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Project No.


EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH”

Demonstration Plant at Panipat

Project Document Title:

Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit

Project Document Number:


LTHE Contract Reference Number:


Owner : Indian Oil Corporation Limited

Licensor : Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL R&D) &
L&T Heavy Engineering Division (L&T– HED)
EPCM Consultant : L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering Ltd.
Engineering Services
Location : Panipat Refinery

12-Feb-20 D Re-Issued for Approval

Date Rev. Description Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

This document contains confidential and/or proprietary information of LTHE and its affiliated companies. No part of this document, data, or
information, issued for the captioned project or purpose, shall be used for other than the purpose for which this has been provided or
disclosed to others or reproduced in any manner, except with the prior written permission of LTHE.
LTHE Doc.No.:E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Page 1 of 19
Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

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LTHE Doc.No.: E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Page 2 of 19

Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

Revision Record

Rev. Date Prepared Reviewed Approved Revision Note / Description

By By By
A 05-Dec-19 KVP RBK AMK / MMP Issued for Review
B 09-Jan-20 RRS RBK AMK Issued for Approval
C 08-Feb-20 RRS STB AMK Re-Issued for Approval
D 12-Feb-20 RRS STB AMK Re-Issued for Approval


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LTHE Doc.No.: E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Page 3 of 19

Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

1.0 Introduction 5
2.0 Project Details 5
3.0 Package Specification 5
3.1 Feed Specification 5
3.2 Product Specification 8
3.3 Product Specification at Battery Limit 9
3.4 Design Margins 9
3.5 Equipment Specification 10
Vendor to provide steam ejector based vacuum system. If steam ejector based system is not
feasible, dry screw vacuum pump shall be considered. 12
3.6 Battery Limit 12
3.7 Schematic 13
4.0 Utility Specification @ grade level 15
4.1 Cooling Water 15
4.2 Demineralized Water 15
4.3 Steam 15
4.4 Instrument Air (IA)/ Plant Air (PA)/ Nitrogen (N2) 15
4.5 Flare 15
4.6 Power Supply 15
4.7 Service Water 16
5.0 Scope of Work 16
5.1 Simulation and Engineering Guidelines 16
5.2 Other Design Criteria / Requirement 16
5.3 Engineering Deliverable 18
5.4 Scope of supply for package item 19
6.0 Performance Guarantee 19

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Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

1.0 Introduction
The focus in technological advancement in Refining technology is now shifting towards upgradation of the bottom
of the barrel. The slurry based Resid hydrocracking process is emerging as “Technology of the Future” for up-
gradation of bottom of the barrel while meeting future product specifications.

IOCL has taken a strategic initiative to develop Slurry bed Resid Hydrocracking Technology (indResid H) and
established proof-of-concept with in-house catalyst system. IOCL and L&T-Heavy Engineering have jointly
worked on the process development of demo plant to be put up at their IOCL-Panipat refinery, which will enable
to scale-up and subsequent demonstration and commercialization of the indResid H technology.

The objective of indResidH Pilot Plant is to convert Vacuum Resid (VR) to middle distillates meeting the Euro-
VI/BS-VI specifications through hydro processing route. The Demo plant is designed to process 850 kg/hr
Vacuum Resid (VR) as fresh feed.

2.0 Project Details

Project : indResidH Demonstration Plant – Slurry Bed Hydrocracking

Company : Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Panipat Refinery

Location : Panipat, Haryana, India

3.0 Package Specification

The VDU package will receive a feed from the Slurry Hydrocracker reactor downstream after removal of vapour
phase light gases and solid removal. Design Life of Plant is 25 years. The purpose of this package is to fractionate
the feed into VGO, HVGO and bottoms under vacuum. The major equipment in the package are distillation
column with internals, draw off pumps, coolers and vacuum system. The details of each equipment are provided
in following section:

