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SET – D – 100 Items

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer
for each item by marking the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet
provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no.1 only.

1. A mental disorder known as dementia praecox. It is a form of psychosis characterized by thinking

disturbance and regression. Which of these?
A. Schizophrenia
B. manic depression
C. paranoia
D. psychopathy

2. The reading of charges against the accused in the open court and the declaration of his plea of guilty
or not guilty is called -
A. Charging
B. Sentencing
C. Arraignment
D. Trial

3. What is known as a defense in a criminal case is based on the claim that the act was the result, not
of any intent on the part of the accused, but of threats of loss of life, limb or a loved one?
A. defense of instigation
B. defense of consent
C. defense of alibi
D. defense of duress

4. A function of the Prosecution, by representing the State in criminal cases and to present the case to
the judge. Which of one of these?
A. trial advocacy
B. pleading
C. rehabilitation
D. charging

5. A claim by the accused that he or she was in another place when the crime occurred and therefore
could not have committed it.
A. defense of instigation
B. defense of alibi
C. defense of consent
D. defense of duress

6. It is a twenty-four-hour child caring institution that provides short term resident care for youthful
offenders. Which one of these?
A. Shelter care Institution
B. Nursery
C. Foster Home
D. Detention Home RKMCS, Copyright 2020 Page 1 of 14

7. In the study of terrorism for crisis managers, the type of terrorism which is meant to incite the
government to repression is called -
A. organizational terrorism
B. provocative terrorism
C. symbolic terrorism
D. Narco-terrorism

8. The following are guidelines for police negotiators in dealing with hostage taking and similar crisis
incidents. Which is not one among these?
A. Don’t raise the aspirations or expectations of the hostage takers
B. Give in to all of the terrorists’ demands
C. Conserve your concession
D. Make sure you get something in return for a concession

9. In a hostage situation, for instance, where the hostages become sympathetic to the hostage takers,
the explanation of such phenomena can be made by understanding the concept of -
A. Manila Heist Syndrome
B. Stockholm Syndrome
C. London Syndrome
D. Swedish Syndrome

10. In planning police operations against hostage taking and kidnapping incidents, the most primordial
consideration should be -
A. protection of life
B. media coverage
C. protection of property
D. capture of the hostage taker

11. In a hostage situation, which of the following items is non-negotiable and a “don’t” in the crisis
management process?
A. Food
B. media access
C. telephone
D. firearm

12. It refers to the commitment, dignity and attitude of an individual towards work and his integrity and his
practice of the core moral value principles. Which one of these?
A. Conduct
B. Morality
C. Professionalism
D. Ethics

13. The doing either through ignorance, inattention or malice, of that which the police officer had no legal
right to do at all, as where he acts without any authority whatsoever or exceeds, ignores or abuses
his powers, falls into a case of -
A. Incompetency
B. Dishonesty
C. Misconduct
D. Neglect of duty

14. As a general rule, police officers are not permitted or allowed to engage in any other business or
calling or else they may be charged for -
A. Bribery
B. Moonlighting
C. Neglect of duty
D. Misconduct RKMCS, Copyright 2020 Page 2 of 14

15. In crisis management, the assessment of one’s vulnerabilities, the evaluation of one’s threat,
including probable targets is called -
A. crisis intervention
B. contingency plan
C. threat analysis
D. vulnerability test

16. The recital of the rights of a suspect during custodial investigation, embodied in the law Republic Act
7438, is generally called -
A. The Bill of Rights
B. The Miranda Rights
C. The Code of Ethics
D. The Right of Accused against Intimidation

17. When an individual experience tension and anxiety increases making him/her helpless, then he
experiences some negative feelings called -
A. Fatigues
B. Frustration
C. Conflict
D. Human error

18. An old woman approached PO3 Gomez asking the police officer to run after an unidentified young
man who allegedly snatched her mobile phone. PO3 Gomez declined claiming that the man was
already a block away from them and besides the police officer alleged that he is rushing home for an
urgent matter. The officer’s refusal to help the old woman is an example of -
A. nonfeasance
B. malfeasance
C. misfeasance
D. misconduct

