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162368, 2006-07-17
On February 20, 2001, the Regional Trial Court of Pasig City, Branch 151 rendered a Decision[1]
denying the petition for declaration of nullity of petitioner's marriage with Brix Ferraris.
Petitioner's motion for reconsideration was denied in an Order[2] dated April 20, 2001
Petitioner appealed to the Court of Appeals which affirmed[3] in toto the judgment of the trial
Petitioner's motion for reconsideration was denied[6] for lack of merit; thus, she filed a petition for
review on certiorari with this Court.
the petition for review was denied for failure of petitioner to show that the appellate tribunal...
committed any reversible error.
Petitioner filed the instant motion for reconsideration
The Court required respondent Brix Ferraris to file comment[8] but failed to comply;... the Court
resolves to deny petitioner's motion for reconsideration.
However, the root cause must be identified as a psychological illness and its incapacitating nature
must be fully... explained,[15] which petitioner failed to convincingly demonstrate.
Dr. Dayan... diagnosis that respondent has a mixed personality disorder called "schizoid,... when
asked as to the root cause of... respondent's alleged psychological incapacity, Dr. Dayan's answer
was vague, evasive and inconclusive.
Of course, petitioner likewise failed to prove that respondent's supposed psychological or mental
malady existed even before the marriage
"psychological incapacity" to the most serious cases of personality disorders clearly demonstrative
of an utter insensitivity or inability to give meaning and significance to the... marriage
The trial court noted that suffering from epilepsy does not amount... to psychological incapacity
under Article 36 of the Civil Code and the evidence on record were insufficient to prove infidelity
It held that the evidence on record did not convincingly establish that respondent was suffering
from psychological incapacity or that his
"defects" were incurable and already presen t at the inception of the marriage.
The Court of Appeals also found that Dr. Dayan's testimony failed to establish the substance of
respondent's psychological incapacity;
The issue of whether or not psychological incapacity exists... depends crucially... on the facts of the
Such factual issue, however, is beyond the province of this
Court to review. It is not the function of the Court to analyze or weigh all over again the evidence or
premises supportive of such factual determination
The term "psychological incapacity" to be a ground for the nullity of marriage under Article 36 of
the Family Code, refers to a serious psychological illness afflicting a party even before the
celebration of the marriage.
It is a malady so grave and so permanent as... to deprive one of awareness of the duties and
responsibilities of the matrimonial bond one is about to assume.
the evidence on record did not convincingly establish that respondent was suffering from
psychological incapacity
All these omissions must be held up against petitioner, for the reason that upon her devolved the
onus of establishing nullity of the marriage.
it is not enough to prove that the parties failed to meet their responsibilities and duties as married
persons; it is essential that they must be shown to be incapable of doing so, due to... some
psychological, not physical, illness.
habitual alcoholism, sexual infidelity or perversion, and abandonment do not by themselves
constitute grounds for declaring a marriage void based on psychological incapacity.
Article 36 should not to be confused with a divorce law that cuts the marital bond at the time the
causes... therefor manifest themselves.[27] Neither it is to be equated with legal separation, in
which the grounds need not be rooted in psychological incapacity but on physical violence, moral
pressure, moral corruption, civil interdiction, drug addiction, habitual... alcoholism, sexual infidelity,
abandonment and the like.
he motion for reconsideration of the Resolution dated June 9, 2004 denying the petition for review
on certiorari for failure of the petitioner to sufficiently show that the Court of Appeals committed
any reversible error, is
It is a well-established principle that factual findings of the trial court, when affirmed by the
Court of Appeals, are binding on this Court,[
While petitioner's marriage with the respondent failed and appears to be without hope of
reconciliation, the remedy however is not always to have it declared void ab initio on the ground of
psychological incapacity. An unsatisfactory marriage, however, is not a null... and void marriage
No less than the Constitution recognizes the sanctity of marriage and the unity of the family;
Both the family and... marriage are to be "protected" by the state

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