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C o m m i t t e e o f S p o n s o r i n g O r g a n i z a t i o n s o f t h e T r e a d w a y C o m m i s s i o n

Thought Leadership in ERM




Frank Martens | Dr. Larry Rittenberg

The information contained herein is of a general nature and based on authorities that are subject to change. Applicability of the information to
specific situations should be determined through consultation with your professional adviser, and this paper should not be considered substitute
for the services of such advisors, nor should it be used as a basis for any decision or action that may affect your organization.

Frank J. Martens, CPA Dr. Larry Rittenberg

Pacific Rim Risk Ernst & Young Emeritus Professor of Accounting at the
Management Services Ltd. University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business

We would like to recognize the COSO Board: Paul J. Sobel (Chair), Richard F. Chambers (IIA), Bob Dohrer (AICPA),
Daniel C. Murdock (FEI), Douglas F. Prawitt (AAA), Jeffery C. Thompson (IMA) for their support of our work.

COSO Board Members

Paul J. Sobel Daniel C. Murdock
COSO Chair Financial Executives International

Douglas F. Prawitt Jeffrey C. Thomson

American Accounting Association Institute of Management Accountants

Robert D. Dohrer Richard F. Chambers

American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) The Institute of Internal Auditors

This project was commissioned by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission
(COSO), which is dedicated to providing thought leadership through the development of comprehensive
frameworks and guidance on enterprise risk management, internal control, and fraud deterrence designed to
improve organizational performance and governance and to reduce the extent of fraud in organizations.
COSO is a private-sector initiative jointly sponsored and funded by the following organizations:

American Accounting Association (AAA)

American Institute of CPAs (AICPA)

Financial Executives International (FEI)

The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) Committee of Sponsoring Organizations

of the Treadway Commission

The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)

Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | i

Thought Leadership in ERM



Research Commissioned by

Commi tte e o f S p o n s o r i n g O rg a n izations of the Trea d way Commiss ion

May 2020
ii | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success
Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | iii


Why should you spend time worrying about risk appetite? Often, approaches that react to what’s going on have
Many think that it is something that board members, chief somewhat limited appeal. Boards and management need to
executives, and senior management intuitively know, or become anticipatory—to listen to these voices and make
work out while making decisions. They may even think they decisions that are mindful of those views. Those who are
don’t need another document on the topic. We disagree. able to anticipate and understand their risk when change
We need to make risk appetite an integral part of happens are better able to embrace change and be more
decision-making. agile in challenging conditions.

This document focuses on developing strategies and We believe that risk appetite is a critical link between
objectives and managing your organization for success, forming strategy and realizing performance. Our goal,
given the amount of risk you are willing to, and need to, consequently, is to help boards, executives, and managers
take for success. What is important here is to recognize improve their strategy setting and performance by showing
that the choice of strategies and objectives requires an them how they can more effectively apply risk appetite.
understanding of appetite for risk.
We’re confident that your appetite for risk will change
This is becoming more difficult as business landscapes over time as your strategies evolve. We encourage you to
are changing, and we see further challenges ahead. exercise your governance responsibilities and explore how
There are more voices impacting organizations in new your executive team is applying appetite to successfully
ways. Regulators are broadening their reach into data create and protect the value of your enterprise and
privacy and security, stakeholders are expecting companies enhance relationships with your stakeholders.
to share strong social purpose, and employees are shifting
the way they work. The risks associated with the changing
landscape differ based on strategic directions, and these
messages must be understood.
iv | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success

Copyright © 2020, Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).

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COSO images are from COSO Enterprise Risk Management – Integrating with Strategy and Performance.
©2017, The Association of International Certified Professional Accountants on behalf of Committee of Sponsoring
Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). COSO is a trademark of The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations
of the Treadway Commission.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, transmitted or displayed in any form or
by any means without written permission. For information regarding licensing and reprint permissions please contact the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, which handles licensing and permissions for COSO copyrighted materials.
Direct all inquiries to [email protected] or AICPA, Attn: Manager, Licensing & Rights, 220 Leigh Farm
Road, Durham, NC 27707 USA. Telephone inquiries may be directed to 888-777-7077.

Design and production: Sergio Analco.
Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | v

Contents Page
Introduction 1

Putting Risk Appetite into Context of the Business 3

Linking Risk Appetite and Strategy 6

Inputs to Appetite and Their Application: An Overview 8

Inputs to Risk Appetite 9

Developing Risk Appetite to Support Strategy

and Objectives 14

Articulating and Communicating Risk Appetite

to Support Decision-making 17

Using Risk Appetite to Enhance Performance 19

Supporting the Use of Appetite 24

Final Thoughts 25

Appendix A:
Appetite and Enterprise Risk Management—Integrating
with Strategy and Performance 26

Appendix B:
Summary of Key Tasks 28

About the Authors 29

About COSO 30
vi | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success
Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | 1

At its core, risk appetite is critical to organizational success.
Articulating risk appetite for your organization will provide
Six Things to Remember
board members and senior management with important
insight. We hope to improve that understanding and promote
about Risk Appetitee
risk appetite as an integral part of decision-making. 1
The COSO Enterprise Risk Management—Integrating with
It is integral to managing risk and integral to how
Strategy and Performance1 defines risk appetite as: organizations communicate and act. Managing risk
within appetite should not be treated as a
The types and amount of risk, on a broad level, an stand-alone activity, but as part of a portfolio
organization is willing to accept in pursuit of value. of risks to be articulated and addressed
through the organization.
Inherent in this definition are several key points. Risk
appetite: 2
• Is intentionally broad to apply across an organization, Various documents use the terms “risk appetite”
recognizing that it may differ within various parts of and “risk tolerance” in different ways, even
the organization while remaining relevant in changing interchangeably. This adds to the confusion in
business conditions. understanding their meaning. Though related,
they are different ideas.
• Focuses on risk that needs to be taken to pursue
strategies that enhance long-term success. 3
• Recognizes that risk is more than individual decisions. THE FINANCIAL SERVICES INDUSTRY
It is embodied in many financial service
• Links to value—it is tied to the choices the organization regulations, but can help all organizations to
makes on how it creates and preserves value. better understand and manage performance.

This thought paper is intended to help directors and
executives answer the following question: RISK APPETITE IS AT THE HEART
It is germane to decision-making. It is equally
How will a better understanding and communication of risk
important in determining that a decision
appetite help our organization succeed?
is necessary.

Often, it is treated as part of an approach where
each metric is assigned a target appetite. Although
such an approach is important, a better application
of risk appetite can lead an organization
to proactive, forward-looking opportunities
that tie appetite and strategy together
for future action.

A well-formed and communicated risk appetite
provides awareness of the risks the organization
wishes to assume as well as those
it wishes to limit.


Enterprise Risk Management-Integrating with Strategy and Performance, referred to in this paper as the Framework
2 | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success

This paper is structured into the following sections: 5 Developing Risk Appetite to Support Strategy
and Objectives—Considers how an organization
1 Putting Risk Appetite into Context of the Business— develops risk appetite in the context of overall strategy,
Focuses on how organizations take on risk to innovate and how it incorporates risk appetite into objective-
and grow, and shows that appetite must be flexible setting. This section explores how organizations may
enough to adapt to changing conditions, helping use different approaches to build consensus and
an organization to remain relevant in an evolving encourage more consistent decision-making.
6 Articulating and Communicating Risk Appetite
2 Linking Risk Appetite and Strategy—Emphasizes the to Support Decision-making—Considers how an
importance of understanding strategy and objectives organization can clearly and consistently articulate risk
and that taking risks requires a sense of the type and appetite to enhance decision-making, especially when
amount of risk acceptable and necessary in pursuing boards and management may not agree. Being able to
strategies and objectives. It explores a key difference clearly communicate appetite improves when there is
in adopting an objective-focused and a risk-focused a commonly applied structure, one that considers the
approach. choice of language, the intended level of precision, and
a focus on strategy and objectives rather than risks.
3 Overview of Inputs to and Application of Risk
Appetite— 7 Using Risk Appetite to Enhance Performance—
Provides an overview of how risk appetite is applied Considers how risk appetite is used to develop
in the context of strategy and objectives, developed tolerance, measures, and indicators, and to monitor
to support decision-making, and used to enhance performance in day-to-day practices.
performance. Each of these points is developed in the
following sections. 8 Supporting the Use of Appetite—Offers our views on
what organizations need to do to sustain risk appetite
4 Inputs to Risk Appetite—Considers the inputs that affect as part of an effective approach for enterprise risk
how risk appetite is applied. Among the more important management.
are the organization’s mission and vision, board and
management perspectives on appetite, the current 9 Final Thoughts—Wraps up our views that successful
strategy to pursue value, risk profile, and culture. organizations take risk to succeed.
Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | 3


Every organization must accept that taking risks to innovate
and grow is inherent to business. To not do so leaves
the organization vulnerable to losing ground to other
competitive organizations. The challenge is to know the
right amount of risk necessary to sustain innovation and
growth across the organization. With that knowledge, an
organization can determine which strategies to adopt and
which objectives to pursue.

