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a compilation of grammar exercises with links to tutorials
DISCLAIMER: This is a compilation of grammar activities which might be useful for year 2 Bachillerato
students, and possibly to B1-B2 students at Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas.

The links to tutorials are all my own and based on a work at

However, most of the material is just a compilation of exercises taken, adapted and rehashed from many
different sources: textbooks, grammar books, websites. I do not claim authorship of the exercises.
Extensive reworking of the original exercises has been made over the years to suit my students’ needs and
update the material.

No profit is to be made from sharing this material, nor any copyright infringement is intended. The sole
purpose is to help students revise key grammar points in an independent way.


1. Conditional clauses/I wish-If only…………………………………………………………………………1

2. Relative clauses ……………………………………………………………………………………………12

3. Reported Speech……………………………………………………………………………………………20

4. Passive voice. Personal/impersonal construction………………………………………………………26

5. Have/get something done…………………………………………………………………………………36

6. Used to/would; be used to -ing/get used to -ing………………………………………………………39

7. Modal verbs…………………………………………………………………………………………………42

8. As/like ………………………………………………………………………………………………………44

9. Subordinate clauses: purpose, result, contrast, cause, time)…………………………………………46

10. Comparatives and superlatives …………………………………………………………………………54

11. Emphasising the message: cleft/pseudo-cleft sentences, inversions ………………………………57

12. Gerund /it…to inf …………………………………………………………………………………………59

13. Too/enough …………………………………………………………………………………………………62

14. Rephrasing practice (1) ……………………………………………………………………………………64

15. Rephrasing practice (2) ……………………………………………………………………………………65

16. Tenses in English……………………………………………………………………………………………70


For an explanation of conditional clauses you can visit this link: https://

1. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form.

1. Why didn't you phone? If I (know)……………………………………………… you were coming, I

(meet)……………………………… …………………… you at the airport.

2. It's a pity you missed the party. If you (come)………………………………………………, you (meet)
…………………………………………………………………… my friends from Hungary.

3. If we (have) …………………………………………………… some tools, we (be able)

…………………………………………………………………… to repair the car, but we haven't got any
with us.

4. If you (not help)………………………………………………………… me, I (not pass)

……………………… …………………………………… the exam.

5. It's a beautiful house, and I (buy)………………………………………………………… it if I (have)

…………………………………………………………………… the money, but I can't afford it.

6. I can't imagine what I (do)…………………………………………………………………… with the

money if I (win)…………………………………………………………………… the lottery.

7. If Mark (train)…………………………………………………………………… harder, he (be)

…………………………………………………………………… a good runner.

8. If Claire (listen)…………………………………………………………………… to her mother, she (not

marry)…………………………………………………………………… David in the first place.

9. If I didn’t need the money, I (not work)…………………………………………………… on Saturdays

10. I (meet)…………………………………………………………………… you at the airport if you tell me

what time the flight arrives

11. If you’re late again, you (lose)…………………………………………………………………… your job

12. If she (not be)…………………………………………………………………… so selfish, she would have

more friends

13. (You/ retire)……………………………………………………… if you won the lottery?

14. We’ll be very surprised if they (get)……………………………………………………… married this year.

15. If there were more car parks, there (not be)……………………… ………………………… so much

16. You’d meet more people if you (go out)…………………………………………………… more often

17. If I have more time this year, I (learn)……………………………………………………… another


18. If I had more time, I (learn) …………………………………………………………………… another

language but I’m too busy.

went out
16. trained / would have been

wouldn’t be
15. trained / would be-----had 7.
14. would do / won
Would you retire
13. would buy / had
weren’t (wasn’t)
12. me / won’t pass

will lose
11. have passed ---- don’t help
will meet
10. hadn’t helped / wouldn’t 4.
wouldn’t work
9. had / would be able
18. would learn
had come / would have met
17. will learn
had listened / wouldn’t have 8. had known / would have met

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2. Fill in the gaps with the words below in the right form

be get go have know let marry miss

1. I would let you copy if I …………………………………………………........ the answers.

2. If I ……………………………………………………………… lost, I would panic.

3. If I didn’t like the teachers I ………………………………………………… to another school.

4. Everybody would look at you if you ………………………………………………… green hair.

5. If I …………………………………………………………… the bus, I would have to walk.

6. I could come with you if my parents ………………………………………………… me.

7. I ……………………………………………………………………… her if she asked me.

8. I wouldn’t go out if I ………………………………………………………… ill.

3. Put the verb in brackets into the suitable tense

1. I would go out if it (not rain) ……………………………………………………………………

2. I would have gone out if it (not rain) ………………………………………………………

3. We will have a picnic tomorrow if the weather (be) ……………………………………… good.

4. If you (go) …………………………………… on holiday, where would you go?

5. If you saw a dinosaur, what …………………………… you ……………………… (do)?

6. If somebody (give) …………………………………… you a lot of money, what would you do?

7. If you came, we (study) ……………………………………………… for the exam

8. If you could change anything about your school, what (it / be) ……………………………………?

9. What (you /do) ……………………………………………………in my situation?

10. Behave yourself. If you do that again, you (have) …………………………………………… to go to


11. If we (leave) …………………………………………… now, we (miss) …………………………… the

rush hour traffic.

12. I f y o u ( s m o k e ) … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … l e s s , y o u ( h a v e )
………………………………………………… much more money, but I know you aren’t going to follow
my advice.

13. Their marriage only lasted three months. If he (be) …………………………………………… less
mean, she (not leave) ………………………………………………………………………… him.

14. The film was marvellous. If you (come) ………………………………………………with us, you (enjoy)
………………………………………………… it too.

15. Imagine, what (you/ do) ……………………………………………………………… if your husband

(have) …………………………… an accident?

16. If I (be) …………………………………………………… Prime Minister, I (bring back)

………………………………………………………………… capital punishment.

17. If I (be) ………………………… you, I (not be) ………………………………………so worried

18. If you (call) ……………………………………………………………………………… later, he may be at


19. Don’t ask me such thing, if you (want) ………………………………………………… to be my friend

20. If he (ask) ………………………………………………… I would have answered

21. This house (look) …………………………………… much nicer if you (paint) ……………………… the
walls white

22. My father (keep) ……………………………………………………… a horse if he could afford it.

23. I (buy) …………………………………………………… last week if I had had enough money.

24. What would you do if you (be ) ………………………………………………… me?

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25. I f I ( b e ) … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … y o u , I ( a p p l y )
…………………………………………………………… for the job as soon as possible.

26. If I (speak) …………………………………………………………………………… perfect English, I (not

need) ………………………………………………… to take the exam.

27. I f h e ( b e ) … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … t a l l e r , h e ( j o i n )
……………………………………………… the Police.

28. Y o u (be) ………………………………………………… rich if you (win)

………………………………………………… the pools.

29. You (not be) ………………………………………………… able to travel unless you get a visa.

30. If the weather (be) …………………………………………………………… nice next weekend, they

(go) …………………………………………………… to the countryside.

31. Unless you hear otherwise, I (come) …………………………………………………………… at 8.15

32. I f I ( b e ) … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … t h e P r i m e M i n i s t e r, I ( c h a n g e )
………………………………………… a lot of things.

33. I’ll look for your notebook and if I (find) ………………………………………………… it, I (give)
…………………………………………………………………… you a ring.

34. O f c o u r s e I ’ m n o t g o i n g t o g i v e h e r a d i a m o n d r i n g . I f I ( g i v e )
………………………………………………… her a diamond ring, she (sell)
…………………………………………………………… it.

35. She was sent to prison only because she refused to pay a fine. If she (pay)
……………………………………… a fine, she (not go) …………………………… to prison.

36. I f I ( h a v e ) … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … l o t s o f m o n e y I ( d r i n k )
…………………………………………………… champagne with every meal.

37. If we (work) ………………………………all night we (finish) the essay in time. But we have no
intention of working all night.

38. We were travelling with false passports. If our passports (be) ……………………… ……………… all
right, we (not be) ………………………………………………… arrested.

39. I have no particular desire to win the football pools. If I (win) ………………………………… an
enormous sum of money, everybody (write) …………………………………………… to me asking for

40. My child is not interested in games. If he (play) ……………………………… games like other boys
he (have) ……………………………………………………………………… a much better time.

4. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.

1. I didn't have an umbrella with me and so I got wet.

I wouldn't …

2. I'll call the police if you don't leave me alone!


3. In the snowy weather we don't go to school.

If …

4. Without Jack's help, I wouldn't have been able to move the table.

If …

5. Make me some coffee, and I'll give you one of my biscuits.

If …

6. You told me about Sue’s haircut, and then I noticed it.


7. I don’t like the soup, it tastes of onion.

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If the soup…

8. I left the freezer door open and everything inside it has melted.

If I …

9. In order for you to catch the train, you must leave now.

Provided …

10. John hadn’t practised his piece, and so his performance at the concert wasn’t very good.

If …

11. She didn’t save any money, so she was hard up.

If she …

12. There are no free taxis and we are going to miss the first act of the play.

If …

13. You didn’t invite me last week, so I didn’t know anything about the party.

If you …

14. Lend me the money. I promise to pay you back next week.

If you …

5. Rephrase the following sentences.

1. I didn’t stop at the lights-that’s why I failed my driving test.


2. In your position, I would tell the truth.

If …

3. Marisa left José because he forgot her birthday.


4. The train may be cancelled. We´ll take the bus, then.


5. The film was too long and I missed my bus.


6. The baby may wake up-just sing her a song.


7. If you have nothing interesting to say, please be quiet.


8. Just carry on if you’re not too tired.


9. Wake me up only if it’s urgent.

Don’t …

10. The match will go on if the weather is not bad.


11. I use my mobile phone only if it’s absolutely necessary.

I don’t…

12. If there are no more questions, let’s finish here.


13. I won’t buy a new car because I haven’t got enough money.


14. I won’t see you tomorrow because I haven’t got enough time.


15. They didn’t interview you for the job because you didn’t speak French.


16. We won’t let those fans come here because they are so violent.


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4. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.

1. I didn't have an umbrella with me and so I got wet.

I wouldn't have got wet if I had had an umbrella with me

2. I'll call the police if you don't leave me alone!

Unless you leave me alone I’ll call the police

3. In the snowy weather we don't go to school.

If the weather is snowy we don’t go to school

4. Without Jack's help, I wouldn't have been able to move the table.

If Jack hadn’t helped me I wouldn’t have been able to move the table

5. Make me some coffee, and I'll give you one of my biscuits.

If you make me some coffee I’ll give you one of my biscuits

6. You told me about Sue’s haircut, and then I noticed it.

If you hadn’t told me about Sue’s haircut I wouldn’t have noticed it.

7. I don’t like the soup, it tastes of onion.

If the soup didn’t taste of onion I would like it.

8. I left the freezer door open and everything inside it has melted.

If I hadn’t left the freezer door open nothing would have melted / everything inside wouldn’t have

9. In order for you to catch the train, you must leave now.

Provided you leave now you will catch the train.

10. John hadn’t practised his piece, and so his performance at the concert wasn’t very good.

If John had practised his piece, his performance would have been better

11. She didn’t save any money, so she was hard up.

If she had saved some money, she wouldn’t have been hard up.

12. There are no free taxis and we are going to miss the first act of the play.

If there were any free taxis we wouldn’t miss the first act of the play.

13. You didn’t invite me last week, so I didn’t know anything about the party.

If you had invited me last week I would have known something about the party.

14. Lend me the money. I promise to pay you back next week.

If you lend me the money, (I promise) I’ll pay you back next week.

5. Rephrase the following sentences.

1. I didn’t stop at the lights-that’s why I failed my driving test.

If I had stopped at the lights I wouldn’t have failed my driving test

2. In your position, I would tell the truth.

If I were you I would tell the truth.

3. Marisa left José because he forgot her birthday.

If José hadn’t forgotten her birthday she wouldn’t have left him.

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4. The train may be cancelled. We’ll take the bus, then.

If the train is cancelled we’ll take the bus.

5. The film was too long and I missed my bus.

If the film hadn’t been so long I wouldn’t have missed my bus.

6. The baby may wake up-just sing her a song.

If the baby wakes up just sing her a song.

7. If you have nothing interesting to say, please be quiet.

Unless you have something interesting to say, please be quiet.

8. Just carry on if you’re not too tired.

Unless you are too tired, just carry on.

9. Wake me up only if it’s urgent.

Don’t wake me up unless it’s urgent.

10. The match will go on if the weather is not bad.

Unless the weather is bad the match will go on.

11. I use my mobile phone only if it’s absolutely necessary.

I don’t use my mobile phone unless it’s absolutely necessary.

12. If there are no more questions, let’s finish here.

Unless there are any more questions, let’s finish here.

13. I won’t buy a new car because I haven’t got enough money.

If I had enough money I would buy a new car.

