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Department of Justice
Office of Legislative Affairs

Office of the Assistant Attorney General Washington, D.C. 20530

July 17, 2020

The Honorable Lindsey Graham The Honorable Marco Rubio

Chairman Acting Chairman
Committee on the Judiciary Select Committee on Intelligence
United States Senate United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Dianne Feinstein The Honorable Mark Warner

Ranking Member Ranking Member
Committee on the Judiciary Select Committee on Intelligence
United States Senate United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20510

Dear Chairmen and Ranking Members:

We write in further regard to matters pertaining to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance

Act (FISA) and other matters contained in the December 9, 2019 report by Department of Justice
(Department) Inspector General Michael Horowitz.
As we described in our letter of February 7, 2020, the Attorney General has determined
that it is now in the public interest to release to Congress additional documents and information
related to these matters to the extent consistent with national security interests and with the
January 7, 2020 order of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC). We began to
provide such documents to you on February 7. A twelfth production is enclosed herein, Bates
numbered SENATE-FISA2020-001106 to SENATE-FISA2020-001167. This submission
contains a February 9, 2017 Electronic Communication and an annotated New York Times news
article. The attached production is unclassified in its current format.
Pursuant to longstanding Department policy, the Department has made redactions
relating to certain personally identifiable information or to ongoing investigations, enforcement
activities, and certain law enforcement operations, methods, or techniques.

Today's submission, along with forthcoming productions of additional documents, is

based on extraordinary and unique circumstances, and should not be construed as precedent
setting in any regard. The production of these materials does not waive any applicable
The Honorable Lindsey Graham
The Honorable Dianne Feinstein
The Honorable Marco Rubio
The Honorable Mark Warner

We hope this information is helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if we
may provide additional assistance regarding this or any other matter.

,::· .•• : O FFICIAL R ECORD
FD-1057 (Rev 5-8-10) ,) @. :·
·,,• ·.


Electronic Communication

Title: - Interview o f Igor

Subsource Date: o:;0 ~; : 017


Approved By:
7 l ~~ct:

Drafted By:


RUSSI.11. ;

Synopsis :
interv iewe~
interv iew .
- Interview of Igor Danchenko _ Danchenko
ree days , thi
Primary Subsource

Reason : l .4 (c)
Derived From : Multiple

- ..
c--ui::, .:, f the

Declassify On: 20421231

Full Investigation Initiated: ,:,7 /3 1 / : 1: 1 1c

Enclosure(s): Enclosed are the following items :

l. - Danchenko
Info fr onililliim1IIIII
~ ffer Agree~ d by Igor


Declassified by FBI - C58W8886 l

on 7/16/2020
This redacted version only


- During the cours e o f three days , Igor

Subsource (Danchenko)

was interviewed in the FBI ' s Washingt on ' s Field o ffi c e (WFO) by FBI

perso nnel along with att orneys from the US Department o f Jus ti c e ,
~ •,;as a ccompanie:I b:i hi s atti:- rne 1·
Natio nal Security Div i s i on . Danchenko
Primary Subsource' Attorney Below i s a conso lidatej write-up o ~ the
three days o f interviews .

24 January 2017 (1330 - 1700)

FBI Washington Field Office Interview Room

Pre s ent :

Igor Danchenko
Primary Subsource , inten:iewee

Primary Subsource's , interviewee ' s att o rne;

FBI Agent , FBI si:,e c ia l •

FBI SIA , FBI Superv i so ry Inte lligence .l\na-:/St •

David Laufman , Chief , National Se c urity Divi s i on , US De partment o f


I. Danchenko's Background

(U // FOUO) -Danchenko ·,1as b o rn Soviet cit"j -of Perm o n 5-May-1978

He describes hi s family a which incl ude,:!
Danchenko completed hi s high scho,.:,l
. ~ Perm
1996 indi c ated that hi s time spent in Louisville i s probabl y tied

Re :

t o the fact Perm sister high sc hoo l years ,

and wa s alsc, an
In Fall 1995 , he attended a high
Slidell, Louisiana 1994 some weel: s in
Louisville, Kentucky, a sister city of Perm

(U / / FOUO ) Fo r un iversity, .
1996 and 2000
. . attended Perm State University
in law
firms Permtex OG Joint Venture Permtex LLC; Perm ) '

petroleum production
Russian construction UralSibSpetsStroy
to Iran
Perm State University to Istanbul, Turkey,
Istanbul real estate company, Open
World Program o f Congress , and during
1999 and 2004 , he a ss iste.:I and tra·:ele.:I ·,1ith the :lelegation -in DC and
o ther cities in the United States

Danchenko's des i re had alwa¥S been t o ob tain a graduate

(U/ / FOUO) Primary
degree in the United States . He applied t o a number o f schools , and
received the bes t - an:! one of the onl~ - o f~er s fr om the University of
Louisville university invol ve
happene :I that
master's studi es in
political science Louisville s tay an.:!
United States, with the hope o f getting hi s Ph . D. He
eventually was a ccepte.:I no t t o a , but to Georgetown's

Re :

Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Services

Eastern European Russian
d Georgetown University?
Danchenko Brookings Institution
Analyst Senior Research Analyst o n research projects for
Fiona Hill Clifford Gaddy in the ~ebriefing ,

Danchenko's Danchenko's
Vladimir Putin's prior plagiarism W": indicat-=:d that 1,,;-

had , and that i t 1,as our understandi:1 ,} that i:e had d.:-ne that h'OrJ: 1,rith

-Gaddy - n::n:m::n:::11
Danchenko con firmE-d that . ]

(U/ / FOUO) -Danchenko explained that he soon hit a 9lass ceiling at

-Brookings because of his nationality visa

time , he

Brookings circ_ 2010,, stayed with his girlfriend

Washington, DC, t o try hi s hand at
For a time , he did var i ous analyti cal pieces o n
with . In time, some o f the work moved into the
area of due diligence and bu s ine ss int elligence . Danchenko
- says that he
saw o pport unities t o use his e~isting netwo rk o f friends and co lleague s

Sidar Global Ventures

'. !9 he
and anal ys i s
Sidar Global Ventures , he se rved as the
he directei o thers
i n do ing bus i ness intelligen ce o n various t op i cs/s ub -reg i o n s , including
. He helped analyst s under him figure

o ut h ow t o best handle a ss ignment s and talk to c lients . He also put
Danchenko wo rl:e,:l f.:,r
together weekly , bi-weekly and mo nthl~· rep,:,rts . l:mi'il'm'JIIII

Igor Danchenko

-Sidar thro ugh the 2014 which time -Sidar's parent comr:,a n'/
went bankrupt and

(U// FOUO) Danchenko

- described hi s travel t o - ur:, thro ugh the •
period as sporadic and perso nal . a trip back t o Russia during
• in o rder t o do research f o r his rest ,:, f
his trips to
- Russia during this _time - which he sa i d t ool: place every
two years o r so - were centered o n and
celebrating New Year ' s .

II. Danchenko's Early Relationship and Eventual Employment with

Prulldl\• sub ..,1 Hlll"

Christopher Steele and Orbis Business Intelligence

(U / / FOUO) Danchenko Christo pher Steele [hereafter Steele) in

spring of 2009 wa s br o kerej thr o ug h
_ Sidar , who , Danchenko was colleagues with Steele ' s
~ he Danchenko f o r wo rk , f o ll owing the
end o f his tenure at Brookings Cenk Sdiar was invo lved with helping
- t o try and find new emplo yment o r:,r:,ortunities . Sidar
- f ou nd o ut
that Steele was setti ng up a new busines s , Orbi s , and that he was on
the l c,o l:o ut f o r analytical help . Sidar
- s ugge s ted that -Danchenko might
cons i der l oo king at Orbis , and helped t o broker an email introduction
t o Steele . Accord ing t o -Danchenko, this was just o ne o f the cc,mpanies
-Sidar helped t o bro l:er introduc ti ons .

Danchenko met in per son with Steele at a Starbucl:s in

Washington, DC an ho ur in the co ffee s hop, anj then
went t o Steele ' s ho tel , where they s at and tall:ed f o r abo ut 30 minute s .
-Danchenko sa id that they rea ll y :lidn ' t tall: in-der:,t h abo ut Danchenko's
Prundr\ Sulhot11t"

bacl:ground , but rather d i sc ussed Danchenko's ba s i c biograr:,hi c al

Igor Danchenko
Primary Subsourc
Re : , t) : / ,) ~ / : 0

inf o rmation , his contacts / netw0 rl: , anJ his cc,n ne ctions i - Perm . Ne, wc,rl:
was o ffereJ at this time , but Steele sa id that "If we [Or b i s] get a
project , we ' ll get in t ouch . "

(U/ / FOUO) In circa February or March 2013 , Steele cc,ntac ted Danchenko
and asl:ej that he fulfil l a project - an open source analys i s o f ~hat
Danchenko th0ugh t were three 0 f the best sectc,rs c, :: lc,w-risl: im·e s tment
in Russia . -Danchenko wro te a few pages , highlighting ri~:l:s and
o pportunities , an1 submitted them t 0 Steele . Danchenko
sure at th i s time what Orbis ' pr imary (Danchenko) sai,:l
that it was not clear if it was about due diligence and busines s
intelligence . For the s hort ri s l: as sess ment re1:11:, rt , Danchenko
- was r:,ai j
a few hundreJ d0llars , direct-:lepos it eJ into his a ccount . He saij he
was very appreciative o f thi s , because he JiJn ' t reallj have an income
at this time .

(U / / FOUO) Later in ~2013 le t 0lJ him tl:at he had read an:! lil:e:i his
ri s l: asse ssment an,~ Danchenko wa s ::0rma!:y brought 0n boa1d witt Orbi s .
He s ign ed a confidentia l itJ agreement, ~hic h he :li:ln ' t thi n!: t~i c e
abc,ut s igning because it was fairl:r· stan :la r:i - he c0mr:,a red it t ,:, the
types 0 f r:,ar-,erwor k he s igne,:! at _Brookings , inclu jinq se:-:ual harassment
pol icy , etc . All contac t with Steele wa s being :!0 ne at thi s time via
email and Skype. -Danchenko s igne:l the confi:lentiality agreement,
scanne:l it , and se nt it bac l: t o Steele ·.·ia email . Danchenko
- -:lid no t
s ign a " non-comr:,e te" agreement with Orbis, an-:i he- describe,:i his •,1,:,rl:
with Orbis initial! ~· a s ,.Perm ·,1orl:" an:! ,.Perm pr0jects" a s he was st ill
with Sidar Global . Orbi s wa s jus t part 0 :: hi s o~erall portf0li0 a t this
time .

(U// FOUO) Initially , hi s wo1l: with Orbis ~as in the open source s phe re .

Igor Danchenko
, ,) : / 0 So / : '-

He did no t have any visibility int o Orbi s ' end cl ients . Danchenko
commented that during hi s time with Orbi s , he has always been tr ying t c,
understand the tangible res ult s o f his wo rl: - Danchenko's att o rney
added that his cl ient , "never asl:ed , and was never t o ld [a bou t final
cl ient s ] . " The project requirement s were alway s l:ept vague with few
concrete parameters - e . g . " Can you do some c he c l:ing on t hi s? " Al so ,
initially with Orbis , hi s so le contac t was with Steele . He wa s in email
and Skype communication with Steele and was info rmally intr o-:luce:! t c,
o ther Orb i s employees during Sl:ype c alls , but -Danchenko wa s never fl own
o ut t o the UK t o meet with Stee l e and the Orbis team .

(U// FOUO ) In .2013 , -Danchenko had his first Orbi s- finan ced tri- to
Russia . Hi s s pec ifi c pro ject involve d inquires about a -
[whicl Danchenko did no t name] and the cc,mr.,any ' s owner , which
he describe:! as a former Russian se nator and Duma deputy . It was a :!ue
diligence a ss ignment , an:! he was meant t o lool: f o r company/ management
linl:s t o o rgani=ed crime and Rus s ia ' s regio na : an:! ~e:!e ral powe r
s truct ures . Fo r this , he was wire:! $3 , ~00 . He use :! $1,5 00 t o purcha se a
r o und- trip ti c l:et , and $1,5 00 t o co~er expe nses f o r the trip . He used
hi s e :-: isting contac t s and daisy- chained fr om them tu try t u identify
o the rs with relevant info rmation . Fo r e :-:ample , _ Danchenko e:-:i;.:,laine:!, he
wo uld u se pre-e~ i sti ng contac t s t o find out if anyune he l:new ha :!
wo rked in public r elati o n s o r advertising f o r a
-Danchenko d i d no t pay a nyone f,:,r infc,rmatio n , and repo rted bac l: t o
Steele verba lly e ither v ia Sl:ype o r in -person in Lo ndon .

