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7/18/2020 [ A.C. No.

6252, October 05, 2004 ]

483 Phil. 94

[ A.C. No. 6252, October 05, 2004 ]


Notaries public are expected to exert utmost care in the performance of their duties, which are
impressed with public interest. They are enjoined to comply faithfully with the solemnities and
requirements of the Notarial Law. This Court will not hesitate to mete out appropriate sanctions
to those who violate it or neglect observance thereof.

The Case and the Facts

Before us is a verified Complaint[1] filed by Jonar Santiago, an employee of the Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology (BJMP), for the disbarment of Atty. Edison V. Rafanan. The
Complaint was filed with the Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD) of the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines (IBP) on January 16, 2001. It charged Atty. Rafanan with deceit; malpractice or
other gross misconduct in office under Section 27 of Rule 138[2] of the Rules of Court; and
violation of Canons 1.01, 1.02 and 1.03[3], Canon 5[4], and Canons 12.07[5] and 12.08 of the
Code of Professional Responsibility (CPR).

In his Report, IBP Investigating Commissioner Leland R. Villadolid Jr. summarized the
allegations of the complainant in this wise:

“x x x. In his Letter-Complaint, Complainant alleged, among others, that Respondent

in notarizing several documents on different dates failed and/or refused to: a)make
the proper notation regarding the cedula or community tax certificate of the affiants;
b) enter the details of the notarized documents in the notarial register; and c) make
and execute the certification and enter his PTR and IBP numbers in the documents
he had notarized, all in violation of the notarial provisions of the Revised
Administrative Code.

“Complainant likewise alleged that Respondent executed an Affidavit in favor of his

client and offered the same as evidence in the case wherein he was actively
representing his client. Finally, Complainant alleges that on a certain date,
Respondent accompanied by several persons waited for Complainant after the
hearing and after confronting the latter disarmed him of his sidearm and thereafter
uttered insulting words and veiled threats.”[6]… 1/10
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On March 23, 2001, pursuant to the January 19, 2001 Order of the CBD,[7] Atty. Rafanan filed
his verified Answer.[8] He admitted having administered the oath to the affiants whose
Affidavits were attached to the verified Complaint. He believed, however, that the non-notation
of their Residence Certificates in the Affidavits and the Counter-affidavits was allowed.

He opined that the notation of residence certificates applied only to documents acknowledged
by a notary public and was not mandatory for affidavits related to cases pending before courts
and other government offices. He pointed out that in the latter, the affidavits, which were sworn
to before government prosecutors, did not have to indicate the residence certificates of the
affiants. Neither did other notaries public in Nueva Ecija -- some of whom were older
practitioners -- indicate the affiants’ residence certificates on the documents they notarized, or
have entries in their notarial register for these documents.

As to his alleged failure to comply with the certification required by Section 3 of Rule 112[9] of
the Rules of Criminal Procedure, respondent explained that as counsel of the affiants, he had the
option to comply or not with the certification. To nullify the Affidavits, it was complainant who
was duty-bound to bring the said noncompliance to the attention of the prosecutor conducting
the preliminary investigation.

As to his alleged violation of Rule 12.08 of the CPR, respondent argued that lawyers could
testify on behalf of their clients “on substantial matters, in cases where [their] testimony is
essential to the ends of justice.” Complainant charged respondent’s clients with attempted
murder. Respondent averred that since they were in his house when the alleged crime occurred,
“his testimony is very essential to the ends of justice.”

Respondent alleged that it was complainant who had threatened and harassed his clients after
the hearing of their case by the provincial prosecutor on January 4, 2001. Respondent requested
the assistance of the Cabanatuan City Police the following day, January 5, 2001, which was the
next scheduled hearing, to avoid a repetition of the incident and to allay the fears of his clients.
In support of his allegations, he submitted Certifications[10] from the Cabanatuan City Police
and the Joint Affidavit[11] of the two police officers who had assisted them.

Lastly, he contended that the case had been initiated for no other purpose than to harass him,
because he was the counsel of Barangay Captain Ernesto Ramos in the cases filed by the latter
before the ombudsman and the BJMP against complainant.

