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GE Measurement & Control

vbOnline Pro Software Guide

Bently Nevada* Asset Condition Monitoring

Bently Nevada Monitor Configuration

Rev. (03/16)
Bently Nevada MonitorConfiguration vbOnlinePro Software Guide
© 2018 Bently Nevada, Inc.
Allrights reserved.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.

* Denotes a trademark of Bently Nevada, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of General Electric

Bently Nevada

Printed in USA. Uncontrolled when transmitted electronically.

Contact Information
The followingcontact information is provided for those times when you cannot contact your
local representative:

1631 Bently Parkway South

Mailing Address Minden,Nevada USA  89423

Fax 1.775.215.2873

Rev. (03/16) ii
Bently Nevada Monitor Configuration vbOnline Pro Software Guide

1. Connect to the Device 1
1.1 Default Administrator name and password 1
1.2 Connection Status Indicators 3
1.3 Disconnect the Device 3
1.4 Modify a Device Name 3
2. Default Network Settings 5
2.1 Configure Device Ports for the Network 5
3. User Configuration and Accounts 7
3.1 User name requirements 7
3.2 Passwords 8
3.3 Default accounts and passwords 8
3.4 Add and Remove User Accounts 8
4. Firmware Upgrade 9
4.1 Instructions 9
5. Troubleshooting 11
5.1 Contact Information 11
5.2 Connectivity 11
5.3 Reset the IP and Accounts 11
5.4 Language support 12
5.5 Retrieve Log Files 12

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Bently Nevada Monitor Configuration vbOnline Pro Software Guide

1. Connect to the Device

The Connect dialog box will automatically browse and display all devices on the network. You
can connect to a device if it is wired to either Port A or Port B.

Notes: Only one administrator connection is allowed per device. A vbOnline Pro
device supports only one active connection at a time. If a second connection is
attempted, a message appears stating this.

Whenever there is an unexpected lost connection from a device, you will see a
message box stating that the connection was lost from the device.

1.1 Default Administrator name and password

The application is shipped with a default Administrator user name and password. It is
recommended that you change these.

The Administrator has complete access to all functionality.

The default Administrator account name is admin and the password is Admin60M (case

1. Click Monitor and Connect on the menu bar.

2. The Device Connect dialog box allows you to connect and log on.

Rev. (03/16) 1
Bently Nevada Monitor Configuration vbOnline Pro Software Guide

The Connection Settings section contains information for each device: device type, device
name, and base serial number. Click Refresh or F5 to update the list. Devices on the same
LAN are listed.

3. Use the drop-down list to choose a device type.

4. Select a device from the Browse list. The Connection Settings dialog box displays the IP
address of the device you selected from the browse list. You can also enter the IP address in
the IP Address box. The application recognizes an invalid IP address and will alert you.
5. Click Connect.
The application pings the IP address and will notify you if the device is not accessible.

A user attempting to log in with an invalid password will be locked out for 10 minutes with three
consecutive failures within two minutes.

Notes: Refer to the Troubleshooting section for information on resetting the IP address and
user accounts back to the factory settings.

Refer to the system events list to investigate any login failures.

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Bently Nevada Monitor Configuration vbOnline Pro Software Guide

1.2 Connection Status Indicators

The device's connection status can be viewed in the lower right corner of the screen. The status
indicators are:

Green connected

Gray disconnected

Red loss of communication

1.3 Disconnect the Device

1. To disconnect, click Monitor and Disconnect or Ctrl+D.

2. The device is disconnected and the connection status indicator changes to a

disconnected status.

Whenever there is an unexpected lost connection from a device, you will see a message
box stating that the connection was lost from the device.

1.4 Modify a Device Name

Use this function to modify a device's name. This function provides an easy way to identify a
device on a network.

Note: The serial number is set at the factory and cannot be changed.

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Bently Nevada Monitor Configuration vbOnline Pro Software Guide

Use the Connect function to connect to the device. On the network configuration dialog box, you
can view as well as change the device's name.

1. Click Network and Configure on the menu bar to view the device's serial number and

2. Enter the name and follow these rules:

l Name can be up to 32 characters long.

l Special characters and spaces between words are allowed.

l Leading or trailing spaces are not allowed.

3. Click Apply to commit the changes.

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Bently Nevada Monitor Configuration vbOnline Pro Software Guide

2. Default Network Settings

The default network settings are listed in the next table.

Monitor Name Uninitialized Monitor Name

Serial Number Not Changeable – Set at factory


Module 1 IP Address

Subnet Mask


Configuration Port Enabled Enabled (cannot be changed) Enabled (cannot be changed)

DHCP Enabled Enabled N/A

An administrator account is loaded by default on the device. You can connect to the device for
the first time using this account. The password is case sensitive.

Username: admin

Password: Admin60M

2.1 Configure Device Ports for the Network

The Network Configuration function allows you to modify the device's network configuration.
You must be connected to a device and as an administrator to use this option.

1. Click Network and Configure on the menu bar.

2. The Network Configuration dialog box has a section for Port A and Port B.

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Bently Nevada Monitor Configuration vbOnline Pro Software Guide

3. Enter the IP Address. If you do not know the IP address, contact your network administrator.
4. Enter the subnet mask. A typical subnet mask might be In most cases,
subnet masks are assigned automatically or by the network administrator for your
5. Enter the gateway. If you do not know the gateway address, contact your network
6. To enable DHCP, select the check box.
Note: If there are any errors, a red border indicates the error. A ToolTip will give you
guidance on how to correct the error.
7. Click Apply.

