Reaction theorem, Volume
equivalence theorem, Huygen’s principle, Induction theorem.
Rectangular cross-section waveguides and cavities: Introduction,
Rectangular waveguide, Rectangular resonant cavities, Hybrid modes, Partially
filled waveguide, Transverse resonance method, Dielectric waveguide, Stripline
and microstrip lines, Ridged waveguide.
Circular cross-section waveguides and cavities: Introduction, Circular
waveguides, Circular cavity, Radial waveguides, Dielectric waveguides and
Spherical transmission lines and cavities: Introduction, Construction of
solutions, Bi-conical transmission line, Spherical cavity.
1. Balanis, C.A., “Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics”, John Wiley & sons,
2. Kraus, J.D. and Fleisch, D.A., “Electromagnetics with Applications”, McGraw-
Hill, 1999.
3. Jordan, E.C. and Balmain, K.G., “Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems”,
2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall of India, 1993.

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – I Semester
Course Code: EPRRM102 Category: core
Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week
Introduction to RF and Microwave concepts and applications: Introduction,
Reasons for using RF/Microwaves, RF/Microwave applications, Radio
frequency waves, RF and Microwave circuit design, The unchanging
fundamentals versus the ever-evolving structure, General active circuit block
RF Electronics Concepts : Introduction, RF/Microwaves versus DC or low
AC signals, EM spectrum, Wave length and frequency, Introduction to
component basics, Resonant circuits, Analysis of a simple circuit in phasor
domain, Impedance transformers, RF impedance matching, Three element
Smith Chart and its Applications: Introduction, A valuable graphical aid the
smith chart, Derivation of smith chart, Description of two types of smith charts,
Smith charts circular scales, Smith charts radial scales, The normalized
impedance-admittance (ZY) smith chart introduction, Applications of the smith
chart, Distributed circuit applications, Lumped element circuit applications.
RF and Microwave Amplifiers Small and Large Signal Design:
Introduction, Types of amplifiers, Small signal amplifiers, Design of different
types of amplifiers, Multistage small signal amplifier design, High-power
amplifiers, Large signal amplifier design, Microwave power
combining/dividing techniques, Signal distortion due to inter modulation
products, Multistage amplifiers, Large signal design.
Radio Frequency and Microwave Oscillator Design: Introduction, Oscillator
versus amplifier design, Oscillation conditions, Design of transistor oscillators,
Generator-tuning networks.
Text Books :
1. Mathew M. Radmanesh, “Radio Frequency and Microwave Electronics”,
Prentice hall,2001.
2. Joseph Helszain,“Microwave Engineering, Active and Non-reciprocal Circuits”,
McGraw Hill International Edition, 1992.

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – I Semester
Course Code: EPRRM103 Category: core
Credits: 4 Hours:4per week

Antennas and Fundamental Parameters of Antennas: Introduction, Types
of Antennas, Radiation Mechanism, Current Distribution on a Thin Wire
Antenna, Historical Advancement, Multimedia, Radiation Pattern, Radiation
Power Density, Radiation Intensity, Beamwidth, Directivity, Numerical
Techniques, Antenna Efficiency, Gain, Beam Efficiency, Bandwidth,
Polarization, Input Impedance, Antenna Radiation Efficiency, Antenna Vector
Effective Length and Equivalent Areas, Maximum Directivity and Maximum
Effective Area, Friis Transmission Equation and Radar Range Equation,
Antenna Temperature, Multimedia.

Radiation Integrals and Auxiliary Potential Functions: Introduction, The
Vector Potential A for an Electric Current Source J, The Vector Potential F for
a Magnetic Current Source M, Electric and Magnetic Fields for Electric (J) and
Magnetic (M) Current Sources, Solution of the Inhomogeneous Vector
Potential Wave Equation, Far-Field Radiation, Duality Theorem, Reciprocity
and Reaction Theorems,

Linear Wire and Loop Antennas: Introduction, Infinitesimal Dipole, Small
Dipole, Region Separation, Finite Length Dipole, Half-Wavelength Dipole,
Linear Elements Near or on Infinite Perfect Conductors, Ground Effects,
Computer Codes, Multimedia, Small Circular Loop, Circular Loop of Constant
Current, Circular Loop with Non uniform current, Ground and Earth Curvature
Effects for Circular Loops, Polygonal Loop Antennas, Ferrite Loop, Mobile
Communication Systems Applications, Multimedia.

Arrays: Linear, Planar, and Circular: Introduction, Two-Element Array, N-
Element Linear Array: Uniform Amplitude and Spacing, N-Element Linear
Array: Directivity, Design Procedure, N-Element Linear Array: Three-
Dimensional Characteristics, Rectangular-to-Polar Graphical Solution, N-
Element Linear Array: Uniform Spacing, Non uniform, Amplitude, Super
directivity, Planar Array, Design Considerations, Circular Array, Multimedia.
Antenna Synthesis and Continuous Sources: Introduction, Continuous
Sources, Schelkunoff Polynomial Method, Fourier Transform Method,
Woodward-Lawson Method, Taylor Line-Source (Tschebyscheff-Error), Taylor
Line-Source (One-Parameter), Triangular, Cosine, and Cosine-Squared
Amplitude Distributions, Line-Source Phase Distributions, Continuous
Aperture Sources, Multimedia.

Reference Books
1. Balanis, C.A., “Antenna Theory and Design”, 3rd Ed., John Wiley & Sons. 2005
2. Jordan, E.C. and Balmain, K.G., “Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems”,
2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall of India. 1993
3. Stutzman, W.L. and Thiele, H.A., “Antenna Theory and Design”, 2nd Ed., John
Wiley & Sons. 1998
4. Elliot, R.S., “Antenna Theory and Design”, Revised edition, Wiley- IEEE Press.
5. Garg, R., Bhartia, P., Bahl, I. and Ittipiboon, A., “Microstrip Antenna Design
Handbook”, Artech House.

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – I Semester
Course Code: EPRRM121 Category: Elective I Credits: 4
Hours: 4 per week

Microwave Circuits: One port junction, Terminal voltages and currents in
multi port junctions, Poynting’s energy theorem, Normalized waves and
scattering matrix, Properties of [S] matrix, Wave amplitude transmission matrix
[A], Impedance matching techniques: Quarter-wave and Tapered line
Impedance transformers, Two Port Networks analysis with Transmission
matrices, S-Parameter and signal flow graphs

Microwave Waveguide Components: Microwave junctions, Bends, Scattering
matrix E and H plane tee junctions, Magic-T , Applications of Magic-T,
Microwave propagation in ferrites, Principles of Faraday rotation, Gyrator,
Isolator and Circulator,

Waveguide Components, Mode transducers, Waveguide discontinuities,
Terminations, Attenuators and Phase shifters, Rotary joints, Mechanical and gas
type switches.

Microwave Passive Components: Wave meters, Attenuators, Directional
coupler, Scattering matrix of directional couplers, Coaxial and Strip line
components : Terminations, Connectors and Transitions, Attenuators and phase
shifters, Transmission line discontinuations, DC Returns and blocks, Low pas
filters, MICS.

Microwave Resonators and Filters : Review of resonant circuits, Principles of
microwave resonators, Field analysis of cavity resonators, Narrow band
microwave filters, Wideband microwave filters, Some applications,
Introduction to YIG filter, Scattering matrix of two-port gyrator networks.

Text Books :
1. R.E. Collins ,"Foundations of Microwave Engg”, –, TMH,2001
2. P.A. Rizzi ,“Microwave Engineering”, Pearson Education, 2007
3. Joseph Helszajn ,“Microwave Engineering - Non-reciprocal active and passive
circuits”, McGraw Hill, 1992.
4. M. Kulkarni ,”Microwave & Radar Engineering “, Umesh Publications, 2003.
5. Gintton,EL,” Microwave Measurements”, Mc Graw Hill,1979
6. Sucher&Fox, “Microwave Measurements”, Vol.1, II, III,Inter science
7. Annapurna Das and Sisir K. Das ,“Microwave Engineering “,TMH, 2000.

