Films As A Form of Mass Media

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“The motion picture today is the greatest medium of expression the world has ever known. [It is]
capable of giving life and form to all ideas, practical and emotional …Its only limitation [is] human
ingenuity-said by John.F.Kennedy, A.S.C, 1930”. (Sanders & Norris, 2001). John.F.Kennedy was an
inventor and an American cinematographer.

Another footprint in the sand of communication is after the invention of films. Cinema or film a form
of Mass Media has become a powerful tool since the day it was introduced to the world.
Cinematographic derived from the Greek word meaning movement and writing was invented by the
Lumeire Brothers. In 1929, “The Lights of Newyork” the first talking film was screened. Cinema came
to India in 1986, when the film “Pundalik” directed by R.G.Torney and N.C.Chitra was released in
18th may. The film industry has grown rapidly for the past years and has brought about a lot of
changes in the society.

“Film Communication a process of transferring meanings or information’s trough visual receptors”. It

is a man who creates this form of communication.” There exists a cognitive relationship between a
filmmaker and a viewer. Cinema is perhaps the mainstreams of all art forms and most accessed and
most preferred especially in India. Therefore, it is very important to understand how the country, its
people and its aspirations are represented in the cinema. Cinemas can be a form of art,
entertainment, social document or critique.

Film is a reflection of society for both the present and the past. Film and its innovation sometimes
have to catch up to society but sometimes it leads the society and culture too.

Lot of studies have been made on the impact of films on the societies culture but however there
were a significant changes in the field of cultural studies in the 1980s and the 1990s which dealt with
the complications of the model of culture as a site of hegemonic contestation between dominant
and the subordinate groups.

In today’s system of movie making each of the six major studios makes less than 20 movies per year.
The rest comes from individual producers, investment, distributors, exhibition each handled by
different companies. Most of these independent movies are distributed by the six studios.

Film as one such form of mass media has a great impact on the societies in many ways. Film industry
is one of the most expensive and discovering industry in mass media. In true sense it is a dream
Today movies are created by one group, funded by the second group, sold by the third group and
shows by the fourth group. The first group is producers, directors, second group are investors, third
are distributors and the final group the exhibitors.

Today’s generation films have handled a lot of controversial topic has a main plot in this movies.
Topics such as religion, terror attacks, transgender, homosexuality, child labor, poverty etc. Movies
have actually brought to the world an idea about all the above through their stories and concepts.
But at the same time they idealize or generalize few things for the profit sake and public believes it
and it finally becomes a stereotype process.

This majorly happens in Indian cinemas as most of the stories relate to the audience, if not the story
at least segment of it will. Indian movies have a better impact on the audience compared to other
movies because it is only in this country people go to the theatre as a practice, habit , sometimes
even for informatio

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