Risk appetite must also be flexible enough to adapt to

changing conditions, helping an organization to remain
relevant in the evolving landscape. For example, during good
economic times, a successful and growing company may
be more willing to accept certain downside risk than when
economic times are bad and business outlooks deteriorate.
Early applications of risk appetite often focused on financial
and operational measures. This focus worked well with
a compliance mindset. But to excel in applying appetite,
organizations need to broaden their scope, which requires
viewing enterprise risk management through the lens of
objectives that align with performance expectations. This
view expands risk appetite to include all stakeholders, and
to being incorporated into the organizational culture.

Such a view can be articulated in a statement on how an

organization intends to make decisions in managing risk.
A sample statement might be as follows:

We will pursue innovation to improve customer service

and efficiency in operations unless such innovation
potentially elevates risk relating to internal capabilities
or creates risk of significant disruption to business
operations. Innovation that creates significant risk about
ongoing financial performance will be considered where
regulatory compliance risks are unacceptably high.
4 | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success

The Case for Risk Appetite How could a more comprehensive view of
In 2019, one of the largest medical equipment companies objectives and risk help?
failed to identify a major flaw in the software included in an There are many ways to look at the objectives and
updated product used to supplement a doctor’s analysis. associated risk the medical equipment company faced.
The equipment was designed to look like existing products, For example, there was the risk of financial penalties if the
and the software update was intended to allow users to medical equipment was not delivered on time, creating
acclimate quickly to the updated product. Unfortunately, uncertainty over the ability to meet financial performance
the updated software failed on a low percentage of cases, objectives. There was a tension between lowering the risk
with the possibility of causing harm—even loss of life. to product accuracy and improving financial rewards to
deliver on time and cement the future with a reputation for
Clinical testers assessing the updated product did not innovation and quality. At the same time, capabilities for
extensively test the software, even though a few failures innovation were waning. Further, stakeholders, engineers,
were noted while the product was in development. A fast doctors and patients may have a different view of what
rollout of the product was important to management and constitutes an acceptable risk.
the board to beat competitors to market with this
updated product. Would a better articulated risk appetite have helped this
medical company? The answer is an unequivocal yes.
What went wrong?
One might say that the company didn’t understand the type What can we learn from this?
of risks, or that the risk of failure was very low, or that time There are several important lessons to learn from our
in developing and using appetite in this context would not be medical equipment company.
beneficial. Others might say that having the board address
appetite would be too far removed from actual risks, and 1 It is easy to second guess a risk that occurred, even
that such discussions would be more “lipstick” one viewed as having a low likelihood. Sometimes risks
than “substance.” viewed as having a low likelihood do occur, but that may
not mean that the appetite was wrong or that decisions
Like many organizations do, this one missed the opportunity were flawed. What was important was that management
to discuss what and how much risk should not only needed to be diligent in assessing its ability to bring this
be accepted, but taken on, in pursuing its objective of updated product to market, with few consequences to
successfully bringing this updated product to market. the company’s reputation and brand.

In addition, there was a question about understanding how 2 A well-constructed narrative providing guidance for
the company’s risk appetite was changing. For example, the decision-making would have helped in this situation. It
company had been underperforming on the stock market. It would have provided clarity to those making decisions
had moved its headquarters to a new region of the country and confidence to those responsible for overseeing that
to an area with a strong financial center while leaving decisions reflect the board and management collective
its product development group in a part of the country views on risk. It would also provide transparency to
with strong engineering resources. The board decided to others wanting to better understand risks viewed as
enhance share value by a massive share buy-back program. within appetite.
This led to higher earnings per share, but it also moved the
company away from its engineering and innovation heritage. 3 Having a clear risk appetite would have provided a
Bottom line: the company’s risk appetite was changing, better understanding of whether the risks in bringing
in fact increasing, as the company sought to improve this product to market were within management’s
shareholder returns. comfort level, or whether, collectively, they exceed the
acceptable amount of risk.
Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | 5

The role of appetite in enterprise risk

management Clarifying Some Language
Appetite is only one part of enterprise risk management—
one that does not operate in isolation. As set out in the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STRATEGY
Framework, appetite flows through all aspects of enterprise AND OBJECTIVES
risk management.2 It needs to integrate with other parts of Strategy is the organization’s plan to achieve its
the business, from strategy development to implementation mission and vision and apply its core values to
and monitoring. drive performance and value. We hold the view that
strategy precedes objectives. It follows, then, that
This document reinforces the views in the COSO Framework strategy is directly linked to the decisions about
by emphasizing that: how an organization creates value. Objectives are
those measurable steps an organization takes to
• Organizations must understand the changing business achieve its strategy. Objectives cascade to the
context and how the organization reacts to those entity’s business units, divisions, and functions.
• The amount of risk the organization is willing to take is
Tolerance refers to the boundaries of acceptable
something that the C-suite and board should know when variation in performance relative to objectives. We
selecting strategies and objectives. view tolerance through a performance lens, aligning
it with performance measures used for objectives,
• The choice of strategy and objectives are significant not risk. This is further explored in Appendix A.
factors to organizational success.
• Taking risks requires a sense of what amount of risk AND PORTFOLIO VIEW
is acceptable in pursuing strategies and objectives, Both risk profiles and portfolio view refer to
balancing the relationship of risk and reward. a composite view of the risk that may affect
performance relative to the strategy and objectives.
• Choosing the status quo constitutes a risk that A portfolio view is more encompassing, because it
management must also assess. is entity-wide, and risk profiles may be at any level
of the entity.
• Risk appetite need not be about quantification.


Appendix A provides an expanded description of Enterprise Risk Management—Integrating with Strategy and Performance
and how appetite is depicted in the Framework.
6 | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success


An organization should expect that the strategy it selects will that some global locations presented risk that exceeded the
be able to be carried out within the entity’s appetite; that is, manufacturer’s appetite, the strategy was updated: “To grow
strategy must align with appetite. If the risk associated with business by expanding to global locations within established
a specific strategy is inconsistent with the entity’s appetite, infrastructure requirements and governmental regulations.”
it needs to be revised, or an alternative strategy needs to be
selected, or the appetite itself needs to be revisited. The development of risk appetite should align with the
development of strategy and business plans, otherwise
For instance, a sports equipment manufacturer had it may appear that views on strategy and risk appetite
this strategy: “To grow business by expanding global are conflicting.
manufacturing locations.” However, when it became clear

Figure 1. Strategy in Context

ng Implic
gn i atio
t al i ns
no f

te g


ib i li t y of s

rategy chosen



kt an
tr ate f or m
gy & p er

Source: COSO Enterprise Risk Management—Integrating with Strategy and Performance

The Framework sets out three important views on the • Risks to strategy and performance—There is always risk
relationship of enterprise risk management and strategy. in carrying out a strategy. The focus is on understanding
Each view is relevant to the discussion on risk appetite. the strategy set out and what the risks are to its relevance
and viability. Sometimes the amount of risks become
• Possibility of misaligned strategy and business important enough that an organization may wish to revisit
objectives—Both mission and vision provide a high-level its strategy and consider revising strategy to one with a
view of the acceptable types and amount of risk for the more suitable risk profile. New types of risks may also
entity. They help the organization to establish boundaries emerge as the organization executes its strategy. The risk
and focus on how decisions may affect strategy. An to carrying out strategy is best viewed through the lens
organization that understands its mission and vision can of objectives.
set strategies that will yield the desired portfolio view
of risk.