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – I Semester
Course Code: EPRRM122 Category: Elective I Credits: 4
Hours: 4 per week

Introduction to Radio Frequency & Microwave Measurements Introduction
Radio Frequency Band, microwave and millimeter wave. Power Measurement-
High Power Measurement, calorimeter technique, Low power Measurement,
bolometer technique, Very Low Power Measurement.

Frequency Measurement - Different Technique to measure frequency, Slotted
Line Technique, maxima & minima, wavelength & frequency measurement.
Impedance Measurement- Measurement of unknown load impedance of a
transmission line, Slotted Line Technique to measure unknown impedance.
Distortion & Frequency Translation Measurement- Different types of distortion
occurred at microwave frequencies, Procedures for frequency translation.

Detectors& Sensors: Definition of Detectors; Different type of microwave
detectors functions and applications, Sensors Definition & working principle,
applications, measurement of scattering parameters.

Vector Network Analyzer (VNA): Concept of vector network analyzer, Basic
block diagram of vector network analyzer (VNA), Application of vector
network analyzers. Scalar Network Analyzer (SNA): Definition of network
analyzer, Difference between SNA&VNA, Basic block diagram Scalar Network

Spectrum Analyzer: Basic block diagram of a spectrum analyzer, functions &
applications of a spectrum analyzer. Time Domain Electrometer (TDR) & IC
Technology: Introduction to Electrometer, Measurement of reflection
coefficient using electrometer technique, Basic block diagram of a time domain

Text Books:
1. G.H.Bryant,“Principles of Microwave Measurements”-,Peter Peregrinus
2. D.Pozar,” Microwave Engineering”, 2nd Ed, John Wiley
3. T.S.Laverghetta-“ Hand book on Microwave Testing”,Artech House,1981
4. S.F.Adam-“ Microwave Theory & Application”- Prentice Hall, Inc
5. A.E. Bailey, Ed.” Microwave Measurements”- Peter Peregrinus Ltd,

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – I Semester

Course Code: EPRVD122/EPRDS101/EPRRM123 Category: Elective-I

Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week

Discrete-Time Signals And Systems - Discrete-Time Signals, Discrete-Time
Systems, Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear Time-Invariant systems, Discrete-
Time Systems Described by Difference Equations, Implementation of Discrete-
Time Systems
Frequency Analysis Of Signals And Systems: The z-Transform, Properties of
the z-Transform, Analysis of Linear Time Invariant Systems in the z-Domain,
Frequency Analysis of Continuous-Time Signals, Frequency Analysis of
Discrete-Time Signals, Frequency-Domain Characteristics of Linear Time-
Invariant Systems, Frequency Response of LTI Systems
The Discrete Fourier Transform: Its Properties And Applications -
Frequency Domain Sampling: The Discrete Fourier Transform, Properties of
the DFT, Linear Filtering Methods Based on the DFT, Frequency Analysis of
Signals Using the DFT, The Discrete Cosine Transform, Efficient Computation
of the DFT: FFT Algorithms Applications of FFT Algorithms
Implementation Of Discrete-Time Systems: Structures for the Realization of
Discrete-Time Systems, Structures for FIR Systems, Structures for IIR Systems,
Representation of Numbers, Quantization of Filter Coefficients, Round-Off
Effects in Digital Filters, Quantization Effects in the Computation of the DFT
Design Of Digital Filters: General Considerations, Design of FIR Filters,
Design of IIR Filters From Analog Filters Frequency Transformations

Text Books:
1. Proakis, J.Gard and D.G.Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing : Principles,
Algorithms and Applications”, Fourth Edn.,,PHI, 1996.
Reference Books:
1. A.V. Oppenheim and R.W. Schaffer, “Discrete Time Signal Processing” –PHI,

2. J. Schilling & Sandra L. Harris, Thomson “Fundamentals of Digital Signal
Processing” ,Stamford Publication, 2005
3. S. Salivahanan et al ,”Digital Signal Processing “, TMH, 2000.
4. Thomas J. Cavicchi,” Digital Signal Processing “, WSE, John Wiley, 2004.
A.V.Opperheim & R.W.Schafer,” Digital Signal Processing”, PHI

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – I Semester

Course Code: EPRRM124 Category: Elective-I Credits: 4

Hours: 4 per week

Introduction to 16-bit processors: Intel 8086 and 8088, Architecture, Bus
Interface Unit and Execution Unit, Data and Address Bus Configuration,
Memory Segmentation, Memory Address generation, I/O Port addressing,
Functions of all signals, Interrupt processing, Hardware and Software interrupts,
Internal interrupts, Minimum and Maximum Mode.

Addressing Modes: Instruction Set in detail, Assembler directives, Assembly
Language Programming Tools, Programming examples, Macros, DOS

Peripheral chips: 8255 I/O chip, 8254 Timer, Interfacing of 8086 with
Memory, 8255 and 8254. Interfacing with ADC and DAC chips. Industrial
Applications, Programming examples. Peripheral chips like 8251 (USART) and
8259 (Priority Interrupt Controller), Interfacing of 825 and 8259 and with 8086,
Programming examples.

8087 Numeric Co-processor Architecture: Processor Interface, Instruction
set, Protected Mode operation, Segmentation, Virtual memory, Multitasking
and Task switching. Architecture of 68000 Motorola Processor, Addressing
Modes, Instruction Set in Detail.

68000 Programming examples: Exception processing, General, Reset,
Interrupt, Bus Error and Address Error Exception processing, Short and Long
frames, Read, Write, Read-modify, Write and Interrupt Timing diagrams.
Architecture of Peripheral devices like 6820/6821, Parallel Interface Adaptor,
and 6850 Asynchronous Communication Serial Interface, Interfacing 68000
with 6820 and 6850, Programming examples.

Text books:

1. Barry B.Brey, “The Intel Microprocessors 8086/8088, 80, 86, 80286, 80386
80486, Pentium, Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4,
Architecture, Programming and interfacing”, Prentice Hall of India Private
Limited, New Delhi, 2003.
2. Douglas Hall,“Microprocessor and Interfacing, Programming &
Hardware”,Tata mcgrawhill,1993.
3. Bhupendra Singh Chhabra, “The INTEL 8086/8088, Microprocessor
Architecture, Programming, Design & Interfacing”, 3rd Edition.,Dhanapt rai
4. S.K. Venkata Ram, “Advanced Microprocessor and Microcontrollers”, Laxmi
5. Lance. A. Leventhal, “68000 Assembly Language Programming”,

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – I Semester

Course Code: : EPRRM125 Category: Elective-I Credits: 4

Hours: 4 per week

Introduction, Natural and Nuclear sources of EMI / EMC: Electromagnetic
environment, History, Concepts, Practical experiences and concerns, frequency
conservations. An overview of EMI / EMC, Natural and Nuclear sources of

EMI from apparatus, circuits and open area test sites: Electromagnetic
emissions, noise from relays and switches, non-linearities in circuits, passive
intermodulation, cross
talk in transmission lines, transients in power supply lines, electromagnetic
interference (EMI). Open area test sites and measurements.

Radiated and conducted interference measurements and ESD: Anechoic
chamber, TEM cell, GH TEM Cell, characterization of conduction currents /
voltages, conducted EM noise on power lines, conducted EMI from equipment,
Immunity to conducted EMI detectors and measurements. ESD, Electrical fast
transients / bursts, electrical surges.

Grounding, shielding, bonding and EMI filters: Principles and types of
grounding, shielding and bonding, characterization of filters, power lines filter

Cables, connectors, components and EMC standards: EMI suppression
cables, EMC connectors, EMC gaskets, Isolation transformers, optoisolators,
National / International
EMC standards.