3.1 Feed Specification

3.1.1 Feed Condition at Package Battery Limit

Parameter Units Value

Mass Flow to Package kg/hr 700.9
Vapour Fraction in the feed (Mass basis) @ 388 0C & 8.276 kg/cm²g kg/kg 0.0144
Maximum Temperature (VTA) °C 388
Pressure @ grade level kg/cm2g 0 (VTC)

3.1.2 Composition- Gas phase

The gas composition of the feed has following analysis @ 1atm pressure and 15.56 0C.
Gas flow in kg/hr =0.7

Component Wt. %
Hydrogen 31.87
Methane 14.60
Ethane 14.24
Propane 11.19
i-Butane 1.20
n-Butane 3.89

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Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

Component Wt. %
i-Pentane 0.56
n-Pentane 0.92
n-Hexane 1.49
Ammonia 1.24
H2S 18.41
H2O 0.41
Total 100

3.1.3 Composition- Distillation Curves

The liquid part of the feed is characterised by following Assay @ 1atm pressure and 15.56 0C.
Liquid flow in kg/hr = 700.2
Standard liquid mass density = 952.7 kg/m3

Cut Point, Vol % TBP, °C ASTM D1160, °C

1 165.5 168.4
2 209.0 211.0
3.5 243.5 245.5
5 267.1 269.3
7.5 294.8 297.3
10 316.2 319.1
12.5 334.0 337.1
15 349.7 352.9
17.5 363.5 366.8
20 376.0 379.4
25 398.1 401.3
30 417.4 420.3
35 434.5 436.9
40 449.6 451.4
45 464.3 465.3
50 478.7 478.7
55 493.1 493.1
60 507.9 507.9
65 523.2 523.2
70 540.6 540.6
75 564.3 564.3
80 591.1 591.1
85 622.9 622.9

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Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

Cut Point, Vol % TBP, °C ASTM D1160, °C

90 662.8 662.8
92.5 689.8 689.8
95 708.1 708.1
96.5 712.4 712.4
98 718.4 718.4
99 722.4 722.4
FBP 750.0 750.0

Note 1: The physical properties provided in the Section 3.1.4 should be matched with Feed stream before
proceeding to simulation.

3.1.4 Physical & Transport Properties (@ 388 0C & 8.276 kg/cm2g)

Parameter Units Value

Mass Density
Mixture kg/m3 351.5
Vapour Phase kg/m3 10.4
Liquid Phase kg/m3 676.6
Mass Viscosity
Vapour Phase cP 0.03
Liquid Phase cP 0.203
Mass Heat Capacity
Mixture kcal/kg. °C 0.707
Vapour Phase kcal/kg. °C 0.683
Liquid Phase kcal/kg. °C 0.707
Thermal Conductivity
Vapour Phase kcal/hr. m. °C 0.097
Liquid Phase kcal/hr. m. °C 0.071

3.1.5 Stripping Steam

Parameter Units Value

Flow kg/hr VTA
Pressure kg/cm2g See section 4.3
Temperature °C See section 4.3

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Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

3.2 Product Specification

3.2.1 LVGO (Initial Boiling Point (IBP)-540 °C)

Parameter Units Value

Mass Flow (Note 1) kg/hr 482.1
Temperature (Note 1) °C 93.4
Pressure @ draw-off elevation kg/cm2A (torr) 0.068 (50) (VTC)
Composition The maximum gap/overlap
permissible is ± 10 vol% (based on
ASTM D-1160).

3.2.2 HVGO (540-560 °C)

Parameter Units Value

Mass Flow (Note 1) kg/hr 30.52
Temperature (Note 1) °C 329.6
Pressure @ draw-off elevation kg/cm2A (torr) 0.068 (50)(VTC)
Composition The maximum gap/overlap
permissible is ± 10 vol% (based on
ASTM D-1160).