After receipt of respondent’s Answer, the CBD, through Commissioner Tyrone R. Cimafranca,
set the case for hearing on June 5, 2001, at two o’clock in the afternoon. Notices[12] of the
hearing were sent to the parties by registered mail. On the scheduled date and time of the
hearing, only complainant appeared. Respondent was unable to do so, apparently because he
had received the Notice only on June 8, 2001.[13] The hearing was reset to July 3, 2001 at two
o’clock in the afternoon.

On the same day, June 5, 2001, complainant filed his Reply[14] to the verified Answer of
respondent. The latter’s Rejoinder was received by the CBD on July 13, 2001.[15] It also
received complainant’s Letter-Request[16] to dispense with the hearings. Accordingly, it granted… 2/10
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that request in its Order[17] dated July 24, 2001, issued through Commissioner Cimafranca. It
thereby directed the parties to submit their respective memoranda within fifteen days from
receipt of the Order, after which the case was to be deemed submitted for resolution.

The CBD received complainant’s Memorandum[18] on September 26, 2001. Respondent did not
file any.

The IBP’s Recommendation

On September 27, 2003, the IBP Board of Governors issued Resolution No. XVI-2003-172[19]
approving and adopting the Investigating Commissioner’s Report that respondent had violated
specific requirements of the Notarial Law on the execution of a certification, the entry of such
certification in the notarial register, and the indication of the affiant’s residence certificate. The
IBP Board of Governors found his excuse for the violations unacceptable. It modified, however,
the recommendation[20] of the investigating commissioner by increasing the fine to “P3,000
with a warning that any repetition of the violation will be dealt with a heavier penalty.”

The other charges -- violation of Section 27 of Rule 138 of the Rules of Court; and Canons 1.01
to 1.03, 12.07 and 12.08 of the CPR --were dismissed for insufficiency of evidence.

The Court’s Ruling

We agree with the Resolution of the IBP Board of Governors.

Respondent’s Administrative Liability

Violation of the Notarial Law

The Notarial Law is explicit on the obligations and duties of notaries public. They are required
to certify that the party to every document acknowledged before them has presented the proper
residence certificate (or exemption from the residence tax); and to enter its number, place of
issue and date as part of such certification.[21] They are also required to maintain and keep a
notarial register; to enter therein all instruments notarized by them; and to “give to each
instrument executed, sworn to, or acknowledged before [them] a number corresponding to the
one in [their] register [and to state therein] the page or pages of [their] register, on which the
same is recorded.”[22] Failure to perform these duties would result in the revocation of their
commission as notaries public.[23]

These formalities are mandatory and cannot be simply neglected, considering the degree of
importance and evidentiary weight attached to notarized documents. Notaries public entering
into their commissions are presumed to be aware of these elementary requirements.

In Vda. de Rosales v. Ramos,[24] the Court explained the value and meaning of notarization as
follows:… 3/10
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“The importance attached to the act of notarization cannot be overemphasized.

Notarization is not an empty, meaningless, routinary act. It is invested with
substantive public interest, such that only those who are qualified or authorized may
act as notaries public. Notarization converts a private document into a public
document thus making that document admissible in evidence without further proof
of its authenticity. A notarial document is by law entitled to full faith and credit upon
its face. Courts, administrative agencies and the public at large must be able to rely
upon the acknowledgment executed by a notary public and appended to a private

For this reason, notaries public should not take for granted the solemn duties pertaining to their
office. Slipshod methods in their performance of the notarial act are never to be countenanced.
They are expected to exert utmost care in the performance of their duties,[25] which are dictated
by public policy and are impressed with public interest.

It is clear from the pleadings before us -- and respondent has readily admitted -- that he violated
the Notarial Law by failing to enter in the documents notations of the residence certificate, as
well as the entry number and the pages of the notarial registry.

Respondent believes, however, that noncompliance with those requirements is not mandatory
for affidavits relative to cases pending before the courts and government agencies. He points to
similar practices of older notaries in Nueva Ecija.

