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Ashutosh Sharma

Peer Graded Assignment

Section 1. Inter-relatedness of organizational functions

a) Describe one element of the organization that is affected by recruitment and

selection. (For example, if you have a labor shortage you cannot satisfy customer

Ans: As per my past experience in one of the US based Real Estate Property Consultants
firms, lesser engagement with employees led to demotivation among employees which
ultimately affect their performance. Many left the organization and found a better opportunity
in one of the competitor’s firm. So, basically it affected the turnover rate in the firm.

b) Describe how an element of the organization affects recruitment and selection.

(For example, if you have a decrease of customer demand and sales, you may
have to reduce wages. This would likely make it harder to recruit employees.)

Ans: Honestly speaking, the firm has not learnt the lesson, they hire the employees in lower
salary packages, whereas it should be more as per the nature and demand of job. This again
leads to demotivation among the employees. There are various factors that are responsible for
that in India, but I don’t want to discuss about it as it could lead to a long story.

Section 2. Internal Factors

Address one of these internal factors in your organization. How does it affect
recruitment and selection? What is/are the

 Current workforce profile

 Sales numbers
 Future outlook
 Succession plans
 Turnover
 Engagement
 Budgets
 Productivity, quality, safety
 Production capabilities
Ans: Engagement, Budgests, Productivity are the three factors which affects the Recruitment
process. But the thing is the firm where I worked, they say that are No 1 globally, but the
employees never felt like. Rest I don’t know about the current scenario since I am no more
associated with them, but still whenever I connect with my ex-colleagues, I get to heard the
same things. The Leadership is more concerned about numbers rather than engaging with

Section 3. External Factors

Address one of these external factors in your organization. How does it affect

recruitment and selection?

 Labor Market– pay rates, unemployment

 Economy
 Competition
 Globalization
 Technology
 Industry
 Legislation
 Customer demands (seasonality, preferences)
 Location of organization
 Societal changes and demographics

Ans: Competition is one of the external factors that affects recruitment and selection. The
employees are leaving the organization for a better opportunity. The competitors are

Section 4. Inputs, Outputs and Throughputs

Name an input, throughput and output of the recruitment and selection process.
Explain your answer.


 Input= applicants
 Throughput= selection process
 Output= new hire
Ans: Input= Employees

Throughput= Enagagement

Output= Less Attrition, more motivation

Section 5. Feedback

Feedback is a crucial component of systems theory. What sort of feedback do we need

to gain from the internal and external environment to ensure the success of our
recruitment and selection methods?

Furthermore, how will you measure the success of your recruitment and selection

Ans: As per my opinion, from both these factors the firm needs to communicate,
communicate and communicate with the employees. Communicate the vision to them, so that
their strategies and objectives can link with the firm’s vision. This will not only motivate
employees but will increase productivity. Ultimately, it will increase the employer and
company branding. Also, during the recruitment process I would suggest the recruitment
team needs to communicate their expectations more clearly to candidates.

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