Text Books:
1. V.P. Kodali, “Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibility”,IEEE Publication,
printed in India by S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2000.
2. Wilium DuffG., and Donald RJ., Series on “Electromagnetic Interference and
Compatibility”, Vol.5, EMI Prediction and Analysis Technique, 1972.
3. Weston David. A., “Electromagnetic Compatibility, Principles and
Applications”, 1991.
4. Kaiser BE., “Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility”, Artech
5. “Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility IMPACT series”, IIT Delhi,
6. Modules1- 9.
7. C.R.Pal,“Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility”, Ny, John Wiley,

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – I Semester
Course Code: EPRRM126 Category: Elective-I Credits: 4
Hours: 4 per week
Basic data communication concepts: Introduction to Data communication,
channel capacity, parallel and serial transmission, Asynchronous and
Synchronous transmission, Simplex, Half Duplex and Full Duplex modes of
transmission and their applications. Multiplexing strategies like TDM, FDM,
WDM and SDM.
Data Interfaces and transmission: Digital interface standards ; RS-232C
standard and 21 standard, connecting a DTE in RS-232 C. RS-449, RS-422A
and RS-423A standards High speed desktop serial interfaces. Plesiochronous
digital multiplexing hierarchy T carrier and E carrier. Introduction to ISDN, its
interfaces and reference points Need for MoDems for data communication and
their types.
Communication Networks and its technology: Concept of Circuit switching,
message switching and packet switching, their comparison and application.
Computer Networks and concept of layering, OSI reference Model,
Introduction to TCP/IP protocol suite and comparison of the OSI TCP/IP
layered Models. Classification of networks under the heading LAN, WAN and
MAN and their characteristics.
Physical and Data link layer: Error detection techniques such as Parity check,
Vertical and longitudinal redundancy check, CRC code and their error detecting
capabilities. Data link layer issues Point to point and multipoint links, flow
control, sliding window protocol, various ARQ techniques for error and flow
control and their comparison, SDLC, HDLC as bit oriented link control.
Local Area Networks and its technology: Various transmission mediums for
LAN different types of LAN topologies. Medium Access Control Techniques
namely Contention, Token Passing and Polling. CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA. A
brief survey of IEEE LAN standards. Comparative study of Ethernet, Fast
Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet.
Text books:
1. William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communication”, PHI,2007
2. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, PHI,2003

3. Forouzen B. “Data communication and Networking”, TMH,1998.
M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – I Semester
Course Code: EPRRM131 Category: Elective II Credits: 4
Hours: 4 per week

Introduction : History, The Indian Scenario, Frequency allocation, Basic
Satellite systems, Satellite orbits, Geostationary orbit, Orbital parameters and
perturbations, Eclipse.

Satellite link design and Space craft: Basic link analysis, Attenuation and
effects, Uplink, Downlink and Satellite link design, Space craft: Lifetime and
Subsystems of Satellite – Transponder, Antenna, Attitude Control, Propulsion
system, Telemetry, Tracking & Control, Power system, Thermal Control
System and Structure subsystems.

Modulation and Multiplexing techniques: Introduction, Signal sources,
Analog transmission systems, Frequency division multiplexing, Frequency
modulation, Digital transmission systems, Source coding, Digital modulation
and demodulation, TDM.

Multiple access : Introduction, FDMA, Single and Multiple channel per carrier,
FDM/FM/FDMA link, TDMA, TDMA frame structure and frame efficiency,
TDMA super frame structure, Frame acquisition and synchronization, CDMA,
PN sequence, Direct sequence and Frequency hopped spread spectrum system,
Demand assignment multiple access, Demand assignment TDMA, SCPC-

Earth station: Design considerations, General configuration, Antenna systems,
Feed system, Tracking system, High power amplifier, Low noise amplifier,
Earth station equipment.

Text Books:
1. T. Pratt and S. W. Bostian ,”Satellite Communication” , 2nd Edition,John Wiley
and Sons,2008.
2. D. C. Agarwal, “Satellite Communication”, 4th Edition,Khanna Publishers,1999.

Reference Books:
1. Dharma Raj Cheruku,” Satellite Communication”, IK International Publishing
House, New Delhi, 2009.

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – I Semester
Course Code: EPRRM132 Category: Elective II Credits: 4
Hours: 4 per week
The Radar range Equation: Radar Fundamentals, Derivation of Range
Equation, The Search Radar Equation jamming and radar range with Jamming,
Radar clutter and Radar range with Clutter, Radar Range with Combined
Interference sources.
The Theory of Target detection: Noise and faults alarm. detection of One
sample of signal with Noise, Integration of Pulse Train, detection of fluctuating
targets, CFAR, Optimum prediction and matched filter Theory, Loss factors in
Targets and Interference: Definition of radar cross section, radar cross section
simple and
complex objects, spatial distribution of cross section biostatic cross section, CW
and FM radar: Doppler effect, CW and FMCW radar, Airborne Doppler
Navigation, Multi frequency CW radar.
MTI radar: Delay Lines and delay cancellers, sub clutter visibility, MTI using
Range Gates and Filters, Pulse Doppler Radar, non coherent MTI Radar, and
Applications of Digital signal processing to radar system Tracking Radar:
Different types of Tracking Techniques, Tracking in Range, Tracking in
Doppler, Search acquisition Radar, comparison Of Trackers.
Introduction to Pulse compression radar: Height finding Radar, Air Traffic
control, Radar and data handling, Atmospheric effects of Radar,
Electromagnetic compatibility aspects, Air borne Radars, Synthetic aperture
Radar, secondary surveillance radars.
Text Books:
1. David Barton,K., “Modern radar systems analisys”,Artech House,1988.
2. Fred Nathoson, E,.”Radar Design Principles signal Processing and the
Environmernt”,McGraw Hill .1969.
3. Cook CE, Bern field. M.” Radar Signals”, Academic Press, 1967.
4. Skolnik, “Introduction to Radar systems”, Mc Grawhill, 1980.

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – I Semester
Course Code: EPRRM133 Category: Elective-II Credits: 4
Hours: 4 per week
Optic Fiber Waveguides : Step – Index Fiber, Graded – Index Fiber,
Attenuation, Modes in Step-Index Fibers, Modes in Graded – Index Fibers,
Pulse Distortion and Information Rate in Optic Fibers, Construction of Optic
Fibers, Optic Fibers, Optic Fiber Cables.
Light Sources and Detectors : Light-Emitting Diodes, Light-Emitting –
Diodes Operating Characteristics, Laser Principles, Laser Diodes, Laser-Diode
Operating Characteristics, Distributed – Feedback Laser Diode, Optical
Amplifiers, Fiber Laser, Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser Diodes,
Principles of Photo detection, Photomultiplier, Semiconductor Photodiode, PIN
Photodiode, Avalanche Photodiode.
Couplers and Connectors: Principles, Fiber end Preparation, Splices,
Connectors, Source Coupling, Distribution Networks and Fiber Components,
Distribution Networks, Directional Couplers, Star Couplers, Switches, Fiber
Optical Isolator, Wavelength- Division Multiplexing, Fiber Bragg Gratings,
Other Components : Attenuator, Circulator
and Polarization Controller.
Modulation, Noise and Detection: Light-Emitting-Diode Modulation and
Circuits, Laser-Diode Modulation and Circuits, Analog-Modulation Formats,
Digital-Modulation Formats, Optic Heterodyne Receivers, Thermal and Shot
Noise, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Error Rates, Modal Noise, Amplifier Noise, Laser
Noise, and Jitter, Additional Noise Contributors, receiver Circuit Design.
System Design and Fiber Optical Applications: Analog System Design,
Digital System Design, Applications of Fiber Optics .
Text Books :
1. Joseph. C. Palais, “Fiber Optic Communications”, Pearson Education, Asia, 2002.
2. John Powers ,”Fiber Optic Systems” Irwin Publications, 1997
3. Howes M.J., Morgan, D.V ,”Optical Fiber Communication”, John Wiely.1980
4. John M.Senior, “Optical Fiber Communication: Principles and Practice”, Pearson
Education, 2nd edition, 2006
M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – I Semester
Course Code: EPRRM134 Category: Elective-II Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week

Introduction - Evolution of mobile radio communications, mobile radio
systems around the world, trends in cellular radio and personal communication,
first generation (1G), second generation (2G), third generation (3G) mobile
cellular networks.