19. The branch of moral science which treats of the duties which a peace officer owes to the public and
community. Which one of these?
A. philosophy
B. professionalism
C. conduct
D. ethics

20. What is the doctrine that requires a process of resolving conflicts with the maximum involvement of
the victim, the offender and the community?
A. Proactive justice
B. Restorative justice
C. Reactive justice
D. All of the above

21. A Scottish woodcutter was accused of killing a man he believed to be Prime Minister for thought that
he was persecuted by the Tories and their leader, Robert Peel, however turned out to be another
person. The court believed he was so mentally deranged that it would be inhuman to convict him
since it was clear he was not in control of his faculties. This case became known as -
A. the M’Naghten Rule
B. the Durham Rule
C. the Brawner Rule
D. the Irrational Mind Rule RKMCS, Copyright 2020 Page 3 of 14

22. In the case of the phenomenon called London syndrome, a hostage taker becomes aggressively
violent usually due to
A. Heated tension
B. Uncooperative hostage
C. Personal grudge
D. Any of the above

23. Which if the following statements best describe what is called the Freudian Approach?
A. The central concept is the unconscious
B. It is focused on early childhood human development
C. It is the study of traumatic experiences
D. Desire, Motivation, and human needs

24. Guilt is a very common problem because of all the urges and drives coming from the id and all the
prohibitions and codes in the ___.
A. Ego
B. Rules of conduct
C. Common sense
D. Superego

25. Some kind of deviant behavior interferes with the welfare of the individual such as a man who fears
crowd, cannot ride a bus, etc. This means that a person cannot adapt himself to the situation wherein
it is beneficial to him. In this situation, the behavior pattern can be considered as –
A. Maladaptive behavior
B. Regular behavior
C. Irrational behavior
D. Incontrollable behavior

26. Under Philippine law, insanity and imbecility are considered exempting circumstances under Article
12 of the Revised Penal Code. This statement is –
A. Absolutely correct
B. Absolutely incorrect
C. Partially correct
D. Partially incorrect

27. The term imbecile, moron, and idiot go along with the term feeble-mindedness which encompasses
all degrees of mental deficiency known generally today as –
A. Intellectual Disability
B. Mentally deranged
C. Low I.Q
D. Insane person

28. The mental or moral training that makes a man willing to be subject to controls and regulations for the
good of the entire group of which he is a member is called -
A. Courtesy
B. Discipline
C. Loyalty
D. Morale

29. Imbeciles are people with moderate to severe mental retardation, as well as a type of criminal. The
term arises from the Latin word imbecillus, meaning –
A. weak-minded
B. extremely retarded
C. mentally ill
D. insane RKMCS, Copyright 2020 Page 4 of 14

30. A standard of insanity defense which states that an accused is not criminally responsible if his
unlawful act was the product of mental disease or mental defect. Which one of these?
A. the M’Naghten Rule
B. the Durham Rule
C. the Brawner Rule
D. the Irrational Mind Rule

31. ___ refers to the reason or cause why a person or group of persons will perpetrate a crime.
Examples of this economic gain, jealousy, revenge, insanity, thrill, intoxication, drug addiction and
many others.
A. Motive
B. Value
C. Sense
D. Need

32. Which of the following is the required motivational system for hunger, which requires one to look for it
as a matter of human need?
A. Shelter
B. Security
C. Environment
D. Food

33. The pathological type of family characterized by its inability to cope with the ordinary problems of
family living. It lacks the resources, physical or psychological, for meeting the demands of family
satisfaction is called –
A. Anti-social family structure
B. Broken Home
C. Inadequate family structure
D. Discordant family structure

34. Who among the following scientist popularized the theory of human needs?
A. Isaac Newton
B. Henri Fayol
C. Sigmund Freud
D. Abraham Maslow

35. Pedro was caught into a situation which he was motivated to engage in two desirable activities he
wished to pursue, such as either going to school or join his parent to work in the farm. In this situation
Pedro is in a kind of conflict situation known as –
A. Double Avoidance Conflict
B. Approach-Avoidance Conflict
C. Double Approach Conflict
D. Multiple Dilemma

