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IOT Based Energy Meter Billing and Monitoring System-A Case Study

Article · October 2017


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5 authors, including:

Nikita Nanasaheb Sasane Prabhat Kumar Pallav

Parikrama Group of Institutions Sri ram murti coe Bareilly


Vipul Ranjan Kaushik

Parikrama Group of Institutions


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International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science
ISSN (Online): 2455-9024

IOT Based Energy Meter Billing and Monitoring

System - A Case Study
Sasane Nikita N.1, Sakat Swati N.1, Nemane Shital K.1, Prof. Vipul Ranjan Kaushik2,
Prof. Pallav P.K.2
U.G. Student [B.E.], Dept. of E&TC, Prikrama Group of Institutions, Kashti, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Dept. of E&TC, Prikrama Group of Institutions, Kashti, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India

Abstract— This article proposes and analyse a system which is used A. Existing method: The present system only provides
for energy meter billing and monitoring. The system is fully Internet feedback to the customer at the end of the month that how
of Things (IOT) based and highly desirable in field of energy. In this much power is consumed in the form of bill. The consumer
system consumer can do power management by knowing energy has no way to track their energy usage on a more immediate
usage time to time. The customer needs to pay the bill on schedule, if
couldn’t, the electric power connectivity can be turned off
basis. The consumers are growing exponentially fast and load
autonomously from the distant host. The article explains the on power providing divisions is rapidly rising. In the existing
modelling and working of different units of the system and also system meter tampering can be done easily and it’s one of the
discussed the basic components and their functions such that IOT and major drawbacks for an energy crisis.
its working, microcontroller(ARM7-LPC2138) and its architecture, B. Proposed method: In the proposed system, consumer can do
USB to TTL Converter and its features, GSM system, Relay and LCD power management by knowing energy usage time to time.
display and its interfacing with microcontroller. The Customer needs to pay the bill on schedule, if couldn’t,
the electric power connectivity can be turned off
Keywords— IOT, Energy Meter Billing, ARM7-LPC2138, Relay, autonomously from the distant host.
GSM, USB to TTL Converter.
IOT: The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical
I. INTRODUCTION objects or "things" embedded with electronics, software,
sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects
The Existing domestic Energy meter reading systems
to collect and exchange data. IoT allows objects to be sensed
universally exist many problems, such as difficulty in
and controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure,
construction, too narrow bandwidth, too low rate, poor real
creating opportunities for more direct integration between the
time, not two way communication quickly etc. To solve above
physical world and computer-based systems, and resulting in
problems, this paper uses the wireless technology for
improved efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit. 3
Automatic Meter Reading system. A proposed method
"Things," in the IoT sense, can refer to a wide variety of
provides the communication between the Electricity Board
devices such as heart monitoring implants, biochip
section and the consumer section using Internet of things
transponders on farm animals, electric clams in coastal waters,
(IOT) for transmitting the customer’s electricity consumption
automobiles with built-in sensors, DNA analysis devices for
and bill information that is calculated using ARM7
environmental/food/pathogen monitoring or field operation
microcontroller. The power fluctuations are monitored using
devices that assist fire-fighters in search and rescue operations.
the voltage sensor and current sensors are fed to the
These devices collect useful data with the help of various
microcontroller which indicates it to the Electricity Board.
existing technologies and then autonomously flow the data
Depending on the power generation, the house hold devices
between other devices.
are controlled automatically. From Electricity Board section
1] WORKING: Internet of Things is not the result of a single
the information regarding the bill amount and payment are
novel technology; instead, several complementary technical
communicated to the consumer via Global System for Mobile
developments provide capabilities that taken together help to
communication. The power and billing information is
bridge the gap between the virtual and physical world. These
continuously transmitted by the use of Internet of Things and
capabilities include:
monitored by the Electricity Board section. Whenever there is
Communication and cooperation-
power theft identified can be sent from the Electricity Board
 Addressability
section to cut the supply to the customer.
 Identification
From thorough review of related work and published
 Sensing
literature, we have observed that many researchers have done
 Actuation
rigorous work on Power Line Communication (PLC) and IoT.
 Embedded information processing
It is observed from the careful study of reported work that in
 Localization
the real world, PLC and IoT based meter can improve the
 User interfaces
efficiency of power system and can help to analyze the
unnecessary loss of power in different areas.