We cannot give credence to, much less honor, his claim. His belief that the requirements do not
apply to affidavits is patently irrelevant. No law dispenses with these formalities. Au contraire,
the Notarial Law makes no qualification or exception. It is appalling and inexcusable that he did
away with the basics of notarial procedure allegedly because others were doing so. Being
swayed by the bad example of others is not an acceptable justification for breaking the law.

We note further that the documents attached to the verified Complaint are the Joint Counter-
Affidavit of respondent’s clients Ernesto Ramos and Rey Geronimo, as well as their witnesses’
Affidavits relative to Criminal Case No. 69-2000 for attempted murder, filed by complainant’s
brother against the aforementioned clients. These documents became the basis of the present

As correctly pointed out by the investigating commissioner, Section 3 of Rule 112 of the Rules
of Criminal Procedure expressly requires respondent as notary -- in the absence of any fiscal,
state prosecutor or government official authorized to administer the oath -- to “certify that he
has personally examined the affiants and that he is satisfied that they voluntarily executed and
understood their affidavits.” Respondent failed to do so with respect to the subject Affidavits
and Counter-Affidavits in the belief that -- as counsel for the affiants -- he was not required to
comply with the certification requirement.

It must be emphasized that the primary duty of lawyers is to obey the laws of the land and
promote respect for the law and legal processes.[26] They are expected to be in the forefront in
the observance and maintenance of the rule of law. This duty carries with it the obligation to be
well-informed of the existing laws and to keep abreast with legal developments, recent
enactments and jurisprudence.[27] It is imperative that they be conversant with basic legal… 4/10
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principles. Unless they faithfully comply with such duty, they may not be able to discharge
competently and diligently their obligations as members of the bar. Worse, they may become
susceptible to committing mistakes.

Where notaries public are lawyers, a graver responsibility is placed upon them by reason of
their solemn oath to obey the laws.[28] No custom or age-old practice provides sufficient excuse
or justification for their failure to adhere to the provisions of the law. In this case, the excuse
given by respondent exhibited his clear ignorance of the Notarial Law, the Rules of Criminal
Procedure, and the importance of his office as a notary public.

Nonetheless, we do not agree with complainant’s plea to disbar respondent from the practice of
law. The power to disbar must be exercised with great caution.[29] Disbarment will be imposed
as a penalty only in a clear case of misconduct that seriously affects the standing and the
character of the lawyer as an officer of the court and a member of the bar. Where any lesser
penalty can accomplish the end desired, disbarment should not be decreed.[30] Considering the
nature of the infraction and the absence of deceit on the part of respondent, we believe that the
penalty recommended by the IBP Board of Governors is a sufficient disciplinary measure in this

Lawyer as Witness for Client

Complainant further faults respondent for executing before Prosecutor Leonardo Padolina an
affidavit corroborating the defense of alibi proffered by respondent’s clients, allegedly in
violation of Rule 12.08 of the CPR: “A lawyer shall avoid testifying in behalf of his client.”

Rule 12.08 of Canon 12 of the CPR states:

“Rule 12.08 – A lawyer shall avoid testifying in behalf of his client, except:

a) on formal matters, such as the mailing, authentication or custody of an instrument

and the like;

b) on substantial matters, in cases where his testimony is essential to the ends of

justice, in which event he must, during his testimony, entrust the trial of the case to
another counsel.”

Parenthetically, under the law, a lawyer is not disqualified from being a witness,[31] except only
in certain cases pertaining to privileged communication arising from an attorney-client

The reason behind such rule is the difficulty posed upon lawyers by the task of dissociating their
relation to their clients as witnesses from that as advocates. Witnesses are expected to tell the
facts as they recall them. In contradistinction, advocates are partisans -- those who actively
plead and defend the cause of others. It is difficult to distinguish the fairness and impartiality of
a disinterested witness from the zeal of an advocate. The question is one of propriety rather than
of competency of the lawyers who testify for their clients.… 5/10
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“Acting or appearing to act in the double capacity of lawyer and witness for the client will
provoke unkind criticism and leave many people to suspect the truthfulness of the lawyer
because they cannot believe the lawyer as disinterested. The people will have a plausible reason
for thinking, and if their sympathies are against the lawyer’s client, they will have an
opportunity, not likely to be neglected, for charging, that as a witness he fortified it with his own
testimony. The testimony of the lawyer becomes doubted and is looked upon as partial and