14. I won’t see you tomorrow because I haven’t got enough time.

If I had enough time I would see you tomorrow.

15. They didn’t interview you for the job because you didn’t speak French.

If you had spoken French they would have interviewed you for the job.

16. We won’t let those fans come here because they are so violent.

If those fans were not (weren’t) so violent we would let them come here.

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1. Explain the difference in meaning between the following

a. I wish you had phoned me

b. I wish you would phone me

c. I wish you hadn’t lied to me.

d. I wish you wouldn’t lie to me

2. Match the examples above with the following meanings:

1. I’m upset because you lied to me

2. Don’t lie to me!

3. Please phone me

4. I’m upset because you didn’t phone me.

3. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

a. If only she ……………………………… (be) the Prime Minister!

b. If only I ……………………………………… (study) more when I was a child!

c. I wish he ………………………………… (be) quiet! I can’t concentrate

d. I can’t do this exercise. I wish I ………………………………… (look) at it last night.

e. I hate travelling everywhere by bus. If only I ………………………………………… (have) a motorbike.

f. I wish he ……………………………………………… (hurry) up. He always arrives late and it makes

me so angry.

g. If only I ………………………………………… (remember) to buy her a present yesterday

h. I wish I …………………………………… (know) the answer to the next question.

4. Rephrase the following sentences:

1. I would like to have a bigger room in my residence

I wish…

2. My sister isn’t home anymore, and I feel lonely without her.

I wish…

3. If I had a car, I wouldn’t have to take the train every morning

I wish …

4. My job is very far from home.

If only…

5. I’m sorry I can’t come with you to the mountains

I wish…

6. You never help me with housework!

I wish…

7. Our teacher speaks too loudly

If only…

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8. He should be more polite to his parents

His parents wish…

9. She should have told us the truth

If only…

10. We should have brought sun cream for the children. (Their backs are extremely red).

If only…

11. I didn’t study languages, and that’s a pity!

I wish…

12. He wasn’t here last night to defend our position in the meeting

If only…

13. Roger is not enjoying his job.

He wishes…

14. Jason knows he has to do the military service (and he doesn’t want to).

Jason wishes…

15. I have seen a lovely dress, but it costs too much.

I wish…

16. Mary always has to get up at 5.00 a.m. to go to work

If only…

17. I am jealous because Tina is going out with Peter

I wish…

18. I really regret resigning

I wish…

19. Please don’t make phone calls during the morning

I wish…

20. You annoy me because you won’t listen to what I say

If only…

21. I’m sorry you weren’t at the concert

If only…

22. I’m sorry you aren’t here, the weather’s lovely.

I wish…

23. I’m upset because I know he isn’t going to phone me

If only…

24. I’m sorry I can’t see you a bit more often.

I wish…

25. I’m annoyed it’s not going to stop raining.

If only…

26. I really regret ever starting to smoke

I wish…

27. What a pity that I’m not twenty years younger

If only…

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28. I'm sorry I can't speak English perfectly.

I wish…………

29. I'm sorry I haven't got a lot of money.

If only

30. What a pity I don't know the answer to that question.

I wish

31. I'm sorry I have to work in this terrible place.

If only

32. I'm sorry that I can't help you.

I wish………

33. I'd like to be rich but I'm not.

If only …

34. Don't you think it's a pity you can't drive?

Don’t you wish ……

35. She can’t come to the party because she is so busy.


36. Don’t complain all the time.

I wish …

37. He is upset because he has to do so much work.

He wishes …

38. I’d like to live in a big house, but I don’t.

I wish …

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4. Rephrase the following sentences:

1. I would like to have a bigger room in my residence

I wish I had a bigger room in my residence.

2. My sister isn’t home anymore, and I feel lonely without her.

I wish my sister were at home.

3. If I had a car, I wouldn’t have to take the train every morning

I wish I had car (Then, I wouldn’t have to take…)

4. My work is very far from home.

If only I lived nearer from home / …my work weren’t so far from home.
5. I’m sorry I can’t come with you to the mountains

I wish I could come with you to the mountains.

6. You never help me with housework!

I wish you would help me with housework!

7. Our teacher speaks too loudly

If only our teacher spoke less loudly / didn’t speak so loudly

8. He should be more polite to his parents

His parents wish he would be more polite.

9. She should have told us the truth

If only he had told us the truth.

10. We should have brought sun cream for the children. (Their backs are extremely red).

If only I had brought sun cream for the children.

11. I didn’t study languages, and that’s a pity!

I wish I had studied languages.

12. He wasn’t here last night to defend our position in the meeting

If only he had been here last night to defend our position in the meeting
13. Roger is not enjoying his job.

He wishes he enjoyed his job.

14. Jason knows he has to do the military service (and he doesn’t want to).

Jason wishes he didn’t have to do the military service.

15. I have seen a lovely dress, but it costs too much.

I wish I had enough money to buy the dress. / …the dress didn’t cost so mucy
16. Mary always has to get up at 5.00 a.m. to go to work

If only she didn’t have to get up at 5.00 am to go to work!

17. I am jealous because Tina is going out with Peter

I wish Tina wasn’t going out with Peter.

18. I really regret resigning

I wish I hadn’t resigned.

19. Please don’t make phone calls during the morning

I wish you wouldn’t make phone calls during the morning.

20. You annoy me because you won’t listen to what I say

If only you would listen to what I say.

21. I’m sorry you weren’t at the concert

If only you had been at the concert!

22. I’m sorry you aren’t here, the weather’s lovely.

I wish you were here (the weather’s lovely).

23. I’m upset because I know he isn’t going to phone me If only he would phone me!

24. I’m sorry I can’t see you a bit more often.

I wish I could see you a bit more often.

25. I’m annoyed it’s not going to stop raining.

If only it would stop raining.

26. I really regret ever starting to smoke

I wish I had never started to smoke.

27. What a pity that I’m not twenty years younger

If only I were twenty years younger.

28. I'm sorry I can't speak English perfectly.

I wish I could speak English perfectly.

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29. I'm sorry I haven't got a lot of money.

If only I had got a lot of money!

30. What a pity I don't know the answer to that question.

I wish I knew the answer to that question.

31. I'm sorry I have to work in this terrible place.

If only I didn’t have to work in this terrible place.

32. I'm sorry that I can't help you.

I wish I could help you.

33. I'd like to be rich but I'm not.

If only I were rich.

34. Don't you think it's a pity you can't drive?

Don’t you wish you could drive?

35. She can’t come to the party because she is so busy.

If she weren’t so busy she could come to the party.

36. Don’t complain all the time.

I wish you wouldn’t complain all the time.

37. He is upset because he has to do so much work.

He wishes he didn’t have to do so much work.

38. I’d like to live in a big house, but I don’t.

I wish I lived in a big (bigger) house.

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UNIT 2: RELATIVE CLAUSES (who, whom, which, whose, where, what…)

Non-defining relative clauses

We use non-defining relative clauses to give extra information about the person or thing in the main
clause. The extra information is not essential.

Robbie Williams’ Millennium, which is one of his most successful singles, was released in 1999.
In non-defining relative clauses we put a comma before and after the main clause.

We use the relative pronouns who, which, whose, where and when in non-defining relative clauses.
The relative pronoun cannot be omitted.

Mark Smith, who lives next door to us, plays in a rock band.

1 Combine the sentences. Use who, which, whose, where or when.

Ivan is very good-looking. (He’s Helen’s brother.)

Ivan, who is Helen’s brother, is very good-looking.

1 The book is about a murder on the Nile. (It was written by Agatha Christie.)

2 The diamond necklace has been found by the police. (It was stolen last week.)

3 Steven Spielberg lives in Hollywood. (He is a famous film director.)

4 My friend Isabel wants to do media studies. (Her father is a TV presenter.)

5 The new club plays great music. (Jamie works there.)

6 My holiday in Ibiza was wonderful. (I first met Jenny then.)

7 The new band is very good. (It was formed last year.)

Defining relative clauses

We use defining relative clauses to give essential information about the person or thing in the main
clause. It tells us which person or thing we are talking about.

This is the CD which everyone is talking about.

There are no commas in defining relative clauses. We can replace who or which with that in
defining relative clauses.

She’s the woman that works with my mother.

This is the book that I told you about.

Who, which, that and when can be omitted when they are the object of the verb in the second
clause, e.g. There’s the man that the police have been looking for. Whose and where can’t be

2 Combine the sentences. Use who, which, that, where or when.

That’s the school. I used to go to it.

That’s the school that I used to go to.

1 There’s the girl. I was telling you about her.

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2. That was the day. They got married then.

3 She’s the girl. Her brother plays in the football team.

4 That’s the café. I meet my friends there.

5 This is the film. I’ve been waiting to see it for ages.

6 Have you met the girl? She’s going out with Ted.

7 These are the trainers. I bought them yesterday.

Join these pairs of sentences by means of a defining / non-defining relative clause:

1. A man answered the phone. He told me you were busy.

The man…

2. A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient.


3. Some boys were arrested. They have now been released.

The boys…

4. The girl is sitting at the corner table. She is Jane Benson.

The girl…

5. The tin is on the top shelf. It is full of sugar.

The tin…

6. The boy is Joan’s cousin. I saw him yesterday.

The boy…

7. The television is that one. We want to buy it.

The television …

8. Gerry works for a company. It makes typewriters.

Gerry …

9. The book is about a girl. She runs away from home.

The book …

10. What was the name of that horse? It won the race.

What was…

11. The police have caught the men. They stole my car.

The police…

12. I couldn’t find the girl. Her passport had been stolen.

I couldn’t

13. The woman lives opposite. Her son is getting married next week.

The woman…

14. I ran into a woman. Her husband was arrested by the police.

I ran …

15. I recently came back to the town. I was born there.

I recently …

16. A cemetery is a place. People are buried there.

A cemetery …

17. Have you found the keys? You lost them.

Have you…

18. I like the dress. Ann is wearing it.

I like…

19. We stayed at a hotel. Tom recommended it.

We stayed…

20. The bed was too soft. I slept in that bed.

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The bed…

21. I didn’t get the job. I applied for it.

I didn’t …

22. I wasn’t interested in the things. You were talking about them.

I wasn’t …

23. The boy is his apprentice. He is working with him

The boy…

24. You are looking at the vase. It dates from the 17th century.

The vase …

25. The flight was fully booked. We wanted to travel on it.

The flight…

26. Stephen has just passed his exams. He is very hard-working.


27. Her son is returning from Canada. He has been studying there for five years.

Her son…

28. Warwick castle dates from the 18th century. The Duke opens it for visitors.

Warwick castle

29. My flat is very small. It is on the outskirts of the city.

My flat…

30. Tom has been in England. He is the only one in the class.

Tom is the only …

31. A man answered the phone. He said Tom was out

The man …

32. The man didn’t know the way. He was driving.

The man …

33. She was dancing with a student. He had a slight limp.

She was …

34. I was waiting for a man. He didn’t come.

I was waiting …

35. I was given the address by a man. I had met that man on the train.

I was given …

36. I’m looking after some children. They are terribly spoilt.

I’m looking …

37. The woman lives next door. The woman lost her purse.

The woman …

38. You see a man. That man is my uncle.

The man …

39. The man was sitting at his desk. I had come to see this man.

The man …

40. We lit a fire. It soon dried out our clothes.

We lit …

41. You sent me a present. I like the present.

I like…

42. Some cats have no ears. They have been in a fight.

The cats…

43. You wanted some books. I saw those books.

I saw …

44. The wolves ate the lambs. The lambs were out in the field.

The wolves ate …

45. He was dancing with a student. She had beautiful blue eyes.

The student …

Page 14 of 69
46. I was waiting for a man. He didn’t come.