Sasane Nikita N., Sakat Swati N., Nemane Shital K., Prof. Vipul Ranjan Kaushik, and Prof. Pallav P.K., “IOT based energy meter billing
and monitoring system - A case study,” International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 64-68,
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science
ISSN (Online): 2455-9024

 HTTP/HTTPS (and REST full approaches on those)

 Constrained application protocol (COAP)
Let’s take a quick look at each of these protocols in turn
HTTP is well known, and there are many libraries that support
it. Because it is a simple Text based protocol, many small
devices such as 8-bit controllers can only partially support the
protocol –for example enough code to POST or GET a
resource. The larger 32-bit based devices can utilize full
HTTP client libraries that properly implement the whole
protocol. There are several protocols optimized for IOT use.
The two best known are MQTT6 and COAP7. MQTT was
invented in 1999 to solve issues in embedded systems and
SCADA. It has been through some iterations and the current
version is undergoing standardization in the OASIS MQTT
Technical Committee.
Fig. 1. IOT working. Sensing Layer: Sensors collect data from the environment or
object under measurement and turn it into useful data. This
The IOT is more than internet connected consumer layer covers everything from legacy industrial devices to
gadgets. Sooner or later every IT organization will need to robotic camera systems, water-level detectors, air quality
create a framework to support it. Energy companies already sensors, accelerometers, and heart rate monitors. And the
use networked sensors to measure vibrations in turbines. They scope of the IOT is expanding rapidly, thanks in part to low-
feed that data through the network to computing systems that power wireless sensor network technologies and Power over
analyses it to predict when machines will need maintenance Ethernet, which enable devices on a wired LAN to operate
and when they will fail. Jet engine manufacturers embed without the need for an A/C power source.
sensors that measure temperature, pressure, and other IOT Platforms and Security: Even with the recent attention
conditions to improve their products. There are different types given to security for IOT devices, it can be easy to overlook
of Layers present in IOT: the need for end-to-end security for an IOT platform. Every
Interface Layer: The first layer of IOT is interface layer. This part of a platform should be analyzed for security prospects.
layer provides the interaction methods between users and From internet connections to the applications and devices to
application. This section looks how user can easily use the the transmitted and stored data, there is a potential for an
system. This includes three main approaches. Firstly, we need attack vector. Without question, the single most important
the ability to create web-based front-ends and portals that non-functional requirement of an IOT platform is that it offers
interact with devices and with the event-processing layer. robust security.
Secondly, we need the ability to create dashboards that offer
views into analytics and event processing. Finally, we need to II. SYSTEM MODEL AND COMPONENTS ANALYSYS
be able to interact with systems outside this network using Block Diagram-
machine-to-machine communications (APIs). The
recommended approach to building the web front end is to
utilize a modular front-end architecture.
Service layer: This layer is used to create and manage services
to satisfy user’s needs. To do so, it process data deep
processing. To make more user friendly application, it
provides database with different data and divides work. This is
an important layer for three reasons:
1. The ability to support an HTTP server and/or an MQTT
broker to talk to the devices;
2. The ability to aggregate and combine communications from
different sensing devices and to route communications to a
specific device (possibly via GSM/GPRS).
3. The ability to bridge and transform between different
protocols that is to offer HTTP based APIs that are mediated Fig. 2. Block diagram of proposed system.
into an MQTT message going to the device.
Networking or Communication Layer: The Networking or In our proposed system we use Relay, GSM, display
Communication layer supports the connectivity of the devices. device, microcontroller LPC 2138, GSM and IOT web server.
There are multiple potential protocols for communication A relay is attached through on bulb any other application in
between the devices and the cloud. The most well-known the customer home any other places Microcontroller will
three potential protocols are