Cellular concept – Limitations of conventional mobile system, Introduction to
mobile cellular communication, concept of frequency reuse, cluster size,
cellular system architecture, channel assignment strategies, call handoff
strategies – hard handoff and soft handoff, prioritizing handoff; interference and
system capacity, improving capacity in cellular systems – cell splitting,
sectoring, microcell zone concept.

Different mobile communication systems – GSM services and features,
system architecture, GSM radio subsystem, GSM channel types, location
updating and call setup, WAP, SCSD, GPRS, EDGE, 3G W-CDMA; CDMA
digital cellular standard, comparison between GSM and CDMA, 3G cdma2000,

Radio Channel Characterisation – Free space propagation, Multipath
propagation, diversity techniques, Co-channel interference, Propagation effects
- scattering, ground reflection, fading, Log-normal shadowing.
Wireless networks – Advantages and applications of Wireless LAN, WLAN
technology – RF and IR wireless LAN, diffuse, quasidiffuse and point-to-point
IR wireless LAN, IEEE802.11, IEEE802.11 architecture, Physical layer, MAC
layer, Introduction to WIFI, HIPERLAN2, Bluetooth – Bluetooth architecture.

Mobile network and transport layer – Introduction to Mobile IP,
requirements, IP packet delivery, Agent discovery, Registration, Tunneling and
encapsulation, Optimization, Reverse tunneling; Mobile adhoc networks –
Routing, Destination sequence distance vector, Dynamic source routing and
Alternative metrics; Traditional TCP – Congestion control, Slow start.
Text & Reference Books:
1. Mobile Cellular Communication, Gottapu Sasibhushana Rao, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2013.
2. Theodore S. Rappaport, “Wireless communications: principles and practice”,
Prentice Hall/ Pearson Education, 2009.
3. J. Schiller, “Mobile communications”, Pearson Education,2009.
4. William C. Y. Lee,” Mobile cellular telecommunication – analog and digital
systems”, McGraw Hill, 2nd ed.1995
5. Wang,”Wireless communication System”, Pearson Education,2004
6. Talukdar, “Mobile computing”, TMH,2010
7. J.W.Mark, W. Zhuang,”Wireless Communication and Networking”, PHI,2003.
8. A. Santamaria et al, “Wireless LAN systems”, Artech House,2000.

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – I Semester

Course Code: EPRRM135 Category: Elective-II Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week

Telecommunication Switching Systems: Introduction, Elements of switching
network configuration, strowger switching components, principles of cross bar
switching, Electronic space division switching, Time division switching,
Combination switching.

Telephone Networks: Subscriber loop systems, switching hierarchy and
routing, transmission plan, numbering plan, charging plans.

Signaling Techniques: In channel signaling, common channel signaling.
Network traffic
parameters, grade of service and blocking probability.

Data Communication Networks: Introduction, network architecture, layered
network protocols, data communications hardware, data communication circuits
Public switched data networks, connection oriented & connection less service,
Circuit Switching, switching and virtual circuit switching concepts, OSI
reference model, LAN, WAN, MAN Repeaters, Bridges, Routers and gate

Integrated Services Digital Networks: Introduction, motivation, ISDN
interfaces, functional grouping, reference points, protocol architecture,
signaling, numbering, BISDN, DSL Technology: ADSL, Cable Modem,
Traditional Cable Networks, HFC Networks, CMTS and DOCSIS. SONET:
Devices, Frame, Frame Transmission.

Text Books:
1. Thyagarajan Viswanath,” Telecommunication switching system and networks”,
PHI, 2004
2. Wayne Tomasi ,”Advanced electronic communications systems”, PHI, 2004.
Reference Books:
1. J. Bellamy, “Digital telephony “,John Wiley, 2nd edition, 2001.
2. Achyut. S.Godbole,” Data Communications & Networks”, TMH, 2004.
3. H.Taub & Schilling, “Principles of Communication Systems”, TMH, 2nd Ed.
4. B.A.Forouzan, “Data Communication & Networking “,TMH, 3rd Edition, 2004.
5. Prakash. C. Gupta,” Data Communications”, PHI, 2001.
6. J E Flood, “Telecommunication switching, Traffic and Networks “, Pearson
Education, 1999

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – I Semester
Course Code: EPRRM136 Category: Elective-II Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week
Multiple Access Techniques for Wireless Communication: Introduction,
FDMA, TDMA, Spread Spectrum, Multiple access, SDMA, Packet radio,
Packet radio protocols, CSMA protocols, Reservation protocols. Introduction to
Wireless Networking: Introduction, Difference between wireless and fixed
telephone networks, Development of wireless networks, Traffic routing in
wireless networks.
Wireless Data Services: CDPD, ARDIS, RMD, Common channel signaling,
ISDN, BISDN and ATM, SS7, SS7 user part, signaling traffic in SS7.
Mobile IP and Wireless Access Protocol: Mobile IP Operation of mobile IP,
Co-located address, Registration, Tunneling, WAP Architecture, overview,
WML scripts, WAP service, WAP session protocol, wireless transaction,
Wireless datagram protocol.
Wireless LAN Technology: Infrared LANs, Spread spectrum LANs, Narrow
bank microwave LANs, IEEE 802 protocol Architecture, IEEE802 architecture
and services, 802.11 medium access control, 802.11 physical layer. Blue Tooth,
Overview, Radio specification, Base band specification, Links manager
specification, Logical link control and adaptation protocol. Introduction to WLL
Mobile Data Networks: Introduction, Data oriented CDPD Network, GPRS
and higher data rates, Short messaging service in GSM, Mobile application
protocol. Wireless ATM & HiPER LAN: Introduction, Wireless ATM,
HIPERLAN, Adhoc Networking and WPAN.
Text Books:
1. William Stallings,“Wireless Communication and Networking”, PHI, 2003.
2. Theodore, S. Rappaport, “Wireless Communications, Principles, Practice” PHI, 2nd
3. Kamilo Feher, “Wireless Digital Communications”, PHI, 1999.
4. Kaveh Pah Laven and P. Krishna Murthy “Principles of Wireless Networks”, Pearson
Education, 2002.
M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – I Semester

Course Code: EPRRM111 Credits: 2 Hours : 3 per week

1) Study of microwave components

2) Measurement of attenuation characteristics
3) Measurement of frequency and wave length.
4) Measurement of Radiation pattern and gain of horn antenna.
5) Measurement of Radiation pattern and gain of different dipole antennas.
6) Measurement of unknown load impedance
7) Determination of Polarization of antennas.
8) Measurement of parameters of directional coupler
9) Verification of Reciprocity Characteristics of antennas.
10) Measurement of coupling factor of E-plane tee and H-plane Tee junction

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – I Semester


Course Code: EPRRM112 Credits: 2 Hours : 3 per week

The following parameters are to be measured with X, S and Ku band

microwave components.