3.2.3 Unconverted Residue

Parameter Units Value

Mass Flow (Note 1) kg/hr 186.9
Temperature (Note 1) °C 370 (max.)
Pressure @ grade kg/cm2A (torr) 0.068 (50)(VTC)
Composition The maximum gap/overlap
permissible is ± 10 vol% (based on
ASTM D-1160).

Note 1: The flow rate and temperature mentioned are indicative only based on simplified simulation for heat
integration. Vendor to carry out the rigorous simulation to meet the product specification.

3.2.4 Off gases

The quantity of gases will be the balance between the feed and products as specified (Section 3.1 and 3.2) in
addition to the amount of stripping steam used in the column.

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Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

3.3 Product Specification at Battery Limit

3.3.1 LVGO to Wash Column (81-C-201) and HT/HC Reactor Feed Heater (81-H-504)

Parameter Units Value

Mass Flow kg/hr 482.12
Temperature °C 93.4 (VTC)
Pressure @ grade kg/cm2g 179.7

3.3.2 HVGO to VR Surge Vessel (81-V-110)

Parameter Units Value

Mass Flow kg/hr 30.5
Temperature °C 329.6 (VTC)
Pressure @ grade kg/cm2g 3.0

3.3.3 Unconverted Residue to VR Surge Vessel (81-V-110) & Heavy Slop Vessel (81-V-802)

Parameter Units Value

Mass Flow kg/hr 186.9
Temperature °C 370 (max.)
Pressure @ grade kg/cm2g 3.0

3.4 Design Margins

Vendor to consider the following margins for design of the system:

Sr. No. Equipment % Turn up

1 Process Towers (vacuum) 10
2 Heat Exchangers: Overdesign on Flow & Duty 10
3 Tower Overhead Exchangers: Overdesign on Flow & Duty 20
4 Pump Around Exchangers: Overdesign on Flow & Duty 20
5 Heat Exchangers in Run Down Circuit: Overdesign on Flow & Duty 20
6 Pumps 10
7 Reflux, Reboiler Recirculation and pump around pumps 20
8 Vacuum generating system: Overdesign on flow 10

Vendor shall also consider 50% turndown on lowest normal flow, for all cases.

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Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

3.5 Equipment Specification

3.5.1 Vacuum Distillation Column (81-C-301)

Parameter Units Specification

Design Code ASME Section VIII Div. 1, 2017 edition
Internal Diameter mm 500 (VTA)
TL-TL Height mm 18000 (Note 1)
Internals Type Cartridge type tray column or better (VTA)
Operating Pressure kg/cm2A (torr) 0.069 (50) (at top of column)
Top: 139 (VTC)
Operating Temperature (Estimated) °C
Bottom: 370 (max) (VTC)
Design Pressure (Internal/ External) kg/cm²(g) 3.5 / Full Vacuum (Note 3)
Design Temperature °C 400 (Note 2)
Minimum Design Metal Temperature °C (-)1
Allowable Pressure Drop mm WC VTC
Shell & Heads- Material of Construction CS +3 mm 410S CLAD (VTC), Internals: 410S

Note 1: Total Column height is equivalent to 12 theoretical stages. Vendor to advise required column Height
including internals.

Note 2: Vendor to confirm the design temperature. Design temperature shall be the highest column operating
temperature + 280C rounded off to nearest five.

Note 3: Design for Steam Out of 0.5 kg/cm2g/ FV at 1900C.

3.5.2 VGO Pump around pump (81-P-304 A/B)

Parameters Units Specification

Flow m3/hr VTA
Suction Pressure kg/cm2g VTA
Discharge Pressure kg/cm2g VTA
Type VTA
MOC 410S
Applicable Codes & Standards All the pumps in the package should be designed as per the following:
API 610,11th edition for centrifugal pumps,
API 674, 3rd edition for reciprocating pumps or
API 675, 3rd edition for Control Volume Positive Displacement pumps.