Sasane Nikita N., Sakat Swati N., Nemane Shital K., Prof. Vipul Ranjan Kaushik, and Prof. Pallav P.K., “IOT based energy meter billing
and monitoring system - A case study,” International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 64-68,
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science
ISSN (Online): 2455-9024

count that pulses and decrement the balance count which is applications, the alternative 16-bit Thumb mode reduces code
added by the SMS send through GSM by MSEB by paying by more than 30 % with minimal performance penalty. Due to
appropriate amount, when the balance count becomes less their tiny size and low power consumption, these
(threshold value) it sends a message “Balance is less” to the microcontrollers are ideal for applications where
display device, and customer can recharge their account by miniaturization is a key requirement, such as access control
recharging their account for uninterrupted energy source and and point-of-sale. With a wide range of serial communications
if customer didn’t recharge their account and balance count interfaces and on-chip SRAM options of 8 kB, 16 kB, and 32
becomes zero microcontroller will turn off the relay in the kB, they are very well suited for communication gateways and
meter and energy supply will interrupted to the customer. protocol converters, soft modems, voice recognition and low-
This system displaying the information about the energy end imaging, providing both large buffer size and high
consumed in terms of units, about the bill and if any theft processing power. Various 32-bit timers, single or dual 10-bit
occurs that will be displayed in the website. Hence every user 8-channel ADC(s), 10-bit DAC, PWM channels and 47 GPIO
can check the information anywhere globally. Thing speak lines with up to nine edge or level sensitive external interrupt
web page is used for displaying the information of the system. pins make these microcontrollers particularly suitable for
The hardware components used in the proposed system is as industrial control and medical systems.
below:- a) ARM7-LPC2138 Features
• ARM7-LPC2138  32-bit RISC processor (32-bit data & address bus)
• USB TO TTL CONVERTER  High performance RISC
• GSM  Virtual Memory System Support
• Relay  Excellent high-level language support
• LCD  Simple but powerful
1] ARM7-LPC2138: NXP LPC2138 Target Board is an  No Separate power adapter required (USB power source)
evaluation and a development system for NXP ARM7TDMI-S  Two RS-232 Interfaces (For direct connection to PC’s
based LPC2138 microcontroller. The ITLPC2138 package Serial port
consists of a USB cable and a target board populated with  On Board Two Line LCD Display (2x16) (with jumper
NXP LPC2138 CPU, minimum peripherals, JTAG debug select option
connector, ETM trace connector and an on-board integrated I  On Board 8 LED Interface to test Port pin (with jumper
SYSTEM debugger. The user can write and debug the select option)
application using the on-board integrated I SYSTEM  On Board Pot interface to ADC
debugger, which connects to the PC through the USB  On Board Buzzer Interface
connection. The board requires no external power supply since  On Board 4x4 (16 Keys) Matrix Keyboard
it’s powered from the PC USB port. An external  On Board I 2C EEPROM On Board External Interrupt
ARM7TDMI-S debugger (including e.g. ETM support) can be Button
used for debugging as an alternative to the on-board integrated  On Board Connector for PWM Output
debugger  PWM controlled LCD backlight
 On Board Connector for Analog Output
 On Board Speaker Output
 LF Amplifier LM 386