1. Reflex Klystron Characteristics.

2. Gunn Diode Characteristics.
3. Directional Coupler Characteristics.
4. VSWR measurements.
5. Impedance, wavelength and frequency measurements.
6. Measurement of Scattering Parameters.
7. Measurement of attenuation Constant.
8. Coupling Measurement of H & E – Plane and magic-Tee Junctions
9. Measurement of dielectric constant.
10. Measurement of phase shift.
11. Circulators / Isolators

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – II Semester

Course Code: EPRRM201 Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week

Fundamental Concepts: Introduction, Review of Electromagnetic Theory,
Electrostatic Fields, Magnetostatic Fields, Time-varying Fields, Boundary
Conditions, Wave Equations, Time-varying Potentials, Time-harmonic Fields,
Classification of EM Problems, Classification of Solution Regions,
Classification of Differential Equations, Classification of Boundary Conditions,
Some Important Theorems, Superposition Principle, Uniqueness Theorem

Analytical Methods: Introduction, Separation of Variables, Separation of
Variables in Rectangular Coordinates, Laplace’s Equations, Wave Equation,
Separation of Variables in Cylindrical Coordinates, Laplace’s Equation, Wave
Equation, Separation of Variables in Spherical Coordinates, Laplace’s
Equation, Wave Equation, Some Useful Orthogonal Functions, Series
Expansion, Poisson’s Equation in a Cube, Poisson’s Equation in a Cylinder,
Strip Transmission Line, Practical Applications, Scattering by Dielectric
Sphere, Scattering Cross Sections, Attenuation Due to Raindrops.

Finite Difference Methods: Introduction, Finite Difference Schemes, Finite
Differencing of Parabolic PDEs, Finite Differencing of Hyperbolic PDEs, Finite
Differencing of Elliptic PDEs, Band Matrix Method, Iterative Methods,
Accuracy and Stability of FD Solutions, Practical Applications I — Guided
Structures, Transmission Lines, Waveguides, Practical Applications II — Wave
Scattering (FDTD), Yee’s Finite Difference Algorithm, Accuracy and Stability,
Lattice Truncation Conditions, Initial Fields, Programming Aspects, Absorbing
Boundary Conditions for FDTD, Finite Differencing for Nonrectangular
Systems, Cylindrical Coordinates, Spherical Coordinates, Numerical
Integration, Euler’s Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson’s Rule, Newton-Cotes
Rules, Gaussian Rules, Multiple Integration.

Variational Methods: Introduction, Operators in Linear Spaces, Calculus of
Variations, Construction of , Functionals from PDEs, Rayleigh-Ritz Method,

Weighted Residual Method, Collocation Method, Subdomain Method, Galerkin
Method, Least Squares Method, Eigenvalue Problems, Practical Applications.

Moment Methods: Introduction, Integral Equations, Classification of Integral
Equations, Connection Between Differential and Integral Equations, Green’s
Functions, For Free Space, For Domain with Conducting Boundaries,
Applications I — Quasi-Static Problems, Applications II — Scattering
Problems, Scattering by Conducting Cylinder, Scattering by an Arbitrary Array
of Parallel Wires, Applications III — Radiation Problems, Hallen’s Integral
Equation, Pocklington’s Integral Equation, Expansion and Weighting Function,
Applications IV — EM Absorption in the Human Body, Derivation of Integral
Equations, Transformation to Matrix Equation (Discretization), Evaluation of
Matrix Elements, Solution of the Matrix Equation.

Text Book:
1. Sadiku, M.N.O., “Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics”, 2nd Ed., CRC
Press. 2001

1. Collin, R.E., “Field Theory of Guided Waves”, 2nd Ed., Wiley-IEEE Press. 1991
2. Peterson, A.F, Ray, S.L. and Mittra, R., "Computational Methods for
Electromagnetics”, Wiley-IEEE Press. 1998
3. Harrington, R.F., "Field Computation by Moment Methods", Wiley- IEEE Press.
4. Stutzman, W.L. and Thiele, H.A., “Antenna Theory and Design”, 2nd Ed., John
Wiley & Sons. 1998
5. Volakis, J.L., Chatterjee, A. and Kempel, L.C., "Finite Method for
Electromagnetics", Wiley-IEEE Press. 1998
6. Taflov, A. and Hagness, S.C., “Computational Electrodynamics”, 3rd Ed., Artech

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – II Semester

Course Code: EPRRM202 Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week

Microwave Transistors and FETs: Introduction, Microwave Bipolar
Transistors, Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors, Junction Field Effect
Transistors, Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors, High electron
mobility transistors, MOSFETs.

Microwave O-type Tubes: High frequency limitations of conventional tubes,
Reentrant cavities, Klystrons, Velocity modulation process, Bunching process,
Output power and beam loading, Reflex Klystron, Velocity modulation, Power
output and efficiency, Electronic admittance, Mode patterns, Slow wave
structures, Traveling wave tube, Amplification process, Wave modes, Gain

Microwave M-type Tubes: Introduction, Magnetron - types, Principle of
operation of cylindrical magnetron, Hartee resonance condition, Pi-mode
separation, Forward – Wave Crossed field amplifier, Backward – Wave Crossed
field amplifier.

Microwave Solid State Devices: Classification, GUNN Effect Diodes, Ridley
– Watkins – Hilsum (RWH) theory, Modes of operation, LSA Diode,
Microwave generation and amplification, Applications, Read Diode, IMPATT
diodes, TRAPATT diodes, Applications of IMPATT and TRAPATT diodes,
PIN diode, Varactor diode, Parametric amplifiers, Tunnel diode.

Microwave Integrated Circuits: Thick and thin film technology, Hybrid
MIC’s, Monolithic MIC technology, Analysis of Strip line and Microstrip Line:
Method of conformal transformation, Charactetic parameters of Strip,
Microstrip lines, Microstrip circuit design, Impedance transformers, Filters ,
Lumped constant microstrip circuits, Coupled Microstrip and Directional
Coupler: Even and Odd Mode analyses, Theory of coupled microstrip
directional coupler, Calculations for couples pair of Micro strips, Brach line
couplers, Lumped Elements : Lumped elements for MIC’s design and
fabrication of Lumped elements, Circuits using lumped elements, Non
Reciprocal Components: Non reciprocal components for MIC’s, Microstrip on
ferrimagnetic substrates, Microstrip circulators, Isolators and phase shifters,
Design of microstrip circuits , High Power and low power circuits.

Text Books:
1. Samuel. Y. Liao,”Microwave devices and circuits”, Pearson Edn., 2003.
2. M. Kulkarni ,“Microwave & Radar Engineering” , Umesh Publications,2004..
3. Annapurna Das and Sisir K. Das ,“Microwave Engineering”, TMH, 2000.
4. GUPTA, KC, and Amarkijit singh, “Microwave Integrated circuits”, Wiley
5. Leo Young, “Advances in Microwaves", Academic Press,1966
6. Jacob Millman, “Microelectronics”,Tata McGrawhill ,2004

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – II Semester
Course Code: EPRRM221 Category: Elective-III Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week
Phased Arrays in Radar and Communication Systems: Introduction, System
Requirements for Radar and Communication Antennas, Array Characterization
for Radar and Communication Systems, Array Architecture and Control
Pattern Characteristics of Linear and Planar Arrays: Array analysis,
characteristics of linear and planer arrays, scanning to end-fire, thinned arrays
Pattern Synthesis for Linear and Planar Arrays: Linear Arrays and Planar
Arrays with Separable Distributions, Circular Planar Arrays, Methods of Pattern
Optimization/Adaptive Arrays, Generalized Patterns Using Covariance Matrix
Inversion, Pattern Synthesis Using Measured Element Patterns
Patterns of Nonplanar Arrays: Introduction, Patterns of Circular and
Cylindrical Arrays, Spherical and Hemispherical Arrays, Truncated
Conical Arrays
Elements for Phased Arrays: Array Elements, Polarization Characteristics of
Infinitesimal Elements in Free Space, Electric Current (Wire) Antenna
Elements, Aperture Antenna Elements, Microstrip Patch Elements, Elements
for Alternative Transmission Lines, Elements and Row (Column) Arrays for
One-Dimensional Scan, Elements and Polarizers for Polarization Diversity
Text books
1. Robert J. Mailloux, “Phased Array Antenna Hand Book”, Artech House, Boston,
London, 1994.
Reference Books :
1. R.C. Hansen, “Phased Array Antennas”, Wiley Series in Microwave and optical
Engg, John Wiley & Sons Inc, Wiley- Interscience Publication
2. Eli Brookner, “Practical Phased Array Antenna Systems”, Editor, Artech House,
Boston , London
3. R. A. Monzingo and TW Miller, “Introduction to Adaptive Arrays”, John Wiley
and Sons,1980.
4. B Widrow and SD Stearns,”Adaptive Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall,1985.
5. P.J.B. Clarricoats “Advanced Antenna Technology”, Microwave Exhibitions &

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – II Semester

Course Code: EPRRM222 Category: Elective-III Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week

Applications of Antenna Arrays to Mobile Communications, : Performance
Improvement, Feasibility, and System Considerations (Complete contents of
reference 1) Application of Antenna Arrays to Mobile Communications, Beam-
Forming and Direction-of-Arrival Considerations (Complete contents of
reference 2).

