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9D Identical twins separated at birth

Student A
Read the true story. In pairs, ask and answer questions to find out the missing information and complete the text.

After being separated at birth, identical twins Barbara Herbert and 1 were finally
reunited at the age of 40. Although the women were adopted into different families and raised separately, the
similarities between them are quite amazing.

At fourteen years of age, both girls stopped 2  . When they were fifteen, they had an
accident in which they fell down some stairs and hurt their ankles. The following year, both women met
at a dance at their Town Hall. Both Barbara and Daphne suffered a miscarriage in the
same year and subsequently gave birth to two sons and a daughter.

At their reunion, the women turned up wearing 4  . It was soon evident that they
share the same mannerisms too; they giggle and fold their arms in the same way and have a habit of pushing
their noses up with the palm of their hand.

The twins underwent some tests at a research centre, which revealed further parallels between them. Medical
examinations led to them both being diagnosed with 5 and thyroid problems. Results of an
I.Q. test indicated that the twins were separated by just one point and psychological tests showed they shared
similar personalities.

Student B
Read the true story. In pairs, ask and answer questions to find out the missing information and complete the text.

After being separated at birth, identical twins Barbara Herbert and Daphne Goodship were finally reunited at the
age of 1  . Although the women were adopted into different families and raised separately, the
similarities between them are quite amazing.

At fourteen years of age, both girls stopped attending school. When they were fifteen, they had an accident in
which they fell down some stairs and hurt their 2  . The following year, both women met their
future husbands at a dance at their Town Hall. Both Barbara and Daphne suffered a miscarriage in the same year
and subsequently gave birth to 3 sons and a daughter.

At their reunion, the women turned up wearing almost identical outfits. It was soon evident that they share the
same mannerisms too; they giggle and 4 in the same way and have a habit of pushing their
noses up with the palm of their hand.

The twins underwent some tests at a research centre, which revealed further parallels between them. Medical
examinations led to them both being diagnosed with heart murmurs and thyroid problems. Results of an
test indicated that the twins were separated by just one point and psychological tests
showed they shared similar personalities.

Discuss the questions in pairs. Give reasons and details.
1 Which information about the twins did you find most interesting or surprising?
2 Considering they were separated at birth and grew up in different families, how can the similarities between them
be explained?
3 Do you know any identical or non-identical twins? If so, how similar are they?

In pairs, research another set of twins who were separated at birth and later reunited. Find out personal information
about them and the similarities between them. Share your findings with the class.

Solutions 2nd edition  Upper-Intermediate © Oxford University Press • Photocopiable

9D Identical twins separated at birth

Aims  To provide practice with question formation and

exchanging information. To engage students in a project
involving research and a presentation.
Time  10 minutes + extra time for project
Materials  Student A handout for half the class and Student B
for the rest; discussion questions for pairs; students will need
Internet access for the research project
• Give half the class a copy of Student A handout and the rest
Student B. Tell them to read their text and decide on the
questions they need to ask .To focus on accuracy, you may
want to ask students to write the questions down.
suggested Answers
Student A:
1 What are the twins’ names?
2 What did they stop doing when they were fourteen?
3 Who did they meet at a dance?
4 What were they wearing at their reunion?
5 Which medical problems were they diagnosed with?
Student B:
1 How old were the twins when they were reunited?
2 Which part of their body did they hurt in the accident?
3 How many sons did they have?
4 Which mannerisms do they share?
5 Which kind of test indicated that they were separated
by one point?
• Divide the class into A/B pairs and give them time to exchange
information and complete their text.
• Give pairs the discussion questions and allow them time to
share their opinions and ideas. Get feedback from the class.
• In pairs or small groups, students use the Internet to research
other twins with a similar story. They should make notes and
then prepare a mini-presentation for the class. Once each
group has presented their findings, get feedback on which
information students found most remarkable.

Solutions 2nd edition  Upper-Intermediate © Oxford University Press

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