(U/ / FOUO) Danchenko trave led f o r the second time in

hi s lif e both a perso na l trip and a
business trip . Orbi s paid f o r the trip, an:! d uring hi s time i n the UK ,
-Danchenko me t Steele - " for the secun:! ur third time in my life" - an:!

Igor Danchenko

also introduced to other Orbis employees , including and

Kieran Porter , about whom Danchenko
- described as an analyst who l:a:i
graduated fr om an English university . Danchenko
- iescribed the time wit!:
Orbis as " general meetings , [pitching] potential proj ects, ani
discussing general rumors about Putin and ?utin ' s new thitd term as
president . There was tall: about what the "biggest rumo rs" or the
"biggest compromising info" regar:iing the Russian government was .

(U/ / FOUO) -Danchenko could no t remember e:-:actl:,,· when he had fir st

learned that Steele had been at MI6 . Ee thought it was arouni :01: or
:013 . He couldn ' t remember if someone t ol d him that fact , someone
mentioned it , .:,r if it was just "common l:nowledge" tl:at he had i:,id:ed
u1:, over time . [ANALl"ST NOTE : I:1 dis:ussi:1g i:is kn ,,ivl-:-dq-:- ::, f St"C"-:-17'5
Danchenko r"C"mark"C"d that te
didn ' t r'C'ally ::ar"C" t,' kno i, su:::: thi:1~1s and 1,ant-=-d t,' " stay ,"'Ut ~'f th.;-
qov-:-rnment ' s businF.-ss" - to 1.rhi::h his attorney said, " viell, y..:-u haF.,-n ' t
done a ve-ry ~,ood job ::>f that . "]

(U/ / FOUO) -Danchenko continued t,:- wc,rl: o n a number o : r--rojec ts : c-r Orbis
o n all kinds of subjects , in cluding Russian leadership, banl:ing , and
the . He would provide report s every month or every
ot her mo nth .

(U // FOUO) Thrnugh -Danchenko · Sidar Global

contractual relati onship , and Danchenko's
wouli a new work visa
Danchenko's to get a security cleara nce and set up his
own business . However , with the •2014 bankrui;,tcy o Sidar Global's
parent company - and the subsequent closing of Sidar Global
-Danchenko found himself _in a :iifficult situation , especially in DC • :-le

Re :

needed an entity t o maintain his temporary work visa - and as Orbi s

c ouldn ' t do it [as Danchenko's Orbi s was a
Danchenko Larry Poltavtsev, ·,,he, i s
the CEO of Target Labs, in Vienna, Virginia Poltavtsev
Danchenko Target Labs, s aij
that they could only he l r:, him out if he ha·d a source o f income . P,t that
po int , Danchenko
- introduce :i Steel e an:i Poltavtsev
arrangement wa s set up between Orbi s and Target Labs Target Labs
ser ved a s the " c ontrac t vehi c le" through Danchenko
a monthly s alary f o r his wo rk f o r Orbi s . Danchenko
emplo yee c, f Target Labs, and -Target Labs re-signed
• worker visa
that year . Out o f the appro:-:ima.tely- xxx people Target Labs,
Danchenko was the only one - a s far as he knows - who was wo rking
s o lely f o r Orbis , and Danchenko
- believe~ that ,:,nl 1 -Poltavstev l:nows c,f
his wo rl: for Orbis . Prio r t o thi s a r rangement , the only paperwo rk tie
between -Danchenko and Orbi s wa s thro ugh the banl:ing / wi:::e tran s a c ti,:,ns ,
but after this , the only regul ar paper~ork tie wou: :i be between
-Danchenko and Target Labs Danchenko s ai:i that he receive.j after
deduc ti ons , $xxxx [ANALrS T NC' TE : -Danchenko
al so gave a f iqur1:- $xxxx .tut i s :12 t :: l'C'ar h ~w mu::~ Target
. c harges Orbi s f or Danchenko's s -:-rvi::e s , 1-Jhi ,: :il 1.;.::ul .:i i ndi ::at'C' th-=-

Target Labs mak':s fr :-m Danchenko's

Danchenko Target Labs out
directly , give a ss ignment s an:i :iirec t (Danchenko's)
- tr a ·:el .

III.~ Danchenko's olicies and Procedures While Traveling Abroad for

Orbis ; Danchenko's Contacts with Russian Intelligence and Security


(U / / FOUO) -Danchenko wa s a s ked how he " co·,er s " hi s queries with hi ~


sources . He typically tell s hi s sources that he i s wo rking on a

research pro ject o r an analyti cal p ro iuc t . He wa s also a s ked if there
were friends, a ssoc iate s anj /or s o urces who knew that he wa s co llec ting
inf o rmati o n f o r Orb i s . He s aid "~·es and no ," and e:-: plained that sc,me c, f
hi s closer frienis under s tand that he wo rks in the area o f jue
diligence and business intel l igence . Many o f them think that he is
12345678901234 , the SIA
SIA Brookings
They don ' t know that he wo rks f o r Orbis , a s he s igned a non-d i sclosure
agreement and t o ld no t t c, tall: abo ut the compa ny . He ha s never
menti oned Chris Steele o r Orbis t o his ~riend2 a ni assoc i ates . He
emphasi=ed that " you [ the FB I ] are the fir s t people he ' s t o ld ."

(U/ / FOUO) f 'rtr1ldl \' Sul1', tll ll f t '
wa s asked if he take s no t es o n the info rmati o n he
i s co lle ct ing fr om his sour ces , ,:,r if he keeps any l:i1d o f re cc, r.:ls . He
wa s t old by Steele that i t i s a secur it y risl: t o take no tes ; he hasn ' t
kept no te s o r electroni c records . He occa s i o nally ma kes scribbles
and/or c hi c ke n sc rat ch no t es here and there , but g i ves verbal debriefs
in f o llowing h i s tri1:-s -to Russia · Alt ogether, with
respect t o the election -re lated repor ting , he had three trips to Russia

He also had o ne
in Russia was primaril,' in

(U/ / FOUO) -Danchenko had n,:, communi cat i o ns with Steele •,;hile in
- Russia ·
He wa s alway~ advised by Stee l e that they were not t o have
communi ca tio ns , or t o minimi=e commun ications , sav ing them f or o nly
emergency or urge nt matters .

Igor Subsource
iPrimary Danchenko
Re : , t) : / 1) s, /

(U // FOUO) During the conversa tio n abo ut 123456

Source 1 1234567 [see belc,w] ,

-Danchenko was asl:ed if Orbis had ever asked him t o brc, l:er direct
contact with o ne o f (Danchenko's) sources , or whether Orbis was
Danchenko intermediary between the sources
and the company . Danchenko that Orbis has always l:ept him
(Danchenko) as the intermeJiary .

(U// FOUO) -Danchenko indi cated that, t o hi s l:nu.oJledge, he has nc, t had
any contact s with the Rus s ian intelligence c,r security s er v i ces . [ .~N.-llr
ST NOTE : His att orney empha s i:::ed " t .:- h i s kn o1"1'::dqe" during thi s part ~~t
the discussion . ] Danchenko
, as he said , in the
- - but he ieniei any conta c t - again, " as far
-(Danchenko) knew," with anyo ne in the SVR , (~RU ,:,r FSB .

Pnmar Subsource
IV. Danchenko's
1 Initial US Election-Related Assignments for Orbis

(U // FOUO) Around Marc h ':..0 1€ , Danchenko and Chri s Steele had a voi c e
CL1nversat i o n during whi ch time Steele a s l:ed Danchenko
- t 0 see what he
(Danchenko) could find o ut about Paul Manafort , incl uding his
Prundr\ s11ti ~nltr f t•

reputation in the United States , hi s co nnecti o ns t o the Yanul:ovich

regime in Ukraine, and any corr upti0n ties . He related some of St eele ' s
collection-related question s - "Do yo u l:now [about] Manaf or t? Fini ou t
about Manafo rt ' s dealings with Ul:raine , hi s iealings with othe r
countries , and an y co rrupt schemes [ t o which Manaf o rt i s connected] . "
-Danchenko said that he wa s " clueless " about ·,1ho Manafc,rt wa s , ani ti at
thi s was a " s trange tas l:" t o have been given . It was s trange be c ause
-Danchenko had no t done US-relatei projects f o r Orbi s bef0re , anj he was
a bit un comf o rtable wor l:ing o n a t op i c ,iealing with US politicians.
Steele did not g i ve him a tight ieadline on thi s a ss i gnme nt . At thi s

Re : , ,): 1 ,:i 0 r:.o

r:·oi nt , -Danchenko was ,:,n salary with Orbi.s thr ough Target Labs , an:!
there was no difference in financial remuneratio n for this assignment .
He had no i ncl i natio ns as to why , o r f or whom , Steele was asking about
Manafo rt . -Danchenko carefully asked aroun,:! some o f his DC-based
friends . He sa i d he may have asked friends and contacts in Russia, but
he couldn ' t remember off-hand . i-!e a.Jded that , f o r thi s t opic , his
f riends and contacts in Russia couldn ' t sa; very muc h because they ~ere
" too far removed" fr om the matter . -Danchenko recalled that he was able
t o fi nd articles abo ut Manafor t ' s t i es t o Ukraine and the Phi l ipr:,i nes .
Danchenko repo rted some o f the find i ngs o n this assignment to Steel e
Signal , a secure messenger app , ~hi ch he has use:! , in addition to
Skype , for communicati ng with Steele .

(U // FOUO) In the June or early July 2016 , -Danchenko t o-:, ~:

an Orbis-related to Russia primarily o n a business

Danchenko the US presidential

election , including compr omi sing materia.:..s on Donald Trump . Danchenko
said he could no t remember if Steele had asked Danchenko
- t0 ask aroun:!
f o r compromi s ing materials o n just Trump, or Trump and Hillary Cl into n
- at which p-:,int Danchenko's attorney indicate,:! that -Danchenko had t ,:,l :I
him [the atto rney) previo usly that it had been both presidential
c an-:!idate s . The request did not shoc k _Danchenko , but it ·,;as - again -
o ut s ide the normal scope of work and it wasn ' t comp le te ly comfortable
for him . Like the Manafo rt assignment, it was not reall y a
Russia-specific job and it involved , indirect!y, his
." He wa s nerv0 us and cauti ous when asking around about
the t opi c in Ru ss ia , but he felt like he ha:! to report something back
to Steele about it . Steele did not place any higher pri o rity on the

0: ;os-1::::O

election-rela t ed requ i rements ; it wa~ still a side effort t o the

. It was , t o Danchenko
_ , "uni_::,leasant , " but he
made i nqu i r i es and had a few election-related conversations, but it
wasn ' t the main f ocus o f his trip .

V . Danchenko's Contacts on his .June Trip to

- Russia

(U/ / F OUO) Interview

Source 2 of 1234 123456789

Danchenko 123456789


123456789 a

an:i has

. He i s
economic sanctions , and acti ons
a friend o 123456789
the company ' s public and governmental

that the two o f them should try and do projects together for money .
-123456789 told -Danchenko that there was comi_::, romising materia l on 'l'rumr.· .

(U/ / F OUO) Interview

Source 3 of Olga Golkina.


Re : , ,) : /O S- / ':.