Note: Only one administrator connection is allowed per device.

Refer to the Troubleshooting section for information on resetting the IP address and user
accounts back to the factory settings.

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Bently Nevada Monitor Configuration vbOnline Pro Software Guide

3. User Configuration and Accounts

The User Configuration menu allows you to view the current set of users and their level of
authorization. This menu can be used to view the list of users who have access as well as add
and remove users. You must be connected to a device to use this option.

Note: Only one administrator connection is allowed per device. A vbOnline Pro device
supports only one active connection at a time.

Two Administrator accounts are supported.

User accounts cannot be edited. You can only add and remove accounts. For example, if you
wish to change a password on an account, you must first remove the account (using the User
Configuration menu) and then use the Add User option to add the user name and password.

Note: Firmware upgrades do not affect user accounts.

3.1 User name requirements

User names can include these characters:

l Alphanumeric characters
l Special characters:
apostrophe (')
em dash (_)
period (.)
en dash (-)
l Length is one to 32 characters

Rev. (03/16) 7
Bently Nevada Monitor Configuration vbOnline Pro Software Guide

l Default name for Administrator user:


3.2 Passwords
l Minimum of eight characters and a maximum of 32 characters.
l Must have at least one alphabetic character.
l Must have at least one numeric character.
l Cannot be identical to the user name.
l Password and confirm password entries must match.

3.3 Default accounts and passwords

The application is shipped with a default Administrator user name and password. It is
recommended that you change the default account name and password.

Refer to the Troubleshooting section for information on resetting the IP address and user
accounts back to the factory settings.

3.4 Add and Remove User Accounts

Add a user account
1. To add a user, click Add User.
2. Enter a user name: one to 32 characters.
3. Enter a password.
If the password does not meet password rules, the password box will be outlined in red.
4. Re-enter the password to confirm.
5. Click Add.

Remove a user account

You must at a minimum, have one administrator account. The application prevents you from
removing the last administrator account.

1. To remove a user name, click the check box in the Remove column.
2. Click Apply to remove the user name.

Refer to the Troubleshooting section for information on resetting the IP address and user
accounts back to the factory settings.

Rev. (03/16) 8
Bently Nevada Monitor Configuration vbOnline Pro Software Guide

4. Firmware Upgrade
When you install a new version of Bently Nevada Monitor Configuration, the firmware version
must be compatible with the application version.

You can download the latest firmware version from the Bently Nevada technical support portal.
To install upgrades, download and run the latest install package. The firmware upgrade will
automatically be added to the software and made available for the firmware upgrade process.

This upgrade will not change administrator and user accounts.

4.1 Instructions
1. Log on as administrator. Connect to the device that requires a firmware upgrade.

2. Select Monitor, Firmware, Upgrade.

3. The Upgrade dialog box appears.

Available Firmware: By default, the most recent firmware available is shown and will be at
the top in the Available Firmware box. New installations do not show a version number in
the list.
Click Upgrade to initiate the firmware upgrade. The Upgrade button is disabled if no
upgrades are installed on your computer or no devices are selected. The completion
percentage dialog box indicates progress.

4. The upgrade is sent.

If the send upgrade process fails for any reason, a File transfer error system event will be
generated. If this happens, contact your Bently Nevada technical service representative for
5. The upgrade is finalized.
If the network gets disconnected before 55% completion, the upgrade process will revert to

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Bently Nevada Monitor Configuration vbOnline Pro Software Guide

the previous state. If the network gets disconnected while the finalizing upgrade process
(after 55% completion), the upgrade process will succeed.

6. The device restarts after a successful firmware upgrade. This takes approximately five to
ten minutes.

Notes: If you delete a firmware configuration file, the file will remain on the Upgrade
Firmware drop-down list. If the deleted version is selected, an error message is sent.

If the process fails for any reason, a “File transfer error” system event will be generated.

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Bently Nevada Monitor Configuration vbOnline Pro Software Guide

5. Troubleshooting
5.1 Contact Information
The following contact information is provided for those times when you cannot contact your
local representative:

1631 Bently Parkway South

Mailing Address Minden, Nevada USA  89423

Fax 1.775.215.2873

5.2 Connectivity
Connectivity and communication problems can be caused by a variety of issues. If you are
experiencing problems, check the following items:

l Ensure that the correct cables are being used.

l Ensure all cables are properly connected.
l Verify that you are using the correct logon name and password.
l Verify that the device is configured with the correct IP address and subnet mask on the
Ethernet network connection.

5.3 Reset the IP and Accounts

Use this procedure when you need to reset the IP device settings and the user account settings
back to the default. This procedure does not cause a device restart.

1. Remove the Ethernet cables on both ports.

2. Connect Port A of the device to Port B using a single Ethernet cable.
3. Wait five seconds.
The device detects a loopback connection and resets the IP and user credentials to the
default settings.
4. Reset is completed when the LEDs blink at a one second rate for 3 seconds.

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Bently Nevada Monitor Configuration vbOnline Pro Software Guide

5.4 Language support

This release supports only U.S. English.

5.5 Retrieve Log Files

The retrieve log files option is a tool to package log files so that the files can be transmitted to
your service representative for troubleshooting purposes.

This option is only available to an administrator.

When a log file is retrieved, a set of log files are packaged as a tar.gz file and stored in a folder at
this location:

C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\General Electric\BNMC\DiagnosticData

Each download of the log files will overwrite the previous download.

Note: The directory AppData is a hidden folder. Enter the %AppData% folder name in the
address bar to view the folder and its contents.

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