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Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

3.5.3 HVGO Pump around pump (81-P-306 A/B)

Parameters Units Specification

Flow m3/hr VTA
Suction Pressure kg/cm2g VTA
Discharge Pressure kg/cm2g VTA
Type VTA
MOC 410S
Applicable Codes & Standards All the pumps in the package should be designed as per the following:
API 610,11th edition for centrifugal pumps,
API 674, 3rd edition for reciprocating pumps or
API 675, 3rd edition for Control Volume Positive Displacement pumps.

3.5.4 Unconverted Residue Transfer Pump (81-P-303 A/B)

Parameters Units Specification

Flow m3/hr VTA
Suction Pressure kg/cm2g VTA
Discharge Pressure kg/cm2g VTA
Type VTA
MOC 410S
Applicable Codes & Standards All the pumps in the package should be designed as per the following:
API 610,11th edition for centrifugal pumps,
API 674, 3rd edition for reciprocating pumps or
API 675, 3rd edition for Control Volume Positive Displacement pumps.

3.5.5 VGO Pump around Cooler (81-E-301)

Parameters Units Specification

Type Double Pipe (VTA)

Heat Duty kcal/hr VTA
Cooling Medium Cooling Water (Note 1)
Inlet/Outlet Pressure (Process) kg/cm2g VTA
Inlet/Outlet Temperature (Process) °C VTA
Allowable Pressure Drop (Process) kg/cm2 VTA
Fouling Factor for Process Side m2. °C. h/kcal 0.0004
Fouling Factor for Utility Side m2. °C. h/kcal 0.0004
Applicable Codes & Standards API 663, 2014 edition and ASME Section VIII Div. 1, 2017 edition
MOC 410S

Note 1: Cooling Water Details are provided in Section 4.1

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Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

3.5.6 HVGO Pump around Cooler (81-E-302)

Parameters Units Specification

Type Double Pipe (VTA)
Heat Duty kcal/hr VTA
Cooling Medium Cooling Water (Note 1)
Inlet/Outlet Pressure (Process) kg/cm2g VTA

Inlet/Outlet Temperature (Process) °C VTA

Allowable Pressure Drop (Process) kg/cm2 VTA

Fouling Factor for Process Side m2. °C.h/kcal 0.0004

Fouling Factor for Utility Side m2. °C.h/kcal 0.0004
Applicable Codes & Standards API 663, 2014 edition and ASME Section VIII Div. 1, 2017 edition
MOC 410S

Note 1: Cooling Water Details are provided in Section 4.1

3.5.7 Vacuum System

Parameters Specification
Type Steam Ejector

Vendor to provide steam ejector based vacuum system.

3.6 Battery Limit

3.6.1 Process / Piping Battery limits:

Section 3.7 provides a schematic diagram / battery limit scope for the VDU package. The package battery limit
includes the flanged valve connection of the Column feed line, Steam feed line, Utility connections, product
pumps discharge, vacuum system discharge to package battery limit.

The connection of the off-gas line and PSV discharge header to flare shall be inside the package vendor’s scope
of supply.

Vendor to consider all other necessary equipment, instruments and ancillaries to ensure that the product
specifications are achieved.

3.6.2 Electrical Battery limits:

Power supply will be made available up-to battery limit of the package. (Refer Section 4.6)

The scope for all electrics within the VDU packages viz, motors, motor control centre / starter, local control
stations for motors, VFD's if any, control panels, cables with termination, necessary contacts / circuitry for
interfacing with PLC / DCS / ESD, earthing, etc. shall be in VDU package MR / RFQ / Specification in line with
project requirement.

3.6.3 Instrumentation Battery limits:

Vendor to include necessary local Instruments for control, monitoring and safety protection, of the package unit
and its utility/ auxiliary systems including wiring and connections between field instrumentation and junction boxes
with all associated cable trays and supports. All controls shall be integrated with client’s DCS, and all safeguards
shall be integrated with client’s PLC.
LTHE Doc.No.: E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Page 12 of 19
Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

3.7 Schematic

The schematic shown is preliminary. Vendor to perform rigorous simulation and optimization of schematic and
develop a more exhaustive scheme and include additional equipment like side strippers, heat exchangers, pumps
etc., wherever required. Requirement of side strippers is not mandatory, if the product specifications are met.