(U / /FOUO) Olga Galkina was born i _ . She is a clo se ,

Danchenko . She i s originally fr om . , and then
have been friends since [the e~uivalent
. Upon reflection,
-Danchenko corrected himself, ind i c ating that she had been a year behini
him in the She moved - in
consulting di.J a bit o f

Russian English an :i alsc,
Danchenko Galkina's
Bulgaria Galkina

Danchenko s ure what

Galkina and Danchenko

- have remained friends f,.:,r man y years .
Her father him financiall J Jears ago - he wouli borrow m,)ney
father , and her father rer:,ayment . Mc,re
recently, he ha s Galkina financially - probably arouni
- over the last Ill years.
Galkina the
. Through


Re : , ,)::: /O S- / ::: 0

information for Orbis across a wide range o f t o pics - maj or Russian

firms ; Russian state entities , including the Kremlin . Olga's "big n•1•0,f
connection " - though Danchenko emphasi:ed that it i s not nece ssarily


whon;m ha s relied t o get ou t his ,:,wn messaging.

Danchenko wasn ' t sure , but he tho ught these contacts may include
Danchenko met while he was at

Galkina Danchenko als o become good friends with

the , who was assaulted in Russ ia

(U/ / FOUO) Galkina is o ne o f the indivi-iuals who l:nows that Danchenko
wo rks for due d iligence and business intel l igence . [ As an asid,=. at this
;:::::::m::11:::2 insist.=-::i that 1234
point , Danchenko Source 12456789's
2 pr2babl1· has a t.=-tt.=-r
§j•\•l@M 1111
i::i.=-a about this tha:1 ::i.::>es Galkina be:aus-:- Olga is alivays trying to
mo:kt i :e his r,:,la ti 2:1sh ip Danchenko - f"l'tif1f1t:ltf
!Vi rnjjjjjjitffl!t1!ili!lt Danchenko r::-i tera t-:-:i a,,;rain t,'
the int.;-rvie1vers that Olga ,,ill .: > ftic:n pit:h monE-y-making id-5-as 2r
(1234) :an try a.1d ~7c:-t -
proj.;-ct s - "Le t ' s !Vork togeth-:-r . T §j-j•jjift t2
ansi.;er a qu=s ti on , l:·ut I'll 11<:-1:;-:i somE- mon-:-y t2 de· it . "] Galkina
Danchenko "c o nnected . " In fact , yesterday
morning or this Galkina Danchenko and asl:ed him
f o r help in Russian speakers in the
Unit ed States are v iewing the Trump a:iministration . She is asl:ing him
by the weekend , probably so she can sell it to a frienj
in Moscow .

Re :

(U / / FOUO) Galkina one o f the l:ey sources f o r the "T rumr:, :ic,ssier ."
She is directly quot ed at po ints ; however , Danchenko
- is not sure if she
real i=e s that the quotations c ome from he r . Right
She i s l:eepin
Galkina used t o ~o rl: in the countr y o f

(U/ ' FOUO) 123456

Source 4 1234567 (1234567)

1234567 . He is -
Danchenko c,n an
Kentucky Country Day High School,
when Danchenko was a student one year Louisville
Danchenko 1234567 1234567's in
Washington, DC.

1234567 speciali=es in regi ona l pol iti cs , parti c ularlJ

al so addresses US-Russian relati ons , US elections ,
a nd a hos t o f issue s involving US -Russ ian compe tition a nd confli c t ,

(U// FOUO) -1234567's e veryda y job d uties a s a

vary . One day , he could be
- ; the ne :-:t
whil e the next , he could , he also
has contact with frienJ s . As
Danchenko e:-:plai ned , it would not be 1234567 t o remar l: t <:,
Danchenko things lil:e , ": just heard such - and- s uc h fr om someone in the

:.. c

, o::: ;i:, s-; :::o

heard this fr om a Deputy Mini s ter," o r "I just overheard s uch-and- such
about an i ss ue . "
, " o r "I just

(U / / FOUO) -Danchenko 1234567

anc ,.,•.,,,, Jrinl: heavily 1234567
always lool:s f orward t o ge tting t ogether with 1234567 Danchenko
in t own. -Danchenko l:nC•WS that 1234567 travelsO•i•'fjff
(U/1 FCUC') Interview
Source 1 of 123456 1234567.

(U / / FOUO ) -Danchenko has l:nown 1234567

1234567 part of a •
He ha s r:,art ,:, :t
1234567 o ld and
, where he se r ved in c ity and regio nal
government pos itio ns , including and -
Danchenko things d i d no t wo rl: out well f o r
1234567 he movei c o - and began
- particularly with

se rved

(U // FOUO) -1234567's ba c l:ground a s a former me an s that ,

from a you ng age , he ha s bee n involve i in polit i c a l a c tiv ities . He ' s
been in some f o rm o f pol itics s inc e he was a teenager . He i s a lso a
bu c
Danchenko (l r

Danchenko 1234567 s in ce his

they meet t oge cher wheneve r Danchenko goes t c_ Russia .


(U / / FOUO) Orbis !:no ws mo re abo ut 1234567

,.,•.,,,. be c ause , as a fa vo r t c,
1234567 Danchenko 0 ut t o Orbis t o See if Or b i s could he l p get
1234567's high school son a scho larship f o r language cour s e s in the
1234567 a s l:ed Danchenko
- : o r a ss i s tanc e, and Danchenko
turned t o Orbis f o r help . .t.s part o f this ,_ Danchenko e:-:p l ained ·..:ho
1234567 •,1as , and why he (Danchenko) ·,;as a s l:ing Orbi s f c,r a ss i s tanc e .

n• 1t•
(U // FOUO) 1234567

is always trying t o get Danchenko
~ s tart i:,rc, jec t s
and mal:e mo ney together - Danchenko
- J½
related ho-,' 1234567 lil:e ,.:, ther s ,
i s always asl:ing que s ti o n s lil:e , " Can yo u get us some pro j ec t s? n o r
" Can you get us financing?n o r "Let' s j o something together dealing
with ! " Danchenko
- ,:k ,e s n ' t c o nsi •: ler thi s a s hi s s,:,ur c e
" tasl:ing him" but as simpl y the no rmal cour s e an-:l s c o i:,e -:, f netw.:, rl:ing
Danchenko 1234567

- went t o the Library o f Congre ss , perfo rmed a rc hiYal r esearc t. ,
and also talked t o a c ademics he (Danchenko) !:ne w. "

(U / / FOUO)- Danchenko l:no ws that 1234567 tra vel ::: t o the United States.

(1234567) , many thing s abo ut , and fr o m,
1234567's relati,:,n s hii:, wit ~ ,
Danchenko collec t info rmatio n o f inte 1es t t o Orbi s ,
including Russ i an d o me s ti c po litics an:l mo re s pec ia l i=e :l s ub j e c t s l il:e
Danchenko 1234567's rel at i ,:,n shi [:•
1234567's tenure in There ,
2134567 with the regi o nal Federal Sec uritJ Se r v i ce ( FSB ) ,

Re :

Danchenko was a s ked if 1234567 devout Or tho,:io:-: believer -
Danchenko did no t believe so , but thought that he might have been at
one time .

Danchenko has neve r met - · He ' s never been t o o ne of

, and said that he -:ioesn ' t believe he ' ~' ever

(U I FCUOJ 1234
Source 1234567890
5 (1234567890).

(U/ /FOUO) Source 5 is an Danchenko has met her in
person , and they are been
friends many mutua1li'allll
friends . She is tied t o , and s he has ties to
the ties t o the Russian intelligence
and Danchenko remarked that things have become
" personal " between 1234567890 and - because ,:i f st,nies that ha·ie
been written [AN.4Li"ST NOTE : This may be a ric-ferenc-=- t ~ the fa::t that i:1
. The •::arter
Page-Sechin meeting references in the " Trump doss ier" would have been
derive::! fr om -1234567890 ·

VI. Dossier Report Number 2016/95

(U/ / FOUO) The intervie·,1ers aske,d Danchenko

- to review Report :: 1H US·5 .
Thi s material was collected during the period where the

Re :

election-related theme was still a " side project . " The election-related
material became a much more imr:..ntant r:,rojec t in the July-Augu!:t :,:,E
peri o:! .

(U//FOUO) This report involves reporting from "Source E" - reporting
which -Danchenko ties , at least Sergei Millian Danchenko
related the story about hi s contact with Millian
o r July :1)1€
reached Alexey Bogdanovskiy
journalist for RIA Novosti Bogdanovskiy
questions Orbis had tasl-:ed him with regarding Trump ' s Russian

Bogdanovskiy contact with another o f hi s
USPER 2 Zlodorev. Bogdanovskiy
Zlodorev Millian's contact informati on, Millian
Danchenko Millian was , accor:!ing t o
_Danchenko, someone with whom "they" (RIA Novosti) tall:ing . There
was even tall: about -Danchenko meeting Zlodorev in pers,:,n, but
it did no t happen .

(U/ / FOUO)-Danchenko reached 0ut t,f•r•ttffl

Millian via email twice . He ne\·er
received a response fr om the first attempt, but after the second
attempt , he received in July call
from a Russian male who Millian
identified himself . The in:!iv idual on the ot her end of the call never
identified hims elf. The two o~ them tall:ed f or a bit , and the two of
them tentati•;ely agree:! t o meet in pers,:,n in New York City en,:!
of July . At the end of July, -Danchenko traveled to
New York but the meeting never tool: place and nc, one ever calle:!
Danchenko bacl-: . Alt oge ther, he haj o nly a s ingle phone call with an

individual he thought t0 bctt•i'!tf!Z
Millian The call was either a cellular

Re :

ca:..l , o r it was a communication thrc,ugh a i:·hone ai:,1:, . Danchenko

- wi ll
loot back at his ph one t o see if he can get calle1 information .

VII . Dossier Report Number 2016/94

(U // FOUO) This report involves the purported Ca1ter Page meeting with
Sechin , as well as the purpo rted Carter Page meeting with Igor
Divey l:in .- - : :dicated that the sourc ing for this rei:,ort :leri·:es

(Danchenko's) con\·ersat 1c,ns with 12345678 1234567890 and Olga
from his ~ .

(U/ / FOUO) As ~Danchenko ls , Carter Page ·,1as c,ne o f 4-5 name s that
Steele provided t o -Danchenko - r~ar ter Page , a s Danchenko
- relates , had
his meetings in Moscow in early Ju:..y :01E - either the Eth thr ough the c

or the 5 th thr ough the S- th • 1234567890 t i:,l,:Danchenko

, - a l l l that she ha:!
heard that Carter Page was going t o meet with Sechin , and then later ,
in writing , 1234567890 that the Page-Sechin meeting ha:!
actually Danchenko sa id that he woul:I co nfirm the :late ,
time and circumstances under whic~ 1234567890 confirme:I to him
(Danchenko) that the Page-Sechin meeting had taken place . He will check
his pho ne , but he recalls ti at he received the confirmation from
1234567890 via te:-:t in September :1:ilE when he was at
-1234567890 ·,1as ab.2.e t o confirm that the Page-Sechin meeting
t oo t place through one o ~ her contacts -
. _;1 together , Danchenko 1234567890
him about the Sechin-Page meeting, and then later confirmed v ia te~t
that the meeting had taken pla ce .

1234567890 travel s t o the


VIII. Media Contact/Outreach to -Danchenko

(U / / FOUO) -Danchenko received two media in,: iuiries o n the d o s s ie1 . One
was from a spec iali=ed j o urnal , while the o ther was fr o m
n o t respo nded t o either inquir~

25 January 2017

FBI Washington Field Office Interview Room

Present :

Subsource , interv iewee

, i nterviewee ' s att o rney

, FBI Spec ial Agent .

, FBI Super v i so ry Intelligenc e .~ nal ys t •

, Deputy, Natio na l Se c urit; Di v i s i o n , US Department o f


I . Recent Communication by Christopher Steele

(U / / FOUO) Danchenko repo rted that Chri s t o pher Steele hai reac hed o ut t c,
him t oday through text . He has no t r e pli e ,j , but i s r:,lanning to .j ,:, so
either t o night o r t omo rro w. Hi s plan i s t o simply s ay that he ha s b e e n
meeting with hi s girlfriend's friends

Re :

II . Documents

(U / / FOUO) -Danchenko br.:,ught three dc:,cuments : or the interviewers . The

first was the Russian-language te:-:t interact i on between -Danchenko anJ
-1234567890 regarding the Sechin-i?age meeting in July '.'.(1H . The second
of 1234 123456789 123456
1234567 Olga Galkina 12345678 1234567890 123456 1234567 an
1234 123456789 third
document was a copied pastiche of a number 0: pro files , busi ness cards
and pictures , which will be explained in further detail below .

