Errata To Electric Machines: Analysis and Design Applying MATLAB, Jimmie J. Cathey, First Edition, First Printing

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Errata to Electric Machines: Analysis and Design Applying MATLAB,

Jimmie J. Cathey, First Edition, First Printing.

p. 5, Eq. [2.1], " 2cos (ω t + γ ) " becomes " 2 V2 cos (ω t + γ ) "

p. 10, Figure 2.4b, angle between phasors V and I 2 should be exactly 90°
p. 16, line 2 of equations following "delta-connected load of Fig. 2.5d if", " I a = Iφ ∠β "
becomes " I a = I L∠ β "
p. 23, line following Eq. [2.42], " Z = Z a + Z b + Z c " becomes " Z = Za = Zb = Zc "
p. 32, Figure 2.12a, b, and c, "S" becomes "S"
p. 32, Figure 2.12c, label " Q = 3138.56 VARs " becomes " Q = − 3138.56 VARs "
V 
V 
p. 37, Example 2.20, eq. 2, "  L  " becomes "  L  "
 Z   ZL 
L X ω L X ω
p. 37, Example 2.20, eq. 3, " C = = 2 L 2 " becomes " C = 2 = 2 L 2 "
Z 2
R + XL ZL R L + X L
p. 41, line beginning "Zca=", "angZbc)" becomes "angZca)"
p. 45, Problem 2.8, line 2, part (a), add space after "V "
p. 50, Example 3.1, line 2, "Wb" becomes "T"
p. 53, Eq. [3.9], " Blv " becomes " Blx "
p. 59, Figure 3.9a, right circuit, " R " becomes "R" in three locations
p. 59, line following Table 3.1, " R " becomes "R"
p. 61, Figure 3.11b, " R 3′ " becomes " R 4′ " in two locations on bottom
p. 61, Example 3.3, line 4, "0.95–the per unit" becomes "0.95 - the per unit"
p. 68, Example 3.6 should have MATLAB icon
p. 71, Figure 3.18a, add dots at intersecting points of center vertical dashed line with
upper and lower horizontal dashed lines; label "φ l 2 " becomes "φ l1 " and label
φ l1 " becomes "φ l 2 "

p. 71, Figure 3.18b, add label" Fc " between ± polarity marks by center vertical leg; and
add label " R1 " to right side of reluctance symbol in the left hand leg
p. 73, Figure 3.20, horizontal axis value "3194" becomes "3194.5"
∂λ di ∂λ di
p. 77, Eq. [3.20], " = " becomes " "
∂i dt ∂i dt
p. 78, Figure 3.24, φ 2 leader line should extend to dashed line oval
p. 103, Section "3.91" becomes "3.9.1"
p. 121, sinex.m computer code, 5 lines from bottom, "sinsuiodal" becomes "sinusoidal"

p. 127, Problem 3.2, "Fig. 3.2" becomes "Example 3.2"

p. 140, second line before Eq. [4.15], " Z 2 " becomes " Z 2 ", and Eq. [4.15], "Z" becomes
"Z" in two locations
1 1
p. 141, Eq. [4.17], " = Mpi2 " becomes "− Mpi2 "
a a
p. 141, Figure 4.10a, inner solid oval, right side should not have arrowhead; label
" R1 = 0 " at lower left is deleted

p. 155, Figure 4.22, " jI 21 = X 2 " becomes " jI 2′ X 2′ "

p. 155, Example 4.5, S B equation, "5000 W" becomes "5000 VA"

p. 158, Eq. [4.35], " Rc jX m + a 2 ( R2 + jX 2 ) " becomes " Rc jX m a 2 ( R2 + jX 2 ) "

p. 162, line 2 and line 3 of equations following "The turns ratio is", " ∠ − 36.89° "
becomes " ∠ − 36.87° "
p. 163, Figure 4.25, " I m " becomes " I m "

V1 V
p. 164, Equation following "By KCL,", " I ′2 " becomes " I ′2 + 1 "
Rc Rc

p. 165, Example 4.9, line 2 equa tion, " a 2Z L " becomes " a 2 Z L ", and Example 4.9, last
equation, " ∠1.04 ° " becomes " ∠ − 1.04 ° "
p. 166, line following Eq. [4.47], "Figs. 4.18 and 4.22" becomes "Figs. 4.21 and 4.25"
12,500 
p. 167, Example 4.11 solution part (b) "Losses" equation, "   " becomes
 2500 
12,500 
"  "
 25,000 