36. ____ is the process of adjusting to or dealing with circumstances that disrupts, or threatens to disrupt
a person’s physical or psychological functioning.
A. Failure
B. Conflict situation
C. Stress
D. Disorder RKMCS, Copyright 2020 Page 5 of 14

37. Which of the following defense mechanism requires that the gratification of frustration desires is by
means of imaginary achievement such as paying attention not to what is going on around him but
rather to what is taking place in his thoughts, is called –
A. Intellectualization
B. Projection
C. Rationalization
D. Fantasy

38. Neurosis and Psychosis are terms used to describe the mental status of a certain psychologically –
A. balanced person
B. unstable person
C. frequent person
D. indeterminate person

39. A group of disorders commonly known as “neurotic fear”. Which one of these?
A. Compulsive disorders
B. Phobia
C. Anxiety
D. Obsession

40. It is also called “dual personalities.” The person manifests two or more symptoms of personality
usually dramatically different from each other. Which one of these?
A. Depersonalized
B. Multiple Personality
C. Hysteria
D. Somnambulism

41. The disorder of character wherein the person is characterized as a “problematic” without psychoses.
What is being referred to?
A. Aggressive behavior
B. Stubbornness
C. Psychopathic disorder
D. Paranoia

42. Which one of the following is the so-called personality of the loner?
A. Histrionic personality
B. Borderline personality
C. Schizoid personality
D. Narcissistic personality

43. The severe impairment of information processing in the brain affecting the basic process of attention,
perception, memory and thinking is called –
A. Dementia
B. Amnesia
C. Delusion
D. Delirium

44. Which of the following statement best describe the word – alexia?
A. Loss of hearing
B. Loss of ability to speak
C. Loss of ability to read
D. Loss of ability to understand spoken words RKMCS, Copyright 2020 Page 6 of 14

45. One among the following is a mental disorder that accompanied by brain degeneration due to old
A. Schizophrenia
B. Mental retardation
C. General Paresis
D. Senile Dementia

46. When the mental age range of a person is 1-5 years old with an IQ ranges from 35-50, then such
person is –
A. Life dependent retarded
B. Moderately retarded
C. Severely retarded
D. Considered insane

47. Alcoholism, substance use, pathological gambling and internet addiction are examples of –
A. Repetitive disorder
B. Addictive disorder
C. Problematic symptoms
D. Sexual disorder

48. As to the choice of partner, if the pervert has sexual desire to have sexual intercourse with animals,
then the disorder is called –
A. Dogmatism
B. Pedophilias
C. Bestiality
D. Auto-sexual

49. Sado-Masochism or Algolagnia is the painful or cruel means of sexual gratification. If the infliction of
pain is directed towards oneself before achieving sexual pleasure, then the disorder is called –
A. Satanism
B. Sadism
C. Masochism
D. Partialism

50. Criminals possesses a fat physique are considered, __ on the basis of the somatotyping theory.
A. mesomorph
B. endomorph
C. ectomorph
D. mixed type

51. The kind of family structure that could influence a person to criminal behavior, characterized by non-
satisfaction of one or both parent from the relationship that may express feeling of frustration refers to
A. Anti-social Families
B. Disturbed Families
C. Inadequate Families
D. Disrupted Families

52. A person who violate criminal law because of the impulse of fit of passion or sudden burst of anger or
spell of jealousy is classified as -
A. Ordinary criminal
B. Acute criminal
C. Chronic criminal
D. none of these RKMCS, Copyright 2020 Page 7 of 14

53. To understand crimes, we need assessment of those forces resulting from man’s collective survival
effort with emphasis upon his institutions, economic, financial, educational, political, religion as well
as recreational. What approached is being described?
A. Economic approach
B. Ecological approach
C. Political approach
D. Socio-cultural approach

54. Among the following classical thoughts in Criminology is not correct -

A. The Classical school of Criminology is spearheaded by Bentham and Beccaria.
B. The Classical School of Criminology is an advocate of punishment as a deterrent to crime.
C. The Classical School of Criminology argues that criminals were primitive creatures,
incapable of living normally in society.
D. The Classical School of Criminology also argued that nature has placed mankind under the
governance of two sovereign masters, “pain” and “pleasure’.