(U// FOUO) Regardi ng Document #1 , the te~t interac ti on between

-1234567890 and -Danchenko · he e:-:plaine :! that the date he had given
yeste r day was incorrect . The August,
versus September
- · and it would have been Danchenko's
i mmediately f o ll owing h i s - trip in
when they had the interacti on . Interviewers
indicate,j that it woul j be transla ted , but -Danchenko wanted t o i;:,oint
out that the Russian initial s [whi c h , tran sl iterated into English woul d
be I . I . S . ) s tand f o r I gor Ivanovich Sechin .

(U // FOUO) Regarding Document 1:, these are pictures anj profiles o f the
friends and assoc iates in Danchenko's networ k discussed the previous
day . Danchenko's
Prtrncir\ ~ 11h ,nurt t •
atto rney balked at the u se of the term " network ,"
s tating that the preferred term was " soc ial c ir cle . " One o f the
Galkina's as having stu.jiej
at Perm State National Research University

(U//FOUO) Regarding Document #3, the fol:owing informatio n was

pro v i :led :


, ,Y:. /0 0 ! ':.C

(U/ / FOUO) In the upper left hand c o rner , Danchenko

1234567 12345678
12345678 direct interac tio n

with him, 1234 123456789 and -12345678 have direc t c ontac t .
123456789 12345678 on friendly terms .

(U / / FOUO) Underneath -12345678's pho t ,.) is a bus iness card fr om

, no ted as Deputy Directo r ,
bu s iness card is what appears t o be a


Medvedev ' s p eoplen abo ut what the Kremlin wa s do ing with r e s pec t
t o inv0l vement in the US rJre s i -:iential e l e c ti on . -Danchenko remarl:e :i
how the Ru ss ian influe nc e i ssue was cons idered an " open s e c ret"
and that he was hearing s imi l a r s t o ri es fr om 0 ther source s -
r:,robably Olga
Source Galkina's

(U// FOUO) Ne~t t o the Windows Out loo k sc reenshot on

there is a list o ~ pri c ing with the tit le , t ransl at e d f rom Russ ian
a s "co llec ti o n bankno te United State s . j oc . n Danchenko's at t .:,rne y
empha s i:ed that he d id no t be l i e~e this r e p rese nt ed an ything
i l lega l o r illi c it Danchenko
thi s in 1234 123456789's
and hi s Danchenko's the
US he went t

Re : , 1): ;o s- ; :o

rubles - using the current exchange rate . As he remartej the
previ ous day , -123456789 i s an and has been ,_:k, in9 so
f o r decades . The pricing li s t i s a "wis h list . " [As an aside ,
Danchenko 123456789's friends , -

(U / / FOUO) In the upper right han,:I co rner, Danchenko

_ i ,:lentified
. She i s c urrentl y s erving as the head official

[ANALYST NOTE : This may J:.e a mi s i .ien t i f i ..::ati o :1. Th 1:- h-c-ad 0 f
] , who in turn i s

- ha s
dire ct . -Danchenko said that he ha s no t
........ I " •• -~ ~~ I ' • .......
us e a s a s o urce f o r the re p o rt s , but that the y are
g ood friends and that he has kno wn he r f o ::: at l e a s t - yea r s .

Russian official Russian official , Veterans Pension System , and


Dossier Report 2016/111 , including Paragraph #5

(U// FOUO) Underneath the pi c ture o i s a b u s iness c ard

Mikhail Kalugin head of the
Economic Section at the Russian Embassy in Wasington, DC Danchenko

with Kalugin and s anc t ion s .


Re :

-Danchenko first said that he l:no ws that -Kalugin ha s been ba c l: in Ru ss ia

since August '.:: Ole , but then tho ught a bit mo re and saij , "maybe s umme r
'.:: 1)16 ." -Danchenko described Kalugin
in the [Trump] dossier . "
Kalugin (Danchenko) from Brookings
Danchenko isn ' t
pos i t i ve abo ut that . He recall s that they had a co nversati on later in
spring '.::OH dur i ng which time -Kalugin said that he (Kalugin) had " putt'tt1t:tilffi1
in a wo rd " and wonder e d if it had helped . They had a 5- 10 minu te cha t
ANALl"ST NOTE : I t i s u:1cl -=-ar i f i t 1, 1a s t h -=- s am,c- s prin q .;Clo c.::-nF -=-rs at i,,n

or a lat:=r c onv-=rs ati --..,n] d uring whi c h time -Kalugin confided in

-Danchenko that hdd'tt1t::ttm:

(Kalugin) wa s getting tired o f :lc,ing what he wa s n , t
really supposed t o be doing in hi s j ob -
"expo sed " in the US elec tio n . It wa s Danchenko's

Kalugin mo ving bac l: t o Russ ia and

(U / / FOUO) Mikhail Kalugin Danchenko

explained that s in c e hi s time a Brookings
fr o m dipl omat s at the Ru s::: ian Emba ssy . He anJ USPER

conta c t with a sec r e tar y at the Ernba s ::: y - a strange g uy wh.:,
was p es te r ing them . They gave thi s inJi v i d ua l open s o urc e informati on .
Danchenko 123456 12345678

Danchenko Brookings 12345678
abo ut Ukraine and t he Ora nge Revol uti o n , and USPER r e commended

Primary Subsource
Igor Danchenko
Re :

that they keep him at a distance . Danchenko 12345678

re!ated t o the interviewers 12345678
inf.:-rmati on 12345678
tc, trave_ t o - sometimes jriving
. 12345678
- c(,mpletel 1· dr0ppe.J .:,:f
the map sometime around :001-:00e .

(U / / FOUO) Looking at P.epo1.t : ,:iiu 111 , Danchenko

- was aske,j about the
report ' s use of the descriptor , "a trusted compatriot . " - a s in
paragraph one , "Speal:ing in confidence to a trus ted compatriot in
Danchenko he was the "trustej
compatriot" in the se Danchenko saij that it might be him, but
that it couli also be 0 the1. s . Danchenko's att 0r ne:.,: tl:en jumi::,ed in,
stating that the " l iterary je~ice" used b; Steele in the Jossier was
no t consistent and no t clear , so he wanted t o be ca reful about matching
that jescriptor t o his cl ient . -Danchenko sa i :! that , t(, the best ,:,: his
knowledge, he i s no t su1.e if he was the only one working on this i ssue
f a r Orbis [and therefore he is not clear if he is always the "tru ste:l
compatriot" menti o ned in the documents]

(U // FOUO) Interviewers drew Danchenko's attenti on to paragraph 5 o : the

same report , where Mikhail Kalugin [written as Kulagin] is menti oned .
-Danchenko is n0t clear how Danchenko
indicated that no MF.t. .:,:: icial
Danchenko Bondarev



Title : PrimaryDanchenko
Igor Subsource
Re :

"a bright young guy . u Danchenko has no idea where the language in this
paragraph regarding Bondarev " clean in this regardu (with respect
t o l:nowledge and in7olvement in US election matter s ) .

IV. Dossier Report 2016/94

(U // FOUO) Regarding Paragraphs land:, interviewers went bacl: over

Danchenko's fr om the previ ous day , particularly the i ssue
Danchenko had hearj from -1234567890 that the Page-Se chi n
meeting was go ing t o hai:,pen , that it had happenej, ,:ir bo th . Danchenko
e~plained that he didn ' t re c all who had t o lj him that the meeting wa s
going to happen - it might have been thrc,ugh 1234567890
- · but the mc, re
he thought, the mo re he believed it was fr om someone else , and he
couldn ' t recall who . He reported the meeting t o Steele in July , and
then, in Oc t ober, he 1234567890's the c0nfi1ming
-Danchenko j oes n,:,t
!:now the identity of the Rosneft

(U // FOUO) Regarding Paragraph 3 on Carter Page ' s meeting with Igo r

Diveyk1n, -Danchenko s aid that thi s inf o rmation c ame fr om Olga
Source Galkina

Galkina had a phc,ne c0nversation , c,r maybe Sl:ype , but

Danchenko ~
Danchenko remembers that it wa s a voice commun i cati0n which laste,j
about 3 (1 minutes . -Danchenko s aid it wa s juring the summer, because he
remembers having the conversati0n while ·,;as at the public swimming po,) 2.
and "whate ·,·e r" with __ Galkina
was relating inf ormati on that s he was hearing fr om her sources -
Danchenko -:lid no t a s l: her ab,.:,u t the ijentities o f these sc,urces .
Danchenko could probably f ollow-ui:, ·,;i th Galkina
~ ut the sou r ces , but

1(11)~ .
he expla in ed that he ha s no reas.:,n t ,:, -J oubt -Galkina . He trust f Galkina

Re :

(U // FOUO) On the Diveyl:in identification , thi s was the name her sou rce s
gave her . He was in the Domestic Pol i cy entity and wa s o ne o f the
peop le in charge o f US-Russia relations [.I\NALYST NOTE : Danchenko's
descr ipti o n was someone unclear here , because he added ,
"election-related stuff ," but then went bacl: t o referring to it as
"US-Russia relatio ns . " )n-r:er
Galkina suggested that there wa s an attemi:,t t o
mas,.:xuerade things or c raft a fa<;:ade because "the f oll:s who were in
domestic po licy were wo rl:ing e~ternal [ f oreign) policy , while the foll:s
doing e~ternal were worl:ing dome st i c matters . "

Danchenko explained that, o n the who le , hi s convers atio ns

with Galkina ~ - - ~ in an opaque way , so as t o be careful
security-w i se . Galkina and -Danchenko l:new that when the y tall:e-:l , they
were talking abo ut the US election issue , but wo uldn't necessar ily
refer t o it .

(U/ / FOUO) -1234567 i s the o ne who t0ld -Danchenko that the Russian
government was sitting on "l:ompromat" a s s tated in r:,aragraph 4 .

(U / / FOUO) Danchenko's
P11111.11 \ !"-o ll tl ,{HIit t'
att o rney sta t ed that it was his cl i e nt ' s
a ssessment that this info rmatio n fr <)m Galkina was c r edible and
accurate . It is Danchenko's conclus i o n that the info rmatio n in
paragraph 3 came fr om his c.:,1wer sa tio n wi tr Galkina. n·:·nr
(U// FOUO ) -Danchenko i s "i nconclusive" about where e~:actly the
inf ormatio n in paragrar:,h 4 c ame from . He thinl:s he and Galkina ma y have f•1•111e
spoke n abo ut it - Galkina
• - i s tieJ t o bo tl- and Ivanov - but he
wo ul d Galkina o ffi c ial close t o Ivano~ . " When
asked by interviewers how Mt!ttM
(Danchenko) des er ibed Galkina t o

Igor Subsource
iPrimary Danchenko

r~hristopher Steele , -Danchenko said that he .Jescribed her as "my frien:l

who knows someone in the Kremlin with direct / indirect a ccess t o Sergey
Ivanov . "

IV . Dossier Report 2016/134

(U // FOUO) The info rmatio n in the first paragraph o f this repo rt came
fr om Danchenko's text interchange with 1234567890
Source 5 in Oc t ober : 1:iio: .

(U // FOUO) -Danchenko was less cc,nc lus i ve about the cons tn1c tic,n o f
paragraph ~ The final sentence abo ut the lifting of sanc ti o ns wa s
1234567890's te:-:t in Oc t ober, but 1234567890
- never menti ..:,nE-:i
t o Danchenko had been o ffere.J any bro kerage of the 1 0~
Ros neft stake . There were speculations an.J " open secrets" about Rosneft
and f o reign offerings . Fo r e~ample , , an energy
analy s t and pr o fe ssor [AN;l.LrST NOTE : Thi s appears t o be- id-c-nti-::al t o
t,,J10 a s :> f - t.;a s the - o f Russia ' - -
suggested in bro a,:i terms t o Danchenko
- irtriJII
that once sanct i o ns were lifted , Ros neft
could find itself in a "pri·,ileged" s tat e . .; s an a s ide, Danchenko
remarked tha ~ is o ften .Jis mi sse.J intrin s i cal l y as being a
Ga=prom l o bbyist .

