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Republic of the Philippines


Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula EXAMINATION
Division of Zamboanga del Sur in
Org. & Mgt.- G11
Brgy. Tickwas, Dumalinao, Zamboanga del Sur
1. You will have 60 minutes to complete the test.
2. It is worth 20% of your Second Quarter grade. Name:
3. Read and answer each question carefully.
4. Encircle the letter of your choice Instructions

1. Economic development phases are the distinct stages involved in the total process of economic
development in a particular country. Which of the following among the greater concerns of genuine
economic development?
a. deterrent development of business sectors b. total improvement of the quality of people’s lives
c. fast growing economy d. making people’s lives miserable
2. Which of the following is the top priority of world leaders in their Millennium Development Goals?
a. eradicates extreme hunger and poverty b. achieve universal primary education
c. reduces child mortality d. improve maternal health
3. You are employed in a nonprofit organization, which of the following BEST describe of the
a. an organization focusing on income generation and profit-making activities.
b. a business organization that group together those with similar or related specialized duties
c. a business organization made up of separate business units that are semi-autonomous
d. an organization providing service to clients without expecting monetary gains
4. With the advent of modern technology, more business enterprise had been changing their forms
of business in order to address the needs of the costumers. Which of the following is the purpose of
changing the forms of business organization?
a. to ensure effectiveness, efficiency and relevance in the world of business
b. to have higher yield of profits c. to adopt what is trending form of business enterprise
d. to level the international standards of business organization
5. Why planning is the first management function and a very essential component of management?
a. it creates positive environment both managers and employees
b. it provides direction to all the organization’s human resources-both managers as well as employees
c. it enhances relationship of managers and employees
d. it invites international investors
6. Why planning is important?
a. because it reduces uncertainty b. to encourage workers to do the job well
c. enhances ones’ performance d. because of the demand of the job
7. How does long-term plans differ from operational plans?
a. long term-plan goes beyond three years while operational plan covers one year or less
b. long term-plans are flexible or give general guidelines while operational plan does not
c. long term-plan goes beyond three years while operational plan the scope is narrow
d. long term-plans are clearly stated while operational plan is ongoing
8. If you are the manager in a certain business organization, how do you consider the different
types of planning? a. different types of plans are necessary to gauge workers
b. considering the different types of planning is expected in an organization
c. it gives negative impact to a business organization
d. different types of plans are made to meet organizational needs
9. Why planning at different levels in the firm is desirable?
a. this is to incorporate planning and decisions at different levels of management
b. to address needs of the organization one at a time
c. a great help in achieving common goals of the organization
d. excellent dissemination of information to all levels
10. How can planning through benchmarking be used by the owner/manager of a five-star hotel?
a. benchmarking may be used by the owner/manager of a five-star hotel in the expansion of the
b. benchmarking may be used in order to search for best practices used by other organizations that
enabled them to achieve superior performance
c. planning through benchmarking may be used in achieving organizational goals
d. planning through benchmarking may be used to meet the changes or challenges in the future
11. Why should organizations be encouraged to have an organization chart?
a. this is to give an idea of workers/employees the tasks and function they need to perform in
an organization
b. it involves assigning of different tasks to different people in the organizations’ different work
c. in order to increase collaboration and coordination
d. organization structure must be understood by all members of the organization
12. Why should there be a division of labor in an organization?
a. this involves the collaboration and coordination of its different work units or work divisions
b. there is a need for integration among the different units
c. in order for a specific worker to perform his/her assign task efficiently and effectively
d. to develop mastery in performing the tasks given
13. Your father is known to be working in a matrix-project design for so long, he works as a
specialist for a certain project. What challenge that your father may experience in doing the project?
a. task and personality conflicts b. great pressure on teams to perform
c. lack of control and problems in communication d. cost-saving advantages
14. An example of functional organizational design is a marketing firm that markets cars and
related products like tires, car batteries and accessories. Which of the following is the strength of
functional organizational design?
a. cost-saving advantages b. focused on results
c. clear accountability d. fast decision-making and
15. What will happen when simple organizational design theory is being applied?
a. functional departmentalization is being utilized
b. its strengths and weaknesses are revealed
c. it provides financial and legal support services
d. achieves the right combination of differentiation and integration
16. The following are elements of delegation EXCEPT one.
a. authority or the right to set officially or legally
b. responsibility or the state of being answerable legally/morally for the discharge of a duty
c. accountability is to be liable to be called to explain
d. delegating tasks to others
17. How does formal and informal organizations differ?
a. formal and informal organizations differ in terms of formation and its purpose of delivering services
b. formal and informal organizations exist because of friendship or common interest
c. formal and informal organizations formed by the company or manager to help the firm
d. formal and informal organizations satisfy the members’ need for affiliation
18. Why there is a need to identify the qualifications for the individual positions?
a. to encourage fast managerial and labor turnover
b. to fill the responsibilities of current and future jobs in the organization
c. so that the best-suited individuals for the job positions may be selected for hiring
d. for internal replacements or successors for vacant nonmanagerial positions
19. Why managers need not make detailed succession planning in terms of identifying vacant job
a. because these job positions are less sensitive
b. because external recruitment follows
c. nonmanagerial positions are usually done as the need arises
d. can be accomplished with the use of an inventory chart
20. Which of the following does not belong to staffing steps?
a. identifying of job position vacancies b. external recruiting
c. placing the selected applicant d. travel abroad
Test II-Essay: Discuss the following statements substantially and convincingly. Use separate sheet
of paper for your answer. (10 points each)
1. Sustainable economic development ensures that the present needs of a particular generation
are fully met without endangering the ability of future generations to also fully meet their
own needs. But, how will you address the problem on the abuse of ecological elements
happening today which will surely threaten sustainable economic development?
2. A well-thought-out plan requires a longer period of preparation; its execution or application
must also be done for a certain period of time–months or years-before it begins to affect
performance. With this point of view, is there a clear relationship between planning and
performance? Explain
3. Present and future needs for managers and other human resources are affected by both
external and internal forces. External forces include economic, technological, social, political
and legal factors while internal forces include the firm’s goal and objectives, technology, the
types of work that have to be done, salary scales and the kinds of people employed by the
company. How does external and internal forces affect present and future needs for human

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