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s i c

Mu ress

o c u s : P i t c h
Musical f r t
c t l i n k : A

Unit: Water
The children use voices, movement and
instruments to explore changes of pitch.
They develop a performance with different
vocal pitch shapes and tuned percussion.

Click here to view the plans:

Medium term plan

1st lesson plan

2nd lesson plan

3rd lesson plan

Music Express Age 5-6 © 2014 A&C Black (an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing plc)

Glossary 1

Unit: Water Musical focus: Pitch
Subject link: Art

medium term Plan

L ess on

1 lesson Learning Teaching Activities Learning SUPPORT

• Creating a picture in Splash Model conducting the wave

composition yourself first,
sound Learn a song and add water sport actions showing the children some
different choices that can be
A wave made to change the sound.
Discuss the signals you gave
Create a splash in music using voices and then tuned percussion and their meaning, eg when to
play, how to play and when to
Wave composition stop. Ask confident children to
think of their own signals, while
Create a series of waves using percussion others can copy yours.

L ess on

2 lesson Learning Teaching Activities Learning SUPPORT

• Understanding musical In the aquarium Give children the opportunity to

swap dance roles as plants and
structure by listening and Listen to Aquarium and play a melody extract on tuned percussion fish, so that everyone
responding experiences responding to the
Aquarium storyboard music with both kneeling and
travelling movements. If
Identify the structure of Aquarium possible, video the activity and
ask the class to comment on the

Perform Aquarium ways different children move.

Perform a dance sequence following the structure of Aquarium

L ess on

3 lesson Learning Teaching Activities Learning SUPPORT

Music Express Age 5-6 © 2014 A&C Black (an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing plc)

• Performing a simple Rippling rhythm For those children who find it

repeated pattern Identify and join in with a recurring musical idea in a piece of music difficult to identify pitch, draw
the violin slides from Rippling

Row your boat

rhythm in the air with your finger
from low to high, as you make
your own low to high vocal
Learn a song about activity on the water slides. Also practise descending
slides by pointing from high to
Life is but a dream low as you make your own high
to low vocal slides. Draw slides
Learn to play a descending melody and create a performance in the air - can the children all
make the matching ascending or
descending pitch shape with
their voice?

Glossary 2

L ess on
Unit: Water Musical focus: Pitch
Subject link: Art

1 Lesson Plan

Lesson learning What you will

• Creating a picture in sound
• M etallophones or
• A selection of instruments,
eg shakers, tambourines,
drums, cymbals

Teaching Activities

Learn a song and add water sport actions Vocabulary
• D ynamics – loud/quiet
Children: louder/quieter
–– listen to a song and invent water sport actions to match each verse; • T imbre – splash, ripple,
–– learn to sing the verses and chorus of the song.
• Tempo – fast/slow, faster/

A wave
• G lissando (slide)

Create a splash in music using voices and then tuned percussion

–– respond in movement to art and movie footage of waves;
–– use voice and instruments to create descriptive water sounds;
–– accompany the wave movie with descriptive vocal sounds and
glissandi (slides) on tuned percussion.

Wave composition
Create a series of waves using percussion
Children: EXTENDED
Music Express Age 5-6 © 2014 A&C Black (an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing plc)

–– follow a conductor to create musical waves using percussion instruments;

–– take turns to conduct the players, varying the speed and intensity of the Draw the score of your music
musical waves. for a classroom display. It
could be in the shape of a
wave, starting small and
growing larger as more
instruments are added.

Support: Model conducting the wave composition yourself first, showing the children
some different choices that can be made to change the sound. Discuss the signals you
gave and their meaning, eg when to play, how to play and when to stop. Ask confident
children to think of their own signals, while others can copy yours.

Glossary 3

L ess on
Unit: Water Musical focus: Pitch
Subject link: Art

2 Lesson Plan

Lesson learning What you will

• Understanding musical structure by listening and responding
• Tuned percussion, eg chime
bars, xylophones – notes
• S pace for the children to

Teaching Activities
move around the classroom

In the aquarium
Listen to Aquarium and play a melody extract on tuned percussion
• Pitch – high/low, higher/
–– listen to descriptive music and look at artwork, discussing the images they lower, steps, jumps
conjure in their imaginations;
–– follow a picture score to draw the pitch shape of the melody in the air;
–– follow and understand a pitch score to play a melody on tuned percussion.

Aquarium storyboard
Identify the structure of Aquarium
–– understand the structure of music as they listen to and watch a storyboard movie;
–– respond to the music through movement;
–– follow the structure of the music using a picture score.

Perform Aquarium
Perform a dance sequence following the structure of Aquarium
Children: EXTENDED
Music Express Age 5-6 © 2014 A&C Black (an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing plc)

–– respond to the music through movement; LEARNING

–– invent descriptive movements in two groups (fish and plants) that reflect Children can create their own
class score to illustrate the
the music; structure of Aquarium using
paint, printing, collage or ICT.
–– discuss how to end the sequence and perform the whole piece.

Support: Give children the opportunity to swap dance roles as plants and fish, so that
everyone experiences responding to the music with both kneeling and travelling movements. If
possible, video the activity and ask the class to comment on the ways different children move.

Glossary 4

L ess on
Unit: Water Musical focus: Pitch
Subject link: Art

3 Lesson Plan

Lesson learning What you will

• Performing a simple repeated pattern
• Tuned percussion, eg chime
bars, xylophone notes –

Teaching Activities

Rippling rhythm
Identify and join in with a recurring musical idea in a piece of music
Children: Vocabulary
–– listen to music and describe its mood; • Rhythm
• T imbre – slide, bubbling,
–– use voices to explore the sounds of the music; wooden
–– identify and count the repetitions of a musical idea; • Pitch – ascending: low to
–– in two groups, add vocal and instrument sounds to the music. • D escending: high to low

Row your boat

Learn a song about activity on the water
–– listen to a new version of a traditional song;
–– compare two pieces of music to identify similarities;
–– match images to the verses and learn to sing the song.

Life is but a dream

Learn to play a descending melody and create a performance
Children: EXTENDED
Music Express Age 5-6 © 2014 A&C Black (an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing plc)

–– listen to a song and clap the rhythm of one phrase; LEARNING

–– follow a score to learn to play a descending pitch phrase on tuned percussion; Ask children to work out the
complete melody of Row your
–– perform the song with tuned accompaniment and vocal sound interludes. boat using notes CDEFGC’:
CCCDE – Row, row, row your

Support: For those children who find it difficult to identify pitch, draw the violin slides from Rippling EDEFG – Gently down the
rhythm in the air with your finger, from low to high as you make your own low to high vocal slides.
Also practise descending slides by pointing from high to low as you make your own high to low vocal C’C’C’ GGG EEE CCC –
slides. Draw slides in the air – can the children all make the matching ascending or descending pitch Merrily, merrily, merrily,
shape with their voice? merrily...

Glossary 5

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