The man …

47. I’m looking after some children. They are terribly spoilt.

The children …

48. I was waiting for a man. He didn’t turn up

The man…

49. The bed had no mattress. I slept on that bed.

The bed…

50. I was sitting on a chair. It suddenly broke down.

The chair …

51. The bed had no sheets. They slept on that bed.

The bed …

52. There wasn’t any directory in the telephone box. I was phoning from that box

There wasn’t any directory…

53. The car had bad brakes. We were in this car.

The car…

54. This is the story of a man. His wife suddenly loses her memory.

This is the story of a man…

55. A man brought in a small girl. Her hand had been cut by glass

A man brought in a small girl…

56. This is the story of a group of boys. Their plane crashed on an island.

This is the story of a group of boys…

57. I’m sorry for that man. His wife died last week.

I’m sorry for that man…

58. Tom had been driving all day. He was tired and wanted to stop.


59. Mr. Smith said he was too busy to talk to me. I had come especially to see him.

Mr. Smith…

60. This is Mr. Jones. His son won the championship last year.

This is Mr. Jones…

61. Romeo and Juliet were lovers. Their parents hated each other

Romeo and Juliet…

62. I met Mary. She asked me to give you this.

I met Mary…

63. Tom’s leg is still in bandages. He will have to watch the match from the stand.


64. Ann came to help Tom. She liked Tom.


65. The report took three hours. It should have taken an hour and a half.

The report…

66. Charles was with Lucy. He was anxious to impress her.


67. His girlfriend turned out to be an enemy spy. He trusted her absolutely.

His girlfriend…

68. Julia’s father has just come back from a skiing holiday. He is over 80.

Julia’s …

69. The problems faced by the company are being resolved. I’ll look at these in detail in a moment.

The problems…

70. She was greatly influenced by her father. She adored him.

She was…

71. He pointed to the stairs. They led down to the cellar.

Page 15 of 69
He pointed …

72. These drugs have been withdrawn from sale. They are used to treat stomach ulcers.

These …

73. The singer had to cancel her concert. She was recovering from flu.

The singer…

74. The minister talked about the plans for tax reform. He will reveal them next month.

The minister…

75. I have two older sisters. I love them very much.

I have …

76. Susan said something. I couldn’t hear it clearly.

a. Susan said …

b. I couldn’t hear …

77. I want something. I have seen it.

I want …

78. You said something. I didn’t understand it.

I didn’t understand…

79. I asked you something. Did you understand it?

Did you …

80. You said something to me. But I didn’t hear it.

I didn’t hear …

81. When I say something, you never agree with it.

You never agree…

82. If I can’t afford something, I don’t buy it.

I don’t buy …

83. The boss said something. Everybody laughed at it.

Everybody …

84. You did something at the party. It was terrible.


85. You told your teacher something. I couldn’t hear it.

I couldn’t …

Page 16 of 69

1. A man answered the phone. He told me you were busy.

The man who answered the phone told me you were busy.
2. A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient.

The waitress who served us was very impolite and impatient.

3. Some boys were arrested. They have now been released.

The boys who were arrested have now been released.

4. The girl is sitting at the corner table. She is Jane Benson.

The girl (who is) sitting at the corner table is Jane Benson.
5. The tin is on the top shelf. It is full of sugar.

The tin which is full of sugar is on the top shelf / The tin which is on the top shelf is full of sugar.
6. The boy is Joan’s cousin. I saw him yesterday.

The boy (who) I saw yesterday is Joan’s cousin.

7. The television is that one. We want to buy it.

The television (which, that) we want to buy is that one.

8. Gerry works for a company. It makes typewriters.

Gerry works for a company which makes typewriters.

9. The book is about a girl. She runs away from home.

The book is about a girl who runs away from home.

10. What was the name of that horse? It won the race.

What was the name of that horse which/ that won the race?
11. The police have caught the men. They stole my car.

The police have caught the men who/ that stole my car.
12. I couldn’t find the girl. Her passport had been stolen.

I couldn’t find the girl whose passport had been stolen.

13. The woman lives opposite. Her son is getting married next week.

The woman whose son is getting married next week lives opposite.
14. I ran into a woman. Her husband was arrested by the police.

I ran into a woman whose husband was arrested by the police.

15. I recently came back to the town. I was born there.

I recently came back to the town where I was born.

16. A cemetery is a place. People are buried there.

A cemetery is a place where people are buried.

17. Have you found the keys? You lost them.

Have you found the keys (which/ that) you lost?

18. I like the dress. Ann is wearing it.

I like the dress (which/ that) Ann is wearing.

19. We stayed at a hotel. Tom recommended it.

We stayed at the hotel (which/ that) Tom recommended.

20. The bed was too soft. I slept in that bed.

The bed (which / that) I slept in was too soft /The bed in which I slept was too soft.
21. I didn’t get the job. I applied for it.

I didn’t get the job (which/ that) I applied for / I didn’t get the job for which I applied.
22. I wasn’t interested in the things. You were talking about them.

I wasn’t interested in the things (which/ that) you were talking about
23. The boy is his apprentice. He is working with him

The boy (who) he is working with is his apprentice.

24. You are looking at the vase. It dates from the 17th century.

The vase (which) you are looking at dates from the 17th century.
25. The flight was fully booked. We wanted to travel on it.

The flight (which) we wanted to travel on was fully booked.

26. Stephen has just passed his exams. He is very hard-working.

Stephen, who is very hard-working, has just passed his exams.

27. Her son is returning from Canada. He has been studying there for five years.
Her son, who is returning from Canada, has been studying there for five years/ Her son, who has
been studying in Canada for five years, is returning from there
28. Warwick castle dates from the 18th century. The Duke opens it for visitors.

Warwick castle, which the Duke opens for visitors, dates from the 18th century.
29. My flat is very small. It is on the outskirts of the city.

Page 17 of 69
My flat, which is very small, is on the outskirts of the city /My flat, which is on the outskirts of the
city, is very small.
30. Tom has been in England. He is the only one in the class.

Tom is the only one in the class who has been in England.
31. A man answered the phone. He said Tom was out

The man who answered the phone said Tom was out.
32. The man didn’t know the way. He was driving.

The man who was driving didn’t know the way (The man who didn’t know the way was driving).
33. She was dancing with a student. He had a slight limp.

She was dancing with a student who had a slight limp.

34. I was waiting for a man. He didn’t come.

I was waiting for a man who didn’t come.

35. I was given the address by a man. I had met that man on the train.

I was given the address by a man (who) I had met on the train.
36. I’m looking after some children. They are terribly spoilt.

I’m looking after some children who are terribly spoilt.

37. The woman lives next door. The woman lost her purse.

The woman who lives next door lost her purse/ The woman who lost her purse lives next door.
38. You see a man. That man is my uncle.

The man (who) you see is my uncle.

39. The man was sitting at his desk. I had come to see this man.

The man (who) I had come to see was sitting at his desk.
40. We lit a fire. It soon dried out our clothes.

We lit a fire which soon dried out our clothes.

41. You sent me a present. I like the present.

I like the present (which/that) you sent me.

42. Some cats have no ears. They have been in a fight.

The cats which/that have no ears have been in a fight.

43. You wanted some books. I saw those books.

I saw the books (which/ that) I saw.

44. The wolves ate the lambs. The lambs were out in the field.

The wolves ate the lambs which/ that were out in the field.
45. He was dancing with a student. She had beautiful blue eyes.

The student (who) he was dancing with had beautiful blue eyes.
46. I was waiting for a man. He didn’t come.

The man (who) I was waiting for didn’t come.

47. I’m looking after some children. They are terribly spoilt.

The children (who) I’m looking after are terribly spoilt.

48. I was waiting for a man. He didn’t turn up

The man (who) I was waiting for didn’t turn up.

49. The bed had no mattress. I slept on that bed.

The bed (which) I slept on had no mattress.

50. I was sitting on a chair. It suddenly broke down.

The chair (which) I was sitting on suddenly broke down.

51. The bed had no sheets. They slept on that bed.

The bed (which) they slept on had no sheets.

52. There wasn’t any directory in the telephone box. I was phoning from that box

There wasn’t any directory in the telephone box (which) I was phoning from.
53. The car had bad brakes. We were in this car.

The car (which) we were in had bad brakes.

54. This is the story of a man. His wife suddenly loses her memory.

This is the story of a man whose wife suddenly loses her memory
55. A man brought in a small girl. Her hand had been cut by glass

A man brought in a small girl whose hand had been cut by glass.
56. This is the story of a group of boys. Their plane crashed on an island.

This is the story of a group of boys whose plane crashed on a island.

57. I’m sorry for that man. His wife died last week.

I’m sorry for that man whose wife died last week.
58. Tom had been driving all day. He was tired and wanted to stop.

Tom, who had been driving all day, was tired and wanted to stop.

Page 18 of 69
59. Mr. Smith said he was too busy to talk to me. I had come especially to see him.

Mr. Smith, who I had come especially to see, said he was too busy to talk to me.
60. This is Mr. Jones. His son won the championship last year.

This is Mr. Jones, whose son won the championship last year.
61. Romeo and Juliet were lovers. Their parents hated each other

Romeo and Juliet, whose parents hated each other, were lovers.
62. I met Mary. She asked me to give you this.

I met Mary, who asked me to give you this.

63. Tom’s leg is still in bandages. He will have to watch the match from the stand.

Tom, whose leg is still in bandages, will have to watch the match from the stand.
64. Ann came to help Tom. She liked Tom.

Ann, who liked Tom, came to help him /(Ann, who came to help Tom, liked him)
65. The report took three hours. It should have taken an hour and a half.

The report, which took three hours, should have taken an hour and a half. / The report, which should
have taken an hour and a half, took three hours.
66. Charles was with Lucy. He was anxious to impress her.

Charles, who was anxious to impress Lucy, was with her /Charles, who was with Lucy, was anxious
to impress her.
67. His girlfriend turned out to be an enemy spy. He trusted her absolutely.

His girlfriend, who(m) he trusted absolutely, turned out to be an enemy spy.

68. Julia’s father has just come back from a skiing holiday. He is over 80.

Julia’s father, who is over 80, has just come back from a skiing holiday. (Julia’s father, who has just
come back from a skiing holiday, is over 80).
69. The problems faced by the company are being resolved. I’ll look at these in detail in a moment.

The problems faced by the company, which I’ll look at in detail in a moment, are being resolved.
70. She was greatly influenced by her father. She adored him.

She was greatly influenced by her father, who(m) she adored.

71. He pointed to the stairs. They led down to the cellar.

He pointed to the stairs, which led down to the cellar.

72. These drugs have been withdrawn from sale. They are used to treat stomach ulcers.

These drugs, which are used to treat stomach ulcers, have been withdrawn from sale /These drugs,
which have been withdrawn from sale, are used to treat stomach ulcers.
73. The singer had to cancel her concert. She was recovering from flu.

The singer, who was recovering from flu, had to cancel her concert.
74. The minister talked about the plans for tax reform. He will reveal them next month.

The minister talked about the plans for tax reform, which he will reveal next month
75. I have two older sisters. I love them very much.

I have two older sisters, who(m) I love

76. Susan said something. I couldn’t hear it clearly.

a. Susan said something (which / that) I couldn’t hear

b. I couldn’t hear what Susan said.
77. I want something. I have seen it.

I want what I have seen. (I want something that I have seen)

78. You said something. I didn’t understand it.

I didn’t understand what you said.

79. I asked you something. Did you understand it?

Did you understand what I asked you?

80. You said something to me. But I didn’t hear it.

I didn’t hear what you said to me.

81. When I say something, you never agree with it.

You never agree with what I say.

82. If I can’t afford something, I don’t buy it.

I don’t buy what I can’t afford.

83. The boss said something. Everybody laughed at it.

Everybody laughed at what the boss said.

84. You did something at the party. It was terrible.

What you did at the party was terrible.

85. You told your teacher something. I couldn’t hear it.

I couldn’t hear what you told your teacher.

Page 19 of 69

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of say, tell, or ask.
Example Can you tell me the time, please?

1 ‘How old are you?’ he __________ .

2 Can you repeat that, please? I didn’t hear what you __________ .

3 Dad __________ us a story last night.

4 Would you mind __________ me your name?

5 It’s important to __________ questions when you are learning English.

6 Speak more clearly, please. I can’t understand what you __________

2. Report the following…

➢ Statements.

1. ‘The chocolates are all finished’ said Gaby.

2. ‘My bike’s been stolen’ he said.

3. ‘We’re going to be late’ said Mum.

4. ‘I only passed my test yesterday’ the bus driver said.

5. ‘I’d do the same thing again if I could’ Edith said.

6. ‘You’ll never make it to the top alive’ the guide said.

7. ‘She goes out with her friends every night.’

8. ‘I bought the tickets yesterday.’

9. ‘They’re going to Florida next week.’

10. ‘He won’t be in the office tomorrow.’

11. ‘Jenny has passed her driving test.’

12. ‘Carl might come to the football match this afternoon.’

➢ Orders.

1. ‘Change your clothes’ Mary told me.

2. ‘Don’t tell me what to do’ Jane shouted.

3. ‘Please come as soon as possible’ she asked me.

4. ‘Don’t tell me lies’ Bill told them.

5. ‘Turn down the volume of your radio’ he told her.

6. ‘Keep to the left.’ (The police officer / the cyclist)

7. ‘Please don’t smoke in this area.’ (the waitress / the customer)

8. ‘Sit down and be quiet.’(the teacher)

9. ‘Don’t forget to post the letter.’

10. ‘Don’t talk during the exam.’

11. ‘Please switch off your mobile phone.’

The air hostess asked him ……………………

➢ Questions.

1. ‘Where are my glasses?’ asked the old lady.

2. ‘How are they going to pay for it?’ asked Harry.

3. ‘What time do the shops open?’ asked Laura.