55. Some criminology theorists have linked physical characteristics with personality. Among these
theories is William Sheldon’s Somatotyping theory. He classified body physique into three categories
as the endomorphic, the mesomorphic and the ectomorphic body. Of the following statements, which
appropriately describes the mesomorphic?
A. the twin and fragile with withdrawn behavior
B. the muscular and hard physique
C. the attractive and beautifully shaped
D. the fat and soft body type

56. What is the independent study of the relationship and interactions between the offender and the
victim before, during and after the crime?
A. Criminal Justice
B. Victimology
C. Victim Science
D. Victimless

57. The crimes by professionals in their capacity as professionals such as those committed by
physicians, attorneys, psychologist, and the likes in the course of occupation are called
A. Professional Occupational crimes
B. Individual Occupational Crimes
C. Corporate crimes
D. None of these

58. The Differential Association Theory provides a good illustration of a social learning approach
perspective in Criminology. Criminal behavior according to this theory is
A. a result of an emotional disturbance
B. an inmate quality of goodness or badness
C. learned and not inherited
D. an excess of wisdom

59. A husband and a wife were undergoing counselling for difficulties in their marriage. The husband
accuses his wife of drinking excessively, while the wife accuses her husband of rejecting her and
showing no affection. This condition shows an unfavorable environment between the spouses that
affects a harmonious relationship. What type of pathogenic family structure is being described?
A. Anti-social family
B. Discordant family
C. Disrupted family
D. Inadequate family RKMCS, Copyright 2020 Page 8 of 14

60. Pedro bought a Rolex watch from Juan. Unknown to Pedro, such watch was a stolen material. The
act of buying or selling stolen properties is punished as -
A. Fence
B. Forgery
C. Larceny
D. Malicious mischief

61. The study involving crime focused on the causation factors, such study falls under -
A. Sociology of Law
B. Penological studies
C. Breaking of the laws
D. Criminal Etiology

62. In the past, psychologist assumed that they could best understand human behavior by searching for
a stable, consistent personality dispositions or traits that exert orderly generalized effects on
behavior. Which among the following theory on Criminal Behavior is not consistent with the previous
A. Psychoanalytical Theory
B. Behavioral descriptions
C. Psychological Determination
D. Differential Association Theory

63. To explain human behavior, social learning theorists place great emphasis on cognitive variables.
Social learning reflects the theory’s strong assumption that we learn primarily by observing and
listening to people around us. This pertains to -
A. the social environment
B. the stimulus that elicit response
C. the mental state and brain-mediation processes
D. the reinforcements for behavior

64. Jane, a 42-year-old housewife, was brought to the clinic by her family, who stated that the patient
had disappeared from her home four years previously, and had recently been identified and returned
from Sta. Catalina, a small town over a thousand miles away from your place. On rejoining her
parents, husband and child, she appeared to be anxious and indecisive and soon she had begun to
insist that she really had never seen them before and that her name was not Jane, and that it was all
a case of mistaken identity. What statement best describes the behavior of Jane?
A. Jane is under a state of amnesia
B. Jane is an irresponsible wife and mother
C. Jane is in trouble with the police
D. Jane is actually Rose

65. Parental discipline appears relation to delinquency. Harsh discipline in the home may result in more
delinquencies than consistent and reasoning forms of discipline. Aside from this, screaming at the
child, calling the child insulting names, excessive criticizing or generally ignoring the child is also
contributory to delinquency. These actions simply refer to -
A. Physical Abuse
B. Emotional abuse
C. Unfair parent
D. Parental neglect

66. Overt behavior refers behavior refers to an action or response that is directly observable while covert
behavior refers to a response that is -
A. known and seen
B. derived from conclusion
C. called hypothesis
D. hidden RKMCS, Copyright 2020 Page 9 of 14

67. In the study of human motivation, what specific drive is referred to by this statement: “an athlete
buying a bottle of cola after a game”?
A. Sex
B. Hunger
C. Thirst
D. Water