• Implications from the strategy chosen—Enterprise

risk management does not create the entity’s strategy,
but it informs the organization on risks associated with
alternative strategies considered and, ultimately, with
the adopted strategy. The organization needs to evaluate
how the chosen strategy could affect the entity’s overall
portfolio view of risk, specifically the types and amount of
risk to which the organization is potentially exposed.
Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | 7

Objective-focused approaches costs, patient’s seen, etc. Risk-focused statements often

Objective-focused approaches are closely tied to strategy complement the broader objectives-focused approach by
direction and how an organization intends to create value. articulating, more precisely, the expected outcome. The
They focus on entity-level goals and priorities. following are some examples:

The following are some examples of objective-focused • Automotive company—Maintain number of new vehicles
statements: requiring warranty repairs within a range of 1% to 2%
(risk: warranty costs).
• Energy company—We will pursue innovation to improve
customer service levels and efficiency in operations • Community bank—Maintain exposure to geographic
unless such innovation potentially elevates safety concentrations in any one region to 20% of the overall
concerns or creates significant disruption to business portfolio (risk: credit losses).
operations (objective: to innovate to create value).
• Hotel management company—Maintain staff turnover
• Industrial products company—We will seek ways to levels at less than 60% on an annualized basis
offer a diverse suite of products that offer equipment of (risk: losing staff).
superior quality and reliability. We understand that such
goals may come with a cost. We will prudently accept
We suggest organizations adopt an
risks that increase our costs when doing so is needed
objective-focused approach, which
to maintain quality (objective: to produce superior and cascades into risk considerations,
reliable products). unless there are specific regulatory
or other business reasons limiting
In developing an objective view, organizations need this choice.
to understand the overall risk profile relative to those
objectives and, ultimately, the overall strategy.

Risk-focused approaches Linking the approaches

In contrast, most often risk-focused approaches can be An organization may choose to adopt an objective-focused
tied to the risk or categories of risk noted in a typical risk approach and cascade those objective-based appetite
register—risks of losing staff, loan concentrations, warranty statements into risk-focused statements, as the figure below

Figure 2. Linking the Approaches

Objective-focused Risk-focused

Product Development
Organic Natural Food Company Maintain 6 to 10 products in development at all times.
We understand that innovation
Risk: Insufficient products under development to
requires a more moderate risk
meet customer needs.
appeite and will manage the
risk of failing to develop new
tastes our customers desire with
Consumer Acceptance
the opportunity to enhance our
Maintain customer satisfaction rate within a range
product line. We will not make
of 4.6 to 4.9 out of 5.
decisions that compromise our
brand by using products that are Risk: Customers become unsatisfied with snacks
not certified organic. We accept developed by the company.
that this decision may increase
our costs.
Production Capacity
Limit investment in new equipment required to bring
Develop new, innovative products
innovativive ideas into production to no more than
that interest and excite consumers.
50% of our overall capital budget.

Risk: Innovation is not financially viable.
8 | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success


The diagram below illustrates the cycle of appetite, from strategy and objectives, and feedback through monitoring
mission and vision through the selection and execution of performance.

Figure 3. The Continuing Approach to Developing and Applying Appetite

Reviews A

Monitors performance

and vision
and revises appetite

or strategy, as needed Considers board
and management
on appetite

Changing context of
the business, culture
Incorporates current
strategic direction,
APPETITE risk profile,
and culture
Sets tolerance,
measures, indicators
and triggers
Identifies and evaluates
alternate strategies

business objectives preferred strategy

ON to enhance value


To apply appetite as depicted above, an organization 3 Articulating and communicating appetite to support
must adopt a structure for developing, articulating, and decision-making—Considers how an organization can
communicating appetite. We set out four broad phases: develop a clear, consistent articulation of appetite that
enhances the ability to make decisions, especially when
1 Inputs to appetite—Considers those inputs that shape boards and management may have differing views.
how appetite is applied.
4 Using appetite to enhance performance—Considers
2 Developing appetite to support strategy and how appetite is used in developing tolerance, measures,
objectives—Considers how an organization develops indicators, and triggers, and in monitoring performance
appetite in the context of its overall strategy and and using these in day-to-day practices. 
incorporates appetite into the setting of objectives.
Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | 9


Mission and vision Strategic direction
Mission and vision set out the initial views on how the Risk appetite is a fundamental part of setting strategy and
organization will create value. They guide decisions on objectives, providing context as the organization pursues a
where the organization may, and may not, venture. given level of performance. For example, setting a goal of
growing the customer base by 2% likely has a very different
Risk appetite needs to align with that vision. It clarifies the risk profile than growing it by 12%.
nature of acceptable risk and provides greater confidence
that the organization as a whole remains aligned with its The discussion of appetite is not always about taking on too
overall mission and vision. much risk. Sometimes it is about an organization becoming
overly risk-averse—that is, being unwilling to accept more
Consider, for instance, two companies. Both are in the risk to drive performance. Revisiting the organization’s
consumer products industry and in some markets may appetite from time to time can help management and the
compete with each other. Yet their respective mission board understand that the organization may need to take
statements suggest they will take on different risks. additional risk to thrive, or that it needs to expand, not
contract. Moreover, although an organization often can
• Company A mission statement: Our goal is to provide adjust to take on more risk within the set appetite, there may
high-level service and the broadest selection of products be times where it needs to adjust appetite, or perhaps even
at the most competitive prices. strategy, to accommodate a shifting business environment.

• Company B mission statement: Our goal is to deliver the The current strategic direction of the company offers
most innovative consumer products, with the best service valuable insight into risk and potential performance.
and value, within the communities we serve. We will That’s because strategy development contains a series of
expand only if we have a competitive advantage and the assumptions—what an organization holds to be true when
ability to be a leading provider in new communities. strategy is set. For example, an organization that has based
its strategy on the assumption that its industry will undergo
Both companies focus on products and services relevant to significant disruption from digital transformation may see the
generating value for their stakeholders. Company B provides need for a higher appetite to be innovative and thrive in such
added context by focusing on innovative products of higher an environment.
level and value. The emphasis on innovation, best value, etc.
signals that the company is willing to take on additional risk Further, many successful organizations focus on
to be aligned with the company’s strategy. differentiating capabilities that underpin strategy. For one
company, this may be customer service; for another, it
Making decisions about selecting strategy and developing may be technical skill and know-how that drive innovative
appetite is not a linear process with one decision always thinking. Knowing these capabilities is important. The
preceding the other. Nor is there a “right” appetite that organization that recognizes that such capabilities
applies to all organizations. Yet, there is an appetite suitable drive value would likely have a lower appetite for those
for each organization—one that reflects the unique mission, capabilities to erode.
vision, and core values.

Risk appetite helps an organization know when decisions

are diverting efforts away from the mission and vision.
When that happens, the onus is on management to revisit
its decisions. When necessary, the board may review the
chosen strategy with management, perhaps identifying and
evaluating alternative strategies.
10 | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success

Board and management perspectives Ideally, the board and management will choose to use an
on appetite approach that incorporates appetite into decision-making
Boards and management have choices on how appetite with more detailed indicators that help monitor
will be applied within the organization. The organization will accepted risks.
need clear direction from the board and management on the
We suggest organizations determine
• Whether the organization will adopt an approach that whether the organization will apply a
views appetite through an objective-focused lens or monitoring approach or one that integrates
a risk lens, or an approach that integrates these two decision-making and monitoring practices.3

• The focus on monitoring performance and

Risk requisite for performance
Appetite often focuses largely on what to avoid and misses
the important factor: that every organization takes risks to be
• The focus not only on risks the organization wishes
successful. For instance, appetite may focus on areas such
to avoid but also those it wishes to take on to
as the following:
enhance value.
• Not exceeding a credit threshold.
• The extent of natural tensions needed for appetite to add
depth in discussions on analysis in support of decisions.
• Managing to a staff turnover ratio.
• Stakeholder views the organization will incorporate
• Maintaining a minimum number of sales opportunities in a
into appetite.
sales pipeline.
Decision-making and monitoring
• Meeting supply chain requirements.
There are two broad ways that apply appetite. One widely
used approach focuses on monitoring to provide feedback
on how the organization is performing. Organizations often
use appetite to form risk boundaries. A matrix showing a
statement of risk, key performance measures, target, actual
performance, and appetite boundaries allows management
to monitor whether current risks are within appetite. Such
monitoring can trigger conversations on when to revisit
decisions, and perhaps appetite or strategy.

A second—perhaps more important—approach is to apply

appetite in the context of decision-making. Using appetite
in this context can enhance the extent of analysis and
challenge of the chosen strategy and objectives as well
as the organization’s ability and capacity for managing
activities within the parameters of acceptable risk.

In essence, the decision-making approach is more

anticipatory (considering risks that may lie ahead). This
allows an organization to be more resilient to future changes
and disruption. Conversely, the monitoring approach is
often reactionary, responding only when the outcomes of
potential risks affectimpact performance. Such impacts can
be mitigated somewhat by using leading indicators, but, in
reality, most organizations rely mainly on lagging indicators.


Key tasks are summarized in Appendix B.
Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | 11

Although such statements help an organization know what it a marketing incentive aimed at attracting new customers
should not do, they do not encourage decisions that reflect a through deep discounts creates a natural tension between
level of risk needed for the desired level of performance. these two aims.
Boards and management should reinforce that appetite is
not about making all decision-makers risk-averse, but about Natural tensions are healthy as they stimulate more robust
encouraging decisions that recognize that every successful business conversations. Analyzing statements and tensions
organization takes risks. This may be done by linking risk is a key component to reaching a meaningful articulation of
considerations with strategy setting or by incorporating both appetite for an organization.
lower and upper boundaries of risk into appetite statements.