4. ‘Where can we meet?’ Will asked.

5. ‘What can you see?’ the optician asked.

6. ‘Who hasn’t signed the postcard?’ David asked.

Page 20 of 69
7. ‘Where have you been?’ my mother asked me.

8. ‘Do you know the answer?’ the teacher asked.

9. ‘Is there enough for everybody?’ John asked.

10. ‘Should I accept the job?’ Peter asked me.

11. ‘Can you swim?’ the lifeguard asked me.

12. ‘Have you been injured in the war?’ Tony asked the old man.

13. ‘Will the flight be delayed?’

Jill wanted to know …………………….……

14. ‘Where have you been all night?’

My parents wanted to know …………………

15. ‘Will I pass my exam?’

Mark wondered ………………………………

16. ‘Did you remember the invitations?’

Sue asked me …………………………………

17. ‘How long have you been learning German?’

Karl wondered ………………………………

3. Rewrite these sentences / orders / questions in reported speech:

1. I’m living in London now.

2. My father isn’t very well.

3. Sharon and Paul are getting married next month.

4. Margaret has had a baby.

5. I don’t know what Fred is doing.

6. I saw Helen at a party in June.

7. I haven’t seen Diane recently.

8. You’re a lousy football player..

9. You can come and stay at my flat if you are ever in London.

10. My car was stolen some weeks ago.

11. I want to go on holiday but I can’t afford it.

12. ‘He is cooking dinner.’

13. ‘I usually go to Scotland on holiday’

14. ‘I don’t know anyone in Rio de Janeiro’

15. ‘They will play some music’

16. ‘I can sing better than her.

17. ‘I left Argentina in 1998.’

18. Do up your shoes.

19. Wrap up well.

20. Don’t tell me any lies.

21. ‘Be quiet’ the teacher told us.

22. ‘Don’t tell anybody’ my friend said.

23. ‘Tidy your room before I go back’ my mum said.

24. ‘Put your hands up’ the policeman told us.

25. ‘Don’t panic!’ Mr. Jones told everybody.

26. ‘Please come as soon as you can’ I told the doctor.

27. Don’t leave this house, Stan! You’re grounded.

28. Turn off that music.

29. Do you want to come with me to the cinema?

30. Is it allowed to smoke here?

31. Have you heard his new song?

32. Can you find the switch?

33. Where’s the money?

Page 21 of 69
34. What happened at the match yesterday?

35. Who called you last night?

36. How far is Madrid from Calatayud?

37. When are you going to tell me your secret?

38. What will you do if you are selected?

39. ‘Where can we meet?’ Will asked.

40. ‘What can you see?’ the optician asked.

41. ‘Have you seen Titanic?’ Carlos asked me.

42. ‘Have you been busy?’ my boss asked me.

43. ‘Can I help?’ I asked.

44. ‘Will you accept the job?’ I asked her.

45. ‘Do you know his e-mail address?’ I asked her.

46. ‘Are you talking on the phone?’

47. ‘Do you work in a hospital?’

48. ‘Will you try again?’

49. ‘Can you play the guitar?’

50. ‘Do you like rock music?’

51. ‘Did you see June at the party?’

52. ‘Have you done your homework?"

53. ‘Do you speak Spanish?"

Page 22 of 69

• ‘Let’s buy a new TV’ Pattie said

Pattie SUGGESTED buying a new TV.

• ‘Why don’t you paint your room in bright colours?’ Kate said to Jack

Kate SUGGESTED that Jack should paint his room in bright colours

• ‘I’m sorry I broke your favourite mug’ Annie said

Annie APOLOGISED (to me /him/ her) for breaking my/his/her favourite mug

• ‘You ate my bar of chocolate’, Sarah said to Mike

Sarah ACCUSED Mike of eating her bar of chocolate

• ‘I borrowed your favourite jumper’, David said

David ADMITTED borrowing his/her favourite jumper

• ‘I killed Mr. Smith’, the criminal said

The criminal CONFESSED to killing Mr. Smith

• ‘I didn’t leave the garden gate open’, she said

She DENIED leaving the garden gate open

• ‘No, I won’t do your homework for you’, Danny said to her

Danny REFUSED to do her homework for her

• ‘You should take a holiday’ my friend told me

My friend ADVISED me to take a holiday.

• ‘Fine, I’ll clean the toilet’ he said

He AGREED to clean the toilet

• ‘I will fire you if you arrive late again’, her boss told her

Her boss THREATENED to fire her if she arrived late again

• ‘Shall I carry your suitcase?’ the bellboy said

The bellboy OFFERED to carry my/his/her suitcase

• ‘Don’t forget to lock all the doors’, Mum said to me

Mum REMINDED me to lock all the doors.

• ‘Will you come to dinner with me?’ said Paul

Paul INVITED me/her to (have) dinner with him.

• ‘I promise I’ll visit you next week’, he said

He PROMISED to visit me/him/ her the following week

He PROMISED (that) he would visit me (him/her) the following week

• ‘I can’t find my car anywhere!’, Peter said

Peter COMPLAINED that he couldn’t find his car anywhere.

Page 23 of 69
Now report what some people said some time ago, in a different place...Try to avoid verbs such as say, tell
or ask as reporting verbs.

• Suggestions

1. You’d better go round the other way.

2. Let’s light a fire and cook our sausages over it.

3. Why don’t you take up oboe again?

4. What about flying?

5. Shall I wait for you here?

6. Why don’t we go back to your flat and have scrambled eggs?

7. Let’s give a party.

8. Why don’t we buy this picture as a wedding present for them?

9. Why don’t you apply for the job, Anne?

10. What about meeting at the station at five?

11. What about going for a picnic?

12. We should sell the house.

13. Let’s go jogging!

14. We’d better leave at half past six.

15. How about going to a karaoke?

• Advice

1. If I were you, I’d go by bus.

2. I would say nothing about it if I were you.

3. I’d buy the big tin if I were you.

4. If I were you, Richard, I’d go by train.

5. You should take more exercise.

6. Get married, that’s my advice

7. Don’t eat any more cakes.

16. You’d better leave at half past six.

17. I think you should try to get more sleep. (the doctor said to the patient)

18. You shouldn’t play with fire.

• Reminders

1. Don’t forget to come half an hour early on Tuesday.

2. Don’t forget to take your umbrella.

3. Remember to book a table.

4. Don’t forget to put the name at the top of the page.

5. Don’t forget to phone your mother.

• other speech acts

1. O.K. let’s do it.

2. Shall I start tomorrow?

3. I’ll buy you some cakes if you want.

4. Would you like to come to the art gallery?

Page 24 of 69
5. I assure you I’ll do it tomorrow

6. Sit down if you want.

7. You can come round and visit us any time.

8. Damn it, I’ve been waiting for you for hours.

9. No, I won’t buy any cakes.

10. Do that again and I’ll smack your facing!

11. If you are late tomorrow again, I’ll sack you.

12. Pass your exams and we’ll buy you a motorbike

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For an explanation of how to use passive voice in English, and some examples in real contexts, please visit
these links:

For further practice (self-grading Google forms), please visit this link:

Rephrase these sentences so that they will be passive sentences rather than active:

1. We don't allow smoking in this restaurant.

2. We expect students not to talk during the examination.

3. That restaurant serves the best food in town.

4. We accept travellers cheques in this store.

5. They change the sheets every week.

6. The postman delivers the orders at 8.00

7. People eat a lot of hamburgers in the USA

8. They use a computer for that job nowadays

9. The staff in this shop accept payment by Cheque.

10.India exports a lot of the world's silk.

11.Why do they allow smoking here?

12.What subjects do they teach here?

13.Where do they grow rice?

14.Does the factory still make parts for cars?

15. They make these artificial flowers of silk.

Page 26 of 69
16.They built the bridge in 1926.

17.The director filmed this movie on location in Ireland.

18.They robbed the bank last night.

19. The police accused him of the murder.

20.Thieves stole two pictures from the museum last night.

21.Sherlock Holmes investigated many crimes

22. They stole my car when I was away on holiday.

23. Factory workers manufactured this TV in Korea.

24. They recorded this programme in front of a live audience.

25. How did they discover penicillin?

26. I didn't receive the invitation because they had sent it to the wrong address.

27. They sold the painting to an art gallery in New York.

28. Dickens wrote Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities.

29. Did they give him the full list?

30. The mob broke the shop windows in a riot last night.

31. They rang the church bells.

32. Who wrote that?

33. They interviewed the musician immediately after the concert.

34. Someone built this hotel two years ago.

35. They damaged my car while I was away on holiday.

36. A thief stole my car last week.

37. Monkeys brought him up in the jungle.

38. The bank manager kept me waiting half an hour

39.They are providing information and help at the main desk.

40. Someone's interviewing Dr Johnson at the moment

41. The police are investigating two other murders.

42.About thirty million people are watching this programme.

43.They were painting the outside of the ship when the accident happened.

44.They're mending your shoes at the moment

45. She is typing the letter.

46. People are spending a lot of money on useless things.

47. They are pulling down the old theatre.

48.Local people were searching the area at midnight last night.

49.Someone was carrying the bomb to a safe place when it exploded.

50.They were repairing the road when the accident happened.

51.The operations manager has cancelled flight KL167 because of weather conditions

52.We had warned him the day before not to go too near the canal.

53.I have told the children about the party.

54.Doctors have discovered a cure for the common cold

55. They had sold all the tickets by the time we got to the stadium.

56. They have bought a new car.

Page 27 of 69
57. They had made the pizza that morning.

58. They have arrested hundreds of burglars over the past six months

59. Aren’t you going to tell him the truth?

60. Millions of people have read the novels of Agatha Christie.

61. They have changed the notice.

62. They have denied that scientific theory.

63. Somebody has lost the keys

64. Someone has stolen Helen’s bag!

65. Has anyone answered your question?

66. Has anyone ever asked you your opinion?

67. The company has cut all salaries.

68. They had already given the job to someone else by the time I arrived.

69. Why had the police stopped him?

70. The Italians have designed the best outfits this season

71. They're cleaning the swimming pool just now.

72. They have interviewed ten people since Friday.

73.You should wash this pullover by hand.

74.They will deliver your car tomorrow.

75.The postal service will send your letters to your new address.

76. Employers must pay all travel expenses

77. Where will the company send you next year?

78. All visitors must wear identification badges.

79.You mustn't use this machine after 5.30 p.m.

80. We couldn't go to our favourite restaurant because they were decorating it

81.I couldn't recognise my home town because they had knocked down so many of the old buildings.

82.Mrs. Girton will teach your class next week

83.The waiters will serve drinks in the hotel lounge at six o’clock.

84.Passengers can obtain refunds from the ticket office.

85.You must clean this machine every time you use it.

86.You should keep the flowers in a warm sunny place.

87.Someone will drive your car to Edinburgh on Tuesday.

88.You may take photographs in this museum

89.You must not bring dogs into the park

90.You should pay your bill before you leave the hotel

91.You mustn't touch this button while the examination is in progress.

92.Someone will blow a whistle if there is an emergency.

93. They will finish the new bridge by next month.

94. We will not admit children under 16

95. People should not take reference books out of the library.

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• I was given a present

96. We brought her a bunch of flowers on her birthday.

97. His parents gave him a new computer for his birthday.

98. The boss promised them higher salaries.

99. People gave them lots of beautiful presents.

100.They owe us a lot of money.

101.They have promised Kate an explanation.

102.They offered me a lot of money to keep quiet.

103.The authorities gave the protesters five minutes to leave.

104.They didn’t pay me for the work.

105.They shouldn’t tell him the truth.

106.When are they going to give her the presents?

107.They don’t pay Jim very much

108.They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview.

109.Nobody told me that George was ill

110.His colleagues gave him a present when he retired.

111.We will send you your examination results as soon as they are ready.

112.They didn’t ask me my name

113.They should have offered Tom the job.

• It is said that he is rich / He is said to be rich

114.People say that Arthur is very rich

115.People say that he has 11 illegitimate children

116.People say that he sleeps on a bed of nails

117.People believe that he came into a lot of money by gambling.

118.People say that he writes poetry.

119.Police think the murderer is in his twenties.

120.People consider she is the best in her field.

121.We believe there is a small chance of success.

122.Scientists believe there are other planets where life may be possible.

123.We think that computers will become cheaper in the future.

124. They said that Robin Hood stole money from the rich to give it to the poor.

125.Police think the robbery was carried out by a gang.

126.People expect that the strike will end soon.

127.The police believe that the thieves got in through the kitchen window.

128.The papers report that many people are homeless after the floods.

129.People think that the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall.

130.Newspapers say that many people are homeless after the floods.

131.People know that the Prime Minister is in favour of the new law.

132.People expect that the government will lose the election

133.They think the prisoner escaped by climbing over the wall.