Introduction to Smart Antennas: Spatial Processing for Wireless Systems,
Key Benefits of Smart Antennas , Smart antenna introduction ,smart
antenna configuration, SDMA, architecture of smart antenna systems.

Smart antenna systems :The Vector Channel Impulse Response and the
Spatial Signature, Spatial Processing Receivers, Fixed Beam forming Networks,
Switched Beam Systems, Adaptive Antenna Systems, Wideband Smart
Antennas, Spatial Diversity, Diversity Combining, and Sectoring, Digital
Radio Receiver Techniques and Software Radios for Smart Antennas,
Transmission Beam forming.

Smart Antennas Techniques for CDMA :Non-Coherent CDMA Spatial
Processors, Coherent CDMA Spatial Processors and the Spatial Processing
Rake Receiver, Multi-User Spatial Processing, Dynamic Re-sectoring Using
Smart Antennas, Downlink Beam forming for CDMA.

CDMA System Range and Capacity Improvement Using Spatial Filtering:
Range Extension in CDMA, Single Cell Systems with Spatial Filtering at the
IS-95 Base Station, Reverse Channel Performance of Multi-cell Systems with
Spatial Filtering at the Base Station, Reverse Channel Spatial Filtering at the
WLL Subscriber Unit, Range and Capacity Analysis Using Smart Antennas –
A Vector Based Approach.

Text Books:
1. T.S. Rappaport and J.C. Liberti, “Smart Antennas for Wireless Communications”,
Prentice Hall, 1999
2. Tapan K Sarkar ,” Smart Antennas “,IEEE Press, John Wiley & Sons
3. L.C.Godara, “Applications of antenna arrays to mobile communications, Part I:
Performance improvement, feasibility, and system considerations”, Proc. IEEE,
vol. 85, no.7, pp.1031-1060, 1997.

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – II Semester
Course Code: EPRRM223 Category: Elective-III Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week
Introduction to Wireless Communications: Concept of a wireless channel,
system types, cellular system concept and networks, Traffic, Multiple Access
schemes and Duplexing: FDMA,TDMA,CDMA: Available data rates.
Antenna Arrays: Introduction, Linear and planar arrays, The uniform linear
array, Yagi-Uda antennas, Monopole antennas, Corner reflectors, Parabolic
reflector, Horn antenna, Loop antenna, Helical antenna, Patch antenna, Basic
Propagation Model.
Fixed Links: Terrestrial fixed links: Path profile, Tropospheric refraction,
Obstruction loss, Diffraction over the objects of finite size, influence of clutter,
Satellite Fixed Link: Tropospheric effects, Ionospheric effects, satellite earth
station antennas.
Cells: Macro cells: Definition of parameters, empirical path loss model: Lee
model, physical path loss model: The flat edge model, Shadowing, microcells:
Physical model, propagation mechanisms of cell planning considerations, Pico
cells: Physical models of indoor propagation with in buildings, models of
propagation into buildings, multipath effects, ultra band indoor propagation.
Mega cells: Shadowing and fast fading, Outdoor measurements, indoor
measurements, Future development in wireless communication channel:
Physical channel modeling , intelligent antennas.
Text books:
1. Simon R Saunders and A Aragon Zavala,” Antennas and Wave propagation for
Wireless communication systems”, Second edition, Wiley Student Edition.
Reference books
1. Nathan Blaunstein, Christos G Christodoulou, “Radio Propagation and adaptive
antennas for wireless communication links”, John Wiley & Sons Inc.,Hoboken,
New Jersey(2007).

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – II Semester
Course Code: EPRRM224 Category: Elective-III Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week
Introduction: Internet, the network edge, the network core, network access and
physical media, ISPS and internet backbones, delay and locs in packet switched
networks, protocol layers and their service models, history of computer
networking and the internet.
Application layer: Principles of application layer protocols, the web and
HTTP, file transfer (FTP), electronic mail in the internet, DNS, socket
programming with TCP, socket programming with UDP.
Building a simple web server: Content distribution. Transport layer
Introduction and transport layer, services multiplexing and demultiplexing,
connectionless transport UDP, principle of reliable data transfer. Connection
oriented transport TCP, principles of congestion control, TCP congestion
control. Network layer and routing Introduction and network service models,
routing principles, hierarchical routing.
The Internet protocol: Routing in the internet, inside a router, 1PV6, multicast
routing, mobility and the network layer. Link layer and local area networks
Data link layer, error detection and correction technique. Multiple access
protocols, LAN addresses. ARP, Ethernet, hubs, bridges and switches, wireless
links, PPP.
Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM): Frame relay, Physical layer, Analog
and digital, analog signals and digital signals, analog versus digital data rate
limits. Transmission impairment, more about signals, guided media unguided
media, circuit switching, telephone networks.
Text Books:
1. James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross,”Computer networks”, Pearson education, II
edition, 2003.
Reference Books:
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data communication and networking”, McGraw Hill, 3rd
edition, 2004.
2. William Stallings, “Data and computer communication”, Pearson education, 6th
edition 2003.
M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – II Semester
Course Code: EPRRM231 Category: Elective IV Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week

Overview of GPS: Basic concept, system architecture, space segment, user
segment, GPS aided Geo-augmented navigation (GAGAN) architecture.

GPS Signals: Signal structure, anti spoofing (AS), selective availability,
Difference between GPS and GALILEO satellite construction.

GPS coordinate frames, Time references : Geodetic and Geo centric
coordinate systems, ECEF coordinate world geodetic 1984 (WGS 84), GPS

GPS orbits and satellite position determination : GPS orbital parameters,
description of receiver independent exchange format (RINEX) – Observation
data and navigation message data parameters, GPS position determination.

GPS Errors: GPS error sources – clock error, Ionospheric error, Tropospheric
error, multipath, Ionospheric error estimation using dual frequency GPS

Textbooks :
1. B. Hoffman – Wellenhof, H. Liehtenegger and J. Collins, “GPS – Theory and
Practice”, Springer – Wien, New York (2001).
2. Gottapu Sasibhushana Rao , Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Mc-Graw Hill
Education, New Delhi, 2010.

Reference Books:
1. B.Parkinson, J.Spilker, Jr.(Eds), "GPS: Theory and Applications", Vol. I & Vol .
II, AIAA, 370 L'Enfant Promenade SW, Washington, DC 20024, 1996
2. James Ba – Yen Tsui, “Fundamentals of GPS receivers – A software approach”,
John Wiley & Sons (2001).