V. Michael Cohen, Prague and Dossier Reports 2016/135 , 2016/136 , and


(U/ / FOUO) -Danchenko began hi s e:,planati,)n o f the Prague and Mi chael

Cohe n-related repo rt s by s tating that Chri s t oi:,her Steele ha:i gi\·en him
4-5 name s to r esearch f o r the electi o n-related tasking . He could only
reme mber three o f the names : Carter Pa ge , ?aul Manafc,r t and Michael
Cohen . When he talked t o Olga
Source Galkina
3 in the fall o f '.::01€ - he belie~es

Re :

it was a phone call - he rattled off these names and , out of them, he
was surprised t o hear that •Olga imme,.::i iately [ later -Danchenko s o ftened
this t o "almost immediately"] recogni:ed Cohen ' s name .

(U // FOUO) In Report ::: ,~•le/ 135 , -Danchenko did no t know the origins (, f
paragraph 1 . He said that it d i dn ' t c ome fr om him , and that he doesn 't
know where the information i s from . He .::iescribed it as "too general . "

(U // FOUO) In paragraph::: Danchenko

recog ni :ed material fr om his c o nver s ati o ns Olga Galkina
middle of the paragrar;:,h . Galkina had t o ld Danchenko
three other unidentified people had fl own Danchenko
later , "a ssumed they had flown"] into Prague in August-September :::0 1~
and had met with a gro up fr om Russia . -Danchenko asked her wh,:, else
besides Co hen ha.::i c ome into Pra9ue fr om the US si:!e - she didn ' t l:n ,:,w,
but she was willing to go bac k and fin.::i o ut . She never go t back t o him
abo ut thi s . -Danchenko als o asked abo ut the part i cir:.ant s o n the Ru ss ian
s ide . She didn ' t know , but s he in.::iicate.::i that her "bes t gue ss " o r " her
understanding" was that they were ~r om "Legal Affair s " o r "Legal
Department . " -Danchenko indic ated thaf•Galkina di:! no t s ay why s he
tho ught that . Danchenko wa s n ' t aware that s uc h an entity exi s te d - he
wa s no t able t o find it thro ugh researc h .

(U / / FOUO) Reflecting 0n the Prague-re lat e d mat e rial , _ _
believes he had:, maybe e ven 3, c o nversation s with -Galkina 011
thi s topic later in Oct ober . No thing on Prague and Cohen wa s
c o llected during the . tri p in ~ he fir s t conver s at h,n
is the o ne during which he believe ~ Galkina no te.::i her recogniti on
o f Cohe n ' s name . The se cond conversatio n i s the o ne in whi c h s he
di scussed Prague , the v i s it of Cohe n p l us three o ther indiv i .::iua ls ,

, (,:; os-; :o

and the meeting with the Russian side . There may have been a thir.j
conversation on the t o pic , bu ~Danchenko could n o t recall e :-: actly
and said that they had also talked abo ut "a private subject . "

(U // FOUO) Danchenko doesn ' t belie\·e he discusse J Paul

In i:•aragraph ~
f"\'tff . ~
Mana f o rt with Galkina Galkina 't bring up Carter Page o r Manaf.:,r t
during these October conversations . The direct quo te " ... t0 sweep it all
under the carpet ... " i s fr o• . Olga
Olga • did no t sa 1 , however , why Cohen
went t o Prague instead o f Carter Page .

(U//FOUO) In Doss i er Report '.:: 1)1U le€, Olga

Source Golkina
3 is the o ne wh0
pro vided the Rossotrudniche s tvo info rmati o n and the identificati o n o f
Oleg Solodukhin· - s aid that during either the sec,)nct or third
conversat i o n wit~ Golkina abou t the Cohen matter , Golkina hact initiall:,:
tho ught the meetings involvect the " legal department " but then
identifie-d -Solodukhin and Rossotru-foi c hestvo . Danchenko
- ~:er-,t r-,ushing

f•Golkina f o r informatio n ab,)Ut the i:lentitie s Of the US [-•arti c ipant s ,
but she did no t kno w . On the Russian s ide, -Danchenko re-.:jue s ted that she
go back t o her sources, and it was after that she came back with the
identificati o n o f Solodukhin . However , -Danchenko said that -Olga ne·1er
menti o ned or sa id Solodukhin wa s wor king " under Ross o trudni c he s t vo
cover ," as i s .s t at ed in the repo rt . -Danchenko ha:! done hi s o wn research
and confirmed that Oleg Solodukhin e~isted .

(U // FOUO ) In the s ame report , Olga Golkina the o ne who menti one d
"deniable c a s h payment s " Danchenko i:,u she-:l Golkina
~ r the
substance o f the mee ting in Prague , but he is no t sure ~ Golkina was
brainstorming here , or if she i s relating informati0n from her sources .

(U// FOUO) As a n aside here, Danchenko



Igor Subsource
Re :

Golkina him
the other day to ask an article abo ut Rus s ian
speakers and Trump . Golkina t,:, the
United States . To ,. :iuestions pose j by FSI S.Z\. - an :l comments
made by his atto rney , Danchenko
- in:iicate:i that he c0ul-:l carefully
call OlgaSource
3 , perhaps even meet her in a thirJ country . Tu
try and get additional inf o rmati,:,n of intere s t t c, the FBI W(1ul ,:I
require in-perso n conversation , and Danchenko
- ·.:iuipped that he ' d
- 123456 · Danchenko said that he had plans t o visit
never been to
her earlier this year , but that it didn ' t wor k ou t .
Danchenko said that she knew that he ha:l plan s to visit her in
the two o f them had taU:ed through tie 1:,:ans . When
Golkina would be comfortable talking t o the FBI ,
Danchenko wasn ' t sure .

(U/ / FOUO)-Danchenko summari:ej that , when it comes t c, the dossie:c, the

Page material regarding Sechin came fr 0 m -1234567890 · while the
Cohen/Prague material came fr o m Galkina 4•1•:tttd
(U // FOUO) In paragraph 3 o f Re1=,or t ::::,:11t/lcc , -Danchenko sai,:l that he
be:ieves that the material "stro ngly c0rres1=,onds" t o a recent, December
'.:: 0 16 conversation that he ha:l with Olga
Source Galkina
3 . This was a separate,
f ol l o w-o n conversation t o the Oc t ober conversations menti o ne:l before .
The material is not wo rd-for-wor :l ::r,:,m his com·ersatic,n with Galkina f"l''@M
but partially-base,:l ~· n their December :::: 1:i1 c te:epho ne conversati,)n . F•:,r
e:-:ample , in their com·ersati,:,n , while he doesn ' t remember her saying
-Cohen, he :lo es recall her saying Solodukhin. He recalls that she all:-e :l


Re : , G:;o~;:o

about Webzilla's "a ffiliates" but she jid no t mention the Dem0cratic
Party in the way that the repo rt says . As he menti oned earlier, he
stated their conversations were held in the overall context o f the US
elec tio n s and hacking , but he is not sure if s he mentio ned a specifi c
p ol itical party o r candidate at thi s time . She did menti o n "po rn
traffic" as mentio ned in this paragraph . Danchenko
- d o es no t recall
-Galkina's reference t o a specific time frame of March thr ou9h September
'::.OH .

(U // FOUO) Galkina d id menti o n both Gubarev and Seva Kapsugovich, who
she mentio ned - a s st ated in the repo rt - work " under the FSB . " She
menti o ned -Gubarev and all o f his s maller s ubsidiaries and comi:,anies .
Danchenko sa i d that Galkina
- is a press secretary for Webzilla , whi ch
Danchenko sa i d was 0 ne Gubarev's Danchenko
the inter v iewers that hi s under s tandi n g o f this t o pic (i . e . cyber) was
Galkina i s no t an IT s pec iali s t herself . Galkina ne·:er
said that Kapsugovich was involved in any o f this . He sa id that
paragraph 3 ha s references and ke y wo rds involv ing payments and cover - up
fr o m his con versa ti o n with Galkina

(U // FOUO) With respect to paragraph 4 , Olga

Source Galkina
3 gave this as a k in d
o f example . She didn ' t o ffer any spec ifi c info rmatio n o r evidence, but
that this (e . g . Ro manian hacker s headin9 t o Bulgaria t o lay l o w) is a
l:ind o f e :-:ample [.4.NALrST NC·TE : It se-:-m-=-d~ Danchenko's dE:scr ip ti,'il
that this miqht b-:- -Galkina's analysis ] . Danchenko
~ t s u re where the
term "bol t hole" i s fr o m, and tried , un s uccess fully , t o th ink about
what Russ i an t erm this might be repres enting . When asked if everything
f•i'\ttM Danchenko
in this paragraph c ame fr o rr Galkina - sa i d that it ·,1a s
diff i cul t t o s ay with c ertainty . It sounds like mate r ia l that Galkina
wo uld s ay . Look ing bac l: thr o ugh the paragraph , Danchenko
- sa i d that


Re :

everything bef o re the term " lay Galkina, whi le-

he is not sure about everything after that term . Danchenko
about the specifics in this paragraph anj agreed with int erviewers that
the report has more spe c ifi c language- (p:ace names ; ethnicit~ o f
hacl:ers) than o ther repor t s . Interviewers brought up the fa c t that

-Danchenko had mentio ned the previ0us day ~ - · · · s p0I:~ Bulgarian

and had a family vacation home in Bulgaria Danchenko jid not l:now if
the family home was in Balchik
_ , but as l:ej if Balchik wa s " on the cc:,as t"
because that ' s where typi cal familf vacation homes were loca ted .

VI. Source
Sergei 6 Millian RIA Novosti, and Dossier Report 2016/95

(U/ / FOUO) Danchenko

- was asl:ed t o go bacl: ove r the rep.:,rts discus .s ed in
brief the previous day regarding his interac ti on with Sergei
Source 6 Millian

-Danchenko said that Christor:,her Steele had asl:ed him t o :ind sour ces
linl:ed t o the Trump team , wh.:• coul :i ans·,1e::.: the overa rching :iuest1,:,ns
regarding Russia ' s connections t o the team, etc . Danchenko
- turne:l t,:,
hi s contacts at RIA Novosti , and his conta c t s there t o ld him
(Danchenko) that there wa s "thi s guy , Sergei
?ource 6 Millian "that he

P11111.11\ '.'--. 11t1 ,, 11 111 t •

f' llllld l\ ..... 11t1
should tall: to .
, 11 1111 • •

Danchenko me t in per son with Alexey Bogdanovskiy a 123

reporter for RIA Novosti Danchenko
understands) and who i s ,:,ne ,:,f Danchenko's . Danchenko
s aid tha I USPER
Bogdanovskiy two of
them met ove r lunch at a Thai restaurant . ~e didn ' t want t o ask
USPER very targeted or revealing questi ons : o r the electi0n
assignment , so he kept them broaj in scope ("Do ;ou ISIA
know anyone who can talk about all o f this Trump / Manafort stuff , or
Trump and Rus s ia?" Bogdanovskiy
USPER commented about how there wa~: a 9reat


Igo r Dan
Primary chenko
Re :

amoun t o f speculatio n about Russian influence and Ru ssian ties , but

that he was skeptical and not hing substanti ve haj turned up .
Bogdanovskiy Danchenko ·,1i th his RIA Novosti
Dmitriy Zlodorev Bogdanovskiy [is] thi s
Zlodorev (Zlodorev) his
contact informatio n . " Danchenko in the en j,
USPER gave him (Danchenko) Sergei Millian's email , and that ~e
I 111 11 .11\ ~ u: , ,t, 1111 , .
Zlodorev Danchenko

never met i,•ill 5 7-c-

if he s till has the email]

(U// FOUO) ~ led Millian June o r Julj '.::(•le - but
it wa s aft~ Danchenko's trip . Danchenko
- jid not
receive a response fr om thi s email, but s ays that it was at that po in t
that "things got s trange . " In July '.:: Ole , he received a telepho ne call
fr om an unidentified Russ ian guy . He t hc,u9ht it ·,,a:- Millian he still f• ••fttl -
thinl:s it ·,1aft!tttffl -
but the in :ii·:idual never i dentified himsel: a s
Millian They tall:ed f o r about 1,:, minutes , anj then arra ngej t .:, meet
t ogether up in New York City
US City