b) ARM7-LPC2138 Specification
 High Performance 32-bit ARM7TDMI-S™ CPU
 512 KB Programmable Flash Memory provides minimum
of 10,000 erase/write cycles and 10 years of data-retention.
 32 KB Data Memory (SRAM)
 In-System/In-Application Programming (ISP/IAP) via on-
chip boot-loader software.
 Single Flash sector or full chip erase in 400 ms and 256
bytes programming in 1 ms.
Fig. 3. ARM7-LPC2138.
 Embedded ICE and Embedded Trace interfaces offer real-
time debugging with the on-chip Real Monitor™ software
The LPC2131/32/34/36/38 microcontrollers are based on a and high speed tracing of instruction execution.
16/32-bit ARM7TDMI-S CPU with real-time emulation and
 Two 8-channel 10-bit A/D converters with conversion
embedded trace support, that combine the microcontroller
times as low as 2.44 us per channel.
with 32 kB, 64 kB, 128 kB, 256 kB and 512 kB of embedded
 Single 10-bit D/A converter provide variable analog
high-speed flash memory. A 128-bit wide memory interface
and a unique accelerator architecture enable 32-bit code
execution at maximum clock rate. For critical code size  Two 32-bit Timers/External event counters.


Sasane Nikita N., Sakat Swati N., Nemane Shital K., Prof. Vipul Ranjan Kaushik, and Prof. Pallav P.K., “IOT based energy meter billing
and monitoring system - A case study,” International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 64-68,
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science
ISSN (Online): 2455-9024

 Four Capture and four Compare channels. GSM/GPRS Modem-RS232 is built with Dual Band
 PWM unit with six output pins. GSM/GPRS engine- SIM900A, works on frequencies 900/
 Low power Real-time clock with independent power and 1800 MHz. The Modem is coming with RS232 interface,
dedicated 32 kHz clock input. which allows you connect PC as well as microcontroller with
 Multiple serial interfaces including two UARTs, two Fast RS232 Chip (MAX232). The baud rate is configurable from
I2C (400 kbit/s), SPI™ and SSP with buffering and 9600-115200 through AT command. The GSM/GPRS Modem
variable data length capabilities. is having internal TCP/IP stack to enable you to connect with
 Vectored interrupt controller with configurable priorities internet via GPRS. It is suitable for SMS, Voice as well as
and vector addresses. DATA transfer application in M2M interface. The onboard
 Up to 47 of 5 V tolerant general purpose I/O pins. Regulated Power supply allows you to connect wide range
unregulated power supply. Using this modem, you can make
 Up to nine edge or level sensitive external interrupt pins.
audio calls, SMS, Read SMS, attend the incoming calls and
 60 MHz maximum CPU clock available from
internet ect through simple AT command.
programmable on-chip Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) with
a) GSM Features:-
settling time of 100us.
• Dual band GSM/GPRS 900/1800MHz.
 On-chip integrated oscillator operates with external crystal
• Configurable baud rate.
in range of 1 MHz to 30 MHz or with external oscillator
• SIM card holder.
from 1 MHz to 50 MHz.
• Built in network status LED.
 Power saving modes include Idle and Power-down. • Inbuilt powerful TCP/IP protocols stack for internet data
2] USB to TTL Converter: transfer over GPRS.
4] Relay

Fig. 4. USB to TTL converter.

This USB to serial TTL level converter cable offers a

simple and easy way of connecting TTL level devices to your
computer's USB port. The cable is designed around the
PL2302TA chip from Prolific which is built in to the USB Fig. 6. Relay.
housing. The other end of the cable is terminated with three
0.1" pitch terminals that provides the TX, RX, VCC and GND A relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use
signals. The individual terminated wires are an advantage an electromagnet to mechanically operate a switch, but other
since it easily lets you connect the cable to a variety of operating principles are also used, such as solid-state relays.
devices. Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by a
a) USB TO TTL Converter Features:- separate low-power signal, or where several circuits must be
• Perfect for Field Service Applications controlled by one signal. The first relays were used in long
• Small – Fits easily into any laptop bag distance telegraph circuits as amplifiers: they repeated the
• USB Port Powered signal coming in from one circuit and re-transmitted it on
• USB 2.0 (12 Mbps) Compatible another circuit. Relays were used extensively in telephone
• TTL Data rates up to 460.8 Kbps exchanges and early computers to perform logical operations.
• Supports Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, 7 (32/64 bit),
5] LCD Display
• Connect 5 & 3.3V TTL Devices to your USB Port
3] GSM

Fig. 7. LCD display.