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – II Semester

Course Code: EPRRM232 Category: Elective IV Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week

Overview of Wireless Communications :History , Wireless Standards:
cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, UWB, Wireless Channel Modeling : Path
Loss and Shadowing Models Statistical Fading Models, Narrowband/Wideband
Fading Models, Capacity of Wireless Channels: Capacity of Flat Fading
Channels, Capacity of Frequency-Selective Channels, Performance of Digital
Modulation :Fading Channel Performance, Doppler Spread, Diversity in Fading
Channels: Receiver Diversity, Transmitter Diversity.

Multiple Antenna and Space-Time Communications: Narrowband MIMO
Model, Parallel Decomposition of MIMO Channel, MIMO Diversity Gain:
Beam forming, Space-Time Modulation and Coding: ML detection, rank and
determinant criteria, space-time trellis and block codes (Alamouti code;
orthogonal designs; linear space-time codes; trellis space-time codes; linear
interfaces :ZF, MMSE; nonlinear interfaces: ZF-V-BLAST, MMSE-V-BLAST,
diagonal BLAST; iterative interface), Frequency-Selective MIMO
Communications, Smart Antennas,MIMO Channel Capacity.

Multi-Carrier Modulation and OFDM: Data Transmission using Multiple
Carriers, Multicarrier Modulation with Overlapping Sub channels, Mitigation of
Subcarrier Fading: frequency equalization, pre coding, adaptive loading,
OFDM: generation of subcarriers using the IFFT, guard time and cyclic
extension, windowing, choice of OFDM parameters, OFDM signal processing,
implementation complexity of OFDM versus single-carrier modulation, OFDM
system model, channel modeling for OFDM systems, applications of OFDM
(DAB, DVB, WLANs), Vector Coding, Challenges in Multicarrier Systems.

Adaptive modulation and Coding for Wireless Channels: Linear Block
Codes, Convolutional Codes and Concatenated Codes, Turbo Codes and LDPC
Codes, Coded Modulation, Coding with Interleaving, Unequal Error Protection,
Adaptive Techniques, Variable-Rate Variable-Power MQAM: adaptive rate and
power techniques, channel inversion with fixed rate, discrete-rate adaptation,
exact versus, approximate bit error probability, channel estimation and error
delay, Adaptive Coded Modulation, Adaptive Techniques in Combined Fast
and Slow Fading.

UNIT-V Ultra Wideband (UWB) Systems: Origin of UWB Technology,

UWB signal generation: direct-sequence, measurement of UWB signals, UWB

Text Books:
1. M. Ghavami, L. B. Michael, and R. Kohno, “Ultra Wideband Signals and
Systems in Communication Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2007.
2. D. Tse, and P.Viswanath, “Fundamentals of Wireless Communication”,
Cambridge University Press, 2005.

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – II Semester

Course Code: EPRRM233 Category: Elective IV Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week

Multimedia communications: Introduction, multimedia information
representation, multimedia networks, multimedia applications, media types,
communication modes, network types, multipoint conferencing, network QoS
application QoS.

Multimedia information representation: Introduction, digital principles, text,
images, audio, video. Text and image compression: introduction, compression
principles, text compression, image compression.

Audio and video compression: introduction, audio compression, DPCM,
ADPCM, APC, LPC, video compression, video compression principles, H.261,
H.263, MPEG, MPEG-1,MPEG-2, and MPEG-4.

Multimedia information networks: introduction, network performance
parameters, throughput, networking delay, delay variance, error rate, quality of

QoS:QoS perspectives, QoS processing, multimedia transmission,
requirements, transmission over WANs, Multimedia Transmission over LANs,
ATM networks, Wireless LANs ,Multimedia transport protocols: RTP and
RTCP. Multimedia management protocols: H.323, SIP, SDP, SA.
Text books:
1. Fred Halsall, Multimedia Communications: Applications, Networks, Protocols, and
Standards, Pearson Education, Asia, Second Indian reprint 2002.
2. Multimedia Information Networking, Nalin K. Sharda, PHI, 2003.
Reference Books:
1. Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Narstedt, “Multimedia Fundamentals: Vol 1-Media Coding
and Content Processing”, Pearson Education, 2004.
2. Prabhat K. Andleigh, Kiran Thakrar, “Multimedia Systems Design”, PHI, 2004.

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – II Semester
Course Code: EPRRM234 Category: Elective IV Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week
Optical communications: Introduction to basic optical communications and
devices. Optical multiplexing techniques - Wavelength division multiplexing,
Optical frequency division multiplexing, time division multiplexing, code
division multiplexing.
Introduction to Optical Networks: need of optical networks, Conventional
optical networks, SONET / SDH, FDDI, IEEE 802.3, DQDB, FCS, HIPPI etc.
Multiple access optical networks, Topologies, Single channel networks,
Multichannel networks, FTFR, FTTR, TTFR and TTTR, Single hop networks,
Multihop networks, Multi access protocols for WDM networks- issues and
some designs, Switched optical networks. Optical amplification in all-optical
networks. All-optical subscriber access networks. Design issues.
Designs, Optical layer cost tradeoffs, Routing and wave assignment, Virtual
topology design, wave length routing test beds, Architectural
Optical switching: Motivation, Example of an optical switch using 2x2
coupler, Spatial light modulator, Relational and non-relational switching
devices, Fundamental limits on optical switching elements, Switching
Architectures, Free-space optical switching. Wavelength routed networks and
other special topics. Soliton based networks, Optical networks management
Photonic Packet Switching-OTDM, Multiplexing and demultiplexing,
Synchronization, Broadcast OTDM networks, Switch based networks, Access
networks, Network architecture overview, Future Access networks Optical
access network architectures and OTDM networks.
Text Books:
1. G. Keiser ,”Optical Fiber Communication”, McGraw-Hill ,2010
Reference books
1. John M. Senior ,“Optical Fiber Communication “,3rd edition, Prentice
Hall,2009 P.E Green.Jr,”Fibre Optical Networks”, Prentice Hall.,1993.
M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – II Semester
Course Code: EPRRM235 Category: Elective IV Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week
Introduction: Introduction to wireless systems, personal communication
systems, High frequency effects in circuits and systems.
Transmission lines: Review of Transmission line Theory, terminated
transmission lines, smith chart, impedance matching, Micro strip and Coplanar
waveguide implementations, microwave network analysis, ABCD parameters, S
Net works: Behavior of passive IC components and networks, series and
parallel RLC circuits, resonant structures using distributed transmission lines,
components and interconnects at high frequencies.
High frequency system design: Basics of high frequency amplifier design,
device technologies, biasing techniques, simultaneous tuning of 2 port circuits,
noise and distortion, Feedback systems, phase locked loops, LNA design,
designs based on impedance match noise performance, linearity, noise and large
signal performance, Power amplifier design, Various classes of power
amplifiers, Oscillators, linear oscillators, tuned oscillators, negative resistance
oscillators Systems aspects in wireless trans-receiver design.
MEMS technologies and components for RF applications: RF MEMS
switches, varactors, inductors and filters .Introduction to microwave antennas,
definitions and basic principles.

Text books
1. DM Pozar ,’Microwave and RF Wireless Systems’, New York;Wiley,2001.
2. VK Varadan, K.J. Vinoy, K.A. Jose, RF MEMS and Their Applications,Wiley,
Reference Books:
1. TH Lee ,’The design of CMOS Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits’, Cambridge
University press, U. K,2004.

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – II Semester

Course Code: EPRRM241 Category: Elective-V Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week

Introduction to Wireless Systems: Classification of wireless systems; Design
and performance issues: Choice of operating frequency, multiple access and
duplexing, circuit switching versus packet switching, propagation, radiated
power and safety; Cellular telephone systems and standards.