p. 168, List number 3, second to last line, " PF 2 " becomes " PF2 "
p. 174, first text line, "Assume V1 " becomes "Assume V11 "
p. 175, second text line, "V1 " becomes "V11 ", and " I1 " becomes " I 2 "
p. 175, equation following "Since V11 is on the reference", " I 21R " becomes " I 22R "
p. 175, line 1 of equations following "By the Pythagorean theorem", " I 21R " becomes
" I 22R

p. 180, Figure 4.33a, "VL1 / 3 " becomes "VL1 / 3 ", and top right "aI L1 " becomes
" I L2 = aI L1 "

p. 180, Figure 4.33d, " I L1 / 3 " becomes " I L1 / 3 ", and "VL2 / a " becomes "VL1 / a "
p. 197, Section 4.12.4 should have MATLAB icon
p. 203, hyst.m computer code, line 3, "hysteresis" becomes "Hysteresis"

p. 232, Figure 5.5, interchange labels for "Shunt field" and "Series field" leaders
p. 240, Figure 5.12a, reverse Ts arrow for generator
p. 243, Figure 5.15, reverse arrow direction for Φ p

p. 252, second line from bottom, "V f I f " becomes "V f I f and field losses moves to left of

p. 254, Example 5.5, line 3, "1500 rpm with no load" becomes "1500 rpm with no load
and I f = 1.0 A
p. 255, Example 5.6, line 3, "160Ω " becomes "160 Ω "
p. 256, Section 5.6.3 should have MATLAB icon
p. 267, second line before Eq. [5.18], "[2]" becomes "[1]"
p. 269, Figure 5.39a, add horizontal axes label "Developed torque, N- m"
p. 326, Example 6.2, last equation, "= 56.42 turns" becomes "= 56.71 turns"
p. 326, Example 6.2, last line, "56.42 turns" becomes "56.71 turns"
p. 327, Eq. [6.12], add units label of "rpm"
p. 341, fourth line following "6.7.2 Deve loped Torque Determination", "[6.45]" becomes
p. 350, Example 6.13, first equation, denominator term " 2ω s [ RTh+ " becomes " 2ω s[ RTh + "
p. 417, Problem 6.1, "1746 rpm" becomes "1751 rpm"
p. 430, Eq. [7.3], "φ fm " becomes "φ fma "

p. 430, Eq. [7.4], "φ fm " becomes "φ fma "

p. 431, Figure 7.12, lower label "a" becomes " a ′ "

dφ fm dφ fma
p. 431, Eq. [7.5], " " becomes " "
dt dt
p. 431, second line following Eq. [7.6], "φ b " becomes "φ fmb " and "φ c " becomes "φ fmc "

p. 431, Eq. [7.7], " Ebb′ " becomes " Ebb′ "
p. 431, Eq. [7.8], " Ecc′ " becomes " Ecc′ "
p. 432, line following Eq. [7.12], "ib + ic = i a " becomes "− ( ib + ic ) = ia "

p. 444, Example 7.5, first equation, numerator term "3 (14,576.6) " becomes
" 3 (14,573.6) "
p. 446, seventh line of text in subheading "Efficiency Calculation", "efficiencyless
exciter" becomes "efficiency less exciter"
p. 449, equation line preceding "A little thought leads to", "Van = VTh1 = 0 " becomes
" Van − VTh1 = 0 "
p. 450, Figure 7.26, add line from V3 to lower asterisk; and some line types are not
p. 458, Figure 7.35, arrowheads become diamond-shaped arrowheads for φˆ f , Fˆf , FˆA , Fˆr ,
φˆr , and φˆA
p. 459, Figure 7.36a, all arrowheads become diamond-shaped arrowheads

p. 459, Figure 7.36b, arrowheads become diamond-shaped arrowheads for Fˆf , Fˆq , Fˆd ,
Fˆr , and FˆA ; add simple arrowhead on Iq

p. 459, Figure 7.36c, arrowheads become diamond-shaped arrowheads for φˆ f , φˆq , φˆd ,
φˆA , and φˆ r

p. 459, second to last line, "armature" becomes "armature reaction"

p. 461, equation following "For the generator under consideration", " " becomes
3 VL
" "
3 VL

p. 462, Figure 7.39(a), right side label " j I a ( X d − X q ) " becomes " j I d ( X d − X q ) "

p. 463, Figure 7.40, straight arrow becomes CCW rotation arrow for ω s
p. 468, Figure 7.46, " zem im / ω m " becomes "2 em im / ω m "
p. 479, Table 7.2, column Pole (p), “24” becomes “2”
p. 494, Figure 7.63, "1.190" is coil width dimension and "1.250" is slot width
p. 499, rdrotmmf.m computer code, title box, line 2, "mmf wave" becomes "wave"

p. 512, Problem 7.10, line 3, " d = 25° " becomes " δ = 25° "

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