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134.The police believe that the thieves got in through the kitchen window

135.The prosecution alleged that he was driving through the town at 90 miles per hour

136.They report that two people were seriously injured in the accident.

137.They say that three men were arrested after the explosion.

138.People say that the company is losing a lot of money.

139.People know that Henry VIII had six wives

140.History says that Cleopatra bathed in donkey milk.

141.People believed Marilyn Monroe committed suicide.

142.More modern theories claim that she died of a drug overdose.

143.People believe that Beethoven was deaf.

144.They suppose that Frank Sinatra had connections with mobsters.

145.People supposed R. Madrid was going to win the Champions League.

146.People say that Ronaldo is the most expensive player in the world.

Page 30 of 69

1. Smoking is not allowed in this restaurant.

2. Students are not expected to talk during the examination.

3. The best food in town in served in that restaurant.

4. Travellers cheques are accepted in this store.

5. The sheets are changed every week.

6. The orders are delivered at 8.00 by the postman

7. A lot of hamburgers are eaten in the USA

8. A computer is used for that job nowadays.

9. Payment by cheque is accepted in this shop.

10. A lot of the world’s silk is exported from India.

11. Why is smoking allowed here?

12. What subjects are taught here?

13. Where is rice grown?

14. Are parts for the cars still made by /in the factory?

15. These artificial flowers are made of silk.

16. The bridge was built in 1926.

17. This movie was filmed on location in Ireland.

18. The bank was robbed last night.

19. He was accused of the murder.

20. Two pictures were stolen from the museum last night.

21. Many crimes were investigated by Sherlock Holmes.

22. My car was stolen when I was away on holiday.

23. This TV was manufactured in Korea.

24. This programme was recorded in front of a live TV audience.

25. How was penicillin discovered?

26. I didn’t receive the invitation because it had been sent to the wrong address.

27. The painting was sold to an art gallery in New York.

28. Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities were written by Dickens.

29. Was he given the full list?

30. The shop windows were broken in a riot last night.

31. The church bells were rung.

32. Who was that written by?

33. The musician was interviewed immediately after the concert.

34. This hotel was built two years ago.

35. My car was damaged while I was away on holiday.

36. My car was stolen last week.

37. He was brought up in the jungle.

38. I was kept waiting for half an hour.

39. Information and help are being provided at the main desk.

40. Dr. Johnson is being interviewed at the moment.

41. Two other murders are being investigated.

42. This programme is being watched by about thirty million people.

43. The outside of the ship was being painted when the accident happened.

44. Your shoes are being mended at the moment.

45. The letter is being typed.

Page 31 of 69
46. A lot of money is being spent on useless things.

47. The old theatre is being pulled down.

48. The area was being searched at midnight last night.

49. The bomb was being carried to a safe place when it exploded.

50. The road was being repaired when the accident happened.

51. Flight KL167 has been cancelled because of weather conditions.

52. He had been warned the day before not to go too near the canal.

53. The children have been told about the party.

54. A cure for the common cold has been found.

55. All the tickets had been sold by the time we got to the stadium.

56. A new car has been bought.

57. The pizza had been made that morning.

58. Hundreds of burglars have been arrested over the past six months.

59. Isn’t he going to be told the truth?

60. The novels of Agatha Christie have been read by millions of people.

61. The notice has been changed.

62. That scientific theory has been denied.

63. The keys have been lost.

64. Helen’s bag has been stolen.

65. Has your question been answered?

66. Have you ever been asked your opinion?

67. All salaries have been cut.

68. Someone else had been given the job by the time…/ The job had been given to somebody else by
the time…

69. Why had he been stopped by the police?

70. The best outfits this season have been designed by the Italians.

71. The swimming pool is being cleaned right now.

72. Ten people have been interviewed since Friday.

73. This pullover should be washed by hand.

74. Your car will be delivered tomorrow.

75. You will be sent your letters to your new address. / Your letters will be sent to you to your new

76. All travel expenses must be paid by employers.

77. Where will you be sent by the company next year?

78. Identification badges must be sent by all visitors.

79. This machine mustn’t be used after 5.30 p.m.

80. We couldn’t…because it was being redecorated.

81. I couldn’t recognise my home town because so many of the old buildings had been knocked down.

82. Your class will be taught by Mrs. Girton next week.

83. Drinks will be served in the hotel lounge at six o’clock.

84. Refunds can be obtained from the ticket office.

85. This machine must be used every time you use it.

86. The flowers should be kept in a warm sunny place.

87. Your car will be driven to Edinburgh on Tuesday.

88. Photographs may be taken in this museum.

89. Dogs must not be brought into the park.

90. Your bill should be paid before you leave the hotel.

Page 32 of 69
91. This button mustn’t be touched while the examination is in progress.

92. A whistle will be blown if there is an emergency.

93. The new bridge will be finished by next month.

94. Children under 16 will not be admitted.

95. Reference books should not be taken out of the library.

96. She was brought a bunch of flowers on her birthday.

97. He was given a new computer for his birthday.

98. They were promised higher salaries by the boss.

99. They were given lots of beautiful presents.

100.We are owed a lot of money.

101.Kate has been promised an explanation.

102.I was offered a lot of money to keep quiet.

103.The protesters were given five minutes to leave.

104.I wasn’t paid for the work.

105.He shouldn’t be told the truth.

106.When is she going to be given the presents?

107.Jim isn’t paid very much.

108.You will be asked a lot of questions at the interview.

109.I wasn’t told that George was ill.

110.He was given a present when he retired.

111.You will be sent your examination results as soon as they are ready.

112.I wasn’t asked my name.

113.Tom should have been offered the job.

114.It is said that Arthur is very rich / Arthur is said to be very rich

115.It is said that he has…/He is said to have 11 illegitimate children

116.It is said that he sleeps…/ He is said to sleep on a bed of nails.

117.It is believed that he came into…/He is believed to have come into a lot of money by gambling

118.It is said that he writes poetry/ He is said to write poetry.

119.It is thought that the murderer is in his twenties /The murderer is thought to be in his twenties.

120.It is considered she is the best in her field / She is considered (to be) the best in her field.

121.It is believed that there is a small chance …/ A small chance of success is believed to exist.

122.It is believed that there are other planets…/ Other planets where life is possible are believed to

123.It is thought that computers will become…/ Computers are believed to become cheaper in the

124.It was said that Robin Hood stole money…/ Robin Hood was said to steal money from …

125.The robbery is thought to have been carried out by a gang

126.The strike is expected to end soon.

127.The thieves are believed to have got in through the kitchen window.

128.Many people are reported to be homeless after the floods.

129.The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over a wall.

130.Many people are said to be homeless…

131.The PM is known to be in favour of the new law.

132.The government is expected to lose the election.

133.The prisoner is believed to have escaped…

134.see 127

135.He was alleged to be driving through town at 90 miles per hour

Page 33 of 69
136.Two people are reported to have been seriously injured in the accident.

137.Three men are said to have been arrested after the explosion.

138.The company is said to be losing a lot of money.

139.Henry VIII is known to have had six wives.

140.Cleopatra is said to have bathed in donkey milk.

141.Marilyn Monroe was believed to commit suicide.

142.She is claimed to have died of a drug overdose.

143.Beethoven is believed to have been deaf.

144.Frank Sinatra is supposed to have had connections with mobsters.

145.R. Madrid was supposed to be going to win the Ch. L.

146.Ronaldo is said to be the most expensive player in the world.


1. People speak English all over the world.


2. We’ll hold the next meeting on May 8th.

The next meeting …

3. They may give the tennis player Kate Duprey £50,000 for winning the competition

The tennis player…

4. They’ve promised the players of the basketball team a holiday in the Caribbean if they win the

The players…

5. People believe Jake was an actor when he was younger.

It …

6. People believe that someone murdered Jenkins.

It is believed that …

7. People suppose you are my friend


8. The police were following the suspects.

The suspects …

9. Policemen have found a dead body in the park

A dead…

10. The company employs two hundred people.

Two hundred …

11. They say that John Wilson lives in New York.


12. They say Mike is travelling in Africa.


13. Has anybody shown you the new machine?


14. People say Peter has arrived in Australia.


15. Doctors claim that an apple a day is good for you.

It …

16. They aren’t going to give him the information he needs.

He …

17. Of course we must keep the factory open.

Page 34 of 69
Of course the factory…

18. It is expected that the company will make a loss this year.

The company…

19. William the Conqueror built this castle in the 11th century.

This castle …

20. They report that many people are homeless after the floods.

Many people…

21. People claim Alan can speak three languages


22. How do you pronounce “Primark”?

How …

23. They might give me the job, but I’ll refuse it.

I …

24. They expect that the strike will last for another two days.

The strike…

Page 35 of 69

1. A local firm redecorated our kitchen.

We …

2. I should go to the hairdresser’s so that she can cut my hair.

I should …

3. A doctor took out her tonsils when she was six.

She …

4. A tailor altered his suit for the wedding.

He …

5. She took her photographs to be printed

She …

6. A plumber came to fix our central heating

We …

7. You look different, has someone done your hair?

Have you …

8. Painters are going to paint Karen’s house.


9. The opticians have tested Philip’s eyes.


10. Joe always repairs Mary’s shoes


11. They have fitted new windows in my grandparents’ house.

My grandparents …

12. They are going to dry-clean Bill’s suit.


13. The dentist checked Anne’s teeth.


14. Jennifer is cutting Helen’s hair.

Helen …

15. A friend fixed her phone.

She …

B. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a form of have something done. Do not include the agent.

1. Her car was fixed while she was at work.

2. Central heating has been installed in my house.

3. The dentist took out two teeth.

4. I’d like you to pierce my ears.

5. When was the last time your eyes were tested?

6. Her wedding dress is being made for her.

7. A painter painted our house last month.

8. The hairdresser is cutting my hair this afternoon.

9. Someone has stolen my motorbike.

10. The dentist has taken out all of Ricky’s teeth.

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11. I haven’t been to the car-wash for a long time.

12. The men are coming to put in the new central heating on Saturday.

13. Someone broke Harry’s nose in a fight.

14. Isn’t it time someone fixed your television?

15. Helen’s publishers have just published her book.

16. The police towed away Nigel’s car.

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1. She had her car fixed while she was at work

2. I have had central heating installed in my house

3. I had two teeth taken out

4. I’d like to have my ears pierced

5. When was the last time you had your eyes tested?

6. She is having her wedding dress made

7. We had our house painted last month

8. I’m having my hair cut this afternoon

9. I have had my motorbike stolen

10. Ricky has had all of his teeth taken out

11. I haven’t had my car washed for a long time

12. We are having central heating put in on Saturday

13. Harry had his nose broken in a fight

14. Isn’t it time you had your television fixed?

15. Helen has just had her book published

16. Nigel had his car towed away

Alternatively, you can also say:

1. She got her car fixed while she was at work

2. I have got central heating installed in my house

3. I got two teeth taken out

4. I’d like to get my ears pierced

5. When was the last time you got your eyes tested?

6. She is getting her wedding dress made

7. We got our house painted last month

8. I’m getting my hair cut this afternoon

9. I have got my motorbike stolen

10. Ricky has got all of his teeth taken out

11. I haven’t got my car washed for a long time

12. We are getting central heating put in on Saturday

13. Harry got his nose broken in a fight

14. Isn’t it time you got your television fixed?

15. Helen has just got her book published

16. Nigel got his car towed away

Page 38 of 69
Unit 6: USED TO (WOULD) / BE USED TO ing / GET USED TO ing

➢ What's the difference between …?

• My mother used to run the business.

• My mother is used to running the business.

➢ Match each of the sentences above with one of the following sentences:

1. Running the business isn't difficult for my mother because she has done it before.

2. My mother ran the business before but doesn't any more.

➢ Rephrase these sentences using the used to do or be used to doing form:

Example: It isn't difficult for me to get up early because I've done it before.

I'm used to getting up early.

1. I'm shocked when I hear bad language. I'm just not used to it.

2. I smoked a lot when I was younger but I don't any more.

3. It isn't difficult for me to travel long distances to work because I’ve done it before.

4. Julia saw Ronald almost every day not so long ago but doesn't any more.

5. I don't work in that shop any more but I did once.

6. Because English people drive on the left, it's difficult for them to drive abroad.

▪ we use used to (do) for a habit, or something we did in the past but not now

▪ we use be/get used to (doing) when we accept something as normal routine

Rewrite these sentences using used to (do) or a form of be / get used to (doing).

1. I gave up smoking ten years ago

2. When I was a teenager, I went to a lot of dances.

3. I hate living here but I’ll get to like it eventually.

4. Working hard doesn't bother me. I've never been able to sit around doing nothing.

5. Although the job was difficult at first, he soon became familiar with what he had to do.

6. We had lots of friends when we lived in the country.

7. Peter was so difficult as a child.

8. When you buy a new car, you need some time to practise driving it.

9. I’ll never be happy living in a cold climate.

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➢ Rewrite the following sentences using USED TO (DO) or a form of BE/GET USED TO (DOING).