Noise and Distortion in Microwave Systems: Basic threshold detection, noise
temperature and noise figure, noise figure of a lossy transmission line; Noise
figure of cascade systems: Noise figure of passive networks, two-port networks,
mismatched transmission lines and Wilkinson power dividers; Dynamic range
and inter-modulation

Microwave Amplifier Design: Comparison of active devices such as BJT,
MOSFET, MESFET, HEMT, and HBT; Circuit models for FETs and BJTs;
Two-port power gains; Stability of transistor amplifier circuits; Amplifier
design using S-parameters: Design for maximum gain, maximum stable gain,
design for specified gain, low-noise amplifier design, design of class-A power

Mixers: Mixer characteristics: Image frequency, conversion loss, noise figure;
Devices for mixers: p-n junctions, Schottky barrier diode, FETs; Diode mixers:
Small-signal characteristics of diode, single-ended mixer, large-signal model,
switching model; FET Mixers: Single-ended mixer, other FET mixers;
Balanced mixers; Image reject mixers.

Switches: Devices for microwave switches: PIN diode, BJT, FET; Device
models; Types of switches; Switch configurations; Basic theory of switches;
Multi-port, broad-band and isolation switches. Oscillators and Frequency
Synthesizers: General analysis of RF oscillators, transistor oscillators, voltage-
controlled oscillators, dielectric resonator oscillators, frequency synthesis
methods, analysis of first and second order phase-locked loop, oscillator noise
and its effect on receiver performance.

1. Pozar, D.M. “Microwave and RF Design of Wireless Systems”, John Wiley &
Sons. 2001
2. Gonzalez, G., “Microwave Transistor Amplifiers: Analysis and Design”, 2nd Ed.,
Prentice-Hall. 1997
3. Bahl, I. and Bhartia, P., “Microwave Solid State Circuit Design”, 2nd Ed., John
Wiley & Sons. 2003
4. Chang, K., Bahl, I. and Nair, V., “RF and Microwave Circuit and Component
Design for Wireless Systems”, Wiley Interscience. 2002
5. Rohde, U.L. and Newkirk, D.P., “RF/Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless
Applications”, John Wiley & Sons. 2000
6. Larson, L.E., “RF and Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless Applications”,
Artech House. 1996

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – II Semester

Course Code: EPRRM242 Category: Elective-V Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week

Multiplier accumulator – Modified Bus Structures and Memory access in
PDSPs– Multiple access memory – Multi-port memory – VLIW architecture-
Pipelining –Special Addressing modes in P-DSPs – On chip Peripherals.

TMS320C5X PROCESSOR: Architecture – Assembly language syntax -
Addressing modes – Assembly language Instructions - Pipeline structure,
Operation – Block Diagram of DSP starter kit – Application Programs for
processing real time signals.

TMS320C3X PROCESSOR: Architecture – Data formats - Addressing modes
– Groups of addressing modes- Instruction sets - Operation – Block Diagram of
DSP starter kit – Application Programs for processing real time signals –
Generating and finding the sum of series, Convolution of two sequences, Filter

ADSP PROCESSORS: Architecture of ADSP-21XX and ADSP-210XX series
of DSP processors- Addressing modes and assembly language instructions –
Application programs –Filter design, FFT calculation.
ADVANCED PROCESSORS: Architecture of TMS320C54X: Pipe line
operation, Code Composer studio – Architecture of TMS320C6X - Architecture
of Motorola DSP563XX – Comparison of the features of DSP family
1. B.Venkataramani and M.Bhaskar, “Digital Signal Processors – Architecture,
Programming and Applications” – Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Company
Limited. New Delhi, 2003.
2. User guides Texas Instrumentation, Analog Devices, Motorola.

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – II Semester
Course Code: EPRRM243 Category: Elective-V Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week
Multirate Digital Signal Processing – Introduction, Decimation by a Factor D,
Interpolation by a Factor I, Sampling Rate Conversion by a Rational Factor I/D,
Implementation of Sampling Rate Conversion, Multistage Implementation of
Sampling Rate Conversion, Applications of Sampling Rate Conversion, Digital
Filter Banks Two-Channel Quadrature Mirror Filter Bank.
Linear Prediction And Optimum Linear Filters - Random Signals,
Correlation Functions and Power Spectra, Innovations Representation of a
Stationary Random Process, Forward and Backward Linear Prediction, Solution
of the Normal Equations Wiener Filters for Filtering and Prediction.
Adaptive Filters - Applications of Adaptive Filters, Adaptive Direct-Form FIR
Filters-The LMS Algorithm, Adaptive Direct-Form FIR Filters-RLS
Power Spectrum Estimation - Estimation of Spectra from Finite-Duration
Observations of Signals, Nonparametric Methods for Power Spectrum
Estimation, Parametric Methods for Power Spectrum Estimation.
Wavelet Theory: Introduction to time frequency analysis, Short-time Fourier
Continuous time wavelet transform, discrete wavelet transform, Construction of
wavelets. Multi resolution analysis,Application of wavelet theory to signal de
noising, image and video compression.
Text Books
1. Proakis, J.Gard and D. G. Manolakis,“Digital Signal Processing : Principles,
Algorithms and Applications Fourth Edition, PHI, 2006.
2. Ramachandran and Soman” Insight into Wavelets”, Prentice Hall Publications,
Reference Books
1. P. P. Vaidyanathan, “Multirate systems and Filter banks”, Prentice Hall, 1993
2. V. Oppenheim and R.W. Schafer, “Discrete time Signal Processing”, PHI 1994
3. S.J. Orfanidis, “Optimum Signal Processing”, McGraw Hill, 1989.
4. Raghuveer M Rao, Ajit S, “Wavelet Transforms: Introduction to Theory and
Applications”, Bopardikar, Pearson Education 2000.
M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – II Semester
Course Code: EPRRM244 Category: Elective-V Credits: 4 Hours: 4 per week
Elements review of selected signal processing concepts and operations:
Resolution, spatial frequency, Fourier transforms, sampling theorem and
spectrum replication, vector representation of signals, data integration,
correlation, components of a radar signal, amplitude models, clutter, noise
model and SNR, jamming, Frequency models: the Doppler shift, spatial models,
spectral model.
Sampling and quantization of pulsed radar signals: domains and criteria for
sampling radar signals, sampling in the fast time dimension, sampling in slow
time: selecting the pulse repetition interval, sampling the Doppler spectrum,
sampling in the spatial and angle dimensions, quantization, i/q imbalance and
digital i/q.
Introduction: Waveform matched filter, matched filtering of moving targets,
the ambiguity function, the pulse burst waveform, frequency-modulated pulse
compression waveforms, range side lobe control for fm waveforms, the stepped
frequency waveform, phase-modulated pulse compression waveforms, Costas
frequency codes.
Alternate forms of the doppler spectrum: Moving target indication (MTI),
pulse Doppler processing, dwell-to-dwell stagger, pulse pair processing,
additional Doppler processing issues, clutter mapping and the moving target
detector, mti for moving platforms: adaptive displaced phase center antenna
Detection fundamentals: radar detection as hypothesis testing, threshold
detection in coherent systems, threshold detection of radar signals constant false
alarm rate (CFAR) detection, the effect of unknown interference power on false
alarm probability, cell averaging cfar, the effect of varying pfa, analysis of cell-
averaging cfar, ca cfar limitations
1. Mark A Richards, “Fundamentals of radar signal processing “, TMH, 2005.
1. Merrill I. Skolink “Introduction to radar systems” 3rd edition, Tata McGraw hill
2. Nathanson , “Radar Signal Principles”, Mcgraw hill publications,1964.
M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – II Semester

Course Code: EPRRM212 Credits: 2 Hours : 2 per week

Simulation of experiments using Microwave office software

1. Design of Mixer
2. Design of low noise amplifier
3. Design of IF amplifier
4. Design of Power amplifier
5. Design of Microwave components and passive circuits
6. Design of E, H and Magic-T junctions.

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – II Semester


Course Code: EPRDS211 Credits: 2 Hours: 2 per week

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – III Semester


Course Code: EPRDS311 Credits: 8

M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engineering) – IV Semester


Course Code: EPRDS411 Credits: 16


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