Thus, although the law does not forbid lawyers from being witnesses and at the same time
counsels for a cause, the preference is for them to refrain from testifying as witnesses, unless
they absolutely have to; and should they do so, to withdraw from active management of the

Notwithstanding this guideline and the existence of the Affidavit executed by Atty. Rafanan in
favor of his clients, we cannot hastily make him administratively liable for the following

First, we consider it the duty of a lawyer to assert every remedy and defense that is authorized
by law for the benefit of the client, especially in a criminal action in which the latter’s life and
liberty are at stake.[35] It is the fundamental right of the accused to be afforded full opportunity
to rebut the charges against them. They are entitled to suggest all those reasonable doubts that
may arise from the evidence as to their guilt; and to ensure that if they are convicted, such
conviction is according to law.

Having undertaken the defense of the accused, respondent, as defense counsel, was thus
expected to spare no effort to save his clients from a wrong conviction. He had the duty to
present -- by all fair and honorable means -- every defense and mitigating circumstance that the
law permitted, to the end that his clients would not be deprived of life, liberty or property,
except by due process of law.[36]

The Affidavit executed by Atty. Rafanan was clearly necessary for the defense of his clients,
since it pointed out the fact that on the alleged date and time of the incident, his clients were at
his residence and could not have possibly committed the crime charged against them. Notably,
in his Affidavit, complainant does not dispute the statements of respondent or suggest the falsity
of its contents.

Second, paragraph (b) of Rule 12.08 contemplates a situation in which lawyers give their
testimonies during the trial. In this instance, the Affidavit was submitted during the preliminary
investigation which, as such, was merely inquisitorial.[37] Not being a trial of the case on the
merits, a preliminary investigation has the oft-repeated purposes of securing innocent persons
against hasty, malicious and oppressive prosecutions; protecting them from open and public
accusations of crime and from the trouble as well as expense and anxiety of a public trial; and
protecting the State from useless and expensive prosecutions.[38] The investigation is advisedly
called preliminary, as it is yet to be followed by the trial proper.

Nonetheless, we deem it important to stress and remind respondent to refrain from accepting
employment in any matter in which he knows or has reason to believe that he may be an… 6/10
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essential witness for the prospective client. Furthermore, in future cases in which his testimony
may become essential to serve the “ends of justice,” the canons of the profession require him to
withdraw from the active prosecution of these cases.

No Proof of Harassment

The charge that respondent harassed complainant and uttered insulting words and veiled threats
is not supported by evidence. Allegation is never equivalent to proof, and a bare charge cannot
be equated with liability.[39] It is not the self-serving claim of complainant but the version of
respondent that is more credible, considering that the latter’s allegations are corroborated by the
Affidavits of the police officers and the Certifications of the Cabanatuan City Police.

WHEREFORE, Atty. Edison V. Rafanan is found guilty of violating the Notarial Law and
Canon 5 of the Code of Professional Responsibility and is hereby FINED P3,000 with a
warning that similar infractions in the future will be dealt with more severely.


Sandoval-Gutierrez, and Corona, J., concur.

Carpio-Morales, J., on leave.

[1] Records, pp. 1-4.

[2]“Sec. 27. Attorneys removed or suspended by Supreme Court on what grounds. – A member
of the bar may be removed or suspended from his office as attorney by the Supreme Court for
any deceit, malpractice, or other gross misconduct in such office, grossly immoral conduct, or
by reason of his conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude, or for any violation of the oath
which he is required to take before admission to practice, or for a willful disobedience of any
lawful order of a superior court, or for corruptly or willfully appearing as an attorney for a party
to a case without authority to do so. The practice of soliciting cases at law for the purpose of
gain, either personally or through paid agents or brokers, constitutes malpractice.”