(U / / FOUO)- Danchenko remembered that the~· maje r:,l an s t o mee t in NYC •:tJTT
and that Danchenko o fferej t o .::ome up "anytime" -Millian wa s a va ilab le .
M• • @z wouldn ' t commit t o a specific time, but Danchenko
- sa id that he
could be NYC "fo r a couple ,) f days . " Danchenko could no t r ecall i:
Millian sa iJ he lived in New York City
that he did . Fo llowing Danchenko

travelej to NYC with pr e pared que s ti ons ,
visi t would have been nea r the e nj o f Ju:y .
Danchenko ~ith
Dmitriy Zlodorev Danchenko Millian
Zlodorev Millian

(Danchenko) h im
(Zlodroev) "who (Danchenko) that it woulj be


Re :

har d t o reach o ut t o him -(Millian) now because he was in

- ·- Danchenko remembers provi d ing Chri s t o pher Steele with the
info rmati o n abo ut -Millian's whereabou t s in

(U// FOUO) -Danchenko tried o ne more Millian September

:01E . He decided
invo lved in
pro ject , so , Millian was into real estate Danchenko sent
him a brochure abo ut
generate a response . Millian po int , Millian f•1•:@fl
and - became friends on LinkedIn Danchenko cou ld no t
remember whi c h o f them LinkedIn invitation

Danchenko a nd the per son he believed - and s ti ll

believes - t o be Millian one lr:1-1 5 minute convers ation . Danchenko
says that " Source E" in Report :O li / ~5 sounds like it i s fr om thi s
conversation . During the phone call , he remember s menti oning Manaf0 rt
and ?age . -Danchenko recalls that thi s 1 ,:, - 1 5 minute conversati c,n
include d a ge neral discuss i on abo ut Trump and the Kremlin , that there
was " communicati on" between the parties , an:i that it wa 8 an ong.:, ing
Danchenko that the indiv idua l believed t o be
Millian inf ormatiun" between Trump and
the Kremlin , and that. there wa s " no th i ng bad abo ut it. . ·- Millian said
that some c, f thi s inf0 rmatio n e:-:c hange c0uld be goo,:i f o r ia , and
some c o uld be damagi ng t o Trump , but :ieniabl e . The in-:iividual s aid that
the Kremlin might be o f help t o get Trump elec ted , but Danchenko
- di d
no t recall any di scuss i on o r menti o n o f Wiki lea ks .

(U// FOUO) Besides the 1 0- 15 minute conve r s ati on, Danchenko

- had no
further c.:,ntac t with Millian (or the person he bel i eved t o Millian
~ ---


Re :

VI . Trump , the Ritz Carlton and Dossier Report 2016/ 80

(U // FOUO) The interviewer s bro ught Danchenko's attention to the report

regarding Trump' s alleged unorthodo~ se ~ual activity at the Rit:
Carlt o n Ho tel - specifically paragraph 3 o f Danchenko
said that this inf ormati o n came , partially , 1234 123456789
Source 2 circle o f associates and friends , Danchenko o nce
mo re , is primarily in the - sphere, but his s o cial netw0rl: i s
vast , and he has o ther, random ass oc iates . In fa ct , as an o ther e~ample,
123456789 travels t o SIA SIA

(U // FOUO) When -Danchenko asked -123456789 in early June :::1:iit: (the .

- )- about whether he l:new of any c o mpromising materials on
123456789 said that there was a "well kno wn s t o ry" about Trump ' s
activities in the
the Rit: Car lton .
involved the allegatio n that Trump was "int o water si:,orts " and had
engagej in that activity "in the presiiential su ite" at the Rit:
Carlton . In terms of whether the story ·,ia s true , 123456789
- e:-:plained
that people "know" but that it " o n ly beco mes fact if people come
f orward . " -123456789 sa i d that the ho tel i s buggej, and "heaven ,:,nly
knows" who or what has been filmed by the FSB . 123456789 said t o

(U / / FOUO) As -Danchenko e:-:plained it, the fact of hotel bugging and the



Re :

use of filmed " l:ompromat" is not uncommon . Danchenko

- related the names
of those who have been targeted in this way - [Yuriy] Skurat ov ,
[Mikhail) Kasyanov , and Vladimir Rushkov [unclear , maybe Ry=hkov] .
-Danchenko has also been able t o comment o n h0 tel bugging because it is
generally known , as he e~plained t o interviewers , that i~ you want to
visit Moscow and not be vulnerable t 0 being buggei , you have to s tay
away from the Rit= Carlton , the Ho tel Moskva, and the Hotel Peking .

Regarding paragraph~ in Repo rt : Ol E/20 ,

asked about "thi s stuff about Trump at the hotel . " His interl ocut o rs
laughed it o ff , stating that "all Unis o f things hapr:,en at the h..:,tel"
and with celebrit i es , " c,ne never kn,:,ws what they ' re doing . " Danchenko
said that it wasn ' t a ienial . Anj asking the ho tel staff who were
assisting ·,,ith the lili1 arrangement s , ,:ine girl commente :l that "anything
goes" at the ho tel, and added that , " officially , we don't have
r:,rostit ute s ."

(U// FOUO) Fo r this story , Chri s t opher Steele wa s given the name s of the
management at the Rit= Carlton . -Danchenko s aid that he rep0 rted Trumr:,' s
uno rthodox se:-:ual a ct i v ity at the Rit= a s " r um,:, r and spe cu lati 0 n" an,j
that he had no t been abl e t 0 confirm the sto ry .

(U // FOUO) In the same report , paragraphs 1, 4 an,i 5 , - -
identified " Source B" as Vyacheslav Trubnikov
. · thro ugh 123456 1234567 .
• ·

e·r·111, repo rted that he

1234567 Trubnikov "had a conve rsatio n" about
the conten t in the repo rt . Trubnikov that they ha-i " embarra ss ing
stuff - se:rnal / po rnographi c mate rial" on a number L,f fol ks , "in cluiing
Trump . " -Danchenko sa id that the end o f paragrar:,h 4 regarding the

Primary Subsource
Igor Danchenko
Re : , o:;or;.r:.o

abil i ty to blackmail Trump was "logical conclusion" rather than

1234567 t oo l: r:,lace in June : ,:, 1 c at

Trubnikov himself] .
Danchenko 5 was part ,:,f
a conversation between -Trubnikov an, 1234567 , bu t Danchenko
- has no i ,jea
where the mentio n o f " Department K o f the FSB" i s from . He does not
recall hearing that , or menti o ning that t o Chr i stopher Steele .
Add iti onall y , the years over whi ch the "komproma t" file was co ll ectej
we r e also never mentioned , t o Danchenko's recc,llection .

26 January 2017

FBI Washington Field Office Interview Room

Present :

Igor Danchenko , interviewee

, inter v i ewee ' s att o rney

, FB I s r:-ec ia l Agent •

, FBI Superv i sory Intel l i gence .!,.na:... yst •

, Deputy , Natio na l Security Divis i o n , US Department o :

Just i ce

I. Recent Communication by Orbis Representative ; Overall Wellbeing

R C"
- ·•

(U/ / FOUO) Danchenko his att o rney relatej that Chr is Steele ha.:!
Danchenko mor ning . One o f Steele ' s associates at

Kieran Porter (Porter) Danchenko sa ij h<'=- ha s

seen appro ~imately 1: times - Danchenko Porter remarl:e.:I that
-Danchenko "had been lying t o-.:, 1':,·,; . " Porter that " [Orbis] ha.:ln ' t
heard fr o m him over the past 10 .:lays , and that the~ wanted to know what
was going Danchenko Porter s ta ying in a hotel
an,i at hi girlfriend's in Washington, DC

talking t o an attor ney

(U / / FOUO) -Danchenko dij no t s peal: with Steele ,ju ring thi ::: con ve rsatio n .
-Danchenko heard fr om -Porter that Steele was s till "l y ing l,:,•,1" but that
"everyo ne " was concerned abo ut Danchenko's
••• ·,,el lbe- ing . [AN,1Li:ST Nt'TE:
indi::ation o f hoi,r his ._·li-=nt 1,as put tr.rouqh til-=- r'O'::ruitm-=-nt :;y.:;17 -
initially r-?::ruit'c-d L-y Ch ri s S te"O"l'=' , but passed ::-ff t._• und':'rli:1.,_1s f::-r

iay-t.:--.:iay manaq':'m"O"nt . ] Porter

- and Danchenko
- discussej s..:,me pc,ssible
future assignments - " s mall due jiligence assignments unrelated t 0
polit i cs " - and -Porter indi ca ted that they ·,1ould run stuff by him if
something came up - but [and i t I,as n::-t .::1-?ar i f this i,ra s -Porter's
a.:;tual .:;omment o r Danchenko's r7fl7:;ti._•:1] pr0bably nc,t much in the area

of Russia . There was tall: abo ut wiring past due mon ie s for Danchenko
- t .:1
Target Labs . Or , Danchenko
- added , there ·,,as also .:liscussion about
getting him money thro ugh " someone we kno ¾ [ in the United State s]"
-Danchenko was hesitant about arranging pajments in an:,; ·,1a y that ";,_ool:ed
strange ."

(U / / FOUO) -Porter t old -Danchenko that si nce the Bu::fee:I stor:i hit the
news , Orbis ha s received :0 , 000 emails .

Re : , c,: ;os- 1:0

(U// FOUO) No one from Target Labs

Danchenko Danchenko typically wo rl:s fr om hi s
home . He worl:s o ff-ho urs , given the time difference betweer- - - -
Moscow and Londo n . There is space and some de s l: s he can us e atilillllll
.Labs , but most o f his wo rl: is done at home .

(U // FOUO) -Danchenko commented that , unle ss his name goes public , he is

fine whe n it comes t o his source netwo rl: . He doesn ' t be l ieve he c an
to Russia be in danger and , as he put

(U / / FOUO ) -Danchenko indicated that Orbis doe s l:now the identities of

some o f h i s sources - t hey have some first and last name s . Fo r example ,
1234 123456789 Danchenko
added ,

(U // FOUO) -Danchenko s a i d that he had gone bac l: t o check f '-,r electrc,nic

communicatio n reco rds , but he s aid that he had delete,:i mos t o f the
election-related communic ati o ns "months ago . " Me al so has a different
pho ne fr om the o ne he u s e d previ ous-:,: . He di:in ' t :ielete cummuni cat i on
invo l v ing Dmitriy
USPER 2 Zlodorev [see previous day ' s interview] , and he ha:i

repo rted that communication to Christophe!.· Steele .

(U//FOUO) Dossier Report 2016/86

(U / / FOUO) Danchenko
- ·,;as asl:ed a numbe r o f ,::iuest i o ns regarding the
sourcing and informati o n abo ut the FSB cyber - related doss ier repo rt .

(U // FOUO) In paragraph l , the " f ormer senior intelligence officer " i s

Former Russian Trubnikov
Intelligence 123456 1234567 1234567
info rmati o n directly t o Danchenko

Re : I 1)'.:: /(I S, / '.::C:

cafe .