EXAMPLE 1 Natural tension within a community bank

Minimal levels of risk needed by a A community bank has a goal to support the
professional services firm community in which it operates. It also has
a responsibility to its shareholders to remain
A regional professional services firm financially prudent in its decisions. With that in
believes that to successfully compete in its mind, among its appetite statements, it includes
market, it needs to grow at an annual rate the following:
of 10.5%. Historical annual growth within its
region has averaged 7% and is expected to • We encourage our staff to offer financial
continue at that rate for the next year. The products to our customers that serve their
company’s strategy is to focus on a core needs, but not where the credit risk exceeds
set of services within its region. A careful prudent levels.
review of the marketing plan and workforce • We seek to support our local community in
expansion plans estimated that these are becoming a vibrant and diverse place to live
expected to add 1% to 2% of growth over within a profitable business context.
industry norms, largely by taking market
from its competitors. This strategy is unlikely The bank has been asked to fund a loan to the
to attain the growth the partnership sees local food bank to help it upgrade its premises
as necessary to compete. The partners will to better serve the community. In considering
need to consider whether a strategy with a this request, management looked at the ability
higher risk profile—perhaps introducing new of the food bank to service the loan, specifically
services or expanding into new regions—is because it is highly dependent on donations,
needed to achieve a 10.5% growth rate. which can vary as social values and behaviors
change. Further, they questioned what secondary
source of security would exist if the food bank’s
revenue stream was not sufficient. Would the
community bank be prepared to foreclose on a
loan that caused people to go hungry? Yet, the
We suggest organizations
community bank was clearly prepared to take
determine whether to include both
risk to support the local community. Does the risk
lower and upper boundaries.
of financial loss from a poorly performing loan
outweigh the risk that comes from not supporting
the local community and developing a strong
business context in that sector? The natural
Natural tensions tension within these appetite statements helps
Natural tension refers to those situations where one appetite stimulate a deeper business conversation.
statement appears to support a decision while conflicting
with another statement. For instance, suppose a company
is willing to accept more risk to grow its customer base, but
wants to keep the same gross margin while maintaining the
current amount of risk to its profit margin. In this scenario, We suggest organizations consider
the extent to which natural tension
will be designed into risk appetite.
12 | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success

Stakeholder views
Boards and management often consider appetite in relation EXAMPLE 3
to only a few stakeholders—typically shareholders and Competing stakeholder views
regulators. That view is limited.
A consumer product company is considering
Stakeholders come in various guises, but all have a vested a change to its packaging to reduce shipping
costs. The company currently ships its product in
interest in the entity. Some, such as a majority shareholder
cardboard boxes. Management is considering the
or regulator, may be able to exert their view of the entity.
following three options:
Others, such as minority shareholders and customers,
may exert indirect pressure by shifting their investments 1. Switch to a cheaper disposable plastic
and loyalties to other entities. Yet other stakeholders, such packaging, which is both lighter and smaller.
as communities and interest groups, exert pressure by 2. Switch to packaging with a higher post-
influencing those that affect the entity. consumer recycled content, recognizing that
the package is both heavier and larger.
Stakeholder activism can become more vocal when
3. Retain the current packing.
stakeholders view actions as outside their boundaries
of acceptable risk, at times going so far as impacting the There is a natural tension in place but, unlike
reputation, brand, and trust in the organization. the example of the community bank, here the
company must consider different stakeholders.
The shareholders may prefer the most cost-
effective option, as there is a lower risk to
financial performance, but the broader public
may prefer the second option as it helps to
reduce the environmental footprint of the
company and considers environmental, social,
and governance matters. Management will need
to weigh these opposing views in making its
choice. Perhaps, more importantly, the detailed
discussion can lead to innovative solutions.
For example, many organizations opt for new
alternatives as they do not like the risk in any
of the three options, they are too expensive,
and stakeholders want the organization to help
save the planet, and the risk of not being an
environmental partner is considered to be high.

Understanding the existing risk profile

Appetite is not developed in isolation from other factors.
For instance, management should consider its existing risk
profile not as a determinant of appetite, but as an indication
of the risks the organization currently addresses and might
reasonably foresee in the future.

Added context may relate to the external environment

(competitive, economic, environmental, legal, political,
social, technological, etc.) and the internal environment
(capital, people, process, technology, etc.).
Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | 13

The board and management may use these characteristics Culture

when setting appetite to ask questions such as the following: For many organizations, applying appetite requires a culture
that is aware of strategy, objectives, and risk. Management,
• Are we setting an appetite that needlessly hinders our by revisiting and reinforcing appetite, is in a position to
capacity for change? create a culture in which organizational goals are consistent
with the board’s goals, and to hold those responsible for
• Are our practices and culture aligned with our appetite managing risk within acceptable appetite.
with an emphasis on thriving in a changing world?
Many organizations are good at creating a risk-aware
• Would alternative strategies requiring a different appetite culture—one that emanates from senior management,
(higher or lower) significantly impact performance? cascades through the organization, and is supported by
the board. With an effective culture, each member of the
• Do we believe that our appetite will result in the desired organization is clear on what is acceptable and what is not,
risk profile? whether in relation to behaving unethically, pursuing the
wrong objectives, or encountering too much risk in pursuing
There may be other factors to consider as well. the right strategies and objectives.
Management should tailor those noted here, removing
considerations less relevant and augmenting those with Creating a risk-aware culture is important in reinforcing
other considerations. appetite to achieve the following:

• Consistency between appetite, strategy, objectives, and

We suggest organizations consider the
relevant reward systems.
organization’s unique business context
when setting risk appetite.
• Consistent understanding of appetite and related
tolerances for each organizational unit.

• Consistent implementation across units.

Consideration of changing business conditions • Understanding of changes in appetite.
A newspaper decided that the risk of becoming
irrelevant in the news arena was so large that it
We suggest organizations capture key
developed a strategy that essentially “bet the
inputs and consider how to incorporate
company” on developing a new digital channel
them into risk appetite (e.g., mission
for delivering news to its viewership. If the
and vision, current strategic direction,
strategy had been unsuccessful in anticipating
risk profile, and culture).
changes in readership habits, its subscription
base would likely fall to uneconomic levels.
The risk was high, but it was understood by all
involved in the process.

The board was well aware of the risks relating

to this strategy, having debated the issue
extensively, and it concurred with management’s
decision (an acknowledgment of the linkage of
strategy and appetite). The investing public was
also aware of them because both the strategy
and nature of the risks (the impact on stock
prices) had been communicated to them. It’s
notable that the strategy was carefully debated,
and the company was going to succeed or
die quickly—as opposed to an almost certain
slow death if it did not take on risk through an
aggressive strategy.
14 | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success


How can an organization bring out the implicit feelings that Sample questions for discussion may include the following:
the board and management may have about what they
believe is the organization’s appetite and how discussion 1 Can you describe activities that would, in your view,
of those views leads to development of appetite? be above our appetite and how might these relate to
our strategy?
Management and boards often use one or more
approaches to develop their appetite. These include 2 Can you describe activities that would, in your view,
facilitated discussions related to mission and vision, indicate the organization isn’t taking enough risk to
discussions related to strategies and objectives, and attain the performance it wants?
analysis of performance.
3 Are there aspects of our business that have a lower or
higher appetite for risk? Why?
We suggest organizations develop
an approach that includes facilitated 4 Which strategies or objectives are most important to
discussions related to mission our success? Do you view appetite differently for those
and vision, discussions related to strategies or objectives?
strategies and objectives, analysis of
performance, or other approaches
5 Where do you think our risk appetite is today? Is it
preferred by the organization.
averse, neutral, or aggressive? Do you think it should be
higher or lower in the future to sustain success?