Fig. 5. GSM.


Sasane Nikita N., Sakat Swati N., Nemane Shital K., Prof. Vipul Ranjan Kaushik, and Prof. Pallav P.K., “IOT based energy meter billing
and monitoring system - A case study,” International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 64-68,
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science
ISSN (Online): 2455-9024

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen is an electronic Features of Dip Trace

display module and find a wide range of applications. A 16x2 • Printed circuit board design program
LCD display is very basic module and is very commonly used • Distributed under general public license
in various devices and circuits. These modules are preferred • Produce custom prototype quality circuit boards
over seven segments and other multi segment LEDs. The • Run under Microsoft Windows NT, 2000, XP and Vista.
reasons being: LCDs are economical; easily programmable; • Learning to use software is fast because of its standardized
have no limitation of displaying special & even custom Windows user interface.
characters (unlike in seven segments), animations and so on.
A 16x2 LCD means it can display 16 characters per line IV. ADVANTAGES & APPLICATIONS
and there are 2 such lines. In this LCD each character is Advantages
displayed in 5x7 pixel matrix. This LCD has two registers, • To reduce wastage of energy.
namely, Command and Data. • Prevent electricity shortage during dry seasons.
6] Energy Meter • Make every customer a self-interested guardian of the
power (energy) supply.
Electromechanical meter consists of an aluminum disc
• Real time bill monitoring
positioned between two electromagnets, one of whose coil is
• Time reduced receiving bill.
connected to the load and is the current coil and the coil of
another electromagnet is connected to the supply voltage. The Applications
interaction of the fluxes between the two coils is responsible • Residential and commercial building in a public energy
for providing a torque to the disc, which starts rotating, with supply system
the revolutions proportional to the load current. The counter • MUNCIPAL CORPORATION
records the number of revolutions and displays them, which • PUBLIC POWER SOURCES
indicates the energy consumed. • MSEB
• Govt. Energy plant
Thus the article explains the basic structure and system
design for IOT based energy meter billing and monitoring
system emergency system. The article also explains the basic
blocks and components used in this system. It’s a complete
case study for the proposed system design. The system is very
much helpful for reduction in energy wastage and prevention
in electric shortage. In this system consumer can do power
management by knowing energy usage time to time. Using
this system we can provide real time bill monitoring system
and time reduced billing system.
Fig. 8. Energy meter.
III. SOFTWARE DISCRIPTION [1] Ashna. K and Sudhish N George, “GSM based automatic energy meter
Software Required reading system,” IEEE Wireless communications, 2013.
[2] Sapna Ganurkar and Pravesh Gour, “Prepaid energy meter for billing
 PCB-Dip trace system using microcontroller and recharge card,” International Journal
 Keil-flash magic of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM), vol. 1, issue 1, April
 Programming Language:-C-language [3] Internet of things (
COMPILER: KEIL was founded in 1986 to market add-on [4] CoiNet Technology solutions LLP, LPC2148 ARTIST Instruction
products for the development tools provided by many of the manual
[5] Prepaid Energy Meter (AT89S52) 8051 Microcontroller indianengineer.
silicon vendors. Keil implemented the first C compiler at89s52.
designed from the ground-up specifically for the [6] Mazidi. Mohammed Ali and Janice Gillespie Mazidi, The 8051
microcontroller. The Keil Compiler generates code for any Microcontroller and Cfembedded Systems, second edition, Prentice Hall
device that is compatible with the 8051, 251, C16x/ST10, or Publications, 1999.
ARM microcontrollers. The Keil uVision IDE supports two
distinct methods of program testing: simulation and target


Sasane Nikita N., Sakat Swati N., Nemane Shital K., Prof. Vipul Ranjan Kaushik, and Prof. Pallav P.K., “IOT based energy meter billing
and monitoring system - A case study,” International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 64-68,
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