(U// FOUO) Some o f the material in paragraph: was not familiar t o

Danchenko . In general , the material trac l:s with comment~: made t o

Danchenko by 1234 123456789 , with corroboration via open s o urce
material . Looking mo re over the paragraph, -Danchenko said that the
-123456789 material begins with the sentence, "To compensate f o r thi s
shortfall. .. " -Danchenko d o es not recall using the terms "first tier" (in
the first sentence) in his repo rt s t o Steele - he is no t sure that
info rmati o n came fr o m him (Danchenko)
1'11111 <1!\ S11h -.1 H1rr:1•

(U // FOUO) The material in paragraph 3 could be referencing material

gleaned from o ne o f . ... old friends Perm Friend

- · When he 1234567890 wa s c aught

"fac ilitating payments f o r a p o rno graphi c website . " He was o ffere d a
deal - cooperate with the FSB o r p o tentiallJ go t o jail . He endei up
d o ing some wo rl: for the FSB , but -Danchenko d 0 e s n ' t l:nc,•,1 what type ,:, f
wa r~ 1234567890 jid f ,:, r the FSB [ AN.2\Li"ST NC·TE : Thi s i s i:1 :ont r a:ii :ti, :1

Danchenko's statlc'ment th'=' f i r s t day, at t, hi:h t i me he incli:at-;-d that

h'=' did n o t ha ve an1· cont a c t s associat'=':i with tte Russian intelli q-;-n;-;-

1234567890 i s a c o uple o f years y0unger than

Danchenko (1234567890) to "normal life" [ that is , post
- · anJhe
FSB activity) aro und -1234567890 t old -Danchenko that h e
l:new o f many o ther peo ple who have been put in a s imilar situati0n
[with the FSB) . Presently , 1234567890 - ; ho we ver,
-Danchenko is unclear (Danchenko) tho ught that 1234567890
might be wor l:ing f o r , f o r the banl:ing
indus tr y , and/or
asl:ed i Danchenko wo uld co ns i de r 1234567890
- a Danchenko
s aid "yes , lil:e mysel f, but in a -iifferent [sector] . "


Re : , ,) '::. I .:, '=' r:. 0

(U // FOUO) In the same paragraph - paragrai:~ 3 - the po rtion that begins

with "In one case a US cit i:en ... " was deri¥e:I from a conversation with
123456 1234567 1234567 related this story, indicating that the US
1234567's friend ·,1h,:, does wo rl: with "eiuc atio nal api:,s .:,r
something . "

(U // FOUO) For paragraph -l , Danchenko

- coul.c no t attribute it t o any
source in particular . The "fo reign directo r o f a compan1," recalled
-Danchenko · is a foreign dire c t (,r o n the boar j .:,f - · but he di :l
know the e~act identity .

(U/ / FOUO) Fo r paragraph 5 , Danchenko

- sa i d that some o f the info rmati on
the Russian

Danchenko is an inc,:irrect
t o him

(U// FOUO) Regarding paragraph c,_Danchenko coul,:I n(• t attribute it

concl usively t o any particular sou r ce . He said that he can ' t confirm
it , but he believes the source may ha ve been 1234
Source 123456789
2 Some o f it
is open source , however .

(U//FOUO) General Summarizing about Danchenko's Sources

(U // FOUO) The int er-:ie·,1ers asl:e:I Danchenko

- i: , generally s peal:ing about
the dossier a s a who le, the menti ons o f Dmitriy Pesl:ov [ Putin ' s press
Olga 3Galkina
s e c retary] and Sergey Ivanov c an be t './picallj source :I t .: Source
-Danchenko said yes - Galkina has jirec t anj indirec t conta c t with a
deputy , or multiple deputies , in . As s tat ed earlier,


Re : , ,)::: I OS- I ::: 0

said that , through Galkina

deputies ani assistants she uses for getting her information .
·- Danchenko
and the

(U//FOUO) When it comes to any material on

1234 123456789
123456789 Danchenko
related a story from c irca '.::015-'.:: 016 . For a different assignment ,
-Danchenko got 123456789 tall: t o th~ . During that
indicated that power and authority when
it came to press relations had centrali:ed c,n Peskov . - - -
frieni indicated that " [we ' re) all unjer Peskov now , " ;~ Danchenko
took to mean that authority within the Presidential A·:iministration ' s
PR/ GR circles ha-i enterei a r,yramid-type stage with Pesl:0v at the t ,:or,
of the pyramid .

(U // FOUO) On the mate rial regarding the replacement v f Sergey I va n0~

with Antvn Vaino , this was als v der i ved fr0m Galkina f"i''fjf•, as well as " twc,
o ther fr i ends " [which -Danchenko left vague and didn ' t identify) . The
part o f the reports connecting Ivanov ' s replacement by Va ino t ,) the
fall out ove r Russia ' s influence effo rts against the US elec tion was,
according t o Danchenko
- M'f''ftfd
· his analytical conclusion . Galkina " confirmed
that it had to be true ," sa i d -Danchenko · Galkina
- t0ld him something
like " (Ivanov ' s dismi ssal because of US - election related fallout] just
had t o be true" o r else she sa id something like " O! course , it has to
be that ... "

(U//FOUO) General Summarizing of Danchenko's Debriefings by Orbis

(U // FOUO) The interviewers asl:ed -Danchenko about how Christopher Steele

would go about debriefing him after his vis it s , specifically about how


Igor Subsource
iPnmary Danchenko
Re : I ,y:_ J,) C,. I

Steele asl:ed him about distinguishing between what his sources have
t old him versus his (Danchenko's) analytical jtd.;iments ._Danchenko sa ij
that Steele would often asl: him , "hre yo u sure [abo ut what your source
is telling you , " and sometime s wo uld repeatedly press him abo ut a
certain report - emphasi:ing ".Z:,.re you (Danchenko) sure? Ate you sure?"
Danchenko said that he (Danchenko) was ve ry careful abo ut ca~eating
f 'f lrll <1I\ S11(, ,1l1H1 ,.
during debriefs with Steele . He wouli tell Steele if something was his
analytical judgment ("As an analyst , I thinl: ... "), e~plain his confidence
levels ("It i s possible vs . lil:ely" or ":tis plausible") , and e~en
tell Steele whether something had just no t been e~plicitly :leniej ("No
one has denied it •,1hen I ' ve br.:,u9ht it up . ") . At times he would tell
Steele that "I ' ve told yo u what I l:no w. " When r:,resse-:i by Steele t u try
to get additional informati(,n , Danchenko
- w.:,uld e:-:plain that he :ii:i n(,t
want to go bacl: t o his friends " 3 o r 4 times" t o try t o get additional
material - it wo uld 1001: ba:i and it wou:d rai se suspi cions . Steele
might asl: , f o r e~ample , "Do any of yo ur (Danchenko's)
Primary Subsource s ources l:no·,; if

Ivano v was sacl:ed because of the US presidential e:ecti on?"

(U // FOUO) Not wanting t,:, cause s uspici on s with friends and ass oc iates,
-Danchenko would try an:i c(,rr.:,borate the rer:•c,rting he [Danchenko
received in o ther ways . The interviewers als o asl:ed if Danchenko wo ul:i
c haracter i:e hi s sources to Steele ( ,.Olga tol ,:i me \" .:, r ' 123456
• · t .:•l :l me
Y") . Danchenko
- said that ·,;as no t al·,;ays the case .

(U / / FOUO) -Danchenko sa i d that his ·,-e!:ba2. debriefings ·,;ith Christ..:,i:,her

Steele were held at Orbis ' o f:ice , no t at hotels . Steele wo uld debrief
-Danchenko solo , and -,.,ou.:..d tal:e handwritten no te s o : whacaall
Danchenko -,.,a s
telling him . -Danchenko remarked that it [Stee:e tal:ing handwritten
notes] was just lil:e "yo u [the FBI interviewers] are :io ing t odaj . "

-, C

Re :

(U// FOUO) Going back over his note - tal:ing , Danchenko

- said that he wo uld
n ot really write detailed notes about his source meetings . Even on the
SIA S IA flight , returning fr om trips , he might scratch o ut a
few tentative points - i . e . "5 days , 17 meetings" - and maybe sc,me
cryptic reminders . He might also write a text message t o himself , but
he compared i t to preparation to a c o nference pa nel presentation -- a
few notes jotted o n a notecard bef o re o n e heads t o the panel . He t o ld
the interviewers that he had destroyed any o~ these scribbled n o tes .

(U / /FOUO)\
~ uh ... tH H < • ·
was asked ho w Steele tasl:ed him - by email , Skype
or phone . Danchenko said it was a c o mbinati o n o f these things .
Prml,U\ s uth< urre

-Danchenko descr i bed the US electi o n-relate:! tasl:ing came in three

waves : (!) the initial tasl:ing abo ut Paul Manafort ; ('.::) the tasl:ing
about any compromi s i ng materials o n Donald Trump ; (3) tasking abo ut
Sergey Ivanov ' s involvement in the US electi o n ; and (~) later o n, in
the fall of '.::1)!E , 4-5 names t o ask about [which Danchenko
- taU:ed about
earlier , including Carter Page and Michael Co hen] .

(U / / FOUO)-Danchenko was asl:ed if Steele had ever mentio ned g c,ing t o the
press about with the electio n-related info rmati o n . To Danchenko's
l:nowledge , Steele never went t o the press abo ut this material .
-Danchenko never heard Steele v o ice anJthing suggesting that this
material needed to get into the hands o f the press .

(U / /FOUO) -Danchenko was asl:ed if he was tas l:ed with anything e l s e

similar to what was in the :lo ssier , but d o es n o t appear in the d oss ier .
He said n o , and repeated that the s e types of tastings [ o n the e le c ti o n
matter] made him unco mf o rtable . Steele pushed -Danchenko to try and
either f o ll o w-up with peo ple o r c o rr o b o rate the repo rting , but
-Danchenko wa s n ' t able t o d o so . Mo re o ver , -Danchenko added , attemr:,t s at


Re : , •)':./00/':.C

getting corr o boration o n the se subjects made him unc omfo rtable - he was
very nervo us abo ut the Russians finding o ut abo ut it .

(U / / FOUO) The interviewer s later a s ~:ed -Danchenko t o review his

annotated version o f the dossier , asking specifically if there were any
additi o nal source names that had no t been covered in the 3 -da y
intervie·,; . -Danchenko sa i.j that there were n ,:i o ther source name s .

(U // FOUO) -Danchenko sa i d that he did not have any UK-based friend s ,:,r

soc ial netwo rk connect i o ns fr o m ~~om he collec t s info rmatio n .

(U//FOUO) More Information about Danchenko's Trips to Russia

P ri ni,H\

s ut, .o we , ,

- --
to Russia

(U/ /F0U0) Ill 2016

(U// FOUO) The .June ':. Ole trip was completely paid by Orbi s .

(U/ /FOUO) ISIA 2016

(U// FOUO) He remar~:ed that the -August trip wa s " 0d.j , " e:-:plaining that,
upo n entry , he was interv iewed mo re p o intej l/ than u s ua l . Thi s wa s the
o nl y time it has happened . Fo r abo ut fi v e minutE: s , he was pepi:,e red with
questions and s tatement s like, "Wha t exactly a re you planning to d0
here? Who are you v isiting ? Your photo loo ks Danchenko

. All the whil e , his ques tio ners at e ntr/

c he c king o n the computer . He repo rted thi s inc ide nt t o Steele.

Igor Subsource
iPrimary Danchenko
Re : , 0':./0~/

(U / / t OUO) Go ing back over the -August trip , the interviewers a s ke,:l if he
made it up tc , particularly since some o f the material
. He did
- . He went f o r a "pri vate weel:end" t o that had
nothing t o d0 with wo rl: . He flew - fr om
- sa i d that no ne o f the material in the doss i er was derived
from his weel:end trip t ~ .

(U // tOUO) The trip was completely paij by Orbis .

(U/ /FOUO) - 2016

(U// E'OUO) What alarmed -Danchenko m0 st about his ':. 1)1<: vis it
wa$ "how perfectly it all went . " Nothing bad happened . There were a
number 0 f events for which he was the facilitat or . He had t o mal:e su re
peo ple were where they were s upp0sed t o be , and he also gave a

without a hitch .

(U / /tOUO) During the -

presentati o n t o the delegation was
one o f 3-4 speakers
is the only i:•er son ,juring this trip whose name made it
into the d oss ier ; ho wever , the material o n - wa s no t jeri,·ej fr ,:,m
trip . Danchenko did no t spe nd any time
Danchenko 123456 1234567 1234
123456789 Danchenko


Igor Subsource
Re : , o:::;os-;:::o

(U// FOUO) Steele debriefed -Danchenko after the - trip . No thing

specific was provided; he and Steele just had ~ongo ing conversa ti o ns"
about the general s ituati on . Orbis contributej to the costs o f the
- trip , but the trip was paid by Iii. It was during this layover
period in Lo ndon that -Danchenko received the te:-:t cc,nf irming Page ' s
meeting with Sechin .

(U//FOUO) - 2016

(U/ / FOUO) -Danchenko traveled t o the UK at the end o f - :::( li . The


trip wa s jointly financed by Orb is anj -Danchenko himself . He met with

Steele , but most of the rest of Orbis staff was on a retreat in Dublin .
He and Steele went o ut , had a glas s o f champagne , and had o nly general
conversations . There was no discussio n of the electi o n , and no
discussio n o f the electi o n-related projec t .