Facilitated discussions 6 Are there specific risks that need to be considered in

Facilitated discussions can be very effective for a variety developing our appetite? Which ones and why?
of organizations. These sessions are most often led by the
person tasked with supporting the overall use of appetite, After several iterations, management can develop appetite
often at a senior level. statements that reflect the combined views of the board and
Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | 15

This approach encourages management and the board It is, however, usually a mistake to focus only on senior
to clearly prioritize objectives and associated appetite. In levels of management and overlook those engaged in day-
addition, various scenarios can be discussed to explore how to-day activities.
the appetite would influence decision-making throughout
the organization.
We suggest organizations include in
The possible disadvantage of this approach, however, is that the development of appetite both
senior levels of management and those
it may capture only some views from across the entity as
engaged in day-to-day activities.
there are often resource constraints limiting the number of
people who directly engage. It may also be challenging to
manage bias, which requires an adept facilitator.
Developing performance contexts
Some organizations use quantitative measures to express
We suggest organizations keep the appetite. They may arrive at these measures through
organization’s strategic plan, including business modeling. With the increasing availability of data
mission and vision, at the forefront and data analytic tools, organizations may develop data-
of facilitated discussions on appetite. rich contexts that provide insight into the impact of various
Avoid biasing discussions toward only strategic and operational decisions on entity performance.
one or two lines of the business.
For instance, an organization may focus on its production
cycle. The focus might identify the current production path
Discussions related to strategy and objectives and key quality assurance points and consider the effect of
Appetite often becomes more evident when management product rework on time and cost. At an operational level,
considers major issues facing the organization, such as management may use the context to assess decisions
innovation, new product lines, acquisitions, or joint ventures. on improving production time through innovation or by
Organizations with a lower appetite will usually react eliminating quality assurance points. At a more strategic
differently to innovation, acquisition, expansion, competition, level, the context might be used to assess how introducing
and market volatility than those with a higher appetite. a new product line would affect overall production time and
Reviewing and assessing these reactions can provide cost. Understanding appetite helps when considering how
insight into the organization’s current appetite. Integrating these decisions may be viewed in terms of the overall risk
considerations of appetite with strategic planning will likely relating to timely product production and quality.
provide the most timely understanding of the type and
amount of risk sought by the board and management. The proliferation of data and evolution of technology has
allowed for greater use of modeling and analytics at a
Appetite statements can also help to form the boundaries more reasonable cost. However, there are usually business
that keep the organization focused on strategy and goals—and risks—that are difficult to quantify with
discouraging sometimes subtle but important decisions precision. For that reason, modeling is typically just one part
that pull the organization off course. Having clarity on of the process of developing appetite.
appetite assists the board in having healthy discussions
that challenge management’s depiction of appetite. In
turn, management gains a sense of the board’s appetite We suggest organizations debate and
for specific strategies that can be incorporated into a risk discuss with management and the
board the levels of risk that seem too
management process. These boundaries can also help hold
high or low.
management back from chasing fads.
16 | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success

Validating appetite It’s also worth looking at emerging trends and considering
There may be a sense that these discussions of business whether appetite is sufficiently accommodating to them.
modeling or other approaches will produce a complete Taking a “what if” approach to assumptions about the
view of appetite. Often, however, that view is based on what future may reveal internal biases that emerged during the
people believe the organizations should, or will, act on when development of appetite. For example:
considering risk in decision-making.
• What if key talent needed to sustain growth is not
One insightful approach to validating appetite is to apply the available or not engaged?
statements to a series of past decisions—in essence, back-
testing the statements or boundaries in place. Organizations • What if the actual rate of innovative ideas pursued
may also choose to back-test assumptions, such as those exceeds our expectations?
on how the business environment informs performance.
This approach may reveal instances where decisions were • What if new business disruptors enter the market sooner
made outside the intended guidance. There may have been than expected?
certain board or management judgments that considered
the strategic opportunities available and led to a conscious Each of these approaches may instill in management the
decision to shift operations either above or below its normal need to refine appetite to provide added insight for
appetite. In addition, those making the decisions may have decision-making.
been displaying a form of bias if there were cultural factors
that influenced those decisions.
We suggest organizations develop a
The boundaries set can also be compared to historical plan to validate risk appetite, using the
approaches developed within
performance to understand the guidance offered in these
your organization.
measures. Some organizations review measures from peer
companies and industries to see if they have adopted an
appetite that varies greatly from others. Some variation in
appetite is typical as companies have different missions
and visions and may have adopted a strategy that requires
a higher or lower appetite to remain resilient to
those changes.
Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | 17


Once an overall risk appetite is developed, management Of these terms, “medium” is often the most challenging.
must then choose a mechanism for communicating it. The Many simply interpret it to mean as “more than low and less
clarity of communicating appetite improves when there than high,” often leaving appetite statements lacking clarity
is a commonly applied structure, one that considers the unless there is added context.
choice of language, the intended level of precision, and
preferably a focus on strategy and objectives rather than That’s why organizations are encouraged to add context to
risks. Regardless of approach, appetite does need to flow the broad terms, for example,
from the board down through senior management, middle
management, operational leaders, and staff. Echo Relief, a service organization to help people through
disasters, will pursue new programs that enhance the
Each organization should determine the best way to delivery of services to those in need within our financial
communicate appetite to operational leaders in a manner ability. We will accept moderate risk to the safety of staff
specific enough to provide clarity to those tasked with and volunteers as we respond to disasters. In order to
monitoring whether risks are being managed within appetite. maintain good stewardship of donor funds, we have a low
Although those in a risk role will often use risk-specific appetite for risks related to misuse of funds.
terminology, communication styles need to resonate
across stakeholder groups and at varying levels within the Others will develop more precise appetite statements,
organization. such as,

To be effective, appetite must be: We are not comfortable accepting more than a 10%
probability that we will incur losses of more than
• Operationalized through appropriate tolerances, and $1 million in pursuit of a specific objective.
where necessary, codified through policy
Deciding which type of appetite statements are best is
• Stated in a way that assists management in decision- up to management. Stakeholders, however, prefer risk
making statements that are not generic, but rather refer to how
management and the board run the organization. Often,
• Precise enough to be useful in making decisions and in as organizations become more experienced and their risk
monitoring by management and others responsible for management capabilities mature, their appetite statements
managing risk become more precise.

• Applied by those with decision-making authority from the

board through senior and middle management on down We suggest organizations view the
into the entity current level of precision in their
appetite statement and ask if it has
evolved as overall risk management
We suggest organizations adopt capabilities have matured.
language that resonates with both the
stakeholder group and at varying levels
within the organization.
Choice of language
The choice of language and length of an appetite statement
will vary by organization. Some statements require several
Precision in appetite statements sentences to express how much risk is both necessary and
Appetite statements often start out broadly, perhaps acceptable, while others may be more succinct and still
with a single overarching statement, followed by more clearly communicate management’s appetite for risk. The
precise statements that cascade into tolerance statements aim is to balance brevity with clarity.
relevant to operations across the organization. Some
organizations find that broad statements crafted around In developing a statement, the organization should
terms such as “low,” “medium,” or “high” appetite are ensure that appetite is sufficiently stated so that it can be
sufficient for their needs. communicated to a variety of stakeholders and to those at
various levels within the organization.
18 | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success

Wherever possible, develop these statements using

language that mimics that used for strategy and objectives. EXAMPLE 5
If the strategy is structured using plain language, adopt the
Financial institution categories
same approach for appetite. If the strategy is a one-page
infographic, adopt a similar visual guide for appetite. Doing A financial institution set out five key strategic
so helps preserve cultural norms within the organization. categories of where the organization would
succeed in pursuit of its mission and vision. These
categories related to:
We suggest organizations use
language that mimics that used for • Attaining sustainable, long-term growth.
strategy and objectives. • Providing strong customer service.
• Attracting, developing, and retaining the
strongest talent.
• Innovating to enhance customer service and
Aligning appetite with business taxonomy internal efficiency.
Most organizations have an existing taxonomy (language)
they use as part of their enterprise risk management • Supporting the communities it serves.
practices. Management may develop categories for By aligning appetite statements to these
strategic priorities, objectives, and various types of risk, categories, the organization can anchor the
which can be leveraged when articulating appetite. Whether guidance in language familiar across all levels of
an organization applies a monitoring or decision-making the organization.
approach, appetite statements and measures should align Although the example shown is for a financial
with one of these categories. institution, this approach applies across
industries. Some organizations will use internal
business categories that exist at an operational
We suggest organizations develop level versus the strategic level in this example.
and communicate a common approach
for grouping appetite into categories
that align with strategy, objectives,
or risks.
Tailored schemes allow for greater context of the business.
Categories of objectives might include, for instance, aspects
of operations such as human resources/talent, information
Strategic categories
technology, or production/product quality.
Strategic categories may relate to growth initiatives,
business efficiency, customer focus, or corporate
Categorizing by types of risk
responsibility. These are typically set out in a strategic plan
Some organizations prefer to articulate appetite according
or an annual report. Most often, there are fewer than 10 key
to a common risk taxonomy that is based on common
categories at the highest level.
characteristics of risk. This approach lends itself to
monitoring and emphasizes acceptable levels of risk given
Categorizing by commonly used objectives
the unique consideration of each type of risk. However, this
Some organizations will choose to articulate appetite using
approach may result in an organization managing risk in
commonly used objectives. These categories may follow
silos. The best way to avoid that is to adopt an approach that
either a general scheme or one that is more expanded
integrates risk and performance—focusing on the desired
and tailored.
performance and outcome, regardless of where the risk may
originate in the entity.
General schemes typically refer to the categories of
operations, reporting, and compliance or obligations. These
categories are commonly applied in internal control and
some risk management approaches, and many in those
roles are familiar with them. However, these categories do
not always resonate outside of risk and control functions,
especially those in an operations role.
Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | 19


