SBM Wins Best Practices and Future Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Roxas City
Region VI – Western Visayas
Roxas City District I – Cluster 2
City of Roxas
Mobile No.: 09177211968 /Tel. No: 6202-963 | Email Address: [email protected]

Best Practices

 Safe drinking water is provide is free for all learners in the school for all times
 Water for cleaning is available at all times
 Basura ko, Himuson ko
 Daily cleaning and proper and regular operation and maintenance of toilet and
individual handwashing facilities.
 Elimination of breeding grounds for mosquitos inside and around the school
 Food handlers secure their updated health certificates
 Signages are

 Conducted symposium for menstrual cycle management.
 Constructed 5 group handwashing facilities.
 Repair and maintenance of handwashing and toilet facilities are reflected in
school improvement plan and annual improvement plan.
 Daily supervise group handwashing.
 Daily supervise group activity.
 Integrates handwashing and toothbrushing activity
 School provides toothbrush,toothpaste and soaps.
 Sanitary Pads are accessible in the school.

 Conducted semi-annual deworming activities
Health education
 Integrates health and sanitation in all subject at all grade levels

Capability building
 The school regularly conducts programs & activities like Nutrition Month
Celebration, Global Hand washing, World Toilet Day, Immunization Day

Future plans

 Strengthen the practice of “Basura ko, Himuson ko”

 The water should be tested a year in coordination of MRWD
 Construction of additional toilet or comfort room to be use by the pupils/students
 There are planned and organized activities for parents/stakeholders for learning
and advocating WinS.
 WinS is part of INSET
 Establish a student organization to promote WinS
I. Rationale
Inzo Arnaldo Village Integrated School dubbed as the “Rising Star at the
Heart of the City” is in line with the ideals and mandates of the Department
of Education in the provision and implementation of the School-Based
Management program which is geared towards the effective and improved
delivery of school-related management activities deliberately and purposively
done for the learners entrusted to the care of the school. One aspect of the
School-Based Management (SBM) program is the implementation of the
WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) in Schools project or commonly
known as WinS.

We cannot deny the fact that hygiene and sanitation are essential to good
health, it is the most basic requirement to achieve this. According to the
DepEd mandates, adequate water supply and adequate toilet and proper
handwashing facilities are required to achieve good hygiene and sanitation.
The lack of access to these facilities poses risk to people’s health. However,
the mere presence of these facilities is not enough to achieve better hygiene
and sanitation among the community members. Proper and correct practices
in the use of these facilities must be practiced to maximize the benefits and
achieve the impact on the well-being of the community.
More so, hygiene and sanitation challenges have caused many children in
developing countries to fall ill and even die from infection with intestinal
parasites, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. This situation also leads to anemia,
stunted growth, and the higher incidence of absenteeism which consequently
impedes a child’s learning and ability to stay in school.
As an institution of learning with the primary goal of ensuring the safety
and effective learning of its learners, IAVIS is indeed aggressive in its
campaign towards the implementation of the WinS project. Health is indeed a
determinant, an essential component towards the learning outcome of the
learners, thus as a consideration, IAVIS do not put it at stake.

As a matter of fact, IAVIS goes beyond the simple handwashing, tooth

brushing activities, and deworming practices which are considered to be the
key programs of the SBM-WinS. More so, the activities undertaken covers
water, sanitation including food handling and preparation, hygiene including
menstrual hygiene management, deworming, health education, and capacity
II. Critical Needs of SBM-WinS implementation-based on 3-star approach tool
III. Projects implemented vis-à-vis critical needs
IV. SBM-WinS Implementation Best Practices and Innovations
V. Insights and lessons learned gained
Implementing SBM-WinS is important. This program ensures that the
school is a clean and safe place, there is an equitable access to safe water,
proper hygiene and sanitation is observe among learners and public and
private stakeholders are involved for sustainability.

VI. Future Plans to sustain SBM-WinS implementation

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