For example:

❖ I don’t mind getting up early in the morning, I’ve always done it.

I’m used to getting up early in the morning.

1. Juliet finds driving on the left very strange

Juliet is not …

2. It’s a new habit for me to have my coffee with saccharin.

I am…

3. After two or three days, you won’t notice the cold weather so much

In two or three days you will …

4. Jane normally ate salad with every meal

Jane …

5. Claire said she found it strange to get up so late

Claire said she wasn’t …

6. It’s difficult for us to use a computer because we haven’t done it before

We …

7. I gave up smoking ten years ago.

I …

8. When I was a teenager, I went to a lot of dances.


9. I hate to live here but I’ll get to like it eventually.

I will…

10. Working hard doesn’t bother me. I’ve never been able to sit around doing nothing.


11. Although the job was difficult at first, she soon became familiar with what she had to do.


12. We had lots of friends when we lived in the country.


13. Peter was so difficult as a child!


14. When you buy a new car, you need some time to practise driving it.

When you buy a new car, you need some time to …

15. I’ll never be happy living in a cold climate.

I’ll never …

16. When I was a child I had a friend called Jamie.

I …

17. Henry finds it strange to eat snails.

Henry is not …

Page 40 of 69

1. I used to smoke

2. I used to go to a lot of dances

3. I’ll get used to living here

4. I’m used to working hard

5. He soon got used to the job

6. We used to have lots of friends when we lived in the country

7. Peter used to be so difficult

8. When you buy a new car you need some time to get used to driving it

9. I’ll never get used to the cold climate / to living in a cold climate

Rephrasing exercises

1. Juliet is not used to driving on the left.

2. I am not used to having my coffee with saccharin

3. In two or three days you will get used to the cold

4. Jane used to eat salad with every meal

5. She wasn’t used to getting up so late

6. We aren’t used to using a computer

7. I used to smoke

8. I used to go to a lot of dances

9. I will get used to living here

10. I am used to working hard

11. She got used to the job

12. We used to have lots of friends

13. Peter used to be so difficult

14. …to get used to it

15. I’ll never get used to the cold climate / to living in a cold climate

16. I used to have a friend called Jamie

17. Henry is not used to eating snails

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Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. It isn’t necessary to copy the topic of the composition. (needn’t)

You ……………………………………………………………………………………the topic of the composition.

2. We don’t know if the oral test will be before or after the written exam. (be)

The oral test ……………………………………………………………………………………or after the written


3. There are five compulsory papers. (take)

You …………………………………………………………………………………… five papers.

4. It isn’t necessary to take the exam in December. (don’t)

You …………………………………………………………………………………… take the exam in December.

5. I’m sure you are wrong. (be)

You …………………………………………………………………………………… right.

6. It isn’t possible to retake just one paper. (retake)

You ……………………………………………………………………………………one paper.

7. I suppose you’re very lucky if you really passed without studying. (be)

You ……………………………………………………………………………………if you really passed without


8. It will be necessary to remember your candidate number. (will)

You ……………………………………………………………………………………your candidate number.

9. You are allowed to leave the examination room when you’ve finished. (may)

You …………………………………………………………………………………… the examination room when

you’ve finished.

10. You don’t have permission to use a dictionary. (may)

You ……………………………………………………………………………………a dictionary.

11. I am sure he didn’t kill himself. (committed)

He ……………………………………………………………………………………suicide.

12. It is possible that she learnt something about James’s past. (have)

She …………………………………………………………………………………… something about James’s


13. I cannot imagine that Sir Alex knew how dangerous James was. (known)

Sir Alex …………………………………………………………………………………… how dangerous James


14. Rebecca and James were, in all likelihood, madly in love with each other. (been)

Rebecca and James ………………………………………………………………………………… madly in love

with each other.

15. Obviously they acted very fast. (have)

They ………………………………………………………………………………… very fast.

16. Lady Ann definitely suspected something, because she had locked her bedroom door. (have)

Lady Ann …………………………………………………………………………………… , because she had

locked her bedroom door.

17. Professor Grant was obviously not expecting anything unpleasant. (been)

Professor Grant …………………………………………………………………………………… anything


18. It is difficult to believe that Rebecca loved her mother very much. (have)

Rebecca …………………………………………………………………………………… her mother very much.

19. It is possible that Sir Alex gave Lady Ann some important information. (given)

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Sir Alex …………………………………………………………………………………… some important

20. It is possible that Sir Alex knew something horrible about James. (known)

Sir Alex …………………………………………………………………… something horrible about James.

Rewrite these sentences:

1. It isn’t necessary to buy a ticket.


2. I advise him to be more careful.


3. I think that’s John’s car.


4. I don’t think he is her brother.

He …

5. He couldn’t swim when he was five.

He wasn’t …

6. It’s possible that he will win the race.

He …

7. You’re not allowed to play in their garden.


8. It wasn’t necessary for them to repair their car.

They …

9. Shall I pour you another drink?

Would …

10. It’s not possible for you to eat so much.


11. Do you want me to open the window?


12. It’s just possible she’s still at work.


13. Do you want me to help you with that?

Shall …

14. I don’t think she’s the woman who spoke to me.

She …

15. We don’t have to go shopping with Mum.

We …

16. Is it really possible that she’s 50 years old?


17. It would be a good idea to tell him the truth.


18. I advise you to study harder.


Page 43 of 69
Unit 8: As and like

As refers to a person's profession or a part he plays as an actor. It also refers to the role a person fulfils. Like
is only used for comparisons.

➢ He works as an engineer. (He is an engineer)

➢ She was wonderful as Cleopatra. (. . . in the part of Cleopatra. )

➢ He cIimbs like a monkey. (Comparison: He is not a monkey)

Complete these sentences with as or like.

1.He could swim ………………………a fish.

2.He works ………………………a fisherman.

3.I once appeared on the stage ………………… Othello, but I'm glad I'm not ………………… him in real life.

4.He has taken his responsibilities ……………………………… Managing Director so much to heart that he
goes around behaving …………………………………Napoleon.

5.I once had a friend who was in his father's class at school. He never knew whether his f a t h e r was
speaking to him …………………………a father or ………………………………a teacher.

Like and such as

Compare these sentences:

➢ A lot of celebrities have visited this restaurant- for example / for instance Scarlett Johansson, Woody
Allen and Robbie Williams.

➢ Celebrities like / such as Scarlett Johansson, Woody Allen and Robbie Williams have visited this

➢ Such celebrities as Scarlett Johansson, Woody Allen and Robbie Williams have visited this restaurant.

Like and such as or such …as can be used as alternatives to ‘for example’ or for instance. Notice that the
phrase with like or such as follows the noun that it refers to as closely as possible.

Rewrite the following sentences, using like/ such as / and such…as. Make two new sentences in each case.

1. A number of famous country houses were built in the eighteenth century- for example Chatsworth,
Blenheim Palace and Castle Howard.

2. In the show a lot of famous singers and performers appear, for example David Bisbal, Amaral, El canto
del loco and El Arrebato.

3. A lot of great composers led interesting lives- for example Mozart, Beethoven and Chopin.

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Verbs of sensation + like / as if

Compare these sentences:

➢ She looks like a beauty queen.

➢ You look as if you’ve had some bad news. Do you want to talk about it?

Fill in the gaps with like or as if:

1. I don't think microwave mea1s taste .......................freshly cooked ones.

2. What was that noise? It sounded …………………………………………………breaking gIass.

3. I like this air freshener – it smells ……………………………………spring flowers.

4. Janine likes wearing high heeled shoes. She walks ………………………………… she was a fashion

5. You're very smart! You look ……………………………………………you're going to a wedding.

6. This sweater is so soft. It feels …………………………………………………it's made of cashmere.

7. Sometimes Haydn can sound ……………………………………Mozart. It's hard to distinguish between


8. This meat tastes ……………………………………… lamb. Are you sure it's beef?

9. You look ………………………………your brother. You both have the same colour eyes and curly hair.

10. This room smells …………………………………an ashtray! Let's open the windows.

Complete the sentences with a suitable word:

1. My brother works in a bar……a manager.

2. Marion talks……her mother.

3. I use that table……a desk.

4. The meeting didn't finish until six o'clock, ………………………………usual.

5. Some plants, ………cacti, are good at surviving in hot climates.

6. We're going to paint our walls green,………we saw in that magazine.

7. …………………I said, the course ends in March and then there's an exam.

8. Kathy runs as fast Jackie.

9. I really enjoy reading writers ………………………………Charles Dickens.

10. Travelling first class is more expensive with Iberia, ……………………it is with all airlines.

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9a. PURPOSE CLAUSES (intention, objective)

You can visit this link to watch a video explaining how to use these clauses: https://

1. Join these sentences using the links in brackets. Make all the necessary changes.

1. We came to the countryside. We wanted to find some peace. (in order to / so as to)

2. Handle the flowers carefully. Don’t damage them! (so as to)

3. He left his gun outside. He didn’t want to frighten us. (in order to)

4. They make five pound notes different from ten pound notes. This way blind people can differentiate

them (so that)

5. He wrote his diary in code. He didn’t want anybody to read it. (so that)

6. His parents sent him to that University. They wanted him to study Law. (so that)

7. I made them wear warm clothes. I didn’t want them to catch a cold. (so that)

8. He wants to go to the cinema. I’ll give him some money for that. (so that)

9. You must study. You have to pass your exams. (so that)

2. Join these pairs of sentences by means of a link of your choice. Make all the necessary changes.

1. I shouted. I wanted to warn people of the danger

2. I had to go to the bank. I needed to get some money.

3. I’m saving money. I want to go to Canada.

4. I went into hospital. I had to have an operation.

5. I’m wearing two sweaters. I want to keep warm.

6. I phoned the police. I wanted to report that my car had been stolen.

7. I hurried. I didn’t want to be late.

8. I wore warm clothes. I didn’t want to be cold.

9. I left Dave my phone number. I wanted him to be able to contact me.

10. We whispered. We didn’t want anybody else to hear our conversation.

11. Please arrive early. We want to be able to start the meeting on time.

12. Jennifer locked the door. She didn’t want to be disturbed.

13. I slowed down. I wanted the car behind me to be able to overtake.

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1. I shouted to warn / in order to warn/ so as to warn people of the danger.

2. I had to go to the bank to get / in order to get/ so as to get some money.

3. I’m saving money to go / in order to go/ so as to go to Canada.

4. I went into hospital to have /in order to have/ so as to have an operation.

5. I’m wearing two sweaters to keep / in order to keep/ so as to keep warm.

6. I phoned the police to report / in order to report / so as to report that my car had been stolen.

7. I hurried so as not to be/in order not to be late.

8. I wore warm clothes so as not to be/in order not to be cold

9. I left Dave my phone number so that/in order that he could contact me.

10. We whispered so that / in order that nobody could hear our conversation.

11. Please arrive early to start/ in order to start/ so as to start the meeting on time.

12. Jennifer locked the door so as not to be / in order not to be disturbed.

13. I slowed down so that / in order that the car behind me could overtake.

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Join these sentences using the links in brackets. Make all the necessary changes.

1. He spoke Russian very well. Everybody thought he was Russian. (so…that)

2. It was a very difficult exam. He knew he wouldn’t pass it. (such … that)

3. He decided to take a taxi. He was late. (so)

4. She is very nice. Everybody loves her. (so)

5. These problems are very difficult. Nobody can solve them. (so …that)

6. The talk was very boring. So I fell asleep. (such…that)

7. He is a very tall boy. He could play basketball (such…that)

Rephrasing practice:

The weather was so good that we lay on the beach all day
It was such good weather that we lay on the beach all day

1. The journey was so tiring that I fell asleep

It was…

2. It was such a boring book that I couldn’t finish it

The book…

3. It was such a long flight that we had dinner three times

The flight…

4. The flowers were so beautiful that it was a shame to pick them

They …

5. The train is so fast that it gets to London in 20 minutes

This …

6. They were such large boxes that we couldn’t send them by air

The boxes …

7. The dress was so pretty that I couldn’t resist it

It …

8. It was such a cold day that I wore an overcoat

The day …

9. We had such a dirty room that we checked out of the hotel

The room …

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KEY- 9B:

1. It was such tiring journey that I fell asleep

2. The book was so boring that I couldn’t finish it.

3. The flight was so long that we had dinner three times

4. They were such beautiful flowers that it was a shame to pick them

5. This is such a fast train that it gets to London in 20 minutes

6. The boxes were so large that we couldn’t send them by air

7. It was such a pretty dress that I couldn’t resist it.

8. The day was so cold that I wore an overcoat

9. The room was so dirty that we checked out of the hotel.

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If you need an explanation of how to use these linking words, you can visit this link:

Look at the examples:

Although it rained a lot (though it rained a lot), we enjoyed our holiday.