Appetite can be viewed through both a risk lens and a Once strategy and objectives are set, the focus shifts to
performance lens. A performance lens asks basic questions execution. Here, other levels of management and those in
such as, “How much risk am I willing to take to achieve an day-to-day execution roles are also engaged. Boundaries
objective?” If it is too much, then a different approach is are set for acceptable variation in performance using
needed. The performance lens can help management and measures developed for monitoring performance. We depict
the board identify whether the organization is not taking this variation and monitoring as risk tolerance.
enough risk to achieve desired objectives.
Business operations may also develop specific indicators
Boards and management will need to strike a balance to alert management when the level of acceptable risks is
between risk and intended performance. For instance, exceeded. When this happens, it should trigger discussion
consider two companies faced with a changing business within the organization.
environment and the need to innovate. Company A believes
it can enhance its performance over its peers by being the The following diagram illustrates how performance links
first to successfully innovate. It may try new ideas often, appetite through tolerance, and indicators and triggers.
fail quickly, and repeat this approach to attain the “first
mover” advantage. It will require a higher appetite to be
Figure 4. Appetite, tolerance,
successful as it consumes greater resources to attain
and indicators and triggers
higher performance, but the potential large return is built
into this approach.

Conversely, Company B may prefer to be a later adopter, Appetite

• Applies through development of strategy and setting of objectives
setting a lower appetite for making decisions that consume
• Focuses on overall goals of the business (objective-focused)
resources while understanding that it will likely experience
• Aids in decision-making
lower performance in the market. On the other hand,
• Aids in evaluating overall entity performance
there is a risk that Company B wants high performance,
• Ties strategy to measures
but is not willing to take the risks needed to attain desired

We suggest organizations develop • Applies in the execution of strategy
a philosophy on risk-taking and • Focuses on objectives and variation from plan (objective-focused)
performance; for example, whether you • Aids in decision-making and in evaluating performance relative
would accept higher risk for greater to objectives
performance or whether you would be • Ties objectives to measures
satisfied to accept lower performance
to limit risk.

Indicators and triggers

• Applies at any level of the business
Perspectives on performance • Considers specific risks (risk-focused)
Perspectives on attaining performance often vary within • Ties risks to measures (e.g., key indicators
an organization. For senior management, appetite focuses
on decisions that impact the strategies and objectives,
and overall performance goals. Ideally, there is a healthy
discussion and debate of how senior management and the
board envision decisions. Appetite at this level is often highly
aggregated and requires cascading levels of specificity
in the organization. Measures may also be put in place for
evaluating strategic priorities.
20 | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success

Tolerance Tolerances are specified up front and provide insight into

Unlike appetite, which is often broad, tolerance is tactical decisions made. When actual performance is outside
and focused. Ideally, tolerance: boundaries, management and the board should challenge
the organization to bring performance back in line with
• Applies to significant objectives. plans, by either taking on more risk where tolerance is
below the lower boundary or curtailing risk where tolerance
• Cascades throughout the entity providing guidance to is above the upper boundary. Yet, there may be instances
those executing on a day-to-day basis. where there are business reasons for operating outside of
these boundaries.
• Supports the understanding of appetite.
Although appetite provides guidance for management to
In setting tolerance, the organization considers the relative consider in decision-making, appetite alone cannot replace
importance of each objective. Highly significant objectives or supersede management judgment. Management may
are often assigned low-risk tolerances. The key point here identify a significant business opportunity with significant
is that tolerance focuses on objectives and performance. upside potential that would take the risk above an upper
Specific risks are considered as part of performance goals. boundary. Similarly, there may be times when management
sees the need to curtail operations in anticipation of future
Resources become a specific consideration in the decision events. Management may also revisit the established
of where to set tolerance. The lower the range of tolerance, tolerance levels to determine if they remain suitable.
the more likely greater resources are required to stay within
that range.
We suggest organizations develop a view
on how risk appetite will cascade into the
organization through the use of tolerance,
EXAMPLE 6 indicators and triggers (e.g., at the board
Setting tolerance and senior management level,
day-to-day-operations, compliance,
A company manufactures glass bottles. A
and monitoring).
number of production factors can influence the
final bottle size, including raw material purity,
temperature, and condition of the manufacturing
The company makes bottles of a specific size and
will meet its contractual obligations if the bottles
are within 2.5% of stated size (tolerance). The
company is considering lowering this tolerance to
+/-1.5% to attract a new customer. The decrease
in tolerance will require more resources to attain
tighter manufacturing precision, including quality
control processes, machine maintenance, and
perhaps machine upgrades. On the other hand,
the success of getting a new customer may also
pass on to other entities, and lead to higher
overall performance and income over time.
Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | 21

Building appetite into day-to-day practices

Management cannot just assume that responsible EXAMPLE 7
individuals will make decisions within the intended Gaining acceptance within the organization
appetite. Therefore, organizations need to review the
application of appetite through other practices. These An organization was considering how to gain
may include the following: acceptance for using appetite in decision-making.
The director of enterprise risk management ran a
workshop, dividing attendees into two teams. Each
• Expanding the time allocated to performance versus
team was presented with a scenario that required
appetite in senior management meetings, considering
analysis and a decision to proceed with the
both over- and underperformance. plan. Each team discussed, then presented their
decision and how they arrived at it. Team 1 was
• Integrating appetite statements into business cases, so given a copy of a newly drafted set of appetite
that major decisions are made with a full consideration statements. Team 2 was not given this guidance.
of risk (e.g., by adding questions that link to appetite
statements). When it came time to debrief, it was clear to all
attendees that Team 1—those with the appetite
• Conducting sessions on appetite with those with key statements—had a much more robust business
decision-making authority, taking them through scenarios conversation. Team 2 tended to default to their
own area of experience in reaching a decision.
considered when developing appetite to reinforce the
Team 1 had used the appetite statements to
desired type and amount of risk to be taken on.
consider a great number of perspectives before
reaching a decision. The outcome did not just
• Reviewing reports on actual or expected changes in the “anchor and adjust” from experience, but rather it
external environment, including megatrends shaping the provided a broader and richer analysis, leading to
overall future of the business. more comprehensive discussion.
• Enhancing reporting to management and board on
how actual performance and risks are tracking versus
We suggest organizations integrate risk
• Incorporating any appetite and tolerance measures into appetite and tolerance into the review
and revision practices used to
an existing governance, risk, and compliance system.
evaluate performance.
• Incorporating appetite within senior management’s
personal plans and objectives.
Review and revise when needed
• Reflecting tolerance in operating policies and Once an organization’s appetite is developed and
procedures. communicated, management, with board support, must
revisit and reinforce it. Appetite cannot be set once and
then left alone for extended periods. A review is especially
important whenever the organization’s business context
begins to change. These may include, for instance, the

• Viewing performance as depicted in established

tolerance levels. Where actual performance is
approaching the boundaries of acceptable levels,
either develop plans to bring performance in line with
established limits or revisit the established limits to
determine if they remain appropriate given the current
business context.
22 | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success

• Considering how often the organization approaches

set boundaries. If an organization never approaches We suggest organizations draw on
these boundaries, or constantly exceeds them, perhaps continual improvement practices. As part
management doesn’t have a clear strategy, doesn’t of internal reporting practices, report
variation from desired risk appetite to
understand, has a poorly constructed appetite, or is not
management and the board.
behaving consistently with its own rules.

• Probing into appetite and decision-making when

established tolerance levels are exceeded, either too These phases are interactive, with the board and
high or too low; for instance, asking whether some form management revisiting each one as needed. The board
of misunderstanding of appetite existed when decisions serves in an oversight role by checking in with management
were made or resulted in this level of performance. periodically and probing to see when appetite may need
revising. Management revisits appetite periodically,
adjusting as business and operational conditions warrant. At
EXAMPLE 8 a minimum, management and the board should revisit these
stages whenever strategy is changing.
A company’s challenge

Management of a company asked the insightful

question, “How often are we operating outside We suggest organization set a specific
of the set tolerance?” In exploring this question, time period for revisiting these stages
they noted that at any given time, as much as 5% to ensure that risk appetite
of its performance measures were outside the remains current.
established boundaries, and a further 10% were
approaching those boundaries. Management
understood that where performance never
approaches the boundaries, it likely has less
consideration in decisions. Yet, if performance
is frequently outside of tolerance, do these
boundaries curtail management judgment, or
does it mean that they are making decisions
without understanding the underlying risk?
Management was faced with the challenge of
determining whether this level of performance
versus appetite indicated that appetite and
tolerance formed a healthy level of feedback
on decisions or whether established levels
needed revisiting.
Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | 23

Pulling it all together

The following chart illustrates how the points come together into a well-articulated view of appetite and tolerance.