68. Which of the following statement best describe the term “urge”?
A. a strong impulse to action
B. a sexual libido
C. a stimulation of the digestive system
D. uncontrollable emotion

69. What school of criminology popularized the sociological ecology approaches in the study of urban life
in relation to crime and delinquency? This school of thought started in the early 1900s with prominent
sociologist including Park, Burgess, Mkay, Shaw, Sutherland and others.
A. Marxist-socialist School
B. Italian School
C. Contemporary Critical Criminology
D. Chicago School

70. Who defined White-collar crime as a criminal act committed by a person of respectability and high
social status in the course of his or her occupation?
A. Edwin Sutherland
B. Richard Quinney
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Charles Darwin

71. Billy, a highly intelligent but quite introverted and withdrawn 33 year old computer analyst, was seen
and reported to have hard time in making friends because he never knows what to say in a
conversation and very anxious and embarrassed when someone tries to talk with him. He is happiest
when he is alone. What kind of personality Billy is experiencing?
A. Schizoid personality
B. Narcissistic personality
C. Borderline personality
D. Histrionic personality

72. Which of the following statements best describe the word – abstain?
A. Forgetting to do something significant
B. Repeating an action
C. Physical exercise to improve muscles
D. Refrain from doing an act

73. ___ is a voluntary oath in writing sworn to before one authorized to administered oaths or affirmation.
A. Legal statement
B. Testament
C. Affidavit
D. Complaint

74. A direct causal link between media violence and increased aggressiveness on the part of the viewer
is difficult to prove. However, the evidence of a relationship between TV violence and later
aggressiveness is quite strong. Among the statements below, which is most logically correct?
A. Watching Robocop influences prostitution
B. The boy fired a real gun against his father as an influence of the movie Robocop
C. The boy hanged himself as a result of watching Robocop, the movie
D. The boy is living in a fantasy world after watching Robocop RKMCS, Copyright 2020 Page 10 of 14

75. From the statement “With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will
enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill-will”, the phrase “with
no compromise for crime” means that –
A. crime should not be knowingly permitted
B. the officer must perform his duties
C. the officer should obey the law before he enforces
D. the officer should bear in mind the spirit of the law

76. Police Officers should strive constantly to respect the rights of other so that they can abide by their
duties and exercise their rights as human beings, parents, children, workers, leaders, of in other
capacities and to see to ensure that others do likewise. This is the essence of one police core value
known as –
A. Discipline
B. Service
C. Justice
D. Honor

77. Which of the following statement best describe Delicadeza?

A. Moral courage to sacrifice self-interest
B. General interest should always prevail
C. Quick payment of debts and liabilities
D. No political patronage should be allowed

78. Which of the following is a manifestation or expression of consideration and respect on others?
A. Handshake
B. Courtesy
C. Visitation of a superior officer
D. Addressing officer with their title or rank

79. What pillar of the criminal justice system where everyone turns to for justice?
A. The Police, since this pillar initiate arrest of suspect
B. The Prosecution, since this conducts investigation
C. The Court, since it is here where the law must be applied equally to all parties
D. The Community, since this pillar protects the rights of everybody.

80. Arrest may be effected with or without warrant. Warrantless arrest may be affected by a peace
officer or a private person. Arrest made by a private person is commonly known as –
A. Civilian Arrest
B. Citizen’s Arrest
C. Personal Arrest
D. Custodial Arrest

81. Dispute involving parties who reside in barangays of different cities or municipalities maybe amicably
settled by the –
A. Barangay Secretary
B. Lupon, as empowered by law
C. Judicial authorities only
D. Secretary of Justice

82. What is the usual greeting rendered by uniformed members upon and recognizing person entitled to
it by reason of authority?
A. Handshake
B. Salute
C. Yell the word sir or madam
D. Addressing officer with their title or rank RKMCS, Copyright 2020 Page 11 of 14