I didn’t get the job although I had all the necessary qualifications.
Even though I was really tired, I couldn’t sleep. (stronger than “although”)

*in spoken English, we often use though at the end of a sentence.

The house isn’t very nice. I like the garden though

I see him every day. I’ve never spoken to him though.

In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our holiday.

I didn’t get the job in spite of having all the necessary qualifications.
She wasn’t well, but in spite of this she went to work.
(she wasn’t well, but despite this she went to work)

They didn’t give me the job in spite of the fact that I had all the necessary qualifications.

Although the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.

In spite of the (bad) traffic, I arrived on time.

Dave gets lots of homework from school, while / whereas Sue gets very little.

Contrary to what everybody expected, his team won the league.

He is not upset about his problems. On the contrary, he seems quite cheerful.

He was feeling sick. However (=nevertheless), he went to work.

George and Pattie have broken up. Yet (=however / nevertheless), George still sends her love letters.

Fill in the gaps with one of these links:

While ● though ● although ● even though ● whereas ● in spite of ● despite ● in spite of the fact that ●
contrary to ● unlike ● however ● nevertheless ● on the one hand…on the other hand ● on the contrary ●

1. She told him to go …………………… I asked her not to.

2. He is old, ………………………………………… Paul is young

3. She told him not to go …………………………………… my advice

4. ………………………… me, she went to the party

5. ……………………………………………… popular belief, drinking too much milk can be unhealthy

6. The shopping centre is very small; ………………………………… I usually find everything.

7. ……………………………she would like to come; ……………………………it’s too far away for her.

8. I won’t forgive you ……………………………………………… your apology

9. They haven’t found a house to buy ………… they have looked at quite a few.

10. …………………………… Andrew knew the risks, he decided to travel alone.

11. ………………………her hard work, Maria didn’t get a bonus.

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12. The speed limit on the highway is 110 kph; ……………………………… people often drive faster
than that

13. ……………………………… her skiing accident last year, Diana is going skiing again this year.

14. …………………………… he had planned the project very carefully, he had several problems along
the way.

15. My sister doesn’t have a job ………………………………… she’s a very talented person.

16. Some pupils don’t mind taking tests, ………………………… others get quite nervous.

17. It’s wonderful to have my grandparents spend the summer with us ……………………………… it’s a
bit uncomfortable because our flat is quite small.

18. The new car is very economical, ………………………… the old one was not.

19. ………………………………you could rent a flat instead of buying a new one.………………… you
spend all this money and you still don’t own a flat.

20. Jane really hates classical music, …………………………… I love it.

21. We took our holiday in Spain,………………our neighbours went abroad.

22. ‘You seem to be bored’

23. ‘………………………………, I’m having a great time’.

Write sentences using the words in brackets. Use other words where necessary.

I enjoyed the party. I didn’t dance with anyone. (although)

Although I enjoyed the party, I didn’t dance with anyone

a. He plays the piano. He’s only got one hand. (although)

b. The team scored three goals. They still lost the match. (even though)

c. Edward finished the book. It wasn’t very exciting (though)

d. She ate the dessert. She doesn’t like ice-cream. (despite)

e. The police didn’t arrest anybody. They interviewed a lot of suspects. (in spite of)

f. John is very rich. But his friends are extremely poor. (Whereas)

g. The car is very old. It is still reliable though. (Although)

h. We lost the game. We played well (even though)

i. He had no qualifications. He had the job. (Although)

j. He is a good friend. But he is not my best one. (although)

k. He loved her very much. She didn’t know it. (although)

l. We are very different. We will be happy (in spite of…)

m. Those goods are expensive. However people buy them. (despite)


1. In spite of its violence, many people in the UK play rugby.


2. Although I was hungry, I couldn’t eat the snails.


3. In spite of her illness, she came to the meeting.

Even though…

4. It was expensive, but we bought it though.

In spite…

5. Although the weather was good, we stayed indoors.


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6. Despite the high price of petrol, big cars are still popular.


7. Even though he had a pleasant manner, he isn't a good doctor.

In spite…

8. In spite of her illness, my mother always had a smile on her face.

Even though …

9. Tourists keep coming here despite the terrible weather.


10. I like you even though you have a strange sense of humour.

In spite …

11. Even though they quarrel regularly, Jack and Mary still say they love each other.


12. In spite of their love for each other, they have broken up.

Even though…

13. They went on a trip in spite of the snow.


14. Although she was sad, she was playing with her son for an hour.


15. Despite his speed, he couldn’t win the race

Even though…

16. Despite her age, your mother is still very active.


17. Although it was very hot she was still shivering.

In spite …

18. Despite being very tired, she went shopping.

Though …

19. Although he studied hard, he didn’t pass his exams.

In spite…

20. In spite of her lack of experience, she looked after the dog very well.

Even though…

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1. We arrived late. All seats were taken. (as)

2. I couldn’t sleep. I got up (as)

3. I sold the car. I didn’t have any money. (since)

4. I had missed the bus. So, I was late for work. (as)

5. I haven’t got any money. That is why I can’t buy you the ring. (because)

6. We couldn’t go by train. There was a railway strike (because of)

9e. TIME

1. She went to the window. She saw Michael walking along the street. (when)

2. We were swimming in the river. Then it started to rain. (when)

3. He finished work. Then he went out. (After)

4. First Ann put her purse into her handbag, then she went to the supermarket. (after)

5. She had a cup of tea. Then, she lit a cigarette. (after…)

6. You can go out. Before, you must finish your homework (before)

7. He took off his watch. Then, he had a shower. (before)

8. She was listening to the radio. At the same time she was cooking. (while)

9. Wait for me here. I get into the post office. (while)

10. She was having a bath. At the same time, her husband was getting dressed. (while)

11. She was waiting for her luggage. At the same time she phoned her parents. (while)

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1. Jill can run faster than Peter.

Peter …

2. Is this the best price you can offer?

Can’t you …

3. Jane is more intelligent than Mike is.

Mike isn’t …

4. He earns less than I do.

He doesn’t …

5. My daughter is prettier than yours.

Your daughter isn’t …

6. The east of Spain is warmer than the west.

The west of Spain …

7. My cousin draws better than me.

I don’t draw …

8. Staying at home is better than going out.

Going out is …

9. Susan’s hair is longer than Helen’s.


She’s kinder than her brother

Her brother is not as kind as she is.

1. Margaret isn’t as attractive as Susan

Susan …

2. Henry is taller than John.

John …

3. You’re stronger than Kevin.

Kevin …

4. The second film wasn’t as interesting as the first.

The first film …

5. The fish was better than the meat.

The meat…

6. They’ve won more games this season than Arsenal.

Arsenal …

7. His last play wasn’t as good as the one before.

His last play was …

8. We’ve had fewer customers this month than last.

We haven’t …

His brother drives faster / more dangerously than he does.

He doesn’t drive as fast (dangerously) as his brother.

1. She behaved more calmly than you did.

You didn’t …

2. Harry didn’t run as fast as Janet.

Janet …

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3. I don’t work as fast as you do.

You …

4. His sister plays the piano better than he does.

He …

5. The case weighs more than the books.

The books don’t …

6. She doesn’t type as accurately as Betty.

Betty …

7. He earns less than I do.

He doesn’t …

8. We lost because we didn’t play as well as they did.

We lost because they …

Can’t we find a more intelligent candidate than him?

Is he the most intelligent candidate we can find?

Can’t you do any better than that?

Is that the best you can do?

1. Can’t you offer a more convincing argument than that?

Is that …

2. Is that the furthest you can throw it?

Can’t you…

3. Is that the most cheerful expression you can put on?

Can’t you …

4. Can’t you find a simpler route to London than this?

Is this…?

5. Is this the fastest the car will go?

Can’t the car…

6. Can’t we find a clearer picture that that?

Is that…

Page 55 of 69

1. Peter can’t run as fast as Jill (can)

2. Can’t you offer a better price?

3. Mike isn’t as intelligent as Jane (is)

4. He doesn’t earn as much as me / as I do

5. Your daughter isn’t as pretty as mine (is).

6. The west of Spain is not so warm as the east / is colder than the east

7. I don’t draw as well as my cousin (does)

8. Going out is worse than staying at home

9. Helen’s hair is not as /so long as Susan’s hair (is)

1. Susan is more attractive than Margaret (is)

2. John is not as tall as Henry / is shorter than Henry

3. Kevin is not as strong as you (are)

4. The first film was more interesting than the second

5. The meat was not as good as the fish / was worse than the fish

6. Arsenal haven’t won as many games as them / as they have

7. His last play was worse than the one before

8. We haven’t had as many customers this month as last

1. You didn’t behave as calmly as she did

2. Janet ran faster than Harry

3. You work faster than I do / than me

4. He plays the piano worse than his sister / He doesn’t play the piano as well as his sister

5. The books don’t weigh as much as the case

6. Betty types more accurately than her / than she does

7. He doesn’t earn as much as I do

8. We lost because they played better than we did / than us

1. Is that the most convincing argument (that) you can offer?

2. Can’t you throw it any further?

3. Can’t you put on a more cheerful expression?

4. Is this the simplest route to London (that) you can find?

5. Can’t the car go any faster?

6. Is that the clearest picture (that) we can find?

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a) A: I have forgotten to bring your present. It doesn’t matter, does it?

B: Yes, it does matter to me. I am very impatient.

b) After Raúl scored a goal, things started to look up for Real Madrid. But the team did have a problem,
though: its players didn’t expect Real Zaragoza to be in such a good shape.


e.g. Ann bought a jacket for me in Oslo last year.

It was Ann that bought a jacket for me in Oslo last year.

It was a jacket that Ann bought for me in Oslo last year.

It was for me that Ann bought a jacket in Oslo last year.

It was in Oslo that (where) Ann bought a jacket for me last year.

It was last year that (when) Ann bought a jacket for me in Oslo.


e.g. We hope to live in Padua.

Where we hope to live is in Padua

e.g. We all want a rise in the salary.

What we all want is a raise in the salary.

e.g. Mary phoned me last night.

The one who phoned me last night was Mary

The one who(m) Mary phoned last night was me.
When Mary phoned me was last night.

You can also visit this link to watch a video explaining how cleft/pseudo-cleft sentences

➢ Emphasise the underlined part of the message in two different ways.

1. Peter lent us the money.

2. He is leaving today.

3. Tom and Paul helped us

4. I saw Ann

5. We want to see the manager

6. We ordered wine

7. Speed causes accidents, not bad roads

8. Their grandparents make the decisions

9. We flew to Rome

10. The rains come in November

11. My brother likes surfing

12. We need a holiday 

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4. INVERSIONS after certain expressions


It rained and it snowed too.

It rained and it snowed as well.

Not only did it rain but it snowed as well.

I can speak Chinese and I can read it as well.

Not only can I speak Chinese but I can read it as well.

➢ Rewrite the following sentences using ‘Not only…’

1. I can sing and dance.

2. He is a thief and a killer

3. He lies and he steals.

4. You will pass your exam and get a very good mark.

5. The room I live in is cold and it smells.

6. The roof leaks, and there is a ghost in the house.

7. This computer is expensive and it’s useless.

8. We had to clean the house and repair the roof.


As soon as she entered the room, she noticed that something was missing.

She had no sooner entered the room than she noticed that something was missing.

No sooner had she entered the room than she noticed that something was missing.

➢ Rewrite the following sentences starting ‘No sooner…’

1. As soon as I received your telegram I contacted the agency.

2. As soon as I complete one book I have to begin another.

3. As soon as the bail was paid the prisoner was released.

4. As soon as I arrived at the beach it started to rain.

5. As soon as they had sold the house they were offered a better price for it.

➢ This inversion may also take place when a sentence begins with ‘only’, neither’…

Only when he had finished did he realise that he had made several mistakes (It was only when he had
finished that he realised that he had made several mistakes).

Neither in the Guardian nor in the Sun did I find any reference to the events.

If you want to watch a video explaining how to make these inversions, and to
see some examples in real-language use (for example, in TV shows), click on
this link or scan the QR code:

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Compare these sentences:

❑ Remembering grammatical rules is sometimes difficult.

❑ It is sometimes difficult to remember grammatical rules

You can watch a video explaining these transformations here:

Change the sentences below from one construction to the other:

➢ It is dangerous to cross the road without looking

➢ Living in a hotel is expensive

➢ Marrying for love is better than marrying for money.

➢ Meeting interesting people is a pleasure.

➢ It is no joke to get lost in the middle of the jungle

➢ Criticising other people is very easy

➢ It was a mistake to lose your temper

Rephrase the following sentences:

Learning French is very easy.