(U//FOUO) St. Petersburg & Dossier Report 2016/112

(U/ / FOUO) -Danchenko e:,:plained that the overall subject o f this r ei:,c•rt -
Govorun , Alfa Bank - has been a t opi c he (Danchenko) wo rking
f o r over ten years . It hearken s at Brookings with
USPER Gaddy , where they wo uld hypo thesi=e abo ut r elationships
between Russian corruption and the Alfa Fel l owsh ip .

(U / / FOUO) As an aside , ~ ano ther co rrupti o n-related s t o ry
wherein 123456
Source 1 1234567 i oid -Danchenko that [some2ne had t o ld him] about
how Marat Ba s hirov , who had been head o ~ the Lugan s k ?eople ' s Republi c
(LPR) and has been s anct i o ned by the EU , left the LPR after 5- i mo nths
to be come a top l obbyi s t f o r Reno ~a Group - s pe c ifically Renova ' s arm
dealing with heating and power distribution . Ba s hirov i s a Moscow-based
l obbyist who i s work ing to get the EU s an c ti o ns lifted .


Title : Igor
Re :

(U//FOUO) St . Petersburg-Related Information

(U // FOUO) The material regarding St . Peter::burg an::! Trump real estate

deals came from 1234 123456789 . - - suggeste::I that o ne i:,erson t0
lool: at regarding compromising material c,n Trumi:, was [Ara s) .~galar0 ·.-,
a s well as 12345 1234567 , o ne o f the biggest real estate ::levelopers .

• (U // FOUO) Danchenko
- al so tall:ed tv a frien,::i 0f his who [ .-il-:.-iLr
ST NOTE : -=i ther had o r J:ne1-1 someon -c- h.:- had] escorte::I Trumi:, while

in St . Petersburg . , who he l:new as a

- i~ , was a who live,::! in Moscow. She
was abo ut liJyears o l,::I when s he ::lie,::! , su ::ldenly, last • .
-Danchenko heard the news fr o m her boyfrien,::I , who se nt him a pi cture
o f her gravesite . She wro te s t o ries whi c h were o n the c riti cal s i::le

(U/ / FOUO) Reactions of Danchenko's Friends to the Dossier

(U / / FOUO) -Danchenko has ha::! frien::ls reach 0ut t 0 him about Trumi:, an::!
the d oss ier . He ' s conside r e::I it normal j0l:ing -


o f Igor
f c,: / ,:,~ /: 0

He simply j o ke s back . None of hi s frienj s or soc ia l

netwo rk has broken o ff conta c t bec ause o ~ the e lec ti on 01 the 1eleas e
o f the j oss ier .

(U//FOUO) Friends ' Travel to the United States ; Approachability

(U I Source Galkina
FCUC) Olga 3

(U / / FOUO) Danchenko if he ' d Olga Galkina in the

Unitej Danchenko sa ij that he met Galkina Sta te s
during April :,:-i F . She had a trip t c, a number ,:, f
destinat i ons in the United State s , and s he stoppej ove r in Washington,

DC She , Danchenko
- · and , went sh.:•i::•ping
and t o a restaurant Danchenko came out f ,:,1 her
He does n't know e~actly where s he ~isited
while in the Unit ed States , but he thought it wa s

(U // r OUO) -Danchenko believes that Galkina had al so tra 1:eled pre·:it:-us .:.1·
to the United States - perhaps as many as times . He knows that
she was on a in the mid- ':.000s . She
ha s s tayed at ho tel s , as well as at Danchenko's place .

Danchenko Galkina rBI . He

Danchenko Galkina
received a plausible job o ffer , s he might come ove r . Danchenko
that he could careful!~ inquire about her plans over the coming 1ear
(':.•)17) and see if there are poss ibilities - he reiterated that he c, 1,:es
Galkina an -article ove r the ne:-:t few ia:;-·s about the -_·iews ,:, f P.uss ian
speakers in the Un ited States t owaris Trump .


o f Igor Subsource
Re : , ,) : 1 .:, ~ r:.c

(U; I FOUC') Source

123456 4 1234567

(U / / FOUO) 1234567 has no t been t 0 the UniteJ States in r-,n:,babl:i· II
yea1:s .

(U F .::UC·) 123456
Source 1 1234567

(U // FOUO) 1234567 Unite :i .State::: in c irca - - n.:,t

l o ng after Danchenko met him in the Unitej States .
Danchenko 1234567's tie s ·,;ith -Trubnikov ·

Source 1234567890

(U / / FOUO) 1234
• ha s occasi,:,nal t1a·1e l t c, Eu1 c,r-,e an :1 S.:,uthea::· t i'.-.s i a
- · She wo ul.J probabl;• be willing t .:, tra·:el t .:, the Unit e:! Sta te::: ;
ho we ver , Danchenko that she repor tedly ha s " senior
the FSB an:i the
- SVR · Of: - ha n:ieJl:/, -Danchenko sa i:! that
-1234567890 has her .:,wn "kurat(1l· " [ha n :ller] but when int e r-:iewe !.· s
presse.J him ,:,n thi s i:,.:,int , he s ,:, ftene:i t ha t s tatement , in:li c atin,;1 that
-1234567890 "r-,r .:,jec ts an imaq e that she has thE- s e tyr:,es ,:,: [ .s e ,:ret]
connecti.:,ns " an,:i "kn,:,w~:; the '. inte l2.i9ence] li n,:1,:, . " !-le ne·: -2-r rer:,(•rte:l t .:,
Steele that -1234567890 ha.J a "l:urat,:,::: . "

(U//FOUO) Danchenko's Russian Intelligence and Security

Services Danchenko

(U // FOUO) Gi ven his language ability anj his o ver s ea s tra~el as an

- student , Danchenko
- ·,1a s a s l:e:i i: he ha,:! e ·;er been an,r,:,a,:he:l 1~--
Russ ian intell i~e nce an :i/or s e cu rit; ser~ i ces ~hen he wa s a stu:ie nt i n
• . -Danchenko sai ,:i n o . TJ-.e .:,n l~- in:ii·:i:iual~- •,;it!: ,,1t-.,:,m he ha~- c ,:,ntac t
who wer e connecte:i to Ru ss ia ' s int elligence an:i secur i ty ser~ ic es ~ere

Igor Subsource
iPnmary Danchenko

( 1) !:is friend , Friend ·,;he, ·,10rl:e- :l fc,r the tSB in c,r ier t•:-
stay c:-u t c,f jail SIA ('.::) Russian official

I wh o mentio ned in the-

wh0 interacted with Clifford Gaddy Washington DC
Danchenko Gaddy
Russia ' s inre-llig':-n ::F.- an.::i se ::uri ty servi ::-::s, a:1d i t als o :::::nr raJi ::t-:-J
his ic-arlier stat'='m.,-:1ts r.;-gar::ii.1~1 :K' [ r-::ally J::1--in:1~1 i f lilliilllli,as
a,::tually ::::::rn-=-::re.::i t_- Russia's i:1r-:-llic7-=-:1:::.,- a:1.i s-::,_·urity s-:-n-i:-:::: . ]

(U / / t OUO) -Danchenko alsc, re late,:l a st.:,r~· re-qar,:lin;i 1234

Source 123456789's

interaction with the t SB . -Danchenko ,::ai :l that he remembere•:l this st ,:, r:i·
"right be-f0re- I talked t 0 ; o u [the tBI) this ~ee l:." ~ir ca
123456789 123456789
- - t o l,:l him
Danchenko a p i c tur e- o~ the :l00rs at
t SBi-:Q, - - was -:1ue-stic,ne:l
(123456789) ha:l ma-:le abi:,ut the lea-:ler~·hir,
123456789 tLreatene--:l .
.l',CC•)l' :ling Danchenko (123456789) t,:,:,,:1 that " he (123456789)
Source 2

shc,ul·:l be (123456789) shoul:l watch his mouth an:l

act responsibly . " - - en-:le,j about thi s int e ract i ,:,n,
an:i receL e :l a h,t o f j o l:ing ab,:,ut

Re :

(U/ / E"OUO) -Danchenko brusheJ as i .Je tr.e iiea ,:,: be i ng ar:·t=·r,:,ache :i by the
intel li gence a nd security serv i ces as a stu:ient . He explained that it
was the late the uni~ersity se tting was rather lax .
class ail that o ften because his
language was already go0d ani the classes weren ' t that useful . People
sm0l:e ,j in class and -:iressed d0wn .

(U//FOUO) -Danchenko and Russia ' s Diplomatic Corps

(U / / E"OUO) -Danchenko was asl:e,:i if he ha-:! E-"Jer c,:,nsi•:iere :l a ca r ee r ·,;i th

Russ i a ' s d i pl0mat i c corps . Danchenko expiaineJ that he went t o a
, which he i ientifie:i a ~
gra:iuates were t o lJ ,
e xamp l e , that t hey were slated f o r big things in life a nd wo uld be
a i med t0·,1ar-::!s uni·:ers ity at - · , ,:,r
, wi th future careers in diplomac~ . interpretatio n or " going
years later , -Danchenko remarl:e:i , 1:,r-:,bably '--.; of the ::·tu:ient s
are abr0ad , i n i:,laces lil:e Lon·:lo n an-:i e:se·,1here .

(U / / E"OUO) -Danchenko tc,ld the inter·;ie·,,ers that he ne·.7er s eri,:,usl:,:

consi:iered goi ng in t o the diplomati c co rps . He never te sted for it , an:i
he never applied f 0r any o f the maj or unive rs ities listed above [whi ch
wo ul:i feed int0 Russia ' s dip:omatic corp s] .

(U//FOUO) Additional Danchenko's Contacts from .Perm

Pr1mmy S 11t1,,our ce

(U / / E"OUO) -Danchenko ·,1as a s l:e j if - be s i :ie Galkina an:l c,ther.-:: he ha::·
menti o ned - if he ha s used o ther ol:i frien:iships , schoolmates , an :i
l:n0 wn as s0c iate s fr om •Perm a s s0 ur c e s ,:,: infc,rmatic,n . -Danchenko ba: l:e :i,
meandered in the c0nversati 0 n, a n :i :ii:i no t really answer the questi ,:,n .
The inter v iewers :iid not pre ss him on thi s at thi s pain~.

c c

Igor Subsource
- .•

Pr inhH\' Sut,,_,nurr.e
(U//FOUO) Danchenko's Contacts in Russia ' s Ministry of Foreign Affairs


(U / / F0U0) -Danchenko was a s l:ed alx,ut h i s c,:.ntacts in the MFP.. . Hc-

remarl:ed that , ove r the years , he ha ~ co:lected numerous busines s c arjs
of MFA personne l , u sually through contact at con feren ce2 anj e~ents . He
met Yuriy Ushal:ov a few time s - and remarl:e,j h (,w Usha l:.:,v
is l:nO',m t c, operate "inder.,endent" ,:, f La 1.'r ,:,·1 . -Danchenko al..s ,:, met Serqey
Kislyal: at a couple o f events - he r eca.'..led c,ne e·.;ent that har.·r.,enc-:i -:,n

( U//F0U0) .~fter thinl:ing ab,:,ut it a bit m,:,1 e , Danchenko

- wl-:isr.,ere:l ,:,ut
" ':'he int en·iewers asl:e,j him f,:,r a-:i.:fiti ,:, nal
jetails . Danchenko no t r emember the inJi,; i:iua l ' s s urname at
fir s t . He s aid that . .. ·,;a s :r,)_ , and that he
" stra nqe cha racte r " Danchenko met : yea r .
Mosco w . bac ):groun,::! wa s in PP. /G P with the
c areer with the MFA .

-Danchenko de scr ibed MFA job as " a ::!e.'..i~er; bo;" but ad::!e:l that
" ,:i i :! nc,t seem t,::, be :iualifie:l f c,r tl:e j,:,b
that he ha:! [ at the MFA ] . " Ev entuall;· , -Danchenko recailed tha ~
sur name was Surname

C •
..J C

Igor Subsource
Re :




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