83. Under the law, a person who, with in a period of ten years from the date of his release or last
conviction of the crimes of serious or less serious physical injuries, robbery, estafa, or falsification, is
found guilty of any of the said crimes is considered –
A. Recidivist
B. Double-Minded offender
C. Habitual Delinquent
D. Multiple Personality offender

84. In the context of criminal justice, what does the sword of the lady justice symbolize?
A. Power of reason
B. Bravery
C. Loyalty to the government
D. Honor

85. Police officers should recognize the fact that they are public servants and not the master of the
people and toward this end they should perform their duties without arrogance. This is the practice of
the value of –
A. Honesty
B. Justice
C. Honor
D. Humility

86. Once a decision is made, the police officer should take legitimate means to achieve the goal even in
the face of internal or external difficulties, and despite of anything which might weaken their resolve
in the course of time. This is the practice of the value of –
A. Endurance
B. Perseverance
C. Integrity
D. Discipline

87. This refers to the security given for the release of the person in custody of the law, furnished by
him/her or a bondsman, to guarantee his/her appearance before any court. Which one of these?
A. Affidavit
B. Sworn Statement
C. Deposition
D. None of these

88. One of the following persons may not be considered children-at-risk, as per the context of the law.
A. Forced labor children
B. Sexually exploited child
C. Out of school youths
D. Children working in the show business

89. One of the following may not be considered Child in conflict with the law, as per the context of the
A. 19 years old beggar arrested for theft
B. 15 years old out of school youth arrested for vandalism
C. 17 years old solvent user
D. 16 years old who was accused of rape

90. In the context of criminal justice, what does the blindfold of the lady justice symbolize?
A. Courage
B. Honesty
C. Purity
D. Impartiality RKMCS, Copyright 2020 Page 12 of 14

91. Based on etiology, one who commits crime by reason of passion such as anger or other negative
feelings is considered as –
A. Chronic criminal
B. Dyssocial
C. Psychotic criminal
D. Acute criminal

92. The reparation for the victim, reconciliation of the offender, the offended and the community and the
reassurance to the offender that he/she can be reintegrated into society are the essentials of the ___
A. Humanitarian
B. Victim compensation
C. Witness protection
D. Restorative Justice

93. What stage in a hostage taking incident is considered the most traumatic and dangerous because the
emotion of the hostage taker is exceedingly in its highest peak and his rationalization and proper
thinking is low?
A. Alarm stage
B. Crisis stage
C. Negotiation stage
D. Accommodation stage

94. In assessing a hostage taking situation, one must be able to determine and know the kind of behavior
involved. Those who are engaged in this kind of crisis without identified goals to fulfill but rather
simply to display power projects –
A. Instrumental behavior
B. Expressive behavior
C. Discordant behavior
D. Feeble-mindedness

95. What do we call that hammer-look like instrument used by a judge in opening or adjourning court
A. Wooden hammer
B. Bar of Bench
C. Mallet or Gavel
D. Chalk

96. Hostage takers who suffers from different kinds of psychological maladies and they may or may not
in touch with reality are considered –
A. Psychotic
B. Lunatics
C. Mentally disturbed
D. Dramatic

97. A disorder characterized by faulty beliefs, motivated primarily by the individual’s needs and wishes
and has no basis. There are also hallucinations manifested in a visual image that are quite vivid and
real to the individual who experiences it. Which of these?
A. Delusion
B. Paranoia
C. Schizophrenia
D. Neurosis RKMCS, Copyright 2020 Page 13 of 14

98. What does the lady justice symbolize in the context of the criminal justice system?
A. Truth and fairness
B. Divine rightness of law
C. Power of reason
D. Judicial excellence

99. In the context of criminal justice, what does the balance of justice symbolize?
A. Courage
B. Honesty
C. Purity
D. Impartiality

100. This model of hostage negotiation is founded on an interactive assessment if the crisis hostage
situation as it unfolds and is created through the interaction of the negotiator and the perpetrator.
Which one of the following?
A. Expressive Negotiation
B. Bargaining Negotiation
C. Communication-Based Approach
D. Barricaded Hostage Approach

-End of Mock Board Exam- RKMCS, Copyright 2020 Page 14 of 14

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