It is very exciting to go on holiday in the summer.


Playing with a video game is very boring.

It ……

Climbing a mountain without a special gear can be dangerous.

It ……

How long did she spend reading the novel?

How long did it……?

It is bad for his eyes to work so much at night.


Practising some sports can be very beneficial for health.


It is very rewarding to teach young children.


Growing your own vegetables can be very relaxing.


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IT’S + adjective + FOR

❑ It’s very difficult for some people to make ends meet.

❑ It would be very interesting for you to study abroad.

Among the adjectives that can be used in this construction are: boring, dangerous, difficult, easy,
expensive, healthy, necessary…

Use the adjectives and verbs given in brackets to complete the sentences:

1. (difficult) me (understand) why he took that job

2. (dangerous) them (work) in such conditions

3. (expensive) him (travel) by train

4. (not necessary) us (worry) about anything.

5. (easy) them (criticise)

Rephrase the following sentences:

1. Flying to New York is very expensive for him.


2. We needn’t call them back.

It …

3. I find it very difficult to give up smoking.

It …

4. You had better do some exercise to be fit.


5. Watching silent films really bores me.

It …

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Rephrase the following sentences:

1. Flying to New York is very expensive for him. 

It is very expensive for him to fly to New York 

2. We needn’t call them back. 

It isn’ t necessary for us to call them back 

3. I find it very difficult to give up smoking. 

It is very difficult for them to give up smoking 

4. You had better do some exercise to be fit. 

It is better for you to do some exercise to be fit 

5. Watching silent films really bores me. 

It is boring for me to watch silent films 

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This flat is too expensive for us

This flat is not economical enough for us.

1. I feel too weak to get up.

I’m not…

2. He wasn’t well enough to make the journey

He was …

3. I’m afraid I’m too short to reach that shelf.

I’m not…

4. They’re not old enough to go out on their own.

They’re …

5. The street is too narrow for the traffic.

The street is not …

6. It wasn’t warm enough for us to lie in the sun.

It was …

7. He played too carelessly to win.

He didn’t …

8. She spoke too softly for the audience to hear her.

She didn’t …

9. He behaved too badly to deserve a present.

He didn’t …

10. They arrived too late to get a seat.

They didn’t …

11. We aren’t rich enough to buy a house like that.

We’re …

Page 62 of 69

1. I feel too weak to get up.

I’m not strong enough to get up.

2. He wasn’t well enough to make the journey

He was too sick to make the journey.

3. I’m afraid I’m too short to reach that shelf.

I’m not tall enough to reach that shelf.

4. They’re not old enough to go out on their own.

They’re too young to go out on their own.

5. The street is too narrow for the traffic.

The street is not wide enough for the traffic.

6. It wasn’t warm enough for us to lie in the sun.

It was too cold for us to lie in the sun.

7. He played too carelessly to win.

He didn’t play carefully enough to win.

8. She spoke too softly for the audience to hear her.

She didn’t speak loud enough for the audience to hear her.

9. He behaved too badly to deserve a present.

He didn’t behave well enough to deserve a present.

10. They arrived too late to get a seat.

They didn’t arrive soon enough to get a seat.

11. We aren’t rich enough to buy a house like that.

We’re too poor to buy a house like that. 

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1. ‘Help us with the housework’, my parents said.

My parents wanted …

2. He waited long, and he became impatient.

The longer…

3. She reads more novels than I do.

I read…

4. We spent 3 days walking to the village.

It took…

5. ‘Open this jar for me’, Andrea said to Mike

Andrea asked…

6. We used to travel abroad every year. Now we don’t.

We ……………………………………………………………………………………… longer

7. They think that people will be taller in 50 years’ time.

It …

8. I never meet my friends at the weekend!

If only…

9. It is believed that the painting was forged.

The painting…

10. I went cycling when I was younger.

I would…

11. She didn’t let me do it.

I wasn’t…

12. My friends will probably rent a flat next term.

………………………………………… likely …………………………………………

13. You must walk the dog once a day.

The dog…

14. It is believed that teenagers are the most vulnerable people to cigarette advertising.


15. They made the children read two books.

The children were …

16. I’ve never watched a programme as bad as this one.

This is…

17. It was raining all day so I stayed home.

………………………………………………… due to ……………………………………

18. No other fictional character is quite as famous as Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes …

19. I’m sorry I didn’t see him at the party.

I wish…

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1. Don’t touch the match or you’ll burn your finger.


2. I didn’t notice the man was in danger, so I didn’t help him.

If I …

3. I’ll have a puff if it doesn’t bother you.


4. He felt seasick because he hadn’t taken his pills.



5. Police think the murderer is in his twenties.

The murderer…

6. A German company makes the spare parts.

The spare parts …

7. People believe that the murder occurred at three o’clock

It …

8. I know they will not tell me the truth.

I know I …

9. Passengers must not unfasten their safety belts before the aircraft comes to a stop.

The safety belts …

10. People knew that the Russians made several experiments on it.

The Russians …


11. They washed my car on Saturday.

I had…

12. The chemist has developed my photographs


13. He’s at the optician’s. They’re repairing his glasses.

He …


14. I don’t like the house where I live.

I wish…

15. I shouldn’t have drunk so much.

I wish …

16. I shouldn’t have eaten 3 pieces of chocolate cake.

If only…

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17. It was a mistake for me to buy you that computer game.

I …

18. She regretted losing her temper.

She wished …


19. I like westerns more than thrillers.

I prefer…

20. She prefers going skiing for her holidays.

She would …

21. They don’t like me to drive on such bad weather.

They would rather …


22. In spite of its violence, many people in the UK play rugby.


23. In spite of his strength, he could not break down the door.


24. Even though he knows a lot about the subject, he makes careless mistakes.

Despite …


25. A man came to see me. He was Jean’s father.

The man…

26. Paul McCartney had a daughter six years ago. Paul McCartney is 66.

Paul …


27. Getting a driver’s licence is often very expensive.


28. Meeting interesting people is a pleasure.

It …

29. It is better to marry for love than marry for money.



30. Juliet finds driving on the left very strange

Juliet is not …

31. It’s a new habit for me to have my coffee with saccharin.

I am…

32. After two or three days, you won’t notice the cold weather so much

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In two or three days you will …

33. Jane normally ate salad with every meal

Jane …


34. He realised that the threat was real when he heard the explosion

Only …

35. As soon as the zookeeper opened the gate of the cage, the lion jumped right out of it.

No sooner…

36. They were not aware of their difficult situation until they ran out of water.

Not until…


37. Rachel was too incompetent to be trusted.

Rachel wasn’t …

38. You always find time to go out for a beer.

You are never…

39. This diamond ring is too expensive, he can’t buy it.

This diamond ring is …


40. They called me several times during their stay in Morocco.

It was while…

41. Rain causes trouble in this city.

It is…

42. I hate sorting out cupboards.



43. They were vaccinated to make it possible for them to go on their honeymoon to Africa.

They were vaccinated so that …

44. Last Saturday he had a nap because he wanted to stay awake at night.

Last Saturday he had a nap so…


45. You shouldn’t eat salty things.

You had better…

46. If you don’t apologise immediately you won’t see me again.

You’d …

Page 67 of 69
Don’t touch the match or you’ll burn your finger.
If I were you I wouldn’t touch the match.
I didn’t notice the man was in danger, so I didn’t help him.
If I had noticed the man was in danger, I would have helped him.
I’ll have a puff if it doesn’t bother you.
Unless it bothers you, I’ll have a puff.
He felt seasick because he hadn’t taken his pills.
If he had taken his pills he wouldn’t have felt seasick.

Police think the murderer is in his twenties.
The murderer is thought to be in his twenties.
A German company makes the spare parts.
The spare parts are made by a German company.
People believe that the murder occurred at three o’clock
It is believed that the murder occurred at three o’clock.
I know they will not tell me the truth.
I know I will not be told the truth.
Passengers must not unfasten their safety belts before the aircraft comes to a stop.
The safety belts must not be unfastened before the aircraft comes to a stop.
People knew that the Russians made several experiments on it.
The Russians were known to make several experiments on it.


They washed my car on Saturday.
I had my car washed on Saturday.
The chemist has developed my photographs
I. have had my photographs developed.
He’s at the optician’s. They’re repairing his glasses.
He is having his glasses repaired at the opticians.


I don’t like the house where I live.
I wish I lived somewhere else / I didn’t live here.
I shouldn’t have drunk so much.
I wish I hadn’t drunk so much.
I shouldn’t have eaten 3 pieces of chocolate cake.
If only I hadn’t eaten 3 pieces of chocolate cake.
It was a mistake for me to buy you that computer game.
I shouldn’t have bought that computer game.
She regretted losing her temper.
She wished she hadn’t lost her temper.


I like westerns more than thrillers.
I prefer westerns to thrillers.
She prefers going skiing for her holidays.
She would rather go skiing for her holidays.
They don’t like me to drive on such bad weather.
They would rather I didn’t drive on such bad weather.

In spite of its violence, many people in the UK play rugby.
Although rugby is violent, many people in the UK play it.
In spite of his strength, he could not break down the door.
Although he is very strong, he could not break down the door.
Even though he knows a lot about the subject, he makes careless mistakes.
Despite knowing a lot about the subject / his knowledge about the subject, he makes careless mistakes.

Page 68 of 69
A man came to see me. He was Jean’s father.
The man who came to see me was Jean’s father.
Paul McCartney had a daughter six years ago. Paul McCartney is 66.
Paul McCartney, who is 66, had a daughter six years ago


Getting a driver’s licence is often very expensive.
It is often very expensive to get a driver’s licence.
Meeting interesting people is a pleasure.
It is a pleasure to meet interesting people.
It is better to marry for love than marry for money.
Marrying for love is better than marrying for money.


Juliet finds driving on the left very strange
Juliet is not used to driving on the left.
It’s a new habit for me to have my coffee with saccharin.
I am not used to having my coffee with saccharin.
After two or three days, you won’t notice the cold weather so much
In two or three days you will get used to the cold weather.
Jane normally ate salad with every meal
Jane used to eat salad with every meal.

He realised that the threat was real when he heard the explosion
Only when he heard the explosion did he realise that the threat was real.
As soon as the zookeeper opened the gate of the cage, the lion jumped right out of it.
No sooner did the zookeeper open the gate of the cage than the lion jumped right out of it.
They were not aware of their difficult situation until they ran out of water.
Not until they ran out of water were they aware of their difficult situation.

Rachel was too incompetent to be trusted.
Rachel wasn’t competent enough to be trusted.
You always find time to go out for a beer.
You are never too busy to go out for a beer
This diamond ring is too expensive, he can’t buy it.
This diamond ring is too expensive for him to buy.


They called me several times during their stay in Morocco.
It was while they were staying in Morocco that they called me several times.
Rain causes trouble in this city.
It is rain that causes trouble in this city
I hate sorting out cupboards.
What I hate is sorting out cupboards.

They were vaccinated to make it possible for them to go on their honeymoon to Africa.
They were vaccinated so that they could go on their honeymoon to Africa.
Last Saturday he had a nap because he wanted to stay awake at night.
Last Saturday he had a nap so that he could stay awake at night.

You shouldn’t eat salty things.
You had better not eat salty things.
If you don’t apologise immediately you won’t see me again.
You’d better apologise immediately or you wont see me again.

Page 69 of 69


(have+ been+ participle)

PRESENT +: I work / he works +: I am working +: I have worked /she has +: I have been living

-: I don't work / he doesn't work -: you aren't working worked -: I haven't been living

? : do you work / does he work? ? : is he working ? -: you haven't seen ?: Have you been living?

? : have you seen

* for, since

ever, just

* always, usually, sometimes ... * now, currently yet, already

PAST +: I worked / I bought +: I was working / you were +: I had bought / I had worked +: I had been listening

-: I didn't buy/ I didn't work working ... -: I hadn't bought -: I hadn't been listening

? : did you buy ? -: he wasn't working ?: had you bought? ? : Had you been listening?

? : were you working?

* yesterday


last ......

FUTURE +: I will + infinitive (I will come, +: I will be listening +: I will have listened +: I will have been watching

he will come) -_:I will not (won't) be listening -: I will not (won't) have listened -: I won't have been watching

-: He will not (won't) come ?: Will you be coming? ? : Will you have finished ? : Will you have been watching

? : Will you come?

*be going to + infinitive (plans,

intentions) (predictions, sudden decisions)

+: I would + infinitive (I would live, +: He would have worked/would

CONDITIONAL +: I would be dancing +: I would have been working
he would live) have driven

-: He wouldn't have worked /would

-: I wouldn't like -: I wouldn't be dancing -: I wouldn't have been working
have driven

? : Would he have worked? /Would he

? : Would you like? ? : Would you be dancing? have driven ? : Would you have been working?

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