[3] “CANON 1 – x x x

Rule 1.01 – A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.

Rule 1.02 – A lawyer shall not counsel or abet activities aimed at defiance of the law or at
lessening confidence in the legal system.

Rule 1.03 – A lawyer shall not, for any corrupt motive or interest, encourage any suit or
proceeding or delay any man’s cause.”

[4]“CANON 5 – A lawyer shall keep abreast of legal developments, participate in continuing

legal education programs, support efforts to achieve high standards in law schools as well as in
the practical training of law students and assist in disseminating information regarding the law… 7/10
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and jurisprudence.”

[5] “CANON 12 – x x x

Rule 12.07 – A lawyer shall not abuse, browbeat or harass a witness nor needlessly
inconvenience him.”

[6] Annex A, Notice of Resolution of the IBP Board of Governors; Report, pp. 1-2.

[7] Records, p. 13.

[8] Id., pp. 14-18.

[9] “Sec. 3. Procedure. – x x x

“(a) x x x. The affidavits shall be sworn to before any prosecutor or government

official authorized to administer oath, or, in their absence or unavailability, before a
notary public, each of whom must certify that he personally examined the affiants
and that he is satisfied that they voluntarily executed and understood their affidavits.

xxx xxx xxx

“(c) Within ten (10) days from receipt of the subpoena with the complaint and
supporting affidavits and documents, the respondent shall submit his counter-
affidavit and that of his witnesses and other supporting documents relied upon for
his defense. The counter-affidavits shall be subscribed and sworn to and certified as
provided in paragraph (a) of this section x x x.”

[10] Records, pp. 54-55.

[11] Joint Affidavit of PO3 Ronaldo S. Gamboa and PO2 Nicasio A. Yambot; records, p. 68.

[12] Records, p. 57.

[13] See Registry Return Receipt attached to Notice of Hearing.

[14] Records, pp. 59-63.

[15] Id., pp. 65-67.

[16] Id., p. 74.

[17] Id., p. 88.

[18] Id., pp. 92-100.… 8/10
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[19] See Notice of Resolution; records, p. 103.

[20]The investigating commissioner recommended that “respondent be reprimanded and fined

P1,500.00 for violating Canon 5 of the Code of Professional Responsibility.”

[21] §251 of the Revised Administrative Code.

[22] §246 of the Revised Administrative Code.

[23]§249 of the Revised Administrative Code; Protacio v. Mendoza, 395 SCRA 10, 17, January
13, 2003.

[24] 383 SCRA 498, 504, July 2, 2002, per Bellosillo, J.

[25]Vda. de Bernardo v. Restauro, 404 SCRA 599, 603, June 25, 2003; Maligsa v. Cabanting,
272 SCRA 408, 414, May 14, 1997; Arrieta v. Llosa, 282 SCRA 248, 253, November 28, 1997.

[26] Canon 1 of the CPR.

[27] Canon 5 of the CPR.

[28] Alitagtag v. Garcia, 403 SCRA 335, 341, June 10, 2003.

[29] Ibid.

[30] Vda. de Rosales v. Ramos, supra.

[31] Per §20 of the Rules of Court.

[32] Per §24 of the Rules of Court.

Vicente J. Francisco, Legal Ethics (1949), p. 203 (citing Williams, Legal Ethics, p. 53; and
Warvelle, Legal Ethics, p. 119).

[34] Philippine National Bank v. Uy Teng Piao, 57 Phil. 337, October 21, 1932.

[35] Canon 5 of the Canons of Professional Ethics; §20 (i) of Rule 138, Rules of Court.

[36] Lames v. Lascieras, 89 SCRA 186, 189, March 30, 1979.

[37]Manuel R. Pamaran, Rules on Criminal Procedure Annotated (1998), p. 161 (citing Tandoc
v. Resultan, 175 SCRA 37, July 5, 1989).… 9/10
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[38] Ibid.

[39] Manubay v. Garcia, 386 Phil. 440, 443, April 12, 2000.

Source: Supreme Court E-Library | Date created: October 29, 2014

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