Wherever possible, steam shall be used as heating medium and electrical heaters shall be avoided. Steam
conditions are provided in Section 4.3.

LTHE Doc.No.: E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Page 13 of 19

Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

Note: For fixed speed Positive Displacement pumps, please follow the design/supply as per following basic

Wherever required, automatic stroke adjustment shall be considered for controlling the flowrate instead of
providing a flow control valve. Automatic stroke control of pump is preferred choice for column level control.

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Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

4.0 Utility Specification @ grade level

4.1 Cooling Water

Temperature, °C Pressure, kg/cm2g

Minimum Normal Maximum Design Minimum Normal Maximum Design
Supply - 33 - 65 - 2.5 - 7
Return - 42 - 65 - 2 - 7

4.2 Demineralized Water

Temperature, °C Pressure, kg/cm2g

Minimum Normal Maximum Design Minimum Normal Maximum Design
DM water 30 40 50 65 1.8 5.3 7 12

4.3 Steam

Temperature, °C Pressure, kg/cm2g

Minimum Normal Maximum Design Minimum Normal Maximum Design
MP steam - 290 - 350 - 13 - 14 - 18
LP steam - 175 190 240 - 3.3 - 4 5.0 7

4.4 Instrument Air (IA)/ Plant Air (PA)/ Nitrogen (N2)

Temperature, °C Pressure, kg/cm2g

Minimum Normal Maximum Design Minimum Normal Maximum Design
IA - 40 - 65 4.5 5.5 - 10
PA - 40 - 65 3.5 4.5 - 5 8 10
N2 - 40 - 65 - 5.5 - 6 - 10
Off-gas - 40 - 150 - 0.6 - 3.5

4.5 Flare
The Maximum flare backpressure shall be considered for sizing of pressure relief devices as follows:

Superimposed Built-up backpressure at Built-up backpressure

Flare System
backpressure (kg/cm2g) unit battery limits (kg/cm2g) at PSV outlet (kg/cm2g)
HC Flare (LP Flare) 0.1 1.5 1.7

4.6 Power Supply

Following Power supply will be made available up-to battery limit of the package in this project:
• 1-ph, 230V +/-6%, 50Hz +/-3% : single point power supply.
• 3-ph, 415V +/-6%, 50Hz +/-3% : power for individual equipment viz; motors (<160kW) and electric heaters.
• 1-ph, 110V, 50Hz AC UPS: single point power supply.
LTHE Doc.No.: E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Page 15 of 19
Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

4.7 Service Water

Temperature, °C Pressure, kg/cm2g

Minimum Normal Maximum Design Minimum Normal Maximum Design

Service Amb 65 1.5 4 6 10

5.0 Scope of Work

5.1 Simulation and Engineering Guidelines

• The vendor is required to carry out the process simulation of the package with feed conditions provided in
section 3.1.
• The simulation is to be carried out using Aspen HYSYS Ver. 11 using Peng-Robinson package.
• The simulation carried out will serve as the basis of carrying out the process design to optimize number of
theoretical stages, reflux ratio, draw off stages, pump specification, pump around coolers design and vacuum
system design. Requirement of side strippers is not mandatory if the product specifications are met.
• Vendor to decide the type of trays and supporting internals such as tray support and distributor.
• Vendor to provide the column hydraulic report and the hydraulic calculations of the pump system.
• As diameter of column is expected to be less than 900 mm, body flanges to be considered at column top,
column bottom and at every section of draw out.
• Vendor to provide tie-in points with flanges as per project specific standard.
• Hazardous area classification as per applicable OISD standard within the battery limit.