Figure 5. Appetite and Tolerance

Mission Vision Core Values

To provide healthy, great-tasting To be the largest producer of We work to achieve a healthy environment
premium organic foods made sustainably sourced organic products in that is sustainable. We will use ingredients
from locally sourced the markets we serve and new markets grown in natural compost, soils rich in
ingredients that fit our risk profile organic life, and use non-altered crops

Supports mission, vision,

and core values

To build brand loyalty by producing food that is delicious and exciting, that people want to Links appetite to
eat because it tastes good and because it is good for them strategic direction

Entity Level Appetite Statement Ties to value

Brand is essential to us. We have a lower risk appetite for making any decisions that
jeopardize our brand. We will not make decisions that put cost above our core values,
product quality, or ingredient choice. Nor will we make decisions that put growth ahead Sets out possible tensions
of sustainable operations. However, we will strive to be innovative to develop products
that meet customers’ preferences and accept a more moderate risk appetite Ties to needed level
to attain this goal of risk for success

Business Unit Objective Cascades into business-level

To continue to develop new, innovative products that interest and excite consumers considerations

Related Appetite
We understand that innovation requires a more moderate risk profile and will manage
the risk of failing to develop new tastes our customers desire with the opportunity to Sets out possible tensions
enhance our product line. We will not make decisions that compromise our brand by
using products that are not certified organific. We accept that this may increase our cost

Performance Target: 8 products in R&D at all times Links appetite to

Tolerance (Acceptable range of performance): 6 – 10 performance targets

Further Objectives and Appetite Statements relating to

Internal Practices Shareholders Other Stakeholders
Considers appetite relating
to internal practices,
shareholders, and other
Safety Financial Performance Staff Regulators stakeholders
(not shown due to
space limitations)

Technology Growth Customer Community

Cascades into risk

Risk-centric statements (optional) centric statements
24 | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success


Throughout this paper we have referred to “boards” and Exactly who does this must be decided by the board and
“senior management.” They both play a pivotal role in senior management. In some instances, the choice is clear
endorsing the importance of appetite, and creating the (e.g., a chief risk officer, if there is one in the organization). In
practices and culture needed to bring appetite to life within other instances, the board and senior management will need
an organization. to identify an individual with the appropriate capabilities,
capacity, and internal credibility to take on this role. What
We have stressed the board’s role in developing appetite and we have seen is that in the absence of having someone
in considering whether appetite aligns with its expectations. accountable, efforts to develop appetite are seldom
We have noted the importance of management in developing sustained in practice.
appetite from the top and cascading it throughout the
organization. Yet, the responsibility does not end there.
We suggest organizations identify
As noted, appetite cannot be set once and then left alone. a responsible person to support the
Someone at a senior level in the organization needs to development and use of risk appetite.
take up the task of supporting its use. This includes helping
those in front-line roles incorporate appetite into day-to-day
practices and develop needed indicators. Management may
wish to develop an easy-to-refer-to set of guiding principles
for day-to-day management to use. Appendix B provides a
summary of key tasks in a generic infographic that can be
tailored by the organization.
Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | 25

Organizations take risk to succeed. But risk can’t go
unchecked. Setting and understanding risk appetite is
an important element of corporate governance, strategic
planning, and decision-making. Determining appetite through
a performance lens requires deep discussions that affect
management and boards and, to be effective, permeate
an organization’s culture. In this way, appetite reflects the
mission and integrates with objectives with the end goal of
adding value. Monitoring complements the decision-making
lens of appetite and encourages all parts of the organization
to be on the same wavelength.

Making informed decisions considering risk takes effort. We

have seen first-hand how appetite helps improve the depth
of consideration in decision-making. We believe the effort is
worth it.
26 | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success

APPENDIX A. Appetite and Enterprise Risk Management—Integrating

with Strategy and Performance
In 2017 COSO released Enterprise Risk Management— • Focusing on the level of risk requisite for performance.
Integrating with Strategy and Performance (the
“Framework”). The Framework renewed the conversation on • Viewing appetite through the lens of stakeholders.
appetite and clarified the relationship between appetite and
tolerance. It emphasized the importance of the following: • Linking higher-level guidance on decision-making with
business-focused metrics.
• Linking to mission and vision as the first anchor of
COSO Infographic with Principles
appetite. The diagram below illustrates the five Framework
components and their relationship with the entity’s mission,
• Applying appetite in the development of strategy. vision, and core values and the entity’s overall direction
and performance. Within these 5 components are a series
• Making appetite about strategies and objectives, not risk. of 20 principles that represent the fundamental concepts
associated with each component. Principle 7 specifically
• Using appetite in decision-making. focuses on defining appetite and is captured within the blue
COSO Infographic with Principlesribbon in the illustration.

Figure 6. Risk Management Components

COSO Infographic with Principles
COSO Infographic with Principles

nfographic with
Infographic with Principles


& Culture Objective-Setting & Revision& PERFORMANCE VALUE
& Reporting
1. Exercises
Source: COSOBoard Risk Risk Management—Integrating
Enterprise 10. and
6. Analyzes Business with Strategy Identifies Risk
Performance 15. Assesses Substantial 18. Leverages Information
11. Assesses SeverityIMPLEMENTATION and Technology
2. Establishes
MISSION, VISION Operating 7. Defines
STRATEGY Risk Appetite BUSINESSof Risk
FORMULATION 16. Reviews Risk
IMPLEMENTATION and 19. Communicates Risk
8. Evaluates Alternative
12. Prioritizes Risks Performance
3. Defines Desired Culture Strategies
Governance Strategy
13. &Implements Risk Performance 17. Pursues improvement
Review 20. Reports on Risk,
Appetite is integrated throughout & 9.
Culture the enterprise risk Objective-Setting Assessing the severity
in Enterprise of risk and
Risk& Revision prioritizing
Culture, and Communication,
4. Demonstrates
management, as is captured
Formulates Business
each of the fiveIMPLEMENTATION
14. Develops Portfolio responsesENHANCEDas noted in Performance.
NN Commitment
Performance & Reporting
A few to of those
Core Values
integrations relate
1. Exercises
to the
Board Risk
6. Analyzes
View Risk
VALUE 15. Assesses Substantial
18. Leverages Information
and Technology
5. Attracts, Develops,
Governance Strategy & Performance 11. Assesses
Review Severity Information,
and Retains Capable2. Establishes
& Culture Operating
Objective-Setting 7. Defines Risk Appetite Reviewing
of Risk
& Revision risk16.and performance
Reviews Risk and
Communication, and19.pursuing
Communicates Risk
Applying judgment
Strategy &
as Objective-Setting
noted in Governance
Performance Review Information,
Performance Information
&improvements inPursues
enterprise risk management as noted
Individuals 8. Evaluates Alternative 12. Prioritizes Risks & Reporting
& Culture Revision Communication,
3. Defines Desired Culture Strategies 17. 18. improvement 20. Reports on Risk,
and Culture. 4. Demonstrates
1. Exercises Board Risk 6. Analyzes Business 10. Identifies Risk
9. Formulates Business
15. Implements
Review and Leverages
Revision. Information
& Reporting
in Enterprise Risk Culture, and
Oversight Context 11. Identifies
AssessesRisk Change
Severity and Technology
1. Exercises Board Risk 6. Analyzes Business
Commitment 10.
Objectives 15. Assesses Substantial 18. Leverages Information
Management Performance
2. Oversight
Establishes Operating 7. Context
Defines Risk Appetite of Risk 14. Change
16. DevelopsRisk
Reviews Portfolio
and 19. and
Technology Risk
nce Strategy
Structures to Core Values
Performance 11. Assesses
Review Severity Information,
Performance Information
e Defining appetite and evaluating alternative
2. Establishes Operating
Objective-Setting 5.
8. Defines
7. Evaluates
Risk Appetite
12. of
Risks 16. ReviewsCommunicating risk information as noted in
Risk and
Communication, 19. Communicates Risk
strategies, and formulating objectives as noted in
3. Structures
Defines Desired Culture
Retains Capable
8. Evaluates Alternative 13. Prioritizes
12. Implements Risk
Risks Information, Communication, and Reporting.
17. Performance
Pursues improvement
20. Information
Reports on Risk,
4. Demonstrates 9. Strategies
Formulates Business Responses in Enterprise Risk Culture, and
6.6. Defines Desired Culture Individuals 15. 13. Implements Risk 17. Leverages
Pursues improvement 20. Reports on Risk,
drdRisk Analyzes
AnalyzesBusiness 10. Identifies
IdentifiesRisk 15. Assesses Substantial 18. Management Information
Strategy and Objective-Setting.
4. Demonstrates
Business 10.Objectives
9. Formulates
14. Responses
Develops Portfolio
18. Leverages
and Enterprise
Culture, and
to Core Values 11.
11. Assesses
Severity View Management Performance
perating 7. Commitment
7. Defines
5. DefinesRisk
Attracts, RiskAppetite
to Core Values
Risk 16. 14. Develops
16. ReviewsRisk
Reviews Portfolio
and Additional guidance is available in Enterprise Risk
19. Communicates
CommunicatesRisk Risk
Performance Information
d Culture
ed Culture
and Retains
8.8. Evaluates
5. Attracts,
12. Prioritizes
17. Pursues
Management Integrating with Strategy and Performance:
20. Reports
13. Implements
and Retains Capable
9.9. Individuals
Business Responses
Responses ininEnterprise
Risk Compendium of Examples, specifically the examples on the
Management Performance
Objectives 14.
14. Develops
Portfolio energy company and the not-for-profit organization.
Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | 27