5.2 Other Design Criteria / Requirement

• Design Codes shall be as follows:

Equipment Type Codes

Vessels ASME Section VIII Div. 1, 2017 edition
Shell and tube heat exchangers API STD 660, 9th edition TEMA, 9th edition
Double pipe heat exchangers ASME Section VIII Div. 1, 2017 edition API 663, 2014 edition
Pumps - Centrifugal API 610, 11th edition
Pumps - Reciprocating API 674, 3rd edition
Pumps - Control Volume
API 675, 3rd edition
Positive Displacement pumps

• The Vendor shall combine all pressure relief and drains within the package. Provide a single tie-in connection
for open drain, closed drain and flare relief.
• Vendor shall identify & confirm the equipment, piping, instruments, which fall under Indian Boiler Regulations
(IBR) scope and subsequently design them as per statutory regulations. Vendor shall indicate the IBR scope
for lines and equipment in P&IDs, datasheets and line schedules.
• Vendor shall resize all lines (including utility lines, start-up lines, PSV inlet / outlet lines, control valve, by-
pass lines, etc.), based on final equipment layout and pipe routing. Line numbers to be assigned for lines
and update line list / line schedule accordingly. All lines shall be numbered with a unique number as per the
numbering system given in Process Design Basis.

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Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

• All two phase lines shall be critically evaluated by Vendor for the requirement of additional pipe supports
etc. depending on flow regime, pipe length etc.
• Vendor shall develop P&IDs in AUTOCAD (using legend sheet provided by LTHE) for the entire package.
• Vendor shall develop a set of P&IDs in AUTOCAD showing various pump seal plans with other information
like API plan selected for individual pumps, flow of steam / cooling water etc. in a tabular form.
• Vendor shall provide personnel protection insulation for all lines having operating temperature more than
60°C and where specified or required, for heat conservation insulation. This information to be incorporated
in the line designation, P&IDs and Line List. For line designation philosophy, insulation type and thickness,
refer Process Design basis (Document no. E1172-U81-PS-DB-101101).
• Insulation of equipment and piping for thermal and personnel protection shall be in accordance with project
insulation specification.
• Piping low point drains and high point vents to flare shall be decided by Vendor in line with good engineering
practices and incorporated in the P&IDs.
• Equipment and piping layout shall be designed in a practical and orderly manner to ensure safe operating
conditions, accessibility and ease of maintenance.
• All termination points for pipe work, drains, wiring and instrumentation within the skid shall be located at the
skid boundary, at grade elevation.
• For the minimum requirements for piping design and for selection of piping and valves, vendor to refer the
project piping material specification and valve material specification.
• Vendor shall incorporate all the details of ON/OFF and control valves in P&IDs including but not limited to
their number (where necessary), valve position open / close indication for solenoid operated valves, fail safe
position etc.
• As per project philosophy, 2-out-of-3 voting logic is required wherever interlock leading to plant tripping is
• The Vendor shall include all necessary instrumentation required for fully automatic operation of the Package.
Also, all local instruments shall be considered.
• The Vendor shall specify battery limit conditions for any vapors to be routed to flare. Refer Section 4.5
• Protective coating and painting shall be as per project painting specification.
• Vendor to specify utility consumptions and power requirements.
• Vendor to design and supply relief valves. Safety Valve Calculations and Relief Load Summary shall be
provided Post Order by vendor.
• Vendor shall provide all information required for DCS configuration or interface with the Client approved
• The control systems shall be designed to provide high reliability, to minimize the system failure and to
achieve safe, continuous, accurate and efficient operation for start-up, normal operation, normal shut-down
and emergency shut-down with minimum maintenance.
• The Vendor shall specify lifting points or attachments to allow site installation / maintenance of the units.
• Hazardous are classification shall be as per applicable OISD standard.
• Utility stations (Plant Air, LP Steam, Service Water) shall be provided at each platform level. Tie-ins for each
utility shall be provided at grade level.

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Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

5.3 Engineering Deliverable

The following documents are minimum expected to be part of the deliverables that shall be submitted by the
vendor for review and during handover of the package. Any other deliverable that seems to be deemed
necessary for design verification and smooth project execution shall be provided by Vendor:

Document description Pre-order stage Post-order stage

Native Simulation file - Yes
Native files of skid including model. - Yes
Process Flow Diagram (PFD) Yes Yes
Heat & Mass Balance (HMB) Yes Yes
Equipment List (format as per MR) Yes Yes
Process Data sheet of Vacuum Distillation Column (C-301) with
Yes Yes
Vapour Liquid Loading data
Thermal design output for Heat Exchangers Yes Yes
Process/Thermal Datasheet for VGO Pump Around Cooler (E-301),
Yes Yes
HVGO Pump Around Cooler (E-302)
Process Data sheet and performance curves for following pumps:
VGO Pump Around Pump (P-304A/B), HVGO Pump Around Pump Yes Yes
(P-306A/B), Unconverted Residue Transfer Pump (P-303A/B).
Process datasheet for Vacuum System Yes Yes
MDS of Equipment - Yes
Hydraulic Report and calculations line sizing - Yes
Column Hydraulic Report Yes Yes
P & ID in AutoCAD [Note: PMS of client to be followed] Yes Yes
Process Control and Safeguarding Philosophy; Control and Trip
- Yes
Logic Write Up
Instrumentation Datasheets/ Specifications - Yes
Plot Plan Yes Yes
Utility Consumption (Instrument Air, Cooling Water, Steam, Power,
Yes Yes
Nitrogen, etc. )
Cause & Effect Diagram - Yes
Alarm and Trip summary - Yes
Effluent List - Yes
Line List - Yes
PSV Sizing Calculation - Yes
G.A. of each Equipment - Yes
Weight loading of equipment for Civil Design - Yes

Structural Load list as per attached format - Yes

Operation and Maintenance Manual - Yes

LTHE Doc.No.: E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Page 18 of 19

Process Datasheet for Vacuum Distillation Unit
EPCM Services for Installation of “indResidH” (81-LZ-301)
Demonstration Plant at Panipat
E1172-U81-PS-DS-101404 Rev. D 12-Feb-20

Procedure to integrate the control system of the package into the

- Yes
client DCS

• Each of the above documents may undergo two revisions while P&ID shall be considered for 4 revisions
• The system shall be integrated into Client’s DCS for control and PLC for trips.
• Pre-commissioning run tests of pumps will be carried out with water.

5.4 Scope of supply for package item

• All equipment within the battery limit

• All piping, valve, fittings inside battery limit
• All instrumentation inside battery limit.
• Erection Supervision
• Pre-commissioning/Commissioning Supervision
• Mandatory Spares (Itemized priced list shall be included in Base offer)
• 2 years’ Spare parts (Itemized Unpriced list of Spares shall be included in the offer)
• Commissioning Spares and Start-up Spares (Itemized priced list of Spares shall be included in the offer)
• Vendor will be required to participate in HAZOP / SIL study and constructability study, 3D Model Review.

• Vendor is required to perform 3D Modelling of complete skid / package.

• Vendor to provide intelligent (.NWD) file compatible with latest NAVISWORKS software to integrate with
LTHE model for navigation.

• Civil structure design and supply is in scope of vendor.

5.4.1 Exclusions from vendor scope

• Civil foundation design

• F&G and fire protection system

6.0 Performance Guarantee

• Vendor should be able to demonstrate the design capacity of the package.
• The product quality as described in Section 3.2 at the design and turndown conditions of 50%.
• Utility Consumption:
▪ Cooling Water
▪ Steam
▪ Power
▪ Instrument Air
▪ Nitrogen
▪ DM Water

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