Forming an objective-focused view Tolerance

The Framework provides specific discussions on forming
an objective view, recognizing that there can be positive
or negative correlations between risks. This paper assists
in understanding appetite relative to objectives, and the
likelihood of achieving those objectives. An organization
will need to understand the associated risks and interaction

between those risks in developing its risk profile.
Risk #3
The figure on the right was developed from the Framework 4
Risk #2
and depicts the following:
Risk #1
• An amount of risk considered acceptable (red line ). Performance
Risk curve Risk appetite Target
• The risk curve, which, in this instance, increases as
performance levels increase (blue line ).

• A target set within appetite (purple line ).

• Tolerance as boundaries of acceptable performance

(dashed yellow line ).

• Individual risks that aggregate in forming the current

amount of risk to achieving the objective.

This diagram highlights several important points, as follows:

1 Tolerance and appetite relate to different aspects of

enterprise risk management. Tolerance is relative to
performance targets, not risk.

2 Risks #1 through #3 illustrate the profile view. Appetite

needs to consider a broad view of risk, encompassing
all risks that impact performance.

3 Only in very rare situations would an organization

choose to set a performance target, including
acceptable levels of variation (tolerance), above
the appetite—that’s why the right side of tolerance
intersects appetite. Operating within acceptable levels
of variation keeps an organization within tolerance.


This graphic combines Figure 7.5 and Figure D.7.
28 | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success

APPENDIX B. Summary of Key Tasks

Figure 6. We Suggest Organizations:

Linking Adopt an objective-focused approach, which cascades into

Appetite risk considerations, unless there are specific regulatory or
and Strategy other business reasons limiting this choice.

Inputs Determine whether the organization will apply Analyze stakeholders’ views that
to a monitoring approach or one that integrates may affect the organization’s view
Appetite decision-making and monitoring practices. of risk appetite.

Determine whether to include both lower and Consider the organization’s unique business
upper boundaries. context when setting risk appetite.

Consider the extent to which natural tension will Capture key inputs and consider how to
be designed into risk appetite. incorporate them into risk appetite
(e.g., mission and vision, current strategic
direction, risk profile, and culture).

Developing Appetite Develop an approach that includes facilitated Include in the development of appetite both
to Support Strategy discussions related to mission and vision, senior levels of management and those engaged
and Objectives discussions related to strategies and objectives, in day-to-day activities.
analysis of performance, or other approaches
preferred by the organization. Debate and discuss with management and
the board the levels of risk that seem too high
Keep the organization’s strategic plan, including or low.
mission and vision, at the forefront of facilitated
discussions on appetite. Avoid biasing Develop a plan to validate risk appetite,
discussions toward only one or two lines of using the approaches developed within your
the business. organization.

Articulating Appetite Adopt language that resonates with both the Use language that mimics that used for strategy
to Support stakeholder group and at varying levels within and objectives.
Decision-making the organization.
Develop and communicate a common approach
Review the current level of precision in their for grouping appetite into categories that align
appetite statement and ask if it has evolved with strategy, objectives, or risks.
as overall risk management capabilities have

Using Appetite Develop a philosophy on risk-taking and Integrate risk appetite and tolerance into the
to Enhance performance; for example, whether you would review and revision practices used to evaluate
Performance accept higher risk for greater performance or performance.
whether you would be satisfied to accept lower
performance to limit risk. Draw on continual improvement practices.
As part of internal reporting practices,
Develop a view on how risk appetite will report variation from desired risk appetite to
cascade into the organization through the use management and the board.
of tolerance, indicators and triggers (e.g., at
the board and senior management level, day- Set a specific time period for revisiting these
to-day-operations, compliance, and monitoring). stages to ensure that risk appetite remains

Supporting Identify a responsible person to support the

the Use of development and use of risk appetite.
Risk Appetite — Critical to Success | 29


Frank Martens is the owner of Pacific Rim Risk Management Services. He has worked
with all levels of management—from managers through to C-suite executives and
board members— and with companies of all types and sizes. For over 30 years he was
a Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Mr. Martens was the Global Risk Framework
and Methodology Leader. In that role, he provided thought leadership on enterprise risk
management and support to client teams across multiple countries and a wide range
of industries.

Mr. Martens has authored or co-authored over a dozen significant publications on

enterprise risk management and internal control and was the lead project director on
Enterprise Risk Management—Integrating with Strategy and Performance and the prior
Enterprise Risk Management—Integrated Framework. He has presented on the topic
of risk management in Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and Central America. He
has hosted podcasts and written blog posts on risk management and its relationship to
strategy, performance, disruption, and emerging technology. He has conducted quality
assurance reviews on risk management training curricula. Moreover, he has helped
develop senior professionals’ thinking and approaches to help enhance the benefits
attained from enterprise risk management. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant
and has attained the COSO ERM Certificate of Educational achievement.

Dr. Larry Rittenberg is the Ernst & Young Emeritus Professor of Accounting at the
University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Business. He is one of only eight academics
on the list of the United States’ 100 most influential people in finance. Dr. Rittenberg
was on the COSO steering committee that oversaw the development of Enterprise Risk
Management—Integrated Framework and later served as chair of COSO. As chair,
he led the effort to provide guidance for small and midsize companies on developing
effective internal controls, and later he led COSO in developing guidance on monitoring
of internal controls.

On the University of Wisconsin faculty since 1976, Dr. Rittenberg has taught audit and
assurance, risk management, and corporate governance. His research deals with the
effectiveness of audit committees, corporate governance, and assurance services. He
has received the Bradford Cadmus Memorial Award, The Institute of Internal Auditors’
highest award, for his contributions to the internal auditing profession, and he was one
of 16 inducted into the IIA Distinguished Practitioners.

Note to Readers
The information contained herein is of a general nature and based on authorities that
are subject to change. Applicability of the information to specific situations should be
determined through consultation with your professional adviser. This thought paper
represents the views of the authors only and does not necessarily represent the views or
professional advice of the University of Wisconsin, Pacific Rim Risk Management Services,
or COSO.
30 | Risk Appetite — Critical to Success

Originally formed in 1985, COSO is a joint initiative of five private sector organizations and is dedicated to providing thought
leadership through the development of frameworks and guidance on enterprise risk management (ERM), internal control,
and fraud deterrence. COSO’s supporting organizations are the American Accounting Association (AAA), the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), Financial Executives International (FEI), the Institute of Management
Accountants (IMA), and The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).

This publication contains general information only and none of COSO, any of its constituent organizations or any of the
authors of this publication is, by means of this publication, rendering accounting, business, financial, investment, legal, tax or
other professional advice or services. Information contained herein is not a substitute for such professional advice or services,
nor should it be used as a basis for any decision or action that may affect your business. Views, opinions or interpretations
expressed herein may differ from those of relevant regulators, self-regulatory organizations or other authorities and may
reflect laws, regulations or practices that are subject to change over time.

Evaluation of the information contained herein is the sole responsibility of the user. Before making any decision or taking any
action that may affect your business with respect to the matters described herein, you should consult with relevant qualified
professional advisors. COSO, its constituent organizations and the authors expressly disclaim any liability for any error,
omission or inaccuracy contained herein or any loss sustained by any person who relies on this publication.
Thought Leadership in ERM

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations

of the Treadway Commission
Thought Leadership in ERM




Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission

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